Friday, March 31, 2006

9/11 Activism Kits

9/11 Activism Kits: "
As 9/11 activists, we were appalled at the lack of available 9/11 related materials, which we could purchase and distribute in order to awaken the masses. 9/11 was a controlled demolition; an inside job; a false flag terrorist attack used to put Americans into a state of fear and panic. It has hastened the erosion of our rights via the patriot act, and has been used as the pretext for every act of American imperialism since. Something needs to be done now folks!
So rather than complain, we started ordering the materials ourselves in bulk. But rather than keep them to ourselves, we want to offer them out to the general public because we know there are others out there who'd welcome these tools to support the truth when approaching friends, family and other 'in the dark' Americans."

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