Sunday, January 15, 2006

911 Coverup Facts Summary

911 Coverup Facts Summary

Blogger Thoughts: The linked article has this as part of the headline:

Was 911 Allowed to Happen?

What a misleading headline. This, in effect, supports the govt. story, saying only possibly it was allowed to happen. This is misleading: totally inconsistent with exposing the truth.

Here is what is listed to identify who is behind this:Index of Key Team Members - Click on name to skip to biographical sketch

(go here for details rather than using the links below 1/15/2006 5:00)
Kristina Borjesson - Emmy award-winning journalist, radio show co-host
Fred Burks - Presidential interpreter, website manager, cover-up researcher
Norma Carr-Ruffino, PhD - Professor of management, author of eight books
Steven M. Greer, MD - ER physician, author, founder of Disclosure Project
David Ray Griffin, PhD - Professor, theologian, author or editor of over 20 books
Leonard Horowitz, DMD - Author, authority in public health education
Michael Levine - 25-year veteran of DEA, award-winning author, radio show host
Peter Lindemann, DSc - Author, researcher, expert in field of new energy
Pamela J. Monday, PhD - Professional counselor, lecturer, researcher
Peter Phillips, PhD - Professor specializing in media, director of Project Censored
Carol Rutz - Author, lecturer, researcher, recovered mind control survivor
Peter Dale Scott, PhD - UC Berkeley professor, author, cover-up researcher
Paul Thompson - Author, researcher, creator and manager of the 9/11 Timeline
Charles S. Viar - Expert in intelligence and counterintelligence, 30 years experience

My gut says some of these people are supporting the deception, and the others are being used.

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