Friday, May 12, 2006

Screw Loose Change: The Pentagon Again

Screw Loose Change: The Pentagon Again

This post is about the linked entry above, which is part of a case being made that the video Loose Change is flawed, and in some cases spurious or wholly incorrect. I don't agree with that conclusion. Here's one small commentary in rebuttal (debunking the debunk).

Loose Change is not a definitive description of anything. It's a movie. This attempt above at debunking in tight focus on this video is meaningless. Any true debunking would address the whole universe of 9/11 material with Loose Change in context.

I agree "Loose Change" is not perfect. In fact, it is self contradictory.

Many informed researchers are very aware that Loose Change does not depict anything near a perfect unified thoroughly documented case. It is recommended as a starting point, especially for the huge mass of complete innocents who think the MSM has covered the topic of 9/11.

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