There are 9 messages in this issue.
Topics in this digest:
1. Cartoon editor Fleming Rose and the tentacles of PNAC
From: Total Information <>
2. RE: Re: Roland Croteau ....... typical COINTELPRO trash...
From: "Scott Peden" <>
3. Re: Re: Hello
From: Cathy Garger <>
4. Re: sending a formal delegation from Scholars for 9/11 Truth to Silicon Valley
From: Cathy Garger <>
5. Re: Steel Industry FUMING
From: Cathy Garger <>
6. Re: Re: Hello
From: Naveed <>
7. "Target Texas City" follow-up w/ NY Times Thom Shanker (Disruptors Beware!)
From: Eric May <>
8. Talk Live to Mark Crispin Miller - Noon E.T. Today!
From: "reggie501" <>
9. US Election Trickery
From: "President, USA Exile Govt." <>
Message: 1
Date: Tue, 7 Feb 2006 02:49:13 -0500
From: Total Information <>
Subject: Cartoon editor Fleming Rose and the tentacles of PNAC
< >
It turns out the editor who originally publshed the "offensive" Muslim
cartoons is a disciple of Daniel Pipes and the "clash of civilizations"
theory put out by Project for a New American Century. PNAC is the outfit
that called for a "Pearl Harbor event' in order to initiate a global war
against the Muslim world. *American Free Press*, Feb.
"Under the guise of free speech, a leading Danish newspaper published a
dozen provocative anti-Islamic cartoons clearly designed to offend Muslims.
The predictable result has greatly increased the possibility of violence and
left Denmark in a costly and dangerous predicament.
Four months after Jyllands-Posten (JP), Denmark's most widely read morning
paper, published 12 anti-Islamic cartoons, Danes woke up to the fact that
there is a very high price to be paid for promoting the "clash of
The fact that the editors behind the anti-Islamic images claim to be
exercising free speech while refusing to address Europe's strict censorship
laws regarding discussion of the Holocaust and the ongoing imprisonment of
historical revisionists reveals the existence of a more sinister agenda
behind the provocative cartoons.
"Agents of certain persuasion" are behind the egregious affront to Islam in
order to provoke Muslims, Professor Mikael Rothstein of the University of
Copenhagen told the BBC. The key "agent" is Flemming Rose, the cultural
editor of JP, who commissioned cartoonists to produce the blasphemous images
and then published them in Denmark's leading morning paper last September.
The International Herald Tribune, which reported on the offensive cartoons
on January 1, noted that even the liberalism of Rose had its limits when it
came to criticism of Zionist leaders and their crimes. Rose also has clear
ties to the Zionist Neo-Cons behind the "war on terror."
Rose told the international paper owned by The New York Times that "he would
not publish a cartoon of Israel's Ariel Sharon strangling a Palestinian
baby, since that could be construed as 'racist.'" [...]
Rose traveled to Philadelphia in October 2004 to visit Daniel Pipes, the
Neo-Con ideologue who says the only path to Middle East peace will come
through a total Israeli military victory. Rose then penned a positive
article about Pipes<>,
who compares "militant Islam" with fascism and communism.
In April 2003, President George W. Bush nominated the rabid anti-Muslim
Pipes to the board of the United States Institute of Peace, a
congressionally sponsored think tank
More background<>
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Message: 2
Date: Tue, 7 Feb 2006 01:03:39 -0800
From: "Scott Peden" <>
Subject: RE: Re: Roland Croteau ....... typical COINTELPRO trash...
WE are using history like the Germans didnt.
Not In My Country you f..n fascists and multi national corporations that
only benefit off of other people misery and deaths.
-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Naveed
Sent: Monday, February 06, 2006 2:51 PM
Subject: Re: [911TruthAction] Re: Roland Croteau ....... typical COINTELPRO
this is a battle for the minds of the american public,
9/11 was designed to create a paradigm shift to legitimize the police state,
we aim at reversing. we are not a bunch of typical "anti-war" activists who
petition the very criminals who carried out such horrible acts against
we, are paradigm shattering activists!
Roland Croteau <> wrote:
To All,
I hope this finds you well and in good spirit.
To this post I must respond; so this is this groups idea of FREEDOM OF
This woman doesn't like my position so I should therefore be banned?
What a typical bunch of wannabe hypocrites.
Should people like this woman ever come to power.., even God won't help
You people ALREADY KNOW T! HE TRUTH about 9-11. Question is; WHAT ARE YOU
GOING TO DO ABOUT IT?? Petition the very people that are at the root of
this crime? And you don't SEE the insanity of that??
Indeed.., it is time for me to move along.
On Feb 6, 2006, at 5:15 PM, Lynn Ertell wrote:
Dear Moderators,
Please filter out this SPAM .
Here is a sample of what follows..
Clearly intended to waste our time ...
"...  This is The End Time. They are as The Days of
Noah....WHERE are all the supposed God-fearing MEN? The
Great and Dreadful day is nigh at hand and NO ONE will escape what is
coming due. NO ONE."
--- In, Roland Croteau <rolandcro@...>
> Dear Naveed,
> Good afternoon.
>! I hope this finds you well and in good spirit.
> Respectfully I would argue.., it has ALL been theater. The entire
> has been duped. ESPECIALLY we [supposed] Amerikans. We were used [and
> ARE being used] as the "thrust". It is even on our script, fiat
> currency "money" given us by the NWOor elite. I am well aware of the
> [supposed] struggle to keep the federal reserve central banking
> out of this [supposed free] country.
> As I once read.., there is none worse off than the slave who
> BELIEVES/THINKS he is free. That is us [as a collective people]. I
> you are aware you CANNOT own anything. All any of us get is the
> ILLUSION of "owning".
> If indeed we are TRULY "sovereigns"..? then WHY didn't the people
> stop the passing of the Federal Re! serve Act [which I have completely
> read - YEARS ago], THEN?
> I submit, we were a spiritually spineless people then and are even
> worse today. MUCH worse. This is The End Time. They are as The Days
> Noah. People didn't listen then to the simple Truth and they aren't
> either. Choice. We are collectively choosing our own deaths.
> The time is coming SOON where ALL who would not listen [and who have
> flippantly and arrogantly rejected every warning.., including this
> warning about disregarding "THE PLAN"] will rue these days [of
> warning].
> I continue to ask..? WHERE are all the supposed God-fearing MEN? The
> Great and Dreadful day is nigh at hand and NO ONE will escape what is
> coming due. NO ONE.
> Most of the so-called "patriot commu! nity" has been given these
> over and over. I personally may not have hit them all.., but word
> travel. "Patriots", at large know who I am and my history and prefer
> label me a nut because I condemn their "revered CON-stitution". As I
> have said.., fair enough.
> I'll pop in and out of groups "fishing" to see if there any there who
> "have an ear to hear" and like me..? finally got tired of all the
> Doesn't look very good so far in this group. It will soon be time for
> me to move along and none of you will have to hear anymore from me.
> Roland
> On Feb 6, 2006, at 2:03 PM, Naveed wrote:
> the other thing i'd like to throw into the mix roland is that america
> was strong because she res! isted the inbred satanist central banksters
> move to prop up a central bank on the united states. they weren't
> successful in capturing america until 1913......
> janet phelan <jcphelan10@...> wrote:
> > lt should be obvious to all of us that the engine running the show
> > this time is operating off of a very dark force. There is no
> > religious system in the world that I am aware of that advocates
> > torture in the name of any deity. Not to mention the other
> > being perpetrated across our beleaguered globe. Personally, I
> > it behooves us to be tolerant of those who interpret these events
in a
> > Biblical manner. Once again, we are attacking each other at the
> > time we need to come together.
> >Â
> > "Why can't we all just get along?"
> >Â
> > Peace,
> >Â
> > Janet
> >
> > greg nixon <nxngrg@...> wrote:
> >> Sorry,
> >>Â
> >> A secular Republic is what made America great. Theocracy is
> >> form of tyranny.
> >>
> >> Roland Croteau <rolandcro@...> wrote:
> >>> Hello Greg,
> >>>
> >>> I am the author of that post.
> >>>
> >>> Want to attack me? Why not do it head to head rather than as an
> >>> anonymous post?
> >>>
> >>> Having watched the NON-moving freedom movement [including this
&! nbsp; > >>> aspect group{s} regarding the 9-11 issue] I could much more
> >>> accuse you of the same thing. Why? Because people like you keep
> >>> promoting putting off the inevitable. And what is the
> >>> look at American history and you MIGHT get a clue.
> >>>
> >>> But with that said..? consider yourself and this group as being
> >>> "noticed". You will not be able to say you weren't told.
> >>>
> >>> The solution is OBVIOUS; return to God's Laws - NOT the U.S.
> >>> CON-stitution.
> >>>
> >>> I believe you are not only a fool..? but a coward.
> >>> Roland
> >>>
> >>> On Feb 4, 2006, at 3:25 PM, Greg Nixon wrote:
> >>>
> >>> Totally,
> >>>
> >>>Â Â Attn: Mods Perhaps go to membership approval for a brief
> >>>
> >>>Â Â Also ask Jolly to add more moderators (people we know) to
> >>>Â Â the the ability to catch in the act.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>Â Â --- In, "Lynn Ertell"
> >>>Â Â <lynnertell@> wrote:
> >>>Â Â >
> >>>Â Â >
> >>>Â Â > The posting below (and the individual responsible) are
> >>>Â Â > examples of what needs to me moderated OUT of this group.
> >>>Â Â >
> >>>Â Â > Expect to be deluged with more of this kind of
> >>>Â Â > snake-oil "prophecy" and fake religious mumbo-jumbo.
> >>>Â Â >
> >>>Â Â > It's intended to muddy the waters, turn off and drive away
> >>> rational
> >>>Â Â > people and bog us down with a lot of crap.....
> >>>Â Â > Transparently obvious as COINTELPRO...
> >>>Â Â >
> >>>Â Â >
> >>>Â Â >
> >>>Â Â > --- In, Roland Croteau
> >>> <rolandcro@>
> >>>Â Â > wrote:
> >>>Â Â > >
&! nbsp; > >>>Â Â > > Greetings,
> >>>Â Â > >
> >>>Â Â > > I hope this finds all well and in good spirit.
> >>>Â Â > >
> >>>Â Â > > As a serious student and activist for more than 25 years I
> >>>Â Â I can
> >>>Â Â > > offer something of value to this group.
> >>>Â Â > >
> >>>Â Â > > I believe anyone who has "done the work" knows the U.S.
> >>>Â Â government was,
> >>>Â Â > > at the very least, complicit in 9-11. And "we the sheople"
> >>>Â Â hoping
> >>>Â Â > > they will admit it publicly??
> >>>Â Â > >
> >>>Â Â > > I see government as force and force is power. In all of
> >>> recorded
> >>>Â Â > > history I have NEVER seen force/power relinquish just by
> >>>Â Â > > asking/petitioning.
> >>>Â Â > >
> >>>Â Â > > Does it make any sense that government will this time?
> >>>Â Â > >
> >>>Â Â > > In my studied/activist opinion.., 9-11 is merely a part of
> >>>Â Â global
> >>>Â Â > > scheme to forward the global agenda of the elite to create
> >>>Â Â global
> >>>Â Â > > governance.
> >>>Â Â > >
> >>>Â Â > > The links below offer information that ties it all
together and
> >>>Â Â then at
> >>>Â Â > > "THE PLAN" link, offers the ONLY solution out of this mess.
> >>>Â Â > >
> >>>Â Â > > Of course you will need to decide for yourself. Should you
> >>>Â Â decide to do
> >>>Â Â > > the work/study.., I would NOT recommend "skip reading" for
> >>>Â Â > > sentence in each presentation builds/lays a foundation for
> >>>Â Â next,
> >>>Â Â > > offering fullest comprehension for the reader the first
! ; > >>>Â Â through
> >>>Â Â > > [as it is recommended they be read more than once].
> >>>Â Â > >
> >>>Â Â > > Regards,
> >>>Â Â > > Roland
> >>>Â Â > >
> >>>Â Â > >
> >>>Â Â > >
> >>>Â Â > >
> >>>Â Â > >
> >>>Â Â >
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
! > >>>
> >>> United state bankruptcy court western district of texas
> >>> United state life insurance
> >>> Moving to the united state
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> >>>
> >>>
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> >>> Terms of
> >>> Service.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>
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> In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave,
> and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him,
> then it costs nothing to be a patriot.
> - Notebook, 1904
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Message: 3
Date: Tue, 7 Feb 2006 03:15:19 -0800 (PST)
From: Cathy Garger <>
Subject: Re: Re: Hello
A suggestion. We could always send some of them certified receipt requested letters and read them AT Ground Zero to the places we wish to go but it is too far. Yes, I have been thinking the walk is far. I would rather walk all around Wall Steet myself, and make sure that people look out their windows when they hear noise below on the streets..... Maybe some will come downstairs and walk with us. The fact that all of those wealthy business persons are not organizing about what happened in their own work neighborhood is, to me? UnF'ingreal.
Jolly Roger <> wrote: Ground zero to times square is about two miles. How would we cancel ANSWER?
I don't know where Giuliani and Spitzer are located.
greg nixon <> wrote:
Luke is Luke Rudkowski and is 19 years old but a serious "street" activist w/NY911.
Jolly we need to fine tune the route and cancel the ANSWER appearance. too far. Some question even GZ to Times Square. Suggestions welcome. The gist is Spitzer and Giuliani and the damn gatekeepers.
Jolly Roger <> wrote:
Sherry will probably help, but I'm not sure I know who Luke is at the moment. Yes, I too have had my doubts about many in that organization, but I think that we have to work under the assumption that every group is thoroughly infiltrated (has the troll traffic here ever slowed down?) This is why I'm always suggesting individual actions. I'll ask around, and I'm sure we'll be able to rustle up some support. I'll talk to the crew at the ground zero vigils (circumventing the leadership)
greg nixon <> wrote:
I have talked with Sherry Bender and Luke.
NY911 truth i think is another front like truthorg. or else they simply believe in a top down heirarch approach and WILL NOT SUPPORT the actions of other groups.
Jolly Roger <> wrote:
Excellent chance. Did you talk to anyone else from NYC? Enough of the
movement is here for us to spread out and cover a lot of terretory.
Where can I download the flyer?
--- In, greg nixon <nxngrg@...> wrote:
> Thanks Jolly,
> Any chance of you helping flyer for 2/20 NYC. I wil try to come
in this week for some
> prep work too.
> Greg
> Jolly Roger <slicingthroats@...> wrote:
> Sure, Greg -- but I'm not exactly sure which one she's talking
> Greg Nixon <nxngrg@...> wrote:
> Got a link on that Rense article Mr Roger?
> --- In, Jolly Roger
> <slicingthroats@> wrote:
> >
> > I'm very flattered by this, Amy, and I'm glad you liked the
> article, but I have to respectfully decline because I don't deal in
> conspiracy theories -- only scientific evidence, and documented
> facts. I also suspect that your film project is just another
> to discredit the 9-11 Truth Movement.
> > Instead of making a film about conspiracy theories, why don't
> you investigate what actually transpired on 9-11, and make a film
> that might actually be important to saving this nation, rather than
> one that will undoubtably mock all who question the lies being
> spewed by our government and the media?
> >
> >
> > Amy Manchester <amym@> wrote:
> > st1\:*{behavior:url(#default#ieooui) }
> Hello,
> >
> > My name is Amy Manchester and I work for a production company
> out in Los Angeles. We are developing a show based on
> modern day conspiracy theories. I enjoyed your article on
> and wondered if you would be interested in talking
> some time? I could call you or you could call me, just let me know.
> >
> > Thank you,
> >
> > Amy Manchester
> > Director of Development
> > Pilgrim Films & Television
> > 818-728-8819 office
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > "There comes a time when every man feels the urge to spit on his
> hands, hoist the black flag, and start slitting throats." -- H.L.
> Mencken
> >
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"There comes a time when every man feels the urge to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and start slitting throats." -- H.L. Mencken
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The world can only be redeemed through action--movement -- motion. Uncoerced, unbribed and unbought, humanity will move toward the light.
Alice Hubbard's introduction to An American Bible (1912)
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Message: 4
Date: Tue, 7 Feb 2006 03:40:27 -0800 (PST)
From: Cathy Garger <>
Subject: Re: sending a formal delegation from Scholars for 9/11 Truth to Silicon Valley
Benjamin, I applaud your efforts at trying to reach the two organizations and Silicon Valley.
I also think you are "onto" something. Yes, the copies of Loose Change 2 need to be given out as freely as advertisements placed atop windshield. The film is that good and is damning beyond belief.
benjamin pritchard <> wrote:
FYI: I sent the following note to various members of Scholars for 9/11 Truth today:
Members of Scholars for 9/11 Truth -
My name is Benjamin Pritchard; I am an associate member of your organization, and have an idea concerning how it might be possible to bypass the controlled corporate media in disseminating 9/11 Truth.
I believe the business model usually employed by the ruling classes throughout history has been one of contriving wars, and then by controlling the means of information getting the lower classes to actually fight them. Further, I also believe that we are on the cusp of the Internet -- and the freedom of information that it affords -- breaking that business model once and for all. (If it hasn't already!)
So what's my idea? What if we tried get the help of various Internet-based companies in Silicon Valley to actively help us disseminate 9/11 truth. What if we sent a group of people ("a formal delegation from Scholars for 9/11 Truth") out to Silicon Valley to approach the CEOs of the various Internet companies?
I have been working in this direction myself; the two companies that I have been focusing on are Skype (the Internet telephony company) and Google.
If a mover-and-shaker (i.e. founder/owner/etc.) at even one company like this came on board, I think we could get the word out practically overnight. (The user-base of Google, for example, is in the 10s or 100s of millions. Additionally, all it would really take is for them to put a link to the Scholar's for 9/11 Truth press release on their homepage.)
At this point, I think all it would take to "wake up" a few CEOs would be to strap them in and get them to watch Loose Change or friends.
(Remember: said CEOs represent intelligent, paradigm-shifting people who are trying to use the Internet to "change the world.")
We need to give them the ammunition ("9/11 Truth") that will allow them to do so. (I think we should frame our whole current situation in terms of the Internet companies vs. the establishment, possibly creating something like "Coalition of Internet Companies for 9/11 Truth" or similar.)
I have personally organized protesters from around the United States to go stand naked in the parking lots of NPR stations, demanding that they cover 9/11. If something like that doesn't get the attention of the MSM, I doubt anything will. (Getting the MSM to cover this issue basically amounts to getting them to admit that they were complicit in it; its not like they don't know about it -- I think they are actively suppressing it!)
Therefore, I think it is time to at least consider alternative approaches.
The Internet has brought us this far.
Why not send a delegation to Silicon Valley?
Feedback appreciated.
Thank you for your time,
Benjamin Pritchard
-- "Hear me, my chiefs, I am tired; my heart is sick and sad. From where the sun now stands I Will Fight No More Forever". Chief Joseph of the Nez Perce
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The world can only be redeemed through action--movement -- motion. Uncoerced, unbribed and unbought, humanity will move toward the light.
Alice Hubbard's introduction to An American Bible (1912)
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Message: 5
Date: Tue, 7 Feb 2006 03:46:59 -0800 (PST)
From: Cathy Garger <>
Subject: Re: Steel Industry FUMING
YES, Naveed, exactly! All the steel workers, all of the Unions, too, as in Bethlehem Steel... me an idea. The copy of this article taped to a copy of Loose Change... Wakin' up the blue collar union world... Apparently, this drivel about "weakened steel" will affect many families' livelihoods - and it would be another thing altogether if 3 buildings actually *did* collapse the way that they said they did.
Naveed <> wrote:
we gotta foment these guys into action!
like stir up their sense of patriotism
of HOW dare you knock on american steel!?
Cathy Garger <> wrote:
This MIGHT be a boon to 9/11 truth !!! Much Better to read at website (because some words are missing when I cut and pasted).
Here is link:
Post 9/11 Steel-Bashing Called Unfounded and Unfair
Steel-bashing, after jarring 9/11 experience, called unfounded and unfair
( - 02/06/06)
By Nadine M. Post
Enlarge + Of the many horror stories born in New York City on 9/11, the one that belongs to Herbert Margrill serves as the genesis of an ongoing storm between boosters of structural concrete and structural steel. Although New York's building market has become the battleground, the tempest has spread beyond, fueled in part by articles and advertisements published in the business press. Charges of steel-bashing are flying and steel interests are fighting back. Even structural engineers are incensed over what they say are blatantly false claims by publicist Margrill that concrete framing is inherently safer than steel.
It all started on Sept. 11, 2001, when Margrill, now 81 years old, was knocked out of bed by the ear-drum-splitting sound wave produced by the hijacked plane that terrorists crashed into the 110-story One WTC. The industrial public relations and advertising veteran fled his home-office near Ground Zero and didn't return for three weeks. "To me, it was a numbing experience," he says.
In 2002, still-traumatized, Margrill decided to do his bit to help make the world safer. He called an old friend, Alfred G. Gerosa, a six-decade veteran of concrete construction, to discuss a plan. They decided "to educate people about the safety aspects of cast-in-place reinforced concrete so that terrible disasters don't happen again," says Margrill.
GEROSA By January 2003, the long-dormant Concrete Alliance, with Gerosa as president and Margrill as vice president of communications, was incorporated with safety as its new mission. Or more specifically, safety as it relates to concrete behavior in calamities, such as fires, terrorist acts, earthquakes, hurricanes and floods.
The promotional group is supported by New York City-area concrete contractors and construction unions. This fall, the alliance plans to launch an initiative that would offer a "safety seal of approval" to owners of concrete-framed buildings, which they could use for marketing purposes.
In the group's marketing brochure, Gerosa says, "Concrete is the best material to use for safety, blast resistance, durability, flexibility....A cast-in-place, reinforced concrete structure is safer than any other commercial building type." He adds: "Structural steel is fine. We don't object to a steel structure if it is fireproofed properly," with cast-in-place concrete.
Enlarge + But the alliance lacks any scientific evidence, research or statistics to substantiate its claims that concrete is safer than steel. "It's our educated opinion, based on over 50 years of experience," says Gerosa.
Structural engineers say alliance claims are not only without merit, they are out of bounds. "Their assertion that concrete structures are safer than steel is based not on facts but on their greed to build concrete structures...," says Clifford Schwinger, quality assurance manager with Cagley Harman & Associates Inc., King of Prussia, Pa. "That they are trying to profit from the 9/11 tragedy by claiming concrete construction is safer is worse than obscene."
The alliance now is pushing concrete office towers, a building type long dominated in New York City by structural steel. "Before 9/11, we pretty much felt concrete itself was not practical for commercial highrises...," says Gerosa.
OAS_AD('Middle'); The alliance has infuriated steel interests. The American Institute of Steel Construction Inc., Chicago, calls the group's "steel-bashing" tactics, "negative and unprofessional." AISC maintains that concrete does not offer better fire resistance, blast resistance or structural robustness. "These are all characteristics of well-designed buildings, which can be provided in buildings of any material," says Charles J. Carter, AISC chief structural engineer. "But our work on fire, blast, progressive collapse and related topics," continuing with various publications and design guides, "began well before the events of Sept. 11, 2001," he adds.
Structural engineers who work with both concrete and steel systems agree. David Scott, the new chairman of the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat and a principal in the New York City office of Arup, calls the alliance's message about fire, nonsense. "What the building community has that tall office buildings that have no sprinklers and no fire protection on columns will not perform well in a fire," he says.
Even veteran concrete promoters are distancing themselves from the alliance. George Barney, senior vice president for market development and technical services at Portland Cement Association, Skokie, Ill., says: "PCA's 90-year reputation is built on technical excellence and integrity. That's our culture. We do not indulge in negative promotional tactics, nor do we disparage competing materials."
Best of Both. Convention center has steel roof and concrete framing below. The alliance's message "is a source of confusion," says Michael Mota, PCA's New York regional structural engineer. "There's a place for both materials."
The alliance began fomenting the brouhaha as far back as April 2004, when Margrill sent out a press release via e-mail promoting a New York City Concrete Promotional Council seminar, on 505 Fifth Avenue. The building was touted as the first concrete commercial highrise in New York Cityone initially designed in steel. "New York skyscrapers used to be built of steel," said the release. "Not anymore!
From now on, cast-in-place reinforced concrete will be the material of choice in the Big Apple."
The claim was spurious. There are at least seven structural steel or hybrid (steel and concrete) office towers recently completed, under way, out for bid or in planning in New York City, reports AISC.
Still, the message was repeated in various industry publications, taking the local debate national. "It is critical that owners, architects, structural engineers, and developers make informed decisions based on accurate information, not misrepresentations spread by representatives of competing systems," replied AISC's then-president, H. Louis Gurthet.
The straw that broke the camel's back for AISC was the alliance's marketing blitz after a recent highrise fire in Madrid. The campaign included a full-page magazine ad. It began: "A demonstration of cast-in-place reinforced concrete over steel construction was the recent fire at Madrid's Windsor Tower."
Scott Melnick, AISC's vice president of communications and editor and publisher of AISC's Modern Steel Construction, shot back with an editorial: "Their latest fairy tale tells the story of the Windsor Tower in Madrid and how it was consumed by a fire that raged for 36 hours. In their story, they report how the building had a concrete frame below the 21st floor and it remained intact, while the building's steel frame from floors 22 to 30 collapsed. There are just a few problems with this story, however. The steel in the building was simply an unprotected steel perimeter framing system primarily supporting the cladding. Second, both the unprotected perimeter framing system and the concrete beams and columns experienced a similar collapse...."To further dispel such stories, AISC's Carter notes a survey of fire-induced collapses in buildings worldwide, performed for the National Institute of Standards and Technology. "The majority of buildings that suffered fire-induced collapse were
in fact reinforced concrete," he says.
The alliance's push for concrete cores is self-serving at best, he adds. If society prioritizes hardening of cores, it can be done with steel frames with masonry infill, concrete shear walls or steel plate shear walls.
Choice of framing is not about safety, say designers. "You can provide adequate safety using either material, following a proper design and performance standard," says Ahmad Rahimian, president of WSP Cantor Seinuk, New York City.
And for many projects, such as convention centers, stadiums, airports and skyscrapers, the solution is often a hybrid system. "The question is not whether the building should be in concrete or steel but how to use the two most effectively," says Rahimian.
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The world can only be redeemed through action--movement -- motion. Uncoerced, unbribed and unbought, humanity will move toward the light.
Alice Hubbard's introduction to An American Bible (1912)
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In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot.
- Notebook, 1904
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The world can only be redeemed through action--movement -- motion. Uncoerced, unbribed and unbought, humanity will move toward the light.
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Message: 6
Date: Tue, 7 Feb 2006 03:49:47 -0800 (PST)
From: Naveed <>
Subject: Re: Re: Hello
just wanted to say its good to have you back jolly, you and your damn vacation!
Jolly Roger <> wrote: Ground zero to times square is about two miles. How would we cancel ANSWER?
I don't know where Giuliani and Spitzer are located.
greg nixon <> wrote:
Luke is Luke Rudkowski and is 19 years old but a serious "street" activist w/NY911.
Jolly we need to fine tune the route and cancel the ANSWER appearance. too far. Some question even GZ to Times Square. Suggestions welcome. The gist is Spitzer and Giuliani and the damn gatekeepers.
Jolly Roger <> wrote:
Sherry will probably help, but I'm not sure I know who Luke is at the moment. Yes, I too have had my doubts about many in that organization, but I think that we have to work under the assumption that every group is thoroughly infiltrated (has the troll traffic here ever slowed down?) This is why I'm always suggesting individual actions. I'll ask around, and I'm sure we'll be able to rustle up some support. I'll talk to the crew at the ground zero vigils (circumventing the leadership)
greg nixon <> wrote:
I have talked with Sherry Bender and Luke.
NY911 truth i think is another front like truthorg. or else they simply believe in a top down heirarch approach and WILL NOT SUPPORT the actions of other groups.
Jolly Roger <> wrote:
Excellent chance. Did you talk to anyone else from NYC? Enough of the
movement is here for us to spread out and cover a lot of terretory.
Where can I download the flyer?
--- In, greg nixon <nxngrg@...> wrote:
> Thanks Jolly,
> Any chance of you helping flyer for 2/20 NYC. I wil try to come
in this week for some
> prep work too.
> Greg
> Jolly Roger <slicingthroats@...> wrote:
> Sure, Greg -- but I'm not exactly sure which one she's talking
> Greg Nixon <nxngrg@...> wrote:
> Got a link on that Rense article Mr Roger?
> --- In, Jolly Roger
> <slicingthroats@> wrote:
> >
> > I'm very flattered by this, Amy, and I'm glad you liked the
> article, but I have to respectfully decline because I don't deal in
> conspiracy theories -- only scientific evidence, and documented
> facts. I also suspect that your film project is just another
> to discredit the 9-11 Truth Movement.
> > Instead of making a film about conspiracy theories, why don't
> you investigate what actually transpired on 9-11, and make a film
> that might actually be important to saving this nation, rather than
> one that will undoubtably mock all who question the lies being
> spewed by our government and the media?
> >
> >
> > Amy Manchester <amym@> wrote:
> > st1\:*{behavior:url(#default#ieooui) }
> Hello,
> >
> > My name is Amy Manchester and I work for a production company
> out in Los Angeles. We are developing a show based on
> modern day conspiracy theories. I enjoyed your article on
> and wondered if you would be interested in talking
> some time? I could call you or you could call me, just let me know.
> >
> > Thank you,
> >
> > Amy Manchester
> > Director of Development
> > Pilgrim Films & Television
> > 818-728-8819 office
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > "There comes a time when every man feels the urge to spit on his
> hands, hoist the black flag, and start slitting throats." -- H.L.
> Mencken
> >
> > ---------------------------------
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> >
> "There comes a time when every man feels the urge to spit on his
hands, hoist the black flag, and start slitting throats." -- H.L.
> ---------------------------------
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In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot.
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Message: 7
Date: Tue, 7 Feb 2006 05:48:14 -0800 (PST)
From: Eric May <>
Subject: "Target Texas City" follow-up w/ NY Times Thom Shanker (Disruptors Beware!)
Identifying Disinformants / Disruptors
Yo Thom, Ghost Troop has been passing around your work lately, and it made me think that I should catch you up on the situation at Texas City, where my Holy Horde has just now interfered with a Bush Boyz attempt to blow the place up! The story and links are below. Please spread the word that we're on guard against any resumption of plant to target Texas City, and would appreciate it if the Bush Boyz would knock off the false terror stuff.
The folks in the CC's below your name are associates of Tim White / Larry Lawson, a duo of disinformation agents who have been working at causing disruption in the Ghost Troop scenario proximate to the time of the attempt at a Texas City strike. Along with them are dupe Sherry Shiner, who has apparently been personally engaged as a friend, and FBI Agent Ted Gunderson. Given your areas of interest in military/government interface, and psychological operations, I would think that you would find them to be of interest. I'll be publishing an article on the way these "disruptors" (our internet word for 'em) work, but you can get a pretty good idea by just figuring that they infiltrate discussion groups and email lists with the promise of good information -- which they provide, for a while -- then gradually begin to act like bill collectors, abusing folks they don't like (i.e., folks who are helping get the truth out about the Bush Boyz).
As an example, White infiltrated Ghost Troop Group when if first started, and tried to make it so that the group wouldn't start at all! Here's the first message (of some 6000 messages to date) from Ghost Troop Group: You'll note when you read the short note that it causes as much anxiety as possible for the group of folks starting Ghost Troop Group. Had I been in touch with the group named after my unit, Ghost Troop, I would have straightened White out then; as it was he generally impeded the group until I took control of it myself, then I kicked him out for insulting, threatening and publishing the personal information of other Ghost Troops. These are the kinds of tactics he employs to this day, sometimes tag-teaming with Larry Lawson, sometimes throwing out the name of Ted (FBI) Gunderson, sometimes begging assistance from dupes like Sherry Shiner. Sometimes he even forwards information to his friends in the FBI while
we are in the middle of a mission, as you can see from a page of our summer mission log: Given that Houston FBI agaents Midcap and Stult were trying to shut down Ghost Troop's warning to Texas City at the time, this is a most important and revealing record.
Given that these disinformation folks have been attempting to stop vital work by an officer on a mission of conscience who was trying to prevent a nuclear 911, I believe they should all be examined by an investigation as possible participants in high treason, and make that recommendation formal whenever I can. I'm currently receiving support and encouragement for my mission from active duty officers as well as veterans, so I'm quite hopeful that my information, part of an ongoing report to several congressional folks, will figure in the final reckoning. It is my opinion that the 911 Cabal should be dealt with by either military or peoples tribunal, as it is clear that the Congress and Courts have acquiesced in allowing Dictator Bush to nuke a US city.
When the infowar is over, there must be inquiries and tribunals, which won't be controlled by the people who have authorized disinformation/disruption activities. Given that I'm describing what these folks are doing here to you, with an interested crowd of a hundred in the BCC's, I don't think anyone is going to be able to make the statement: "I didn't know what I was doing." Thom, my friend, they know exactly what they're doing.
Last things: The folks in the TO line with you were all witnesses to the Ghost Troop interdiction of an attempt to sabotage Texas City on 7/28/2005, and are listed with you in a real-time cyber-publication from the time: I don't think any of you can claim that you didn't know what Ghost Troop was doing, either.
Take care of yourself, Thom -- and be assured that folks are starting to Google "Captain May Thom Shanker" with interest! Shucks, given that we corresponded about the Battle of Baghdad Cover-up and the Bush Boyz repressions for half of 2003, folks are sure to begin to use our exchanges when they write the history of our times!
Captain Eric H. May, MI / PAO, USA
CO, Ghost Troop, 3/7 Cybercav+
Mission of Conscience / Patriots in Action
PS: What's below is dynamite, so keep passing it along!
Eric May <> wrote:
Date: Mon, 6 Feb 2006 15:29:29 -0800 (PST)
From: Eric May <>
Subject: Ghost Troop & Captain May begin the "Target Texas City" Nuclear 911 Investigation
CC: Ambassador Chase Untermeyer <>
Those who have been aware of the Ghost Troop interest and intervention in the matter of Texas City, where we predicted and have prevented an attempt to blow the place up, will be interested to hear my most recent briefing, given today: (scroll down to interviews).
Ghost Troop has been heavily engaged in this infowar campaign, at all levels, in all places. As usual, individual Ghost Troops show themselves to be personally brave, as in the case of Jon Watkins, a Texas City resident who made as much trouble -- and in as many official places -- as he could.
Today I have spoken with Heber Taylor, who is the editor of the Galveston County Daily News, which published the story on our "Target Texas City" scenario by its reporter, TJ Aulds: We spoke for around a quarter hour of shared acquaintances in the Houston media scene, and of the Ghost Troop public affairs campaign to explain just why it is that Texas City has so many major explosions, especially at British Petroleum, and why it is that Ghost Troop has such a good record of predicting them in advance.
Mr. Taylor has given me a link to the Daily News, which will own the TO line for these "Texas City Letters" that I'm writing now. He has assured me that a reporter familiar with security issues, Scott Williams, will contact me today to continue to investigate our Ghost Troop analysis.
Ghost Troop will continue to investigate and analyse the events associated with it's "1/31 Target Texas City" scenario, in accordance with its function as a unit on an official mission of conscience.
Best regards,
Captain Eric H. May, MI / PAO, USA
CO, Ghost Troop, 3/7 Cybercav+
Mission of Conscience / Patriots in Action
PS: Below is a brief exchange between me and a Ft. Hood captain that shows we're a topic of interest in military circles.
Eric May <> wrote:
To: Randall Pendland <>
From: Eric May <>
Date: Sun, 5 Feb 2006 12:53:47 -0800 (PST)
Subject: [ghosttroop] Re: Thanks (a brother officer offers encouragement)
Dear Captain Penland,
I am most gratified to read an email like yours coming from a brother officer, and believe that there is a significant increase in those of us who can see where things are leading. I believe our collective training as American Citizens and servants of the Constitution will overcome the attempt to subvert us, by high treason, into inviting high tyranny.
Please allow me to share your encouraging note with Ghost Troop, my most irregular group of cybercavalry, which has accompanied me down some very strange paths and with me discovered some very strange truths. We have blocked the attempt at the Nuclear 911 for the present, but I believe the Houston Metro area is still in the crosshairs for the event. After that, everywhere will come under the same heavy oppression of a contrived police/military state, the "Homeland" scenario greatly advnaced.
Again, my heartfelt thanks for your note. As you and I are both servants of the same national constitution, it is fitting that we should be making contact, honorable officer to honorable officer. My best regards, CPTMAY
PS: My initial complaint to the IG's office over the Battle of Baghdad Cover-up (BOBCUP) went through III Corps IG, and is now before the Ft. Stewart IG, DAIG and DAPA as well. Let's hope that the with time more and more comrades will wake up and join in to our cause.
Randall Pendland <> wrote:
Thanks for your great work at preparing the people with the truth. As an administration officer for III Corps and Ft. Hood, I understand the probabilities you have exposed. In fact, I understood the codes you mentioned before I heard you. I have visited the Ghost Troop site and listened to you.
I do not know how I can help you, but would like to try. Resources are short and my health is not the best; however, my duty to God and country never end. The least I will do is pray for you.
Thanks, Captain May.
Captain Pendland
<DIV><STRONG>Randall Pendland</STRONG>, ThD, DCPC-AC, PhD(s), MhT, NLP</DIV>
<DIV><FONT face="comic sans ms" color=#0000ff size=4>CISM Certified</FONT></DIV>
<DIV>Servant of the<FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff"> <STRONG><FONT color=#ff0000>Lord Jesus Christ</FONT></STRONG></FONT></DIV></DIV></DIV>
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Message: 8
Date: Tue, 07 Feb 2006 15:12:43 -0000
From: "reggie501" <>
Subject: Talk Live to Mark Crispin Miller - Noon E.T. Today!
Tuesday, February 7th: The Bush Administration, Stolen Elections & The
Guest: Mark Crispin Miller Author of "Boxed In : The Culture of TV",
"The Bush Dyslexicon" and "Cruel and Unusual: Bush/Cheney's New World
Mark will be discussing his new book, "Fooled Again, How the Right
Stole the 2004 Election and Why They Will Steal the Next One Too",
accuses George W. Bush and his "theocratic militants" of orchestrating
electoral fraud to "hijack" the 2004 presidential race.
Message: 9
Date: Tue, 7 Feb 2006 10:32:46 -0500
From: "President, USA Exile Govt." <>
Subject: US Election Trickery
Forwarded with Compliments of Free Voice of America (FVOA): Accurate
News and Interesting Commentary for Amerika's Huddled Masses Yearning
to Breathe Free.
Election... Democratic or Oppressive Tool?
By Dr. Elias Akleh
February 5, 2006
Many believe that election is a sign of democracy. Yet it is few, who
understand that election is in fact a double-edge sword, and could also
be used as an oppressive tool to pacify opposition and dissent into
conformity. Election is a tool often used to foment competition and
violence among different groups (political, ethnic and religious)
within the same people. Political capitalism uses money, military
power, and disinformation to determine the results of elections.
Through money votes could be bought, through military power people
could be terrorized to vote for a certain group, and through fraud and
misinformation the votes of free people could be easily prejudiced
towards a specific direction.
Election is considered the ultimate expression of free sovereign
democratic nations. Freedom is the essential component for any
sovereign country to be democratic so that its people would exercise
election. Without freedom a nation could be coerced to elect its
government. Political capitalism uses military power (local or foreign)
to terrorize people and force them to elect certain leaders. Many
tyrant and corrupt regimes had been elected this way. We had seen this
form of election in the old Soviet Union, in South American countries
which had US military bases on their soil, in South African countries,
and in the Arab world.
The ugliest form of militarily enforced election is that exercised
under foreign occupation. The American new concept of exporting
democracy through war is a flagrant form of this militarily enforced
election. This is obviously seen in the Afghani and Iraqi elections
under American occupation. It is also seen in the Palestinian election
under Israeli occupation. These elections are characterized by terror,
violence, restriction of movement, and control over the electoral
process to elect a government loyal to or at least conforming to the
occupying power. Many of the undesired candidates are assassinated or
imprisoned. The American administration understands this very
well--that is why it demanded an end to Syrian occupation of Lebanon
and that Syrian troops withdraw from Lebanon before the Lebanese could
have their own election. Unfortunately this democracy-encouraging
administration did not similarly demand the end of Israeli occupation
of Palestine before Palestinians could have their own election.
Political capitalism uses money to sway the results of election. This
is the modern form of political occupation. Votes can be bought.
Political parties can be bribed and controlled through political
monetary contributions. The American administration favors this type of
intervention through its USAID programs to control elections in foreign
countries as it did in South America throughout the last two decades.
The latest such intervention was in Venezuela when the administration
financed the opposition to demand a recall of the election. American
campaign money ($2 million) was also spent in Russian Georgia during
2004 election to get rid of Shevardnadze. Campaign money is also being
poured into Haiti to influence its coming election and its political
The American administration (the exporter of democracy) buys elections
with its USAID program. It ties the economy of poor countries with its
aid so that they become so dependent on it and would conform to
American dictates for fear of losing this aid that keeps their economy
going. Usually this money is used for projects that greatly benefit the
ruling elite of that country, and becomes a leash to curb them.
The American administration, recently, has hastened to spend $2
million in the form of USAID projects before the start of the
Palestinian Parliamentary election to boost Fatahs chance of winning.
The money is designed to improve the image of the Palestinian
Authority (PA) and its Fatah party. Their image had suffered
tremendously in the eyes of Palestinians due to their incompetence,
corruption, and collusion with the Israeli government. To maximize its
credit PAs name alone was written on these projects as a proof of its
effectiveness. A consulting firm (Strategic Assessment Initiative ASI)
has been subcontracted to plan and to run daily events in the name of
the PA during the election week. Such events included street cleaning,
food and water distribution on border crossings, youth sport
activities, and donating computer systems to organizations.
Some of the money was paid directly into bank accounts of Fatah
candidates and their campaign organizers. The Palestinian Information
Center had published on its website a letter that has the official
stamp of the American Embassy in Tel Aviv sent to PA Information
Minister Nabeel Amr in response to a letter he sent to the embassy
dated October 9th of last year asking for financial support for Fatahs
electoral campaign. The official letter states that US is ready to
support Fatah against Hamas, and asks Mr. Amr to provide 30 bank
accounts in Israeli banks for Fatahs members in order to deposit the
Withholding aid money is a form of intimidation and coercion to effect
changes in the election results. The American administration had
threatened to stop its aid money to Palestinians if Hamas (labeled as a
terrorist group by the administration) enters or wins the election.
American resources warned that the administration would review its
financial aid to Palestinians due to American prohibitions on providing
any material support to groups on Washingtons terrorist list. The US
reserves the sole authority to establish such a terrorist list and
force it on the world. David Welch, Assistant Secretary of State,
warned that there should be no place in the political process for
groups and individuals who refuse to renounce terror and violence or
refuse to recognize Israels right to exist or refuse to disarm.
EU officials had expressed similar reservations (threats) if any group
who advocates violence might win election. They threatened that donor
countries might withhold their monetary donations if Hamas wins the
election. It is worth mentioning here the fact that those donor
countries had withheld much of their money to Palestinians due to
Fatahs PA corruption. The donated money is supposed to be spent on
humanitarian and economical projects and not to be politicized.
Palestinians considered these threats as a clear attempt of the Western
countries to buy their conscious and their freedom of choice and to
dictate the results of election. They wonder what kind of democracy
these so-called democratic countries are trying to spread when they try
to buy the electoral votes.
After the unexpected landslide Hamas victory in the election (total of
80 seats out of 132) European countries followed the American lead and
jumped on Hamas back demanding that it acknowledge Israels right to
exist, renounce terror (resistance) and disarm in order to be
recognized as a legitimate government and to enter peace negotiations
with Israel. It seems that they have ignored the fact that Israel is
the real terrorist state; Israel is the occupier of Palestinian land,
the murderer of civilians, the destroyer of civilian homes, and the
breaker of international laws (Israel has violated at least 429 UN
resolutions against it). Successive Israeli government calls for
Greater Israel that means the annihilation of Arabs from the Nile to
the Euphrates. The fact is Hamas sprang out of the Israeli occupation
of Palestine. Hamas did not invade another country; rather it is
fighting to free its own country from the Israeli ruthless occupation.
Hamas does not consider peace negotiation as an end result as presented
by the US and Israel; rather as means to an end. Hamas believes that
negotiations without power do not yield good results and cites the last
ten years of Fatahs negotiation with Israel as a proof.
Hamas is a real obstacle to the Israeli expansion. The Israeli
government tried uselessly to remove this obstacle through force. Its
use of the military force, including tanks, helicopter gun ships and
F-16 bombers against Palestinians inside heavily populated areas, its
imposition of collective punishment measures such as closures, its
checkpoints and restriction of movements, its continued build-up of the
Israeli colonies in the occupied West Bank, and its building of the
jailing wall and barbed-wire fences had failed to eliminate resistance.
On the contrary, the more oppressive measures the Israeli army inflicts
on Palestinians the more determined the Palestinians to resist, and the
more ingenious they become in their methods of resistance.
Since Hamas is not a political body, international political pressure
has no effect on it. Israel and the US resorted to election as a way to
contain Hamas. Becoming part of a Palestinian government, it is hoped,
Hamas would be bound by all the past political agreements PA had signed
on, and Israel would be able to apply all the international political
pressure against it, and eventually would be vindicated when it
completely destroys the Palestinian Authority since it would have a
terrorist element within it.
Hamas had entered the election to revolutionize the Palestinian
political system. Hamas claims it wants to turn the system from a
single to a multi-party rule, where all factions would share in
decision-making. It wants to end corruption, curb expenditure, and
maintain public money. Reforming Palestinian Liberation Organization to
really defend Palestinian rights is another goal of the organization.
Most importantly it wants to draw attention to the fact that the core
of the problem is the Israeli occupation, and that its resistance to
this occupation is a legitimate right.
Many state that Hamas immediate problem is money to manage the daily
affairs of the people, in particular to pay wages of government
employees--especially those within the Palestinian Security Forces. The
American-donated money to the PA has been designated to pay the wages
of the Security Forces. When this money is withheld it is expected that
the mostly Fatah Security Forces would revolt against Hamas
government. Hamas is planning to bring the PA out of its isolation back
to the Arab and Islamic countries for financial and political support.
Many of the Arab countries (Egypt, Jordan, and the rich Gulf countries)
are close partners within the American war against terrorism and have
close economic ties with the US, thus they would not be able to extend
any support to a Hamas government (a terrorist government according to
the American standards). We have to wait and see if Hamas have plans to
get out of this Israeli/American democratic electoral trap.
* Dr. Elias Akleh is an Arab writer from a Palestinian descent, born
in the town of Beit-Jala and lives in the US.
Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the sole
responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of
the Centre for Research on Globalization.
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