Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Bloglines - NIST Notes the Oddity of the "Port Wing" Fuel

Bloglines user bgiltner (bgiltner@ureach.com) has sent this item to you.

Humint Events Online
The 9/11 hijacking attacks were very likely facilitated by a rogue group within the US government that created an Islamic terrorist "Pearl Harbor" event as a catalyst for the military invasion of Middle Eastern countries. This weblog will explore the incredibly strange events of 9/11/01, and other issues of US government responsibility.

NIST Notes the Oddity of the "Port Wing" Fuel

By Spooked

In one section of this large post, I noted an apparent lack of fuel spraying out from the putative second plane's port wing as the wing disintegrated.

Turns out, NIST noted the same oddity:
Given the likelihood that a large amount of aviation fuel from the aircraft's port fuel tank was spread across the 79th floor during the impact, perhaps the most noteworthy observation on the east face was the absence of large fires on the 79th (with the exception of the debris pile on the north face) and the 80th floors for the initial 25 minutes of the fires.
(page 85)

Link here (warning, LARGE PDF file).

Look at the fire maps on pages 76, 78, 81, 83 and the integrated map on page 85. There is far less fire on floor 79, where the port wing officially went in, then on the 81-83 floors, where the starboard wing officially went in. And this large number of fires on the east side of floors 81-83 were all AFTER a great deal of fuel was used in the huge fireball that came out of that side of the building!

I'm not saying this proves "no plane", but it is odd. ALL the fuel seems to have gone on the east side of the building, though the plane hit only slightly off-center.

Even more odd, is that I cannot find a reference to fuel going down south tower elevator shafts-- though this was well-documented for the north tower. If anyone knows a reference to fuel going down a south tower elevator, please let me know.

The bottom line is: where did all the fuel from the port wing tank go? It certainly could not have gone into the fireball, since the fireball erupted from the north-east corner of the building, from floors 81-83. This is a significant distance from where the port wing officially went in: mostly on the center of the 79th floor, on the south side.

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