Sunday, May 14, 2006

[political-researchp] 9/11 Bloglines - Reconciling Plane Paths

Humint Events Online
The 9/11 hijacking attacks were very likely facilitated by a rogue group within the US government that created an Islamic terrorist "Pearl Harbor" event as a catalyst for the military invasion of Middle Eastern countries. This weblog will explore the incredibly strange events of 9/11/01, and other issues of US government responsibility.

Reconciling Plane Paths

By Spooked

Previously, I compared two different second hit videos, and decided the plane paths they showed were quite different.

Here are screenshots of the two videos--
the Japanese video from the west:

the Detroit Public TV video from the north:

Notice in the Japanese video, how the plane doesn't really change in size from beginning to end, suggesting the camera is near perpendicular to the plane path. Moreover, the "plane" length (160ft) is close to the width of the WTC (208 ft), again suggesting the plane is being viewed from the side.

Notice, in the Detroit Public TV video, again, the plane size barely changes as it moves closer, suggesting the camera is near perpendicular to the plane path. Although, truly, this makes little sense, as the profile of the plane is about a 3/4 view, meaning the plane is coming in at a 45 degree angle, and SHOULD be getting bigger as it approaches. Even in the rest of the video, as the plane moves closer to the WTC, it never gets much bigger, which would seem to defy perspective:

(the reason this looks different from above is because it was from a different video capture; see original linked post for links to the videos)

Here is a map of Manhattan:

The Empire State Building is in green, the WTC is in the cluster of four red markers near the top. (sorry, the map is upside down but it is in the same orientation as the maps below)

I've done some more analysis on these videos, and still think the paths are different, though it is not as black-and-white as I originally thought...

Here are the maps I've produced of the two different paths:


The plane path in the Japanese video cannot be absolutely determined, though I think since the plane size doesn't change at all from beginning to end, that the plane path is essentially perpendicular to the camera.

The plane in the Empire State Building video makes little sense, but as best I can determine, it is coming WSW (though possibly it is even coming straight from the West).

The Japanese plane appears to be coming either S, SSW or SW.

I have honestly tried to match the plane paths as well as possible. Still, my analysis shows there is a significant but subtle difference in the plane paths.

Moreover, the plane in the Empire State Building video appears to defy normal perspective. I think this video HAS to be fake, for the following reasons:
1) the plane suddenly appears, pops out of nowhere, in the video
2) the plane by its shape, would appear to be coming from the SW, but it never changes size as it travels closer to the camera
3) the plane path is essentially coming from the west, yet this does not fit with any known approach path or the aspect of the plane.

(note, this post was modified slightly on 5/14/06, am)

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