Sunday, May 07, 2006

[september_eleven_vreeland] Digest Number 1351

There are 2 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1. Demons in Alien's Clothing
From: "norgesen"
2. UFOs the result of an anomaly "decohered"?
From: "norgesen"


Message 1
From: "norgesen"
Date: Sat May 6, 2006 10:16am(PDT)
Subject: Demons in Alien's Clothing

Demons in Alien's Clothing

By Ron Patton
November 22, 2005

By way of introduction and lest the reader dismiss what follows as the product of Christian dogmatism, one point needs to be mentioned. A few months ago, a female acquaintance made a similar assertion: namely what the popular media refers to as UFO's and Aliens was in fact demonic in origin. Moreover, the lady in question was not a fundamentalist Christian but a practitioner of the esoteric arts � of the right hand path. Indeed, some might even call her a �White witch�, but whatever one calls her it�s important to emphasise that it�s not only fundamentalist Christians who are saying this. Ed

As we enter the 21st century and a new millenium, Satan has devised the delusion that mankind is entering into an important evolutionary phase - a New Age. The push for "global enlightenment" has now extended to the vast reaches of the universe, into what could be deemed as a "space" religion. However, once this nebulous veil is lifted, a definite correlation emerges between the UFO/Alien phenomenon and occultic/satanic activity.

The ancient civilizations of the Egyptians, Babylonians, Aztecs, Mayans, and Incas shared several intriguing characteristics:

1. They were extremely advanced scientifically and technologically.

2. Animal and human sacrifices were performed at an alarming rate, preceding their demise.

3. They believed they had acquired metaphysical knowledge from the "gods", whom they perceived as coming from the stars and also the subterranean level of the earth.

4. These cultures disintegrated or became abruptly extinct while at the pinnacle of their existance.

Many of these revered and feared entities were described as looking like winged-reptilians or dragons. Similarly, Satan and his minions were depicted in an identical manner, as seen in artwork throughout the centuries.

A monograph entitled, Reality of the Serpent Race, by Branton, reveals, "In Genesis 3 we read about the 'Nachash'; Hebrew word for 'Serpent'. The original Nachash was not actually a snake as most people believe, but an extremely intelligent, cunning creature, possessed with the ability to speak and reason." Another significant parallel from the Holy Bible is shown in Jeremiah 8:17, "Behold, I will send serpents, cockatrices among you, which will bite you, saith the Lord." The definition of a cockatrice is a reptilian bird-like creature or winged-serpent. This could very well represent the Phoenix, described in Egyptian mythology.

A theory proposed by Bible scholar I.D.E. Thomas asserts that the race of the "Nephilim" (meaning Giants and/or fallen ones), mentioned in Genesis 6:4 and Numbers 13:33, closely resemble the alien race of the blond Pleiadian Nordics, reported to be eight to nine feet tall. The Nazis attempted to revive this mystical Aryan race in the 1930's and 1940's. Mr. Thomas believes that a hybrid offspring culminated from relations between the Nephilim and the "daughters of man" resulting in increased wickedness upon the earth; and thus evoking God's wrath in the form of the "Great Flood".

Interviews taken of ex-Wiccans and Satanists (now Christians) indicate a high level of personal contact with various alien types, especially during coven meetings and holiday rituals. Those coming from the highest echelon of Satanism known as the Illuminati, believe the original people who inhabited the earth descended from Mars via the Moon. They believe the first established civilization was Atlantis. Renowned for their superior intellect, the Atlanteans suffered the same fate as a few of the proceeding cultures already mentioned. The remnant people from Atlantis became the American Indians, according to their interpretation of history.

Dr. Richard Boylan has written extensively about E.T. encounters, and has found five common features of people predominately involved in UFO/alien sightings and abductions:

1. Individuals possessing a high degree of psychic ability.

2. Similar phenomenon occuring with other family members (multi or trans-generational).

3. Native Americans and/or indigenous peoples.

4. Children who have been subjected to severe abuse or trauma.

5. Individuals and/or family members affiliated to government and/or military intelligence agencies or departments.

In conjunction, a strong relationship exists between occultic ritual sites, top secret military installations, and UFO/alien sightings and abductions. There also appears to be a magnetic spiritual vortex (or vacuum) which has drawn an many "New Agers" into these areas (Taos, NM; Sedona,AZ; Boulder, CO, etc.). One prime example is the area near Dulce, NM, where the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has a highly-secured underground complex on the Jicarella Indian Reservation -- a region known for Native American shamanism. The facility is said to be used for genetic engineering, including cloning. Several witnesses who were employed there reported seeing different breeds of aliens.

Congruently, the Mojave Desert in California has it's share of military bases involved in "black projects", ranging from research and development of "advanced" aircraft to MKULTRA mind control operations (Edwards AFB, Ft. Irwin, and China Lake Naval Weapons Center). Coincidentally, it was the area where Charles Manson and family resided in the late 1960's. It was also the general location described in the book, Outside the Circle of Time (1980) by Kenneth Grant. A portion of the book states, "John Whiteside Parsons [who specialized in jet propulsion] and L. Ron Hubbard, founder of Scientology [and former Naval Intelligence Officer] were involved in a special project during 1945 and 1946...

This special project which was carried out in the California desert, was a part of magical ceremonies [black witchcraft] known as the 'Babylon Working', designed by Aleister Crowley, who died in 1947 [year of the alleged Roswell UFO crash and the implementation of the National Security Act]... The purpose of the series of ceremonies performed by Parsons and Hubbard was to unseal an interdimensional gateway, that had been sealed in antiquity thereby allowing other dimensional entities known as the 'Old Ones' access to our space/time continuum. The culmination of the ceremonies was reported to have been successful, having resulted in the establishment of 'extra-terrestrial contact'... Crowley left behind a drawing of his invisible mentors or as he called them, 'Secret Chiefs' [spirit guides], entitled LAM. This entity has a very large head on a small body, a pointed chin, and a little slit of a mouth [description compares favorably to the 'Greys']."

Another British occultist, Dr. John Dee, court astrologer for Queen Elizabeth I, would regularly summon alien-like entities.

Several abductees, psychics (through out-of-body experiences) and former employees of the Dulce facility reported seeing large vats, full of blood and body parts; essentially, a human stew . Their understanding is particular varieties of aliens, mostly "Greys" bathe in these vats to absorb nutrients through their skin. One of the secretions these aliens crave is adrenaline, which is generated in great quantity when the victim is tortured or traumatized at the moment of death. This glandular hormone is most potent in children.

Striking similarities are found in Egyptian Satanism, as graphically detailed in The Egyptian Book of the Dead. "Behold ye then god this great slaughter, mighty of terror, he washeth in your blood, he batheth in your gore." It was common practice for them to sacrifice infants and young children for the purpose of obtaining the life or energy force from the victim.

Additional observations by some who have witnessed aliens recall distinct insignias or emblems on their uniforms. To no surprise, alien symbology is identical to that of the Mystery Religions of ancient Babylon. For instance, the winged-sun disk is worn by the "Draconis" or Reptilian race and is prominently displayed throughout the sliding scale of occultism. The double-headed eagle or Phoenix is associated with the Lyrae-Greys; a trademark of the Scottish Rite branch of Freemasonry. A book describing the interaction between non-human beings from other planets and the "enlightened ones" (33rd degree Freemasons) is found in the book, The Hidden Life of Freemasonry. Mario Pazzaglini, Ph.D., published his meticulous research pertaining to alien symbols in a book titled, Symbolic Messages: An Introduction to a Study of "Alien" Writing. He effectively deciphered over 150 samples and concluded that a high percentage of the alien alphabets are similar to magical alphabets of Hermetic and Enochian origins. Mario also surmised that, "Further, messages [from aliens] seem in most people to act as a nucleus for a developing sense of purpose in life, an increased realization that of some kind of 'assignment' from beyond humankind, and a heightened spiritual sense. The specific contents of these ideas can be of any religious denomination, or orientation, and sometimes reveals or develops a totally new religion, usually with conglomerate pieces from known religions and other cosmic, planetary, or stellar schemes."

A case epitomizing this "cosmic consciousness" has been disclosed by Sky Ambrose, an alleged UFO/alien abductee who was interviewed by Art Bell, on his nationally-syndicated radio show, Dreamland, October 16, 1994. She and a friend were supposedly abducted in Colorado after observing a UFO in November 1989. Sky lost about two hours of time which she could not account for and decided to undergo hypnosis.

A condensed version of what Ms. Ambrose recalled is as follows:

1. The aliens looked translucent, with large heads upon thin, frail bodies. Their eyes were large and pronounced, but their was no recollection of noses or mouths.

2. Sky and her friend were implanted with a small square, tissue-like substance inside their heads (catscan analysis or x-rays have verified these biological devices exist).

3. Communication with the aliens was achieved telepathically.

4. They (the aliens) told Sky she was not chosen by them, but she out of her own volition, decided to participate in this journey before her present life (reincarnation). To her understanding, these beings are "caretakers" or "guardians" of the planet, Earth. Their function is to bring forth "revelation" through the spirit of unity, and, the earth is the soul of God; a living entity (paganism).

5. It was explained to her that the universe is rhythmic and presently at a peak cycle; what appears to be chaos is actually the birthing of a "new order" (ordo ab chaos?). To enter into the next evolutionary level, new bodies will be needed to re-seed the planet. This hybrid body will be a combination of human and alien (remember the Nephilim?).

6. Her renewed belief system incorporates the expression that negativity brings separation but unity brings love (please read II Corinthians 6:17 & Matthew 10:34).

Some skeptics have taken the position that the UFO/alien phenomenon can be best explained as a form of psychosis or hysteria as conceptualized within Jungian psychology. Others view it as an elaborate government hoax, designed to further confuse the American populace. Such an insight is coherently expounded upon in the book, Space Aliens from the Pentagon, by Bill Lyne, former Air Force Intelligence Officer.

I believe all the above explanations can exist simultaneously and need not be exclusive from one another. What better way to manipulate one's perception of reality by throwing out several different scenarios, thereby making it difficult to ascertain a consistent pattern or trend that would hopefully lead to finding the elusive "truth". In adding to the perplexity, cattle mutilations have been theorized to be the nefarious work of space creatures for experimental purposes. Others feel it's a result of cultic rituals. Yet, another explanation is that it's a smoke-screen perpetrated by government/military psy-ops in order to escalate our already induced paranoia (Is that a black helicopter I hear?).

A few so-called experts in the field of UFOology are excited about the possibility that someday soon, these seemingly benevolent and misunderstood inter-galactic beings will openly reveal themselves to the Earth's human populace and bring about universal bliss. This grand deception is yet another lie conceived by the one referred to as "that old serpent" (Revelation 12:9).

As history repeats itself, let it be understood that we are living in a time likened as "in the days of Noah" (I Peter 3:20). With "dark skies" prevailing and the overwhelming presence of evil around us, what are we to do? I Corinthians 10:13 explains, "There hath no temptation taken you but such as common to man : but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it." There is no physical place to hide from this onslaught of carnality except by taking refuge in our spiritual fortress, God Almighty (Psalm 91:2).

I trust this article provided sufficient information to render an objective conclusion. From my perspective, these extra-terrestrials are nothing less than demons in alien's clothing. Grievously, many have and will succumb to this seductive aroma of pseudo-enlightenment (Mark 13:33). May we abide in Jesus, lest we partake in the abominations held within the mystery of iniquity (II Thessalonians 2:7-12).


� � I.D.E. Thomas, The Omega Conspiracy: Satan's Last Assault on God's Kingdom, Heathstone Publishing Ltd., 1986
� � Timothy J. Dailey, The Millennial Deception: Aliens, Angels, and the Anti-Christ, Chosen Books, 1995
� � Nelson S. Pacheco, Ph.D. and Tommy R. Blann, Unmasking The Enemy: Visions and Deception in the End Times, Bendan Press, 1994
� � David L. Carrico, The Egyptian-Masonic-Satanic Connection, 1992
� � Christa Tilton, The Bennewitz Papers, Crux Publications, 1992
� � Dr. Cathy Burns, Hidden Secrets of the Eastern Star, Sharing, 1992
� � SCP Journal, Alien Encounters, UFOs and the Realm of Shadows, Spiritual Counterfeit Project, 1992
� � Paul Shockley, UFO/Alien Abductions, The Alien Digest, 1991
� � Vladamar Valerian, Matrix II: The Abduction and Manipulation of Humans Using Advanced Technology, Leading Edge Research, 1991
� � Wendy Wallace, The Four Horseman of the Apocalypse and the New World Order, 1995

Demons in Alien's Clothing
- By Ron Patton
As we enter the 21st century and a new millenium, Satan has devised the delusion that mankind is entering into an important evolutionary phase - a New Age. The push for "global enlightenment" has now extended to the vast reaches of the universe, into what could be deemed as a "space" religion. However, once this nebulous veil is lifted, a definite correlation emerges between the UFO/Alien phenomenon and occultic/satanic activity.

The ancient civilizations of the Egyptians, Babylonians, Aztecs, Mayans, and Incas shared several intriguing characteristics:

1.. They were extremely advanced scientifically and technologically.
2.. Animal and human sacrifices were performed at an alarming rate, preceding their demise.
3.. They believed they had acquired metaphysical knowledge from the "gods", whom they perceived as coming from the stars and also the subterranean level of the earth.
4.. These cultures disintegrated or became abruptly extinct while at the pinnacle of their existance.
Many of these revered and feared entities were described as looking like winged-reptilians or dragons. Similarly, Satan and his minions were depicted in an identical manner, as seen in artwork throughout the centuries.

A monograph entitled, Reality of the Serpent Race, by Branton, reveals, "In Genesis 3 we read about the 'Nachash'; Hebrew word for 'Serpent'. The original Nachash was not actually a snake as most people believe, but an extremely intelligent, cunning creature, possessed with the ability to speak and reason." Another significant parallel from the Holy Bible is shown in Jeremiah 8:17, "Behold, I will send serpents, cockatrices among you, which will bite you, saith the Lord." The definition of a cockatrice is a reptilian bird-like creature or winged-serpent. This could very well represent the Phoenix, described in Egyptian mythology.

A theory proposed by Bible scholar I.D.E. Thomas asserts that the race of the "Nephilim" (meaning Giants and/or fallen ones), mentioned in Genesis 6:4 and Numbers 13:33, closely resemble the alien race of the blond Pleiadian Nordics, reported to be eight to nine feet tall. The Nazis attempted to revive this mystical Aryan race in the 1930's and 1940's. Mr. Thomas believes that a hybrid offspring culminated from relations between the Nephilim and the "daughters of man" resulting in increased wickedness upon the earth; and thus evoking God's wrath in the form of the "Great Flood".

Interviews taken of ex-Wiccans and Satanists (now Christians) indicate a high level of personal contact with various alien types, especially during coven meetings and holiday rituals. Those coming from the highest echelon of Satanism known as the Illuminati, believe the original people who inhabited the earth descended from Mars via the Moon. They believe the first established civilization was Atlantis. Renowned for their superior intellect, the Atlanteans suffered the same fate as a few of the proceeding cultures already mentioned. The remnant people from Atlantis became the American Indians, according to their interpretation of history.

Dr. Richard Boylan has written extensively about E.T. encounters, and has found five common features of people predominately involved in UFO/alien sightings and abductions:

1.. Individuals possessing a high degree of psychic ability.
2.. Similar phenomenon occuring with other family members (multi or trans-generational).
3.. Native Americans and/or indigenous peoples.
4.. Children who have been subjected to severe abuse or trauma.
5.. Individuals and/or family members affiliated to government and/or military intelligence agencies or departments.
In conjunction, a strong relationship exists between occultic ritual sites, top secret military installations, and UFO/alien sightings and abductions. There also appears to be a magnetic spiritual vortex (or vacuum) which has drawn an many "New Agers" into these areas (Taos, NM; Sedona,AZ; Boulder, CO, etc.). One prime example is the area near Dulce, NM, where the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has a highly-secured underground complex on the Jicarella Indian Reservation -- a region known for Native American shamanism. The facility is said to be used for genetic engineering, including cloning. Several witnesses who were employed there reported seeing different breeds of aliens.

Congruently, the Mojave Desert in California has it's share of military bases involved in "black projects", ranging from research and development of "advanced" aircraft to MKULTRA mind control operations (Edwards AFB, Ft. Irwin, and China Lake Naval Weapons Center). Coincidentally, it was the area where Charles Manson and family resided in the late 1960's. It was also the general location described in the book, Outside the Circle of Time (1980) by Kenneth Grant. A portion of the book states, "John Whiteside Parsons [who specialized in jet propulsion] and L. Ron Hubbard, founder of Scientology [and former Naval Intelligence Officer] were involved in a special project during 1945 and 1946... This special project which was carried out in the California desert, was a part of magical ceremonies [black witchcraft] known as the 'Babylon Working', designed by Aleister Crowley, who died in 1947 [year of the alleged Roswell UFO crash and the implementation of the National Security Act]... The purpose of the series of ceremonies performed by Parsons and Hubbard was to unseal an interdimensional gateway, that had been sealed in antiquity thereby allowing other dimensional entities known as the 'Old Ones' access to our space/time continuum. The culmination of the ceremonies was reported to have been successful, having resulted in the establishment of 'extra-terrestrial contact'... Crowley left behind a drawing of his invisible mentors or as he called them, 'Secret Chiefs' [spirit guides], entitled LAM. This entity has a very large head on a small body, a pointed chin, and a little slit of a mouth [description compares favorably to the 'Greys']."

Another British occultist, Dr. John Dee, court astrologer for Queen Elizabeth I, would regularly summon alien-like entities.

Several abductees, psychics (through out-of-body experiences) and former employees of the Dulce facility reported seeing large vats, full of blood and body parts; essentially, a human stew . Their understanding is particular varieties of aliens, mostly "Greys" bathe in these vats to absorb nutrients through their skin. One of the secretions these aliens crave is adrenaline, which is generated in great quantity when the victim is tortured or traumatized at the moment of death. This glandular hormone is most potent in children.

Striking similarities are found in Egyptian Satanism, as graphically detailed in The Egyptian Book of the Dead. "Behold ye then god this great slaughter, mighty of terror, he washeth in your blood, he batheth in your gore." It was common practice for them to sacrifice infants and young children for the purpose of obtaining the life or energy force from the victim.

Additional observations by some who have witnessed aliens recall distinct insignias or emblems on their uniforms. To no surprise, alien symbology is identical to that of the Mystery Religions of ancient Babylon. For instance, the winged-sun disk is worn by the "Draconis" or Reptilian race and is prominently displayed throughout the sliding scale of occultism. The double-headed eagle or Phoenix is associated with the Lyrae-Greys; a trademark of the Scottish Rite branch of Freemasonry. A book describing the interaction between non-human beings from other planets and the "enlightened ones" (33rd degree Freemasons) is found in the book, The Hidden Life of Freemasonry. Mario Pazzaglini, Ph.D., published his meticulous research pertaining to alien symbols in a book titled, Symbolic Messages: An Introduction to a Study of "Alien" Writing. He effectively deciphered over 150 samples and concluded that a high percentage of the alien alphabets are similar to magical alphabets of Hermetic and Enochian origins. Mario also surmised that, "Further, messages [from aliens] seem in most people to act as a nucleus for a developing sense of purpose in life, an increased realization that of some kind of 'assignment' from beyond humankind, and a heightened spiritual sense. The specific contents of these ideas can be of any religious denomination, or orientation, and sometimes reveals or develops a totally new religion, usually with conglomerate pieces from known religions and other cosmic, planetary, or stellar schemes."

A case epitomizing this "cosmic consciousness" has been disclosed by Sky Ambrose, an alleged UFO/alien abductee who was interviewed by Art Bell, on his nationally-syndicated radio show, Dreamland, October 16, 1994. She and a friend were supposedly abducted in Colorado after observing a UFO in November 1989. Sky lost about two hours of time which she could not account for and decided to undergo hypnosis. A condensed version of what Ms. Ambrose recalled is as follows:

1.. The aliens looked translucent, with large heads upon thin, frail bodies. Their eyes were large and pronounced, but their was no recollection of noses or mouths.
2.. Sky and her friend were implanted with a small square, tissue-like substance inside their heads (catscan analysis or x-rays have verified these biological devices exist).
3.. Communication with the aliens was achieved telepathically.
4.. They (the aliens) told Sky she was not chosen by them, but she out of her own volition, decided to participate in this journey before her present life (reincarnation). To her understanding, these beings are "caretakers" or "guardians" of the planet, Earth. Their function is to bring forth "revelation" through the spirit of unity, and, the earth is the soul of God; a living entity (paganism).
5.. It was explained to her that the universe is rhythmic and presently at a peak cycle; what appears to be chaos is actually the birthing of a "new order" (ordo ab chaos?). To enter into the next evolutionary level, new bodies will be needed to re-seed the planet. This hybrid body will be a combination of human and alien (remember the Nephilim?).
6.. Her renewed belief system incorporates the expression that negativity brings separation but unity brings love (please read II Corinthians 6:17 & Matthew 10:34).
Some skeptics have taken the position that the UFO/alien phenomenon can be best explained as a form of psychosis or hysteria as conceptualized within Jungian psychology. Others view it as an elaborate government hoax, designed to further confuse the American populace. Such an insight is coherently expounded upon in the book, Space Aliens from the Pentagon, by Bill Lyne, former Air Force Intelligence Officer. I believe all the above explanations can exist simultaneously and need not be exclusive from one another. What better way to manipulate one's perception of reality by throwing out several different scenarios, thereby making it difficult to ascertain a consistent pattern or trend that would hopefully lead to finding the elusive "truth". In adding to the perplexity, cattle mutilations have been theorized to be the nefarious work of space creatures for experimental purposes. Others feel it's a result of cultic rituals. Yet, another explanation is that it's a smoke-screen perpetrated by government/military psy-ops in order to escalate our already induced paranoia (Is that a black helicopter I hear?).

A few so-called experts in the field of UFOology are excited about the possibility that someday soon, these seemingly benevolent and misunderstood inter-galactic beings will openly reveal themselves to the Earth's human populace and bring about universal bliss. This grand deception is yet another lie conceived by the one referred to as "that old serpent" (Revelation 12:9).

As history repeats itself, let it be understood that we are living in a time likened as "in the days of Noah" (I Peter 3:20). With "dark skies" prevailing and the overwhelming presence of evil around us, what are we to do? I Corinthians 10:13 explains, "There hath no temptation taken you but such as common to man : but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it." There is no physical place to hide from this onslaught of carnality except by taking refuge in our spiritual fortress, God Almighty (Psalm 91:2).

I trust this article provided sufficient information to render an objective conclusion. From my perspective, these extra-terrestrials are nothing less than demons in alien's clothing. Grievously, many have and will succumb to this seductive aroma of pseudo-enlightenment (Mark 13:33). May we abide in Jesus, lest we partake in the abominations held within the mystery of iniquity (II Thessalonians 2:7-12).

a.. I.D.E. Thomas, The Omega Conspiracy: Satan's Last Assault on God's Kingdom, Heathstone Publishing Ltd., 1986
b.. Timothy J. Dailey, The Millennial Deception: Aliens, Angels, and the Anti-Christ, Chosen Books, 1995
c.. Nelson S. Pacheco, Ph.D. and Tommy R. Blann, Unmasking The Enemy: Visions and Deception in the End Times, Bendan Press, 1994
d.. David L. Carrico, The Egyptian-Masonic-Satanic Connection, 1992
e.. Christa Tilton, The Bennewitz Papers, Crux Publications, 1992
f.. Dr. Cathy Burns, Hidden Secrets of the Eastern Star, Sharing, 1992
g.. SCP Journal, Alien Encounters, UFOs and the Realm of Shadows, Spiritual Counterfeit Project, 1992
h.. Paul Shockley, UFO/Alien Abductions, The Alien Digest, 1991
i.. Vladamar Valerian, Matrix II: The Abduction and Manipulation of Humans Using Advanced Technology, Leading Edge Research, 1991
j.. Wendy Wallace, The Four Horseman of the Apocalypse and the New World Order, 1995

Genesis 6 Project - Powers of Darkness Exposed

Message 2
From: "norgesen"
Date: Sat May 6, 2006 10:17am(PDT)
Subject: UFOs the result of an anomaly "decohered"?

The famous researcher Jacques Vallee is trying to reconcile how UFOs can appear some while not others at the same time and other seemingly inconsistencies. To summarize, he postulates that UFOs (and possibly other paranormal phenomena through the ages) are interdimensional psychic in nature. And then by methods not understood and for mysterious reasons, they become real solid objects.

This hypothesis would tie together a lot of loose ends in all the UFO reports. I could even tie it to Fred Alan Wolf's Bosoks Project, remote-viewing, the Montauk Project, consiousness-engineering, Project Preserve Destiny, etc.

Following is an excerpt from a rambling e-mail I sent out that will give you an introduction. I just finished archiving Vallee's stuff at
... ... ... ... ... ...
What has always intrigued me regarding UFO sightings is that some people see
them "all the time" while others never do. Carl Jung and Jacques Vallee
believe they may be a result of some consciousness-based phenomena. Hardcore
"nuts-and-bolts" researchers tend to quickly dismiss this.

If only it were that simple. Like everyone else, I wish it were that easy to
describe all things that our senses perceive by conventional means. But the
majority of UFO mass sightings started during the nuclear age (1947-). So in
nearly 60 years, the best minds on the planet haven't come close to reproducing
these things (at least, I haven't seen any the last time I checked the news or
looked in the sky). That tells me either the technology is way, way off from
our manufacturing base and/or the theories are so completely new that they
would appear as "magic" (to use a cliche).

If we assume that things like the Philadelphia Experiment did happen, then
those (to my way of thinking) are what UNITEL's Larry Maurer calls "Macroscopic Quantum
Tunneling (MQT)". A way of making a real-life object baheve as a quantum wave
and then somehow "decohering" it to force it to pop back into the real world.

If that is true, then that may "marry" the views of Vallee/Jung and the
"nuts-and-bolts" types. Both viewpoints would be correct in their respective
domains. Chuck Clark retired to Rachel, Nevada. He has made many trips into
the cold desert to photograph secret military exercises. He is of the opinion
that UFOs may not necessarily be extraterrestrial (as in from another planet)
but "inter-dimensional". I thought MQT proposed to use these other dimensions
to "teleport" (for lack of a better word) to other star systems. But Clark
seems to be referring to existences in other dimensions. (I think some of
Clark's comments are also in the , taken from Darlington's
"Area-51" book.)

Michio Kaku said that with the advent of superstring theory, any physicist
"worth their salt" was scouring book stores for texts on geometry&topology. What I have
seen lately is "conventional" physicists doing research into such "taboo" areas
as remote-viewing and consciousness. Even Robert Bigelow of NIDS pulled back
from "conventional studies" to establish a Chair for Consciousness Studies at
UNLV. To me, all this is a "red flag". What is attracting the attention of so
many "mainstreamers" that the rest of us can't see? (You can lump into the mix
the recent Air Force studies into information teleportation. Might as well
include Ray Kramer's "Equation"
[ . And I've seen Navy
contracts to study the effect of hyperdimensions on consciousness.] Are these
just academic exercises? That would be the Occam Razor's viewpoint and would
make things simple. But I don't think so.

A key question is what causes someone to see a UFO and not another person.
It's almost as if these sightings are dependent upon that person. A skeptic
would jump on that and say that there is something "goofy" going on inside that
person's head. A medical conditon, drug use, whatever. But that is precisely
what is said to have unlocked abilities that all of us supposedly possess to
make remote-viewers out of "ordinary" people.

I still think there is a link between something that occurs during a nuclear
explosion and UFO sightings. There is a persistent rumor that although
everything about the physics and engineering of nuclear weapons is known, there
is a small part of the standard Q-clearance that remains secret to everybody
outside of the loop. Couple that with the rumor that it appears to be the DOE
(formerly AEC) that oversees the UFO material. Can a nuke event (or particle
beam) create some sort of dimensisonal rip to allow UFOs to materialize? Or
even form from someone-somewhere's consciousness? (The latter would be
reminiscent of "monsters from the [Krell] ID" of "Forbidden Planet" as well as
the mythical Montauk Project which used psychics to drive the massive RF that allegedly opened up portals.) It seems more than coincidental that UFO mass
sightings have all but been eliminated since the worldwide moratorium on nuke
tests. (Reference the ca. 1995 documentary "Where Have All The UFOs Gone?"
hosted by Leonard Nimoy. I saw that myself. It implied that the government
knows what "UFOs" are and why they appear when they do.]

I'm archiving some of Vallee's stuff now. I'll have it up by this weekend at . I posted this comment (as "food
for thought)" in one of the documents:

[StealthSkater note: One of the themes that occurs over-and-over in investigating
UFOs is that they operate as by "magic". Many "nuts-and-bolts" researchers say that
all of their academic and on-the-job training has not provided them with the
theoretical or manufacturing knowledge to even begin to back-engineer these things.
Look at the progress of the best scientific minds in all the nations of the World
for the last 60 years. Do you see any man-made UFOs in the sky? The progress is

I make an argument using a "back door" approach. What is the one area in Science
which eludes our greatest intellects. It is the study of consciousness -- the
metaphysics of the psychic realm. I propose that UFOs are an example of
consciousness-engineering that makes use of advanced mental development as well as
psycho-reactive materials-of-construction. But that still implies "nuts-and-bolts"
(albeit quite advanced from our current state-of-the-art).

What Vallee and Davies proposed leads me to refine my hypothesis that perhaps this
things exist in "consciousness form" in one of the dimensions that
superstring/M-brane theories allow (in the Multiverse). And at times, they can
"de-cohere" and become "flesh-and-blood" in our physical 3-D world. At other times,
they could exist in their own soliton Macroscopic Quantum Tunneling "bubble" as
suggested by Nichols (above) and similarly by UNITEL => . (The Philadelphia Experiment would be
another example of a UNITEL-type real-life object existing as a quantum waveform.)

If true, one could readily understand the helplessness that our brightest minds
would feel when attempting to build such a craft using existing technologies.
Better to see what parts of the UFOs could be retrofitted into our manufacturing
base (such as Col. Corso claimed was done with lasers, integrated circuits,
night-vision, optical fibers). ]

At first, I thought Vallee and Jung were way off-base and trying to deliberately
"debunk" witnessess (perhaps even being employed by the government). But now I see
a potential overall "umbrella" that can merge Corso, UNITEL, Montauk/PX,
consciousness, "nuts-and-bolts" into one. The "alt-science" promoters may not be as
quacky as the mainstreamers label them. They may only know part of the overall
picture. But that part may be correct.

Also look at Dr. Fred Alan Wolf's admission to Marshall Barnes that an interdimensional "bleedthrough" seemed to have occured in the early 1990s => .

And don't forget Bigelow's "Sherman" ranch and Colorado's Black Forest portals => . For some reason, I have the feeling that this is a military attempt to engineer some of this for psi purposes. I could be wrong.

Of course, the key question is how to make a conscious thought turn into reality. Note that Vallee and Davies are not saying that UFOs are not real solid objects. TOo much radar data for that. What they seemed to find is where the true origin of UFOs lie. How to go from 'A' (psychic/dimensional) to 'B' (real-world) is like how UNITEL proposes to fake out Mother Nature by "disgusing" a Macro-sized obejct into a quantum wave.

Food for thought ...

-- kram @

Jacques Vallee - the famous researcher wonders if UFOs (as well as other
paranormal activities) are interdimensional anomalies

that somehow assume real-life solid objects

Vallee UFO Classification System (an updated version of Hynek's)

an Interview with Dr. Vallee

"Heretic among heretics"

"Alien Notion" - e-mail from Vallee to Gary Singh

UFOs as "Control Systems"


a 6-layer model for Anomalous Phenomena

{a supporter}

{a critic}

Aliens and Archetypes (Terence McKenna)

The metaphysics of UFOs

UFOs in the Age of Information (Steve Mizrach)


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