Sunday, July 16, 2006

Bloglines - Does Clinton "redeploy" to Israel, soon?

Ploy #1: Bash Clinton

Ploy #2: Bash Carter

Is Anchoress channeling Zell Miller? Where does it end?

The Anchoress
Religion. Politics. Punditry. Baseball. You know, all the important stuff.

Does Clinton ‘redeploy’ to Israel, soon?

By TheAnchoress on America

Do you think the situation in the Middle East will come to this?

The Israelis know that if the Iraqi or the Iranian army came across the Jordan River, I would personally grab a rifle, get in a ditch, and fight and die.”
- Former US President Bill Clinton, July 31, 2002

Now that would be interesting to see, wouldn’t it? Now that all of his pals are doing the Jackie Gleason “hommina, hommina, hommina” it would be refreshing to hear Clinton re-iterate his commitment to Israel and her right to defend herself.

But Kofi Annan is saying Israel is the aggressor here - she gave up Gaza and has been eating Hamas missiles ever since, her soldiers were kidnapped, but she was the aggressor. Bill wants to be SecGen of the UN - let’s hear what he has to say on this issue.

C’mon, Bill Clinton - you love to talk when it costs nothing. And Lord knows, you can say anything, anything at all, and the press and the Euro left will gush that you’ve said precisely the right thing at the right moment! How about replaying that “picking up a rifle” speech again?

Just be careful. As my Gabby Hayes alter-ego once said:

Apperpo o’ nuthin, I like this Clinton quote about how he’d grab a rifle and go fight and die for Israel! Does my heart good to read it but someone better show the boy how to keep from blowin’ his honeybubbles to bits, cuz I ’spect he don’t know nuthin’ ’bout arms.

Betsy has more and more. She writes:

I wish that the next time some leader comes out and starts talking about Israel’s “disproportionate response” that the journalists would ask them what their definition of a proportionate response would be if some terrorists were sending rockets into their own cities. Perhaps their own citizens might be interested in knowning how these intrepid leaders would respond if they were being attacked. I bet they wouldn’t be concerned about no stinkin’ proportionality then.


Neo-neocon, picks it up where Betsy left off and Carol has more thoughts.

Meanwhile…does this Bill Kristol piece basically say all of this may be laid upon the legacy of James Earl Carter? Think about it.

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