Monday, April 17, 2006

[political-researchp] Bloglines - 29 Videos of the 2nd Hit

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Humint Events Online
The 9/11 hijacking attacks were very likely facilitated by a rogue group within the US government that created an Islamic terrorist "Pearl Harbor" event as a catalyst for the military invasion of Middle Eastern countries. This weblog will explore the incredibly strange events of 9/11/01, and other issues of US government responsibility.

29 Videos of the 2nd Hit

By Spooked

or at least 29 basic cuts.

Previously I said there were 28 videos, but I had missed one from, so I have now found 29.

In the near future, time permitting, I will put together an annotated, linked list of all the videos.

For now, what I have done is made a rough map of where the different videos were shot from:

(click for an enlargment; I apologize for the crudeness of the map, but as it was, this map took some time to make, and I wasn't willing to spend much more time on it for now. I think it serves it's purpose anyway.)

The distances the videos were shot from and the direction of the shot are approximated. This is all simply to flesh out a general feel for the situation. The useful thing is how easy it is to obtain the direction of the shot from the orientation of the towers, since they were so large and were at a distinctive angle.

Of the 29, 5 appear to be shot from the air, probably helicopters. Most shots appear to be from unique angles, though some long shots could be wide angles of close-ups, such as the Japanese and WNYW shots I linked with an orange line (they are from the west). 15 of the shots are from on Manhattan, and 10-12 are from within a mile of the WTC.

I think the MOST STRIKING thing is how NOT ONE video was taken from the area where the plane flew over (New Jersey)-- NOTHING from Southwest of the towers. This is a densely populated area, and considering how many videos came from the east and southeast, it is very odd that nothing was taken from the southwest. This angle would have captured the plane approach the best, but also would have been the trickiest to animate-- as the plane would be getting smaller and smaller as it went towards the towers. As I have noted before, the videos of the second hit are all very short and tend not to show any change in the size of the plane.

Ironically, the one video that shows the plane getting smaller is the Ghostplane footage, which has its own weird issues.

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