Monday, March 27, 2006

[911TruthAction] Digest Number 1195

There are 22 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1. Re: 9/11 - fake 9-11 pictures and other garbage
2. Re: Eastman: What did China have to do with 9-11?
From: mann david <>
3. Impeachment or Resignation: Pick Your Poison! tvnl news
From: "reggie501" <>
4. Holding Republicans and Cheney Accountable...
From: Bugs <>
5. Rachel Corrie's family appeals lawsuit against bulldozer-maker
From: "kennendyone" <>
6. Feingold
From: Bugs <>
7. RE: Re: is the sheen 9/11 story a real break for us?
From: Naveed <>
8. Re: We ain't out of the woods yet people!
From: Naveed <>
9. Re: Eastman: What did China have to do with 9-11?
From: Naveed <>
10. Re: 9/11 - ATTN:
From: APFN <>
11. Spring Breakthrough for 9/11 Truth - Alex Jones, Webster Tarpley, and Charlie Sheen Splash on Mainstream TV - Total Print Media Blackout Continues
From: John Leonard <>
12. It's about time the World Awakens***Power to Truth & all People with Good Hearts
13. Rep. Tancredo on illegals "They are the scourge that will threaten
14. Re: We ain't out of the woods yet people!
From: Kevin Hammond <>
15. Re: Eastman: What did China have to do with 9-11?
From: "Dick Eastman" <>
16. remote control 757 (ref: 9/11)
From: "Scott Peden" <>
17. Fw: [planehuggers] What did China have to do with 9-11? by Dick Eastman
From: "Dick Eastman" <>
18. 9/11 remote control 757 - ILS, Instrument Landing System
From: APFN <>
19. Cameras Don't Lie: Blinking Cartoon Detonates Tower Bomb
From: "Ozzy bin Oswald" <>
20. Two Days in the Life: 3/26-27/6
From: "President, USA Exile Govt." <>
21. To be a woman and a revolutionary
From: janet phelan <>
22. Special Supplement: Lost US History!
From: "President, USA Exile Govt." <>


Message: 1
Date: Sun, 26 Mar 2006 07:00:52 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: 9/11 - fake 9-11 pictures and other garbage





APFN <> wrote:
Thanks you for your commit.... what specifily are fake 9/11 pictures... we would be
happy to know and correct....

Again, thnak you for your kind words of concern.....

God Bless & Have a wonderful life!!!
Waytwofast Waytwofast wrote:
You people who put this garbage up on websites about fake 9-11 pictures and other garbage are nothing more then Nazi loving, Bush Bashing, Soldier Hating turds who do not deserve the come day for me to even e-mail you people. You are filth, there is nothing under you. You are garbage and I hope you riot in hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

9/11, Fear & the Selling of American Empire —Hijacking Catastrophe:, Sat Mar 25 18:13

Scholar for 9/11 Truth' SHOT DEAD —WORLD VIEW NEWS, Sat Mar 25 22:41




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Message: 2
Date: Sun, 26 Mar 2006 07:14:10 -0800 (PST)
From: mann david <>
Subject: Re: Eastman: What did China have to do with 9-11?

So China wants to defeat U.S. "Jeffersonian Democracy"
- Where have you been for 150 years ?? But thanks for
the laugh!!
--- Dick Eastman <> wrote:

> From:
> March 25, 2006
> Subject: What did China have to do with 9-11?
> Hi Dick
> nice to have you back
> I agree with much of what you wrote about What did
> China have to do with 9-11?
> Another point to add about the relationship between
> Israel and Communist China is the very important
> fact that the Jews exported Communism to China,
> affecting that country like no other, even more so
> than the "Soviet Union".
> There are also a huge number of Chinese immigrant
> workers within Occupied Palestine,aka Israel, who
> are treated like cheap slave labour and given no
> employment rights but they still dumbly go there for
> 'work'.
> Yes indeed, Israel has through its Espionage
> channels, sold US military secrets not only to China
> but also to Russia and India with whom she has very
> close covert military and economic relations. ( The
> Armageddon Network -- book on Israeli Firsters and
> another Richard Perle protégé -
> Israeli Spy Data
> 20 Years of Neocon Spying and Betrayal
> Keep in mind, despite the annual billions she gets
> from US Taxpayers, according to Defence Ministry
> Officials, 'Israel exported $2.8 billion-worth of
> defence goods in 2003, almost 10% of world trade in
> defense exports' and that there has been a huge
> 'continuous increase in her defence exports', which
> could reach a staggering $4 billion plus it appears
> that the world owes this Usurer millions also - to
> the tune of $23 BILLION
> WORLD OWES ISRAEL By Israel National News Staff
> From:
> By Israel National News Staff
> Israel has become a large-scale international lender
> in the past three years, with global sources owing
> Israel $23 billion at the end of
> 2005.
> According to a Globes report, global debt to Israel
> rose 92% over thepast year.
> Most of the debt ($22.7 billion) is to the private
> sector and Israeli banks are owed $3.1 billion. The
> public sector, though, led by the
> Israeli government, continues to borrow, in order to
> recycle debts and cover budget deficits.
> Israel’s gross external debt was $75.5 billion in
> 2005, a drop of $250million.
> “The balance of Israel's external liabilities
> totalled some $153billion at the end of December
> 2005, a rise of $16.5 billion in 2005,”
> a Bank of Israel statement read. “This is a
> positive development, caused by sizeable foreign
> direct and portfolio investment…The
> increased profitability of the business sector, the
> contraction of the budget deficit, the improved
> geopolitical situation and the
> accelerated pace of privatization (the sale of Bank
> Leumi and Israel Discount Bank) enabled Israel's
> economy to attract an unprecedented
> amount of non-resident investment and to benefit
> from the global trend of international flows of
> capital into the emerging markets.”
> The Jews have been very adept at destroying other
> countries cultures and traditions which is what they
> did to China and to Japan also, turning them both
> into Capitalist hungry countries though China seeks
> far more Israel corrupted Russia also, and has had
> its beastly claws in the US, UK and throughout
> Europe, especially Denmark, and the Netherlands,
> which is a hotbed of Jewish corruption and
> perversion.
> Of course their aim right now is to destroy the last
> vestiges of Faith that has survived their onslaught,
> as Christianity sadly did not at their hands- having
> infiltrated the Catholic Church and planting its
> Jewish Popes and other "Jewish" Christian clerics!!!
> China will be the next Empire, the and will be the
> next Rising Dragon, taking its fat share of burnt
> offerings from the innocent, destroying their rights
> and freedoms which is after all what atheistic
> Communism stands for- the 'ruling Elite" dictating
> to the working enslaved masses!!
> 9/11 was concocted, planned and put into effect by
> all these power hungry participants who all share
> the ideologies of Pagan Zionism- world domination
> and totalitarian New World Order
> Israel and its world Jewry PLAY ALL FIELDS, ARMING
> and AIDING BOTH SIDES in a CONFLICT, just as she has
> infiltrators/sayanem agents in ALL POLITICAL PARTIES
> AND GROUPS< be they Liberal, Conservative, Labour,
> Republican, Democrat, Christian Democrat, Green
> Party, Communist Leftie, Social Left- you name it,
> they are in there!!
> She has been slowly destroying the USA, and has been
> seeking new pastures within the next green pastures
> of the Rising Sun- the next Chinese Empire.
> m
> What did China have to do with 9-11?
> by Dick Eastman
> The Chinese gained from the 9-11 false-flag
> provocateur mass-murder asymetrical-warfare
> operation against the US and Islam.
> The Moslem Taliban were erradicating the opium
> growing in Afganistan -- which cut shipments of
> opium over the old silk road to China which cut the
> production and world distribution of Chinese heroin
> -- of which a trillion dollars worth was laundered
> into London, US, Swiss, German and French merchant
> banks each year where it was (is) invested in
> China's "miraculous" super industrialization (with
> slave-labor compensation) -- the Chinese needed the
> Taliban taken down and the so-called "Norther
> Alliance" drug-lords put in control. 9-11
> accomplished this. (Remember how Taliban leader
> Mohammed Omar told Bush that he would extradite bin
> Laden to the U.S. immediately if Bush would only
> show some evidence linking bin Laden to 9-11 --
> Bush refused and invaded -- and you know the rest of
> that story.
> The Moslems under Han Red Chinese domination had
> been looking to the Taliban for religious
> inspiration in the face of Chinese enforced atheism
> and persecution and racial discrimination. The
> Chinese needed the (stupid) U.S. to be fooled by the
> 9-11 false-flag attack so that they would (with
> neo-con management) attack and destroy the
> government of the religious clean-living Taliban.
> China has never given up the goal of defeating the
> U.S. -- essentially Jeffersonian bourgeois
> liberalism -- but they have proceeded in
> surreptitious cunning -- attacking our culture, our
> economy, our institutions, our relations with the
> world. The 9-11 wars exhaust America and the make
> America hated in the world. The Chinese have long
> past the point where they are stronger than the U.S.
> in the world -- all of the wealth of the U.S. is
> concentrated in internationalist ruling-class
> families who are allied with Chinese ruling class
> power -- the power that enslaves China today in the
> coils of market totalitarianism.
> (more below)
> Dick Eastman
> Yakima, Washington
> --
> From: David Macko
> To:
> Sent: Friday, March 24, 2006 3:47 PM
> Subject: Re: [A-C] Re: Zionist Domination
> There certainly does seem to be at least a temporary
> working relationship
> between Red China, Zionist Israel and the criminals
> who misrule us.
> As you do so often, you provide a quite interesting
> and plausible theory.
> Of course, we won't know who is at the top of the
> pyramid unless we
> are totally conquered or totally defeat them,
> assuming we live so long.
> ----
=== message truncated ===

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Message: 3
Date: Sun, 26 Mar 2006 16:02:44 -0000
From: "reggie501" <>
Subject: Impeachment or Resignation: Pick Your Poison! tvnl news


**Bush's Divorce from Reality - Impeachment or Resignation: Pick
Your Poison - Attention please, good people! Adjust your routines
and come to the aid of your country, and your children with your
thoughtful patriotism.
· Wartime Powers Under Review - WEIGHTY CASE: The Supreme Court will
hear arguments Tuesday in a case in which Osama bin Laden's former
driver is seeking to head off a trial before military officers.
HIGH STAKES: Analysts say if the high court rejects President
Bush's plan to hold such trials, it could rein in the president's
powers in pursuing and punishing suspected terrorists.


· Iraqis killed by US troops `on rampage'
· 'I have 600 suicide bombers waiting for your soldiers' - The
senior Taliban commander in Afghanistan's lawless Helmand
rovince has vowed to unleash a brigade of 600 suicide bombers
against the British Army when it arrives


· From the front line to the unemployment line - He's like thousands
of other U.S. military veterans who, having served in the Iraq war,
expected to come home and find a job that employed skills he
learned in the military. Instead, he faced the worst job
environment for young vets since the early 1980s.

9/11 News :

· Charlie Sheen - A True American Patriot


· Former DeLay Aide Enriched By Nonprofit
· House majority leader: "Legislation that is in any way...
anti-Israel will not be considered..." -


· County supervisor draws fire in quest to ensure valid elections
· Bush's No Child Left Behind Forcing Schools To Cut Subjects
Beyond Reading and Math...
· Evidence Mounts That The Vote May Have Been Hacked
· Thanks for Nothing, Texans Say - Dissatisfaction with what is
seen as a heartless Bush administration recovery effort is


· U.S. Weapons Poison Europe - Radiation From Iraq War Detected
In UK Atmosphere
· Pill-Popping Society Fouling Our Water, Official Says - Birth
control pills, cancer drugs and a host of other pharmaceuticals
that people flush down the drain every day are showing up in our
drinking water, says Gord Miller, Ontario's environmental


· Radioactive Tank No. 9 comes limping home - The Abrams tanks are
constructed with a layer of radioactive uranium metal plates. T
· Depleted Uranium For Dummies -When they ordered the 1991 aerial
destruction of stockpiles of these weapons, they showed a deadly
contempt for their own citizen-soldiers.
· Marines Try to Recruit 78-Year-Old Woman


· Some Thoughts about Jesus, The Church, My Country, and The War


· CNN Learns to Count - How is it that their protest coverage is
thorough when it comes to immigration policy but it is virtually
nonexistent when the people protest George W. Bush?
· Iraq militant group says it is watching journalists -but would
only kill those it considers to be spies for its U.S.-led enemies.


· Indians Fear Losing Native-Friendly Clinics -
· British schools to assist pregnant girls
· Government Won't Allow Mad Cow Tests; Meatpacker Sues


· Did American Marines murder 23 Iraqi civilians?
Read Jesse's Blog every day!


Message: 4
Date: Sun, 26 Mar 2006 10:04:46 -0600
From: Bugs <>
Subject: Holding Republicans and Cheney Accountable...

Holding Republicans and Cheney Accountable...

There are some great talking points made by Rick Penberthy that can be used when talking to your people in your precincts. Print this and keep it in your folder when you go to meetings and knock on doors. Jenny Lind

Congressional Candidate Rick Penberthy was invited by the Florida Democratic Party to offer a prebuttal to Vice President Dick Cheney's canned speech in Orlando on Friday. As Hernando is not in the local Orlando TV News Station viewing area I'm posting a transcript of the speech here. If you'd like to see Rick give the speech in the Orlando Press Room, visit and download the video.

"Democrats to Hold Dick Cheney Accountable for Dumping on America's Veterans"

Thank you all for coming. We are here today to discuss the way Republicans treat our veterans.

Dick Cheney is in Orlando today, probably talking about the war on terror. That's great, and I stand before you today to remind everyone that Democrats everywhere support defending and protecting America and its people.

Let's separate Republican Rhetoric from Reality. Supporting our troops is not just having a bumper sticker on your car. When votes come up in Congress, that's when real support counts.

. When it came time to provide funding for "quality of life" enhancements, the
Republicans voted no.

. When it came time to provide U.S. Service Personnel with a pay raise of $1,500, the Republicans voted no.

. When it came time to send back to Committee a Conference Report which failed to
extend full retirement and disability benefits to US Veterans who were wounded in battle, the Republicans voted no.

The Republicans need to take responsibility for a failed fiscal policy and a failed foreign policy, and quit trying to balance the budget on the backs of America's veterans.

There's a motto in the military: Duty, Honor, Country. It's time we make Republicans stand up and live up to that motto. It's their duty to take care of the people who take care of us. That we should honor and respect their military service by making sure that their health care is available and affordable for them and their families. And in doing this, we do what's right for this Country.

Dick Cheney should go back to Washington with Ric Keller and Ginny Brown-Waite and tell Bush and the Republican Congress to stop cutting veterans health care benefits and start supporting veterans.

Democrats support our troops, and we support our veterans.

When America sends men and women overseas to fight for us, America makes a promise to take care of those men and women when they come home.

Let me tell you about the homecoming America's veterans are getting from Washington Republicans these days.

For years, America has been committed to giving military veterans quality health care, but recently the Washington Republicans decided that wasn't an important priority.

When budget cuts forced base and hospital closures, the defense department told retired veterans that the military's health care plan, TRICARE, would keep them healthy, even if they didn't live near a VA hospital.

TRICARE worked and currently provides for military retirees who leave the service well before the Medicare age of 65, with small enrollment fees and reasonable deductibles.

But, Republicans have a different idea. They have come up with a brilliant plan - pay for the war in Iraq by raising health insurance rates on America's veterans and cutting

The Bush-Cheney administration decided to double the annual enrollment fee for senior enlisted retirees and to triple it for retired officers under 65 and raise deductibles.

In addition, military retiree families will end up with new enrollment fees. These are real American dollars being taken away from real American families.

But here's the motive behind this. The bush-Cheney Administration is attempting to cut costs by encouraging veterans to quit TRICARE and find cheaper health care some place else. Right now TRICARE is inexpensive, and provides good care. It costs the government money, but it's a responsibility that America makes to its veterans- We'll take care of you when you come home.

There Republican plan wont really save the government much money except when
veterans are forced to find a cheaper plan- which probably wont have the same benefits that TRICARE does.

Republicans want to save money by dumping veterans out onto the street.

It's sad, and it's wrong. TRICARE is extremely important to thousands of service members who retired active duty in and women who can't get Medicare until they hit 65. And even many of the older retired veterans who might be eligible for Medicare have dependents that aren't. They need and they deserve affordable health insurance for their families. It's the right thing to do.

Folks, we are at war. We are asking for more from our military now than we have in a very long time. It's not time to cut benefits for those who fight for America.

Dick Cheney needs to go back to Washington and not come back until cuts in veterans health care are off the table.

And if members of Congress from Florida don't get on board with supporting our
veterans, they shouldn't be reelected.

My name is Rick Penberthy, I am a veteran, and I refuse to continue to let Washington Republicans dishonor our military men and woman. That's why I'm running in District 5 to defeat Republican incumbent Ginny Brown-Waite.

Thank you very much.


How could anyone claim to have voted their "values," and yet cast their vote for a man who took America from a blessed state of honor, prosperity, and peace to an era of unbridled corruption, terror, oppression, recession, fear, pestilence, and war? -- Woody Smith - Bare-Knuckles Politics, the Freeper-Free Forum
Republicans whine and Republicans bitch: "Our rich are too poor, and our poor are too rich."

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Message: 5
Date: Sun, 26 Mar 2006 17:08:47 -0000
From: "kennendyone" <>
Subject: Rachel Corrie's family appeals lawsuit against bulldozer-maker
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Thursday, March 23, 2006 · Last updated 3:35 p.m. PT

Rachel Corrie's family appeals lawsuit against bulldozer-maker


SEATTLE -- The parents of a 23-year-old who was killed trying to prevent
the demolition of an occupied Palestinian home have appealed a judge's
decision to dismiss their lawsuit against Caterpiller Inc., the company
that made the bulldozer that ran over her.

"He applied the wrong legal standard and ignored the facts," said Maria
LaHood, a lawyer with the New York-based Center for Constitutional

Rachel Corrie was killed three years ago by an Israeli soldier driving a
bulldozer. She was trying to stop him from demolishing a Gaza Strip home
while the family was inside; though witnesses said she was clearly
visible, the army claimed he didn't see her.

Her parents sued Caterpiller on the grounds that for years, the company
has provided bulldozers to the Israeli army, knowing they would be used
to destroy civilian homes in violation of international law. They were
joined in the lawsuit by five Palestinians who say their relatives were
killed or injured by Israeli-driven bulldozers.

"This has been a challenging time for our family, since we just marked
the three-year anniversary of Rachel's death without justice," said her
mother, Cindy Corrie. "Caterpillar chooses to support these illegal
activities with continuing sales and service of its equipment. It must
be held accountable for its role in human rights violations, both past
and present."

In November, U.S. District Judge Franklin Burgess in Tacoma threw out
the lawsuit, agreeing with Caterpiller that it wasn't responsible for
what the Israeli army did with its legally sold product.

<> "Selling products to a foreign
government does not make the seller a participant in that governments
alleged international law violations," Burgess wrote.

In the appeal, filed Monday with the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals,
the Corries' lawyers argue that the judge missed the point.

"This case doesn't allege Caterpiller should be liable just because they
were doing business with the Israelis," LaHood said. "It argues that
because they knew the D9 and D10 bulldozers would be used to demolish
homes in violation of international law, they are liable."

Caterpiller lawyer James Magee said, "Obviously, Caterpiller believes
the ruling was correct," but declined to comment further because he had
not reviewed the appeal carefully.

The Peoria, Ill.-based company has declined to discuss the lawsuit but
issued the following statement last year: "Caterpillar shares the
world's concern over unrest in the Middle East and we certainly have
compassion for all those affected by political strife. However, more
than 2 million Caterpillar machines and engines are at work in virtually
every region of the world each day. We have neither the legal right nor
the means to police individual use of that equipment."


Eds: Gene Johnson has covered courts and legal affairs for the AP since

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Rachel !

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Message: 6
Date: Sun, 26 Mar 2006 11:23:04 -0600
From: Bugs <>
Subject: Feingold

What do you think? The t r u t h o u t Town Meeting is in progress. Join the debate!

Go to Original

Feingold's Standing Boosted Among Voters
The Associated Press

Sunday 26 March 2006

Wahsington - While only two Democrats in the Senate have embraced Sen. Russ Feingold's call for censuring President Bush, the idea is increasing his standing among many Democratic voters as he ponders a bid for the party's presidential nomination in 2008.

Feingold, a Wisconsin Democrat, insists his proposal has nothing to do with his political ambitions. But he does challenge Democrats who argue it will help energize Republicans.

"Those Democrats said that within two minutes of my announcing my idea," Feingold said in a telephone interview last week. "I don't see any serious evidence of that."

A Newsweek poll taken March 16-17 found that 50 percent of those surveyed opposed censuring Bush while 42 percent supported it, but among Democrats, 60 percent favored the effort.

Feingold's resolution would censure the president for authorizing a warrantless surveillance program, which the senator contends is illegal. Co-sponsors are Democratic Sens. Tom Harkin of Iowa and Barbara Boxer of California.

The White House argues that Bush was authorized to order eavesdropping on American citizens under his wartime powers as commander in chief.

Feingold said his sole purpose was to hold Bush accountable, but he argued that it's also good politics.

"These Democratic pundits are all scared of the Republican base getting energized, but they're willing to pay the price of not energizing the Democratic base," he said. "It's an overly defensive and meek approach to politics."

Some Democrats have accused Feingold of putting his 2008 presidential ambitions over helping Democrats try to recapture the House and Senate in this year's midterm elections. Should Feingold run, his opposition to the war in Iraq, the Patriot Act and the spying program would help position him as the liberal candidate.

Many also see his effort as a distraction at a time when the Bush administration was on the ropes over Iraq and a since-scuttled port deal.

"It just takes us off discussions we ought to be having in this country on issues that really matter in people's lives," said Rep. Sherrod Brown, a liberal Democrat from Ohio who is running for Senate.

Some Republicans have been thanking Feingold for what they consider a political fumble.

"This is such a gift," Rush Limbaugh said on his radio show. The National Review came to the same conclusion. In an online editorial titled, "Feingold's Gift to the GOP," the conservative magazine wrote that Republican National Committee chairman Ken Mehlman would hug Feingold if given the chance.

The Republican-controlled Senate Judiciary Committee has scheduled a hearing Friday on Feingold's resolution.

Mehlman, visiting Wisconsin last week, skipped the hug and instead criticized Feingold. That reinforced an RNC radio ad buy in the state, in which a narrator says, "Call Russ Feingold and ask him why he's more interested in censuring the president than protecting our freedom."

Feingold's response, essentially, is bring it on.

"I welcome their attempt to make a campaign issue of the question of whether there will be accountability for the president's breaking the law," he said. "They will remind people every minute that the president thumbed his nose at the law."

[This message contained attachments]


Message: 7
Date: Sun, 26 Mar 2006 10:06:40 -0800 (PST)
From: Naveed <>
Subject: RE: Re: is the sheen 9/11 story a real break for us?

man i swear everyone's comments have been very uplifting, makes me want to fight harder!

Scott Peden <> wrote:

v\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);} o\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);} w\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);} .shape {behavior:url(#default#VML);} As someone else stated, now that the ice has been broken, now that one celebrity has had to courage to speak out and get it on national media, those who lead by following need to get up there too.

The only thing I see as wrong with Sheen, is that other than the survey, how does he know that there are scores of thousands that applaud him for speaking the truth?

You want someone to lead, you need to flow them power as they can’t represent you without knowing that they are being pushed forward rather than on thin ice all alone.

-----Original Message-----
From: []On Behalf Of botalerts
Sent: Friday, March 24, 2006 10:51 PM
Subject: [911TruthAction] Re: is the sheen 9/11 story a real break for us?

If we use the Sheen story as a STARTING POINT, we have a chance.

If we rest on our laurels, we'll lose.

Got to re-triple our efforts (re-double ain't enough)!!!!

--- In, Naveed <flanker12k@...> wrote:
> I'm on the cautious side of this, are we really kicking that much
inbred satanist ass?
> Have we halted the terrorist dreadnaught known as a the shrub
> I'm just wanting everyone's input
> In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave,
and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him,
for then it costs nothing to be a patriot.
> - Notebook, 1904
> ---------------------------------
> New Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. Call regular phones from your PC
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In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot.
- Notebook, 1904

Blab-away for as little as 1¢/min. Make PC-to-Phone Calls using Yahoo! Messenger with Voice.

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Message: 8
Date: Sun, 26 Mar 2006 10:10:55 -0800 (PST)
From: Naveed <>
Subject: Re: We ain't out of the woods yet people!

i sent it using my yahoo account, you better get it now!

Kevin Hammond <> wrote: Not yet.

Naveed <> wrote: ya its like saying the nazis speak for the entire german people by saying all jews are zionists!

btw did you get my email i sent to you and your friend who's working on your website from my other email address??

Kevin Hammond <> wrote:
I got a very interesting and somewhat disturbing email about my show a month or 2 ago and one of the links that he sent me was to smiths site not to mention a few others he started the email off by thanking me for stepping up to the plate and commending me for it. But then he went on to say that he was going to tell me what he tells Alex Jones and others in our camp. That we have to start naming names. It gets weird right about this point. He then goes on to say that ITS THE JEWS! and then goes on a bit of a diatribe. Well, On my show I DO NAME NAMES. Like Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and so on. I then responded by saying that whenever someone just lumps an entire ethnic and or religious group togehter into one pile that I become a bit suspiscious and that either he is an ill informed biggot and needs to educate himself a little more or that he is a cointelpro agent trying to suck me and others into commiting acts of evil. I also said that I would look into any
information that he sent me and have an open mind. I also told him that his failure to differentiate between Jews and zionists is one of the things that made me suspiscious and that were he wise and or earnest he would do so. I told him that yes there IS a zionist element to all this but that my research has lead me to the jesuit order as well who are the ones that resurrected the illuminati along with the Rothschilds and that they are partners in this evil. I then addressed it on my next show as well. I never got a reply. Hmm. Rather confirms my suspiscion.


kitty285 <> wrote:
Of course they are greed does that,LOL
----- Original Message -----
From: "Naveed" <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, March 25, 2006 4:00 PM
Subject: Re: [911TruthAction] We ain't out of the woods yet people!

> I don't know much about DBSmith, but from what i received in email from a
friend showed me he's a charlatan, but the itch i can't seem to scratch away
is why all of a sudden is MSM "allowing" 9/11 inside job to come out? some
people say that its the elites are fighting amonst each other and hanging
bush out to dry for 911.
> Needless to say, this is no time to pat ourselves on the back, we have
established a beach head on the shores of the enemy citadel, CHARGE!!!!
> I concur with prez regarding angie respond to this, she knows about this
kind of stuff better than anyone.
> "President, USA Exile Govt." <> wrote:
> Dear 9/11 Colleagues,
> I hope Angie has time to respond to this because she's so highly
> qualified in these particular matters.
> I don't find this analysis at all compelling. Rather, I think
> it's quite forced--and thus unconvincing.
> I'm only slightly familiar with Daryl Bradford Smith's earlier
> commentary but thus far I see him as just one more kook much more
> interested in attracting attention to himself than in accomplishing
> anything significant. In fact, this is giving him the benefit of the
> doubt because the alternative is that he's a divide-and-conquer
> specialist intent on causing as much division and suspicion as possible
> within the 9/11 Truth Movement. Please see my earlier comment on him
> pasted at bottom of this--and note that in this instance also he was
> being divisive rather than unifying.
> With highest regards,
> Pondo
> --------------------------------------------------------
> On Mar 24, 2006, at 7:15 PM, JP Liggett wrote:
> a very compelling read. I too had thought about this, but this article
> hits the nail on the head. If there are gatekeepers sponsoring the
> exposure, lets help them really get the word out.
> It seems to me that if 9/11 starts getting mainstream, we may consider
> using the 9/11 exposure force to truly change our society. Perhaps we
> can use it on a global scale not just the USA.
> We can all envision a more just society, with a strong social fabric,
> to become a beacon of hope for positive social change. A real global
> golden jubilee.
> To that ends, we could consider nationalization of all energy, banking
> and insurance companies, in the name of the 911 victims. These
> companies take billions of dollars of our economy and our pockets, and
> corrupt/disrupt our society. worldwide.
> Let work for Public video and audio in every legislature, courtroom,
> bar association and hearing room. Just a couple of ideas to keep it
> going. Some people have said, OK, we know about 9-11 being an inside
> job, now what do we do?
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> From: "President, USA Exile Govt."
> Date: December 22, 2005 4:34:26 PM EST
> To: keith lampe
> Subject: A Guest Editorial
> Free Americans Reaching Out to Amerika's Huddled Masses Yearning
> to Breathe Free
> Via
> December 22, 2005
> Dear Friends and Colleagues,
> I'm quite grateful to Jeremy below for his tremendously important
> Editorial.
> I'd been equally shocked by Daryl Bradford Smith's two-faced
> behavior (i.e., hip to 9/11 Inside Job but not to ETs) and have been
> trying to get time to express myself about it. Ah, but Jeremy's
> expression is both more polite and more thorough than mine would have
> been.
> What's at stake here most importantly is that unless we overcome
> being so divided (and thus so conquered), we stand little chance in our
> resistance to the Fourth Reich's current main puppets, the Bush Junta.
> There must be a coalition much much broader than anything to date
> in homeplanet history. It must include nearly everyone opposed to the
> Bush Junta and it must behave in a way signifying it knows that the
> Fourth Reich controls both mainstream US political parties. (So we can
> avoid all the current loyal-opposition bullshit.) If a person is
> opposed to the junta because he or she thinks it isn't adequately
> preparing a defense against an ET invasion, I'm quite willing to work
> with that person within certain specific contexts of resistance even
> though I think it's highly likely that we'd already have been invaded
> if any of the ETs had that sort of interest.
> But how can we build such a broad coalition when someone like
> Smith--so well-informed in nearly all respects--is in such hysterical
> Denial merely about visits by folks from various off-planet cultures?
> What is it about this sort of info that's so nerve-wracking to
> him? I'm not sure but I want to suggest that in the interests of
> coalition-building we should minimize negative moral judgments about
> him and instead concentrate on the human nervous system's quite limited
> ability to absorb what certain existentialists called nonbeing--and
> which we might these days call bummers.
> There are yogas available--in secular scientific form, let me
> hasten to add--which as daily practices can steadily increase our
> neural stamina--that is, increase the quantities of bummers we can
> absorb before physiologically (and thus a negative moral judgment here
> is inappropriate) needing to escape into Denial: All Work and No Play
> Makes Jack a Dull Boy. Whenever I exceed the quantities I can handle,
> I succumb to Information Illness: mainly a spectacular exhaustion but
> also usually a bit of vague depression.) I wish I could learn to
> discern when I've nearly exceeded what I can handle.
> Never before in homeplanet history have people had to face so many
> different sorts of bummers simultaneously. The lower the human
> population-density you inhabit, the easier it is. It's toughest of all
> for those who have lived many consecutive years within Manhattan
> Island's overwhelming densities--as people like Danny Schechter and A.
> J. Weberman so poignantly exemplify.
> If any of you have friends who aren't yet convinced that we're
> being visited by folks from more mature solar systems, please ask them
> to absorb the 2001 National Press Club news conference featured at
> .
> Another totally convincing portrayal--though much less
> accessible--is the 1997 three-part BBC World Service radio series. In
> fact, I'll cover costs of obtaining a copy of those three broadcasts
> for the first person to email me that he or she will do so. (Evidently
> a credit card is necessary and I disdain them.) It was produced by a
> fiction writer named Anthony Gray, who went into it totally skeptically
> (probably the only reason BBC hired him) but evolved into total
> acceptance. The BBC was so embarrassed by his sudden acceptance that
> it aired his shows at a time (0230-0300 GMT) guaranteeing the smallest
> possible European audience. They occurred the last Friday of August
> and the first two Fridays of September. I don't have a 1997 calendar
> but I think the dates would be 8/29, 9/5 and 9/12.
> In any case, let's work on convening all the various US movements
> so they can--for example--agree on targets for massive boycotts. This
> way, we stand a chance of finally becoming very expensive for the
> reichers--and thus perhaps finally effective enough to influence their
> behavior in a manner favorable to the survival of humans and other
> species. For money is nearly all they understand.
> Yours for all
> species,
> Keith Lampe,
> Ro-Non-So-Te,
> Ponderosa Pine
> Transition Prez
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> From:
> Date: December 22, 2005 12:37:13 AM EST
> To:
> Subject: [911TruthAction] Article on Daryl Bradford Smith
> Reply-To:
> I wrote the following and send it along to others of the truth movement
> fyi.... Jeremy
> I am very active in the 911 truth movement.
> Last night I listened to an internet broadcast by Daryl Bradford
> Smith with
> guest Eric Hufschmidt, creator of the seminal 911 video and
> book, Painful
> Deceptions and Painful Questions.
> Both were bemoaning the "contamination" of the 911 truth movement
> by people who believe in UFOs and other mysteries certified by a
> consensus of mainstream
> academia as unworthy of serious study. The Amazing Randi would be
> proud to join
> in their call for dismissing such topics. I am not.
> Mr. Smith has posted a statement on his site calling for all
> rational people
> to castigate those who even discuss topics such as UFOs. I wrote Mr.
> Smith,
> stating that a respect for others' beliefs is fundamental in any effort
> to convince
> others of a truth they are yet unaware of. His response was
> unrelenting.
> Issac Newton and Edmund Haley were friends. They once had a
> discussion on
> alchemy. You may know that Newton spent half his labors on the study
> of alchemy.
> When Haley protested this foolishness, Newton responded, "I, sir, have
> studied
> the subject, you have not."
> And so it is with UFOs and Crop Circles. Anyone who dismisses
> them as
> ridiculous has not done their homework. Has Mr. Smith studied the
> cases of Betty and Barney
> Hill, the Allagash incident, Travis Walton, Roswell, the works of
> Stanton Friedman,
> Alan Hynek, John Mack, the governments of Belgium, France, Mexico, et
> al. and a
> whole shipload of other witnesses, researchers and officials whose
> claims and empirical
> data have withstood years of assault by those out to prove them
> unworthy?
> Did he talk to the late Professor Hawkins who discovered five new
> theorems
> from the Crop Circle geometry? Can he explain the molecular change in
> the stalks
> of plants bent over in Crop Circles? Can he explain the
> electromagnetic anomalies
> measured in the circles or a host of other anomalies that defy a
> manmade explanation?
> If he has, I sure wish he would share his logical conclusions with the
> rest of the
> world so we can put these mysteries aside. But I'm willing to venture
> a high
> probability that he has no answers. He ain't alone. But the rest of
> us don't
> feel a necessity to chide others for their beliefs just because the
> subject matter
> is discussed by a wide variety of persons with claims that have little
> or no scientific
> far.
> In a high-level conspiracy like 911, the powers behind it seem to
> employ a
> tactic of infiltrating the truth movement with disinformation. The
> purpose is so
> that ordinary people looking into the conspiracy, but not yet well
> informed of the
> facts, will see a lie and will then quickly dismiss the whole effort to
> uncover
> a conspiracy as just so much nonsense. Mr. Smith seems to have fallen
> victim not
> so much to the act of covert disinformation, (though there seems to be
> plenty of
> that in the UFO and crop circle field, as Dr. Hynek and George
> Wingfield and others
> have stated), but by his rejection of the innocent interpretations of a
> phenomenon
> by people with no allegiance to the scientific method. Such persons
> are not necessarily
> wrong nor are they unworthy of a voice in society.
> Scientifically, no one can say anything with 100% certainty. One
> can only
> give it a high or low degree of probability, based on a logical
> evaluation of how
> the data supports a working hypothesis. More and more, what was once
> considered
> ridiculous is becoming empirical. Professor Gary Schwartz's work with
> mediums
> and Professor Ian Stevenson's work on reincarnation and other rigorous
> studies of
> the paranormal hearken back to days when Giordano Bruno was burned for
> heresy as
> the old school began to crumble. Any fool can see the sun goes around
> the earth.
> It takes a special fool to see beyond the veil.
> If Mr. Smith feels that people who think that we are being visited
> by aliens
> should be burned at the stake, that's his misfortune. But for those of
> us
> who are actively trying to spread 911 truth, he is a burden in our
> efforts to convince
> others to have an open mind.
> The opinion polls show 80 percent of Americans think the government
> is hiding
> knowledge of the existence of extraterrestrial life forms. Shall we
> not talk to
> those people? Mr. Smith's call for chastising unofficial beliefs is
> not only
> ironic; it is limited hangout in our growth as a civilization.
> I can forgive Eric for overactive skepticism. Perhaps his
> intolerance is a
> by-product of an extremely analytical mind that gave us his videos and
> books. I
> prefer to believe that one day both of these men and others who share
> their disdain
> for outrageous conspiracy theories will one day see that all is
> relative and there
> are more things in heaven and earth that are dreamt of in our
> philosophy.
> ========================================================================
> ==
> In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and
hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it
costs nothing to be a patriot.
> - Notebook, 1904
> ---------------------------------
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In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot.
- Notebook, 1904
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In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot.
- Notebook, 1904

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Message: 9
Date: Sun, 26 Mar 2006 10:27:13 -0800 (PST)
From: Naveed <>
Subject: Re: Eastman: What did China have to do with 9-11?

I heard there are some documents regarding the trilaterial commission "giving" china the western hemisphere.

one thing i know for sure the globalists want to destroy america, and won't rest until that's done.

mann david <> wrote:

So China wants to defeat U.S. "Jeffersonian Democracy"
- Where have you been for 150 years ?? But thanks for
the laugh!!
--- Dick Eastman <> wrote:

> From:
> March 25, 2006
> Subject: What did China have to do with 9-11?
> Hi Dick
> nice to have you back
> I agree with much of what you wrote about What did
> China have to do with 9-11?
> Another point to add about the relationship between
> Israel and Communist China is the very important
> fact that the Jews exported Communism to China,
> affecting that country like no other, even more so
> than the "Soviet Union".
> There are also a huge number of Chinese immigrant
> workers within Occupied Palestine,aka Israel, who
> are treated like cheap slave labour and given no
> employment rights but they still dumbly go there for
> 'work'.
> Yes indeed, Israel has through its Espionage
> channels, sold US military secrets not only to China
> but also to Russia and India with whom she has very
> close covert military and economic relations. ( The
> Armageddon Network -- book on Israeli Firsters and
> another Richard Perle protégé -
> Israeli Spy Data
> 20 Years of Neocon Spying and Betrayal
> Keep in mind, despite the annual billions she gets
> from US Taxpayers, according to Defence Ministry
> Officials, 'Israel exported $2.8 billion-worth of
> defence goods in 2003, almost 10% of world trade in
> defense exports' and that there has been a huge
> 'continuous increase in her defence exports', which
> could reach a staggering $4 billion plus it appears
> that the world owes this Usurer millions also - to
> the tune of $23 BILLION
> WORLD OWES ISRAEL By Israel National News Staff
> From:
> By Israel National News Staff
> Israel has become a large-scale international lender
> in the past three years, with global sources owing
> Israel $23 billion at the end of
> 2005.
> According to a Globes report, global debt to Israel
> rose 92% over thepast year.
> Most of the debt ($22.7 billion) is to the private
> sector and Israeli banks are owed $3.1 billion. The
> public sector, though, led by the
> Israeli government, continues to borrow, in order to
> recycle debts and cover budget deficits.
> Israel’s gross external debt was $75.5 billion in
> 2005, a drop of $250million.
> “The balance of Israel's external liabilities
> totalled some $153billion at the end of December
> 2005, a rise of $16.5 billion in 2005,”
> a Bank of Israel statement read. “This is a
> positive development, caused by sizeable foreign
> direct and portfolio investment…The
> increased profitability of the business sector, the
> contraction of the budget deficit, the improved
> geopolitical situation and the
> accelerated pace of privatization (the sale of Bank
> Leumi and Israel Discount Bank) enabled Israel's
> economy to attract an unprecedented
> amount of non-resident investment and to benefit
> from the global trend of international flows of
> capital into the emerging markets.”
> The Jews have been very adept at destroying other
> countries cultures and traditions which is what they
> did to China and to Japan also, turning them both
> into Capitalist hungry countries though China seeks
> far more Israel corrupted Russia also, and has had
> its beastly claws in the US, UK and throughout
> Europe, especially Denmark, and the Netherlands,
> which is a hotbed of Jewish corruption and
> perversion.
> Of course their aim right now is to destroy the last
> vestiges of Faith that has survived their onslaught,
> as Christianity sadly did not at their hands- having
> infiltrated the Catholic Church and planting its
> Jewish Popes and other "Jewish" Christian clerics!!!
> China will be the next Empire, the and will be the
> next Rising Dragon, taking its fat share of burnt
> offerings from the innocent, destroying their rights
> and freedoms which is after all what atheistic
> Communism stands for- the 'ruling Elite" dictating
> to the working enslaved masses!!
> 9/11 was concocted, planned and put into effect by
> all these power hungry participants who all share
> the ideologies of Pagan Zionism- world domination
> and totalitarian New World Order
> Israel and its world Jewry PLAY ALL FIELDS, ARMING
> and AIDING BOTH SIDES in a CONFLICT, just as she has
> infiltrators/sayanem agents in ALL POLITICAL PARTIES
> AND GROUPS< be they Liberal, Conservative, Labour,
> Republican, Democrat, Christian Democrat, Green
> Party, Communist Leftie, Social Left- you name it,
> they are in there!!
> She has been slowly destroying the USA, and has been
> seeking new pastures within the next green pastures
> of the Rising Sun- the next Chinese Empire.
> m
> What did China have to do with 9-11?
> by Dick Eastman
> The Chinese gained from the 9-11 false-flag
> provocateur mass-murder asymetrical-warfare
> operation against the US and Islam.
> The Moslem Taliban were erradicating the opium
> growing in Afganistan -- which cut shipments of
> opium over the old silk road to China which cut the
> production and world distribution of Chinese heroin
> -- of which a trillion dollars worth was laundered
> into London, US, Swiss, German and French merchant
> banks each year where it was (is) invested in
> China's "miraculous" super industrialization (with
> slave-labor compensation) -- the Chinese needed the
> Taliban taken down and the so-called "Norther
> Alliance" drug-lords put in control. 9-11
> accomplished this. (Remember how Taliban leader
> Mohammed Omar told Bush that he would extradite bin
> Laden to the U.S. immediately if Bush would only
> show some evidence linking bin Laden to 9-11 --
> Bush refused and invaded -- and you know the rest of
> that story.
> The Moslems under Han Red Chinese domination had
> been looking to the Taliban for religious
> inspiration in the face of Chinese enforced atheism
> and persecution and racial discrimination. The
> Chinese needed the (stupid) U.S. to be fooled by the
> 9-11 false-flag attack so that they would (with
> neo-con management) attack and destroy the
> government of the religious clean-living Taliban.
> China has never given up the goal of defeating the
> U.S. -- essentially Jeffersonian bourgeois
> liberalism -- but they have proceeded in
> surreptitious cunning -- attacking our culture, our
> economy, our institutions, our relations with the
> world. The 9-11 wars exhaust America and the make
> America hated in the world. The Chinese have long
> past the point where they are stronger than the U.S.
> in the world -- all of the wealth of the U.S. is
> concentrated in internationalist ruling-class
> families who are allied with Chinese ruling class
> power -- the power that enslaves China today in the
> coils of market totalitarianism.
> (more below)
> Dick Eastman
> Yakima, Washington
> --
> From: David Macko
> To:
> Sent: Friday, March 24, 2006 3:47 PM
> Subject: Re: [A-C] Re: Zionist Domination
> There certainly does seem to be at least a temporary
> working relationship
> between Red China, Zionist Israel and the criminals
> who misrule us.
> As you do so often, you provide a quite interesting
> and plausible theory.
> Of course, we won't know who is at the top of the
> pyramid unless we
> are totally conquered or totally defeat them,
> assuming we live so long.
> ----
=== message truncated ===

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In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot.
- Notebook, 1904

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Message: 10
Date: Sun, 26 Mar 2006 11:24:14 -0700
From: APFN <>
Subject: Re: 9/11 - ATTN:

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Message: 11
Date: Sun, 26 Mar 2006 11:51:49 -0800
From: John Leonard <>
Subject: Spring Breakthrough for 9/11 Truth - Alex Jones, Webster Tarpley, and Charlie Sheen Splash on Mainstream TV - Total Print Media Blackout Continues

Spring Breakthrough for 9/11 Truth - Alex Jones, Webster Tarpley, and
Charlie Sheen Splash on Mainstream TV - Total Print Media Blackout Continues

Hollywood Star Sheen, Talk Radio Host Jones and Anchor A. J. Hammer
on CNN Showbiz Tonight 3 straight nights say the wildest conspiracy
theory is the official line. New York Magazine features Webster
Tarpley, author of "9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in USA."

Washington, D.C. (PRWEB) March 26, 2006 -- Around midday on
Wednesday, March 22nd - my son's birthday - Amy Schulman from CNN in
New York called me up to ask if I had an author they could put on the
air that very evening. They wanted an "objective and balanced" survey
of the schools of 9/11 conspiracy thought for a story on Charlie
Sheen. "You mean like the 'hop levels' in the New York Magazine
article?" I asked. Yes, that's where she had read about my author
Webster Tarpley. CNN sent a car to bring him to their Washington DC studio.

Two days before, on March 20th, two unexpected things had happened,
and one expected one didn't.
- Charlie Sheen came out of the cold on the Alex Jones show and
ripped the veil of the governmental 9/11 cover-up.
- New York Magazine did a full feature on Tarpley's NY911Truth
conference, complete with his model of the network of false-flag
terror moles inside the government.
- The Euro-denominated Iranian Oil Bourse, a threat to the dollar
which Tarpley promotes as the real reason for an attack on Iran,
didn't open as scheduled after all.

Coincidence, or a coordinated counteroffensive against the neo-con
crazies? Tarpley's guess is the financier oligarchy is not happy with
its Bush-Cheney puppets, and wants them back on their leash before
their mania for a war on Iran sinks the already deficit-drowning
Anglo-American empire. (See his appearance on the Alex Jones show on
Friday - partial transcript at
, or listen to his World Crisis News show archive from Saturday March 25.)

That is, a more intelligent faction within the elite is threatening
to use 9/11 like Watergate tapes to take out the "president" -
without touching its "invisible government" asset. Do not count on a
free flow of information that 9/11 was fabricated by US military
intelligence. This may only be a warning shot across the White House lawn.

That seems to be why CNN aired only 30 seconds of the 15 minutes they
taped of Webster Tarpley. The Wednesday show had clips of Charlie
Sheen and comments by spokesman Michael Berger, who
remembered to mention the arch-smoking-gun collapse of WTC Building
7. The outgunned defender of orthodoxy was Nicole Rittermeyer of
National Geographic. Tarpley says she worked for a production company
owned by a Skull & Bones Bush Brother...

On Friday, CNN invited the author of the New York Magazine article,
Mark Jacobson, for which Tarpley and his publisher Progressive Press
are infinitely thankful. On CNN, however, he just waffled. Apparently
he already took all the liberties he can get in the article.

All three shows and the CNN poll emphasized "cover-up" and
"unanswered questions." Vague terms. One of the most insidious
cover-ups of 9/11 is a book with the title "Cover-Up" on the cover -
by a CIA operative!

Thursday's star in this series was writer Erica Jong, who made strong
statements about dictators like Hitler and Bush fabricating foreign
enemies to terrorize their own people. Like Charlie Sheen, she
emphasized that patriotism and love of country requires us to ask
tough questions. A very constructive and intelligent approach to this
issue. Get out the truth on 9/11 to save America, not to destroy it -
Bush & Co. need no help with that.

Erica Jong: "My nephews have been saying for the past three, four
years that we are not learning everything about 9/11... Charlie Sheen
is really patriotic and brave to ask these questions...I read the
article in "New York" magazine. And I think just asking questions is
brave and patriotic... I don't know what the answer is. I don't know
if we'll ever know. "

Well, if you don't have any idea after three, four years of
investigating, the odds are you won't. Certainly not in time to stop
World War IV from reaching Iran. Maybe after we're all dead.

Host and guest went on to promote Erica's new book. Meanwhile the man
with the answers, a book full of them, in fact, got 30 seconds -
Webster Tarpley, author of "9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in USA."

CNN showed Tarpley telling about the Zogby poll where every second
New Yorker thought top officials had foreknowledge of 9/11. That is,
they "let it happen on purpose," or "LIHOP." But Webster's book is
the bible of the MIHOP school: US military intelligence Made it
Happen from A to Z - no Arabs or Zarqawis. His model of
state-sponsored false-flag terrorism, the rogue network of moles,
patsies and paramilitary technicians, is the opener to the New York
Magazine article.

The precedent is Operation Northwoods, a 1962 plan by the Joint
Chiefs of Staff to fabricate an atrocity and blame it on Cuba. The
plot was nixed by Kennedy. Northwoods documents were released under
the Freedom of Information Act before Bush took power and set it
aside after 9/11.

Showbiz Tonight did have full-MIHOP advocate Alex Jones on Thursday
and Friday, and intrepid host AJ Hammer let him deliver a rapid-fire
catalogue of more damning soundbytes. The hook is that the original
Charlie Sheen interview was on the Alex Jones show. Jones had roundly
assailed the media for not covering that interview. He may even have
put the squeeze to Google, not known for squeezability, by posting
screen shots showing Google had censored all links to it. Indeed,
lately it sometimes seems necessary to use other search engines on
such matters.

The American mainstream will always try to coopt the radical fringe
when it gets too strong. CNN apparently is responding to the
challenge of the alternative news media, while claiming fame as the
first to break this story of "unanswered patriotic covered-up questions."

9/11 was the tour de force of audacity of what the secret services
can get away with. Can they now pull off an even greater feat of
illusionism: letting only half the cat out of the bag?



Friday, March 24 on the Alex Jones show Charlie Sheen and Webster G.
Tarpley discussed the turning point in the struggle for 9/11 truth on
CNN. All three agreed on the need for a truly independent,
international Truth Commission. Partial transcript: More info:

Alex Jones reported how covert operatives using credit cards keep
trying to buy up his entire stock of Webster's book, 9/11 "Synthetic
Terror: Made in USA" by sending the books to false addresses. Similar
scams were directed at Webster's publisher

The exposure helped "9/11 Synthetic Terror" move up to #854 in Amazon
sales rankings on Friday. Since the second edition was released in
January, it is beating all other 9/11 books on Amazon. Yet censorship
is blocking chain bookstores from stocking it, even though their
megastores carry 100,000 titles on their shelves.

Saturday March 25th on World Crisis Radio,, Webster
Tarpley interviewed the avant garde of the 9/11 Truth Movement Dr.
Jeff King (nom-de-net Plaguepuppy) and Nico Haupt. They agreed with
Alex Jones and Webster Tarpley that the recent murder of 9/11 Truth
Scholar and biotechnologist Michael Zubehr bore the marks of a
political assassination. Play or download archive at
<> .

On March 26th, Heinrich Buecker of in Germany
reported an international print blackout on the Sheen - CNN story.
Google News returned only 2 hits on [Sheen Showbiz "Alex Jones"],
both from the Internet, not print sources; Yahoo News returned none.
Neither Google or Yahoo had any hits on Zubehr murder 9/11. Buecker
said the CNN action might continue on Monday.

The CNN poll, "Do you agree with Charlie Sheen that the U.S.
government covered up the real events of the 9/11 attacks?" moved up
a notch to 84% YES answers (38794 votes). Frantic calls by neo-con
radio talk show hosts like Sean Hannity for listeners to overturn the
results did not have the desired effect. Please vote and send a
comment asking to have Webster Tarpley back on Showbiz Tonight. Link:


Updates and more will be posted to
<> and at

March 20. New York Magazine feature, The Ground Zero Grassy Knoll,

March 20. Original Charlie Sheen interview on Alex Jones,
downloadable, 50 Mb.
16 Mb

March 22. First CNN Showbiz Tonight segment.

Showbiz Tonight transcripts:

March23, Alex Jones on Showbiz Tonight,,
Right click to download.

March 22-24, Progressive Press Press Release "Dam Breaking for 9/11
Truth - Alex Jones, Webster Tarpley, Charlie Sheen hit the
Mainstream." Hottest item of the month on the popular free press
release site

March 24, Charlie Sheen on Alex Jones, "Challenge me on the Facts,"
and Alex on Showbiz Tonight: <>

March 24, Webster Tarpley on Alex Jones, partial transcript

March 11th, 18th, and 25th: Webster Tarpley on :

This page URL:

If you learn of more great links please send to me, thanks!

[This message contained attachments]


Message: 12
Date: Sun, 26 Mar 2006 16:06:09 EST
Subject: It's about time the World Awakens***Power to Truth & all People with Good Hearts

The 9/11 Truth Revolution

by Kevin Barrett, Muslim-Jewish-Christian Alliance for 9/11 Truth:

"It feels like you and I have started the revolution and God bless

America." Charlie Sheen

As 9/11 truth spreads, we are facing a revolution.

A revolution happens when the many at the bottom get together and

overthrow the few at the top. At least that´s the theory. In practice,

it isn´t quite that simple. The American Revolution was led by wealthy,

well-educated deists, many of them slaveholders. The French Revolution

involved the hungry masses, but the instigators were businesspeople,

not street people. The Russian Revolution was led by a self-proclaimed

vanguard. The anti-imperial revolutions that ended European

colonization 50 years ago were led by the colonies´ Euro-educated


Today, thanks to the rapidly-spreading brushfire of 9/11 truth, we are

on the cusp of a new kind of revolution-a real one this time, a

revolution from below. As conservative columnist Paul Craig Roberts

writes, "the real story is what the people are saying about 9/11." What

Roberts means is that the powerful few and the institutions they

control-the government, the corporations, the armed forces, the major

political parties, the foundation-funded pseudo-left, the universities,

the mass media, Hollywood-have imposed near-total silence on the issue

of what really happened on September 11th, 2001. Worse, most of them

have cranked out endless tape-loops of mind-numbing propaganda aimed at

reinforcing the official Big Lie. And yet the people are speaking out

loud and clear: 9/11 was an inside job-an act of high treason and mass

murder by our own leaders.

In the latest CNN poll, over 80% of respondents agreed with Charlie

Sheen that the official story of 9/11 is a cover-up. Earlier polls

showed that half the citizens of New York, the city that was so

brutally attacked, and Atlanta, the biggest city in the nation´s most

conservative region, believe their leaders guilty of high treason and

conspiracy to mass-murder.

Despite the best efforts of the treasonous billionaires who control all

of our major institutions, the popular groundswell for 9/11 truth is

unstoppable. The people have refused to be cowed into silence by inane

fear-mongering and cowardly name-calling. All across the nation people

are rising up and talking truth. "Have you seen Loose Change yet?"

"That Charlie Sheen is amazing-how could CNN let him say that?" "You´ve

got to read The New Pearl Harbor-here´s a copy, pass it on." People are

burning hundreds of DVDs and passing them to their friends, who are

burning hundreds more. If the video-makers were getting full royalties

on every copy, they´d be richer than self-confessed WTC demolisher and

billionaire insurance-fraudster Larry Silverstein.

The source of this revolution is the courage and intelligence of the

people. The neoconservatives, who underestimate the intelligence of

other people almost as much as they overestimate their own, apparently

thought that their monopoly media could coerce the poor dumb masses

into lapping up outrageous lies indefinitely. What they didn´t realize

was that new communications technologies, in the hands of smart, brave

people, can spread the truth with absolutely no help from traditional

top-down, one-to-many media systems.

The truth is that people in power are no smarter than the rest of us.

They are just greedier. As the French saying goes, "plus haut qu´il

mont, plus que se voit son cul" - the higher up he climbs, the more you

can see his ass.

This is a moral revolution by ordinary decent folks against the

greed-heads who will stop at nothing-not even the mass murder of their

own countrymen in the service of a genocidal Big Lie-to gain even more

wealth and power.

It is a revolution from below at every level, even in government

itself. Dozens of honest agents and bureaucrats, stymied by their

treasonous superiors, have spoken out. Colleen Rowley and the other

Minneapolis FBI agents have made it abundantly clear that Dave Frasca,

the mole and former head of the FBI´s Radical Fundamentalism Unit,

intentionally blocked their most intensive efforts to call attention to

the "hijacking plot" before it happened. Yet the traitor and

mass-murderer Frasca, who stymied not only the Minneapolis agents, but

also the Phoenix FBI agents and others, was promoted after 9/11! The

many thousands of honest agents in the FBI, disgusted with their

superiors´ complicity in high treason and mass murder, are a key part

of our revolution from below, and will surely be dealing with the likes

of Frasca one way or another.

It is a revolution from below in journalism as well as government.

First it was the complete outsiders, the devil-may-care small-time

bloggers, the folks at the very bottom of the journalistic food chain.

(Note that some of these ultra-outsider bloggers, such as From the

Wilderness and Global Research, have been outperforming the "real

journalists" on key issues for years.) The outsider bloggers´ incessant

agitation put 9/11 truth on the radar screen of the more respectable

bloggers and the occasional honest academic. When the highly respected

David Griffin´s The New Pearl Harbor came out, compiling and validating

the bloggers´ research, low-level people at C-Span began urging their

company to report "the other side of the 9/11 story." The result was

the nationwide broadcast of Griffin´s landmark University of Wisconsin

talk 9/11 and American Empire last year. Now it appears that the actual

working journalists at CNN have followed their C-Span colleagues away

from their billionaire bosses´ fantasy land and back toward

reality-based journalism, by giving Charlie Sheen a national platform

for truth-speaking.

It is a revolution from below in religious communities too. More than a

few independent-minded Jews have made major contributions to the 9/11

truth movement, while increasing numbers of evangelical Christians are

waking up to 9/11 truth, as the many e-mails we get from them at

MUJCA-NET attest. While the self-appointed leaders and Sunday morning

money-leeches spew their hatemongering rhetoric at the

alleged-WTC-destroying Muslim hordes, whispers are spreading among

their flocks: "Wait a minute-look at WTC-7 collapsing, and Silverstein

confessing. How the hell did Osama do that?" And in the American Muslim

community, the silent majority has always known it was an inside

job-but the academics, self-appointed leaders and spokespeople, perfect

examples of the Qur´an-derided munafiqeen (hypocrites) who say whatever

makes their lives easier, have managed to obscure that fact with their

ongoing nicey-nice drivel that implicitly or explicitly accepts the

9/11 Big Lie. After the 9/11 truth revolution, I hope every one of

these "leaders" will resign from their cushy positions and look for

real work. Indeed, they might be better advised to crawl into a hole

somewhere, for the silent contempt in which they are now held by most

of their co-religionists will surely grow less silent.

The 9/11truth revolution from below will overthrow a good part of the

American power structure. Billionaires will have their fortunes

confiscated and spend the rest of their lives in prison. Most, perhaps

all of the current administration will be tried and, presumably, either

hanged or given some kind of truth-for-mercy deal. Its supporters

throughout the judicial and legislative branches will be forced to

resign. The CIA and other covert-op apparatuses will be broken into a

million pieces and scattered to the four winds, finishing the job that

JFK was unable to start. The media monopoly that enabled the 9/11

cover-up will be shattered into hundreds of fragments as the mother of

all trust-busting eras commences. The uniformed military, and

especially the Pentagon, will be purged of neocon moles, as the

venerable institution of the firing squad is revived. Every last member

of Skull and Bones, starting with the whole Bush crime family, will be

hunted down, jailed, and forced to recite his entire sexual history to

his cellmates while lying on the floor of the prison shower. And after

the troops have pulled out, Rumsfeld, Perle and Feith will be

air-dropped into Fallujah as a demonstration of how an undermanned

invasion-of-three can be welcomed by adoring crowds strewing flowers at

their feet.

Ultimately, though, the 9/11 truth revolution is not about

vengeance-it´s about hope. The story of the triumph of the 9/11 truth

movement, against such apparently insurmountable odds, is a story of

ordinary people´s heroism, a veritable Frank Capra movie for the

information age.

And though this revolution is an American movie, with a cast of

thousands of heroes and Charlie Sheen doing an Oscar-worthy job in Best

Supporting Role, it´s going to be a worldwide hit. You thought they

liked Michael Moore´s Fahrenheit 911 at Cannes? Wait till you see the

world´s reaction to 9/11 Truth: The Reality. Other nations used to

admire certain things about America-like our relative freedom,

integrity, and imperviousness to corruption-and this movie will bring

it all back, and then some. Better yet, this is the one American film

that could really rock the Casbah in the Arab world. Want to lead the

region toward freedom and democracy? Try setting an example. Overthrow

your own corrupt leaders, and maybe the Arabs will overthrow theirs.

And if you´re tired of being hated by Muslims, what better way to

re-establish friendship than by exploding the 9/11 blood libel and

calling off the Big-Lie-triggered war on Islam?

The global ramifications of the 9/11 truth revolution go way beyond

ending the ersatz "clash of civilizations" manufactured by the

fake-terror-mongers. Our American revolution from below will lead a

cascading revolution around the world, as the globalist elites are

jailed, trust-busted, and discredited, and corrupt leaders are

overthrown like rows of rotten dominoes. In the place of the current

top-heavy structure of world finance and governance, this worldwide

bottom-up revolution will create a truly democratic, populist order to

match the many-to-many communications revolution of the information

age. This is the "Planetization Revolution" that was foreseen by de

Chardin-a sort of "people´s globalization" that will unite the planet

freely and democratically, rather than under murderous globalist

tyranny. For details, see the revolutionary manifesto "Declaration of

Union" at:

The checks and balances on abusive power developed in the USA and

elsewhere will be re-instituted and fine-tuned, as the power structure

devolves toward a bottom-up rather than top-down decision-making model.

People will seize control over their own lives, with individuals,

families and local communities-not nation states, banks or

corporations-making the decisions. This model of governance, as

proposed by theologian and 9/11 truth supporter John Cobb, is one of

"communities of communities of communities." It will be realized after

the 9/11-truth-triggered annihilation of the top-heavy institutions,

and wealth-and-power-heavy individuals and families, that currently run

the world.

9/11 truth offers the ordinary person of good will an unprecedented

opportunity to change the world for the better. So what are you waiting

for? Get out there and spread the word. When the time is ripe-and it is

ripening fast-we will have the people, and the soul-power, to take to

the streets.

* * *

Note: If the links in the above article don't come through, here is the

MS Word version:

Kevin Barrett

Coordinator, MUJCA-NET:

Muslim-Jewish-Christian Alliance for 9/11 Truth

[This message contained attachments]


Message: 13
Date: Sun, 26 Mar 2006 19:12:49 -0500
Subject: Rep. Tancredo on illegals "They are the scourge that will threaten

Rep. Tancredo on illegals "They are the scourge that will threaten the
very survival of this nation"


(Another thing to think about - If these 11,000,000 illegal immigrants
are given amnesty and work permits, They will all be first in line for
all city, county, state & federal civil service jobs and many tightly
govt. controlled corporations in front of all of the approximately 70%
of white/Caucasian/anglo/european Americans (pick the term the illegals
in your area allow you to use, Here in Miami it is Anglo because for us
whites to call our selves white insinuates the Cubans aren't so They
re-named us !)
There will probably be a moratorium on hiring white Americans (like
there has been here in Miami) Under the institutionalized discrimination
known as affirmative action until the percentage of Hispanics employed
in civil service jobs reaches the percentage they equal in the U.S.
population, Which will Never be reached because the Border will Never be
secured !)

Showbiz Tonight Transcript Friday 24th Featuring Alex Jones Charlie


MSM Attacks Charlie Sheen Over 9/11 Comments


Charlie Must know what he is talking about ! - After All His Father Is

Address: - More Inside Track: Charlie Sheen doesn&rsquo;t buy
9/11 spin


Dr. Morgan Reynolds -
Refuting the Demolition Debunkers


Success Story! Air America Phoenix is back on the air!


An Empire Built of Paper
Bush's Imperial Entourage !

Lesbian couple guilty of gruesome murder
of 4 year old boy because he wouldn't call the diesel dike Daddy !




Subject: What English First is doing about the immigration bill.

I thought you might wish a briefing on
the upcoming Senate debate on the amnesty bill and what English First is
doing to take advantage of this opportunity.
In the Senate, unlike the House of Representatives, there are really
no rules on what amendments can be offered to a non-appropriations bill.
This means, for example, that any Senator can move to substitute the
McCain-Kennedy amnesty bill in the place of whatever the Judiciary
Committee votes out on Monday and, if his motion gets a majority, the
battle is transformed.
I have told colleagues that we should not improve a bill we are
trying to kill. There is no way to make amnesty-guestworker palatable.
I've noticed no one is discussing what happens when the
newly-amnestied are suddenly eligible for government benefits such as
Medicaid. There is a reason.
Once amnesty is granted, every one of those 12 million illegal aliens
could go on the dole immediately. This would mean an increase of at
least 65 billion dollars in Medicaid spending alone
Actually, 65 billion dollars is just the tip of the iceberg. Under
Clinton Executive Order 13166, your local hospital would actually be
required to advertise in Spanish to illegal aliens encouraging them to
take advantage of their newly free health care.
That said, I also know that the last time the Senate passed an
official English amendment was during the amnesty debate of the 1980's.
This could be our first chance to get the Senate on record on English
issues in over two decades.
This is an opportunity we must seize.
I am urging the Senate to add Senator Tom Coburn's E.O. 13166 repeal
bill (S.557) as an amendment to the immigration bill. I am also urging
that the Senate add Congressman Peter King's National Language Act (H.R.
4408) as an amendment.
You can expect more alerts than usual as things take shape next
Thank you for your time.

Prepared by English First, 8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102, Springfield,
VA  22151 (703) 321-8818

Forwarding of these alerts is encouraged.
If this alert was forwarded to you and you wish to receive future alerts
directly, sign up
If you no longer wish to receive e-mail from us, please visit


Message: 14
Date: Sun, 26 Mar 2006 22:23:04 -0800 (PST)
From: Kevin Hammond <>
Subject: Re: We ain't out of the woods yet people!

Got it.

Naveed <> wrote: i sent it using my yahoo account, you better get it now!

Kevin Hammond <> wrote: Not yet.

Naveed <> wrote: ya its like saying the nazis speak for the entire german people by saying all jews are zionists!

btw did you get my email i sent to you and your friend who's working on your website from my other email address??

Kevin Hammond <> wrote:
I got a very interesting and somewhat disturbing email about my show a month or 2 ago and one of the links that he sent me was to smiths site not to mention a few others he started the email off by thanking me for stepping up to the plate and commending me for it. But then he went on to say that he was going to tell me what he tells Alex Jones and others in our camp. That we have to start naming names. It gets weird right about this point. He then goes on to say that ITS THE JEWS! and then goes on a bit of a diatribe. Well, On my show I DO NAME NAMES. Like Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and so on. I then responded by saying that whenever someone just lumps an entire ethnic and or religious group togehter into one pile that I become a bit suspiscious and that either he is an ill informed biggot and needs to educate himself a little more or that he is a cointelpro agent trying to suck me and others into commiting acts of evil. I also said that I would look into any
information that he sent me and have an open mind. I also told him that his failure to differentiate between Jews and zionists is one of the things that made me suspiscious and that were he wise and or earnest he would do so. I told him that yes there IS a zionist element to all this but that my research has lead me to the jesuit order as well who are the ones that resurrected the illuminati along with the Rothschilds and that they are partners in this evil. I then addressed it on my next show as well. I never got a reply. Hmm. Rather confirms my suspiscion.


kitty285 <> wrote:
Of course they are greed does that,LOL
----- Original Message -----
From: "Naveed" <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, March 25, 2006 4:00 PM
Subject: Re: [911TruthAction] We ain't out of the woods yet people!

> I don't know much about DBSmith, but from what i received in email from a
friend showed me he's a charlatan, but the itch i can't seem to scratch away
is why all of a sudden is MSM "allowing" 9/11 inside job to come out? some
people say that its the elites are fighting amonst each other and hanging
bush out to dry for 911.
> Needless to say, this is no time to pat ourselves on the back, we have
established a beach head on the shores of the enemy citadel, CHARGE!!!!
> I concur with prez regarding angie respond to this, she knows about this
kind of stuff better than anyone.
> "President, USA Exile Govt." <> wrote:
> Dear 9/11 Colleagues,
> I hope Angie has time to respond to this because she's so highly
> qualified in these particular matters.
> I don't find this analysis at all compelling. Rather, I think
> it's quite forced--and thus unconvincing.
> I'm only slightly familiar with Daryl Bradford Smith's earlier
> commentary but thus far I see him as just one more kook much more
> interested in attracting attention to himself than in accomplishing
> anything significant. In fact, this is giving him the benefit of the
> doubt because the alternative is that he's a divide-and-conquer
> specialist intent on causing as much division and suspicion as possible
> within the 9/11 Truth Movement. Please see my earlier comment on him
> pasted at bottom of this--and note that in this instance also he was
> being divisive rather than unifying.
> With highest regards,
> Pondo
> --------------------------------------------------------
> On Mar 24, 2006, at 7:15 PM, JP Liggett wrote:
> a very compelling read. I too had thought about this, but this article
> hits the nail on the head. If there are gatekeepers sponsoring the
> exposure, lets help them really get the word out.
> It seems to me that if 9/11 starts getting mainstream, we may consider
> using the 9/11 exposure force to truly change our society. Perhaps we
> can use it on a global scale not just the USA.
> We can all envision a more just society, with a strong social fabric,
> to become a beacon of hope for positive social change. A real global
> golden jubilee.
> To that ends, we could consider nationalization of all energy, banking
> and insurance companies, in the name of the 911 victims. These
> companies take billions of dollars of our economy and our pockets, and
> corrupt/disrupt our society. worldwide.
> Let work for Public video and audio in every legislature, courtroom,
> bar association and hearing room. Just a couple of ideas to keep it
> going. Some people have said, OK, we know about 9-11 being an inside
> job, now what do we do?
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> From: "President, USA Exile Govt."
> Date: December 22, 2005 4:34:26 PM EST
> To: keith lampe
> Subject: A Guest Editorial
> Free Americans Reaching Out to Amerika's Huddled Masses Yearning
> to Breathe Free
> Via
> December 22, 2005
> Dear Friends and Colleagues,
> I'm quite grateful to Jeremy below for his tremendously important
> Editorial.
> I'd been equally shocked by Daryl Bradford Smith's two-faced
> behavior (i.e., hip to 9/11 Inside Job but not to ETs) and have been
> trying to get time to express myself about it. Ah, but Jeremy's
> expression is both more polite and more thorough than mine would have
> been.
> What's at stake here most importantly is that unless we overcome
> being so divided (and thus so conquered), we stand little chance in our
> resistance to the Fourth Reich's current main puppets, the Bush Junta.
> There must be a coalition much much broader than anything to date
> in homeplanet history. It must include nearly everyone opposed to the
> Bush Junta and it must behave in a way signifying it knows that the
> Fourth Reich controls both mainstream US political parties. (So we can
> avoid all the current loyal-opposition bullshit.) If a person is
> opposed to the junta because he or she thinks it isn't adequately
> preparing a defense against an ET invasion, I'm quite willing to work
> with that person within certain specific contexts of resistance even
> though I think it's highly likely that we'd already have been invaded
> if any of the ETs had that sort of interest.
> But how can we build such a broad coalition when someone like
> Smith--so well-informed in nearly all respects--is in such hysterical
> Denial merely about visits by folks from various off-planet cultures?
> What is it about this sort of info that's so nerve-wracking to
> him? I'm not sure but I want to suggest that in the interests of
> coalition-building we should minimize negative moral judgments about
> him and instead concentrate on the human nervous system's quite limited
> ability to absorb what certain existentialists called nonbeing--and
> which we might these days call bummers.
> There are yogas available--in secular scientific form, let me
> hasten to add--which as daily practices can steadily increase our
> neural stamina--that is, increase the quantities of bummers we can
> absorb before physiologically (and thus a negative moral judgment here
> is inappropriate) needing to escape into Denial: All Work and No Play
> Makes Jack a Dull Boy. Whenever I exceed the quantities I can handle,
> I succumb to Information Illness: mainly a spectacular exhaustion but
> also usually a bit of vague depression.) I wish I could learn to
> discern when I've nearly exceeded what I can handle.
> Never before in homeplanet history have people had to face so many
> different sorts of bummers simultaneously. The lower the human
> population-density you inhabit, the easier it is. It's toughest of all
> for those who have lived many consecutive years within Manhattan
> Island's overwhelming densities--as people like Danny Schechter and A.
> J. Weberman so poignantly exemplify.
> If any of you have friends who aren't yet convinced that we're
> being visited by folks from more mature solar systems, please ask them
> to absorb the 2001 National Press Club news conference featured at
> .
> Another totally convincing portrayal--though much less
> accessible--is the 1997 three-part BBC World Service radio series. In
> fact, I'll cover costs of obtaining a copy of those three broadcasts
> for the first person to email me that he or she will do so. (Evidently
> a credit card is necessary and I disdain them.) It was produced by a
> fiction writer named Anthony Gray, who went into it totally skeptically
> (probably the only reason BBC hired him) but evolved into total
> acceptance. The BBC was so embarrassed by his sudden acceptance that
> it aired his shows at a time (0230-0300 GMT) guaranteeing the smallest
> possible European audience. They occurred the last Friday of August
> and the first two Fridays of September. I don't have a 1997 calendar
> but I think the dates would be 8/29, 9/5 and 9/12.
> In any case, let's work on convening all the various US movements
> so they can--for example--agree on targets for massive boycotts. This
> way, we stand a chance of finally becoming very expensive for the
> reichers--and thus perhaps finally effective enough to influence their
> behavior in a manner favorable to the survival of humans and other
> species. For money is nearly all they understand.
> Yours for all
> species,
> Keith Lampe,
> Ro-Non-So-Te,
> Ponderosa Pine
> Transition Prez
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> From:
> Date: December 22, 2005 12:37:13 AM EST
> To:
> Subject: [911TruthAction] Article on Daryl Bradford Smith
> Reply-To:
> I wrote the following and send it along to others of the truth movement
> fyi.... Jeremy
> I am very active in the 911 truth movement.
> Last night I listened to an internet broadcast by Daryl Bradford
> Smith with
> guest Eric Hufschmidt, creator of the seminal 911 video and
> book, Painful
> Deceptions and Painful Questions.
> Both were bemoaning the "contamination" of the 911 truth movement
> by people who believe in UFOs and other mysteries certified by a
> consensus of mainstream
> academia as unworthy of serious study. The Amazing Randi would be
> proud to join
> in their call for dismissing such topics. I am not.
> Mr. Smith has posted a statement on his site calling for all
> rational people
> to castigate those who even discuss topics such as UFOs. I wrote Mr.
> Smith,
> stating that a respect for others' beliefs is fundamental in any effort
> to convince
> others of a truth they are yet unaware of. His response was
> unrelenting.
> Issac Newton and Edmund Haley were friends. They once had a
> discussion on
> alchemy. You may know that Newton spent half his labors on the study
> of alchemy.
> When Haley protested this foolishness, Newton responded, "I, sir, have
> studied
> the subject, you have not."
> And so it is with UFOs and Crop Circles. Anyone who dismisses
> them as
> ridiculous has not done their homework. Has Mr. Smith studied the
> cases of Betty and Barney
> Hill, the Allagash incident, Travis Walton, Roswell, the works of
> Stanton Friedman,
> Alan Hynek, John Mack, the governments of Belgium, France, Mexico, et
> al. and a
> whole shipload of other witnesses, researchers and officials whose
> claims and empirical
> data have withstood years of assault by those out to prove them
> unworthy?
> Did he talk to the late Professor Hawkins who discovered five new
> theorems
> from the Crop Circle geometry? Can he explain the molecular change in
> the stalks
> of plants bent over in Crop Circles? Can he explain the
> electromagnetic anomalies
> measured in the circles or a host of other anomalies that defy a
> manmade explanation?
> If he has, I sure wish he would share his logical conclusions with the
> rest of the
> world so we can put these mysteries aside. But I'm willing to venture
> a high
> probability that he has no answers. He ain't alone. But the rest of
> us don't
> feel a necessity to chide others for their beliefs just because the
> subject matter
> is discussed by a wide variety of persons with claims that have little
> or no scientific
> far.
> In a high-level conspiracy like 911, the powers behind it seem to
> employ a
> tactic of infiltrating the truth movement with disinformation. The
> purpose is so
> that ordinary people looking into the conspiracy, but not yet well
> informed of the
> facts, will see a lie and will then quickly dismiss the whole effort to
> uncover
> a conspiracy as just so much nonsense. Mr. Smith seems to have fallen
> victim not
> so much to the act of covert disinformation, (though there seems to be
> plenty of
> that in the UFO and crop circle field, as Dr. Hynek and George
> Wingfield and others
> have stated), but by his rejection of the innocent interpretations of a
> phenomenon
> by people with no allegiance to the scientific method. Such persons
> are not necessarily
> wrong nor are they unworthy of a voice in society.
> Scientifically, no one can say anything with 100% certainty. One
> can only
> give it a high or low degree of probability, based on a logical
> evaluation of how
> the data supports a working hypothesis. More and more, what was once
> considered
> ridiculous is becoming empirical. Professor Gary Schwartz's work with
> mediums
> and Professor Ian Stevenson's work on reincarnation and other rigorous
> studies of
> the paranormal hearken back to days when Giordano Bruno was burned for
> heresy as
> the old school began to crumble. Any fool can see the sun goes around
> the earth.
> It takes a special fool to see beyond the veil.
> If Mr. Smith feels that people who think that we are being visited
> by aliens
> should be burned at the stake, that's his misfortune. But for those of
> us
> who are actively trying to spread 911 truth, he is a burden in our
> efforts to convince
> others to have an open mind.
> The opinion polls show 80 percent of Americans think the government
> is hiding
> knowledge of the existence of extraterrestrial life forms. Shall we
> not talk to
> those people? Mr. Smith's call for chastising unofficial beliefs is
> not only
> ironic; it is limited hangout in our growth as a civilization.
> I can forgive Eric for overactive skepticism. Perhaps his
> intolerance is a
> by-product of an extremely analytical mind that gave us his videos and
> books. I
> prefer to believe that one day both of these men and others who share
> their disdain
> for outrageous conspiracy theories will one day see that all is
> relative and there
> are more things in heaven and earth that are dreamt of in our
> philosophy.
> ========================================================================
> ==
> In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and
hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it
costs nothing to be a patriot.
> - Notebook, 1904
> ---------------------------------
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In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot.
- Notebook, 1904
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In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot.
- Notebook, 1904
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Message: 15
Date: Sun, 26 Mar 2006 23:32:17 -0800
From: "Dick Eastman" <>
Subject: Re: Eastman: What did China have to do with 9-11?

Jeffersonian democracy is not dead so long as I have breath.

----- Original Message -----
From: "mann david" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, March 26, 2006 7:14 AM
Subject: Re: [911TruthAction] Eastman: What did China have to do with 9-11?

> So China wants to defeat U.S. "Jeffersonian Democracy"
> - Where have you been for 150 years ?? But thanks for
> the laugh!!
> --- Dick Eastman <> wrote:
> > From:
> > March 25, 2006
> > Subject: What did China have to do with 9-11?
> >
> >
> > Hi Dick
> > nice to have you back
> >
> > I agree with much of what you wrote about What did
> > China have to do with 9-11?
> >
> > Another point to add about the relationship between
> > Israel and Communist China is the very important
> > fact that the Jews exported Communism to China,
> > affecting that country like no other, even more so
> > than the "Soviet Union".
> >
> > There are also a huge number of Chinese immigrant
> > workers within Occupied Palestine,aka Israel, who
> > are treated like cheap slave labour and given no
> > employment rights but they still dumbly go there for
> > 'work'.
> >
> > Yes indeed, Israel has through its Espionage
> > channels, sold US military secrets not only to China
> > but also to Russia and India with whom she has very
> > close covert military and economic relations. ( The
> > Armageddon Network -- book on Israeli Firsters and
> > another Richard Perle protégé -
> >
> >
> > Israeli Spy Data
> >;
> >
> > 20 Years of Neocon Spying and Betrayal
> >
> >
> >
> > Keep in mind, despite the annual billions she gets
> > from US Taxpayers, according to Defence Ministry
> > Officials, 'Israel exported $2.8 billion-worth of
> > defence goods in 2003, almost 10% of world trade in
> > defense exports' and that there has been a huge
> > 'continuous increase in her defence exports', which
> > could reach a staggering $4 billion plus it appears
> > that the world owes this Usurer millions also - to
> > the tune of $23 BILLION
> >
> > WORLD OWES ISRAEL By Israel National News Staff
> >
> > From:
> >
> > By Israel National News Staff
> >
> > Israel has become a large-scale international lender
> > in the past three years, with global sources owing
> > Israel $23 billion at the end of
> > 2005.
> > According to a Globes report, global debt to Israel
> > rose 92% over thepast year.
> > Most of the debt ($22.7 billion) is to the private
> > sector and Israeli banks are owed $3.1 billion. The
> > public sector, though, led by the
> > Israeli government, continues to borrow, in order to
> > recycle debts and cover budget deficits.
> > Israelâ?Ts gross external debt was $75.5 billion in
> > 2005, a drop of $250million.
> >
> > â?oThe balance of Israel's external liabilities
> > totalled some $153billion at the end of December
> > 2005, a rise of $16.5 billion in 2005,�
> > a Bank of Israel statement read. â?oThis is a
> > positive development, caused by sizeable foreign
> > direct and portfolio investmentâ?¦The
> > increased profitability of the business sector, the
> > contraction of the budget deficit, the improved
> > geopolitical situation and the
> > accelerated pace of privatization (the sale of Bank
> > Leumi and Israel Discount Bank) enabled Israel's
> > economy to attract an unprecedented
> > amount of non-resident investment and to benefit
> > from the global trend of international flows of
> > capital into the emerging markets.�
> >
> >
> > The Jews have been very adept at destroying other
> > countries cultures and traditions which is what they
> > did to China and to Japan also, turning them both
> > into Capitalist hungry countries though China seeks
> > far more Israel corrupted Russia also, and has had
> > its beastly claws in the US, UK and throughout
> > Europe, especially Denmark, and the Netherlands,
> > which is a hotbed of Jewish corruption and
> > perversion.
> >
> > Of course their aim right now is to destroy the last
> > vestiges of Faith that has survived their onslaught,
> > as Christianity sadly did not at their hands- having
> > infiltrated the Catholic Church and planting its
> > Jewish Popes and other "Jewish" Christian clerics!!!
> >
> > China will be the next Empire, the and will be the
> > next Rising Dragon, taking its fat share of burnt
> > offerings from the innocent, destroying their rights
> > and freedoms which is after all what atheistic
> > Communism stands for- the 'ruling Elite" dictating
> > to the working enslaved masses!!
> > 9/11 was concocted, planned and put into effect by
> > all these power hungry participants who all share
> > the ideologies of Pagan Zionism- world domination
> > and totalitarian New World Order
> >
> > Israel and its world Jewry PLAY ALL FIELDS, ARMING
> > and AIDING BOTH SIDES in a CONFLICT, just as she has
> > infiltrators/sayanem agents in ALL POLITICAL PARTIES
> > AND GROUPS< be they Liberal, Conservative, Labour,
> > Republican, Democrat, Christian Democrat, Green
> > Party, Communist Leftie, Social Left- you name it,
> > they are in there!!
> > She has been slowly destroying the USA, and has been
> > seeking new pastures within the next green pastures
> > of the Rising Sun- the next Chinese Empire.
> > m
> >
> >
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> > What did China have to do with 9-11?
> >
> > by Dick Eastman
> >
> > The Chinese gained from the 9-11 false-flag
> > provocateur mass-murder asymetrical-warfare
> > operation against the US and Islam.
> >
> > The Moslem Taliban were erradicating the opium
> > growing in Afganistan -- which cut shipments of
> > opium over the old silk road to China which cut the
> > production and world distribution of Chinese heroin
> > -- of which a trillion dollars worth was laundered
> > into London, US, Swiss, German and French merchant
> > banks each year where it was (is) invested in
> > China's "miraculous" super industrialization (with
> > slave-labor compensation) -- the Chinese needed the
> > Taliban taken down and the so-called "Norther
> > Alliance" drug-lords put in control. 9-11
> > accomplished this. (Remember how Taliban leader
> > Mohammed Omar told Bush that he would extradite bin
> > Laden to the U.S. immediately if Bush would only
> > show some evidence linking bin Laden to 9-11 --
> > Bush refused and invaded -- and you know the rest of
> > that story.
> >
> > The Moslems under Han Red Chinese domination had
> > been looking to the Taliban for religious
> > inspiration in the face of Chinese enforced atheism
> > and persecution and racial discrimination. The
> > Chinese needed the (stupid) U.S. to be fooled by the
> > 9-11 false-flag attack so that they would (with
> > neo-con management) attack and destroy the
> > government of the religious clean-living Taliban.
> >
> > China has never given up the goal of defeating the
> > U.S. -- essentially Jeffersonian bourgeois
> > liberalism -- but they have proceeded in
> > surreptitious cunning -- attacking our culture, our
> > economy, our institutions, our relations with the
> > world. The 9-11 wars exhaust America and the make
> > America hated in the world. The Chinese have long
> > past the point where they are stronger than the U.S.
> > in the world -- all of the wealth of the U.S. is
> > concentrated in internationalist ruling-class
> > families who are allied with Chinese ruling class
> > power -- the power that enslaves China today in the
> > coils of market totalitarianism.
> >
> > (more below)
> >
> > Dick Eastman
> > Yakima, Washington
> >
> > --
> >
> > From: David Macko
> > To:
> > Sent: Friday, March 24, 2006 3:47 PM
> > Subject: Re: [A-C] Re: Zionist Domination
> >
> > 
> > There certainly does seem to be at least a temporary
> > working relationship
> > between Red China, Zionist Israel and the criminals
> > who misrule us.
> > As you do so often, you provide a quite interesting
> > and plausible theory.
> > Of course, we won't know who is at the top of the
> > pyramid unless we
> > are totally conquered or totally defeat them,
> > assuming we live so long.
> > ----
> >
> >
> === message truncated ===
> __________________________________________________
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> Yahoo! Groups Links


Message: 16
Date: Sun, 26 Mar 2006 23:36:47 -0800
From: "Scott Peden" <>
Subject: remote control 757 (ref: 9/11)

[]On Behalf Of Ilene Proctor

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Davis []
Sent: Sunday, March 26, 2006 10:53 AM
To: kathleen Rosenblatt
Subject: remote control 757

Two of the aircraft exceeded their software limits on 9/11.

The Boeing 757 and 767 are equipped with fully autonomous flight capability,
they are the only two Boeing commuter aircraft capable of fully autonomous
flight. They can be programmed to take off, fly to a destination and land,
completely without a pilot at the controls.

They are intelligent planes, and have software limits pre set so that pilot
error cannot cause passenger injury. Though they are physically capable of
high g maneuvers, the software in their flight control systems prevents high
g maneuvers from being performed via the cockpit controls. They are limited
to approximately 1.5 g's, I repeat, one and one half g's. This is so that a
pilot mistake cannot end up breaking grandma's neck.

No matter what the pilot wants, he cannot override this feature.

The plane that hit the Pentagon approached or reached its actual physical
limits, military personnel have calculated that the Pentagon plane pulled
between five and seven g's in its final turn.

The same is true for the second aircraft to impact the WTC.

There is only one way this can happen.

As well as fully autonomous flight capability, the 767 and 757 are the ONLY
feature that is standard to all of them, all 757's and 767's can do it. The
purpose for this is if there is a problem with the pilots, Norad can fly the
planes to safe destinations via remote. Only in this flight mode can those
craft exceed their software limits and perform to their actual physical
limits because a pre existing emergency situation is assumed if this mode of
flight is used.

Terrorists in fact did not fly those planes, it is totally and completely
impossible for those planes to have been flown in such a manner from the
cockpit. Those are commuter aircraft, not F-16's and their software knows

Another piece of critical evidence: the voice recorders came up blank.

The flight recorders that were recovered had tape that was undamaged inside,
but it was blank. There is only one way this can happen on a 757 or 767.
When the aircraft are commandeered via remote control, the microphones that
go to the cockpit voice recorder are re routed to the people doing the
remote controlling, so that the recording of what happened in the cockpit
gets made in a presumably safer place. But due to a glitch in the system on
a 757/767, rather than shutting off when the mic is redirected the voice
recorder keeps running. The voice recorders use what is called a continuous
loop tape, which automatically re passes itself past the erase and record
heads once every half hour, so after a half hour of running with the
microphones redirected, the tape will be blank. Just like the recovered
tapes were. Yet more proof that no pilot flew those planes in the last half

Eight of the hijackers who were on those planes called up complaining that
they were still alive. I'd bet you never heard about our foreign minister
flying to Morocco and issuing an official apology to the accused, did you?
No, terrorists did not fly those planes, plastic knives and box cutters were
in fact too ridiculous to be true. Any of the remaining accused have
certainly been sought out and killed by now.

Our information IS controlled

The cell phone calls from the aircraft could not have happened. I am a
National Security Agency trained Electronic Warfare specialist, and am
qualified to say this. My official title: MOS33Q10, Electronic Warfare
Intercept Strategic Signal Processing/Storage Systems Specialist, a highly
skilled MOS which requires advanced knowledge of many communications methods
and circuits to the most minute level. I am officially qualified to place
severe doubt that ordinary cell phone calls were ever made from the

It was impossible for that to have happened, especially in a rural area for
a number of reasons.

When you make a cell phone call, the first thing that happens is that your
cell phone needs to contact a transponder. Your cell phone has a max
transmit power of five watts, three watts is actually the norm. If an
aircraft is going five hundred miles an hour, your cell phone will not be
able to 1. Contact a tower, 2. Tell the tower who you are, and who your
provider is, 3. Tell the tower what mode it wants to communicate with, and
4. Establish that it is in a roaming area before it passes out of a five
watt range. This procedure, called an electronic handshake, takes
approximately 45 seconds for a cell phone to complete upon initial power up
in a roaming area because neither the cell phone or cell transponder knows
where that phone is and what mode it uses when it is turned on. At 500 miles
an hour, the aircraft will travel three times the range of a cell phone's
five watt transmitter before this handshaking can occur. Though it is
sometimes possible to connect during takeoff and landing, under the
situation that was claimed the calls were impossible. The calls from the
airplane were faked, no if's or buts.

I hope I made sense, if you have questions I will respond if possible. If I
do not respond, please research this out yourself, search the boeing site,
search the DARPA site, search were you have not searched before. Some of the
information is classified and leaked by individuals, and it is also being
scoured from the net. I have all of the original documents on my computer to
safeguard against this.

Please do not ignore this, because only Norad has the flight codes for those
aircraft, we did 911 to ourselves. Hitler had the Reichstag, we have 911. If
911 proves to not be enough to make the US citizenry set aside its rights
for safety, the people who did 911 most certainly have access to nuclear
material. 911 must be exposed for what it was before that material is used.


[This message contained attachments]


Message: 17
Date: Sun, 26 Mar 2006 23:39:52 -0800
From: "Dick Eastman" <>
Subject: Fw: [planehuggers] What did China have to do with 9-11? by Dick Eastman

----- Original Message -----
From: "Patrick BURNAND" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, March 26, 2006 4:45 AM
Subject: Re: [planehuggers] What did China have to do with 9-11? by Dick

> Ok Dick and others, thanks a lot for your information.
> If we look at the behavior of Chirac in France, it's telling. He refuses
> participate in the Irak war mostly because Saddam was selling oil in Euros
> to the french oil company Total.
> But he did not hesitate one second to send french troops to Afghanistan
> after 9/11. But it's obvious that Chirac knew that 9/11 was an inside
> NATO was massing troops around Afghanistan before 9/11 and France, Germany
> and others were very probably there too.
> This led me to logically conclude that France, Germany and others benefit
> from worldwide drug trade.
> Moreover, this is not the first time. NATO already invaded Yugoslavia
> years before and this also resulted in a massive augmentation of drug
> trade. In Switzerland and in Germany, official govnerment statistics say
> that about 3/4 of the persons arrested for drug trade come from the
> ex-Yougoslavia, mostly Kosovo. Obvisously, these numbers were completely
> different before the invasion of Yugoslavia.
> So if China is involved in the modern drug trade (not the traditional
> chinese opium usage), then it would be reasonable to say that China
> benefitted (by a side effect) from 9/11.
> But I think there is no evidence that chinese officials were involved in
> 9/11 and the fact that the CIA publishes a (non verified) translation of a
> book in which chinese officials parade about this looks like a desperate
> whitewash attempt.
> >On Saturday 25 March 2006 22:51, Dick Eastman wrote:
> > I guess time will tell, Patrick.
> >
> > But the Communist Chinese have always been in the opium business -- to
> > finance their revolution -- -- ask the Japanese about WWII -- and drugs
> > have paid an important part in financing the export of revolution.
> >
> > Let us see what other comments my post stimulates -- I am hoping that
> > others will provide the documentation that I no longer have at my
> > fingertips.
> >
> > As you say, Patrick, this is not "proof", but interpretation based on
> > years of taking in information.
> >
> > Warm regards,
> >
> > Dick Eastman
> > Yakima, Washington
> >
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "Patrick BURNAND" <>
> > To: <>
> > Sent: Saturday, March 25, 2006 1:32 PM
> > Subject: Re: [planehuggers] What did China have to do with 9-11? by Dick
> > Eastman
> >
> > > On Saturday 25 March 2006 20:53, Dick Eastman wrote:
> > > > What did China have to do with 9-11?
> > > >
> > > > by Dick Eastman
> > > >
> > > > The Chinese gained from the 9-11 false-flag provocateur mass-murder
> > > > asymetrical-warfare operation against the US and Islam.
> > >
> > > I don't believe it, but let's go further.
> > >
> > > > The Moslem Taliban were erradicating the opium growing in Afganistan
> > > > --
> > >
> > > Right.
> > >
> > > > which cut shipments of opium over the old silk road to China which
> > > > cut the production and world distribution of Chinese heroin
> > >
> > > Is the heroine really chinese ??
> > > I really think that these stories about red china dealing drugs has
> > > been anti-communist propaganda, not an actual fact...
> > >
> > > > -- of which a
> > > > trillion dollars worth was laundered into London, US, Swiss, German
> > > > and French merchant banks each year
> > >
> > > Right...
> > >
> > > > where it was (is) invested in China's
> > > > "miraculous" super industrialization (with slave-labor compensation)
> > > > --
> > >
> > > Partially true, but I fear an economic sophism here.. If these
> > > ressources were not spent on drugs, China would also boom, thanks to
> > > its economic opening and the fact that foreign investment are now
> > > allowed.
> > >
> > > The illegal drug trade basically transfers money from the junkies to
> >
> > dealers
> >
> > > and banks laundering drug money. But more money spent on drugs means
> >
> > less
> >
> > > money spent on other goods like home electronics, which the chinese
> > > manufacture.
> > >
> > > Unless you can prove that a significant amount of the drug goes
> > > China or that a significant amount of drug money is laundered in
> > > there is no evidence the chinese economy benefits from it.
> > >
> > > > the Chinese needed the Taliban taken down and the so-called "Norther
> > > > Alliance" drug-lords put in control.
> > >
> > > This is certainly the case for the USA and european nations where the
> > > drug money is laundered, but to my best knowledge, China is no
> > > significant financial place. The chinese economy mostly consists of
> > > agriculture and export oriented industries, certainly not banking and
> > > insurance...
> > >
> > > > 9-11 accomplished this. (Remember
> > > > how Taliban leader Mohammed Omar told Bush that he would extradite
> > > > bin Laden to the U.S. immediately if Bush would only show some
> > > > evidence linking bin Laden to 9-11 -- Bush refused and invaded --
> > > > and you know the rest of that story.
> > > >
> > > > The Moslems under Han Red Chinese domination had been looking to the
> > > > Taliban for religious inspiration in the face of Chinese enforced
> >
> > atheism
> >
> > > > and persecution and racial discrimination. The Chinese needed the
> > > > (stupid) U.S. to be fooled by the 9-11 false-flag attack so that
> > > > would (with neo-con management) attack and destroy the government of
> > > > the religious clean-living Taliban.
> > >
> > > I don't they anyhow needed this. The chinese govnerment controls the
> >
> > media
> >
> > > and the people of China have probably never heard of the Talibans...
> > >
> > > > China has never given up the goal of defeating the U.S. --
> > > > essentially Jeffersonian bourgeois liberalism -- but they have
> > > > proceeded in surreptitious cunning -- attacking our culture, our
> > > > economy, our institutions, our relations with the world.
> > >
> > > I have never seen any evidence that the chinese attack the USA...
> > > They want to have a rapid economic development like Japan, but this
> >
> > doesn't
> >
> > > mean they want to attack the west..
> > >
> > > > The 9-11 wars exhaust
> > > > America and the make America hated in the world.
> > >
> > > It was the case long before 9/11.
> > >
> > > > The Chinese have long
> > > > past the point where they are stronger than the U.S. in the world --
> > > > all of the wealth of the U.S. is concentrated in internationalist
> > > > ruling-class families who are allied with Chinese ruling class power
> > > > -- the power that enslaves China today in the coils of market
> > > > totalitarianism.
> > >
> > > There are a lot of vague sentences, but no evidence.
> > >
> > > At most, you have showed that China could benefit by side effects.
> > >
> > >
> > > --
> > > Patrick BURNAND <>
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Yahoo! Groups Links
> >
> > Yahoo! Groups Links
> >
> >
> >
> --
> Patrick BURNAND <>
> Yahoo! Groups Links


Message: 18
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2006 00:55:17 -0700
From: APFN <>
Subject: 9/11 remote control 757 - ILS, Instrument Landing System

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Message: 19
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2006 10:03:48 -0000
From: "Ozzy bin Oswald" <>
Subject: Cameras Don't Lie: Blinking Cartoon Detonates Tower Bomb


Succour the Children from Madness of Sheen Heretic

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Message: 20
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2006 09:57:43 -0500
From: "President, USA Exile Govt." <>
Subject: Two Days in the Life: 3/26-27/6

Free Americans
Reaching Out to Amerika's Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Free
Via <>

March 26-27, 2006

NOTE: Amy Worthington provides us here with a fine survey of
politico-military-police conditions back in the hapless infamous USA.
Transmission and reception difficulties yesterday, so this is a double
dispatch. -- kl, pp

From: "Dick Eastman" <>
Date: March 25, 2006 2:17:41 AM EST
Subject: [911TruthAction] excellent big picture -Amy Worthington:
Police State USA - Part One Big Brother's Most Cool Tool (excerpt)

Police State USA - Part One
Brother's Most Cool Tool

> By Amy Worthington
> 3-9-6

> Senate Minority leader Harry Reid (D-NV) calls this Congress the "most
> corrupt" in history.(1) U.S. Representative Ron Paul (R-TX) often
uses the
> term "police state" to describe our national state of affairs. George
> is making the most expansive claims to unbridled power since
America's War
> for Independence, according to Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT).(2)
Former U.S.
> Ambassador Joseph Wilson, who proved Bush/Cheney lied to launch us
into war
> with Iraq, says "fascist forces have seized control of the levers of
> power."(3)
> Americans are being told that their Republic has become a fascist
> state--they just need ears to hear. In a fascist police state, the
> secures his power with support from private corporations which are
> special privileges and thus benefit from doing business with
> Continuously bribed by 28,000 corporate lobbyists (4)  in D.C.,
Congress is
> doing its part to build a fascist system in America. During President
> recent State of the Union speech, these tainted legislators
perpetually rose
> to their feet to applaud the spewing of what a New York Times
> called "misleading analogies, propaganda slogans and false
> Their bootlicking recalls a by-gone Soviet era when endless rows of
> Central Party members applauded the likes of Stalin to ensure their
> breath of oxygen.
> After passage of the Patriot Act of 2001, Rep. Paul told Insight
> that the 2,200-page bill was not made available to Congress to read
> the vote.(6) So the most corrupt Congress in history rubber-stamped
the most
> fascist legislation they had never read. Our constitution enumerates
> inalienable rights that are emphatically restated in the first 10
> known as "The Bill of Rights." Under the Patriot Act, the "right" to
> speech, peaceable assembly and security in one's person, papers and
> have been relegated to "privileges" that government can take away at
> Patriot Act authority has suspended the right to due process and a
> and public trial; it even cancels protection against cruel and unusual
> punishment. Agents serving the fascist state can freely wire-tap our
> enter our homes/offices, search and seize without warrant and detain
> indefinitely without charges-ostensibly to keep America safe.
> The ink had barely dried on the Patriot Act when Congress passed the
> Homeland Security Act of 2002. Rep. Paul stated that Congress also
did not
> read the 500-page bill that gave birth to the Department of Homeland
> Security (DHS).(7) DHS, a creepy intelligence gathering apparatus
> reminiscent of the Nazi SS, has merged 22 federal agencies and their
> databases, employing nearly a quarter million workers. The New York
> columnist William Safire told the American people that, under DHS,
"You are
> a suspect."(8) Rep. Paul confirms that "the Department represents a
huge new
> increase in the size and scope of the federal government that will
> serve to spy on the American people."(9)
> Michael Chertoff was appointed by Bush in 2004 to head DHS. Chertoff
> to be an identical twin of founding Soviet dictator Vladimir Lenin,
> us a stark flashback to the Russian Revolution of 1917. That
lucrative Wall
> Street operation, which unleashed murderous communist tyranny upon
> of millions of people for nearly the entire 20th
> century, was funded and directed from New York by a clique of
> Skull and Bones members in business with the Averell Harriman
> George Herbert Walker, great grandfather of the Skull and Bones
fascist now
> occupying the White House, was a Harriman partner when Lenin granted
> Harriman's Wall Street syndicate lucrative Russian resource
> Lenin also made Harriman partner Max May of Wall Street's Guaranty
Trust the
> first vice president of Russia's Soviet Ruskombank.(12)
> Yale's powerful Skull and Bones network also has a predilection for
> as clearly illustrated by the Harriman-Bush involvement in secret
funding of
> the German Nazis during the 1930s.(13) Our present
> grandfather, Prescott Sheldon Bush, was a Bonesman and a Harriman
> involved in business dealings with Hitler's war machine even after
> began.(14) Prescott shamelessly failed to divest himself of more than
> dozen "enemy national" relationships that continued as late as
> As we witness the progression of runaway fascism under the
administration of
> Prescott's grandson, we must recall that the Skull and Bones
syndicate, so
> adept at bringing nations to heel with war and revolution, created
the CIA
> in 1947 under direction of Bonesman Robert A. Lovett.(16)  Kitty
> reveals  in her Bush dynasty expose, The Family, that Bonesmen  refer
to the
> CIA as their  "home office."  Our burgeoning fascist state is a raging
> metastasis of the syndicate's obsession with power, made possible by
> ritualistic secrecy and iron-fisted control of U.S. intelligence for
> last 60 years. Our present generation of ruling Bonesmen is now
> merging the hideous Soviet and Nazi models into a hybrid for the new
> Homeland Security state.
> In 2004, a clueless and/or compromised Congress rubber-stamped the
> Intelligence Reform Act, a bill weighing in at over 3,000 pages. This
> Orwellian horror created the Department of National Intelligence
(DNI). All
> 15 U.S. intelligence agencies now report to DNI mega-commissar John
> Negroponte, a veteran of the Iran-Contra scandal. This shady new law
> establishes a counter-terrorism center and provides for a spy
> network capable of monitoring private communications systems. It
> that all drivers licenses and birth certificates be standardized,
> creating a national ID system. Some provisions of the Intelligence
> Act were classified "top secret" and congressmen were not allowed to
> them.(17) Americans have yet to discover what malignant ramifications
> DNI may hold for the future.
> In June, 2005, George Bush placed a portion of the FBI under his
> control, creating the National Security Service. This secret police
> apparatus, to be operated by the White House, will have no
> oversight.(18) In October, 2005, Bush created by executive order the
> National Clandestine Service, a new sticky arm of the CIA empowered
to carry
> out covert operations and dirty tricks within the United States.(19)
> many Gestapo units does a Fuhrer need?
> Meantime, we saw the true fascist face of Chertoff's Homeland Security
> megalith last year when he called together some 50 large corporations,
> including Microsoft, Oracle and Verizon, to enlist their help in
> and tracking the activities of Americans. He told them that Homeland
> Security was considering hiring a non-profit group to gather
information on
> citizens and send their names for scrutiny to Homeland Security.(20)
> This is the classic fascist formula-corporations invited by Homeland
> Security to enrich themselves by keeping 300 million Americans under
> surveillance as suspicious characters. The Department is now
collecting a
> gargantuan amount of information on every citizen-from every
> source- with its new "dataveillance" system called "Analysis,
> Visualization, Insight and Semantic Enhancement (ADVISE)." By sifting
> through mountains of computerized information, Chertoff's Gestapo may
> identify our "critical patterns of behavior" in order to assess our
> and intentions."(21)
> Homeland Security is also grooming law enforcement agencies across the
> nation to keep a suspicious eye on everyone. A 2004 Homeland Security
> memo(22) sent to police departments and sheriffs' offices all over the
> nation instructed law enforcement personnel to watch the masses for
> language since a scratch here, a twitch there could give away a
> terrorist attempting to blend into everyday American life while
planning an
> attack. The memo warned of anyone who shows arrogance or expresses
> of attitudes and decisions of the U.S. government," implying that
dissent is
> synonymous with terrorism.  It advised that agents should consider as
> suspect an emotionless face or "a pale face from the recent shaving
of a
> beard."  It even warned that a terrorist might find waiting in a
> store line intolerable. So we learn that to prevent suspicion, good
> citizens must refrain from twitching or scratching in public and
maintain a
> happy face at the grocery store.
> The Washington Post noted that each of the U.S. military branches is
> spying domestically on American citizens. This has been confirmed by
> Ron Wyden (D-OR), a member of the Senate Select Committee on
> who was outraged when he told The Washington Post last November, "We
> deputizing the military to spy on law-abiding Americans in
> One tentacle of this domestic military spy apparatus is the Pentagon's
> Counterintelligence Field Activity (CIFA), a conglomeration of
> directorates which collect and analyze names of persons considered a
> to the infrastructure of the fascist state.(24)
> Professor of politics Christopher Pyle explains that the Joint
> Task Forces (JTTF) unite local military analysts with law enforcement
> as part of "one big club effectively destroying the Fourth Amendment
> unlimited search and seizure."(25) Commentator Steve Weissman
confirms that
> the JTTF, FBI and local cops are quietly building their own ad-hoc
> police.(26)
> The Pentagon--with its huge network of intelligence agencies--is
> engaged in a power struggle with Congress and the new DNI. Defense
> Rumsfeld is infamous for trying to make his own foreign policy.(27)
He has
> created a new intelligence apparatus of his very own, the Strategic
> Branch (SSB). According to The New York Times, Rumsfeld's SSB
networks, now
> deployed in nations across the globe, are immune from both
> oversight and media examination.(28)
> Special operations teams now roam the planet to perpetrate Rumsfeld's
> personal black ops missions with no records kept and no questions
> Some of these operations are headed up by Lt. General William
Boykin(30) who
> calls the U.S. Army the "House of God"-war, militarism and coercive
> surveillance being a sort of fascist religion, you see.
> The Pentagon also controls the National Security Agency which was
> by Bush, in violation of the law, to conduct illegal and warrantless
> wire-tapping of American citizens before 9/11. About the minute he
> the White House, Bush directed NSA to launch a frenetic illegal
domestic spy
> program, depriving Americans of their Fourth Amendment protection from
> unjustified government intrusion.(31) That was long before he could
use the
> excuse of terrorism. To his credit, Senator Russ Feingold said he
felt shame
> during the 2006 State of the Union speech when his fellow legislators
> applauded as Bush defended this illegal surveillance. "Since when do
> start to stand up and cheer for breaking the law?" Feingold asked.(32)
> The New York Times reported that after 9/11, NSA went hysterical,
> the names, addresses and emails of thousands Americans to the FBI for
> investigation.(33) In Idaho (and throughout the nation), law abiding
> were harassed and questioned incessantly by the FBI. Finally the ACLU
held a
> seminar to teach these people how to defend themselves during endless
> interrogations.(34)The FBI was overwhelmed with NSA demands-yet we
now know
> that the FBI located no terrorist cells inside the U.S.(35) and
> mainly to terrify innocent citizens and invade their privacy.(36)
> Additional police state spawn known as the "Project Bioshield Act of
> authorizes the secretaries of the DHS and the Department of Health
and Human
> Services (DHHS) to take virtual control of the bodies of all American
> citizens during a national emergency. Health officials are empowered
> compel everyone to receive state-mandated medications or vaccinations
and to
> comply with quarantine orders.(37) With lavish Project Bioshield
> state and local agencies have been drilling for the day when citizens
> commanded to line up for the bio-terrorism counter measures being
brewed for
> them by large pharmaceutical companies under lucrative federal
> Absolute liability protection for those companies was inserted into
> Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act passed in December,
> According to outraged congressional witnesses, Senate Majority Leader
> Frist and House speaker Dennis Hastert used devious chicanery to
sneak this
> provision into the language without approval of the House-Senate
> committee responsible for the final draft.(38) Now if citizens are
> or killed by Homeland's compulsory bio-warfare drugs and vaccines,
they can
> neither sue the manufacturer nor seek compensation from the
> This safety net for the pharmas is vital because the new recombinant
> vaccines contain deadly squalene adjuvants like MF59, or other
> additives such as MPL. These non-soluble lipids cause extreme
> as they gradually go rancid in the body. Test animals injected with
> lipid-based adjuvants always develop incurable auto-immune conditions
> symptomatic of multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis and systemic
> lupus.(39) Hundreds of military personnel injected with experimental
lots of
> squalene-contaminated anthrax vaccines have also developed painful,
> incurable chronic illnesses.(40) When Homeland needle Nazis start
> whacking the population with the new lipid-laced vaccines, Americans
> truly understand the meaning of "bioterrorism."
> Meantime, as Homeland fascism deeply ripens, reports of Gestapo-like
> surveillance and intrusions are coming from everywhere.
> · Doug Thompson, a longtime D.C. reporter with deep connections--whose
> website Capitol Hill Blue has kept readers apprised of the
> bizarre and erratic behavior of George W. Bush--recently discovered
that the
> FBI has collected over 100 pages of trivial information on him since
9/11. A
> friend in the Justice Department actually showed him the data.(41)
> · Another award-winning news correspondent James Moore, who
co-authored a
> book critical of Bush, went to the airport to catch his reserved
flight and
> was told he is now on the Transportation Security Administration's
> list. He has never been given a reason why. If you anger the dictator
in a
> police state, you have no rights. Moore has no recourse; no
> · Homeland Security is now freely opening private mail.(43) Internet
> providers, universities and city governments across the nation are
> forced to overhaul their internet computer networks to make it easier
> law enforcement to monitor on-line communications.(44)
> · The Washington Post informs us that the FBI is still hand-delivering
> thousands of national security letters to banks, libraries and
> enterprises across the nation demanding they turn over their records
> their patrons, thus allowing inquisitors to secretly learn every
> detail of our finances.(45)
> ·The absurdity of such snooping was recently revealed when a retired
> in Rhode Island was informed by J.C. Penney Platinum MasterCard that
> they paid off their credit card debt with a check for $6,522, Homeland
> Security had been notified.  Credit to their account was delayed
while DHS
> agents investigated the possible  "terrorist" ramifications of such a
> payment.(46)
> ·Anti-war protestors across the nation report that they are being
> and harassed by the National Security Agency and by certain National
> and local police units working with federal agencies.(47)
> · The most outrageous report is that of a young high school student
in North
> Carolina given an assignment to illustrate his rights under the Bill
> Rights. He took a photo of a George Bush poster hanging on the wall
next to
> a "thumbs down" sign. A Walmart employee freaked when he developed
the photo
> and called the police, who then called the Secret Service. The Secret
> Service went ballistic. They grilled the principal and the civics
> confiscated the photo poster and threatened to indict the terrified
> student.(48) Now this kid truly understands the new Bill of no Rights
> Fascist America.
> Especially galling is that all of this lunacy has blossomed since the
> so-called terrorist attack of 9/11. As millions of Americans now
know, the
> official 9/11 fable violates the laws of natural science.
> · A jet liner can't disappear into a hole less than half its size
> leaving wreckage (Pentagon).
> · Hijackers can't be killed in plane crashes and later be found alive
> living lawfully in various locations throughout the world.
> · Smoldering fires too cool to bend, let alone melt steel girders
> collapse two skyscrapers simultaneously at the speed of gravity (Twin
> Towers).
> Brigham Young University physics professor Steven Jones has
> mathematically that pre-positioned explosives, detonated in precise
> sequence, were necessary to bring  the Trade Center buildings
> Former German Minister Andreas von Buelow has explained to the entire
> why the complex 9/11 attack was impossible without U.S. government and
> corporate backing.(50) Russian General Leonid Ivashov said recently
that the
> 9/11 attack was faked by government and corporate officials who have
> invented the war on terror as a tool for global political and economic
> manipulation.(51)
> Hundreds of 9/11 families know this and in May 2002, they filed suit
> the feds for the sacrificial death of their loved ones.(52) Their
> Stanley Hilton, has stated that he went to school years ago with Paul
> Wolfowitz and other Bush advisors who even then were planning a fake
> Harbor-like attack to grease the skids for a presidential
> Because these sociopaths got away with 9/11, the door remains wide
open for
> them to unleash future fake attacks to leap-frog their fascist plans
> forward.
> The most corrupt Congress in history has collaborated with 9/11
> in a shameful cover-up of this horrible genocide project. Perhaps they
> tolerate treason because they are afraid to end up like the late
> Paul Wellstone, who died in a suspicious plane crash after leading
> opposition to the Bush gang's war in Iraq.(54) Or they are afraid of
> an anthrax message as did the staffs of Tom Daschle and Pat Leahy
> those two senators  sassed the president back in 2001.(55)  According
> research of Dr. Len Horowitz and others, the anthrax strain mailed to
> enemies of the state originated in a CIA research program. It is
> that even the anthrax scare was an inside job.(56) If America gets
the flu,
> will it be from "the birds"-or from "the boys?"
> In October 2005, Bush announced that he was considering plans for
> military personnel to enforce quarantines in the event of a bird flu
> outbreak. Bush believes that he has the power to waive the 1878 Posse
> Comitatus Act, which prohibits federal military personnel from
> law enforcement within the United States. John Brinkerhoff, deputy
> of FEMA, has developed martial law implementation plans to be
enforced by
> U.S military personnel.  Bush has reportedly signed executive orders
> himself sole authority to impose martial law and suspend habeas
corpus with
> no checks and balances during a national emergency.(57) When
> the declaration of martial law will completely trump the sovereign
powers of
> the several states.
> The authority to decide what constitutes a national emergency
> rests solely with this impaired little man who needs antidepressants
> control his moods and temper.(58) Our cherished Constitution now
dangles by
> a thread from the unstable hand of a man professionally diagnosed as a
> paranoid megalomaniac.(59) The lives of our children now depend upon
a man
> who has authorized the Pentagon's use of flesh-burning white
phosphorus and
> napalm weapons against the people of Iraq in the name of bringing them
> "democracy."(60)
> The Pentagon has ordered U.S. Northern Command (NORTHCOM) at Peterson
> Force Base to prepare a series of CONPLANS, which are super secret
> strategies designed for rapid military takeover of the USA when the
> gives the word.(61) These are the same planners who, under the
command of
> Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld were, "unable" to get a single
plane off
> the ground to intercept the attack they launched against their own
> headquarters, engendering the fascism we now suffer.(62)
> William Arkin, writing for The Washington Post, explains that the
> have arisen from a series of special authorities given to the
Pentagon by
> the White House. The Pentagon's full scale exercise of CONPLAN 0400
> Shadow) capabilities are slated to begin in April 2006.(63) A preview
> such operations was seen late last year when fully armed Visible
> Protection and Response (VIPER) teams launched exercises in U.S. mass
> transit facilities.  As noted by writer Steve Watson, VIPER exercises
> involved "federally brainwashed goons stomping around with machine
guns and
> vicious dogs, getting in everyone's face and randomly grabbing and
> people on the subway."(64) We must not forget  that many U.S. troops
> also trained in the late 1990's, during Operation Urban Warrior
> to execute domestic sweeps and round-up operations in our cities.
> General Tommy Franks assured us in 2003 that, after a major
> casualty-producing event anywhere in the Western world, the American
> would "question our own constitution" and consent to a militarization
of the
> United States for security.(65) The Pentagon is said to be a tad
> however,  that a military takeover at home might diminish its ability
> kill and torture abroad.(66)
> Halliburton subsidiary Kellogg, Brown and Root (KBR) has been awarded
a $385
> million dollar contract by Homeland Security for construction of
> and processing facilities to be made ready in the event of a national
> emergency.(67) Brown and Root was part of the Skull and Bones nexus
> its inception at the turn of last century.(68) Like Halliburton, KBR 
> grown fat on blood-money gleaned through decades of perpetual wars
> including the present conflagration in the Middle East. If the
> batten down totalitarian power domestically, KBR and Halliburton will
> profit from the erection and maintenance of  prison camps expected to
> the land if the fascists launch a military takeover.
> Homeland Security camps could be bulging at the seams overnight when
> U.S. falls under "emergency" military rule.  Would a  criminal
regime, which
>  brazenly  murdered over 3000 people on 9/ll,  hesitate to send
> of others to the gulag?  The U.S. already has the highest per capita
> incarceration rate in the world. During martial law, when no one is
free to
> move around at will, just about EVERYONE is under a form of "house"
> Americans got a taste of this grim future when, during the 2004
> National Convention protests,  1,806 demonstrators were rounded up,
> imprisoned without charges and kept in filthy conditions for 24 hours
> more.(69)
> The grand finale of American fascism is yet to come. No totalitarian
> structure would be complete without an oppressive identification
system that
> allows the dictator's henchmen to access birth-to-death information
on every
> citizen listed in a  national database. It's becoming obvious that no
one is
> intended to escape the dictator's dynamic plans to force upon us
national ID
> cards and, eventually, under-the-skin identification implants with a
> satellite tracking system able to keep each of us under
> surveillance.
> The CIA admits that for years it has supported the rise of numerous
> technology companies for the development of hardware and software
useful for
> surveillance and tracking of the masses.(70) Oracle Corporation, the
> largest database software maker, is one of these CIA receptacles.(71)
As a
> voice for spooks everywhere, Oracle's billionaire chairman Larry
Ellison has
> long demanded that Americans be encumbered with digital identification
> cards, complete with biometric markers such hand prints and iris
> Immediately after 9/11, Ellison presented to federal officials his
> to create a national ID system with Oracle's expertise and
technology. This
> system will provide ruling fascists with utmost efficiency at sucking
> detailed personal information on every citizen into what Ellison
calls a
> "single comprehensive national security file."(73)
> The U.S. Intelligence Reform Bill of 2004 made a portion of Ellison's
> proposal into law. It requires that each new U.S. citizen born be
issued a
> Social Security number to be included on his birth certificate along
> his DNA biomarkers. All of this information will be stored in the
> data base and no child will enroll in public school or receive any
> entitlement benefit without first presenting his Homeland Security
> certificate.(74)
> The Real ID Act passed by Congress in December 2005 completely
> Ellison's ID plan. This new law establishes a massive,
> federal ID database. It forces all 50 states to spend millions of
dollars to
> update their equipment so that by 2008, all holders of U.S. drivers
> and state licensed ID cards will have their biometric data and other
> personal information fed directly into the national data base.
> Paul says the new ID cards could eventually contain radio frequency
> identification tracking technology, allowing the governments of U.S.,
> and Mexico to quickly locate any card-bearing American.(75)
> We are told that banks and credit card companies applaud a national ID
> system.(76) Instead of using bank credit and debit cards, people may
> eventually make purchases by showing their biometric Homeland ID
> These financial transactions will then end up in the federal database,
> permitting fascists to assess our motives and intentions by
monitoring all
> cashless sales and purchases.
> One day soon, officials at all levels will  be able to feed a citizen
> number into a wireless handheld or laptop device that connects to the
> national database. They may then instantly access that person's
> transactions, credit reports, medical and vaccination records, school
> records, driving records, political and religious affiliations and
> else that might have been inserted into his file by Homeland spies.
If this
> were 2008, the boy who created the thumbs down poster would likely
have his
> politically incorrect behavior duly recorded in the national data
base under
> his ID number. And conversely, while Americans are being set up to
> every shard of personal privacy, their fascist government is
> from them more information than ever and continually expanding ways of
> shrouding data, according to a coalition of watchdog groups.(77)
> National ID cards are only the beginning. America's fascist police
state is
> demonstrably anxious to ensure that each citizen have his
> number permanently attached to his body. For many years, U.S.
> agencies have been working with private corporations and covens of
> scientists from Princeton University and other enclaves to develop
> radio frequency devices that can be injected under the skin of humans
> identification purposes. Syringe implantable ID transponders were
> years ago, as illustrated by the prototype fully developed in 1995 by
> CIA-connected Hughes Aircraft Company.(78)
> The corporate gargoyle chosen by the fascists to market ID implant
> for our new security state is Applied Digital Solutions (ADS). With
> corporate offices in Florida, ADS and its web of subsidiaries are now
> unleashing upon the world a vast variety of injectable ID chips, plus
> sensors and scanners needed to read them.(79)
> A leading ADS backer is IBM, which promotes a global identity
> It's a matter of public record that IBM's New York Office provided the
> German Nazi's with technology and equipment that allowed Hitler to
> and track concentration camp prisoners as well as others caught in his
> fascist web.(81) If he could he see his old partners now, Adolph
might be
> green with envy, having been consigned to the barbaric practice of
> tattooing ID numbers on his slaves.
> While many European nations are also setting up electronic identity
> as a foundation for future ID chip implants, it is especially
pertinent that
> ADS has been given a prestigious award for its sinister implant
> by the World Economic Forum (WEF).(82) WEF is a clique of wealthy
> and political elitists who dictate global agendas. One of its most
> members is Bill Gates of Microsoft. Gates travels the world spending
> millions to promote injections for people of Third World nations. ID
> microchip implants are the MOTHER of all injections. Microsoft
> patented a way to use human skin as a power conduit for electronic
> devices.(83)
> In 2004, Tommy Thompson, at that time the Secretary of Health and
> Services under Homeland Security, invited ADS to a government
showcase to
> promote the implantation of subdermal microchips as part of the U.S.
> care system.(84) Requiring no medical control studies on the health
> of microchip implantation, the FDA, which also gave us silicone breast
> implants, aspartame and Vioxx, has approved the marketing of certain
> chips.(85)
> Tommy Thompson has now joined the ADS board. He told Americans during
> interview with CBS Market Watch that ID chips inserted into our
bodies will
> be a giant step towards achieving an electronic medical record for all
> Americans.(86) While ADS is donating to medical facilities expensive
> scanners required to read its subdermal chips,(87) the Department of
> and Human Services is providing grants to medical providers who will
> build electronic health records for Americans within a decade.(88)

(end of excerpt -- about half of part one)

From: "Adam Trombly" <>
Date: March 25, 2006 6:44:08 PM EST
To: <>
Subject: George Bush a saint?

President George W. Bush was scheduled to visit a United Methodist
Church in Oregon as part of his campaign. Bush's campaign manager made
a visit to the pastor, and said to her, "We've been getting a lot of
bad publicity among Methodists because of Bush's position on the war
and stem cell research and other issues. We'd gladly make a
contribution to the church of $100,000 if during your sermon you'd say
the President is a saint."

The pastor thinks it over for a few moments and finally says, "The
Church is in desperate need of funds and I will agree to do it."

Bush shows up and, as the service progresses, the pastor begins her

"George W. Bush is petty, a self-absorbed hypocrite and a nitwit. He is
a liar, a cheat, and a low-intelligence weasel. He has lied about his
military record and had the gall to put himself in a jet plane landing
on a carrier posing before a banner stating “Mission Accomplished." He
invaded a country for oil and money, and is using it to lie to the
American people. He is the worst example of a United Methodist I've
ever personally known... But compared to Dick Cheney and the rest of
his cabinet, George Bush is a saint."


From: janet phelan <>
Date: March 24, 2006 6:15:43 PM EST
Subject: [911TruthAction] Mind Reading Devices?

“Alan Yu, a former lieutenant colonel in the Taiwan National Defence
Department, says that the United States has not only developed an
operational mind control machine, but has also distributed models for
use by allied countries. Yu states that such machines pose a great
threat to human rights and the American way of life. He calls the
device the “Mind Reading Machine” (Mind Machine).
“In the spring of 1984, Yu was a lieutenant colonel serving in the
National Defence Department of Taiwan. At that time, Yu read a
classified document from the department that he serviced under. The
document said the Military Police Department of Taiwan had purchased
several of the Mind Reading Machines from the United States (In Taiwan,
it was called Psychological Language Machine).
   Yu reports that before he left, this machine had become the most
effective weapon for the security departments of Taiwan …
“Demonstrations of this equipment have shown encouraging results after
exposure of less than one minute and have produced the ability to alter
behavior on unwilling subjects.”
(Richard A. Miller, ‘Conciousness Technologies Conference’, July 2001)


NOTE: This one is worth rereading three years later because the latest
development is that the Fourth Reich is taking steps to deal with the
fact that "now the only reliable source of information left is the
Internet." -- kl, pp

From: Henri the Celt <>
Date: March 24, 2006 8:10:02 PM EST
To: AAAHenri <>


by voxfux

Forty years ago, John F. Kennedy was assassinated by the same ultra
right wing elements in the United States who rule today. When these
extremists assassinated Kennedy they seized a moment in history and
radically transformed America into a wasteland of lost opportunities,
forever killing the hopes that this country once had to be a decent
nation. And America has never been able to recover from those stolen
opportunities by the extremist right wing. America is now spiraling
deeper and deeper into the abyss of fascism.

Complicit in this plot to rob America of it's rightful future was the
CIA under Allen Dulles and the FBI under J. Edger Hoover.

Today the conspiracy to cover up the true facts surrounding the right
wing's assassination of Kennedy continues with a massive coordinated
effort by the CIA-controlled major media to obliterate the facts
surrounding the conspiracy to kill Kennedy and reinforce the widely
dismissed and disbelieved lie that Oswald acted alone.

The 40th anniversary of Kennedy's assassination has become once again
a field day for the right wing extremists who control the media to
churn out lie after lie about how Oswald acted alone. With bogus 3D
reenactments designed to fool the eye and boggle the mind.

It is a chilling reality today that there is such divide between what
is really real and what the official media-backed presentation of that
reality is. Nearly the entire major media is nothing more than a huge
brainwashing machine churning out disinformation carefully scripted by
the puppet-masters of the New World Order. CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX are
all under the complete control of the New World Order industrialists.
Nearly all "news" on these channels is lies.


All other forms of information can be and are compromised.

Soon America will descend into a military dictatorship and any
resemblance to a great nation it once was will be lost forever.

This thread will act as a repository of the chilling REALITY of the
right wing's assassination of Kennedy. Please do not include personal
comments or opinions in this thread. All such opinions and personal
comments will be deleted. This thread will act as a central point to
gather and document the chilling facts surrounding the many suspicious
players and events of those dark days when the New World Order made
their move and steered this country into hell.



From: Rick Davis <>
Date: March 25, 2006 6:44:02 PM EST
Subject: CHB blog: Is Bush flipping out?

Is Bush flipping out?

March 25, 2006 08:06 AM / Bush Leagues

We hear more and more White House chatter about increasing Presidential
temper tantrums – reports of an out-of-control President George W. Bush
losing it with close aides and even during incidental contacts with
lower-level West Wing staff.

This is unconfirmed. Our usual sources aren’t talking and those who
contact us are ones whose information has not always checked out in the
past but if the Department of Homeland Security can raise terror alert
levels on unconfirmed chatter, we can sound the alarm bell on reports
that the Prez may be losing it

We first reported on Bush’s erratic behavior and temper tantrums on
June 4, 2004. As usual the mainstreamer ignored it until Newsweek
reported the same thing in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Other
reports said Bush, angry over war protests, went into a mad tirade
against “traitors and Commies.”

Now others are chronicling the President’s history of temper tantrums.
But new reports say the outbursts occur more frequently and Bush then
retreats into a deep depression. In 2004, we reported Bush was taking
anti-depressants. He may need to go back on them.

All of this suggests disturbing behavior in the man who can order a
nuclear strike on another nation. It also explains how the man can
authorize illegal spying on Americans by the National Security Agency
and then brag about it to the public.

© Copyright 2006 by Capitol Hill Blue



The massacre of Iraqi Civilians: Death Mask

by Chris Floyd
March 26, 2006
Moscow Times

What happened in the village of Isahaqi, north of Baghdad, on the Ides
of March? The murk of war -- the natural blur of unbuckled event, and
its artificial augmentation by professional massagers -- shrouds the
details of the actual operation. But here is what we know.

We know that U.S. forces conducted a raid on a house in the village on
March 15. We know that the Pentagon said the troops were "targeting an
individual suspected of supporting foreign fighters for the al-Qaida in
Iraq terror network," when their team came under fire, and that the
troops "returned fire, utilizing both air and ground assets," as the
Army Times reports. We know the Pentagon said that "only" one man, two
women and one child were killed in the raid.

We know from photographic evidence that the corpses of two men, four
shrouded figures (women, according to the villagers), and five children
-- all of them apparently under the age of five, one as young as seven
months -- were pulled from the rubble of the house and laid out for
burial beneath the desert sky. We know that an Associated Press
reporter on the scene saw the ruined house, and a photographer for
Agence France-Presse took the pictures of the bodies.

We know that two Iraqi police officials, employed by the U.S.-backed
Iraqi government, told Reuters that the 11 occupants of the house,
including the five children, had been bound and shot in the head before
the house was blown up. We know that the U.S.-backed Iraqi police said
that an autopsy performed on the bodies found that "all the victims had
gunshot wounds to the head." It did not say whether they had other
wounds as well. We know that a Knight-Ridder reporter later saw a
preliminary police report indicating that the 11 victims had mulitple

We know that Ahmed Khalaf, the brother of the house's owner, told the
AP that nine of the victims were family members and two were visitors,
adding, "The killed family was not part of the resistance, they were
women and children. The Americans have promised us a better life, but
we get only death."

We know from the photographs that one child, the youngest, the baby,
has a gaping wound in his forehead. We can see that another child, a
girl with a pink ribbon in her hair, is lying on her side with blood
oozing from the back of her head. The faces of the other children are
turned upward toward the sun; if they were shot, they were shot
somewhere in the back, and their wounds are not evident. But we can see
that their bodies, though covered with dust from the rubble, are
otherwise whole; they were evidently not crushed in the collapse of the
house. They died in some other fashion.

We know from the photographs that two of the children -- girls, still
in their pajamas -- are lying with their dead eyes open. We can see
that the light and tenderness that animate the eyes of every young
child have vanished; nothing remains but the brute stare of nothingness
into nothingness. We can see that the other three children have their
eyes closed; two are limp, but the baby has one stiffened arm raised to
his cheek, as if trying to ward off the blow that gashed and pulped his
face so terribly.

These facts are what we know from U.S. officials, U.S.-backed Iraqi
officials and reporters for Western news agencies on the scene. This is
probably all we will ever know for certain about what happened in
Isahaqi on March 15. The rest will remain obscured by the murk created
by U.S. military spokesmen, who apparently are not telling the truth
about the body count of the raid, and by the unavoidable confusion that
attends the villagers' description of a surprise attack in the middle
of the night. But beyond this cloud of unknowing, there are a few other
facts relevant to the case that can be clearly established.

For instance, we know that the soldiers who caused the deaths of these
children -- either by tying them up and shooting them, an unspeakable
atrocity, or else "merely" by storming or bombing a house full of
civilians in a night raid "with both air and ground assets" -- were
sent to Iraq on a demonstrably false mission to "disarm" weapons that
did not exist and take revenge for Sept. 11 on people who had nothing
to do with the attack. And we now know that President George W. Bush
was given detailed reports before the invasion that showed conclusively
that the intelligence did not support the public case he was making for
war, as the National Journal reports.

We know that three years ago this week, Bush nevertheless gave the
order to begin the unprovoked, unjust and unnecessary invasion of Iraq.
He hasn't fired a single shot, tortured any prisoners, beheaded any
civilians or planted any bombs. Yet every single atrocity of the war,
on both sides, is the direct result of the decision he made three years
ago. Nothing he says can change this fact. Nothing he does, or causes
to be done, for good or ill, can wash the blood of these children --
and the tens of thousands of other innocent civilians killed in the war
-- from his hands.

And anyone who knows these facts, who sees these facts, and fails to
cry out against them, if only in their own heart, will be forever
tainted by this same blood.

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the sole
responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of
the Centre for Research on Globalization.

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must be displayed. For publication of Global Research articles in print
or other forms including commercial internet sites, contact: contains copyrighted material the use of which
has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We
are making such material available to our readers under the provisions
of "fair use" in an effort to advance a better understanding of
political, economic and social issues. The material on this site is
distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest
in receiving it for research and educational purposes. If you wish to
use copyrighted material for purposes other than "fair use" you must
request permission from the copyright owner.

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Research's News and Discussion Forum

For media inquiries:

© Copyright Chris Floyd, Moscow Times, 2006

The url address of this article is:


Iraq: Torture and Task
Force 121

by Sarah Meyer
March 27, 2006

“I’ve got this apparatus set up — the black special-access program —
and I’m going in hot.” Steven Cambone, quoted in The Gray Zone by
Seymour Hersh.

A recent important NY Times article by Eric Schmitt and Carolyn
Marshall was about abuse in the ‘Black Room’1 at Camp Nama near
Baghdad. The NY Times map and the map of Baghdad Airport at US Camp
Victory – al Nasr appear undistinguishable.

Schmitt and Marshall say that Task Force 6-26 was ‘renamed’ Task Force
121 and moved to Balad. Balad is now the largest US airbase in Iraq and
is situated in the Sunni Triangle, upon which anti-US-occupation Iraqis
lob mortars.

However, Task Force 121 was already in existence. TF121 was formed from
TF5 (Afghanistan) and TF20 (Iraq). It is a combination of Air, Army and
Navy Special Forces. As of 2004, TF121 was composed of 4 elements.

1. Grey Fox: a deep-cover organisation based at Fort Belvoir in
Northern Virginia. Specializes in spying. After 9/11, Grey Fox was
incorporated into

2. Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) at Fort Bragg, North
Carolina; they report to Command Centre in Tampa, Florida.

3. CIA Special Activities Division.

4. Special Operations Aviation Division (Black Hawks, Chinooks,
AH-6.) Resources, including spy satellites, Predators, helicopters,
Cruise missiles and C120 gunships are at their disposal.

The CIA Paramilitary are not considered as ‘part of the armed forces,’
are therefore exempt from the Geneva conventions,” i.e. not governed by
the laws of war. “The Special Activities Staff (SAS) is one of the
least known covert units operating on behalf of the US Government.”

British2 and Australian SAS, as well as Poland's GROM and Norway’s
Marinejeger are reported to be connected to TF121.

According to The Real Truth, TF121’s duty is “pre-emptive manhunting”
(Saddam Hussein, Osama Bin Laden, Mullah Omar, eg.) – ‘high value
targets.’ TF121 is reputed to bear a resemblance to The Vietnamese
Phoenix Programme. In Vietnam3, says the Real Truth, the “operation got
out of control.” … many of those assassinated had nothing to do with
the war but were targeted because of private grievances.”

“Most disturbing,” continues The Real Truth, “are TF121's interrogation
techniques which reportedly violate the Geneva conventions on the
conduct of war. These techniques are employed not just on their
targets, but also on their family and friends. We are told TF121 gets
around the Geneva conventions by "contracting out" the interrogations
to "foreign experts" who are skilled in the use of psychotic drugs,
electroshock therapy, psychological trauma, and other means for the
infliction of pain and distress. TF121's official position is that it
does not know what techniques its contractors use.”

The TF121 techniques sound like those used by TF6-26 at Camp Nama,

The TF 121 techniques also sound like those ascribed to the “special
access program” (SAP),4 discussed in A Chain of Command by Seymour
Hersch5 and again in Alfred McCoy’s A Question of Torture.6 Rumsfeld is
known to have wanted to wrest control from the CIA. The SAP “is known
to only a few officials,” amongst whom appear to be President Bush,
Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld and Stephen Cambone. Please read
Jason Miller’s review of McCoy’s book here. McCoy’s book is extensively
footnoted and also has a large bibliography. Hopefully, this very
excellent book will now get “the attention it deserves.”7

Various websites associate the following names with TF121. Some names
are also duplicated with TF6-26.

1) Rumsfeld, Cambone, Boykin, Rear Admiral Bill McRaven

2) Air Force Brigadier General Lyle Koenig

3) General John Abizaid, reported to be responsible for forming TF121.

4) Some of the above and Maj. Gen. Stanley McChrystal, CIA Director
George Tenet

5) Col. Stuart A. Herrington, Maj. Gen. Barbara Fast, Brig. Gen.
Richard P. Formica, Lt. Gen. Ricardo S. Sanchez.

6) Kenneth S. McGraw, Gen. Bryan D. Brown, Vice Adm. Lowell E. Jacoby,
Maj. Gen. Michael E. Ennis

Has TF121 now been renamed Task Force 145, as stated in the NY Times?
More clarification and information about the ‘black’ activities of this
Task Force - whatever their TF number - would be welcome.

“Presumably,” I asked Thomas Ricks of the Washington Post, who visited
and wrote evocatively about Balad, "a new 'detainee' centre (aka
torture cell) has now been set up by the now renamed TF121 at Balad? Or
not?” Ricks replied, “There is indeed a big JSOTF8 compound at Balad.
If they do have a detention room, I presume it would be inside that
compound. I wasn't allowed inside it, and nor were the Army and Air
Force officers I was with.”

If you, too, wish to be a Task Force psychopath, see here.

If, however, you carry compassion and justice in your heart, watch this
short heart-numbing video, Children of Abraham –Death in the Desert.

Then read Guide to Passing Resolutions Supporting Impeachment / List of
Resolutions Passed.

[1] Seymour Hersh notes in 24.05.04, New Yorker, The Gray Zone: “All
the so-called “black” programs had one element in common: the Secretary
of Defense, or his deputy, had to conclude that the normal military
classification restraints did not provide enough security.”
[2] See Basra Shadowlands
[3] See Hersh, Seymour, Moving Targets, New Yorker, August 12 2003.
[4] Special Access Programs (SAPs) [PDF]
[5] Hersh, Seymour, A Chain of Command, Harper Collins, New York 2004
[6] McCoy, Alfred, A Question of Torture, Henry Holt, New York 2006, p.
116, 132.
[7] Tom Engelhardt’s comment 21.03.06
[8] Joint Special Operations Task Force

Sarah Meyer is a researcher living in Sussex, UK. You can contact her
Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the sole
responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of
the Centre for Research on Globalization.

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use copyrighted material for purposes other than "fair use" you must
request permission from the copyright owner.

To express your opinion on this article, join the discussion at Global
Research's News and Discussion Forum

For media inquiries:

© Copyright Sarah Meyer,, 2006

The url address of this article is:



Energy Trading Platform launched in Qatar
March 27, 2006
Gulf Times

Global Research Editor's Note: 

The opening of Energy City Qatar, challenges the Iranian project of
opening a Euro based Oil bourse, which according to recent reports has
either been postponed or cancelled. It also reinforces the grip of the
Anglo-American oil companies on the Middle East oil market. It has a
direct bearing on the geopolitics of the broader Middle East Central
Asian region which contains up to 70 percent of the World's reserves
 of oil.  

Energy City to
fuel expanding Qatari economy

Thursday,23 March, 2006, at 12:04 AM Doha Time
By Pratap John

THE Middle East’s first energy business centre, Energy City Qatar, was
formally launched by HH the Prime Minister Sheikh Abdullah bin Khalifa
al-Thani at the Sheraton last night.

The multi-billion dollar Energy City Qatar will be home to a dedicated
energy trading platform, the International Mercantile Exchange (Imex),
which will be regulated by the Qatar Financial Centre Regulatory

To come up at Lusail, the Energy City Qatar will be the Middle East’s
first full-service energy business centre catering to the commercial,
technical and human resource needs of the oil and gas industry
operating in the region, with cutting-edge facilities and services.

The glittering launch ceremony was attended by several dignitaries,
including the First Deputy Premier and Minister of Foreign Affairs, HE
Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim bin Jabor al-Thani, the Second Deputy Premier
and Minister of Energy and Industry, HE Abdullah bin Hamad al-Attiyah
and Minister of Economy and Commerce, HE Sheikh Mohamed bin Ahmed bin
Jassim al-Thani.

Al-Attiyah and Sheikh Mohamed, in their opening remarks, welcomed the
establishment of Energy City Qatar and said it would give a further
boost to the already rapidly expanding Qatari economy.

Gulf Energy, a global consortium of energy consultants and investors,
is the promoter of Energy City Qatar.

Gulf Energy Chairman Esam Janahi said: "The Middle East accounts for
over 60% of the world’s proven oil reserves and over 40% of the world’s
natural gas reserves.

"But the region does not have a dedicated energy business centre.
Energy City Qatar was conceived with the central aim of filling this
void and positively contributing to the economic development of Qatar
and the region".

Gulf Energy board member and president and chief executive officer of
PFC Energy, Vahan Zanoyan, said: "Qatar is the ideal location for the
Middle East’s energy business centre. Participants in Energy City Qatar
will be able to gain significant efficiencies due to the benefits of
clustering, ease of interaction and communication, economies of scale
and easier access to opportunities and decision makers at all levels".

Gulf Energy recently signed a MoU with Microsoft providing for the
development and implementation of the next generation of advanced
enterprise-level solutions to form the necessary technology
infrastructure for Energy City Qatar.

In a pre-recorded address, Microsoft Corporation Chairman and chief
software architect Bill Gates said: "It is my pleasure to extend my
congratulations on the launch of Energy City Qatar. Microsoft has had a
presence in Qatar for several years and we are committed to investing
in the country, its people and businesses. We fully support your
efforts to establish Qatar as a world leader in the global energy
industry and Microsoft will strive to be at the forefront of the
development of software solutions of the oil and gas industry.

"We have helped make significant advances that are enabling energy
companies to create the strong infrastructure needed to streamline
operations and respond quickly to customer needs. Software plays a
central role in the energy industry.

"With the launch of Energy City Qatar, we have the opportunity to work
together to create new tools and solutions that will enable oil and gas
companies to achieve new levels of performance in every phase of their

"As the world’s first integrated energy business centre, Energy City
Qatar will be an international showcase for the next generation of
technology innovations and promises to play a major role in the
economic and social development of this vitally important region of the

"We look forward to contributing in the success of Energy City Qatar
and to continuing to deliver technology that can help the global energy
industry achieve peak performance."

Chevron Corporation Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Dave O’Reilly,
in his endorsement of Energy City Qatar, said: "As one of the world’s
leading energy companies, we have been active in the Gulf region for
more than 75 years. We believe Energy City Qatar is an example of
Qatar’s strong leadership to create a more secure energy future.

"Against a backdrop of surging demand for both natural gas and diesel,
Chevron is advancing major projects to produce LNG and GTL synthetic
fuels – and Qatar is central to our efforts.

"There is no doubt that consistent deliveries of large-scale and
innovative projects to make Qatar a clear partner of choice for gas

Schlumberger Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Andrew Gould said:
"Energy demand forecasts have already defined the significant
investment levels that will be needed to develop future supplies of
both oil and gas. But in addition to investment in new infrastructure,
where Qatar is already a leading player, much work is needed in
developing technology.

"At Schlumberger we are no strangers to such challenges as we ourselves
manage the service industry’s largest technology development

"We believe Energy City Qatar can fill an important role as the
regional hub of such intellectual capital and we welcome Qatar’s
initiative in pursuing such a vision. The oil and gas of the future
will become progressively more difficult to develop and an integrated
approach such as this must be part of the answer".

Statoil President and Chief Executive Officer Helge Lund, in his
endorsement, said: "I am honoured to endorse Energy City, a strong
symbol of the vision of HH the Emir, Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani.
I am impressed with what Qatar has accomplished in the area of energy.

"As a global leader of energy in LNG with firm plans for further
developments, Qatar’s track record gives excellent support to the
ambitions of also taking the lead on GTL.

"Qatar’s achievements were an inspiration to Statoil. Our ambitions are
also clear. We want to develop long-term business relationships with
Qatar and like Qatar, we have a proud history in the area of natural
gas. We are the leading gas supplier to Europe.

"We are now developing our first LNG project under arctic conditions
and eagerly seek a foothold in Qatar.

"The idea to join different developing technologies in Doha will
consolidate Qatar as a regional focal point for innovation. The Energy
City Qatar will be a major contributor in utilising Qatar’s
hydrocarbons and human resources.

"In this project I see a vibrant hub for collaborating various
countries and companies, a dynamic source of creativity and technology
innovation and a world scale centre for developing people skills and

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the sole
responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of
the Centre for Research on Globalization.

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must be displayed. For publication of Global Research articles in print
or other forms including commercial internet sites, contact: contains copyrighted material the use of which
has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We
are making such material available to our readers under the provisions
of "fair use" in an effort to advance a better understanding of
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in receiving it for research and educational purposes. If you wish to
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[This message contained attachments]


Message: 21
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2006 07:04:17 -0800 (PST)
From: janet phelan <>
Subject: To be a woman and a revolutionary

For Patricia Hearst
(penned in the late seventies)

Patricia, you have lopped off
your name like a teenage pigtail.
You are wearing bullets
like an apocalyptic daisy chain.
You have taken up
a new rhetoric
the way your mother
took up French.

To make a revolution
you must kidnap a country.
To be a revolutionary
you must wear someone
else's face, with the impassivity
of the religious
and the tic of perfection
of the insane. To be
a woman and a revolutionary
you must forget the habits
of rings and paint
and the movement of the moon
through your blood. You must
see the multitude
in every man's eyes
but never one
among the multitude.

Patricia, did they tell you
that love grows
from the barrel of a gun?
And did you see
that red love blooming
in chests and thighs
at Kent State, Cuba,
Saigon and Berkeley?

Your gun was built
by an angry man
who wanted to poison
the world with his sperm.

As women
we should know more
than to let this grey seed
enter our prime.

Janet C. Phelan

New Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. Call regular phones from your PC and save big.

[This message contained attachments]


Message: 22
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2006 10:10:18 -0500
From: "President, USA Exile Govt." <>
Subject: Special Supplement: Lost US History!

Free Americans Reaching
Out to Amerika's Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Free
Via <>

March 27, 2006

Dear Friends and Colleagues,
I'm pleased to see some attention below on the unspeakable
Tavistock Institute. I hope you can help me locate a good
medium-length summary of its insidious history.
One sly performance by Tavistock back in the '60s involved a
fake leak suggesting that it had "scripted women's lib, the Beatles,
Timothy Leary et al to mime the populace into passivity." (These are
the words of John Kaminski, who knows so little about the historical
impacts of hippies that he quite enthusiastically fell for the fakery.)
This evil divide-and-conquer lie was enormously beneficial to
the perverts at Tavistock, for it gave the US Left an excuse to ignore
the US secret police wipe-out of the tremendous hippie movement. The
Left was quite glad to have an excuse: after all, hippies were ten to
twenty times more influential with young people of that period than the
So the Left maintained a conspiratorial silence while the police
extinguished the hippie movement. Noam Chomksy and Howard Zinn are
prime examples of this. In fact, please skim through Zinn's "peoples'"
history of the US and then decide for yourself whether he even regards
hippies as people.
Yeah, the Left failed to ask why the US secret police would go
to such lengths to squish hippies if in fact they'd been "scripted. . .
to mime the populace into passivity." Or to ask why sleazy Harvard
fired Leary if he in fact was encouraging passivity. You can't have it
both ways. Was the Left appallingly stupid about this or merely
pretending to be?
Leary went before network TV cameras in March of '68 to say that
the delegates to the Democratic Convention in Chicago in August
wouldn't reach it because thousands of Yippies would block airport
runways there. Why does Kaminski interpret this as "passivity?"
Especially when he himself never gets beyond passive complaint and
lament--and into action. He has a lot to learn from Cindy Sheehan.
Just prior to this Tavistock ploy the Left and the hippies had
worked together in the anti-war movement of that time--especially
within the formidable coalition called the National Mobilization
Committee to End the War in Vietnam. When the hippie influence was
terminated, the anti-war movement became an impotent cultureless
loyal-opposition activity and today it's even worse.
In fact, the political cutting-edge (the San Francisco Diggers
were the cultural cutting-edge) of the hippie movement--Yippie--was
started as a response to Left opportunism. It was noticed at the big
Pentagon demo of '67 (by Bob Ockene, then executive editor of
Bobbs-Merrill) that the New Left (e.g., Tom Hayden, Rennie Davis, Carl
Oglesby) totally controlled the rhetoric with their bullhorns, then
fled when the vicious federal marshals arrived, leaving the voiceless
hippies to take the tear gas, skull bash and jail time.
The people then controlling Anglo-American society felt
enormously more threatened by the hippies than by the effete Left. If
you don't understand why, please read David Lewis Stein's LIVING THE
The leftists played merely a loyal-opposition role within the
ill-fated Occidental heritage while the hippies started moving beyond
it totally.
If these power mongers had felt threatened by the Left, they'd
have squished them also. Instead, leftists were allowed to continue
their obedient little academic and publishing careers. In return for
which Chomsky and other leftists have played along with the Fourth
Reich's cover-ups of truths pertaining to 9/11; the stolen '00 and '04
elections; OKC; the murders of JFK, MLK, RFK and the Wellstone Family;
depleted uranium; the GOP Kidnap/Blackmail/Murder Pedophile Culture;
etc. It's called a Faustian Bargain. Part of the deal is that Chomsky
gets praised in certain corporate media as "arguably the world's most
important intellectual" or some such.
Can you grok how much those in control loathed Gary Snyder's
suggestion (circa '69) that the solution to the environmental emergency
involved a "transfer of prime human attention from objects to states of
mind"? Such a transfer would have reduced the purchases of
environmentally destructive consumer goods by eighty or ninety percent.
Hardly anybody on the Left had had a single major psychedelic or yogic
experience, so they rarely understood what hippies meant by "states of
In fact, very few on the Left at that time even understood that
there was an environmental emergency. These days Chomsky behaves as
though he discovered it just a couple years ago.
Hippies were the founders and main players in the
back-to-the-land movement (beginning with the commune Drop City in Iowa
in '65) and also in the environmental movement until Straight David
Brower co-opted it on behalf of the suit-and-tie foundation-grant
Yours for all
Keith Lampe,
Ponderosa Pine
Transition Prez
Green Hippie

PS: What I've sketched above is perhaps the most important element
within the vast lost US history of the past few decades. I hope
someone has time to do a proper history of the hippie so that today's
young people don't have to grow up believing that Zinn has provided
them with a reasonable version of US history.

PPS: The US women's-lib movement was not scripted by Tavistock but
rather was quickly co-opted by the CIA to prevent it from targeting
capitalism as macho. Bribes were funneled into it by Warner
Communications, one of the forerunners of today's monstrous
Time/Warner/AOL/CNN. It didn't demonstrate against the oppression of
Afghan women until the Bush Junta had made it quite fashionable to do
so. And no US feminist qua feminist has taken a honest look at 9/11/01
(e.g., Medea Benjamin avoids or fudges the topic) even though so many
innocent US women were murdered that day by a nearly-all-male cabal of
US Government black-op thugs.

PPPS: There is one noteworthy abomination in L. Wolfe's piece below:
his notion that equal rights for all species is anti-human. It's
utterly pro-human in the sense of being the most appropriate focus for
our last-minute attempts to retain a habitable homeplanet. It's
ludicrous to suggest that TV has conditioned folks to a biocentric
perspective when in fact the conditioning has led to cruder and cruder
forms of human-chauvinist behavior.


From: Naveed <>
Date: March 25, 2006 6:53:16 PM EST
Subject: [911TruthAction] How Television Controls And Programs Minds
 I think this is partially the reason for why the asshats-that-be were
able to get away with selling the 9/11 fairytale--once again the TV can
be a tool to educate or to enslave, purely dependent on programming (no
pun intended).

How Television Controls and
Programs Minds

Turn Off Your Television

By L. Wolfe

The subconcscious is powerful. It is aware of every particle and
detail around you. But it doesn't know the difference between fact or
fiction and acts on all information passing through the conscious mind
as fact, and responds to it. So what do you think happens when you
watch silly, moron, goofy commercials and television programs? They are
training your thought processes.
Hey buddy, I'm talking to you. Yes, you, the guy sitting in front of
the television. Turn down the sound a bit, so that you can hear what I
am saying. Now, try to concentrate on what I am going to say. I want to
talk to you about your favorite pastime. No, it's not baseball or
football, although it does have something to do with your interest in
spectator sports. I'm talking about what you were just doing: watching
Do you have any idea about how much time you spend in front of the
television set? According to the latest studies, the average American
now spends between five and six hours a day watching television. Let's
put that in perspective: that is more time than you spend doing
anything else but sleeping or working, if you are lucky enough to still
have a job.
That's more time than you spend eating, more time than you spend with
your wife alone, more time than with the kids. It's even worse with
your children. According to these same studies, young children below
school age watch more than eight hours each day. School age children
watch a little under eight hours a day. In 1980, the average
20-year-old had watched the equivalent of 14 months of television in
his or her brief lifetime. {That's 14 months, 24 hours a day.}
More recent figures show that the numbers have climbed: the
20-year-old has spent closer to two full years of his or her life in
front of the television set. At the same time, the researchers have
noted a disturbing phenomena. It seems that we Americans are getting
progressively more stupid. They note a decline in reading and
comprehension levels in all age groups tested. Americans read less and
understand what they read less than they did 10 years ago, less than
they have at any time since research began to study such things.
As for writing skills, Americans are, in general, unable to write more
than a few simple sentences. We are among the least literate people on
this planet, and we're getting worse. It's the change--the constant
trendline downward--that interests these researchers. More than one
study has correlated this increasing stupidity of our population to the
amount of television they watch.
Interestingly, the studies found that it doesn't matter what people
watch, whether it's ``The Simpsons'' or ``McNeil/Lehrer,'' or ``Murphy
Brown'' or ``Nightline": the more television you watch, the less
literate, the more stupid you are. The growth in television-watching
had surprised some of the researchers. Back a decade ago, they were
predicting that television watching would level off and might actually
decline. It had reached an absolute saturation point.
They were right for so-called network television; figures show a
steady dropoff of viewership. But that drop is more than made up for by
the growth of cable television, with its smorgasbord of channels, one
for almost every perversion. Especially in urban and suburban areas,
Americans are hard-wired to more than 100 different channels that
provide them with all news, like CNN, all movies, all comedy, all
sports, all weather, all financial news and a liberal dose of straight
The researchers had also failed to predict the market penetration of
first beta and then VHS video recorders; they made it possible to watch
one thing and record another for later viewing. They also offered
access to movies not available on networks or even cable channels as
well as home videos, recorded on your own little camcorder. The
proliferation of home video equipment has involved families in
video-related activities which are not even considered in the
cumulative totals for time Americans spend watching television.
You might not actually realize how much you are watching television.
But think for a moment. When you come home, you turn the television on,
if it isn't on already. You read the paper with it on, half glancing at
what is on the screen, catching a bit of the news, or the plot of a
show. You eat with it on, maybe in the background, listening for a
score or something that happens to a character in a show you follow.
When something you are interested in, a show or basketball game, is
on, the set becomes the center of attention. So your attention to what
is on may vary in intensity, but there is almost no point when you are
home, and inside, and have the set completely off. Isn't that right?
The studies did not break down the periods of time people watched
television, according to the intensity of their viewing.
But the point is still made: you compulsively turn the television on
and spend a good portion of your waking hours glued to the tube. And
the studies also showed that many people can't sleep without the
television turned on!

Brainwashing Now

I'm sure you have heard that watching too much television is bad for
your health. They put stories like that on the evening news. Bad for
your eyes to stare at the screen, they say. Especially bad if you sit
too close. Well, I want to make another point.
We've already shown that you are addicted to the tube, watching it
between six and eight hour a day. But it is an addiction that
brainwashes you. There are two kinds of brainwashing. The one that's
called hard brainwashing is the type you're most familiar with. You've
got a pretty good image of it from some of those old Korean war movies.
They take some guy, an American patriot, drag him into a room, torture
him, pump him full of drugs, and after a struggle, get him to renounce
his country and his beliefs. He usually undergoes a personality change,
signified by an ever-present smile and blank stare.
This brainwashing is called hard because its methods are overt. The
controlled environment is obvious to the victim; so is the terror. The
victim is overwhelmed by a seemingly omnipotent external force, and a
feeling of intense isolation is induced. The victim's moral strength is
sapped, and slowly he embraces his torturers. It is man's moral
strength that informs and orders his power of reason; without it, the
mind becomes little more than a recording machine waiting for imprints.
No one is saying that you have been a victim of hard brainwashing. But
you have been brainwashed, just as effectively as those people in the
movies. The blank stare? Did you ever look at what you look like while
watching television?
If the angle is right, you might catch your own reflection in the
screen. Jaw slightly open, lips relaxed into a smile. The blank stare
of a television zombie. This is soft brainwashing, even more effective
because its victims go about their lives unaware of what is being done
to them. Television, with its reach into nearly every American home,
creates the basis for the mass brainwashing of citizens, like you.
It works on a principle of tension and release. Create tension, in a
controlled environment, increasing the level of stress. Then provide a
series of choices that provide release from the tension. As long as the
victim believes that the choices presented are the only choices
available, even if they are at first glance unacceptable, he will
nevertheless ultimately seek release by choosing one of these
unacceptable choices. Under these circumstances, in a brainwashing,
controlled environment, such choice-making is not a ``rational''
experience. It does not involve the use of man's creative mental
powers; instead man is conditioned, like an animal, to respond to the
tension, by seeking release.
The key to the success of this brainwashing process is the regulation
of both the tension and the perceived choices. As long as both are
controlled, then the range of outcomes is also controlled. The victim
is induced to walk down one of several pathways acceptable for his
controllers. The brainwashers call the tension-filled environment
"social turbulence." The last decades have been full of such social
turbulence--economic collapse, regional wars, population disasters,
ecological and biological catastrophes. Social turbulence creates
crises in perceptions, causing people to lose their bearings.
Adrift and confused, people seek release from the tension, following
paths that appear to lead to a simpler, less tension-filled life. There
is no time in such a process for rational consideration of complicated
problems. Television is the key vehicle for presenting both the tension
and the choices. It brings you the images of the tension, and serves up
simple answers. Television, in its world of semi-reality, of illusion,
of escape from reality, is itself the single most important release
from our tension-wracked existence. Eight hours a day, every day,
through its programming, you are being programmed.
If you doubt me, think about one important choice that you have made
recently that was not in some way influenced by something that you have
seen on television. I bet you can't think of one. That's how controlled
you are.

Who's Doing It

But don't take my word for it. Ten years ago we spoke to a man from a
think tank called the Futures Group in Connecticut. Hal Becker had
spent more than 20 years of his life manipulating the minds of the
leaders of our society. Listen to what he said: "I know the secret of
making the average American believe anything I want him to. Just let me
control television."
Americans are wired into their television sets. Over the last 30
years, they have come to look at their television sets and the images
on the screen as reality. You put something on television and it
becomes reality. If the world outside the television set contradicts
the images, people start changing the world to make it more like the
images and sounds of their television.
Because its influence is so great, so pervasive, it has become part of
our lives. You lose your sense of what is being done to you, but your
mind is being shaped and moulded. ``Your mind is being shaped and
moulded.'' If that doesn't sound like brainwashing, I don't know what
is. Becker speaks with the elan of a network of brainwashers who have
been programming your lives, especially since the advent of television
as a ``mass medium'' in the late 1940s and early 1950s.
This network numbers several tens of thousands worldwide. Occasionally
one appears on the nightly news to tell you what you are thinking, by
reporting the latest ``opinion polls.'' But for the most part, they
work behind the scenes, speaking to themselves and writing papers for
their own internal distribution. And though they work for many diverse
groups, these brainwashers are united by a common world view and common
method. It is the world view of a small elite, whose financial and
political power rests in institutions that pass this power on from
generation to generation.
They view the common folk like yourself as little better than beasts
of burden to be controlled and manipulated by a semi-feudal
international oligarchy, whose wealth, power and bloodlines entitle
them to rule. One of the oligarchy's institutions for manipulation of
populations is located in a suburb of London called Tavistock. The
Tavistock Institute for Human Relations, which also has a branch in
Sussex, England, is the ``mother'' for much of this extended network,
of which Becker is a member. They are the specialists in both hard and
soft brainwashing.
The Tavistock Institute is the psychological warfare arm of the
British Royal household. The oligarchs behind Tavistock, and similar
outfits in the United States and elsewhere, are determined that you
should be a television addict, sucking up a daily dose of brainwashing
from the ``tube;'' that is how they control you. Like his fellow
brainwashers, Becker prides himself in knowing the minds of his
He calls them ``saps.'' Man, he told an interviewer, should be called
``homo the sap.'' ``Soft'' brainwashing by television works through
power of suggestion. Television watching creates a state of
drugged-like oblivion to outside reality. The mind, its perceptions
dulled by habituated viewing, is ready to accept any new illusion of
reality as presented on the tube. The mind, in its drugged-like stupor
of television-watching, is prepared to accept that the images that
television suggests as reality are reality. It will then struggle to
form-fit a contradictory reality into television images, just as Becker
claims. Another Tavistock brainwasher, Fred Emery, who studied
television for 25 years, confirms this.
The television signal itself, he found, puts the viewer in this state
of drugged-like oblivion. Emery writes: ``Television as a media
consists of a constant visual signal of 50 half-frames per second. Our
hypotheses regarding this essential nature of the medium itself are:
``1) The constant visual stimulus fixates the viewer and causes the
habituation of response. The prefrontal and association areas of the
cortex are effectively dominated by the signal, the screen.
``2) The left cortical hemisphere--the center of visual and analytical
calculating processes--is effectively reduced in its functioning to
tracking changing images on the screen.
``3) Therefore, provided the viewer keeps looking, he is unlikely to
reflect on what he is doing and what he is viewing. That is, he will be
aware, but unaware of his awareness....
``In other words, television can be seen partly as the technological
analogue of the hypnotist.''
The key to making the brainwashing work is the repetition of
suggestion over time. With people watching the tube for 6 to 8 hours a
day, there is plenty of time for such repeated suggestion.

Some Examples

Let's look at an example to make things a bit clearer. Think back
about 20 years ago. Think about what you thought about certain issues
of the day. Think about those same issues today; notice how you seemed
to change your mind about them, to become more tolerant of things you
opposed vehemently before.
It's your television watching that changed your mind, or to use
Becker's terms, ``shaped your perceptions.''
Twenty years ago, most people thought that the lunacy that is now
called environmentalism, the idea that animals and plants should be
protected on an equal basis with human life, was screwy. It went
against the basic concept of Christian civilization that man is a
higher species than and distinct from the animals, and that it is man,
by virtue of his being made in the image of the living God, whose life
is sacred.
That was 20 years ago. But now, many people, maybe even you, seem to
think otherwise; there are even laws that say so. This contrary,
anti-human view of man being no more than equal to animals and plants
was inserted into our consciousness by the suggestion of television.
Environmental lunacy was scripted into network television shows, into
televised movies, and into the news. It started slowly, but picked up
steam. Environmental spokesmen were increasingly seen in the favorable
glow of television.
Those who opposed this view were shown in an unfavorable way. It was
done over time, with repetition. If you weren't completely won over,
you were made tolerant of the views of environmental lunatics whose
statements were morally and scientifically unsound. Let's take a more
recent example: the war against Iraq. That was a war made for
television. In fact, it was a war organized through television. Think
back a year: How were Americans prepared for the eventual slaughter of
Iraqi women and children? Images on the screen: Saddam Hussein, on one
side, Hitler on the other.
The images repeated in newscasts, backed up by scenes of alleged
atrocities in Kuwait. Then the war itself: the video-game like images
of ``smart'' weapons killing Iraqi targets. Finally, the American
military commander-in-chief Gen. Norman Schwartzkopf, conducting a
final press briefing that was consciously orchestrated to resemble the
winning Superbowl coach describing his victory.
Those were the images that overwhelmed our population. Only now,
months later, do we find out that the images had nothing to do with
reality. The Iraqi ``atrocities'' in Kuwait and elsewhere were
exaggerated. Our ``smart'' weapons like the famous Patriot anti-missile
system didn't really work.
Oh, and the casualty figures: it seems that we murdered far more women
and children than we did soldiers. Hardly a ``glorious victory.'' But
while it might have made a difference if people knew this while the war
was being planned or in progress, polls show that Americans no longer
find the war or any stories about it ``interesting.''
Looking at the question more broadly, where did your children get most
of their values, if not from what they saw on television? Parents might
counteract the influence of the infernal box, but they could not
overcome it. How could they, if they themselves have been brainwashed
by the same box and if their children spend more time with it than
them? Studies show that most of television programming is geared to a
less than 5th grade comprehension level; parents, like you, are
themselves being remade in the infantile images of the television
screen. All of society becomes more infantile, more easily
As Emery explains: ``We are proposing that television as a simple
constant and repetitive and ambiguous visual stimulus, gradually closes
down the central nervous system of man.'' Becker holds a similar view
of the effect of television on American's ability to think: ``Americans
don't really think--they have opinions and feelings. Television
creates the opinion and then validates it.''
Nowhere is this clearer than with politics. Television tells Americans
what to think about politicians, restricting choices to those
acceptable to the oligarchs whose financial power controls networks and
major cable channels. It tells people what has been said and what is
``important.'' Everything else is filtered out. You are told who can
win and who can't. And few people have the urge to look behind the
images in the screen, to seek content and truth in ideas and look for a
high quality of leadership.
Such an important matter as choosing a president becomes the same as
choosing a box of laundry detergent: a set of possibilities, whose
limits are determined, by the images on the screen. You are given the
appearance of freedom of choice, but that you have neither freedom nor
real choice. That is how the brainwashing works. ``Are they brainwashed
by the tube,'' said Becker to the interviewer. ``
It is really more than that. I think that people have lost the ability
to relate the images of their own lives without television intervening
to tell them what it means. That is what we really mean when we say
that we have a wired society.'' Turn It Off! That was ten years ago. It
has gotten far worse since then.
In coming issues, we will show you the brainwashers' vision of a hell
on earth and how television is being used to get us there; we will
discuss television programming, revealing how it has helped produce
what is called a ``paradigm'' shift in values, creating an immoral
society; we will explain how the news is presented and how its
presentation has been used to destroy the English language; we will
discuss the mass entertainment media, showing who controls it and how;
we will deal with America's addiction to spectator sports and show how
that too has helped make you passive and stupid; and finally, we will
show where we are headed if we can't break our addiction to the tube.
So, after what I just told you, what do say, buddy? Do you want to
stay stupid and let your country go to hell in a basket? Why don't you
just walk over to the set and turn it off. That's right, completely
off. Go on, you can do it. Now isn't that better? Don't you feel a
little better already? You've just taken the first step in
deprogramming yourself. It wasn't that hard, was it? Until we speak
again, try to keep it off. Now that will be a bit harder.
From New Federalist V6, #29.

Comment From Ted Twietmeyer
  On May 2 2004, I wrote a very similar article to this one, about
brainwashing and the Tavistock Institute. It was the first in my Couch
Patriot series (
  Their subversion of thought not just in America but around the
world is well known. Is it any wonder that satellite dish television is
being brought to the most remote corners of the earth, even if a solar
panel is required ?
  Although it's easy to focus just on brainwashing of Americans, in
reality the entire world is at stake.
Ted Twietmeyer


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