Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Update: Dadahead - This blog kills fascists: Newsweek interviews Chomsky

Update: 1/17/2006
end Update

Dadahead - This blog kills fascists: Newsweek interviews Chomsky

Update: 1/12/2006

Audio from Wingtv 01/12/2006: realise this is not the most well sourced, well presented material. However, think it makes the fundumental point about Vietnam I want to make.

Web Page Support about Drugs and US.

-End Update 1/12/2006-

Blogger Thoughts: I think if any subject deserves a long treatment by this blogger, this would be it. Unfortunately I can't get to it right now. Maybe Jan. 15th.

Here's the net-net:

I am enormously saddened by Chomsky analysis of this. I knew he was missing the boat on the Truth of 9/11, yet I had no idea he was so clueless in other areas (e.g. holding up the idea that legitimate intentions were behind Vietnam!).

And, to make matters worse, Dadahead's analysis shows no discernment of just how moronic and misleading Chomsky's commentary is. I know that when Chomsky's says that the US went to War in Vietnam "for a good reason", he doesn't imply for a good moral reason: I submit the reason given by Chomsky isn't close to any reality. How can this happen? Is everybody a disinfo agent?

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