Monday, April 24, 2006

Bloglines - Wings and the South Tower Entry Hole

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Humint Events Online
The 9/11 hijacking attacks were very likely facilitated by a rogue group within the US government that created an Islamic terrorist "Pearl Harbor" event as a catalyst for the military invasion of Middle Eastern countries. This weblog will explore the incredibly strange events of 9/11/01, and other issues of US government responsibility.

Wings and the South Tower Entry Hole

By Spooked

Somewhat ironic: the WTC1 hit had only one crappy video of the attack but has lots of good high-res pictures of the hole, whereas the WTC2 hit has lots of "good" videos of the attack and only a couple of pictures of the hole.

This makes some sense, though. If we assume, as I do, that the South tower hit was fake, it stands to reason that the planners and cover-up operatives wouldn't want people looking too closely at the south tower entry hole.

As it is, even FEMA couldn't do a very good job of lining up a 767 with the hole:

(double click to enlarge)(labels on photo are mine; yellow numbers are floors, "engine" refers to putative engine entry holes)

As you can see, it is not at all clear how the starboard engine entered, and even the port engine is partially blocked. You might try to move the plane over to the left to fit the engines better, yet this presents severe problems with getting the fuselage in. The port wing root is also blocked, and there is a HUGE mass of debris blocking where the starboard wing root and fuselage entered-- one would think this debris would be shoved out of the way as the plane rammed into the building at 500-600 mph.

So even what we can see present problems.

But let's concentrate on the wings.

In the north tower hit, according to the video, the plane went in and seemed to explode upon impact, and even the wings seemingly exploded*-- quite a bit different than what happened with the south tower.

Thus according to multiple videos, the south tower plane glided into the tower without slowing or exploding upon impact. If the videos are to be believed (and as the "official record" they at least need to be explained), the plane's wings smoothly entered the wall without breaking off, without exploding and without even any distortion.

It is hard to see what exactly the wings did to the columns because of the lack of resolution in the pictures. However, according to the videos, the wings did not explode, despite having full fuel tanks in them that should have broken open if the wings were damaged upon impacting the array of 13/16th inch steel columns AND several floor slabs (each made of concrete slabs, steel trusses and thick steel spandrels.

This only leaves two possibilities:
1) the wings cut through the array of 13/16th inch steel columns without being damaged
2) the videos are faked

Now, who out there believes that aluminum wings cut through a couple dozen 13/16th inch steel columns without breaking?


(and how much does anyone want to bet Pinch will run away from this question?)

*Curiously, one might expect the south tower columns, made of thicker steel (as they were further down on the building and had to support more weight), to cause the second plane's wings to explode. However, seemingly the north tower's thinner steel columns caused the plane's wings to explode.

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