Monday, May 08, 2006

[september_eleven_vreeland] Digest Number 1352

There are 3 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1. The Internet is Dead, Long Live the Internet
From: "norgesen"
2. Goss, Foggo, and the honeytrap
From: "norgesen"
3. Come Out of the White House with Your Hands Up ! Address:http://milw
From: ""


Message 1
From: "norgesen"
Date: Sun May 7, 2006 6:53am(PDT)
Subject: The Internet is Dead, Long Live the Internet

The Internet is Dead, Long Live the Internet
Total regulation rules are close at hand, a new internet will kill free speech and weed out anything deemed "inappropriate"

Steve Watson / May 2 2006

In the space of a few months debate has gone from "pressure on internet service providers" to make available user records to calls for all out mandatory ISP snooping on all US citizens.

In a display of bi-partisanship, both Democrats and Republicans are calling for such measures.

"Last week, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, a Republican, gave a speech saying that data retention by Internet service providers is an 'issue that must be addressed.' Child pornography investigations have been 'hampered' because data may be routinely deleted, Gonzales warned," reports Declan McCullagh of CNET News.

Now Democratic member of the Congressional Internet Caucus, Diana DeGette, wants an an amendment that would make such data deletion illegal.

DeGette says that any Internet service that 'enables users to access content' must permanently retain records that would permit police to identify each user. The records could not be discarded until at least one year after the user's account was closed.

This may mean that any normal website or blog would have to fall into line with such new rules and suddenly total web regulation would become a reality.

The excuse for this as either a standalone measure or as an amendment to a broad telecommunications bill that is moving rapidly through the House, is that it is designed to protect children.

We are being led to believe that a vast army of maniac pedophiles are on the loose and we must do away with all forms of privacy in order to stop them. This is akin to saying that blanket cctv prevents crime. As if to say "if we film everyone all the time, even innocent people, then no one will ever commit any crimes."

Increasingly we are seeing this in every aspect of our lives. Recording, tracking and retaining our data in the name of keeping us all safe. Everyone is now treated as guilty until proven innocent.

In reality the amendment would mean that such data would be accessible to any local or state law enforcement official investigating anything from drug possession to tax evasion.

Jim Harper, director of information policy studies at the free-market Cato Institute, said: "This is an unrestricted grant of authority to the FCC to require surveillance."

"The FCC would be able to tell Internet service providers to monitor our e-mails, monitor our Web surfing, monitor what we post on blogs or chat rooms, and everything else under the sun,"

We have previously exposed how moves are also afoot to clamp down on internet neutrality and even to designate a new form of the internet known as Internet 2.

This would be a faster, more streamlined elite equivalent of the internet available to users who were willing to pay more for a much improved service. providers may only allow streaming audio and video on your websites if you were eligible for Internet 2.

Of course, Internet 2 would be greatly regulated and only "appropriate content" would be accepted by an FCC or government bureau. Everything else would be relegated to the "slow lane" internet, the junkyard as it were. Our techie rulers are all too keen to make us believe that the internet as we know it is "already dead".

Let's take a look at the possible effects that such moves would have on websites such as infowars and prisonplanet.

Given that they are already blocked by many regular filters because they are deemed to contain "inappropriate content" (even though 90% of our material is simply mainstream news) we would face the prospect of not being able to stream audio or video or of being locked out entirely if a telecom disagreed with our content.

Without the ability to stream our material we would have to rely on newsletters and mailing lists. However, the first steps in a move to charge for every e mail sent have already been taken. Under the pretext of eliminating spam, Bill Gates and other industry chieftains have proposed Internet users buy credit stamps which denote how many e mails they will be able to send. This of course is also the death knell for political newsletters and mailing lists.

With demands placed upon us to provide records of all our visitors, streaming audio and video gone, our ability to mass mail our content killed off and our position on Internet 2 DENIED, the sites would virtually be shut down.

The move to demonize the Internet and tar its reputation has been underway for a long time. The boom in blogs and alternative news websites has plunged the mainstream media into a panic. Their newspaper sales and hits to their websites are plummeting as people seek their own information from multiple sources. The mainstream has engaged in a desperate attempt to paint the internet as a dark place where criminals and weirdos are everywhere and all information is inaccurate and unbalanced.

AOL is still running ads equating Internet users with terrorists. In the next few years we may see a staged Internet shutdown which is blamed on cyber terrorists.

In reality it is the mainstream that is inaccurate and unbalanced, providing a one sided story firmly rooted in the past on printed paper or the nightly news.

For the aspiring dictator, the Internet is a dangerous tool that has been seized by the enemy. We have come a long way since 1969, when the ARPANET was created solely for US government use. The Internet is freedom's best friend and the bane of control freaks. Its eradication is one of the short term goals of those that seek to centralize power and subjugate the world under a global surveillance panopticon prison.


Message 2
From: "norgesen"
Date: Sun May 7, 2006 6:58am(PDT)
Subject: Goss, Foggo, and the honeytrap

Sunday, May 07, 2006
Goss, Foggo, and the honeytrap
From Cannonfire:

�Larry Johnson claims that his sources tell him that Goss did not partake of the hookers at chateau Wilkes. Here's a thought: What if Goss, old spook that he is, helped set up the sting, in order to entrap his fellow congressmen? Maybe he's a mack, not a john. After all, someone had to introduce those legislators to spooked-up �businessmen� Brent Wilkes and Mitchell Wade...�

Exactly what I thought on hearing the story. Goss and Foggo are both old CIA hands, and know how the game is played. Neither would be stupid enough to fall into such an obvious �honeytrap�, and the most likely scenario, if Foggo is involved, is that he set it up (�Foggo, who occasionally hosted the poker parties at his house in northern Virginia, is under investigation by the CIA's inspector general to determine whether he helped Wilkes gain CIA contracts.�; see also here, for a certain kind of CIA take, a kind I frankly don�t put much trust in, on the matter of Goss and Foggo). Since the quick timing indicates that Goss was fired on very short notice, and Foggo may be resigning, you have to wonder whether Goss tried to use Foggo�s blackmail pictures to gain some ground on the White House in the ongoing CIA-Cheney turf wars, and Cheney proved again that he is the biggest sumabitch around (Goss on the resignation: �it's one of those mysteries�). The odd firing by Goss of Mary McCarthy � fired for leaking to the press when she probably didn�t leak � probably has something to do with this. If you read between the lines a bit, you can see that there are indications that Goss is an old hand at using sexual blackmail to deal with his political obstacles.

Saturday, May 06, 2006
Bodies of Intelligence

Oh when there's too much of nothing,
No one has control - Bob Dylan

I'll need to finish my thoughts from Thursday's post over the next day or two, because there seem to be some wheels coming off as some stars come right that, for however long, may shine light again upon some of Washington's most secret dark places.

First, as DailyKos convincingly argues, the true scandal of the Duke Cunningham hooker story is likely the gender of the hookers. There are some very carefully parsed statements regarding Brent Wilkes' Watergate "hospitality suites," such as the claim of the lawyer for Shirlington Limo's Chris Baker that his client was "never in attendance in any party where any women were being used for prostitution purposes."

Cunningham staked out ground in Congress as a particularly gross character, describing his 1998 prostate operation as "just not natural, unless maybe you�re Barney Frank.� Frank noted that Cunningham "tends to frequently blurt out stuff on gay issues. He seems to be more interested in discussing homosexuality than most homosexuals." Two years earlier Cunningham had baited Frank on the Massachusetts Democrat's own hooker scandal, cutting him off in debate with "Would you like to talk about prostitutes and basements?" (Interestingly, it was only the Barney Frank angle that found any traction in the press and with the general public following The Washington Times' flap of child hookers on the Hill stories in 1989.)

But Cunningham is himself deeply and unhappily closeted, according to Chris Crain of The Washington Blade:

Cunningham, who is married with grown children, has admitted to romantic, loving relationships with men, both during his Vietnam military service and as a civilian. That was the remarkable story that this publication reported two years ago, when Elizabeth Birch, the former Human Rights Campaign leader, inadvertently outed Cunningham at a gay rights forum.

Birch never mentioned Cunningham�s name, but she talked about a rabidly anti-gay congressman who asked to meet privately with her in the midst of a controversy over his use in a speech on the floor of the House the term "homos" to describe gays who have served in the military. Alone with Birch and an HRC staffer, the unnamed congressman shared that he had loved men during his life. In telling the story, Birch offered up a few too many details about the closeted congressman.

As for Porter Goss, Cannonfire does an excellent job of linking his abrupt resignation to an ongoing investigation of the Cunningham fiasco through CIA Executive Director Kyle "Dusty" Foggo's ties to Brent Wilkes.

The CIA, of course, is the genuine Mac Daddy of Capitol Hill prostitution. If Craig Spence could talk, he would, and so he can't. The Agency's interest in prostitution as a tool of blackmail and political leverage happened before at the Watergate, and may have even be closer to the truth of Nixon's fall than the "second-rate burglary." So to the degree Goss and Foggo may be involved, I think it's safe to assume it wasn't for their own personal "stress management."

Also, coincidentally or not, Jeff Gannon chose this of all weeks to acknowledge publically for the first time that yes, in fact, he is a gay man. The admission came during the panel session of the Equality Forum, and was apparently so difficult for him he had trouble forming the words, even before a largely gay audience.

Gannon was asked where he slept during his White House overnights, but he was saved from responding by the moderators. It was the decent thing to do.


starroute said...

Another possible angle is that Goss's role has always been that of cover-up guy. He played a major part a few years back in making sure the CIA-cocaine hearings didn't go anywhere. His House Intel Committee was deeply involved in 2003 in trying to squash the Iraq intel investigations. (It accused the CIA of being responsible for the failures on WMD information just one day before the CIA asked for an investigation of the Plame outing.) And there have been other examples as well.

When Goss was appointed CIA director, I felt fairly sure that would be his primary role -- and that the purges were at most an aspect or a side benefit of some major cover-up activity. So the fact that it has all backfired, and that Goss seems incapable of stemming the tide of CIA and former CIA whistleblower leaks, may be his real crime in the eyes of the White House.

I'm not saying he isn't implicated in Hookergate -- but that may be more in the nature of an excuse for deep-sixing him than a primary cause.

Of course, if this true, the question then becomes what secrets are they still sitting on and what are they prepared to do to keep them from getting out.


Anonymous said...

The very important question no one seems to be asking is whom does the CIA really serve lately?

And who�s the �DJ� for this very public game of "musical chairs"?

The simultaneous Goss/Straw evacuation is no coincidence�


sunny said...

Dusty Foggo, Nine Fingers, hookers at the Watergate,a regug-linked mob killing down in Florida, venal politcos, gay right-wing operatives, plane-loads full of coke, poker, Elmer Gantry-esque Evangelicals, wives on the take, cozy corporate funded jaunts, cocktail-weenie addicted journos, blackmail, arm-twisting, pay-to-play, gov�t contracts-to-kickbacks to repubs, ex-con millionaires running limos and voting machine companies,...

I would say �CALLING ED McBAIN!!!�( or at least Carl Hiasson) but these crimes and misdemeanors are just the tip of the iceburg, so who we gonna call?

By the way Jeff, I love it when you train you laser keyboard on these hypocrites.


Uncle $cam said...

This Militarization, the elimination of independent CIA capabilities is tied in with all sorts of nefarious commercial skeletons in the closet, particularly with competitive intelligence and market manipulation. These revenue sources were much preferred to Yalie 9-month interlopers and their ilk than to hardcore black ops involving Noriega and narco dollars preferred by the gangsters in uniform. The uneasy marriage is over. The problem is the unruly children in both camps and to what degree family laundry will be aired in public.

They'd rather have it all out in the open.There has been talk that competitive intel "excercises" among company prodigies yielded unexpected WHIG communiques that are widely believed to have been legally shared in extramural investigations.The parties involved to a large degree have resigned, retired or taken reassignment.The legal time bomb is still ticking. Cheney and Mr. Flightsuit know it. Their paranoia over a growing number of domestic enemies is well founded. It's written all over Bush's face. But Cheney is and always has been the causus belli the reason d'etre of this Administration. Intercepted Foreign intel assessments of Mr. Cheney as "megalomaniacal" and "delusional" were met with circumspect dismissal by analysts unfortunate enough to be in that position. Privately,among agency assessors, there has emerged numerous assessments of the Vice President, characterizing Cheney variously as having "impaired reality testing", "messianic", "Napoleonic", "unhinged" and similar to "Hitler in the Bunker".

So now the neighbors are in on the act. These morons have not only presided over the rising influence of Iran, unsettling Peking re global oil markets and Indian nuclear proliferation at China's back door, Cheney's now taking pot shots at the Russians and looking to clip Russian Oil interests.World War III indeed. A completely rhetorical Question:
Where is a lone gunman when you need him???

Also, anybody else thinking these poker games were rigged to put cash into official's pockets?


xymphora has an interesting take on the goss/foggo debacle:

"Goss, Foggo, and the honeytrap

From Cannonfire:

�Larry Johnson claims that his sources tell him that Goss did not partake of the hookers at chateau Wilkes. Here's a thought: What if Goss, old spook that he is, helped set up the sting, in order to entrap his fellow congressmen? Maybe he's a mack, not a john. After all, someone had to introduce those legislators to spooked-up �businessmen� Brent Wilkes and Mitchell Wade...�

Exactly what I thought on hearing the story. Goss and Foggo are both old CIA hands, and know how the game is played. Neither would be stupid enough to fall into such an obvious �honeytrap�, and the most likely scenario, if Foggo is involved, is that he set it up (�Foggo, who occasionally hosted the poker parties at his house in northern Virginia, is under investigation by the CIA's inspector general to determine whether he helped Wilkes gain CIA contracts.�; see also here, for a certain kind of CIA take, a kind I frankly don�t put much trust in, on the matter of Goss and Foggo). Since the quick timing indicates that Goss was fired on very short notice, and Foggo may be resigning, you have to wonder whether Goss tried to use Foggo�s blackmail pictures to gain some ground on the White House in the ongoing CIA-Cheney turf wars, and Cheney proved again that he is the biggest sumabitch around (Goss on the resignation: �it's one of those mysteries�). The odd firing by Goss of Mary McCarthy � fired for leaking to the press when she probably didn�t leak � probably has something to do with this. If you read between the lines a bit, you can see that there are indications that Goss is an old hand at using sexual blackmail to deal with his political obstacles."

any takers?


Message 3
From: ""
Date: Sun May 7, 2006 4:12pm(PDT)
Subject: Come Out of the White House with Your Hands Up ! Address:http://milw

Come Out of the White House with Your Hands Up !


"Come Out of the White House with Your Hands Up!"

Ex-Bush Official Busts 9/11 Perps at U.W. Historical Society
Madison, WI

Saturday, May 6, 2006
Kevin Barrett, 07.05.2006 13:06

An enthusiastic standing-room-only crowd overfilled the 300-seat
Wisconsin Historical Society auditorium Saturday to hear ex-Bush
Administration insider Morgan Reynolds prosecute top administration and
military officials for the 9/11 inside job.

Reynolds to Cheney: "You're BUSTED!"

Reynolds indicted Richard Cheney, George W. Bush, former Joint
Chiefs Chairman Richard Meyers, confessed WTC demolisher and
insurance-fraudster Larry Silverstein, and others for mass murder,
conspiracy, and other charges including high treason.

The enthusiastic response from the overflow crowd was a de facto
vote for conviction on all counts.
The former Director of the Criminal Justice Center at the National
Center for Policy Analysis, showed that the defendants conspired to
create a false cover story of suicide hijackings in order to "blow the
World Trade Center to kingdom come" with explosives�a shock-and-awe
psy-op designed to coerce the American people into supporting a
pre-planned "long war" in the Middle East, massive increases in military
spending, and the rollback of Constitutional civil liberties.
Reynolds stated that everyone in the worldwide intelligence
community knew that 9/11 was an inside job as soon as it happened, with
the obvious stand-down of US air defenses, controlled demolition of the
World Trade Center, and non-protection of the President in Florida being
the biggest tip-offs. The head of the Russian equivalent of the Joint
Chiefs of Staff, the former head of the German intelligence service
Andreas Von Bulow, former National Security Agency official Wayne
Madsen, and former MI-6 agent David Schayler have all openly called 9/11
an inside job, while former CIA official Ray McGovern has
confirmed this directly in private, and indirectly in public by way of
his ringing endorsement of David Ray Griffin's work on 9/11.
Reynolds, who served as George W. Bush's Labor Department Chief
Economist in 2001-2002, believes that a 9/11 truth victory is looming on
the near-term horizon.
He predicted that one or more of the 9/11 insiders will soon "give
it up" and come forward with what they know, saying "Remember, you heard
it here first." He said that most of those complicit in the attacks did
not realize how over-the-top the plot was, due to the need-to-know
compartmentalization of such covert operations, and that some
semi-complicit individuals will probably be coming forward. Reynolds
said that most of his email acquaintances are now worried that the 9/11
truth movement is going to win, triggering the greatest Constitutional
crisis in U.S. history. For Reynolds, this is less a cause for worry
than for rejoicing:
"We need a Constitutional crisis!"

Reynolds argued that 9/11 truth is a matter of extreme urgency, since
the perpetrators seem to be preparing another 9/11-style terror hoax as
a pretext for attacking Iran with nuclear weapons. He said that exposing
the 9/11 fraud is the best way to stop Cheney's plan to stage an
unprovoked nuclear attack on Iran, and the military draft and
Pinochet-style prison camps and death squads for dissenters that might
accompany it.
Reynolds urged the audience to help educate the American public
about the 9/11 inside job. Personal contact with family and friends, the
internet, alternative media, and public events like this are all good
educational strategies, he said, adding that a demonstration of 100,000
9/11 truth supporters at Ground Zero next year would be hard for the
media to ignore.
Politicians and the media will help expose the 9/11 inside job, he
said, only after the growing grassroots movement reaches critical mass.
The organizers of Reynolds' talk urged audience members to come to the
upcoming international 9/11 truth conference in Chicago, 9/11: Revealing
the Truth, Reclaiming Our Future, June 2nd-4th, 2006:
* * *
Introduction to Dr. Reynolds Presentation
(delivered in much abbreviated form due to time constraints)
by Dr. Kevin Barrett
Coordinator, Muslim-Jewish-Christian Alliance for 9/11 Truth:
Member, Scholars for 9/11 Truth:
Member, Scientific Professionals

Investigating 9/11 (SPINE):


Friends, we are gathered here today not just to speak truth to power,
but to start fighting back. The information you are hearing today is
political dynamite. It is the stuff of which revolutions are made.
Evil rulers use divide-and-conquer strategies against their subjects. In
Iraq, the occupiers blow up mosques and markets, and murder thousands of
bystanders, in a lame attempt to provoke a Sunni-Shia civil war. But
they're not fooling anybody. The Iraqis all know who's really doing
these bombings, just as 90% of the Arab and Muslim world knows that 9/11
was an inside job. Here in Ersatz America, our criminal rulers are
trying to divide us by whipping up emotional hysteria: abortion,
immigration, gay marriage, liberal versus conservative, religious versus
secular, Christian and Jewish versus Muslim�anything to distract us
and keep us from seeing what they're doing to all of us.

9/11 truth unites ALL of us � left and right, gay and straight,
religious, spiritual and secular, Muslim, Christian and Jewish, military
and civilian � in revolutionary outrage against this evil regime, and
in determination to overthrow it by any means necessary.

We hope the 9/11 truth revolution will be a nonviolent revolution. We
are starting with education, symbolism, and nonviolent action. Please
honor the request of Veterans for 9/11 Truth (

� to fly the American flag upside down as a symbol of
Constitutional distress. And please come to Chicago for the
international 9/11 truth strategy conference June 2nd � 4th, sponsored
by and the Muslim-Jewish-Christian Alliance for 9/11 Truth.
Posters are available at the table outside. We are meeting in Chicago to
figure out how to win on 9/11 truth. And we are going to win. See:


And when we win, the brave man we have invited here today will get a big
chunk of the credit.

Dr. Morgan Reynolds is Professor Emeritus at Texas A & M University. He
served as Chief Economist in the Department of Labor under George W.
Bush during the Cheney regime's first illegitimate term. He is the
former director of the Criminal Justice Center at the National Center
for Policy Analysis, and appeared on innumerable political discussion
shows in the mainstream media � back when we used to have a mainstream
media rather than a Ministry of Propaganda. I'm sorry, I shouldn't say
that � it's the Ministry of Love. Wait a minute, that's the one that
runs Abu Ghraib and the sex torture gulag. Or is that der Ministry of
Unheimlich Insecurity? I'm sorry, I grew up back when we had something
vaguely resembling a democracy �I can't keep all this stuff straight.
In any case, Dr. Reynolds has a stellar resume, and the best part of it
is that he is a Wisconsin Badger with three degrees from this great
university � and he is living up to its motto, The Truth Will Set You
Free! Ladies and gentlemen, Dr. Morgan Reynolds.
* * *
(For Morgan Reynolds' work, see his website


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