Tuesday, April 11, 2006

[political-researchp] Bloglines - Krauthammer Explains Wilson’s Key Omission in NYT Editorial (VIDEO)

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Expose the Left
Monitoring and exposing liberal bias in the media and partisan politics on the left.

Krauthammer Explains Wilson’s Key Omission in NYT Editorial (VIDEO)

By Ian on Liberal Hate

On FOX News Sunday this morning, panelist Charles Krauthammer explained what Joe Wilson omitted in his 2003 New York Times editorial (rough transcript):

KRAUTHAMMER: This whole story is absurd. Of course it’s not a leak. A leak is an unauthorized disclosure. In our system, the authority to disclose rests with the executive. That means the president. Who do people imagine decides what can be disclosed and what can’t? You know, the Supreme Court justice with the most time on his hands? It has to be an executive function. And in this case, the president had excellent reason to release this information because there had been an accusation by Joe Wilson the administration had distorted information about iraq and Niger and uranium, an article had appeared, and that article had some distortions in it which we later discovered a year later in the senate intelligence report. So Scooter Libby knows about these distortions. At the time it could not be disclosed, so he needed to release them and he did, and the important disclosure was that wilson had neglected to mention in his article that even though he gave the impression that it was a slam dunk no connection between Iraq and Niger, in fact, Wilson himself had reported that Iraq had sent a delegation in Niger which discussed commercial relations which is obviously about uranium. That was left out. That had to be disclosed and it was perfectly legitimate for a president to authorize that.

You can’t just go around and attempt to discredit the Administration without expecting them to rebut what you have to say. The fact that people disagree with this is laughable. However, I am not surprised, liberals hate it when anyone responds and disproves their “argument”, why do you think they are angry all the time?




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