Wednesday, April 05, 2006

PDF: 9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in USA –2nd Edition Updates, Jan. 2006


9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in USA –
2nd Edition Updates, Jan. 2006
Table of Contents
“LIHOP and MIHOP” Analyses of 9/11
The London Explosions, The Rogue Network, Bush, and Iran
The Phony War on Terror: Time to Quarantine the Real Aggressors
(The actual book also includes new illustrations and an expanded index.)
“Why the thermonuclear mushroom cloud on the cover?” That question has come from a
number of readers of this book, who probably expected to find the more usual photographs of the
World Trade Center tragedy, or the explosions at the Pentagon which are seen on the covers of
other 9/11 books. The mushroom cloud is there to signal that this book is concerned not only
with what did happen on 9/11, but with also with larger tragedies which came close to
happening, but which ultimately did not occur. Among these was the threat of thermonuclear
escalation among the great powers. Important material which has come to light during 2005,
after the first edition of this book was published, provides decisive support for this avenue of
inquiry, and to this new material we will turn presently.
But first, a note on methodology. This book argues the rogue network MIHOP (“made it
happen on purpose”) position. That is to say, it represents the analytical point of view which sees
the events of September 11, 2001 as a deliberate provocation manufactured by an outlaw
network of high officials infesting the military and security apparatus of the United States and
Great Britain, a network ultimately dominated by Wall Street and City of London financiers. It is
our contention that any other approach not only misrepresents what actually happened in the
terror attacks, but also must tend to leave the public naïve and helpless when it comes to
identifying the present and future threat of state-sponsored, false flag synthetic terrorism, and
therefore preventing repeat performances of 9/11, including on a far larger scale.
What are the alternatives to MIHOP? There is of course the official version as codified in the
Kean-Hamilton commission report of July 2004, notoriously a tissue of lies. A demagogic
variation on this is the “official version and it serves you right” or “blowback” position, which
accepts all the crucial elements of the official version – Bin Laden, Atta and the rest of the 19
hijackers, al Qaeda, the US intelligence failure, and so forth. But here the official version is
2 9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in USA
endorsed with its moral signs inverted: the catastrophe of 9/11 is seen as just retribution by the
victims of imperialism for the chronic crimes of the system. This is the thesis which, in
understated form, underlies the approach of Noam Chomsky and Gore Vidal, as the first edition
made clear. “Blowback” is dear to the hearts of a whole series of left gatekeepers, to the extent
that they are willing to say anything at all about 9/11. This view has been embraced in the most
grotesque form by the veteran agent provocateur Ward Churchill of the University of Colorado.
Churchill learned demolitions during his career in the Long Range Reconnaissance Patrols in
Vietnam, and upon his return from the war became associated with the terrorist Weatherman
faction, the group of police agents who systematically destroyed Students for a Democratic
Society, the largest leftist membership organization in the US in the twentieth century.
“Churchill briefly taught the Weathermen and Weatherwomen how to make bombs and how to
fire weapons,” we read in the Denver Post of January 18, 1987
( Some of these Weathermen perished when they
blew up a townhouse in Manhattan; they had not been well taught.
During the first few months of 2005, the Fox News O’Reilly Factor attempted to promote
Churchill to the status of chief spokesman for the 9/11 truth movement by paying obsessive
attention to his demagogic claims that the office workers who perished on 9/11 were war
criminals in the service of imperialism. With this, the 9/11 truth movement was demonized in the
eyes of millions. More important for our purposes here, Churchill also ranted that anyone who
rejected the attribution of the crimes of 9/11 to Atta, Bin Laden, and al Qaeda was a racist who
was really arguing that Arabs were genetically inferior and thus incapable of carrying out this
complex and spectacular attack. Churchill is thus the leading contender for the Arlen Spector
Award for the most imaginative defense of the official version so far recorded. Academics, in
particular, seemed unable to see him for what he was. His posturing, which was given lavish
attention by the corporate media, did more than anything else to discredit and disorient the 9/11
truth movement, precisely at a time when an advertising campaign by the political philanthropist
Jimmy Walter was actually beginning to educate the public about how it had been hoodwinked.
Other commentators tentatively accept the 9/11 commission report, but hasten to add that
they have unanswered questions. “Official version with unanswered questions” is the most
nondescript of views, and it has not stood the test of time. Unanswered questions were a mark of
courage in October 2001, and were still a healthy symptom in 2002. By 2004 this position had
been rendered obsolete and untenable by the progress of research, and by 2005 it had come to
embody a basic refusal to understand, whether out of fear or prejudice. But the “unanswered
questions” gambit remained popular, perhaps because it was quite compatible with the continued
receipt of foundation funding. On Judgment Day, when Gabriel blows his horn and the dead rise
from their sepulchers, this contingent will still be parading their unanswered questions as an alibi
for their political impotence and paralysis.
“Let it happen on purpose” (LIHOP) is a better analysis, although ultimately an inadequate
one. LIHOP assumes that Bin Laden, al Qaeda, Atta, and company actually have at least a semiindependent
existence and possess the will and the physical-technical capability to strike the
United States in the ways seen on 9/11. But LIHOP also posits that the al Qaeda attack could not
have been successful without the active cooperation of elements of the Pentagon and Bush
administration who deliberately sabotaged US air defenses so as to allow the suicide pilots to
reach their targets at the World Trade Center and Pentagon. The LIHOP view of things has been
vociferously and voluminously defended by Mike Ruppert, whose book features the constant
Preface 3
refrain borrowed from Delmart “Mike” Vreeland, “Let one happen. Stop the rest!” Nafeez
Ahmed’s first book also verged on LIHOP.
LIHOP is increasingly at war with masses of evidence. A more outré version of LIHOP
admits that Atta and his cohorts were working for the CIA, but only as gun-runners and drugrunners,
not terrorists. At a certain point, this view alleges, the drug-runners decided to revolt
against their arrogant CIA masters by blowing up the World Trade Center and the Pentagon! But
even this recondite scheme cannot address the absence of air defense for one hour and forty-five
minutes, nor the controlled demolition which overtook the two trade towers.
In 2002 and 2003, LIHOP represented progress beyond the unanswered questions way
station. But here too, as more new material has come to light, LIHOP has also become untenable,
as I will try to show below. A Zogby poll commissioned by Jimmy Walter in August 2004
showed that almost 50% of New Yorkers believed that US officials knew in advance that 9/11
was going to happen – a reasonable approximation of LIHOP. The statement by MI-5
whistleblower David Shayler to a London gathering in early June 2005 – “I was LIHOP; I am
MIHOP,” – is therefore coherent with the increasingly successful quest for truth. Today the
LIHOP position is increasingly unstable. Some devotees of LIHOP have a curious habit of
reverting to a very tepid unanswered questions posture as soon as a microphone or television
camera approaches.
David Ray Griffin’s New Pearl Harbor exemplified what might be called Bush-Cheney
MIHOP, although this must be qualified by Griffin’s repeated caveat that he was not advancing
an overall explanation for what happened on 9/11. The emphasis on Bush-Cheney as the possible
masterminds of 9/11 is problematic, since the rogue network has demonstrably been around since
the blowing up of the USS Maine more than a century ago – long before Bush and Cheney. In
addition, we must ask if serious plotters would ever dream of assigning an important role to a
moron, or to a man who has had multiple heart attacks, who has had a pacemaker installed and
who is living on borrowed time. These objections apply to all allegations that assign Cheney an
absolutely central role, including those of Mike Ruppert. The invisible government, in fact, will
not necessarily be defeated if its puppets of the moment – Bush, Cheney, and company – are
ousted. Griffin then turned to a detailed refutation of the Kean-Hamilton report, a task that could
easily have been left to the unanswered questions people or even relegated as fiction to literary
critics, as Griffin himself has suggested. We are left with Griffin’s basically agnostic view,
which means that we are effectively disarmed in the face of new threats of state-sponsored
terrorism as they continued to emerge, especially during the second half of 2005.
Differences among these categories are worth stressing, even though they may be blurred.
For example, a successful terrorist provocation generally has a LIHOP function built into it,
since it typically is the job of the moles in the FBI and Justice Department to make sure that
normal law enforcement does not interfere with the patsies and throw them into jail, thus
stripping the operation of its indispensable scapegoats. But this is only one part of the terror
deployment, and the presence of trained professionals who actually produce the results observed,
which the patsies could never produce, suffices to validate a MIHOP analysis for the entire
Some other commentators have, either consciously or unconsciously, advanced an outlook
which might be called Mossad MIHOP. As I show in this book, it is a well-established fact that
the Mossad meticulously observed every phase of the preparation and execution of 9/11. The
Mossad is also known to be a very nefarious organization. But what is missing is convincing
4 9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in USA
proof of a direct operative role for the Mossad in 9/11. So far not even limited subcontracting of
specific 9/11 tasks by CIA to Mossad, a standard practice, has been established. Mossad MIHOP
would appear to appeal to a chauvinistic mentality which implicitly believes that Americans
would never do such a thing to their fellow Americans, so a foreign group, the Mossad, has to be
blamed. This is dangerous nonsense, and those who profess it need to be reminded of the
Operation Northwoods documents, which contemplate precisely the sort of killing of Americans
by Americans they think is impossible. As far as I know, MI-6 MIHOP, another possible variant,
has not been argued; here the evidence is greater, but still not enough. Therefore, my second
edition still asserts on the cover that the 9/11 terror was: “Made In USA.”
Ruppert’s Crossing the Rubicon is aware of five exercises related to 9/11 –Vigilant Warrior,
Vigilant Guardian, Northern Vigilance, Tripod II, and the National Reconnaissance Office drill.
The first printing of my book discusses these, plus Northern Guardian, Amalgam Virgo, and a
local DC-area drill, for a total of eight. As of this writing, it has been established that there were
as many as 15 drills either ongoing on 9/11 or directly related to the events of that day. This
figure may be slightly higher or lower according to the counting criteria used.
Amalgam Virgo Air defense against rogue state/terror cruise missiles,
Vigilant Guardian Air defense against hijacking
Northern Guardian Air defense
Vigilant Warrior NORAD exercise
Northern Vigilance NORAD deploys fighters to Alaska, northern Canada
Amalgam Warrior Large live-fly air defense and air intercept, tracking
Global Guardian Nuclear warfighting, “Armageddon”
Crown Vigilance Air combat command exercise
Apollo Guardian Large scale live-fly air defense and air intercept,
tracking surveillance
National Reconnaissance
Office (NRO)
Crashing planes into buildings
AWACS AWACS over Florida, Washington DC
Fort Meyer, Virginia Firemen (Pentagon), “aircraft crash refresher course”
for firefighters
TRIPOD II, Manhattan Response to biochemical attack
Timely Alert II Emergency response to bomb attack
Preface 5
Ruppert focuses exclusively on the drills which crippled air defense, the ones we may call
LIHOP drills. It is of course vital to know about these war games which moved fighter planes to
northern Canada and Alaska, which introduced fake radar blips on the screens of military
personnel, and which deployed civilian and military aircraft in the guise of hijacked airliners.
This was one way the vaunted US air defense in the northeast corridor was paralyzed for about
one hour and forty-five minutes. But even this argument has limits. Loyal military officers would
have positioned their interceptor assets in the skies over Washington DC to prevent their
recurrent nightmare, the decapitation of the national command authority by a lightning stroke.
The fact that this was not done for so many minutes is irrefutable evidence that the commanders
were not loyal. It does no good to argue that red-blooded US fighter pilots would never have
obeyed a stand-down order when this is manifestly exactly what they did, for the critical hour
and three quarters.
But there are additional 9/11 maneuvers which claim our attention. These are the MIHOP
drills, which provided cover and operational capabilities for terror operations run through the
official bureaucracy. The most obvious is the exercise that morning at the headquarters of the
National Reconnaissance Office in Chantilly, Virginia involving the simulation of an airliner
crashing into the NRO’s headquarters tower. It involved, in other words, a plane crashing into a
building. Given all we have learned about the intimate relationship between military drills and
terrorist acts, it is clear that there is a strong prima facie case here that the NRO drill in question
was in fact a control center or vehicle for crashing aircraft or other flying objects into the towers
of the World Trade Center. This is no weird happenstance, but a crucial window on the entire
Then there is the case of Amalgam Virgo, which did come up during the 9/11 commission
hearings. Thanks to, we know that Amalgam Virgo 01 was run on June
1-2, 2001. It was “a multi-agency planning exercise sponsored by NORAD involving the
hypothetical scenario of a cruise missile being launched by “a rogue [government] or somebody”
from a barge off the East Coast. Bin Laden is pictured on the cover of the proposal for the
exercise. [American Forces Press Service, 6/4/02] The exercise takes place at Tyndall Air Force
Base in Florida. [Global Security, 4/14/02]” Although the barge could have been located
somewhere else, this looks very much like what happened at the Pentagon, since it is clear that
no commercial airliner ever hit that building on 9/11. The 2002 edition of this exercise was set to
include “two simultaneous commercial aircraft hijackings,” with FBI agents impersonating the
hijackers – another component which may have occurred in the real world on 9/11.
These are leading examples of what may be termed MIHOP drills, since they point towards
the basic fact that the 9/11 terror operations were not just facilitated or allowed, but
manufactured and produced, by activities taking place inside the US military-security
bureaucracy, under the cover of theoretically legal and sanctioned drills.
As I showed in the original edition, the open secret about drills is that they often hide the real
thing, as illustrated by the examples of Hilex 75 (a cover for possible nuclear confrontation with
the Warsaw Pact) and Nine Lives 81 (a cover for the Hinckley hit on President Reagan). Another
excellent example is Able Archer 83, a US nuclear weapons exercise which looked so realistic
that Soviet leaders became concerned that it was a cover for a real sneak attack on their country
with nuclear missiles. They put their own Strategic Rocket Troops and related units on highest
alert, and the world found itself on the brink of an all-out nuclear exchange. (See William M.
Arkin, Code Names (Hanover, NH: Steerforth Press, 2005, p. 245, and Benjamin B. Fischer, A
6 9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in USA
Cold War Conundrum, History Staff, Center for the Study of Intelligence, Central Intelligence
Agency, 1997, online at
The principle directly at stake here is that state terrorists wishing to conduct an illegal terror
operation often find it highly advantageous to conduit or bootleg that illegal operation through
the government military/security bureaucracy with the help of an exercise or drill that closely
resembles or mimics the illegal operation. Once the entire apparatus is set up, it is only necessary
to make apparently small changes to have the exercise go live, and turn into a real hecatomb. If
there is a gas dispersion drill announced in Manhattan, as there was in August 2005, it is merely
necessary to replace the inert gas with a highly toxic one to go from drill to mass slaughter. A
drill simulating a terror attack provides the greatest possible camouflage of the criminal intent of
the perpetrators and allows the terror attack to occur through minor departures from the scenario
script. All these drills try to be as realistic as possible. But the greatest realism is an actual terror
attack. The fact that attempts at disruption, infiltration, harassment, and sabotage may be built in
simply increases the opportunities available to the plotters, as do the varying levels of awareness
of the participants, only a very few of whom need to know that a real terror attack is intended, or
what the fate of certain patsies might be. To prevent new terror attacks from providing the
pretexts for new wars, it is imperative that this mechanism be understood, but it cannot be
understood in the unanswered questions, LIHOP, and agnostic frames of reference. That is why
the apparent moderation of these theoretical points of view is so crippling and so dangerous.
Thanks to Arkin and, there is another 9/11 drill which can be given
the special mention it deserves. My book more than any other stresses the thermonuclear war
potentials unleashed on 9/11, and this emphasis is fully vindicated by this additional drill. In
effect, the mushroom cloud on the cover was there for excellent reasons. The heart of the matter
is Global Guardian, a nuclear warfighting or Armageddon exercise staged by STRATCOM on
9/11 from Offutt Air Force Base, where Brent Scowcroft and Warren Buffett were converging in
what might have been the nucleus of a Committee of Public Safety set to govern in case Bush
had to be ousted. Global Guardian involved land-based missiles, nuclear submarines, and B-52
and B-1 bombers loaded with live H-bombs at bases like Offutt (Nebraska), Barksdale
(Louisiana), Minot (North Dakota) and Whiteman (Missouri). The first two became destinations
for Bush that day. The Doomsday–Night-Watch–Looking Glass flying command posts were
mobilized. Another crucial aspect is pointed out by
A 1998 Defense Department newsletter reported that for several years Stratcom had been incorporating a
computer network attack (CNA) into Global Guardian. The attack involved Stratcom “red team” members
and other organizations acting as enemy agents, and included attempts to penetrate the Command using the
Internet and a “bad” insider who had access to a key command and control system. The attackers “war
dialed” the phones to tie them up and sent faxes to numerous fax machines throughout the Command. They
also claimed they were able to shut down Stratcom’s systems. Reportedly, Stratcom planned to increase the
level of computer network attack in future Global Guardian exercises. [IAnewsletter, 6/98]
Here is a portal through which the rogue network could have launched nuclear missiles
without the help of Bush, as I argued in the original edition. The targets for such missiles could
have been Arab or Islamic capitals, if Bush had refused to initiate the war of civilizations in
conventional form by attacking Afghanistan. The target could also have been China, or Russia.
We must never lose sight of the Bush-Putin telephone call on 9/11, which was the central
diplomatic and strategic event of the day even though most 9/11 books do not even mention it. In
that telephone call, Bush in effect delivered an ultimatum that the United States was determined
to seize Afghanistan (where the Soviets had staged an invasion and a long war in response to a
Preface 7
grab for power by Brzezinski in 1979), plus bases in former Soviet central Asia. What if Putin’s
response to Bush’s ultimatum had been a more traditional defense of Mother Russia, coupled
with a threat to incinerate New York if Bush dared to do any such thing? The rogue network had
obviously thought of that eventuality in advance, and had evidently provided a back door
through which they could direct a confrontation
Another important MIHOP issue emerges from these drills. Able Warrior, according to
Arkin’s listing, would seem to represent the big Special Forces (SOCOM) “anti-terror” defensive
drill of each fiscal year. Keeping in mind the military bureaucracy’s predilection for naming
drills in binary pairs, we might speculate as to the meaning of a drill or activity known as Able
Danger. The name would suggest that this might be the simulated attacker paired with the
defensive Able Warrior. In other words, Able Danger might represent the case officers and
terrorist controllers for a group of government-run terrorists (double agents, plus dupes, fanatics,
and criminal energy types) used to play the roles of terrorists in the various anti-terror drills.
Does the reader smell a fault?
Such suspicions materialized in August 2005 when Congressman Curt Weldon of
Pennsylvania began holding press conferences about Able Danger, which turned out to be a coproduction
of the Special Forces command with the Defense Intelligence Agency. Weldon’s
main interest was in the report from a certain Col. Schaffer and a certain Navy Captain Philpott
that Able Danger had been well aware of the presence of Mohamed Atta in the United States
during the early months of 2000, long before the Kean-Hamilton commission said he had
arrived. The Able Danger officers produced detailed accounts of how they told the 9/11
commission investigators all about this, only to see their testimony completely ignored. In a
grotesque comedy of errors, Kean, Hamilton and their hack apparatus clumsily denied these
allegations, then retracted the denial, then denied them again. The role of Philip Zelikow, the
executive director of the 9/11 commission staff, was especially slimy, which should have come
as no surprise to readers of this book. The first by-product of Congressman Weldon’s maverick
performance was thus to provide an absolutely water-tight case study in how, when dealing with
highly material information, the 9/11 commission had suppressed evidence, obstructed justice,
and deliberately and systematically lied. What else could one expect from Zelikow, the
unfortunate Miss Rice’s partner in a book venture?
But that was just the beginning. Weldon admitted that, in addition to observing and
combating the supposed terrorists, one task of Able Danger had been to “manipulate” them. With
this one word, the door was wide open to deploying terrorist counter-gangs and pseudo-gangs on
the full Frank Kitson model for real live terror operations. Able Danger were indeed the terrorist
controllers and case officers for Atta and the rest. This case was made harder to prove when Able
Danger successfully destroyed its own database and records, to the tune of an estimated 2.5
terabytes of material – according to some experts, the approximate equivalent of one quarter of
all the books and other records stored in the Library of Congress. Suddenly, all the reports of
Atta and the others living on military bases, studying on military bases, and so forth began to fit
into place.
8 9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in USA
During 2005, the hollow demagogy and hypocrisy of the phony US-UK war on terror
emerged for all to see. Elias Achmadov, a Chechen butcher and terrorist, was living in
Washington DC, not only openly, but enjoying a generous stipend from the US State
Department, complete with an office, a secretary, a travel budget, and a public relations budget
courtesy of the American taxpayer. The State Department pays terrorists – there was no longer
any doubt, after Achmadov got his picture on the cover of the Washington Post weekly
magazine. Then there was Luis Posada Carriles, a long-serving retainer of the Bush family, most
recently attached to Jeb Bush’s Florida gun-running and drug-running apparatus. Posada had
blown up a Cuban airliner, killing upwards of 75 people. Posada was living openly in the US for
several months despite being a very illegal alien when the international heat from Cuba,
Venezuela, and other states made this CIA terror asset too compromising to be allowed to roam
free. He was accordingly detained, but not extradited to those who wanted to put him on trial.
Even more dramatic were the terrorist counter-gang operations of the US and UK military in
Iraq. In September 2005 two soldiers of the British Special Air Services (SAS) were arrested for
sniping at civilians in Basra. These two, who were members of a super-elite unit called Special
Reconnaissance Regiment, were driving around in a car bomb which they doubtless intended to
set off near a Shiite school, hospital, or mosque. At this time, the US-UK terrorist countergang
leader had declared war against all Shiites – a stance so outrageous for a supposed Iraqi fighter
that it drew a reproof from MI-6’s Zawahiri. When the Iraqi police arrested this pair, the British
sent a column of tanks to break down the jail and extract them, lest they tell all. These two killer
provocateurs were living proof that the US-UK occupation of Iraq was using terrorist
countergangs and agents provocateurs in a bid to isolate and demonize the national resistance.
These techniques had been refined by UK Colonel Frank Kitson in Kenya during the early 1950s
Mau Mau era, and coifed in Kitson’s book on low intensity warfare. It was Kitson who had
coined the immensely useful term countergang (or pseudogang). If you want to discredit a
clandestine organization, then set up your own false-flag group under the same name, and have
them commit unspeakable atrocities in the name of the target group. If the SAS-SRR car bomb
had claimed its toll of Shiites, the usual Limbaugh-O’Reilly-Hannity-Savage chorus of fascist
parrots would have been on the air the next day denouncing the Sunnis as a criminal race. We
may assume that a large part of the beheadings and other spectacular atrocities coming out of
Iraq were in fact perpetrated by US-UK-Mossad, acting through these obvious countergangs.
As I argued in the first edition of this book, there was acute danger of large-scale statesponsored
terrorist provocation, followed by a wider war in the Middle East or elsewhere during
the months before the November 2004 US elections. The general outlines of this analysis were
confirmed in a conversation with the author in the shadow of the Washington monument on
September 25, 2005: Wayne Madsen reported that he had detected signs of intensive
preparations in numerous US commands during that time frame, including especially on aircraft
May-July 2005 began a similar time of heightened risk of US aggression. In late July, an
article by former CIA agent Philip Giraldi in The American Conservative signaled that the
Cheney faction had ordered the Pentagon to prepare for the atomic bombing of Iran in the wake
of a new 9/11 terror attack. It was clear that the Cheneyacs would not wait for a new 9/11 to
Preface 9
happen, but would have it delivered on special order. In response to this, a group of activists
around the websites and, with help from my weekly broadcasts,
began to look forward in time to identify terror drills and war games which might lend
themselves to use as war provocations.
This was an effort to put the MIHOP lessons learned from the study of 9/11 into action to
shut down the terrorist controllers. The cover for the Kennedy assassination was Operation
Mongoose. The hit on Reagan in 1981 had been conduited through Nine Lives, a presidential
succession exercise. We have seen the drills oh 9/11. The London July 7, 2005 bombs (see were set up under Atlantic Blue, Topoff III, and Triple Play,
plus help from Visor Consultants. What would be the drill that would serve as the vehicle for
Cheney’s desired war provocation?
Activists soon discovered Sudden Response 05, based on a 10-kiloton nuclear explosion in
the harbor of Charleston, South Carolina. The websites mentioned raised such a hue and cry
about this drill, forcing an article in the main local newspaper trying to calm worried people
down. The exposure worked well enough to cause the drill to be shut down before its
completion. This was followed by a terror drill involving explosions in San Francisco Bay; a
strange blast in the financial district at the end of this drill sent a woman to the hospital in critical
condition. Then came Granite Shadow/Power Geyser in Washington DC, with weapons of mass
destruction and overtones of a military coup. All of these exercises were made more sinister by
the shift of the official US strategic nuclear posture from deterrence and retaliation to global
strike, meaning nuclear sneak attack, under CONPLAN 8022-22.
The last months of 2005 were therefore a dangerous time. By some calculations, this period
was marked by the greatest density of war game and terror drill activity since 9/11 itself. The
vaguely reassuring Global Guardian was replaced by the much more aggressive and threatening
Global Storm, presumably as a result of the shift to the global strike posture. Global Storm
embraces worldwide nuclear war using all arms. Occurring simultaneously with this were
Positive Response 06 (the drills go by fiscal years, and the US fiscal year begins on October 1), a
Joint Chiefs of Staff interoperability exercise. These were paired with Global Lightning, Vigilant
Shield, and Busy Night Seminars – a code name for nuclear warfare. Scenarios at work here
included a radiological dirty bomb detonated in Mobile Bay, Alabama, by a country or terror
network designated as Purple, but identified with the DPRK (North Korea). North Korea was
supposed to launch long-range missiles at the US, with subsequent retaliation. The Pentagon’s
primitive missile defense system was supposed to come into play. At the same time, other drills
saw the US intervening massively in Ukraine, eliciting a Russian defensive response, thus
precipitating all-out nuclear war.
Small wonder therefore that Russian President Putin had issued a blunt warning of his own
on August 17, 2005, admonishing Bush:
“I think that lowering the threshold for the use of nuclear arms is a dangerous trend,
because somebody may feel tempted to use nuclear weapons… If that happens, the next
step can be taken - more powerful nuclear arms can be used, which may lead to a nuclear
conflict. This extremely dangerous trend is in the back of the mind of some politicians
and military officials.”
Persons of good will needed to scan the websites of the Pentagon, Homeland Security, the
CIA, NATO, the British Defense Ministry, and similar organizations to identify drills and
exercises that were likely to go live. These drills and war games needed to be denounced,
10 9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in USA
exposed, and shut down. Activists of all types, from the anti-war to the neighborhood level,
needed to join the growing movement to prevent the outrageous and illegal abuse of drills and
exercises for purposes of terrorism, among other things by contributing to the drill monitoring set
up by the Independent International Commission on 9/11 at web sites like This
kind of aggressive and pre-emptive vigilance represents MIHOP in action. The purpose of such
pre-emptive exposure and denunciation is not to gather kudos for how smart we are, but rather to
identify, shut down, and dismantle the rogue network’s illegal terror operations.
It was clearly essential that measures be taken to keep the fingers of Bush, Cheney, and the
increasingly desperate neocon fascist madmen away from the nuclear button. During Watergate,
when Nixon had called his infamous 1973 worldwide nuclear alert as a result of the October
1973 Middle East war, British Prime Minister Ted Heath had seen the entire stunt as a
manufactured diversion from Nixon’s Watergate troubles at home. As the Bush administration
disintegrates, it is clear that conditions today are similar. On October 28, 2005, when special
counsel Fitzgerald presented his indictment of the neocon fanatic Irv Lewis Libby, Bush
simultaneously made a raving speech branding Iran and Syria as outlaw states with whom his
patience was exhausted. Many cable networks showed Fitzgerald and Bush, along with Cheney,
as parts of the same split screen. There it was: wag the dog, in real time. Kissinger and Haig,
sociopaths though they were, had taken measures to supervise Nixon’s access to the football, the
briefcase containing the nuclear launch codes. In the last weeks of Watergate, Defense Secretary
Schlesinger had issued a standing order to combat commanders telling them to ignore any and all
orders by Nixon to launch attacks unless and until they were confirmed by himself or by
Kissinger. In today’s White House, there are no figures to look to who might impose similar
restraint: quite the contrary. Faced with looming indictments of many of their clique, the neocons
tended towards a mood of Götterdämmerung and apocalypse. The neocons would doubtless
prefer a new world war to life behind bars; like the SS in Berlin during the last days, they would
think nothing of letting the river water into the subway tunnels where their insufficiently martial
fellow citizens were hiding.
The impeachment of Bush and of many others could hardly wait until 2007.
Gunpowder Day, November 5, 2005
The London Explosions,
The Rogue Network, Bush, and Iran
By Webster G. Tarpley
Originally published in Global Outlook magazine.
Washington DC, July 11 – Last week’s London explosions carry the characteristic features of a state-sponsored, false
flag, synthetic terror provocation by networks within the British intelligence services MI-5, MI-6, the Home Office, and
the Metropolitan Police Special Branch who are favorable to a wider Anglo-American aggressive war in the Middle East,
featuring especially an early pre-emptive attack on Iran, with a separate option on North Korea also included. With the
London attacks, the Anglo-American invisible government adds another horrendous crime to its own dossier. But this
time, their operations appear imperfect, especially in regard to the lack (so far) of a credible patsy group which, by virtue
of its ethnicity, could direct popular anger against one of the invisible government’s targets. So far, the entire attribution
of the London crimes depends on what amounts to an anonymous posting in an obscure, hitherto unknown, secular
Arabic-language chatroom in the state of Maryland, USA. But, based on this wretched shred of pseudo-evidence, British
Prime Minister Tony Blair – who has surely heard of a group called the Irish Republican Army, which bombed London
for more than a decade – has not hesitated to ascribe the murders to “Islam,” and seems to be flirting with total martial law
under the Civil Contingencies Act. We are reminded once again of how he earned his nickname of Tony Bliar.
That the British Government knew in advance that blasts would occur is not open to rational doubt. Within hours of
the explosions, Israeli Army Radio was reporting that “Scotland Yard [London police headquarters] had intelligence
warnings of the attacks a short time before they occurred.” This report, repeated by, added that “the Israeli
Embassy in London was notified in advance, resulting in Foreign Minister Binyamin Netanyahu remaining in his hotel
room rather than make his way to the hotel adjacent to the site of the first explosion, a Liverpool Street train station,
where he was to address an economic summit.” This report is attributed to “unconfirmed reliable sources.” At around the
same time, the Associated Press issued a wire asserting that “British police told the Israeli Embassy in London minutes
before Thursday’s explosions that they had received warnings of possible terror attacks in the city,” according to “a senior
Israeli official.” This wire specifies that “just before the blasts, Scotland Yard called the security officer at the Israeli
Embassy to say that they had received warnings of possible attacks....”
According to eyewitness reports from London, BBC claimed between 8:45 and some minutes after 10 AM that the
incidents in the Underground were the result of an electrical power surge, or alternatively of a collision. Foreign bigwigs,
presumably not just Netanyahu, were warned, while London working people continued to stream into the subway. These
reports have been denied, repudiated, sanitized, and expunged from news media websites by the modern Orwellian
Thought Police, but they have been archived by analysts who learned on 9/11 and other occasions that key evidence in
state-sponsored terror crimes tends to filter out during the first minutes and hours, during the critical interval when the
controlled media are assimilating the cover story peddled by complicit moles within the ministries. These reports are not
at all damaging to Israel, but are devastating for British domestic security organs. An alternative version peddled by, namely that the Israelis warned Scotland Yard, is most probably spurious but still leaves the British
authorities on the hook. Which Scotland Yard official made the calls? Identify that official, and you have bagged a real
live rogue network mole.
12 9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in USA
Another more general element of foreknowledge can be seen in the fact reported by Isikoff and Hosenball of
Newsweek that, since about November 2004, the US FBI, but not other US agencies, has been refusing to use the London
Operations like these are generally conduited through the government bureaucracies under the cover of a drill or
exercise which closely resembles the terror operation itself. So it was with Amalgam Virgo and the multiple exercises
held on 9/11, as I show in my 9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in USA (Joshua Tree CA: Progressive Press, 2005). So it was
with the Hinckley attempt to assassinate Ronald Reagan, when a presidential succession exercise was scheduled for the
next day, as I showed in my George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography (1992; reprint by Progressive Press, 2004). An
uncannily similar maneuver allows the necessary work to be done on official computers and on company time, while
warding off the inquisitive glances and questions of curious co-workers at adjoining computer consoles.
Such a parallel drill was not lacking in the London case. On the evening of July 7, BBC Five, a news and sports radio
program, carried an interview with a certain former Scotland Yard official named Peter Power who related that his firm,
Visor Consulting, had been doing an anti-terror-bombing drill in precisely the Underground stations and at the precise
times when the real explosions went off. Peter Power and Visor had been subcontractors for the drill; Power declined to
name the prime contractors. Small wonder that Blair, in his first official report to the Commons on July 11, went out of his
way to rule out a board of inquiry to probe these tragic events.
Tony Blair may be eyeing the advantages of emergency rule for a discredited lame duck like himself, but the British
people may have a different view. The alternative is clear: on the one hand is the American response after 9/11, marked by
submissive and credulous gullibility in regard to the fantastic official story of what had happened. On the other hand is the
militant and intelligent Spanish response after March 11, 2004, marked by powerful mass mobilization and righteous
anger against politicians who sought to manipulate the people and sell a distorted account of events. Which way will the
British people go? Straws in the wind suggest that the British response may be closer to the Spanish, although it may
develop more slowly because of the lack of mass organization and related factors. If this is the case, Tony Blair, Jack
Straw, and the rest of the malodorous “New Labor” crypto-Thatcherites will be out the window.
My thesis is that the London explosions represent a form of communication on the part of the transatlantic Anglo-
American financier faction with Bush, Blair, and the heads of state and government assembled at Gleneagles, Scotland for
the G-8 meeting on the day of the blast. The London deaths were designed to deliver an ultimatum in favor of early war
with Iran. Here a word of clarification may be necessary. The demonization of Bush by his many enemies, while
understandable, risks blurring the basic realities of power in the US and UK. Since the Bay of Pigs and the Kennedy
assassination (to go back no further than that), we have been aware of a secret team. During the Iran-contra era, the same
phenomenon was referred to as an invisible, secret or parallel government. This is still the matrix of most large-scale
terrorism. The question arises for some: do Bush and Cheney tell the invisible government what to do, or does the
invisible government treat the visible office holders as puppets and expendable assets? To ask the question is to answer it:
Bush, Cheney & Co. are the expendable puppets. The explanation of terror is not Bush “makes it happen on purpose,” or
“MIHOP,” as some seem to argue, but rather invisible government MIHOP, an altogether more dire proposition.
How then does the invisible faction communicate with the public mouthpieces? Given the violence of the power
relations involved, we can be sure that it is not a matter of sending out engraved invitations announcing that the honor of
Bush’s presence is requested at the launching of an attack on Iran. Rather, the invisible and violent rogue network
communicates with Bush, Blair, and others by means coherent with their aggressive nature – as they did on 9/11. Bush, of
course, is a weak and passive tenant of the White House whose instinct is to do virtually nothing beyond the day-to-day
We therefore need to note that the London blasts come after two months of vigorous and impatient prodding of Bush
by the invisible government. On May 11, a small plane almost reached the White House before it was turned away, while
The London Explosions, The Rogue Network, Bush, And Iran 13
the Congress, the Supreme Court, and the White House (but not the Pentagon, the Treasury, etc.) were evacuated amid
scenes of panic. The White House went to red alert, but Bush was not informed until it was all over, and was riding his
bicycle in the woods near Greenbelt, Maryland. Flares were dropped over the Brookland district and Takoma Park, MD.
The resemblance of all this to a classic coup scenario was evident. On May 18, a live hand grenade, which turned out to
be a dud, landed near Bush as he spoke at a rally in Tbilisi, Georgia.
On June 29, the approach of another small plane led to an evacuation of the Congress and the Capitol, again with
scenes of panic. On the afternoon of July 2, no fewer than three small planes came close to Bush’s Camp David retreat in
the Catoctin Mountains of Maryland; this story was suspiciously relegated to the local news page of the Washington Post.
The details of these incidents are of little interest; what counts is the objective reality of a pattern. These incidents also
provide background for Bush’s unbalanced behavior on July 5 at Gleneagles, when he crashed into a policeman while
riding on his bicycle. Then came the London blasts on July 7.
What is it that the invisible government wants Bush and Blair to do? Scott Ritter announced last January that Bush
had issued an order to prepare an attack on Iran for the month of June. According to a well-informed retired CIA analyst I
spoke with on July 3, this order actually told US commanders to be ready to attack Iran by the end of June. This project of
war with Iran is coherent with most of what we know about the intentions of the US-UK rogue faction, and thus provides
the immediate background for the London explosions. The Bush administration and the Blair cabinet have failed to
deliver decisive military action, and the invisible government is exceedingly impatient.
One way to increase the pressure on Iran would be to implicate a group of Iranian fanatic patsies in the London
bombings. This would not be difficult; in fact, as I show in 9/11 Synthetic Terror, the British capital, referred to during the
1990s as Londonistan, is home to the largest concentration of Arab and Islamic patsy groups in the entire world, in such
infamous locations as Finsbury mosque and Brixton mosque; these groups are known to have enjoyed de facto recruiting
privileges in Her Majesty’s Prisons. But perhaps an Iranian patsy group would be too obvious at this time. More likely
may be the sinking of a US warship in the Gulf by a third country, duly attributed to Iran.
In a recent speech, Dr. Ephraim Asculai of Tel Aviv University made two main points: first, that there is no military
solution to the Iranian nuclear issue, and second, that there is no such thing as a point of no return in nuclear weapons
development. Dr. Asculai showed that South Africa, Sweden, and other nations had turned away from deploying Abombs
well after having acquired the ability to produce them. Dr. Asculai is evidently arguing against widespread
tendencies in the US-UK-Israeli strategic community who are whipping up hysteria around the notion that Iran is now
indeed approaching exactly such a point of no return.
For her part, Miss Rice of the State Department has now declared that it will no longer be sufficient for Iran to turn
away from nuclear weapons production; the entire Iranian program for nuclear energy production will also have to be
dismantled, in her view. Such maximalism makes a negotiated solution impossible as long as the current Washington
group holds power.
The US, UK and Israel have been on the brink of war with Iran for at least a year, and the rogue network is generally
aware that time is not on its side. There is also an important new development which threatens the ability of the Anglo-
Americans to wage war. On July 5, the summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), which brings together
China, Russia, Uzbekistan, Krygyzia, Kazakhstan, and Tajikistan plus new members India, Pakistan, and Iran, issued a
call for the United States to vacate the bases seized in the autumn of 2001 under the cover of the 9/11 emergency and the
looming invasion of Afghanistan. The parties to this call represent about half of the world’s population. This demand was
immediately rejected by the State Department, but veteran Russian Eurasian expert Yevgeny Primakov crowed that for the
first time a formula had been agreed to by which the US would be ejected from this region. The US presence goes back to
the Bush-Putin emergency hotwire talks of September 11, 2001, when Putin, seeing that the madmen had seized control in
14 9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in USA
Washington, dropped Russian objections to a US intrusion into the former Soviet republics of central Asia. The US-UK
can attack Iran from Iraq in the west, from Afghanistan in the east, and from Qatar in the south, but without the Uzbek and
Kyrgyz bases, the Anglo-American ability to attack from the north as well will be severely limited.
The SCO states are also concerned about US-backed “designer color revolutions” on the recent Georgian (rose) and
Ukrainian (orange) models, traditionally known as CIA “people power” revolutions, being used to destabilize their
governments. To make matters worse for Washington and London, Kazakhstan is a few months away from opening an oil
pipeline to China, which will diminish the US-UK ability to use their Gulf presence to blackmail Beijing. Washington and
London are also dismayed by the pro-Iranian overtures in various fields being made by their Shiite puppets in Baghdad.
And what of the report in the Washington Post of July 11, which claims that US and UK planners are now
contemplating a sharp reduction in the US forces in Iraq? The most plausible explanation is that this is pure
disinformation, similar to news blips issued by both Hitler and Stalin in May and June of 1941. It should also be noted
that the British plan explicitly provides for most of the forces now at Basra to go to Afghanistan, where they would be
positioned for operations against Iran, or into central Asia.
Generally, the invisible government appears dismayed by its loss of momentum and the constant erosion of the
political position of its asset, Bush. 110,000 US factory workers lost their jobs in June, the worst total in a year and a half:
autos and textiles are collapsing. The housing bubble may also be nearing its end, with the bankruptcy of Fannie Mae on
the near-term agenda. World derivatives have officially reached $300 trillion, with JP Morgan Chase holding the largest
single portfolio. The one virtuoso performance of July 7 was that of the Federal Reserve, Bank of England, and European
Central Bank, which flooded equity and capital markets with liquidity through such vehicles as the Plunge Protection
Team (PPT), turning a big Wall Street loss into a small gain.
During the recent Reopen 9/11 tour of eight European cities, Jimmy Walter repeatedly forecast that the general
predicament of the Bush regime and the US financier faction would lead to another large-scale terror attack before the end
of 2005; this has now occurred, and there is no end in sight. The tide of US public opinion has now definitively turned
against the Iraq war and to some degree against Bush, as all major polls demonstrate. Notable is the 42% affirmative
response to the Zogby International question as to whether, if it could be proved that Bush lied to launch the Iraq war, he
should be impeached. Larry Franklin of the Wolfowitz-Feith neocon apparatus has been indicted for divulging US secrets,
and the American-Israeli Public Affairs Council has been raided twice; further indictments are expected. Karl Rove has
now been revealed as the source of the Valerie Plame leak, making Rove and perhaps other White House officials fair
game for federal indictment. The Niger yellowcake forgeries and the Chalabi state secrets cases are still pending – to say
nothing of two stolen elections and the 9/11 Septembergate itself. All these factors incline the rogue network to seek an
improvement in their situation through a flight forward to a wider war in Iran. Those who stand to lose most by such an
Iranian adventure must now mobilize to make Mr. Bush’s second term as eventful as Nixon’s second term turned out to be
in 1974.
The London Explosions, The Rogue Network, Bush, And Iran 15
Interview Transcripts
Excerpts from transcripts of interviews with Peter Power, ex-Scotland Yard, who now heads private security firm
Visor Consultants, which was running terror bombing drills in the London Underground on 7/7, followed by an interview
with John Loftus.
BBC Radio 5, July 7th, 2005
Power: At half past nine this morning we were actually running an exercise for a company of over a thousand people
in London based on simultaneous bombs going off precisely at the railway stations where it happened this morning, so I
still have the hairs on the back of my neck standing up right now.
Host: To get this quite straight, you were running an exercise to see how you would cope with this and it happened
while you were running the exercise?
Power: Precisely, and it was about half past nine this morning, we planned this for a company and for obvious reasons
I don’t want to reveal their name but they’re listening and they’ll know it. And we had a room full of crisis managers for
the first time they’d met and so within five minutes we made a pretty rapid decision that this is the real one and so we
went through the correct drills of activating crisis management procedures to jump from slow time to quick time thinking
and so on.
ITV News, London, July 7th
POWER: Today we were running an exercise for a company – bear in mind now that I’m in the private sector – and
we sat everybody down in the city – 1000 people involved in the whole organization – with the crisis team. And the most
peculiar thing was, it was we based on a scenario of simultaneous attacks on a underground and mainline station. So we
had to suddenly switch an exercise from fictional to real...
INTERVIEWER: Just to get this right, you were actually working today on an exercise that envisioned virtually this
POWER: Almost precisely. I was up to 2 o’clock this morning, because it’s our job, my own company. Visor
Consultants, we specialize in helping people to get their crisis management response, how you jump from slow time
thinking to quick time doing. And we chose a scenario with their assistance, which is based on a terrorist attack because
they’re very close to a property occupied by Jewish businessmen there in the city, and there are more American banks in
this city than there are in the whole of New York – a logical thing to do.

“He Was Working for British Intelligence”
Fox News Dayside with Linda Vester, July 29 2005:
MIKE JERRICK [FOX NEWS]: John Loftus is a terrorism expert and a former prosecutor for the Justice Department.
John, good to see you again. So real quickly here, have you heard anything about this Osman Hussain who was just
picked up in Rome? You know that name at all?
JOHN LOFTUS: Yeah, all these guys should be going back to an organization called Al-Muhajiroun, which means
The Emigrants. It was the recruiting arm of Al-Qaeda in London; they specialized in recruiting kids whose families had
emigrated to Britain but who had British passports. And they would use them for terrorist work.
JERRICK: So a couple of them now have Somali connections?
LOFTUS: Yeah, it was not unusual. Somalia, Eritrea, the first group of course were primarily Pakistani. But what
they had in common was they were all emigrant groups in Britain, recruited by this Al-Muhajiroun group. They were
headed by the, Captain Hook, the imam in London the Finsbury Mosque, without the arm. He was the head of that
organization. Now his assistant was a guy named Aswat, Haroon Rashid Aswat.
JERRICK: Aswat, who they picked up.
LOFTUS: Right, Aswat is believed to be the mastermind of all the bombings in London.
JERRICK: On 7/7 and 7/21, this is the guy we think.
LOFTUS: This is the guy, and what’s really embarrassing is that the entire British police are out chasing him, and one
wing of the British government, MI6 or the British Secret Service, has been hiding him. And this has been a real source of
contention between the CIA, the Justice Department, and Britain.
JERRICK: Hold on, John. MI6 has been hiding him. Are you saying that he has been working for them?
LOFTUS: Oh I’m not saying it. This is what the Muslim sheik said in an interview in a British newspaper back in
JERRICK: So he’s a double agent, or was?
LOFTUS: He’s a double agent.
JERRICK: So he’s working for the Brits to try to give them information about Al-Qaeda, but in reality he’s still an
Al-Qaeda operative.
LOFTUS: Yeah. The CIA and the Israelis all accused MI6 of letting all these terrorists live in London not because
they’re getting Al-Qaeda information, but for appeasement. It was one of those you leave us alone, we leave you alone
kind of things.
JERRICK: Well we left him alone too long then.
LOFTUS: Absolutely. Now we knew about this guy Aswat. Back in 1999 he came to America. The Justice
Department wanted to indict him in Seattle because him and his buddy were trying to set up a terrorist training school in
JERRICK: So they indicted his buddy, right? But why didn’t they indict him?
LOFTUS: Well it comes out, we’ve just learned that the headquarters of the US Justice Department ordered the
Seattle prosecutors not to touch Aswat.
JERRICK: Hello? Now hold on, why?
LOFTUS: And that’s – Well, apparently Aswat was working for British intelligence. Now Aswat’s boss, the onearmed
Captain Hook, he gets indicted two years later. So the guy above him and below him get indicted, but not Aswat.
Now there’s a split of opinion within US intelligence. Some people say that the British intelligence fibbed to us. They told
18 9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in USA
us that Aswat was dead, and that’s why the New York group dropped the case. That’s not what most of the Justice
Department thinks. They think that it was just again covering up for this very publicly affiliated guy with Al-Muhajiroun.
He was a British intelligence plant. So all of a sudden he disappears. He’s in South Africa. We think he’s dead; we don’t
know he’s down there. Last month the South African Secret Service come across the guy. He’s alive.
JERRICK: Yeah, now the CIA says, oh he’s alive. Our CIA says OK let’s arrest him. But the Brits say no again?
LOTFUS: The Brits say no. Now at this point, two weeks ago, the Brits know that the CIA wants to get a hold of
Haroon. So what happens? He takes off again, goes right to London. He isn’t arrested when he lands, he isn’t arrested
when he leaves.
JERRICK: Even though he’s on a watch list.
LOFTUS: He’s on the watch list.The only reason he could get away with that was if he was working for British
intelligence. He was a wanted man.
JERRICK: And then takes off the day before the bombings, I understand it--
LOFTUS: Yeah, And goes to Pakistan.
JERRICK: And Pakistan, they jail him.
LOFTUS: The Pakistanis arrest him. They jail him. He’s released within 24 hours. Back to Southern Africa, goes to
Zimbabwe and is arrested in Zambia. Now the US--
JERRICK: Trying to get across the--
LOFTUS: –-we’re trying to get our hands on this guy.
JERRICK: John, hang around. I have so many questions now. [break]
LOFTUS: The US was used by Al-Muhajiroun for training of people to send to Kosovo. What ties all these cells
together was, back in the late 1990s, the leaders all worked for British intelligence in Kosovo. Believe it or not, British
intelligence actually hired some Al-Qaeda guys to help defend the Muslim rights in Albania and in Kosovo. That’s when
Al-Muhajiroun got started.
IJAZ: Which is by the way why we know so much about them right now.
LOFTUS: Yes, I’m afraid so. The CIA was funding the operation to defend the Muslims, British intelligence was
doing the hiring and recruiting. Now we have a lot of detail on this because Captain Hook, the head of Al-Muhajiroun, he
sidekick was Bakri Mohammed, another cleric. And back on October 16, 2001, he gave a detailed interview with al-Sharq
al-Aswat, an Arabic newspaper in London, describing the relationship between British intelligence and the operations in
Kosovo and Al-Muhajiroun. So that’s how we get all these guys connected. It started in Kosovo, Haroon was 31 years
old, he came on about 1995.
JERRICK: OK. Here’s another question for you.
AUDIENCE MEMBER: Hello, John. With the quid-pro-quo relationship that London obviously had with these
terrorists early on, what changed that caused them to all of a sudden get away from the you leave us alone, we’ll leave you
alone situation?
LOFTUS: The Israelis say that the truce went on for years. Guys from Al-Muhajiroun for example would bring
suicide bombers to Israel to blow up Mike’s Place. There was a definite link there. And yet the trainer, Sadiki Al Kahn,
was able to go back to Britain and not be touched.
The London Explosions, The Rogue Network, Bush, And Iran 19
The Phony War on Terror: Time to
Quarantine the Real Aggressors
Speech to the Axis of Peace Conference or Axe de la Paix, held in Brussels, Belgium,
November 17th and 18th, 2005. The conference gathered political and intellectual personalities
from more than thirty nations, who are committed against the logic of war, with a view to
establishing a permanent structure that will make the voice of peace be heard.
Text of speech to the conference by Webster G. Tarpley:
400 years ago this month, the English King James’ first minister Robert Cecil unveiled his
masterpiece, the Gunpowder Plot to blow up the king and the parliament. The event was blamed
on Guy Fawkes and other plotters, who were tortured and executed. The Catholics, the Pope, the
Jesuits and the Spanish were blamed, setting up centuries of conflict and imperial expansion. But
the plot was a synthetic provocation staged by Cecil. Terrorism was a birth pang of the Anglo-
American financier faction, and terrorism accompanies that faction in its moribund senility
According to today’s neocon Bush regime in Washington, the central event of world history
is the attacks of September 11, 2001. The neocons demand that world affairs be organized
around what they call the war on terrorism, supposedly waged by the United States, Great
Britain, and the other English-speaking powers against the dark powers of radical Islam. This
phony war on terrorism comes complete with preventive nuclear sneak attacks on any country
the Bush regime chooses. These can be supplemented by conventional aggression, and by the socalled
color revolutions, the new name for the traditional CIA “people power” coups.
The main premise of the war on terror is the myth of September 11 – 3,000 people allegedly
killed by a group of 19 hijackers including Mohammed Atta, all members of al Qaeda, led by
Osama bin Laden operating from a cave in Afghanistan with a laptop computer, etc. My main
point today is that this premise is a big lie, as I argue in my book, 9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in
USA (Joshua Tree CA: Progressive Press, 2005). The 9/11 events were a deliberate provocation
carried out from within the US military, security, and intelligence apparatus by a deeply
entrenched faction variously called the invisible government, the secret government, the parallel
government, the rogue network, the secret team. This faction cuts across the CIA, the Pentagon,
the NSA, the FBI, the Treasury, the Federal Reserve, and other key parts of government. It is a
faction which has been operating for more than a century. It meshes with the British MI-6 and
Defence Ministry.
9/11 was a successful coup d’état designed to shift the Bush White House into the War of
Civilizations mode described by Samuel Huntington. The Arab and Islamic worlds were the first
targets, to be followed by China, and also Russia, as per the Wolfowitz doctrine. 9/11 thus joins
the tradition of self-inflicted or imaginary attacks going back to the explosion of the USS Maine
in Havana harbor in 1898, which launched the Spanish-American War, and with it US
Imperialism. The secret government tried to stage a fascist march on Washington against
President Franklin D. Roosevelt, and tried to assassinate him. They have brought us the Bay of
20 9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in USA
Pigs, the Kennedy assassination, the fake Gulf of Tonkin incident (partly admitted in recent
weeks by the NSA), the Vietnam War, the attempted assassination of Reagan, the gun-running
and drug-running of the Iran-contra affair, the bombing of Serbia, the sinking of the Russian
submarine Kursk, and, their crowning achievement, 9/11, followed by the invasions of
Afghanistan and Iraq. US presidents are generally puppets of this rogue network, which responds
to the needs of Wall Street and the City of London.
It was the rogue network which sent Bush an ultimatum on 9/11 with the words: “Angel is
next.” The meaning was: launch the war on civilizations, or be liquidated. Bush speedily
complied, turning the US government over to the rogue network.
In the terminology of intelligence work, Bin Laden, Atta, and the rest are patsies. They are
double agents, fanatics, dupes, agents provocateurs. They operate under the umbrella of al
Qaeda, a group which can only be described as the Arab Legion of CIA and MI-6, a classic
counter-gang or pseudo-gang against Arab nationalism. Their ethnic and religious background
allows the Arab and Islamic world to be blamed for terrorist acts. They receive support from the
CIA, as typified by Bin Laden’s famous kidney dialysis. These figures have criminal intent, but
what they do not have is the physical and technical ability to produce the effects observed – just
as Lee Harvey Oswald, no matter how evil he was, could not have fired the requisite number of
shots at President Kennedy in Dallas.
The terrorist controllers and case officers for Atta and the others were evidently Able
Danger, a joint project of the Defense Intelligence Agency and the Special Forces Command.
Since Able Danger came to light, we have learned that Able Danger destroyed 2.5 terabytes of its
own records, equal to about a quarter of the Library of Congress, the largest library in the world.
Rumsfeld has forbidden Able Danger officers to testify to Congress.
The patsies could operate freely and openly, without being arrested, because of the network
of moles inside the US government. These moles are loyal to the invisible government, not to the
constitution and the laws. They make sure the patsies are available to be scapegoated, and they
destroy the evidence and organize the cover-up after the fact. The moles are responsible for
paralyzing US air defenses for one hour and forty-five minutes on 9/11, in comparison with
average intercept times of 15-20 minutes at most both before and after. No outside force could
have obtained this result.
The trained professionals, the technocrats of death, are the third group. They do possess the
physical-technical ability to crash planes and other flying objects into buildings, and to destroy
the World Trade Center with controlled demolition. Some of these professionals operate from
inside government bureaucracies, and others from private offices. They seek anonymity, not
Recent progress in 9/11 research has focused on the role of war games, military exercises,
and terror drills in hiding and facilitating the terror actions of 9/11. So far we know of 14
separate exercises on or related to 9/11. Some were used to suppress air defenses by moving
fighter planes to northern Canada and Alaska, far from the 9/11 targets. Others paralyzed air
defense by inserting false radar blips onto the radar screens of defense personnel, and with
commercial and military aircraft which reported themselves as hijacked.
But there is another dimension. A drill staged at the National Reconnaissance Office in
Chantilly, Virginia that morning was based on the idea of flying commercial airlines into office
The London Explosions, The Rogue Network, Bush, And Iran 21
buildings. There is every reason to believe that the kamikaze aircraft were controlled from here,
the US spy satellite headquarters. Amalgam Virgo, another drill associated with 9/11, involved
firing a cruise missile against a land target from a rogue freighter in the Gulf of Mexico. This
likely prepared what was done to the Pentagon, since it is clear that no commercial airliner ever
hit that building.
Most ominous of all was Global Guardian, a 9/11 drill simulating all-out thermonuclear war
with bombers, missiles, and submarines. This drill included an attempt at outside penetration of
the nuclear command structure by a “bad” outsider with access to a key command and control
system. Here was the secret portal through which the rogue network was ready to launch nuclear
war on 9/11. On 9/11, Bush called Putin with an ultimatum: the US would seize Afghanistan,
plus bases in ex-Soviet central Asia. If Putin had rejected this, the US rogue network had the
capability to set off World War III by ordering nuclear escalation.
When state terrorists attack, they often do it under the cover of an announced, seemingly
legal drill that closely resembles or mimics the terror operation. This helps camouflage the
criminal intent of the coup plotters inside their own bureaucracy. The drill is just a drill, until it
goes live. During the Cold War, Hilex 75 and Able Archer 83 were drills that could have led to
real confrontation and war.
When President Reagan was shot in 1981, a presidential succession exercise (Nine Lives)
was scheduled for the next day, as a cover for operations. The London July 7 bombings of this
year were prepared by exercises named Atlantic Blue by the UK, Topoff III by the US, and
Triple Play by Canada, which simulated an attack on the London Underground while an
international conference was going on in the UK. On July 7 itself, Peter Power’s Visor
Associates were simulating explosions in the same stations at the same times that bombs
exploded, as BBC 5 reported.
Last summer, Cheney instructed the Pentagon to prepare the atomic bombing of Iran, to be
carried out in the wake of a new, larger-scale 9/11. It is clear this was to be state sponsored, false
flag synthetic terrorism, designed to give a pretext for the attack.
In the US and other NATO states, a citizens’ watch for these dangerous rogue drills has
been established to meet the threat. In August, Sudden Response 05 was to simulate a 10-kiloton
nuclear explosion in Charleston, South Carolina. A mobilization of concerned citizens protested
this drill and, we believe, shut it down. Then came a gas dispersion drill in New York City, and
Granite Shadow / Power Geyser, involving weapons of mass destruction in Washington DC.
These drills were denounced and protested.
Right now, in the month of November, we are in the midst of the densest concentration of
drills since 9/11 itself. First there is Vigilant Shield, a radiological dirty bomb going off in the
port of Mobile, Alabama. This is to be answered by Global Lightning, an exchange of nuclear
missiles between the US and North Korea, with US ABM missile defense engaged.
Simultaneously there is Positive Response and Global Storm, the new name for Global Guardian
under the regime of first-strike preventive nuclear attack. These involve a confrontation with
Russia over the Ukraine.. Any of these drills could be used as a cover to launch real nuclear
provocations and nuclear attacks. War planning against Venezuela continues. Worldwide
vigilance is needed to prevent the worst.
22 9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in USA
The Bush regime is now in crisis because of the lost war in Iraq, the criminally negligent
response to hurricane Katrina, and the highest gasoline prices in history. Libby has been indicted,
and Rove, Feith, Wolfowitz and Ledeen may follow. As in the movie Wag the Dog, Bush or the
neocons are tempted to start a war to escape this crisis. During Watergate, when Nixon declared
a nuclear red alert in October 1973, British Prime Minister Edward Heath saw blatant political
motives. Whenever Nixon asked for the football, the briefcase containing the secret nuclear
launch codes, White House officials Kissinger and Haig watched him closely to keep his finger
off the nuclear button. In the summer of 1974, Defense Secretary Schlesinger told US
commanders to disregard orders for any military attack coming from Nixon unless they had been
confirmed by Schlesinger or Kissinger. Today the situation is similar, and the Democratic Party
and the NATO states must demand that the unstable Bush and the desperate neocons be placed
under special surveillance during their ouster to prevent new adventures of incalculable
But as long as Bush can keep his base of 30-35% of the US population, he can wage war in
Iraq indefinitely, and possibly widen that war to Syria and Iran. Bush’s hold on his base is due
largely to the power of the 9/11 myth over certain parts of the American people. Whenever Bush
is held accountable for anything, his response is to cite 9/11. His arguments for the war in Iraq
are not based on Iraq, but rather on 9/11. There is only one way to erode Bush’s hard core base,
and that is by attacking the 9/11 myth. Destroy the 9/11 myth, and the September criminals may
be called to account. Destroy the 9/11 myth, and Bush will be neutralized. Peace-loving
governments and institutions around the world must address this task, with a campaign of
denunciation, exposure, and political education on the truth about 9/11 and the nature of
terrorism. One vehicle for this would be an Independent International Truth Commission on
9/11, modeled on the Russell-Sartre Tribunal for Vietnam. The convocation of such a truth
commission for 9/11 is more urgent than ever, and should be top priority for anti-war forces well
before the Congressional elections a year from now.
On October 5, 1937, Franklin D. Roosevelt called in Chicago for a quarantine of the fascist
dictators, for the isolation and boycott of aggressors. Since then the wheels of history have
turned, and it is now the Bush-neocon regime in Washington which must be quarantined by the
forces of civilized humanity. There can be no military or security cooperation with the neocons.
Free trade pacts with the neocons are suicidal. Bush officials are guilty of international
conspiracy to wage aggressive war, a capital crime under the Nuremberg precedents. When the
US population is turning against Bush, it is tragic to see Europe and Japan continuing to support
him on so many issues. It is time for the world to quarantine the aggressor. In so doing, it will
have the support of the American people.

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