Saturday, April 30, 2005

but this is just a lie:

Politics as Business (or is it Business as Politics?)

But this time, the "real journalism, fair and balanced" network added a swipe at seniors who like Social Security the way it is.

BG: GW Wired?

9/11 blogger: Hey look, the media talked about 9/11!

9/11 blogger: Hey look, the media talked about 9/11!this article is all over the news today.. over 92 instances on alone.. is it anything new? no. why is it all over the news? to try to get the patriot act's monitoring laws on our libraries extended.. perhaps someone should've asked why there were no arab names on the flight manifests, or ask what names they booked the tickets under before they re-run the same info about how the terrorists ordered their tickets.. nah, just run the article.

Technorati Tag: sept11

'Too young to choose'

By MIKE WILKINSON and JAMES DREW, Blade Staff Writers

Printer-friendly version: "The federal probe into whether local Republican fund-raiser Tom Noe was illegally funneling money to the Bush campaign had been ongoing for months. It reached a turning point Wednesday night."

Fun from Flickr

A Useful Whitewash - by Alan Bock

A Useful Whitewash - by Alan Bock

New LA Times conservative columnist David Geler ... [Media Matters for America]

New LA Times conservative columnist David Geler ... [Media Matters for America]


village voice > news > Mondo Washington by James Ridgeway

village voice > news > Mondo Washington by James Ridgeway: "Mondo Washington
In the Name of Sibel Edmonds
Intelligence whistleblowers storm Capitol Hill, asking for the right to be heard."