WTC7 seems to be a classic controlled demolition. WTC 1 &2 destruction appears to have been enhanced by thermate (a variation of thermite) in addition. Pentagon was not struck by a passenger aircraft. It was a drone or missle.
Saturday, May 20, 2006
THE BRAD BLOG: "VIDEO - Rep. Murtha Confirms Massacre of Haditha Women and Children"
Video in Streaming Flash format...Video in Windows Media format...Audio in MP3 format...During a Wednesday press confernce, Representative Jack Murtha (D-PA), a former marine, revealed that an ongoing military investigation will show that Marines killed innocent women and children "in cold blood". The incident happened in Haditha, Iraq on November 19, 2005.
[911TruthAction] Digest Number 1298
There are 24 messages in this issue.
Topics in this digest:
1. 9/11 update 5/19
From: "reggie501"
2. Re: What's their angle? I have friends at the Pentagon
From: "Dick Eastman"
3. New Videos: Bombs in the Buildings
From: "botalerts"
4. Re: Signs of tyranny looming
From: "Kevin Hammond"
5. Re: Signs of tyranny looming
From: "Kevin Hammond"
6. Re: Dahr Jamail: Support Our Troops, Anybody? 2,450 DEAD GIs
From: "James Patton"
7. I weigh in -- anaylsis of two new frames from the second DoD video c
From: "Dick Eastman"
8. Alex James: the US Dollar, dollar diplomacy, Middle East Oil, Zioni
From: "Dick Eastman"
9. AT&T tells spying for CIA in Court-NBC BushStepDown,9/11CoverupSuit
From: ""
10. Why Latin Americans are enemies of USA's corporates?
From: "Hal Kenoz"
11. [Dalzell] Much Ado about Hillary
From: "Edward Pickersgill"
12. Woman Sues Newspaper for 9/11 Coverup
From: "APFN"
From: "jlennon427"
14. VOTE
From: "Bugs"
15. Re: The flight 77 impact video
From: "APFN"
16. Times: London bombings: Tape hid from MPs
From: "Ronald"
17. Israeli involvement
From: "jewish_from_brooklyn"
18. HS teacher suspended for sharing opinion that 9-11 was inside-job wi
From: "Dick Eastman"
19. Another Front for the information war Yahoo Answers
From: "Naveed"
20. Re: HS teacher suspended for sharing opinion that 9-11 was inside-jo
From: "Naveed"
21. 9/11 - A Boeing 757 did not fly into the Pentagon
From: "APFN"
22. 9/11 - Final Rebuttles
From: "APFN"
23. Stop anti-satellite weapons plans ~send.
From: "Bugs"
24. 9/11 and "the Hand of God"
From: "James Patton"
Message 1
From: "reggie501"
Date: Fri May 19, 2006 8:34am(PDT)
Subject: 9/11 update 5/19
9/11 News :
� New Eyewitness Testimony of Bombs in The Twin Towers - On Line Video
� Bush's biggest fraud: the phony war on terrorism! - But among the
numerous and conflicting official cover stories is, not surprisingly,
a most pernicious cover story: had there been an NSA domestic spying
program in place prior to 911 the attacks might have been prevented.
� George W. Bush - Strong on National Defense - Protecting America -
The attacks of September 11th, 2001 occurred while the George W.
Bush/PNAC administration was in charge of our national defense.
TVNL Comment: For those of you who actually believe the official story.
� "Loose Change" author on Canadian television regarding "new" 911 video
Message 2
From: "Dick Eastman"
Date: Fri May 19, 2006 8:52am(PDT)
Subject: Re: What's their angle? I have friends at the Pentagon
I have never applied the word "cartoon" to the original five frames or to the "officially released" set that is the same five frames plus others. Someone added an American Airlines Boeing 757 overlay to these pictures (not the official release) to confuse the issue and these overlays are what I referred to as cartoons. With the official DoD endorsement the five frames that have been out since March 2002 are now evidence that must be considered by everyone.
You are right -- all that the official releases have done is the following:
1. shown us a very intense flash that would blind people as would a flashbulb -- that, as you point out, confirms (officially confirms) what I have been contending since March 2002.
2. Makes official the five 2002 frames that were released by other sources in 2002 but were not stamped as official DoD.
3. Adds a something entering the picture from the right that does not resemble the nose of a 757.
The release is so supportive of the "small-plane/missile-crashed-as-the-Boeing-flew-over thesis that it looks like someone at the DoD is doing me a favor. But no one anywhere has discussed the small-plane case that has been made since 2002 except the two English guys Ron Winn and Peter Wakefield Sault -- for which I am grateful. However, I am gratified to see that people who are discussing the DoD relsease are quickly covering the same ground that Bosankoe, myself and others covered (identifying the missile smoke, spotting the tail fin, seeing (but not systematically yet) that the plane is too short (Boeing 757 155 ft. long, Pentagon 71 ft. high -- sorry I don't have the metric system equivalents at hand).
To repeat -- the security cam videos, now released by DoD, are not cartoons and they have full weight of evidence especially now that they are officially released.
By the way, I believe I am being ignored by all because of my claim that the Pentagon security cam evidence, the wall evidence, the witness statements, the lamppost implications all point to Pengagon conspiracy which I have made specific in fingering the Zionist Neo-cons running the Pentagon at the time (Wolfowitz, Dov Zakheim, Feith -- with Perle and Kissinger on the Defense Policy Board etc.)
Dick Eastman
Yakima, Washington
----- Original Message -----
From: "toooldforthis21" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, May 19, 2006 12:59 AM
Subject: [frameup] Re: What's their angle?
> So the new frames have provided the cover, i.e. the bright flash that
> supports your argument that 77 flew over and not into the Pentagon.
> DoD must have seen your well established case and thought you needed
> a cover for that. You got a few friends at the DoD, Dick.
> OK, you did some estimates but you haven't addressed the obvious
> discrepancy or answered my question. Have you fallen back on the
> witness and photographic evidence of the damage to maintain your
> case? Meaning, have you dismissed both security camera frames as
> fakes/cartoons?
> To come. The evidence Planehuggers did not want you to see. The
> evidence that doesn't make cgi look so compelling. Watch this space.
> --- In, "Dick Eastman" <olfriend@...> wrote:
> >
> > I notice that the newest picture of the initial white explosion
> shows the
> > intensity of that light -- enough to blind people as with a flash
> bulb --
> > useful for the Boeing disappearing act behind the explosion and off
> to
> > Reagan National only a mile beyond.
> >
> > I have estimated the oblique angle two ways with similar angle
> results
> > from the first downed lampost to the entry hole and from the entry
> hole to
> > the hole in c-ring , the latter being the sharper angle.
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "ron_winn" <ron_winn@...>
> > To: <>
> > Sent: Thursday, May 18, 2006 2:12 PM
> > Subject: [frameup] What's their angle?
> >
> >
> > > Who was it first to speak of a 757?
> > > From a blast and cordite and explosions
> > > to a helicopter attack [probably armed with missiles] to an
> attack by
> > > a 757. From a conventional terrorist attack with bombs to a Top
> Gun
> > > display. This was a major leap from the possible to the
> impossible
> > > and it took place right under the public's noses.
> > >
> > > What has also taken place, right out in the open, is the
> discrepancy
> > > of the angle of approach of the attacking craft. For several
> years we
> > > have been staring at a few frames of a tail fin and a smoke trail
> > > knowing full well that this scene depicts a parallel path of the
> > > "plane" - the attacking plane [not the plane which is aleged to
> have
> > > flown over the Pentagon].
> > >
> > > Yet, almost in the same breath we speak of the 50 degree flight
> path
> > > which there had to be to line up with the C-ring "exit" hole.
> > >
> > > Sorry folks, but at 50 degrees you ain't going to see a parallel
> > > flight path of the attacking craft nor any whispy exhaust smoke
> from a
> > > missile going from right to left across the screen. Why you should
> > > expect to see that is mystifying.
> > >
> > > So how can the dots be joined here?
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Yahoo! Groups Links
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> Yahoo! Groups Links
Message 3
From: "botalerts"
Date: Fri May 19, 2006 8:59am(PDT)
Subject: New Videos: Bombs in the Buildings
You guys seen this:
Message 4
From: "Kevin Hammond"
Date: Fri May 19, 2006 9:25am(PDT)
Subject: Re: Signs of tyranny looming
I guess, then that YOU Mr mann would propose that the immigrants do NOT deserve a minimum wage like the REST of the country. And that the the people that are hiring them also in turn deserve to get away with breaking minimum wage and OTHER labor laws of this country. WHO NOW is the fascist/RACIST?! There are a SHITLOAD of AMERICANS of ALL creeds and colors that are out of work SIR. And what do YOU propose we do with THEM?
mann david <> wrote: Istead of whining about being insuted why don't you
guys try responding to the point. The enemy is INSIDE
the gates - your "own" government and elite class - so
with your "prison camp" proposals you are in direct
collaboration with those powers and very much part and
parcel of their fascistic, police state mentality.
--- Naveed <> wrote:
> forgot to add, david keeps hurling insults out there
> at john
> In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce
> man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his
> cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it
> costs nothing to be a patriot.
> - Notebook, 1904
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: Naveed <>
> To:
> Sent: Friday, May 19, 2006 12:04:12 AM
> Subject: Re: [911TruthAction] Signs of tyranny
> looming
> i don't have a problem with what they talking bout
> but david keeps throwing insults out there, THATS
> what I have a problem with.
> In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce
> man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his
> cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it
> costs nothing to be a patriot.
> - Notebook, 1904
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: Kevin Hammond <>
> To:
> Sent: Thursday, May 18, 2006 11:04:54 PM
> Subject: Re: [911TruthAction] Signs of tyranny
> looming
> I may not care much for some of the things that Mr.
> Perna says either, But it is NOT groundsfor
> removal. If I removed someone every time that they
> said something that I did not like, We would
> probably be down to about 10members as opposed to
> 400.
> Kevin
> Naveed <> wrote:
> david mann, cease and desist, otherwise i'll be
> forced to remove you......
> you've been warned earlier.....this is your final
> warning
> In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce
> man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his
> cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it
> costs nothing to be a patriot.
> - Notebook, 1904
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: mann david <>
> To:
> Sent: Thursday, May 18, 2006 3:39:51 PM
> Subject: RE: [911TruthAction] Signs of tyranny
> looming
> I say we ban this racist, fascist crap - on the
> basis
> its way off topic. By the way - in the simple
> pronoun
> "WE" you are lumping us in with our worst terrorist
> (dumb-ass)
> --- Scott Peden <> wrote:
> > Uhh, are you describing Kennedys or Bushs
> > Grandfathers?
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From:
> > []On Behalf
> Of
> > John Perna
> > Sent: Wednesday, May 17, 2006 2:31 AM
> > To:
> > Subject: Re: [911TruthAction] Signs of tyranny
> > looming
> >
> > A nation that does not defend its borders will not
> > continue to be a nation.
> > Terrorists, smugglers, murders, rapists, are among
> > those illegals.
> >
> > Our future if we do not control immigration
> >
> > Did we not notice what happened to the Indians
> > because they did not control
> > immigration?
> > If you woke up tonight with a gun at your head,
> > you would agree that burglary should be illegal.
> > So is illegal immigration.
> > Those who were born here of parents who were
> > citizens,
> > are our citizens.
> > The fact that our ancestors were immigrants is
> > irrelevant when discussing
> > the invasion that is now taking place.
> > THE QUESTION IS Do WE keep criminals out of our
> own
> > home?
> >
> > Did you see the photos of the demonstrators?
> > The signs said things like this:
> >
> > "We did not cross the border.
> > The border crossed us"
> >
> > "This is our land. Gringos should leave"
> >
> > "All Europeans who came here since 1492 were
> > illegal"
> >
> > They flew Mexican flags and did the national
> anthem
> > in Spanish.
> > Did your ancestors try to change our language?
> >
> > Do a google search on "Atzlan". In case you do not
> > want to bother,
> > I will tell you that "Atzlan" is the name of the
> new
> > country,
> > that they plan to form after they take the south
> > west away from the
> > "gringos".
> >
> > When will the bloodshed stop in Israel?
> > What is it like in South Africa now?
> > Did we learn nothing from studying Roman history?
> > Do we want the same thing here?
> >
> > If the number of illegal immigrants,
> > that we have now,
> > are having boycotts, demonstrations, demanding
> > "rights", and claiming to own
> > this country,
> > COMING IN??????
> > If they have it so bad here, why are they coming
> in
> > droves?
> > If they have it so bad here, why don't they go
> back?
> > What we are seeing now is IMPORTED CLASS STRUGGLE.
> > To understand what happens to a nation that
> becomes
> > engulfed in CLASS
> > read the Communist Manifesto.
> > Their demonstrations and boycotts were on May
> First.
> > May First is a communist holiday.
> >
> > The FTAA would open our borders totally
> >
> > Visit:
> >
> > and
> >
> > Unfortunately, many Congressmen have accepted this
> > hype that the so-called
> > Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) are just designed to
> > open up markets for
> > American exports.
> >
> > ----------------------
> > One Country with a Sensible Immigration Policy
> >
> > [Unlike the United States, which doesn't know its
> > benighted butt from a hole
> > in a tortilla, there is a country which does have
> a
> > sane and sensible
> > immigration policy. Here are some of its rules:
> >
> > 1. If you migrate to this county, you must speak
> > the national language.
> >
=== message truncated ===
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Message 5
From: "Kevin Hammond"
Date: Fri May 19, 2006 9:40am(PDT)
Subject: Re: Signs of tyranny looming
Enough said my friend. I am in complete agreement with you. Thank you for getting myself for one, Back on track here. A little of it is ok. But a continous barrage is overboard. I will personally ask John Perna to stop.
Scott Peden <> wrote:
v\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);} o\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);} w\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);} .shape {behavior:url(#default#VML);} A question, if I may for the moderators. I really only want the moderators reply to the next three paragraphs, I don’t feel I have the right to pressure them to do anything, and that isn’t my intention. At paragraph 4, are some of my thoughts about immigration issues as a whole and what it does for the 9/11 movement.
How about all the immigrations stuff, where as it is a pure distraction, that shouldn’t be posted here should it?
And if it shouldn’t, should that persons posts be moderated to remove the Off Topic posts?
I mean, honestly, someone can contribute good stuff and then post a whole mess of off topic stuff too, which is pure distraction on a group that has a stated purpose on it’s home page.
Personally, I have watched the immigration issue be a major distraction brought up when ever some party was in trouble, the first time was when my father was the district manager of King County Washington and this was to be used as a wedge issue against the Democrats in the Nixon Kennedy race of 1960.
What cost the republican party his support was he researched this and for years immigration was used as a wedge issue… in fact during the time his father was being persecuted as an immigrant in the 1920’s. So what , his side of the family is nearly pure Scots… well… our Irish Cousins reminded us about when they were the wedge issue AND GUESS WHAT….
All the laws that have been passed since he did his research, all the laws I have watched since I’ve been of voting age… they never get funded so that they cannot be implemented. It does a good job of entertaining or at lest keeping the public busy and the MSM something to put on their dirty laundry broadcasts, but the issues, the reason that this occurs are then smoke and mirrored.
Any reason to think that this election, that this isn’t something else to distract us off of 9/11?
If not, it sure is doing the trick, everything else we should be watching is being smothered � with posts illegal aliens. NONE OF THEM are calling for funding or implementing laws that have already been passed for more than a handful of decades in our near past.
Personally I’d say on this group, immigration does nothing to get us to the point where we can get the nation moving, infact, it is just the distraction to take peoples attention off of this administrations complicity in 9/11 occurring.
-----Original Message-----
From: []On Behalf Of Naveed
Sent: Thursday, May 18, 2006 7:37 PM
Subject: Re: [911TruthAction] Signs of tyranny looming
david mann, cease and desist, otherwise i'll be forced to remove you......
you've been warned earlier.....this is your final warning
In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot.
- Notebook, 1904
----- Original Message ----
From: mann david <>
Sent: Thursday, May 18, 2006 3:39:51 PM
Subject: RE: [911TruthAction] Signs of tyranny looming
I say we ban this racist, fascist crap - on the basis
its way off topic. By the way - in the simple pronoun
"WE" you are lumping us in with our worst terrorist
enemies. THE ENEMY IS INSIDE THE GATES !!! (dumb-ass)
--- Scott Peden <> wrote:
> Uhh, are you describing Kennedys or Bushs
> Grandfathers?
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of
> John Perna
> Sent: Wednesday, May 17, 2006 2:31 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [911TruthAction] Signs of tyranny
> looming
> A nation that does not defend its borders will not
> continue to be a nation.
> Terrorists, smugglers, murders, rapists, are among
> those illegals.
> Our future if we do not control immigration
> Did we not notice what happened to the Indians
> because they did not control
> immigration?
> If you woke up tonight with a gun at your head,
> you would agree that burglary should be illegal.
> So is illegal immigration.
> Those who were born here of parents who were
> citizens,
> are our citizens.
> The fact that our ancestors were immigrants is
> irrelevant when discussing
> the invasion that is now taking place.
> THE QUESTION IS Do WE keep criminals out of our own
> home?
> Did you see the photos of the demonstrators?
> The signs said things like this:
> "We did not cross the border.
> The border crossed us"
> "This is our land. Gringos should leave"
> "All Europeans who came here since 1492 were
> illegal"
> They flew Mexican flags and did the national anthem
> in Spanish.
> Did your ancestors try to change our language?
> Do a google search on "Atzlan". In case you do not
> want to bother,
> I will tell you that "Atzlan" is the name of the new
> country,
> that they plan to form after they take the south
> west away from the
> "gringos".
> When will the bloodshed stop in Israel?
> What is it like in South Africa now?
> Did we learn nothing from studying Roman history?
> Do we want the same thing here?
> If the number of illegal immigrants,
> that we have now,
> are having boycotts, demonstrations, demanding
> "rights", and claiming to own
> this country,
> COMING IN??????
> If they have it so bad here, why are they coming in
> droves?
> If they have it so bad here, why don't they go back?
> What we are seeing now is IMPORTED CLASS STRUGGLE.
> To understand what happens to a nation that becomes
> engulfed in CLASS
> read the Communist Manifesto.
> Their demonstrations and boycotts were on May First.
> May First is a communist holiday.
> The FTAA would open our borders totally
> Visit:
> and
> Unfortunately, many Congressmen have accepted this
> hype that the so-called
> Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) are just designed to
> open up markets for
> American exports.
> ----------------------
> One Country with a Sensible Immigration Policy
> [Unlike the United States, which doesn't know its
> benighted butt from a hole
> in a tortilla, there is a country which does have a
> sane and sensible
> immigration policy. Here are some of its rules:
> 1. If you migrate to this county, you must speak
> the national language.
> 2. You have to be a professional or an investor. No
> unskilled workers
> allowed.
> 3. There will be no special bilingual programs in
> schools, no special
> ballots for elections.
> All government business must be conducted in the
> common national language.
> 4. Foreigners will NOT have the right to vote, no
> matter how long they live
> here.
> 5. Foreigners will NEVER be able to hold political
> office.
> 6. Foreigners will not be a burden to the
> taxpayers. No welfare, no food
> stamps,
> no health care, or other government assistance
> programs.
> 7. Foreigners can invest in this country, but it
> must be an amount equal to
> 40,000 times
> the daily minimum wage.
> 8. If foreigners do come and want to buy land that
> will be okay, BUT
> options will be
> restricted. You cannot own waterfront property. That
> is reserved for
> citizens born
> in this country.
> 9. Foreigners may not protest: no demonstrations,
> no waving a foreign flag,
> no political
> organizing, no badmouthing of its national policies.
> If you do, you will be
> sent back home.
> 10. If you come to this country illegally, you will
> be hunted down and sent
> straight to jail.
> Sound harsh? Insensitive? Inhumane?
> The above laws governing immigration happen to be
> those of
> ... our good neigbor to the south MEXICO!
> mann david <> wrote:
> Yeh John and you are one of the symptoms and causes
> of
> looming tyrany - like "put "illegals" on five years
> of
> hard labor building a wall" - etc.- - and the rest
> of
> your opinions.
> --- John Perna <> wrote:
> > Signs of tyranny looming
> >
> > If you don't have 15 minutes to look this over,
> > someday when you
> > have the time and not the content, you'll wish you
> > had.
> >
> > "The greatest menace to freedom is an inert
> people."
> >
> > Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis
> >
=== message truncated ===
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Message 6
From: "James Patton"
Date: Fri May 19, 2006 9:56am(PDT)
Subject: Re: Dahr Jamail: Support Our Troops, Anybody? 2,450 DEAD GIs
> "And those are my goals as well. I will settle for nothing less
> than complete victory", (Bush said).
Complete victory for the military-industrial-media mega-complex to make
a shit-load of money ripping off American tax-payers - that's about
the only "victory" Bush and his cronies care about.
> Just as he settled for nothing less than complete exemption from military
> service in Vietnam, a fact his soldiers are all too aware of.
Bush - AWOL in more ways than one...
Why do Americans let 'their' country be run by greedy tyrants who want to put
the imprint of their fascist boot all over the world?
"The enormous gap between what US leaders do in the world and what Americans think their leaders are doing is one of the great propaganda accomplishments of the dominate political mythology." Michael Parenti
oh god there's a lot more than that!
that's the OFFICIAL version.....OFFICIAL synonmous (spelling?)with
there were reports of mass graves of GIs and cameramen who got too
close were accidentally shot even though they wore their orange vest
saying press or something like that.
and these bastards don't count the died from wounds folk.
--- In, "Dick Eastman" <olfriend@...>
> Support Our Troops, Anybody?
> By Dahr Jamail
> Wednesday 17 May 2006
> *So Long as I Am Your Commander in Chief*
> As the violence in Iraq continues to escalate, at least 2,450 US
> soldiers have been killed, with roughly ten times that number seriously
> wounded since the beginning of the Invasion in March 2003. If current
> trends continue, May will be one of the deadliest months of the
> occupation yet for troops, with an average of over three being killed
> per day. 54 coalition soldiers have been killed in the first 16
> days of May alone.
> This probably explains why 72% of US troops in Iraq think the US
> should exit the country within the next year, and over 25% think the US
> should exit immediately. The same poll found that only one in
> five troops in Iraq want to heed War Criminal Bush's call for them
> to "stay as long as they are needed."
> The occupation, now well into its fourth year and going strong, has
> already produced 550,000 Iraq war veterans. Troop morale is lower
> than ever before and dropping as fast as Bush's approval ratings.
> Further adding to the deteriorating situation is the mindless adherence
> to the highly absurd pledges of the "commander in chief."
> "To all who wear the uniform, I make you this pledge: America will
> not run in the face of car bombers and assassins so long as I am your
> commander in chief. Most Americans want two things in Iraq: They
> want to see our troops win and they want to see our troops come home
> as soon as possible," he says , ad nauseum, "And those are my goals as well.
> I will settle for nothing less than complete victory." Just as he settled for
> nothing less than complete exemption from military service in Vietnam,
> a fact his soldiers are all too aware of.
Message 7
From: "Dick Eastman"
Date: Fri May 19, 2006 11:20am(PDT)
Subject: I weigh in -- anaylsis of two new frames from the second DoD video c
There two pictures from a second video camera.
Picture one.
The first shows an object on the right edge of the picture that people are calling "the nose cone." This picture also shows some kind of explosion -- it doesn't appear to be a reflection -- some kind of pyrotechnics, two white flashes, side by side -- on the left a tall thin mushroom shaped flash and on the right a mound of flash, wider at the base -- these two in the middle of the grass. I note that the stem of the long-stem mushroom flash seems to extend down to the camera side of the fense that is visible. We note also that this camera gives a distorted wide field view of the scene, either side appearing to bend away from the viewer. And note too the diamond shaped reflections on the lens and the sunshine distortion of the picture at the upper left corner.
Comment. The video camera that took this picture is located southeast of the camera that took the five pictures first seen in March 2002. This camera seems to be located on the same driveway island that has the parking pass dispenser famous for blocking the view of the killer jet in the first of the March 2002 pictures.
The object identified by many as a nose cone, appears too thin (skinny) to be the nose and cabin section of a Boeing 757 and, interpreting it as a straight cylinder, the object seems to be pointed downward -- not horizontal (not parallel to the lawn surface) so that if travelling as shown it would hit the lawn less than half way to the Pentagon wall.
Just taking the picture at face value it tells a story completely consistent with the "small plane/missile-with Boeing-flyover" finding yeilded by the March 2002 pictures. The thin object is a missile, we cannot see if it has a tail fin -- but it could, which would be consistent with the tail fin shown in the 2002 picture #1. The explosions, if that is what they are, in the middle of the lawn, apparently northwest of the crash location at pillar #14, could have been a distraction/diversion to take people's eyes off the Boeing as it approached the Pentagon (just before it flew over the building.) No scorching of lawn has been shown in any post-crash photo. These explosions in the lawn would explain people who reported "the plane" hitting the lawn and bouncing into the building -- that many reported at first. Others reported a wing digging into the lawn. These likely are simply the minds of witnesses attempting to construct an interpretation of the event -- to integrate the seeing of the pyrotechnics into the scene.
Picture Two from Camera Two:
This picture shows a white flash explosion at the side of the Pentagon. The pyrotechnics in the middle of the lawn are now gone. The long thin downward oriented object is now gone. The camera, judging from the background buildings etc., has not moved. The entire picture, in comparison with the first picture, appears bleached -- brightened (or faded white) . The mini-tower of the heliport is silhouetted against this flash explosion. The diamond shaped reflections (on the lens) of picture one are gone. And it appears that the sky above the Pentagon has been washed out with gray (very important, see below).
This picture depicts a very bright flash that effects the entire image. It also includes a washing out of the sky above the roof line of the Pentagon for its entire length and over the skyline to the right as well! This whitewash of sky does not show in the white-flash-explosion picture #2 of the 2002-released frames. In the 2002 pic #2 the white blossom of the explosion is against a blue sky.
This picture supports the contention that a bright flash was added to assist the disappearing act of the Boeing as if flew over the Pentagon and on to Reagan National, with its runway just one mile beyond the crash. (In three seconds it would be closer to the airport than to the crash) But the whitewash appears to have been added. Now why would those who released this picture (clip) whitewash out the sky above the Pentagon in a shot showing the initial intense white flash? The answer is obvious, isn't it? They want to cover up something that is there.
So if the first security camera recorded a tail fin and a smoke trail of something too short to be the Beoing, butr which is clearly the killer object, then what is it that flew over the building that has been whitewashed out -- what indeed, but the jetliner in Am. Airlines livery that most witnesses saw approach the Pentagon from directly above the Sheraton, directly above the Naval Annex and above and slightly north of Sgt. Lagasse at the Citgo gas station. The whitewash is a wonderful admission of guilt.
Someone in the Pentagon is on our side. Judicial watch merely went ahead an posted what they got from DoD, not willing to admit, even to themselves, that they have just clinched the small-attacker thesis.
And so here is the "small-attacker" arguments which have held the field since 2002:
What convinced me that 9-11 was a false-flag inside-job.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
HI Dick
Have you ever considered the possibility that a missile was fired from so-called "Flight 77" - the (falsely liveried?) jumbo jet tracked performing the 270 degree turn military-style aerobatics which subsequently disappeared off the radar? Here I'm not talking about some midget missile fired from under the wing of an F16 or equivalent. No, I'm talking about a C-130 or the suchlike, super-strengthened for aerobatic turns and kitted out to launch big (20 foot+), specialized cruise missiles at close quarters. The aerobatics would be needed in order to give the missile immediate velocity in the target direction - the missile can then pick up further speed under it own propulsion in the remaining few hundred yards - possibly firing its own DU-tipped warhead with a shaped charge, as though from a cannon, before impact. A penetrant followed by (in the main body of the missile and in this case) a fuel bomb. That would replace your small plane hypothesis, the (additionally self-propelled) warhead being what you perceive as the 'missile'. As a ground-hugger the main body of the missile would be dropped level and kept level gyroscopically, the 'wings' being laterally swivelling and there purely to closely maintain ground-hugging distance at high speed, say, six feet (2m) at Mach 1 (so you never hear it coming either).
All the best
Message 8
From: "Dick Eastman"
Date: Fri May 19, 2006 0:21pm(PDT)
Subject: Alex James: the US Dollar, dollar diplomacy, Middle East Oil, Zioni
The N.W.O. Banklords need a local, regional conflict presented in “moral terms” [hoax religion] so that the peoples of the region will not pay attention to their real interests in the Middle East, such as oil and arms sales. That reason alone – considering how vital maintaining the status quo is to the N.W.O. Banklords – is enough for them to keep the conflict simmering.
From: "Alex James" <>
May 19, 2006
The Very Sad Reality about the US Dollar, Middle East Oil, Zionism and the News Media
Edited excerpts, non-partisan, pro-truth-honesty-peace, and anti-war-lies-crime. The purpose is to expose corruptions, frauds, deceptions, lies, criminal plans, cover ups and free-speech silencing by powerful people in governments, foundations, corporations and media, which are done using the name of democracy, human rights, false interpretations of religions, cults, occults, patriotism, economy, business, media, elections, justice, charity, etc., and are used to trick the public into hatred & wars and out of their lives, money and freedoms, while the propaganda we are subjected to makes us believe that we have evolved to where such things cannot happen. Please share what you learn with others who do not have access to the internet. Stop the hatred that is used to promote the dehumanization of the victims of aggressions; spread the truth; free your mind; don’t buy the mainstream news propaganda. Caution: real news may induce a kind of schizophrenia because it provides a true vision of reality which is so different from the one we are given by the mass media. Latest real infonews available at alternate news links listed at the end. *****;
The Very Sad Reality About The US Dollar, Middle East Oil, Zionism and the News Media
“In February 1919, Sir Arthur Hirtzel, a top British colonial official, warned his associates: ‘It should be borne in mind that the
Standard Oil Company is very anxious to take over Iraq.’ (Quoted in Peter Sluglett, Britain in Iraq, 1914-32, London, 1974)
On the subject of what the oil states had to do with their newfound wealth, Aburish explains: “The surplus from oil was linked to the World capital market controlled by US, British and French banks. Placing the surpluses in Western banks ensured the continued use of money to fuel Western economies. There was no attempt to use the surpluses to develop the Middle East.”
Becker continues: “In 1927, major oil exploration got underway. Huge deposits were discovered in Iraq, and the Iraqi Petroleum Company was created by Anglo-Iranian (today British Petroleum), Shell and Mobil, and Standard Oil of New Jersey (Exxon) was set up. Within a few years it had totally monopolized Iraqi oil production.”
But the US oil companies and their government in Washington weren’t satisfied. They wanted complete control of the oil, just as they had a near monopoly on the Western hemisphere’s petroleum reserves.
Regardless of how the mainstream media ignore the role oil plays in the conflict, the fact is if the Middle East had no oil reserves, there probably never would have been a Middle East conflict for the past 75 years, unless there was some other resource that would generate dollars that needed to be recycled to the Federal Reserve System Banks and Wall Street to ensure that the Illuminati Banklords get the resource for next to nothing by printing paper currency.
As to where this policy of the British (and later the Americans) originated, we needn’t look further than a series of meetings held in Britain starting in 1905 headed by Prime Minister Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman. From these meetings, a High Committee was formed. It specialized in matters of colonialism, and consisted of members from the participating states, leading historians, social, economic and agricultural analysts, scholars, geologists and experts in oil and gas. The members met in London in 1907. The final decisions made were threefold:
1) Separating the Muslim lands in the East from those in the West, thus making their unification more difficult.
2) Planting a new enemy for the Muslims on their lands, hence the western support for Zionism. This would focus their attention on the new enemy, and in turn weaken their ability to resist the Banklords’ orchestrated aggression. Israel’s purpose in the conflict is to play the role of the “hated enemy” that Arab national leaders can point their finger at and say to their masses: “see, that is your real enemy” whereas the real enemy is the BankLords’ cartel based in their private square mile known as The City of London.
3) Establishing an advanced base for the colonialists – at the head of them Britain – to protect their interests, implement their plans and ensure the outflow of natural resources from the region, as well as the import of their goods and products into the markets of the region.
The goal of the colonialist powers – then and now – is to keep the Arab peoples backwards and bribe or coerce/threaten their leaders into implementing policies beneficial to the Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex (about which President Eisenhower warned about in his 1961 nationally televised speech), and to control the vast mineral wealth that the Arabs were fortune enough to possess. If that doesn’t work, CIA-backed death squads and military invasions are used.
While the control of oil may be the ultimate goal of the N.W.O. Banklords, the way to maintain their control is to inflame the Middle East and then have everyone think this strife is a result of “hatred between Arabs and Jews.” Meanwhile, the N.W.O. Banklords continue to dominate the region, without the Arab and Israeli publics being any the wiser.
Says researcher Dr. John Coleman: “The mission of the great names of British Middle East intelligence, T.E.Lawrence, E.G. Browne, Arnold Toynbee, St. John Philby and Bertram Russell was to keep the Middle East backward so that its natural resources, oil, could continue to be looted.”
There is a view in the mainstream media that assumes the only concern the western nations have in the Middle East is for Arabs and European Jews (who through Zionist/Nazi cooperation were forced to migrate mostly from Russia, Poland and Eastern Europe and some from Germany, and in fact are not Israelites) to kiss and make up. Yet after all their years of being involved in peace making, how come there isn’t any peace?
Because peace is not good business for them. What is important is maintaining the supremacy of the US dollar in World markets, recycling petrodollars to earn profits from the oil industry, and the sale of military products to the Arab governments. The unwritten agreement that the US has with OPEC is that the oil will be priced in US dollars, and in return the US will protect them (if not, these leaders will be removed one way or another, in fact, George Clooney’s movie SYRIANA illustrates this). While CNN never discusses this issue, it is imperative for the strength of the US dollar that oil is priced only in US currency. When oil is sold in US dollars, countries around the World need to maintain a certain level of US currency in the reserves of their central bank to finance their oil purchases. OPEC is a cartel created by the US specifically for this purpose. If oil was priced in other currencies, most countries would have little need to stockpile dollars, and thus all the currency the US government has printed over the years would be of value only in the US. This would flood the country with dollars and cause huge inflation. In addition, current and future trade and current account deficits would no longer be financed by the N.W.O. Banklords through printing dollars and then having them recycled through purchases of American Treasury bills and other US-dominated debt instruments. In other words, the US would no longer be an economic superpower.
In a brilliant essay on this subject entitled A Macroeconomic and Geostrategic Analysis of the Unspoken Truth, economist William Clark wrote in January 2003:
“The Federal Reserve’s greatest nightmare is that OPEC will switch from a dollar standard to a Euro standard. Iraq actually made this switch. The real reason the Bush administration wants a puppet government in Iraq – or more importantly, the reason why the corporate-military-industrial network wants a puppet government in Iraq – is so that it will revert back to a dollar standard.”
Others have come to the same conclusion as this issue relates to other regions in the World. . On June 18th, 2003, the publisher of the Venezuelan economic on-line journal,, Roy Carson, wrote:
"A move by Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez Frias to replace the US$ with the €uro is seen as upsetting Washington more than when Iraq's Saddam Hussein started using the €uro for oil transactions last November ... precipitating the US-led action to invade Iraq. CIA and other intelligence organizations, including Britain's MI5, now fear that the next step is that the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) is about to switch to €uros ... the immediate effect would be a massive devaluation, perhaps sparking of domino-effect devaluations Worldwide in US$-related foreign reserves and foreign debt calculations. With a massive budget deficit, the United States is running scared of latest intelligence that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is on the brink of converting to the €uros and the opinion held by many OPEC ministers is that the conversion is an inevitability ... the only question left is WHEN? Arab sources claim that €uro conversion across the Middle and Far East is a rational step to counteract the United States' capacity to "wage further illegal wars (a.k.a. State-sponsored terrorism)" around the World. A significant step in this direction is that Iran is contemplating switching to the €uro and, as a result, is the latest object of United States undiplomatic interference ... an intelligence sources says "they are stimulating opposition forces, making covert threats ... the next step is destabilization and quasi-liberation warfare under the pretext of promoting US-style democracy but essentially aimed at maintaining the US dollar as a global transaction currency."
Says researcher/writer David Lindorff: “When it comes to oil, a dictator [or elected leader] is ‘friendly’ to the US when he’s willing to do business, and he’s ‘a mortal enemy’ when he’s not. That has been the driving force behind national security policy, especially since the fall of the Soviet Union. Oil and national security policy were all submerged in the context of the Cold War. But once that Cold War collapsed, now it’s a no-holds-barred battle for oil globally.”
The goal of the N.W.O. Banklords is to keep the oil flowing at relatively low royalty fees and ensuring that this oil remains priced in US dollars and minimize the Arabs’ move into upstream in the petroleum production process so as to compete with foreign oil companies. Note that the oil giants negotiated long-term low royalties when they managed to get the price of oil down to $9/barrel in 1998 for a very short time. The current near $80/barrel oil prices is delaying the US Dollars’ collapse since the oil trade is still done in US$ (see the previous article from on the Trillionaires abandonment of the US$
http://www[dot]infowars[dot]com/articles/economy/iranian_oil_bourse_opens_for_business.htm ).
The other “unwritten law” is that a certain amount of the oil revenues earned by the oil-rich states must be spent on the purchase of weapons. As no Arab country has a military industry, all weapons in the region are imported. In 2002, Arab governments in the Middle East spent $52 billion on their military forces, of which $18 billion was for purchases from foreign countries. Arab countries devote 8%-11% of their national incomes to defense (23% of all government expenditures, Yahya Sadowski, Guns or Butter,
p.3). In the past decade, Saudi Arabia alone has spent over $100 billion on weapons. According to the Federation of American Scientists, in the decade after the Gulf War (1991-2001) the US sold more than $43 billion worth of weapons, equipment and military construction projects to Saudi Arabia, and $16 billion more to Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates. Saudi Arabia alone imports about $15 billion worth of weapons each year.
The rest of the oil revenues (after basic government expenditures are met) are deposited in the Banklords’ banks. This process is called “recycling petrodollars.”
Another activity of the N.W.O. Banklords is to sell massive amounts of military hardware and technology to Arab dictators like Saddam Hussein and then, years later, when the dictator doesn’t do what the N.W.O. Banklords want, the dictator becomes “a threat to regional stability” and an expensive (to the public, not to the arms industry) military invasion is suddenly required to contain him. When the smoke clears, nobody points a finger at the N.W.O. Banklords, accusing them of arming the dictator in the first place. If the western nations were truly interested in bringing peace to the Middle East, they would have placed a moratorium on arms sales to the region decades ago. Instead, they sell tens of billions worth of military hardware every year to the region. So the entities that are sending “special envoys” to “help the two sides make peace” are at the same time the main providers of weapons to the region. Somehow, this contradiction is never exposed.
This is where the Palestinian-Israeli conflict serves its purpose. Keeping the conflict alive means a never-ending “moral crusade” can be carried out by both Arabs and Jews, each blaming the other for keeping the conflict festering, each pointing fingers at the other side rather than at the N.W.O. Banklords. Is it merely a coincidence that there is vast oil reserves in the Middle East, while at the same time the region is home to a seven-decade-long conflict? If there were no oil, would there have been an Arab-Israeli conflict?
As long as the Arabs and Jews are blaming each other, the N.W.O. Banklords’ role will go unnoticed, along with their profits.
The N.W.O. Banklords need a local, regional conflict presented in “moral terms” [hoax religion] so that the peoples of the region will not pay attention to their real interests in the Middle East, such as oil and arms sales. That reason alone – considering how vital maintaining the status quo is to the N.W.O. Banklords – is enough for them to keep the conflict simmering.
Now, if you want to create and sustain a conflict, you need two sides. Israel is one of the participants, and that is its major role
as far as the N.W.O. Banklords are concerned. This explains why, no matter how angry the US may get at Israel, it will never weaken
Israel’s geo-strategic position and put the Arabs in a position where they could actually defeat Israel.
Despite what Israelis and American Jews may believe, US aid is not given to Israel because the US identifies with the Jewish state
or has pledged to safeguard Israel’s security. That is merely another cover story.
As for why the US provides military aid to Israel, Middle East scholar, Professor Stephen Zunes of the University of San Francisco,
claims: “this aid is little more than an American subsidy to U.S. arms manufacturers,” considering that the majority of it must be
used to buy weapons from the U.S. Moreover, arms to Israel increase demand for weaponry in the Arab states. The Israelis announced
back in 1991 that they supported the idea of a freeze in Middle East arms transfers. It was the United States that rejected it.
Explaining the function of the aid America grants Israel, Zunes contends: “In the fall of 1993, when many had high hopes for peace,
78 senators wrote to former president Bill Clinton insisting that aid to Israel remain ‘at current levels.’ Their ‘only reason’ was
the ‘massive procurement of sophisticated arms by Arab states.’ The letter neglected to mention that 80% of those arms to Arab
countries came from the U.S. I’m not denying for a moment the power of AIPAC [the American Israel Public Affairs Committee], the
pro-Israel lobby, and other similar groups,” Zunes said. “Yet the Aerospace Industry Association which promotes these massive arms
shipments… is even more influential. This association has given two times more money to campaigns than all of the pro-Israel groups
combined. Its force on Capitol Hill, in terms of lobbying, surpasses that of even AIPAC. The general thrust of U.S. policy would be
pretty much the same even if AIPAC didn’t exist.”
Zunes admits this is a complex issue, and says he does not want to sound “conspiratorial,” but asked us to imagine what Palestinian
industriousness, Israeli technology, and Arabian oil money would do to transform the Middle East. “What would that mean to American
arms manufacturers? Oil companies? Pentagon planners?”
Another Middle East analyst, Dr. Musil Shehadeh, points out: “Israel is a reliable ally when compared to the unstable Arab regimes,
while the wars in the region would keep the US military factories operating at full tilt.” (“Who Controls Whom,” The Palestine
Keeping Israelis focused on the idea that the Arabs want to destroy Israel is as much a part of the foreigner’s workload as
exploiting the oil and ensuring it is priced in dollars. America’s “special relationship” with Israel is based on the assumption
that Israel will continue to let itself be used as a surrogate to keep the conflict alive, thus maintaining the conditions required
so that tens of billions of dollars in weapons contracts will be secured by western nations.
Regardless of whether such a policy is the result of a pre-conceived plan or “it just turned out that way,” it is one of the major
sources of fuel for the Middle East conflict. To understand what really causes the Middle East conflict to continue, one must look
at the issue from the top down.
To get a more accurate picture of what lies behind the continued existence of the conflict, let’s acknowledge these five factors
which serve to perpetuate – rather than solve – the problem:
1) The vested interests of the Foreign Elite (FE): There is a “third entity” in the conflict in addition to the Israelis and the
Arabs: the N.W.O. Banklords (in order of importance, the US, Britain, France, Germany). Without them, there would be no Middle East
conflict because it is the foreign influence that keeps the “situation” from being resolved.
2) Control of Middle East oil: The N.W.O. Banklords interfere in the Arab-Israeli conflict in order to exploit and control the
vast petroleum resources in the region. If there were no oil, there would be no need to ensure that petrodollars are recycled into
the Federal Reserve and Wall Street; the N.W.O. Banklords would have no reason to dominate the region.
3) Weapons sales: If there was a Worldwide ban on arms sales to the Middle East, there would be no more “radical Arab dictators”
with modern arms. If the N.W.O. Banklords stopped selling advanced weaponry to nations of the Middle East, the conflict would end.
4) The mainstream media: If the mainstream media in the West stopped reporting on the “search for peace in the Middle East,”
peace would soon be found. By keeping the region’s “unstable” image alive, the media, as the sole source of information by which
people can formulate their perceptions, provide an excuse for the N.W.O. Banklords to interfere, and at the same time serve to
convince everyone that these western nations want peace, despite the fact that they have been “seeking” it for over 50 years, in
vain. The media never question the intentions or agendas of the FE. The media thus provide the glue which keeps the conflict going.
Without the mainstream media constantly reporting on the conflict, there would be peace, as everyone would forget that the Middle
East is “unstable” and thus in need of “stabilizing” via new “peace initiatives.”
5) Corrupting or Threatening the national leadership of both sides: It isn’t peace between Arabs and Jews that interests the
FE, but rather the continuation of the conflict. The way they do that is by corrupting/controlling the national leaders of both
sides. The FE will topple any leader who doesn’t cater to their desires before the needs of their own people. If Middle East leaders
are selected and deemed popular by their own people, the FE will demonize them as “radicals/extremists,” “terrorist leaders” or
“enemies of peace,” and thus de-legitimize them in the World arena.
Unless these five basic factors are understood, the true causes that extend the conflict will never be understood. Instead, each
side will go on blaming the other – seeking to take the high moral ground and convince their own people and those from abroad that
they are right, and the other side is wrong. This will lead only to more death and destruction. The technique is called “divide
and rule,” and it has been a favorite of the FE for decades. Creating either a viable Palestinian state or peace between Arabs and
Jews is not the goal of the N.W.O. Banklords. Whether stated publicly or not, their intention is to extend the Middle East conflict,
not resolve it. Unless this basic truth is understood by Arabs and Jews, the foreign elements, via the mainstream media, will
continue to manipulate the perception of both sides as to why the conflict continues.
Israel’s purpose in the conflict is to play the role of the “hated enemy” that Arab national leaders can point their finger at and
say to their masses: “see, that is your real enemy.” While Israeli propaganda claims these leaders do that in order to keep their
people from realizing how bad their socio-economic condition is, the actual reason is that this is what the N.W.O. Banklords demand
so that nobody will be looking at what the N.W.O. Banklords are doing –dominating the oil reserves and proposing multi-billion
dollar arms sales.
One unique thing about the Middle East conflict is that it is institutionalized. Think of the annual budgets for all the
organizations whose sole purpose is to do “Middle East moralizing.” How much does it cost to fund all the activist organizations,
the lobby groups, the news publications, the charities, the think tanks which exist solely to cast blame on either the Israeli or
Arab side? The Middle East conflict is a “cottage industry” in the US and Europe. It isn’t that way with other regional conflicts.
Why is it that way with this one? Since the early 1980s, Israel’s leaders have been warning that Iran is “five years away from
attaining nuclear weapons.” Twenty years later, on June 5, 2003, Israel’s foreign minister declared that “Iran would have Weapons of
Mass Destruction (WMD) by 2006.” Why do corrupt Israeli national leaders try to scare the Israeli public into thinking the Arabs are
a much bigger threat than they really are? The continued attempt to brainwash the Israeli public into thinking that the Arabs are a
threat to Israel's security and survival is one reason why the conflict continues. If you want to have a conflict, you have to
convince both sides that the other is to blame, always and forever. This is the way the Arabs and Jews have been pitted against each
In exchange for doing their part in keeping the Israeli public focused on not trusting the Arabs, Israeli national leaders like
Sharon and Peres are kept in power, given enormous clout and reverence abroad and, if need be, plenty of money to get re-elected
(after every Israeli election the winning candidate always faces a financial scandal, yet the investigations are always dropped by
the Attorney General for “lack of evidence”). The two aging leaders, Sharon and Peres, keep Israeli society fixated on the Left
versus Right argument as to how Israel should negotiate with the Palestinians. Peres is presented as a liberal, seeking to
compromise with the Arabs, while Sharon is supposedly a staunch right-wing nationalist whose only concern is Israel’s security. The
fact that both have been corrupted by foreign elements never makes it onto the pages of Haaretz, Maariv or Yediot. If you are a
leftist in Israel, you are scolded by the Right for “worrying too much what the goyim think” and being naïve about Arab intentions.
If you are on the Right, you are told by the Left that “Israel must compromise for peace.” Hence the structure of the Middle East
conflict allows for discussion only within these two borders. Both sides believe the Americans are the key, and the Left urges the
US president to pressure Israel, while the Right is only interested in having the president “better understand Israel’s position.”
Both Left and Right use the same words to describe the other’s view: “shortsighted,” “naïve” or “afraid to admit they are wrong.”
Meanwhile, despite the fact that Sharon and Peres are at opposite sides of the ideological spectrum, they have no problem sitting in
the same government as partners and smile every Sunday at the weekly cabinet meeting. This exercise in creating erroneous public
perceptions allows the Israeli public to focus on two simple ideologies. What this does is keep them ignorant of all other facets of
the Arab-Israeli conflict – including how the N.W.O. Banklords interfere and corrupt both sides’ leaders. The reason why the Israeli
public has such a low opinion of Israel’s political system is because they can see that their leaders are not going to bat for the
Israeli citizenry, but serving foreign interests. That is why Shimon Peres is hated in his own country, yet abroad is regarded as a
great elderly statesman, and why Sharon must rely on his past glory as an Israeli military hero in order to establish his
credentials with the Israeli public and Jews in the Diaspora.
While Israelis may believe Israel to be democratic, with its leaders carrying out the will of its people, that is nothing more than
a perception planted and nurtured by the Israeli media. The fact is that Israeli figures such as Shimon Peres, Ariel Sharon, Yitzhak
Rabin, Ehud Barak, Bibi Netanyahu, Yossi Beilin, Moshe Dayan, Golda Meir, etc. are much bigger heroes outside Israel than inside.
Israeli statesmen may present an image to their own people and their own party of always being concerned about Israel’s national
interests, but in the end, they always wind up pushing the plan the N.W.O. Banklords come up with. That is why Sharon, supposedly a
right-wing nationalist, went against the wishes of his entire Likud party in 2002 and went on record as supporting the establishment
of a Palestinian state. Israeli national leaders like Sharon and Peres stick around for 40 years because they are supported by
powerful elements outside the region (which is also Arafat’s secret for longevity). If left on their own, disgraced Israeli leaders
like Sharon and Peres would have retired decades ago. N.W.O. Banklords keep them in power, in return for them doing the N.W.O.
Banklords’ dirty work by keeping the Israeli public focused on “confronting the Arabs.” In short, they are useful puppets and help
keep the Middle East conflict alive.
So if one is to dive into the history of the Arab World – leaving the Arab-Israeli conflict aside for the moment – it would be
helpful to understand the Arab perception of reality. That reality is based on one simple principle: Arabs leaders are never allowed
to develop or surface because unless an Arab leader does what the N.W.O. Banklords want them to do, they will find themselves the
victim of a coup concocted by foreign elements. Or the Arab leader will be branded a “radical Arab dictator” and thus a “threat to
regional security.” There have been about 35 coups and coup attempts in the Middle East in the past 50 years. Only one of them came
about without Western involvement. Any independent review of modern Middle East history reveals that except for Egypt, the
boundaries of every state which emerged after the First World War were drawn by European powers. Indeed, every Arab state of the
time was run by what Desmond Stewart (The Temple of Janus, p. 166) calls a “client dynasty.”
Says Middle East scholar, Dr. Mohammed Daud Mirak : “Most of the time, the elite controlling the governments of Muslim states view
their survival as being parallel to the interests of the elite in the United States and her allies, and view the continuation of
their hold on power in their submission to the will of the United States.” (Essay January 28, 2003)
In Richard Becker’s October 2002 article: “The Battle For Iraqi Oil: US Corporate Skullduggery Since WW1,” we learn about the real
history of the N.W.O. Banklords’ involvement in the Arab Middle East:
If one really wants to understand how the Arabs view the west, they should read A Brutal Friendship; The West and the Arab Elite
(St. Martin’s Press, New York, 1997) by the well-known Arab journalist, Said Aburish.
The bad image the West creates for them isn’t meant to explain them; it is meant to justify declaring war on them.
By design or not, the mainstream media are an organic part of the Middle East conflict. In fact, they are one of the main factors
keeping the conflict alive. If there were no more media coverage of the conflict, it would eventually stop being a conflict in the
consciousness of the World. Whatever people who don’t live in the Middle East know or think about the conflict comes directly from
the perceptions created by the media. The role of the media is to deceive the public into thinking the conflict continues because
both sides hate each other. The media convey messages that the public can easily absorb, such as: “the Palestinians are stateless,
and the lack of a Palestinian state is the reason why the Middle East is unstable.” The official version is relayed via the media,
and it goes something like this: “In addition to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict – which if left unsolved causes regional
instability – Arab countries have a problem establishing democracies, and thus are plagued by dictators who cause the region’s
instability.” While some Arabs may believe the immense media coverage is good, as they believe Israel has wronged the Palestinians
and the World should know about it, this isn’t the reason for the media obsession with the region. The Arabs and Palestinians may be
flattered to believe that the World at large is concerned with Arab grievances, and with how badly the Palestinians have been
treated, but this isn’t the reason the media constantly report on the conflict; it isn’t injustice that is behind the media’s
interest. It is the foreign elites that exploit the media to keep the Middle East conflict alive. Seeking justice for the
Palestinians is not part of their plan.
Instead, the N.W.O. Banklords create a new “road map” and then talk for six months or a year about whether it is good or not. Both
sides complain, and then before you know it, six months have gone by and there aren’t any more meetings or delegations, because the
entire process is “stalled.” Fingers are then pointed at either Arab terrorism or Israeli intransigence, and the circle of blame
goes around and around before it is time to initiate a “new round of Middle East peace talks” and “confidence-building measures.”
Yet the end result is never lasting peace. The role of the media is merely to highlight the fact that every time the Middle East
peace talks stall, there may still be hope in this “new initiative,” which of course is introduced by the N.W.O. Banklords, never by
the local participants. This approach of talking about peace but never actually arriving at peace is the hallmark of those in charge
of the new peace initiatives. They aren’t necessarily interested in peace, but in wasting time. The media play a key role in this
deceit, as long as they fail to ask the tough questions and dig a little deeper. Much of the control the N.W.O. Banklords have over
the Jews and Arabs is exercised via manipulation of the public’s perceptions. Break that stranglehold and the true interests of the
N.W.O. Banklords will be exposed. If we want to solve the problems in the region, we need to understand the harmful role of the
international media. The media aren’t just standing on the sidelines observing events, as the experts like to tell us. Instead, the
media are organically linked to the conflict and are directed by elements outside the region. The media present images and
perceptions that reinforce the two sides’ negative view of each other. Major international media outlets keep the Middle East
conflict in the center of the public’s eye. Is this by design? Well, it certainly isn’t the result of consumer demand. Most people
are sick and tired of hearing about the conflict. So why do the major media outlets cover the region day in, day out, year in,
year-out, decade after decade? With most other subjects, the public tires of hearing about it and so the media move on to the next
story. Not with the Middle East conflict. Why? The mere presence of the media essentially creates the Middle East conflict, and
keeps it alive by media manipulation that creates erroneous perceptions in the minds of the Israeli and Arab populations. Strip the
major western media outlets of their credibility by calling their objectivity and independence into question, and the power of the
N.W.O. Banklords over the Middle East will crumble. The deception would be exposed.
Ever wonder why, on a per-capita basis, there seem to be more radical dictators in the Middle East than in any other region? What is
it about Arab politics that leads to the creation of so many “radical” leaders? It is important to note that the source of public
information about the Middle East is the same voice which promotes the idea that radical Arab leaders are regional threats, and
western leaders, for reasons of morality and decency, have to contain these bad elements. The way the mainstream media tell the
story, these radical Arab leaders are “angry” at Israel and the US. Because of that “anger,” they seek to wreak havoc on the
otherwise peaceful order of the Middle East. And yet, while some Arab dictators are considered “evil” and “immoral” because they
don’t allow democracy in their country.
Throughout the past 100 years in the Middle East, there have been various “radical Arab leaders” (i.e., bogeymen) touted by the
World’s media as “strategic threats” to western powers. The first such radical leader was Nasser of Egypt, then came PLO leaders,
then Assad of Syria, Qadaffi of Libya, the Ayatollah Khomeini of Iran, Saddam Hussein, Osama Bin Laden, and Saddam Hussein again. If
the mainstream media didn’t tell their readers and viewers that these Arab leaders were a threat, they wouldn’t be perceived as one.
By the same token, if the media didn’t write stories highlighting the “instability” of the Middle East, most people wouldn’t see a
problem. The media stamp certain concepts and issues “relevant,” and then focus on only these issues and concepts, to the exclusion
of all others.
What the media fail to tell us is that these dictatorships rule over tiny economies with no industrial or technological know-how,
and thus whatever weapons they have were procured from western countries – including their so-called “weapons of mass destruction”.
The way the media tell the story, the western leaders know full well that the dictators are “evil,” yet they approve the sales of
conventional and non-conventional weapons. Later, when it comes out in the press that these deals took place, the western leaders
say, “you evil dictator, you are not being morally upstanding and acting in a peaceful manner with your neighbors. I pledge to
depose you.” Thus a new war is conducted in order to disarm a regime that was supported and armed by the very countries that take
part in the deposing exercise. All of this is, according to the media, because zealous western leaders took the high moral ground
and proclaimed: “Enough is enough, we must have democracy and freedom in the Middle East.”
The mainstream media never question government officials when they claim they didn’t realize Saddam Hussein was such a bad guy. Or
when the CIA says, “we supported Osama Bin Laden in the early 1980s to fight the Russians in Afghanistan, but then he became a loose
cannon.” No mainstream media ever call high government officials liars when these weak excuses are offered. Never is the public
presented with the fact that the arming of the dictator was the intended policy. Instead, we are told it was due to “human error.”
How do the N.W.O. Banklords get away with such deceit? Because what is presented in the media about the Middle East conflict
(regardless of whether it is in Israel, the Arab World, Europe or the US) is carefully fit into certain “acceptable” parameters.
Those parameters include moralizing the conflict by enabling each side to point a figure at the other. The goals and objectives of
the N.W.O. Banklords are never discussed. Instead, western leaders are always presumed to be interested only in “furthering peace
efforts.” Whether arms sales to the region or forced recycling of Petro-Dollars into Wall Street and the privately owned Federal
Reserve Banks further peace are never addressed.
The media coverage and analyses of Middle East leaders is always about personal management style; it never has anything to do with
what the foreign leaders tell them or expect them to do. Whatever Middle East politicians may do, it is always explained away as
“posturing.” For instance, we are told that because Ariel Sharon didn’t finish off Arafat in 1982 in Beirut, he is taking revenge on
him now, and that is why he is keeping Arafat locked up in his compound in Ramallah. Supposedly, Sharon wanted to kill or exile
Arafat, but Bush refused, even though Bush himself said Arafat is now irrelevant. Thus Arafat can’t leave his home/office, and
Sharon is merely posturing by not taking action against the guy he says directs all the terrorism against Israel. Meanwhile, when
Sharon has the chance to get rid of Arafat for good, he doesn’t, and instead orders the Israeli army to fire a missile at his
headquarters that merely damages the building. The mainstream media and their Middle East experts don’t point out the absurdity of
such actions, and instead report only the most superficial aspects of the story.
Once elected, the media presents the story of the national leader as being only about “character” no matter how many flaws the guy
may have. He is never thrown out of office because of these shortcomings, and is always given the benefit of the doubt in any
scandal. For instance, no matter how many scandals were exposed implicating the current Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, or the
previous one, Ehud Barak, neither faced any serious attempt to force them to resign, and eventually the scandals died out. The media
never probed further. The mainstream media inform us that countries wage war because national leaders don’t like one another. For
example, back in the first Gulf War, senior President Bush was mad at Saddam Hussein. The public is asked to believe that the whole
story is that Hussein didn’t do what Bush asked him to do, which was to get out of Kuwait.
In the second Gulf War, President Bush said to the American people, “this guy is a bully, a dictator, not a nice human being, and I
am going to do the moral thing and depose him.” The media allowed this image to be presented unchallenged, and thus that is how
history was recorded. For the mainstream media, international diplomacy is run according to the principle of “positive chemistries”
and “chance meetings.” War is the result of two leaders not getting along. Peace treaties aren’t signed because one side’s leader
was “stubborn.” If the mainstream media are responsible for transmitting these superficial analyses, then they are part of the
effort by foreign interests to keep the Middle East conflict from being solved. Journalists who go on TV every day without pointing
out these “packaged perceptions” are part and parcel of the problem. Instead of highlighting the absurdities and contradictions in
the national leaders’ policies and actions, the mainstream media say things like, “Even as President Bush invests his considerable
personal prestige and the power of his office in Israeli-Palestinian peacemaking...” This presents the N.W.O. Banklords as always
seeking peace, and never anything else.
In The New York Times in June 2003, our perception of reality is shaped for us when we read analyses such as this about the Aqaba
summit: “Now he has three major projects on his plate: Rebuilding Iraq and Afghanistan, and acting as midwife to the new state of
Palestine he envisions in his road map to peace. Time and time again on this trip, Bush made clear his view that ridding the Middle
East of ‘the dictator of Iraq’ opened the way for the rest of the agenda. Iraq, he said, would become a model of democracy in a
Muslim state.” Nowhere in that analyses is doubt expressed as to whether other considerations moved the president, or how exactly
removing a regional dictator “opens doors to peace” or how exactly America will turn Iraq into a model democracy. There is no
discussion as to why the Oslo Accords failed, or why it will be any different this time. The fact that the American president could
be lying is never presented as an option. Instead of an accurate portrayal of reality, the public is fed soap operas when it comes
to why national leaders do what they do, and what really influences their decisions. Israel's mainstream press is no different. Here
is an example of what Israeli citizens are fed in their mainstream media.
Long-time Haaretz op-ed writer Avi Shavit told the Israeli public on June 12th, 2003 that when N.W.O. Banklords like Henry Kissinger
meet secretly with Israeli leaders- it is merely to instruct them on the inner workings of international diplomacy, things which
Shavit calls, "a Kissinger perception of reality". Israel's national leaders supposedly listen to very elderly statesmen who haven't
held public over in over thirty years and then decide to "do what they tell them", and that is the story about what is happening in
the political arena. Shavit writes: "However, Rabin was not Kissinger's only pupil. He had another Israeli pupil, studious and
energetic, who is now Israel's prime minister. So, when trying to decipher Ariel Sharon's policy, it must be understood that he is
doing what he is doing out of a Kissinger perception of reality….Kissinger and Sharon keep their closeness under wraps - most of
their meetings do not come to media attention. However, the connection between the Israeli-Jewish warrior and the American-Jewish
statesman is very tight. Sharon has a profound respect for Kissinger, regarding him as someone who knows how to add historic and
international dimensions to Sharon's own understandings of the events on the ground."
Somehow Shavit thinks Kissinger's ethnic roots play a role in his secret dealings with Israeli leaders like Rabin and Sharon. We are
told that Sharon has a "profound respect" to someone like Kissinger yet Shavit never bothers to ask why Israeli national leaders
like Sharon are having secret meetings with a non-elected government official. According to senior political analyst and leading
op-ed writer for Haaretz, what is really happening is that Sharon is getting educated in international diplomacy and as the aging
chubby Israeli Premier gets older- he is finally starting to grasp what the 85 year old Kissinger has been telling him all along-
that the best way to solve the Arab-Israeli conflict is to take the "pessimist-pragmatic" approach. Sharon isn't doing what he is
doing because he "hates Arabs" or because he is a "right wing hawk", which is what the rest of Shavit's newspaper has been telling
the Israeli public for the past 30 years- but because he is "taking lessons in international diplomacy from his mentor, Henry
Kissinger". Why Sharon is guiding Israel's political destiny according to advice given to him from Kissinger- who hasn't held public
office in a western democracy for more than thirty years- is never part of the discussion on the editorial pages of Israel's leading
For more than 50 years the N.W.O. Banklords have been coming to this region to “work out a peace agreement,” but they always wind up
failing. Yet when leaders from the Middle East go abroad, everyone thinks they lead the conversation and tell the N.W.O. Banklords,
“This is the minimum I will accept.” The reality is the other way around; they are told what the foreign leaders expect them to do
next. These bilateral talks never start out in secret. They always start out with photographs and everyone smiling and shaking
hands. And then they shut the doors. The Oslo Accords were negotiated in secret for eight months before they were revealed
publicly. This enabled the true aims of the Accords to be hidden from the public. Why do they do it this way? Because they don’t
want you to know. Then they come to the regional parlays, smile some more, take a few more pictures, but they never tell you what
they really said to each other. Instead, the spokespersons hand out written statements about “constructive engagements” and
“confidence-building measures” or the need to “jumpstart the peace process,” and then the journalists write as if that is what was
really said. Somehow nobody points out that we’ve seen all this “new peace initiative” before.
Either there is a massive conspiracy by the World’s media and the leaders of western countries to keep everyone from knowing the
truth, or the journalists and reporters are very bad at what they do and aren’t interested in getting the whole story. Either way,
the mainstream media have failed in their role as “the fourth estate” and the final protector of a nation’s freedom. The only reason
why the N.W.O. Banklords can continue their deceit is because the media pander to them rather than treating their actions and
statements in a critical manner. The lack of aggressive reporting is one of the reasons why the Middle East conflict continues. And
while the reporters are busy parroting what the spokespersons for the national politicians tell them, they are missing the real
important stuff – the arms deals, the pressure to keep oil prices low and oil priced in dollars, etc. No wonder few people are aware
of these aspects of the Middle East conflict.
The control of the region’s oil supplies and the sale of weapons by western nations to Middle East dictators are not issues because
the mainstream media do not report on these subjects. As the famous Canadian media commentator Marshal McLuhan put it: “The message
is the media.” In the Middle East conflict, the message is whatever the mainstream media decide the public should be told. Clearly,
public perceptions are being manipulated. The conflict is more in our heads than on the ground. If European Jews and Arabs want to
live in peace with each other, they must expunge the mainstream media from their regional conflict instead of trying to convince the
press corps that “we’re right and they’re wrong.”
Message 9
From: ""
Date: Fri May 19, 2006 0:40pm(PDT)
Subject: AT&T tells spying for CIA in Court-NBC BushStepDown,9/11CoverupSuit
AT&T tells spying for CIA in Court-NBC BushStepDown,9/11CoverupSuit+
( But first this Bulletin from me. Jeff Rense and NBC )
NBC Audio: David Gregory Asks Bush If He Should Quit on Network News
Pass it on
AT&T Insider tells of years of spying for the CIA in Court
Secret rooms built into phone company buildings to house the CIA spy
Stumbling Into a CIA Spy Scandal
NBC Network TV News Reporter
Dave Gregory Asks Bush -- On Network News !
��" Do You think it is possible like Nixon and Watergate, That the
American People have rendered a final judgement of disapproval on You
and Your War in Iraq ?? "
(click NBC website below to get audio)
�In other words - Do you think it is time to step Down ? !
Yes !! This is the First Shot Fired By The Network News Media to get the
Bush Crime Family Out of Power ! (;^))
Pass it on !
MSNBC - NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams Front Page
English as National Language
They didn't dare say Official ! I have been in this battle for a long
time, Got the Fla Constitution changed to English as the Official
Language of Florida.
They must be starting to worry about getting voted out - They are
actually doing a couple things people who can vote actually want + It
will take less translators at the CIA to translate the phone calls in
the future this way !
But don't think they will stick with it after the November election and
/ or if five Hispanics or Spanish speaking Mexican Indians proclaiming
to be Hispanic protest in front of the Capital Building with signs that
say racist !
Senate endorses English as national language
Mexicans say nothing will Stop them from Crossing the Border !
(They ain't met Buba and his twelve gauge Yet !)
Woman Sues Newspaper over 9/11 Coverup - News paper covers the story
News Flash!!! Judith Story in the Durango Herald
Dr Jay Reporting
Womans Story is Reported in the Newspaper She is Suing
May 19, 2006
Today's local rag, the Durango Herald, has actually published a news
story about Judith's action to sue them. They really published an almost
true rendition of the actual story. In the Truth warrior business, a
little closer to truth is better then no Truth at all. Thank God we are
getting closer to the real Truth about the 911 cover up.
In the article, the Publisher says he will defend the Paper. She is
looking forward to asking Mr. Richard Ballentine why exactly after being
given all those DVD's, 133 911 related web sites, the Petition, and
supporting documents he still feels that they have no responsibility to
print the Truth about the 911 cover up. The People want to know why he
is still covering up the cover up.
In the beginning of the article they make it sound as if this is
all her very own idea and opinion about this tragic story of the 911
cover up. What they are in remiss of is that this factual knowledge is
known by millions around the world and millions want to know why the
media is complicit in the cover up. Millions of People around the world
already know about this horrible crime of 911.
Why is our local rag involved in covering up the cover up? The
questions should rightly be; PROVE the government story about a 757
hitting the Pentagon is true. PROVE the Government story about planes
and hijackers armed with "box cutters" brought down the trade towers.
PROVE there were no explosions that actually were the cause of these
buildings falling at the same speed as gravity. And most of all, PROVE
that Larry Silverstien had nothing do do with Building Number 7 being
imploded with explosives later in that horrendous day to bring it down
after he blatantly said on National TV he had "made the decision to PULL
the building" which is a demolition industry term for destroying a
building using high explosives.
Also in this article they say they tried to reach Judith for
comment and this is more deceptive media tactic trying to make her look
bad. She gave them her pager number which is all she can afford, and she
also gave them her e-mail address that they could have easily used to
contact her for comment. This writer has also sent her contact info to
them several times. Today, she is going to make sure whoever the mystery
writer is that wrote this story has her number and e-mail to contact her
for comment. She is breathing fire now and is ready for the perpetrators
of mis-information.
May the force of Truth flow through this Nation as the infusion it
desperately needs to save itself. May People CARE enough to support her
actions to try and save our Country.
Dr Jay
Links to the Jack Blood show that Judith Pfeif was on: That's is hour 1 That's hour 2
And Jack Blood's Report:
Message 10
From: "Hal Kenoz"
Date: Fri May 19, 2006 1:11pm(PDT)
Subject: Why Latin Americans are enemies of USA's corporates?
Today the American admin escalated its war against the Latin
Americans as well as Catholics of the world when they legistlated
that ENGLISH only is the offical language of USA.
It took the US admin some 200 years, after killing 100,000,000
native Indiands to shoose ENGLISH. Napelon (the Protestants French
to the English agent) sold one third of USA to the Protestant
English in 1810.
Spanish were only braves against the Mayas and Aztetics, and they
accepted to be governed by a brother of a French Protestant
They also shaemfuly handed over one third of USA to the Protestant
English.. Alaas about those who lost their vision, that they don't
know who are their friends and enemies as well.
Message 11
From: "Edward Pickersgill"
Date: Fri May 19, 2006 3:11pm(PDT)
Subject: [Dalzell] Much Ado about Hillary
AMY DALZELL, Political Permutations for a Post-Modern Planet
Much Ado about Hillary
19 May 2006
Everywhere I go these days people ask me about Hillary and her presidential prospects for 2008. While I supported her husband and have been deeply involved with Democratic grassroots politics since the Howard Dean insurrection, I am not consumed with enthusiasm for her candidacy, and I am troubled by this quick, and apparently unproblematic, association of my political perspective with that of the senator.
I can only assume that, somewhere in the popular imagination, woman + politics = Hillary.
My Homepage:
Message 12
From: "APFN"
Date: Fri May 19, 2006 3:18pm(PDT)
Subject: Woman Sues Newspaper for 9/11 Coverup
Dr Jay Reporting
Woman Sues
Newspaper for 9/11 Coverup -See Newspaper Photo
Fri May 19, 2006 18:17;article=101332;title=APFN
Woman Sues Newspaper for 9/11 Coverup -See Newspaper Photo
News Flash!!! Judith Story in the Durango Herald
From: Dr Jay Lightbearer
Date: Fri, 19 May 2006 09:51:56 -0700 (PDT)
Dr Jay Reporting
Womans Story is Reported in the Newspaper She is Suing
May 19, 2006
Today's local rag, the Durango Herald, has actually
published a news story about Judith's action to sue
them. They really published an almost true rendition
of the actual story. In the Truth warrior business, a
little closer to truth is better then no Truth at all.
Thank God we are getting closer to the real Truth
about the 911 cover up.
In the article, the Publisher says he will defend the
Paper. She is looking forward to asking Mr. Richard
Ballentine why exactly after being given all those
DVD's, 133 911 related web sites, the Petition, and
supporting documents he still feels that they have no
responsibility to print the Truth about the 911 cover
up. The People want to know why he is still covering
up the cover up.
In the beginning of the article they make it sound as
if this is all her very own idea and opinion about
this tragic story of the 911 cover up. What they are
in remiss of is that this factual knowledge is known
by millions around the world and millions want to know
why the media is complicit in the cover up. Millions
of People around the world already know about this
horrible crime of 911.
Why is our local rag involved in covering up the cover
up? The questions should rightly be; PROVE the
government story about a 757 hitting the Pentagon is
true. PROVE the Government story about planes and
hijackers armed with "box cutters" brought down the
trade towers. PROVE there were no explosions that
actually were the cause of these buildings falling at
the same speed as gravity. And most of all, PROVE that
Larry Silverstien had nothing do do with Building
Number 7 being imploded with explosives later in that
horrendous day to bring it down after he blatantly
said on National TV he had "made the decision to PULL
the building" which is a demolition industry term for
destroying a building using high explosives.
Also in this article they say they tried to reach
Judith for comment and this is more deceptive media
tactic trying to make her look bad. She gave them her
pager number which is all she can afford, and she also
gave them her e-mail address that they could have
easily used to contact her for comment. This writer
has also sent her contact info to them several times.
Today, she is going to make sure whoever the mystery
writer is that wrote this story has her number and
e-mail to contact her for comment. She is breathing
fire now and is ready for the perpetrators of
May the force of Truth flow through this Nation as the
infusion it desperately needs to save itself. May
People CARE enough to support her actions to try and
save our Country.
Dr Jay
Links to the Jack Blood show that
Judith Pfeif was on:
Thats is hour 1
Thats hour 2
And Jack Blood's Report:
Fri May 19 03:02
Fri May 19 06:40
Sues Newspaper for 9/11 Coverup -See Newspaper Photo Dr Jay Reporting,
May 19 18:17
G*D It's - FRYDAI Greg Szymanski,
Fri May 19 12:44
Message 13
From: "jlennon427"
Date: Fri May 19, 2006 4:28pm(PDT)
New Presidential Memorandum Permits Intelligence Director To
Authorize Telcos To Lie Without Violating Securities Law
In recent days, AT&T, Bell South and Verizon have all issued
statements denying that they've handed over phone records to the
NSA, as reported by USA today.
Ordinarily, a company that conceals their transactions and
activities from the public would violate securities law.
But an presidential memorandum SIGNED BY THE PRESIDENT ON MAY 5
allows the Director of National Intelligence, John Negroponte, to
authorize a company to CONCEAL ACTIVITIES related to national
security. (See 15 U.S.C. 78m(b)(3)(A))
There is no evidence that this was used by John Negroponte with
respect to the telcos. Of course, if it was used, we wouldn't know
about it.
"Thank you for using ATT, this call may be monitored for purposes of
National Security".
But that would be bad becuase that would be telling the truth!We
live in a post 911 world and we are not to be trusted!
n : the calculated use of violence (or threat of violence) against
civilians in order to attain goals that are political or religious
or ideological in nature; this is done through intimindation or
coercion or instilling fear.
"If I cant see it, It cant hurt me"-Nowenslavedius
"I have nothing to hide from the government so I like domestic
spying; anyway they are just after the _INSERT ANY GENOCIDE HERE_,
and they are the enemy." -Sir Fattenhappy
The truth
Message 14
From: "Bugs"
Date: Fri May 19, 2006 4:45pm(PDT)
Subject: VOTE
Do you believe that English should be the official language of
the United States?
Yes 97% 10181 votes
No 3% 354 votes
Total: 10535 votes
This QuickVote is not scientific and reflects the opinions of only
those Internet users who have chosen to participate. The results cannot be
assumed to represent the opinions of Internet users in general, nor the
public as a whole. The QuickVote sponsor is not responsible for content,
functionality or the opinions expressed therein.
a.. Send your questions and comments to "Lou Dobbs Tonight"
Message 15
From: "APFN"
Date: Fri May 19, 2006 6:09pm(PDT)
Subject: Re: The flight 77 impact video
Fritts, Andrew
The flight 77 impact video
Fri May
19, 2006 21:18;article=101335;title=APFN
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Flight 77 Info
Date: Fri, 19 May 2006 17:00:16 -0500
From: Fritts, Andrew
To: ' '
Good afternoon,
I just wanted to point something out that I
have not seen noted relative to
the flight 77 impact video. I have a degree
in video production and got
interested in using the frames / per second
to estimate speed of the
incoming object. To do this the following
information is needed
Frames per second of security camera/footage
Angle the object hits the pentagon
Distance the camera is away from the impact
and or flight path.
This all came to me based on seeing the
patrol car cruise across the field
of vision. In my best guess of the above
factors, the object was traveling
much much slower than the published numbers?
Probably closer to 225 mph??
Andy Fritts
Office: 714-941-1421
Cell: 949-887-5907
FAX: 714-939-9260
Dr Jay Reporting
Woman Sues Newspaper for 9/11 Coverup -See
Newspaper Photo
Fri May 19, 2006 18:17;article=101332;title=APFN
9/11: Revealing the Truth ...Chicago June 2 -4
Thu May 18, 2006 15:16;article=101278;title=APFN
05/18/06 Lou Dobbs.... Flight 77... report
Les Jamieson
Major News! Pentagon Video Release Disproves
Gov Story
Thu May 18, 2006 23:27;article=101302
# # #
Message 16
From: "Ronald"
Date: Fri May 19, 2006 7:47pm(PDT)
Subject: Times: London bombings: Tape hid from MPs
The Sunday Times May 14, 2006
Spies 'hid' bomber tape from MPs
David Leppard and Richard Woods
Bugging revealed earlier plot
MI5 is being accused of a cover-up for failing to disclose to a parliamentary watchdog that it bugged the leader of the July 7 suicide bombers discussing the building of a bomb months before the London attacks.
MI5 had secret tape recordings of Mohammad Sidique Khan, the gang leader, talking about how to build the device and then leave the country because there would be a lot of police activity.
However, despite the recordings, MI5 allowed him to escape the net. Transcripts of the tapes were never shown to the parliamentary intelligence and security committee (ISC), which investigated the attacks.
The disclosures prompted allegations of a ?whitewash? from politicians and victims of the attacks this weekend.
Last week the committee, whose members are appointed by Tony Blair and report to him, cleared MI5 of blame after it failed to thwart the attacks, which killed 52 innocent people and injured more than 700. It concluded that MI5 had no reason to suspect Khan of plotting attacks in Britain. He was regarded as ?peripheral? to higher priorities.
The new evidence shows MI5 monitored Khan when he met suspects allegedly planning another, separate attack; that he had knowledge of the ?late-stage discussions? of this plot; and that he was recorded having discussions with them about making a bomb and leaving the country. He was also recorded talking about his plans to wage jihad ? holy war ? and go to Al-Qaeda terrorist camps abroad.
Yesterday David Davis, the shadow home secretary, said: ?If this is true, it completely undermines the basis on which the ISC did its report.?
Patrick Mercer, the Tory spokesman on homeland security, said: ?Unless there is a proper independent inquiry, there is a danger of the committee?s report being interpreted as a whitewash.?
A committee member, who asked not to be named, admitted that it had not seen transcripts of MI5?s recordings of Khan. Instead, it had taken evidence from senior security officials and accepted their judgment that there was no reason to regard Khan as a serious threat.
The MP said that if the transcripts showed Khan had been involved in discussions about bomb-making and another possible attack, the committee had been seriously misled. ?If that is the case, it amounts to a scandal,? said the source. ?I would be outraged.?
Rachel North, a survivor of the bomb at King?s Cross, was shocked by the disclosure: ?I am shaking with anger.
In the absence of an independent inquiry answering the public?s questions, I had hoped that those who heard the evidence behind closed doors on our behalf would find out the answers for us.
?They did not find out nor tell us the whole truth, and I feel badly, desperately let down.?
The disclosures will increase pressure for a public inquiry into the atrocity, with greater powers to demand evidence and interrogate witnesses.
The government also failed to address concerns about what MI5 knew when they were raised in unreported exchanges in the Commons last week. Davis referred to the existence of the tape recordings when he addressed John Reid, the home secretary.
?It seems that MI5 taped Mohammad Sidique Khan talking about his wish to fight in the jihad and saying his goodbyes to his family ? a clear indication that he was intending a suicide mission . . . he was known to have attended late-stage discussions on planning another major terror attack. Again, I ask the home secretary whether that is true.?
Reid said the questions were ?legitimate? but failed to answer them.
Message 17
From: "jewish_from_brooklyn"
Date: Fri May 19, 2006 8:02pm(PDT)
Subject: Israeli involvement
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<< "'I can't talk about the Israeli involvement because it would
offend the Jewish families,' Rodriguez said, referring to the relatives
of Jewish victims. Yet, Rodriguez has important information about
the involvement of Israeli intelligence agents in the attacks." >>
Please click on ... ... for the full story.
Message 18
From: "Dick Eastman"
Date: Fri May 19, 2006 9:26pm(PDT)
Subject: HS teacher suspended for sharing opinion that 9-11 was inside-job wi
The incident blew up into a suspension of Mustric's livelihood after his casual comments made to another teacher in a lunchroom were passed on to the administration by the teacher who decided to rat on Mustric, considering his views a threat to the student body.
And Suspended For Saying
911 Was An Inside Job
By Greg Szymanski
The screws are being tightened down hard on free thought, free will and free speech in today's fascist America even substitute high school teachers are being treated like common thought criminals.
It's bad enough teachers are paid slave wages, but now it appears the "slaves" of America's floundering public education system are even being told by their "masters" what to say, do and think.
And Thomas Mustric, a substitute teacher in the Columbus, Ohio, public school system found out the hard way that saying 911 was a government inside job on school grounds is absolutely prohibited in the Bush crime family's version of modern day America.
Mustric was put on administrative leave last week after the 911 comment made in a high school lunch room landed him in hot water with school "Gestapo" authorities.
The incident blew up into a suspension of Mustric's livelihood after his casual comments made to another teacher in a lunchroom were passed on to the administration by the teacher who decided to rat on Mustric, considering his views a threat to the student body.
For rest of story and more informative articles, go to
Message 19
From: "Naveed"
Date: Fri May 19, 2006 10:55pm(PDT)
Subject: Another Front for the information war Yahoo Answers
yahoo has been promoting their yahoo answers feature, i say we take full advantage of it to promote 9/11 truth, like a fellow member asks a question and other fellow members answer the question.
Any thoughts on the idea?
In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot.
- Notebook, 1904
Message 20
From: "Naveed"
Date: Fri May 19, 2006 10:57pm(PDT)
Subject: Re: HS teacher suspended for sharing opinion that 9-11 was inside-jo
SHHHHH, don't tell the kiddies santa claus is not real!
2+2 = 5!!!
In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot.
- Notebook, 1904
----- Original Message ----
From: Dick Eastman <>
Sent: Friday, May 19, 2006 11:22:08 PM
Subject: [911TruthAction] HS teacher suspended for sharing opinion that 9-11 was inside-job with another faculty at lunch
The incident blew up into a suspension of Mustric's livelihood after his casual comments made to another teacher in a lunchroom were passed on to the administration by the teacher who decided to rat on Mustric, considering his views a threat to the student body.
And Suspended For Saying
911 Was An Inside Job
By Greg Szymanski
The screws are being tightened down hard on free thought, free will and free speech in today's fascist America even substitute high school teachers are being treated like common thought criminals.
It's bad enough teachers are paid slave wages, but now it appears the "slaves" of America's floundering public education system are even being told by their "masters" what to say, do and think.
And Thomas Mustric, a substitute teacher in the Columbus, Ohio, public school system found out the hard way that saying 911 was a government inside job on school grounds is absolutely prohibited in the Bush crime family's version of modern day America.
Mustric was put on administrative leave last week after the 911 comment made in a high school lunch room landed him in hot water with school "Gestapo" authorities.
The incident blew up into a suspension of Mustric's livelihood after his casual comments made to another teacher in a lunchroom were passed on to the administration by the teacher who decided to rat on Mustric, considering his views a threat to the student body.
For rest of story and more informative articles, go to
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Message 21
From: "APFN"
Date: Fri May 19, 2006 11:07pm(PDT)
Subject: 9/11 - A Boeing 757 did not fly into the Pentagon
With all the
evidence readily available at the Pentagon crash site,
any unbiased rational investigator could only conclude that a Boeing
757 did not fly into the Pentagon as alleged. Similarly, with all the
evidence available at the Pennsylvania crash site, it was most doubtful
that a passenger airliner caused the obvious hole in the ground and
certainly not the Boeing 757 as alleged.
George Nelson, Colonel, USAF (ret.)
Re: 9/11 -
Cconclusions must be drawn from the known facts
Sat May 20, 2006 02:33;article=101346
the catastrophic incidents of September 11 2001, certain troubling but
irrefutable conclusions
must be drawn from the known facts. I get no
personal pleasure or satisfaction from reporting my own
assessment of
these facts.
Re: 9/11 - Cconclusions must be drawn from the known facts
Impossible to Prove a Falsehood True:
Aircraft Parts as a Clue to their Identity
by George Nelson, Colonel, USAF (ret.)
precautionary principle is based on the fact it is impossible to prove
a false claim. Failure to prove a claim does not automatically make it
false, but caution is called for, especially in the case of a
world-changing event like the alleged terror attacks of September 11,
2001. The Bush administration has provided no public evidence to
support its claim that the terror attacks were the work of Muslim
extremists or even that the aircraft that struck their respective
targets on September 11 were as advertised. As I will show below, it
would be a simple matter to confirm that they were - if they were.
Until such proof is forthcoming, the opposite claim must be kept in
mind as a precaution against rushing to judgment: the 911 hijackings
were part of a black operation carried out with the cooperation of
elements in our government.
In July 1965 I had just been
commissioned as a Second Lieutenant in the U. S. Air Force after taking
a solemn oath that I would protect and defend the Constitution against
all enemies, foreign and domestic, and that I would bear true faith and
allegiance to the same. I took that oath very seriously. It was my
constant companion throughout a thirty-year military career in the
field of aircraft maintenance.
As an additional duty, aircraft
maintenance officers are occasionally tasked as members of aircraft
accident investigation boards and my personal experience was no
exception. In 1989 I graduated from the Aircraft Mishap Investigation
Course at the Institute of Safety and Systems Management at the
University of Southern California. In addition to my direct
participation as an aircraft accident investigator, I reviewed
countless aircraft accident investigation reports for thoroughness and
comprehensive conclusions for the Inspector General, HQ Pacific Air
Forces during the height of the Vietnam conflict.
In all my
years of direct and indirect participation, I never witnessed nor even
heard of an aircraft loss, where the wreckage was accessible, that
prevented investigators from finding enough hard evidence to positively
identify the make, model, and specific registration number of the
aircraft -- and in most cases the precise cause of the accident. This
is because every military and civilian passenger-carrying aircraft have
many parts that are identified for safety of flight. That is, if any of
the parts were to fail at any time during a flight, the failure would
likely result in the catastrophic loss of aircraft and passengers.
Consequently, these parts are individually controlled by a distinctive
serial number and tracked by a records section of the maintenance
operation and by another section called plans and scheduling.
a certain number of flying hours or, in the case of landing gears, a
certain number of takeoff-and-landing cycles, these critical parts are
required to be changed, overhauled or inspected by specialist
mechanics. When these parts are installed, their serial numbers are
married to the aircraft registration numbers in the aircraft records
and the plans and scheduling section will notify maintenance
specialists when the parts must be replaced. If the parts are not
replaced within specified time or cycle limits, the airplane will
normally be grounded until the maintenance action is completed. Most of
these time-change parts, whether hydraulic flight surface actuators ,
pumps, landing gears, engines or engine components, are virtually
indestructible. It would be impossible for an ordinary fire resulting
from an airplane crash to destroy or obliterate all of those critical
time-change parts or their serial numbers. I repeat, impossible.
the catastrophic incidents of September 11 2001, certain troubling but
irrefutable conclusions must be drawn from the known facts. I get no
personal pleasure or satisfaction from reporting my own assessment of
these facts.
United Airlines Flight 93
This flight was
reported by the federal government to be a Boeing 757 aircraft,
registration number N591UA, carrying 45 persons, including four Arab
hijackers who had taken control of the aircraft, crashing the plane in
a Pennsylvania farm field.
Aerial photos of the alleged crash
site were made available to the general public. They show a significant
hole in the ground, but private investigators were not allowed to come
anywhere near the crash site. If an aircraft crash caused the hole in
the ground, there would have literally hundreds of serially-controlled
time-change parts within the hole that would have proved beyond any
shadow of doubt the precise tail-number or identity of the aircraft.
However, the government has not produced any hard evidence that would
prove beyond a doubt that the specifically alleged aircraft crashed at
that site. On the contrary, it has been reported that the aircraft,
registry number N591UA, is still in operation.
American Airlines Flight 11
flight was reported by the government to be a Boeing 767, registration
number N334AA, carrying 92 people, including five Arabs who had
hijacked the plane. This plane was reported to have crashed into the
north tower of the WTC complex of buildings.
Again, the
government would have no trouble proving its case if only a few of the
hundreds of serially controlled parts had been collected to positively
identify the aircraft. A Boeing 767 landing gear or just one engine
would have been easy to find and identify.
United Airlines Flight 175
flight was reported to be a Boeing 767, registration number N612UA,
carrying 65 people, including the crew and five hijackers. It
reportedly flew into the south tower of the WTC.
Once more, the
government has yet to produce one serially controlled part from the
crash site that would have dispelled any questions as to the identity
of the specific airplane.
American Airlines Flight 77 -
was reported to be a Boeing 757, registration number N644AA, carrying
64 people, including the flight crew and five hijackers. This aircraft,
with a 125-foot wingspan, was reported to have crashed into the
Pentagon, leaving an entry hole no more than 65 feet wide.
cool-down of the resulting fire, this crash site would have been very
easy to collect enough time-change equipment within 15 minutes to
positively identify the aircraft registry. There was apparently some
aerospace type of equipment found at the site but no attempt was made
to produce serial numbers or to identify the specific parts found. Some
of the equipment removed from the building was actually hidden from
public view.
The government alleges that four
wide-body airliners crashed on the morning of September 11 2001,
resulting in the deaths of more than 3,000 human beings, yet not one
piece of hard aircraft evidence has been produced in an attempt to
positively identify any of the four aircraft. On the contrary, it seems
only that all potential evidence was deliberately kept hidden from
public view. The hard evidence would have included hundreds of critical
time-change aircraft items, plus security videotapes that were
confiscated by the FBI immediately following each tragic episode.
all the evidence readily available at the Pentagon crash site, any
unbiased rational investigator could only conclude that a Boeing 757
did not fly into the Pentagon as alleged. Similarly, with all the
evidence available at the Pennsylvania crash site, it was most doubtful
that a passenger airliner caused the obvious hole in the ground and
certainly not the Boeing 757 as alleged. Regarding the planes that
allegedly flew into the WTC towers, it is only just possible that heavy
aircraft were involved in each incident, but no evidence has been
produced that would add credence to the government's theoretical
version of what actually caused the total destruction of the buildings,
let alone proving the identity of the aircraft. That is the problem
with the government's 911 story. It is time to apply the precautionary
As painful and heartbreaking as was the loss of
innocent lives and the lingering health problems of thousands more, a
most troublesome and nightmarish probability remains that so many
Americans appear to be involved in the most heinous conspiracy in our
country's history.
Footnote: It will soon be five years since
the tragic events of 9/11/01 unfolded, and still the general public has
seen no physical evidence that should have been collected at each of
the four crash sites, (a routine requirement during mandatory
investigations of each and every major aircraft crash.) The National
Transportation Safety Board has announced on its website that
responsibility for the investigations and reports have been assigned to
the Federal Bureau of Investigation, but there is no indication that
mandatory investigations were ever conducted or that the reports of any
investigations have been written.
S.P.I.N.E. : The Scientific Panel Investigating Nine-Eleven
911 Investigative Sites
The flight 77 impact video Fritts,
Andrew, Fri May 19 21:18
9/11 - Cconclusions must be drawn from the known facts by George Nelson,
Colonel, USAF (ret.), Sat May 20 02:33
The flight 77 impact video brad.team8,
Sat May 20 01:09
Flight 77 Video Clips UNDER
CONSTRUCTION:, Sat May 20 01:26
Show [Tiny] Plane Hitting Pentagon on Sept. 11, Fri
May 19 22:44
here to receive daily updates
# # #
Message 22
From: "APFN"
Date: Sat May 20, 2006 0:48am(PDT)
Subject: 9/11 - Final Rebuttles
Taylor Shenkman
9/11 - Final
Sat May 20, 2006 04:20;article=101349
I think he is talking about APFN WEB PAGES:
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Final Rebuttles
Date: Tue, 16 May 2006 14:30:53 -0400
From: Taylor Shenkman
am sure that with the release of the provocative security cameria
footage of flight 77 hitting the building, all of your conspiricy
theories will be put to rest. I also stumbled across your website and
read your alleged account of what "really" happed on sept. 11. First
off I would like to say that I admire your creativity. Second, you
would be a fool to think that our US govenment would be capable of
pulling off such an elaborate plan like the Sept. 11 attacks.
Also it would behoove you to do more reasearch on which military
systems you choose to reference in this article. First off in the photo
that you have published on the website showing the F-16 "firing an
Air-To-Ground Missile", that is inaccurate. The weapon system the jet
is employing is a GBU-16 Paveway 2. This weapon is a laser guided bomb.
It has not rocket assisted or jet assisted propulsion. It uses gravity
and momentum to fly its way to the target. That was my first gripe
because you adamently spoke of the "smoke plume" exiting the aft of the
weapon. You were wrong.
Secondly, if this weapon was used, it
would have caused much more damage than we see in photographs of the
pentagon post 9-11. I am not some average joe just speaking my opinion
about this, I am a military pilot.
Hope you find closure with the new video.
Scientific Panel Investigating 911 is a large and growing organization
of scientists, engineers, intelligence experts and other professionals
devoted to the task of analysing the hard evidence that has become
available since September 11, 2001
1 - 10 of about 126 for 6-6-06
The flight 77 impact video Fritts,
Andrew, Fri May 19 21:18
9/11 - Cconclusions must be drawn from the known facts by George Nelson,
Colonel, USAF (ret.), Sat May 20 02:33
- Final Rebuttles Taylor Shenkman, Sat May 20 04:20
The flight 77 impact video brad.team8,
Sat May 20 01:09
Flight 77 Video Clips UNDER
CONSTRUCTION:, Sat May 20 01:26
Show [Tiny] Plane Hitting Pentagon on Sept. 11, Fri
May 19 22:44
here to receive daily updates
Message 23
From: "Bugs"
Date: Sat May 20, 2006 6:36am(PDT)
Subject: Stop anti-satellite weapons plans ~send.
From: Jim Harris
Sent: Saturday, May 20, 2006 4:31 AM
Subject: Stop anti-satellite weapons plans ~send.
Progressive Secretary
Dear ,
Here is a new Progressive Secretary Letter.
To Send This Letter click here or reply without changing the subject or text.
For All Other Communication click here
Note: This letter supports a campaign of the Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space and Women's Action for New Directions. It goes to Congress.
This letter will be sent with the subject: Congress stop anti-satellite weapons
To: Senator Lamar Alexander
Senator Bill Frist
Representative Bart Gordon
Dear _________________:
For decades the US, especially Congress, has wisely resisted militarizing space, and national policy has basically accepted the desirability of insuring that space is to be utilized only for peaceful purposes.
But the Bush administration keeps trying to plan and develop space warfare. This is both a tragic waste of funds and an invitation to other nations to enter a military space race.
I urge Congress to block all funding for space weapons testing and deployment.
Message 24
From: "James Patton"
Date: Sat May 20, 2006 7:24am(PDT)
Subject: 9/11 and "the Hand of God"
Surely the "Hand Of Allah"
If one accepts the "Official Version" of the events that occurred on 9/11
or in the days leading up to it, one can only conclude that a series
of Miracles occurred suggesting the hand of higher powers.
I am struck by the similarities between 9/11 and the events of
"The Iliad" wherein a Pantheon of Gods battled one another by proxy
by choosing Champions amongst the Greeks and Trojans and interceding
on their behalf with various "Miracles".
I felt it would be interesting to see which "Gods" manifested themselves
at or around 9/11, the nature of that manifestation and which of
the various "Gods" won each particular battle.
The Miracle
19 Terrorists gain entry into the United States of America. Not only
are none of them turned back at the borders but their entry is made
easier with GW Bush changing the Visa requirements shortly before
for Saudi citizens. Much of the paperwork they fill out is incomplete
and many that gained entry are on intelligence agencies "Terror Lists".
This even after the US Government received a number of warnings
regarding a desire by Al Qaeda to launch attacks within America.
Surely the "Hand Of Allah"
The Miracle
These 19 terrorists are under the surveillance of various agents
of the United States Government. All of these are called off
at the last moment with Agents in Chicago and Miami and Phoenix
all ignored by higher authorities when they raise questions
about the presence of the various terrorists within the United States.
Investigations are actively blocked or impeded.
Surely the "Hand of Allah"
The Miracle
On the day of the Hijackings none of the 19 terrorists are discovered
as they bring "Box Cutters axes and Guns onto the planes" All use fake
names it seems as none appear on any official passenger list. Any one
of these could have been discovered getting onto the planes which might
well have lead to the unraveling of the entire plot.
Surely the "Hand Of Allah"
The Miracle
On the day of the hi-jackings the US Government is running drills
with its Air Force where it is simulating "Multiple Hijackings
of Aircraft" within the United States of America. This drill
causes great confusion amongst Air Traffic Controllers as it
provides "Cover" for the real Hijackings. Without these drills
it is very possible that the Aircraft that were hijacked could
have been intercepted far earlier. Certainly one has to consider
this some sort of "Miracle"
Surely "The hand of Allah"
The Miracle
Months prior to the hijackings the US Government changes the rules
of engagement for hijacked Aircraft. Now in order to send up planes
to intercept, the approval of the Defense Secretary, one Donald Rumsfeld
is required. Unfortunately he goes missing for 30 minutes again
impeding the ability of intercepts to be flown. Not only this but on
the day of those Intercepts US Fighter Aircraft that are scrambled
suddenly have a top speed of only some 200 MPH.
Surely "The Hand Of Allah"
The Miracle
The US President is on a pre-scheduled event in Florida. The Government
has no idea of how many Aircraft have been hijacked or what the targets
of the hijackers are. The President himself might well be a target
yet rather then bring him to safety the Secret Service is certain
the President not at risk. The President insists on finishing his
story about goats. A miracle of faith if nothing else.
Surely "The Hand of God"
The Miracle
5 Israeli Citizens manage to be across the river from the WTC
towers and are in place to film the planes crashing into the towers.
Great is their Joy as they realize that the United States will
certainly discover that Al Qaeda is the Culprit and this will
lead to the destruction of Israel's many enemies. How they came
to be there, certainly a miracle and that it lead to the destruction
of the hated Iraqis even more so.
Surely "the Hand of Yahweh"
The Miracle
No steel framed buildings have ever suffered total structural collapse
due to fires, yet on this single day, within hours of one another
3 buildings indeed collapse after fires burn through them.
This even after Firefighters claim to have had the fires under control.
Surely "the Hand of Allah"
The Miracle
No steel framed buildings have ever suffered total structural collapse
due to fires, yet World Trade Centre 7, a 47 storey steel-framed skyscraper,
is not hit by planes or any significant falling debris, and only has some
relatively small fires, and yet in under seven seconds Building 7
was transformed from a skyscraper to a tidy pile of rubble, looking
very much like a controlled demolition.
Surely “the Hand of Allah”
The Miracle
While the WTC fires raged hot enough to weaken the steel
superstructure and cause the buildings to collapse, and even
the 'black boxes' from the crashes are not found, yet miraculously
a paper passport belonging to a terrorist survives and is found
blocks away.
Surely “the Hand of Jesus”
The Miracle
Shortly before 9/11 the WTC complex of buildings is leased by an
investor who has the foresight to insure them against terrorist
attacks. The buildings were never seen as being profitable yet
to destroy them and rebuild them by conventional means would have
been prohibitively expensive. Surely a Miracle as the Investor
made billions from the Insurance Companies
Surely "The hand of Mammom"
The Miracle
Millions in profits are made off put options shortly before 9/11
wherein investors made millions betting that certain stocks
would fall in value over the next few days. These included
stocks in various Airlines that would suffer most from 9/11.
Mysteriously $2 million dollars in profits have never been claimed.
Surely "The Hand of Mammon"
The Miracle
A pilot, regarded by his instructors as barely competent
to fly a small Cessna aircraft around a local airport,
manages to perform a tight corkscrew manoeuvre under
extreme pressure in a Jumbo Aircraft and to expertly bring
the plane in at tree-top level to hit the Pentagon!
So impressive is this flight turn that experienced
flight controllers comment that they think it must be
a military plane.
Surely “The Hand of Allah”
The Miracle
The terrorist hits the unoccupied West Wing of the Pentagon
which has been heavily fortified and under repair for some
time, and no one of any real significance is injured or killed
in the attack.
Surely “The Hand of God”
The Miracle
A terrorist flying on a suicide mission packs a bag that
includes the names and details of every hijacker, but
the bag never gets onto his flight, thus giving intelligence
agencies an inside scoop.
Surely "the Hand of Yahweh"
The Miracle
Cell phones worked on metal skinned Jumbo Aircraft flying
at high speed and high altitudes, and passengers were able
to make calls to loved ones, although scientific experiments
show the chances of this are virtually zero!
Surely “the Hand of Jesus”
This is only a small sampling of the Miracles of 9/11.
Any that do not believe in that higher powers did not have a hand
in this are surely blinded. The number of coincidences that occurred
in those few days is mind boggling. Persons receiving warnings
out of the ether not to fly on that day. Military brass being
safely away from where the plane struck the Pentagon. Fighter jets
not being scrambled to intercede. The bin Laden family being allowed
to fly out of the States. Many influential figures in and close to
the Bush White House had expressed, just a year before the attacks,
the need for a new Pearl Harbor before their militarist ambitions
could be fulfilled. George Bush had plans to invade Afghanistan
on his desk before 9/11.
The Wrath of Condi
Will Cellphones work on airplanes?
Things that make you go hmmmmm....
World Trade Centre 7
The Coincidence Theorists Guide to 9/11
Surely the Hand of Allah
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