Saturday, March 25, 2006

[political-research] Bloglines - The Swarm

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Gorilla in the Room
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The Swarm

By Brian

This is not really about Zionsim, but more an example of:

a) The Jewish community's ability to swarm at a percieved threat.

b) How quickly the Jewish community will attempt to label a perceived threat as anti-Semitic.

c) How the Jewish community makes such accusations incorrectly

d) How they would rather conceal, downplay or hide negatives truths than acknowledge them.

San Diego City Beat
Edwin Decker

My last column saying Hasidic rasta-singer Matisyahu was being disrespectful of women for not shaking their hands (a practice called shomer negiah) has garnered more fireworks than any other column I’ve written. As soon as the paper hit the streets—BANG!—I immediately began receiving e-mails from all across the country calling me “anti-Semitic,” “racist,” “skinhead,” “Nazi,” “white-hood wearer,” “member of a white-power group” and even “a self-hating Jew.”

There are also numerous angry postings on various Jewish websites. One responder with so-called connections threatened to bully Google to take CityBeat off its search engine. [Amazing!] I just finished an interview about the scandal with Donald Harrison from the San Diego Jewish Times. And, unbelievably, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has contacted us. Apparently, they’ve received a “score” of complaints about my column.

OK, I can see getting all irritated about some of the trash I write. I can even understand calling me an anti-Semite, or a Nazi. But going to the ADL to tell on me is so weak.


Sure, it is bad when Islam riots over cartoons. But a respone like this is in some ways worse than a riot.

SD City Beat

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