Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Bloglines - Your Nightly News: Understanding Propaganda

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Disinformation Logo: The Devil Girl   Disinformation
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Your Nightly News: Understanding Propaganda

'Did you get your fix today? How bad is your habit? How many hits do you need each day; three? four? must you have it in the car? how about at home while you're eating dinner?

'The "News" is one of the most elaborate, pervasive and omnipotent forms of propaganda in our modern lives, and even those who think it is slanted, biased or a purveyor of misinformation, have no idea how much it still controls their thoughts.

'Now, I'm not a medical doctor, but perhaps you better check with one before you read this article. Your blood pressure could rise, and you might feel dizzy with anger. All because you are about to perceive your religion is under attack. At this point, some are thinking, "But I'm not a religious person, I'm rational, and don't believe in supernaturalism." Oh really? We'll soon see about that.' (Rense article part 1 & part 2).

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