Wednesday, April 19, 2006

[political-researchp] Bloglines - A 767 Crashing Into the 80th Floor of WTC2...

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Humint Events Online
The 9/11 hijacking attacks were very likely facilitated by a rogue group within the US government that created an Islamic terrorist "Pearl Harbor" event as a catalyst for the military invasion of Middle Eastern countries. This weblog will explore the incredibly strange events of 9/11/01, and other issues of US government responsibility.

A 767 Crashing Into the 80th Floor of WTC2...

By Spooked

is analogous to a 767 crashing into the base of a 30 story tower (with 208 foot by 208 foot walls)-- since there were 30 stories on top of where WTC2 was hit.

Think how strong the support beams of a 30 story steel-framed building would be. They have to be strong to support thirty stories of steel, concrete and office contents; tens of thousands of tons of weight.

Do you really think an airplane would glide into the base of a 30 story tower without slowing or exploding on impact?


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