Sunday, December 11, 2005

Readers' Forum: 9/11

Hustler Articles

Blogger Thoughts: Michael P. Wright... disinfo agent or misguided sout?

Readers' Forum: 9/11

What if everything you know about 9/11 is wrong? In our August 2005 issue we interviewed David Ray Griffin, author of The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions, who discussed disturbing inconsistencies with the government's official story. Due to the volume of reader response, we have created this ongoing forum.

The following commentary was written by a concerned HUSTLER reader from the heart of the Heartland.

On September 11, 2001, high-ranking officials at the FBI and CIA had a problem. A month before the attacks, FBI agents in Minneapolis suspected that Zacarias Moussaoui was planning to hijack a domestic aircraft. Acting on a report from [then CIA Director] George Tenet, which incorrectly stated that Moussaoui was not an al Qaeda operative, FBI headquarters denied the Minneapolis agents' request for a warrant to search Moussaoui's computer.

After the attacks, authorities finally inspected his computer and found information that could have helped prevent the disaster. They also found a University of Oklahoma computer user ID for Nick Berg, the young American contractor beheaded by Iraqi insurgents in April 2004. In 2001 Moussaoui had spent six months in Norman, where OU is located.

Tenet, in an August 6 memo to the President, expressed belief that if airliners were hijacked, terrorists would land them to conduct hostage negotiations. The CIA chief did not expect airliners to be crashed into buildings.

Top CIA and FBI officials had much to cover up. Many citizens were skeptical about the official 9/11 account and demanded the truth. In 2002, Minneapolis field agent Coleen Rowley wrote a passionate letter to the FBI director in which she protested the suppression of the Moussaoui search warrant. Rowley said that there was adequate evidence in August 2001 that he was a terrorist. The agent even suggested "improper political reasons" for the warrant's denial.

Under the circumstances, what were top CIA and FBI officials to do? I suspect they did the same thing as they did in the 1960s with the FBI's COINTELPRO program: infiltrate, disrupt and isolate the dissident groups to make them look foolish.

Within this framework, let's examine David Ray Griffin's claims as made in his August '05 HUSTLER interview.

There is much to be questioned. Did HUSTLER ask him for documentation, or just rely on his "reputation"? Griffin is a theologian. Does he also have expertise in aviation, physics, explosives, construction science or demolition?

Griffin states that most of the jet fuel was burned up outside the buildings on impact. How does he know? What about the people inside the World Trade Center who were driven by the intense heat to leap to their deaths? Does he believe the people shown jumping out of the buildings in photos were actually dummies, put in place by clever conspirators and activated by remote control?

Griffin calls the WTC tower fires "relatively small." He suggests that the towers came down by "controlled demolition," a popular idea with conspiracy theorists. Has HUSTLER consulted a building demolition expert? Has Griffin?

Griffin says that shortly before the attack "a certain part of one tower or the other was sectioned off for several days, and no one could go there except these special workers who were called engineers." He mentions no eyewitnesses for this. Does he have any? Did HUSTLER ask? Then he adds this speculation: "So it does appear that there could have been this kind of advanced planning."

Griffin says "one tower or the other." What does he mean by this? Was it a "controlled demolition" for only one tower?

Griffin suggests that something other than a hijacked commercial aircraft collided into the Pentagon. Did HUSTLER ask him about all the people who claim they lost relatives who died on Flight 77? Are they all liars or paid members of the comprehensive conspiracy we'd have to imagine to take him seriously?

If Flight 77 did not crash into the Pentagon, where did it go? Did it fly itself into the ocean, as conspiracy theorists suggested? How? Were the pilots so committed to the conspiracy that they gave their lives for it? Was the aircraft flown by "remote control"?

I emphasize that I am not satisfied with the 9/11 Commission's final report, which is a whitewash. I believe that leading up to the 9/11 attacks there was high-level official misconduct, which has gone unpunished.

I've launched my own independent investigation into this and encourage HUSTLER readers to see my summary report and the video of Tenet telling a 9/11 lie during a March 2005 speech at the University of Oklahoma. (On the Internet, check out com/mpwright9/sting.html.)

Read my sworn affidavit about a 9/11 hijacker's airline ticket having been purchased from an OU library computer terminal (April 5 entry). The purchaser was a white American male, identified to the FBI but never arrested.

My arguments, supported by evidence, aren't as sensational as the ones presented by other conspiracy theorists, but I believe they deserve serious consideration.

Michael P. Wright
Norman, Oklahoma

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