I don't care what sort of "plan" you have to take advantage of the hype
and lies.
Huffschmied, the embarrassingly pointyheaded character you sponsored,
sells watered down tripe and lies about me and my work.
We have known for a year now that we are dealing not with Bluebeam
projections, but with hollywood special effects and bluescreen flight
simulator based animations.
Why in heck you'd want to "reopen 911" so another Big Lie Commission
could spin more excuses for police state is beyond me.
The good things you have in your plan would only work in a society where
people were honest with themselves and each other.
And that doesn't include carrying around the delusion that real planes
hit anything that day.
If supporting every truthling flack with a nipped and tucked story with
planes in it hasn't driven you broke, you ought to try it one more time,
but sponsor our Apolitical Blues tent at Chicago's Bluesfest
one week after the truthling reptiles have their Suburban Hotel Big Lie
Coverup conference.
We want to host videos, presentations and blues jams.
Traditionally blues was a way of dealing with really awful stuff while
keeping a nice cheery beat.
The real truth of 911, the Media "Reality show" they used to trick us
into giving up our freedom and fighting their wars, is not pleasant but
once they can't drive us like chickens and sheep we can be free to reach
the kind of future you are envisioning.
We need to appeal directly to the BluesGodz.
Us is
Rick Siegel of http://911eyewitness
The Loose Change guys http//911loosechange.com
Killtown http://thewebfairy.com/killtown
Gerard Holmgren http://911closeup.com
The Webfairy (that's me) http://thewebfairy.com/911/ http://missilegate.com
Team8plus.org - Nico and Greg Nixon
Bill's Blues http://thewebfairy.com/billsblues
Chicago Blues Fest is our biggest festival on the prettiest week of the year
People CAN handle the truth.
The exotic weaponry they used to turn the towers to dust could just as
well be used in a Walden 3 world with limitless non-polluting energy.
But supporting the liars and their lies instead of LOOKING AT THE
that shows Forensic Quality Crime Scene Video PROOF that the perps were
little drones, with no passenger jet in sight.
Jimmy Walter wrote:
> "People appear to be too lazy to even click links and view evidence, so
> they can maintain their delusion that I am just offering unsupported
> opinion."
> The fact is that the overwhelming majority are too scared and too distracted
> which makes them look like lazy. Look at what they do for a living?
> No one makes anything real - just marketing and hype for products produced
> and delivered by machines with a few supervisory people.
> You should look at my site and read some of the articles like, "The end of
> Work".
> www.walden3.org
> I do have a plan as well as opposition to the puppet masters.
> jimmy
> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: Rosalee Grable [mailto:webfairy@thewebfairy.com]
> Gesendet: Monday, February 13, 2006 7:07 AM
> An: Jimmy Walter
> Cc: 'Nico Haupt'; 'Gerard Holmgren'; 'Jones, Steven'; 'jim fetzer''; 'Morgan
> Reynolds'; babelmagazine@adelphia.net; rmunro@clarku.edu; rmerrill@mica.edu;
> mcginn@ohio.edu; ajohnson@cs.uic.edu; webstertarpley@yahoo.com;
> apfn@apfn.net; wroudy@yahoo.com; chossudovsky@videotron.ca;
> Press@tvnewslies.org; editor@thetruthseeker.co.uk;
> aauaplanes09112001whathappened@yahoo.co.uk; contactus@legitgov.org;
> email@hbuecker.net; contact@rumormillnews.com;
> simon.gray@abovetopsecret.com; Gerhard_Wisnewski_3@compuserve.com;
> skylax@comcast.net; dame.tartine@skynet.be; jiri.kudelka@villusion.cz;
> serendipity@magnet.ch; MPWright9@aol.com; k-robjoe@online.no;
> krsto.herenda@zd.hinet.hr; 'PlaguePuppy'; WDoyle5615@aol.com;
> johnhorneuk@aol.com; bollynkaskel@yahoo.com; editor@americanfreepress.net;
> email@unmask.dk; titus@pacific.net; lynnlandes@earthlink.net;
> mitchelcohen@mindspring.com; Tfaune@aol.com; ADuncan282@aol.com;
> APFN@apfn.org; HQ2600@aol.com; wwwatcher2001@yahoo.com; kenvan@comcast.net
> Betreff: Re: AW: Prof. Jones' new CointelPRO follow-up supportive of
> allowing WW4/5?
> Why, YES!!
> IT is the MEDIA.
> Why all the coverup? Why the pretention that the media told us the truth
> on 911?
> Why are people willing to sacrifice their common sense to pretend that
> cartoons are "real?"
> While Professor Jones is bravely asking the government to investigate
> that maybe gravity still works, NOBODY bothers to look at the second hit
> cartoon animations that were sold to us as "real".
> I used to believe, back when I still believed the myth of "thousands of
> witnesses" that the second hit plane was a BlueBeam projection, since
> real planes do not melt like butter. They explode on contact and flaming
> pieces fall in response to gravity.
> These butterplanes turn out to have Flight Simulator origin.
> http://thewebfairy.com/911/ghostplane/vanishment
> http://thewebfairy.com/911/butterplanes
> It turns out that in Flight Simulator ONLY the World Trade Center and
> the World Financial Towers were set up to "butterplane" -- have the
> plane fly thru the building with no resistance (and emerge intact)
> http://thewebfairy.com/911/marcus/perspective
> People appear to be too lazy to even click links and view evidence, so
> they can maintain their delusion that I am just offering unsupported
> opinion.
> http://thewebfairy.com/911/krash
> This page starts out with an altered cartoon. It is just as much a
> cartoon as the cartoon presented to us as "real."
> I can only suspect that every faction hunkering after world domination
> wants to pretend that real planes hit those buildings even tho we have
> shown they not only do not exist in the crime scene videos, they do not
> exist in the government databases that list existant flights.
> The first hit doesn't even have a plane in it, but nobody cares.
> Pretty darn clearly it shows that the weapon used to attack the building
> were numerous small UAV drones like the CIA brags about having and using
> against cartoon boogiemen in Pakistan.
> their existance is documented:
> http://thewebfairy.com/911/uav
> and pictured:
> http://missilegate.com
> > And we figure that the Scholars job is to think up fresh excuses to keep
> people from catching on to the actual perps not only inside the
> government but inside the defense contractor owned media who put on 911
> like it was a reality show.
> If these scholars REALLY meant to make a difference, they would QUIT
> IGNORING THE VIDEO evidence (which is done at the behest of an NSA/NASA
> planted stooge) and look past the road to hell pre-paved for them.
> The first hit has no plane in it.
> Telling people there was a plane while the drones plant explosives to
> create a plane shape hole works just fine on all the bamboozled
> schnookiedupes and the Truthlings who intend to keep them in the dark.
> http://missilegate.com
> Jimmy Walter wrote:
>> I cannot say for sure if it is ego or sabotage, but the whole
>> "movement" has been self destructive since the start.
>> The problem is that we are an alliance of rebels, infiltrated (unless
>> you think they wouldn't and haven't which would make you extremely naive).
>> But this has just been fun and games for them. We matter not. It is
>> the media!
>> "We are a race of symbol processors. Those that control the symbols
>> control us". Korzybski
>> "/If a psychiatric and scientific enquiry were to be made upon our
>> rulers, mankind would be appalled at the disclosures." Korzybski/
>> //
>> /"Our rulers: politicians, ‘diplomats’, bankers, priests of every
>> description, economists, lawyers, etc. and the majority of teachers …
>> ignorant of modern science, scientific methods, structural linguistic
>> and semantic issues of [today] and … historical and anthropological
>> background, without which a sane orientation is impossible. … as long
>> as such ignorance of our rulers prevails, no solution of our human
>> problems is possible.” Korzybski/
>> //
>> /http://www.general-semantics.org//
>> //
>> /jimmy/
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> *Von:* Nico Haupt [mailto:nicohaupt2@yahoo.com]
>> *Gesendet:* Monday, February 13, 2006 1:16 AM
>> *An:* Nico Haupt; Gerard Holmgren; 'Jones, Steven'; jim fetzer'
>> *Cc:* 'Morgan Reynolds'; ''Rosalee Grable';
>> babelmagazine@adelphia.net; rmunro@clarku.edu; rmerrill@mica.edu;
>> mcginn@ohio.edu; ajohnson@cs.uic.edu; webstertarpley@yahoo.com;
>> apfn@apfn.net; wroudy@yahoo.com; jwalter@reopen911.org;
>> chossudovsky@videotron.ca; Press@tvnewslies.org;
>> editor@thetruthseeker.co.uk;
>> aauaplanes09112001whathappened@yahoo.co.uk; contactus@legitgov.org;
>> email@hbuecker.net; contact@rumormillnews.com;
>> simon.gray@abovetopsecret.com; Gerhard_Wisnewski_3@compuserve.com;
>> skylax@comcast.net; dame.tartine@skynet.be; jiri.kudelka@villusion.cz;
>> serendipity@magnet.ch; MPWright9@aol.com; k-robjoe@online.no;
>> krsto.herenda@zd.hinet.hr; PlaguePuppy; WDoyle5615@aol.com;
>> johnhorneuk@aol.com; bollynkaskel@yahoo.com;
>> editor@americanfreepress.net; email@unmask.dk; titus@pacific.net;
>> lynnlandes@earthlink.net; mitchelcohen@mindspring.com; Tfaune@aol.com;
>> ADuncan282@aol.com; APFN@apfn.org; HQ2600@aol.com;
>> wwwatcher2001@yahoo.com; kenvan@comcast.net
>> *Betreff:* Re: Prof. Jones' new CointelPRO follow-up supportive of
>> allowing WW4/5?
>> (adding more witnesses to observe the biggest opposition scam since
>> 911truth.org and Ruppert-clan)
>> */Nico Haupt <nicohaupt2@yahoo.com>/* wrote:
>> Since the 911Scholars for Truth and WING TV are apparently now the
>> most "popular" spokespersons for 'controlled demolition', we
>> should expect a critical response of WING TV next week.
>> But will they?
>> It's only 10 days away from Greg Nixon's protest tour in NYC and
>> both sf911 and wing tv didn't mention any word so far...
>> What does that mean for all of us?
>> This is the last chance to send a strong message onto the streets,
>> what phoney fake oppositions depends.
>> WING TV claims on their show, that it follows the highest standard
>> of truth,
>> but ignored so far the infiltration of sf911, but also all clear
>> results on bluescreen fakery of the second alleged commercial
>> aircraft hit on sep11th/.
>> Conclusion:
>> Both WING TV and sf911 continue to ignore the biggest
>> reality tv fake on sep11th.
>> Whatever these both entities will think about my letter by now,
>> fact is, so called real 'activism' died a long time ago in this
>> country.
>> Cowardice and Double Standards are worse than Blindness or Sabotage,
>> but end up in the same ignorance family as well.
>> My own group, ny911truth.org (co-founded in late 2003) was
>> infiltrated by Urantia-fellows and cointel-pro assets of
>> 911truth.org, to shut down real activism, and many people realized
>> that by now BUT still there is silence and ignorance on everything
>> else, what i have to say since then.
>> Maybe because it's closer to the truth than ever before.
>> We have a pending world war between US, Russia and China and a
>> possible
>> opener into all this, named Iran. Even without Iran, the big
>> endgame is a done deal by now.
>> But WING TV and sf911 want to convince us, all we have to pray, is
>> "controlled demolition" and somehow sheeple will wake up in time.
>> Means, reality tv will continue, because 9/11 truthlings pray
>> cartoon planes.
>> Nothing disgusted me more in my life than ignorance and pseudo
>> intellectualism.
>> I will continue with my expose on phoneys within sf911 next week.
>> PS:
>> We don't need alleged specialist 'speakers', when veteran 9/11
>> research bloggers like killtown find their own smoking guns every
>> week- still UNHEARD AS WELL!!!
>> http://killtown.blogspot.com/
>> 9/11 Rescuer Saw Explosions Inside WTC 6 Lobby
>> <http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/7508/1605/1600/fdny-emt.jpg>In
>> an exclusive Killtown interview, Ground Zero EMT Patricia Ondrovic
>> talks about her harrowing day at the WTC on 9/11. Within minutes
>> after the South Tower collapses, she witnessed the WTC 5 blowing
>> up, cars exploding, and explosions inside the lobby of the WTC 6,
>> all the while narrowly escaping with her own life.
>> */Nico Haupt <nicohaupt2@yahoo.com>/* wrote:
>> (adding 4, 5 more members of the "911Scholars" into this list...)
>> Steven,
>> since you're not willing to answer, i will add more members of
>> your group,
>> to show them what kind of coward you are, and
>> entertain this CC-list by looking into the background of your PMs.
>> Let's start today with 4 members (PMs), all for various
>> reasons in your group:
>> 1) Dr. Lon Waters
>> the military "insider".
>> A Sandia/DoD -computer engineer for nuclear bomb simulation tests.
>> How nice.
>> Does Waters know, who developed the unconventional explosives
>> for WTC 1, 2?
>> Between Livermore, Sandia and his own team a big chance that
>> he knows him personally :)
>> Is he a member for the final phase?
>> Dr. Lon Waters
>> http://www.sandia.gov/media/cancer.htm
>> June 5, 1996
>> The cooperation of the Department of Defense, the Air Force's
>> Phillips Laboratory, and the University of New Mexico in
>> permitting use of the massively parallel Maui machine was
>> essential, says Valdez: “The efforts of the entire staff at
>> the Maui High Performance Computing Center, especially Dr. Lon
>> Waters, an applied mathematician, were crucial.”
>> Sandia National Laboratories is a multiprogram national
>> laboratory operated by a subsidiary of Lockheed Martin
>> Corporation for the U.S. Department of Energy. With main
>> facilities in Albuquerque, N.M., and Livermore, Calif.
>> Member of Xyce software Team
>> http://www.sandia.gov/LabNews/LN06-13-03/labnews06-13-03.pdf
> 6-13-03/labnews06-
>> 13-03.pdf+Dr.+Lon+Waters+sandia&hl=en&gl=us&ct=clnk&cd=2
>> SANDIA LAB NEWS • June 13, 2003 • Page 4
>> Sandia’s homegrown four-year-old Xyce™
>> software is gaining notice in the world of
>> modeling electrical circuits.
>> Xyce team members:
>> Lon Waters (1734),...
>> ...(Dep.) 1734 began work on Xyce in July 1999...
>> ...Version 1.0 was first released in October 2002.
>> A second version, 1.1, was released last week.
>> Xyce 2.0 will be released in October 2003...
>> ...Xyce provides a modern, in-house simulation tool
>> on which to build future enhancements
>> targeted at the design and analysis needs of
>> Sandia’s electrical design community.
>> Xyce is the main code of a larger project,
>> High Performance Electrical Modeling Simulation
>> (HPEMS), funded primarily by DOE’s ASCI Application program.
>> http://www.sandia.gov/mstc/products/elect-comp/hpems.html
>> High Performance Electrical Modeling
>> and Simulation (HPEMS)
>> With the elimination of underground nuclear testing and
>> declining defense budgets, science-based stockpile stewardship
>> requires increased reliance on high performance modeling and
>> simulation of weapon systems....
>> The XyceTM Parallel Electronic Simulator was developed in
>> support of electrical designers at Sandia National
>> Laboratories and, as such, implemented several novel features
>> that makes their job considerably easier...
>> 2) John McMurtry
>> The leftgatekeeper rebel darling
>> McMurthy was actually once a respected correspondent of mine.
>> I respected him, because he was one of the first, who tried to
>> speak out against
>> the other gatekeepers at ZMAG. But his role in this bogus
>> movement was limited and controlled from the beginning.
>> Maybe McMurty realised that later too.
>> He's silent since late 2004.
>> Before 9/11 he was astrong advocate of monetary reform and
>> vocal in the anti-globalization movement
>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_McMurtry
>> Then after 9/11, becoming an anti-virus in the left-gatekeeper
>> scene against
>> Chomski + Co. with his project "DECODING 9-11" (2002)
>> http://sf.indymedia.org/uploads/decoding911mcmurtry28k.rm
>> However there was already a plant in this movement to oppose
>> them, named
>> Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed. He "defactualised" and discredited
>> McMurty's work and therefore the coup against leftgatekeepers
>> died already late 2002.
>> http://www.zmag.org/content/TerrorWar/mcmurty.cfm
>> Meanwhile McCurty, close to David-Ray Griffin (once working
>> with him in seminars on "Cognitive Life Philosophy of
>> Christianity") is still cornered, deceived and maybe even
>> manipulated, by population controlist front EOLSS, where he is
>> a member from:
>> http://www.eolss.net/eolss_mission.aspx
>> "The Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS)
>> "...We are confronted with several warnings emphasizing the
>> growing fragility of the Earth's life support systems. ..."
>> http://www.eolss.net/worldwarning.aspx
>> "...# 4. We must reduce and eventually eliminate poverty.
>> # 5. We must ensure sexual equality, and guarantee women
>> control over their own reproductive decisions...."
>> 3)
>> Jean-Pierre_Petit
>> The planted "wacko".
>> Maybe Petit is more real than his credibility.
>> However his background is so obviuous "controversial", that
>> Fetzer's choice
>> to pick him for this group, looks like a forthcoming script to
>> discredit the same group, if they're not going into the 'same
>> direction'.
>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jean-Pierre_Petit
>> Petit is a pioneer in magnetohydrodynamics. He started to work
>> on this subject in the 1960s.
>> Petit has lost respect from the scientific community because
>> of the controversial claims he has made on several
>> controversial topics. He claims that aliens from Ummo have
>> sent letters to selected people, including himself.
>> He contends that the US Air Force now has incredibly fast
>> aircraft, Aurora, due to secretly conducted research on
>> magnetohydrodynamics. Aurora would use a conventional turbofan
>> propulsion system, feeded by a MHD controlled hypersonic air
>> inlet.And he claims that the US military has a powerful
>> antimatter bomb that they successfully detonated on planet
>> Jupiter. Because of these views, he has been largely banned
>> from the French scientific community.
>> 4) Dr. Andrew Johnson
>> The "VR controlled spin" specialist?
>> Since the bluescreen research of the 9/11-second hit bogus
>> videos are becoming too popular and wannabee cripples Eric+
>> Brian Salter can't catch up anymore, the 911Scholars have to
>> make sure, they add some members to control the spin of this
>> so called "outraged theory".
>> Johnson is not the only computer engineer in 911Scholars, who
>> are specialized or experienced with GC/Virtual Reality, Greg
>> Lemon (PM) yet another one.
>> I couldn't figure out yet, if the same Greg Lemon is also
>> member of the Nebraska Secretary of State's Office -Sponsored
>> by Election Systems & Software, Inc.. because Greg Lemon 1 is
>> from Virginia (rendered@hotmail.com)
>> Andrew Johnson Associate Professor
>> PhD, Wayne State University, 1994
>> Virtual reality, computer graphics, interactive learning
>> environments, user interfaces
>> ajohnson@cs.uic.edu
>> http://www.evl.uic.edu/aej/
>> Electronic Visualization Laboratory
>> Computer Science Department (M/C 152)
>> University of Illinois at Chicago
>> Wayne State University, 1994
>> Virtual reality, computer graphics, interactive learning
>> environments, user interfaces
>> http://www.evl.uic.edu/aej/527/index.html
>> Computer Animation, 2001
>> http://www.evl.uic.edu/aej/528/index.html
>> Virtual Reality 2005
> http://www1.cs.uic.edu/CSweb/public/faculty.php?audience=public&label=Facult
> y
>> close to Dr. Jason Leigh
>> Electronic Visualization Laboratory,
>> University of Illinois at Chicago,
>> Andy's shortform vita/resume
>> http://www.evl.uic.edu/aej/AndyInfo.html
>> I have more on all other PMs of the 911"scholars", but that
>> should be enough for today.
>> nico aka ewing2001
>> team8plus.org
>> */Nico Haupt <nicohaupt2@yahoo.com>/* wrote:
>> Steven,
>> your non-reaction seems to prove, that your organisation
>> is nothing but a word piece for Ruppert's and Jim
>> Hoffman's disinfo clan and not willing to turn into a real
>> activist group.
>> If you are really concerned "about what's going on in the
>> world", then why don't you endorse Greg Nixon's
>> forthcoming protest?
>> Prove, that you want to oppose fake opposition groups,
>> otherwise you are just one of the fake oppositionalists as
>> well.
>> There is enough evidence by now, that US, Russia and China
>> are planning a world war against wach other, also under
>> pressure on new economic enemies by BRICs (Brazil, Russia,
>> India, China), a competitor with G8.
>> They have pending members like Venezuela and allegedly
>> germany and South Africa.
>> Your so called new evidence of "controlled demolition" is
>> nothing worth,
>> if it's not taken into real action.
>> A pending disinfo spin CD and further ignorance on the
>> Reality TV fake footage from sep11th, allows the global
>> masters to continue their lies on Cartoon TV.
>> Your resistance to answer here, is another low in the
>> history of fake-groups in this movement. You should be
>> ashamed.
>> If WING TV has the guts to expose that, they should report
>> on the behavior of this group in their shows.
>> But they also should finally contribute a show on
>> bluescreen fakery from sep11th and not allowing to
>> continue of getting it confused with 'holography'.
>> If the controlled demolition evidence goes under with a
>> new controlled safety spin, then we know, who to thank.
>> We don't need any farkin false-hope campaigners,
>> ignorants, double standards and saboteurs any more.
>> Stop with this pseudo competitive BS and sensationalism to
>> distract from pragmatic facts.
>> The whole truth has to come out, not just about controlled
>> demolition.
>> I furthermore expect your response on a pending false flag
>> on weaponized bird flu :
>> *Taiwan* *victim* of *setup* for "*WW4*" ?
>> http://www.twimc.org/newswire/display/608/index.php
>> http://team8plus.org/forum_viewtopic.php?17.1515
>> Please also check our daily updates from
>> *2006 Terror Drill + War Games Watch
>> <http://team8plus.org/forum_viewtopic.php?6.2133>*
>> http://team8plus.org/forum_viewtopic.php?6.2133.30
>> http://team8plus.org/forum_viewtopic.php?6.2133.0
>> nico aka ewing2001
>> team8plus.org
>> */Nico Haupt <nicohaupt2@yahoo.com>/* wrote:
>> ....adding WING TV, who still decided not to speak out
>> on TV bluescreen technology either and willing to
>> believe, that mainstream media will push an
>> uncontrolled message of the "controlled demolition"...
>> */Nico Haupt <nicohaupt2@yahoo.com>/* wrote:
>> Dear Prof.Jones,
>> time passed by, and you still seem to be very busy
>> with your family.
>> But which "family" is it now?
>> Since this was also a very interesting weekend on
>> other "disinfo" developments,
>> (GCN fired Daryl Bradford Smith, who is basically
>> ghostwritten by Eric Hufschmid, Smith responded in
>> an open letter to WING TV by accusing GCN as a
>> complete spooker front), i'm now also curious
>> about your own stand, how your own members seem to
>> corner you already.
>> Does that surprise you? Maybe even not...
>> 1)
>> Following this weekend's rolling heads of puppet
>> DBS at GCN, yet another PR stunt by FreeMarket
>> News, to replace the former popularity of
>> cointelpro asset 911truth.org with mainstream
>> media's new darling "911Scholars".
>> FMN, pushing "9/11 truthling cartoon news" since
>> their launch last year, has former links to CNN,
>> NBC News, CBS News, ABC News, and Fox (Eric
>> Gertler) News,
>> http://www.freemarketnews.com/WorldNews.asp?nid=7171
> <http://www092.gmx.net/de/cgi/derefer?TYPE=1&DEST=http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Efreemar
> ketnews%2Ecom%2FWorldNews%2Easp%3Fnid%3D7171>
>> They already seemed to ignore you, Steven, instead
>> pushing the complete Ruppert Crew first:
>> James H. Fetzer, Wayne Madsen, plus 911truth.org
>> buddy Robert M. Bowman.
>> 2)
>> Also within the same time period, your own member
>> Jim Hoffman allows Michael B. Green, Ph.D. to
>> backstab your group, including yourself and Morgan
>> Reynolds:
>> http://911research.wtc7.net/essays/green/company.html
>> "... ...Jones’ strength as a pure scientist,
>> however, is also a weakness. However much one
>> would like to think that forensic questions can be
>> considered in isolation from politics,
>> geopolitics, USG domestic covert operations, and
>> media complicity in such, it is impossible to do
>> so...."
>> 3)
>> Possibly 1) was already a response on Gerards
>> announcement to repromote you as a plagiarist, if
>> you didn't correct your PR.
>> It is already time to pull you out of radar again,
>> after you played your revival "stunt"?
>> Holmgren, though not fast enough, released his
>> article on the same day, when FreeMarketNews
>> started to ignore Jones already:
>> http://members.iinet.net.au/~holmgren/scholars.html
> <http://www092.gmx.net/de/cgi/derefer?TYPE=1&DEST=http%3A%2F%2Fmembers%2Eiin
> et%2Enet%2Eau%2F%7Eholmgren%2Fscholars%2Ehtml>
>> Props from me for this article.
>> Are you a coward, Steven?
>> Or a willing tool in this new cointelpro show?
>> Are you now at least not coward enough to answer
>> my questions, or will your new boss, Jim "peak oil
>> puppet" Fetzer try to speak out for you again?
>> Are you guys working also on a controlled spin on
>> the controlled demolition?
>> Is it
>> a) US Government prewired the towers (between 1993
>> and 2001), being aware of an attack, to save
>> people's life and "someone", unfortunately also
>> killed in the rubble, pushed too early on the
>> survival demolition button?
>> Problem: What did the 14 US Helicopters do in the
>> air at the very same time of the collapses? Why
>> was everything pulverized which points on
>> additional unconventional weaponry? How will NIST
>> get away with all this (maybe they will, coz they
>> just looked into how to prevent yet another "collapse"
>> or
>> b) Al-Quaeda pre-wired the Towers with help of
>> Al-Shehhi?
>> ...is this, why the perps send an actor into the
>> Towers, then observed by former
>> janitor Rodriguez and then not allowed to testify
>> on that?
>> Another backup spin?
>> ...maybe the 911scholars, with help of NSA/NASA
>> associate Jim Hofman will tell us, that a bad
>> insider within the Silverstein crew had prior
>> knowledge on pending terror attacks and prewired
>> wtc 1, 2, 7? "...Unfortunately also that bad
>> insider killed by the rubble..." and Larry had
>> nothing to do with it?
>> Or what other damn spin you guys are working right
>> now?
>> Was it Iran, Russia or China instead, who did 9/11?
>> Meanwhile, why not just for fun please answer my
>> questions?
>> eagerly waiting here...
>> nico aka ewing2001
>> team8plus.org
>> */
>> Nico Haupt <nicohaupt2@yahoo.com>/* wrote:
>> Steven,
>> okay it's monday and i hope you had some great
>> time with your family.
>> So maybe you will now properly respond to
>> Gerard and then please answer my questions.
>> If Jim has some minutes, he can answer some of
>> these questions as well.
>> regards,
>> nico aka ewing2001
>> 1) Why is it that after 4 years of easy to
>> obtain scientific research on 9/11,
>> you decided to come forward?
>> 2) Why then did you decide after your MSM
>> appearance on MSNBC, to withdraw yourself from
>> the 9/11 'activism' scene, without even taking
>> the opportunity to also send a political
>> message in public?
>> 3) Why did you cancel the WING TV interview
>> and the public appearance at Jimmy Walter's
>> 9/11 conference?
>> 4) Did someone threaten you to continue in
>> public or did you even let it appear on
>> purpose, that someone threatened you, to
>> obtain a 'hero' status?
>> 5) Why did you not credit in any of your
>> public appearances or papers the
>> groundbreaking work of the "9/11 science and
>> justice alliance", which existed from 2002 to
>> early 2006 and included such smart researchers
>> like
>> Jeff "Plaguepuppy" King, Rosalee Grable,
>> Gerard Holmgren, Eric Hufschmid, Jeff Strahl
>> and many others?
>> 6) Why did you reverse your stand again and
>> hooked up with Scholars for 9/11 Truth?
>> 7) Are you aware, that Sfor9/11 includes some
>> critical AM's like Victoria Ashley and Jim
>> Hoffman, who backstabbed controlled demolition
>> researchers in the past?
>> Hoffman is formerly associated with an NSA
>> sponsored institute and via his uncle Jack
>> Hoffman to yet another NASA- and NSA
>> contractor Veridian:
>> Noone else than Neil Armstrong (his sister is
>> married to Jack), himself tied to "Project
>> Trailblazer".
>> Trailblazer was contracted via NRO and NSA
>> since 1998 and was partly developed by BTG
>> Inc. and BoozAllen Hamilton in the very same
>> pentagon wedge, which was officially attacked
>> on sep11th.
>> Trailblazer was recently also exposed in
>> mainstream media = MSM, however without
>> reference to pre-9/11 contracts.
>> Furthermore, why are some leftgatekeepers like
>> Fred Burks involved, former translator of
>> Pres. Bush, who's not clearly speaking out,
>> that 9/11 was an Inside Job?
>> I'm also confused about Kenyon Gibson (AM),
>> Former US Naval Intelligence and Wayne Madsen
>> (same) and some others, who both NEVER clearly
>> spoke out, that 9/11 was an Inside Job and in
>> the latter case obviously sabotaged
>> Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney on her attempt
>> to get the truth out.
>> 8)
>> In case you decided to add a political
>> message, which i generally appreciate, can you
>> also support an endorsement of the following
>> protest, if possible BEFORE 02/20, and if so,
>> please explain, why you would like to support
>> this protest or if not, why?:
> http://www.bellaciao.org/en/article.php3?id_article=10064
>> *9/11 March For Truth NYC ’06*
>> 9)
>> Since Greg Lemon (AM) Animation, Simulation,
>> Special Effects,
>> is another member, why does Sfor9/11 not speak
>> out about a clear evidence on TV footage
>> manipulation of Sep11th, which clearly points
>> on BLUESCREEN TECHNOLOGY of the second hit?
>> The clips include rendered and imported
>> aircrafts, as also seen in Scott Myers'
>> alleged camera close-up, himself a VR
>> specialist since the 90's and associated with
>> NIST.
>> PS: 20:30 in "I missed flight 93" (A+E)
>> Reporter:
>> "i didn't see a plane going in. That just
>> exploded..."
>> 10)
>> Why did you also now decide to add political
>> messages today in the Daily Herald Extra ?
>> http://www.heraldextra.com/content/view/163875/3/
>> "... He also was troubled by the U.S. torture
>> policy and widening executive powers, and set
>> his sites on the dangers of pre-emptive wars...."
>> Why not about a pending world war between US,
>> China and Russia?
>> Are you really concerned about a war against
>> Iran only?
>> Also, why distract with the NSA wiretapping issue?
>> Are you not aware, that civil right groups are
>> not speaking out about the truth on 9/11? Do
>> you think, they would support you now??
>> I have some follow-up questions, but i am
>> curious about your first response.
>> nico haupt aka ewing2001
>> co-founder "9/11 science and justice alliance"
>> co-founder team8plus.org
>> PS: Addendum Notes about Scott Myers:
>> SCOTT MYERS, alleged "VIDEO-cameraman" from
>> sep11th, '2nd hit':
>> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>> Follow the aristeia.com ties carefully and
>> it's becoming clearer!!
>> Here again a resume/collection on Scott M(e)yers:
>> I know, that there are some parts which seem
>> not to end up and some
>> bizarre contradictions, but at the end it must
>> be one and the same NIST-Meyers.
>> More important however, Scott Myers' (1)
>> background at Desktop Laboratories and their
>> other close association with NIST and US Navy.
>> 1)
>> Scott Myers "video" from Sep11th
>> http://home.comcast.net/~catqueen/new_pa1.jpg
>> <http://home.comcast.net/%7Ecatqueen/new_pa1.jpg>
>> 2)
>> His spelling changed, but it's the same
>> "photographer":
>> Towers' Strength Not Tested for a Fire,
>> Inquiry Suggests
>> May 8, 2003 NY TIMES
>> http://www.mishalov.com/wtc_firetest.html
>> "...In a vivid illustration of how images of
>> 9/11 have advanced the work, he showed how a
>> sophisticated electronic analysis of videos
>> that were shot by a photographer, Scott
>> Meyers, revealed the structural convulsions of
>> the south tower just after it was hit..."
>> 3)
>> Here is his indirect NIST link, also
>> mentioning his video footage of Sep11th:
>> http://tinyurl.com/awdw4
> http://forums.ni.com/attachments/ni/JobSearch/150/3/20051019%20Scott%20Myers
> %20Technical%20Resume.pdf
>> "...National Institutes of Standards and
>> Technology: Desktop Laboratories office and
>> residential
>> loft were near the World Trade Centers; A
>> tripod mounted video beginning shortly after
>> the first
>> impact was provided at no charge to the
>> National Institutes of Safety and Technology
>> (�NIST�) at
>> no charge. The video record was used for
>> analysis of building�s structural failure.
> http://nist.gov/public_affairs/releases/wtc_briefing_june2305.htm
>> 4)
>> His old website, which links him as owner of
>> DeskTop Laboratories
> http://web.archive.org/web/20020722063620/http://desktoplabs.com/
>> Scott Myers DeskTop Laboratories 12 John
>> Street DP12
>> is also relocated to
> http://homepage.mac.com/scottmyers/desktoplabs/index.html
>> 5)
>> His clients
> http://homepage.mac.com/scottmyers/desktoplabs/TVS%20aboutus.html
>> US Navy, AeroNav Labs
>> 6)
>> More on Desktop Laboratories
> http://forums.ni.com/attachments/ni/JobSearch/150/3/20051019%20Scott%20Myers
> %20Technical%20Resume.pdf
>> Desktop Laboratories, New York
>> US Navy: 3D position and metal detection
>> software and hardware for use by the Navy in
>> landmine location and surface integrity
>> studies of ship hulls. The hardware and
>> software for this
>> project made sure a technician scanned a
>> complete area of interest, no missing grid
>> portions, and
>> took measurements of events in each grid to
>> detect for landmines or surface changes. Client:
>> Naval Surface Warfare Center, Bethesda, MD...
>> 7)
>> He also worked also with/at
>> Port Authority of NY & NJ
>> (same link above)
>> 8)
>> Suddenly he's also a "consultant" at NIST or
>> someone with the same name
> http://zing.ncsl.nist.gov/hfweb/proceedings/meyers-jones/
>> Software Development Consultant at NIST
>> Document Design for Effective Electronic
>> Publication1
>> Scott Meyers, Ph. D.
>> smeyers@aristeia.com
> <http://mail.yahoo.com/config/login?/Compose?To=smeyers@aristeia.com>
>> Please remember this aristeia-link, while
>> continuing reading!!!
>> June 1999
>> His photo
>> http://www.aristeia.com/
>> http://www.aristeia.com/images/sdm-big.jpg
>> [9)
>> Another 'Scott Myers' seems not to be him:
> http://www.ce.unipr.it/iv2000/abs/IV2000abs1002.html
>> Scott Myers, President, General Dynamics
>> Robotic Systems (USA)
>> scott@rst.com
> <http://mail.yahoo.com/config/login?/ym/Compose?To=scott@rst.com>
>> Oddly there are NIST- GD Robotic links too,
>> though...]
>> 10)
>> Back to his function as Sep11th "camera man",
>> Scott Myers (desktoplab) is working on "3D
>> motion capture, graphing and trial management"
>> since 1996
> http://homepage.mac.com/scottmyers/desktoplabs/3d/index3dPro.html
>> His pre-9/11 tower-"hit":
>> *http://tinyurl.com/8zscp*
> http://homepage.mac.com/scottmyers/desktoplabs/images/3D-Grapher-screenshot.
> jpg
>> 11)
>> same myers:
>> Scott Myers, NIF senior mechanical engineer
>> for Systems Integration on VR
> http://www.deskeng.com/Articles/Cover-Story/See-It,-Feel-It,-Hear-It-2005020
> 1298.html
>> February 2005
>> 12)
>> older reference
>> Thu, 26 Jan 1995 10:39:23 -0500
>> Reply-To: Scott Myers <sm205@COLUMBIA.EDU
> <http://mail.yahoo.com/config/login?/ym/Compose?To=sm205@COLUMBIA.EDU>
> http://isb.ri.ccf.org/biomch-l/archives/biomch-l-1995-01/00115.html
>> Scott Myers
>> DeskTop Laboratories
>> 12 John Street DP12
>> New York, NY
>> WIKIPEDIA reference:
>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scott_Meyers
>> Scott Meyers, Ph. D.
>> Scott Meyers is the author of several books on
>> object oriented programming and especially the
>> C++ computer programming language. He holds a
>> Ph.D. in Computer Science from Brown University...
>> they give "his website" as
>> http://www.aristeia.com/
>> Same or not same? Once again, a reference to
>> Brown University:
>> http://www.nwcpp.org/Meetings/2005/09.html
>> "...Scott Meyers is one of the world's
>> foremost experts on C++ software development.
>> A programmer since 1972, he holds an M.S. in
>> Computer Science from Stanford University and
>> a Ph.D. from Brown University...."
>> But go back again to
> http://zing.ncsl.nist.gov/hfweb/proceedings/meyers-jones/index.html
>> and the same email:
>> Scott Meyers, Ph. D.
>> Software Development Consultant
>> smeyers@aristeia.com
> <http://mail.yahoo.com/config/login?/ym/Compose?To=smeyers@aristeia.com>
>> */Nico Haupt <nicohaupt2@yahoo.com>/* wrote:
>> Steven,
>> i hope you will also read this email,
>> before you have time to respond again.
>> I would like to express, that Gerard's
>> request has nothing to do with so called
>> ego issues, as often falsely labelled to
>> silence the debate on correct sourcing.
>> A so called 'truth movement' has to show
>> that it proves consistency in their
>> sources, which also increases the
>> political credibility of this 'move'ment.
>> Since Day 1 on sep11th i archived
>> everyone's input into this movement, once
>> it reached a known or even less known
>> level of existance.
>> I'm therefore able to testify who sourced
>> first and support Gerard's letter.
>> There had been many attempts in the past
>> to discredit, belittle or plagiarize and
>> re-spin particular 9/11 research on any
>> matter, including also investigative 9/11
>> research.
>> We have to show to the public, that there
>> was a strong and consistent awareness of
>> 9/11-'truthseeking' and evidence
>> documentation since Day 1!
>> By deceiving the mainstream public, that
>> this awareness was created only in the
>> last few weeks or months, this research
>> can be abused and instrumentalized as a
>> wrong political message, means, we look
>> like 'Bush Haters' or 'anti-war crowd'.
>> But this isn't a fact, 9/11 research has
>> to be non-biased and IF politically used,
>> also to be addressed AGAINST the
>> democratic party and other party
>> cover-ups, i.e.Green party, who did not
>> follow up on our evidence, which was
>> forwarded to David Cobb and others.
>> I can list many other so called
>> "oppositionalists", who ignored 9/11
>> research, including physical evidence. The
>> list is endless. Most of them received the
>> well sourced documents IN PERSON!
>> They include Martin Luther King Jr., Cindy
>> Sheehan, Ralph Nader, Amy Goodman, Noam
>> Chomsky and many many others....
>> Since everyone of them did not speak out
>> on the truth about 9/11 or dismissed it as
>> a "conspiracy theory", they can't be our
>> supporters.
>> I call this also criminal, if not
>> supportive of war crimes.
>> Are you really supporting us?
>> This is a historical approach to express a
>> clear resistance against militarized
>> mainstream media and a oligarchic-semi
>> fascist situation in this country, if not
>> worldwide.
>> At Team8plus.org we're monitoring
>> worldwide wargames and terror drills and
>> we can show, that Russia and China are
>> planning a war against the US, as also
>> vice versa.
>> Another gatekeeping attitude or
>> distraction from this threat is counter
>> productive, at this point.That also
>> includes political abuse to run with '9/11
>> reseach' for any kind of election,
>> especially since all e-voting machines are
>> rigged.
>> If 911Scholars are legit, they have to
>> become much more political, non-biased and
>> support and endorse ANY kind of action to
>> express this, including the symbolical
>> attempt of Greg Nixon, who has been
>> sabotaged by another alleged 'activist
>> group', so called 911truth.org, itself
>> clearly a cointel-pro asset!.
>> To clear any doubts on your person and
>> your group, you should therefore come
>> forward and clearly remove these doubts.
>> That also includes to remove particular
>> persons in your group or label them as
>> strictly non-associated, neutral
>> endorsers, but not as associated members
>> (AMs).
>> Please also note, that i respect many
>> 'associates' of your group, which HAD BEEN
>> also former members of "9/11 science and
>> justice alliance":
>> That is i..e Alex Floum and Brad M. (also
>> member of team8plus).
>> I hope for them, that their name,
>> reputation and credibility does not get
>> abused for a possible sabotage attempt of
>> other, not credible members in your group,
>> many of them not even active as 9/11
>> researchers or - activists.
>> That furthermore would also include, that
>> you and your group, also has an open mind
>> on scientific analysis on the sep11th
>> video footage of the second hit on the
>> Twin Towers.
>> This is yet another important 9/11
>> research genre, which has been heavily
>> sabotaged in the past and was falsely
>> associated with so called holography
>> theory, instead we're talking here about
>> simple GC, bluescreen technology on TV!
>> I hope, you will answer my 10 questions
>> within the next 3 days, otherwise i have
>> to come to the conclusion, that you're not
>> credible as well and might be associated
>> with saboteurs or government related
>> cointel-pro assets as well.
>> If you're honest and really concerned
>> about what happens worldwide, i expect
>> your personal endorsement of Greg Nixon's
>> protest, a removal of these AMs and an
>> appropriate response on Gerard's letter
>> first, immediately followed with answers
>> on my 10 questions.
>> regards,
>> nico haupt aka ewing2001
>> bio:
> http://www.team8plus.org/comment.php?comment.news.4
>> PS:
>> My respect goes to Morgan Reynolds, who i
>> consider to be the most credible member of
>> your group. If i hear of any attempt to
>> sabotage his input, i will support a
>> worldwide expose on this attitude.
>> */Gerard Holmgren
>> <holmgren@iinet.net.au>/* wrote:
>> If he doesn’t answer, then that will
>> of course be noted in the reposting
>> and continuation of the “darkside “
>> series, should that become necessary.
>> The ball is in your court, Steve.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> *From:* Nico Haupt
>> [mailto:nicohaupt2@yahoo.com]
>> *Sent:* Friday, 3 February 2006 10:57 AM
>> *To:* Jones, Steven; Gerard Holmgren
>> *Cc:* Morgan Reynolds; jim fetzer;
>> Nico Haupt; Rosalee Grable
>> *Subject:* RE: Plagiarism warning
>> Steven,
>> not that i doubt that you have some
>> personal appointments,
>> but you know often did i get this kind
>> of answer and then we never heard from
>> this person again?
>> I think, this "i have some family
>> issues" started back in 2001 with
>> spook Mike Ruppert, who claimed, he's
>> too busy to respond.
>> Please forgive my rudeness, but i
>> insist on an answer.
>> We all have family or private
>> appointments and deserve the same
>> respect of appropriate responses.
>> You had been not busy enough to
>> respond to Gerard, therefore i hope, you
>> will have time enough to find a way to
>> respond back to the group.
>> And we will be all back after the
>> weekend to remind you, especially on
>> this correspondence of you, as seen on
>> a slideshow in Utah:
>> *http://tinyurl.com/cvaku
>> *"...I'm sorry, i didn't contact you.
>> I was afraid of what might happen with
>> my career (YELLOW HIGHLIGHTED!!)
>> Now I'm more afraid of what is
>> happening in the world than with my
>> career ... " (YELLOW HIGHLIGHTED again!!)
>> regards,
>> nico aka ewing2001
>> team8plus.org
>> */"Jones, Steven"
>> <steven_jones@byu.edu>/* wrote:
>> Note that I will be out of town now
>> for a few days – something I promised
>> my wife due to working late and long
>> hours lately.
>> And I’m late in our get-away now
>> actually. (She’s most important to me,
>> and our relationship.) Will respond
>> Saturday at the earliest -- hopefully
>> I’ll have computer contact on Saturday
>> next.
>> Steve
>> -----Original Message-----
>> *From:* Gerard Holmgren
>> [mailto:holmgren@iinet.net.au]
>> *Sent:* Thursday, February 02, 2006
>> 4:13 PM
>> *To:* Jones, Steven
>> *Cc:* 'Morgan Reynolds'; 'jim fetzer';
>> 'Nico Haupt'; 'Rosalee Grable'
>> *Subject:* RE: Plagiarism warning
>> Firstly, lets keep this on the list I
>> sent it to, shall we Steve? I noticed
>> that you replied only to me.
>> [[I really must ask you to be
>> specific. You write: Everything which
>> I have seen *from you* in the media
>> appears calculated…
>> What, specifically, have I (me, that
>> is, not someone else) written that
>> shows plagiarism? Your charges at this
>> time lack specifics for me to respond
>> to, and that is unfair.]]
>> There are two aspects. Your paper and
>> your media appearances. In the media
>> appearances I use the word “you”
>> somewhat generically, as I’m not privy
>> to knowing exactly who works out the
>> wording for the press releases, but
>> collectively, the comments I’ve seen
>> are attributed to Jones and Fetzer, so
>> that’s where the accountability lies
>> at this stage.
>> Firstly to the paper.
>> As I pointed out before, your paper
>> contains no original work of any
>> significance. It’s simply a
>> regurgitation of things which many
>> people worked out long before you.
>> Absolutely no effort was made to
>> credit the original research which you
>> are regurgitating. Unless there’s an
>> update of which I am not aware, then
>> the only person credited is Hoffman.
>> And since he – like you, did
>> absolutely nothing original of any
>> significance, but plagiarized it from
>> the same people he’s been so busy
>> attacking ever since - then this is no
>> accreditation at all.
>> I can come back to the specific
>> accreditation (or lack of it) in the
>> paper in more detail, but I shouldn’t
>> have to. You know very well everything
>> you are saying was in the public
>> domain long before anyone had even
>> heard of Hoffman, let alone you.You
>> are treading on thin ice by pretending
>> to be so stupid that I have to spell
>> out the history of the demolition
>> research in exact detail.
>> In fact most of it is already archived
>> on my site. So stop pretending that
>> you don’t know what I’m talking about
>> in relation to your paper.
>> In relation to media appearances.
> http://www.heraldextra.com/content/view/163875/3/
>> Now you tell me, where in this
>> article, you give even the slightest
>> hint that **all** of this information
>> has been in the public domain, well
>> researched and documented, for
>> approximately 4 years, and that you
>> did none of it, and that no-one had
>> heard of you until a few months ago.
>> You tell me where a person new to this
>> issue would have any idea that you are
>> not a Johnny-come-lately regurgitator..
>> In addition, you spout the ridiculous
>> disinfo that 3 of the four black boxes
>> were found. So you hop on the tail of
>> other people’s work to spout second
>> level cover up disinfo.
>> Furthermore.
>> “After a standing ovation, Jones took
>> questions from the audience. Jerry
>> Owens of Midway, who heads a group
>> called 9/11 Truth Seekers, called
>> Jones a true American hero.
>> "He's putting his life on the line,"
>> Owens said. "It's time for all of us
>> to be patriots. We have to put our
>> lives on the line, and now is the time."
>> The group is circulating a petition
>> for a 9/11 investigation headed by a
>> citizens committee, Owens said. "This
>> is the smoking gun where we can prove
>> what our government's doing."
>> Putting your life on the line ? What a
>> load of self aggrandizing crap. Jared
>> Israel and Illarion Bykov put their
>> lives on the line ,because at the
>> time, no one could predict how the
>> govt might react. Ditto J McMichael
>> and Rosalee Grable and possibly Jeff
>> King – all of whom you plagiarize.
>> None of them ever boasted about it.
>> Other people’s research is not a
>> plaything for you to create a personal
>> hero cult psychodrama/.soap operas out
>> of, after finally crawling out from
>> whatever rock you’ve been hiding under
>> for the last four years.
>> Who do you think you are ?
>> And as for this insult…
>> [[The group is circulating a petition
>> for a 9/11 investigation headed by a
>> citizens committee, Owens said. "This
>> is the smoking gun where we can prove
>> what our government's doing."]]
>> What do you think we’ve been doing for
>> the last 4 years ?
>> What do you call the compilation at
> http://members.iinet.net.au/~holmgren/truth.html
> <http://members.iinet.net.au/%7Eholmgren/truth.html>
>> ?
>> But it gets worse.
> http://deseretnews.com/dn/print/1,1442,635179751,00.html
>> “"Did the Bush administration know in
>> advance about the impending attacks
>> that occurred on 9/11, and allow these
>> to happen, to provoke pre-planned wars
>> against Afghanistan and Iraq? These
>> questions demand immediate answers,"
>> charges a paper written collectively
>> by Scholars for 9/11 Truth. The group
>> plans to write more papers, and
>> present lectures and conferences.”
>> LIHOP ? You want us to take LIHOP
>> seriously ? And not even certain LIHOP
>> but possible LIHOP ?
>> Even Hoffman manages to go further
>> than that.
>> ” In his original message to potential
>> members last month, Fetzer warned that
>> joining the group might make them the
>> subject of government surveillance and
>> might get them on various lists of
>> "potential terrorists."
>> Once again, the attempt to play hero –
>> when your entire group is four years
>> late to the party. One way to pick a
>> crap researcher is by the how hard
>> they play the hero card.
>> “The group's charges include:
>> • Members of the Bush administration
>> knew in advance that the 9/11 attacks
>> would happen but did nothing to stop
>> them.
>> • No Air Force or Air National Guard
>> jets were sent to "scramble" the
>> hijacked planes, which were clearly
>> deviating from their flight plans,
>> although jet fighters had been
>> deployed for scramblings 67 times in
>> the year prior to 9/11. The procedure
>> for issuing orders for scrambling was
>> changed in June 2001, requiring that
>> approval could only come from the
>> Secretary of Defense, but Donald
>> Rumsfeld was not alerted soon enough
>> on 9/11, according to Scholars group.
>> • The video of Osama bin Laden found
>> by American troops in Afghanistan in
>> December 2001, in which bin Laden says
>> he orchestrated the attacks, is not
>> bin Laden. The Scholars for 9/11 Truth
>> compared the video with a photo of the
>> "real" bin Laden and argue that there
>> are discrepancies in the ratio of
>> nose-length to nose-width, as well as
>> distance from tip-of-nose to ear lobe.”
>> They are **not** the “group’s charges.
>> It is the group’s belated
>> regurgitation of solid work which has
>> been in the public domain for the last
>> four years.
>> Furthermore the claim to have done
>> original work in relation to the OBL
>> video is direct plagiarism.
> http://www.arbeiterfotografie.com/bin-laden-vergleich.html
>> The top half is in German, but if you
>> scroll down , there’s an English section.
>> Dec 2001 – if you don’t mind !
>> Not content with both specific and
>> indirect plagiarism, you couldn’t help
>> mixing it in with a little Hoffman
>> generated disinfo.
>> “The procedure for issuing orders for
>> scrambling was changed in June 2001,
>> requiring that approval could only
>> come from the Secretary of Defense,
>> but Donald Rumsfeld was not alerted
>> soon enough on 9/11, according to
>> Scholars group. “
>> Complete BS as exposed here.
> http://members.iinet.net.au/~holmgren/hoffmanstandown.html
> <http://members.iinet.net.au/%7Eholmgren/hoffmanstandown.html>
>> At worst you are deliberately
>> spreading disinfo. At best, you are
>> spouting poorly researched drivel –
>> can I say “junk research” ? That
>> someone who’s taken four years to work
>> out the law of gravity still works and
>> up until 5 weeks ago didn’t even know
>> what kind of planes were supposedly
>> involved in the attacks is now
>> claiming star billing in order to
>> spread this kind of drivel again
>> prompts me to ask – who the hell do
>> you think you are ?
>> How about learning something about the
>> subject before shooting your mouth off
>> ? Haven’t you learned anything from
>> the debacle of your attack on the no
>> planes evidence ?
>> ” The group also asks for an
>> investigation of the collapse of the
>> World Trade Center buildings,
>> following up on points made in Jones's
>> paper, "Why Indeed Did the WTC
>> Buildings Collapse?" That paper,
>> recently updated, has been posted on
>> Jones's BYU Web site since last November.”
>> Asks for an investigation ? By the
>> same people who did it ?
>> “Jones argues that the WTC buildings
>> did not collapse due to impact or
>> fires caused by the jets hitting the
>> towers but collapsed as a result of
>> pre-positioned "cutter charges."
>> Proof, he says, includes:
>> • Molten metal was found in the
>> subbasements of WTC sites weeks after
>> 9/11; the melting point of structural
>> steel is 2,750 degrees Fahrenheit and
>> the temperature of jet fuel does not
>> exceed 1,800 degrees. Molten metal was
>> also found in the building known as
>> WTC7, although no plane had struck it.
>> Jones's paper also includes a photo of
>> a slag of the metal being extracted
>> from ground zero. The slag, Jones
>> argues, could not be aluminum from the
>> planes because in photographs the
>> metal was salmon-to-yellow-hot
>> temperature (approximately 1,550 to
>> 1,900 degrees F) "well above the
>> melting temperatures of lead and
>> aluminum," which would be a liquid at
>> that temperature.
>> • Building WTC7 collapsed in 6.6
>> seconds, which means, Jones says, that
>> the steel and concrete support had to
>> be simply knocked out of the way.
>> "Explosive demolitions are like that,"
>> he said. "It doesn't fit the model of
>> the fire-induced pancake collapse."
>> • No steel-frame, high-rise buildings
>> have ever before or since been brought
>> down due to fires. Temperatures due to
>> fire don't get hot enough for
>> buildings to collapse, he says.
>> • Jones points to a recent article in
>> the journal New Civil Engineering that
>> says WTC disaster investigators at
>> NIST (the National Institutes of
>> Standards and Technology) "are
>> refusing to show computer
>> visualizations of the collapse of the
>> Twin Towers despite calls from leading
>> structural and fire engineers."
>> And Jones figured all this out himself
>> and shocked the world with these
>> stunning new revelations. How do we
>> know this ? We can check the credits
>> in his paper. All original work.
>> Actually not quite true. There was
>> just one before him. Jim Hoffman.
>> Now, let’s cut to the chase. I don’t
>> have time for any stupid, evasive
>> bullshit. Don’t give me any crap about
>> the hero comments from Owens not being
>> your fault. I used to work doing media
>> releases for community pressure
>> groups. I know how a press release is
>> written. Don’t insult my intelligence
>> by suggesting that Owens was simply a
>> random member of the crowd, who’s
>> unexpected comments got randomly
>> picked up by a reporter who was there.
>> As scholars, you are supposed to know
>> about accreditation. Don’t start
>> pretending that you have no idea what
>> I’m talking about, when it becomes
>> inconvenient. If you have questions
>> about documentation, feel free to ask.
>> You’re new to this and can’t be
>> expected to have that same level of
>> familiarity with the documentation as
>> those who actually did it, or
>> alternatively have been distributing
>> for four years.
>> No one gets their head bitten off for
>> asking, for checking, for honest
>> mistakes. And distribution and
>> popularizing of existing research is
>> welcomed within the correct protocol.
>> But don’t waste my time with bullshit
>> pretending that you don’t know what
>> I’m talking about. This is exactly how
>> Hoffman started.
>> I am a hair trigger away from
>> reposting the “darkside” series, so be
>> careful and show some respect.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> *From:* Jones, Steven
>> [mailto:steven_jones@byu.edu]
>> *Sent:* Friday, 3 February 2006 9:08 AM
>> *To:* Gerard Holmgren
>> *Subject:* RE: Plagiarism warning
>> I really must ask you to be specific.
>> You write: Everything which I have
>> seen *from you* in the media appears
>> calculated…
>> What, specifically, have I (me, that
>> is, not someone else) written that
>> shows plagiarism? Your charges at this
>> time lack specifics for me to respond
>> to, and that is unfair.
>> Steven J
>> -----Original Message-----
>> *From:* Gerard Holmgren
>> [mailto:holmgren@iinet.net.au]
>> *Sent:* Thursday, February 02, 2006
>> 2:59 PM
>> *To:* Jones, Steven
>> *Cc:* 'Rosalee Grable'; 'Nico Haupt';
>> 'Morgan Reynolds'; 'jim fetzer'
>> *Subject:* Plagiarism warning
>> Steve,
>> I previously warned you about
>> plagiarism. As a scholar you are
>> supposed to know what plagiarism is
>> and to avoid it.
>> I’m doing you the courtesy of
>> delivering another warning in private
>> before considering our truce broken.
>> Everything which I have seen from you
>> in the media appears calculated to
>> give the false impressions that
>> a) What you are saying is new.
>> b) That you have actually done some
>> kind original research yourself,
>> sometimes going so far as to
>> specifically claim credit for things
>> which were unveiled by others long
>> before anyone heard of you.
>> c) That you are taking some kind of
>> personal risk – a ludicrous and self
>> aggrandizing claim.
>> A truce was reached in our previous
>> dispute because you backed off your
>> ill considered attacks on the same
>> people whom you are so busy
>> plagiarizing. Accordingly , I took
>> down the completed part of the “dark
>> side” series and discontinued writing
>> the remainder of the series.
>> However, if you continue with this
>> plagiarism rampage, then I will
>> consider the truce broken and repost
>> the 3 completed “Darkside “articles
>> and continue with the rest of the series.
>> On the plagiarism aspect, I have more
>> ammunition now that I did before, so I
>> suggest that you start behaving yourself.
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