Saturday, January 15, 2005

Dr. Harvey Bialy, one of the most astute and brilliant and poetic of the HIV debunkers


JANUARY 13, 2004. I'm getting a big laugh out of this one. Some days ago, Dr. Harvey Bialy, one of the most astute and brilliant and poetic of the HIV debunkers, began a little foray into a widely read blog page, Dean's World.

Dean, the blogger in charge, was caught up short at first. HIV doesn't cause AIDS? What? Huh? How could that be?

After some careful thought and investigation, Dean was reborn. Boom.

And NOW, the postings are multiplying like rabbits on meth.

Not only that, people on both sides of the issue are, on their very own, recapitulating the arguments pro and con that have been flying under the public radar for the last 20 years. They don't know it, but that's what they're doing.

Brand new Duesbergs and Faucis and Gallos and Bialys are springing up out of the Great Womb and debating their cases.

Bialy doesn't even need to be there anymore. He can just stand back and watch.

I don't know how much longer it's going to go on, so you should go to the site and get a load of the whole thing. The posts, so far, are very civil and decent. Minds are being blown.

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