Monday, December 19, 2005

WHAT IS YOUR HOP LEVEL? Ten 9/11 Paradigms []

WHAT IS YOUR HOP LEVEL? Ten 9/11 Paradigms []

Blogger Thoughts: Post from last year.

The Blog | Eric Schmeltzer: Joe Klein ... Sucks! | The Huffington Post

The Blog | Eric Schmeltzer: Joe Klein ... Sucks! | The Huffington Post

Clinton NSA Eavesdropped on U.S. Calls

Clinton NSA Eavesdropped on U.S. Calls

VOA News - Israel Airstrikes Pound Gaza Strip

VOA News - Israel Airstrikes Pound Gaza Strip

The Common Ills: 19 arrested for attempting to speak Olympia Snowe's office in Bangor, Maine

The Common Ills: 19 arrested for attempting to speak Olympia Snowe's office in Bangor, Maine

The Common Ills: NYT: Raymond Bonner on Guantanamo Detainee, Linda Greenhouse on Jose Padilla's case

The Common Ills: NYT: Raymond Bonner on Guantanamo Detainee, Linda Greenhouse on Jose Padilla's case

A Little Touch of Harry in the Night...: Ouch (Connie's spinning reached a limit)

A Little Touch of Harry in the Night...: Ouch

Bill Kristol: Amazing...

A Little Touch of Harry in the Night...: Amazing

Live Blogging Cheney's Speech

Showing on Fox News.


Cheney seems to have his own speech writers. Vicious lies. Hard Core prograganda. Terror, blah blah blah.

The Blog | Arianna Huffington: Your United States Senate: We Don't Wanna Know | The Huffington Post

The Blog | Arianna Huffington: Your United States Senate: We Don't Wanna Know | The Huffington Post

mparent7777: Buncefield Depot Explosion - Conspiracy Theories

mparent7777: Buncefield Depot Explosion - Conspiracy Theories

Farewell to Justice

Farewell to Justice - Feedback

Blogger Thoughts: Interesting Book

New Patriot Act Amendments would Create Secret Police

New Patriot Act Amendments would Create Secret Police