Wednesday, February 22, 2006

[911TruthAction] Digest Number 1140

There are 9 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1. The birth and life of the '9-11 Truth movement- The Village Voice
From: Joe Stokes <>
2. Looking for a better SEX partner!
From: "hotgirl92768" <>
3. Re: Re: Yesterday's NYC March for 9/11 Truth
From: Naveed <>
4. ***SOS***Sent to all media, newspapers and magazines***Forward Widely
5. Re: Re: Yesterday's NYC March for 9/11 Truth
From: Kevin Hammond <>
6. Re: Re: Yesterday's NYC March for 9/11 Truth
From: Kevin Hammond <>
7. Fwd: Re: Hey! How are you?! [Disturbing info from Nico about the recent dubai madness.]
From: Kevin Hammond <>
8. SV: Re: Bush gives US Port contract to Arabs
From: Peter Kofod <>
9. ALERT! Dubais Port Sales Connected to Northcom Port 'Terror DRILLS'????
From: Larry Lawson <>


Message: 1
Date: Tue, 21 Feb 2006 17:06:25 -0800 (PST)
From: Joe Stokes <>
Subject: The birth and life of the '9-11 Truth movement- The Village Voice

The Seekers- The Village Voice
by Jarrett Murphy
February 21st, 2006 11:48 AM

The ABC's of 9-11:
What Really Happened: A Beginner's Guide to the
'Truth' Movement
by Jarrett Murphy

# Conspiracy 101
The basics of alternative 9-11 theories

# The Usual Suspects
What it takes to make a conspiracy theory

# Your Turn: Ground Zero Stories?
Experts want to interview the 2,000 who made it out of
WTC 1 & 2
Power Plays by Jarrett Murphy
Essentially, it's all about physics and common sense.
Cut steel, and buildings fall. Crash a plane, and the
Earth gets scarred. Fire a missile; see a hole. What's
up must come down, cause makes effect, and for the
truth to set you free, it must be freed itself.

It's dark in the basement of St. Mark's Church and
dark outside on a mid-December Sunday night, but
inside they have seen the light. Among the 100 or so
people in the room, many wear buttons that read "9/11
Was An Inside Job." Others grip the vital texts in
their hands�Crossing the Rubicon, The New Pearl
Harbor, or 9/11 Synthetic Terror. Most in the largely
(but not exclusively) white and male crowd can quote
you the important passages from "Rebuilding America's
Defenses" or The 9/11 Commission Report. A few can
guide you through the details of concepts like "peak
oil" and pyroclastic flow. All of them suspect�and a
few simply know�that their government was somehow
complicit in the attacks that killed nearly 3,000
Americans four Septembers ago.

They are watching the new edition of Loose Change, a
slick, witty documentary featuring a hip soundtrack
and a rapid-fire assault on nearly every aspect of the
"official" story of 9-11. The work of 22-year-old
filmmaker Dylan Avery, Loose Change came out last year
to take its place in a growing library of DVDs that
9-11 skeptics can own: Painful Deceptions, Confronting
the Evidence, 911 in Plane Site, 9-11 Eyewitness.
Shown in similar gatherings around the country and
passed among likeminded friends, the films are what
tie together the disparate ends of what many of its
members call the "9-11 Truth movement." They unite
Luke Rudkowski, an earnest Brooklyn College freshman,
with David Ray Griffin, a California theologian who
wrote The New Pearl Harbor. They link Les Jamieson, a
web designer and coordinator for New York 9-11 Truth,
with multimillionaire Jimmy Walter, dreamer of
car-free, self-sustaining cities. And they bind a FDNY
lieutenant attending his first Truth movement meeting
with Michael Ruppert, the Crossing the Rubicon author
who blames a fianc�e's CIA-and-Mafia-linked drug
running and arms dealing for helping to drive him out
of the LAPD two decades ago.

It's easy to dismiss the odd characters. It's harder
to ignore the regular guys in the room, or the polls
showing that 49 percent of New York City residents
believe the government knew about 9-11 before it
happened, or the rock-solid certainty of these
supposed doubters. "I'd love to be proven wrong. I
would love for someone to come to me and say I'm full
of shit. It hasn't happened," says Avery. "I have
scientists on my side. There's so much evidence
supporting my side, and the government's side has

Its name notwithstanding, the 9-11 Truth movement
tells a story�and is a story�about what happens
when the government lies. Again, it's simple physics:
For every action, there's a reaction equal and

Everyone has a September 11 tale about how we watched
the events in "disbelief." But some people really
didn't believe, and in the immediate aftermath of the
attacks their doubts took form on the Internet on
sites like,, and
Killtown. "They were a group of conditioned conspiracy
theorists who have been around since JFK and before,"
says Steve Ferdman, now a 22-year-old marketing major
at the New York Institute of Technology, who joined
the Truth movement well after the attacks. "They knew
how to get the ball rolling immediately. The moment it
happened, the conspiracy theories were flying."

It wasn't long before the theories made it to Internet
radio�and to shows like The Power Hour. Host Dave
vonKleist was no stranger to telling alternate
stories: His wife was an early Gulf War illness
activist, they fled Houston ahead of Y2K, and his
three-hour show deals with subjects like depleted
uranium and vaccine fears. On 9-11, he recalls, "I got
on and said, 'Ladies and gentlemen, this is Dave and
before we even say good morning, run to your VCR and
start taping. America is under attack.' " As he sat
glued to the TV that day, he grew suspicious when the
networks went to the file footage of the tall Arab
with the gun. "They were still talking about what kind
of plane hit," he says, "but they sure as hell knew
that Osama did it, and I said, 'Wait a minute.' "
These doubts lay dormant for months until vonKleist
happened upon Hunt the Boeing, a French website.
France was an incubator for many 9-11 doubts. Thierry
Meyssan's 2002 book L'Effroyable Imposture (The
Horrifying Fraud) spawned deeper inquiries, including
vonKleist's film 911 in Plane Site.

While the Pentagon story attracted people because so
little was seen or known about that attack, the demise
of the World Trade Center was burned in collective
memory. Eric Hufschmid, a software designer from Santa
Barbara, took the attacks at face value on 9-11 and
even mocked the nascent conspiracy theories. "Then I
started looking at it," he tells the Voice. "It was
obvious something was wrong at the towers. They looked
like they'd been blown up." He began contacting
engineering professors, asking them to look into it,
but none did. So he took up the cause himself, penned
the book Painful Questions in early 2002, and produced
the companion movie, Painful Deceptions, a few months

Around the same time, Dylan Avery was completing a job
as a helper on the construction of a new restaurant
for James Gandolfini. He tended bar at the opening
party, and when he got a few minutes alone with the
Sopranos actor, he said he'd thought he might like to
direct films. "James said, 'If you want to be a
successful director, you've got to have something you
want to say to the whole world,' " Avery remembers. He
set out to write a fictional story about discovering
that 9-11 was an inside job. "Upon researching the
movie, I began to think maybe it was true," he says.

The movement's momentum picked up in 2004 as George W.
Bush sought re-election, the 9-11 Commission finished
its work, and the National Institute of Standards and
Technology issued preliminary findings on the building
collapses. Members petitioned New York attorney
general Eliot Spitzer to convene a grand jury on the
attacks. New figures emerged, like Kevin Ryan, a
scientist at the testing firm that certified the steel
used in the twin towers, who was fired after he wrote
a letter to NIST faulting its findings, and William
Rodriguez, a janitor at the twin towers credited with
saving lives on 9-11.

Rodriguez has filed a federal RICO suit against Bush,
the president's father and three brothers, the
Republican National Committee, Alan Greenspan,
Halliburton, several voting-machine companies, and
others. He claims that the president and his
administration participated in "approval and
sponsorship of the 9-11 attacks, kidnapping, arson,
murder, treason" in order to "obtain a 'blank check'
to conduct wars of aggression, to consolidate economic
and political power."

"The guilt of the defendants," the suit alleges, "is
compellingly suggested by their myriad lies, their
thwarting of any proper investigation, and their
stonewalling and failure to truly cooperate even with
the . . . Commission 'investigation.' "

It is a matter of public record that the government
did not always voluntarily tell the whole truth about
9-11. In the first days after the tragedy, the EPA
said the air was safe (see "Truth Out," page 32). The
Bush administration claimed there had been no warnings
of the attacks. A congressional inquiry was prevented
from discussing information the intelligence community
provided to the White House. The White House resisted
forming an independent commission, stalled on
releasing documents, delayed in allowing Condoleezza
Rice to testify in public, and agreed to let the
president meet with the commission only on the
conditions that there be no oath administered, no
formal transcript made, and that Vice President Dick
Cheney be at his side. Several members of the
commission had to recuse themselves from parts of the
probe because their government or private-sector
careers posed conflicts. And in its final report, the
commission punted on such questions as where the money
for the attacks originated, dubbing that issue "of
little practical significance."

The long list of obfuscations and obstructions has
helped the Truth movement attract sympathizers who
don't buy the idea that the attacks were planned by
the government. Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney of
Georgia has taken up some of the movement's themes.
Actor Ed Begley Jr. co-hosted a September 11, 2004,
Truth event in New York because of his environmental
concerns. "As to the other more fantastic theories
about the events of 9-11, I don't care to comment,
other than to say that they have raised some very
interesting questions that I would love to see
answered," Begley tells the Voice in an e-mail.

Another environmental activist, Jenna Orkin, also
admires aspects of the movement but distances herself
from others. "I think it's terribly important," she
says, "to distinguish between the legitimate questions
and the wackiness�and the wackiness has contaminated
the legitimate questions in a very destructive way."

Drawing that line has split the movement. Many Truth
activists now dismiss the "pod theory" and its cousin
"the flash," which contend that the planes that struck
the towers had unusual shapes on their undersides that
may have fired missiles. More maligned is the idea
that no planes hit the towers�that what we saw were
drones or holograms. Even the no-planes-at-the-
Pentagon theory divides Truth-ers.

Some alternative theorists avoid events involving the
American Free Press, which has reported several of the
vital pieces of the Truth story but has links to the
neo-Nazi Barnes Review. And almost no one wants to
talk about Jimmy Walter, whose money (he offered $1
million for proof that the towers fell because of the
fires) helps but whose advocacy of a "no-punishment"
society doesn't. The disputes aren't always friendly.
VonKleist, a chief proponent of the pod theory, says
the movement "has been heavily infiltrated." And
Hufschmid labels most of the movement "part of the
criminal movement that did the attack in the first

Internecine feuds are not uncommon among people who
believe in conspiracies. Yet dubbing Truth movement
members "conspiracy theorists" is inaccurate for two
reasons. First, there's no doubt that 9-11 was a
conspiracy�the question is whether it was among
Muslim terrorists or others. Second, many Truth-ers
deny having any theory at all. They resist efforts to
construct an alternative story of the crime.

"I cannot explain it. That is not my duty," says
former German cabinet minister Andreas von B a leader
of the 9-11 skeptics in Europe, in a recent Dutch
documentary. VonKleist takes the same line. He doesn't
theorize anything, he says. "I'm simply asking

That sounds fair at first, only it isn't. The
movement's questions imply a different version of the
story, and the true test is whether that alternative
is more or less plausible that the official one. By
saying they're only checking facts, the Truth
activists avoid having to address the weaknesses in
their own yarn. Why do the "booms" at the trade center
come several minutes before the "demolition"? Why
would the government destroy WTC7 when no one knew or
cared about it? What happened to the people on the

Some skeptics, however, aren't shy. Fringe pol Lyndon
LaRouche thinks the attacks were "an attempted
military coup d'�tat." Hufschmid says the Arab
terrorists were patsies of several governments,
including the U.S. and possibly Britain, France,
Canada, and Israel. Ruppert, an adherent of the theory
that oil reserves have peaked and that the
petroleum-based economy is in great peril, postulates
that 9-11 was a desperate effort by a couple dozen
elites from the Clinton and Bush administrations to
cling to dwindling energy supplies. His version
stresses the links between the CIA and Wall Street and
drug money, suspicion of the Secret Service, and a
plot to rid the world of 4 billion people in order to
reduce demand for petroleum.

For passengers detraining at the PATH station and
climbing the stairs to ground zero on a typical
Saturday, the 9-11 Truth movement is hard to miss.
There at the exit stand Jamieson, Rudkowski, and a few
compatriots holding a large banner declaring "9/11 Was
an Inside Job." Pamphlets are handed out, and some of
the vital books of the Truth movement are at the ready
if a passerby wishes to debate, which happens a couple
times each week. A woman is labeling as "bullshit" the
idea that the entire government was behind the plot.
Jamieson shakes his head. "Not the entire government,"
he says. "Just a small faction."

It's cold, and some passersby laugh. It has not been
easy, Rudkowski says, but he sees progress. "At first
my family thought I was an idiot," he recalls. "Now
they're just scared." Avery and vonKleist say they've
each distributed some 50,000 copies of their
respective movies, but the total number of people
who've seen the films must be far larger, given how
often they have been shown to groups small and large.
At ground zero, in the church basement, and in
interviews, Truth movement members are optimistic
their crusade will go far. What is clear is that it
will be difficult, if not impossible, for many of them
to turn back. Once you believe that official sources
cannot be trusted because they are part of the
conspiracy, it becomes very difficult to accept any
evidence to the contrary.

Take the August 6, 2001, Presidential Daily Brief: By
forcing its release, the 9-11 Commission showed the
world that the president knew something about
heightened threats. But to Alex Jones, the
anti-government radio host who thinks the FBI plotted
the 1993 Trade Center bombing, the PDB episode was
just a ploy to make the commission appear independent.
When the Voice mentioned to Avery that a key
firefighter witness denied ever saying there were
"bombs" in the towers, and that San Francisco mayor
Willie Brown's "foreknowledge" of the attack seemed to
have been limited to something the State Department
posted on its website, the director was unfazed. "It's
just one piece of evidence," he said about the Brown

He's not alone. Although the Truth movement is quick
to seize upon shifts in the government's story, its
own version has changed multiple times. Meyssan first
said a truck bomb hit the Pentagon, then suggested a
drone aircraft or cruise missile did. At first,
skeptics said there was too little damage to the
interior rings of the Pentagon for the building to
have been struck by a 757; now, some say there was too
much. The number of hijackers who are supposedly alive
has risen and fallen over the years.

The key to understanding the Truth movement is to
realize that its members do not lack faith in all
institutions of the U.S. government. On the contrary,
their theories rely on a healthy respect for the power
and competence of air defense units, FBI agents,
high-rise building designers, and others.

Why would Bush mistakenly say he'd seen the first
plane strike on TV? How could the FBI miss so many
leads? Is it plausible that the CIA ignored all those
warnings? And after the purported multiple failures of
the FAA and NORAD on 9-11, how come no one was fired?

It's odd. For a group of people who harbor so many
doubts about the intentions of their own and other
governments, the media, and fellow citizens, much of
the Truth movement does not suspect for a moment that
our defense spending has been a rip-off, that the FBI
is a clumsy bureaucracy, that our spy agencies are
deaf and dumb, and that our skyscrapers are not 100
percent safe. They do not seem worried that they could
be unwitting partners in a more mundane conspiracy to
obscure the limits of security and science. To the
lies of the Bush administration, many in the Truth
movement reply with stunning and familiar certainty.
"I can't jump back to the other side," says Avery. "I
know that what I'm doing is right."


Message: 2
Date: Wed, 22 Feb 2006 02:26:30 -0000
From: "hotgirl92768" <>
Subject: Looking for a better SEX partner!

I'm a hot single, I'm looking for a better SEX partner! Check my live
webcams and hot SEXY photos here:


Message: 3
Date: Tue, 21 Feb 2006 20:24:06 -0800 (PST)
From: Naveed <>
Subject: Re: Re: Yesterday's NYC March for 9/11 Truth

anyone got pictures of the event??

Cathy is right about that,

I couldn't have become as bold as i am now w/o ya'lls help!

Cathy Garger <> wrote:
Smiling, Kevin. Yeah, it was kinda radical - as much as could be
done with ol' timers who could not afford to spend time in the NYC
slammer (as luxurious as *those* accommodations would have been)! LOL

Kevin, you are more of an inspiration to me than you know. I have
done many things in the past couple of years that I would not have
done without reading your posts - and those of several others. Not
everyone is born as naturally courageous as you are. You always seem
to take it as a given, that anyone could do things as easily as you
can, and fail to see that you have such strength that does not come
naturally with others. But with the example of you and people like
you? You give others encouragement to go out and do similar things
and take risks that we might not otherwise have taken.

By sharing your activism with us over time, you give the rest of us
more courage.

So to you - and all the rest of you out there just like you? I thank
you all.

Big hugs,


--- In, Kevin Hammond
<sir_oglaigh@...> wrote:
> THATS FUCKIN RADICAL!!!!!! Thanks for sharing that with us
Cathy! And also for taking the time to write it for us. Things seem
to be going well here on this front. In the last 4 days i have
flyered 300 houses here in the neighborhood. Have woken up damn near
EVERYONE that works in the local safeway and as a result they in turn
are waking OTHERS UP!. With the exception of a couple of dimwitted
moronic idiots that is. I have been getting feedback from every end
of the spectrum about the show! And with the exception of one
slightly frightening email they have ALL BEEN POSITIVE! If someone
could please get me in touch with the nederlanders so that i can get
a copy of the footage to show on my show it will be very much
> With much love for ALL OF YOU,
> Kevin.
> Cathy Garger <savorsuccesslady@...> wrote:
> Just now got in the door after my trip to be with Greg &
Friends up in NYC for the March for 9/11 Truth.
> I will not even share how much, in terms of dollars and cents,
that that trip set me back. (I could have flown to Florida for the
weekend instead of braving 20-something frigid temps and a way-
overpriced tiny hotel room in NYC)... But please know that it was
worth every single penny - and then some.
> If there were any of you present and I did not introduce myself?
My apologies - I just did not know who you were. But if you saw me
there, you saw that there was no place else I would have rather been
than with my Internet (now real-life) friends, Greg Nixon and Jolly
Roger. (not to forget, I also made a bunch of other delightful new
friends - from Delaware, NJ, and NY - one more caring about getting
out the truth than the next).
> Talk about an awesome event.
> While we were not an exceedingly large number (my guess is that
we may have had approximately 50 people, all total), the energy of
the crowd was unreal. We were mostly older folks (that is, the
30something to 60something set, I'd say) but a march filled with 18
year olds could not have been more passionate - nor more energetic.
> It is hard to capture with words what was truly one of the most
fulfilling days I can recall. While the 9/24 march of approximately
300,000 in DC was by far a more grand and spectacular event?
Yesterday's 9/11 March in NYC was far more emotional an experience
for this truth activist.
> Each one of us chanted and educated, we screamed from our hearts
the very outrage and utter disgust we may have been bottling up
inside for, like - forever. And admittedly while Amy Goodman, Rudi
Guiliani, the folks from the NY Times and Elliott Spitzer were not
available (ahem) to see us? We shouted long and passionately outside
their doors and windows. I have no doubt whatsoever that each person
inside each of the buildings heard us on the sidewalk below. (Oh - a
tiny note - We got the honour of Amy Goodman waving down at us
regally from her window above us. No doubt she was afraid to come
down and chat)...
> The star du jour, of course, was the brainchild and organizer of
the event, Greg Nixon. I will never, as long as I live, forget the
way that Greg's voice boomed his insinuations (every one justified,
in my opinion) at each of the left gatekeepers who serve to keep the
truth from our citizens. Greg put his total heart and soul into the
event and watching his passion and outrage in action is truly
something I will never forget.
> To all those who are reading this, please know that as I see it,
yesterday's event woke up thousands of New Yorkers on the streets in
the three hours that we walked and then, finally, found our
final "camp" at a huge NYC public library. The looks on the faces of
the residents and workers of NY were a sight to behold - Most looked
puzzled, some nodded in agreement, some were downright angry and
insinuated that we were all crazy, but one young man (looked like he
might have been from a small Midwest town) spoke with me for a moment
and his face became as white as a ghost as he said, "Nooooooo
waaaaaaaayyyyyy." But in that look (you know that *holy s*&%
look)... that he "got" our message and went home to Kansas (or
wherever) a changed (albeit shaken) young man.
> Huge thanks to Greg Nixon for spearheading yesterday's AWESOME
event!!! Never have I been to any march, protest, etc., where so
relatively few people accomplished so tremendously much. Thanks also
rightfully go to all of NY9/11truth, who supported us, brought along
many participants, and carried a huge banner that said "9/11 WAS AN
INSIDE JOB." And also, credit and thanks to Les Jamieson, who
arranged for the film crew from the Netherlands to change the
scheduled plan and be with us to film our event (rather than another
event on Saturday). No doubt our overseas friends will get to have a
special glimpse into American outrage at its grittiest!
> And during a late lunch that included many organizers, something
tells me that yesterday's one day event was only the beginning for
many 9/11 truth activists.
> Cathy Garger
> Maryland
> The world can only be redeemed
through action--movement -- motion. Uncoerced, unbribed and unbought,
humanity will move toward the light.
> Alice Hubbard's introduction to An American Bible (1912)
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Message: 4
Date: Wed, 22 Feb 2006 00:15:05 EST
Subject: ***SOS***Sent to all media, newspapers and magazines***Forward Widely

All you activists start notifying radio, now...You group owners encourage
your members to do the same

Please continue this project the 911 Truthers initiated to get Oprah to come
clean and allow truth to shed some light>>>

<A HREF="">Oprah Winfrey: We want your show ideas</A>

You might as well tell Amy Goodman to tell the whole truth, too...It's said
she's also a shill for the corrupt administration...I had hoped not

<A HREF="">Click here: Democracy Now!: radio and TV news</A>

Everyone forward this to kingdom come...

Press Release: Open Letter to Media and everyone behind the 911 Atrocity &

Date: 2/21/2006 11:03:49 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: <A HREF="mailto:Mofmars3">Mofmars3</A>
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BCC: <A HREF="mailto:Mofmars3">Mofmars3</A>

Open Letter to Media and everyone behind the 911 Atrocity & Tragedy

"We The People" have an important message for the guilty and all conspirators
behind the demolition of The Twin Towers and the 911 cover up.

We want you to know that the President's Day March was just a test run and an
eye opener for many people.

We don't want you to get comfortable and mistake that was it and all is over.
Not by a long shot.

The big event scheduled very soon at Kent State University, in Ohio, will be
the one the guilty should fear.

Not to mention all the events that will happen in synchronization all over
this once great and soon to be again, nation.

We want you to know there's still time for some of you in media to come over
to the correct and moral side in this unjust and evil war.

All you have to do is start reporting the truth.

The whole truth and nothing but the truth, will do.

How long can you pretend the barrage of lies we are all continually up
against does not exist?

We, the majority, refuse to live in a state of lies and perpetual war, any
longer. All the many wrongs in America need righted, right now.

Down with the corrupt administration.

This has to be.

Please help "US" and do it now as we are weary and very tired of waiting for

We are desperate now and we mean business. Never will we give up our rights.

Thank you to those of you in media who are on our side and please don't give

You who witnessed the high level of emotions, the anger and desperation at
that March, have seen nothing yet.

Realize our people are aware, alert and angry.

You do not want to be on the wrong side if and when the full wrath of our
people needs to manifest. Our numbers are many.

We have our backs covered and "The Calvary" has arrived, too.

It is bad news for the evil empire.

We want to tell those of you who may not know, something of major importance.

We want to tell you of the many allies who have joined our "Truth Movement"

Finally, church leaders are speaking out with truth, scrapping their gag
orders. They are scraping the 501c3 tax exempt agreements, that have kept them
silent for many years.

We are happy to report this is true and want to provide a few links here to
prove this as fact.

Then there are our other allies.

The military and police enforcement in many localities all over the USA, are
informed, alert and angry, too.

After all they have their own families to think about.

Understand and make no mistake. Our men in uniform, for the most part, stand
with "We The People" and not the corrupt administration.

They have been educated by the best and fact is, they know what's up.

If you don't know Highly Decorated & Retired Police Officer Jack

You will.

<A HREF="">Click here: Operation Vampire Killer The Lawful Path </A>

Several years ago Jack had help from other retired police and firemen. They
created this well known and lawful path.

It's The Police Against the New World Order.

Jack is founder of the American Citizen and Lawmen's Association and
publisher of the Aid & Abet Police and Military Newsletter.

The whole basis of this long time project and program is:

If and when it all comes down as our corrupt administration keeps opting

"We The People," those in military and law enforcement want to be sure
everyone knows which way to point the guns.

Marsha McClelland
Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio

"We The People United Movement"
We are many Political and Patriot Groups joining together, to help right the
wrongs in America..."United We Will Stand"

[This message contained attachments]


Message: 5
Date: Tue, 21 Feb 2006 22:11:34 -0800 (PST)
From: Kevin Hammond <>
Subject: Re: Re: Yesterday's NYC March for 9/11 Truth

Awe gee shux.

Cathy Garger <> wrote: Smiling, Kevin. Yeah, it was kinda radical - as much as could be
done with ol' timers who could not afford to spend time in the NYC
slammer (as luxurious as *those* accommodations would have been)! LOL

Kevin, you are more of an inspiration to me than you know. I have
done many things in the past couple of years that I would not have
done without reading your posts - and those of several others. Not
everyone is born as naturally courageous as you are. You always seem
to take it as a given, that anyone could do things as easily as you
can, and fail to see that you have such strength that does not come
naturally with others. But with the example of you and people like
you? You give others encouragement to go out and do similar things
and take risks that we might not otherwise have taken.

By sharing your activism with us over time, you give the rest of us
more courage.

So to you - and all the rest of you out there just like you? I thank
you all.

Big hugs,


--- In, Kevin Hammond
<sir_oglaigh@...> wrote:
> THATS FUCKIN RADICAL!!!!!! Thanks for sharing that with us
Cathy! And also for taking the time to write it for us. Things seem
to be going well here on this front. In the last 4 days i have
flyered 300 houses here in the neighborhood. Have woken up damn near
EVERYONE that works in the local safeway and as a result they in turn
are waking OTHERS UP!. With the exception of a couple of dimwitted
moronic idiots that is. I have been getting feedback from every end
of the spectrum about the show! And with the exception of one
slightly frightening email they have ALL BEEN POSITIVE! If someone
could please get me in touch with the nederlanders so that i can get
a copy of the footage to show on my show it will be very much
> With much love for ALL OF YOU,
> Kevin.
> Cathy Garger <savorsuccesslady@...> wrote:
> Just now got in the door after my trip to be with Greg &
Friends up in NYC for the March for 9/11 Truth.
> I will not even share how much, in terms of dollars and cents,
that that trip set me back. (I could have flown to Florida for the
weekend instead of braving 20-something frigid temps and a way-
overpriced tiny hotel room in NYC)... But please know that it was
worth every single penny - and then some.
> If there were any of you present and I did not introduce myself?
My apologies - I just did not know who you were. But if you saw me
there, you saw that there was no place else I would have rather been
than with my Internet (now real-life) friends, Greg Nixon and Jolly
Roger. (not to forget, I also made a bunch of other delightful new
friends - from Delaware, NJ, and NY - one more caring about getting
out the truth than the next).
> Talk about an awesome event.
> While we were not an exceedingly large number (my guess is that
we may have had approximately 50 people, all total), the energy of
the crowd was unreal. We were mostly older folks (that is, the
30something to 60something set, I'd say) but a march filled with 18
year olds could not have been more passionate - nor more energetic.
> It is hard to capture with words what was truly one of the most
fulfilling days I can recall. While the 9/24 march of approximately
300,000 in DC was by far a more grand and spectacular event?
Yesterday's 9/11 March in NYC was far more emotional an experience
for this truth activist.
> Each one of us chanted and educated, we screamed from our hearts
the very outrage and utter disgust we may have been bottling up
inside for, like - forever. And admittedly while Amy Goodman, Rudi
Guiliani, the folks from the NY Times and Elliott Spitzer were not
available (ahem) to see us? We shouted long and passionately outside
their doors and windows. I have no doubt whatsoever that each person
inside each of the buildings heard us on the sidewalk below. (Oh - a
tiny note - We got the honour of Amy Goodman waving down at us
regally from her window above us. No doubt she was afraid to come
down and chat)...
> The star du jour, of course, was the brainchild and organizer of
the event, Greg Nixon. I will never, as long as I live, forget the
way that Greg's voice boomed his insinuations (every one justified,
in my opinion) at each of the left gatekeepers who serve to keep the
truth from our citizens. Greg put his total heart and soul into the
event and watching his passion and outrage in action is truly
something I will never forget.
> To all those who are reading this, please know that as I see it,
yesterday's event woke up thousands of New Yorkers on the streets in
the three hours that we walked and then, finally, found our
final "camp" at a huge NYC public library. The looks on the faces of
the residents and workers of NY were a sight to behold - Most looked
puzzled, some nodded in agreement, some were downright angry and
insinuated that we were all crazy, but one young man (looked like he
might have been from a small Midwest town) spoke with me for a moment
and his face became as white as a ghost as he said, "Nooooooo
waaaaaaaayyyyyy." But in that look (you know that *holy s*&%
look)... that he "got" our message and went home to Kansas (or
wherever) a changed (albeit shaken) young man.
> Huge thanks to Greg Nixon for spearheading yesterday's AWESOME
event!!! Never have I been to any march, protest, etc., where so
relatively few people accomplished so tremendously much. Thanks also
rightfully go to all of NY9/11truth, who supported us, brought along
many participants, and carried a huge banner that said "9/11 WAS AN
INSIDE JOB." And also, credit and thanks to Les Jamieson, who
arranged for the film crew from the Netherlands to change the
scheduled plan and be with us to film our event (rather than another
event on Saturday). No doubt our overseas friends will get to have a
special glimpse into American outrage at its grittiest!
> And during a late lunch that included many organizers, something
tells me that yesterday's one day event was only the beginning for
many 9/11 truth activists.
> Cathy Garger
> Maryland
> The world can only be redeemed
through action--movement -- motion. Uncoerced, unbribed and unbought,
humanity will move toward the light.
> Alice Hubbard's introduction to An American Bible (1912)
> ---------------------------------
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Message: 6
Date: Tue, 21 Feb 2006 22:27:20 -0800 (PST)
From: Kevin Hammond <>
Subject: Re: Re: Yesterday's NYC March for 9/11 Truth

Now i want to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you on this group who has worked to get the truth out and has excercised the bravery that it takes to do so. First and especially Jolly Roger, then Nico Haupt, Naveed, Cathy, Alan, Jeremy, botalerts, Prez, Greg you friggin NUT YOU! I LOVE YOU! I know that there are more of you that I am forgetting so please forgive me, But thanks to you as well. Also a thank you to ANYONE who has helped even just a little bit. GEEZ! you'd think I was accepting a !@#$%^& academy award or some shit! Anyway, yer ALL AWESOME! I am going to interview Jim Hoffman on the show next week. And speaking of which, A friend is building a website for me. It will be a joint sort of thing. And just to forwarn you all there will be some links there that HE is putting up that some of us might be a bit opposed to. He is a peak oiler and Ruppert supporter. So just to warn you in advance. I dont want to hear any bs over this.. And
speaking of websites, Jim Hoffman and Don pauls new dvd which should be AWESOME should be available at I do believe that it is called 911guilt. it goes into pretty much the whole 9 yards like physical evidence AND the money trail including info on the NONfederal reserve.

Cathy Garger <> wrote:
Smiling, Kevin. Yeah, it was kinda radical - as much as could be
done with ol' timers who could not afford to spend time in the NYC
slammer (as luxurious as *those* accommodations would have been)! LOL

Kevin, you are more of an inspiration to me than you know. I have
done many things in the past couple of years that I would not have
done without reading your posts - and those of several others. Not
everyone is born as naturally courageous as you are. You always seem
to take it as a given, that anyone could do things as easily as you
can, and fail to see that you have such strength that does not come
naturally with others. But with the example of you and people like
you? You give others encouragement to go out and do similar things
and take risks that we might not otherwise have taken.

By sharing your activism with us over time, you give the rest of us
more courage.

So to you - and all the rest of you out there just like you? I thank
you all.

Big hugs,


--- In, Kevin Hammond
<sir_oglaigh@...> wrote:
> THATS FUCKIN RADICAL!!!!!! Thanks for sharing that with us
Cathy! And also for taking the time to write it for us. Things seem
to be going well here on this front. In the last 4 days i have
flyered 300 houses here in the neighborhood. Have woken up damn near
EVERYONE that works in the local safeway and as a result they in turn
are waking OTHERS UP!. With the exception of a couple of dimwitted
moronic idiots that is. I have been getting feedback from every end
of the spectrum about the show! And with the exception of one
slightly frightening email they have ALL BEEN POSITIVE! If someone
could please get me in touch with the nederlanders so that i can get
a copy of the footage to show on my show it will be very much
> With much love for ALL OF YOU,
> Kevin.
> Cathy Garger <savorsuccesslady@...> wrote:
> Just now got in the door after my trip to be with Greg &
Friends up in NYC for the March for 9/11 Truth.
> I will not even share how much, in terms of dollars and cents,
that that trip set me back. (I could have flown to Florida for the
weekend instead of braving 20-something frigid temps and a way-
overpriced tiny hotel room in NYC)... But please know that it was
worth every single penny - and then some.
> If there were any of you present and I did not introduce myself?
My apologies - I just did not know who you were. But if you saw me
there, you saw that there was no place else I would have rather been
than with my Internet (now real-life) friends, Greg Nixon and Jolly
Roger. (not to forget, I also made a bunch of other delightful new
friends - from Delaware, NJ, and NY - one more caring about getting
out the truth than the next).
> Talk about an awesome event.
> While we were not an exceedingly large number (my guess is that
we may have had approximately 50 people, all total), the energy of
the crowd was unreal. We were mostly older folks (that is, the
30something to 60something set, I'd say) but a march filled with 18
year olds could not have been more passionate - nor more energetic.
> It is hard to capture with words what was truly one of the most
fulfilling days I can recall. While the 9/24 march of approximately
300,000 in DC was by far a more grand and spectacular event?
Yesterday's 9/11 March in NYC was far more emotional an experience
for this truth activist.
> Each one of us chanted and educated, we screamed from our hearts
the very outrage and utter disgust we may have been bottling up
inside for, like - forever. And admittedly while Amy Goodman, Rudi
Guiliani, the folks from the NY Times and Elliott Spitzer were not
available (ahem) to see us? We shouted long and passionately outside
their doors and windows. I have no doubt whatsoever that each person
inside each of the buildings heard us on the sidewalk below. (Oh - a
tiny note - We got the honour of Amy Goodman waving down at us
regally from her window above us. No doubt she was afraid to come
down and chat)...
> The star du jour, of course, was the brainchild and organizer of
the event, Greg Nixon. I will never, as long as I live, forget the
way that Greg's voice boomed his insinuations (every one justified,
in my opinion) at each of the left gatekeepers who serve to keep the
truth from our citizens. Greg put his total heart and soul into the
event and watching his passion and outrage in action is truly
something I will never forget.
> To all those who are reading this, please know that as I see it,
yesterday's event woke up thousands of New Yorkers on the streets in
the three hours that we walked and then, finally, found our
final "camp" at a huge NYC public library. The looks on the faces of
the residents and workers of NY were a sight to behold - Most looked
puzzled, some nodded in agreement, some were downright angry and
insinuated that we were all crazy, but one young man (looked like he
might have been from a small Midwest town) spoke with me for a moment
and his face became as white as a ghost as he said, "Nooooooo
waaaaaaaayyyyyy." But in that look (you know that *holy s*&%
look)... that he "got" our message and went home to Kansas (or
wherever) a changed (albeit shaken) young man.
> Huge thanks to Greg Nixon for spearheading yesterday's AWESOME
event!!! Never have I been to any march, protest, etc., where so
relatively few people accomplished so tremendously much. Thanks also
rightfully go to all of NY9/11truth, who supported us, brought along
many participants, and carried a huge banner that said "9/11 WAS AN
INSIDE JOB." And also, credit and thanks to Les Jamieson, who
arranged for the film crew from the Netherlands to change the
scheduled plan and be with us to film our event (rather than another
event on Saturday). No doubt our overseas friends will get to have a
special glimpse into American outrage at its grittiest!
> And during a late lunch that included many organizers, something
tells me that yesterday's one day event was only the beginning for
many 9/11 truth activists.
> Cathy Garger
> Maryland
> The world can only be redeemed
through action--movement -- motion. Uncoerced, unbribed and unbought,
humanity will move toward the light.
> Alice Hubbard's introduction to An American Bible (1912)
> ---------------------------------
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> Use Photomail to share photos without annoying attachments.
> United state bankruptcy court western district of texas
United state life insurance Moving to the united state United
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> Visit your group "911TruthAction" on the web.
> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:
> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of
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> Relax. Yahoo! Mail virus scanning helps detect nasty viruses!

United state bankruptcy court western district of texas United state life insurance Moving to the united state United state patent United state patent search United states patent office


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Message: 7
Date: Tue, 21 Feb 2006 23:10:42 -0800 (PST)
From: Kevin Hammond <>
Subject: Fwd: Re: Hey! How are you?! [Disturbing info from Nico about the recent dubai madness.]

Note: forwarded message attached.

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Message: 8
Date: Wed, 22 Feb 2006 11:24:47 +0100 (CET)
From: Peter Kofod <>
Subject: SV: Re: Bush gives US Port contract to Arabs

Hey all.

Hat-tip to this statement. The groups IS a good place for this. Having said that, I agree with Greg, that posting comments along with newsstories IS preferable. (and helps avoid confusion)

All the best.
Peter Kofod, Denmark

Cait <> wrote:

"Anyway. I'm new to this group, not to the government-as-terrorist belief. I'm in a position where I feel the deep need to become an active voice and stand up to our so called leaders, I was hoping this group would be a good place for information along those lines. "

[This message contained attachments]


Message: 9
Date: Wed, 22 Feb 2006 05:28:43 -0800 (PST)
From: Larry Lawson <>
Subject: ALERT! Dubais Port Sales Connected to Northcom Port 'Terror DRILLS'????

REPOSTS ON: 02-21-AD2006 Archived at: Out:08:05am
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Sometimes the TRUTH is hidden in PLAIN SIGHT!

Is satan boy Bush Jr. setting up for the very scenario that Northcom has been 'practicing for SEVERAL TIMES NOW???
The CIA was practicing a DRILL of flying planes into the buildings on 911.
The Brits were practicing a DRILL of setting BOMBS in the subways on 7-7.
I have to ask if this is the SETUP for the next one?

Satan boy Jr: "Our enemies never stop thinking of ways to hurt us and NEITHER DO WE."

Sent: Wednesday, February 22, 2006 4:00 AM

Given President Bush's latest insistence (even in the face of widespread bi-partisan opposition) upon turning over control of numerous U.S. ports (all east cost terminals - New York, New Jersey, Baltimore, New Orleans, Miami and Philadelphia.) to the United Arab Emirates (a UAE that is described as being very intolerant to the existence of an Israel that is said to be in preparations for an attack against Iran in March) I am extremely concerned about the potential of a major terror event in the U.S. in our near future, (that could prove quite helpful to alleged Neo-Con agenda's for the near future) given this development and recent terror drills that have focused on this very possibility.

Bush Shrugs Off Objections To Port Deal

Associated Press Writer

"WASHINGTON (AP) -- Overriding objections from Republicans and Democrats alike, President Bush endorsed the takeover of shipping operations at six major U.S. seaports by a state-owned business in the United Arab Emirates. He pledged to veto efforts in Congress to block the agreement."

A NORTHCOM web link that described a Charleston NC nuclear terror drill related to a port related nuclear terror event carried out last August, is curiously no longer available:

The NORTHCOM report there once read:

"FORT MONROE, Va. -- Here's the scenario... A seafaring vessel transporting a 10-kiloton nuclear warhead makes its way into a port off the coast of Charleston, S.C. Terrorists aboard the ship attempt to smuggle the warhead off the ship to detonate it. Is this really a possibility? Joint Task Force Civil Support (JTF-CS) here is planning its next exercise on the premise that this crisis is indeed plausible."

Given the numerous Pentagon related exercises in the weeks prior to 9/11 that eerily foreshadowed the Pentagon attacks, I am given additional cause for concern:

Early August 2001: Mass Casualty Exercise at the Pentagon Includes a Plane Hitting the Building

A mass casualty exercise, involving a practice evacuation, is held at the Pentagon. General Lance Lord of US Air Force Space Command, one of the participants in the exercises, later recalls: “[It was] purely a coincidence, the scenario for that exercise included a plane hitting the building.” Lord will also say that on 9/11, “our assembly points were fresh in our minds” thanks to this practice. [Air Force Space Command News Service, 9/5/02]

I just think it SO weird that the NorthCom link of the 2005 terror drill is now disabled, given today's events.

I'm tellin ya - I have a bad feeling - sooner or later - there is going to be a nuke terror event like the one that is spelled out in the drill (and that Cheney has warned about) . Such an event in my view will be found to have it's roots in Bush's UAE port decision and once again the White House will play the "lil ole me had no idea that the UAE would ever allow Al Quaida to transport nukes into the U.S. via one of their U.S. located ports!", like they did after 9/11 with their denials of the 9/11 plot.

Just like 9/11, it looks like they're setting up (the Neo-Con White House) to allow another terror event to happen.

Better warn the folks!


Subject: Heads up, Americans greasing the skids

Guess who the big loser is under Bush health plan:

Heads up, Americans. The Bush administration is now greasing the skids for employers to drop your health coverage. This is a biggie.

Neal is right should there be an attack on Iran as to how it will happen. We don't have the men to support an invasion. Don't forget the new nuke base we built with Israel. Speaking of being prepared in advance.
If Iran is going to fall why is China making oil contracts with them? Why would they be upheld if Iran falls, at that point all bets should be off. Remember Shell Oil owner the Dutch Queen is a Bilderberger. BP, the English Queen is there also isn't she? China is really doing business with her aren't they, rather than with the Iranian people who are just sitting on the resources basically in the way. Useless eaters.
It makes no sense to give our ports over to our enemies, unless my enemies enemy is my friend. But we have made our enemies and I think on purpose, created chaos. Remember the Bush's do business with the Bin Laden family etc. I wonder who is behind the buy out of the ports? Do you still think we can take it back?
I always try to remember the rule of "follow the money" as money leads to the real power.

Follow the money. (it's leads to power)
Count your votes. (if the vote is called for can you win? if not don't ask for a vote & think before you talk within the group. Are you out numbered?)
Go to the power (generally behind the scene pulling the strings)
What does the money and power want with Iran? Not our government. The government is just being used to facilitate the desired outcome for the money.
Bob Bar used to be CIA or FBI can't remember which. He could be a trusted decoy, in fighting.
I think I sent the outline of how meetings are manipulated if not let me know. If you don't think we're gone think about how many meetings are handled that way. Neal needs to have the information if he doesn't already. When it reaches the common man "they" are in control. Agree? I do understand the power of people in numbers, it's the numbers without a leader, and "they" know it that bothers me. Every movement has to have a leader or there is chaos and the people loose. Did you read the books I recommened?
Not keen on Bob Barr, Craig Roberts or Scott Ritter. If they are true leaders where is the crowd following them? Who publishes them? How do they get on TV? The controlled media? Can you get on? Didn't think so.
I try and think of those in power as being magicians, they are hiding the truth of what is really going on behind the scenes. What have they accomplished within the country while we have been transfixed on the war and fighting shadows. To me behind the scenes is the real war .
Dr. Dennis Cuddy, I do like him, is on the 5 pm GCN show 2/21/06.
You make me smile inside when you are willing to put out information that you may not agree with the writers, but the information is more important than the messenger. Thank you.
Not a good day for me.
God bless.


Iran nuke plant 'would survive attack'

>From correspondents in Tehran
February 22, 2006

IRAN'S uranium enrichment facilities, built in underground bunkers,
would survive any military strikes, the Islamic republic's nuclear
program director said today.
"The enrichment facilities, particularly Natanz, are located underground
and no offensive could damage them," said Gholamreza Aghazadeh, the head
of Iran's Atomic Energy Organisation, quoted by the student ISNA news

Mr Aghazadeh also boasted about the fortress like nature of its Isfahan
plant, which is located in a network of subterranean tunnels, and touted
Iran's uranium supplies.

"Our reserves are extremely developed. We can extract uranium from mines
in Bandar Abbas, Saghand and Yazd," he said.

Israeli officials have raised the spectre of air strikes against Iranian
nuclear facilities and the United States has refused to rule out the
military option in their efforts to stop Tehran's drive for atomic

Iran vehemently denies that its nuclear program serves any purpose other
than to provide a source of energy for power plants, but the United
States and European Union charge the Islamic republic is seeking an
atomic bomb.


"Iran is ready to provide any guarantees that our nuclear activities are
not geared toward nuclear weapon production," said Mr Aghazadeh.

On a defiant note, he said: "We have obtained our nuclear technology
while the target of sanctions and we have not obtained it from the West.

As a consequence, (future) sanctions will not have any impact on our
nuclear activities."

Seeking to end the standoff between Iran and the international
community, Russia and Tehran held talks today to develop Moscow's
compromise proposal for uranium enrichment to be carried out on Russian
soil, but the visit ended with no breakthrough.

If Iran rejects the Russian plan, tension will rise rapidly ahead of the
March 6 meeting of the International Atomic Energy Agency's board of
governors, which voted earlier this month to report Tehran to the UN
Security Council.

The UN body could slap sanctions on the Islamic republic.


Top Secret American Military Installations in Israel ... So America has 5 Military Temples in Israel.
That's interesting ... matter of interest have you read mt pdf copy of "The Temple"? click there and ask for it.
From the description in Scripture a certain thing refered to as a 'he' whom just happens to worship the god of arms, makes a military stand in what is refered to as 'the holy place' and if you haven't got a copy of "The Temple" please ask for it. Neal. A new book by an American military journalist and commentator reveals the extent of the US military presence on Israeli soil. By Israel Broadcasting Network 02/21/06 "IBN" -- -- “Code Names,” by William M. Arkin, exposes information about at least five US Army bases at secret locations throughout the Jewish State, including one at Ben Gurion Airport and another in Herzliya Pituah. The book also provides a long list of code names describing joint military operations between Israel and America. Arkin is an independent journalist and military commentator for NBC and a former intelligence analyst for US ground forces. A front-page story in “The New York Times,” based on one of the book’s revelations has given the book broad
publicity and granted it wide legitimacy. Late Republican Senator Jesse Helms used to call Israel “America’s aircraft carrier in the Middle East,” when explaining why the US viewed Israel as such a strategic ally, saying that the military foothold in the region offered by the Jewish State alone justified the military aid that the US grants Israel every year. The new revelations also act to weaken the argument for Israeli policy decisions based on "American pressure." Arkin claims that the officially "non-existent" sites across Israel contain $500 million worth of ammunition the United States keeps in Israel for wartime contingencies. The bases, called Sites 51, 53, 54, 55 and 56 don't appear on any maps and their specific locations are classified and highly sensitive. “It's not just munitions,” Arkin wrote in the Washington Post before the release of his book. “The United States has ‘prepositioned’ vehicles, military equipment, even a 500-bed hospital, for US Marines, Special
Forces, and Air Force fighter and bomber aircraft at at least six sites in Israel, all part of what is antiseptically described as ‘US-Israel strategic cooperation.’" Israel is not the only country in the region to host US military bases, though. There are American military facilities in Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Oman, and the Gulf states, as well. Copyright: Arutz Sheva Israel Broadcasting Network --
Visit my Website at ...
See my "Why Come Out" page here ... But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet to warn the people and the sword comes and takes the life of one of them, that man will be taken away because of his sin, but I will hold the watchman accountable for his blood." - Eze 33:6

Visit my Website at ...
See my "Why Come Out" page here ...

But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet
to warn the people and the sword comes and takes the life of one of
them, that man will be taken away because of his sin, but I will hold
the watchman accountable for his blood." - Eze 33:6


(Pulled from Georgia Reams newsletter.)

Ron Paul: Please Silence the War Drums Mr. Speaker, I rise in strong opposition to this very dangerous legislation. My colleagues would do well to understand that this legislation is leading us toward war against Iran. Those reading this bill may find themselves feeling a sense of déjà vu. In many cases one can just substitute "Iraq" for "Iran" in this bill and we could be back in the pre-2003 run up to war with Iraq. And the logic of this current push for war is much the same as was the logic used in the argument for war on Iraq. As earlier with Iraq, this resolution demands that Iran perform the impossible task of proving a negative – in this case that Iran does not have plans to build a nuclear weapon.

Democrats May Unite on Plan to Pull Troops
War Costs Irk Congress

Soldiers Return From War Only to Die at Home

Nothing depleted about 'depleted uranium': Killing all Iraqi civilians and American soldiers with 70kg of D.U. per person expended thus far!

Canadian Cartoon has Jesus, Muhammad kissing: University paper stands by controversial image despite outrage from Muslim students -- Kiss looks gay (Zionist PROVACATEURISM... but you can't debate HOLOHOAX exagerations!)

Cheney shooting: A multi-layered, staged managed distraction The multiple delays in releasing certain information to the media, and the too-obvious inconsistencies and easily visible cover ups within the entire tale smack of a staged managed government propaganda operation.

Detention Centers In America: The Administration Prepares Our Future by Margaret Kimberley
Now is the time for all good people to come to the aid of their country and become unapologetically paranoid. Paranoia should now be the normal state of mind for thinking people. Sneers and dismissive remarks about "conspiracy theorists" must be ignored. We don't want to end up like the proverbial frog who boils to death because the heat was turned up slowly.

The Bush administration is becoming ever more brazen in its effort to snoop on the American people. The Attorney General is making the case that warrants aren't needed if the government wants to spy on us. Unlimited government power is predictably effective. Anyone not wire tapped, investigated or banned from airplanes will be too intimidated to speak up or even to "Google."
The Bushmen are too smart to only go after political opponents. Instead they are honing their tactics on everyone who does an internet search, a majority of people in the nation. Under the guise of investigating the extent of child pornography on the internet, the ironically named Justice Department demanded that the largest search engines in the country turn over the results of millions of internet searches in the country. Yahoo, MSN and AOL all gave up without a fight and handed big brother the results of your inquiries on any and every issue or topic. Only Google challenged the subpoena in court.
If internet snooping doesn't give one pause, then Halliburton can always be counted on to frighten anyone with half a brain. Vice President Dick Cheney's personal cash cow is the lucky beneficiary of yet another government contract. The Halliburton story of banana republic corruption is well known to anyone not living under a rock. Because their crimes have gone unpunished, news of Halliburton chicanery barely raises eyebrows anymore. Halliburton's latest contract strikes close to home, literally, and doesn't allow them to build barracks in Iraq or clean up after hurricane Katrina.
What ought to shock and terrify every American is that KBR, a Halliburton subsidiary, was awarded a $385 million contract to build "temporary detention facilities" in case of an "immigration emergency":

"The contract may also provide migrant detention support to other U.S. Government organizations in the event of an immigration emergency, as well as the development of a plan to react to a national emergency, such as a natural disaster. In the event of a natural disaster, the contractor could be tasked with providing housing for ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) personnel performing law enforcement functions in support of relief efforts."
Anyone paying a little bit of attention will ask, "What immigration emergency?" If there is an immigration emergency looming on the horizon it is a big secret. Of course immigrants will be the first ensnared in the net that big brother Bush has in mind, but the net won't stop with them.
What sort of national emergency requires detention centers? America has plenty of prisons. More of our population is behind bars than in any country on earth. There are detention centers for immigration in existence already. As for helping in case of a natural disaster, hurricane Katrina proved that saving American lives is not on the Bush agenda.

When the word detention comes up, hairs should rise on the back of every neck. Thanks to the Patriot Act and the creation of "enemy combatants" these detention centers can be used to lock up anyone for any reason for any length of time that Uncle Sam wishes.

In the best case scenario, this contract may be just the latest hand out to the welfare queen of corporate America. It is a sad day indeed when we must hope that good old fashioned greed, and nothing more, is at work with this latest theft from the United States treasury. Even if greed is the larger part of the equation, the threat of taking our rights and subjecting us to fear cannot be far from the minds of Dick Cheney and his ilk.
Bush has successfully used fear to stay in power and quiet the ineffectual opposition. When questions arose about the legality of warrantless wiretaps, suddenly Bush revealed a three year old plot to crash a plane into a Los Angeles skyscraper. This announcement was even news to the mayor of Los Angeles, leading the cynical among us, the smart people, to ask if such a threat ever existed in the first place.

What sort of national emergency will trigger the beginning of detentions? Probably not Mexicans heading for the border. If Democrats show uncharacteristic boldness and begin impeachment proceedings against Bush, we will begin to see Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib on U.S. soil.
The endless war on terror would no doubt be a pretext for detentions of immigrants or Americans. Just ask Jose Padilla, the American citizen accused of planning "dirty bomb" attacks. Actually you can't ask Padilla anything. He hasn't seen the outside of a jail in years. An entirely new category of criminals, enemy combatants, was created to justify endless incarceration. If our government is planning to create more Padillas, Halliburton
definitely needs a new contract.

You can look it up, if you dare. Searching for the words "Halliburton" and "detention" may bring more than you bargained for.


The Emerging Police State
The United States is undergoing a coup against the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and democracy itself. The ’liberal press’ has been co-opted. ... Media concentration permitted in the 1990s has put news and opinion in the hands of a few corporate executives who do not dare risk their broadcasting licenses by getting on the wrong side of government.
Emergency War Supplemental Hides Millions For NSA Snooping
Buried in last week's $72.4 billion emergency supplemental appropriation bill for the war on terror is nearly half a billion dollars worth of military construction. But the supplemental also includes $35 million new money for the expansion of the National Security Agency's top secret listening post at Menwith Hill in Yorkshire, England, and authority to spend $700 million appropriated in previous years for construction or expansion of NSA facilities in Augusta, Ga., and Kunia, Hawaii.
Hello, Mr. Chips. We've Been Waiting For Your Arrival
Google says no to US gov Google on Friday rejected US government demands that it give up search information claiming that its customers' privacy, as well as its own business secrets, should be protected.
New face ID system from China

Day puts national ID card back on the agenda

Backlash at jailing of historian who denied Holocaust: Fears that jail sentence will create a right-wing martyr
New Wingnut Meme: Sedition Law Needed

Memo that warned about detainee abuse, torture was thwarted

Holocaust denier Irving is jailed

U.S. Envoy Defends Guantanamo Prison Conditions
One Thousand A Month Tortured To Death In Iraq Proving that Abu Ghraib and Gitmo are the tip of the iceberg, the outgoing UN human rights chief dropped a bombshell when he told an obscure Maltese newspaper that as many as a thousand detainees a month are being tortured to death in Iraq.
Report: Pentagon Ignored Repeated Warnings on Torture and Abuse
How an Internal Effort to Ban the Torture of Detainees Was Thwarted
US Should Shut Down Gitmo: Malaysian Prime Minister Badawi
Bush team's addition to torture: Bush commitment to torture is an old story now -- William Pfaff column
US plans to attack Iran's nuke facilities: Before January, 2007

Calling the Bluff Over Iran ... The Not United U.N.: "Showdown with Tehran is described as a "Conflict between Iran and the West"

Mad Iranain mullahs issue fatwa to permit use of nuclear weapons

Iran would become top supplier of oil to China under deal

Pressure on Iran as hopes fade of deal with Russia

U.S. Ambassador in Iraq Accuses Iran of Meddling

Iran’s ‘holocaust myth’ remark is ‘unspeakable’: German Chancellor Merkel

Deteriorating ties between the US and Venezuela


Thought Police
Spy Chip Creep

Get The Book
Spychips: How Major
Corporations and Government
Plan to Track Your Every Move with RFID

When it won't need a tyranny to deprive us of our freedom

The creeping extension of implantation technology will eventually
break down all the barriers between us and the state

George Monbiot
Tuesday February 21, 2006
The Guardian

It received just a few column inches in a couple of papers, but the
story I read last week looks to me like a glimpse of the future. A
company in Ohio called City-Watcher has implanted radio transmitters
into the arms of two of its workers. The implants ensure that only
they can enter the strongroom. Apparently it is "the first known case
in which US workers have been tagged electronically as a way of
identifying them".

Article continues
The transmitters are tiny (about the size of a grain of rice), cheap
(£85 and falling fast), safe and stable. Without being maintained or
replaced, they can identify someone for many years. They are
injected, with a local anaesthetic, into the upper arm. They require
no power source, as they become active only when scanned. There are
no technical barriers to their wider deployment.

The company that makes these "radio frequency identification tags",
the VeriChip Corporation, says they "combine access control with the
location and protection of individuals". The chips can also be
implanted in hospital patients, especially children and people who
are mentally ill. When doctors want to know who they are and what
their medical history is, they simply scan them in. This, apparently,
is "an empowering option to affected individuals". For a while, a
school in California toyed with the idea of implanting the chips in
all its pupils.

A tag such as this has a maximum range of a few metres. But another
implantable device emits a signal that allows someone to be found or
tracked by satellite. The patent notice says it can be used to locate
the victims of kidnapping or people lost in the wilderness. There
are, in other words, plenty of legitimate uses for implanted chips.
This is why they bother me. A technology whose widespread deployment,
if attempted now, would be greeted with horror, will gradually become
unremarkable. As this happens, its purpose will begin to creep.

At first the tags will be more widely used for workers with special
security clearance. No one will be forced to wear one; no one will
object. Then hospitals - and a few in the US are already doing this -
will start scanning their unconscious or incoherent patients to see
whether they have a tag. Insurance companies might start to demand
that vulnerable people are chipped.

The armed forces will discover that they are more useful than dog
tags for identifying injured soldiers or for tracking troops who are
lost or have been captured by the enemy. Prisons will soon come to
the same conclusion. Then sweatshops in developing countries will
begin to catch on. Already the overseers seek to control their
workers to the second; determining when they clock on, when they
visit the toilet, even the number of hand movements they perform. A
chip makes all this easier. The workers will not be forced to have
them, any more than they are forced to have sex with their bosses;
but if they don't accept the conditions, they don't get the job.
After that, it surely won't be long before asylum seekers are
confronted with a similar choice: you don't have to accept an
implant, but if you refuse, you can't stay in the country.

I think it will probably stop there. I don't believe that you or I or
most comfortable, mentally competent people will be forced to wear a
tag. But itwill become an increasingly acceptable means of tracking
and identifying people who could be a danger to themselves, or who
could be at risk of sudden illness or disappearance, or who are
otherwise hard for companies or governments to control. They will, on
the whole, be people whose political voice is muted.

As it is with all such intrusions on our privacy, it won't be easy to
put your finger on exactly what's wrong with this technology. It
won't really amount to a new form of control, as all the people who
accept the implants will already be subject to monitoring or tracking
of one kind or another. It will always be voluntary, at least to the
extent that anything the state or our employers want us to do is
voluntary. But there is something utterly revolting about it. It is
another means by which the barriers between ourselves and the state,
ourselves and the corporation, ourselves and the machine are broken
down. In that tiny capsule we find the paradox of 21st-century
capitalism: a political system that celebrates choice, autonomy and
individualism above all other virtues demands that choice, autonomy
and individualism are perpetually suppressed.

While implanted chips will not lead to the mass scanning of the
population, another use of the same technology quite possibly will.
At the end of last month, a leaked letter from Andy Burnham, the Home
Office minister, revealed that the identity cards for which we will
involuntarily volunteer will contain radio frequency identification
chips. This will allow the authorities to read the cards with a
scanner. I propose that as the technology improves, the police will
be able to scan a crowd and (assuming everyone is carrying his
voluntary-compulsory ID card) produce a list of whom it contains. I
further propose that it will take only a year or two for this to seem

Already we have become used to the police filming demonstrations for
the same purpose. When they started doing it, about 10 years ago, it
caused outrage. It gave us the impression that by protesting we
became suspects. But now we don't even notice them: even to the
extent of waving and shouting, "Hello, Mum". Like every other
intrusion on our privacy, they have become normal.

I also propose that the mass scanning these identification chips will
allow will be assisted by another kind of surveillance technology.
Last week, campaigners in west Wales obtained a letter sent by the
Welsh Development Agency to Ceredigion County Council. It revealed
that the agency, with the help of the European Union, is setting up
an industrial estate outside Aberystwyth. Its purpose is the "market
acceleration" of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). With the help of
companies such as BAE Systems, Rolls-Royce and our new friend
Qinetiq, the agency hopes to find the best way of encouraging the
"routine operation of UAV systems UK-wide". Ceredigion council's
website lists various functions of the UAVs, of which the first is
"law enforcement".

So the police won't even have to be there. Someone sitting in a
control room could fly a tiny drone (some of them are just a few
inches across) equipped with a receiver over the heads of a crowd
and, with the help of our new identity cards, determine who's there.
It sounds quite mad, just as the idea of biometric identity cards in
the UK once did. All these new technologies somehow contrive to seem
both wildly implausible and entirely likely.

There will be no dramatic developments. We will not step out of our
homes one morning to discover that the state, or our boss, or our
insurance company, knows everything about us. But, if the muted
response to the ID card is anything to go by, we will gradually
submit, in the name of our own protection, to the demands of the
machine. And it will not then require a tyrannical new government to
deprive us of our freedom. Step by voluntary step, we will have given
it up already.

Special report
Human rights in the UK

Useful links
Human Rights Act 1998
European court of human rights
Lord Chancellor's office
UN high commissioner for human rights

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Aims To Take Your Security
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Companies are motivated by slow but steady payoffs that long-term deals to run U.S. roads offer. When foreign investors feast their eyes on America, they see plenty of potential investments, from businesses to farms to huge amounts of debt.

Infowars & | February 17, 2006
By Jack Blood
A funny thing happened on the way to Grandmother’s house… Lil Red Riding hood had to pay 17 cents a mile collected as a government tribute by an innocuous toll booth slave denying her access to the continuing “freeway” at a few bucks a pop. Little red riding hood was tracked, traced, data based, and likely searched by Toll Gestapo’s, and what was left of Lil Red was documented, and spit out of the surveillance mill for future reference!
She made it to see grandma, but had to give up her picnic basket to highway robbery.
When she made it to grandma's house it was Gone. Grandma had been hauled off to a Halliburton camp, and her property seized by eminent domain: IE: there was a toll booth where grandma’s house used to be. 4.00 Please.
… What big teeth you have Grandma..
And you thought flying was intrusive?
In New Hampshire- Electronic toll payments, known as E-Z Pass, will arrive later this spring. You’ll buy a transponder that, affixed to your windshield, will be read by a tollbooth scanner. An appropriate amount of money will be electronically deducted from your revolving account. No more dirty dollar bills or grimy tokens changing hands.
This system is being used in Texas already.
What’s worse is that foreign and multi-national privateers are snatching up failed infrastructure, and resources all over the US.
Foreign investors see stability in highways?
Companies are motivated by slow but steady payoffs that long-term deals to run U.S. roads offer. When foreign investors feast their eyes on America, they see plenty of potential investments, from businesses to farms to huge amounts of debt.
But interstate highways?
Absolutely, say Australia's Macquarie Bank and Spain's Cintra -- the international partners in the deal to run the Indiana Toll Road -- who view themselves as mavericks in the relatively new world of buying into the privatization of American highways.
The team has previously joined forces to buy the 7.8-mile Chicago Skyway and to plan, build and operate a new Texas toll road, in addition to several other similar projects around the globe.
Their motivation: long-term deals that promise to pay off for investors -- slowly but surely -- the way utility companies provided stability to this generation's parents and grandparents.
Maybe these international “investors’ would like to know what I have been hearing lately from my sources inside the construction of the Trans Texas Corridor. When they hear what I have to say, they ma y not be so anxious to close the deal.
A year ago now I met an inspector of the Trans Texas Corridor (TTC). Though he was a young man he had risen to a management position with a company contracted to certify the construction done on the roads. He began to tell me some odd, off the record stories beginning with a number of deaths that had strangely not been reported in the local media. I assume that this is par for the course when building highways, but knowing as I did how controversial the pending toll roads in Austin, TX were, I thought it strange that I never heard one peep about this, Ever. The deaths were accidental and concerned Illegal immigrants hired on as cheap labor. I would later see a trend. Stop at nothing to stay under budget, and ahead of schedule. This is the TXDOT mantra, and it seems nothing will get in their way.
My source again came to me “off the record” and told me of a kickback scheme involving his company, which lead to the company president being fired for embezzlement. Again. Nothing in the papers, or nothing ever revealed in the CAMPO, TXDOT meetings we have attended. But he had no reason to lie, and I believed him. Moving on…
The next tidbit I received was that the Military was building a super highway of their own, and was taking bids. This I am told is to run parallel to the Corridor from san Antonio to Dallas, and would be a military only super wide highway. I thought of the fact that Adolph Hitler did this the moment he took power. He knew that he would go to war, and would need these superhighways to move his machinery to the front.
Still all of this went off the record, and I respected my source by never uttering a word of it to anyone, even though I was active in the Anti – Toll community, and had done many radio shows on the subject with local and national organizers.
Then, two weeks ago I received a call from my source. He was panicked, and began telling me something that I automatically knew was a nuclear info bomb. He had been failing tests for the corridor he was working on, and inspecting for the last year. After repeated attempts to have these failures corrected, by both himself and his immediate supervisor, and after seeing fellow inspectors threatened and fired… He had had enough.
You see TXDOT has absolutely no intention of building these freeways up to code. They are millions of dollars under budget, and that seems to be the only code they are meeting.
My source had initially wanted to come out as a whistleblower, but fearing for his life and his future (He would be blackballed in the industry) he has since had a change of heart. Better yet, he has leaked me many documents to prove what he had told me, and is still inside to continue to give me information.
What the documents prove so far, is that:

The Crushed Limestone used to make the concrete of which the roads are to be built with is weak. This has lead to a total failure of most of the structures, and superstructures currently standing as our future Trans Texas Corridor. Translation: These roads will fall apart long before they are paid for, and could take innocent drivers with them. This has apparently been covered up not only by TXDOT and their contractors, but is being certified out the door by the very contractors there to make sure we never get to this point.

Charts done by my source and other inspectors show that the standing infrastructure is failing “Dry Density” tests, meaning that the crappy, cheap concrete is already decaying from excessive moisture. A 5.1 – 8% loss in concrete integrity over just the last few months. It is in effect nose diving on most of the charts. Can you imagine what this concrete will look like in a few years when the job is completed? If it is completed.

In documents reflecting the number of tests needed for August – October 2005, we found that on the SH 130 Turnpike project alone, the tests performed versus the tests REQUIRED by law were far less than required. It seems like TXDOT doesn’t care, and I suspect that they are confident that they wouldn’t get caught. So much for that now.

Tests on the concrete failed consistently on: The Hanson aggregate freeways, the Burnett Grade 2 aggregate, the RTI Georgetown aggregate, Capitol Bolm Road, the Travis aggregate, TXI Green Plant, and the SH 130 Turnpike in general. Nothing was ever done to comply with these tests, and again inspectors were told to shut up about it, or else. So now they are not just under testing the grade, but also covering up failed tests.
Minimally, we need some kind of oversight beyond the authority of TXDOT and CAMPO to straighten this out. I am horrified to think that we will pay through the nose for these giant control grids that are likely to fall apart as we are driving on them.
The Bechtel “BIG DIG” comes to mind here as an example of what can happen to a city under the ether of extortion, and bribery. That project is still falling apart even after coming in 10’s of billions over budget. It stands as a piece of crap, and a joke to Bostonians everywhere. Will we let that happen here in TX? Should we assume that if this is happening here, it is happening everywhere? The gift that keeps on giving to contractors and politicos alike.
Gov. Rick Perry, creator of the Trans-Texas Corridor, calls it a "visionary transportation plan" that could become a national model. Perry touts it as the USA's most ambitious transportation project since President Dwight Eisenhower and Congress launched the interstate highway system in 1956. It is Governor Perry’s poor leadership that has lead us down this crumbling road.
"It's a money-grab," said Collin County (S.H. 121, North Texas Tollway) Judge Ron Harris. "We're really going to have to follow the lead of our legislative delegation because this has kind of gone over what we can do."
David Stall founded Corridor Watch to monitor the project and says it has "hundreds and hundreds" of members in 133 of Texas' 254 counties. "It's not being taken on as a transportation project, it's a revenue scheme," he says. The state can condemn private land for the corridor, then sell or lease it to private businesses such as gas stations or restaurants. "There was no traffic study that says any community was clamoring for a project like TTC."
Because of its location, Texas is integral to the creation of the FTAA and the eventual merger of North and South America under a single regional government like the EU.
It's bad enough that the TTC will cost at least $185 billion, much of it derived from new toll taxes imposed on existing free roads. It's even worse that the project -- 4,000 miles of roads, rail lines, and other infrastructure crisscrossing the state, bypassing all of the cities -- will be built by a Spanish contractor rather than a firm based in the United States. But worst of all is the role to be played by this hugely expensive boondoggle in linking the transportation system of the United States with that of Mexico, thereby creating the infrastructure that will facilitate the creation of the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA).
It is our job to monitor this fiasco, as it appears that the men and woman charged to protect us will not, or cannot do the job. The Texas media had a responsibly to protect the citizens, and provide a safety valve for corruption in this matter. I am calling on the Press, the Legislature, and the Governor to address these concerns on behalf of their employers, “We the People”.
Heads should roll. Further construction should be suspended; past construction should be retested to meet compliance, or torn down. Any less would be a crime of enormous proportion.


Thought Police
Kill Spy Chips With A Spy Phone?

Get The Book
Spychips: How Major
Corporations and Government
Plan to Track Your Every Move with RFID

February 14, 2006
04:15:09 pm, Categories: Technology, 379 words

How to Kill RFID Tags with a Cell Phone

Radio frequency identification (RFID) tags--tiny wireless circuits
that derive their power from radio waves and cost just pennies to
make--have quickly found their way into identification badges,
shipping containers, even ordinary store products. Because, unlike
barcodes, the tags can be read surreptitiously, a number of groups
have raised privacy concerns. To address these concerns, leading RFID
makers have created so-called "Gen 2" chips that will divulge their
data only after a reader transmits the correct password. The new
chips can also be triggered by a different password to silently self-
destruct, for example as a customer leaves a store.

Encryption protects the password transmission. But renowned
cryptographer Adi Shamir of Weizmann University claims to have found
a way to bypass the encryption scheme and obtain the self-destruct
password using technology no more sophisticated than that in a common
cell phone.

Shamir announced the discovery this morning at the 2006 RSA
Conference, a large computer security meeting opening today in San
Jose, Calif. "Everyone expects that there will soon be billions of
these tags in circulation," Shamir noted. "We bought one of the major-
brand RFID tags and tried to break into it by power analysis," he

RFID tags have no battery or internal power source; they obtain the
energy they need to operate by sucking it out of the radio signals
they absorb. But in doing so, every computation of the RFID circuit
modifes the radio environment. Shamir and his coworkers used a simple
directional antenna to monitor the power consumption of an RFID tag
as they transmitted correct and incorrect passwords to the device
slowly, one bit at a time.

"We could easily notice a power spike after the first bit that the
chip didn't like," Shamir recalls. By starting over and modifying the
offensive bit, the researchers were able to derive quickly the kill
password for the tag.

"We believe that a cell phone has all the ingredients needed to
detect these passwords and disable all the RFIDs in the area," Shamir

If confirmed by others, the flaw would raise serious questions about
the suitability of current RFIDs for use in theft prevention,
employee idenfication and other applications.

For more about RFID tags, see "RFID: A Key to Automating Everything,"
by Roy Want. Scientific American Magazine, January 2004.

Posted by Wayt Gibbs Leave a comment . Trackback (0) Permanent

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The San Diego Union-Tribune

Immigration loophole leads to spread of fake-ID mills

By Leslie Berestein mailto:

February 19, 2006

In the pre-dawn hours one late-November morning, federal agents with search warrants raided the Oceanside and Riverside offices of Golden State Fence Co., carting out boxes filled with payroll documents.

It was the second time in a year and a half that the Riverside-based fencing company was busted for hiring undocumented workers. During that period, federal investigators auditing the company's payroll records had found that 157 of its employees – close to one-third of the workers at the Oceanside and Riverside locations – were in the country illegally.

To get those jobs, nearly all of them had presented phony identification: Investigators found counterfeit green cards, Social Security cards and California identification cards. A criminal investigation into the company's hiring practices continues.

As politicians and activists raise the pitch of their arguments to stop illegal immigration at the border, scant attention has been paid to the legal loopholes that make it easy for employers to hire undocumented immigrants, creating an irresistible economic pull that undermines border enforcement.

Providing an easy in to the job market for these workers – and an easy out for most employers caught hiring them – are counterfeit documents.

While places such as Tijuana and Los Angeles remain hubs for phony-document manufacturers, San Diego is seeing a proliferation of counterfeiters. Last year, federal agents here discovered more than half a dozen document mills, compared with only one in 2004.

Agents say improved technology has made it easier to set up mom-and-pop counterfeiting operations, while a growing service sector in San Diego has attracted low-wage workers.

“They're staying in San Diego, and there is a demand, and suppliers are trying to meet that demand,” said Lauren Mack, a spokeswoman for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

At the root of the demand for counterfeit documents is a 20-year-old federal law that gave amnesty to roughly 3 million undocumented immigrants and, to discourage further illegal immigration, set rules for the workplace. The Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 required job applicants to present employers identification proving their eligibility to work in the United States. However, it did not require employers to verify authenticity.

“The basic idea back in 1986 was to close the labor-magnet door,” said Philip Martin, an expert on immigration and labor issues at the University of California Davis. “With false documents, that blew that out of the water.”

The loophole has given rise to a thriving black market in counterfeit and occasionally stolen or borrowed immigration papers, Social Security cards, state driver's licenses, state ID cards and other documents, which are sold by word of mouth, at swap meets and even on street corners in some U.S. cities.

Unlike in Tijuana, where scouts comb the crowds at the bus station and airport, hoping to sell phony immigration papers and other fake IDs to hopeful border crossers, counterfeiters in the United States sell them primarily to undocumented immigrants seeking work.

In some Los Angeles neighborhoods where new arrivals from Latin America congregate, fake-ID hustlers openly solicit passers-by on the street. In San Diego, business is done more quietly.

Most fake-ID manufacturers in San Diego advertise their wares by word of mouth and sell them out of their homes. Some buyers get hooked up with a vendor at a flea market. The going rate for a package deal of a phony Social Security card and resident-alien card, commonly referred to as a green card, averages between $100 and $150, though some sell for more or less depending on the quality. Add a fake California ID and the package costs twice as much.

Better computer technology in recent years has made for better-quality fakes, agents say. Where photos of individuals once were cut and pasted to create a forged ID, today's counterfeiters rely on computer programs that come with templates that can be used with a scanned photo.

Recent raids on local document mills have yielded computers, software, scanners, laminate, heat sealers, holograms used on driver's licenses, even car-window tint used to mimic magnetic strips. Fake-ID software, adapted from commercially available software, is circulated among counterfeiters. It costs roughly $1,500, and anyone can get it and use it, investigators say. One recently arrested counterfeiting suspect worked at an Italian restaurant in Carlsbad.

“This is not as sophisticated as one might think,” said San Diego County Deputy District Attorney Joan Stein, who has prosecuted document-fraud cases. “It's not like you have to be a computer guru.”

Not all fakes are perfect. Some phony documents seized recently from local employers look authentic enough at first glance, but upon closer inspection contain obvious errors.

The back of one Social Security card seized last April from Naval Coatings Inc., a San Diego military contractor, contains multiple spelling mistakes: For example, “contact” is misspelled as “contac,” and “signature” as “signatured.” One phrase ended midsentence at “regar” where “regarding” should have been.

The person holding the error-filled card was hired. More than half the company's 167-person work force was found to be working illegally.

But there are good fakes, and employers say they can be hard to spot. In September 2003, 14 employees of Southwest Marine, a local ship-repair company, were found by federal investigators to be working illegally.

“All had turned in some type of false document,” said Donn Yover, director of human resources for the company, now BAE Systems San Diego Ship Repair. “There are some very good documents out there that are forged.”

The company, which cooperated with the inquiry, was later cleared of wrongdoing. But federal agents aren't so sure about others. They say many employers, if not turning a blind eye, are negligent when handed counterfeit documents.

“Employers are looking to hire and fill their positions, and whether it's pressure from work or to fill out whatever orders they may have, they would rather take the easy way out,” said Lorraine Concha, an assistant special agent in charge of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement in San Diego. “As long as someone walks in with a piece of paper, they feel they have done their job.”

Because investigators must prove an employer knowingly hired someone illegally, those who accept counterfeit documents tend to get off the hook. In the past three years, more than 350 employees have been found working illegally for local companies, but none of the companies has been prosecuted.

Prosecuting counterfeiters has proved a little easier. In the past year, Immigration and Customs Enforcement has begun working more closely with the county District Attorney's Office to prosecute false-document manufacturers, who can be prosecuted under both federal and state laws.

Penalties for making false documents are relatively slim, though. First-time offenders – as many home-grown document counterfeiters are – might get six months in jail, according to prosecutors. Depending on their immigration status, offenders who are noncitizens can be deported after they serve their time.

A new state law went info effect at the beginning of this year that makes it a misdemeanor to possess document-making devices with the intent to defraud. Prosecutors think it could help in some cases, but they don't put much faith in how effective it will be overall.

“As a practical matter, for felony prosecutions, it's not going to help very much,” said Keith Burt, a San Diego deputy district attorney and director of a multiagency task force that focuses on high-tech crime. “In most of these cases, the evidence you are going to use to prove that it was used to make a deceptive identification is going to be sufficient to charge a felony.”

Federal legislators have proposed making document checks mandatory as part of H.R. 4437, a controversial, House-approved bill that will be considered by the Senate this year. In addition to other enforcement-based measures, the bill would require employers to verify documents using an existing federal database, the use of which is now voluntary.

Dubbed Basic Pilot, the free database is used to confirm the validity of Social Security and immigration papers. It has been in use in California since the late 1990s, as well as in several other states. Last year it was expanded nationwide. Yet it gets little use: Fewer than 2,000 California employers have signed up for it, one-half of 1 percent of companies in the state employing five or more people. Only 134 employers use the database in San Diego County.

Those who oppose mandating use of the database have pointed to still-unresolved flaws in the system that can inconvenience job applicants and employers.

The database works about 75 percent of the time, said Martin of UC Davis, but it gets hung up in cases of immigrants who are adjusting their status or have married and changed their name. Some employers have complained that it is too slow.

Yover of BAE Systems in San Diego, which began using the database after the company was audited, said that at first it could take up to three months for a reply. He said that in recent months, though, the company has been getting a response on inquiries within 24 hours.

Martin said one of the biggest challenges to controlling document fraud in the workplace could be changing an employer culture that he believes has become pervasive since the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 became law.

“We started out with a regime that has given people lots of reasons essentially to say, 'I am going to hire people who present documents, and I am off the hook,' ” Martin said. “Now, to change that mentality is going to be tough.”

Leslie Berestein: (619) 542-4579


Poland Says No To Iran To Research Holocaust ... and here's the difference between a Scriptural belief and a cult based on "Idol worship" such as the Zionists are. "Under no circumstances we should allow something like that to take place in Poland," Meller tells Polish news agency PAP. "It goes beyond all imaginable norms to question, even discuss or negotiate the issue." Christ warned of a great deception and said to search the Scripture daily to ensure what is being said is consistant with scriptural fact.
The 'spirit' of his comment is "don't believe anything anyone tells you but go looking to see if it's true".
Lazy people and deceived zionists take a different approach ... leaving it all to the future, and then being ready to blame someone else for their own deception ... which is a very clever ploy but it failed to cut ice with God in the Garden and it's not going to work now either, but so long as these people are happy with their choice I'm happy for them. The world would say "If you've nothing to hide, you have nothing to worry about" (however it's been a while now since I've actually heard that quoted ... I think they must be all dead now?) yet to the 'Holocaust worshipers' there appears to be something to hide. That fact alone sets alarm bells ringing loud in my ears ... even though I don't believe the figures provided by the Zionist state. There is a great deception firstly about who these alleged jews are, and what they did to provoke the german government, then about how many there were before the alleged holocaust, then about how the capture of these people and what happened
and who was behind it all. Neal
Poland Says No To Iran To Research Holocaust February 20, 2006 2:30 a.m. EST Warsaw, Poland (AHN) - Poland's Foreign Minister Stefan Meller ruled out allowing any Iranian researchers to examine the scale of the Holocaust committed by the German Nazis in Poland during World War II. Meller's remarks came after repeated denials of the Jewish Holocaust by Iranian officials and their suggestions that more research is needed to establish the truth about what happened to European Jews. "Under no circumstances we should allow something like that to take place in Poland," Meller tells Polish news agency PAP. "It goes beyond all imaginable norms to question, even discuss or negotiate the issue." Polish daily Rzeczpospolita reported that Iran wants to send researchers to Poland to examine the scale of the Nazi crimes during the war. --
Visit my Website at ...
See my "Why Come Out" page here ... But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet to warn the people and the sword comes and takes the life of one of them, that man will be taken away because of his sin, but I will hold the watchman accountable for his blood." - Eze 33:6

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