Monday, April 17, 2006

[911TruthAction] Digest Number 1230

There are 20 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1. Berlin Newspaper asks: Is US Govt liable for 911 damages?
From: John Leonard <>
2. Art Bell gets married to woman in the philippines and will be moving
3. Sherlock Holmes And 911
From: "scol202" <>
4. How much do you know?
From: "november.gale" <>
5. U.S. to create a bird flu virus mutation
From: "scol202" <>
6. Re: Berlin Newspaper asks: Is US Govt liable for 911 damages?
From: mann david <>
7. $9.0 billion Missing
From: Bugs <>
8. RE: U.S. to create a bird flu virus mutation
From: "Scott Peden" <>
9. GET IT ! its about OIL
From: Bugs <>
10. Re: GET IT ! its about OIL
From: "scol202" <>
11. Ovi Cohen company Narus whose Narus 6400 lets NSA spy/evaluate millions of messages on AT&T w/o wiretaps
From: "Dick Eastman" <>
12. Re: GET IT ! its about OIL
From: "kenny318east3" <>
13. Do Justice (truth and justice for the spiritual)
From: Cathy Garger <>
14. Blair refuses to back Iran strike! tvnl news
From: "reggie501" <>
15. free German press release site
From: John Leonard <>
16. Re: GET IT ! its about OIL
From: "scol202" <>
17. Re: How much do you know?
From: "flanker12k" <>
18. Re: Greg Palast Still DOESNT GET IT !
From: Kevin Hammond <>
19. RE: C-SPAN2 Book TV re: Impeachment
From: APFN <>
20. Re: free German press release site
From: "Donald Stahl" <>


Message: 1
Date: Sun, 16 Apr 2006 01:15:28 -0700
From: John Leonard <>
Subject: Berlin Newspaper asks: Is US Govt liable for 911 damages?

(With typos corrected from previous message)

Berliner Zeitung - The Berlin News

English translation by John Leonard

Thursday, April 13, 2006

9/11 Skeptics gain strength
Critics in the USA doubt the official version

by Andreas Förster

BERLIN. Is the US Government liable for the
damages from the terror attacks of September
11th? The American publisher John Leonard demands
this, because he is convinced Washington knew in
advance about the attack plans, but did nothing
to prevent them. Leonard wants to get Munich
Reinsurance to investigate the possibility of the
US government sharing the liability.

This is the sense of the shareholder's
countermotion that the Californian has filed with
the next general meeting of Munich Re next
Wednesday. Two subsidiary frims of the German
insurance concern have to pay billion-dollar
damage claims for the destruction of the World
Trade Center. Leonard accuses the supervisory and
managing boards of failure to investigate the
background of the attacks thoroughly enough, and
of depending too much on the official version of
the events as publicized by the US Government.

A New Commission

Unlike the situation in Germany, four and a half
years after the attacks, in the US there is
growing respect for 9/11 skeptics. An independent
commission of scientists, some of them well
known, has been analysing the sequence of events
before and on Sept. 11, and investigating the
circumstances which led to the collapse of the
WTC Twin Towers. New York Magazine devoted its
lead story to "Ground Zero Grassy Knoll" three
weeks ago, focusing on the contradictions in the
official version and the many unanswered
questions. "Grassy Knoll" is the American
journalistic term for alternative theories about
the background to the assassination of US President John F. Kennedy.

The American TV network CNN also took up the
Grassy Knoll story. In an interview that aroused
a great deal of attention, Hollywood actor
Charlie Sheen expressed massive doubts about the
official 9/11 version, and challenged the
government to answer the questions - for
instance, why the Pakistani secret service wired
$100,000 to the alleged death pilot Mohammed
Atta, why a building at some distance from the
Twin Towers, occupied by the CIA, was also
destroyed in the attacks, and what is behind the
unusual share trading on international stock exchanges just before 9/11.

Photo: Should the US Government pay for the 9/11 damages?

Donnerstag, 13. April 2006

Skeptiker des 11. Septembers erhalten Zulauf
Kritiker in den USA bezweifeln offizielle Version

Andreas Förster

BERLIN. Muss die US-Regierung für die bei den
Terroranschlägen vom 11. September 2001
entstandenen Schäden haften? Der amerikanische
Verleger John Leonard fordert dies, weil
Washington seiner Überzeugung nach vorab von den
Attentatsplänen gewusst, aber nicht eingegriffen
habe. Leonard will jetzt die Münchner
Rückversicherung dazu bewegen, eine mögliche
Mithaftung der US-Regierung zu prüfen.

Einen entsprechenden Antrag hat der Kalifornier
als Aktionär des Versicherungsunternehmens zur
nächsten Hauptversammlung der Münchner Rück am
kommenden Mittwoch eingebracht. Zwei
Tochterunternehmen des deutschen
Versicherungskonzerns müssen wegen der Zerstörung
des World Trade Centers Schadensersatzansprüche
in Milliardenhöhe begleichen. Leonard wirft
Aufsichtsrat und Vorstand jetzt vor, die
Hintergründe der Attacken auf das World Trade
Center in New York nicht gründlich genug
untersucht und sich zu sehr auf die von der
US-Regierung verbreitete offizielle Version der Ereignisse verlassen zu haben.

Kommission eingesetzt

Anders als in Deutschland nimmt in den USA
viereinhalb Jahre nach den Anschlägen die
öffentliche Aufmerksamkeit für die
9/11-Skeptiker, die Zweifel an der offiziellen
Version der Attentate äußern, zu. Eine
unabhängige Kommission von zum Teil namhaften
Wissenschaftlern analysiert seit einigen Monaten
den Ablauf der Ereignisse vor und am 11.
September und untersucht die technische Umstände,
die zum Zusammenbrechen der Zwillingstürme des
World Trade Centers geführt haben könnten. Das
New York Magazine widmete dem "Ground Zero Grassy
Knoll" vor drei Wochen eine Titelgeschichte, in
deren Mittelpunkt alle Widersprüche der
offiziellen Version und die vielen noch
ungeklärten Fragen stehen. Der Begriff "Grassy
Knoll" (Grashügel) steht im US-Journalismus als
Synonym für die alternativen Theorien über die
Hintergründe des Mordanschlags auf den US-Präsidenten John F. Kennedy.

Auch der US-Fernsehsender CNN befasste sich im
März mit dem "Grassy Knoll". In einem viel
beachteten Interview äußerte der
Hollywood-Schauspieler Charlie Sheen massive
Zweifel an der offiziellen 9/11-Version und
forderte die Regierung auf, noch offene Fragen zu
klären. Dabei geht es unter anderem darum,
weshalb der pakistanische Geheimdienst dem
mutmaßlichen Todesflieger Mohammed Atta 100 000
Dollar überwiesen hat, warum ein von den
Zwillingstürmen des World Trade Centers weiter
entfernt stehendes Gebäude des US-Geheimdienstes
bei den Anschlägen zerstört wurde und worauf die
auffälligen Aktienbewegungen an internationalen
Börsen unmittelbar vor dem 11. 9. zurückzuführen sind.


Foto: Muss die US-Regierung für die Schäden des 11. Septembers 2001 haften?


Message: 2
Date: Sun, 16 Apr 2006 05:50:41 -0400
Subject: Art Bell gets married to woman in the philippines and will be moving

Art Bell gets married to woman in the philippines and will be moving
there and doing his radio program from there.


Send your Impeach Bush / Cheney photos to

The Impeachment Project

Charlie Sheen Couregeously Challenges 9/11 Orthodoxy On National TV


Charlie Sheen chalenges National Audiance to do their own research on


Kucinich Demands Answers About US Troops In Iran

Neil Young, Son of Famed Reporter, Records "Impeach the President" Song

Cheney made $8,800,000 and donated $6,800,000 to charity ? - Cheney ? !
Did the Devil meet with him in his underground bunker and tell him he
was stoking the fires for him ?

Government's guide to illegal immigration
in English


In Spanish




Message: 3
Date: Sun, 16 Apr 2006 12:50:24 -0000
From: "scol202" <>
Subject: Sherlock Holmes And 911

The Greatest Detective Examines The
Greatest Unsolved Crime Mystery
By Douglas Herman

"When you have eliminated all which is impossible, then whatever
remains, however improbable, must be the truth." -Sherlock

Watson stared at Holmes, certain he hadn't heard the inspector
clearly. "Why do you look so shocked, Dr. Watson? Do you really
believe an objective criminal investigation excludes any other
interpretations? Evidence can be arranged or tampered with but the
case remains open as long as conscientious men entertain reasonable
doubt about the competency of that investigation and those doubts
outweigh the certainties."

"But my God, Holmes, the possibility that Israeli Mossad agents would
hijack our airplanes and crash them into New York skyscrapers may be
your greatest flight of fanciful conjecture so far, but I'm willing
to hear your theory."

Sherlock Holmes removed his pipe. The smoldering embers reminded him
of the crime before them and he pointed the stem at the skeptical
doctor. "You know my method, Watson. It is founded upon the
observation of trifles. Consider the Mossad motto: 'By way of
deception thou shalt do war.' A trifle, you say. Yet geopolitically
they gained everything from 9-11 with the possible loss of a few
zealous men---in the tradition of historical zealot, Judas Maccabee.
They gained active military involvement of the US in the Middle East
for years to come; they gained more monetary aid; they gained
considerable more American antipathy toward Islamic people-and gained
sympathy for Israel. The successful operation--if it happened--was
diabolical yet brilliant."

"But conjecture doesn't prove any involvement," Watson flatly
challenged. "Is there any precedent for such an outrageous black

Sherlock Holmes nodded, "Think for a moment how Special Forces
soldiers are always indoctrinated, almost like they are on a holy
mission, my dear Watson, trained to undertake dangerous missions deep
into enemy territory. 'Suicide missions' they are always called in
scores of Hollywood movies. Now if a small country like Israel---
smaller than Wales-could gain all that the things I have mentioned,
gaining American involvement in the destruction of her enemies, with
the loss of a few unknown but hallowed heroes, would it be
implausible in a Hollywood movie?"

"No-it would be utterly plausible," Watson admitted. "But
plausibility hardly proves guilt."

Watson stood and wandered to a window. From the tenth floor of the
Hoboken high rise he could look across the Hudson River and see the
skyline of lower Manhattan. The night before he and Holmes had
watched a movie called "Pushing Tin", about air traffic controllers.
The opening scenes showed jetliners swooping dangerously close to the
World Trade Towers and Watson wondered how anyone in New York could
ever watch that movie again.

Then Watson spoke with more than a little annoyance. "I refuse to
believe our ally, Israel, would do such a thing. Conspiracy theorists
prefer to blame everyone but the actual Saudi terrorists who were
caught on videotape at the airport."

Holmes spoke quietly. "But none of the so-called Saudi hijackers were
caught on tape at the airport, nor do they appear on the Passenger
Lists of the hijacked planes. You and I must present a photo ID at
the airport before boarding. Were all the so-called terrorists
traveling to Los Angeles as Mr. Smith and Mr. Jones? Also, the
security at the airports was run by an Israeli corporation. How
convenient was that?"

"But Mossad couldn't be involved," Watson insisted. "They informed us
prior to 911 that terrorists planned a spectacular act, warning us to
be wary."

Holmes studied his stout friend as he stood framed by the window.
Just below them, in Liberty State Park of all places, a trio of
Israelis celebrated while the World Trade Center burned. "Were you
aware, my dear Watson, that Mossad also notified the US about a
possible terrorist act many years ago? Mossad had prior information
about a huge Mercedes truck bomb being prepared for some select
target in Lebanon. They passed on a general warning-nothing specific
about that truck-like 'sending a weather report,' a Mossad operative
admitted later. Well, some time later that truck approached the
Marine barracks, sped past a guardhouse--that was twenty years ago
now that I recall--and demolished the building, killing 241 sleeping
marines who were there in Beirut ostensibly for peace-keeping
purposes. So you see a warning can sometimes serve as a useful

Watson looked sober. "I'm sorry to hear that but it still doesn't
prove Israel was involved in 911. I'm still waiting for tangible

"The threads of the fabric weave closer, Doctor Watson. Listen. In
the summer of 2001, alleged Islamic terrorists lived only blocks from
alleged art students--young Israelis intent on entry into high
security US federal buildings. Normally artists seek to get into art
galleries, wouldn't you say? Even more peculiar, the terrorists and
the 'art students' lived on the exact same street in Hollywood,
Florida. This is truly a terror enigma, wouldn't you also admit?"

"Yes that is highly coincidental," Watson stammered.

"Indeed it is. How could they not have known each other-two groups of
Semitic foreigners conspiring in a strange land? And when does
foreknowledge become complicity? Suppose for a minute Mossad not only
knew of the group but had infiltrated it and knew of its diabolical
purposes, even encouraged it? Consider this analogy, my dear Watson.
Your neighbor has a fine mansion and extensive property but is
somewhat vain, stupid and self-satisfied; call this mansion, America.
You represent Israel and you spread a rumor that a distant Islamic
neighbor intends to hurt the lord of the manor but you are purposely
vague about any details. Next weekend that mansion burns down. Bags
of evidence left at the scene, Islamic religious books, bomb-making
plans, personal items and passports, indicates all too obviously who
was involved. Which neighbor will the police investigate most
vigorously-the friendly helpful Israeli or the distant, unfriendly
Islamic neighbor?"

"The unfriendly Islamic neighbor," replied Watson.

"Elementary," uttered Holmes. "But only a very clumsy or stupid or
corrupt detective would jump to such slipshod conclusions, especially
when a superficial inquest would reveal bad blood between the Israeli
and Islamic neighbor. Circumstantial evidence is a very tricky
thing, Watson. It may seem to point very straight to one thing, but
if you shift your own point of view a little, you may find it
pointing in an equally uncompromising manner to something entirely

"Quite right," Watson said.

"Or consider that passport that allegedly survived a fiery plane
crash at the WTC, and fell to the street a thousand feet below, only
to be miraculously found intact. Miraculous, wouldn't you say?
Suppose I left your stethoscope at a strip bar and had
someone 'discover' it later; does that indicate your guilt?"

"I certainly hope not."

"Thus shouldn't a Koran left behind in a strip bar also set off loud
alarms and raise doubts about the probability of planted evidence?
Remember the motto---'By way of deception thou shalt do war'?
That is not just a motto but a tried and true method, used by the
very best spy agency in the world."

Holmes shook his head sadly. "Americans are a good-hearted, soft-
headed people who love justice in the abstract sense, persisting in a
childlike, fantasy concept that good always triumphs over evil,
within the framework of a television show."

Watson brightened. "So you are saying that sinister forces of evil,
the shadowy state-within-a-state of a clever intelligence agency may
have pulled this off?"

"Yes I do. Former Mossad officer, Victor Ostrovsky said: 'The
resultant breakdown of moral order and humanity are a direct result
of the kind of megalomania that characterizes the operation of the
Mossad.' That's where it all begins, my dear Watson. This
megalomaniac feeling that you can do anything you want, to whomever
you want, for as long as you want, simply because you imagine you
have the power."

"I cannot even fathom that," replied Watson.

"My dear Watson," Holmes began. "You better get used to it because,
according to a one scientific detective agency, '9/11 has become
the defining event of the new century, used to justify an
unprecedented surge in militaristic and repressive policies within
the USA and elsewhere.' Thus we need to ask ourselves about 911: who
was involved and who benefits and continues to benefit?"

Watson looked thoughtful before his summation: "I dare say, Mossad
may not have been entirely to blame but the Israeli connection to
security at the airports from which the hijackers mysteriously
departed cannot be denied. Also the forewarning of Israeli employees
of Odigo and ZIM at the WTC just weeks before the attack, and the
cheering Israelis at Liberty State Park, and the Israeli art students
living nearly next door to hijackers in Hollywood Florida, and the
Israeli moving vans that were stopped that contained a residue of
explosives, all indicate an abundance of incriminating evidence---
unfortunately abandoned by US government agencies beyond our

"Always remember, Watson: Crime is common. Logic is rare. And justice
even rarer. Therefore it is upon the logic rather than upon the crime
that you should dwell. Detection is, or ought to be, an exact
science and should be treated in the same cold and unemotional
manner. The real culprits of 9-11 still lurk in the shadows and may
even be disguised as friends."

"Evildoers, I would call them," Watson grunted.


Message: 4
Date: Sun, 16 Apr 2006 14:38:41 -0000
From: "november.gale" <>
Subject: How much do you know?

Take this true/false quiz to see how much you know about the history
of the people who ran or who are running the United States of America:

1. George HW Bush (41st President) can be quoted as saying "If the
people knew what we had done, they would chase us down the street and
lynch us," in regards to his service with the CIA.

2. George HW Bush was was known to have a secret meeting with
Panamanian dictator Manuel Noriega at the Panama City Airport. There
they discussed Noriega's money laundering and drug dealing. Years
later, as President Bush, he publicly denied ever having known about
these allegations against the Noreiga. Six years later, Bush sent
22,500 troops to Panama. It took them a couple of weeks to capture
Noriega and ship him off to Florida, where he was ultimately convicted
in federal court of drug trafficking, money laundering, and

3. President George HW Bush vomited in the lap of Japanese Prime
Minister Miyazawa Kiichi, and then fainted during a state function in
Tokyo in 1992. The incident spawns the Japanese slang verb "bushusuru"
(literally, "Bushing it") to refer to puking.

4. First Lady Laura Bush ran a stop sign when she was 17 years old
and killed the driver of the car she hit. The driver of the other car
also happened to be her boyfriend.

5. George W. Bush (43rd President) was arrested for Driving While Intoxicated.

6. Dick Cheney (current Vice President) was arrested at least twice
for Driving While Intoxicated.

7. George W. Bush has been diagnosed as dyslexic.

8. Dick Cheney was a Yale University drop-out.

9. Donald Rumsfeld has held the post of Secretary of Defense twice.
The first time under President Gerald Ford in 1975.

10. Donald Rumsfeld was chief executive of pharmaceutical giant G D
Searle & Company from 1976-1985. He sold off several Searle
subsidiaries, reduced the payroll by more than half, and made
Fortune's list of the ten toughest bosses in America. Critics charge
that he used his Washington connections to force approval of Searle's
aspartame (NutraSweet), which, by the time Rumsfeld left, accounted
for more than half of Searle's profits. Members of the FDA who were
against the approval of aspartame were fired and replaced by former
Searle employees.

11. During press conferences, Rumsfeld enjoys mocking reporters whose
questions he deems silly.

12. New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd once quoted Henry Kissinger
as calling Rumsfeld the most ruthless man he knew, all global despots

13. The Bush family fortune came from the Nazi Third Reich through
Prescott Bush's connections with Adolph Hitler. Prescott Bush is
George W. Bush's grandfather. He made their fortune on Wall Street
managing banks and shipping companies the U.S. government seized in
1942 as fronts for the Nazis.

14. While she was National Security Advisor, Condoleeza Rice
dismissed warnings that Osama bin Laden might be planning a terrorist

15. At a dinner party while Condoleeza Rice was National Security
Advisor, she referred to President George W. Bush as "my husband"
before abruptly correcting herself.

Scroll down for the answers


Message: 5
Date: Sun, 16 Apr 2006 14:46:02 -0000
From: "scol202" <>
Subject: U.S. to create a bird flu virus mutation

Atlanta, GA, Mar. 24 (UPI) -- The U.S. Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention has begun a series of experiments to see how likely
the bird flu virus could result in a human pandemic.

The six-month series of experiments seeks to simulate the mixing and
matching of genes from the H5N1 avian flu virus that has plagued Asia
and a common human flu virus that public-health experts fear could
turn avian flu into a pandemic, the Wall Street Journal reported

CDC scientists inside an ultra-secure laboratory have started
swapping the genes of the H5N1 avian virus with the genes of an H3N2
virus, the strain behind most recent human flu outbreaks.

The goal is to substitute the eight genes of each virus, one by one,
with the eight genes from the other virus to see which of more than
250 possible combinations create flu viruses that could spread easily
among humans.

The work responds to fears by global public health experts that the
bird flu virus could mutate to form one that could spawn a global
outbreak of the disease.


Message: 6
Date: Sun, 16 Apr 2006 08:00:27 -0700 (PDT)
From: mann david <>
Subject: Re: Berlin Newspaper asks: Is US Govt liable for 911 damages?

Thanks for that post - you're doing a hell of a job -
very balanced article also I think - keep us posted.

--- John Leonard <> wrote:

> (With typos corrected from previous message)
> Berliner Zeitung - The Berlin News
> English translation by John Leonard
> Thursday, April 13, 2006
> 9/11 Skeptics gain strength
> Critics in the USA doubt the official version
> by Andreas Förster
> BERLIN. Is the US Government liable for the
> damages from the terror attacks of September
> 11th? The American publisher John Leonard demands
> this, because he is convinced Washington knew in
> advance about the attack plans, but did nothing
> to prevent them. Leonard wants to get Munich
> Reinsurance to investigate the possibility of the
> US government sharing the liability.
> This is the sense of the shareholder's
> countermotion that the Californian has filed with
> the next general meeting of Munich Re next
> Wednesday. Two subsidiary frims of the German
> insurance concern have to pay billion-dollar
> damage claims for the destruction of the World
> Trade Center. Leonard accuses the supervisory and
> managing boards of failure to investigate the
> background of the attacks thoroughly enough, and
> of depending too much on the official version of
> the events as publicized by the US Government.
> A New Commission
> Unlike the situation in Germany, four and a half
> years after the attacks, in the US there is
> growing respect for 9/11 skeptics. An independent
> commission of scientists, some of them well
> known, has been analysing the sequence of events
> before and on Sept. 11, and investigating the
> circumstances which led to the collapse of the
> WTC Twin Towers. New York Magazine devoted its
> lead story to "Ground Zero Grassy Knoll" three
> weeks ago, focusing on the contradictions in the
> official version and the many unanswered
> questions. "Grassy Knoll" is the American
> journalistic term for alternative theories about
> the background to the assassination of US President
> John F. Kennedy.
> The American TV network CNN also took up the
> Grassy Knoll story. In an interview that aroused
> a great deal of attention, Hollywood actor
> Charlie Sheen expressed massive doubts about the
> official 9/11 version, and challenged the
> government to answer the questions - for
> instance, why the Pakistani secret service wired
> $100,000 to the alleged death pilot Mohammed
> Atta, why a building at some distance from the
> Twin Towers, occupied by the CIA, was also
> destroyed in the attacks, and what is behind the
> unusual share trading on international stock
> exchanges just before 9/11.
> Photo: Should the US Government pay for the 9/11
> damages?
> Donnerstag, 13. April 2006
> Skeptiker des 11. Septembers erhalten Zulauf
> Kritiker in den USA bezweifeln offizielle Version
> Andreas Förster
> BERLIN. Muss die US-Regierung für die bei den
> Terroranschlägen vom 11. September 2001
> entstandenen Schäden haften? Der amerikanische
> Verleger John Leonard fordert dies, weil
> Washington seiner Überzeugung nach vorab von den
> Attentatsplänen gewusst, aber nicht eingegriffen
> habe. Leonard will jetzt die Münchner
> Rückversicherung dazu bewegen, eine mögliche
> Mithaftung der US-Regierung zu prüfen.
> Einen entsprechenden Antrag hat der Kalifornier
> als Aktionär des Versicherungsunternehmens zur
> nächsten Hauptversammlung der Münchner Rück am
> kommenden Mittwoch eingebracht. Zwei
> Tochterunternehmen des deutschen
> Versicherungskonzerns müssen wegen der Zerstörung
> des World Trade Centers Schadensersatzansprüche
> in Milliardenhöhe begleichen. Leonard wirft
> Aufsichtsrat und Vorstand jetzt vor, die
> Hintergründe der Attacken auf das World Trade
> Center in New York nicht gründlich genug
> untersucht und sich zu sehr auf die von der
> US-Regierung verbreitete offizielle Version der
> Ereignisse verlassen zu haben.
> Kommission eingesetzt
> Anders als in Deutschland nimmt in den USA
> viereinhalb Jahre nach den Anschlägen die
> öffentliche Aufmerksamkeit für die
> 9/11-Skeptiker, die Zweifel an der offiziellen
> Version der Attentate äußern, zu. Eine
> unabhängige Kommission von zum Teil namhaften
> Wissenschaftlern analysiert seit einigen Monaten
> den Ablauf der Ereignisse vor und am 11.
> September und untersucht die technische Umstände,
> die zum Zusammenbrechen der Zwillingstürme des
> World Trade Centers geführt haben könnten. Das
> New York Magazine widmete dem "Ground Zero Grassy
> Knoll" vor drei Wochen eine Titelgeschichte, in
> deren Mittelpunkt alle Widersprüche der
> offiziellen Version und die vielen noch
> ungeklärten Fragen stehen. Der Begriff "Grassy
> Knoll" (Grashügel) steht im US-Journalismus als
> Synonym für die alternativen Theorien über die
> Hintergründe des Mordanschlags auf den
> US-Präsidenten John F. Kennedy.
> Auch der US-Fernsehsender CNN befasste sich im
> März mit dem "Grassy Knoll". In einem viel
> beachteten Interview äußerte der
> Hollywood-Schauspieler Charlie Sheen massive
> Zweifel an der offiziellen 9/11-Version und
> forderte die Regierung auf, noch offene Fragen zu
> klären. Dabei geht es unter anderem darum,
> weshalb der pakistanische Geheimdienst dem
> mutmaßlichen Todesflieger Mohammed Atta 100 000
> Dollar überwiesen hat, warum ein von den
> Zwillingstürmen des World Trade Centers weiter
> entfernt stehendes Gebäude des US-Geheimdienstes
> bei den Anschlägen zerstört wurde und worauf die
> auffälligen Aktienbewegungen an internationalen
> Börsen unmittelbar vor dem 11. 9. zurückzuführen
> sind.
> ------------------------------
> Foto: Muss die US-Regierung für die Schäden des 11.
> Septembers 2001 haften?

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Message: 7
Date: Sun, 16 Apr 2006 10:03:23 -0500
From: Bugs <>
Subject: $9.0 billion Missing

$9.0 billion Missing


$9B Goes Missing In Iraq

Huge Sum Disappears Without A Trace

Helen Thomas, Hearst White House columnist

POSTED: 12:41 pm EST February 24, 2005

Profiteering from the Iraq war is not a surprise, especially in light of the Bush administration's pandering to the military-industrial complex.

But some Democratic lawmakers are concerned that profiteering may have achieved stratospheric dimensions in the case of the $9 billion that is missing from the sale of Iraqi oil. This money was to have been used for humanitarian aid and reconstruction for Iraq.

It seems no one is watching the store. The fund was transferred to Iraqi government ministries, which lacked the proper financial controls, security and staff to keep close tabs on the money flow.

Nevertheless, the Democrats would like to prod the Bush administration to show its concern over the loss. You can do a lot with $9 billion, but it's only a drop in the bucket in terms of spending in Iraq. The war there is costing the United States more than $50 billion a year.

Rep. Dennis Kucinich, D-Ohio, has led the move to seek accountability for the missing funds after Stuart W. Bowen, the special inspector general appointed by the U.S. occupation authority, reported the disappearance last Jan. 30.

The audit spurred the Democratic Policy Committee -- which serves as a clearinghouse for all Democratic offices on Capitol Hill -- to hold hearings Feb. 14 on the management by the Coalition Provisional Authority of billions in Iraqi oil revenue.

The panel found that no banking system was implemented in Iraq, although "a lot of dinars and American dollars" were in circulation. The money was stashed in the basement of CPA headquarters and released from time to time to contractors.

The Democrats have also asked U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales to convene a grand jury to look into the problem.

The CPA is accused of failing to properly account for the money funneled through the Development Fund for Iraq for Iraqi humanitarian aid and reconstruction. The DFI was set up by the U.N. and placed under the control of the CPA.

Kucinich said "not a single penny of the $9 billion could be accounted for" in the Bowen audit. The loss occurred when the United States controlled Iraq's oil profits from May 2003 until June 2004.

Rep. Henry Waxman, D-Calif., accused the Republican Congress of ignoring auditors who "have raised red flags about the administration's stewardship of the Iraqi funds."

Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., told the policy panel that he was "perplexed and disturbed" by what has happened with the reconstruction.

"We are close to 24 months into this conflict with Iraq, and the administration still can't seem to get it right," he said.

Reid said that a report last December by the Center for Strategic and International Studies -- an independent think tank dealing with political and economic issues -- found that more than 30 percent of the reconstruction money "is being lost to corruption, fraud and mismanagement."

The inspector general found insufficient managerial, financial, salary and contract controls. In one Iraqi ministry, 8,026 guards were officially on the payroll, but the presence of only 602 guards could be validated.

Kucinich wondered what the unaccounted employees were being paid to do and whether they even exist.

He said the CPA contracting office did not provide oversight of Iraqi ministry procurement or contracting operations, with little or no internal controls. Nor did it provide data on executed contracts.

The Ohio congressman asked a series of rhetorical questions: "What might have this $9 billion gone towards? Personal corruption? A money-laundering scheme? A back-door way of funding covert operations?"

Could some of the money have used to pay for ballot stuffing in last month's Iraqi election?

Franklin Willis -- former senior aviation official for Iraq's Ministry of Transportation and Communication under the CPA -- said American overseers treated Iraqi money more casually than they did U.S. funds.

Several contracts are now under criminal investigation, Willis said.

Some witnesses likened the atmosphere in Iraq to the Wild West, where cash was handed out without proper accounting.

L. Paul Bremer, former CPA administrator of the Iraqi interim government, was obviously stung by Bowen's scathing report.

It "does not meet the standards Americans have come to expect of the inspector general," he said, claiming it had many "factual errors."

Both Bremer and the Defense Department -- which controlled the CPA -- complained that the report did not acknowledge that the Western-style budgeting could not be immediately implemented in a wartime atmosphere.

Iraqis are well acquainted with official corruption. But Americans should be showing them a better way.

(Helen Thomas can be reached at the e-mail address

Moral Democratic Majority

Joined: Fri Nov 5th, 2004
Location: :>), Virginia USA
Posts: 2267
Posted: Sun Feb 27th, 2005 05:32 am

All this time, and no neocon response. I guess they know it's true, misleader Bush-it, dick Cheneyer and the rest of the criminal thugs in this pathetic administration, are the worst ever!

Moral Democratic Majority

Joined: Fri Nov 5th, 2004
Location: :>), Virginia USA
Posts: 2267
Posted: Sun Feb 27th, 2005 09:56 pm

The silence is deafening!

Two days and no neocon has dare to respond to this thread. Why are they all so afraid of the truth?

Besides the corrupt Bush-it administration, Halliburton and other thieving criminal corporations who are stealing billions of U.S. tax dollars must be brought to justice.

The Democrats are going to have their hands full of impeachments, Congressional investigations and criminal court cases when they retake the majority in Congress after next year's November elections.

Last edited on Sun

[This message contained attachments]


Message: 8
Date: Sun, 16 Apr 2006 08:10:16 -0700
From: "Scott Peden" <>
Subject: RE: U.S. to create a bird flu virus mutation

Yeah, it hasn’t been the pandemic they were looking for, so lets find out
what went wrong and re release it….. is they by or against the Mad Cow

Likely part of the same group of psychos that brought us 9/11

-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of scol202
Sent: Sunday, April 16, 2006 7:46 AM
Subject: [911TruthAction] U.S. to create a bird flu virus mutation

Atlanta, GA, Mar. 24 (UPI) -- The U.S. Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention has begun a series of experiments to see how likely
the bird flu virus could result in a human pandemic.

The six-month series of experiments seeks to simulate the mixing and
matching of genes from the H5N1 avian flu virus that has plagued Asia
and a common human flu virus that public-health experts fear could
turn avian flu into a pandemic, the Wall Street Journal reported

CDC scientists inside an ultra-secure laboratory have started
swapping the genes of the H5N1 avian virus with the genes of an H3N2
virus, the strain behind most recent human flu outbreaks.

The goal is to substitute the eight genes of each virus, one by one,
with the eight genes from the other virus to see which of more than
250 possible combinations create flu viruses that could spread easily
among humans.

The work responds to fears by global public health experts that the
bird flu virus could mutate to form one that could spawn a global
outbreak of the disease.



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Message: 9
Date: Sun, 16 Apr 2006 10:29:57 -0500
From: Bugs <>
Subject: GET IT ! its about OIL


The oath is to stand against all domestic and foreign enimies and
what Rumsfeld has done to the American Troops is a crime in and onto

Uraium dust has been spread all over Iraq due to the Uranium used in
Penatrator Bombs and Bullets.

Villages and the City of Fulluja have been razed to the ground.

100,000 Iraqi civillians mostly women and children have been killed
as collateral damage.

All of this has occured because Rumsfeld and Bush elected to lie the
American Soldiers into an unnecessary war.

Why did Bush and Rumsfeld do this ?

They did it to steal the Iraqi oil sell it to china and put the cash
into Chinese banks.

And they are perpetuating the occupation by not having enough troops
so they can stay in Iraq an keep on stealing the oil forever.

The Maritine Ship movement logs will prove this.

It is an OPEN and Shut Case.

or in other words a "REAL SLAM DUNK"

Bush's Brother and Uncle have been in and out of China for years
lining up this traitorous deal.
----- Original Message -----
From: Naveed
Sent: Sunday, April 16, 2006 2:01 AM
Subject: Re: [911TruthAction] Greg Palast Still DOESNT GET IT !

didn't know paul bremer was a kissinger stooge.......

mann david <> wrote:
Read that piece in a hurry but didn't notice mention
of 9-11. Wow, pathetic trivial trip indeed.

--- JIM <> wrote:

> Desert Rats Leave The Sinking Ship
> Why Rumsfeld Should Not Resign
> The Guardian - Comment
> Friday, April 14, 2006
> By Greg Palast
> Well, here they come: the wannabe Rommels, the
> gaggle of generals,
> safely
> retired, to lay siege to Donald Rumsfeld. This week,
> six of them
> have called for
> the Secretary of Defense's resignation.
> Well, according to my watch, they're about four
> years too late --
> and they still
> don't get it.
> I know that most of my readers will be tickled pink
> that the
> bemedalled boys in
> crew cuts are finally ready to kick Rummy in the
> rump, in public.
> But to me, it
> just shows me that these boys still can't shoot
> straight.
> It wasn't Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld who stood up
> in front of the
> UN and
> identified two mobile latrines as biological weapons
> labs, was it,
> General
> Powell?
> It wasn't Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld who told us
> our next warning
> from Saddam
> could be a mushroom cloud, was it Condoleezza?
> It wasn't Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld who declared
> that Al Qaeda
> and Saddam were going steady, was it, Mr. Cheney?
> Yes, Rumsfeld is a swaggering bag of mendacious
> arrogance, a
> duplicitous
> chicken-hawk, yellow-bellied bully-boy and
> Tinker-Toy Napoleon --
> but he didn't
> appoint himself Secretary of Defense.
> Let me tell you a story about the Secretary of
> Defense you didn't
> read in the
> New York Times, related to me by General Jay Garner,
> the man our
> president
> placed in Baghdad as the US' first post-invasion
> viceroy.
> Garner arrived in Kuwait City in March 2003 working
> under the
> mistaken notion
> that when George Bush called for democracy in Iraq,
> the President
> meant the
> Iraqis could choose their own government.
> Misunderstanding the
> President's true
> mission, General Garner called for Iraqis to hold
> elections within
> 90 days and
> for the U.S. to quickly pull troops out of the
> cities to a desert
> base. "It's
> their country," the General told me of the Iraqis.
> "And," he added,
> most
> ominously, "their oil."
> Let's not forget: it's all about the oil. I showed
> Garner a 101-page
> plan for Iraq's economy drafted secretly by neo-cons
> at the State
> Department, Treasury
> and the Pentagon, calling for "privatization" (i.e.
> the sale)
> of "all state
> assets ... especially in the oil and oil-supporting
> industries."
> The General
> knew of the plans and he intended to shove it where
> the Iraqi sun
> don't shine.
> Garner planned what he called a "Big Tent" meeting
> of Iraqi tribal
> leaders to
> plan elections. By helping Iraqis establish their
> own multi-ethnic
> government --
> and this was back when Sunnis, Shias and Kurds were
> on talking
> terms -- knew he
> could get the nation on its feet peacefully before a
> welcomed "liberation"
> turned into a hated "occupation."
> But, Garner knew, a freely chosen coalition
> government would mean
> the
> death-knell for the neo-con oil-and-assets
> privatization grab.
> On April 21, 2003, three years ago this month, the
> very night
> General Garner
> arrived in Baghdad, he got a call from Washington.
> It was Rumsfeld
> on the line.
> He told Garner, in so many words, "Don't unpack,
> Jack, you're
> fired."
> Rummy replaced Garner, a man with years of
> on-the-ground experience
> in Iraq,
> with green-boots Paul Bremer, the Managing Director
> of Kissinger
> Associates.
> Bremer cancelled the Big Tent meeting of Iraqis and
> postponed
> elections for a
> year; then he issued 100 orders, like some tin-pot
> pasha, selling
> off Iraq's
> economy to U.S. and foreign operators, just as
> Rumsfeld's neo-con
> clique had
> desired.
> Reading this, it sounds like I should applaud the
> six generals' call
> for
> Rumfeld's ouster. Forget it.
> For a bunch of military hotshots, they sure can't
> shoot straight.
> They're
> wasting all their bullets on the decoy. They've
> gunned down the
> puppet instead
> of the puppeteers.
> There's no way that Rumsfeld could have yanked
> General Garner from
> Baghdad
> without the word from The Bunker. Nothing moves or
> breathes or spits
> in the Bush
> Administration without Darth Cheney's growl of
> approval. And
> ultimately, it's
> the Commander-in-Chief who's chiefly in command.
> Even the generals' complaint -- that Rumsfeld didn't
> give them
> enough troops -- was ultimately a decision of the
> cowboy from
> Crawford. (And by the way, the problem was not that
> we lacked
> troops -- the
> problem was that we lacked moral authority to occupy
> this nation. A
> million
> troops would not be enough -- the insurgents would
> just have more
> targets.)
> President Bush is one lucky fella. I can imagine him
> today on the
> intercom with
> Cheney: "Well, pardner, looks like the game's up."
> And Cheney
> replies, "Hey,
> just hang the Rumsfeld dummy out the window until
> he's taken all
> their ammo."
> When Bush and Cheney read about the call for
> Rumsfeld's resignation
> today, I can
> just hear George saying to Dick, "Mission
> Accomplished."
> Generals, let me give you a bit of advice about
> choosing a target:
> It's the
> President, stupid.
=== message truncated ===

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Message: 10
Date: Sun, 16 Apr 2006 15:45:26 -0000
From: "scol202" <>
Subject: Re: GET IT ! its about OIL

"They did it to steal the Iraqi oil "

Iraqi oil fields still belong to the Iraqi government. American oil
companies stopped the privatisation.

--- In, Bugs <brawny@...> wrote:
> The oath is to stand against all domestic and foreign enimies and
> what Rumsfeld has done to the American Troops is a crime in and
> itself.
> Uraium dust has been spread all over Iraq due to the Uranium used
> Penatrator Bombs and Bullets.
> Villages and the City of Fulluja have been razed to the ground.
> 100,000 Iraqi civillians mostly women and children have been killed
> as collateral damage.
> All of this has occured because Rumsfeld and Bush elected to lie
> American Soldiers into an unnecessary war.
> Why did Bush and Rumsfeld do this ?
> They did it to steal the Iraqi oil sell it to china and put the
> into Chinese banks.
> And they are perpetuating the occupation by not having enough
> so they can stay in Iraq an keep on stealing the oil forever.
> The Maritine Ship movement logs will prove this.
> It is an OPEN and Shut Case.
> or in other words a "REAL SLAM DUNK"


Message: 11
Date: Sun, 16 Apr 2006 09:37:49 -0700
From: "Dick Eastman" <>
Subject: Ovi Cohen company Narus whose Narus 6400 lets NSA spy/evaluate millions of messages on AT&T w/o wiretaps

All About NSA's and AT&T's Big Brother Machine, the Narus 6400

by bewert
Fri Apr 07, 2006 at 10:47:24 PM PDT

Earlier today we found out that the EFF had sued AT&T over their
secret work with the NSA on surveillance of millions of US citizens
without wiretaps. We learned that paragraph 65 of this complaint shows
EFF is trying to turn it into a nationwide Class Action suit covering
all current and former customers (any after 9/2001) of AT&T. And we
learned that a retired AT&T technician had stepped forward and
disclosed the installation of secret NSA spy equipment in the San
Francisco trunk facility. As well as the belief that similar equipment
is in place in Seattle, San Jose, Los Angeles and San Diego.

Specifically, this equipment was the Narus ST-6400, a machine that was
capable of monitoring over 622 Mbits/second in real time in May, 2000,
and capturing anything that hits its' semantic (i.e. the meaning of
the content) triggers. The latest generation is called NarusInsight,
capable of monitoring 10 billion bits of data per second.

Follow me over the jump and let's learn some more about the private
company Narus, it's founder Ovi Cohen, and board member Bill Crowell.
Shall we?
bewert's diary :: ::

Narus is a private company founded in 1997 by Ori Cohen, who had been
in charge of technology development for VDONet, an early media
streaming pioneer. It has venture funding from an all-star team of
investors including JP Morgan Partners, Mayfield, NeoCarta, Presidio
Venture Partners, Walden International, Intel, NTT Software and
Sumisho Electronics.

Of note is that while Hoover's company factsheet on Narus continues to
list Mr. Cohen as Chairman, while Narus's own website listing of the
Board of Directors no longer mentions Mr. Cohen.

Prior to 9/11 Narus worked on building carrier-grade tools to analyze
IP network traffic for billing purposes, to prevent what they term
"revenue leakage". Post-9/11 they have continued down that path while
adding more semantic monitoring abilities for surveillance purposes.
They even brought in former Deputy Director of the NSA William P.
Crowell as an addition to their Board of Directors. From the Press
Release announcing this:

Crowell is an independent security consultant and holds several board
positions with a variety of technology and technology-based security
companies. Since 9/11, Crowell has served on the Defense Advanced
Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Task Force on Terrorism and
Deterrence, the National Research Council Committee on Science and
Technology for Countering Terrorism and the Markle Foundation Task
Force on National Security in the Information Age.

His past positions have included president and chief executive officer
of Cylink, a leading provider of e-business security solutions, as
well as a series of senior positions at the National Security Agency,
including deputy director of operations and deputy director of the
Agency. Crowell has served as chairman of the President's Export
Council (PEC) Subcommittee on Encryption, which worked with the
Administration, Congress and private industry to substantially loosen
restrictions on the export of encryption products and technology.

"Narus has an impressive track record of working with tier-one
carriers to keep their networks running safely, continuously and
profitably," said William Crowell. "I look forward to helping Narus as
they forge new strategic partnerships and continue to break new ground
in the telecommunications industry."

So these guys (1) build hugely cool network monitoring devices and (2)
are tied into US (at least) national security organizations at the
highest levels. What are these hugely cool machines capable of?

From the Key Features list of NarusInsight
-Universal data collection from links, routers, soft switches,
IDS/IPS, databases, etc. provides total network view across the
world's largest IP networks.

-Normalization, Correlation, Aggregation and Analysis provide a
comprehensive and detailed model of user, element, protocol,
application and network behaviors, in real time.

-Seven 9s reliability from data collection to data processing and

-Industry-leading packet processing performance that supports network
speeds of up to OC-192 at layer 4 and OC-48 at layer 7, enabling
carriers to monitor traffic at either the edge of the network or at
the core.

-Unsurpassed and limitless scalability to support the world's largest,
most complex IP networks.

-Unparalleled flexibility -- NarusInsight's functionality can easily
be configured to meet any specific customer requirement (Narus
Software Developer Kit -SDK).

-Unparalleled extensibility -- NarusInsight's functionality can easily
be configured to feed a particular activity or IP service such as
security, lawful intercept or even Skype detection and blocking.

How powerful is this? OC-192 carries about 10 gigabits of data per
second. Ten billion bits per second, monitored in real-time. That is
stunning. This is one damned powerful machine, one of the most
powerful I've ever heard of in 25 years in IT.

And what does it monitor while looking at this 10 billion bits of IP
data per second? First lets take a look at what the network model is,
the OSI model of seven layers. NarusInsight focuses on two layers:
number four, the transport layer, built on standards like TCP and UDP,
the physical building blocks of internet data traffic, and number
seven, the application layer, built on standards like HTTP and FTP,
which are dependent on the application using them, i.e. Internet
Explorer, Kazaa, Skype, etc. It monitors 10 billion bits per second at
level four and 2500 million bits per second at level seven. For
reference, the 256K DSL line I am using equals .25 million bits per
second. So one NarusInsight machine can look at about 39,000 DSL lines
at once in great detail. That is a pretty damn big number. This is
some really serious hardware with equally serious software. Which is
our next subject.

So what exactly is done to and with this data? That's kind of a grey
area, so let's try to find what we can. The starting point is called
the Internet Protocol Detail Record, which Narus helped found. From
that FAQ I just linked to, we learn that

IPDR stands for the Internet Protocol Detail Record, the name comes
from the traditional telecom term CDR (Call Detail Record), used to
record information about usage activity within the telecom
infrastructure (such as a call completion).

NDM-U stands for Network Data Management - Usage. It refers to a
functional operation within the Telecom Management Forum's Telecom
Operations Map. The NDM function collects data from devices and
services in a service providers network. Usage refers to the type of
data which is the focus of this document. is the non-profit organization that promotes use of the IPDR
NDM-U and other related standards. The principle deliverable for is the NDM-U specification and related development tools.
And is it actually being used? has been in existence since 1999 and more than a dozen
vendors have actual IPDR implementations "etched in code". Their
systems are actually able to talk to each other and interoperate.
Version 2.5 and up of the NDM-U represents a stable basis for
development.'s Interoperability Pavilion is a working
demonstration of multiple companies exchanging service usage data in
that format.

Service usage data. That would be data on the actual usage of the
Internet. And what kind of data would this be? Way back in 1999, this
article stated

In an effort to provide more complex network traffic analysis, Narus
is introducing its semantic network traffic service. The company cites
research which predicts the fast-growing ISP sector will become
stagnant without the ability to offer differentiated services. In
order to gain significant revenues from these services, a technology
was necessary to allow usage based pricing.

"We realized that, at the heart of the data that is needed to
accurately measure usage and enable 'pay-as-you-go' business models
for Internet service providers, is what we call the 'semantics' of
network traffic," said Ori Cohen, Narus' founder and chief executive

"In short, by seeing the 'semantics' of network traffic, service
providers can see 'inside' the data, providing much more detailed
insight about the use of the Internet and the perceived value of
specific applications than existing technologies allow."

Semantic Traffic Analysis uses network technology to consistently
capture and analyze all IP data streams on heavily trafficked networks
remotely and non-invasively. In addition, the semantics of the data
stream are determined also, as well as the protocol used and the
application taking place. A variety of other data is available as

Remember that semantics is not just the data, but rather the meaning
of the data. It looks at the the data in a more comprehensive way than
looking for keywords. Each NarusInsight machine does this at 2500
million bits per second, in real-time.

You really wonder why BushCo doesn't want to talk about this stuff?
It's the biggest invasion of privacy in history by several orders of

How can we know? From Narus' Lawful Intercept and Regulatory
Compliance page:

Explosive Internet growth in recent years has transformed worldwide
communications, yielding tremendous efficiencies and benefits, as well
as many risks.

For example, terrorist attacks around the globe have been carefully
orchestrated through Internet-based forms of communications such as
e-mail, messaging, hidden Web pages and now VoIP, forcing governmental
organizations and law enforcement agencies to re-evaluate how they are
providing public security as it becomes so much easier and faster to
communicate electronically.

Recent mandates and the resulting standards referenced under CALEA in
the United States and ETSI in Western Europe aim to preserve the right
of law enforcement agencies to conduct authorized electronic
surveillance in an effort to protect the public and its right to
privacy. However, these mandates create IT headaches for carriers as
they struggle to meet the requirements.

With a suite of products targeted at meeting lawful intercept
requirements, Narus simplifies lawful intercept tasks helping carriers
and agencies meet requirements without experiencing any degradation in
service quality.

Key benefits
-Packet-mode data intercepts for Service Providers and Carriers.
-Wireline to wireless and WiFi or dialup to broadband.
-"Instant Compliance" with CALEA and ETSI for simple, fast and
hands-free compliance.
-Carrier-grade speeds, performance and scalability.
-Supports all of your services, out-of-the-box.
-Securely manages resources while simplifying audits and reporting.
-Network and vendor agnostic.
-Enables additional application for revenue generation or revenue

This data flows right into NarusInsight Intercept Suite, which enables
Packet-level, flow-level, and application-level usage information is
captured and analyzed as well as raw user session packets for forensic
analysis, surveillance or in satisfying regulatory compliance for
lawful intercept.

The Lawful Intercept module offers carriers and service providers
compliance with regulatory requirements regarding lawful intercept.
The Lawful Intercept module provides an end-to-end solution consisting
of Administration, Access and Delivery functions. The Lawful Intercept
module is compliant with CALEA and ETSI standards. It can be
seamlessly integrated with third party products for testing/validation
or as a complete law enforcement solution.

The Directed Analysis module seamlessly integrates with NarusInsight
Secure Suite or other DDoS, intrusion or anomaly detection systems,
securely providing analysts with real-time, surgical targeting of
suspect information (from flow to application to full packets). The
Directed Analyis module provides industry standard formats and offers
tools for archival and integration with third party investigative

These capabilities include playback of streaming media (i.e. VoIP),
rendering of web pages, examination of e-mail and the ability to
analyze the payload/attachments of e-mail or file transfer protocols.
Narus partner products offer the ability to quickly analyze
information collected by the Directed Analysis or Lawful Intercept
modules. When Narus partners' powerful analytic tools are combined
with the surgical targeting and real-time collection capabilities of
Directed Analysis and Lawful Intercept modules, analysts or law
enforcement agents are provided capabilities that have been
unavailable thus far.

Imagine how great a tool "instant compliance" with the Communications
Assistance for Law Enforcement Act could be with this kind of reach
and detail. Especially if a secret Presidential Directive allows it to
be used without the warrants required under the Act.

That's what it appears we are up against, folks. Real-time semantic
data monitoring on a huge scale. A scale beyond what most of us can
even comprehend. It's scary.

Tags: EFF, NSA, spying, Bush, AT&T, warrantless wiretaps (all tags)

[This message contained attachments]


Message: 12
Date: Sun, 16 Apr 2006 16:50:03 -0000
From: "kenny318east3" <>
Subject: Re: GET IT ! its about OIL

--- In, "scol202" <yahooboxx@...> wrote:
> "They did it to steal the Iraqi oil "
> Iraqi oil fields still belong to the Iraqi government. American oil
> companies stopped the privatisation.

Israel is looking to build a pipeline from Mosul to Haifa.


Message: 13
Date: Sun, 16 Apr 2006 09:57:32 -0700 (PDT)
From: Cathy Garger <>
Subject: Do Justice (truth and justice for the spiritual)

Do Justice 'Our responsibility to history is already clear: to answer these attacks and rid the world of Evil. War has been waged against us by stealth and deceit and murder. . . .'

So, who are the evil-doers, really?

If the crazies and the psy ops aren't after you, then you're barking up the wrong tree.

~ S.P. ~

Blab-away for as little as 1¢/min. Make PC-to-Phone Calls using Yahoo! Messenger with Voice.

[This message contained attachments]


Message: 14
Date: Sun, 16 Apr 2006 17:04:46 -0000
From: "reggie501" <>
Subject: Blair refuses to back Iran strike! tvnl news



· Beheaded "US spy" found on Pakistan border
**Blair refuses to back Iran strike - Amid increasing tension
over Tehran's attempts to develop a military nuclear capacity,
the Prime Minister has laid bare the limits of his support for
President Bush, who is believed to be considering an assault
on Iran, Foreign Office sources revealed.
· The joke's on Bush as Chavez strikes it even luckier -
Estimated oil reserves have just overtaken those of Saudi
· Iran issues stark military warning to United States
· US spy threatens to squeal - A former US defence department
official jailed for spying for Israel, is threatening to shop
secrets about his handler should he become a government
minister, a newspaper reported Friday.


· Soldiers families go on attack - Relatives of soldiers serving
in Iraq are to march on No 10 for the first time, in protest
gainst the war
· Iraq car bomb kills at least 10 in the Iraqi town of Mahmudiya
south of Baghdad, according to police reports.
· Ethnic Cleansing Grows In Iraq
· US firms suspected of bilking Iraq funds - American contractors
swindled hundreds of millions of dollars in Iraqi funds, but so
far there is no way for Iraq's government to recoup the money,
according to US investigators and civil attorneys tracking fraud
claims against contractors.

9/11 News :

· A Defiant Sheen Challenges Official 9/11 Fable on National TV -
Actor Charlie Sheen made history when he first questioned the
official story of 9/11, calling it the "biggest conspiracy theory
of them all." Sheen's comments sent shockwaves across the
alternative media and have been one of the biggest stories on
the internet for weeks.


· GOP senator expects seven lawmakers headed to prison after
corruption probes


· As Policy Decisions Loom, a Code of Silence Is Broken
· Behind the Military Revolt - These generals are not newly minted
doves or covert Democrats




· Nepal: Police attack media protest - Baton-wielding police beat
journalists who were protesting against a media clampdown
· Village Voice Shakeup: - Top Investigative Journalist Fired,
Prize-Winning Writers Resign Following Merger with New Times


· Breast implants again linked to suicide risk


· Army report on al-Qaida accuses Rumsfeld - Donald Rumsfeld was
directly linked to prisoner abuse for the first time


· Your future according to Rockefeller - Rockefeller by no
means neglected their program of converting our government
into a totalitarian device for looting
Email the Oprah Winfrey today for a program to reopen 9/11!!


Message: 15
Date: Sun, 16 Apr 2006 09:52:27 -0700
From: John Leonard <>
Subject: free German press release site

I've found a press release service on the web with a smashingly high
alexa rating for a German website, 11,977.
Includes link to RSS feeds. - press release portal mainly for smaller business and
organizations, that can use the service free of charge. - Pressemitteilungen kostenlos einstellen

Portal fuer Pressemitteilungen von zumeist kleineren Unternehmen und
Institutionen, die den Service kostenfrei nutzen koennen.

if anyone has a really important 911 action release going out and
it's not too long, i will try to find time to translate and post it for you


Message: 16
Date: Sun, 16 Apr 2006 17:15:48 -0000
From: "scol202" <>
Subject: Re: GET IT ! its about OIL

Fair enough but it wasn't the main reason for the war. Putting the
Iraqi military undr Zionist control was.

--- In, "kenny318east3"
<kenny318east3@...> wrote:
> --- In, "scol202" <yahooboxx@> wrote:
> >
> > "They did it to steal the Iraqi oil "
> >
> >
> > Iraqi oil fields still belong to the Iraqi government. American
> > companies stopped the privatisation.
> Israel is looking to build a pipeline from Mosul to Haifa.


Message: 17
Date: Sun, 16 Apr 2006 17:28:24 -0000
From: "flanker12k" <>
Subject: Re: How much do you know?

you mean to tell me that the devil incarnate kissinger called rumsfuck
the most vicious man he knew???

--- In, "november.gale"
<november.gale@...> wrote:
> Take this true/false quiz to see how much you know about the history
> of the people who ran or who are running the United States of America:
> 1. George HW Bush (41st President) can be quoted as saying "If the
> people knew what we had done, they would chase us down the street and
> lynch us," in regards to his service with the CIA.
> 2. George HW Bush was was known to have a secret meeting with
> Panamanian dictator Manuel Noriega at the Panama City Airport. There
> they discussed Noriega's money laundering and drug dealing. Years
> later, as President Bush, he publicly denied ever having known about
> these allegations against the Noreiga. Six years later, Bush sent
> 22,500 troops to Panama. It took them a couple of weeks to capture
> Noriega and ship him off to Florida, where he was ultimately convicted
> in federal court of drug trafficking, money laundering, and
> racketeering.
> 3. President George HW Bush vomited in the lap of Japanese Prime
> Minister Miyazawa Kiichi, and then fainted during a state function in
> Tokyo in 1992. The incident spawns the Japanese slang verb "bushusuru"
> (literally, "Bushing it") to refer to puking.
> 4. First Lady Laura Bush ran a stop sign when she was 17 years old
> and killed the driver of the car she hit. The driver of the other car
> also happened to be her boyfriend.
> 5. George W. Bush (43rd President) was arrested for Driving While
> 6. Dick Cheney (current Vice President) was arrested at least twice
> for Driving While Intoxicated.
> 7. George W. Bush has been diagnosed as dyslexic.
> 8. Dick Cheney was a Yale University drop-out.
> 9. Donald Rumsfeld has held the post of Secretary of Defense twice.
> The first time under President Gerald Ford in 1975.
> 10. Donald Rumsfeld was chief executive of pharmaceutical giant G D
> Searle & Company from 1976-1985. He sold off several Searle
> subsidiaries, reduced the payroll by more than half, and made
> Fortune's list of the ten toughest bosses in America. Critics charge
> that he used his Washington connections to force approval of Searle's
> aspartame (NutraSweet), which, by the time Rumsfeld left, accounted
> for more than half of Searle's profits. Members of the FDA who were
> against the approval of aspartame were fired and replaced by former
> Searle employees.
> 11. During press conferences, Rumsfeld enjoys mocking reporters whose
> questions he deems silly.
> 12. New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd once quoted Henry Kissinger
> as calling Rumsfeld the most ruthless man he knew, all global despots
> included.
> 13. The Bush family fortune came from the Nazi Third Reich through
> Prescott Bush's connections with Adolph Hitler. Prescott Bush is
> George W. Bush's grandfather. He made their fortune on Wall Street
> managing banks and shipping companies the U.S. government seized in
> 1942 as fronts for the Nazis.
> 14. While she was National Security Advisor, Condoleeza Rice
> dismissed warnings that Osama bin Laden might be planning a terrorist
> attack.
> 15. At a dinner party while Condoleeza Rice was National Security
> Advisor, she referred to President George W. Bush as "my husband"
> before abruptly correcting herself.
> Scroll down for the answers
> .
> .
> .
> .
> .
> .
> .
> .
> .
> .
> .
> .
> .
> .
> .


Message: 18
Date: Sun, 16 Apr 2006 10:54:12 -0700 (PDT)
From: Kevin Hammond <>
Subject: Re: Greg Palast Still DOESNT GET IT !

Palast is just another limited hangouter in MY personal view. Though in the past i really did and still do appreciate his past work.

Naveed <> wrote: didn't know paul bremer was a kissinger stooge.......

mann david <> wrote: Read that piece in a hurry but didn't notice mention
of 9-11. Wow, pathetic trivial trip indeed.

--- JIM <> wrote:

> Desert Rats Leave The Sinking Ship
> Why Rumsfeld Should Not Resign
> The Guardian - Comment
> Friday, April 14, 2006
> By Greg Palast
> Well, here they come: the wannabe Rommels, the
> gaggle of generals,
> safely
> retired, to lay siege to Donald Rumsfeld. This week,
> six of them
> have called for
> the Secretary of Defense's resignation.
> Well, according to my watch, they're about four
> years too late --
> and they still
> don't get it.
> I know that most of my readers will be tickled pink
> that the
> bemedalled boys in
> crew cuts are finally ready to kick Rummy in the
> rump, in public.
> But to me, it
> just shows me that these boys still can't shoot
> straight.
> It wasn't Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld who stood up
> in front of the
> UN and
> identified two mobile latrines as biological weapons
> labs, was it,
> General
> Powell?
> It wasn't Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld who told us
> our next warning
> from Saddam
> could be a mushroom cloud, was it Condoleezza?
> It wasn't Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld who declared
> that Al Qaeda
> and Saddam were going steady, was it, Mr. Cheney?
> Yes, Rumsfeld is a swaggering bag of mendacious
> arrogance, a
> duplicitous
> chicken-hawk, yellow-bellied bully-boy and
> Tinker-Toy Napoleon --
> but he didn't
> appoint himself Secretary of Defense.
> Let me tell you a story about the Secretary of
> Defense you didn't
> read in the
> New York Times, related to me by General Jay Garner,
> the man our
> president
> placed in Baghdad as the US' first post-invasion
> viceroy.
> Garner arrived in Kuwait City in March 2003 working
> under the
> mistaken notion
> that when George Bush called for democracy in Iraq,
> the President
> meant the
> Iraqis could choose their own government.
> Misunderstanding the
> President's true
> mission, General Garner called for Iraqis to hold
> elections within
> 90 days and
> for the U.S. to quickly pull troops out of the
> cities to a desert
> base. "It's
> their country," the General told me of the Iraqis.
> "And," he added,
> most
> ominously, "their oil."
> Let's not forget: it's all about the oil. I showed
> Garner a 101-page
> plan for Iraq's economy drafted secretly by neo-cons
> at the State
> Department, Treasury
> and the Pentagon, calling for "privatization" (i.e.
> the sale)
> of "all state
> assets ... especially in the oil and oil-supporting
> industries."
> The General
> knew of the plans and he intended to shove it where
> the Iraqi sun
> don't shine.
> Garner planned what he called a "Big Tent" meeting
> of Iraqi tribal
> leaders to
> plan elections. By helping Iraqis establish their
> own multi-ethnic
> government --
> and this was back when Sunnis, Shias and Kurds were
> on talking
> terms -- knew he
> could get the nation on its feet peacefully before a
> welcomed "liberation"
> turned into a hated "occupation."
> But, Garner knew, a freely chosen coalition
> government would mean
> the
> death-knell for the neo-con oil-and-assets
> privatization grab.
> On April 21, 2003, three years ago this month, the
> very night
> General Garner
> arrived in Baghdad, he got a call from Washington.
> It was Rumsfeld
> on the line.
> He told Garner, in so many words, "Don't unpack,
> Jack, you're
> fired."
> Rummy replaced Garner, a man with years of
> on-the-ground experience
> in Iraq,
> with green-boots Paul Bremer, the Managing Director
> of Kissinger
> Associates.
> Bremer cancelled the Big Tent meeting of Iraqis and
> postponed
> elections for a
> year; then he issued 100 orders, like some tin-pot
> pasha, selling
> off Iraq's
> economy to U.S. and foreign operators, just as
> Rumsfeld's neo-con
> clique had
> desired.
> Reading this, it sounds like I should applaud the
> six generals' call
> for
> Rumfeld's ouster. Forget it.
> For a bunch of military hotshots, they sure can't
> shoot straight.
> They're
> wasting all their bullets on the decoy. They've
> gunned down the
> puppet instead
> of the puppeteers.
> There's no way that Rumsfeld could have yanked
> General Garner from
> Baghdad
> without the word from The Bunker. Nothing moves or
> breathes or spits
> in the Bush
> Administration without Darth Cheney's growl of
> approval. And
> ultimately, it's
> the Commander-in-Chief who's chiefly in command.
> Even the generals' complaint -- that Rumsfeld didn't
> give them
> enough troops -- was ultimately a decision of the
> cowboy from
> Crawford. (And by the way, the problem was not that
> we lacked
> troops -- the
> problem was that we lacked moral authority to occupy
> this nation. A
> million
> troops would not be enough -- the insurgents would
> just have more
> targets.)
> President Bush is one lucky fella. I can imagine him
> today on the
> intercom with
> Cheney: "Well, pardner, looks like the game's up."
> And Cheney
> replies, "Hey,
> just hang the Rumsfeld dummy out the window until
> he's taken all
> their ammo."
> When Bush and Cheney read about the call for
> Rumsfeld's resignation
> today, I can
> just hear George saying to Dick, "Mission
> Accomplished."
> Generals, let me give you a bit of advice about
> choosing a target:
> It's the
> President, stupid.
=== message truncated ===

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Message: 19
Date: Sun, 16 Apr 2006 10:45:21 -0700
From: APFN <>
Subject: RE: C-SPAN2 Book TV re: Impeachment


4/15/06 C-SPAN2 Book TV re: Impeachment
--C-SPAN2, Sat Apr 15 17:12

* Beyond Censure: The Case for Impeachment!
--CCR-NY.ORG, Sun Apr 16 14:27


Beyond Censure: The Case for Impeachment!
Sun Apr 16, 2006 14:27;article=100529;title=APFN

Beyond Censure: The Case for Impeachment!


Congress must go beyond censure and consider impeachment.

Recent calls for a censure resolution show that some senators
finally realize that President Bush is out of control. But a
censure resolution will not: Remove a single wiretap from
American phones; End the Iraq War; Halt U.S. Torture; or stop
President Bush's reckless abuse of power.

The Center for Constitutional Rights new book, Articles of
Impeachment Against George W. Bush, makes the case for
impeaching President Bush for illegally spying on U.S. citizens,
lying to the American people about the Iraq war, seizing undue
executive power, and sending people to be tortured overseas. We
need your help to grow this movement.

Join CCR and a growing number of U.S. Representatives in calling
for a select committee to investigate the possibility of
impeachment by

Signing the form below to send a letter to YOUR representative

Send a book to your representative for a discounted price of $5
by clicking here.

Buy the book for under $10 by clicking here

Make a donation to CCR by clicking here.
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General Information:

Center for Constitutional Rights
666 Broadway, 7th Floor
New York, NY 10012
Phone: (212) 614-6464
Fax: (212) 614-6499


3/07/06 C-SPAN: Harper's Magazine re: Impeachment

(6.82MB) 29Min 46 Sec

(8.29MB) 36Min 13Sec

(6.48MB) 28Min 19 Sec

(7.06MB) 30Min 50 Sec

(5.86MB) 25Min 35 Sec

3/22/06 Harper's Magazine, Editor Lewis Lapham
The Case for Impeachment: Why we can no longer afford George W. Bush


[This message contained attachments]


Message: 20
Date: Sun, 16 Apr 2006 21:35:54 -0000
From: "Donald Stahl" <>
Subject: Re: free German press release site


The June International Conference in Chicago might qualify.

--- In, John Leonard <jpleonard@...>
> I've found a press release service on the web with a smashingly
> alexa rating for a German website, 11,977.
> Includes link to RSS feeds.
> - press release portal mainly for smaller business and
> organizations, that can use the service free of charge.
> - Pressemitteilungen kostenlos einstellen
> Portal fuer Pressemitteilungen von zumeist kleineren Unternehmen
> Institutionen, die den Service kostenfrei nutzen koennen.
> if anyone has a really important 911 action release going out and
> it's not too long, i will try to find time to translate and post
it for you


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