Saturday, April 01, 2006

[911TruthAction] Digest Number 1204

There are 25 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1. Re: OFF TOPIC: MANDATORY AIDS TESTING -Clinton's Slippery Slope
From: amy dalzell <>
2. A Day in the Life: 3/31/6
From: "President, USA Exile Govt." <>
3. *********************************TIME TO ROCK'N'ROLL****************************
From: "kennendyone" <>
4. 9/11 update - 3/31
From: "reggie501" <>
5. Oh, WOW!
From: amy dalzell <>
6. Re: Re: [CPOP] Army Bans Use of Privately-Bought Body Armo
From: JP Liggett <>
7. Re: Re: [CPOP] Army Bans Use of Privately-Bought Body Armo
From: Scott Legere <>
8. David Ray Griffin Interview on Flashpoints!
From: "A.J." <>
9. Re: [CPOP] Army Bans Use of Privately-Bought Body Armo
From: "hvncb" <>
10. Re: [CPOP] Army Bans Use of Privately-Bought Body Armo
From: "hvncb" <>
11. RE: OFF TOPIC: MANDATORY AIDS TESTING -Clinton's Slippery Slope
From: "Scott Peden" <>
12. Fw: Betsy Hart's "Fear Of Muslims" Conspiracy Theory
From: "Dick Eastman" <>
13. God Bless Hugo Chaez for seeking the truth. -- Venezuelan Govt.To Launch International 9/11 Investigation
From: "Dick Eastman" <>
14. Secretary of State Disenfranchising Voters (forwarded by FAIR)
From: janet phelan <>
15. Consequences of Venezuelan International 9/11 Investigation
From: "Dick Eastman" <>
16. Fw: BravoCharlie911 (Ruppert resents Charlie)
From: "Dick Eastman" <>
17. Jew Power -- Stephen Walt, Dean/Co-author of paper on Israeli Lobby is FIRED from Harvard...
From: "Dick Eastman" <>
18. Re: [planehuggers] you can't believe in both remote controlled crashbombing and the no -plane theory
From: "Dick Eastman" <>
19. Hastert's SS goons assault Hon. McKinney
From: "Total Information" <>
20. The Magic Nose Cone!
From: "killtown" <>
21. Fw: you can't believe in both remote-controlled crashbombing and the no -plane theory
From: "Dick Eastman" <>
22. Re: Fw: BravoCharlie911 (Ruppert resents Charlie)
23. Dear Killtown, are you a "no planer?" or just a "not-the-Boeing-at-the Pentagon" like me?
From: "Dick Eastman" <>
24. Re: Re: [CPOP] Army Bans Use of Privately-Bought Body Armo
From: Naveed <>
25. Re: Dear Killtown, are you a "no planer?" or just a "not-the-Boeing-at-the Pent
From: "killtown" <>


Message: 1
Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2006 06:52:04 -0800 (PST)
From: amy dalzell <>
Subject: Re: OFF TOPIC: MANDATORY AIDS TESTING -Clinton's Slippery Slope

I think, perhaps, we should be worrying more about where AIDS came from in the first place. Let's see - c. 1979 - hmmmm - monogamy, hypocrisy, and marriage (and religion) being challenged on every front in the U.S. and the general Western world...

hmmmmmm....women getting out of line.....What do we need to keep these people in their place?


A heterosexual WHITE hegemonic culture being challenged by people who want to live their own lives and LOVE each other...

What to we need? hmmmmm...

'How 'bout an incurable, sexually transmitted disease that originated in AFRICA from MONKEYS that (initially) affects HOMOSEXUALS!!


Whom do you think...Dupont? Monsanto?

Cathy Garger <> wrote:
MANDATORY AIDS TESTING - Clinton's Slippery Slope
30 March 2006

Bill Clinton has called for mandatory testing for HIV/AIDS in nations that have high infection rates.

Clinton (as in I did not inhale, I did not have sex with that woman in the stained navy dress) is hereby telling the impoverished nations of the world that they must be tested for AIDS, for their own good.

Mandatory testing for one country, soon to be many more. Woops! Live in the wrong country? Sorry. You will soon be tested for AIDS.


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[This message contained attachments]


Message: 2
Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2006 10:11:16 -0500
From: "President, USA Exile Govt." <>
Subject: A Day in the Life: 3/31/6

Free Americans
Reaching Out to Amerika's Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Free
Via <>

March 31, 2006

From: "Graham Jukes" <>
Date: March 30, 2006 4:52:50 PM EST
Subject: Stephen Lendman: The war drums are getting louder andsounding
a clear message

From: FPF
Sent: Thursday, March 30, 2006 6:17 PM
Subject: FW: Stephen Lendman: The war drums are getting louder
andsounding a clear message

Thursday, March 30, 2006
Stephen Lendman


The war drums are getting louder and sounding a clear message commentarist Stephen Lendman writes:  The way things are
today, why on earth would the "big fool lunatics in charge" in
Washington ever want another war or maybe two of them? Already they're
"waist deep in the Big Muddy" in two out-of-control debacles in the
Middle East and Central Asia, and the country is leaching
multi-billions we don't have to pay for them.

Despite this hopeless chaos, it looks almost certain we're now headed
for a new one against another Middle East 4-letter country beginning
with the letter "I", and may try to "double our displeasure" by
including a "fracas in Caracas."

I just learned about an "Operation Bilbao" which appears to be
blueprint to overthrow the Chavez government and likely includes in it
targeted assassinations starting with the guy in charge.

Do these neo-crazies in Washington really think they can pull all this
off -- wars on four fronts. Don't these guys have anyone around with a
sense of history?

Forget about morality and such.

These folks have none of that.

But even kids in high school learn that Hitler was doomed when he
decided to wage war on two fronts. And we all know what happened to
Napoleon and a few other less notables. It's what happens when your
"eyes get bigger than your stomach", and the indigestion that results
is called "demise by overreach." It's no different now than a couple of
generations ago or a couple of centuries either.


Call it the curse of having too much oil or maybe any. If only they
just grew stuff we eat there instead of pumping the stuff our "gas
guzzlers" do. Iran and Venezuela have so much of the "black gold"
their countries are practically floating on it. But in a world where a
predatory USA can't even breathe without it, that makes them public
enemies one and two -- unless they agree to hand it all over to us.


That's the way it works in a world where "only what we say goes and we
make all the rules." Any nation unwilling to follow our orders and obey
them becomes a target for regime change by whatever means it takes --
including by illegal aggression using industrial strength nuclear
weapons the US now plans to throw around like hand grenades.

• I've written some in other articles about Iran and said then and
now I believe things are "hotting up" as my UK friends would say.
They're #1 in the target queue, and it could be (nuclear) bombs away at
any time.
   * But here I only want to discuss Venezuela because after Iran I
have almost no doubt Venezuela is next.

The US may even try to make it a twosome in their infinite lunacy.
These reckless, lawless fools are often wrong but never in doubt. When
you rule the world or want to, you even believe you have the right to
blow it up.

• To understand what's in the wind, all you have to do is clean out
your ears, open your eyes and pay attention. The US war drums are
beating a duet, and they're getting louder. Listen up, here's the
message on the Venezuelan front.

On March 28, the Virginia Pilot of Norfolk, VA (that's where the
biggest US naval force is based and where I once lived for a year)
reported that the US Navy is sending an aircraft carrier strike group
composed of four ships and 60 aircraft to Caribbean and South American
waters for a "major" training exercise.

All four ships are capable of launching cruise missiles that might and
could be armed with nuclear warheads. By my reckoning, that's a
provocative and hostile act.

Now combine that with the growing hostile rhetoric coming out of
Washington directed at Hugo Chavez. I wrote in a previous article that
Latin American expert James Petras wrote (now some months ago) that the
US has a strategy to overthrow President Chavez by military force and
at the same time destroy the Cuban revolution in a "two-step" process
-- "first overthrow the Chavez government in Venezuela, cut off the
energy supply and trade links (to Cuba) and then proceed toward
economic strangulation and military attack."

He also believed then the US would employ a "triangular strategy" to
overthrow Chavez -- "a military invasion from Colombia, US intervention
(by air and sea attacks plus special forces to assassinate key
officials) and an internal uprising by infiltrated terrorists and
military traitors, supported by key media, financial and petrol

That's an ominous scenario to consider, but now add to it the kind of
Washington rhetoric that makes it all sound possible. Here's some of
the language from 2005 to the present, and it's getting meaner. Various
US officials including CIA Chief Porter Goss, Deputy Secretary of State
Robert Zoellick, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and a growing number
of others have called President Chavez a "threat to democracy" and an
"elected dictatorship", and they said it without even a touch of irony.
They accused him of doing "away with the rule of law, (packing) the
courts (and) carrying out anti-democratic activities" like a dictator.


The just updated National Security Strategy, published so we can all
read it, specifically singles out Hugo Chavez as "a demagogue awash in
oil money (who is) undermining democracy and seeking to destabilize the
region." The complicit US corporate media echo this venom as often as
the Washington lunatics ask them to. And there's lots more of it
including a recent US Army report that calls Hugo Chavez "the largest
threat since the Soviet Union and Communism", and Don Rumsfeld compares
him to Hitler.

And in case you missed it, I'll repeat what John Pilger (one of my
great heros) wrote today in "British Channel 4 paints
President Chavez a Dictator -- Hugo to go?"

I watched that ugly and appalling piece of rot on March 27, painful as
it was to do it. In his article Pilger says "This was a piece seemingly
written by the US State Department..."

It sure sounded like it, and I've heard enough of it through the years
to agree.

Here's a choice line from it Pilger quotes: "He (Chavez) is in danger
of joining a rogue's gallery of dictators and despots -- Washington's
latest Latin nightmare." There's so much more of the worst kinds of
gross lies and deception in the Channel 4 report, but you get the idea.
Read the Pilger article if you haven't yet.

Unlike myself, a simple amateur, he's a pro's pro, an honest one, and
as good as they come.

All of what I cite above are the clearest signals yet something is up
and will happen - the only question is when and precisely what. I only
hope but do believe Hugo Chavez is listening and hunkering down for
"the inevitable."


It makes no difference to the Washington crowd that Hugo Chavez was
democratically elected (several times), is loved by the overwhelming
majority of his people and has already survived three attempts by the
US to oust him. Coming up for sure is number four.

Chavez surely knows this and also believes (as do I) that this time
the US plan is to kill him. In US perverted logic, they believe -- no
more Hugo Chavez, no more Bolivarian revolution.

Well, President Chavez may have a thing or two to say about the first
premise, and the Venezuelan people may have a thought or two about the
second, at least the 80% of them who cherish it and will likely fight
to keep it.

• Readers should understand and never forget that Hugo Chavez gave
the people of Venezuela a participatory democracy and an array of
essential social programs for everyone, especially the 80% or more poor
or desperately poor who never before had them.

That's why the majority of Venezuelans love him, will likely fight to
protect and keep him, and will never easily surrender the essential
services they now have.

That's also why the US hates him and will try to remove him. By US
rules it's corporations first, second, third, and to hell with the
people. We're doing the same thing here in the US so why would we ever
care about those dark-skinned Venezuelans -- except the rich ones, of
course. With them the only color that counts is green.

For the ordinary people everywhere, the virulent undercurrent of racism
always surfaces as a key factor in the target countries we choose.
Since the beginning of the republic, race hate has been so much a part
of our white leaders' DNA that even caucasian Arab people aren't white
enough. And the only post-WWII war we've fought that's an exception was
the illegal aggression against and breakup of Yugoslavia.

In that case, strategic factors outweighed race. The exception, as
they say, proves the rule.


I've written several times before that the George Bush junta today is
taking the US from a republic to tyranny, and we're already perilously
close. This is a man who believes he's "above the law" and the
"Constitution is just a goddamed piece of paper."

• I say this in deadly seriousness, this is not a test, it's real and
it's coming unless we find a way and soon to stop it.


All my senses detect it enough to make my skin crawl, and I'm
desperately trying to sound the alarm to all I can reach including Hugo
Chavez who I respect, admire and can only wish we had someone like him
here. We need a lot of Hugo Chavezes and a few more Paul Reveres to
echo the alarm, but this time it's not a case of "one if by land and
two if by sea."

It's coming at us from all directions, and it may be armed with a
nuclear warhead abroad and the end of our republic and sacred
constitutional rights here with martial law and tyranny replacing them.
It's that serious.



• Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at remains 100% independent of all political factions in
-- our aim is to report what's happening without submitting to


From: Henri the Celt <>
Date: March 31, 2006 12:25:03 AM EST
To: AAAHenri <>
Subject: Venezuelan Government To Launch International 9/11

Comment: The clock is ticking! Will the real 9/11 terrorists stand
up... or does the world have to hang them up?

Venezuelan Government To Launch
International 9/11 Investigation...
Truth crusaders Walter and Rodriguez to
appear on Hugo Chavez's weekly TV broadcast!!!

Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones/Prison | March 31 2006

Billionaire philanthropist Jimmy Walter and WTC survivor William
Rodriguez this week embarked on a groundbreaking trip to Caracas
Venezuela in which they met with the President of the Assembly and will
soon meet with Venezuelan President himself, Hugo Chavez, in
anticipation of an official Venezuelan government investigation into

Rodriguez was the last survivor pulled from the rubble of the north
tower of the WTC, and was responsible for all stairwells within the
tower. Rodriguez represented family members of 9/11 victims and
testified to the 9/11 Commission that bombs were in the north tower but
his statements were completely omitted from the official record.

Jimmy Walter has been at the forefront of a world tour to raise
awareness about 9/11 and has still yet to receive any response to his
million dollar challenge in which he offers a $1 million reward for
proof that the trade towers' steel structure was broken apart without

Rodriguez said that he was told an FBI agent had asked the hotel him
and Walter were staying in turn over a list of names of residents. Upon
hearing this, the National Assembly provided armed military protection
for the entirety of the trip. In addition, Walters said that CIA agents
were seen surveilling the beach on which he and Rodriguez had handed
out free DVD's a day earlier.

The US government attempted to sabotage the trip by putting Rodriguez,
who has been decorated at the White House itself, and Walter on a no
fly list.

Rodriguez (pictured above) and Walter are educating top Venezuelan
officials on the evidence that 9/11 was a self-inflicted wound carried
out by the military-industrial complex. They have also appeared on
every Venezuelan television and radio station both private and state
owned and have given huge presentations to major universities.

Upon visiting, Rodriguez said that the President of the Assembly,
Nicolas Maduro's home was brimming with books, videos and documents
about the 9/11 cover-up. Maduro, Venezuela's top legislator, intoned
that he was ready to create an international investigative committee,
looking into the "international crime scene" that is 9/11 and that this
would be structured via Hugo Chavez's government.

Rodriguez and Walter are also set to appear on Hugo Chavez's weekly
broadcast 'Alo Presidente' - which is often subsequently the source of
major international headlines. If there is no coverage of this event
then we know for sure that a blackout order is in place.

Rodriguez and Walter offered their full support for Charlie Sheen's
recent public stance on 9/11 and were heartened by his efforts. The
potential of a government level inquiry endorsed by Hugo Chavez
dovetails with Sheen's call for an independent investigation to be
carried out by political foreign nationals.

Though the establishment media will no doubt seek to demonize Chavez as
a militant with an axe to grind, this is an exciting development and
the next step on the road to a genuine investigation that will seek to
uncover the truth rather than hide skeletons and whitewash as was
witnessed with the staged Kean committee.


Click here to listen to Rodriguez and Walter's interview on The Alex
Jones Show. Please support our massive bandwidth costs by subscribing
to Prison


From: Naveed <>
Date: March 29, 2006 8:27:41 PM EST
Subject: [911TruthAction] Fwd: [infowarsnews] Race Riots Could Lead to
Camps For Americans and Illegals

OOHHHHHHH!  Now I see the connection between the "internment" camps for
supposed massive influxes of illegals and/or other national
"emergencies" (the same camps that Halliburton got the contract to
build)--and with the recent "protest". It looked like a staged-managed
event to me.

Paul Joseph Watson <> wrote:
To: <>,
From: "Paul Joseph Watson" <>
Date: Thu, 30 Mar 2006 01:35:55 +0100
Subject: [infowarsnews] Race Riots Could Lead to Camps For Americans
and Illegals

Riots Could Lead to Camps for Americans and Illegals

Mexican extremists led like lambs to the slaughter will be the first

Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones/Prison | March 30 2006

The catalyst for the agenda to intern millions of Americans deemed
subversive in a time of manufactured chaos could be race riots
kick-started by radicalized Mexican Klan groups and their establishment
Yesterday we reported on the immigration protests that are a front for
the violent separatist Atzlan movement. After watching Spanish TV news
stations we were able to ascertain that the marches were not wholly an
organic response to the introduction of the immigration bill but were
being artificially promoted and organized by the Spanish-language
The Associated Press reported today that, "Many of the 500,000 people
who crammed downtown Los Angeles on Saturday to protest legislation
that would make criminals out of illegal immigrants learned where, when
and even how to demonstrate from the Spanish-language media.
"For English-speaking America, the mass protests in Los Angeles and
other U.S. cities over the past few days have been surprising for their
size and seeming spontaneity."
"But they were organized, promoted or publicized for weeks by
Spanish-language radio hosts and TV anchors as a demonstration of
Hispanic pride and power."
In reality the foundation of the protests is not the Sensenbrenner bill
but part of an orchestrated advance on the part of a race hate movement
that seeks to enact a brutal program of ethnic cleansing that will wipe
uncooperative whites and blacks from the south and western states off
the map, as detailed in our previous article.
The Atzlan movement openly states its goal is to create a separatist
state that encompasses the entire southern and western states. Their
version of Hitler's Mein Kampf is the Plan of San Diego, which outlines
the plan to ethnically cleanse the entire region of whites and blacks
by mass genocide. Mecha's own slogan reads, "For the race everything.
For those outside the race, nothing." Photographs and statements
purposefully ignored by the mainstream media characterize this week's
protests as part of this agenda, with Mexican flags outnumbering US
flags a hundred to one and groups carrying signs that read, "This is
our continent, not yours!" and, "We are indigenous! The only owners of
this continent!"
Extremist Mexican websites admit that US flags were only handed out to
make it appear as if the protesters were looked on as if 'part of
America' and not a violent rabble of rampaging invaders.
What the La Reconquista movement remains blissfully unaware of is that
it is being used as sacrificial bait by its elitist puppet-masters to
engender a race war that will eventually ensnare both radical Hispanics
and white and black Americans in a carefully laid trap.
During the Iran Contra hearings in the 80's, previously classified
information came to light about Continuity of Government (CoG)
procedures in times of national crisis. The masterminds behind these
programs were Oliver North, Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney and the
Rex-84 'readiness exercise' discussed the plan to round up immigrants
and detain them in internment camps in the context of uncontrolled
population movements across the Mexican border.
The real agenda was to use the cover of rounding up immigrants and
illegal aliens as a smokescreen for targeting political dissidents and
American citizens . From 1967 to 1971 the FBI kept a list of persons to
be rounded up as subversive, dubbed the "ADEX" list.
Since 9/11 shadow government and CoG programs that were outlined in
Rex-84 have been activated, including mass warrantless wiretapping of
American citizens. The internment camp program is being readied for
execution following the announcement on January 24th that Halliburton
subsidiary KBR (formerly Brown and Root) had been awarded a $385
million contingency contract by the Department of Homeland Security to
build detention camps.
A much discussed and circulated report, the Pentagon's Civilian Inmate
Labor Program, has recently been updated and the revision details a
"template for developing agreements" between the Army and corrections
facilities for the use of civilian inmate labor on Army installations."
The pretext given for which the camps would be used as reported by the
New York Times was stated as, "an unexpected influx of immigrants, to
house people in the event of a natural disaster or for new programs
that require additional detention space."
Mexican racial superiority groups are being protected and funded by the
elite in order to create a backlash from middle class white and black
Americans that will lead to a fully fledged race war. This in turn will
result in American citizens applauding the actions of law enforcement
when they finally step in to restore order, rounding up the violent
extremists Mexicans and taking them to the camps. Mixed in will be
political subversives but the desire for calm will provide the
necessary smokescreen for this to take place without sufficient
resistance. To make absolutely sure, the Globalists could couple the
race war with a suitcase nuke attack or a biological release blamed on
the rioting foreign extremists or their terrorist sympathizers.
Sectarian and racial violence is a favored method of divide and
conquer. We have seen it used in Northern Ireland, throughout Africa
and the Balkans, and now in present day Iraq.
An invading army of radicalized foreigners with an agenda of racial
purity is massing and yet the government of Virginia is releasing
manuals to its law enforcement and state employees telling them that
property rights activists are terrorists.
Whether they are accompanied by a terrorist attack or not,
stage-managed race riots and the government's carefully prepared
response to them are likely to be America's next 9/11. Hispanic Klan
groups need to switch off for a second their Ford Foundation propaganda
spewing establishment brainwashing and realize that they are pawns for
a wider malthusian master plan that threatens to turn America into a
police state a hundred times more tyrannical than even their beloved
Mexico, and that they will be its first victims.
Alex Jones covers the issue of internment camps and Rex-84 in his first
film, America Destroyed by Design. Click here to purchase the film or
subscribe online to watch it right now at Prison


From: Stephen Leiper <>
Date: March 29, 2006 5:39:42 PM EST
Subject: mark morford sf chronicle column on the 9/11 conspiracy!

Long Live the 9/11 Conspiracy!
Anyone still care about the heap of disturbing,
unsolved questions surrounding Our Great Tragedy?

By Mark Morford, SF Gate Columnist
Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Here is your must-read for the month. Here is your
oh-my-God-I'm-sending-this-piece-to-every-smart-person-I-know hunk of
outstanding, distressing, disquieting media bliss.
Here it is: an absolutely exceptional inside scoop on the white-hot
world of Sept. 11 conspiracy theories, writ large and smart by Mark
Jacobson over at New York magazine, and it's mandatory reading for
anyone and everyone who's ever entertained the nagging thought that
something -- or rather, far more than one something -- is deeply wrong
with the official line on what actually happened on Sept. 11.
See, it is very likely that you already know that Sept. 11 will go
down in the conspiracy history books as a far more sinister affair
than, say, the murky swirl of the Kennedy assassination. You probably
already know that much of what exactly happened on Sept. 11 remains
deeply unsettling and largely unsolved -- or to put another way, if you
don't know all of this and if you fully and blithely accept the
official Sept. 11 story, well, you haven't been paying close enough
But on this, the third anniversary of the launch of Bush's illegal
invasion of Iraq by way of whoring the tragedy of Sept. 11 for his
cronies' appalling gain, what you might not know, what gets so easily
forgotten in the mists of time and via the endless repetition of the
orthodox Sept. 11 tale, is the sheer volume, the staggering array of
unanswered questions about just about every single aspect of Sept. 11
-- the planes, the WTC towers, the Pentagon, the fires, the passengers
and the cell phone calls and the firefighters and, well, just about
everything. It is, when you look closely, all merely a matter of how
far down the rabbit hole you are willing to go.
Verily, Jacobson, in his New York mag piece, encounters crackpots and
fringe nutballs and those who think Sept. 11 was connected to aliens
and electromagnetic fields and the Illuminati. It can, unfortunately,
get a little crazy. But there is also a very smart, grounded,
intelligent and surprisingly large faction -- which includes
eyewitnesses, Sept. 11 widows, former generals, pilots, professors,
engineers, WTC maintenance workers and many, many more -- who point to
a rather shocking pile of evidence that says there is simply no way 19
fanatics with box cutters sent by some bearded lunatic in a cave could
have pulled off the most perfectly orchestrated air attack of the
century. Not without serious help, anyway.
Whose help? This, of course, is the biggest question of all, one which
many of the more well-researched theories go a surprisingly long way
toward answering.
You have to sift and sort. There are disturbing questions about
collapse speeds and controlled demolitions and why the towers fell when
the all-steel infrastructure was designed to easily withstand the
temperatures of any sort of fire, even burning jet fuel. There are
questions of the mysterious, media-documented blasts deep in the WTC
towers that took place after the planes hit. There are questions of why
there was such a short-selling spree on shares of American Airlines and
United Air Lines the day before the attack, huge doubts about the
failures of NORAD and the FAA, the bizarre case of the missing plane in
the Pentagon crash, and also the downing of Flight 93 where, according
to the coroner, no blood or major plane wreckage was actually found.
There is, ultimately, the stunning failure of the entire
multi-trillion-dollar American air-defense system. Just for starters.
There is also the very big question of what happened to 7 WTC, the
only building not hit by anything at all, but which collapsed anyway,
in a perfect controlled-demolition sort of way, for no reason anyone
can sufficiently explain. But which just so happened to contain vital
offices for the IRS, the Department of Defense, the CIA, the Secret
Service, the Securities and Exchange Commission and more.
But perhaps Jacobson's article is insufficient for you. Perhaps you
have heard much of it before, or you're more of the visceral type and
need to actually see the proofs in order to delve deeper, have them
laid out like gruesome body parts in a mesmerizing autopsy. Fair
For you, we have the surprisingly compelling indie documentary "9/11
Loose Change" (Google it), freely available on the Internet and
produced by three very astute and very young and very strong-willed
dudes who managed to cobble together a truly astounding array of proofs
and interviews and evidence, a full 1 hour and 20 minutes' worth of
mesmerizing footage you will not be able to easily forget.
Or maybe you should peruse one of the countless Sept. 11 conspiracy
sites, many of which link to relevant video and one of which -- -- claims to be "a non-partisan association of
faculty, students, and scholars, in fields as diverse as history,
science, military affairs, psychology, and philosophy, dedicated to
exposing falsehoods and to revealing truths behind 9/11." Start there.
Now, it's very true that some of the more specious conspiracy claims
have been largely discredited and proved false. Some of the more
radical "evidence" gathered by theorists is quite suspect and easily
placed in the category of no-way-in-hell. This is valid. This is as it
should be. You have to chew through a lot of skin and gristle to get to
the real meat.
But oh the meat. The overwhelming quantity, the bloody, deadly stench
of it. Fact is, it is quite impossible to watch the entire "Loose
Change" documentary and not come away just a little shaken, a little
awed by the sheer number of perversely interrelated facts and aberrant
coincidences-that-aren't-coincidences, shaking your head at how it all
seems to irrefutably prove there is far, far more to the Sept. 11
tragedy than just crazy Osama and his band of zealots, as you begin to
sink into a sighing morass of rage and frustration and suspicion and
mistrust. You almost can't help it.
Of course, there is another option. There is another way out. You may,
as is the standard cultural default, simply ignore it all, scoff and
roll your eyes and shrug it all off because it's just too bleak and
distasteful to entertain the idea that the dark Sept. 11 thread winds
all the way through the NSA and the FBI and the White House and the
Project for the New American Century and Dick Cheney's mangled soul and
God only knows where else.
But then again, no. You have to look. You have to try. Knowledge is
power, and while the truth may be spurious and slippery and messy and
deep, the pursuit of it is just about the only thing we have left. Give
that up, and all that's left is spiritual numbness, emotional stasis
and death. So what are you waiting for?

Mark Morford's Notes & Errata column appears every Wednesday and
Friday on SF Gate and in the Datebook section of the SF Chronicle.


From: s culver <>
Date: March 30, 2006 1:01:24 PM EST
Subject: 9/11 videos- download free

I just discovered a webpage where downloadable (compressed) versions are
available of MANY 9/11 and other videos of interest -- free.

a great resource; includes things I never heard of before, too -- I
had time to watch a lot of the videos yet, but, for one, "911
is proving to be of interest. (Its website is )


From: "Stephanie Sutton" <>
Date: March 29, 2006 5:16:19 PM EST
To: "President, USA Exile Govt." <>
Subject: FW: Investigating Chemtrails by Aajonus Vonderplanitz, P

----- Forwarded Message -----

Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2006 14:49:57 EST
Subject: Investigating Chemtrails by Aajonus Vonderplanitz, P
Subject: Are Toxic MILITARY Substances Deliberately Sprayed on US
Citizens >

Investigating Chemtrails

By Aajonus Vonderplanitz, Ph.D.

I have seen them and been aware of them since 1997. From the mountains
Malibu, California, at 8:00 am on Friday, November 18, 2005, I watched
in the skies over Ventura and Los Angles Counties streaking the skies
chemtrails. They have occurred almost every day since. Some days as
many as
80 patterns existed, going from the ocean to 40 miles inland. The
chemtrails drifted
from as far as Oxnard and fall on all Los Angeles County inhabitants.
Chemtrails are
frequently sprayed directly over all areas of Los Angeles County. They
are being
reported in most areas of the USA. Nearly daily since Friday, November
18, 2005,
chemtrails streaked the skies at Venice Beach, drifting inland over Los
Angeles residents.

When we see a cloudy tail following a jet streaking the sky and that
dissolves within minutes, that is a contrail. Contrails form above
feet when hot engine exhaust momentarily condenses ice crystals into
pencil-thin vapor trails that quickly vanish behind a jet. However,
chemtrails, looking initially like contrails, are thicker, remain
extended across the sky and are sprayed in varying patterns: x's,
tic-tack-toe grids, cross-hatch and parallel lines.
Instead of quickly dissipating, chemtrails expand. Usually within
minutes, they open into wispy formations, looking like cirrus-type
(thin veil clouds) that persist for hours but slowly waft from the
skies on
our families, friends and strangers below.

Laboratory examination of those chemicals found that they were
manufacturing wastes from military industry and biowarfare substances.
several laboratory analyses, the composition of chemtrails was

1. Aluminum barium
2. Aluminum Oxide
3. Bacilli and Molds
4. Pseudomonas Aeruginosa
5. Pseudomonas Florescens
6. Bacilli Amyloliquefaciens
7. Streptomyces
8. Enterobacteriaceae
9. Serratia Marcscens
10. Human white Blood Cells-A restrictor enzyme used in research labs
snip and combine DNA
11. Enterobacter Cloacal
12. Other Bacilli and other toxic molds capable of producing heart
and meningitis as well as acute upper respiratory and gastrointestinal
13. Carcinogen Zinc Cadmium Sulfide.

After chemtrails lingered, spread, covered entire skies and fell,
of illnesses increased substantially, such as persistent hacking
upper respiratory and intestinal distress, pneumonia, fatigue, lethargy,
dizziness, disorientation, headaches, aching joints and muscles,
nosebleeds, diarrhea, bloody stools, depression, anxiety,
loss of bladder control, and nervous tics. Much of it is reported as
and everyone but a few know that much of it is poisons dropped over our
heads, inhaled, absorbed through our skins, and consumed in our food.

Using both electrostatic precipitation devices and hepa air filters to
collect outdoor atmosphere samples, chemtrail researcher Cliff Carnicom
his associates have documented desiccated blood cells floating in the
atmosphere in populated areas of both New Mexico and Colorado. With so
atmospheric samples containing biological components, Carnicom concludes
that crimes of the highest order are being perpetrated against citizens
without their knowledge or consent.

Witnesses have documented and photographed military KC-135's, KC-105
white unmarked jets spray chemtrails. Airport personnel and pilots
confirmed specific commercial airliners leaving the long-lasting
chemtrails. Although chemtrails are frequently reported, the US
continues to deny the existence of chemtrails.

In 1994, it was established in a senate committee that the military was
developing genetically engineered pathogens since the 1960's when the
military initiated a special viral cancer program with the intent to
contagious cancers for biowarfare? There is much laboratory evidence
gels, webs, powders and blood cells have been used to harbor viruses,
mycoplasma and/or other bio-engineered toxins until they reach their
Who besides the department of defense would have the money, power and
inclination to besmirch our atmosphere with biological materials and
legal and media immunity?

In August 2000, observers began to report jets deploying chemtrails
looked like normal cloud formations. Three reports stated cloud
dripped feathers and mare's tails. Citizen-based investigators believe
that, since the military and government has received complaints about
chemtrails, they adjusted the chemtrail mix to be more clandestine.
Chemtrail observers, including I, continue to see fake cirrus-type
on top of and surrounding real cumulus clouds.

Generally, chemtrails spraying increases as clouds build. They have
spraying most areas intensely in the USA, Canada, Europe and England
1998, including areas with no commercial paths overhead. Even if you do
not see chemtrails in your area, our food supply is being sprayed in
farmlands across the USA. Frequently, I travel throughout the USA. I
observed chemtrails in at least 60 cities and farm towns that I visited
since 1997. Many Americans reported seeing and feeling chemical mists
from the sky following chemtrails. The media fails to cover the issue
though the health consequences are enormous. Environmentally conscious
groups have had no luck pressing the media for coverage. Why is the
refusing to investigate and cover the story? Could it be pretense of
"national security"?

Chemical weapons encapsulated in protective coatings like synthetic
webbing would explain why many people who saw web-like filaments
down from the skies reported illness after contacting the webs. When
were closely examined, they proved to be man-made filaments of the type
developed by both industrial and military entities. South Africans
reported web-like
filaments falling from an aircraft, forming a blanket-like appearance
across vegetation,
telephone poles and fences, and E-boli soon followed. When cattle ate
it, some
developed large lumps on their hides, became listless and/or went
Examining collected material from the spray, a University of Michigan
found pseudomonas fluorescens. That is the bug tested on Oakville
residents. It can cause human infections including fatal shock. The
military likes it because it glows and allows them to track its path.
Pathogens, including staph and several fungi that can cause lung disease
were found in the chemical mix. In what must have been in bolder
arrogant fashion, during numerous chemtrail sprays, the small town
in Oklahoma was saturated when a web-like material covered the town.
technicians discovered large enterobacteria. The critter was a
man-developed combination of E-Coli, salmonella and anthrax that could
be a U.S. military designer bug for biowarfare.

Standing before government officials in Louisiana where the military
determined to conduct open-air germ tests, Captain Joyce Riley boldly
officials that the only acts of terrorism ever conducted on American
were perpetrated by our own government. Is the US Government warning
terrorism, yet committing acts of terrorism against its own citizens?
During tests to
perfect the technology, reports that aerosol barium titanate salt
mixture was released
from military aircraft, forming chemical trails in the atmosphere
across America. Barium
salts - radioactive material - were used in Libya, Panama and Desert
where they were sprayed and exploded over head to make people extremely
sick and weak. Barium effects were accelerated and magnified by mixing
altering with other chemicals. Spectrum analysis revealed barium
but the other compounds were initially hidden by a shell around them.
shell, however, eventually released the other chemicals, like

Is the military continuing open-air-testing in populated areas across
USA with dangerous chemical biowarfare, or arrogantly dumping military
chemical waste on us? Whatever it is, we must stop this mass poisoning
us and our children now!

Please call and fax them once a week! We must be insistent: Contact
local and U.S. Senators and demand that they introduce and pass
to stop the chemtrails-poisoning of U.S. inhabitants. To discover your
Senators call (202) 224-3121, or log on the net at To
discover your U.S. House Representative, call (202) 225-7000, or log
on the
net at:

Contact your State government to discover your State Senators and

For California:
1. Barbara Boxer, 312 N. Spring St. Suite 1748 Los Angeles, CA 90012
(213)894-5000, Fax: (213)899-5042; Washington, D.C.

2. Diane Feinstein, 11111 Santa Monica Blvd. #915 Los Angeles, CA 90025
(310)914-7300 / Fax: Not Available Washington, D.C.

Find your California State district Senate and House representatives
calling (916) 653-6774.


To help us spread the word, please donate to
Right To Breath Healthy Air,
c/o Kathy Ornstein,
1016 S. Holt Av #3,
Los Angeles, CA 90035


From: "Graham Jukes" <>
Date: March 30, 2006 9:08:44 PM EST
Subject: Eighteen More Veterans Administration Medical Centers Are

Subject: Eighteen More Veterans Administration Medical Centers Are
Under The Ax

From Magic City Morning Star, Millinocket, Maine:

Eighteen More Veterans
Administration Medical Centers Are Under The Ax

By David Robert Crews
Mar 27, 2006,

Ft. Howard Maryland Veterans Administration Medical Center is the
first VA property that will be turned into a veteran and non-veteran
independent, assisted living and geriatric care housing project.
Eighteen more VAMCs are targeted for the same drastic changes. If you
are an American military veteran, or someone who cares about veterans
issues, and one of these VAMCs, on the list that follows later in this
article, is not near your home, is not your or your loved one’s source
of medical care, it is still important for you to be aware of what is

Your VAMC could be next. In my previous article about Ft. Howard VAMC,
that is published here in Magic City News under D.R. Crews, I laid out
the facts, as I and some other American citizens see them, about Ft.
Howard and other Veterans Administration Medical Center properties that
the VA has decided to turn into housing developments for veterans and

Property that would be better used for much needed new VA medical
facilities. But the federal government will not give the VA enough
funding so that they can replace their old obsolete hospitals. In
recent years, the VAMC system has been transitioning from inpatient
care based services to outpatient care, as most hospitals have. I
understand that this is a well thought out, planned and implemented

How much the lack of sufficient, congressional VAMC funding affected
the train of thoughts of the decision makers, who set those changes
into motion, is your guess as good as mine. My big beef about this
transition is, our VA outpatient care could be provided to us veterans
just as well in revamped VAMCs on spacious, peaceful, beautiful grounds
as it can be in a crowded, dirty, definitely more dangerous downtown
environment like where the Baltimore VA Hospital is.

Also, we veterans should still have plenty of access to quality
inpatient care, when we absolutely need it. The Vietnam Veterans of
America, the Veterans of Foreign Wars, the American Legion and other
Veterans Service Organizations are constantly working and fighting for
more VA funding. Many times, I have read reports of their frustrated
attempts to procure Congressional approval for dispersion of more tax
dollars to the VA. Money that some tax payers agree should go to the VA
instead of to the pork barrel type projects that bring in more votes
for the incumbent politicians.

Sometime back in the 1990s, the VA decided to start a process of
determining which prime VA real estate locations could be leased out to
housing developers, supposedly, so that the VA could attain more
funding for VA medical use while making the transition from inpatient
to outpatient care based services. The first VA property to be leased
out is Ft. Howard Maryland VAMC.

That lease is probably already signed. It would have been signed a
month ago, but the property developers, who are going to take over Ft.
Howard, sent in a plan for over a thousand living units and Senator
Barbara Mikulski sent it back to them and told them to stick to the
three hundred unit limit that had been agreed upon earlier. At least
that’s what I heard from another concerned veteran who responded to my
first VAMC article.

Other local vets and several long time Ft. Howard area residents, whom
I talked to recently, expressed their feelings to me that they are in
agreement with my take on things. They also said that they had been
hearing rumors for decades that land developers were after Ft. Howard
to lease it from the government in order to build expensive homes that
have wonderful views of both the Chesapeake Bay and the entrance to the
Port of Baltimore.

This raises at least two questions: What came first, the developer’s
efforts to influence politicians, VA and other U.S. Government
officials to lease them beautiful Ft. Howard, or did the VA make a
sound medical business decision to lease out property because of their
lack of fair funding to upgrade those properties to modern medical
standards? Did the VA then ponder the facts and realize that prime
properties with beautiful views would have to be sacrificed for better
VA health care?

Even though those beautiful views are from nicely landscaped, well
maintained hospital grounds that VA patients, their visitors and the VA
staff working there make good use of to help relieve the stress of
dealing with often life threatening medical conditions. Some other
responders to my article informed me of the VA’s progress in their
efforts to lease out more real estate to property developers. If you
web search the word CARES, you will find the VA’s web site that tells
the government’s side of this story.

It has info on all eighteen VAMCs that are being ‘studied’ for possible
“realignment”. I say ‘studied’, but I think it is a done deal for
taking great VA real estate for high priced housing that may mostly
profit seemingly conniving, maybe even government official bribing,
super wealthy land developers who may end up grandiosely throwing only
teeny, tiny percentages of their profits towards the VAMC health care
system like kings and queens pitching pennies to beggars.

I am not alone in thinking these thoughts. Then will Congress say to
the VA and veterans health care advocates, “You get less tax dollars
from us for the VA budget this year, because you have all of that lease
money from them housing projects of yours to work with!” What if this
prediction of a significantly higher percentage of housing project
profits going to the developers does come true?

And Congress cuts VA funding too far below what their previous funding
was, and then the tax dollars and those lease dollars combined equal a
much worse VA budget short fall than usual? Will Congress then say to
the VA, “It’s not our fault that you have less money in your budget
this year, that leasing deal foul-up is your mistake, so live with it!”
Here is a list of the eighteen Veterans Administration Medical Centers
that are under the ax:

Big Spring, TX
Boston, MA
Brooklyn-Manhattan, NY
Canandaiga, NY
Gulfport, MS
Lexington. KY
Livermore, CA
Louisville, KY
Montgomery, AL
Montrose/Castle Point, NY
Muskogee, OK
Perry Point, MD
Poplar Bluff, MO
St. Albans, NY
Waco, TX
Walla Walla, WA
West Los Angeles, CA
White City, OR

Stick with me now, this article details in depth what will be a long,
hard fight for us veterans and our supporters, and why. I have to
address as many points of debate about this issue, that I and others
who have communicated with me about it, can think of. We need to be as
fully prepared as we can be to fight the government and the land
developers, who are highly skilled at imposing their public meeting
spoken and official report written rhetoric upon us.

The CARES web site has information on and links to documented public
meetings, proposals, community input, plans, etc. for each VAMC. Of
course, it is the government’s version of some things that are relevant
to the issues surrounding these upcoming changes. I didn’t look too far
into any one document that is on the web site, but I never saw anything
about if anyone was hootin’ and hollerin’ at any of the public meetings
in outright opposition to having high priced condominiums where the
vets should have new modern medical facilities built for them.

Built in accordance with the promise of lifetime access to good VA
medical care. A written promise that we vets all received, when we
signed on the dotted line then raised our right hands and swore to
defend our country, democracy and families with our lives and the lives
of our enemies, whom we were soon to be ready, willing and able to
kill. One day, when I was in the Ft. Howard VAMC, a group of us
patients were discussing inadequacies in the VA health care system.

A sympathetic VA employee was listening to us and came over to our
table and, with a heart full of soul, said that it really wasn’t us
military service survivors who paid for our veterans benefits, it was
our comrades-in-arms who died while on duty in the service who paid for
them. The employee said that our fellow service personnel loved us as
much as we loved them, and they all knew that we were all taking the
same chances. They had willed us vets our rights to reasonably good VA
health care, that are often denied us. We VA patients all heartily
agreed with that VA employee.

A lady from the Livermore, California area sent me this email: It seems
that VA has a lot of prime property, the VA hospital here in Livermore
is outside of town nestled in the hills where the Veterans can see
Deer, Wild Turkeys and other critters--it’s absolutely beautiful,
peaceful and quiet. It too is on the chopping block to be sold and is
going to not only take away property that the veterans love but will be
a big inconvenience to families.

I would like to hear from other people who live near and make good use
of these eighteen VAMCs on the list above. I want to know what the
fluctuations in property values in those areas has been like lately.
Are the VAMCs in nice areas?  Is there other developing going on around
them? Are they obsolete as medical facilities? Could they be rebuilt
with fair funding? Are they fully used or underused?

Some VAMCs may not be worth keeping as they are. No doubt about it. But
who will make the decisions on what to keep and what to change? Will it
be possibly bribed or other wise similarly influenced government
officials? Will bullied and befuddled ordinary citizens, who are not
schooled in public debate or legal battles, fare well against wealthy,
heartless acting land developers and their government lackeys and/or
other co-conspirators who have extensive public debating and legal

If you web search “Bayside at Ft. Howard” you will find the new web
site that touts the proposed amenities of their upcoming VAMC housing
development. On the Bayside web site’s location page, there are two
maps and one aerial photograph of the Ft. Howard area. These will help
you to understand the upcoming traffic and infrastructure problems that
are particular to this project, which are defined nearly in full in my
Ft. Howard VAMC article.

If you live near one of the eighteen VAMCs on the list printed above,
it will help you to determine the extent, depth and breadth of possible
problems that you will have to endure when the developing begins in
your neighborhood. It may influence you to heed this warning that old,
established Ft. Howard area neighborhoods residents’ rights are going
to be run over rough shod by the land developers and that you may be
next for the same lousy treatment. I don’t know how much all of this
baring of the facts will do. It at least leaves a true historical
record of the opposition to these afore mentioned changes that many,
many people think the same about as I do.

About all that I can do, at this point in my life, about these VAMC
changes, is to inform as much of the public as I can of what is
happening, and why I and some other folks, who aren’t writers, say that
it is happening--as opposed to what the land developer’s and the VA’s
spin on the story is. Because, I live on a monthly non-service
connected VA disability check that about equals take home pay for a
minimum wage job. The web sites that publish my writings are staffed by

The sites only stay afloat through meager advertising revenues and the
efforts of their editors and contributors like me who desire to work as
hard as they are able to, express themselves and have some fun writing
short stories along with serious articles like this one. I am an
ex-army and sometimes civilian photographer, though I never did a whole
lot of photography after my discharge from the army, but that’s another
story, and my photo portfolio is mostly in hibernation.

This computer that I write my stuff on is an old, worn down thing, and
it barely runs well enough to stay on the Internet long enough at a
stretch to research and email info about these written articles of
mine. I do the best that I can with what I have to work with, so I hope
that you will ‘take this ball and run with it’. I am sending as many
emails as I can about these VAMC articles to politicians, media
outlets, Veterans Service Organizations, community groups, barber
shops, etc. that are near the VAMCs on the list.

My writings and email efforts may not change much. I’m up against what
is basically a done deal. But, if I can help ensure fair veterans
medical care compensation for the loss of our beloved, beautiful VA
properties, then I have done something besides sit here watching TV all
day while stewing in my U.S. Government issued disappointment and
anger; all the time wondering why I didn’t
live-fast-die-young-and-leave a good lookin’ corpse--like some of us
were advised to do way back when.

I feel like the guy who defended himself from an armed robber by
beating a reasonable amount of crap outta the criminal and then had to
pay the robber’s medical expenses and give the robber money for insult
and injury that the violent nature of the crime warranted, because the
crime victim had no witnesses to back him up. You may be able to help
me make more of a difference though.

Make up and circulate petitions. Write to congress. Write local elected
officials; they will say that it is a federal problem at first, but
explain to them what any VA land developing will mean to your local
infrastructure, school populations, traffic patterns, tax rates, etc.,
etc.. Attack it from that direction. Collect stories from local vets
and their families about how the VAMC helped them and whether or not it
is in the right place for their reasonable convenience.

Share that information with your local media. Have town hall meetings
that are set up so that you can get your views heard with significant
enough power that stands up to the VA’s and land developer’s massive
powers. If the VA property in your area should be developed into
housing, try and make sure that the profits from them are spent on
veterans medical care.

Make the developers compensate for the inconveniences to your community
that they will swear is only necessary for the veterans own good. Think
of things to do about it that I could never conceive of doing. And
pray. There is very little chance that any one person, or even a
massive portion of the American population, can do something to stop
the government from doing what it wants to. The United States
Government has a long, well documented history of forgetting exactly
who keeps this country free. In 1932, World War

Once Veterans tried to get the government to give them promised war
bonus money before they died and while they and their families were
starving in the Great Depression. They camped out in Washington, D.C.,
along with some of their destitute family members, and protested for
months. They were called the Bonus Army. Eventually, U.S Army officers
Douglas MacArthur and George S. Patton went into the Bonus Army’s
encampment with fresh regular army troops and whupped the tar out of
the same men whom they had led into muddy, bloody hell on earth in
Europe during 1917-18, and then burned the camp.

Some of those poor fellows’ impoverished family members were injured
in the tear-gas-laced, brutal attack. Web search “Bonus Army” and see
for yourself. It was because of the Bonus Army’s actions that the GI
Bill for higher education benefits, and housing and business loans was
written into law in 1944. The government was afraid that returning
World War Two American Warriors would be disenchanted with the same
crappy lives that they had led before the war and take over the

But don’t start an armed revolution, that just tends to make a bad
situation worse. To quote my good friend Tom G., who did two combat
tours in Vietnam and then spent even more time than that later, during
the past twenty years, in a half a dozen VA hospitals: “The government
doesn’t give anything to veterans out of the goodness of its heart.” In
the movie Born On The Fourth Of July, there are scenes that accurately
depict the rat-infested, miserable condition that some VAMCs were in
back during the Vietnam War.

But, that aspect of VA health care system inadequacies has changed.
Today, VA hospitals have very high ratings in the medical world. The
VAMC system is jammed packed with patients, not all vets who want in
can get in. A short while back, the Baltimore VAMC put a one-year
moratorium on accepting new patients, when thousands of Bethlehem Steel
retirees had their pensions pilfered and their earned lifetime civilian
medical coverage confiscated.

Though today’s VAMCs are crowded, vets often receive top notch
treatment there. We need more modern VA medical facilities. For the
first time in our history, we have the quality of health care that
veterans earned. We do not have the quantity that we need and earned.
Building new medical centers on VAMC properties using a fair
dispensation of tax dollars is what I say should be done.

One time a fellow hospitalized vet, who was dying of cancer, and I were
sitting on the shore of the Chesapeake Bay/Patapsco River commenting on
how sweet it was to have Ft. Howard VAMC located where we could go
outside in our hospital pajamas and get some fresh air in safety and
privacy during our traumatic medical experience. He looked at me and
said, “Ya know why they put this VA here? Up where I come from in
Pennsylvania VA hospitals are all way up on a hill somewhere or back in
where there aren’t too many people around.

The government put us in out of the way places because people don’t
like to see how ####ed up some vets are when they come back after wars.
I don’t know. Ft. Howard was an old, obsolete army fort and was easily
turned into a VAMC at the beginning of WW II. It was way out in the
sticks at the time though. Now some VAMCs are in developing, sometimes
crowded, prime real estate markets.

The powers that be want to make money off of them. They say that they
will use that money for improving veterans health care. I say that I
doubt that us veterans will get a fair enough share of that money  to
actually improve our VA health care services or to reasonably
compensate us for the loss of the healing, safe, peaceful privacy and
beauty of VAMCs like the Ft. Howard, Maryland and Livermore, California

If the lease money from housing developments built on former VA
hospital grounds improves health care for veterans, then I will eat my
words in front of the Washington, D.C. Veterans Administration Regional
Office at lunch time.

David Robert Crews
2727 Liberty Pkwy
Dundalk, Maryland 21222

Agent Orange Victims & Widows Support Network, Inc.
Home Of The Agent Orange "Quilt Of Tears"
A Traveling Tribute, Honor & Memorial to Veterans
To Visit Our Site! Click Here!


From: Henri the Celt <>
Date: March 29, 2006 3:08:30 PM EST
To: AAAHenri <>
Subject: Connolly Admitted Supporting JFK Coverup

Question: How in hell does one achieve national
by avoiding the truth and telling lies as Connolly

Connolly Admitted Supporting JFK Coverup
Is Deception the Best Way to Serve
One's Country?

By Doug Thompson
Capitol Hill Blue

The handwritten note lay in the bottom drawer of my old rolltop desk,
one I bought for $50 in a junk store in Richmond, VA, 39 years ago.

"Dear Doug & Amy," it read. "Thanks for dinner and for listening." The
signature was a bold "John" and the letterhead on the note simply said
"John B. Connolly" and was dated July 14, 1982.

I met John Connolly on a TWA flight from Kansas City to Albuquerque
earlier that year. The former governor of Texas, the man who took one
of the bullets from the assassination that killed President John F.
Kenney, was headed to Santa Fe to buy a house.

The meeting wasn't an accident. The flight originated in Washington and
I sat in the front row of the coach cabin. During a stop in Kansas
City, I saw Connolly get on the plane and settle into a first class
seat so I walked off the plane and upgraded to a first class seat right
ahead of the governor. I not only wanted to meet the man who was with
Kennedy on that day in Dallas in 1963 but, as the communications
director for the re-election campaign of Congressman Manuel Lujan of
New Mexico, I thought he might be willing to help out on what was a
tough campaign.

When the plane was in the air, I introduced myself and said I was
working on Lujan's campaign. Connolly's face lit up and he invited me
to move to the empty seat next to him.

"How is Manuel? Is there anything I can do to help?"

By the time we landed in Albuquerque, Connolly had agreed to do a
fundraiser for Lujan. A month later, he flew back into New Mexico where
Amy and I picked him up for the fundraiser. Afterwards, we took him to

Connolly was both gracious and charming and told us many stories about
Texas politics. As the evening wore on and the multiple bourbon and
branch waters took their effect, he started talking about November 22,
1963, in Dallas.

"You know I was one of the ones who advised Kennedy to stay away from
Texas," Connolly said. "Lyndon (Johnson) was being a real asshole about
the whole thing and insisted."

Connolly's mood darkened as he talked about Dallas. When the bullet hit
him, he said he felt like he had been kicked in the ribs and couldn't
breathe. He spoke kindly of Jackie Kennedy and said he admired both her
bravery and composure.

I had to ask. Did he think Lee Harvey Oswald fired the gun that killed

"Absolutely not," Connolly said. "I do not, for one second, believe the
conclusions of the Warren Commission."

So why not speak out?

"Because I love this country and we needed closure at the time. I will
never speak out publicly about what I believe."  Comment: What a
strange kind of "love," love in bed with monstruous lies!

We took him back to catch a late flight to Texas. He shook my hand,
kissed Amy on the cheek and walked up the ramp to the plane.

We saw Connolly and his wife a couple of more times when they came to
New Mexico but he sold his house a few years later as part of a
bankruptcy settlement. He died in 1993 and, I believe, never spoke
publicly about how he doubted the findings of the Warren Commission.

Connnolly's note serves as yet another reminder that in our Democratic
Republican, or what's left of it, few things are seldom as they seem.
Like him, I never accepted the findings of the Warren Commission.  Too
many illogical conclusions.

John Kennedy's death, and the doubts that surround it to this day,
marked the beginning of the end of America's idealism. The cynicism
grew with the lies of Vietnam and the senseless deaths of too many
thousands of young Americans in a war that never should have been
fault. Doubts about the integrity of those we elect as our leaders
festers today as this country finds itself embroiled in another
senseless war based on too many lies.

John Connolly felt he served his country best by concealing his doubts
about the Warren Commission's whitewash but his silence may have
contributed to the growing perception that our elected leaders can
rewrite history to fit their political agendas.

Had Connolly spoken out, as a high-ranking political figure with doubts
about the "official" version of what happened, it might have sent a
signal that Americans deserve the truth from their government, even
when that truth hurts.

© Copyright 2006 by Capitol Hill Blue



The myth of the ‘honest broker’: Britain and Israel

By Mark Curtis
March 30, 2006

Britain’s apparent complicity in Israel’s military assault on Jericho
prison should finally demolish an enduring myth about Britain’s foreign
policy. Iraq’s supposed possession of weapons of mass destruction was
not the only line peddled by the government to justify the invasion.
Another was that Britain was an ‘honest broker’ in the Middle East and
would influence Washington to press Israel for peace with the
Palestinians. Now that peace prospects look gloomier than ever
following Israeli, US and EU reactions to Hamas’ success in Palestinian
elections, the reality of Britain’s role needs to be exposed.

Since the government of Ariel Sharon came to power in 2001, Britain has
exported around £70 million worth of military equipment to Israel. Last
year’s supplies of combat aircraft technology and components for
surface-to-surface missiles follow previous exports of armoured cars,
machine guns, components for tanks and helicopters, leg irons, tear gas
and categories covering mortars, rocket launchers and explosives.

Growing links between the British and Israeli militaries have just
resulted in one Israeli company, Elbit systems, receiving a £317
million contract from the Ministry of Defence. The MoD has trialled an
Israeli-built anti-tank missile despite its use against civilians in
the occupied territories. It also purchased 26,000 cluster shells from
Israel in 2003 and 2004, some of which were used in the invasion of

The British government has no mechanisms to monitor whether British
firms violate human rights in the occupied territories. The
construction company, Caterpillar, a US firm with a large British
subsidiary, sells military bulldozers to Israel used to demolish 4,000
houses and which killed the peace activist, Rachel Corrie. At the same
time, there is evidence that British companies have exported equipment
used in the construction of Israel’s ‘security wall’ inside Palestinian

Britain’s diplomatic stance towards Israel has also been striking. A
major gain for the Sharon government has been Tony Blair’s persistent
line, shared with the US, that ‘there is not going to be any successful
negotiation or peace without an end to terrorism’ first. Palestinian
suicide bombings are unjustifiable acts of mass murder but, as Uri
Avnery of the Israeli peace movement, Gush Shalom, has noted, this
Blair line means that ‘until the armed opposition to occupation stops,
there can be no talk about ending the occupation’.

Blair's personal statements rarely condemn Israel outright but assert
that ‘both sides’ are responsible for the violence. This ignores the
fact that one of the actors is illegally occupying the territory of the
other. British government statements, however, rarely even call for the
occupation to end. At the same time, the British embassy in Tel Aviv
describes Britain ‘as a good friend of Israel’ and its ‘natural
partner’, while ‘our two prime ministers are in regular contact and
have a good working and personal relationship’.

London has also helped to maintain the fiction that Sharon's
government supports the ‘shared goal’ of a viable Palestinian state, as
Jack Straw recently told a Labour Friends of Israel event. Yet in a
confidential document leaked to the Guardian last November, the British
consulate in East Jerusalem wrote that Sharon’s illegal building of
settlements in East Jerusalem was designed to prevent it becoming the
capital of any Palestinian state. Privately, then, even some British
officials refute the government’s public line.

Jack Straw’s intense diplomacy to prevent Iran pursuing uranium
enrichment compares to virtual silence on Israel’s possession of over
100 nuclear warheads. Whitehall exerted huge pressure on EU members to
impose sanctions against Zimbabwe; yet in response to a recent
parliamentary question, the government again rejected applying EU
sanctions against Israel. Instead, London acts as Israel’s chief
defender in Brussels by resisting calls to suspend the EU’s trade and
aid agreement, even though it requires 'respect for human rights'.
Whitehall even backs a proposed EU action plan that would deepen
political cooperation and economic relations with Israel. By contrast,
Britain was key in securing EU agreement to ban the political wing of
Hamas and place its leaders on a terrorist blacklist.

Foreign Office minister Lord Triesman told Parliament in December that
‘we do not believe that Israel complies rigorously with international
law’ in continuing to build settlements and conducting targeting
killings and house demolitions. The government has also provided
(low-key) criticism of Israel's construction of the ‘security fence’ in
Palestinian territory. Yet such occasional demarches are meaningless in
light of other policies which help to protect Israel from greater
international pressure to end the occupation.

Two formerly secret documents help explain British policy. A 1970
Foreign Office report called 'Future British policy toward the
Arab/Israel Dispute' rejected both an openly pro-Israel and pro-Arab
policy, the latter 'because of the pressure which the United States
government undoubtedly exert… to keep us in line in any public
pronouncements or negotiations on the dispute'. It also rejected
'active neutrality' since this would damage 'our world-wide
relationship with the US'. Therefore, the Foreign Office argued for a
'low risk policy', involving 'private pressure upon the US to do all in
their power to bring about a settlement'.

The second document, a Joint Intelligence Committee report from 1969,
notes that 'rapid industrialisation' was occurring in Israel which was
'already a valuable trading partner with a considerable future
potential in the industrial areas where we want to develop Britain as a
major world-wide manufacturer and supplier'. This contrasted to the
Arab world where, despite oil, 'recent developments appear to confirm
that the prospects for profitable economic dealings with the Arab
countries are at best static and could, over the long term, decline'.

Three decades later, Israel is Britain’s third largest trading partner
in the Middle East while the government describes Israel as ‘a
remarkable success story for British exporters’, especially in
high-tech industry. Appeasing Washington and prioritising profits are
Whitehall’s entrenched interests that need challenging if Britain is
ever to support human rights in the region.

Mark Curtis is author of Unpeople: Britain's Secret Human Rights
Abuses (Vintage, London, 2004).  

 Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the sole
responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of
the Centre for Research on Globalization.

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© Copyright Mark Curtis,, 2006

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[This message contained attachments]


Message: 3
Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2006 15:12:37 -0000
From: "kennendyone" <>
Subject: *********************************TIME TO ROCK'N'ROLL****************************

Time to Rock'N'Roll !

Because the main medias are totally corrupt by the corporates cartels,
Neocon in Washington D.C. and all their secrets societies, we need, US,
a way to destroy one and for all their main propaganda network of the
New World Order who are behind the 9/11 and all the rest the terrorist
attack. The real terrorist it's the Skull&Bones and the rest of the
Illuminati cartel as the secret government.

If we can regroup anyone on the internet and attack the main medias by
bombarding them with alternative news on their sites, they will be so
bombard that they are going to implode because people in the main medias
will realize we know the truth and we share it with them. So, some
people in the house will get it and expose it!

All we need to do it's regroup because we are a so gigantic computer
network army over million on the internet that we can simply destroy
them by totally paralyzing the whole propaganda network on a planetary
scale. We are billion on the planet! We can surely do something about

All we need to do, it's regroup and make forum with strike teams all
over the internet to attack some big players like CNN, FOX, BBC and so
on whatever they are not saying the truth ! Organize in a way that you
can be efficient in striking fast and deadly to them!

Take all the info on the internet that saying the truth and bombard them
with alternative news so they will be force to telling the truth on T.V.
and all over their network, satellite and radio and so on.

If all the people on the internet do that, they will have so much
pressure that they will have no choice but the tell the truth and if
not, in the house, some are going to fighting back because they see the
truth coming and they wanted to expose it !

It's the best and the most simple way we can destroy one and for all
their propaganda network, mass control, psychological warfare, psy-op
and so on! The people, WE, in the world will realize that the medias
are totally changing their philosophy by saying the truth!

We have a job to do, so make sure anyone know this and act in
consequence on the whole internet by organizing warfare
conter-propaganda by restoring the truth all around the network over all
this planet ! Free the world of the madness it's the most honourable
cause you can fight upon simply with your FINGERS!

Fight the power, become the power as one!!!!!! STICK IT ! BOSTON LEGAL !

You can reproduce my sheet paper info without any problem ! I DON'T

Kick the New World Order Ass !

The end for them !

Make the second american revolution !!!!!!!!!!!!

Tell it to everyone you know on the whole world wide web to do the same
thing, we are one, that one kick some ass
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <>

[This message contained attachments]


Message: 4
Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2006 15:22:32 -0000
From: "reggie501" <>
Subject: 9/11 update - 3/31

9/11 News :

· 9/11 -- Eliminating the Impossible - "Of course it was an inside
job," Bernie snorted. "Anyone who can connect even two dots without
ramming one up his nose and the other into his forehead knows that.

· AN INSIDE JOB? - Theologian scoffed at 9/11 conspiracy theories,
then looked closer

· Venezuelan Government To Launch International 9/11 Investigation -
Truth crusaders Walter and Rodriguez to appear on Hugo Chavez's weekly
TV broadcast


Message: 5
Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2006 08:03:24 -0800 (PST)
From: amy dalzell <>
Subject: Oh, WOW!

[input] [input] [input] [input]
GOVERNMENT OF THE USA IN EXILE Free Americans Reaching Out to Amerika's Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Free Via <> March 31, 2006 Dear Jim and Phil, What about a S9/11T news conference in NYC Apr 27 or 28 to support this march by announcing a 9/11 contingent within it demanding "Justice" for all those in or associated with the US Gov't who committed mass murder 9/11/01? Meanwhile, I hope all flows well for both of you. Regards, Pondo April 29 March for Peace, Justice and Democracy End the War -- Bring All the Troops Home Now --
Turn this Country Around! The president's approval ratings keep tanking ... and momentum is building for the massive April 29th demonstration. We all know the country is heading in the wrong direction -- April 29 will be a powerful occasion to unite for change. The event has already received more than 900 endorsements -- ranging from the Hip Hop Caucus to the Communications Workers of America to the National Council of Churches. Click here to join this growing list! The website for the April 29 March for Peace, Justice, and Democracy in New York City is up and running at Visit the site today to download leaflets, find out how to order posters, get information about transportation and housing, sign up to volunteer and more. While you're visiting the website, download one of our web buttons and add it to your website or blog, to help spread the word about this not-to-be-missed protest. We are still in
negotiations with the NYC police over the route, so we can't yet announce where to assemble, but we can tell you that it will be in a central Manhattan location, with the march stepping off at noon. We will share more details as soon as they are available. There will be places for organized contingents to gather, although we will not be able to begin assigning spots until the route is finalized. The march will proceed through the streets of New York City and culminate with a massive action-oriented festival, featuring hundreds of grassroots groups and campaigns. There will be tents dedicated to different issues and themes; exhibits, displays, and information; street performers; and much more. We will not be holding a traditional rally. Groups wishing to table at the festival will soon be able to sign up for space at -- keep checking back. Some Things You Can Do NOW to Make April 29 a Success: • forward and repost
this email widely • link to from your website or blog • download leaflets and distribute in your community • order posters and display them prominently • sign up to volunteer! We need LOTS of volunteers both in the lead-up to the event and on the day of the march • make a donation to help cover UFPJ's costs for this demonstration If you live in New York City, come by our midtown office between 10AM and 6PM -- and some evenings later -- to pick up leaflets, stickers, posters, and buttons -- 261 West 36th Street, 7th Floor, between 7th and 8th avenues (212-868-5545). If this email was forwarded to you by a friend, be sure to sign up to receive future alerts about April 29 by clicking here. UFPJ Needs Your Financial Support! Visit today. APRIL 29 New York City March for Peace, Justice, and Democracy End the war in Iraq -- bring the troops home! Unite for change --
let's turn our country around! ACTION ALERT * UNITED FOR PEACE AND JUSTICE | 212-868-5545 To subscribe, visit

Talk is cheap. Use Yahoo! Messenger to make PC-to-Phone calls. Great rates starting at 1&cent;/min.

[This message contained attachments]


Message: 6
Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2006 11:17:16 -0500
From: JP Liggett <>
Subject: Re: Re: [CPOP] Army Bans Use of Privately-Bought Body Armo

taxes are the biggest scam. has some very
interesting information on federal tax laws. Someone had done an expose
on state taxes and found that trillions of dollars of state funds are
stashed away "off-budget", and the books are cooked to always show a need
to raise taxes. if you add up all the taxes and fees most people pay, it
would be over 50% of their income. The large tax industry preparers, tax
lawyers, state/fed tax employees must like the status quo. In some
countries, all taxes are collected locally, and the state/federal agencies
have to petition the local towns for financing. ----end of my off topic

Recently on rense...

Isn't This Amazing? From M Meza 2-22-6

Transforming a constitutional republic into a socialist democracy. Isn't
this amazing?


Accounts Receivable Tax
Building Permit Tax
Capital Gains Tax
CDL license Tax
Cigarette Tax
Corporate Income Tax
Court Fines (indirect taxes)
Dog License Tax
Federal Income Tax
Federal Unemployment Tax (FUTA)
Fishing License Tax
Food License Tax
Fuel permit tax
Gasoline Tax (42 cents per gallon)
Hunting License Tax
Inheritance Tax Interest expense (tax on the money)
Inventory tax IRS Interest Charges (tax on top of tax)
IRS Penalties (tax on top of tax)
Liquor Tax
Local Income Tax
Luxury Taxes
Marriage License Tax
Medicare Tax
Property Tax
Real Estate Tax
Septic Permit Tax
Service Charge Taxes
Social Security Tax
Road Usage Taxes (Truckers)
Sales Taxes
Recreational Vehicle Tax
Road Toll Booth Taxes
School Tax
State Income Tax
State Unemployment Tax (SUTA)
Telephone federal excise tax
Telephone federal universal service fee tax
Telephone federal, state and
local surcharge taxes
Telephone mi nimum usage surcharge tax
Telephone recurring and nonrecurring charges tax
Telephone state and local tax
Telephone usage charge tax
Toll Bridge Taxes
Toll Tunnel Taxes
Traffic Fines (indirect taxation)
Trailer Registration Tax
Utility Taxes
Vehicle License Registration Tax
Vehicle Sales Tax
Watercraft Registration Tax
Well Permit Tax
Workers Compensation Tax


Not one of these taxes existed 100 years ago and our nation was the most
prosperous in the world, had absolutely no national debt, had the largest
middle class in the world and Mom stayed home to raise the kids.

What the hell happened ?

> To
Sent by:,
911TruthAction@ya catapultthepropaganda@yahoogroups.c om,
03/31/2006 01:03,
Please respond to
911TruthAction@ya cc
[911TruthAction] Re: [CPOP] Army
Bans Use of Privately-Bought Body

Yeah, I've been thinking the last couple days that we spend trillions
on "defense", but couldn't even do what any third rate military in
the world could have done on 911.

But of course, some will remember, I've been saying since day one, that
this is the number one reason that it had to be an inside job.

Goat wrote:
> With the trillions of dollars our government spends each year, we
> couldn't--in three years!--afford to buy and/or make body armor for
> 150,000 soldiers? Where exactly does all our money go? It's seems to me
> like the government is taking trillions each year from us in taxes, and
> for that we receive only millions of dollars worth of services. The
> sidewalks are crumbling, we have no public health care, the street
> lights are out... Where did the money go? Somebody is taking us to the
> bank. When is the American public going to figure this out? --Bill Allyn

Yahoo! Groups Links


Message: 7
Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2006 09:07:53 -0800 (PST)
From: Scott Legere <>
Subject: Re: Re: [CPOP] Army Bans Use of Privately-Bought Body Armo

Yes we spend trillions on defense...A I R B A S E S in Saudi Iraq... NOT flack jackets for those poor tired pawns of Imperialism. God bless those men and women. I pray for them everyday. Thinking they were defending Democracy when they signed up to wear a uniform.

JP Liggett <> wrote:

taxes are the biggest scam. has some very
interesting information on federal tax laws. Someone had done an expose
on state taxes and found that trillions of dollars of state funds are
stashed away "off-budget", and the books are cooked to always show a need
to raise taxes. if you add up all the taxes and fees most people pay, it
would be over 50% of their income. The large tax industry preparers, tax
lawyers, state/fed tax employees must like the status quo. In some
countries, all taxes are collected locally, and the state/federal agencies
have to petition the local towns for financing. ----end of my off topic

Recently on rense...

Isn't This Amazing? From M Meza 2-22-6

Transforming a constitutional republic into a socialist democracy. Isn't
this amazing?


Accounts Receivable Tax
Building Permit Tax
Capital Gains Tax
CDL license Tax
Cigarette Tax
Corporate Income Tax
Court Fines (indirect taxes)
Dog License Tax
Federal Income Tax
Federal Unemployment Tax (FUTA)
Fishing License Tax
Food License Tax
Fuel permit tax
Gasoline Tax (42 cents per gallon)
Hunting License Tax
Inheritance Tax Interest expense (tax on the money)
Inventory tax IRS Interest Charges (tax on top of tax)
IRS Penalties (tax on top of tax)
Liquor Tax
Local Income Tax
Luxury Taxes
Marriage License Tax
Medicare Tax
Property Tax
Real Estate Tax
Septic Permit Tax
Service Charge Taxes
Social Security Tax
Road Usage Taxes (Truckers)
Sales Taxes
Recreational Vehicle Tax
Road Toll Booth Taxes
School Tax
State Income Tax
State Unemployment Tax (SUTA)
Telephone federal excise tax
Telephone federal universal service fee tax
Telephone federal, state and
local surcharge taxes
Telephone mi nimum usage surcharge tax
Telephone recurring and nonrecurring charges tax
Telephone state and local tax
Telephone usage charge tax
Toll Bridge Taxes
Toll Tunnel Taxes
Traffic Fines (indirect taxation)
Trailer Registration Tax
Utility Taxes
Vehicle License Registration Tax
Vehicle Sales Tax
Watercraft Registration Tax
Well Permit Tax
Workers Compensation Tax


Not one of these taxes existed 100 years ago and our nation was the most
prosperous in the world, had absolutely no national debt, had the largest
middle class in the world and Mom stayed home to raise the kids.

What the hell happened ?

> To
Sent by:,
911TruthAction@ya catapultthepropaganda@yahoogroups.c om,
03/31/2006 01:03,
Please respond to
911TruthAction@ya cc
[911TruthAction] Re: [CPOP] Army
Bans Use of Privately-Bought Body

Yeah, I've been thinking the last couple days that we spend trillions
on "defense", but couldn't even do what any third rate military in
the world could have done on 911.

But of course, some will remember, I've been saying since day one, that
this is the number one reason that it had to be an inside job.

Goat wrote:
> With the trillions of dollars our government spends each year, we
> couldn't--in three years!--afford to buy and/or make body armor for
> 150,000 soldiers? Where exactly does all our money go? It's seems to me
> like the government is taking trillions each year from us in taxes, and
> for that we receive only millions of dollars worth of services. The
> sidewalks are crumbling, we have no public health care, the street
> lights are out... Where did the money go? Somebody is taking us to the
> bank. When is the American public going to figure this out? --Bill Allyn

Yahoo! Groups Links


Visit your group "911TruthAction" on the web.

To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:

Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.


How low will we go? Check out Yahoo! Messenger’s low PC-to-Phone call rates.

[This message contained attachments]


Message: 8
Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2006 17:23:14 -0000
From: "A.J." <>
Subject: David Ray Griffin Interview on Flashpoints!

An interview with David Ray Griffin was on Flashpoints (on Pacifica
Radio Stations) last night. You can pull up the archived program at and click on one of the audio links from
Thursday March 30th, 2006.

Pass this one along!

Personal note:

I was watching CSPAN yesterday and one of those ticker messages at
the bottom of the screen said that AlQueda sent a message that
disavows any connection with Moussaoui concerning 9-11. Last week
there was chatter in the media that all of the "witnesses" against
Moussaoui were coached by the FBI and that their testimony might be
tainted (let's call it incredible!). Now that he is suddenly
claiming to be part of the 9-11 plot, the government is hoping that
his story will back up the official accounts.

The hilarious part that should raise red flags in anyones mind is
that he claims now that he was partnered with Richard Reid (the so-
called Shoe Bomber) to fly a plane into the White House. Nothing
about the official account about September 11th is neat and tidy,
and this adds up to just another spoonful of fruit loops that is the
government's version.


Message: 9
Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2006 17:53:11 -0000
From: "hvncb" <>
Subject: Re: [CPOP] Army Bans Use of Privately-Bought Body Armo

Federal Taxation is a scam perpetrated on the American people. The
people now learn they have been economically raped for the past 50
years and continue to be so until they say ENOUGH!

Learn that Fed Tax does not apply to MOST AMERICANS WORKING FOR A
LIVING. Burn your TV and get an education! (get the book, your eyes will open!)

I suggest people should read the Lost horizon forum with particular
emphasis on the posts of 'taxusnot'

check out:


--- In, JP Liggett <JP@...> wrote:
> taxes are the biggest scam. has some very
> interesting information on federal tax laws.


Message: 10
Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2006 17:53:44 -0000
From: "hvncb" <>
Subject: Re: [CPOP] Army Bans Use of Privately-Bought Body Armo

--- In, JP Liggett <JP@...> wrote:
> taxes are the biggest scam.



Message: 11
Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2006 10:29:46 -0800
From: "Scott Peden" <>
Subject: RE: OFF TOPIC: MANDATORY AIDS TESTING -Clinton's Slippery Slope

The same Multi National Mega Organizations that are benefiting from Aids
benefited from 9/11.

-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of amy dalzell
Sent: Friday, March 31, 2006 6:52 AM
Cc: Voice of the People
Subject: Re: [911TruthAction] OFF TOPIC: MANDATORY AIDS TESTING -Clinton's
Slippery Slope

I think, perhaps, we should be worrying more about where AIDS came from in
the first place. Let's see - c. 1979 - hmmmm - monogamy, hypocrisy, and
marriage (and religion) being challenged on every front in the U.S. and the
general Western world...

hmmmmmm....women getting out of line.....What do we need to keep these
people in their place?


A heterosexual WHITE hegemonic culture being challenged by people who want
to live their own lives and LOVE each other...

What to we need? hmmmmm...

'How 'bout an incurable, sexually transmitted disease that originated in
AFRICA from MONKEYS that (initially) affects HOMOSEXUALS!!


Whom do you think...Dupont? Monsanto?

Cathy Garger <> wrote:
MANDATORY AIDS TESTING - Clinton's Slippery Slope
30 March 2006

Bill Clinton has called for mandatory testing for HIV/AIDS in nations that
have high infection rates.

Clinton (as in I did not inhale, I did not have sex with that woman in the
stained navy dress) is hereby telling the impoverished nations of the world
that they must be tested for AIDS, for their own good.

Mandatory testing for one country, soon to be many more. Woops! Live in the
wrong country? Sorry. You will soon be tested for AIDS.


The world can only be redeemed through action--movement -- motion.
Uncoerced, unbribed and unbought, humanity will move toward the light.
Alice Hubbard's introduction to An American Bible (1912)

How low will we go? Check out Yahoo! Messenger’s low PC-to-Phone call rates.


Blab-away for as little as 1¢/min. Make
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United state army
United state citizenship
United state military
United state government grant
United state patent
United state coin



* Visit your group " 911TruthAction
<> " on the web.

* To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:

* Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of
Service <> .


[This message contained attachments]


Message: 12
Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2006 10:53:35 -0800
From: "Dick Eastman" <>
Subject: Fw: Betsy Hart's "Fear Of Muslims" Conspiracy Theory

From: Jantic Milean
March 31, 2006

Betsy Hart's "Fear Of Muslims" Conspiracy Theory

The 'Fear Of Muslims' Conspiracy Theory

Betsy Hart's catch-all explanation for 9/11 questions

Paul Joseph Watson/Prison | March 31 2006

Betsy Hart has formulated a catchy and convenient conspiracy theory for why so many people are asking serious questions about what happened on 9/11. We're all scared! Unfortunately, this lethargic leap of logic fails to address the requisition laid forth by Charlie Sheen last week - challenge us on the facts.

Hart was a guest on last week's Hannity and Colmes spot which highlighted Sheen's comments to The Alex Jones Show in which he outlined his serious doubts about the official story of 9/11.

"The threat of Islamic terrorism is so frightening, so unpredictable, so unknowable that in some ways it's easier and more manageable for some folks to think that our government is behind it all," writes Hart in a piece for Scripps Howard News Service.

Well, that explains it all for me! How convenient, now I can restore my unbridled trust in the all-loving government, watch American Idol and go back to sleep!

Perhaps Ms. Hart can explain to us how her theory, as it is presented with no supporting evidence whatsoever, answers the following questions.
- Does fear of Islamic terrorism answer why NORAD completely reversed its standard operating procedure on the day of 9/11?

- Does fear of Islamic terrorism answer why three steel buildings, one that was not hit by a plane, collapsed from fire damage for the first and only time in history?

- Does fear of Islamic terrorism answer why firefighters and WTC workers reported bombs going off inside the towers?

- Does fear of Islamic terrorism answer why several of the named 9/11 hijackers are still alive?

- Does fear of Islamic terrorism answer why Pakistan ISI Director General Mahmud Ahmad instructed Ahmad Umar Sheikh to hotwire $100,000 to the alleged 9/11 lead hijacker, Mohammad Atta and why Mahmud Ahmad on the morning of 9/11 was meeting with former clandestine CIA officer and CFR member Rep. Porter Goss and Skull and Bones/CFR member Senator Bob Graham. Does it answer why since September 4th, he had met with top brass at the CIA, the Pentagon and the White House, including Colin Powell, Richard Armitage, Joseph Biden and George Tenet?

- Does fear of Islamic terrorism answer why on September 10th 2001 according to Newsweek, "a group of top Pentagon officials suddenly cancelled travel plans for the next morning, apparently because of security concerns."

- Does fear of Islamic terrorism answer why a record number of 'put' options, speculation that the stock of a company will fall, were placed on American and United Airlines in the days preceding September 11th. This despite a September 10th Reuters report stating 'airline stocks set to fly.'

- Does fear of Islamic terrorism answer why a leaked FBI document, 199I WF213589, outlined disgust at a Bush administration directive that succeeded in blocking anti-terrorism investigations related to the bin Laden family and Saudi charities that were front groups for Al-Qaeda?

- Does fear of Islamic terrorism answer why the secret service allowed President Bush to remain in a known and completely unsecured location amongst hundreds of school children when he could have been a target?

- Does fear of Islamic terrorism answer the thousands of other physical, circumstantial and eyewitness evidence that directly contradicts the official fable of 9/11?

Perhaps Ms. Hart can tell us just where all these fearful Islamic terrorists are? Would we have caught some in the net at Guantanamo Bay? Turns out not to be the case, unless you think delivery drivers, chicken farmers, sack makers and taxi drivers are hell-bent on blowing up stuff.

Would we have caught some from Pakistani street gangs rounding up innocent people and selling them to us for $25,000? Turns out not to be the case unless you think that peasants and farmers who don't even know what or where America is hate us enough to carry out mass murder.

Charlie Sheen invited his detractors to challenge him on the facts. Charlie Sheen challenged his detractors to put the time into researching the facts. Betsy Hart's research consisted of reading Popular Mechanic's 9/11 hit piece, which was a straw man set-up that attributed claims to the 9/11 truth movement that were clearly absurd.

"But reality intervenes, and reality is that Muslim terrorists carried out the fateful assaults of 9/11 thank you, Osama Bin Laden, for admitting exactly that," snarls Hart.

Hart's standard for accepting evidence as credible is the fact that it's released by and is approved of by the government. The same government that lied to us about weapons of mass destruction and a war that has killed thousands of Americans and hundreds of thousands of Iraqis.

The so-called bin Laden confession tape, a tape mysteriously 'discovered' in a house in Jalalabad, a lucky find for a city with a population of 150,000 people, is very believable....if you also believe that Forrest Gump shook hands with President Kennedy. The fat bin Laden lookalike wears a gold ring, forbidden to Islam, and makes statements totally inconsistent with his other public comments.

Bin Laden's first public statements after 9/11 were carried in an interview with the Pakistani based Ummat newspaper.

"I have already said that I am not involved in the 11 September attacks in the United States. As a Muslim, I try my best to avoid telling a lie. I had no knowledge of these attacks, nor do I consider the killing of innocent women, children and other humans as an appreciable act. Islam strictly forbids causing harm to innocent women, children and other people. Such a practice is forbidden even in the course of a battle."

Does that sound like a confession to you?

Hart's desperation to cling onto her perch on the establishment lackey media peanut gallery is plain to see and she thinks she can do it by upholding with blind obedience the sneering elitist cultural media zeitgeist. However, newspaper readership is plummeting and the mainstream media is dying because it has become synonymous with spin and deception. People are turning to alternative news blogs and websites for the truth.

Hart's fear of Islamic terrorism is only matched by her fear of sinking with the rest of the rats on SSS Lamestream BS - but unlike this vessel Hart's conspiracy theories just don't hold water.

. . .

[This message contained attachments]


Message: 13
Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2006 11:14:41 -0800
From: "Dick Eastman" <>
Subject: God Bless Hugo Chaez for seeking the truth. -- Venezuelan Govt.To Launch International 9/11 Investigation

Praise Allah!

-- Dick Eastman

From: Aeisha Muhammad
Sent: Friday, March 31, 2006 8:56 AM
Subject: [A-C] Venezuelan Govt.To Launch International 9/11 Investigation


We are sure that his international investigation (unlike the American 9/11 cover-up Commission) will be truthful. It is time that the TRUTH was told to the American people and that they realize that Zionist nazi criminals have hijacked their entire government and corporate sectors who are all serving 'pigsreal' and its colonial imperialistic agenda.

Heartfelt thanks to President Chavez.

Venezuelan Government To Launch International 9/11 Investigation


[This message contained attachments]


Message: 14
Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2006 14:37:51 -0800 (PST)
From: janet phelan <>
Subject: Secretary of State Disenfranchising Voters (forwarded by FAIR)

Here is the latest from Debra Bowen.

I just learned of an alarming development in our fight for fair and transparent elections: The current Secretary of State, Bruce McPherson, launched a statewide voter registration database system last year that will disenfranchise tens of thousands of voters in California. More than 14,000 new voter registration and re-registration applications just from Los Angeles County were recently invalidated under this new stringent set of regulations -- and other counties are seeing similar results.

This is a 43% rejection rate! In fact, virtually all of these applications
would have been accepted before Secretary McPherson rolled out his new
statewide voter registration database. Typically rejection rates are1-2%. This is outrageous.
And these applications were rejected for trivial matters -- a name or driver's license number not perfectly matching what was on file in the statewide database, for example. Or even technical system errors that prevented valid applications from being accepted. We're talking about thousands of eligible voters, many of whom have been registered for years, being thrown off the voter rolls. Unless they
correct these trivial errors with their local registrar, these fellow citizens won't receive sample ballots in the mail, notifying them of their pollingplace. They won't receive absentee ballots. In other words, it will be much more difficult for them to get their legitimate vote counted. If eligible voters are prevented from registering to vote, I view thatas a huge problem for our democracy -- I'm sorry Secretary McPherson doesn't see it that way. We are aggressively looking into this serious issue --
and we'll keep you posted on what we find. _If you have any personal stories to share about this, or if you just want to add to the discussion, please join the conversation on the Bowen Blog!_
( Our fight against the certification of Diebold electronic voting
machines also continues. Last Tuesday, Voter Action filed suit in San Francisco Superior Court on behalf of voters in 18 counties, protesting Secretary of State Bruce McPherson's decision to certify Diebold electronic voting machines for use in the June primary elections. I applaud Voter Action's decision to file this important lawsuit. Now Secretary McPherson's judgment is in the spotlight, and he'll have to
explain why he believes he has the power to ignore the law when it comes to
certifying voting equipment in California. In the meantime, I'm continuing my series of public hearings in the Senate on our entire elections process, including the testing and certification of voting machines.
But regardless of how these hearings and lawsuits turn out, the bottom
line is this: we deserve better from our Secretary of State. What we've seen here over the past months is an absolute failure of leadership. After all, we've known about the "Help America Vote Act" and the June 6th primary elections for a long time. But the Secretary of State simplyfailed tolook ahead and plan adequately. Now he's in a bind, so he's cuttingcorners and making bad decisions that hurt the integrity of our electionssystem.We need a Secretary of State who can lead. So we're going to continue
to work as hard as we can to make our elections as safe and transparent as possible over the coming months. I hope I can count on your support and your vote to bring change and real leadership to the Secretary of State's office. That's the best way
we'll be able to fix the mistakes, misjudgments, and mismanagement that we've seen from Secretary McPherson.
_Please keep tabs on all of the latest developments by checking in
frequently and joining the discussion on the Bowen Blog._
Thanks for your continued help and support!

Debra Bowen
California State Senator
P.S. I'll be on the Al Franken Show on Air America Radio this Friday,
March 31st from 9:30-10:00 a.m. to discuss Diebold and other elections-related
issues. I hope you have a chance to tune in! _Click here to find a
radio station near you or listen online._

New Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. Call regular phones from your PC and save big.

[This message contained attachments]


Message: 15
Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2006 14:34:00 -0800
From: "Dick Eastman" <>
Subject: Consequences of Venezuelan International 9/11 Investigation

Now we must see if the Venezuelan investigation will just concentrate on Bush, Cheney and Rice, or whether it will look at the Neo-cons and their connections with Zionist Global Finance and with Israel. This is an important decision for Chavez -- I personally don't think he can investigate 9-11 as an Anglo-US-Israeli black-up provocateur false-flag mass-murder and not escape an Iraq-style attack on Venezuela.


Venezuelan Government To Launch International 9/11 Investigation
Truth warriors Walter and Rodriguez to appear on Hugo Chavez's weekly TV broadcast

Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones/Prison | March 31 2006

Billionaire philanthropist Jimmy Walter and WTC survivor William Rodriguez this week embarked on a groundbreaking trip to Caracas Venezuela in which they met with with the President of the Assembly and will soon meet with Venezuelan President himself Hugo Chavez in anticipation of an official Venezuelan government investigation into 9/11.

Rodriguez was the last survivor pulled from the rubble of the north tower of the WTC, and was responsible for all stairwells within the tower. Rodriguez represented family members of 9/11 victims and testified to the 9/11 Commission that bombs were in the north tower but his statements were completely omitted from the official record.

Jimmy Walter has been at the forefront of a world tour to raise awareness about 9/11 and has still yet to receive any response to his million dollar challenge in which he offers a $1 million reward for proof that the trade towers' steel structure was broken apart without explosives.

Rodriguez said that he was told an FBI agent had asked the hotel him and Walter were staying in turn over a list of names of residents. Upon hearing this, the National Assembly provided armed military protection for the entirety of the trip. In addition, Walters said that CIA agents were seen surveilling the beach on which he and Rodriguez had handed out free DVD's a day earlier.

The US government attempted to sabotage the trip by putting Rodriguez, who has been decorated at the White House itself, and Walter on a no fly list.

Rodriguez (pictured above) and Walter are educating top Venezuelan officials on the evidence that 9/11 was a self-inflicted wound carried out by the military-industrial complex. They have also appeared on every Venezuelan television and radio station both private and state owned and have given huge presentations to major universities.

Upon visiting, Rodriguez said that the President of the Assembly, Nicolas Maduro's home was brimming with books, videos and documents about the 9/11 cover-up. Maduro, Venezuela's top legislator, intoned that he was ready to create an international investigative committee, looking into the "international crime scene" that is 9/11 and that this would be structured via Hugo Chavez's government.

Rodriguez and Walter are also set to appear on Hugo Chavez's weekly broadcast 'Alo Presidente' - which is often subsequently the source of major international headlines. If there is no coverage of this event then we know for sure that a blackout order is in place.

Rodriguez and Walter offered their full support for Charlie Sheen's recent public stance on 9/11 and were heartened by his efforts. The potential of a government level inquiry endorsed by Hugo Chavez dovetails with Sheen's call for an independent investigation to be carried out by political foreign nationals.

Though the establishment media will no doubt seek to demonize Chavez as a militant with an axe to grind, this is an exciting development and the next step on the road to a genuine investigation that will seek to uncover the truth rather than hide skeletons and whitewash as was witnessed with the staged Kean committee.


Click here to listen to Rodriguez and Walter's interview on The Alex Jones Show. Please support our massive bandwidth costs by subscribing to Prison

[This message contained attachments]


Message: 16
Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2006 15:13:54 -0800
From: "Dick Eastman" <>
Subject: Fw: BravoCharlie911 (Ruppert resents Charlie)

----- Original Message -----
From: Peter Wakefield Sault
To: Andrew Smith
Sent: Friday, March 31, 2006 7:21 AM
Subject: Re: BravoCharlie911

Thankyou for that Andrew.

I don't care if Charlie Sheen is only 90% right and is tainted by association Nico Haupt and other assorted X-Filers. I don't care if he is doing this only to publicise his next movie and I don't care if he claims to be the man who solved it all on day one. All I know is he is saying it and the big wide world listens to movie stars, not to Mike Ruppert, let alone to PWS. This will be all over the fanzines, which still outnumber Internet websites.

Charlie Sheen has called out Larry Silverstein in public. Which of your intrepid self-styled "9/11 researchers", all of whom will be out of a job once the real truth does finally get out, has done as much? Sure, Larry can ignore Charlie but only for so long because it doesn't seem to me that Charlie Sheen is going to back down.

Strikes me the chorus line is just getting its feathers in a flap.

All the best

----- Original Message -----
From: Andrew Smith
To: Peter Wakefield Sault
Sent: Friday, March 31, 2006 3:37 PM
Subject: Re: BravoCharlie911

CNN gave Chalie about 30 minutes on national TV, but here is what Ruppert is saying:
Michel Chossudovsky, Paul Thompson, Nafeez Ahmed, Mike Ruppert, Dan Hopsicker; these are the people who were front and center with credible, original, and groundbreaking research and investigation in the months following the attacks of September 11th. For the next three years, almost every major, incontrovertible piece of evidence showing government complicity in the attacks originated from this group. Add to this list David Ray Griffin, the late-comer author of two excellent books deconstructing the US government's "explanation" of the attacks, and you have encompassed five of the best-selling books about 9/11-books which thoroughly and reliably discredit the US government. It is also from these scholars, investigative journalists, and researchers that almost every now-standard, unanswered issue debunking the government's position originated.
There are other writers and researchers who made serious contributions to our knowledge of 9/11, but these five were there "firstest with the mostest."
It is also no coincidence that these are the journalists and authors who have been universally ignored by the mainstream media. Why? Because their research doesn't fall over with the first puff of opposing wind. That's a lesson that the latest flock of 9/11 celebrities needs to be prepared for.
So before getting all excited about Charlie Sheen's recent CNN appearance expressing doubts about the official version, followed by Ed Asner's attempt to back Sheen up, it might be wise to ask why none of the pioneers made it to CNN's airwaves over this last week. The immediate follow-up question is why CNN would suddenly grant airplay to a new host of characters when their studios have been off-limits to credible 9/11 research for four years.
Watching all the recent hullabaloo about Alex Jones interviewing Charlie Sheen and then both making the "big time" on CNN, you'd think that questions about the attacks, now four-and-a-half years old, were new news. In this latest media "frenzy" (yawn) which has Alex Jones parading like a puffed-up superstar version of Edward R. Murrow and a slightly-deranged, multi-pierced, obviously unstable, researcher named Nico Haupt wrapping himself in an ill-fitting label as the new "avant garde" of the 9/11 movement, 9/11 truth has sadly and predictably rounded a corner from Solid Avenue onto Surreal Boulevard. Add to this list of movement "leaders" Webster Tarpley, a former senior researcher for Lyndon LaRouche-whose intellectual capacity far exceeds his street smarts-and you have what the world now "sees" as the only real threats to the US version of events.
If the Charlie Sheen episode gets any more traction, the American public and the world will soon see these "public threats" conveniently, ruthlessly, and easily dismissed, discarded, and disgraced. Sheen may get a little adverse publicity or may lose a juicy part, but his future is not threatened. He's a talented actor who will always find work in Hollywood. He risks nothing.
But I think I can safely speak for Chossudovsky, Thompson, Ahmed, and even Hopsicker when I say that all of us are glad not to be involved in this farce that is now posing as the only solid reason to disbelieve the US government and the so-called Independent Commission on 9/11.
This was all predictable. This has all happened before. The pattern hasn't changed much in 40 years.
Following is a story released this week from The Wire, a New Hampshire publication where authentic and accurate journalism live, and which pretty much tells you everything you need to know about why the authentic 9/11 investigators are glad not to be involved in this passing tempest in a teapot:

Peter Wakefield Sault <> wrote:

Andrew L. Smith

[This message contained attachments]


Message: 17
Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2006 15:49:12 -0800
From: "Dick Eastman" <>
Subject: Jew Power -- Stephen Walt, Dean/Co-author of paper on Israeli Lobby is FIRED from Harvard...

From: "joe_populist" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, March 31, 2006 3:04 PM
Subject: [populist-talk] Dean/Author of paper on Israeli Lobby fired from

Stephen Walt, the co-author of The Israel Lobby and US Foreign
Policy has been removed without an explaination as academic dean of
the John F. Kennedy School of Government.

Let's not underestimate the Jews who control our economy, our
government, and incited the US to use it's military to pacify the
Muslim Mideast on behalf of Israel. This action is proof that anyone
who dares to challenge the Israeli Lobby risks his career.

IF the Jews had their way, you'd not only be risking your career,
you'd be risking your LIFE!

SEE: Harvard disowns anti-Jew report,5744,1866173

Link to Walt's paper, The Israeli Lobby and US Foreign Policy

Joe Populist


Message: 18
Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2006 16:03:45 -0800
From: "Dick Eastman" <>
Subject: Re: [planehuggers] you can't believe in both remote controlled crashbombing and the no -plane theory

> Planes can be dented by birds.

And the reason is HIGH VELOCITY making for extreme force.

And holes can be punched in buildings by planes exceeding the speed of a

the force of the high-velocity plane was not stopped by the wall of glass
and steel.

the core of the building was sufficient to stop those parts of the plane
that hit it

-- the starboard engine missed the core -- and came flying out the other


Only the dishonest maintain otherwise.


Message: 19
Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2006 19:33:54 -0500
From: "Total Information" <>
Subject: Hastert's SS goons assault Hon. McKinney


The Honorable Cynthia McKinney, the only U.S. Congressperson who has spoken
out about 9/11 as an inside job, is under assault by the people supposed to
be protecting here.

Call U.S. Capitol Police, (202) 224-1677, and ask why they haven't fired the
officer who assaulted Comgresswoman Cynthia McKinney,

Call U.S. House Speaker Dennis Hastert's office, which has been attacking
McKinney in the media, and demand he call off his goon squads and not dare
to issue a warrant on McKinney and apologize for his brownshirt tactics at
Phone: 202-225-2976. From *AP* Mar 31, 2006

"Rep. Cynthia McKinney, the Georgia congresswoman who had an altercation
with a Capitol Police officer, said Friday a Capitol police officer started
the incident by "inappropriately touching and stopping" her after she walked
past a security checkpoint.

McKinney, speaking at a news conference, declared she will be exonerated.

"Let me be clear. This whole incident was instigated by the inappropriate
touching and stopping of me, a female black congresswoman," McKinney said,
surrounded by supporters at predominantly black Howard University.

McKinney, a Democrat, declined to discuss the incident further since she
still may be charged for apparently striking the officer after she entered a
House office building this week unrecognized and did not stop when asked.

Two law enforcement officials said it was unlikely a warrant would be issued
this week. They spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not
authorized to speak publicly.


Several Capitol Police officials have said the officer involved asked
McKinney three times to stop. When she did not, he placed a hand on her and
she hit him, they said.


Rep. McKinney grilled Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld about the NORAD
standdown on 9/11 and sponsored a Congressional Briefing dissecting the
findings of the whitewash 9/11 Commission.



[This message contained attachments]


Message: 20
Date: Sat, 01 Apr 2006 00:41:21 -0000
From: "killtown" <>
Subject: The Magic Nose Cone!


Message: 21
Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2006 16:39:14 -0800
From: "Dick Eastman" <>
Subject: Fw: you can't believe in both remote-controlled crashbombing and the no -plane theory

From: "Rosalee Grable" <>

> P)lanes don't fly faster than bullets, except in cartoons.
> Real planes ARE stopped by glass and steel. Even birds.

Jetliners fly faster than handgun bullets (400 mph)

Not by glass. And if you look the pieces of steel on the
South Tower broke at the seams, the weaker connections
-- also they were bent in. No way are we taling about a
uniform block of steel.

Will everyone who agrees with Webfairy -- please give her
your support right now.

Dick Eastman
Yakima, Washington


Message: 22
Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2006 16:44:37 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: Fw: BravoCharlie911 (Ruppert resents Charlie)



Dick Eastman <> wrote:

----- Original Message ----- From: Peter Wakefield Sault
To: Andrew Smith
Sent: Friday, March 31, 2006 7:21 AM
Subject: Re: BravoCharlie911

Thankyou for that Andrew.

I don't care if Charlie Sheen is only 90% right and is tainted by association Nico Haupt and other assorted X-Filers. I don't care if he is doing this only to publicise his next movie and I don't care if he claims to be the man who solved it all on day one. All I know is he is saying it and the big wide world listens to movie stars, not to Mike Ruppert, let alone to PWS. This will be all over the fanzines, which still outnumber Internet websites.

Charlie Sheen has called out Larry Silverstein in public. Which of your intrepid self-styled "9/11 researchers", all of whom will be out of a job once the real truth does finally get out, has done as much? Sure, Larry can ignore Charlie but only for so long because it doesn't seem to me that Charlie Sheen is going to back down.

Strikes me the chorus line is just getting its feathers in a flap.

All the best

----- Original Message -----
From: Andrew Smith
To: Peter Wakefield Sault
Sent: Friday, March 31, 2006 3:37 PM
Subject: Re: BravoCharlie911

CNN gave Chalie about 30 minutes on national TV, but here is what Ruppert is saying:
Michel Chossudovsky, Paul Thompson, Nafeez Ahmed, Mike Ruppert, Dan Hopsicker; these are the people who were front and center with credible, original, and groundbreaking research and investigation in the months following the attacks of September 11th. For the next three years, almost every major, incontrovertible piece of evidence showing government complicity in the attacks originated from this group. Add to this list David Ray Griffin, the late-comer author of two excellent books deconstructing the US government’s “explanation” of the attacks, and you have encompassed five of the best-selling books about 9/11—books which thoroughly and reliably discredit the US government. It is also from these scholars, investigative journalists, and researchers that almost every now-standard, unanswered issue debunking the government’s position originated.
There are other writers and researchers who made serious contributions to our knowledge of 9/11, but these five were there “firstest with the mostest.”
It is also no coincidence that these are the journalists and authors who have been universally ignored by the mainstream media. Why? Because their research doesn’t fall over with the first puff of opposing wind. That’s a lesson that the latest flock of 9/11 celebrities needs to be prepared for.
So before getting all excited about Charlie Sheen’s recent CNN appearance expressing doubts about the official version, followed by Ed Asner’s attempt to back Sheen up, it might be wise to ask why none of the pioneers made it to CNN’s airwaves over this last week. The immediate follow-up question is why CNN would suddenly grant airplay to a new host of characters when their studios have been off-limits to credible 9/11 research for four years.
Watching all the recent hullabaloo about Alex Jones interviewing Charlie Sheen and then both making the “big time” on CNN, you’d think that questions about the attacks, now four-and-a-half years old, were new news. In this latest media “frenzy” (yawn) which has Alex Jones parading like a puffed-up superstar version of Edward R. Murrow and a slightly-deranged, multi-pierced, obviously unstable, researcher named Nico Haupt wrapping himself in an ill-fitting label as the new “avant garde” of the 9/11 movement, 9/11 truth has sadly and predictably rounded a corner from Solid Avenue onto Surreal Boulevard. Add to this list of movement “leaders” Webster Tarpley, a former senior researcher for Lyndon LaRouche—whose intellectual capacity far exceeds his street smarts—and you have what the world now “sees” as the only real threats to the US version of events.
If the Charlie Sheen episode gets any more traction, the American public and the world will soon see these “public threats” conveniently, ruthlessly, and easily dismissed, discarded, and disgraced. Sheen may get a little adverse publicity or may lose a juicy part, but his future is not threatened. He’s a talented actor who will always find work in Hollywood. He risks nothing.
But I think I can safely speak for Chossudovsky, Thompson, Ahmed, and even Hopsicker when I say that all of us are glad not to be involved in this farce that is now posing as the only solid reason to disbelieve the US government and the so-called Independent Commission on 9/11.
This was all predictable. This has all happened before. The pattern hasn’t changed much in 40 years.
Following is a story released this week from The Wire, a New Hampshire publication where authentic and accurate journalism live, and which pretty much tells you everything you need to know about why the authentic 9/11 investigators are glad not to be involved in this passing tempest in a teapot:

Peter Wakefield Sault <> wrote:

Andrew L. Smith


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Message: 23
Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2006 16:45:31 -0800
From: "Dick Eastman" <>
Subject: Dear Killtown, are you a "no planer?" or just a "not-the-Boeing-at-the Pentagon" like me?

Webfairy always forwards your links (for which I am grateful) -- but it
gives the false impression that you agree with her on the
no-planes-at-the-WTC theory -- is that true?


----- Original Message -----
From: "killtown" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, March 31, 2006 4:41 PM
Subject: [911TruthAction] The Magic Nose Cone!

> Yahoo! Groups Links


Message: 24
Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2006 16:54:30 -0800 (PST)
From: Naveed <>
Subject: Re: Re: [CPOP] Army Bans Use of Privately-Bought Body Armo

to be brutally frank, they don't give a flying FLOOK about the troops. remember kissingers quote of military men are dumb stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign policies. This is an embarassment to the army that's why they don't want them using real armor to protect them as opposed to the crap they gave them.

goat! <> wrote: Yeah, I've been thinking the last couple days that we spend trillions
on "defense", but couldn't even do what any third rate military in
the world could have done on 911.

But of course, some will remember, I've been saying since day one, that
this is the number one reason that it had to be an inside job.

Goat wrote:
> With the trillions of dollars our government spends each year, we
> couldn't--in three years!--afford to buy and/or make body armor for
> 150,000 soldiers? Where exactly does all our money go? It's seems to me
> like the government is taking trillions each year from us in taxes, and
> for that we receive only millions of dollars worth of services. The
> sidewalks are crumbling, we have no public health care, the street
> lights are out... Where did the money go? Somebody is taking us to the
> bank. When is the American public going to figure this out? --Bill Allyn


Visit your group "911TruthAction" on the web.

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In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot.
- Notebook, 1904
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[This message contained attachments]


Message: 25
Date: Sat, 01 Apr 2006 00:54:42 -0000
From: "killtown" <>
Subject: Re: Dear Killtown, are you a "no planer?" or just a "not-the-Boeing-at-the Pent

I'm the following:

99% sure no Boeing at Pentagon

99% sure no Boeing at Shanksville

85% sure no Boeing at WTC 1

75% sure no Boeing at WTC 2

As Victor Thorn said, "Everything about 9/11 is a big lie!"

How do you sit?

--- In, "Dick Eastman" <olfriend@...>
> Webfairy always forwards your links (for which I am grateful) -- but it
> gives the false impression that you agree with her on the
> no-planes-at-the-WTC theory -- is that true?
> Dick
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "killtown" <killtown@...>
> To: <>
> Sent: Friday, March 31, 2006 4:41 PM
> Subject: [911TruthAction] The Magic Nose Cone!
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Yahoo! Groups Links
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >


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