WTC7 seems to be a classic controlled demolition. WTC 1 &2 destruction appears to have been enhanced by thermate (a variation of thermite) in addition. Pentagon was not struck by a passenger aircraft. It was a drone or missle.
Monday, May 08, 2006
Republicans & Conservatives:: Addicted to anti-americanism
Blogger Thoughts: Would bloggers like this (see above) ever get the truth even if the truth about 9/11 is exposed?
Uploaded by Guav on 7 May '06, 8.41am
Rumsfeld Heckler Believed Saddam Had WMDs | Sweetness & Light
Blogger Thoughts: No big whoop (see link from Freepers). Thought it was interesting to see the texture of the history for WMD, etc.
[political-researchp] Bloglines - Callers Respond to Moussaoui Verdict on CSpan
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[political-researchp] Bloglines - So Let's Say You Have Two Huge Aging Skyscrapers That Have An Asbestos Problem....
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[political-researchp] Bloglines - Nobel Laureate Accuses US, NATO Of Encircling Russia
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[september_eleven_vreeland] Digest Number 1352
There are 3 messages in this issue.
Topics in this digest:
1. The Internet is Dead, Long Live the Internet
From: "norgesen"
2. Goss, Foggo, and the honeytrap
From: "norgesen"
3. Come Out of the White House with Your Hands Up ! Address:http://milw
From: ""
Message 1
From: "norgesen"
Date: Sun May 7, 2006 6:53am(PDT)
Subject: The Internet is Dead, Long Live the Internet
The Internet is Dead, Long Live the Internet
Total regulation rules are close at hand, a new internet will kill free speech and weed out anything deemed "inappropriate"
Steve Watson / May 2 2006
In the space of a few months debate has gone from "pressure on internet service providers" to make available user records to calls for all out mandatory ISP snooping on all US citizens.
In a display of bi-partisanship, both Democrats and Republicans are calling for such measures.
"Last week, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, a Republican, gave a speech saying that data retention by Internet service providers is an 'issue that must be addressed.' Child pornography investigations have been 'hampered' because data may be routinely deleted, Gonzales warned," reports Declan McCullagh of CNET News.
Now Democratic member of the Congressional Internet Caucus, Diana DeGette, wants an an amendment that would make such data deletion illegal.
DeGette says that any Internet service that 'enables users to access content' must permanently retain records that would permit police to identify each user. The records could not be discarded until at least one year after the user's account was closed.
This may mean that any normal website or blog would have to fall into line with such new rules and suddenly total web regulation would become a reality.
The excuse for this as either a standalone measure or as an amendment to a broad telecommunications bill that is moving rapidly through the House, is that it is designed to protect children.
We are being led to believe that a vast army of maniac pedophiles are on the loose and we must do away with all forms of privacy in order to stop them. This is akin to saying that blanket cctv prevents crime. As if to say "if we film everyone all the time, even innocent people, then no one will ever commit any crimes."
Increasingly we are seeing this in every aspect of our lives. Recording, tracking and retaining our data in the name of keeping us all safe. Everyone is now treated as guilty until proven innocent.
In reality the amendment would mean that such data would be accessible to any local or state law enforcement official investigating anything from drug possession to tax evasion.
Jim Harper, director of information policy studies at the free-market Cato Institute, said: "This is an unrestricted grant of authority to the FCC to require surveillance."
"The FCC would be able to tell Internet service providers to monitor our e-mails, monitor our Web surfing, monitor what we post on blogs or chat rooms, and everything else under the sun,"
We have previously exposed how moves are also afoot to clamp down on internet neutrality and even to designate a new form of the internet known as Internet 2.
This would be a faster, more streamlined elite equivalent of the internet available to users who were willing to pay more for a much improved service. providers may only allow streaming audio and video on your websites if you were eligible for Internet 2.
Of course, Internet 2 would be greatly regulated and only "appropriate content" would be accepted by an FCC or government bureau. Everything else would be relegated to the "slow lane" internet, the junkyard as it were. Our techie rulers are all too keen to make us believe that the internet as we know it is "already dead".
Let's take a look at the possible effects that such moves would have on websites such as infowars and prisonplanet.
Given that they are already blocked by many regular filters because they are deemed to contain "inappropriate content" (even though 90% of our material is simply mainstream news) we would face the prospect of not being able to stream audio or video or of being locked out entirely if a telecom disagreed with our content.
Without the ability to stream our material we would have to rely on newsletters and mailing lists. However, the first steps in a move to charge for every e mail sent have already been taken. Under the pretext of eliminating spam, Bill Gates and other industry chieftains have proposed Internet users buy credit stamps which denote how many e mails they will be able to send. This of course is also the death knell for political newsletters and mailing lists.
With demands placed upon us to provide records of all our visitors, streaming audio and video gone, our ability to mass mail our content killed off and our position on Internet 2 DENIED, the sites would virtually be shut down.
The move to demonize the Internet and tar its reputation has been underway for a long time. The boom in blogs and alternative news websites has plunged the mainstream media into a panic. Their newspaper sales and hits to their websites are plummeting as people seek their own information from multiple sources. The mainstream has engaged in a desperate attempt to paint the internet as a dark place where criminals and weirdos are everywhere and all information is inaccurate and unbalanced.
AOL is still running ads equating Internet users with terrorists. In the next few years we may see a staged Internet shutdown which is blamed on cyber terrorists.
In reality it is the mainstream that is inaccurate and unbalanced, providing a one sided story firmly rooted in the past on printed paper or the nightly news.
For the aspiring dictator, the Internet is a dangerous tool that has been seized by the enemy. We have come a long way since 1969, when the ARPANET was created solely for US government use. The Internet is freedom's best friend and the bane of control freaks. Its eradication is one of the short term goals of those that seek to centralize power and subjugate the world under a global surveillance panopticon prison.
Message 2
From: "norgesen"
Date: Sun May 7, 2006 6:58am(PDT)
Subject: Goss, Foggo, and the honeytrap
Sunday, May 07, 2006
Goss, Foggo, and the honeytrap
From Cannonfire:
�Larry Johnson claims that his sources tell him that Goss did not partake of the hookers at chateau Wilkes. Here's a thought: What if Goss, old spook that he is, helped set up the sting, in order to entrap his fellow congressmen? Maybe he's a mack, not a john. After all, someone had to introduce those legislators to spooked-up �businessmen� Brent Wilkes and Mitchell Wade...�
Exactly what I thought on hearing the story. Goss and Foggo are both old CIA hands, and know how the game is played. Neither would be stupid enough to fall into such an obvious �honeytrap�, and the most likely scenario, if Foggo is involved, is that he set it up (�Foggo, who occasionally hosted the poker parties at his house in northern Virginia, is under investigation by the CIA's inspector general to determine whether he helped Wilkes gain CIA contracts.�; see also here, for a certain kind of CIA take, a kind I frankly don�t put much trust in, on the matter of Goss and Foggo). Since the quick timing indicates that Goss was fired on very short notice, and Foggo may be resigning, you have to wonder whether Goss tried to use Foggo�s blackmail pictures to gain some ground on the White House in the ongoing CIA-Cheney turf wars, and Cheney proved again that he is the biggest sumabitch around (Goss on the resignation: �it's one of those mysteries�). The odd firing by Goss of Mary McCarthy � fired for leaking to the press when she probably didn�t leak � probably has something to do with this. If you read between the lines a bit, you can see that there are indications that Goss is an old hand at using sexual blackmail to deal with his political obstacles.
Saturday, May 06, 2006
Bodies of Intelligence
Oh when there's too much of nothing,
No one has control - Bob Dylan
I'll need to finish my thoughts from Thursday's post over the next day or two, because there seem to be some wheels coming off as some stars come right that, for however long, may shine light again upon some of Washington's most secret dark places.
First, as DailyKos convincingly argues, the true scandal of the Duke Cunningham hooker story is likely the gender of the hookers. There are some very carefully parsed statements regarding Brent Wilkes' Watergate "hospitality suites," such as the claim of the lawyer for Shirlington Limo's Chris Baker that his client was "never in attendance in any party where any women were being used for prostitution purposes."
Cunningham staked out ground in Congress as a particularly gross character, describing his 1998 prostate operation as "just not natural, unless maybe you�re Barney Frank.� Frank noted that Cunningham "tends to frequently blurt out stuff on gay issues. He seems to be more interested in discussing homosexuality than most homosexuals." Two years earlier Cunningham had baited Frank on the Massachusetts Democrat's own hooker scandal, cutting him off in debate with "Would you like to talk about prostitutes and basements?" (Interestingly, it was only the Barney Frank angle that found any traction in the press and with the general public following The Washington Times' flap of child hookers on the Hill stories in 1989.)
But Cunningham is himself deeply and unhappily closeted, according to Chris Crain of The Washington Blade:
Cunningham, who is married with grown children, has admitted to romantic, loving relationships with men, both during his Vietnam military service and as a civilian. That was the remarkable story that this publication reported two years ago, when Elizabeth Birch, the former Human Rights Campaign leader, inadvertently outed Cunningham at a gay rights forum.
Birch never mentioned Cunningham�s name, but she talked about a rabidly anti-gay congressman who asked to meet privately with her in the midst of a controversy over his use in a speech on the floor of the House the term "homos" to describe gays who have served in the military. Alone with Birch and an HRC staffer, the unnamed congressman shared that he had loved men during his life. In telling the story, Birch offered up a few too many details about the closeted congressman.
As for Porter Goss, Cannonfire does an excellent job of linking his abrupt resignation to an ongoing investigation of the Cunningham fiasco through CIA Executive Director Kyle "Dusty" Foggo's ties to Brent Wilkes.
The CIA, of course, is the genuine Mac Daddy of Capitol Hill prostitution. If Craig Spence could talk, he would, and so he can't. The Agency's interest in prostitution as a tool of blackmail and political leverage happened before at the Watergate, and may have even be closer to the truth of Nixon's fall than the "second-rate burglary." So to the degree Goss and Foggo may be involved, I think it's safe to assume it wasn't for their own personal "stress management."
Also, coincidentally or not, Jeff Gannon chose this of all weeks to acknowledge publically for the first time that yes, in fact, he is a gay man. The admission came during the panel session of the Equality Forum, and was apparently so difficult for him he had trouble forming the words, even before a largely gay audience.
Gannon was asked where he slept during his White House overnights, but he was saved from responding by the moderators. It was the decent thing to do.
starroute said...
Another possible angle is that Goss's role has always been that of cover-up guy. He played a major part a few years back in making sure the CIA-cocaine hearings didn't go anywhere. His House Intel Committee was deeply involved in 2003 in trying to squash the Iraq intel investigations. (It accused the CIA of being responsible for the failures on WMD information just one day before the CIA asked for an investigation of the Plame outing.) And there have been other examples as well.
When Goss was appointed CIA director, I felt fairly sure that would be his primary role -- and that the purges were at most an aspect or a side benefit of some major cover-up activity. So the fact that it has all backfired, and that Goss seems incapable of stemming the tide of CIA and former CIA whistleblower leaks, may be his real crime in the eyes of the White House.
I'm not saying he isn't implicated in Hookergate -- but that may be more in the nature of an excuse for deep-sixing him than a primary cause.
Of course, if this true, the question then becomes what secrets are they still sitting on and what are they prepared to do to keep them from getting out.
Anonymous said...
The very important question no one seems to be asking is whom does the CIA really serve lately?
And who�s the �DJ� for this very public game of "musical chairs"?
The simultaneous Goss/Straw evacuation is no coincidence�
sunny said...
Dusty Foggo, Nine Fingers, hookers at the Watergate,a regug-linked mob killing down in Florida, venal politcos, gay right-wing operatives, plane-loads full of coke, poker, Elmer Gantry-esque Evangelicals, wives on the take, cozy corporate funded jaunts, cocktail-weenie addicted journos, blackmail, arm-twisting, pay-to-play, gov�t contracts-to-kickbacks to repubs, ex-con millionaires running limos and voting machine companies,...
I would say �CALLING ED McBAIN!!!�( or at least Carl Hiasson) but these crimes and misdemeanors are just the tip of the iceburg, so who we gonna call?
By the way Jeff, I love it when you train you laser keyboard on these hypocrites.
Uncle $cam said...
This Militarization, the elimination of independent CIA capabilities is tied in with all sorts of nefarious commercial skeletons in the closet, particularly with competitive intelligence and market manipulation. These revenue sources were much preferred to Yalie 9-month interlopers and their ilk than to hardcore black ops involving Noriega and narco dollars preferred by the gangsters in uniform. The uneasy marriage is over. The problem is the unruly children in both camps and to what degree family laundry will be aired in public.
They'd rather have it all out in the open.There has been talk that competitive intel "excercises" among company prodigies yielded unexpected WHIG communiques that are widely believed to have been legally shared in extramural investigations.The parties involved to a large degree have resigned, retired or taken reassignment.The legal time bomb is still ticking. Cheney and Mr. Flightsuit know it. Their paranoia over a growing number of domestic enemies is well founded. It's written all over Bush's face. But Cheney is and always has been the causus belli the reason d'etre of this Administration. Intercepted Foreign intel assessments of Mr. Cheney as "megalomaniacal" and "delusional" were met with circumspect dismissal by analysts unfortunate enough to be in that position. Privately,among agency assessors, there has emerged numerous assessments of the Vice President, characterizing Cheney variously as having "impaired reality testing", "messianic", "Napoleonic", "unhinged" and similar to "Hitler in the Bunker".
So now the neighbors are in on the act. These morons have not only presided over the rising influence of Iran, unsettling Peking re global oil markets and Indian nuclear proliferation at China's back door, Cheney's now taking pot shots at the Russians and looking to clip Russian Oil interests.World War III indeed. A completely rhetorical Question:
Where is a lone gunman when you need him???
Also, anybody else thinking these poker games were rigged to put cash into official's pockets?
xymphora has an interesting take on the goss/foggo debacle:
"Goss, Foggo, and the honeytrap
From Cannonfire:
�Larry Johnson claims that his sources tell him that Goss did not partake of the hookers at chateau Wilkes. Here's a thought: What if Goss, old spook that he is, helped set up the sting, in order to entrap his fellow congressmen? Maybe he's a mack, not a john. After all, someone had to introduce those legislators to spooked-up �businessmen� Brent Wilkes and Mitchell Wade...�
Exactly what I thought on hearing the story. Goss and Foggo are both old CIA hands, and know how the game is played. Neither would be stupid enough to fall into such an obvious �honeytrap�, and the most likely scenario, if Foggo is involved, is that he set it up (�Foggo, who occasionally hosted the poker parties at his house in northern Virginia, is under investigation by the CIA's inspector general to determine whether he helped Wilkes gain CIA contracts.�; see also here, for a certain kind of CIA take, a kind I frankly don�t put much trust in, on the matter of Goss and Foggo). Since the quick timing indicates that Goss was fired on very short notice, and Foggo may be resigning, you have to wonder whether Goss tried to use Foggo�s blackmail pictures to gain some ground on the White House in the ongoing CIA-Cheney turf wars, and Cheney proved again that he is the biggest sumabitch around (Goss on the resignation: �it's one of those mysteries�). The odd firing by Goss of Mary McCarthy � fired for leaking to the press when she probably didn�t leak � probably has something to do with this. If you read between the lines a bit, you can see that there are indications that Goss is an old hand at using sexual blackmail to deal with his political obstacles."
any takers?
Message 3
From: ""
Date: Sun May 7, 2006 4:12pm(PDT)
Subject: Come Out of the White House with Your Hands Up ! Address:http://milw
Come Out of the White House with Your Hands Up !
"Come Out of the White House with Your Hands Up!"
Ex-Bush Official Busts 9/11 Perps at U.W. Historical Society
Madison, WI
Saturday, May 6, 2006
Kevin Barrett, 07.05.2006 13:06
An enthusiastic standing-room-only crowd overfilled the 300-seat
Wisconsin Historical Society auditorium Saturday to hear ex-Bush
Administration insider Morgan Reynolds prosecute top administration and
military officials for the 9/11 inside job.
Reynolds to Cheney: "You're BUSTED!"
Reynolds indicted Richard Cheney, George W. Bush, former Joint
Chiefs Chairman Richard Meyers, confessed WTC demolisher and
insurance-fraudster Larry Silverstein, and others for mass murder,
conspiracy, and other charges including high treason.
The enthusiastic response from the overflow crowd was a de facto
vote for conviction on all counts.
The former Director of the Criminal Justice Center at the National
Center for Policy Analysis, showed that the defendants conspired to
create a false cover story of suicide hijackings in order to "blow the
World Trade Center to kingdom come" with explosives�a shock-and-awe
psy-op designed to coerce the American people into supporting a
pre-planned "long war" in the Middle East, massive increases in military
spending, and the rollback of Constitutional civil liberties.
Reynolds stated that everyone in the worldwide intelligence
community knew that 9/11 was an inside job as soon as it happened, with
the obvious stand-down of US air defenses, controlled demolition of the
World Trade Center, and non-protection of the President in Florida being
the biggest tip-offs. The head of the Russian equivalent of the Joint
Chiefs of Staff, the former head of the German intelligence service
Andreas Von Bulow, former National Security Agency official Wayne
Madsen, and former MI-6 agent David Schayler have all openly called 9/11
an inside job, while former CIA official Ray McGovern has
confirmed this directly in private, and indirectly in public by way of
his ringing endorsement of David Ray Griffin's work on 9/11.
Reynolds, who served as George W. Bush's Labor Department Chief
Economist in 2001-2002, believes that a 9/11 truth victory is looming on
the near-term horizon.
He predicted that one or more of the 9/11 insiders will soon "give
it up" and come forward with what they know, saying "Remember, you heard
it here first." He said that most of those complicit in the attacks did
not realize how over-the-top the plot was, due to the need-to-know
compartmentalization of such covert operations, and that some
semi-complicit individuals will probably be coming forward. Reynolds
said that most of his email acquaintances are now worried that the 9/11
truth movement is going to win, triggering the greatest Constitutional
crisis in U.S. history. For Reynolds, this is less a cause for worry
than for rejoicing:
"We need a Constitutional crisis!"
Reynolds argued that 9/11 truth is a matter of extreme urgency, since
the perpetrators seem to be preparing another 9/11-style terror hoax as
a pretext for attacking Iran with nuclear weapons. He said that exposing
the 9/11 fraud is the best way to stop Cheney's plan to stage an
unprovoked nuclear attack on Iran, and the military draft and
Pinochet-style prison camps and death squads for dissenters that might
accompany it.
Reynolds urged the audience to help educate the American public
about the 9/11 inside job. Personal contact with family and friends, the
internet, alternative media, and public events like this are all good
educational strategies, he said, adding that a demonstration of 100,000
9/11 truth supporters at Ground Zero next year would be hard for the
media to ignore.
Politicians and the media will help expose the 9/11 inside job, he
said, only after the growing grassroots movement reaches critical mass.
The organizers of Reynolds' talk urged audience members to come to the
upcoming international 9/11 truth conference in Chicago, 9/11: Revealing
the Truth, Reclaiming Our Future, June 2nd-4th, 2006:
* * *
Introduction to Dr. Reynolds Presentation
(delivered in much abbreviated form due to time constraints)
by Dr. Kevin Barrett
Coordinator, Muslim-Jewish-Christian Alliance for 9/11 Truth:
Member, Scholars for 9/11 Truth:
Member, Scientific Professionals
Investigating 9/11 (SPINE):
Friends, we are gathered here today not just to speak truth to power,
but to start fighting back. The information you are hearing today is
political dynamite. It is the stuff of which revolutions are made.
Evil rulers use divide-and-conquer strategies against their subjects. In
Iraq, the occupiers blow up mosques and markets, and murder thousands of
bystanders, in a lame attempt to provoke a Sunni-Shia civil war. But
they're not fooling anybody. The Iraqis all know who's really doing
these bombings, just as 90% of the Arab and Muslim world knows that 9/11
was an inside job. Here in Ersatz America, our criminal rulers are
trying to divide us by whipping up emotional hysteria: abortion,
immigration, gay marriage, liberal versus conservative, religious versus
secular, Christian and Jewish versus Muslim�anything to distract us
and keep us from seeing what they're doing to all of us.
9/11 truth unites ALL of us � left and right, gay and straight,
religious, spiritual and secular, Muslim, Christian and Jewish, military
and civilian � in revolutionary outrage against this evil regime, and
in determination to overthrow it by any means necessary.
We hope the 9/11 truth revolution will be a nonviolent revolution. We
are starting with education, symbolism, and nonviolent action. Please
honor the request of Veterans for 9/11 Truth (
� to fly the American flag upside down as a symbol of
Constitutional distress. And please come to Chicago for the
international 9/11 truth strategy conference June 2nd � 4th, sponsored
by and the Muslim-Jewish-Christian Alliance for 9/11 Truth.
Posters are available at the table outside. We are meeting in Chicago to
figure out how to win on 9/11 truth. And we are going to win. See:
And when we win, the brave man we have invited here today will get a big
chunk of the credit.
Dr. Morgan Reynolds is Professor Emeritus at Texas A & M University. He
served as Chief Economist in the Department of Labor under George W.
Bush during the Cheney regime's first illegitimate term. He is the
former director of the Criminal Justice Center at the National Center
for Policy Analysis, and appeared on innumerable political discussion
shows in the mainstream media � back when we used to have a mainstream
media rather than a Ministry of Propaganda. I'm sorry, I shouldn't say
that � it's the Ministry of Love. Wait a minute, that's the one that
runs Abu Ghraib and the sex torture gulag. Or is that der Ministry of
Unheimlich Insecurity? I'm sorry, I grew up back when we had something
vaguely resembling a democracy �I can't keep all this stuff straight.
In any case, Dr. Reynolds has a stellar resume, and the best part of it
is that he is a Wisconsin Badger with three degrees from this great
university � and he is living up to its motto, The Truth Will Set You
Free! Ladies and gentlemen, Dr. Morgan Reynolds.
* * *
(For Morgan Reynolds' work, see his website
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[911TruthAction] Digest Number 1276
There are 25 messages in this issue.
Topics in this digest:
1. Morgan Reynolds on the 911 Hoax
From: "stoelting1981"
2. Re: HEY! Yesterday was my BIRTHDAY!
From: "Kevin Hammond"
3. A Day in the Life: 5/7/6
From: "President, USA Exile Govt."
4. Targeted Killings Surge in Baghdad! tvnl news
From: "reggie501"
5. The secret American Army kills an Iraqi journalist
From: "Hal Kenoz"
6. Re: Fw: The most important 9-11 evidence is from the Pentagon attack
From: "Dick Eastman"
7. Fw: [911TruthAction] Morgan Reynolds on the 911 Hoax
From: "Dick Eastman"
8. Israeli sport -- target killings surge in Baghdad, 4000 deaths, many
From: "Dick Eastman"
9. 5 at meetup group
From: ""
10. Re: Fw: [911TruthAction] Morgan Reynolds on the 911 Hoax
From: "stoelting1981"
11. Google Search: Morgan Reynolds on the 911 Hoax
From: "stoelting1981"
12. 'Dear Mr. President' (Indigo Girls)
From: "Bugs"
13. Help and Call Monday
From: "Bugs"
14. From: ranger11Impeachment momentum is building please forward this e
From: ""
15. attn. Perna - Pentagon witnesses (answering rivero) Re: A Boeing 75
From: "Dick Eastman"
16. Re: Fw: [911TruthAction] Morgan Reynolds on the 911 Hoax
From: "Dick Eastman"
17. Fw: The most important 9-11 evidence is from the Pentagon attack Re:
From: "Dick Eastman"
18. Come Out of the White House with Your Hands Up ! Address:http://milw
From: ""
19. Re: Names
From: "Bugs"
20. [Underling] Martial Law, Marshal Law and Martian Law
From: "Edward Pickersgill"
21. Fw: [frameup] Re: A Boeing 757 did not hit the Pentagon.
From: "Dick Eastman"
22. Chomsky Gets an F
From: "botalerts"
23. West Point Graduates Come Out Against the War On Iraq
From: "Bugs"
24. Fwd: [WETHEPEOPLE_UNITED] Dubai Company Takes Over 9 U.S. Military F
From: "Kevin Hammond"
25. Re: Fw: [frameup] Re: A Boeing 757 did not hit the Pentagon.
From: "Kevin Hammond"
Message 1
From: "stoelting1981"
Date: Sun May 7, 2006 9:05am(PDT)
Subject: Morgan Reynolds on the 911 Hoax
Would wing tips and tail break off against each steel wall or
disappear entirely inside each building?
Google Search: Morgan Reynolds on the 911 Hoax
Message 2
From: "Kevin Hammond"
Date: Sun May 7, 2006 9:38am(PDT)
Subject: Re: HEY! Yesterday was my BIRTHDAY!
46 going on 16 bordering on 99.LOL
Scott Peden <> wrote:
v\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);} o\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);} w\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);} .shape {behavior:url(#default#VML);} It must be old age creeping in. So, how young are ya?
-----Original Message-----
From: []On Behalf Of Caomhain {Kevin} Lee Hammond
Sent: Saturday, May 06, 2006 9:19 PM
Subject: [911TruthAction] HEY! Yesterday was my BIRTHDAY!
I meant to announce this yesterday or the day before, but got mentally
waylaid. LOL.
United state citizenship Trademark united state United state flag United state military United state grant United state army
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Saoirse go deo!
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Message 3
From: "President, USA Exile Govt."
Date: Sun May 7, 2006 10:14am(PDT)
Subject: A Day in the Life: 5/7/6
Free Americans
Reaching Out to Amerika's Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Free
Via <>
May 7, 2006
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
There's considerable support for Gary McKinnon's sense (directly
below) that "secretive parts of the secret government are sitting on
suppressed technology for free energy."
You can get lots of information about this from , which is maintained by Dr. Steven Greer.
Here's a recent comment from him:
The Disclosure Project, an NGO based in the United States, has
identified several hundred military, intelligence and corporate
witnesses to illegal and extra-constitutional projects that have
suppressed information and prevented public access to technologies
which could provide a definitive replacement for oil, coal, nuclear
power and other conventional energy sources. These technologies have
been both acquired and developed by military and industrial interests
in the US, UK and other countries that have repeatedly lied to or
withheld this information from legally constituted authorities and the
public. This information has the potential to completely transform the
current state of the world in the areas of technology, energy
production, propulsion, the environment and geopolitical issues related
to oil and energy supplies. In short, a sustainable, non-polluting and
affluent civilisation could be created by the wise application of these
technologies, and many of the most pressing crises facing the world
community could have been avoided if it had not been for the deliberate
suppression of such technological knowledge. While �national security
concerns� have been invoked as reasons for such secrecy, in reality the
policy is driven by the resolve to maintain the current �status quo�
based on the pre-eminence of oil and fossil fuels and related special
Dr. Greer here comes up with the best summary I've ever seen of
what's actually happening. "Everybody look what's going down!"
for all species,
Lampe, Ro-Non-So-Te,
Ponderosa Pine
Transition Prez
Last Updated: Friday, 5 May 2006, 16:40 GMT
Fears 'UFO Cover-Up'
In 2002, Gary McKinnon was arrested by the UK's national high-tech
crime unit, after being accused of hacking into Nasa and the US
military computer networks.
He says he spent two years looking for photographic evidence of alien
spacecraft and advanced power technology.
America now wants to put him on trial, and if tried there he could
face 60 years behind bars.
Banned from using the internet, Gary spoke to Click presenter Spencer
Kelly to tell his side of the story, ahead of his extradition hearing
on Wednesday, 10 May. You can read what he had to say here.
Spencer Kelly: Here's your list of charges: you hacked into the Army,
the Navy, the Air Force, the Department of Defense, and Nasa, amongst
other things. Why?
Gary McKinnon: I was in search of suppressed technology, laughingly
referred to as UFO technology. I think it's the biggest kept secret in
the world because of its comic value, but it's a very important thing.
Old-age pensioners can't pay their fuel bills, countries are invaded
to award oil contracts to the West, and meanwhile secretive parts of
the secret government are sitting on suppressed technology for free
SK: How did you go about trying to find the stuff you were looking for
in Nasa, in the Department of Defense?
GM: Unlike the press would have you believe, it wasn't very clever. I
searched for blank passwords, I wrote a tiny Perl script that tied
together other people's programs that search for blank passwords, so
you could scan 65,000 machines in just over eight minutes.
SK: So you're saying that you found computers which had a high-ranking
status, administrator status, which hadn't had their passwords set -
they were still set to default?
GM: Yes, precisely.
SK: Were you the only hacker to make it past the slightly
lower-than-expected lines of defence?
GM: Yes, exactly, there were no lines of defence. There was a
permanent tenancy of foreign hackers. You could run a command when you
were on the machine that showed connections from all over the world,
check the IP address to see if it was another military base or
whatever, and it wasn't.
The General Accounting Office in America has again published another
damning report saying that federal security is very, very poor.
SK: Over what kind of period were you hacking into these computers?
Was it a one-time only, or for the course of a week?
GM: Oh no, it was a couple of years.
SK: And you went unnoticed for a couple of years?
GM: Oh yes. I used to be careful about the hours.
SK: So you would log on in the middle of the night, say?
GM: Yes, I'd always be juggling different time zones. Doing it at
night time there's hopefully not many people around. But there was one
occasion when a network engineer saw me and actually questioned me and
we actually talked to each other via WordPad, which was very, very
SK: So what did he say? And what did you say?
GM: He said "What are you doing?" which was a bit shocking. I told him
I was from Military Computer Security, which he fully believed.
SK: Did you find what you were looking for?
GM: Yes.
SK: Tell us about it.
GM: There was a group called the Disclosure Project. They published a
book which had 400 expert witnesses ranging from civilian air traffic
controllers, through military radar operators, right up to the chaps
who were responsible for whether or not to launch nuclear missiles.
They are some very credible, relied-upon people, all saying yes, there
is UFO technology, there's anti-gravity, there's free energy, and it's
extra-terrestrial in origin, and we've captured spacecraft and
reverse-engineered it.
SK: What did you find inside Nasa?
GM: One of these people was a Nasa photographic expert, and she said
that in building eight of Johnson Space Centre they regularly
airbrushed out images of UFOs from the high-resolution satellite
imaging. What she said was there was there: there were folders called
"filtered" and "unfiltered", "processed" and "raw", something like
I got one picture out of the folder, and bearing in mind this is a 56k
dial-up, so a very slow internet connection, in dial-up days, using the
remote control programme I turned the colour down to 4bit colour and
the screen resolution really, really low, and even then the picture was
still juddering as it came onto the screen.
But what came on to the screen was amazing. It was a culmination of
all my efforts. It was a picture of something that definitely wasn't
It was above the Earth's hemisphere. It kind of looked like a
satellite. It was cigar-shaped and had geodesic domes above, below, to
the left, the right and both ends of it, and although it was a
low-resolution picture it was very close up.
This thing was hanging in space, the earth's hemisphere visible below
it, and no rivets, no seams, none of the stuff associated with normal
man-made manufacturing.
SK: Is it possible this is an artist's impression?
GM: I don't know... For me, it was more than a coincidence. This woman
has said: "This is what happens, in this building, in this space
centre". I went into that building, that space centre, and saw exactly
SK: Do you have a copy of this? It came down to your machine.
GM: No, the graphical remote viewer works frame by frame. It's a Java
application, so there's nothing to save on your hard drive, or at least
if it is, only one frame at a time.
SK: So did you get the one frame?
GM: No.
SK: What happened?
GM: Once I was cut off, my picture just disappeared.
SK: You were actually cut off the time you were downloading the
GM: Yes, I saw the guy's hand move across.
SK: You acknowledge that what you did was against the law, it was
wrong, don't you?
GM: Unauthorised access is against the law and it is wrong.
SK: What do you think is a suitable punishment for someone who did
what you did?
GM: Firstly, because of what I was looking for, I think I was morally
correct. Even though I regret it now, I think the free energy
technology should be publicly available.
I want to be tried in my own country, under the Computer Misuse Act,
and I want evidence brought forward, or at least want the Americans to
have to provide evidence in order to extradite me, because I know there
is no evidence of damage.
Nasa told Click that it does not discuss computer security issues or
legal matters. It denied it would ever manipulate images in order to
deceive and said it had a policy of open and full disclosure, adding it
had no direct evidence of extra-terrestrial life.
From: Cathy Garger <>
Date: May 6, 2006 12:04:28 PM EST
Subject: [911TruthAction] Veterans for 9/11 Truth Honor Fallen Soldiers
- And Truth
This is a post from the�Veterans for 9/11 Truth group.� To give some
background, there will be a large event held�in Philadelphia during
Memorial Day weekend in order�to honor our dead�soldiers who�were
killed�in�the wars�upon Afghanistan�and in�the Second War�Upon�Iraq.
Many veterans who do not believe the "official story" that we've been
told about 9/11 will be traveling to Philadelphia during the Memorial
Day weekend in order to bring both�condolences to the families of�our
dead�soldiers, as well as�the Truth about 9/11.
Hope to ya in Philadelphia over the Memorial Day Weekend,
Cathy Garger
Information on the Veterans�Philadelphia Memorial Day weekend event:
Letter from Veterans for 9/11 Truth:
Veterans for 911 Truth is new. We advocate reopening an investigation
into 911, which we believe was an inside job; we are also anti-war
and vehemently oppose the use of DU since it kills our troops and
permanently poisons the entire world.
We like what you are doing to make the cost of war present in the
public mind. Many of our members are planning to attend your Memorial
Day Event in Philadelphia.
Here is our website:
Here is our group:
If you could please help us by including a link to our site on your
links page it would be greatly appreciated.
Resist. Fight. Win. Never Quit.
Alfons of Veterans for 911 Truth - Join us in Operation Vigilant Truth
From: "Stephanie Sutton" <>
Date: May 6, 2006 12:35:22 PM EST
To: "Stephanie Sutton" <>
Subject: Nevada Test Site this June.........
(portion of the article below)
Greetings my Sisters & Brothers and my friends, relatives of all
April 9th, 2006
There is a huge explosion of 700 tons of explosives scheduled to be
detonated with a Nuclear Atomic Warhead detonation scheduled for June
2nd, 2006 at the Nevada Test Site, called "Divine Strake,� at the
Nuclear Test Site just outside of Las Vegas...We need your help in
standing up to protect LIFE is the message from Corbin Harney and his
Western Shoshone people, his friends and many other organizations and
groups. His website is at Many are working to help
stop this powerful devastation of Mother Earth in the continued
disregard for humanities sake and all living life forms that sustain
us. Harmony to the planet is being threatened once again in our
everyday lives taking Mother Earth more out of balance in nature�s
environments everywhere. How much more can she take? Here are some of
the organizations to contact for your support: This group called
C.R.O.W. has been organized Come Rebuild Our World, on June 2nd, at the
Nevada Test Site, Contact them at (530) 277-0128. GO ONLINE AT:
WWW.SHUNDAHI.ORG - in affiliation with the
Shundahi Network where Corbin Harney works out of from within his work
giving service to protect the environment as a Native American.
The Divine Strake
Bomb test news: Pentagon to Test a Huge Conventional Bomb
The test is aimed at determining how well a massive conventional bomb
would perform against fortified underground targets -- such as military
headquarters; biological or chemical weapons stockpiles, and long-range
missiles -- that the Pentagon says are proliferating among potential
adversaries around the world.
Divine Strake? Strake is a nautical term: A single continuous line of
planking or metal plating extending on a vessel's hull from stem to
�A huge mushroom cloud of dust is expected to rise over Nevada's desert
in June when the Pentagon plans to detonate a gigantic 700-ton
explosive -- the biggest open-air chemical blast ever at the Nevada
Test Site -- as part of the research into developing weapons that can
destroy deeply buried military targets, officials said yesterday.
The test, code-named "Divine Strake," will occur on June 2 about 90
miles northwest of Las Vegas in a high desert valley bounded by
mountains, according to Pentagon and Energy Department officials. "
This is the largest single explosive we could imagine doing," said
James A. Tegnelia, director of the Pentagon's Defense Threat Reduction
Agency, which is conducting the test.
In a vision and dream I have seen and heard the messages from the
Warriors of Old that if this blast takes place it will set off
Earthquakes, Tornadoes, and Volcanic repercussions around the country
and especially within the Yellowstone Volcanic Caldera in the
Yellowstone National Park of Wyoming. This is the warning to humanity
in the message that has been received in this vision from the
Ancestors, the Warriors of Old, Speaking the Spoken Truth. I pray that
those in charge in the U.S.Governments circles will change their minds
and do what is right for humanity and Mother Earth. Many blessings are
needed for our peoples of the White, Black, Yellow, Red and Brown
Nations. Is this explosion one of the Blessings? There is a belief on
the tongues of many that we need an immediate working relationship in
bringing awareness of Healing our differences, while healing Mother
Earth, peace coalitions worldwide.
Lets all bringing about a consciousness about how bad sound effects
the weather around the world. Contamination and Pollution in war, we
are the one to bring the unconsciousness into responsiveness in
messages to humanity of how Mother Earth works. So that the many
individuals across the world can begin to remember the truth of how the
Earth really works with us as the guardians in peace. We will prevail
in bringing this awareness of how bad sound is causing the environment
to fall apart. The prophecy says that the Indigenous Nations will
awaken and remember their stewardship of Mother Earth.
We will reawaken to the call to bring the healing wisdoms and
knowledge�s to the world in the Seventh Fire, now. The Warriors of the
Rainbow in all Nations returning with powerful messages for peace and
we are here at this moment in history to help many awaken to the truth.
As I have mentioned above this is time to bring the truth out on the
how and why the environment is being effected. With the many messages
about the cause and effect of the disasters and how they are being made
due to this kind of mismanagement of the resources on Mother Earth.
Many messages from an Indigenous perspective as an Eastern Shoshone is
the same message from many in support of stopping this explosion on the
surface of Western Shoshone�s homelands that have been taken illegally
and are now in the control of the U.S. Government. We are many here now
in Las Vegas working with Corbin Harney and other individuals. Many
prayers and blessings are needed to help stop this immediately. These
powerful times in history are here like never ever before on Mother
Earth.� Let's act accordingly in peaceful relationships as our lives
depend upon it. And, again this message from the Hopi, �We Are The
People We Have Been Waiting For�, a fellow brother for peace and
Bennie �BlueThunder� LeBeau
Eastern Shoshone, Fort Washakie, Wyoming
Las Vegas, Nevada, April 9th, 2006
More Press Releases
BlueThunder aka Bennie E. LeBeau, Sr.
Ft. Washakie, Wyoming, Wind River Indian Reservation
(307) 851-6249
Ellen Goodman
Washington Post Writers Group
Raging Grannies
In New York, grannies sit
in for peace
NEW YORK -- I went to the grannies for a booster shot of optimism. It's
been that kind of a week. We just passed the third anniversary of the
flight-jacket photo op and its mission unaccomplished. The plunge in
the president's approval ratings, down to 33 percent, hasn't translated
into a howl of protest but a low-level depression. And the Official
Bush Countdown Clock is barely a tick below a thousand days.
But in Manhattan, 18 women of granny age, full of wit and wisdom, have
just won a court case and sent their protest story around the world.
I'll take my optimism where I can.
Last fall, these women descended by foot, cane and walker onto an
armed forces recruitment center in Times Square. Inspired by groups
such as the Tucson Raging Grannies, they demanded -- �we insist/ we
enlist�-- that the Army take them rather than their grandchildren.
When the soldiers locked them out, 91-year-old Lillian Runyon banged
on the door, singing: �If I had a hammer ...� The women of the Granny
Peace Brigade then staged a sit-down until the police, rather more
gently than is their wont, took them to jail in handcuffs.
Their cry against the war's dishonorable conduct came up against the
government's claim of their disorderly conduct. But on April 27, a mere
whippersnapper of a judge - 46-years-old -- declared them not guilty.
Whereupon Joan Wile, lyricist and grandmother of five, promptly then
told the courthouse crowd, �Listen to your granny, she knows best.�
Now four of those grannies were sitting around the conference table in
their lawyer's office still wearing buttons and the glow of notoriety.
Wile was even brushing up the lyrics of her call-to-elder- arms:
�Grandmas get off your tush/ We've got to go after Bush.�
Something about the granniness of the event -- though some were
younger than the average senator -- made the coverage read more like a
lifestyle story than a gathering political storm. But then again, these
protesters have a lightness of spirit that brings a message home: �Just
forget your retirement pursuits/And get out your old marching boots.�
Wile, 74, and Molly Klopot, 87, and Carol Husten, 74, and Vinie
Burrows Harrison, �don't ask,� are not amateurs in the action
department. Molly's first protest as a child was for Sacco and
Vanzetti. Vinie remembers the Depression Era civil rights protest in
Harlem: �Don't shop where you can't work.�
They didn't know each other before they got together over a shared
anti-war sentiment. But now they finish each other's sentences. What do
grannies have that won the attention? �Novelty.� �Respect.�
�Authority.� �Mom and apple pie.�
Why are they protesting while their children and grandchildren aren't?
�They're busy, we're retired,� says Joan. Molly adds, �We helped the
world get in the shape it's in. We have some responsibility here.� And
all shake heads in agreement with Vinie and Carol on the notion that
they have reached a wonderful stage of life called: nothing left to
You can argue that these women have an unsophisticated political
solution to the war: get out. But first read that same unsophisticated
view in the journal Foreign Policy by retired Lt. Gen. William Odom
under the title: �Cut and Run? You Bet.�
You can argue too that protest is futile against an administration
that has left the reality-based community. But first consider what the
granny movement with its loose connections across 38 groups offers
those of us who turn from disapproval and confusion to passivity.
With her button reading �love the troops/hate the war,� Carol says
simply, �If you're not hopeful, you're helpless.� Vinie adds, �You have
to stand up for something or you mean nothing.� As Norman Siegel, their
longtime civil rights lawyer, says with respect, they represent a
generation that still believes they can make change. �They have in
their experience the belief that you can challenge the government. They
believe they can stop the war.�
We are now in the run-up to Mother's Day, a holiday that evolved from
Julia Ward Howe's anti-war crusade to Hallmark Cards' bed-in-breakfast
day. The grannies are cooking up something that won't fit on a bed
Before I leave, Joan rifles through the folder on her lap, stops for a
moment to hand me another set of lyrics, �Grandmas let's unite/ While
we are still upright.� But then she pauses to quote something from a
man who never got beyond 38, Martin Luther King: �Our lives begin to
end the day we become silent about things that matter.�
She looks around the table at grannies against the war who are shaking
their heads and adds: �I think that's our theme.� A booster shot of
optimism? Mission accomplished.
of GHz radiation on the human nervous system:
Recent Developments in the technology of
political control
Analysis on Mind
Control Electromagnetic Weapons
By Harlan E. Girard
May 6, 2006
NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Coherent and Emergent Phenomena in
Biomolecular Systems, University of Arizona - 1991-01-15
Paper presented by Harlan E. Girard,�NATO Advanced Research Workshop on
Coherent and Emergent Phenomena in Biomolecular Systems, The University
of Arizona, January 15-1991
The United States has developed communications equipment which can make
the blind see, the deaf hear and the lame walk. It can relieve the
terminally ill of all pain, without the use of any drugs. A man might
retain the use of all his faculties up until the day of his death.
This communications equipment depends on a new way of looking at the
human brain and neuromuscular system, and gigahertz radiation pulsed at
ultra-low frequencies.
Some of this equipment is now operational within the Central
Intelligence Agency and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. It will
never be used to make the blind see and the deaf hear and the lame walk
because its use is central to the domestic political agenda and foreign
policy of James A. Baker and George Herbert Walker Bush.
Domestically, the new communications equipment is being used to
torture and murder persons who match profiles imagined to be able to
screen a given population for terrorists, to torture and murder
citizens who belong to organizations which promote peace and
development in Central America, to torture and murder citizens who
belong to organizations opposed to the deployment and use of nuclear
weapons, and to create a race of slaves called Automatons or what is
popularly called the Manchurian Candidate.
Overseas, experimentation is taking place on hostages held by the
United States in Canada, Great Britain, Australia, Germany, Finland and
France. In addition, there has been a long series of bizarre suicides
among British computer scientists, all of whom had some connection to
the United States Navy.
Considenng how recklessly, wantonly and indiscriminately America's new
weapons have been used, physicians attending the dead and dying should
consider the patients known political views and associations before
making a diagnosis or conducting an autopsy.
In 1988 the Office of Technology Assessment of the Congress of the
United States published a special report titled. Criminal Justice: New
Technologies and the Constitution. The report surveys the new
technologies used in the investigation, apprehension, and confinement
of criminals and addresses that delicate balance to be maintained
between the national interest and individual rights.
As welcome as this report is to those of us who are interested in a
government of law rather than of men, it manages to omit any discussion
of the use of directed energy weapons from the section on less than
lethal weapons. For instance, a weapon has been developed to paralyze a
person at a distance, through a brick wall, if necessary. This weapon
was developed during 1983-4 for use in situations where hostages are
being held. A variation of this weapon has been purchased by the Marine
Corps, for confusing and disorienting the enemy.
American weapons research has centered on pulsed radiation in the
gigahertz frequency band for a very interesting reason. In 1972, the
Department of the Army researched Soviet and other foreign literature
sources and discovered over 500 studies devoted to the biological
effects of SHF - super-high frequency electromagnetic oscillations. (1)
SHF may have potential use as a technique for altering human behavior.
...Lethal and non-lethal aspects have been shown to exist. In certain
non-lethal exposures, definite behavioral changes have occurred. There
also appears to be a change in mammals, when exposed to SHF, in
sensitivity to sound, light, and olfactory stimuli.
The significance of this intelligence document in terms of the medical
experiments commissioned by the Central Intelligence Agency since 1976
is that emphasis in this report is placed on influencing individuals as
opposed to groups.
Secondly, this report is a trend study and therefore contains
statements predicting Soviet knowledge and capabilities for influencing
human behavior up to fifteen years ahead, or 1987. It foreshadows the
enormous effort put into behavior control experiments employing the use
of lasers and microwave beam weapons on involuntary human subjects
during the Reagan-Bush regime.
Thirdly, despite the report's title. Controlled Offensive Behavior -
USSR. it opens with a chapter describing the use of torture on Catholic
prisoners in British jails in Northern Ireland. The inclusion of this
chapter at all, and its position at the front of the report. clearly is
intended to suggest that it is permissible for the United States to
torture its own citizens because these methods are being used by our
very civilized cousins in Britain, and not only barbarians in the
Soviet Union.
Fourthly, the report states that, The purpose of mind altering
techniques is to create one or more of several different possible
states in the conscious or unconscious area of the brain. The ultimate
goal of controlled offensive behavior might well be the total
submission of one's will to some outside force.
After discussing some of the possible states short of complete
submission which may be the goal of Soviet research in behavior
control, the author states, Since the desired end product of this type
of research is some change in the human mind, only the non-lethal
aspects are discussed in this report. It should be remembered, however,
that some techniques have lethal thresholds.
In the current round of American behavior control experiments, no
allowance is made for lethal thresholds. The use of involuntary human
subjects provided by the Central Intelligence Agency precludes the
necessity for researchers to consider lethal thresholds and legal
A curious situation has emerged in which torturers and murderers
attend our meetings, address us on the failings of our own research,
and misdirect us with papers on the benign effects of incubating eggs
in 60-herz magnetic fields, in order to buy time for their own well
paid and frequently lethal experiments on involuntary human subjects.
Another document which will be of interest to those wishing baclground
information concemmg the technology of political control is The Search
for the Manchurian Candidate: The CIA and Mind Control by John Marks.
It was published in 1977 but has recently 1,1988) been reprinted by
Dell Publishing, with an introduction by Thomas Powers.
Of special interest are the.chapters concerning experiments with
electrodes in the brain, which were the true forerunner of current
experimentation involving invading the human brain and nervous system
with gigahertz frequency masers and microwave beam weapons.
Of particular interest in the light of current developments are two
paragraphs in the very last chapter which concern a Boston-based CIA
front organization, the Scientific Engineering Institute, which still
exists, not so incidentally. The SEI was initially established to do
research on radar! In the 1960's the SEI added a wing devoted to life
sciences, and hired a group of behavioral and medical scientists.
Marks reports, One veteran recalls a colleague joking, If you could
find the natural radio frequency of a person's sphincter, you could
make him run out of the room real fast. Turning serious, the veteran
states the technique was plausible. and he notes that many of The crazy
ideas bandied about at lunch developed into concrete projects. Just how
concrete that proposal to find the natural radio frequency of the human
anal (and penile) sphincter became, Marks had no way of knowing at the
lime he wrote his book.
Lastly, I would like to cite another Defense Intelligence Agency
report also prepared by the US Army. It is titled. Biological Effects
of Elertromagnetic Radiation (Radiowaves and Microwaves) Eurasian
Communist Countries It was published by the Defense Intelligence Agency
in March, 1976.
The importance of this report rests not on its content, much of which
seems to remains classified, but in its acknowledgement of a shift in
focus, in less than four years from a wide range of behavior control
interests to just one, electromagnetic radiation.
The date of this report�is also significant:�it was published when
George Herbert Walker Bush became Director of Central Intelligence.
Experiments on involuntary human subjects were rapidly authorized by
the new Director, but to take place outside of the United States
because of the wrath of Congress at that time.
An experiment was begun in Edmomon. Alberta. Canada, under the aegis
of an American oil company with which the DCI was on friendly terms. It
consisted initially of blasting a man s brain with the microwave analog
of sound waves for 2-3 hours a day. This has the effect of producing
auditory hallucinations.
For an explanation of how audible voices are broadcast directly into
the brain, see _Microwave Auditory Effects and Applications_, James C.
Lin, Ph.D., Thomas Springfield, ll, 1978. For audible volces and their
uses in intelligence operations also see _The Body Electric;
Electromagnetism and the Foundation of Life_, Robert D. Becker, M.D.
and Gary Selden, Morrow, N.Y., 1985, particularly pages 317 et seq.
A further discussion of events leading up the present series of mind
control experiments will have to await another occasion, in favor of a
discussion of the technology ef which the United States is now
As I have already indicated, one of the principal features of the
weapon system is its ability to produce auditory effects, or
hallucinations. Using these effects to broadcast defeat into the minds
of the enemy was a particular dream of Lt. Gen. Leonard Perroots,
U.SA.F. He hired droves of consultants to tell him how to use a
microwave beam to implant ideas in the mind of the enemy, and to be
perfectly fair, to urge on his own troops to superhuman deeds of valor.
One consultant I have spoken with advised Perroots that it is no more
possible to implant ideas in the brain with microwaves than it is
possible to implant ideas in a computer with microwaves. He pointed out
the impossibility of knowing where any particular bit of informaiion is
The effect this had on Perroots was really quite predictable,
considering the hubris of the man, and his access to unlimited amounts
of money through the bloated, American defense budget. He kept on
hiring consultants until he found one who promised him results, knowing
thai he, Perroots, would be long retired before anyone could safely say
his fair- haired boy was a charlatan.
The smug complacency of the former consultant I spoke with was equally
predictable. When I confronted him with the fact that medical
atrocities are being committed on innocent human beings, he refused to
discuss the subject with me until I could describe the process to him.
Subsequently, I stumbled across Lin's book on microwave auditory
I called the former consultant back again, and again implored him to
step forward and be counted. This time, confronted with the process
being used, he told me that I had to expiain to him the mechanism by
which microwaves produce auditory effects! Changing tack, I told him
that the mechanism is irrelevant; the process is being used on slave
labor in efforts to create the Manchurian Candidate.
His reaction was just as predictable as Perroots', given the isolation
and arrogance of academia. He assured me that such experiments couldn't
be going on because HE had Forestalled that happening. HE had told Lt.
Gen. Perroots that it couldn't be done, so Perroots had gone out to fly
a kite and forgotten about it.
Actually, that is what should have happened Instead, Perroots turned
to a man who promised him results. This man remembered the microwave
analog audiograms used by Dr. Joseph Sharp to beam auditory
hallucinations into his own head at the Walter Reed Army Institute of
Research in 1973. He promised Perroots that he would talk a human being
to death if he was furnished with the equipment Sharp had used at
Walter Reed, a slave, and personal security.
This was the origin of the medical atrocities which begin in Edmonton,
Alberta in 1976, under the protection of the Central Intelligence
Agency, and continue to this day.
By the fall of 1983, experiments had produced some communications
equipment which far exceeded the simple dream of broadcasting defeat
into the minds of the enemy. It is not only capable of producing
auditory hallucinations, but visual hallucinations as well. The visual
hallucinations have been described to me by a German artist, on whom
this equipment is being used involuntarily, as having the quality of
35mm color slides.
Besides these sensory hallucinations, the same equipment can be used
to block all sensation. It is being used to distort and even completely
block all senses. With it the ultimate in sensory deprivation
experiments can be performed. There's no peaking under the
electromagnetic blindfold this equipment creates.
I should mention in this context, that the Central Intelligence Agency
now has at its disposal the most evil, the most cunning torture devised
by any government in all of human history. It is truly satanic in its
moral and ethical implications. It is a torture which is commensurate
with the degeneracy of a nation which is prepared and well on its way
to polluting all life on earth into extinction.
The torture I am writing of I can only descibe as thought deprivation.
It is used in conjunction with sensory deprivation but it is in fact
sensory deprivation times 10^(10).
We are all famiiliar with the sensation of being exposed to very loud
noises. They are irritating, and we try to remove ourselves from them.
We might say, It's so noisy in here, I can't hear myself think.
Human beings perceive thought as audible sound. It is something which
we hear. We listen to ourselves think. This quality of listening to
ourselves think, of hearing our own thoughts, can be extinguished by
this device, so that it is _not_ possible to hear oneself think.
I have no idea how this effect is produced. It may be accomplished by
playing a signal into the auditory nerve at such a high power that it
does in fact drown out the sound of all thought, but I do not believe
that is how it is being done. I do not know enough about the physiology
of the brain to explain how it might be done, but the Central
Intelligence Agency can do it with the mind control technology at its
That is the bad news. The good news is that one continues to think
even if one cannot hear oneself think. Do not panic. There is nothing
to fear.
On the other hand, our thought process is what distinguishes man from
other forms of life. Cogito ergo sum. But cogito is no longer
necessarily possible. Where does this leave sum?
Furthermore, this communications equipment is able to produce pain,
enormous amounts of pain. Pain is only another nerve signal, and pain
is applied in great quantities in the torture regimen.
Sometimes the pain is specific and describable, more often it is
general and indescnbable. It is very much like being immersed in water,
only it isn't water it is pain The pain surges and laps at one. like
I have also described this pain as being very much like having an
electric current passing through one's body. It is like having one's
finger held in an electric socket and being unable to turn the current
off. Except, this torture is used for years on end.
A skeptic might well ask why?�If the United States has such equipment,
why�is it being used to torture innocents and not Saddam Hussein?. The
answer is the cowardice factor.
It is quite one thing to torture innocents for a few hours a day, a
few days a week, and then retire to a nearby hotel to soak your liver
in beer served from frosty mugs. It is quite another to spend your
afternoons and evenings in Baghdad, confined to a room commensurate
with your cover story, because you don't speak Arabic, wondering how
soon you will be betrayed.
This is the cowardice factor. What good is it to earn big bucks if
your life is put at risk? Paitriotism? Forget about it. Torturing a man
through a cinder block wall is the ultimate act of cowardice. The mere
invention is a reflection of the complete moral and phy.sial corruption
of American society.
But America is also an intellectually corrupt country. Once the
Central Intelligence Agency had discovered the Fountain of Death, it
didn't know how to use it. The best idea they could come up with was to
resurrect the protocols of the infamous Dr. Ewen Cameron, subsiitftung
the new technology for the low tech equipment he had employed.
Readers who are interested in the protocols of the deranged Dr.
Cameron may consult John Marks' book, cited earlier. There have
recently been several books published on the subject of Cameron, as
well. This new interest resulted from survivors of his medical
atrocities suing the CIA for compensation.
Among the books recently published, I would recommend Journey Into
Madness by Clordon Thomas. The American edition came out in May, 1990.
A skeptic might also ask how it is possible to apply the Cameron
brainwashing technique, called depatterning, to an American citizen in
the privacy of his own home. This is in fact the $64 dollar question,
with no obvious answer to rational men and women.
Firstly, every effort is made to incarcerate the victim in a friendly
hospital where his or her mind can be crushed at the leisure of the
CIA- Failmg this it is usually possible to at least get a false
diagnosis from a corrupt physician that the victim has a potential
psychiatric problem which may require institutionalization at some
future date.
The effor to incarcerate the victim requires the cooperation of
someone in the victim's family or work environment. The Central
Intelligence Agency uses the term authority figure to describe this
player, because he or she is an authority on the victim, and will step
forward at the appropriate moment and demand that the victim be
incarcerated or agree with the physician that the victim should be
Failing the presence of an authority, the victim may simply be
kidnapped and placed in confinement, or the CIA may use unlawfu1
restraint to hold the victim in confinement temporarily. It's not a
pretty picture.
If all attempts at incarceration fail. or when the victim must be
released, then the victim is tortured m the pnvacy of his own home-
This is possible because the effects are produced by electromagnetic
radiation, which passes freely through seemingly solid walls
The brainwashing begins by picking victims who are isolated in the
first place, preferrably living alone, by soliciting the cooperation of
the victims friends and acquaintances. In other societies these people
wouldn't be called friends, they would be called informers.
The Central Intelligence Agency then attempts to isolate the
individual from people whom they plan to corrupt -- the victlm's
support network. This is done by making the victim difficult to be
with. At the same tune, every effort is made to make the vktim
suspicious of his friends and colleagues so he will avoid them of his
own, free will.
To augment this process, members of the victims support network may
simply be purchased to spread rumors concerning the victim, with the
intention of further isolating him or her. This aspect of the process
may be and is, carried to the extreme of simply murdering members of
the victims support network.
The process of discrediting the victim, isolating the victim, is a
continuous one, and isolating the victim from members of the opposite
sex, particularly potential sex partners, is a central feature of this
This is the background. The foreground is the adaptation of the
Cameron depatterning technique. The central feature of this is to use
microwave auditory effects in place of the tapeplayer and headset which
Cameron used in a part of the process called psychic driving.
The microwave auditory effects are used to humiliate and ridicule the
victim, and to express the torturers contempt for the victim, which is
also expressed through the application of copious amounts of pain.
Contempt is also expressed by breaking and entering the victims home
and burglarizing it on a daily basis. The victim is allowed no privacy
whatsoever His every action is commented on disparagingly. This is
accomplished by bugging the victim's home with an array of devices,
including video and sound sensors.
The quality of the bugging equipment available to the CIA today is
beyond the imagination of the average man. These sensors have been
miniaturized to the point where no visual inspection will every
discover them. And they are sensitive beyond belief The bugging devices
themselves could be the subject of a separate paper.
The Manchurian Candidate 1990 is quite a different fellow than his
1956 counterpart. He is no longer an hypnoticaly preprogrammed
assaassin; his behavior is programmed and fed into a computer, which
biomechanically drives him to his predetermined and destructive
destiny, just like the cruise missiles manufactured by General Electric
When I pick up a copy of Blomedica1 Engineering, I am struck by the
fact that all of the research in it is unnecessary, duplicates research
accomplished five to 15 years ago by the Central Intelligence Agency.
The difference between our research and theirs is that scientists
employed by the CIA work on involuntary human subjects, slaves if you
will, furnished to them by their employer. They do not have to be
concerned with lethal thresholds.
The process which the microwave weapon employs is described in a paper
titled, The Electromagnetic Spectrum in Low-Intensity Conflict, by Cap.
Paul E. Tyler, Medical Command, United States Navy. His paper,
presented at least a year after the murder which leaves no traces had
already been perfected, sets forth the coneptual basis from which the
development of the microwave beam weaponry began. It is worth reading.
Captain Tyler's paper was presented at a workshop conducted by Air
University Center for Aerospace Doctrine, Research, and Education in
March, 1984. His paper is included in a collection titled,
Low-Intensity Conflict and Modern Technology, edited by Lt. Col. David
J. Dean, United States Air Force, and published by Air University
Press, Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama in June, 1986. The book is
available from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government
Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402.
If there are skeptics among you, and I hope that there are, the benign
results of the Central Intelligence Agency's research can be seen on
television nearly every night. Take a film clip of George Herbert
Walker Bush at the end of the Malta summit with President Gorbachev and
compare it with a film clip of George Bush campaigning for the
Republican nomination in 1988. The pitch of his voice has been
significantly lowered, he speaks in complete sentences and no longer in
sentence fragments, and his gestures are appropriate to the oratorical
point he is making rather than empty and fluttery gesticulations.
I have no problem with the CIA's enhancing George Bush's public image.
After all, he is former Director of Central Intelligence, and
authorized experiments on involuntary human subjects with maser and
microwave beam weapons in February, 1976.
I have more trouble with the use of this equipment to neutralize
Michael Dukakis' campaign for President in 1988, by making his public
image wooden and plodding.
I have even more trouble with the use of this equipment to bring Kitty
Dukakis to the brink of suicide, in order to enhance the prospects of
George Bush's choice of political
opponent in 1992 Jesse Jackson. Now that the Supreme Court has been
neutralized as an instrument for social justice, neutralizing the
Congress has become the Central Intelligence Agencys principal
objective. A Jackson nomination is most likely to divide and crush the
Democratic Party.
Think about what I have written. Perhaps it will help to explain
classified work which is going on in a laboratory near you. Perhaps it
will even help to explain work which you have been asked to do.
What do you know about research aimed at the computer control of human
beings through masers aimed at acupuncture points, or muscle groups?
What do you know about the torture and rape and murder of persons of
both sexes using masers and microwave beam weapons designed to be used
in combat training and simulation systems?
What do you know about a magnetic beam weapon, meant to temporarily
disable any device employing an electric motor, or transistors, without
permanently damaging it?
What do you know about the development of a tactile intelligence
exploitation system designed to maintain control of political activists
as they travel, anywhere in the world?
If you have such information, have a few words with me before the end
of the of Workshop, or speak out on this subject in a forum of your own
choosing. The more who speak out, the less likely it is that any one of
us will be victimized for what we say.
In any case, only the illusion of Constitutional government remains in
the United States. Do not be afraid. The worst is yet to come.
1. This 54 page report went out of print in March, 1990. It is
available at libraries which have been designated Government Document
2. For a discussion of a similar weapon, see An X-Band Microwave
Life-Detection System in IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering,
Vol 33, No. 7; July, 1986.
3. This information was leaked by a British scientist to a British
investigator, and appears in City limits, London, Aug 9 - Aug 16, 1990.
This weapon is described as a microwave pulse radar, and is believed to
work by rapidly heating the brain.
4. Super-high frequency radiation is a term applied to wave lengths
between a decimeter and centimeter long. It corresponds roughly with a
frequency range of 1-100 gigahertz.
5. Controlled Offensive Behavior - USSR, by Captain John D. LaMothe,
Medical Intelligence Office. Department of the Army. This intelligence
document was published by the Defense Intelligence Agency in July,
About the Author
Harlan E. Girard was born in Cleveland, OH in 1936. He studied for the
B. Chem. E. degree at Cornell University, and received the B.A. degree
in economics from The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, from which he
graduated in 1957.
Since 1988, Mr. Girard has been pursuing independent research into the
harmful effects ot radiation on biological systems. He is a member of
the Bioelectromagnetics Society and IEEE Engineering in Medicine and
Biology Society.
In 1989, the Federal Bureau of Investigation refused Mr. Girard access
to his own file on the grounds that it is 93exempt from mandatory
release on the basis of 5 U.S.C. a7522 (b) (1)94. This section of the
United States Code is applicable to documents 93 to be kept secret in
the interest of national defense or foreign policy.
Mr. Girard is flattered to have been made a peer of J. Robert
Oppenheimer et al., despite the fact that he has never applied for a
security clearance from the Department of Defense or held a job which
required one. On the other hand, since 1983, he has been an involuntary
human subject in medical experiments commissioned by the Central
Intelligence Agency, which has of course made him privy to a great deal
of highly classified and extremely sensitive information.
Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the sole
responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of
the Centre for Research on Globalization.
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Message 4
From: "reggie501"
Date: Sun May 7, 2006 10:22am(PDT)
Subject: Targeted Killings Surge in Baghdad! tvnl news
May 07,2006
**Targeted Killings Surge in Baghdad - Nearly 4,000 civilian
deaths, many of them Sunni Arabs slain execution-style, were
recorded in the first three months of the year.
� Car Bombs Rock Baghdad, Karbala; 16 Dead
� Basra on the brink of exploding
� Libby lawyer to argue Bush's role in leak at trial
� CIA boss Goss is cooked - CIA Director Porter Goss abruptly
resigned yesterday amid allegations that he and a top aide may
have attended Watergate poker parties where bribes and
prostitutes were provided to a corrupt congressman.
� So You Think Capitalism is a Good Thing?
� Federal Recipe for Gasoline Helped Drive Up the Price
� Oil giants' charm offensive as US politicians threaten action
� More Questions Surface in the Wake of a Congressman's Bribery Case
� DeLay Office Knew Abramoff Arranged Trip
� BP plant top U.S. polluter - Toxic emissions from Texas City
refinery tripled in '04, company's data show
� Brazil joins world's nuclear club - The government says that
within a decade the country will be able to meet all its nuclear
energy needs.
� What's Going On? - Ever heard of "hydraulic despotism"? - Anyway,
hydraulic despotism: is a term for despotic rule supported by
control of a single, necessary resource.
� Pfizer broke law with 1996 Nigeria drug test-paper - Pfizer was
never authorized by the Nigerian government to give the unproven
drug Trovan to nearly 100 children and infants at a field hospital
in Kano
� Depleted Uranium - Far Worse Than 9/11 - Depleted Uranium Dust -
Public Health Disaster For The People Of Iraq and Afghanistan
� Book details Mossad's chocolate assassination - Israel's Mossad
secret service agency killed a Palestinian wanted for airplane
hijackings by feeding him poisoned Belgian chocolate over six
months in the late 1970s
Email the Oprah Winfrey today for a program to reopen 9/11!!
Message 5
From: "Hal Kenoz"
Date: Sun May 7, 2006 10:43am(PDT)
Subject: The secret American Army kills an Iraqi journalist
Every Iraqi can inform you about the secret American gangs army,
which consists of some Iraqi members, Persians, and some of the
100,000 thieves and killers that Saddam released days before the
American occupation.
Of course it is a real joke against all Iraqis that the man who
killed this Iraqi journalist was shouting "ALLHU AKBAR / GOD GREAT".
Releasing the video about this murder is very similar to the
American psycological war against Iraqis. This is in line with the
AbuGhirab prison systematic photos release.
The Americans are heavily involved in many types of war
techinuques/ attacks against the Iraqi people, and that is the most
evident proof resistance to the occupation.
Every person who fights for humanity should raise his voice
against the secret American army in Iraq which attacks civilians in
their homes and in cities streets and in this civilian work places.
The Sunday Times - World
The Sunday Times May 07, 2006
Part of me died when I saw this cruel killing
HALA JABER EVEN by the stupefying standards of Iraq's unspeakable
violence, the murder of Atwar Bahjat, one of the country's top
television journalists, was an act of exceptional cruelty.
Nobody but her killers knew just how much she had suffered until a
film showing her death on February 22 at the hands of two
musclebound men in military uniforms emerged last week. Her family's
worst fears of what might have happened have been far exceeded by
the reality.
Bahjat was abducted after making three live broadcasts from the edge
of her native city of Samarra on the day its golden-domed Shi'ite
mosque was blown up, allegedly by Sunni terrorists.
Roadblocks prevented her from entering the city and her anxiety was
obvious to everyone who saw her final report. Night was falling and
tensions were high.
Two men drove up in a pick-up truck, asking for her. She appealed to
a small crowd that had gathered around her crew but nobody was
willing to help her. It was reported at the time that she had been
shot dead with her cameraman and sound man.
We now know that it was not that swift for Bahjat. First she was
stripped to the waist, a humiliation for any woman but particularly
so for a pious Muslim who concealed her hair, arms and legs from men
other than her father and brother.
Then her arms were bound behind her back. A golden locket in the
shape of Iraq that became her glittering trademark in front of the
television cameras must have been removed at some point � it is
nowhere to be seen in the grainy film, which was made by someone who
pointed a mobile phone at her as she lay on a patch of earth in
mortal terror.
By the time filming begins, the condemned woman has been blindfolded
with a white bandage.
It is stained with blood that trickles from a wound on the left side
of her head. She is moaning, although whether from the pain of what
has already been done to her or from the fear of what is about to be
inflicted is unclear.
Just as Bahjat bore witness to countless atrocities that she covered
for her television station, Al-Arabiya, during Iraq's descent into
sectarian conflict, so the recording of her execution embodies the
depths of the country's depravity after three years of war.
A large man dressed in military fatigues, boots and cap approaches
from behind and covers her mouth with his left hand. In his right
hand, he clutches a large knife with a black handle and an 8in
blade. He proceeds to cut her throat from the middle, slicing from
side to side.
Her cries � "Ah, ah, ah" � can be heard above the "Allahu akbar" (God
is greatest) intoned by the holder of the mobile phone.
Even then, there is no quick release for Bahjat. Her executioner
suddenly stands up, his job only half done. A second man in a dark T-
shirt and camouflage trousers places his right khaki boot on her
abdomen and pushes down hard eight times, forcing a rush of blood
from her wounds as she moves her head from right to left.
Only now does the executioner return to finish the task. He hacks
off her head and drops it to the ground, then picks it up again and
perches it on her bare chest so that it faces the film-maker in a
grotesque parody of one of her pieces to camera.
The voice of one of the Arab world's most highly regarded and
outspoken journalists has been silenced. She was 30.
As a friend of Bahjat who had worked with her on a variety of tough
assignments, I found it hard enough to bear the news of her murder.
When I saw it replayed, it was as if part of me had died with her.
How much more gruelling it must have been for a close family friend
who watched the film this weekend and cried when he heard her voice.
The friend, who cannot be identified, knew nothing of her beheading
but had been guarding other horrifying details of Bahjat's ordeal.
She had nine drill holes in her right arm and 10 in her left, he
said. The drill had also been applied to her legs, her navel and her
right eye. One can only hope that these mutilations were made after
her death.
There is a wider significance to the appalling footage and the
accompanying details. The film appears to show for the first time an
Iraqi death squad in action.
The death squads have proliferated in recent months, spreading
terror on both sides of the sectarian divide. The clothes worn by
Bahjat's killers are bound to be scrutinised for clues to their
Bahjat, with her professionalism and impartiality as a half-Shi'ite,
half-Sunni, would have been the first to warn against any hasty
conclusions, however. The uniforms seem to be those of the Iraqi
National Guard but that does not mean she was murdered by guardsmen.
The fatigues could have been stolen for disguise.
A source linked to the Sunni insurgency who supplied the film to The
Sunday Times in London claimed it had come from a mobile phone found
on the body of a Shi'ite Badr Brigade member killed during fighting
in Baghdad.
But there is no evidence the Iranian-backed Badr militia was
responsible. Indeed, there are conflicting indications. The drill is
said to be a popular tool of torture with the Badr Brigade. But
beheading is a hallmark of Al-Qaeda in Iraq, led by the Sunni Abu
Musab al-Zarqawi.
According to a report that was circulating after Bahjat's murder,
she had enraged the Shi'ite militias during her coverage of the
bombing of the Samarra shrine by filming the interior minister,
Bayan Jabr, ordering police to release two Iranians they had
There is no confirmation of this and the Badr Brigade, with which
she maintained good relations, protected her family after her
funeral came under attack in Baghdad from a bomber and then from a
gunman. Three people died that day.
Bahjat's reporting of terrorist attacks and denunciations of
violence to a wide audience across the Middle East made her plenty
of enemies among both Shi'ite and Sunni gunmen. Death threats from
Sunnis drove her away to Qatar for a spell but she believed her
place was in Iraq and she returned to frontline reporting despite
the risks.
We may never know who killed Bahjat or why. But the manner of her
death testifies to the breakdown of law, order and justice that she
so bravely highlighted and illustrates the importance of a cause she
espoused with passion.
Bahjat advocated the unity of Iraq and saw her golden locket as a
symbol of her belief. She put it with her customary on-air eloquence
on the last day of her life: "Whether you are a Sunni, a Shi'ite or
a Kurd, there is no difference between Iraqis united in fear for
this nation."
Message 6
From: "Dick Eastman"
Date: Sun May 7, 2006 10:44am(PDT)
Subject: Re: Fw: The most important 9-11 evidence is from the Pentagon attack
I've looked closely at a lot of pictures of the damaged wall, don't recall any steel mesh. Could it have been carried into the building by the pushing fuselage? Certainly the windows didn't stop the killer jet.
----- Original Message -----
From: Scott Peden
Sent: Saturday, May 06, 2006 9:31 PM
Subject: RE: [911TruthAction] Fw: The most important 9-11 evidence is from the Pentagon attack Re: A Boeing 757 did not hit the Pentagon
The wall had just been retrofitted with steel mesh to stop planes/missles from penetrating the outer soft sandstone walls. Yet it was just like Osama said about the WTC, it did a lot more damage than anyone could have thought.
-----Original Message-----
From: []On Behalf Of Dick Eastman
Sent: Saturday, May 06, 2006 5:11 PM
To: Peter Wakefield Sault
Subject: [911TruthAction] Fw: The most important 9-11 evidence is from the Pentagon attack Re: A Boeing 757 did not hit the Pentagon
I respect your opinion, however these was not a total of 9 feet of concret penetrated by the killer jet. There were no concrete walls within the building between the entrance hole in ring-E and the exit hole (if that is what it is) in ring-C. Only one or two walls were penetrated. My own view, if you had not heard, is that a missile explosion softened up the entry. Also an F-16 was tested with full remote-control combat capability -- it was retired to the General Dynamic museum in March of 2001 -- possibly with the remote control equipment removed. Again, the missile that softened the outer wall need not have been high velocity, just enough to weaken the structure in the vacinity of the killer jet's entry. Remember too, that the Pentagon wall is not a block of solid concret as in the famous test case with the F-4 Phantom -- the killer jet hit a wall with windows, a wall softened by the explosion we see in the security cam video (with at least one witness reporting the same white flash)
Yes, I agree with the Pentagon employee's statement about the reason the hole was dynamited. The original hole was made before the words "punch out" were written on the wall (as shown in pictures) -- and so the hole itself was blasted because it was too perfect, too round, too unlike the hole a fuselage of a 757 would make. The man's statement is very valuable to any investigation -- I hope you have his name.
----- Original Message -----
From: Peter Wakefield Sault
To: Dick Eastman
Sent: Saturday, May 06, 2006 4:53 PM
Subject: Re: The most important 9-11 evidence is from the Pentagon attack Re: A Boeing 757 did not hit the Pentagon
Hi Dick
Have you seen the footage of a jet fighter on a rocket-sled being slammed into a 10 foot thick block of concrete? If you have you'll know that the jet fighter loses, completely disintegrating, and the block of concrete remains intact. The only object that could blast its way through the total of 9 foot of steel reinforced military grade concrete to leave an almost perfectly circular hole through the inner C ring is a DU tipped Mach X cruise missile. Fighter jets are made the same way as passenger airliners. The nose cone is kevlar and houses radars, computers and control systems. It is SOFT and would simply crumple if you threw it at something hard. It is NOT designed to penetrate concrete. NO PART OF ANY AIRPLANE IS DESIGNED TO PENETRATE CONCRETE. They are designed only to fly through the air. Planes can launch missiles but I already told you, not that close to a target and especially not from a remotely piloted plane.
I think you give far too much importance to the 5 frames of video. The very fact the they were released should tell you something. They are spurious and should be treated as such. Once you restrict yourself to examining the actual damage to the Pentagon it will become a lot clearer. Those 5 frames are a poisoned well.
Finally, I had an unnamed Pentagon employee write to me because he wanted the information released but could not do that himself because of his job (presumably he doesn't want to lose it). Anyway, he said the FBI on the scene decided to blow that section of wall down with dynamite after the object struck because the impact damage did not look sufficiently like a plane.
I think possible that any and all airplane parts in that section of the Pentagon were either display models or were being examined by Naval Intelligence for some reason or other.
All the best
----- Original Message -----
From: Dick Eastman
Sent: Sunday, May 07, 2006 12:21 AM
Subject: The most important 9-11 evidence is from the Pentagon attack Re: A Boeing 757 did not hit the Pentagon
Ron Winn and Jean-Pierre Desmoulins discussing
the Pentagon attack evidence.
----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, May 06, 2006 3:05 PM
Subject: Re: [frameup] Re: A Boeing 757 did not hit the Pentagon
> Impossible that people inside, on this point which was flooded by debris,
> could do this hole. >From outside, also impossible : see pictures showing
> the thermal insulation or a pipe deflected outside, and also the debris in
> the AE drive...
You insist the the explosive was in the nose of the killer jet. I say
the hole could have been made by planted charges or some
"urban-warfare" weapon. It is absurd to think that explosives would
be added to blow the second wall encountered and not the first.
The hole had an immediate purpose -- probably related to arranging
for the collapse of the front of the building.
Jean-Pierre, no trace of any passenger seat has been noted by witnesses or
photographed. Also we have the proof that 757 debris was deliberately
planted on the lawn -- which would not be done unless there had been no 757
and they wanted to make it look as though there had been one.
> This "punch out" = "punched to let people out" translation is a sad hoax.
Who said the hole was made to "let people out" -- this too is absurd.
In my opinion, if the hole was not made by the killer jet itself, than it
was made in order to introduce the explosive material that caused
the collapse.
> At 22:13 06/05/2006 +0100, you wrote:
> >Dick, I thought the photo evidence showed a clear pathway throught the
> >various rings at an angle of 50 degrees. If the C-ring hole was a escape
> >route for those elite naval intel guys then what was out there around the
> >C-ring looked like a human exit hole more than a radome exit hole.
> >
> >There is someone who could explain the reason for the marking "punch out"
> >but has never done so. I wish he would. In fact, it is about time he did.
Again, after entering the building the only substantial barriers between the
killer jet and the C-wall in question were the pillars at the ground floor level.
The 9-11 plan did not allow for the naval intelligence personnel to escape --
the idea was to kill them because they were not controlled by the Zionist cabal.
The killer jet entered at an oblique angle. It's fuselage and engine continued
until stopped by either the pillars or by the C-ring wall. The C-ring wall hole
may or may not have been made by a solitary engine as reported. If the C-ring
hole was made after the killer jet struck, then the purpose was to arrange for
the collapse of the structure to hide the too-small not-fitting-a-Boeing entry hole.
The hole was made before the words "punch out" were written -- as photos
make obvious. Possibly the instructions are to enlarge the hole -- to punch out
the boarder of the hole to conceal its too-perfect roundness etc.
What convinced me that 9-11 was a false-flag inside-job.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
SPONSORED LINKS United state citizenship United state grant United state flag
United state army United state government grant United state patent
a.. Visit your group "911TruthAction" on the web.
b.. To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:
c.. Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.
Message 7
From: "Dick Eastman"
Date: Sun May 7, 2006 10:53am(PDT)
Subject: Fw: [911TruthAction] Morgan Reynolds on the 911 Hoax
----- Original Message -----
From: "stoelting1981" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, May 07, 2006 9:05 AM
Subject: [911TruthAction] Morgan Reynolds on the 911 Hoax
> Would wing tips and tail break off against each steel wall or
> disappear entirely inside each building?
Reynolds is not doing his own thinking -- he uses Webfairy wording the whole way, including the ignorant term "planehuggers"
In the case of the Pentagon, at the angle of hit, had the killer jet been a Boeing 757 the starboard engine would have hit before the wing root and so the wing would not have been able to "fold up" and enter the fuselage hole. And besides that there is no hole -- merely tilting pillars -- where a 757's starboard engine would have to have hit if the official story were true.
What convinced me that 9-11 was a false-flag inside-job.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Dick Eastman
Yakima, Washington
Message 8
From: "Dick Eastman"
Date: Sun May 7, 2006 10:53am(PDT)
Subject: Israeli sport -- target killings surge in Baghdad, 4000 deaths, many
Targeted Killings Surge in Baghdad - Nearly 4,000 civilian deaths, many of them Sunni Arabs slain execution-style, were recorded in the first three months of the year.
Certainly it is not Iraqis who are assassinating the educated class of Iraq.
The execution style is a dead giveaway of Mossad professionalism.
Now who would enjoy bloodsport like this?
Message 9
From: ""
Date: Sun May 7, 2006 11:49am(PDT)
Subject: 5 at meetup group
Be sure to speak up loudly so the three people who are from govt
agencies and trying to justify their agencies existence and their take
home govt car can get a good recording of what you have to say.
Bush Lied - People Died
Bush Spied - Must Be Tried !
No person with Dual Citizenship - Should hold any City, County, State or
Federal Elected or appointed Government office or Tax Payer Paid Civil
Service Job !
A U.S. Congressman a couple years ago said, The Founding Fathers did
not put the 2nd Amendment in the Constitution to guarantee Americans the
Right to hunt for food, But the Right to hunt Elected Officials who try
to take our rights away.
The Bush Administration
They Hate Our FREEDOM !
� Looking for a Caribbean vacation getaway !
See The "View" Here !
"All Laws Which Are Repugnant to The Constitution Are Null And Void "
Marbury Vs. Madison 5 US 137,174,176
Give us Liberty or Give us Death --------- - Bring it On ! Let's Roll !
"We Don't Give Up Our Rights ! --
That's What Makes Us AMERICANS !"
Hear The TRUTH for a Change !
90+ Air America Radio Stations Listed Here
Ed Schults at
Jeff Rense at
From the Hosts & Call in Listeners all over the USA,
Listen to - The Power Hour with Joyce Riley & Dave VonKleist Times &
Freqs --> :
Alex Jones on Short Wave at :
Politically correct speech is just government �censorship.
Prejudicial speech is just free speech about what a lifetime of
experiences has taught you. "tlb 2001"
More on Politically Correct Speech
��From The US Declaration of Independence
����"That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted
among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,
-- That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these
ends, It is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to
institute new Government, Laying its foundation on such principles and
organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to
effect their Safety and Happiness."
������"But when a long train of abuses and usurpations,
pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them
under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw
off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future
The Government that Governs Least Governs Best !!
The Keyboard Is Mightier
� Than The Sword
�������1999 tlb � � � � � �
����Thomas Lee Buyea
Florida News Service
� Miami, Fla. USA
���\�����(o> � � � �My Cockatiel Angel
���\\_//) � � � � �I think She is an Alien
����_I_ :
<html><body bgcolor="white"text="black">and</body>
Message 10
From: "stoelting1981"
Date: Sun May 7, 2006 0:04pm(PDT)
Subject: Re: Fw: [911TruthAction] Morgan Reynolds on the 911 Hoax
--- In, "Dick Eastman" <olfriend@...>
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "stoelting1981" <fiat@...>
> To: <>
> Sent: Sunday, May 07, 2006 9:05 AM
> Subject: [911TruthAction] Morgan Reynolds on the 911 Hoax
> > Would wing tips and tail break off against each steel wall or
> > disappear entirely inside each building?
> Reynolds is not doing his own thinking -- he uses Webfairy wording
the whole way, including the ignorant term "planehuggers"
> In the case of the Pentagon, at the angle of hit, had the killer
jet been a Boeing 757 the starboard engine would have hit before the
wing root and so the wing would not have been able to "fold up" and
enter the fuselage hole. And besides that there is no hole --
merely tilting pillars -- where a 757's starboard engine would have
to have hit if the official story were true.
> What convinced me that 9-11 was a false-flag inside-job.
> 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
> Dick Eastman
> Yakima, Washington
Mr. Eastman,
Google Search: Morgan Reynolds on the 911 Hoax
Message 11
From: "stoelting1981"
Date: Sun May 7, 2006 0:09pm(PDT)
Subject: Google Search: Morgan Reynolds on the 911 Hoax
The FBI uses polygraphs to eliminate suspects.
Message 12
From: "Bugs"
Date: Sun May 7, 2006 0:15pm(PDT)
Subject: 'Dear Mr. President' (Indigo Girls)
Please load ,listen,and pass on to all on your lists let the kids hear this song,If your church has a webpage ,email it to your church,Very sad ,but very good.
Warning for modem connectors - it's 6Mb and a long load at 28.8kbps
> Subject: 'Dear Mr. President'
> Watch this Flash Video of PINK & the Indigo Girls. Then pass it along
> to those who truly care about where America is going.
> Go to :
Message 13
From: "Bugs"
Date: Sun May 7, 2006 0:25pm(PDT)
Subject: Help and Call Monday
Published: Sunday, May 07, 2006
Bylined to: Mary MacElveen
Luis Posada Carriles ... how dare the United States government protect this man! commentarist Mary MacElveen writes: On Friday (May 5, 2006) I wrote a piece for this e-publication Disparity proves the United States is not serious about combating terrorism.
In that article, I stated "In my search for the passenger list of Cubana flight 455, of which Luis Posada Carriles masterminded the explosion, I could not find the complete list anywhere on the Internet ... as if these people's lives did not matter."
Much to my surprise in my email box a reader was kind enough to write to me: "Thank you for writing such a good article for on the United States' a la carte war on terrorism. I'm sorry that you couldn't find the list of passengers of CU 455 on the net ... the Google search engine probably hasn't picked it up ... the list of passengers is found on Un abrazo, Jose"
While I could not find the complete list, Jose did. Thank you, Jose.
I find it uplifting to say the least when there are kindred spirits out there screaming for justice as well. I find it uplifting when someone cares enough to record their names as victims of terrorism. The people listed cry out from heavens above for the man responsible to be brought to justice in Venezuela ... his name is Luis Posada Carriles ... and how dare the United States government protect this man!
a.. A judge is worried that he will be tortured. I find that hypocritical, to say the least, considering the fact that we have tortured alleged terrorists in Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo (also known as GITMO).
What I do find astonishing is that no party leader within the Sumate organization is demanding that the Bush government send this monster, Carriles, back to Venezuela to face punishment. We have all seen pictures of Maria Corina Machado, the chief of Sumate meeting with Bush and shaking hands with him: Where is her voice in this matter?
a.. If she is pro-Venezuela, then she should at least be speaking out for her country's judicial system.
As many have heard the pleas coming from Flight 93, I want all of you to put yourself in the shoes of those who heard the Mayday call from the Captain on Cubana Flight 455 when he radioed: "We have an explosion aboard, we are descending immediately! ... We have fire on board! We are requesting immediate landing! We have a total emergency!"... just before all on board perished.
With that said, below is the passenger list of Flight 455. Read each of their names as if they are asking you to bring them justice. Then I want all of my readers to take action. On Monday, start calling the Governor of Florida Jeb Bush (brother of George W. Bush) and call on him to speak with his brother to send Carriles back to Venezuela. His office phone number is (850) 488-7146. I also ask that you contact Senator Mel Martinez of Florida (whose heritage is Cuban) asking him to call out for justice for his people ... his Miami phone number is (305) 444-8332.
But, we must not stop there: I am imploring all of you to contact the Miami Herald by calling the Executive Editor, Tom Fiedler at (305) 376-3477 ... I have only singled out one newspaper, in the hope that they will get inundated with phone calls so that they can then write about this cause for justice.
The passenger list of Cubana Flight 455
The list of the 73 victims of the terrorist attack
(El listado de las 73 personas que fueron asesinadas)
Cuban citizens
a.. Ernesto Mach�n Guzm�n, 40, flight engineer
b.. Ignacio Mart�nez Gand�a, 25, sabre trainer for the national fencing team
c.. Miriam Remedios de la Pe�a, 24, stewardess, international flights
d.. Enrique Figueredo del Valle, 19, national fencing team competitor
e.. Jos� Pestana Gonz�lez, 41, Cubana de Aviaci�n department head
f.. Tom�s Joaqu�n Gonz�lez Quintana, 41, supervisor with the Cubana de Aviaci�n network's General Control division
g.. Guillermo Valencia Guinot, 53, international flight attendant
h.. Jos� A. Fern�ndez Garz�n, 19, junior fencing team competitor
i.. Valent�n Ladr�n de Guevara, 39, member of Cubana de Aviaci�n's technical staff
j.. Ram�n Infante Garc�a, 27, national fencing team competitor
k.. Julia Rosa Torres �lvarez, 46, wife of the manager of Cubana de Aviaci�n's Barbados office
l.. Carlos M. Leyva Gonz�lez, 19, junior fencing team competitor
m.. Mar�a Elena Rodr�guez del Rey Bocalandro, 28, stewardess, international fights
n.. L�zaro Serrano M�rida, 32, international flight attendant
o.. Luis A. Morales Viego, 45, fencing Technical Committee member
p.. Ram�n J. Fernandiz Lefebre, 39, senior flight attendant with Cubana de Aviaci�n
q.. Mart� Su�rez S�nchez, 30, international air-traffic supervisor
r.. Demetrio Alfonso Gonz�lez, 44, National Commissioner for Shooting
s.. C�ndido Mu�oz Hern�ndez, 20, national fencing team competitor
t.. Julio Herrera Aldama, 25, national fencing team competitor
u.. Jos� A. Arencibia Arredondo, 23, national fencing team competitor
v.. Orlando L�pez Fuentes, 34, national �p�e team trainer
w.. Jes�s M�ndez Silva, 30, national foil team competitor
x.. Domingo Chac�n Coello, 21, field agent with the Home Affairs Ministry
y.. Jes�s Rojo Quintana, 33, Cubana de Aviaci�n official
z.. Santiago E. Hayes P�rez, 30, national foil team trainer
aa.. Ermilio Castillo Castillo, 33, Cubana de Aviaci�n route inspector
ab.. In�s Luaces S�nchez, 21, national foil team competitor
ac.. L�zaro Otero Madruga, 34, Cubana de Aviaci�n route inspector
ad.. Jes�s Gil P�rez, national fencing team armourer
ae.. Nelson Fern�ndez Machado, 22, national fencing team competitor
af.. Juan Duany Gonz�lez, 18, national sabre team competitor
ag.. Wilfredo P�rez P�rez, 36, pilot. National Worker-Hero.
ah.. Angel Tom�s Rodr�guez, 36, Technical Training Manager, Cubana de Aviaci�n.
ai.. Miguel Espinosa Cabrera, 47, DC-8 co-pilot.
aj.. Magaly Grave de Peralta Ferrer, 33, stewardess, international flights.
ak.. Moraima Gonz�lez Prieto, 21, stewardess, international flights.
al.. Marlene Gonz�lez Arias, 23, stewardess, international flights.
am.. Carlos Cremata Trujillo, 41, Cubana de Aviaci�n flight dispatcher.
an.. Armando Ramos Pag�n, 38, Cubana de Aviaci�n pilot.
ao.. Argelio Reyes Aguilar, Manager of the Caribbean shrimping fleet.
ap.. Leonardo Mackenzie Grant, 22, national foil team competitor.
aq.. Carlos T. Coquero Perdomo, 43, air-safety inspector.
ar.. Roberto G. Palacios Torres, 27, Cubana de Aviaci�n navigator.
as.. Armando E. Armengol Alonso, 58, Cubana de Aviaci�n pilot.
at.. Virgen M. Felizola Garc�a, 17, national foil team competitor.
au.. Manuel Permuy Hern�ndez, 40, Party Leader, INDER.
av.. Ricardo Cabrera Fuentes, 23, national sabre team competitor.
aw.. Sonia Coto Rodr�guez, 33, Caribbean shrimping fleet worker.
ax.. Alberto Mario Abr�u Gil, 38, Supply Manager of the Caribbean shrimping fleet.
ay.. Alberto Drake Crespo, 18, national sabre team competitor.
az.. Silvia Marta Pereira Jorge, 28, stewardess, international flights.
ba.. Nancy Uranga Romagosa, 22, national fencing team competitor.
bb.. Jorge de la Nuez Su�rez, Party Secretary, Caribbean shrimping fleet
bc.. Eusebio S�nchez Dom�nguez, 25, international flight attendant.
bd.. Manuel A. Rodr�guez Font, Cubana de Aviaci�n official in Barbados.
be.. Milagros Pel�ez Gonz�lez, 21, national fencing team competitor.
Korean citizens murdered
a.. Kim To Yun, 42, Director of the Foreign Cultural Relations Committee.
b.. Juang Ne Ik, 50, Vice Chairman of the Foreign Cultural Relations Committee.
c.. Pak Je Chin, 40, Specialist on the Foreign Cultural Relations Committee.
d.. Ki Bong, 30, Official of the Foreign Cultural Relations Committee.
e.. Jan Sang Kyu, 41, cameraman.
Guyanese citizens murdered
a.. Eric Norton, 18, student.
b.. Ann Nelson, 18, student.
c.. Seshnarine Kumar, 18, student.
d.. Jacqueline Willians, 19, student.
e.. Rawle Thomas, 18, student.
f.. Raymond Persaud, 19, student.
g.. Margaret Bradshaw, 22, wife of Guyanese diplomat in Havana.
h.. Gordon Sobha.
i.. Harry Paul
j.. Violet Thomas
k.. Rita Thomas
(The girl Harry Paul, Mrs. Violet Thomas and Mrs. Rita Thomas were members of the same family)
Mary MacElveen
Message 14
From: ""
Date: Sun May 7, 2006 1:15pm(PDT)
Subject: From: ranger11Impeachment momentum is building please forward this e
From: ranger11Impeachment momentum is building please forward this email
!!+ + +
Impeachment momentum is building please forward this email!!!
� EXAMINE THE FILES!!! part 2 of this email discusses Bush's raining
of Social Security
Impeachment Momentum Builds
����������In a recent MSNBC Poll taken in April 2006
� 82% of people polled were in favor of the impeachment beginning.
Slowly and steadily, the drive for the impeachment of George W. Bush is
����������Neil Young's song, "Impeach the
President," has given the effort increasing visibility.
��������And a story in the Boston Globe by Charlie
Savage on April 30 showed just how necessary the impeachment drive is.
������������"President Bush has quietly claimed
the authority to disobey more than 750 laws enacted since he took
office, asserting that he has the power to set aside any statute passed
by Congress when it conflicts with the Constitution," Savage wrote. Bush
has done so by issuing so-called signing statements on "more than one
out of every ten bills he has signed."
��������Administration spokesmen told Savage that Bush
"will faithfully execute the law in a manner that is consistent with the
����������But there's the rub. It's not up to him to
judge that. It's up to the courts.
He is sworn to execute the laws, not to sit on them. Fortunately,
Americans all over the country are rising up against this imperial
����������Thirty-seven members of Congress are now
on board the Conyers resolution to create a select committee to
investigate grounds for impeachment. (You can find the list at Three state legislatures have passed
resolutions urging Congress to proceed with impeachment, using a
procedure that Thomas Jefferson laid out in his legislative manual.
Those three are Vermont, Illinois, and California (and the latter has
called for impeaching Cheney, too, an eminently sensible idea!). More
than a dozen towns and cities around the country have called for
impeachment, according to And five Vermont townships
just delivered petitions to Speaker Dennis Hastert to begin impeachment
proceedings. The cries for impeachment need to grow louder still,
though, if we are to restrain this President from even more lawlessness.
��������Bush raided Social Security to pay for a tax cut
for millionaires. The Facts:
In just three years, Bush has spent roughly $500 billion of the Social
Security surplus�
��������In 2001, Social Security took in $602 billion
from the Social Security payroll tax, and spent $439 billion on
benefits. The remaining $163 billion of the Social Security Trust Fund
was spent. In 2002, Social Security took in $627 from the Social
Security payroll tax, and spent $461 billion on benefits. The remaining
$166 billion of the Social Security Trust Fund was spent. In 2003,
Social Security took in $632 from the Social Security payroll tax, and
spent $479 billion on benefits. The remaining $153 billion of the Social
Security Trust Fund was spent. � � TOTAL: Bush has spent $482
billion of the Social Security Trust Fund surplus.
[Source: Social Security Trust Fund data, updated 2/12/04,
At the same time, Bush's tax cuts have already cost $500 billion. The
tax cut Bush signed in 2001 was projected to cost more than $309 billion
through the end of 2004; and $1.35 trillion over ten years. [Source:
Joint Committee on Taxation, 5/26/01,
The tax cut Bush signed in 2003 - which included tax cuts for dividends
on stock profits and a capital gains cut - cost $209 billion in just
2003 and 2004 alone; and has a cost of $350 billion over ten years.
[Source: Joint Committee on Taxation, 5/22/03, ]
TOTAL: Through 2004, Bush has already
spent roughly $518 billion on
tax cuts.
Quite simply - Bush's tax cuts have eaten $500 billion from Social
Security Trust Fund surplus. This is radically different than the last
years of the Clinton administration. Under Clinton, "the assumption" was
that the Social Security and Medicare Trust Fund surpluses "would be
used to shore up entitlements." But now, "the tax cuts have left the
federal government practically helpless." In testimony before the House
Budget Committee on Wednesday, Mr. Greenspan raised a red flag about
Social Security, warning that federal deficits, already large, would
begin to explode after the first wave of baby boomers becomes eligible
for Social Security benefits four years from now, and for Medicare three
years after that. During the Clinton administration, the assumption was
that part of the surplus would be used to shore up entitlements for
retirees. Now the tax cuts have left the federal government practically
[Source: NY Times, 2/27/04]
��������������Alan Greenspan says Bush's
huge deficit - which was caused by his tax cuts - now requires "cuts to
Social Security and Medicare." Reacting to the combination of the
largest U.S. population group nearing retirement and a hefty deficit,
Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan on Feb. 25 recommended cuts to
Social Security and Medicare benefits for future retirees. It wasn't a
popular suggestion, but it spotlighted the problems of government
������[Source: Baltimore Sun, 3/14/04]
Several studies show specific benefits to millionaires in the Bush tax
In one example, just 4,500 people will share a $28 billion benefit from
the ultimate full repeal of the estate tax in the 2001 tax cut. This
amounts to a tax cut of $6 million per person. [Source: Center on Budget
and Policy Priorities, "Estate Tax Cuts in the Bush Tax Plan," 2/26/01]
In Bush's 2003 tax cut, 27% of the income tax bracket reductions went to
millionaires. Overall, millionaires will receive approximately $139
billion in tax cuts through 2013 just from this tax cut. [Source: Center
on Budget and Policy Priorities, "Millionaires and the Ways and Means
Tax Plan," 5/7/03]
����������According to the Center on Budget and
Policy Priorities, over a ten year period, "the richest Americans-the
best-off one percent-are slated to receive tax cuts totaling almost half
a trillion dollars." Specifically, the group gets, "$477 billion in tax
breaks" from the Bush administration.
��������CTJ notes that the "the richest one percent" by
2010 will have an average income of "$1.5 million." For these people,
their tax-cut windfall in the year 2010 alone will average $85,000 each.
[Source: Citizens for Tax Justice, 6/12/02] The Center on Budget and
Policy Priorities points out that if Bush's tax cuts were reversed,
there would be enough funding to cover the entire Social Security
shortfall projected by the Social Security Trustees.
����������The revenue loss that will occur over the
next 75 years if the 2001 tax cut takes full effect and is made
permanent is more than twice the size of the entire Social Security
shortfall over that period. [Source: Center on Budget and Policy
Priorities, 3/17/03]
It is long past the time for
Americans to start going after Americans who hire illegal.
������� This is one of the "get
tough"�methods�called�a policy of attrition.
� � There is little public support for mass deportations but a
majority favor getting tough on fellow Americans hiring illegals as well
as securing our border.
��� � Illegals will then be forced to go back home on their own
����������This is a much more practical and humane
solution.� See: Americans for Better Immigration and start sending out
those surveys to your candidates in 2006.
Get to Work American Patriots and Americans who want to keep your jobs
and a roof over your heads turn in Americans who hire illegals or handle
it yourself.
��Print up a form with the name of the head of the nearest INS
office with his phone number and a strong request to call him !
��Then slip it under the door of the law breaking illegal alien
employing American's business.
Confident Democrats Lay Out Agenda
to take back Congress
(The Pot Calls the Kettle Black !)
US Warns Russia to Act More Like a Democracy
Those Republicans and their Prostitutes !
��Is the Resignation of CIA Director Porter
Goss Hookergate Related?
The Raw Story | Gannon comes out: Former escort, conservative reporter
grilled on White House visits
LaRouche: Emergency Legislation Now!
Message 15
From: "Dick Eastman"
Date: Sun May 7, 2006 1:45pm(PDT)
Subject: attn. Perna - Pentagon witnesses (answering rivero) Re: A Boeing 75
First, John, let me give you two witnesses Rivero neglects to include:
Kelly Knowles from an Arlington apartment two miles away saw two planes moving toward the Pentagon, one veering away as the other crashed.
Keith Wheelhouse and his sister, Pam Young were preparing to leave a funeral at Arlington National Cemetery when they watched "the jet" approach and hit the Pentagon. Both saw another plane flying near the jet that crashed. When asked if the other plane could have been an airliner performing a normal landing at Reagan National Airport, Wheelhouse stated that he was not confused by normal airport traffic.
First, below, I am going to comment on each of Rivero's witness accounts, then I am going to add my own old article on the witnesses. (posted 2002 on newsgroups), including some very relevant comments by John Hoffman. Read the essay and you will learn something about witnesses.
Dick Eastman
Yakima, Washington
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
From: John Perna
Sent: Sunday, May 07, 2006 4:56 AM
Subject: Re: [A-C] Fw: [frameup] Re: A Boeing 757 did not hit the Pentagon
Lots of witnesses saw the plane hit the pentagon
9/11 Pentagon
Eyewitness Accounts
Ryan James video account of the Pentagon crash
High Bandwidth - Low Bandwidth
Mike Walter
USA Today's Mike Walter was driving near the Pentagon when he saw an American Airlines jet fly directly into the country's military nerve center. [544kB WAV download]
Walter is not quoted -- this is a reporter is summarizing according to his own understanding/assumptions.
Steve Anderson, Director of Communications, USA TODAY
A few moments later, as I was looking down at my desk, the plane caught my eye.
It didn't register at first. I thought to myself that I couldn't believe the pilot was flying so low. Then it dawned on me what was about to happen. I watched in horror as the plane flew at treetop level, banked slightly to the left, drug it's wing along the ground and slammed into the west wall of the Pentagon exploding into a giant orange fireball. Then black smoke. Then white smoke.
This is support for the official story -- however note that the lawn shows no gouge anywhere near the crash location.
Deb Anlauf
Anlauf was watching TV coverage of the Trade Center burning shortly before 9:30 a.m. when she decided to return to her 14th-floor room from another part of the hotel. Once in her room, she heard a "loud roar" and looked out the window to see what was going on.
"Suddenly I saw this plane right outside my window," Anlauf said during a telephone interview from her hotel room this morning. "You felt like you could touch it; it was that close. It was just incredible. "Then it shot straight across from where we are and flew right into the Pentagon. It was just this huge fireball that crashed into the wall (of the Pentagon). When it hit, the whole hotel shook."
Watching from the Sheraton Anlauf saw the jetliner come overhead and advance towards the Pentagon (over the Annex, the Citgo gas station and Washington Blvd.) then she saw the explosion. But she says clearly that she did not see the crash "It was just this huge fireball that crashed into the wall." In other words she saw the jetliner approach and then she saw the fireball -- she did not see the jetliner crash and she could not tell if the jetliner was hidden by the fireball or that she was distracted from the jetliner by the fireball.
David Battle
Battle, an office worker at the Pentagon, was standing outside the building and just about to enter when the aircraft struck. "It was coming down head first," he said. "And when the impact hit, the cars and everything were just shaking."
Saw the jetliner approaching from over the Sheraton and Annex (coming down), but did not see the crash. There are no doors on the west wall entering into the office buildings -- entrance must have been south or north -- he did not see the actual crash.
Omar Campo
Omar Campo, a Salvadorean, was cutting the grass on the other side of the road when the plane flew over his head.
"It was a passenger plane. I think an American Airways plane," Mr Campo said. "I was cutting the grass and it came in screaming over my head. I felt the impact. The whole ground shook and the whole area was full of fire. I could never imagine I would see anything like that here."
Campo is most interesting in that he was cutting grass at Arlington Cemetery and saw the plane over his head. That puts the plane near the cemetary (the Shearaton and the Annex are immediately south of the cemetery. But this means that the plane was crossing from west to east too far north to have been the aircraft that hit the lamppost on the southwest corner of the overpass at the cloverleaf. This could not have been the same plane. In fact another witness, Sgt. William Lagasse was at the gas station and he saw the jetliner pass him going west to east just north of him so that he could see the starboard windows from where he stood. This also puts the plane's path towards the Pentagon too far north to have hit the first downed lamppost.
Gary Bauer, former Presidential candidate
"I was going past the Pentagon, really inching a yard or so every couple of minutes. I had just passed the closest place the Pentagon is to the exit on 395 . . . when all of a sudden I heard the roar of a jet engine.
"I looked at the woman sitting in the car next to me. She had this startled look on her face. We were all thinking the same thing. We looked out the front of our windows to try to see the plane, and it wasn't until a few seconds later that we realized the jet was coming up behind us on that major highway. And it veered to the right into the Pentagon. The blast literally rocked all of our cars. It was an incredible moment.
No description of what kind of plane they saw. No indication of whether the plane they heard and the plane they saw were indeed the same plane. He does not say he saw the plane hit the Pentagon -- it may just be his presumption based on the proximity of the sighting and the explosion that followed.
Mickey Bell
Bell, who had been less than 100 feet from the initial impact of the plane, was nearly struck by one of the plane�s wings as it sped by him. In shock, he got into his truck, which had been parked in the trailer compound, and sped away. He wandered around Arlington in his truck and tried to make wireless phone calls. He ended up back at Singleton�s headquarters in Gaithersburg two hours later, according to President Singleton, not remembering much.
The full impact of the closeness of the crash wasn�t realized until coworkers noticed damage to Bell�s work vehicle. He had plastic and rivets from an airplane imbedded in its sheet metal, but Bell had no idea what had happened.
No mention of what kind of plane. "Not remembering much." The truck was away from the scene of the crime for two hours and the guy wasn't saying much -- the rivets doing the talking for him.
Mark Bright, Defense Protective Service officer
Mark Bright, actually saw the plane hit the building. He had been manning the guard booth at the Mall Entrance to the building.
"I saw the plane at the Navy Annex area," he said. "I knew it was going to strike the building because it was very, very low -- at the height of the street lights. It knocked a couple down." The plane would have been seconds from impact -- the annex is only a few hundred yards from the Pentagon.
He said he heard the plane "power-up" just before it struck the Pentagon. "As soon as it struck the building I just called in an attack, because I knew it couldn't be accidental," Bright said. He jumped into his police cruiser and headed to the area.
Bright is describing the plane over the annex, and that he "knew it was going to strike" -- he has the jetliner hitting two of the lampposts (five lampposts were downed -- one too far for the jetliner to have been the cause.) The powerup of the plane could have been as the plane climbed to miss the building.
James R. Cissell
''Out of my peripheral vision,'' Cissell said, ''I saw this plane coming in and it was low - and getting lower.
''If you couldn't touch it from standing on the highway, you could by standing on your car.''
In the next seconds dozens of things flashed through his mind.
''I thought, 'This isn't really happening. That is a big plane.' Then I saw the faces of some of the passengers on board,'' Cissell said.
He remembers the helipad the plane flew over before smacking into the Pentagon was close enough to him that ''I could have thrown a baseball at it and hit it.''
Did not see the crash. He saw the jetliner as it flew over Washington Blvd. Yes, there was a jetliner flying towards the Pentagon that day.
Dan Creed
He and two colleagues from Oracle software were stopped in a car near the Naval Annex, next to the Pentagon, when they saw the plane dive down and level off.
"It was no more than 30 feet off the ground, and it was screaming. It was just screaming. It was nothing more than a guided missile at that point," Creed said.
"I can still see the plane. I can still see it right now. It's just the most frightening thing in the world, going full speed, going full throttle, its wheels up," Creed recalls.
Yes, there was a jetliner that flew over the Annex proceeding towards the Pentagon. Creed could not see the crash. At that speed the plane would have been over the Pentagon and closer to Reagan National than to the crash in about three second.
Don Fortunato
"Traffic was at a standstill, so I parked on the shoulder, not far from the scene and ran to the site. Next to me was a cab from D.C., its windshield smashed out by pieces of lampposts. There were pieces of the plane all over the highway, pieces of wing, I think."
The driver of that cab, Edward England, told investigator Mark Bilk that the jetliner could possibly have flown over the building based on where it was when he saw it up to the time he turned away to attend to the damage to his car.
Afework Hagos
Afework Hagos, a computer programmer, was on his way to work but stuck in a traffic jam near the Pentagon when the plane flew over. "There was a huge screaming noise and I got out of the car as the plane came over. Everybody was running away in different directions. It was tilting its wings up and down like it was trying to balance. It hit some lampposts on the way in."
Did not see the crash, only the jetliner approaching. He does not even say that he saw the lampposts being hit.
Tom Hovis
Being a former transport type (60's era) I cannot understand how that plane hit where it did giving the direction the aircraft was taking at the time.
As most know, the Pentagon lies at the bottom of two hills from the west with the east side being next to the river at 14th street bridge. One hill is at the Navy Annex and the other is Arlington Cemetery. The plane came up I-395 also known as Shirley Hwy. (most likely used as a reference point.) The plane had been seen making a lazy pattern in the no fly zone over the White House and US Cap. Why the plane did not hit incoming traffic coming down the river from the north to Reagan Nat'l. is beyond me. Strangely, no one at the Reagan Tower noticed the aircraft. Andrews AFB radar should have also picked up the aircraft I would think. Nevertheless, the aircarft went southwest near Springfield and then veered left over Arlington and then put the nose down coming over Ft Myer picking off trees and light poles near the helicopter pad next to building. It was as if he leveled out at the last minute and put it square into the building. The wings came off as if it went through an arch way leaving a hole in the side of the building it seems a little larger than the wide body of the aircraft. The entry point was so clean that the roof (shown in news photo) fell in on the wreckage.
Hovis did not witness the actual crash -- just the approach. He does not clarify between what he saw and what he put together later based on what he heard.
Terrance Kean
Terrance Kean, 35, who lives in a 14-story building nearby, heard the loud jet engines and glanced out his window.
"I saw this very, very large passenger jet," said the architect, who had been packing for a move. "It just plowed right into the side of the Pentagon. The nose penetrated into the portico. And then it sort of disappeared, and there was fire and smoke everywhere. . . . It was very sort of surreal."
Very strong witness for the official story.
Charles H. Krohn
One of the aircraft's engines somehow ricocheted out of the building and arched into the Pentagon's mall parking area between the main building and the new loading dock facility, said Charles H. Krohn, the Army's deputy chief of public affairs. Those fleeing the building heard a loud secondary explosion about 10 min. after the initial impact.
Not a witness to the crash. This account of the engine bouncing into a parking lot has never been confirmed. A single engine was removed from the Pentagon and placed in the parking lot after the crash. Krohn is not giving a first had accound of the crash, but giving his understanding of what happened as pieced together later.
Maj. Lincoln Leibner
Maj. Leibner drove in and made it as far as the south parking lot, where he got out on foot. "I heard the plane first," he said. "I thought it was a flyover Arlington cemetery."
From his vantage point, Maj. Leibner looked up and saw the plane come in. "I was about 100 yards away," he said. "You could see through the windows of the aircraft. I saw it hit."
The plane came in hard and level and was flown full throttle into the building, dead center mass, Maj. Leibner said. "The plane completely entered the building," he said. "I got a little repercussion, from the sound, the blast. I've heard artillery, and that was louder than the loudest has to offer.
Major Leibner's account is total confirmation of the official story. His story is interesting. Rescue workers were not allowed into the building. Maj. Leibner would enter (with his clearance) and bring people out to the rescue workers -- he sort of decided who got saved and who did not. I account him an accomplice in the 9-11 Pentagon murders.
Elaine McCusker
Traffic is normally slow right around the Pentagon as the road winds and we line up to cross the 14th Street bridge heading into the District of Columbia. I don't know what made me look up, but I did and I saw a very low-flying American Airlines plane that seemed to be accelerating. My first thought was just 'No, no, no, no,' because it was obvious the plane was not heading to nearby Reagan National Airport. It was going to crash.
Saw the jetliner, did not see the crash.
William Middleton Sr.
William Middleton Sr., was running his street sweeper through the cemetery when he heard a harsh whistling sound overhead. Middleton looked up and spotted a commercial jet whose pilot seemed to be fighting with his own craft.
Middleton said the plane was no higher than the tops of telephone poles as it lurched toward the Pentagon. The jet accelerated in the final few hundred yards before it tore into the building.
Again we have a witness who sees the plane approaching the Pentagon and stating that the engines picked up a few hundred years before reaching the Pentagon. Does not say that Middleton saw the crash.
Mare Ann Owens
Looking up didn't tell me what type of plane it was because it was so close I could only see the bottom. Realising the Pentagon was its target, I didn't think the careering, full-throttled craft would get that far. Its downward angle was too sharp, its elevation of maybe 50 feet, too low. Street lights toppled as the plane barely cleared the Interstate 395 overpass.
The thought that I was about to die was immediate and certain. This plane was going to hit me along with all the other commuters trapped on Washington Boulevard.
Gripping the steering wheel of my vibrating car, I involuntarily ducked as the wobbling plane thundered over my head. Once it passed, I raised slightly and grimaced as the left wing dipped and scraped the helicopter area just before the nose crashed into the southwest wall of the Pentagon.
Another did and scrape of the wing account. Something odd about this account. "I raised slightly and grimaced ..." But she has the plane over the Interstate 395 - Washington Blvd overpass -- but the jetliner was over the Sheraton, the Annex (the cemetery?) and the Citgo gas station. It was a second plane -- the one that hit the first downed lamppost -- that came in over 395 "looking up didn't tell me what type of plane it was"
Christine Peterson
I was at a complete stop on the road in front of the helipad at the Pentagon; what I had thought would be a shortcut was as slow as the other routes I had taken that morning. I looked idly out my window to the left -- and saw a plane flying so low I said, "holy cow, that plane is going to hit my car" (not my actual words). The car shook as the plane flew over. It was so close that I could read the numbers under the wing.
And then the plane crashed. My mind could not comprehend what had happened. Where did the plane go? For some reason I expected it to bounce off the Pentagon wall in pieces. But there was no plane visible, only huge billows of smoke and torrents of fire.
She does not describe the crash. She does share her first thought after the explosion: "Where did the plane go?"
Frank Probst
American Airlines Flight 77 approached from the west, coming in low over the nearby five-story Navy Annex on a hill overlooking the Pentagon.
"He has lights off, wheels up, nose down," Probst recalled. The plane seemed to be accelerating directly toward him. He froze.
"I knew I was dead," he said later. "The only thing I thought was, 'Damn, my wife has to go to another funeral, and I'm not going to see my two boys again.'."
He dove to his right. He recalls the engine passing on one side of him, about six feet away.
The plane's right wing went through a generator trailer "like butter," Probst said. The starboard engine hit a low cement wall and blew apart.
Probst's account ends with "the engine passing on one side of him" -- the generator trailer and the cement wall (which did not exist) are comments thrown in based on later knowledge (for example that the truck was a generator truck) and the (baseless) explanation of what happened to the starboard engine -- because it certainly did not hit the wall. And remember, other witnesses report the jetliner banking left i.e. raising the starboard wing. At any rate, this is not an on-the-scene account.
Clyde Ragland
Ragland described billowing black smoke and "what looked like white confetti raining down everywhere." He said it soon became apparent "that the 'confetti' was little bits of airplane, falling down after being flung high into the bright, blue sky."
It is also possible that the "confetti" of debris was dropped by the C-130 that flew over the crash just 30 seconds afterwards. Ragland does not describe the crash or the plane.
Tim Timmerman
A pilot who saw the impact, Tim Timmerman, said it had been an American Airways 757. "It added power on its way in," he said. "The nose hit, and the wings came forward and it went up in a fireball."
Either Tim Timmerman is a liar or the official story is true. By the way -- if the wings came forward after the nose hit, that would mean the wings severed from the fuselage -- then how could they then be pulled into the fuselage hole? And remember, if the plane hitting the wall at a fifty degree angle was really a Boeing 757, the starboard engine would have had to have hit before the wing root. Yet no wings are in evidence in the pictures of the wall crashsite.
Thomas D. Trapasso
Thomas D. Trapasso, a political appointee in the Clinton Administration who is now looking for work, was making telephone calls from his deck in Arlington Village, about 1 mi. south of the Pentagon and just west of the Interstate 395 (I-395) highway. He was startled by the large American Airlines aircraft flying about 300 ft. overhead. "The engines were just screaming, and the wheels were up," Trapasso said. "It disappeared over the trees, and I heard a boom. I knew something awful had happened--that an airplane had crashed somewhere in Washington, D.C.
Not a witness of the crash. Trapasso is just making the assumptions that every other honest witness made.
Alan Wallace
About 9:40, Alan Wallace had finished fixing the foam metering valve on the back of his fire truck parked in the Pentagon fire station and walked to the front of the station. He looked up and saw a jetliner coming straight at him. It was about 25 feet off the ground, no landing wheels visible, a few hundred yards away and closing fast.
"Runnnnn!" he yelled to a pal. There was no time to look back, barely time to scramble. He made it about 30 feet, heard a terrible roar, felt the heat, and dove underneath a van, skinning his stomach as he slid along the blacktop, sailing under it as though he were riding a luge. The van protected him against burning metal that was flying around. A few seconds later he was sliding back out to check on his friend and then race back to the firetruck. He jumped in, threw it into gear, but the accelerator was dead. The entire back of the truck was destroyed, the cab on fire. He grabbed the radio headset and called the main station at Fort Myer to report the unimaginable.
The sun was still low in the sky, obscured by the Pentagon and the enormous billowing clouds of acrid smoke, making it hauntingly dark. The ground was on fire. Trees were on fire. Hot slices of aluminum were everywhere.
Not a witness of the crash, but he did see the jetliner coming towards the building.
From Dick Eastman:
Correcting the distortion that 911 witness accounts of the Pentagon attack support the official version of what happened.
Kelly Knowles from an Arlington apartment two miles away saw two planes moving toward the Pentagon, one veering away as the other crashed.
Tom Seibert, in the Pentagon, listened to "what sounded like a missile" followed by a "loud boom."
Lon Rains Editor, Space News, was driving up Interstate 395 from Springfield to downtown Washington. I heard a very loud, quick whooshing sound that began behind me and stopped suddenly in front of me and to my left. In fractions of a second I heard the impact and an explosion. The next thing I saw was the fireball. I was convinced it was a missile. It came in so fast it sounded nothing like an airplane.
Keith Wheelhouse and his sister, Pam Young were preparing to leave a funeral at Arlington National Cemetery when they watched "the jet" approach and hit the Pentagon. Both saw another plane flying near the jet that crashed. When asked if the other plane could have been an airliner performing a normal landing at Reagan National Airport, Wheelhouse stated that he was not confused by normal airport traffic.
Alfred S. Regnery, on the freeway with the Pentagon not yet in view, heard a jetliner "not more than 200 yards above the ground" passed overhead, disappearing "behind black cloud of smoke" was pouring from a "gaping hole."
Comment: Another witness hearing the loud sound and seeing the jet liner and assuming that sound source and object sited are one and the same. But note that he saw an airliner and that it was 200 yards above the ground, not 20 feet.
Terry Scanlon interviewed a Hampton Roads woman who saw a plane following the jet that hit the Pentagon.
Christine Peterson, in her car in front of the heliport (near Riskus) saw the airliner. As it flew over she could read numbers on its wing. "My mind could not comprehend what happened. Where did the plane go? ... But there was no plane visible, only huge billows of smoke and torrents of fire."
Comment: It would certainly be jumping to conclusions to say that this witness saw that plane crash. Watching the Boeing she missed entirely the killer jet that came from another direction.
James S. Robbins, from his west-facing office window, one and a half miles east of the Pentagon, saw "the 757" as it was "diving in at an unrecoverable angle." "I did not immediately comprehend what I was witnessing. There was a silvery flash, an explosion, and a dark, mushroom shaped cloud rose over the building."
Comment: The plane was diving. But it must have recovered from the dive at the last second, because the pentagon was not hit by a plane at a downward angle. The killer jet traveled from the entrance hole to the C-ring exit hole without breaking above the floor of the third floor!!! Robbins saw the Boeing that did not crash and the explosion and smoke made by the killer plane that did. [Note: since this was written in 2002 it has come to light (photo and video supporting) that the plane diving over D.C. was a four-engine plane with wings more swept back and more forward on the fuselage than the 757 -- and this over forbidden air space! Obviously a distraction plane. See photos of this plane diving directly over the capitol building by clicking on the URL at the bottom of this message. -- DE 5/30/04]
Christopher Munsey headed South on the Interstate saw "a silver, twin- engine American Airlines jetliner gliding almost noiselessly over the Navy Annex, fast, low and straight toward the Pentagon, just hundreds of yards away." Munsey saw the red and blue markings "as it appeared to hit the side of the Pentagon."
Comment: A silver twin-engine plane had to have been Flight 77, seen "over the Annex", i.e., over Arlington Cemetery hill, it had American Airlines markings and it was "noiseless," but notice the indefiniteness: "it appeared to hit the side of the Pentagon" -- there are usually psychologically definite reason why people qualify their speech, in this case, perhaps, psychological reservations about what he really did see.
Fred Gaskins was driving near the Pentagon as he saw the plane pass about 150 feet overhead. "It was flying very smoothly and calmly, without any hint that anything was wrong."
Comment: Near the Pentagon, but still 150 feet in the air. How could it hit those poles? How could it come in for its below-the-third- floor crash through three rings of the Pentagon?
And there is this (with Jim Hoffman): How could the Pentagon have been approached by a second jet and the witnesses not report seeing two planes at once? The answer rests in part in important new information from the Department of Transportation concerning research on modification of peoples memories of accidents.
Sarah Roberts once asked me, "Why do you impose your "two plane" theory on every witness account you come across?" I replied that I did so because we are talking about a frame up murder case, and in a frame up the murder weapon is very important and so are the witness accounts of that weapon. But of course it is the evidence and the witnesses that, when taken seriously, impose conclusions on the investigator. We have security camera proof that the real murder weapon was the plane that came in low and fired the missile.
But Flight 77 was the frame up plane -- the plane people were supposed to think was piloted by cunning Arab suicides with box cutters etc.
Yes Flight 77 airliner was there, and it really was seen by Robbins, Regnery, Eglas and others -- but seen by Eglas only at first, I am convinced -- before she turned her attention to the hit pole and the freeway traffic around her as she, as she says, stopped on a busy freeway, so that when she was ready to start looking for the plane again her attention was then caught by the split second glimpse of the small jet (that we see in the video) crashing into the white hot missile explosion at the west wall of the Pentagon.
When a jet attacks at high speed from near ground level no one sees it coming -- from the annex to the wall would take about three seconds, and no one was expecting it -- many had been looking at the airliner -- but doing so in a place where airliners coming in low are quite usual, only a mile from Reagan National Airport. However there was also the news that was then coming in from New York, news that conditioned the soon-to-be witnesses to think in terms of hijacked airliners -- and that conditioning was reinforced, for many witnesses, by the long and showy display put on by a mysterious four engine airliner-sized jet that tarried over Washington D.C., and actually did some attention getting dives over the capital. Here are some pictures of that plane in a dive timed perfectly to coincide with the real Pentagon attack by the small plane with a missile.
The case is solved. We know there were two planes, in fact four planes part of the operation. The killer jet, the Boeing, the four- engine plane doing dives over the Capitol, and the C-130 that followed the Boeing over the crash just 30 seconds after the killer jet hit the wall. That is why I talk about them. I know why I am here -- because I think organized crime has taken over the government of my country and has perpetrated the murder upwards of 2000 people in a frame up to start a war to attain objectives having to do with oil, gold. opium revenues, and a new Zionist empire over the entire Middle East, and a debt-slavery dictatorship over the US in the form of the perpetual anti-terrorism war state. I do all this for nothing because I don't want to see this happen, to see this continue to happen, to see this succeed.
No one has ever mentioned seeing that phantom F-16. True, but air traffic controllers noted that the "blip" was moving in ways characteristic of a jet fighter and military men in the Pentagon heard a jet fighter during the attack. And an F-16 is just what people would not pay attention to because F- 16's are what you expect to see flying around Washington D.C., they are what you would expect to see in a time of threat, when the nation is thought to be under immediate attack. Remember an F-16 was actually circling the plane that went down in Pennsylvania.
In fact the air should have been filled with F-16's. And what better cover than that the killer jet appear like an aircraft doing the right thing and "chasing" the Boeing, so that even if the psychological factors built into the operation had failed and people had seen and recognized the killer jet hitting the Pentagon, there would be the ready cover story that the F-16 was merely chasing the Boeing to intercept it and had met with an accident. They did not use that fallback, but in retrospect, from their point of view, perhaps they should have. I have never anywhere said that any witness recognized the small plane attacker as an F-16, but the F-16 is a plane of the length and proportions (tail fin shape) that fits the security camera video recording of the actual attack.
It is a plane that would carry the missile that we see being fired (we see the characteristic smoke plume, that could be nothing else -- and we see the tell-tale warhead white-hot explosion.)
A police officer radioed in "Motor 14, it was an American Airlines plane, uh, headed eastbound over the Pike (Columbia Pike highway), possibly toward the Pentagon." The important thing here is that it was reported "eastbound," whereas the killer jet was headed north - northeast by the compass. Obviously this officer was looking at the frame up air show higher up -- he was looking at the plane that soon afterward slipped onto the tarmac at Reagan National. But no one could be expected to take in what was really happening all at once in the course of an action that took all of four seconds on the vicinity stage we have explored above.
No witnesses was in a position to know the "whole story." Each was subjected to, at most, four seconds of seeing Flight 77 on display -- and of course the other distraction over D.C. And then there was the distracting explosion. And those who saw the attack fighter, the actual killer plane, they could not have watched if for more than, at most, two seconds -- as they drove their cars on a busy highway, as they listened to the news from New York, as they managed their vehicles in the confusion, as they mixed in their minds the airliner they had just seen above with the sudden shattering spectacular horrible event that erupted on the west wall of the Pentagon.
They saw what they were conditioned to see, what they were capable of seeing. Their minds, forty minutes after the first crash in New York were anchored on airliners, on hijackers -- and here really was an airliner above them -- then eyes riveted -- but then just as suddenly confusingly vanished in a flash, an explosion and profusely emitted smoke -- why look for airliners flying away behind that smoke when you are already sure you know what happened? The psychological dimension was well planned -- and you can rely on it -- better than perhaps you may now believe.
You know the Chinese saying: "Two thirds of what we see is behind our eyes." Here is demonstration of how even a mind as good as yours can be tricked into not seeing things that are right in front of your face. Rather our apprehension of events is directed by our preconceptions, by a schema that controls subsequent "seeing." These schemata bias the way we view, interpret, and remember events.
Do this very important experiment. Count the F's in this sentence:
Read and count once more to be sure, then remember the total. (I'll give you the answer below.) Now let us talk about the conditionable mind. According to one mid-1970's poll, 70 percent of Americans remember seeing the assassination of John F. Kennedy on television in 1963. The truth is that although still photos were published in magazines, the film was not shown on television until 1976 (Saturday Review, 1978).
But first there were two more F's than the three that you counted. You counted only the unvoiced fricatives, i.e., the "f-sound", but not the voiced fricative"f's" that have the "v" sound, e.g., "of," -- and so your mind was looking for voiced fricatives and voiced fricatives were all that you found -- even as people were looking for airliners that had been hijacked by crazed Arab fundamentalists or Anarchists or anti- globalists and airliners were all that people saw (except for the extraordinary few -- who believed their eyes and ears and reported jet fighter sounds and smaller planes of a size that "could seat no more than 12 passengers" etc.
You were not looking for "f's" that sound like "v's" and witnesses with their minds previously anchored on hijacked airliners crashing into buildings were not looking to see a stealthy ground hugging jet fighter attack.
Social psychologist David Meyers of Hope College, reached these conclusions after a psychological study of witnesses and the variables that affect their reporting of events: "Studies of conflicting eyewitness testimonies further illustrate our tendency to recall the past with great confidence but meager accuracy.
Elizabeth Loftus and John Palmer showed University of Washington students a film of a traffic accident and then asked them questions about what they saw. People who were asked "How fast were the cars going when they smashed into each other." gave higher estimates than those asked "How fast were the cars going when they hit each other?"
A week later they were asked whether they recalled seeing any broken glass. Although there was no broken glass in the accident, people who had been asked the question with "smashed into" were more than twice as likely as those asked the question with "hit" to report seeing broken glass.
This demonstrates how in constructing a memory we unconsciously use our general knowledge and beliefs to fill in the holes, thus organizing mere fragments from our actual past into a convincing memory."
Here is a statement by Dr. Loftus that describes a type of conditioning that must be understood in evaluating the testimony of witnesses of the attack on the Pentagon:
"A former professor of mine at Stanford left to take a job with the U.S. Department of Transportation in Washington D.C. He had been on the job a short time when our paths crossed, and he said, "You know, there's a great need for good research on traffic accidents, and there's money to support it." Unfortunately, I was studying memory for words and didn't know much about traffic accidents (except for the few that I'd had myself as a teenager). One day, I was struck with a thought, and I announced to my Geoff: "I'm going to study memory for traffic accidents." Big deal, " he said, unimpressed. His lack of enthusiasm wasn't' surprising, since I had no particular scientific hypothesis, and no specific research ideas. But I started wondering about the interaction between accidents and the words people use to describe them. I talked to colleagues about the accidents they had been involved in, and noticed that different people described an event in different ways. I began wondering whether I could change the way people remembered their own accidents as a function of the words I used to ask about the event. The experiments I did showed that indeed people's memories for these sorts of events could be modified rather easily. I owe a great debt to the colleague who suggested the title for the article that described this work: "Reconstruction of automobile destruction." (Elizabeth Loftus, University of Washington)."
So we all selectively notice, interpret, and recall events in ways which sustain our ideas,but our memories can be modified by planting new ideas about the event during questioning or conversation or even listening to the news. Thus there are both physical and psychological reasons why no one said "there is an F-16".
A plane that goes by at 600+ mph at 15 feet, while everyone is listening to the radio about New York being hit by airliners, while an airliner four times as long and sheathed in polished aluminum with red, white and blue markings is flying towards the Pentagon over the Sheraton, over the Annex against the sky for most observers and soon followed by a big explosion -- and everyone on the radio etc. talking about the third airliner this time hitting the Pentagon etc.
I say that the planners of the 911 mass murder frame up thought they could reliably count on no one catching the psy-op deception built into their plane. When someone says he saw a plane of a size that could not possibly have held more than at most 12 passengers, to me that statement does not exclude the F-16 which holds one or two persons (or no passengers or pilot if it is flying under remote control) but it does exclude the Boeing 757 which holds 170 passengers.
The fighter made a long low, ground hugging approach making it very difficult to see against the landscape-- in fact since it came in so low, it is practically overhead when it comes into view. Especially as they are in their cars on a busy freeway, watching either the Boeing or the acrobatic distraction plane over Washington, and possibly even the huge C-130 bringing up the rear.
We are talking an interval of no more than three seconds plus these distraction plus the planting of suggestion by media both during the attack (while listening to the news out of New York) and afterwards (everyone talking about and asking about "Flight 77 that hit the Pentagon" etc.
The missile begins firing within a second before frame one was taken, somewhere to the left of the location, perhaps just as it crossed the Pike and came over the grass. Of course the smoke of the missile would confuse and distract witnesses even more -- as the testimony about the "bounce" (that never happened) attests.
From pictures of the damage to the Pentagon, there is a clear tunnel that runs from the impact area of the outside wall through to C ring. That tunnel was made by an engine, which is the heaviest part of a plane, and the part with the greatest momentum. There is only one such tunnel. Those who speak of this claim it to be evidence of a 757, but this is not correct. There is only one, and it means that the plane that hit the Pentagon was a single engine plane.
Furthermore, in order for the engine to make a straight and round tunnel, it would have to have been balanced at the moment of impact; an engine under a wing would be given some angular momentum by the crash, and not leave a straight and round tunnel as it plowed through the building. Only an engine positioned at the center of the plane would leave such a tunnel. The wall has not collapsed yet and both fire trucks are working on secondary fires after the interior fire was put out.
So what happened to the plane? It certainly isn't on this lawn. Jim Hoffman again: In the following, I have excerpted quotes from Penny and organized them into a series of topics, each a feature of the theory.
First I summarize the topics and how they relate to the theory.
* Supersonic attack jet sonic booms are not produced by subsonic jetliners.
* Poles clipped by other than 757 flyover Details in reports about the clipped light-poles suggest it was not the work of the 757. (How could the tail of a 757 with level attitude clip poles when it's 10 feet higher than the wings.)
* Engine rev-up The sound of the supersonic attack jet was interpreted as the 757's engines revving up as it crossed the lawn.
* Impact before building People's initial perceptions of the impact happening out in front of the building are explained by the 757 disappearing into the smoke a few hundred feet out in front of the building.
* Shockwave/concussion There was a pronounced shockwave felt from thousands of feet away. Only an explosive detonation (not a jet fuel fireball!) could produce such a concussion.
* Bright flash The bright flash helped distract people from where the events were relative to the building.
* Exploding engine The perception that the 757's starboard engine exploded is explained as mistaking of the impact and explosion of the F-16 with an engine of the nearby 757.
* Shredded airplane Of course jetliners don't shred themselves and throw parts hundreds of feet in the air when they crash, but the F-16 would when hit by a missile.
* Bizarre physics Perceptions of physically impossible events are a natural consequence of seeing confusing events.
Supersonic attack jet
Rains Lon Eyewitness:
The Pentagon By Lon Rains Editor, Space News, was driving up Interstate 395 from Springfield to downtown Washington. I heard a very loud, quick whooshing sound that began behind me and stopped suddenly in front of me and to my left. In fractions of a second I heard the impact and an explosion. The next thing I saw was the fireball. I was convinced it was a missile. It came in so fast it sounded nothing like an airplane.
Sucherman Joel I heard a sonic boom and then the impact, the explosion. ... There were light poles down.
Poles clipped by other than 757 flyover
Narayanan Vin The jet roared over my head, clearing my car by about 25 feet. The tail of the plane clipped the overhanging exit sign above me as it headed straight at the Pentagon.
Owens Mary Ann The plane, the wall and the victims disappeared under coal-black smoke, three-story tall flames and intense heat
McGraw Stephen The plane clipped the top of a light pole just before it got to us
Engine rev-up
Ryan James At that point the plane was slow, so that happened concurrently with the engines going down. And then straighten up in sort of suddenly and hit full gas.
Sepulveda Noel You could hear the engines being revved up even higher
Impact before building
Anlauf Deb and Jeff It was just this huge fireball that crashed into the wall (of the Pentagon).
Harrington Joe It seemed like it made impact just before the wedge. It was like a Hollywood movie or something.
Hovis Tom I cannot understand how that plane hit where it did giving the direction the aircraft was taking at the time.
Kean Terrance And then it sort of disappeared, and there was fire and smoke everywhere .. . . It was very sort of surreal.
Sayer John At first I thought an airplane had hit in front of the Pentagon, but when I got closer I saw that it had struck the Pentagon.
Liebner, Lincoln The plane went into the building like a toy into a birthday cake. The aircraft went in between the second and third floors.
Narayanan Vin The hijacked jet slammed into the Pentagon at a ferocious speed. But the Pentagon's wall held up like a champ. It barely budged as the nose of the plane curled upwards and crumpled before exploding into a massive fireball.
Morin Terry I believe I saw the tail dip slightly to the right indicating a minor turn in that direction. The tail was barely visible when I saw the flash and subsequent fireball rise approximately 200 feet above the Pentagon.
Munsey Christopher hurtled by and within moments exploded in a ground -shaking "whoomp" as it *appeared* to hit the side of the Pentagon.
Timmerman Donald I hear jets all the time, but this jet engine was way too loud. I looked out to the southwest, and it came right down 395, right over Colombia Pike, and as it went by the Sheraton Hotel, the pilot added power to the engines. I heard it pull up a little bit more, and then I lost it behind a building. And then it came out, and I saw it hit right in front of -- it didn't appear to crash into the building; most of the energy was dissipated in hitting the ground, but I saw the nose break up, I saw the wings fly forward, and then the conflagration engulfed everything in flames. It was horrible.
Elgas Penny At the point where the fuselage hit the wall, it seemed to simply melt into the building. I saw a smoke ring surround the fuselage as it made contact with the wall. It appeared as a smoke ring that encircled the fuselage at the point of contact and it seemed to be several feet thick. . . . the wings disappeared into the Pentagon. And then I saw an explosion and watched the tail of the plane slip into the building.
Anderson Steve There was a huge blast. I could feel the air shock wave of it,
Bauer Gary The blast literally rocked all of our cars.
Dobbs Mike he saw an American Airlines 737 twin-engine airliner strike the building.
Sepulveda Noel For a brief moment, you could see the body of the plane sticking out from the side of the building. Then a ball of fire came from behind it." An explosion followed, sending Sepulveda flying against a light pole.
Thompson Phillip The fireball that erupted upon impact blossomed skyward, and the blast hit us in a wave.
Shaeffer Kevin Kevin Shaeffer was sprawled by the shock wave,
Yeingst William Just prior to the impact there were three firemen on the helipad at the Pentagon. ... They turned and ran, and at the point of impact were partially shielded by their fire truck from the flying debris of shrapnel and flames. They were knocked to the ground by the concussion.
Owens Mary Ann I could feel both the car and my heart jolt at the moment of impact. An instant inferno blazed about 125 yards from me.
Marc Abshire his office is on the D ring, near the eighth corridor, he said. It shot me back in my chair. There was a huge blast. I could feel the air shock wave of it, I didn't know exactly what it was. It didn't rumble. It was more of a direct smack.
Morin Terry Associated with that was the increase in air pressure, momentarily, like a small gust of wind. For those formerly in the military, it sounded like a 2000lb bomb going off roughly ½ mile in front of you.
Bright flash
Robbins James S (from 1.5 miles away) There was a silvery flash, an explosion, and a dark, mushroom shaped cloud rose over the building
Exploding engine
Tom McClain I saw the remains of the engines in the North parking lot of the Pentagon as well as melted aluminum and other debris left from the aircraft.
Krohn Charles H. One of the aircraft's engines somehow ricocheted out of the building and arched into the Pentagon's mall parking area between the main building and the new loading dock facility,
Probst Frank The plane's right wing went through a generator trailer like butter. The starboard engine hit a low cement wall and blew apart. I dove towards the ground and watched this great big engine from this beautiful airplane just vaporize. It looked like a huge fireball, pieces were flying out everywhere. ... the jet vanishing in a cloud of smoke and dust,
Shredded airplane
Faram Mark all over the highway were small pieces of aircraft skin, none bigger than a half-dollar.
Bouchoux Donald R. There was an enormous fireball, followed about two seconds later by debris raining down. The car moved about a foot to the right when the shock wave hit.
You know the 9-11 Commission, fed only what gatekeeper Felzenberg allows pass to them, has never seen or discussed any of the above, nor have they given any indication that they are aware that the official version of events at the Pentagon has not withstood examination against the available photo evidence and witness accounts. So here is the analysis that I have been prevented from bringing to the attention of the investigators and the nation.
Return to Main Page
Message 16
From: "Dick Eastman"
Date: Sun May 7, 2006 1:47pm(PDT)
Subject: Re: Fw: [911TruthAction] Morgan Reynolds on the 911 Hoax
He's good on controlled demolition. I was talking about his "no-planes"
----- Original Message -----
From: "stoelting1981" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, May 07, 2006 11:56 AM
Subject: Re: Fw: [911TruthAction] Morgan Reynolds on the 911 Hoax
> --- In, "Dick Eastman" <olfriend@...>
> wrote:
> >
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "stoelting1981" <fiat@...>
> > To: <>
> > Sent: Sunday, May 07, 2006 9:05 AM
> > Subject: [911TruthAction] Morgan Reynolds on the 911 Hoax
> >
> >
> > > Would wing tips and tail break off against each steel wall or
> > > disappear entirely inside each building?
> >
> > Reynolds is not doing his own thinking -- he uses Webfairy wording
> the whole way, including the ignorant term "planehuggers"
> >
> > In the case of the Pentagon, at the angle of hit, had the killer
> jet been a Boeing 757 the starboard engine would have hit before the
> wing root and so the wing would not have been able to "fold up" and
> enter the fuselage hole. And besides that there is no hole --
> merely tilting pillars -- where a 757's starboard engine would have
> to have hit if the official story were true.
> >
> > What convinced me that 9-11 was a false-flag inside-job.
> > 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
> >
> > Dick Eastman
> > Yakima, Washington
> Mr. Eastman,
> Google Search: Morgan Reynolds on the 911 Hoax
> >
> Yahoo! Groups Links
Message 17
From: "Dick Eastman"
Date: Sun May 7, 2006 2:39pm(PDT)
Subject: Fw: The most important 9-11 evidence is from the Pentagon attack Re:
----- Original Message -----
From: Peter Wakefield Sault
To: Dick Eastman
Sent: Sunday, May 07, 2006 4:19 AM
Subject: Re: The most important 9-11 evidence is from the Pentagon attack Re: A Boeing 757 did not hit the Pentagon
I thought the same as you, a single object, until I relistened to it the other night and realized that it is at the very least ambiguous. He *could* be talking about two separate objects. His shocked confusion is apparent from the mangling of his words, not forgetting that this was a practiced professional reporter speaking. (I find I don't know his name, only that he worked for USA Today).
I have searched for cruise missile silhouettes but have not yet managed to come up with any. We are familiar with the Tomahawk and its little stubby fold-out wings but by 2001 several countries had developed their own cruise missiles. I have no idea, for example, what an Exocet looks like. Nor a Sunburn for that matter.
Now see this:
----- Original Message -----
From: Dick Eastman
To: Peter Wakefield Sault
Sent: Sunday, May 07, 2006 3:14 AM
Subject: Re: The most important 9-11 evidence is from the Pentagon attack Re: A Boeing 757 did not hit the Pentagon
I have always in the past interpreted the man who says "like a crusie missile with wings" to be talking about the jetliner. Interesting that he says "UL" livery, when Flight 77 was an American Airlines plane. Many other witnesses recognized AA livery -- so this man is mistaken or was looking at a different plane (which is unlikely -- certainly the killer jet was not in UA livery -- why on earth would it be?) I thought that when he said "like a crusie missile with wings" he was referring to the way it approached low and at high speed and with destructive intent, not that it was shaped like a cruise missile. But now we are faced with the possibility that he was referring to two aircraft -- the jetliner (but in UA livery!) and the killer jet (like a cruise missile with wings). Note that the aircraft tailfin shown in the five security cam pictures could be the tail fin a a crusie missile with wings.
Unforturnately my better computer is not booting -- so I am going to have to wait to hear this for myself.
----- Original Message -----
From: Peter Wakefield Sault
To: Dick Eastman
Cc: Kee Dewdney ; Jim Hoffman
Sent: Saturday, May 06, 2006 5:48 PM
Subject: Re: The most important 9-11 evidence is from the Pentagon attack Re: A Boeing 757 did not hit the Pentagon
Hi Dick
Regrettably I have only an e-mail address for the Pentagon employee and that may no longer be live. I will try to find my source for the total of 9 feet of concrete. I know I saw it recently in one of the many 911 video productions now coming online.
Why would the despatchers use a jet plane instead of a cruise missile? Mr USA-Today said " looked like a cruise missile with wings" (MP3 attached), which could be a plane or could be a cruise missile with wings. Whatever it was, he was the only person who eyeballed the actual object that struck the Pentagon and he didn't say "757" when describing it.
That is our only certainty - that it was no 757.
Listening again to the USA Today reporter, he firstly saw a UA (or UA-liveried) plane flying very low "...and then IT was there..." he says and HE IS CLEARLY NO LONGER TALKING ABOUT THE UA PLANE. "...a cruise missile with wings... ...slammed into the Pentagon" by which time he has lost sight of the 757. So HE SAW TWO QUITE DISTINCT FLYING OBJECTS. A 757 flying low and a cruise missile with wings. Listen closely. It's a real giveaway, just like the Larry Silverstein "...pull it..." comment. Obviously it has been subjected to subsequent media reinterpretation of the 'talmudic' variety, just like Silverstein's recent attempt to ascribe an alternative meaning to his statement, claiming he was referring to the fire team.
----- Original Message -----
From: Dick Eastman
To: Peter Wakefield Sault
Sent: Sunday, May 07, 2006 1:10 AM
Subject: Fw: The most important 9-11 evidence is from the Pentagon attack Re: A Boeing 757 did not hit the Pentagon
I respect your opinion, however these was not a total of 9 feet of concret penetrated by the killer jet. There were no concrete walls within the building between the entrance hole in ring-E and the exit hole (if that is what it is) in ring-C. Only one or two walls were penetrated. My own view, if you had not heard, is that a missile explosion softened up the entry. Also an F-16 was tested with full remote-control combat capability -- it was retired to the General Dynamic museum in March of 2001 -- possibly with the remote control equipment removed. Again, the missile that softened the outer wall need not have been high velocity, just enough to weaken the structure in the vacinity of the killer jet's entry. Remember too, that the Pentagon wall is not a block of solid concret as in the famous test case with the F-4 Phantom -- the killer jet hit a wall with windows, a wall softened by the explosion we see in the security cam video (with at least one witness reporting the same white flash)
Yes, I agree with the Pentagon employee's statement about the reason the hole was dynamited. The original hole was made before the words "punch out" were written on the wall (as shown in pictures) -- and so the hole itself was blasted because it was too perfect, too round, too unlike the hole a fuselage of a 757 would make. The man's statement is very valuable to any investigation -- I hope you have his name.
----- Original Message -----
From: Peter Wakefield Sault
To: Dick Eastman
Sent: Saturday, May 06, 2006 4:53 PM
Subject: Re: The most important 9-11 evidence is from the Pentagon attack Re: A Boeing 757 did not hit the Pentagon
Hi Dick
Have you seen the footage of a jet fighter on a rocket-sled being slammed into a 10 foot thick block of concrete? If you have you'll know that the jet fighter loses, completely disintegrating, and the block of concrete remains intact. The only object that could blast its way through the total of 9 foot of steel reinforced military grade concrete to leave an almost perfectly circular hole through the inner C ring is a DU tipped Mach X cruise missile. Fighter jets are made the same way as passenger airliners. The nose cone is kevlar and houses radars, computers and control systems. It is SOFT and would simply crumple if you threw it at something hard. It is NOT designed to penetrate concrete. NO PART OF ANY AIRPLANE IS DESIGNED TO PENETRATE CONCRETE. They are designed only to fly through the air. Planes can launch missiles but I already told you, not that close to a target and especially not from a remotely piloted plane.
I think you give far too much importance to the 5 frames of video. The very fact the they were released should tell you something. They are spurious and should be treated as such. Once you restrict yourself to examining the actual damage to the Pentagon it will become a lot clearer. Those 5 frames are a poisoned well.
Finally, I had an unnamed Pentagon employee write to me because he wanted the information released but could not do that himself because of his job (presumably he doesn't want to lose it). Anyway, he said the FBI on the scene decided to blow that section of wall down with dynamite after the object struck because the impact damage did not look sufficiently like a plane.
I think possible that any and all airplane parts in that section of the Pentagon were either display models or were being examined by Naval Intelligence for some reason or other.
All the best
----- Original Message -----
From: Dick Eastman
Sent: Sunday, May 07, 2006 12:21 AM
Subject: The most important 9-11 evidence is from the Pentagon attack Re: A Boeing 757 did not hit the Pentagon
Ron Winn and Jean-Pierre Desmoulins discussing
the Pentagon attack evidence.
----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, May 06, 2006 3:05 PM
Subject: Re: [frameup] Re: A Boeing 757 did not hit the Pentagon
> Impossible that people inside, on this point which was flooded by debris,
> could do this hole. >From outside, also impossible : see pictures showing
> the thermal insulation or a pipe deflected outside, and also the debris in
> the AE drive...
You insist the the explosive was in the nose of the killer jet. I say
the hole could have been made by planted charges or some
"urban-warfare" weapon. It is absurd to think that explosives would
be added to blow the second wall encountered and not the first.
The hole had an immediate purpose -- probably related to arranging
for the collapse of the front of the building.
Jean-Pierre, no trace of any passenger seat has been noted by witnesses or
photographed. Also we have the proof that 757 debris was deliberately
planted on the lawn -- which would not be done unless there had been no 757
and they wanted to make it look as though there had been one.
> This "punch out" = "punched to let people out" translation is a sad hoax.
Who said the hole was made to "let people out" -- this too is absurd.
In my opinion, if the hole was not made by the killer jet itself, than it
was made in order to introduce the explosive material that caused
the collapse.
> At 22:13 06/05/2006 +0100, you wrote:
> >Dick, I thought the photo evidence showed a clear pathway throught the
> >various rings at an angle of 50 degrees. If the C-ring hole was a escape
> >route for those elite naval intel guys then what was out there around the
> >C-ring looked like a human exit hole more than a radome exit hole.
> >
> >There is someone who could explain the reason for the marking "punch out"
> >but has never done so. I wish he would. In fact, it is about time he did.
Again, after entering the building the only substantial barriers between the
killer jet and the C-wall in question were the pillars at the ground floor level.
The 9-11 plan did not allow for the naval intelligence personnel to escape --
the idea was to kill them because they were not controlled by the Zionist cabal.
The killer jet entered at an oblique angle. It's fuselage and engine continued
until stopped by either the pillars or by the C-ring wall. The C-ring wall hole
may or may not have been made by a solitary engine as reported. If the C-ring
hole was made after the killer jet struck, then the purpose was to arrange for
the collapse of the structure to hide the too-small not-fitting-a-Boeing entry hole.
The hole was made before the words "punch out" were written -- as photos
make obvious. Possibly the instructions are to enlarge the hole -- to punch out
the boarder of the hole to conceal its too-perfect roundness etc.
What convinced me that 9-11 was a false-flag inside-job.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Message 18
From: ""
Date: Sun May 7, 2006 2:56pm(PDT)
Subject: Come Out of the White House with Your Hands Up ! Address:http://milw
Come Out of the White House with Your Hands Up !
"Come Out of the White House with Your Hands Up!"
Ex-Bush Official Busts 9/11 Perps at U.W. Historical Society
Madison, WI
Saturday, May 6, 2006
Kevin Barrett, 07.05.2006 13:06
An enthusiastic standing-room-only crowd overfilled the 300-seat
Wisconsin Historical Society auditorium Saturday to hear ex-Bush
Administration insider Morgan Reynolds prosecute top administration and
military officials for the 9/11 inside job.
Reynolds to Cheney: "You're BUSTED!"
Reynolds indicted Richard Cheney, George W. Bush, former Joint
Chiefs Chairman Richard Meyers, confessed WTC demolisher and
insurance-fraudster Larry Silverstein, and others for mass murder,
conspiracy, and other charges including high treason.
The enthusiastic response from the overflow crowd was a de facto
vote for conviction on all counts.
The former Director of the Criminal Justice Center at the National
Center for Policy Analysis, showed that the defendants conspired to
create a false cover story of suicide hijackings in order to "blow the
World Trade Center to kingdom come" with explosives�a shock-and-awe
psy-op designed to coerce the American people into supporting a
pre-planned "long war" in the Middle East, massive increases in military
spending, and the rollback of Constitutional civil liberties.
Reynolds stated that everyone in the worldwide intelligence
community knew that 9/11 was an inside job as soon as it happened, with
the obvious stand-down of US air defenses, controlled demolition of the
World Trade Center, and non-protection of the President in Florida being
the biggest tip-offs. The head of the Russian equivalent of the Joint
Chiefs of Staff, the former head of the German intelligence service
Andreas Von Bulow, former National Security Agency official Wayne
Madsen, and former MI-6 agent David Schayler have all openly called 9/11
an inside job, while former CIA official Ray McGovern has
confirmed this directly in private, and indirectly in public by way of
his ringing endorsement of David Ray Griffin's work on 9/11.
Reynolds, who served as George W. Bush's Labor Department Chief
Economist in 2001-2002, believes that a 9/11 truth victory is looming on
the near-term horizon.
He predicted that one or more of the 9/11 insiders will soon "give
it up" and come forward with what they know, saying "Remember, you heard
it here first." He said that most of those complicit in the attacks did
not realize how over-the-top the plot was, due to the need-to-know
compartmentalization of such covert operations, and that some
semi-complicit individuals will probably be coming forward. Reynolds
said that most of his email acquaintances are now worried that the 9/11
truth movement is going to win, triggering the greatest Constitutional
crisis in U.S. history. For Reynolds, this is less a cause for worry
than for rejoicing:
"We need a Constitutional crisis!"
Reynolds argued that 9/11 truth is a matter of extreme urgency, since
the perpetrators seem to be preparing another 9/11-style terror hoax as
a pretext for attacking Iran with nuclear weapons. He said that exposing
the 9/11 fraud is the best way to stop Cheney's plan to stage an
unprovoked nuclear attack on Iran, and the military draft and
Pinochet-style prison camps and death squads for dissenters that might
accompany it.
Reynolds urged the audience to help educate the American public
about the 9/11 inside job. Personal contact with family and friends, the
internet, alternative media, and public events like this are all good
educational strategies, he said, adding that a demonstration of 100,000
9/11 truth supporters at Ground Zero next year would be hard for the
media to ignore.
Politicians and the media will help expose the 9/11 inside job, he
said, only after the growing grassroots movement reaches critical mass.
The organizers of Reynolds' talk urged audience members to come to the
upcoming international 9/11 truth conference in Chicago, 9/11: Revealing
the Truth, Reclaiming Our Future, June 2nd-4th, 2006:
* * *
Introduction to Dr. Reynolds Presentation
(delivered in much abbreviated form due to time constraints)
by Dr. Kevin Barrett
Coordinator, Muslim-Jewish-Christian Alliance for 9/11 Truth:
Member, Scholars for 9/11 Truth:
Member, Scientific Professionals
Investigating 9/11 (SPINE):
Friends, we are gathered here today not just to speak truth to power,
but to start fighting back. The information you are hearing today is
political dynamite. It is the stuff of which revolutions are made.
Evil rulers use divide-and-conquer strategies against their subjects. In
Iraq, the occupiers blow up mosques and markets, and murder thousands of
bystanders, in a lame attempt to provoke a Sunni-Shia civil war. But
they're not fooling anybody. The Iraqis all know who's really doing
these bombings, just as 90% of the Arab and Muslim world knows that 9/11
was an inside job. Here in Ersatz America, our criminal rulers are
trying to divide us by whipping up emotional hysteria: abortion,
immigration, gay marriage, liberal versus conservative, religious versus
secular, Christian and Jewish versus Muslim�anything to distract us
and keep us from seeing what they're doing to all of us.
9/11 truth unites ALL of us � left and right, gay and straight,
religious, spiritual and secular, Muslim, Christian and Jewish, military
and civilian � in revolutionary outrage against this evil regime, and
in determination to overthrow it by any means necessary.
We hope the 9/11 truth revolution will be a nonviolent revolution. We
are starting with education, symbolism, and nonviolent action. Please
honor the request of Veterans for 9/11 Truth (
� to fly the American flag upside down as a symbol of
Constitutional distress. And please come to Chicago for the
international 9/11 truth strategy conference June 2nd � 4th, sponsored
by and the Muslim-Jewish-Christian Alliance for 9/11 Truth.
Posters are available at the table outside. We are meeting in Chicago to
figure out how to win on 9/11 truth. And we are going to win. See:
And when we win, the brave man we have invited here today will get a big
chunk of the credit.
Dr. Morgan Reynolds is Professor Emeritus at Texas A & M University. He
served as Chief Economist in the Department of Labor under George W.
Bush during the Cheney regime's first illegitimate term. He is the
former director of the Criminal Justice Center at the National Center
for Policy Analysis, and appeared on innumerable political discussion
shows in the mainstream media � back when we used to have a mainstream
media rather than a Ministry of Propaganda. I'm sorry, I shouldn't say
that � it's the Ministry of Love. Wait a minute, that's the one that
runs Abu Ghraib and the sex torture gulag. Or is that der Ministry of
Unheimlich Insecurity? I'm sorry, I grew up back when we had something
vaguely resembling a democracy �I can't keep all this stuff straight.
In any case, Dr. Reynolds has a stellar resume, and the best part of it
is that he is a Wisconsin Badger with three degrees from this great
university � and he is living up to its motto, The Truth Will Set You
Free! Ladies and gentlemen, Dr. Morgan Reynolds.
* * *
(For Morgan Reynolds' work, see his website
Message 19
From: "Bugs"
Date: Sun May 7, 2006 3:02pm(PDT)
Subject: Re: Names
James some did know...
----- Original Message -----
From: James Patton
To: 911Truth Action
Sent: Sunday, May 07, 2006 7:53 AM
Subject: [911TruthAction] Re: Names
Sorry to sound cynical, but we live in a world of an estimated 6,000,000,000 people,
and most of us personally will only ever know a handful of them. Names are mostly
used in the media for propaganda purposes.
I did not know a single one of the victims of 9/11, nor did most people anywhere in the world.
I didn't know a single victim in Panama, when Bush I invaded to arrest Noriega and murdered
thousands of innocents in the process (I believe their bodies were bulldozed into pits).
I didn't know a single one of the terrified young Iraqi men who were buried alive
when the U.S. army put bulldozer blades on the front of their tanks and just covered
their trenches with dirt.
I didn't know a single Iraqi civilian who was maimed or brutally killed in the terrorist attack
on Baghdad, known euphemestically as "shock and awe".
And the list goes on and on.
So why do the names of the victims of 9/11 matter any more than the names of all the
other innocents who die in horrible ways? Simply because it's a propaganda boon
for the media-military-industrial complex to push their 'war on terror' and further their
corporate agenda, that's all.
kind regards,
To Hell with War
See also:
War Criminals: Theirs and Ours
by William Blum
We don't do bodycounts.
- Tommy Franks
How fortunate for governments that the people they administer don't think.
- Adolf Hitler
From: "Bugs"
Date: Sat May 6, 2006 3:05am(PDT)
Subject: Names
Mary MacElveen writes: Yesterday, while sentencing
Zacarias Moussaoui, Judge Leonie Brinkema stated that he would "die with
a whimper," isolated from the world and not in the glory of martyrdom."
While I agree with her words directed towards Moussaoui, the government
of the United States seems to have an unequal justice system when
dealing with known terrorists.
We have come to know many of the names of those lives taken on September
11, 2001 ... and it helps us to remember that these were real people,
who left behind family members and friends to grieve their loss.
Behavioral scientists here in the United States often suggest that
victims be named in serial killings so that it can aid them in bringing
those responsible to justice. The same applies to those who fall victim
to terrorism. They also do so, so that these monsters (both serial
killers and terrorists alike) will see their victims as human beings.
But, rarely does that happen. Terrorists like serial killers are the
monsters of any society and it is incumbent for any civil society to
bring them to justice and to deal with them harshly.
In my search for the passenger list of Cubana flight 455, of which Luis
Posada Carriles masterminded the explosion, I could not find the
complete list anywhere on the Internet ... as if these people's lives
did not matter. Then again, Posada Carriles is being held in Miami
(Florida) and the government of these United States has even entertained
letting him stay in this country to evade justice in Venezuela.
I found some names of the victims who perished on flight 455 and, in a
fax to Bush, I included this passage: "On October 6, 1976 the captain of
Cubana flight 455, Wilfredo Perez Perez, radioed to the control tower:
"We have an explosion aboard, we are descending immediately! ... We have
fire on board! We are requesting immediate landing! We have a total
Posada Carriles masterminded the terrorist attack that murdered him,
along with innocent passengers. Wilfredo Perez Perez was just as
important to his family as Pilot Jason Dahl (Flight 93) was to his.
Posada Carriles should be brought finally to justice and be sentenced by
a Venezuelan judge ... just like Moussaoui was sentenced by a United
States judge yesterday."
"Also among the dead on Flight 455 were all 24 members of the 1975
national Cuban Fencing team that had just won all the gold medals in the
Central American & Caribbean Championships; many were teenagers.
Nowhere could I find the list of their names. On that fateful flight
were several officials of the Cuban government: their names were Manuel
Permuy Hernandez, Jorge de la Nuez Suarez, Alfonso Gonzalez, and Domingo
Chacon Coello. Others on that fateful flight included 11 Guyanese
passengers included 18 and 19-year-old medical students, and the young
wife of a Guyanese diplomat."
Where are these people's names?
Don't these people's lives still matter to anyone?
When I was searching fruitlessly for the names of those who were lost on
Cubana flight 455, I was able to find the passenger list of those who
perished on flight 93. As we all know. a movie has just been made
detailing the last moments of their lives...
Do not get me wrong ... I grieve their loss and pray for their family
members and friends left behind. I grieve for every family member and
friend who lost a loved one on 9/11. But, I also pray for any victim of
terrorism ... and that includes those who perished on flight 455.
* I was eighteen at the time it happened, and back then we did not
have 24/7 cable newscasts to report on these events ... we had to rely
on the six o'clock news and I wonder now: Was it even reported?
As I have reported here in the past, the reason why Posada Carriles is
not being sent back to Venezuela is due to a US judge's opinion that he
will be tortured. As I have read accounts and watched videos of the life
that now awaits Moussaoui at a Supermax prison in Colorado, he will be
tortured ... he will sit in a jail cell 23 hours a day with little
contact with human beings ... he will only see the guards as they
deliver his meals or take him for his one hour a day recreation ... he
will not see the other inmates that are now spending the rest of their
life at that prison.
Inmates such as Terry Nichols who helped Timothy McVeigh blow up the
Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City. His (Moussaoui's) jail cell
will also be sound proof ... so, there he will sit for the rest of his
Do not get me wrong, since he wanted to kill my fellow Americans (yet
had little involvement which spared his life), he does not push my pity
buttons. Shouldn't Posada Carriles ... who actually had a hand in the
taking of innocent lives ... be dealt the same form of punishment in a
Venezuelan prison?
If you are for punishing any terrorist with extreme measures, then your
answer must be yes.
The only reason why he (Posada Carriles) is not serving out any life
sentence in Venezuela is for this reason: Posada Carriles escaped
justice when he broke out of a Venezuelan prison just before he was to
be sentenced. By Venezuelan law a defendant can not be sentenced in
In the past, the government of the United States has deported Nazi war
criminals to Israel to face justice. and it is incumbent upon us to do
the same with Posada Carriles ... he is just as heinous as any Nazi.
All terrorists, no matter who they are, or the victims they targeted,
must be sent a clear message by any government that we will not accept
their demonic behavior ... they can try to rationalize why they did it
(as Moussaoui has), but in the end it should not excuse them from facing
the punishment they so rightly deserve.
Also rotting in the Supermax prison are terrorists Ramzi Yousef and Omar
Abdel-Rahman who took part in the 1993 Twin Tower bombings in New York
City. Imagine my outrage as I read US frees Caracas embassy bombers
after two years in immigration custody
<> ... this article which
originally ran in the Miami Herald and states: "Jose Antonio Colina and
German Rodolfo Varela, accused in Caracas of bombing two diplomatic
missions, are expected to be released Friday from an immigration
detention facility in Houston. The men will be allowed to join friends
or relatives under supervised conditions, attorneys Matthew Archambeault
and Federico Macia said."
I am going to be blunt here: Is the government of the United States
telling all of us that some lives are more important than others?
Are American lives more important than Cuban and Venezuelan lives?
It sure seems that way, seeing how terrorists such as Moussaoui, Yousef
and Abdel-Rahman are treated as compared to Carriles, Colina and Varela.
This disparity certainly proves that we are not serious about combating
terrorism when some get away with their crimes ... and others do not.
In the United States we have a statue called Lady Justice ... she has a
blindfold over her eyes to signify that she is blind no matter who the
defendant is or who the victim is.
* Clearly in the cases I mentioned above, someone has ripped her
blindfold off.
To the United States government: Do you want to prove that terrorism
must be punished?
Then send Posada Carriles, Colina and Varela back to Venezuela to face
their just punishment ... their victims cry out for justice too.
Mary MacElveen <> <>
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Message 20
From: "Edward Pickersgill"
Date: Sun May 7, 2006 4:16pm(PDT)
Subject: [Underling] Martial Law, Marshal Law and Martian Law
Martial Law, Marshal Law and Martian Law
7 May 2006
Recent chatter on Le Net has Americans worried about President Bush taking over the United States. I must confess right now that although I enjoy a good laugh as much as the next freak but this is getting just too painful. You know how it feels when you've laughed and laughed so hard and so long that your sides ache and your belly muscles start cramping? Well its like that for me. President Bush taking over the United States? Wow!
My Homepage:
Message 21
From: "Dick Eastman"
Date: Sun May 7, 2006 4:52pm(PDT)
Subject: Fw: [frameup] Re: A Boeing 757 did not hit the Pentagon.
----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, May 06, 2006 3:11 PM
Subject: Re: [frameup] Re: A Boeing 757 did not hit the Pentagon.
> Questions should be asked about the people targeted inside the pentagon.
> I have read that three kind of people were targeted :
> 1 - Account specialists who worked on some financial scandals involving
> companies like Halliburton
> 2 - Naval intelligence people
> 3 - People who gathered to a meeting in the C ring "to analyse the ongoing
> attack at the wtc"...
> What a nice coincidence... le me make an hypothesis : the "control room"
> the war drills of this 9/11 morning was precisely on the path of this
> attacking plane and none of the people pulling the strings of these
> exercises survived.
> At 22:28 06/05/2006 +0100, you wrote:
> >Dick, It is easy to drift within the 9/11 community. I've always been
> >independent. Being a Brit I can't be anything else. I go where the action
> >is. At the moment you have my undivided attention.
> >
> >What we have here is the question. Why were the elite Naval intel guys
> >attacked. It was a targeted attack whoever carried it out. Only you and I
> >have ever looked at this aspect.
> Yahoo! Groups Links
Message 22
From: "botalerts"
Date: Sun May 7, 2006 5:39pm(PDT)
Subject: Chomsky Gets an F
Message 23
From: "Bugs"
Date: Sun May 7, 2006 7:14pm(PDT)
Subject: West Point Graduates Come Out Against the War On Iraq
----- Original Message -----
From: lydiagorbik14
West Point Graduates Come Out Against the War On Iraq
West Point Graduates Against The War
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"Duty, Honor, Country."
West Point Graduates Against The War
click here
Latest updates:
May 08 2003: Iraqi boy drowned in canal, Basra
Apr 17: Three in clashes in Adhamiya, Baghdad
Apr 19: 3 university professors in Khan Bani Sa'ad
Apr 19:3 guards at power plant, Dora, Baghdad
Apr 19: Former army colonel shot dead, Saidiyah, Baghdad
Apr 19: Five by car bomb in Baiji
Apr 19: Two police by roadside bomb in Al-Khalis
Apr 19: Policeman by roadside bomb in Baquba
Apr 19: 3 street cleaners shot dead, Dora, Baghdad
Apr 19: One by bomb in Mansour, Baghdad
Apr 18: 15 bodies found bound, shot in Baghdad
Apr 18: Policeman shot dead in Basra
Apr 18: Five shot dead in Rashad
Apr 17: 2 bodies found shot dead, Kadhimiya, Baghdad
Apr 17: One shot dead in car near Kirkuk
Apr 19: 5 bodies found bound, shot, Rustamiyah, Baghdad
Apr 17: One by roadside bomb, central Baghdad
Apr 17: Brother of Sunni politician found Baghdad morgue
Apr 17: Three tortured bodies found Shula, Baghdad
Apr 17: Shepherd by roadside bomb, Baquba or Kirkuk
Apr 14: Body of kidnapped man found Kirkuk
Apr 17: Man and boy by bomb, Baquba
Apr 17: Two students killed in Baquba
Apr 17: Five street cleaners in Dora, Baghdad
Apr 16: Bodies of 3 police/army recruits west of Ramadi
Apr 16: Four by bomb in minibus, Kamaliyah, Baghdad
Apr 16: Policeman shot dead, north Baghdad
Apr 16: Woman in crossfire in Youssifiyah
Apr 16: 8-11 by car bomb in Mahmudiya
Apr 16: Five on minibus near Baquba
Apr 16: 7 labourers shot dead, central Mosul
Apr 16: Two shot dead south of Kirkuk
Apr 16: 3 bodies found shot, Tigris River, Baghdad
Apr 15: Two in crossfire in Shula, Baghdad
Apr 15: 5 by bomb near restaurant, east Baghdad
Apr 16: Policeman in attack in Sadr City, Baghdad
Weapons of mass destruction LIE!
Saddam linked with 9/11 LIE!
"We don't torture." LIE!
"A cadet will not lie, cheat, or steal,
or tolerate those who do."
Cadet Honor Code
"The Honor System as a feature of West Point seems to grow in importance with a graduate as the years secede until finally it becomes something which he is almost reluctant to talk about -- it occupies a position in his mind akin to the virtue of his mother or his sister." (1)
Dwight D. Eisenhower
United States Military Academy
Class of 1915
"When people speak to you about a preventive war, you tell them to go and fight it. After my experience, I have come to hate war." (2)
"I hate war as only a soldier who has lived it can, only as one who has seen its brutality, its stupidity. War settles nothing." (3)
"Here in America we are descended in blood and in spirit from revolutionists and rebels - men and women who dare to dissent from accepted doctrine. As their heirs, may we never confuse honest dissent with disloyal subversion." (4)
"If all that Americans want is security, they can go to prison. They'll have enough to eat, a bed and a roof over their heads. But if an American wants to preserve his dignity and his equality as a human being, he must not bow his neck to any dictatorial government." (5)
Dwight D. Eisenhower
34th President of the United States
Say no to this illegal, dishonorable war
click here
West Point Graduates Against The War
Eisenhower Citations:
1. Letter to Major General Maxwell D. Taylor, then USMA Superintendent.
2. Press conference: 1953.
3. Speech: Ottawa, Canada, January 10, 1946.
4. Speech: New York City, May 31, 1954.
5. As president of Columbia University, speech to luncheon clubs,
Galveston, Texas, December 8, 1949
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Message 24
From: "Kevin Hammond"
Date: Sun May 7, 2006 9:46pm(PDT)
Subject: Fwd: [WETHEPEOPLE_UNITED] Dubai Company Takes Over 9 U.S. Military F
Note: forwarded message attached.
Saoirse go deo!
Yahoo! Mail goes everywhere you do. Get it on your phone.
Message 25
From: "Kevin Hammond"
Date: Sun May 7, 2006 10:24pm(PDT)
Subject: Re: Fw: [frameup] Re: A Boeing 757 did not hit the Pentagon.
You most certainly have MY attention!
Dick Eastman <> wrote:
----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, May 06, 2006 3:11 PM
Subject: Re: [frameup] Re: A Boeing 757 did not hit the Pentagon.
> Questions should be asked about the people targeted inside the pentagon.
> I have read that three kind of people were targeted :
> 1 - Account specialists who worked on some financial scandals involving
> companies like Halliburton
> 2 - Naval intelligence people
> 3 - People who gathered to a meeting in the C ring "to analyse the ongoing
> attack at the wtc"...
> What a nice coincidence... le me make an hypothesis : the "control room"
> the war drills of this 9/11 morning was precisely on the path of this
> attacking plane and none of the people pulling the strings of these
> exercises survived.
> At 22:28 06/05/2006 +0100, you wrote:
> >Dick, It is easy to drift within the 9/11 community. I've always been
> >independent. Being a Brit I can't be anything else. I go where the action
> >is. At the moment you have my undivided attention.
> >
> >What we have here is the question. Why were the elite Naval intel guys
> >attacked. It was a targeted attack whoever carried it out. Only you and I
> >have ever looked at this aspect.
> Yahoo! Groups Links
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