Sunday, February 26, 2006

[september_eleven_vreeland] Digest Number 1302

There are 3 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1. The New Medicine - Hope For Cancer Patients
From: "norgesen" <>
2. NSA Surveillance and the Case of Sherman Austin
From: "norgesen" <>
3. Bank For International Settlements Calls For Global Currency
From: "norgesen" <>


Message: 1
Date: Sat, 25 Feb 2006 14:24:21 -0500
From: "norgesen" <>
Subject: The New Medicine - Hope For Cancer Patients

The New Medicine - Hope For Cancer Patients


My journey into the New Medicine began in 1992, when a friend of mine gave me some tapes to evaluate. They ended up in my car on a pile of other tapes I had been asked to listen to and a year later, my friend asked me if I had ever listened to them. To be honest, I couldn�t even remember getting them from her. So that evening, on my way home, I finally played them. It was a life altering moment for me. What I heard was earth shattering. It was revolutionary and changed everything I believed. For a moment I felt threatened. At the same time, it was the most astounding and wonderful thing I had ever heard. It helped me to put everything I knew about holistic medicine into total perspective. It answered all my questions about disease - how it starts - progresses - it explained the so-called spontaneous healing of cancer. It explained metastasis and furthermore it explained why we got results and why we didn't, regardless of whether the patient was taking allopathic or alternative treatment. The speaker, Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer, also claimed he had scientific proof! I learned more about the nature of illness from those tapes than I had learned from the study and practice of natural medicine in fourteen years.

Essentially, what Dr. Hamer had discovered was absolute proof of the mind-body connection. By proof, I mean that he has confirmed, in more than 40,000 case studies since 1981, that a biological conflict creates a sequence of events that simultaneously affect the psyche, brain, and organ. What�s more, he discovered that specific kinds of conflicts created specific disease states such as breast cancer, ovarian cancer, leukemia, eczema, psoriasis, cervical cancer, prostate cancer, asthma, heart disease, diabetes and hypoglycemia. The list goes on. He is able to confirm this on the emotional level (the actual conflict), the physical level (the disease manifestation), and on the brain level (confirmed by a catscan also known as a CT, of the brain). He learned to detect this by observing the brain relays and how they appear on a CT (computerized tomography)
In addition, he found that all diseases had two phases that had a direct correlation to the amount of time the patient was in conflict. Some diseases appeared in the conflict active phase and some appeared in the post conflict or resolution phase, depending on which area of the brain was affected.

He also discovered that the exact nature of the conflict predetermined which part of the brain and specifically which brain relay and correlating tissue or organ would be affected.

In the first phase, the conflict active phase, the patient generally experienced what we have come to know as cold diseases, such as angina pectoris, some cancers (primarily adeno carcinomas) or functional loss such as diabetes, hypoglycemia or MS. They experienced cold hands and feet, weight loss, and sleeplessness from 3:00 am on. They were in what Dr. Hamer calls sympathicotonia.

The second phase would only occur when and if their conflict was resolved. This phase is the hot phase, or vagotonia, as Dr. Hamer calls it, where the patient experiences warm hands and feet, sleeps well again and has an appetite. Unfortunately this is also the phase in which the patient develops inflammation, fever, infection, arthritis, headaches, heart infarcts, Hodgekins and Non-Hodgekins disease, leukemia, or intraductal breast cancer (squamous cell carcinomas).

How did Dr. Hamer come to these conclusions? Most holistic practitioners accepted the mind body connection, but it had never been proven.

Dr. Hamer's research began officially in the University hospital in Munich where he was chief internist at the cancer clinic. He himself was recovering from cancer of the testes and instinctively felt that its occurrence was somehow related to a very dramatic event in his life. That event was the death of his son Dirk who had been shot by the Italian crown prince of the house of Savoy. At this cancer clinic he was able to interview all the patients with reproductive organ cancers and discovered that they had all had very similar dramatic events in their lives prior to the diagnosis of their disease. That�s when he found that these specific kinds of conflicts created specific kinds of cancers in the body. What exactly does he mean by conflicts? Everyone has conflict and everyone has stress in his or her life. The actual conflict, Dr. Hamer found, had to be what he calls biological in nature.

A biological conflict as opposed to a psychological conflict is a very primal response to an event in a person's life that completely catches them off guard. This led him to discover the First Biological Law, �The Iron Rule of Cancer� as he has called it which involves the immediate impact of an unanticipated event on the psyche, brain and organ simultaneously. As a matter of fact, most people describe this event as feeling as if they were struck by lightning, they develop cold hands and feet, lose their appetite, can't sleep, their mind keeps dwelling on the trauma and they have trouble talking to anyone about it.
These biological conflicts can involve a separation from a loved one, a territorial loss, a self devaluation, a profound fear, a fight over something that we believe rightfully belongs to us, injuries inflicted through accidents or harsh words, or even a fear for our lives or the life of a loved one. The list goes on. These biological responses, he found, were preprogrammed into our brains and are responsible for creating most of the disease states we are familiar with today.
What happens physiologically at the initiation of this biological shock-conflict, or DHS (Dirk Hamer Syndrome) as Dr. Hamer now calls it? At the moment of the DHS, a target ring configuration appears on a specific brain relay, depending on the exact nature of the conflict, and begins to set off a sequence of events on the physical body. What occurs physiologically depends on the area of the brain that this DHS has made its impact. These target rings are visible in some cases even to the untrained eye and were originally thought to be �artifacts� on the CTs of the brain. They could not be explained any other way until Dr. Hamer thoroughly investigated these rings in 1982. He found that a single ring on the CT was truly an artifact attributed to the equipment whereas a target ring configuration was a sign of conflict activity. In fact if another CT is taken with different equipment it will show the same target ring on the exact relay as the previous one. This would not be the case if these target rings were truly artifacts. As a result of his investigation he now has documents signed by Siemens the maker of this particular Computerized Tomography equipment verifying his findings.
The Second Biological Law �The Law of Two Phases�

If the point of impact is on the pons of the brain stem or the cerebellum (the old brain), then as long as the person is in conflict, a tumor will grow for that period of time. As soon as the conflict is resolved, the tumor stops growing! If the conflict impacts the cerebrum (the new brain), there is tissue degeneration in the conflict active phase and tissue growth in the conflict resolution phase!
If this is true, then what about metastasis? Metastasis, Dr. Hamer explains, is produced by yet another DHS unless the nature of the conflict is multi-faceted in nature and the DHS is responsible for impacting more than one brain relay. How does he confirm this? He confirms this by observing the CT of the brain.

In 1982, Dr. Hamer found peculiar markings on the specific brain relay that was connected to the diseased organ of a seriously ill patient. That is when he made the startling discovery that the brain mediates between the psyche and the organ. From then on he studied CTs meticulously to see if he could determine what was going on at the organ level. He consistently observed that when a patient was in a conflict active state there was a visible target ring configuration on a specific relay connected to the tissue of the organ and when the conflict was resolved these target configurations would begin to blur and change their appearance. Now Dr. Hamer has perfected this skill to the point where he can look at a catscan of the brain and tell exactly what is going on in the body and which phase the patient is in.

The result of his findings were the Five Biological Laws and the formulation of a disease chart in which he outlines the disease, the kind of biological conflict that may cause it, where it can be seen in the brain, how it manifests in the conflict active phase and what to expect in the conflict resolution (or healing) phase.

More astounding is the fact that Dr. Hamer�s research is empirical and each case must be confirmed on three levels - the psyche, the brain and the organ. In order to prove one disease state within the Five Biological Laws, seven criteria, including histological criteria, the cerebral topographic (brain), organ topographic (disease), conflict content (psyche) and microbial criteria must be fulfilled. If investigated thoroughly, a single case must have 126 testable and reproducible facts. These criteria will double if a person has two diseases, and so on. With this in mind, consider breast cancer - a hot issue these days. Dr Hamer found that in EVERY CASE HE STUDIED there was a separation issue in the woman�s life. The kind of separation issue, or the kind of relationship that was in question, determined exactly which breast was affected and whether it was the milk duct or the gland itself that would manifest the cancer. For example: in a left-handed woman, a mother-child or daughter-mother conflict would ALWAYS affect the right breast. A partner conflict would affect the left breast. The opposite would occur in right-handed women. (A person�s laterality can easily be assessed by the clapping test. The dominant side will be determined by which hand is on top). More astonishing, he discovered that when the breast gland was affected, the tumor would grow for as long as the woman was in conflict, and actually stop growing when the conflict was resolved. The relays for the breast gland can be found in the cerebellum (old brain). When the milk duct was affected, the tumor would only begin to grow AFTER THE CONFLICT WAS RESOLVED, and it would grow only for exactly the same period of time that she had been in conflict. The relay for the milk duct is found in the cerebral cortex (the new brain). By correctly observing the emotional picture of a breast cancer patient, one can now see when the right time is for therapy, and when to wait. Dr. Hamer's research has certainly laid new foundations in the understanding of medicine today, whether it's natural or allopathic. He has uncovered the true nature of illness and made total sense of it. He has found the key to both good health and disease and has laid the groundwork for correctly handling the patient so that he or she can recover with the least amount of stress. Incredible as it may seem, by helping the patient to get in touch with the conflict which is responsible for the illness, further progress of the disease can be controlled.
There are times however, when the conflict should not be resolved because the physical response in the conflict resolution phase can be overwhelming. So before any practitioner attempts to work with the New Medicine, they must be completely informed of Dr. Hamer�s findings in order to help and not hinder their patient's progress.


In conclusion, the solutions in the application of the New Medicine are dependent upon several important factors:
1.. Is the disease manifestation in the conflict active phase or in the resolution phase?
2.. The tissue affected - is it growing or degenerating?
3.. Can the conflict be resolved?
4.. Should the conflict be resolved?
5.. Will resolving the conflict create complications?
6.. If surgery or therapy is needed, is it the right time?

This unique approach to mind/body medicine should only be applied by a practitioner well-versed in its rules. Ideally, the practitioner should have a solid background in anatomy and physiology and be able to get in touch with the exact conflict content. To confirm everything, the ability to read a brain CT would also be necessary. Once the practitioner is well acquainted with these guidelines, they can assess the individual�s state of health from any level - psyche, brain, or disease manifestation.


Introduction to Dr. Hamer's New Medicine


That there is a connection between the psyche and disease is neither a new discovery, nor is it Dr. Hamer�s discovery. To quote Dr. Hamer:

"Through the millennia, humanity has more or less consciously known that all diseases ultimately have a psychic origin and it became a "scientific" asset firmly anchored in the inheritance of universal knowledge; it is only modern medicine that has turned our animated beings into a bag full of chemical formulas."

Welcome to Dr. Hamer�s page on The New Medicine.

If this is your first visit, the following will serve as a short introduction:

Twenty years ago, Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer, a German doctor with his own practice in Rome, Italy, received a call in the middle of the night. His 17-year old son had been shot while on holiday in the Mediterranean. Three months later, Dirk died and shortly after, Dr. Hamer, who had been healthy all his life, but who was utterly devastated by this catastrophe, found he had testicular cancer. Rather suspicious about this coincidence, he set about doing research on the personal histories of cancer patients to see whether they had suffered some shock, distress or trauma before their illness.

In time, after extensive research of thousands of patients, Dr. Hamer was finally able to conclude that disease is only brought about by a shock for which we are totally unprepared. This last point is very important. If we can in any way be prepared for the shocking event, we will not become ill. In fact, Dr. Hamer does not like to say �cancer�. Rather, it is a special biological response to an unusual situation, and when the �shock� situation is resolved, the body sets about returning to normality. This is a very simplified account, of course. The books explain in detail the complete process.

He presented his work to the university in Germany with which he was affiliated. Without testing or proving his hypothesis, they asked him to deny his findings. Since he could not possibly contemplate denying what he had scientifically proven beyond the shadow of a doubt, he refused. As a result, his licence to practise medicine was withdrawn and the situation remains unchanged to this day. Even though the University of Tubingen was ordered by a court of law to hold tests to prove the theories, they have never done so.

Dr. Hamer�s life has been a turmoil of events ever since, culminating in an eighteen-month prison sentence in Germany, served in cells with common criminals. Much of the opposition he has had to face has come from the fact that the person who accidentally killed Dirk was the Prince of Savoy, the last King of Italy�s son. A complicated, difficult and delicate situation, as anyone can imagine.

Dr. Hamer believes very strongly that the present methods of dealing with cancer are barbarous, cruel and completely unnecessary. This opinion does not make him many friends.

Since the discovery of the New Medicine in 1981, Dr. Hamer has written several books on his medicine and his extraordinary findings. Some of the books have already been translated into several languages, and the work continues. Many physicians in Europe covertly practise his medicine, recognizing its exceptional diagnostic capability.

The lack of official recognition by �official� or �conventional� medicine is frustrating for both Dr. Hamer and for the public. We can only hope that the movement to change the status quo will come from the people who start to understand the way their bodies work and from insisting that their physicians, health care workers and institutions take notice.

The tireless work done by the ever-increasing alternative therapies and books such as written by Deepak Chopra and Dr. Andrew Weil, have contributed enormously to the shift in consciousness we see in the world, to the point where doctors and hospitals are sitting up and taking notice.

But once you have heard Dr. Hamer lecture or seen him at a seminar, read his books and had access to his Disease Chart, you understand that finally someone has made all the links, found all those connections that were missing.

Over time, it is hoped that the work may be explained in ways that �any intelligent person with no special training� can understand. There is much yet to be done. We hope that these pages will bring you some comfort and optimism.

A first-time visitor to this site?

We recommend you begin by reading the Introduction, followed by the Overview, then The Interview With Dr. Hamer. It will present you to his research and his work. To learn more about Dr. Hamer, the Biography is now online.

It is not an exaggeration to say that there has been a long and concerted effort to constrain and silence Hamer. This has come from several fronts. Despite the harassment, the indignities and the humiliation that he has had to suffer, Hamer continues to stand by his findings, continues his research and continues to write.

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Message: 2
Date: Sun, 26 Feb 2006 06:51:32 -0500
From: "norgesen" <>
Subject: NSA Surveillance and the Case of Sherman Austin

On Jan 24, 2002 the FBI, Secret Service Los Angeles Joint-terror Task Force armed with sub-machine guns, shot guns, and bullet-proof vests raided the home of Sherman Austin (former webmaster of and founder of RTF Direct Action Network). Sherman Austin was 18 years old at the time. Federal agents came armed and ready to kill with the house completely surrounded and guns drawn before approaching the front door. They left with all computer equipment and political literature seized. A week later he attended the World Economic Forum protests in New York where he was arrested by the FBI for �distribution of information related to explosives or weapons of mass destruction�. However Sherman never distributed or authored any information about explosives. In fact the FBI referred to a completely different site authored by a completely different individual (whom they visited and questioned in person) but purposely lied, fabricated evidence, and lied in court documents to frame Sherman and paint him as a terrorist. He was eventually convicted and sentenced to a year in federal prison on Aug 4, 2003. He was released a year later with 3 years of strict probation which prohibits him from having access to a computer as well as knowingly associating with individuals who �espouse violence for political change.�

Why did the FBI come after Sherman?

Why did they lie in court?

Why did they submit false documents?

What was the real reason behind this persecution in cahoots with prosecutors, Senator Dianne Finestien, John Ashcroft and judge Steven V. Wilson?

Is �Raise the Fist� a threat?


NSA Surveillance and the Case of Sherman Austin

Former political prisoner and former webmaster of , Sherman Austin talks about NSA wire-taps and FBI �anti-terrorism� surveillance used against him shortly after 9/11.

by Sherman Austin
edited, typed and posted by Akwala
Thursday, February 23 2006 @ 01:11 AM PST

There seems to be alot of buzz in the media on how Bush authorized the use of illegal NSA wire-taps and surveillance for domestic spying to stop terrorism. I thought I'd write an article summarizing how this was used in my case while running a political web site and direct action network [ Raise The Fist ]


Before 9/11, was receiving approximately 2,000 hits daily from people around the world. Government agencies also frequented the site daily, monitoring articles, commentary posted by other users and continuously checking the front page for updates. In many cases received over 100 hits in a single day from U.S government agencies, the majority of these hits connecting through Department of Defense gateways. These agencies were mostly federal, FBI, Secret Service, etc. but monitoring also came from local police, California highway patrol, etc.

There was also daily monitoring coming from government and military departments in the UK, Canada, Egypt, Japan, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, etc. on a daily basis. All of this information was filtered, logged and archived through tracking programs I wrote on the server. It's all logged. As grew more popular so did the hits from government agencies on the site. This type of monitoring didn't just stick to the web site. I would organize events and post information on the site and the FBI would show up. At one event the FBI circled the area in a car stopping people they recognized who were attending the event calling them by name, they also had an undercover agent taking pictures across the street. This is a little taste of what was going on before 9/11/2001.

AFTER 9/11

Right after 9/11, government traffic poured into the web site like never before. I was running off a number of servers that were connected to a residential DSL line. This DSL line was connected through a residential phone number that was installed in the same room as all the equipment.

Before my home was raided 3 � months after 9/11 by the FBI and Secret Service L.A joint-terror task force, they had been packeting the internet line that was hosted from. In other words they were watching all data coming in and out of the line and saving it on a remote device. [the feds did not have to obtain a warrant. The NSA was secretly authorized to perform this type of surveillance] This started happening immediately after 9/11. In addition they were breaking into several instant messenger accounts and sending messages to other people pretending to be me. For others it wasn't easy to distinguish the difference because they talked just like me. Obviously the team of people the NSA / FBI hired for the job spent a great deal of time doing social profiling while monitoring my conversations. I would be on one screen name then get kicked off, sign onto a different screen name and receive a threat from the other screen name I was just on saying "your ass is going to jail". I was told "this is a matter of national security." They would also threaten friends of mine sending them messages such as "your ass is next." They would send me messages with information they knew about myself, the servers I was running, and the conversations I had online with other people.

I have logs of all this activity. I also confirmed these were indeed the feds when during the raid when I mentioned to the FBI I knew they were packeting my DSL line and hacking into instant messenger accounts. They didn�t dispute my argument. Special Agent John I. Pi with the FBI who conducted the raid said, "How did you find out?" I also got to see the individuals who were hired for the job as they accompanied the FBI at my first court arraignment.

At the same time these instant messenger accounts were being hacked into and commandeered by the feds, my phone line was being heavily tapped. In addition I would also receive calls over the line at the oddest hours of the night. Knowing the line was tapped I never answered the phone until the calls became more consistent. I would pick up the phone asking who was there. Nobody would answer but I could tell someone was on the other end because I could hear them breathing. At first I figured it might just be a prank phone call or something.. but the calls wouldn't stop and became more consistent. Every time I picked up the phone I got no answer. But they wouldn�t hang up either. These calls would come in at spontaneous hours: 1pm, 3am, 6am, 8pm, etc. It got to a point where the calls came 24 hours straight with about 2-5 minute intervals. At this point it was obvious the calls weren't coming from a human being but instead it was some kind of automated system running each call through.

If this alone wasn't peculiar, at the very same time there was alot of unusual activity outside my house. I would come home during the day or late at night and see cars with black tinted windows parked in front of the house. All of the windows were tinted pitch black. They never left until after I parked and went inside the house. In one case two individuals were parked across the street one late night when I arrived home. I noticed there was no other car on the side of the street they were parked on so the they stood out and immediately caught my eye. I watched them in my rear view mirror as I parked and they were both focused directly on me. I turned off my headlights and was about to get out of the car before I hesitated. I started up the car again and drove around the block and they tried to follow me.

These incidents became more and more common and continued to intensify before the raid.

THE FBI RAID 1/24/02

On January 24, 2002, at approximately 4PM--while I was taking a nap--some 25 federal agents from the FBI and Secret Service joint-terror task force were surrounding my house with loaded sub-machine guns, shot guns, and bullet proof vests. I didn't know they were there until my sister woke me up saying there were FBI-looking cars parked all up and down the street and people outside all focused in on the house. I went to the front door and was pulled outside. I saw agents emerge from their hiding spots around all angles of the house with their guns drawn. They had even jumped the fence into the backyard to cover the rear end of the house. The FBI came with a 25 page warrant for search and seizure. They knew exactly were my room was when they entered the house. One agent holding a sub-machine gun said "follow me it's this way" leading the others down the hallway to back of the house to the room where I had the servers. The FBI had pictures of the house including a written description and a complete structural floor plan with every room before they came in. I was probably very lucky I wasn't home alone because I was completely unaware that agents were positioned right outside my bedroom window with loaded weapons while I was asleep. Although I would have probably woke up once they started breaking down the front door with the long piece of special steal they brought with them.

I was told the raid was because of I asked how such an operation could be conducted because of a web site. I was told it was now legal under the new USA Patriot Act (which had passed only 90 days ago).

The secret service asked me if I wanted to see the president killed. The FBI kept trying to ask me about and where the logs were. Too bad for them I just happened to purge them before they came. The FBI also said I had content on the web site that dealt with information on how to manufacture explosives. This was a lie. In fact this information existed on a page of a completely different web site I simply had a link to. Nonetheless I was accused of authoring it. The FBI was looking for anything to justify a raid and get their hands on the servers. So they took another persons web site, lied, and said I admitted to authoring it when I never did. The FBI admitted to monitoring and said I was being watched for along time. When the FBI left they said I had crossed over a line and as long as I got back on the other side of that line everything would be okay. In other words they were telling me to keep my mouth shut and to discontinue "Raise the Fist". After the raid I continued my plans to attend the World Economic Forum protests in New York. The Secret Service notified the New York police chief of my presence. When I arrived I noticed I was being followed and surveilled by agents in an SUV. The police started targeting demonstrators in a number sweeps on the crowd. In the first one I was arrested with 26 other people. We were taken to Brooklyn Navy Yard Jail and I was taken into a back room in hand-cuffs and interrogated for several hours by a detective from the FBI and a Secret Service agent. I was asked if I was terrorist or involved in any terrorist organizations. They asked about Raisethefist. They asked how I got to New York and where my car was parked. They said I wouldn't leave New York until they searched my car. I was then released. I was in the lobby of the court house for about 30 minutes until I was arrested by the FBI and hurried into a black SUV where I was taken to a federal building then to Manhattan MCC where I was placed into a 24-hour lockdown maximum security federal prison cell. I was in the same cell block as those being accused of the U.S.S Cole bombing and the bombing of the U.S Embassy in Kenya. I could hear one of the guards arguing with the inmate in the cell next to mine about the Taliban.

After this 13-day ordeal of being called a "man on a mission" by the FBI, and newspapers such as the New York Post reading "baby-bomb bust" and "teen terrorist" (I was 18 at the time) , I was released as federal prosecutors decided not to file an indictment just yet. They first wanted to go through all of the servers that were seized during the raid.

I flew back to California.


You would think at this point that the surveillance and harassment would've toned down a bit since the FBI got what they wanted. But this wasn't the case, it intensified even more. A month later I got back online by obtaining some remote backups I made before the raid. I also continued my organizing within the community. became a network with people setting up chapters in their schools and neighborhoods. This was called the RAISE THE FIST DIRECT ACTION NETWORK. [] I encouraged people to start more chapters in their local communities, schools, etc. Chapters started sprouting up around the U.S , Germany, Brazil, Canada, etc. Views were no longer only being discussed online through words but were now being put to action in our own neighborhoods. Because of all the media coverage after the raid and arrest, was now receiving allot more hits. Over 140,000 a week. The site worked up so much bandwidth that it was constantly going down because hosting companies complained they couldn't handle the load. Eventually I was able to collocate the server to a high-speed backbone in Irvine.

I moved to Long Beach and worked with a collective at a revolutionary and community empowerment book store which was built right next door to a living quarters where we lived. Immediately after getting back online instant messenger accounts were being hacked into again. This time the threats were alot more aggressive and consistent. Email accounts that were associated with the domain name registration were hacked into and used to re-route to a different server knocking the site off-line. When this happened I posted logs of the conversations and threats I received over the screen name that was being hacked into and commandeered by the feds on The next day I received a message with the new password and I was told that I better not try to change it because they were watching and they had full control over whether the site would stay up or not. On one occasion I managed to obtain the IP address of one of the person(s) commandeering these accounts. I traced the IP down to an area of Los Angeles near a federal building.

In addition I was also being followed undercover agents. One time I posted a banner on the top of announcing a press-conference and march that was being held in Inglewood after the police beating of Donovan Jackson. I left with a group of friends. We took 2 cars. It wasn't until we were on the freeway when our friends in the other car told us we were being followed by a man in the white car behind us. He followed us all the way into Inglewood. When we arrived we parked a few blocks away from the city hall. We could see police and other people in suits on top of the City Hall roof with binoculars, cameras and walkie talkies. Immediately after we parked 4 motorcycle cops drove over to us and followed us to the event. The man in the white car followed us on foot. When we later left we were escorted out of Inglewood by 4 motorcycle cops until we got on the freeway. Being followed like this became a common occurrence. And it also came from local police not just the feds. One time I was riding my bike down the street late at night. A police car drives up in front of me on the sidewalk and stops me. The cop gets out and says , "What's up Austin!" Then 2 more units show up right after him and both police get out and say "What's up Sherman!", "What's up Austin!". I'm then asked about and where I�m going. I asked them why they were so quick to stop me and how they all knew my name and I learn my picture is hanging up in the police station.

During this harassment and surveillance I was also waiting to hear back from my public defender on whether or not I was facing any charges. After a period of 6 months federal prosecutors call my lawyer and tell him they didn't find anything on the computers to get me for but they didn't want to let me off the hook. So they present us with a pre- indictment binding plea agreement. Something that my lawyer said he's never seen before because he's used to seeing a formal indictment first. But in this case the prosecutors were so quick to present me with a plea deal. The bargain was to admit to authoring and distributing the pages about explosives that existed on the other web site that I didn�t author or distribute. This web site was called the RECLAIM GUIDE. It was authored and implemented by a different individual. And it's not like the FBI didn't know this. 2 weeks before federal prosecutors contacted my lawyer, the FBI paid this person a visit. They confirmed that he was indeed the author of information on how to manufacture explosives and put it on online. Then they left.

False documents were drafted up saying I admitted to authored the "RECLAIM GUIDE" and all the information on how to build and manufacture explosives. These 2 pieces of evidence are actually in the FBI discovery. Apparently the FBI forgot to black-out the part where they visited the person who actually wrote the explosives information. These 2 contradicting articles were ignored by prosecutors. They wanted to pretend they didn't even exist because they know the FBI screwed up. They pressed forward urging that I sign this pre-indictment plea agreement.


Everyone keeps asking why I was never formerly indicted. This was to cover up the NSA wire-taps and surveillance.

At a formal indictment evidence is presented to the court or grand jury. This is a formal document written for a prosecuting attorney charging a person with some offense. This document is supposed to contain evidence backing up the prosecutors accusation.

The only so-called evidence the prosecutors had was obtained through ILLEGAL NSA WIRE TAPS and surveillance. I know the prosecutors had this information because they referred to it in a meeting me and my lawyer had with them when I requested to see the all this so-called evidence they said they were going to use against me if I didn't take the plea.

If there was a formal indictment then the FBI would have been forced to unveil the NSA wire-taps and continuous surveillance. Then this whole media buzz about Bush authorizing the NSA to do illegal surveillance against so-called terrorists would have been in the media along time ago. They couldn't afford this type of publicity. This is why they desperately tried to keep this "hush-hush." This is also why they wrote up false-documents stating that I admitted to authoring information on how to build explosives. They could take the fact that I simply posted a link on to another person's web site which I did not author but happened to contain a page on "bomb-making information," and twist it around. It was all they needed to stir up the 9/11 reactionary emotionalism in the court and get their conviction. The feds wanted this conviction so bad and so quick because they knew what would have happened if this had gone public.

Every time I rejected the plea I was told I wouldn't have a second chance and that the feds would come down on me hard in court and I�d be looking at 3-4 years in prison. They told my lawyer I only had one chance to accept a plea or go to trial. It was a one chance offer and I'd better make my decision right away or face years in prison. I immediately rejected the plea telling my lawyer I wanted a trial. The prosecuters held out and bought time and tried to convince me and my lawyer. I kept rejecting it. Then I told them I would take it. At the arraignment I changed my mind again and said I wasn't taking any plea deal. Now expecting to prepare for a trial, the prosecutors limboed around to buy more time and told my lawyer the deal was still on the table. They said I would be looking at 3-4 years in prison if convicted at trial. I said okay fine and rejected again. Then I changed my mind again at the last minute and asked if I could take it. The prosecutors turned around so quickly with the plea agreement wanting me to sign. They initially said I only had one chance to take the plea and that was it. So I decided to change my mind again and reject it. Then they went into legal limbo again trying to buy more time. Why didn�t they just take it to court like they initially said they were going to do? It was obvious something very fishy was going on. They were so desperate to have me sign the plea. My lawyer said he had never seen a case like this in all the years of his practice.They said they had all this evidence against me yet they never wanted a formal indictment.


During this period of going back and forth to court playing this game of legal limbo I was also receiving countless death-threats from neo-Nazis and white supremacists. I got them by email and they were constantly posted to the news wire. There had always been death threats from white supremacists, except now they were much more consistent, direct and some cases very peculiar. One made reference to a huge black-out , "when all the lights go off" following with "your nigger ass gets killed." The next day the entire East Coast experienced the biggest black-out in 30 years. This is when several power grids went down in August of 2003 leaving 60 million people from Ottawa to Detroit, from Toledo to Hartford, from Cleveland to New York City without electricity. A day later the same person who posted this threat posted again saying "See I told you so , you better watch out" and followed with more death threat rhetoric. This was all logged and archived on the server.

On August 4, 2003 I was sentenced to a year in federal prison and 3 years probation after being threatened with an additional 20 years under a terrorism enhancement. My lawyer didn't want to take the case to trial under these conditions and I had no legal funds to afford the legal team I needed. I was convicted under statute, 18 U.S.C. 842 (p)(2)(A) "DISTRIBUTION OF INFORMAITON RELATED TO EXPLOSIVES OR WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION", pushed through Congress by Democrat Sen. Dianne Feinstein in the late 1990s under Clinton�s anti-terrorism bill. The offending material, which again I emphasize I did not author, contained amateurish instructions on how to assemble simple explosives.

The individual who actually wrote this information was not convicted of anything. He was white. As I said before, the FBI questioned him, confirmed he authored this information, and left. They fabricated a case in cahoots with federal prosecutors, Dianne Feinstein, John Ashcroft and Judge Steven V. Wilson.

After I was sentenced government agencies continued to monitor the site heavily. My main concern was getting the site secured and ready for when I went in so it would stay online for the next 4 years without my assistance. 3 weeks before I had to self-surrender the server went down because the hosting company went out of business. The only way to get back online was to physically pick up the server from where I had it collocated in Irvine. When I picked up the server I was informed that the FBI called them 2 weeks prior asking to get access to the box. Luckily the guy running the company declined to give them any access. Yet the FBI was actively trying to get their hands on the server once again.

I brought the server back to Long Beach and hooked it up to my residential DSL struggling to keep the site online amidst the threat of feds coming with another search warrant to seize it. Luckily I received assistance to have it moved to a remote location again.

Once I was sentenced, I was ordered to self-surrender to the U.S marshals in 30 days. At this point the death threats came in just about every day. I was told I'd be leaving prison in a body bag. At first I thought the threats were coming from just a couple of people. When I tracked them I noticed they were coming from many different areas and different people.

A few months prior to being sentenced I also received information from anonymous persons telling me there was a price on my head set by the NSA and other higher-ups in the government. I was informed about 3 different supposed assassination attempts to be carried out. I was given some detail on who was serving the contracts, names , license plate numbers, etc. Other then that I was told it was a surprise I was still alive but everything was being taken care of and I was being "looked out for."

After I self-surrendered to the U.S marshals I was taken to San Bernardino detention facility to await transfer to my designated institution. It just so happens that the San Bernardino Detention Facility has the largest number of Aryan Brotherhood and neo-Nazis.

The U.S Marshals, FBI, USPO, and all other government agencies and persons working on my case all knew about the daily death threats coming from neo-Nazis saying they were determined to have me killed once I entered prison. And yet I�m placed in an institution with the largest population of Aryan Brotherhood and neo-Nazis.

I was in the general population dormitory for about a day and a half. I noticed the whites were all in the back of the dormitory. My name is called over the intercom to be escorted to one of the deputy offices. Before I leave one of the white inmates walks up to the front of the dormitory and approaches me. I've never even talked to this guy before. He seems extremely interested in my whereabouts and asks where I�m going. I tell him I don't have a clue. He asks me to find out and tell him when I get back. I get escorted to the office by a deputy sheriff where two detectives from San Bernardino County are waiting to talk to me. They start asking me questions about such as who was now running the web site. I declined to answer. Then they ask about the death threats I had been receiving prior to coming in. They tell me that a price is on my head and all of the neo-Nazis and Aryan Brotherhoods know where I was and word was out. They tell me the reason why they decided to intervene wasn't to stop anybody from getting hurt but instead it was allot of paperwork if something did happen. San Bernardino would have blood on their hands they didn't want to deal with. So I was placed into PC (protective custody) until I was airlifted to Oklahoma Federal Transfer center where I spent 2 weeks in the hole, then finally to Tucson FCI where I spent another week in the hole before being let out onto the yard in general population.


My official release date was Sept 1, 2004. After I was released I stayed at my mom's apartment for a few months before I got back on my feet. I had pretty much lost everything so I had to start over. Only 2 weeks being out and the FBI had already moved in across the street. A man and a woman who both worked at the same Westwood Federal Building that Special Agent John I. Pi worked at along with the rest of his team.

They had the blinds closed 24/7 on all the windows. And if a window didn't come with blinds they covered it with black cloth. I noticed something wasn't right early on when I was outside at night walking my dog. I notice the guy who just moved into the unit driving up in his blue car. He parks and sees me across the street and doesn't get out. I walk next to his car and stop and he freezes up. Then I walk the opposite direction down the street and he watches me the whole time through his rear-view mirror. When I�m out of sight he drives off. Then he comes back thinking I�m not around, parks his car, and enters the unit. I noticed there was something definitely strange about the look he gave me but I didn't want to jump to conclusions so quickly. It was later confirmed through a neighbor that they indeed worked at the Westwood federal building. Undercover agents shouldn't talk to neighbors about where they work. But it was pretty obvious anyway. Sometimes when they came home at odd hours of the night and they forgot to take off the security badges around their necks. We have photographs. After about 5 months they finally left.

Today the case is still far from over. I�m still serving the 3 years of strict probation which prohibits me from having any access to a computer as well as associating with anyone who espouses violence for political change (whoever that might be). And due to the nature of the case any time I get stopped or pulled over by the police and my name is run I'm detained because it say's I have "terrorist ties." Harassment and surveillance still continues to this day.

Nonetheless, I'm writing this to show people just how deep this NSA wiretapping and surveillance issue goes. This article is only a summary on my case. This whole issue is far deeper than the Department of Defense simply profiling demonstrators at an anti-war march in Hollywood. And if you happened to be profiled because you attended an anti-war march in Hollywood I�m sure it went far beyond just taking your picture and name and putting you in a database. The fact that every single one of these big anti-war marches are routed down streets with the most security cameras on them speaks for itself.

Bush, Cheney, the NSA, FBI , etc. They're all trying to justify their domestic spying program saying it was necessary to stop terrorists attacks in the U.S. Let's not forgot about the countless people who "look Muslim" or "look middle-eastern" or "look Arab" who were detained and held for months with absolutely no charges. Taken from their homes and their families and eventually deported. Let's stop looking at how the "war on terrorism" targeted political decent for one minute and look how it was targeted against your average citizen simply because of the way he or she looks. Let's stop looking at the police repression used against anti-war marches for a minute and look at how people who never attended a single protest or demonstration in their life suddenly ended up in a 24-hour lockdown maximum security federal prison cell. This is national security. It has nothing to do with stopping "terrorism." Some say we're moving closer and closer to a police state. The fact of the matter is we've already been in a police state. And it's just advanced to the next level. What are we going to do about it? Continue to vote? Continue to pay the price? Will we continue to participate in this political circus of democrats and republicans which is nothing more than a tool to keep the people demobilized and distracted from building a revolutionary movement? Are we going to wait until the next presidential selection only to be bamboozled again, and again, and again? Or are we going to finally realize that we will only get what we are organized to take.


For more information on Sherman's case and contact info please visit or

Sherman was released from federal prison in 2004 with 3 years of strict probation. He has since been focusing on writing a book about his case and working on music projects playing with the group Colectivo Error.

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Message: 3
Date: Sun, 26 Feb 2006 08:42:13 -0500
From: "norgesen" <>
Subject: Bank For International Settlements Calls For Global Currency

The BIS is at the apex of the global financial system. It was birthed in 1944 when the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank were set up.

BIS Calls For Global Currency
Nazi bankrollers want elimination of national sovereignty for world cashless control grid

Paul Joseph Watson/ February 21 2006

The scandal-ridden and highly secretive Bank For International Settlements, considered to be the world's top central banking policy, has released a policy paper that calls for the end of national currencies in favor of a global model of currency formats.

The BIS is a branch of the of the Bretton-Woods International Financial architecture and closely allied with the Bilderberg Group. It is controlled by an inner elite that represents all the world's major central banking institutions. John Maynard Keynes, perhaps the most influential economist of all time, wanted it closed down as it was used to launder money for the Nazis in World War II.

Buried in a London Telegraph report on UK inflation rates is the admission that the BIS, "has also suggested ditching many national currencies in favour of a small number of formal currency blocks based on the dollar, euro and renminbi or yen."

Centralized control of currency is a keystone pillar in the construction of global government.

The eventual goal is a cashless society credit system based on a worldwide citizen ID. Those designated as subversives or security threats will have their credit entitlement reduced and restrictions will be placed on when and what they can buy or sell. A world tax will be levied on all purchases.

In the meantime new denominations of paper money will be tracked and traced. Euro notes come with RFID tags as standard and the same feature is being incorporated into newly designed US dollar notes.

Last month the United Nations made a promise to save the world from all its ills in return for complete elimination of national sovereignty and financial markets and their replacement by a proxy world government.

The so-called 'conservative Bush administration have done everything in their power to destroy the last vestiges of American sovereignty, including increasing deficit spending beyond the level of all previous 42 administrations put together, signing legislation anathema to the Constitution, promoting global government and anti-American trade deals like CAFTA and the FTAA, and attempting to 'solve' the illegal immigration problem by enacting blanket amnesty.



By Joan Veon

Basel, Switzerland -- The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) released their 75th Annual Report on June 27 to commemorate its founding in 1930. Most countries today have a central bank which is a private corporation that handles its monetary system. Bi-monthly, central bank ministers from 40 countries meet at the BIS to review ways "to promote the co-operation of central banks and to provide additional facilities for international financial operations." Once a year the world's central bankers meet in Basel to take a closer look at the status of the world's central banking system. Besides the annual review, this year's Report considered the need for "new mechanisms" to keep the financial system more in balance.

The BIS report highlighted the uneven global expansion that they see. While world output expanded by 5% in 2004, the highest rate in nearly thirty years, they said its growth showed a new uneven economic expansion. Although the United States is an engine of growth, they noted the key Asian economies as being at the second pole of global dynamism, while slower growth can be seen in other larger advanced economies. The U.S. and China accounted for nearly 50% of the world's increase in global output with the global economy growing at 4% in 2005, in spite of oil prices which are projected to remain high for a prolonged period of time.

The BIS is at the apex of the global financial system. It was birthed in 1944 when the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank were set up. Should we dare to mention that its founders were Harry Dexter White who worked in the Treasury Department and who was a communist spy along with John Maynard Keynes, a Fabian socialist? Keynesian economics is at the heart of the reason for all levels of government being broke.

In 1971, President Richard M. Nixon took the dollar off the gold standard, which forced all the other countries of the world to follow suit, thus changing the global monetary system from one of fixed currencies to one of floating currencies. When a currency is no longer backed by gold it is then possible to play all kinds of games with its value. By buying or selling a large quantity of one particular currency, an economically powerful individual or bank can literally move the market in their favor by buying low and selling high.

The new patterns of booms and busts which the BIS refer to are not only man-made, as a result of the floating currency, but the highs and lows have been exacerbated by the fact that the barriers between the nation-states are gone. The ability to buy and sell currency on a global basis was seen in the Asian Crisis. For the country's that refused to open their markets to the World Trade Financial Services Agreement, their currencies were crashed.

Furthermore, the highs and lows of a country's stock market is a result of the respective central bank buying and selling that country's treasury bills. For example, when the Federal Reserve adds money to our banking system, interest rates drop and the stock market rises. Since the NASDAQ crash, interest rates in the U.S. have fallen to 45 year lows, stimulating both the prices of real estate to historic highs and the stock market.

The BIS Annual Report cited three such cycles of highs and lows. The first began in the 1970's when the dollar was taken off the gold standard. Mr. White said that the change in the gold standard with very important in world affairs. The second cycle began in the mid-1980s, ending in a property bust; and the current cycle began in the mid-1990s. All Americans should be concerned about this report for the world's bankers are signaling the end of the third cycle which can only end with higher interest rates as money is taken out of the market. Will we have another property bust as seen in the mid-1980s or will we have a repeat of the Nasdaq?

Interestingly enough, the BIS cites household debt being at historic highs. In a way they created it. Of course buyers would seize the opportunity to trade up their home for a bigger one since they can afford more because of lower interest rates. As a result, Spain, the U.K., France, the U.S. and the Nordic countries have had huge increases in property values with household debt-to-income ratios at unprecedented highs.

Furthermore, household saving is not evident in the U.S. to the same extent that it is in the Asian countries. World national savings rose to 25% of Gross Domestic Product or about 1% point more than the annual average for the current decade. This was due to higher savings habits in the developed world and in particular, China, where savings rose to 48%. High debt-to-income ratios and low savings in the U.S. do not bode well for Americans.

The BIS Annual Report notated some "disturbing patterns of uneven growth worldwide." While the U.S. and China accounted for half of the world's growth, the Euro area and Japan have much slower growth. They write that the prospect of reducing America's fiscal deficit is not encouraging. Citing concerns over disinflation, the BIS stressed the need for interest rates to rise in order to slow consumer spending. The Bank's Economic Advisor, William White, explained, "The time has come for a measured withdrawal of the stimulus that has been put into the [economic] system." What Mr. White is saying is that it is time for the Fed to withdraw money from the banking system that created low interest rates and corresponding high property values and a high stock market. With the Federal Reserves ninth interest rate increase, we can see the stated direction of the economic cycle.

Lastly, the Report stated that the "underlying issue seems to be that we no longer have a system that somehow forces countries to alter their domestic absorption and associated exchange rates so as to reduce external imbalances in an orderly way." It should be noted that with a floating exchange rate, there are no ways for any kind of adjustment like there was under the gold standard. The BIS recommends what several academics have suggested by way of establishing a single international currency or perhaps moving to regional currency blocks such as the dollar, euro and renimbi/yen. (This is the first time I have seen renimbi and yen tied together. What it indicates is that the Chinese renimbi appears to be overtaking the yen.) A year ago U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman, Dr. Paul Volcker said, "A new mechanism was needed for the world financial system" and that "in a globalized world, we should have an international currency."

In a world of floating currencies ruled by the rich and powerful, we will always have external imbalances thus creating an evolving system of global economic imbalances which leads to feudalism. Global feudalism is created as the rich and powerful continually skim off the top of the world's economic imbalances so as to even it out-for them!

� 2005 Joan Veon - All Rights Reserved

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