Tuesday, February 21, 2006

DailyOM: The Weight Of Objects

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February 21, 2006

The Weight Of Objects
Clearing Your Space For Change

In life, we tend to have an easier time acquiring possessions than we do getting rid of them. Just as we harbor emotional baggage that is difficult to let go of, our lives can tend to be filled with material objects that we may feel compelled to hold on to. Most people are not conscious of how much they own and how many of their possessions are no longer adding value to their life. They fiercely hold on to material objects because this makes them feel secure or comfortable. While it's true that the ownership of "stuff" can make you feel good for awhile, it seldom satisfies the deep inner longings that nearly everyone has for fulfillment and satisfaction. It is only when we are ready to let go of our baggage and be vulnerable that it becomes possible to recognize the emotional hold that our possessions can have on us.

It's not uncommon to hold on to material objects because we are attached to them or fear the empty spaces that will remain if we get rid of them. Giving away the souvenirs from a beloved voyage may feel like we are erasing the memory of that time in our life. We may also worry that our loved ones will feel hurt if we don't keep the gifts they've given us. It's easy to convince ourselves that unused possessions might come in handy someday or that parting with them will cause you emotional pain. However, when your personal space is filled with objects, there is no room for anything new to enter and stay in your life. Your collection of belongings may "protect" you from the uncertainties of an unknown future while keeping you stuck in the past. Holding on to unnecessary possessions often goes hand in hand with holding on to pain, anger, and resentment, and letting go of your material possessions may help you release emotional baggage.

When you make a conscious decision to fill your personal space with only the objects that you need or bring you joy, your energy level will soar. Clearing your personal space can lead to mental clarity and an improved memory. As you learn to have a more practical and temporary relationship to objects, positive changes will happen, and you'll have space to create the life that you desire.

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[911TruthAction] Digest Number 1138

There are 22 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1. "Able Danger" & 9/11 Foreknowledge
From: "reggie501" <reggie501@optonline.net>
2. ***Group Alert***Watch for multi task alert & Do your part for the little one's
From: Mofmars3@wmconnect.com
3. Re: Great website! Check it OUT!
From: Reggie <reggie501@optonline.net>
4. The 911 activists are waiting to join forces with Cindy's activists
From: Mofmars3@wmconnect.com
5. Re: Bush is Unpopular Across the Entire Country, Particularly in Ohio
From: JKMarion@aol.com
6. The Naming of the Darkness
From: janet phelan <jcphelan10@yahoo.com>
7. Fwd: Operation Firing For Effect - The Veteran's March - [PR #2]
From: Tom Trefts <tomcat6169@yahoo.com>
8. Re: Bush is Unpopular Across the Entire Country, Particularly in Ohio
From: "Marsha" <Mofmars3@wmconnect.com>
9. Re: Re: Bush is Unpopular Across the Entire Country, Particularly in Ohio
From: JKMarion@aol.com
10. *G*A*Now she understands...Very Good Indeed...And The "Truth Movement" Grows
From: Mofmars3@wmconnect.com
11. Inside Chene's Secret World + 9/11+ D.U.+ US Port sales UAE --->????
From: ranger116@webtv.net
12. RE: Inside Chene's Secret World + 9/11+ D.U.+ US Port sales UAE --->????
From: "Scott Peden" <scotpeden@cruzio.com>
13. RE: Inside Chene's Secret World + 9/11+ D.U.+ US Port sales UAE --->????
From: Naveed <flanker12k@yahoo.com>
14. Re: Great website! Check it OUT!
From: Kevin Hammond <sir_oglaigh@yahoo.com>
15. Re: Great website! Check it OUT!
From: Naveed <flanker12k@yahoo.com>
16. RE: Inside Chene's Secret World + 9/11+ D.U.+ US Port sales UAE --->????
From: "Scott Peden" <scotpeden@cruzio.com>
17. States Stopping Right to Seize Private Homes+Impeachment+Pravda On9/11
From: ranger116@webtv.net
18. Bush gives US Port contract to Arabs
From: "Cait" <ansith@gmail.com>
19. Stop War On Iran Campaign
From: "Mohammad la Gauche" <banglavision.bd@gmail.com>
20. Again, Iranian 'BOURSE' NOT WMD's Real Reason for Bushy's WAR!
From: Larry Lawson <hitech2_47460@yahoo.com>
21. Re: Bush gives US Port contract to Arabs
From: greg nixon <nxngrg@yahoo.com>
22. Police State America! TVNL RADIO - TODAY - NOON ET
From: "reggie501" <reggie501@optonline.net>


Message: 1
Date: Mon, 20 Feb 2006 17:00:37 -0000
From: "reggie501" <reggie501@optonline.net>
Subject: "Able Danger" & 9/11 Foreknowledge

Tune in to TvNewsLIES Radio! Live, Mondays & Tuesdays at 12 Noon ET.

Mon., Feb. 20th: The Illuminati & 9/11
Guest: Anthony J. Hilder - The Greatest Lie Ever Sold!
9/11 News : http://www.tvnewslies.org/news/#911

· "Able Danger" & 9/11 Foreknowledge - The ongoing coverup concerning
the secret Able Danger operation provides further evidence that the
"war on terror" is a farce.

· There is no war on terrorism - The bear is the U.S. government and
media cover up of the 9/11 attacks. They never came close to proving
that foreign "terrorists" were involved. - The 9/11 attacks were
created for justification of U.S. covert plans to grab influence over
oil politics in the Middle East and as an excuse to take away the rest
of Americans' liberties through a manufactured threat-scenario called,
"The War On Terror."

· The Shot Heard Round the World - But a source close to the
commission, who declined to be identified revealing sensitive
information, says that none of the staffers who worked on this aspect
of the investigation believed Cheney's version of events.


Message: 2
Date: Mon, 20 Feb 2006 13:16:09 EST
From: Mofmars3@wmconnect.com
Subject: ***Group Alert***Watch for multi task alert & Do your part for the little one's

Spread widely: Hold Bush Accountable: Demand a Special Prosecutor to
Investigate the White House<A HREF="http://actions.pfaw.org/siteapps/advocacy/index.aspx?">http://actions.pfaw.org/siteapps/advocacy/index.aspx?</A>

[This message contained attachments]


Message: 3
Date: Mon, 20 Feb 2006 13:31:37 -0500
From: Reggie <reggie501@optonline.net>
Subject: Re: Great website! Check it OUT!

I post on the site almost every day! Good group......!

Caomhain {Kevin} Lee Hammond wrote:
> This is a site operated by some viewers of my show. They are
> constitutional researchers. I hope to get them on the show soon!
> www.amendment-13.org
> United state bankruptcy court western district of texas
> <http://groups.yahoo.com/gads?t=ms&k=United+state+bankruptcy+court+western+district+of+texas&w1=United+state+bankruptcy+court+western+district+of+texas&w2=United+state+life+insurance&w3=Moving+to+the+united+state&w4=United+state+patent&w5=United+state+patent+search&w6=United+states+patent+office&c=6&s=216&.sig=LyOY3UaFqQXgRKl1hN0axA>
> United state life insurance
> <http://groups.yahoo.com/gads?t=ms&k=United+state+life+insurance&w1=United+state+bankruptcy+court+western+district+of+texas&w2=United+state+life+insurance&w3=Moving+to+the+united+state&w4=United+state+patent&w5=United+state+patent+search&w6=United+states+patent+office&c=6&s=216&.sig=LnocZxvuSo_S1QmEgZ2ToA>
> Moving to the united state
> <http://groups.yahoo.com/gads?t=ms&k=Moving+to+the+united+state&w1=United+state+bankruptcy+court+western+district+of+texas&w2=United+state+life+insurance&w3=Moving+to+the+united+state&w4=United+state+patent&w5=United+state+patent+search&w6=United+states+patent+office&c=6&s=216&.sig=fgqLpVwUz9OraOFE6rZSNA>
> United state patent
> <http://groups.yahoo.com/gads?t=ms&k=United+state+patent&w1=United+state+bankruptcy+court+western+district+of+texas&w2=United+state+life+insurance&w3=Moving+to+the+united+state&w4=United+state+patent&w5=United+state+patent+search&w6=United+states+patent+office&c=6&s=216&.sig=UzHoOfQO_B6M1aVpMgZaSA>
> United state patent search
> <http://groups.yahoo.com/gads?t=ms&k=United+state+patent+search&w1=United+state+bankruptcy+court+western+district+of+texas&w2=United+state+life+insurance&w3=Moving+to+the+united+state&w4=United+state+patent&w5=United+state+patent+search&w6=United+states+patent+office&c=6&s=216&.sig=lEmubdBFcEEj0K0Wl-HksA>
> United states patent office
> <http://groups.yahoo.com/gads?t=ms&k=United+states+patent+office&w1=United+state+bankruptcy+court+western+district+of+texas&w2=United+state+life+insurance&w3=Moving+to+the+united+state&w4=United+state+patent&w5=United+state+patent+search&w6=United+states+patent+office&c=6&s=216&.sig=KRsseTyIx4wmUFky2GMdWg>
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> * Visit your group "911TruthAction
> <http://groups.yahoo.com/group/911TruthAction>" on the web.
> * To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:
> 911TruthAction-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com
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> * Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of
> Service <http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/>.
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Message: 4
Date: Mon, 20 Feb 2006 14:16:00 EST
From: Mofmars3@wmconnect.com
Subject: The 911 activists are waiting to join forces with Cindy's activists

Some believe Cindy Sheehan is being bought off because of her not helping
reveal the truth behind the 911 atrocity & tragedy

I have two email addresses for her but neither one is active...Can anyone
send me her current, please?...Or send her this post along with my email address
visible so she can contact me

I think she just doesn't know all the details yet and may be in denial...At
least I hope that's the case

It is something of unbelievably incredible proportion, too bizarre for the
average person to even imagine

Especially if you've no background in all the research it takes to be on top
of even a fraction of what's goin on

I bet on her and all the antiwar people joining efforts and kicking
butt...Along with all the other activists involved with the many other important issues
& matters to our people everywhere

Final press release and message

>>>Sent to all media & major newspapers>>>"War Crimes" and "Media Cover-Up of

Please do some last minute forwarding of this most urgent press release, even
though this historical event may have taken place, already

Make some phone calls and send some messages to your elected officials and
tell them where you stand.

They should be very afraid...There won't be many of them left standing, if
they don't help "US" by making the correct moves, fast

The future and very lives of our children count on you getting through to

For the Senate:www.senate.gov/general/contact_information/senators_cfm.cfm

For the House:www.house.gov/writerep/


Click here: Congress.org & All media & newspapers, magazines, etc

Press Release:

"We The People" demand truth in media.

We demand the present corrupt administration resign.

We demand our entire government and broken system be revamped.

We want DC downsized.

We mean to keep our rights and we want the government and elected officials
to know they are "our" employees.

We will begin with exposing the truth behind the 911 tragedy.

Marsha McClelland
Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio

"We The People United Movement"
We are many Political and Patriot Groups joining together, to help right the
wrongs in America..."United We Will Stand"

"War Crimes" and "Media Cover-Up of 9/11"

Presidents' Day "March for 9/11 Truth," NYC Ground Zero, 10 a.m. Monday,


A must see>>>wingtv.net interview with Greg Nixon, founder of the
President's Day March>>>See Friday, Feb. 17th. show

Alternate link for Wing TV...The alternative to main stream media>>><A HREF="http://thewebfairy.com/hardtruth/gregnixon02-20.mp3">

"We The People United Movement"
Sign up post & main forum>>>
<A HREF="http://groups.yahoo.com/group/WETHEPEOPLE_UNITED/">WETHEPEOPLE_UNITED</A>

Please answer the Patriot Calls as they come for the future and sake of all
the children on this planet

Keep the corrupt hopping and make it more difficult for them by giving
strength to the numbers of as many good and productive patriot groups possible, that
come your way

If the corrupt are successful with stopping cyberactivism...This could be a
good thing

Hit the street and join the many concerned citizens and patriots already
working in the trenches

Local churches is where you'll find many of your fellow activists with truth

Even church leaders are speaking out and scrapping their gag orders which are
the 501c3's


<A HREF="http://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory?id=1635696&CMP=OTC-RSSFeeds0312">http://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory?id=1635696&CMP=OTC-RSSFeeds0312</A>

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Message: 5
Date: Mon, 20 Feb 2006 15:06:28 -0500
From: JKMarion@aol.com
Subject: Re: Bush is Unpopular Across the Entire Country, Particularly in Ohio

well we will find out how the Ohioians feel when I travel to Kent State on May 4th and bring the 9/11 Truth. polls don't mean shit! Patriot Jim Kujawa

-----Original Message-----
From: Bugs <brawny@twlakes.net>
To: 911truthaction@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Mon, 20 Feb 2006 10:05:58 -0600
Subject: [911TruthAction] Bush is Unpopular Across the Entire Country, Particularly in Ohio

Bush is Unpopular Across the Entire Country, Particularly in Ohio

Bush is unpopular across the entire country

One of the most under-discussed and under-appreciated political facts is the depth and intensity of George Bush's unpopularity in this country. It isn't just that his approval ratings have fallen into the 30's again, although that is significant. More significant still is the fact that Americans disapprove of his performance in every region in the country, and in almost every state.

This 50-state polling chart compiled by USA Survey is quite telling. Bush's approval rating is above 50% in only 6 states in the entire country, and Texas is not one of them. In 40 out of 50 states -- 80% of the country -- more people disapprove of Bush than approve of him.

Most revealing is Bush's intense and pervasive unpopularity in Ohio, the state which swung the election in his favor. People in Ohio disapprove of Bush's performance by an amazingly lopsided margin of 37-60%. Apparently, they're not happy that they have no jobs, their kids have no health insurance, their neighbors have been stuck and are being killed in an increasingly unpopular, endless and senseless war in Iraq, and the President is surrounded by cronyism and corruption and thinks he has the power to break the law. But at least gay couples can't get married, so that's good.

While large numbers of Ohioans became convinced in 2004 that the all-consuming, paramount gay marriage issue compensated for all of the corruption and ineptitude of the Administration, it looks like they -- along with the rest of the country -- have changed their minds and have realized that this Presidency is a disaster for our country in every way that matters.

<< America in Distress

Relax. Yahoo! Mail virus scanning helps detect nasty viruses!



Visit your group "911TruthAction" on the web.

To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:

Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.

[This message contained attachments]


Message: 6
Date: Mon, 20 Feb 2006 12:38:07 -0800 (PST)
From: janet phelan <jcphelan10@yahoo.com>
Subject: The Naming of the Darkness

The Naming of the Darkness

The darkness wears many faces
It sits in church
one pew over
blonde and blue-eyed
holding the hand
of a small child
and mouthing hymns of adoration.

It sits behind the desk
at the doctor's office
dispensing Rx's for death.

It commandeers computer terminals
printing its currency:

It sits in the statehouses and courts
across America
legislating and adjudicating
its own/desires

The name of the darkness
is Ego
It was incurred at the separation
from God

It thinks itself separate
It thinks itself grand
It accumulates possessions
acquires degrees, resumes
and a commanding attitude

It multiplies like a cancer
infecting the body politic
until all that remains
is The Devouring

The name of the darkness
is Ego
Its mating call
is "Feed me."

"Feed me or die."

Janet C. Phelan
copyright 2005

Yahoo! Mail
Use Photomail to share photos without annoying attachments.

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Message: 7
Date: Mon, 20 Feb 2006 13:30:17 -0800 (PST)
From: Tom Trefts <tomcat6169@yahoo.com>
Subject: Fwd: Operation Firing For Effect - The Veteran's March - [PR #2]

"North, Jim" <Jim.North@cambridge-na.com> wrote: Subject: Operation Firing For Effect - The Veteran's March - [PR #2]
Date: Mon, 20 Feb 2006 13:40:57 -0500
From: "North, Jim" <Jim.North@cambridge-na.com>
To: <veterans@vetmarch2006.com>

v\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);} o\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);} w\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);} .shape {behavior:url(#default#VML);} st1\:*{behavior:url(#default#ieooui) }

“Operation Firing For Effect”
From the desk of the National Chairman- GENE SIMES

Public Relations Release - #2
February 20, 2006

This is the second in a series of public relation releases concerning Operation Firing For Effect - The Veteran’s March planned for the 25th and 26th of April 2006 to be held in Washington, DC.

Great News! Many veterans and their families have responded positively to our planned March in DC. Below you will see a picture of just one of our support groups. This is our Walla Walla, Washington State contingency. If you would like to know more about these Great Americans, visit “Supporter Links” at WWW.VetMarch2006.COM

Event organizers are very happy to report the project is progressing rapidly. To give you some idea of how big this Rally and March will be, 4000 chairs are being rented for the project. On-sight medical emergency personnel, (EMTs) as well as ambulance transportation has been reserved. Portable toilets have been lined up, and we are currently working on a sound system and stage. Many volunteers are working behind the scenes to insure a safe, well-rounded and informative program.

Operation Firing For Effect – The Veteran’s March has released a Formal Invitation to ALL National Veterans Service Organizations, (NVSO), and their membership to attend this Rally and help us Unite under a common cause. To view NVSO invitation letter, visit > http://jerebeery.com/NVSO_Invitation.htm

The bottom line is, we must have funds to secure many of the big ticket items in advance. The chairs alone will cost approximately $4000, (50 cents each to setup, and 50 cents each to take down). We have established a PayPal account on our web site for your convenience. We also published a full financial report and spreadsheet on our web site for public viewing. Simply visit WWW.VetMarch2006.COM and click on “Financial Report”.

Veterans For Veteran’s Connection, Inc. is a Chartered (501c3), non-profit organization and is the Treasurer for all donations. Because of our non-profit status, you can deduct your donation on your 2006 IRS tax return. Simply visit our web site and look for this logo.

Or send your donation to;

Milt Hanas, Treasurer VFVC,
Veterans for Veteran Connection
Operation Firing For Effect
P.O. Box 77303
Rochester, New York 14617
Phone: 607 868-5188


What about donations collected beyond the expenses? Plans have been in the works for some time now for a follow-up Rally in October of this year. All residual funds raised will be applied to producing the next event. The organizers of this March and Rally see a great deal more opportunity to this effort than just “one” visit to DC. Operation Firing For Effect – The Veteran’s March is merely a launch pad for an entire Movement focused directly on the future treatment of this country’s veterans. 100% of ALL money donated will go towards advancing this Movement.

I need a ride to The March, what can I do? We have set up a Message Board for those individuals seeking to share a ride to DC.
We also suggest checking our web site list of State Coordinators to see if your state has one. Many states are organizing buses leaving from various locations. If you contact these State Coordinators, you may find you can ride the bus to DC and back. Also, we have heard from several prominent Veteran’s motorcycle club chapters planning to attend in Full Colors.

I have never been to DC before, how will I find you? The DC police and Park Service personnel are very friendly and willing to give you directions. Many of them are veterans too. Just ask how to get to the U.S. Capitol Building. Once we find an area street map, we will post it on our web site.

What Is A “Shadow Rally”? A “Shadow Rally” is a rally that occurs at the same time as our main event in DC on the 25th of April. Anyone can put such a Rally together. All we ask is you tell us of your plans so we know what is being done nationwide. We also suggest you display our “75 Years” logo at your rally, as this will show Unity in our efforts and in the eyes of the American people. Any individual can organize a Shadow Rally in their area. You could conduct a Shadow Rally at your State Capitol, or VA hospital. Or organize a rolling display with your vehicles.

We are operating on the Honor System, so we suggest all Shadow Rallies comply with all local laws and represent this Movement in a dignified manner. Vulgar language and over-aggressive attitudes are strongly discouraged.

Can I bring my children to this Rally? Most definitely! This will be a great learning opportunity for all young Americans. We have heard from several teenagers that are attending this event for Extra Credit in school. We are considering a teenage speaker, whose father died of Agent Orange related diseases. Our young people are tomorrow’s veterans.

I am in a wheelchair, what can I expect? Every effort is being made to accommodate handicapped individuals. There will be an area reserved for wheelchairs, and we are looking for volunteer Signers to provide their services for the deaf.

I am housebound and unable to attend any event. What can I do to help? HELP GET THE WORD OUT! There are many things you can do to help the Movement. Pass our information to everyone you can. Tell fellow workers and church groups about “Operation Firing For Effect – The Veteran’s March”. Give our web address out > WWW.VetMarch2006.COM. Contact your local news media and tell them to cover this story. Print out this release and drop it off at your local VFW, DAV, or American Legion. Call your Representatives and tell them you are a supporter of the Movement to improve the treatment and services offered our veterans. We could also use your Prayers for good weather on April 25th & 26th.

We are doing everything in our power to provide our veterans and their families with the opportunity to have their voices heard in DC. It is now up to the American people to take full advantage of this opportunity by supporting this March and Rally. Together, we can make a positive contribution to the over-all treatment of our former military personnel.

If you would like to volunteer as a “State Coordinator”, please contact us for details.

We hope this release answers some of your questions and addresses any concerns you may have.

Submit your questions to; Veterans@VetMarch2006.com

Gene D. Simes, Veterans for Veteran Connection (VFVC)
National, Coordinator and Chairman,
“Operation Firing for Effect”
& “The Veterans March 2006”
1700 Waterford Road
Walworth, NY 14568
Office: 315 986-7322 Cell: 585 329-4711 - gdsusa@rochester.rr.com


Tom Trefts
Unified Veterans Coalition

Brings words and photos together (easily) with
PhotoMail - it's free and works with Yahoo! Mail.

[This message contained attachments]


Message: 8
Date: Mon, 20 Feb 2006 22:42:29 -0000
From: "Marsha" <Mofmars3@wmconnect.com>
Subject: Re: Bush is Unpopular Across the Entire Country, Particularly in Ohio

I'll help promote it Jim...Plus, I live in Ohio...I'm glad I saw this
about May 4th...It's never too early to plan

We hear no much about you on wingtv.net & I would like to say thank
you very much for your patriotism & hard work


--- In 911TruthAction@yahoogroups.com, JKMarion@... wrote:
> well we will find out how the Ohioians feel when I travel to Kent
State on May 4th and bring the 9/11 Truth. polls don't mean shit!
Patriot Jim Kujawa
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bugs <brawny@...>
> To: 911truthaction@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Mon, 20 Feb 2006 10:05:58 -0600
> Subject: [911TruthAction] Bush is Unpopular Across the Entire
Country, Particularly in Ohio
> Bush is Unpopular Across the Entire Country, Particularly in Ohio
> Bush is unpopular across the entire country
> One of the most under-discussed and under-appreciated political
facts is the depth and intensity of George Bush's unpopularity in
this country. It isn't just that his approval ratings have fallen
into the 30's again, although that is significant. More significant
still is the fact that Americans disapprove of his performance in
every region in the country, and in almost every state.
> This 50-state polling chart compiled by USA Survey is quite
telling. Bush's approval rating is above 50% in only 6 states in the
entire country, and Texas is not one of them. In 40 out of 50 states -
- 80% of the country -- more people disapprove of Bush than approve
of him.
> Most revealing is Bush's intense and pervasive unpopularity in
Ohio, the state which swung the election in his favor. People in Ohio
disapprove of Bush's performance by an amazingly lopsided margin of
37-60%. Apparently, they're not happy that they have no jobs, their
kids have no health insurance, their neighbors have been stuck and
are being killed in an increasingly unpopular, endless and senseless
war in Iraq, and the President is surrounded by cronyism and
corruption and thinks he has the power to break the law. But at least
gay couples can't get married, so that's good.
> While large numbers of Ohioans became convinced in 2004 that
the all-consuming, paramount gay marriage issue compensated for all
of the corruption and ineptitude of the Administration, it looks like
they -- along with the rest of the country -- have changed their
minds and have realized that this Presidency is a disaster for our
country in every way that matters.
> << America in Distress
> Relax. Yahoo! Mail virus scanning helps detect nasty viruses!
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ImpeachBushNOW
> Visit your group "911TruthAction" on the web.
> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:
> 911TruthAction-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com
> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of


Message: 9
Date: Mon, 20 Feb 2006 18:09:27 -0500
From: JKMarion@aol.com
Subject: Re: Re: Bush is Unpopular Across the Entire Country, Particularly in Ohio

Marsha, thanks for the kind words- and thanks for all you have done. This year we will do it, Marsha, 9/11 truth will be slammed into the mainstream conscious with a vengence, if it kills us. I hope to see you at Kent State- Take care, God bless, Patriot Jim

-----Original Message-----
From: Marsha <Mofmars3@wmconnect.com>
To: 911TruthAction@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Mon, 20 Feb 2006 22:42:29 -0000
Subject: [911TruthAction] Re: Bush is Unpopular Across the Entire Country, Particularly in Ohio

I'll help promote it Jim...Plus, I live in Ohio...I'm glad I saw this
about May 4th...It's never too early to plan

We hear no much about you on wingtv.net & I would like to say thank
you very much for your patriotism & hard work


--- In 911TruthAction@yahoogroups.com, JKMarion@... wrote:
> well we will find out how the Ohioians feel when I travel to Kent
State on May 4th and bring the 9/11 Truth. polls don't mean shit!
Patriot Jim Kujawa
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bugs <brawny@...>
> To: 911truthaction@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Mon, 20 Feb 2006 10:05:58 -0600
> Subject: [911TruthAction] Bush is Unpopular Across the Entire
Country, Particularly in Ohio
> Bush is Unpopular Across the Entire Country, Particularly in Ohio
> Bush is unpopular across the entire country
> One of the most under-discussed and under-appreciated political
facts is the depth and intensity of George Bush's unpopularity in
this country. It isn't just that his approval ratings have fallen
into the 30's again, although that is significant. More significant
still is the fact that Americans disapprove of his performance in
every region in the country, and in almost every state.
> This 50-state polling chart compiled by USA Survey is quite
telling. Bush's approval rating is above 50% in only 6 states in the
entire country, and Texas is not one of them. In 40 out of 50 states -
- 80% of the country -- more people disapprove of Bush than approve
of him.
> Most revealing is Bush's intense and pervasive unpopularity in
Ohio, the state which swung the election in his favor. People in Ohio
disapprove of Bush's performance by an amazingly lopsided margin of
37-60%. Apparently, they're not happy that they have no jobs, their
kids have no health insurance, their neighbors have been stuck and
are being killed in an increasingly unpopular, endless and senseless
war in Iraq, and the President is surrounded by cronyism and
corruption and thinks he has the power to break the law. But at least
gay couples can't get married, so that's good.
> While large numbers of Ohioans became convinced in 2004 that
the all-consuming, paramount gay marriage issue compensated for all
of the corruption and ineptitude of the Administration, it looks like
they -- along with the rest of the country -- have changed their
minds and have realized that this Presidency is a disaster for our
country in every way that matters.
> << America in Distress
> Relax. Yahoo! Mail virus scanning helps detect nasty viruses!
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ImpeachBushNOW
> Visit your group "911TruthAction" on the web.
> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:
> 911TruthAction-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com
> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of

Yahoo! Groups Links

[This message contained attachments]


Message: 10
Date: Mon, 20 Feb 2006 20:14:18 EST
From: Mofmars3@wmconnect.com
Subject: *G*A*Now she understands...Very Good Indeed...And The "Truth Movement" Grows

Many activists she'll bring with her to the "Truth Movement", too

And several prison groups, I imagine, whose members are activists & angry...

This due to many having first hand experience, concerning corruption &
injustice in our broken system

In a message dated 2/20/2006 7:18:29 PM Eastern Standard Time, taoss@xxxxxxx

> Subj:Re: ***Urgent Alert***A man could die before justice is served
> Date:2/20/2006 7:18:29 PM Eastern Standard Time
> From: taoss@xxxxxxx
> To: Mofmars3@wmconnect.com
> Marsha,
> I don't know who was on your email list, but a lawyer and a police officer
> have subscribed to PC saying they want to help. I saw their requests to
> subscribe before I saw your email, and now I understand. If you would like to
> give out my email address, I don't mind <A HREF="mailto:taoss@worldnet.att.net">taoss@xxxxxxx</A>
> My guess is that the lawyer and police officer wanted to help Patrick and I
> think that's wonderful. I have no idea if they will remain on the PC
> yahoogroups though because I seldom write about Patrick's case there, unless of
> course it's an emergency.
> Please give my love and appreciation to Jack Lamb and his wife.
> Many blessings to you.
> Thanks,
> Sherry
> >> -------------- Original message from Mofmars3@wmconnect.com:
>> --------------
>> Please help Sherry if you are one who can...Prayer is needed and so is
>> justice
>> Retired Police Officer, Jack McLamb did try at one time to help Sherry's
>> husband, Patrick Swiney, who was a police officer and framed...
>> Just as many others sitting in our prisons without fair trails, these
>> injustices go on
>> Some even innocent on death row...It could happen to you or a loved one,
>> easily, in this day & age...
>> If you're not aware, alert & angry...You're not paying attention
>> If you don't know who Officer Jack McLamb is see>>>
>> <A HREF="http://websearch.cs.com/wm/boomframe.jsp?query=operation+vampire+killer&page=1&offset=0&result_url=redir%3Fsrc%3Dwebsearch%26requestId%3Dde52af844b4d93f5%26clickedItemRank%3D3%26userQuery%3Doperation%2Bvampire%2Bkiller%26clickedItemURN%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fland.netonecom.net%252Ftlp%252Fref%252Fvk2k.shtml%26invocationType%3D-%26fromPage%3Dwmtsearchsearch%26amp%3BampTest%3D1&remove_url=http%3A%2F%2Fland.netonecom.net%2Ftlp%2Fref%2Fvk2k.shtml">Click here: Operation Vampire Killer The Lawful Path </A>
>> http://tinyurl.com/hoowv
>> Jack had help from retired police and firemen to create this famous and
>> lawful path...It's Police Against the New World Order
>> Jack also publishes the Aid & Abet Police Newsletter
>> The whole basis of this long time program is, if and when it all comes down
>> as our corrupt administration is opting for..."We The People" want to be
>> sure the military & police know which way to point the guns
>> Since Jack had tried to help Sherry's husband, new DNA evidence has
>> surfaced that should free Patrick Swiney
>> But now Jack is busy with his wife as I'm sure most of you heard she has
>> cancer and he's with her while she gets the care she needs...Prayers are in
>> order here too
>> If you can possibly help Sherry and Patrick, please go to>>><A HREF="http://groups.yahoo.com/group/patrickcrusade/">patrickcrusade</A>
>> http://groups.yahoo.com/search?query=patrickcrusade&submit=Search
>> And there you can get further information
>> Update on Patrick
>> The surgeon called me back yesterday (Saturday). We spoke for over 15
>> minutes. He sounds very knowledgeable and compassionate toward Patrick. He
>> says the heart is stabilized and treatment with medicines is best for him right
>> now. He thinks Patrick needs to be seen again because he believes the
>> chest pains and breathing problems are coming from the lungs, not the heart. So
>> our prayers worked for his heart. Now we must work on his lungs.
>> I'm also meeting with Patrick's lawyers next weekend so we can get ready to
>> file in federal court. So another prayer that we get an honest judge. If
>> we have an honest judge, Patrick will come home. If not, he'll die in there.
>> Thanks so much for caring the way you do.
>> Love and blessings,
>> Sherry
>> "We The People United Movement"
>> We are many Political and Patriot Groups joining together, to help right
>> the wrongs in America..."United We Will Stand"
>> <A HREF="http://groups.yahoo.com/group/patrickcrusade/">patrickcrusade</A>
>> http://tinyurl.com/nfuxs

[This message contained attachments]


Message: 11
Date: Mon, 20 Feb 2006 22:41:59 -0500
From: ranger116@webtv.net
Subject: Inside Chene's Secret World + 9/11+ D.U.+ US Port sales UAE --->????

Inside Chene's Secret World + 9/11+ D.U.+ US Port sales UAE --->????

Inside Chene's Secret World
The Shot Heard Round the World -
Newsweek Politics - MSNBC.com

UK Indymedia - March For 9/11 Truth NYC '06

Introducing the amazing new 9/11 Penta-Lawn 2000!

UK radiation jump blamed on Iraq D.U. shells - Sunday Times - Times

Clinton, Menendez Move to Block US Port Sales to UAE.
Address:http://www.truthout.org/docs_2006/021806X.shtml Changed:3:23 AM
on Monday, February 20, 2006

Welcome exposing egalitarian dogma

Welcome to UAE Pages
(Your New Bush Approved Ragg-Head Border Patrol)

(The new U.S. National Anthem)



Message: 12
Date: Mon, 20 Feb 2006 19:58:01 -0800
From: "Scott Peden" <scotpeden@cruzio.com>
Subject: RE: Inside Chene's Secret World + 9/11+ D.U.+ US Port sales UAE --->????

You missed the sale of our National forests to the highest bidder, which is
happening right now as I hear, then all the oil from Alaska, that is going
to Asia, has been since 2001, to fuel the industry that Clinton helped get
there, while his buddy Bush sent the jobs right behind.

They need the rest of the Oil from the artic to finish getting all
manufacturing to Asia so the USA won't have an economy higher than the rest
of the world, making sure the Multi national mega Corporations will be able
to rule countries as vassal states by controlling their economy.

So, which issue will wake up America the fastest? Selling off the national
Forest? Not if doesn't interrupt the endless supply of dogma from their TV..
How about the Alaskan national refuge and the Oil all going to Asia. ditto
on the TV...selling off our ports??? More TV, how about cheap cable
anyone?.. 9/11/01 and it was an inside job??? Free cell phones anyone???


-----Original Message-----
From: 911TruthAction@yahoogroups.com
[mailto:911TruthAction@yahoogroups.com]On Behalf Of ranger116@webtv.net
Sent: Monday, February 20, 2006 7:42 PM
To: openmindandcodenews@yahoogroups.com; Impeach-Bush@yahoogroups.com;
HouseOfChing@yahoogroups.com; ElectionFraud2004@yahoogroups.com;
CitizensForLegitimateGovernment@yahoogroups.com; CCCC-USA@yahoogroups.com;
Subject: [911TruthAction] Inside Chene's Secret World + 9/11+ D.U.+ US Port
sales UAE --->????

Inside Chene's Secret World + 9/11+ D.U.+ US Port sales UAE --->????

Inside Chene's Secret World
The Shot Heard Round the World -
Newsweek Politics - MSNBC.com
Address: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/11436302/site/newsweek/

UK Indymedia - March For 9/11 Truth NYC '06
Address: http://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2006/01/332076.html

Introducing the amazing new 9/11 Penta-Lawn 2000!
Address: http://thewebfairy.com/killtown/pentalawn.html

UK radiation jump blamed on Iraq D.U. shells - Sunday Times - Times
Address: http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0%2C%2C2087-2047373%2C00.html

Clinton, Menendez Move to Block US Port Sales to UAE.
Address: http://www.truthout.org/docs_2006/021806X.shtml Changed:3:23 AM
on Monday, February 20, 2006

Welcome exposing egalitarian dogma
Address: http://www.longcountyrebel.org/

Welcome to UAE Pages
(Your New Bush Approved Ragg-Head Border Patrol)
Address: http://www.uae.org.ae/

(The new U.S. National Anthem)
Audio: http://www.uae.org.ae/uae.mid


United state bankruptcy court western district of texas
United state life insurance
Moving to the united state
United state patent
United state patent search
United states patent office



* Visit your group " 911TruthAction
<http://groups.yahoo.com/group/911TruthAction> " on the web.

* To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:

* Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of
Service <http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/> .


[This message contained attachments]


Message: 13
Date: Mon, 20 Feb 2006 20:09:30 -0800 (PST)
From: Naveed <flanker12k@yahoo.com>
Subject: RE: Inside Chene's Secret World + 9/11+ D.U.+ US Port sales UAE --->????

people are stuck in a mind controlled stupor, they need to stop watching TV....

Scott Peden <scotpeden@cruzio.com> wrote:

v\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);} o\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);} w\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);} .shape {behavior:url(#default#VML);} You missed the sale of our National forests to the highest bidder, which is happening right now as I hear, then all the oil from Alaska, that is going to Asia, has been since 2001, to fuel the industry that Clinton helped get there, while his buddy Bush sent the jobs right behind.

They need the rest of the Oil from the artic to finish getting all manufacturing to Asia so the USA won’t have an economy higher than the rest of the world, making sure the Multi national mega Corporations will be able to rule countries as vassal states by controlling their economy.

So, which issue will wake up America the fastest? Selling off the national Forest? Not if doesn’t interrupt the endless supply of dogma from their TV.. How about the Alaskan national refuge and the Oil all going to Asia… ditto on the TV…..selling off our ports??? More TV, how about cheap cable anyone?…. 9/11/01 and it was an inside job??? Free cell phones anyone???


-----Original Message-----
From: 911TruthAction@yahoogroups.com [mailto:911TruthAction@yahoogroups.com]On Behalf Of ranger116@webtv.net
Sent: Monday, February 20, 2006 7:42 PM
To: openmindandcodenews@yahoogroups.com; Impeach-Bush@yahoogroups.com; HouseOfChing@yahoogroups.com; ElectionFraud2004@yahoogroups.com; CitizensForLegitimateGovernment@yahoogroups.com; CCCC-USA@yahoogroups.com; 911TruthAction@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [911TruthAction] Inside Chene's Secret World + 9/11+ D.U.+ US Port sales UAE --->????

Inside Chene's Secret World + 9/11+ D.U.+ US Port sales UAE --->????

Inside Chene's Secret World
The Shot Heard Round the World -
Newsweek Politics - MSNBC.com

UK Indymedia - March For 9/11 Truth NYC '06

Introducing the amazing new 9/11 Penta-Lawn 2000!

UK radiation jump blamed on Iraq D.U. shells - Sunday Times - Times

Clinton, Menendez Move to Block US Port Sales to UAE.
Address:http://www.truthout.org/docs_2006/021806X.shtml Changed:3:23 AM
on Monday, February 20, 2006

Welcome exposing egalitarian dogma

Welcome to UAE Pages
(Your New Bush Approved Ragg-Head Border Patrol)

(The new U.S. National Anthem)


United state bankruptcy court western district of texas United state life insurance Moving to the united state United state patent United state patent search United states patent office


Visit your group "911TruthAction" on the web.

To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:

Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.


In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot.
- Notebook, 1904


What are the most popular cars? Find out at Yahoo! Autos

[This message contained attachments]


Message: 14
Date: Mon, 20 Feb 2006 20:47:57 -0800 (PST)
From: Kevin Hammond <sir_oglaigh@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: Great website! Check it OUT!

AWESOME! I am gonna have em on the show in the next month or so! Hey! Do you know how to get a hold of William Rodriguez? or is it leroy? The janitor at the wtc?

Reggie <reggie501@optonline.net> wrote: I post on the site almost every day! Good group......!

Caomhain {Kevin} Lee Hammond wrote: This is a site operated by some viewers of my show. They are
constitutional researchers. I hope to get them on the show soon!

No virus found in this incoming message. Checked by AVG Free Edition. Version: 7.1.375 / Virus Database: 267.15.11/264 - Release Date: 2/17/2006

United state bankruptcy court western district of texas United state life insurance Moving to the united state United state patent United state patent search United states patent office


Visit your group "911TruthAction" on the web.

To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:

Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.


Relax. Yahoo! Mail virus scanning helps detect nasty viruses!

[This message contained attachments]


Message: 15
Date: Mon, 20 Feb 2006 21:05:59 -0800 (PST)
From: Naveed <flanker12k@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: Great website! Check it OUT!

william rodriguez is the name,

i guess you could contact the makers of loose change

Kevin Hammond <sir_oglaigh@yahoo.com> wrote:
AWESOME! I am gonna have em on the show in the next month or so! Hey! Do you know how to get a hold of William Rodriguez? or is it leroy? The janitor at the wtc?

Reggie <reggie501@optonline.net> wrote: I post on the site almost every day! Good group......!

Caomhain {Kevin} Lee Hammond wrote: This is a site operated by some viewers of my show. They are
constitutional researchers. I hope to get them on the show soon!

No virus found in this incoming message. Checked by AVG Free Edition. Version: 7.1.375 / Virus Database: 267.15.11/264 - Release Date: 2/17/2006

Relax. Yahoo! Mail virus scanning helps detect nasty viruses!

United state bankruptcy court western district of texas United state life insurance Moving to the united state United state patent United state patent search United states patent office


Visit your group "911TruthAction" on the web.

To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:

Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.


In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot.
- Notebook, 1904

Brings words and photos together (easily) with
PhotoMail - it's free and works with Yahoo! Mail.

[This message contained attachments]


Message: 16
Date: Mon, 20 Feb 2006 22:08:14 -0800
From: "Scott Peden" <scotpeden@cruzio.com>
Subject: RE: Inside Chene's Secret World + 9/11+ D.U.+ US Port sales UAE --->????

They are left today equivalent of the Roman Coliseum, keeping the masses
entertained so they don’t pay attention to what the Senate is doing to their

Rome’s Democracy Died.

Germany’s Democracy Died.

Greece’s Democracy died.

So, are we going to change this pattern or are we going to have those couple
of lines in history that was reserved for those who came before us?

Are we, or are we not a better informed society. Yeah, we may be a better
drugged society, but maybe not. More of us can share the truth faster now
than I think any of these nations before us was able to do so.

TV radio are just the town criers of the day. Those that are killing us for
their power and profit want everything to remain quiet.

We are going to have to get the attention on them and make it directly
responsible for inflicting a break on the concentration of the hypnotized
masses, who just want security and to be left alone. Pass the diet soda and
the sugar laden fast food, will ya, so that oblivion can be reached fast?

Just more tools, lets not attack the tools. Lets get the wielders of the

Those that made 9/11 happen for their own monetary gain, The War Mongers,
those who wish to control this planets governments economically all are
benefactors of the 9/11 conspiracy and the theory that it was perpetrated by
Afgani and Iraqi’s flying planes of passengers into three buildings on

I feel that 9/11 is the only issue that will get enough attention to maybe
break these conspirators progress apart enough to give us even a little
breathing room.

-----Original Message-----
From: 911TruthAction@yahoogroups.com
[mailto:911TruthAction@yahoogroups.com]On Behalf Of Naveed
Sent: Monday, February 20, 2006 8:10 PM
To: 911TruthAction@yahoogroups.com
Subject: RE: [911TruthAction] Inside Chene's Secret World + 9/11+ D.U.+ US
Port sales UAE --->????

people are stuck in a mind controlled stupor, they need to stop watching

Scott Peden <scotpeden@cruzio.com> wrote:
You missed the sale of our National forests to the highest bidder, which is
happening right now as I hear, then all the oil from Alaska, that is going
to Asia, has been since 2001, to fuel the industry that Clinton helped get
there, while his buddy Bush sent the jobs right behind.

They need the rest of the Oil from the artic to finish getting all
manufacturing to Asia so the USA won’t have an economy higher than the rest
of the world, making sure the Multi national mega Corporations will be able
to rule countries as vassal states by controlling their economy.

So, which issue will wake up America the fastest? Selling off the national
Forest? Not if doesn’t interrupt the endless supply of dogma from their !
TV.. How about the Alaskan national refuge and the Oil all going to Asia…
ditto on the TV…..selling off our ports??? More TV, how about cheap cable
anyone?…. 9/11/01 and it was an inside job??? Free cell phones anyone???


-----Original Message-----
From: 911TruthAction@yahoogroups.com
[mailto:911TruthAction@yahoogroups.com]On Behalf Of ranger116@webtv.net
Sent: Monday, February 20, 2006 7:42 PM
To: openmindandcodenews@yahoogroups.com; Impeach-Bush@yahoogroups.com;
HouseOfChing@yahoogroups.com; ElectionFraud2004@yahoogroups.com;
CitizensForLegitimateGovernment@yahoogroups.com; CCCC-USA@yahoogroups.com;
Subject: [911TruthAction] Inside Chene's Secret World + 9/11+ D.U.+ US Port
sales UAE --->????

Inside Chene's Secret World + 9/11+ D.U.+ US Port sales UAE --->????

Inside Chene's Secret World
The Shot Heard Round the World -
Newsweek Politics - MSNBC.com
Address: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/11436302/site/newsweek/

UK Indymedia - March For 9/11 Truth NYC '06
Address: http://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2006/01/332076.html

Introducing the amazing new 9/11 Penta-Lawn 2000!
Address: http://thewebfairy.com/killtown/pentalawn.html

UK radiation jump blamed on Iraq D.U. shells - Sunday Times - Times
Address: http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0%2C%2C2087-2047373%2C00.html

Clinton, Menendez Move to Block US Port Sales to UAE.
Address: http://www.truthout.org/docs_2006/021806X.shtml Changed:3:23 AM
on Monday, February 20, 2006

Welco! me exposing egalitarian dogma
Address: http://www.longcountyrebel.org/

Welcome to UAE Pages
(Your New Bush Approved Ragg-Head Border Patrol)
Address: http://www.uae.org.ae/

(The new U.S. National Anthem)
Audio: http://www.uae.org.ae/uae.mid


In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and
hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it
costs nothing to be a patriot.
- Notebook, 1904

What are the most popular cars? Find out at Yahoo! Autos
United state bankruptcy court western district of texas
United state life insurance
Moving to the united state
United state patent
United state patent search
United states patent office



* Visit your group " 911TruthAction
<http://groups.yahoo.com/group/911TruthAction> " on the web.

* To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:

* Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of
Service <http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/> .


[This message contained attachments]


Message: 17
Date: Tue, 21 Feb 2006 01:21:04 -0500
From: ranger116@webtv.net
Subject: States Stopping Right to Seize Private Homes+Impeachment+Pravda On9/11

States Stopping Right to Seize Private Homes+Impeachment+Pravda On9/11

States Curbing Right to Seize Private Homes - New York Times

Mainstream arguments for impeachment - PittsburghLIVE.com

(Because Bush Did 9/11)
There is no war on terrorism - Pravda.Ru



*Our Representatives must act on behalf of "we the people".*

/By Carol Wolman/

Impeachment is a legal process similar to arraignment, whereby a public
official is charged with criminal conduct. In the case of the president
and vice president, the _*House of Representatives acts as the
prosecuting attorney, for the people.*_ Its job is to investigate
allegations of wrongdoing and, if warranted, to bring formal charges.
The case then goes to the Senate, which acts as judge to find the
official guilty or not guilty.
Basically, _*pressure has to be applied to our Representatives in
Congress to truly represent our interests, rather than the **interests
of the corporations, the military-industrial complex, the energy czars
who want Bush to remain. *_
We have vested our authority as "we the people" in these
Representatives, and can vote them out this November if they don't do
what we want.

This essay will lay out several different pathways which can be taken to
induce the House to do its job.

1) _*Put pressure on the current Congress to start an investigation into
impeachable offenses.*_ This has been tried for the past year, and is
going nowhere. Even with the fall of Tom DeLay, the _*White House
control of the House remains firm*_, and Congr. John Conyers House
Resolutions 635,636 & 637, calling for censure and investigation of Bush
and Cheney, _*don't get out of the Republican controlled Judicial
Committee.*_ This is the only path that has been followed so far, and it
has led to great discouragement, since the _*White House simply
stonewalls all requests for information that could lay the groundwork
for impeachment.*_

2) _*Pressure the Democratic Party to come out for impeachment in the
upcoming election.*_ We want them to go after Bush the way the
Republicans went after Clinton. _*The current Democratic congressional
leadership is too spineless to muster this kind of energy.*_ We don't
know what sort of blackmail and threats they are being subjected to, but
we do know that key Democratic Senatorial leaders were anthraxed with
bugs from Fort Dietrick 2 weeks after 9-11, and that Paul Wellstone and
his family were yanked out of the sky 2 weeks before an election. People
based in Washington DC probably have good reason to be frightened.
We are getting around the Washington blanket of fear by _*pressuring
Howard Dean, the chair of the Democratic National Committee, to work for
impeachment*_. He is ex-governor in Vermont and mounted the only serious
challenge to Bush's war presidency in 2004. Although the Committee is
dominated by those playing ball with Bush, _*Dean is an independent
thinker and might be persuaded that taking on impeachment is the only
way to win Congress in the fall. *_
We are mounting a letter writing campaign, via a handy link provided by
the DNC. http://www.democrats.org/page/petition/chairman/futfbu _*Tell
Dean that getting rid of the bad guys in the White House is our number
one priority*_, and we want the Democrats, _*all Democratic candidates
for Congress, to pledge to initiate an investigation into impeachable
offenses, if elected. Recent polls show that 80% of Democrats want
_*Tell Dean that we will give no money to the Democratic party until it
advocates impeachment.*_
You can write to him at

3) Pressure especially incumbents, to mention the possibility of
impeachment in their re-election campaign. _*people who are running for
Congress,**Our goal is to make impeachment THE CENTRAL campaign issue.

4) Run our own impeachment candidates through the Green party. Some of
us are organizing on the internet to this end.

5) Work on an _*alternate route, via state legislatures, which can send
impeachment resolutions to Congress.*_ Take impeachment resolutions to
city councils, boards of supervisors, and any other official bodies you
can think of.

6) Build your core group. www.impeachBush.meetup.com offers a handy way
to inform people of meetings and other events. Our east bay group is
active enough now that we also have a yahoo group where we can quickly
exchange ideas and chat.

7) Build the movement- reach out to the community. Table, _*get people
to sign petitions to Dean,*_ share the mike at local events, make
speakers available to other groups, liaison with the Greens, the
Democrats, the peace movement, environmentalists, women and minority
activists, advocates for the poor, and your family, friends and
neighbors. _*Impeachment is a movement whose time has come. We The
People need to take our authority back!*_
Impeachment is peaceful, legal, and democratic. We can do this!
In the name of the Prince of Peace, Carol Wolman
Authors Website: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/activistsforimpeachment/
Authors Bio: Carol S. Wolman, MD is a psychiatrist in Northern
California. A lifelong peace activist, she has written extensively on
the psychology of our times. She is actively working to impeach Bush and
Cheney, and invites you to print out a letter to Bush from Rep. John
Conyers, informing Bush that censure and impeachment are underway. You
can collect signatures and fax them to your representative and to
Conyers. http://deependnews.com/conyerscensure.htm She also suggests you
join or form a local group at http://impeachbush.meetup.com/
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Message: 9
   Date: Mon, 20 Feb 2006 07:46:06 -0500
   From: Arlene Montemarano <mikarl@starpower.net>
Original Article at
*February 19, 2006*
*A Plan For The Immediate Impeachment Of Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld*
*Based on the U.S. Constitution and the Parliamentary Procedure of the
House of Representatives*
/By Rev. Bill McGinnis/
by Rev. Bill McGinnis, Director - LoveAllPeople.org
_*According to the published "House Rules And Manual," as I read it, any
Member of the House, after being recognized by the Chair to speak, could
propose the following "motion to impeach," as shown below: *_
"I move to impeach the President, the Vice-President, and the Secretary
of Defense,
For their many and persistent high crimes and misdemeanors against the
And in particular, for spitting in the face of Congress, By conspiring
to commit the crime of Torture, In direct violation of our specific Law,
and Against our clear and oft-restated will forbidding Torture."
Under the "House Rules And Manual," this motion to impeach would be
"highly privileged," and would take immediate priority over any regular
business already before the House. It would be immediately debated on
the floor, _*without first having to go into Committee.*_ If defeated,
it could be moved again and again and again, in contrast to regular
non-privileged motions. _*It would not be killed by an initial
rejection. *_
You can see the "House Rules And Manual" located here:
http://www.gpoaccess.gov/hrm/index.html .
According to this official website, this document "contains the
fundamental source material for parliamentary procedure used in the
House of Representatives," and includes The Constitution, excerpts from
Thomas Jeffersons's "Manual Of Parliamentary Procedure," and "Rules Of
The House." Within this document, there is a section called
"impeachment," on pages 313-330. The words in this section are a
functioning part of the parliamentary rules used by the House today. For
your convenience, I have copied this section into a file located at
http://www.loveallpeople.org/impeachment.txt ,
This section contains the following words, which show that any one
Member of the House can move to impeach, directly from the floor,
without having first to go through Committee:
". . . there are various methods of setting an impeachment in motion: by
charges made on the floor on the responsibility of a Member or Delegate;
by charges preferred by a memorial, which is usually referred to a
committee for examination; by a resolution dropped in the hopper by a
Member and referred to a committee; by a message from the President; by
charges transmitted from the legislature of a State or territory, or
from a grand jury ; or from facts developed and reported by an
investigating committee of the House." (footnotes not shown here)
And this same section says that, "A direct proposition to impeach is a
question of high privilege in the House and at once supersedes business
otherwise in order under the rules governing the order of business. It
may not even be superseded by an election case, which is also a matter
of high privilege. It does not lose its privilege from the fact that a
similar proposition has been made at a previous time during the same
session of Congress, previous action of the House not affecting it."
(footnotes not shown here)
And so we see that any Member can move directly to impeach, and that
such a motion takes precedence over almost everything else, and that it
does not have to go into Committee prior to being debated on the floor,
and if it is defeated, it can be made again and again.
Two more related documents are "House Practice," at
http://www.gpoaccess.gov/hpractice/index.html , and "Rules and
Precedents that Govern the House of Representatives," at
http://www.gpoaccess.gov/precedents/index.html These two documents
provide additional support for our efforts to impeach.
NOTE: A huge and wonderful online source of Government Documents is
located at the Government Printing Office: http://www.gpoaccess.gov/ I
usually criticize the Bush Administration for almost everything they do,
because I think they are fundamentally wrong on almost all the important
issues. BUT - they have done a really great job in making so much
Government information available online, free of charge, to all people.
This is really good, in my opinion.
The House of Representatives has the Constitutional power to impeach any
Government civilian official, that is, to present charges against him to
the Senate, which must then conduct a trial and remove him from office
if convicted. In Article I, Section 2, the Constitution says, "The House
of Representatives shall chuse their Speaker and other Officers; and
shall have the sole Power of Impeachment." And in Article I, Section 3
it says, "The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments."
And in Article II, Section 4 it says, "The President, Vice President and
all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on
Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high
Crimes and Misdemeanors.
Source: United States Constitution, as located at
http://www.loveallpeople.org/usconstitutiona.txt and elsewhere.
_*So there is no question that Congress has the Constitutional authority
to remove these people from office, if it chooses to do so.*_
The "specific law" mentioned above (in the motion to impeach) is found
in the United States Code, Title 18, Chapter 113C, "Torture," also known
as "The Federal Torture Act." It is shown here:
This Law provides for the prosecution of a U.S. national or anyone
present in the United States who, while outside the U.S., commits or
attempts to commit torture. Torture is defined as an "act committed by a
person acting under the color of law specifically intended to inflict
severe physical or mental pain or suffering (other than pain or
suffering incidental to lawful sanctions) upon another person within his
custody or physical control." The specific provision that Bush, Cheney,
and Rumsfeld have violated is Section 2340A(c), which says, "Conspiracy.
- A person who conspires to commit an offense under this section shall
be subject to the same penalties (other than the penalty of death) as
the penalties prescribed for the offense, the commission of which was
the object of the conspiracy."
The photographs have made that clear. This wasn't the misbehavior of a
few isolated individuals. And "panties on your head" wasn't what they
were doing. It was official Government policy, and it was torture, as
defined in The Federal Torture Act, cited above.
If it were merely some individuals, then where did they get all the
sophisticated and expensive torture equipment shown in the pictures?
Where did the restraint chairs come from? And the various straps, and
racks, and hoods, and electrical equipment, and shackles, and
waterboards, etc. etc. come from? Did the individual soldiers bring them
from home? Obviously not. The Government provided all these things, in
order to implement their illegal policy of torture. And Bush and Cheney
and Rumsfeld were behind this policy, all the way. It could not have
happened without their knowledge and consent.
But you might say, "It will never work. Republicans who control the
House would never let this happen. They would find some way to block
this effort."
To which I would reply, "Maybe not. They would still keep the
Presidency, because Speaker Hastert would become the new President,
under existing law, and he is a Republican._* All they would lose is
Bush and Cheney and Rumsfeld.*_ Many Republicans might actually enjoy
being rid of these arrogant, dangerous, power-grabbing individuals, who
have so clearly and persistently broken the duly-enacted Laws of
Congress, including all those relating to torture."
(The order of Presidential Succession is described here:
http://bensguide.gpo.gov/9-12/government/national/succession.html )
"Moreover," I would say, "they may have won some elections, but they do
not own the House. They are merely the temporary custodians of it,
subject always to the Constitution and the "House Rules And Manual."
I am horrified and revolted by the mere idea that our Country - acting
in our name and by our authority - is committing the Satanic and
depraved acts of torture which the whole world has now witnessed. As a
Christian minister, I cannot imagine how people who dare to call
themselves Christians could ever fall so far into Hell as to do these
things or support them. We have no excuse whatsoever, not even the phony
excuse that we need to torture in order to "protect Americans from the
terrorists, etc." To me, this is a flat-out lie, and _*I challenge them
to produce even one solid case where torture was necessary to accomplish
any good result*_. We are not the desperate Israelis, surrounded by
hostile neighbors and outnumbered 100-to 1, and being bombed repeatedly.
Grasping at straws, and unwilling to admit their mistakes, they have
actually legalized torture in some cases (or so I have read). But their
unfortunate situation is far different from ours, thank God. We have no
excuse. And we certainly should not be following their example in
anything regarding terrorism, because their results have been a
disaster. And they are far less safe now than before they started to
torture their enemies.
If the United States Of America has become so powerless and ineffective
that we now need to torture people in order to "protect ourselves us
from terrorism," then we have become just as rotten as the terrorists,
and we do not deserve to defeat them or anybody else.
And I directly blame Bush and Cheney and Rumsfeld, first for sleeping
through the warnings and allowing the 9-11 attacks to occur, and then
for using torture as a favorite means of trying to get us out of the
mess that they themselves have created for us.
I hope and pray they will soon leave office and simply go away.
Blessings to you. May God help us all. And may God bless America!
Rev. Bill McGinnis, Director - LoveAllPeople.org
and http://www.internetchurchofchrist.org
HTML version of this document is located at
Authors Website: www.LoveAllPeople.org
Authors Bio: Rev. Bill McGinnis is an Internet Christian minister,
writer and publisher. He is Director of LoveAllPeople.org, a small
private think tank in Alexandria, Virginia, and all of its related
websites, including
and AmericanDemocrat.net. His agenda is to help maximize the happiness
and well-being of all people
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Message: 18
Date: Tue, 21 Feb 2006 01:02:47 -0600 (Central Standard Time)
From: "Cait" <ansith@gmail.com>
Subject: Bush gives US Port contract to Arabs

WASHINGTON - Two Republican governors on Monday questioned a Bush
administration decision allowing an Arab-owned company to operate six major
U. S. ports, saying they may try to cancel lease arrangements at ports in
their states.
New York Gov. George Pataki and Maryland Gov. Robert Ehrlich voiced doubts
about the acquisition of a British company that has been running the U.S.
ports by Dubai Ports World, a state-owned business in the United Arab
The British company, Peninsular and Oriental, runs major commercial
operations at ports in Baltimore, Miami, New Jersey, New Orleans, New York
and Philadelphia.
“Ensuring the security of New York’s port operations is paramount and I am
very concerned with the purchase of Peninsular & Oriental Steam by Dubai
Ports World,” Pataki said in a news release.
“I have directed the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey to explore
all legal options that may be available to them in regards to this
transaction,” said the New York governor, who is still in the hospital
recovering from an appendectomy.
No advance word
Ehrlich, concerned about security at the Port of Baltimore, said Monday he
is “very troubled” that Maryland officials got no advance notice before the
Bush administration approved an Arab company’s takeover of the operations at
the six ports.
“We needed to know before this was a done deal, given the state of where we
are concerning security,” Ehrlich told reporters in the State House rotunda
in Annapolis.
The state of Maryland is considering its options, up to and including
voiding the contract for the Port of Baltimore, Ehrlich said, adding: “We
have a lot of discretion in the contract.”
Pataki is also asking the federal government to “share all critical relevant
information made available to the Council on Foreign Investment during the
course of the review of the purchase,” a reference to the federal panel that
approved the deal.
New York’s legal options could include canceling the lease for operation,
effectively shutting out Dubai Ports World from port activities. P&O signed
a 30-year lease with the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey in 2000
to operate the Port Newark Container Terminal.
The governors are the latest elected officials from both parties to complain
about the deal.
House Homeland Security chairman Peter King, R-N.Y., has been one of the
most vocal, saying secret assurances obtained by the government don’t go far
enough to protect the nation’s seaports.
Democratic New Jersey Sen. Robert Menendez joined the chorus of complaints
on Monday.
“We wouldn’t turn over our customs service or our border patrol to a foreign
government,” Menendez said during a Monday news conference in Newark. “We
shouldn’t turn over the ports of the United States, either.”
‘Very extensive process’
Menendez said he and Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, D-N.Y., will introduce
legislation prohibiting the sale of port operations to foreign governments.
Bush administration officials, including Homeland Security Secretary Michael
Chertoff and Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, have defended the decision.
During a stop Monday in Birmingham, Ala., Gonzales said the administration
had a “very extensive process” for reviewing such transactions that “takes
into account matters of national security, takes into account concerns about
port security.”
Critics have cited the UAE’s history as an operational and financial base
for the hijackers who carried out the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. In addition
they contend the UAE was an important transfer point for shipments of
smuggled nuclear components sent to Iran, North Korea and Libya by a
Pakistani scientist.
Frustration about the ports takeover put two Maryland gubernatorial
candidates on the same side of an issue.
During a campaign stop in Bladensburg, Md., Monday, Baltimore Mayor Martin
O’Malley was adamant that the operations of his city’s port not be turned
over to the Arab-owned company.
“I believe that President’s Bush’s decision to turn over the operations of
any American port is reckless,” said O’Malley, who is seeking the Democratic
nomination to oppose Ehrlich in the Maryland governor’s race. “We are not
going to turn over the Port of Baltimore to a foreign government.”
© 2006 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

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Message: 19
Date: Tue, 21 Feb 2006 16:23:03 +0600
From: "Mohammad la Gauche" <banglavision.bd@gmail.com>
Subject: Stop War On Iran Campaign

*Join Bishop Thomas Gumbleton, Howard Zinn, Harold Pinter, Bishop Filipe C.
Teixeira, George Galloway, Ramsey Clark, Tony Benn, and others in an *

****International Campaign to STOP the War on Iran before it starts!

*StopWarO nIran.org*

Click *here* to Send emails to Bush, Cheney, Congress, the UN, and the media
saying No War On Iran! <http://stopwaroniran.org/petition.shtml>


*Stop the war on Iran before it starts!*

*Sign the statement <http://stopwaroniran.org/petition.shtml>*

It is with grave concern that we observe the growing threat of a new U.S.
war--this time against the people of Iran.

The media is filled with reports of an alleged nuclear threat posed by Iran
and the assumed need for the U.S. to take military action. These reports
recall the

*Help place this ad <http://stopwaroniran.org/iranada.pdf> in major
newspapers across the U.S.*

*Donate to help get the word out <http://stopwaroniran.org/donate.shtml>*

StopWarOnIran.org, a grassroots effort, has launched a massive public
education campaign to oppose the drive towards a new war against the people
of Iran. As part of this effort, we need your help to place this full page
ad in major newspapers across the U.S.

"Weapons of Mass Destruction" stories issued in the months leading up to the
war on Iraq.

In the lead up to the illegal invasion of Iraq, the Bush Administration
asserted that Iraq possessed massive stockpiles of weapons of mass
destruction and that it was capable of launching an attack - nuclear,
chemical and biological - on the U.S. within 45 minutes.

President Bush said that the U.S. had to attack immediately, and could not
"wait for the final proof -- the smoking gun -- that could come in the form
of a mushroom cloud." We all know now that this propaganda campaign was a
complete fabrication created to justify a war of aggression.

Now we see reports that are all too similar being made to justify military
action against the people of Iran. Taking Iran to the UN Security Council is
a prelude for unilateral action. Just as in the case of Iraq, none of the
claims made by the U.S. government stand up to unbiased scrutiny. Iran has
submitted to the most intrusive and humiliating inspections, above and
beyond what is required by Nuclear Weapons Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT).
None of the inspections have found any evidence that Iran is developing a
nuclear weapons program.

There is only one government that has used nuclear weapons against civilian
populations, and that same nation has the largest stockpile of weapons of
mass destruction on the planet. Most dangerous and incredible it is at this
very moment developing a new generation of tactical nuclear weapons that it
intends to use, not merely to threaten. That country is, of course, the
United States. Shouldn't any real discussion of the dangers of nuclear
weapons include the weapons stockpiled by the Pentagon and the history of
U.S. aggression and interventions?

Iran has suffered greatly at the hands of the U.S. We recall the U.S.
overthrew the democratically elected government of Dr. M. Mossadegh and
returned the Shah to the Peacock Throne "the proudest achievement of the
CIA". For 25 years the Shah ruled Iran with an iron fist for the benefit of
U.S. oil corporations before the people of Iran, in the millions, overthrew
his tyranny at a terrible cost in lives. For the past 27 years U.S.
sanctions have impeded Iran's right to development and brought great
suffering to the people.

It is essential that all voices opposed to the devastation of a new war in
the Middle East speak out now. We urge an immediate end to Washington's
campaign of sanctions, hostility, and falsehood against the people of Iran.
We oppose any new U.S. aggression against Iran. We need funds for human
needs, not endless war for empire.

*Initial Signers* (add your name) <http://stopwaroniran.org/petition.shtml>

*Bishop Thomas Gumbleton*, Detroit Archdiocese, Founding President of Pax
Christi* *
The Most Rev. Filipe C. Teixeira*, OFSJC, Diocesan Bishop, Diocese of Saint
Francis of Assisi, CCA *
Michael Parenti*, author *
Ramsey Clark*, former U.S. Attorney General
*Howard Zinn*, author, historian
*George Galloway* , MP, Britain
*Tony Benn*, MP, Britain
*Harold Pinter*, 2005 Nobel Laureate in Literature
*Margarita Papandreou*, former First Lady of Greece
*Ardeshir Ommani*, co-founder of American-Iranian Friendship Committee
*David Sole*, President UAW, Local 2334*, Detroit
*Steve Gillis*, President, USWA Local 8751*
*Elena Everett*, Chair, NC Green Party*, Co-Chair, GPAX (Green Party Peace
Action Committee)*

*Dirk Adriaensens*, coordinator SOS Iraq, exec. committee Brussells
*Hani Y. Awadallah *, President, Arab American Civic Organization
*Axis of Logic*
*Dr. Barbara Nimri Aziz*, Executive producer of RadioTahrir-WBAI-NY
*Brian Barraza*, AMAT, Association of Mexican American Workers
*Sharon Black*, All Peoples Congress
*Jean Bricmont*, Brussels Tribunal
*Brookline PeaceWorks*
*John Catalinotto*, Editor Metal of Dishonor
*Ed Childs*, Chief Steward, Unite Here Local #26*
*Michel Collon*, writer, publicist, Stop USA
*Heather Cottin*, Freeport Community Worklink Center*
*Tiphaine Dickson*, attorney
*LeiLani Dowell*, Queers for Peace & Justice
*Gregory Elich*, author, researcher
***Leslie Feinberg*, Nat'l Lgbt Caucus Co-chair, National Writers'
Union/UAW*, Jersey City, NJ
*Sara Flounders*, International Action Center
*Lenora Foerstel*, Vice Pres. Women for Mutual Security *
*Tiokasin Ghosthorse*, First Voices Indigenous Radio
*Peter Gilbert*, FIST - Fight Imperialism, Stand Together
*Farrukh Sohail Goindi*, Foundation for Democracy-Pakistan
*Teresa Gutierrez*, NY Committee to Free the Cuba 5
*Samia Halaby*, Defend Palestine, NYC
*Klaus Hartmann*, Chairman, German Freethinkers Association
*Jesse Lokahi Heiwa*, QueerJustice.org
*Imani Henry*, Playwright/Performer
*Nellie Hester Bailey*, Harlem Tenants Council
*Sherif Hetata*, MD, novelist,International Coordinating Committee of the
Mediterranean Social Forum*
*Larry Holmes*, Troops Out Now Coalition
*Yoomi Jeong*, Korea Truth Commission
*Berta Joubert-Ceci*, Philadelphia International Action Center
*Charlotte Kates* , NJ Solidarity Activists for the Liberation of Palestine
*Khadouri al-Kaysi*, Committee to Support the Iraqi People
*Nada Khader*, Director of WESPAC* Foundation
*Beth Lamont*, NY Humanist Society*
*Dustin Langley *, No We Wont Go counter-recruiting network
*Robert Merrill*, Ph.D.,Professor, Maryland Institute College of Art*,
Baltimore, MD
*MLK, Jr. Bolivarian Circle*, Boston
*Monica Moorehead*, Millions for Mumia
*New England Human Rights for Haiti*
*Erik-Anders Nilsson*, Jersey City Peace Movement
*Eleanor Ommani *, American-Iranian Friendship Committee (AIFC)
*John Parker*, LeftBooks.com
*Pam Parker* , shop steward, Washington/Baltimore Newspaper Guild(WBNG)
*Rostam Pourzal*, Iranian Cultural Association*, Washington DC
*Ralph Poynter*, New Abolitionist Movement*
*Minnie Bruce Pratt*, Lesbian Author/activist, National Writers Union*,
Jersey City, NJ
*Anne Pruden*, 1199 SEIU delegate*
*Milos Raickovich*, composer, New York
*Gloria Rubac*, Steward, Houston Federation of Teachers, Local 2415*
*Nawal El Saadawi*, Writer and Psychiatrist, President, Arab Women's
Solidarity Association*,
*Njeri Shakur*, Texas Death Penalty Abolition Movement
*Nana Soul*, Artists and Activists United for Peace
*Annie & Buddy Spell*, Covington Peace Project, Covington LA
*Lynne Stewart*, attorney
*Lynne Stewart Defense Committee*
*Johnnie Stevens*, Peoples Video Network
*Brenda Stokely* , New York City Labor Against the War
*Mark Lewis Taylor*, Professor of Religion & Culture, Princeton Theological
*Nadja Tesich*, Author, Playwright, Poet
*Usavior*, Artists and Activists United for Peace
*Tony Van Der Meer*, Prof. Univ. of Massachusetts, Boston*
*Klaus von Raussendorff*, Association for International Solidarity*, Germany

*Michael Tarif Warren*, attorney
*Dave Welsh*, Delegate, San Francisco Labor Council, AFL-CIO*
*Walter Williams*, People Judge Bush

*How Your Can Help:*

*Sign your name* <http://stopwaroniran.org/petition.shtml>

*Make a donation <http://stopwaroniran.org/donate.shtml>*

*Download Lies, Lies, Lies - Bush, Iraq and Iran
*Download the Stop War on Iran petition

**StopWarOnIran.org <http://stopwaroniran.org/> *
*StopWarOnIran@StopWarOnIran.org *

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Message: 20
Date: Tue, 21 Feb 2006 03:06:28 -0800 (PST)
From: Larry Lawson <hitech2_47460@yahoo.com>
Subject: Again, Iranian 'BOURSE' NOT WMD's Real Reason for Bushy's WAR!

REPOSTS ON: 02-21-AD2006 Archived at: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/LLNews5 Out:04:50am
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Sent: Saturday, February 18, 2006 1:41 PM

February 17, 2006 Conservatives Endorse the Fuhrer Principle
Our leader über alles by Paul Craig Roberts Last week's annual Conservative Political Action Conference signaled the transformation of American conservatism into brownshirtism. A former Justice Department official named Viet Dinh got a standing ovation when he told the CPAC audience that the rule of law mustn't get in the way of President Bush protecting Americans from Osama bin Laden.
Former Republican congressman Bob Barr, who led the House impeachment of President Bill Clinton, reminded the CPAC audience that our first loyalty is to the U.S. Constitution, not to a leader. The question, Barr said, is not one of disloyalty to Bush, but whether America "will remain a nation subject to, and governed by, the rule of law or the whim of men."
The CPAC audience answered that they preferred to be governed by Bush. According to Dana Milbank, a member of the CPAC audience named Richard Sorcinelli loudly booed Barr, declaring: "I can't believe I'm in a conservative hall listening to him say Bush is off course trying to defend the United States." A woman in the audience told Barr that the Constitution placed Bush above the law and above non-elected federal judges.
These statements gallop beyond the merely partisan. They express the sentiments of brownshirtism. Our leader über alles.
Only a few years ago this same group saw Barr as a conservative hero for obtaining Clinton's impeachment in the House. Obviously, CPAC's praise for Barr did not derive from Barr's stand on conservative principle that a president must be held accountable if he violates the law. In Clinton's case, Barr's principles did not conflict with the blind emotions of the politically partisan conservatives demanding Clinton's impeachment.
In opposing Bush's illegal behavior, Barr is simply being consistent. But this time, Barr's principles are at odds with the emotions of the politically partisan CPAC audience. Rushing to the defense of Bush, the CPAC audience endorsed Viet Dinh's Fuhrer Principle over the rule of law.
Why do the media and the public allow partisan political hacks, like Viet Dinh, to define Bush's illegal actions as a national security issue? The purpose of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act is to protect national security. FISA creates a secret court to which the president can apply for a warrant even after he has initiated spying. Complying with the law in no way handicaps spying for national security purposes. The only spying handicapped by the warrant requirement is spying for illegitimate purposes, such as spying on political opponents.
There are only two reasons for Bush to refuse to obey the law. One is that he is guilty of illegitimate spying for which no warrant would be issued by the FISA court. The other is that he is using "national security" to create unconstitutional powers for the executive.
Civil libertarian Harvey Silverglate writing in the Boston Phoenix says that Bush's grab for "sweeping, unchecked power in direct violation of a statute would open a Pandora's box of imperial possibilities." In short, it makes the president a dictator.
For years, the Republican Federalist Society has been agitating for concentrating more power in the executive. The members will say that they do not favor a dictator, just a check on the "imperial Congress" and "imperial judiciary." But they have not spelled out how the president can be higher than law and still be accountable, or, if he is only to be higher than some laws, but not other laws, and only in some circumstances, but not all circumstances, who draws the line through the law and defines the circumstances.
On Feb. 13, the American Bar Association passed a resolution belatedly asking President Bush to stop violating the law. "We cannot allow the U.S. Constitution and our rights to become a victim of terrorism," said bar association president Michael Grecco.
The siren call of "national security" is all the cover Bush needs to have the FISA law repealed, thus legally gaining the power to spy however he chooses, the protection of political opponents be damned. However, Bush and his Federalist Society Justice Department are not interested in having the law repealed. Their purpose has nothing to do with national security. The point on which the regime is insisting is that there are circumstances (undefined) in which the president does not have to obey laws. What those circumstances and laws are is for the regime to decide.
The Bush regime is asserting the Fuhrer Principle, and Americans are buying it, even as Bush declares that America is at war in order to bring democracy to the Middle East.


How long do you have?

Will you wait to be killed, or ID the real perpetrators?

By John Kaminski

How do you talk to your neighbor when he's right in the middle of killing someone? What if all your neighbors are doing it, what do you do then? Do you also start killing?

And then there are those who are the real victims, the relatives of suddenly mutilated corpses you now so glibly explain away as facile geopolitical rationalizations, exactly what do you say to those folks?

Remember the words of Madeleine Albright: “We think the price is worth it.” How do you speak to a nation where half the population can’t read?

They want to kill you for what you've done, you know. Can you blame them? Americans who have murdered innocent darkskinned people with bizarre video games in hightech machines...all that has been created by the Iraq war is a visceral search for vengeance sweeping the entire world to punish America in the same sadistic manner this phony Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave has punished the world, to reverse the same torture techniques that the United States and its overlords Britain and Israel now flash around the world like squalid semen from the devil himself.

Iraq is bleeding with a fatal wound, and very soon, the cyber sentinels tell us, the nation of Iran, one of the oldest countries on the planet, will suffer the same tortured fate.

For what, may I ask?

The Zionist monster, three nations merged together in a capitalist terror machine run by the same people who ran the killing apparatus in the Soviet Union, merged with the sellouts who created Nazi Germany. All of that has been glued together in an epoxy of evil, with the blackmail, bribery and murder coordinated by the state of Israel. As we speak, it spreads like a cancer around the world and stains humanity with its murderous and conscienceless faux justifications.

Justifications for endless murder and robbery.

The Zionist monster includes all who call themselves Jews, because there is no difference between Zionism and Judaism. Everything blamed on Zionists is justified by the Talmud.

(I point out that there are SOME who do fight the TALMUD and ZIONISM. But they are the exception rather than the rule.)

Judaism is only the religion of the Jews, yet it controls the world, which doesn’t say much for the character of the rest of the world, or, for that matter, the power of its religions, because they all have been completely subverted by the concessions to human greed that have obliterated the integrity of all other creeds and wiped out any truly safe places to live in this depraved devil’s bargain.

The monstrous murder machine that was the Soviet Union was a Jewish enterprise initially financed from New York and London. The provocation for World Wars One and Two was entirely Jewish, wars to finance the new
Federal Reserve system, a scam that has continued ever since, war after war, to this very sad day.

From the Hindu Kalachakra to Benjamin Franklin and Mark Twain, we have been adequately warned. But the power of money and media are overpowering, and when combined with pharmaceuticals, nutrition, education, medicine and literature all conspiring to turn us into alienated robots, the average joe doesn’t stand much of a chance against the forces of predesigned slavery that are arrayed against him.

Identifying the perpetrators is always the key step. Exactly who is doing what to whom.

(Something Alex Jones won't ALLOW you to do!)

How long will you cling to the excuse that this is the way the system is, that I owe allegiance to my country and my cause? How long will you insist that you are not responsible for the psychopathic banking kingpins who run roughshod over phony laws and rob and kill whomever they choose?

Or will you just waltz quietly into the amorphous white noise of your slavery?

When will you reach the inevitable conclusion that it is the very way you think that has created all this carnage, images of fear that have turned our collective social life a nauseating shade of brown and black? And red, for the innocent blood shed like a savior in every family. How is it you came to be such a whimpering coward, too afraid of losing his own stash of gold that you became willing to overlook the crimes for which you accept responsibility — the Palestinians lying bleeding in the dirt of Gaza, and the crushed red shells of children’s skulls in Baghdad.

When we made that choice in our cowardice, we forfeited the future of the human species for a potful of meaningless currency. And now we're paying the price with our children, though most of us are either too drugged or too dumbed down to even notice.

Deny it if you like, but this is what our world has come to. Do you know how to shoot a gun? And will it do any good?

Can you imagine what it must be like to have to use a gun every day in order just to survive? The scenario is coming sooner than you think to America. Although by then (maybe tomorrow), everyone will be so drugged
down from the poison they buy in supermarkets (sing it with me — AS-PAR-TAME!(More thanks to Rumsfeld...) and mentally twisted from the subliminal dumbdown programming on TV that there will be no revolution this time, only a slow, somnambulent saunter as in a grey dream right out of the Talmud into the neocon extermination camps now currently under construction by the fine folks at, you guessed it! — Halliburton.

If you don't know who or what Halliburton is by now, then you should make out your will as best you can, and prepare to meet a violent death in the coming months.

I remember from reading dozens of disaster novels back when I was a young turk. And I remember wondering about the calm, unsuspecting narration just before some colossal disaster. It’s always eerie to contemplate what the writer didn’t know about in advance, like some comet from the human subconscious come to wipe out the species.

Very sad to say (and I proceed with advance apologies) but a popular topic of conversation down at your local therapist these days is to consider how each of you reading this story is likely to die in the coming months.

Tops on the list right now is a nuclear strike on Iran that leads to either retaliation and destruction of the United States (a process of advanced decay already proceeding nicely on the financial and legal levels), or some unforeseen tectonic or atmospheric consequence that will kill billions.

But what perhaps is even more frightening is the formidable list of alternative death scenarios that are right behind it.

No. 2 is probably to be thrown into a Halliburton concentration camp for wearing an anti-Bush T-shirt and being tortured to death by teenagers from Connecticut on Prozac and in the Marines, just returned from duty at Abu Ghraib.

Here are some others scenarios.

• Your chemotherapy doctor ups your dose and you’re out of here.
• Some cop decides he doesn’t like the greasiness of your hair, and because he knows he can get away with it, he does, and you’re done.
• You were in the Army, got irradiated in Iraq, and now have infected your wife and kids.
• When you return from Iraq, you realize what you have done to innocent women and children in the name of nothing, and put a gun to your own head.

These are just four random probabilities in your immediate future, in this world of bloody bulls**t that you have created for yourself.

Most of us will disappear from the universe very soon without ever knowing who it was that created many of these situations that cause us needless pain and suffering, that have killed so many people needlessly.

And we who finally found out must forever live with the guilt that we knew what we saw but couldn’t stop it.

John Kaminski is a writer who lives in the Gulf Coast of Florida.


If you think the United States won’t bomb Iran, you haven’t read the script. First drawn up by Paul Wolfowitz for then-Defense Secretary Dick Cheney in 1992, “Defense Planning Guidance” called for the United States to attack any non-allied country about to acquire weapons of mass destruction.
In a plan published by the White House fundamentalist fantasy-tank, Project for the New American Century in September 2000. Wolfowitz, Dubya’s younger brother Jeb, Douglas Feith, and other current White House bosses updated their blueprint for world resource domination through uncontestable force. All that was needed, they wrote, was “a new Pearl Harbor” to rally Americans around permanent wars that would perpetually profit the plotters.
Administration figures closely associated with Israel’s right-wing Likud party and the militarist Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs include UN saboteur Richard Bolton, a trigger-happy Dick Cheney, Feith and Wolfowitz. These Christian fundamentalists believe in working closely with Israel in fomenting and fulfilling requisites for an Armageddon first “prophesied” by an obscure American fanatic in the 19th century. At least until the moment comes to slay all Jews not yet converted to their religious delusions.
The PNAC gallery called for “a substantial American force presence in the Gulf”—starting but not ending with Iraq. The drafters of current US policy went on to write, “Iran may well prove as large a threat to US interests as Iraq has.” [Guardian Sept6/03; www.globalresearch.ca]
Just three years after PNAC was promulgated—and within months of Saddam Hussein’s swift shift of Iraq’s vast oil reserves from sales in dollars to euros—Iraq was set up for slaughter by the same weapon of mass deception now being bandied by Bush to bombard Iranian cities with radioactive munitions that will poison the rubble for the next four billion years.
While a cowardly and comatose Congress continues to ignore what could be Bush’s biggest folly, a panicked junta has already moved Burma’s capital to remote Pyinmana, 200 miles to the north, after their Chinese allies warned of radioactive fallout from attacks on Iran’s nuclear power reactors and production facilities dropping in deluges of radioactive rain over Rangoon. According to Wayne Madsen’s intelligence review, “Thousands of government workers were given only two days’ notice to pack up and leave Rangoon for the higher (and dryer) mountainous Pyinmana.”
Weather maps also predict a “hot” monsoon poisoning populations in Dhaka, Calcutta, Mumbai, Chennai, and Colombo. [www.waynemadsenreport.com]
The prospect of this radioactive cloud crossing the Pacific to “bring the war home” to the United States does not faze White House fundamentalists personally protected by their own religious projections. With US Special Forces already operating in Iran, just as they did in Iraq before Bush’s “Enduring Nightmare” kicked off from Kuwait, the next unprovoked US war is expected to begin by late March 2006—just before Teheran switches its own massive oil sales from the dollar to the euro.
Just like Saddam.
With hundreds of Russian power plant technicians under the crosshairs of Israel’s elite 69 Squadron, and major investments at risk, a pugnacious Putin has already warned Israel to lay off Iran. To help protect its Iranian investments, including a nearly completed nuclear power station at Bushehr on the Gulf, Russia has sold more than two-dozen advanced anti-aircraft missile batteries to Tehran.
With 17% of its imported crude coming from Iran, China is also heavily invested in that country’s continuing commercial functioning. Forced by the US invasion of Iraq to shift its multi-billion dollar oil purchases to Iran in exchange for sales of advanced ballistic missiles and a new subway system in Teheran, China has also warned Washington not to threaten its second largest source of imported Middle East oil after Saudi Arabia. [www.waynemadsenreport.com; Middle East Online Aug 12/05]
Against all odds, Washington’s apocalyptic stratagems have even succeeded in uniting Russia and China against a common threat. Last August, Russia and China held their first-ever joint land-sea-air military exercises. Also last year, Russia, China and India practiced a three-way military exercise to counter US power projections in Asia—including an attack on Iran. [www.waynemadsenreport.com]
Previous US and UK interference in Iran has proven disastrous. In 1953, USUK (say it slowly) overthrew Iran’s democratically elected government after Premier Mossadeq went crazy and declared that Iran’s oil belonged to Iran instead of British and American corporations. Following in the footsteps of his father, who financed a failed Adolph Hitler’s political comeback, young George Bush Sr. trained the Shah’s remarkably savage SAVAK secret police.

The hated Shah was deposed by a popular demand in 1979. His replacement, a virulently anti-American Khomeini, prompted the White House to ship chemical and biological munitions, as well as nuclear bomb-making technology to their ally Saddam Hussein. “Trust us and attack Iran,” they urged. And the fool did. [Bringing The War Home by William Thomas]
Just as Iraqis remember America’s betrayal that allowed a tottering Saddam to crush their Bush-urged uprisings at the end of the first Gulf War, veteran CIA analyst Ray McGovern says that Iranians who have not forgotten previous American treachery view with rising alarm 14 permanent US military bases in neighboring Iraq. [TomDispatch Mar 2/05]
Their paranoia is not misplaced. Two of these bases will likely launch a squadron of Israeli F-15Es laden with massive, uranium-hardened “bunker buster” bombs against downtown Teheran and outlying districts within the next five weeks. [www.waynemadsenreport.com ]
With American forces occupying military bases in Turkey, Pakistan, Azerbaijan, Afghanistan, and Iraq—and a Persian Gulf too shallow for its submarines to operate locked down by the US Navy—Iran is surrounded. Secretary of Permanent War Rumsfeld’s visits to Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kyrgyzstan and Azerbaijan in April 2005 were described by the Russian media as “literally circling Iran in an attempt to find the best bridgehead for a possible military operation against that country.” [Bringing The War Home]
In Baku, Azerbaijan, agreement was reached to deploy US troops for attacks over Iran’s northwestern border. Azerbaijan, Georgia and Uzbekistan are militarily allied with the US and NATO in a blood pact called GUUAM, whose stated objectives are to “neutralize Iran” and exert US military and economic control over the Caspian Sea basin oil reserves and pipelines. To help guarantee this end, a new 650-acre US military base in Afghanistan is also being readied to launch attacks over Iran’s eastern border.
Also in April 2005, the Pentagon delivered 500 uranium-filled GBU-28 and BLU-113 “bunker buster” bombs to Israel. Highly radioactive, yet conventionally explosive, these diabolical devices are capable of causing thousands of civilian deaths through massive explosions—and hundreds of thousands more through permanent microscopic contamination.
Also in April last year, Iran signed a military alliance with Tajikistan on Afghanistan’s northern frontier. Anyone tangling with Tajikistan will have to deal with its big buddies. “The Shanghai Five” include Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia and China.
“Israel is a Rottweiler on a leash,” says Michael Chossudovsky of the Canadian Global Research Institute—which the US wants to “set loose” on Iran. Later that same month, Israel Prime Minister Ariel Sharon met with Bush at his Texas Ranch to discuss pushing the plunger that could detonate the Gulf. With between 200 and 500 thermonuclear weapons, reports the Arab press, “Israel has quietly supplanted Britain as the world’s 5th largest nuclear power, and may currently rival France and China in the size and sophistication of its nuclear arsenal.” [Arab Internet Network, Federal News Service, Mar 1/05]
No wonder that within days of Sharon’s return from Crawford, Texas, Putin showed up on his doorstep. [www.globalresearch.ca]
As one British intelligence official put it, “It is getting quite scary.” The way the British see it: “For an embattled President Bush, combating the mullahs of Tehran may be a useful means of diverting attention from Iraq and reestablishing control of the Republican Party prior to next year’s Congressional elections. From this perspective, even an escalating conflict would rally the nation behind a war president.” [Evening Standard June 17/03; Guardian Oct 18/05]
Yet, Iran’s “nuclear threat” remains as nonexistent as Iraq’s when it was attacked. Bush’s own “National Intelligence Estimate” declares that Iran will be unlikely to produce the highly enriched uranium called for in nuclear bomb recipes before “early to mid-next decade.” [Washington Post Aug 2/05]
Long before then, a modern and largely secularized populace will require a steady supply of lesser-grade nuclear reactor fuel to run some 20 nuclear power plants envisioned by their current government. By opting to supply its rapidly growing electrical demands with nuclear power before its oil reserves run out, Teheran insists on its rights to use its own extracted uranium for this purpose—just like Americans. [Asia News Dec 6/05]

Chanting, “Nuclear technology is our inalienable right!” crowds in Teheran cheered newly elected President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad when he said that in light of continuing American threats, Iran might cancel its voluntary membership of the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty—delighting White House fundamentalists as another giant step toward Armageddon. [Telegraph Feb 12/06]
Turning on lights in Teheran does not necessarily equate with obliterating Tel Aviv. Mohamed ElBaradei, director-general of the International Atomic Energy Agency, insists that the dispute between Iran and the west over its nuclear power program is “in no way a crisis situation.” [Financial Times Feb 2/06]
Though IAE inspectors found that Iran has broken none of its commitments under the nuclear non-proliferation treaty, USUK has persuaded the IAEA board to overrule them and falsely declare Iran in breach of that treaty. [Guardian Oct 18/05]
“That Washington has managed to coerce enough members of the International Atomic Energy Agency into participating in a diplomatic charade is no more than reminiscent of the way it intimidated and bribed the “international community” into attacking Iraq in 1991,” writes award-winning journalist John Pilger:
Iran offers no “nuclear threat.” There is not the slightest evidence that it has the centrifuges necessary to enrich uranium to weapons-grade material. The head of the IAEA, Mohamed ElBaradei, has repeatedly said his inspectors have found nothing to support American and Israeli claims. Iran has done nothing illegal; it has demonstrated no territorial ambitions nor has it engaged in the occupation of a foreign country—unlike the United States, Britain and Israel.
In sharp contrast, India and Pakistan have defied the non-proliferation treaty by secretly developing nuclear weapons. Pakistan’s military dictatorship has even exported its nuclear technology to countries like North Korea without being bombed by Washington.
But when it comes to blowing up Iran, Pilger writes, the excuse offered by a bogus American president is the removal of seals on nuclear equipment voluntarily placed there as an act of good faith by Teheran. This rash concession given by Iranian negotiators, “had nothing to do with Iran’s obligations” under a Non-Proliferation Treaty routinely ignored by the United States and Israel.

Teheran has often stated that it has no intention of inviting retaliation by building nuclear weapons. Though currently led by a loud-mouthed fundamentalist as belligerent as Bush, a no longer ancient Persia stands on the brink of a “velvet revolution” led by its young, modern and increasingly rebellious population.
But threatened or actual attacks on their spouses, parents and children will almost certainly rally Iranians around a nuclear deterrent. As Israel’s leading military historian, Martin van Creveld recently wrote: “Obviously, we don’t want Iran to have nuclear weapons and I don’t know if they’re developing them, but if they’re not developing them, they’re crazy.”
Whatever happens, Washington cannot allow Teheran to divest the sale of its own oil from greenbacks to euros. Pilger’s math shows the US dollar to be, on paper, “a worthless currency bearing the burden of a national debt exceeding $8 trillion and a trade deficit of more than $600 billion.”
With a never-ending war on increasingly recalcitrant Iraqis expected to place another $2 trillion burden on an upcoming generation of Americans facing the crippling costs of aging pensioners and drastic climate shift, no country wants to continue exchanging increasingly scarce oil for doomed dollars. As Pilger puts it, “That oil is traded in dollars is critical in maintaining the dollar as the world’s reserve currency. What the Bush regime fears is not Iran’s nuclear ambitions but the effect of the world’s fourth-biggest oil producer and trader breaking the dollar monopoly. Will the world’s central banks then begin to shift their reserve holdings and, in effect, dump the dollar?”
China currently underwrites most of the two billion dollars Bush borrows every day to keep the nation he bankrupted afloat. If Beijing ends up financing American attacks on its own investments and personnel in Iran, who believes that China’s economic life-support for the world’s number one torture-and-terrorist nation will be ongoing?
Hold onto your Geiger counter and iodine tablets. According to Wayne Madsen’s intelligence review, the Pentagon has already ordered its sprawling army aviation training command at Fort Rucker, Alabama to prepare to train thousands of helicopter pilots, including civilian mercenaries, needed for combat in Iran.
The US Air Force Special Operations Command will direct the butchery from Hulbert Field, Florida. (If anyone who has never experienced American heavy weapons unleashed against city neighborhoods thinks this word too harsh, click here for dozens of vomit-inducing, high-resolution close-up colour photos of mangled civilians in Ramalla and Fallujah. Just one picture of a family in bed with all their flesh burned off by a white-phosphorous bomb, or a lump of raw meat born to an inconsolable mother exposed to uranium munitions, should be enough to certify barbarism by demented followers of a peacenik named Jesus.)
If Bush’s proclaimed and promised felonies are allowed to pass unchecked, a gallon of gas will soon cost double-digits—and much more gore is in store for innocent children abroad. Madsen also reports that Florida’s Hulbert Field has been put on full alert to bomb Iranian cities. He also notes “a noticeable increase in activity at Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center at Twentynine Palms, California, a primary live fire training activity located in a desert and mountainous environment similar to target areas in Iran.” [www.waynemadsenreport.com]
Or just read the Telegraph:
Central Command and Strategic Command planners are identifying targets, assessing weapon-loads and working on logistics for an operation. They are reporting to the office of Donald Rumsfeld, the defence secretary. The prospect of military action could put Washington at odds with Britain, which fears that an attack would spark violence across the Middle East, reprisals in the West and may not cripple Teheran’s nuclear programme.
Discredited and distracted by his own lies concerning early agreements to invade Iraq, Britain’s Blair has yet to clue in that smirking Dubya and his loopy deputies believe they have been chosen by a remarkably vicious god to facilitate Armageddon. As Bill Moyers explained on PBS, “These true believers subscribe to a fantastical theology concocted in the 19th century by a couple of immigrant preachers who took disparate passages from the Bible and wove them into a narrative that has captivated the imagination of millions of Americans.”
Their collective fantasy ends in a made-for-Hollywood showdown in the Valley of Armageddon. But before the worldwide holocaust they unleash can inconvenience any true believer, a rumored Rapture will snatch them from the consequences of their folly and—by every injunction actually made by Christ concerning the need to be nice—send them straight to hell.
Until then, compared with cleansing nuclear fire and seven succeeding years of boils, sores, locusts, and frogs, a few million dead apostate Arabs and Persians are seen as just a warm-up before the main event.
“They are sincere, serious and polite as they tell you they feel called to help bring the rapture on as fulfillment of biblical prophecy. It’s why the invasion of Iraq for them was a warm-up act, predicted in the Book of Revelations,” Moyers related. “A war with Islam in the Middle East is not something to be feared but welcomed—an essential conflagration on the road to redemption.”
Right now, Moyers mentioned, the Rapture Index stands “just one point below the critical threshold when the whole thing will blow, the son of god will return, the righteous will enter heaven”—and all mass murderers will be consigned “to eternal hellfire.”
With the Religious Right firmly in control of the White House, the Supreme Court, and more than half of Congress, a TIME/CNN poll has found that 59% of American voters believe the prophecies found in a bogus book are coming true. More than half favor blowing up Iranian families not unlike their own.
Continued >> http://willthomas.net/Convergence/Weekly/Iran_Oil_Bourse.htm


US seeks Georgian help for Iran strike ... much talk about American
attack Iran or invade Iran.
Lets put it this way, the amount of American involvement in the attack
against Iran is more than likely going to be air support, along the
pre-strike time, a massive air attack at the time the Israelis go in to
try and hit the nuclear power station sites, and a military stand in the
base the Americans made in Israel just before the attack on Iran.
I believe Syria may pick up a bit of attack from US as well.
Syria is said to have some Russian missiles based there and will need to
be hit first me thinks.
The main attack will I believe come from Israel, with a huge support
force from US.
I don't believe there will be much if any invasion force and if there is
it will be into the lower Iran area where the oil and gas wells are.


US seeks Georgian help for Iran strike

By: KSENIA SVETLOVA Jerusalem Post correspondent and YAAKOV KATZ,

American officials have been quietly probing whether Georgia, situated
just northwest of Iran, will be willing to allow Washington to use its
military bases and airfields in the event of a military conflict with
Teheran, The Jerusalem Post has been told.

The Americans have been putting out feelers, a high-ranking Georgian
government foreign affairs official told the Post, in advance of a
possible military strike to prevent Iran from achieving nuclear weapons

American reports in recent months, speculating about the possibility of
a campaign against Iran because of the failure of diplomatic efforts to
thwart a potential nuclear weapons program, have suggested that
sustained military action, rather than a single strike, may be required
given the number of Iranian nuclear facilities, their divergent
locations and Iranian defenses.

Georgian government officials said that Tbilisi fears harsh Iranian
military retaliation against the Georgian republic if US forces were to
use its territory as a base for strikes against Iran, but nonetheless
may feel obligated to accede to such a request, given the country's
heavy reliance on US aid and support. The US maintains its own military
bases in Georgia.

While the Americans have been testing the waters lately in this
direction, the source indicated, no official request of this kind has
yet been made.

Georgia is also worried about the possibility of civil unrest, citing
the strong opposition by its Muslim minority to the country's
participation in the war in Iraq, where there is a limited Georgian
military contingent.

Military collaboration with the US would also have "a most negative
effect" on relations between Moscow and Tbilisi, which remains strained
since the election of Georgia's US-educated president, Mikhail
Saakashvili, in 2004.

Saakashvili is considered one of the most consistent US supporters in
the post-Soviet bloc and enjoys solid American backing. Indeed,
Saakashvili is often accused by Moscow of maintaining an "American
outpost in the region."

The Georgian source added that a similar US request might be made to
Azerbaijan, an immediate neighbor of Iran and another close American

The close proximity of both countries to Iran makes Tbilisi and Baku
desirable partners in a potential alliance against Iran.

Rumors of a possible military alliance between Washington, Tbilisi and
Baku first appeared in late 2004, when the Azerbaijani press reported on
a meeting between President Ilham Aliyev and senior Pentagon officials,
in which the possibility of military cooperation was said to have been

Both Georgia and Azerbaijan have denied that discussions on such
cooperation took place. "We do not hold any negotiations that concern
military cooperation with the Americans," Kakha Imnadze, Saakashvili's
press secretary, said last May.

Officials in Baku also rejected the reports. Aliyev claimed that he
learned of such negotiations from the press. But, it seems, despite the
hasty denials, Iran has taken the reports rather seriously.

At the beginning of February, Iranian officials implied that any country
that helped the US in military action against it would be subject to
harsh retaliation. Neither Georgia nor Azerbaijan possesses
sophisticated air defense systems to protect their air space from an
Iranian strike, the Georgian government official noted.

While Georgia would allow the US to use its soil for technical support
during an attack on Iran, Temuri Yakobashvili, an expert on Georgian
strategy, told the Post that Washington had yet to formally ask Tbilisi
for assistance in such an attack.

"At this stage there have not been formal requests," said Yakobashvili,
head of the Georgian Foundation for Strategic and International Studies
in Tbilisi. Georgia, he said, would be more inclined to allow US forces
to use its territory in a military offensive if Iran "did something
outrageous against Georgia."

Georgia, he said, would most likely be used not as the base for the
attack but as a stopover for the US Air Force as well as a transit spot
to stock up on fuel and ammunition. "The US is preparing for a variety
of scenarios," Yakobashvili said. "Georgia can be used as a transit or
for stockpiling ammunition."

US forces, Yakobashvili said could also use Azerbaijan as the launch pad
for their attack. Azerbaijan, which is closer to Iran than Georgia and
enjoys strong ties with Israel and Washington, is also home to US radar
stations which line its border with Iran.

Azeri officials have, however, ruled out the possibility that their land
would be used in a military offensive against Iran, warning that their
involvement could trigger harsh Iranian military retaliation against

"We will probably not let the US use Azerbaijan to launch a strike on
Iran," Azeri Minister of Emergency Situations Kamaladdin Heydarov told
the Post last week, adding that an attack on Iran would destabilize the
entire region.

US officials stationed in the region said they did not need Azerbaijan's
or Georgia's cooperation in an attack against Iran. According to the
sources, if the US wanted to attack Iran, it could always use Iraq or
Afghanistan, where US forces are already heavily deployed, as its base.

Meanwhile, Iranian Intelligence Minister Gholamhossein Mohseni Ejehei on
Sunday warned that any Israeli attack against it would be "stupidity"
and provoke a swift response, state-run television reported.

Israel has said it would not allow Iran to develop a nuclear capability,
and has indicated it might take "necessary steps" if negotiations fail
to convince Iran to give up its uranium enrichment program. Last month,
Iranian Defense Minister Mostafa Muhammad Najjar said if Israel attacks
Iran's nuclear facilities, Iran will respond so strongly that it would
put the Jewish state into "an eternal coma" like Prime Minister Ariel

Iran resumed small-scale uranium enrichment earlier this month after the
International Atomic Energy Agency reported it to the UN Security
Council over its controversial nuclear program.

Iran denies US and Israeli accusations that it seeks nuclear weapons,
insisting that its nuclear program is intended to produce nuclear fuel
to generate electricity.

AP contributed to this report.



China Rushes to Complete $100B Deal With Iran ... if the assumption made
in the American news paper is correct then China is about to obstain
from a SC vote instead of veto.
However the war between China and the Us is well underway and the US
will block oil and gas access to China.


China Rushes to Complete $100B Deal With Iran

By Peter S. Goodman
Washington Post Foreign Service
Friday, February 17, 2006; 5:39 PM

SHANGHAI, Feb. 17 -- China is hastening to complete a deal worth as much
as $100 billion that would allow a Chinese state-owned energy firm to
take a leading role in developing a vast oil field in Iran, complicating
the Bush administration's efforts to isolate the Middle Eastern nation
and roll back its nuclear development plans, according to published

The completion of the agreement would advance China's global quest for
new stocks of energy. It could also undermine U.S. and European
initiatives to halt Tehran's nuclear plans, possibly generating friction
in Beijing's relations with outside powers.

Caijing, a respected financial magazine based in Beijing, reported on
its Web site on Thursday that a Chinese delegation comprised of
officials from the National Development and Reform Commission -- a top
economic policy body -- intends to visit Iran as early as next month to
conclude an agreement. The deal would clear China Petrochemical Corp.,
also known as Sinopec, to develop the Yadavaran oil field in southern

Beijing and Tehran are attempting to swiftly conclude a deal in the next
few weeks, ahead of the possible imposition of international sanctions
against Iran, according to a report published in Friday's editions of
The Wall Street Journal. The report relied upon unnamed Iranian
government officials. Sanctions could hinder Chinese investments in

Chinese officials declined to comment, and calls to Sinopec's offices
went unanswered. In a written statement, the Iranian Embassy in Beijing
asserted that the two nations have been working together on energy
development, "following the rule of mutual benefits and respect in all
bilateral cooperation."

A deal would cement a memorandum of understanding signed by China and
Iran in October 2004. The framework agreement pledges that Sinopec will
develop the Yadavaran field in exchange for the purchase of 10 million
tons of liquefied natural gas a year for the next quarter-century.

Analysts in China said the deal should primarily be seen as part of
Beijing's global reach for new energy stocks to fuel its relentless
development -- a drive that has in recent years led Chinese companies to
invest in Indonesia, Australia, Venezuela, Sudan and Kazakhstan. China
is now locked into a high-stakes competition with Japan for access to
potentially enormous oil fields in Russia.

But the speed with which China and Iran are moving to conclude their
agreement and begin development appears to signal Beijing's intent to
limit the United States-led drive for sanctions against Iran to curb
what the Washington describes as Tehran's rogue effort to develop
nuclear weapons.

As one of the five permanent members of the U.N. Security Council, China
can veto a sanctions proposal within the international body, or at least
threaten to do so to restrict the bite and breadth of such an

"The timing is really interesting," said Shen Dingli, an international
relations expert at Fudan University in Shanghai. "China and Iran appear
to be collaborating not only for energy development but also to increase
the stakes in case sanctions are imposed. This is a subtle message that
even if sanctions are passed, you could have limited sanctions without
touching upon oil. China is saying, 'This is my cheese. Don't touch.' "

China's voracious appetite for energy is increasingly guiding its
foreign policy. China has used the threat of a Security Council veto to
limit sanctions against Sudan, the African nation in which China's
largest energy firm, China National Petroleum Corp., is the largest
investor in a government-led oil consortium. China is the largest buyer
of Sudan's oil, as well as the largest supplier of arms to its ruling
regime. The Sudanese government has been accused of massacring villagers
to clear land for further energy development and of committing genocide
in its efforts to crush separatist rebels in the western region of

China's pursuit of an energy deal with Iran comes as Tehran has
announced the resumption of its uranium enrichment program. Tehran says
this work is merely aimed at generating energy, while the Bush
administration asserts it is a precursor to the development of nuclear
weapons and has been lobbying its allies to take a hard line while
threatening sanctions.

China has joined the international chorus in urging Tehran to halt its
nuclear plans. But China's aggressive pursuit of an oil deal with Iran
underscores how energy security has become a paramount concern for
Beijing at a time of relentless industrial growth. Government forecasts
show China's demands for imported crude oil swelling from about
one-third of its total needs to about 60 percent by 2020.

Analysts assume that the Iranian field could produce as much as 300,000
barrels of oil per day, making it one of the larger overseas operations
for a Chinese company. Sinopec would hold a 51 percent stake in the
Yadavaran project, according to the Caijing report, while India's Oil
and Natural Gas Corp. would hold 29 percent. The rest of the venture
would be divided among Iranian companies and perhaps other outside

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But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet
to warn the people and the sword comes and takes the life of one of
them, that man will be taken away because of his sin, but I will hold
the watchman accountable for his blood." - Eze 33:6


Sent: Monday, February 20, 2006 9:12 AM
Subject: any anti-war analysts believe that Iran has no nuclear weapons program in place and no one has ever produced a shred of credible evidence to the contrary. Yet they fear that the Bush administration's spurious accusations and subsequent war will lead to a....


Halliburton Detention Camps For Political Subversives
Paul Joseph Watson/Prison Planet.com | February 1 2006
In another shining example of modern day corporate fascism, it was announced recently that Halliburton subsidiary Kellogg, Brown and Root had been awarded a $385 million dollar contract by Homeland Security to construct detention and processing facilities in the event of a national emergency.
The language of the preamble to the agreement veils the program with talk of temporary migrant holding centers, but it is made clear that the camps will also be used "as the development of a plan to react to a national emergency."
Discussions of federal concentration camps is no longer the rhetoric of paranoid Internet conspiracy theorists, it is mainstream news.
Under the enemy combatant designation anyone at the behest of the US government, even if they are a US citizen, can be kidnapped and placed in an internment facility forever without trial. Jose Padilla, an American citizen, has spent over four years in a Navy brig and is only just now getting a trial.
In 2002, FEMA sought bids from major real estate and engineering firms to construct giant internment facilities in the case of a chemical, biological or nuclear attack or a natural disaster.
Okanogan County Commissioner Dave Schulz went public three years ago with his contention that his county was set to be a location for one of the camps.
Alex Jones has attended numerous military urban warfare training drills across the US where role players were used to simulate arresting American citizens and taking them to internment camps.
The move towards the database state in the US and the UK, where every offence is arrestable and DNA records of every suspect, even if later proven innocent, are permanently kept on record, is the only tool necessary to create a master list of 'subversives' that would be subject to internment in a manufactured time of national emergency.
The national ID card is also intended to be used for this purpose, just as the Nazis used early IBM computer punch card technology to catalogue lists of homosexuals, gypsies and Jews before the round-ups began.
Section 44 of the Terrorism Act in Britain enables police to obtain name and address details of anyone they choose, whether they are acting suspiciously or not. Those details remain on a database forever. To date, 119,000 names of political activists have been taken and this is a figure that will skyrocket once the post 7/7 figures are taken into account. At the height of the Iraq war protests, around a million people marched across the country. However, most of these people were taking part in a political protest for the first time and as a one off. Even if we take a figure of half, 500,000 people being politically active in Britain, that means that the government has already registered around a quarter of political activists in the UK.
In truth the number is probably above half because we are not factoring in those already on MI5 'subversive' lists and those listed after the 7/7 bombings, when the powers were used even more broadly.
Concurrently in the US, a new provision in the extended Patriot Act bill would allow Secret Service agents to arrest and jail protesters accused of breaching any security perimeter, even if the President or any other protected official isn't present. The definition of 'free speech zones' can be shifted around loosely and this would open the floodgates for protesters to be grabbed and hauled away in any circumstance at the whim of the Secret Service.
During the 2004 RNC protests, thousands of New Yorkers were arrested en masse in indiscriminate round-ups and taken to Pier 57 (pictured), a condemned, asbestos poisoned old bus depot, where they were imprisoned without charge for up to 24 hours or more.
The existence and development of internment camps are solely intended to be used to round up en masse and imprison 'political dissidents' (anyone who isn't prepared to lick government boots) after a simulated tactical nuke or biological attack on a major US or European city.
Get Alex Jones and Paul Joseph Watson's books, ALL Alex's documentary films, films by other authors, audio interviews and special reports. Sign up at Prison Planet.tv - CLICK HERE.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Iron_Clay" <iron_clay@clear.net.nz>
To: "1 Iron & Clay" <iron_clay@clear.net.nz>
Sent: Monday, February 20, 2006 2:34 PM
Subject: Russian offer means no access for Iran to nuclear fuel

Russian offer means no access for Iran to nuclear fuel

The expert dismissed the argument that Iran could use spent nuclear fuel
to build a nuclear bomb, saying it was "technologically impossible."

While admitting that spent uranium contained the plutonium isotopes
necessary for military production, Mikhailov said, "Uranium cannot just
be taken out of a storage facility for reprocessing or even
transportation. It has to 'cool down' in a power plant storage facility
to become less radioactive. The process can take five or even 10 years."

He added that specially equipped plants were needed for reprocessing and
Iran would only be able to do that in 10 or 20 years' time, as the
country did not have a single such facility.

20/ 02/ 2006

MOSCOW, February 20 (RIA Novosti) - Russia's proposal to enrich uranium
for Iranian power plants on Russian territory means that Tehran will not
have access to a full nuclear fuel cycle, a popular Russian daily wrote

Hours before talks with Iran opened in Moscow on the latter's initiative
to build a uranium enrichment joint venture in Russia, Vremya Novostei
published an interview with ex-Nuclear Power Minister Viktor Mikhailov,
who now heads the Institute of Strategic Stability, an analytical center
attached to the Federal Agency for Nuclear Power.

Mikhailov said the crux of the proposal would be that Iran would have
only "closed access" to nuclear fuel.

"We would reequip one of our plants to accommodate an international
nuclear fuel center where Iran would send uranium enrichment orders for
a certain price," Mikhailov said. "We would enrich fuel, supply it to
Iran, load a reactor, and bring the spent fuel back to Russia."

The expert said that uranium enrichment could be conducted for both
peaceful needs and military purposes, thereby echoing international
concerns that Iran might be seeking to build nuclear weapons, an
accusation the Islamic Republic has repeatedly denied.

Mikhailov said it was therefore important to curb the spread of
enrichment technology.

However, he said that all countries had the right to peaceful nuclear
energy and suggested that international enrichment centers would spare
them the need to seek the full enrichment cycle.

The expert dismissed the argument that Iran could use spent nuclear fuel
to build a nuclear bomb, saying it was "technologically impossible."

While admitting that spent uranium contained the plutonium isotopes
necessary for military production, Mikhailov said, "Uranium cannot just
be taken out of a storage facility for reprocessing or even
transportation. It has to 'cool down' in a power plant storage facility
to become less radioactive. The process can take five or even 10 years."

He added that specially equipped plants were needed for reprocessing and
Iran would only be able to do that in 10 or 20 years' time, as the
country did not have a single such facility.

Mikhailov also said that Russia planned to buy the spent fuel from Iran,
adding it had been the Soviet Union's usual scheme in nuclear
transactions with its European allies - Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, and
East Germany. Russia had bought uranium irradiated in nuclear reactors
from those countries, as they were unable to process the spent fuel
themselves, the expert said.

He said Iran understood that it could not keep the fuel on its

Asked to comment on Tehran's plans to build another nuclear power plant
in its southwestern province of Khuzestan and the possibility that it
would build a further 10-20 units if no economic sanctions were imposed
on it, Mikhailov said that the country had pursued such plans under the
last sheikh, who was forced into an exile following the 1979 revolution
and was known as a devoted ally of the United States.

Mikhailov said that the construction of a reactor in the port of Bushehr
in southern Iran had been started by German industrial giant Siemens,
which had abandoned the project after constructing two buildings. Russia
picked up one of them in the early 1990s.

"Iran is a modern country, which has the right to pursue the development
of national civilian power engineering. The nuclear powers, for their
part, must help its efforts in this sphere," Mikhailov said.


Visit my Website at ...
See my "Why Come Out" page here ...

But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet
to warn the people and the sword comes and takes the life of one of
them, that man will be taken away because of his sin, but I will hold
the watchman accountable for his blood." - Eze 33:6


----- Original Message -----
To: hitech2@bluemarble.net
Sent: Sunday, February 19, 2006 6:37 PM
Subject: new type designer flu goin around

Hey Larry,
Just want to let you know its hit in my area. First symptom is scratchy throut followed by congestion the next day with pressure on the ears. Next symptom is coughing mucous and what feels like walking pnuemonia, body extreme weak and run down feeling. Then the next day add pain in all of your joints! Even my toe nails hurt!!
Hope to be over it within the next few days. This is worse then all colds I've had.
Reporting from near the nations capital.

I think some of these are 'tests' to see how fast their crap can spread.

TOENAILS!!! Geez, I've never heard that before.

Just heard that there's a new propaganda show on FOX called: Bird Flu Facts and Fiction.

Oh Joy!

Hoping you recover.

(I later spoke to a friend who suggested the 'toenail' pain was from the body seeking CALCIUM.???)


Houston Police Chief Wants Surveillance Cameras In Private Homes
Orwellian telescreens will monitor your behavior
Paul Joseph Watson/Prison Planet.com | February 16 2006
The age of the telescreen is upon us as surveillance cameras that festoon our streets, shopping malls and airports are now moving into our private homes as the panopticon prison is erected.
The Associated Press reports,
"HOUSTON Houston's police chief is suggesting putting surveillance cameras in apartment complexes, downtown streets and even private homes."
"Chief Harold Hurtt today said it's another way of combatting crime amid a shortage of officers.
Scott Henson with the American Civil Liberties Union calls Hurtt's proposal to require surveillance cameras as part of some building permits -- "radical and extreme."

In the meantime, Homeland Security grants are being used to blanket major cities and even small sleepy communities with arsenals of spy cameras.
All over the United States, Canada and Britain, surveillance camera systems are being installed on street corners, in public bathrooms, in residential neighborhoods, and even in parks and forests. We are asked to trust the government underlings who control them that they are working for our best interests as said underlings are caught using the cameras to spy on naked women in their homes.
In the UK, government programs encourage citizens to spy on their neighbors and report suspicious activity as part of a CCTV channel subscriber package.
Homeland Security funding is being utilized to fund this mass expansion of the surveillance state in the US as city and state officials clamor at the teat of Big Brother to milk the cash cow of the police state and win the contracts for installing more and more sophisticated spy cameras.
The government demands to know everything about our private lives and catalogue, file and index every aspect of our existence, yet government itself becomes more and more secret with each passing day as it engages in escalating criminal activities.

The agenda behind surveillance cameras is not simply to track the movements of certain individuals. There are not enough watchers to catalogue all the information. The cameras are about behavior control and creating an omnipresent atmosphere whereby the citizen consciously regulates his own behavior so as not to seem suspicious. The surveillance cameras are there to make a statement. We are the prison guards, you are the prisoners.
As George Orwell described it in 1984,
"The telescreen received and transmitted simultaneously. Any sound that Winston made, above the level of a very low whisper, would be picked up by it, moreover, so long as he remained within the field of vision which the metal plaque commanded, he could be seen as well as heard."
"There was of course no way of knowing whether you were being watched at any given moment. How often, or on what system, the Thought Police plugged in on any individual wire was guesswork. It was even conceivable that they watched everybody all the time. But at any rate they could plug in your wire whenever they wanted to. You had to live -- did live, from habit that became instinct -- in the assumption that every sound you made was overheard, and, except in darkness, every movement scrutinized."

This is the prison without bars. This is the panopticon, a prison so constructed that the inspector can see each of the prisoners at all times, without being seen. This is a portrait of the accelerating movement by western governments to erect giant, powerful, all-pervading mass surveillance, tracking and control grids that will keep all populations firmly under the baleful and watchful gaze of Big Brother.
FLASHBACK: Strange Orwellian Telescreens Debut At UK Supermarkets
FLASHBACK: Shouting Telescreens Coming to Britain


Freedom America NOW E-List - News and Views >From New Babylon
The beast is loose in Bethlehem and the rats are in the corn.
Look up... for your redemption draweth nigh!
++++++Jesus Christ is the Answer, Check it out.++++++


Surveillance Cameras To Monitor Santa Monica Promenade, Pier...

Houston eyes cameras at apartment complexes, homes...

"To the typical submissive citizen of authoritarian society, it is
normal, obvious and "natural" that he should obey older and
more dominant males, even at the risk of his life, even against
his own kindred, and even in causes that are unjust or absurd."
...Robert Anton Wilson - 'The Illumanitus! Trilogy' 1975

"When buying and selling are controlled by legislation,
the first things to be bought and sold are legislators."
...P. J. O'Rourke- Journalist, & Political Commentator



National Prayer Network


By Rev. Ted Pike

Today Canadian Christians who publicly criticize homosexuality or
blame Jewish leaders for the crucifixion are likely to be indicted as "hate
criminals." But in 1971 when B'nai B'rith Canada and the Canadian Jewish
Congress persuaded Parliament to enact their national anti-hate law, these
Jewish organizations were wary of alarming Christians. Instead, they began
anti-hate law enforcement by going after those least likely to be defended
by society: Holocaust reductionists - those who reduce the six million
figure of Jewish Holocaust dead.

During the following 30 years, the Canadian public watched passively
as Malcolm Ross, Doug Collins, Ernst Zundel, etc., were pilloried by the
press and financially exhausted by the courts for the "hate crime" of
inquiring whether the number of Jewish Holocaust dead might be less than six

Then, around the turn of the century, B'nai B'rith's hate crimes
gestapo turned on Christians. More cases have now been prosecuted against
Christians (primarily critics of homosexuality) in the last five years than
of Holocaust reductionists in the previous 30.

Today holocaust reductionists, Ernst Zundel and Germar Rudolf, have
been deported from what they thought was safe haven in America. They face
prosecution in Germany for violation of its B'nai B'rith anti-hate law which
makes it a "thought crime" to diminish the six million figure of Jewish
Holocaust victims.

David Irving, perhaps the world's best-known and respected Holocaust
reductionist was arrested and imprisoned several days ago in Austria under
its B'nai B'rith hate law.

Also, lesser-known Belgian reductionist Siegfried Verbeke has been
arrested in Holland and is awaiting deportation to Germany. Although not a
German citizen, a German judge issued an international arrest warrant
against him for the German crime of Holocaust reduction.

And, on September 19, Belgian reductionist Vincent Reynouard's house
was ransacked by police. He was subjected to more than three hours of
detention and hostile questioning. He is free on probation only if he
submits to a psychiatric examination and ceases all Holocaust reductionist

Long Arm of Zionist "Justice"

On June 20, 2004 the Jerusalem Post reported that Israel's Knesset
empowered the State of Israel to criminalize anyone in the world who
publicly reduces the six million figure. The government is now authorized to
request extradition to Israel of such alleged "hate criminals" from any
nation. Israel can also seize, prosecute, and imprison them should they set
foot in Israel.

After Rudolf and Zundel have been tried in German and Austrian
courts, Israel can request that they be extradited to stand trial in Israel
for their "hate crimes." The American government, not having hate laws,
acceded to deportation of Rudolf and Zundel. Germany and Austria, with hate
laws in place, are much more likely to comply with Israel's possible demand.

Clearly, we are in the first stages of implementation of the Knesset
deportation program. The public is being conditioned to approve the seizure
and deportation of anyone who questions Zionism's dubious "Holocaust

Yet tomorrow it will not just be Holocaust reductionists but also
Christians who will be shipped to foreign courts. For Knesset, there exists
a much greater crime, a crime they believe has caused unimaginable physical
and mental Jewish suffering through the last two millennia. This is the
accusation, rooted in the New Testament, that Jews were responsible for the
crucifixion of Christ. Knesset believes the Holocaust was the result of
centuries of New Testament bias, calling Jews "Christ-killers."

Of course, the New Testament does lay blame for Christ's death on
Jewish leaders and the mob they incited (Acts 2:36, 3:13-15, etc.).
Consequently, evil Jewish leaders today consider the New Testament "hate
literature." Millions of Christians who believe the New Testament are thus
considered anti-Semites.

Who Will Be Deported Next?

Today, Knesset wants Holocaust reductionists persecuted and shipped
to Israel. But what of tomorrow? Considering the much greater offense of
"Christian anti-Semitism," it is inevitable that Knesset should also declare
such anti-Semites to be criminals.

It is highly significant that Christ, describing last days'
persecution of believers, states that such oppression will originate with
evil Jewish leaders and that Christians may be deported to Israel for
prosecution. He said they will "deliver you to the courts (Sanhedrin), and
you will be flogged in the synagogues…" (Mark 13:9, NAS).

Yet according to ADL/B'nai B'rith's "Report on Global
Anti-Semitism," ghostwritten for the U.S. State Department's new Dept. of
Anti-Semitism, B'nai B'rith says that not only are those who claim Jews
killed Christ 2,000 years ago anti-Semitic but so are all "strong" critics
of Jews, matters Jewish, Jewish leaders, and the state of Israel.

This means that not only courageous Christians and pastors but also
talk show hosts, publishers, anti-war activists, etc. will be liable for
imprisonment or deportation. This is not a theoretical danger; it has
already happened to those who reduced the number of Holocaust victims.

We Must Identify our Enemy

ADL/Knesset will not be restrained by protests to the U.S.
Department of Immigration, the Supreme Court, or Germany. They will,
however, be thwarted by massive public awareness of their role in the
creation of hate crime/deportation laws.

This can be done through talk shows, the Internet, letters to the
editor, calls to Congress, and discussions in conservative groups and Sunday
school classes. Documentation of ADL invention of hate laws is found in my
video, "Hate Laws: Making Criminals of Christians," and at
www.truthtellers.org or www.adl.org.

ADL's program to destroy Christian civilization can only go forward
deceptively, behind the scenes. If patriotic Americans only react to the
effects of ADL initiatives yet do not identify the source of these evils,
ADL's power is not curtailed. It is not enough to chop off tentacles of evil
ADL legislation because, like the proverbial octopus, ADL continues working
in Congress and the media, regenerating assaults on freedom.

We must go to the very eye of this anti-Christ beast, courageously
raising understanding of ADL/Knesset inspiration behind hate laws and
resulting deportation demands. Only by massive public awareness of the
ADL/Knesset threat can our nation resist increasing global pressure to
submit to international hate crimes jurisdiction.

Evil Jewish leaders over the past century have, as "God's chosen
people," enjoyed immunity from criticism by most evangelicals. That must
change. It's time for the unholy alliance between Christians and such
leadership to end. If it doesn't, the monster we have helped create will
devour us.


TALK SHOW HOSTS: For interview with Rev. Ted Pike discussing the
crackdown on Holocaust reductionists and how it threatens Christianity and
free speech, call 503-631-3808.

For many more articles on the threat of hate crimes legislation plus
preview of Rev. Ted Pike's gripping video documentary, come to

National Prayer Network, P.O. Box 828, Clackamas, OR 97015

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?2005 National Prayer Network, Inc. All rights reserved.

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Message: 21
Date: Tue, 21 Feb 2006 06:19:48 -0800 (PST)
From: greg nixon <nxngrg@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: Bush gives US Port contract to Arabs

This should be no more interesting than if the Japanese own skycrapers in L.A.

Who fucking cares! The Arabs are NOT the terrorists OUR government IS. This Story is a planted distraction to re-inforce the MYTH that 9/11 was ARAB Hijackers, therefore if ARABS owns the ports they are vulnerable to terrorism. FALSE FALSE FALSE

wake up!

Cait <ansith@gmail.com> wrote:
FLAVOR00-NONE-0000-0000-000000000000 4.0 ; WASHINGTON - Two Republican governors on Monday questioned a Bush administration decision allowing an Arab-owned company to operate six major U. S. ports, saying they may try to cancel lease arrangements at ports in their states.
New York Gov. George Pataki and Maryland Gov. Robert Ehrlich voiced doubts about the acquisition of a British company that has been running the U.S. ports by Dubai Ports World, a state-owned business in the United Arab Emirates.
The British company, Peninsular and Oriental, runs major commercial operations at ports in Baltimore, Miami, New Jersey, New Orleans, New York and Philadelphia.
“Ensuring the security of New York’s port operations is paramount and I am very concerned with the purchase of Peninsular & Oriental Steam by Dubai Ports World,” Pataki said in a news release.
“I have directed the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey to explore all legal options that may be available to them in regards to this transaction,” said the New York governor, who is still in the hospital recovering from an appendectomy.
No advance word
Ehrlich, concerned about security at the Port of Baltimore, said Monday he is “very troubled” that Maryland officials got no advance notice before the Bush administration approved an Arab company’s takeover of the operations at the six ports.
“We needed to know before this was a done deal, given the state of where we are concerning security,” Ehrlich told reporters in the State House rotunda in Annapolis.
The state of Maryland is considering its options, up to and including voiding the contract for the Port of Baltimore, Ehrlich said, adding: “We have a lot of discretion in the contract.”
Pataki is also asking the federal government to “share all critical relevant information made available to the Council on Foreign Investment during the course of the review of the purchase,” a reference to the federal panel that approved the deal.
New York’s legal options could include canceling the lease for operation, effectively shutting out Dubai Ports World from port activities. P&O signed a 30-year lease with the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey in 2000 to operate the Port Newark Container Terminal.
The governors are the latest elected officials from both parties to complain about the deal.
House Homeland Security chairman Peter King, R-N.Y., has been one of the most vocal, saying secret assurances obtained by the government don’t go far enough to protect the nation’s seaports.
Democratic New Jersey Sen. Robert Menendez joined the chorus of complaints on Monday.
“We wouldn’t turn over our customs service or our border patrol to a foreign government,” Menendez said during a Monday news conference in Newark. “We shouldn’t turn over the ports of the United States, either.”
‘Very extensive process’
Menendez said he and Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, D-N.Y., will introduce legislation prohibiting the sale of port operations to foreign governments.
Bush administration officials, including Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff and Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, have defended the decision.
During a stop Monday in Birmingham, Ala., Gonzales said the administration had a “very extensive process” for reviewing such transactions that “takes into account matters of national security, takes into account concerns about port security.”
Critics have cited the UAE’s history as an operational and financial base for the hijackers who carried out the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. In addition, they contend the UAE was an important transfer point for shipments of smuggled nuclear components sent to Iran, North Korea and Libya by a Pakistani scientist.
Frustration about the ports takeover put two Maryland gubernatorial candidates on the same side of an issue.
During a campaign stop in Bladensburg, Md., Monday, Baltimore Mayor Martin O’Malley was adamant that the operations of his city’s port not be turned over to the Arab-owned company.
“I believe that President’s Bush’s decision to turn over the operations of any American port is reckless,” said O’Malley, who is seeking the Democratic nomination to oppose Ehrlich in the Maryland governor’s race. “We are not going to turn over the Port of Baltimore to a foreign government.”
© 2006 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

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Message: 22
Date: Tue, 21 Feb 2006 15:03:04 -0000
From: "reggie501" <reggie501@optonline.net>
Subject: Police State America! TVNL RADIO - TODAY - NOON ET


TODAY: Tuesday, February 21st: Police State America!
Guest: Roxanne Jekot, a dedicated activist for election reform--so
sharp, and so dedicated, that she's being persecuted by the state of
Georgia, where she lives and works with ever greater difficulty.


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