Thursday, August 11, 2005

WagNews: Gay Meteorite in Pedophile Coup Bid

WagNews: Gay Meteorite in Pedophile Coup Bid

Comments from Your Blogger

This post at is best understood in the context of understanding disinformation and its current role at some internet web sites.

This discussion is about those in the audience disenchanted with the Mainstream Media (MSM): those who may have been seeking truth from alternatives on the internet. It does seem that the nature of alternative media outlets (be they internet radio, late night radio talk, web sites) depends on creating a mystique or compelling reason to lure the target audience back for more. If you think of a TV sitcom based on romantic tension of two characters, you are aware of how letting the couple marry and live happily ever after will tend to destroy the comic tension and interest.

In that regard, as you realise that if the current state of affairs is a alluring in some ways like a mystery novel, you may agree that if the mystery is solved, the most immediate result of this is the need find a new mystery to solve. And, why would any producer or web content master want to have to spend precious time doing that (finding new material) when you can milk the current story episode after episode. On top of that, when you throw in the intelligence personnel who are organized and paid to cover up the truth, you have the recipe for why so many "truth" sites become an endless distraction. Listen and see what you think of Fintan's and Kathy's analysis.

So what does all this mean. Do you, the reader, have a reason to trust this blog as less of a run-around? Should we believe that is less of a run-around? How much money do Fintan and Kathy make from the Neemwell business? To what extent will that go to to draw web traffic? Who are the outside supporters who injected money a few months ago? What if I think the (another of Fintan's web sites) has very little of value regarding truth and science of life? What if his analysis of the "faked" (photoshopped) pic of the London bombers is wholly incorrect? I don't have answers to any of these questions.

End of Blogger's Comments

New Audio show: A send up of the latest Coup & Nuke scare story from the CIA's fearmonger crew; also some interesting information on the as yet unmentioned Abu Ghraib connection.
with Fintan Dunne & Kathy McMahon.
How a link on WhatReallyHappened leads to a story on PrisonPlanet about a Coup and a fake Nuke Attack on the U.S. --the same story being also on CloakandDagger with a link to a report on WhatDoesItMean --the website of David Booth who was on Coast toCoast, Rense and MysteriesOfTheMind in Feb, 2004 with a previous scare of imminent destruction --which never happened. And how lurid tales of pedophilia on MysteriesOfTheMind about 'Johnny Gosh', have been layered onto the widely known Jeff Gannon story.

All part of a plan to smear an aura of tabloid sleaze around 'conspiracy' on the Internet, thus discrediting 9/11 skeptics and others with 'conspiracy theories.'

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