Saturday, October 16, 2004

Real Time with Bill Maher talks about Mary Cheney

Very interesting interchange on Bill Maher last night about the whole Mary Cheney issue. I know some of you might think that this issue should just go away. I don't. Here's why. First from Bill:
But my question about that whole flap, this this the Republicans are very angry. Dick Cheney said, "I'm an angry father." If it's not shameful to be gay, why are their panties in a bunch about this? I mean, they talk about her like she's some retarded monster they have chained in the attic, you know.Jim Rogan was up to bat for the Republicans and he argued that because John Kerry brought it up at the debate, the Republicans saw it as a "concerted effort" to bring Mary Cheney into the campaign and it wasn't "appropriate."Jesse Jackson's reply was that "gay relationships and marriage have been used as such a dividing line on who is righteous and who's a sinner."To which, my hero, Bill Maher replied:
And it is an issue. They made it an issue. It's an issue in this election. Don't talk about my daughter who we are trying to discriminate against in a constitutional amendment.And stepping up for the "Hollywood liberals" Alanis Morissette just crystallized the entire argument about Mary Cheney down to this:
It's an issue of character too. It's begging the question to people, what kind of a father, what kind of an administration would have someone in their family that is gay and have these opposing views of that person's rights and that person's future and that person's opportunity.There you go folks. That's it, that's the kind of people Bush and Cheney are. You know how we laugh and joke sometimes that someone would run over their own mother if they had to if they want something bad enough? Well, it's coming true right in the middle of this election. But it's not funny. Bush and Cheney want to win this election badly enough that they are willing to sell out the Vice President's daughter. Please tell me, what more does it take? Dick Cheney is willing to sell his daughter's civil rights INTO SLAVERY to get elected. What more does it take, what more does anyone need to know?

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