Thursday, April 27, 2006

[political-research] UA 93:A compilation of all important


Joined: 26 Apr 2006
Posts: 27

Wed Apr 26, 2006 5:44 am Post subject: UA 93:A compilation of all
important Reply with quote
UA 93: A compilation of all important analyses
originally compiled by "John Doe II",

Compilation on all aspects of UA 93:

Here now a compilation of all important articles and threads that deal
in detail with the different issues of UA 93.

The passengers:
The oddities of UA 93 already start with the boarding process.

?Something Strange about Flight 93 Were any of the passengers supposed
to be on the flight?? (by Frankl)
?Flight 93 last minute passengers and crew?
Basically the complete crew and many passengers decided the day before
or even last minute to take UA 93. Given the fact that only 37
passengers flew with the plane one might even wonder why the flight
wasn?t cancelled.

'Real deaths' on UA93 (Astro3)
Analyses the SSDI of the people aboard UA 93. No crew member and none of
the at least 16 passengers that had first intended to take Flight 91
appear on the SSDI.

Incidents along the flight path of UA 93:
While according to the Final Report NOARD was never told of UA 93 the
only case of successful air defense was in regard to Delta 1989 the
so-called ?red herring? of 911:
?The Timeline of Delta 1989?

And until today it has never been explained why Delta was believed to
have been hijacked. Or better said there are at least three
contradicting explanations.
Delta 1989 is also in the center of something very strange that
apparently happened at Cleveland Airport:
?The Cleveland Airport Mystery? (Woody Box)

But while NORAD was in the latest version not informed by FAA there are
three airports along the flight path of UA 93 that were evacuated.
Strangely in all three cases it is not really clear why:
?911: Cleveland, Pittsburgh and Johnstown Towers are evacuated. Why??

Pittsburgh Airport is also interesting because it was the only airport
opened in the afternoon of 911 and it expected about 20 planes to land.
As all commercial planes were already grounded and all military planes
normally do have their military bases one can only wonder which planes
were expected and why Pittsburgh was reopened after the evacuation and
remained opened the afternoon.
But the strangest evacuation happened in Johnstown:
?What was going on at Johnstown Airport on 911??

That Johnstown Airport is indeed a very ?interesting? airport and
therefore the evacuation very worth paying attention to can be seen
reading this article:
?9/10- 9/11: The Johnstown "Terror Team" Cover-up?

It is worth mentioning as well that a very interesting witness saw the
crash of UA 93: A C-130 which by pure coincidence ha already witnessed
the attack on the Pentagon:
?C-130 Saw Pentagon & Pennsylvania Crashes (The Surgeon)?

Aboard UA 93:
The following article exposes many of the main contradictions about what
happened aboard:
- Why do family members, Newsweek and an official hear something
completely different on the CVR than the FBI and the Commission?
- Why did no passenger see all alleged hijackers?
- Why does no passenger mention Donald F. Greene, a pilot aboard?
- How many passenger attacks were there: One or two?
- Why didn?t the passenger manage to break the cockpit door that is
considered to be flimsy?
- Why was the transponder switched on and off again around 10:00?
?UA 93: Too many contradictions?

One simple question:
?UA 93: How did the alleged hijackers manage to enter the cockpit??

Why weren?t the pilots warned by the flight attendants who should have
had enough time given the fact that the hijackers first killed somebody?

The phone calls:
The basis for all what we know of what happened aboard are the phone
calls of the passengers are crew members. A detailed analysis of them is
therefore obligatory.

?Cell phone studies?
Here two studies that deal with the possibility of doing phone calls
with cell phones from planes and the conditions that are needed to
manage a call.

?A physical "miracle": Cell phone calls from UA 93?

Here a list of calls that were made with cell phones, with airphones and
the ones that we can?t know for sure.

?Were UA 93's phone calls really recorded??
While even the movie on UA 93 had access to the phone call recordings it
is astonishing that the Independent Commission only refers to
transcripts of the calls or interviews with recipients of calls. Not a
single time do they refer to a recording (contrary to calls from AA 11)

UA 93: Missing phone calls!
If the information of Verizon is correct than there are many phone calls
from UA 93 that have never been made public.

Here detailed analyses of all known phone calls:
?Deconstructing Tom Burnett's phone calls?

Burnett was most likely the first one to call from the plane and all in
all he called his wife four times. Very surprising is his prophecy that
he repeated twice that the hijackers would crash the plane into the
ground. Something that the hijackers themselves wouldn?t have known at
that time.

?Deconstructing Todd Beamer's "Let's Roll!" phone call?

This is certainly the most famous phone call. Which only appeared in the
news after a couple of days. Basically every detail of this phone call
is in doubt after a close analysis.

?Deconstructing Jeremy Glick's phone call?

This is the longest phone call. Important especially as apparently
Jeremy Glick was still at the phone when the WTC collapsed. This clearly
contradicts the official timeline. Glick is also the only one who
mentions that the alleged hijackers are ?Iranian?-looking (nobody else
specifies their ethnic background) and that they put on red bandanas.

?Deconstructing Edward Felt's phone call?
Ed Felt?s call was the first passenger?s call that appeared in the
media. As this call is completely different from all the others it is
especially important.
Important as well: Did Sandra Felt hear her husband mention the
explosion while she was listening to the tape or not? Is Pittsburgh
Post-Gazette lying or the New York Times?

?Deconstructing the lesser known phone calls?

Here a detailed analysis of all other phone calls from the plane. Though
the calls are sometimes very short they contain innumerous contradictions.

Analysing the phone calls we can realize that there are highly
contradicting information given concerning the following list of very
basic questions:
Were the passengers herded to the back? If yes, how many?
Are dead people on the floor of first class? If so: How many? And
passengers or pilot?
Was there a hijacker guarding the passengers?
Did he have a bomb around his body?

And talking about the phone calls one shouldn?t forget Paul Thompson?s
?UA 93: Why didn't the FBI advice the passengers??

The crash:
The following article analyses all eyewitnesses of the plane crash.
The central article dealing with the crash is:
?Proof that the official UA 93 story is a big hoax?

In this article all eyewitnesses seeing a plane coming in from northwest
before crashing and all eyewitnesees east of the crash site who
strangely witness a plane as well just before the crash are analysed.
Based on these accounts and the debris that was raining at Indian Lake
and New Baltimore and that can?t be explained (as the FBI wishes) simply
by the wind all theoretically possible scenarios including one, two or
even three planes are presented. Unfortunately neither any scenario that
includes only one plane nor any scenario that corresponds to a last
minute shoot-down decision can have happened. It is simply refuted by
too much contradicting evidence.

The following article analyses the eyewitnesses of the descending plane
and of the famous white plane:
?UA 93: Part I: ... and kiss the official UA 93 theory good-bye!?

This article concentrates on the altitude the witnesses see the plane
flying before crashing.
?Part II: ... and kiss the official UA 93 theory good-bye!?

Unfortunately the altitude doesn?t make it even theoretically possible
that the witnessed plane could have crashed (as it apparently did) in a

Based on Glick?s phone call during which his wife mentioned the collapse
of the WTC the following article discusses the crash time of the flight:
?UA 93: Why the 10:03 crash time cannot be true?

Another important article discusses the crash time especially based on
the seismic recording (by stickdog):

The crash site:
Based on several articles the suspicion is that in fact no plane caused
the official crater of UA 93. Therefore a detailed analysis of this
crater is necessary:
?UA 93: Analysing the crash site. Real or fake??

The famous raining confetti that the FBI explained by the wind is
analysed here. Not surprisingly the explanation simply isn?t possible:
?UA 93: The raining confetti?
?Raining debris at Indian Lake What really happened to Flight 93?

Here a look on the size of the crater. The heighest estimation of
eyewitnesses is that the gouge is 40 feet. How can a tail of 44 feet fit
in there? Not to talk of the rest.
?Shanksville: Is the crater too small??

It doesn?t add much credibility to the investigation if the FBI states
that 95% of the plane have been recovered while coroner Wallace Miller
only talks of 8%. Given the fact that everybody says that the plane
basically vaporized: Who do you think is right:
?UA 93: How much of the wreckage was recovered??

Identification process:
?Investigation of the UA 93 crash site and DNA analysis: Background info?
General information about the investigation of the crash site and the
DNA analysis.


To be added:
Plane swap over Pennesylvania by Woody Box.

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