Saturday, July 01, 2006 - News - Lawmaker Wants UW Lecturer Fired Over 9/11 Views - News - Lawmaker Wants UW Lecturer Fired Over 9/11 Views

A Wisconsin lawmaker says that a part-time UW instructor should be fired for his views that the U.S. government was behind 9/11. What do you think?
Choice Votes Percentage of 1120 Votes
He should definitely be fired for making claims like this. 175 16%
I don't agree with him, but he has a right to his opinion. 169 15%
I don't want my taxes supporting someone with views like this. 123 11%
As long as he doesn't teach these views during class he shouldn't be fired. 125 11%
He shouldn't be fired; universities should be open to controversial ideas. 528 47%

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