Friday, March 10, 2006

[911TruthAction] Digest Number 1167

There are 4 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1. JImmy Carter Urges Troop Withdrawal From Iraq:
From: Bugs <>
2. Impeachment/DU/New Orleans/More
From: "President, USA Exile Govt." <>
3. Re: [voxpopuliforamerica] Enough of the D.C. Dems?/To all progressives...
From: amy dalzell <>
4. Line in Pentagon Grass.... tvnl news
From: "reggie501" <>


Message: 1
Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2006 07:53:15 -0600
From: Bugs <>
Subject: JImmy Carter Urges Troop Withdrawal From Iraq:

Goodmorning and I hope all had a goodnight. And, will have a super day.
*Jimmy Carter, Bless His Soul*, sure has the precisely right idea. Love
, Maggie (Lets all Pray he gets his wish). BLessed Be. Everyone be sure

Carter Urges Troop Withdrawal From Iraq
Associated Press Writer
03/08/06 "AP" -- -- Former President Jimmy Carter criticized the war in
Iraq on Wednesday, urging a troop drawdown as the United States enters
its fourth year of conflict in Iraq.
"It was a completely unnecessary war. It was an unjust war," said
Carter, the 2002 Nobel Peace Prize winner. "It was initiated on the
basis of false pretenses. All of those are true, but we can't just
pre-emptively withdraw."
He urged the Bush administration to bring home as many troops as
possible within the next 12 months.
"The violence is increasing monthly," Carter said. "My prayer is we'll
see some kind of democracy eventually evolve."
His comments came at a news conference before a building dedication at
the University of Washington.
Carter was the keynote speaker at the dedication of the university's new
Genome Sciences and Bioengineering Building in honor of William H.
Foege. Foege directed the federal Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention during Carter's presidency and later headed The Carter
Center, which promotes peace and health programs around the world.
Carter credited Foege with saving the lives of millions of people
through his efforts to eradicate smallpox, Guinea worm and river
blindness, and by encouraging childhood immunization.
Foege works with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which contributed
$50 million for the building.

[This message contained attachments]


Message: 2
Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2006 09:42:19 -0500
From: "President, USA Exile Govt." <>
Subject: Impeachment/DU/New Orleans/More

Free Americans
Reaching Out to Amerika's Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Free
Via <>

March 9, 2006

From: "Adam Trombly" <>
Date: March 8, 2006 7:52:36 AM EST
To: <>
Subject: The Case for Impeachment

Once again I find myself extremely grateful to Lewis H. Lapham for his
eloquence and his courage. Please pass this on to all of your contacts
and to the editors of all of your local and national media outlets.
Also pass it on to your State and United States Representatives. Let us
all join together as Americans and as global citizens to exorcise these
monsters from our midst. We have no time for hesitation...

The Case for Impeachment

Why we can
no longer afford George W. Bush

Posted on Monday, February 27, 2006. An excerpt from an essay in the
March 2006 Harper's Magazine. By Lewis H. Lapham.


A country is not only what it does�it is also what it puts up with,
what it tolerates. �Kurt Tucholsky

On December 18 of last year, Congressman John Conyers Jr. (D., Mich.)
introduced into the House of Representatives a resolution inviting it
to form �a select committee to investigate the Administration's intent
to go to war before congressional authorization, manipulation of
pre-war intelligence, encouraging and countenancing torture,
retaliating against critics, and to make recommendations regarding
grounds for possible impeachment.� Although buttressed two days
previously by the news of the National Security Agency's illegal
surveillance of the American citizenry, the request attracted little or
no attention in the press�nothing on television or in the major papers,
some scattered applause from the left-wing blogs, heavy sarcasm on the
websites flying the flags of the militant right. The nearly complete
silence raised the question as to what it was the congressman had in
mind, and to whom did he think he was speaking? In time of war few
propositions would seem as futile as the attempt to impeach a president
whose political party controls the Congress; as the ranking member of
the House Judiciary Committee stationed on Capitol Hill for the last
forty years, Representative Conyers presumably knew that to expect the
Republican caucus in the House to take note of his invitation, much
less arm it with the power of subpoena, was to expect a miracle of
democratic transformation and rebirth not unlike the one looked for by
President Bush under the prayer rugs in Baghdad. Unless the congressman
intended some sort of symbolic gesture, self-serving and harmless, what
did he hope to prove or to gain? He answered the question in early
January, on the phone from Detroit during the congressional winter

�To take away the excuse,� he said, �that we didn't know.� So that two
or four or ten years from now, if somebody should ask, �Where were you,
Conyers, and where was the United States Congress?� when the Bush
Administration declared the Constitution inoperative and revoked the
license of parliamentary government, none of the company now present
can plead ignorance or temporary insanity, can say that �somehow it
escaped our notice� that the President was setting himself up as a
supreme leader exempt from the rule of law.

A reason with which it was hard to argue but one that didn't account
for the congressman's impatience. Why not wait for a showing of
supportive public opinion, delay the motion to impeach until after next
November's elections? Assuming that further investigation of the
President's addiction to the uses of domestic espionage finds him
nullifying the Fourth Amendment rights of a large number of his fellow
Americans, the Democrats possibly could come up with enough votes,
their own and a quorum of disenchanted Republicans, to send the man
home to Texas. Conyers said:

�I don't think enough people know how much damage this administration
can do to their civil liberties in a very short time. What would you
have me do? Grumble and complain? Make cynical jokes? Throw up my hands
and say that under the circumstances nothing can be done? At least I
can muster the facts, establish a record, tell the story that ought to
be front-page news.�

Which turned out to be the purpose of his House Resolution 635�not a
high-minded tilting at windmills but the production of a report, 182
pages, 1,022 footnotes, assembled by Conyers's staff during the six
months prior to its presentation to Congress, that describes the Bush
Administration's invasion of Iraq as the perpetration of a crime
against the American people. It is a fair description. Drawing on
evidence furnished over the last four years by a sizable crowd of
credible witnesses�government officials both extant and former,
journalists, military officers, politicians, diplomats domestic and
foreign�the authors of the report find a conspiracy to commit fraud,
the administration talking out of all sides of its lying mouth,
secretly planning a frivolous and unnecessary war while at the same
time pretending in its public statements that nothing was further from
the truth.[1] The result has proved tragic, but on reading through the
report's corroborating testimony I sometimes could counter its
inducements to mute rage with the thought that if the would-be lords of
the flies weren't in the business of killing people, they would be seen
as a troupe of off-Broadway comedians in a third-rate theater of the
absurd. Entitled �The Constitution in Crisis; The Downing Street
Minutes and Deception, Manipulation, Torture, Retribution, and Coverups
in the Iraq War,� the Conyers report examines the administration's
chronic abuse of power from more angles than can be explored within the
compass of a single essay. The nature of the administration's criminal
DNA and modus operandi, however, shows up in a usefully robust specimen
of its characteristic dishonesty.

* * *

That President George W. Bush comes to power with the intention of
invading Iraq is a fact not open to dispute. Pleased with the image of
himself as a military hero, and having spoken, more than once, about
seeking revenge on Saddam Hussein for the tyrant's alleged attempt to
�kill my Dad,� he appoints to high office in his administration a cadre
of warrior intellectuals, chief among them Secretary of Defense Donald
Rumsfeld, known to be eager for the glories of imperial conquest.[2] At
the first meeting of the new National Security Council on January 30,
2001, most of the people in the room discuss the possibility of
preemptive blitzkrieg against Baghdad.[3] In March the Pentagon
circulates a document entitled �Foreign Suitors for Iraqi Oil Field
Contracts�; the supporting maps indicate the properties of interest to
various European governments and American corporations. Six months
later, early in the afternoon of September 11, the smoke still rising
from the Pentagon's western facade, Secretary Rumsfeld tells his staff
to fetch intelligence briefings (the �best info fast...go massive;
sweep it all up; things related and not�) that will justify an attack
on Iraq. By chance the next day in the White House basement, Richard A.
Clarke, national coordinator for security and counterterrorism,
encounters President Bush, who tells him to �see if Saddam did this.�
Nine days later, at a private dinner upstairs in the White House, the
President informs his guest, the British prime minister, Tony Blair,
that �when we have dealt with Afghanistan, we must come back to Iraq.�

By November 13, 2001, the Taliban have been rousted out of Kabul in
Afghanistan, but our intelligence agencies have yet to discover proofs
of Saddam Hussein's acquaintance with Al Qaeda.[4] President Bush isn't
convinced. On November 21, at the end of a National Security Council
meeting, he says to Secretary Rumsfeld, �What have you got in terms of
plans for Iraq?...I want you to get on it. I want you to keep it

The Conyers report doesn't return to the President's focus on Iraq
until March 2002, when it finds him peering into the office of
Condoleezza Rice, the national security advisor, to say, �Fuck Saddam.
We're taking him out.� At a Senate Republican Policy lunch that same
month on Capitol Hill, Vice President Dick Cheney informs the assembled
company that it is no longer a question of if the United States will
attack Iraq, it's only a question of when. The vice president doesn't
bring up the question of why, the answer to which is a work in
progress. By now the administration knows, or at least has reason to
know, that Saddam Hussein had nothing to do with the 9/11 attacks on
New York and Washington, that Iraq doesn't possess weapons of mass
destruction sufficiently ominous to warrant concern, that the regime
destined to be changed poses no imminent threat, certainly not to the
United States, probably not to any country defended by more than four
batteries of light artillery. Such at least is the conclusion of the
British intelligence agencies that can find no credible evidence to
support the theory of Saddam's connection to Al Qaeda or international
terrorism; �even the best survey of WMD programs will not show much
advance in recent years on the nuclear, missile and CW/BW weapons
fronts...� A series of notes and memoranda passing back and forth
between the British Cabinet Office in London and its correspondents in
Washington during the spring and summer of 2002 address the problem of
inventing a pretext for a war so fondly desired by the Bush
Administration that Sir Richard Dearlove, head of Britain's MI-6, finds
the interested parties in Washington fixing �the intelligence and the
facts...around the policy.� The American enthusiasm for regime change,
�undimmed� in the mind of Condoleezza Rice, presents complications.

Although Blair has told Bush, probably in the autumn of 2001, that
Britain will join the American military putsch in Iraq, he needs �legal
justification� for the maneuver�something noble and inspiring to say to
Parliament and the British public. No justification �currently exists.�
Neither Britain nor the United States is being attacked by Iraq, which
eliminates the excuse of self-defense; nor is the Iraqi government
currently sponsoring a program of genocide. Which leaves as the only
option the �wrong-footing� of Saddam. If under the auspices of the
United Nations he can be presented with an ultimatum requiring him to
show that Iraq possesses weapons that don't exist, his refusal to
comply can be taken as proof that he does, in fact, possess such

Over the next few months, while the British government continues to
look for ways to �wrong-foot� Saddam and suborn the U.N., various
operatives loyal to Vice President Cheney and Secretary Rumsfeld bend
to the task of fixing the facts, distributing alms to dubious Iraqi
informants in return for map coordinates of Saddam's monstrous weapons,
proofs of stored poisons, of mobile chemical laboratories, of unmanned
vehicles capable of bringing missiles to Jerusalem.[6]

By early August the Bush Administration has sufficient confidence in
its doomsday story to sell it to the American public. Instructed to
come up with awesome text and shocking images, the White House Iraq
Group hits upon the phrase �mushroom cloud� and prepares a White Paper
describing the �grave and gathering danger� posed by Iraq's nuclear
arsenal.[7] The objective is three-fold�to magnify the fear of Saddam
Hussein, to present President Bush as the Christian savior of the
American people, a man of conscience who never in life would lead the
country into an unjust war, and to provide a platform of star-spangled
patriotism for Republican candidates in the November congressional

* * *

The Conyers report doesn't lack for further instances of the
administration's misconduct, all of them noted in the press over the
last three years�misuse of government funds, violation of the Geneva
Conventions, holding without trial and subjecting to torture
individuals arbitrarily designated as �enemy combatants,� etc.�but
conspiracy to commit fraud would seem reason enough to warrant the
President's impeachment. Before reading the report, I wouldn't have
expected to find myself thinking that such a course of action was
either likely or possible; after reading the report, I don't know why
we would run the risk of not impeaching the man. We have before us in
the White House a thief who steals the country's good name and
reputation for his private interest and personal use; a liar who seeks
to instill in the American people a state of fear; a televangelist who
engages the United States in a never-ending crusade against all the
world's evil, a wastrel who squanders a vast sum of the nation's wealth
on what turns out to be a recruiting drive certain to multiply the host
of our enemies. In a word, a criminal�known to be armed and shown to be
dangerous. Under the three-strike rule available to the courts in
California, judges sentence people to life in jail for having stolen
from Wal-Mart a set of golf clubs or a child's tricycle. Who then calls
strikes on President Bush, and how many more does he get before being
sent down on waivers to one of the Texas Prison Leagues?

* * *

The above is a brief excerpt from the complete essay, available in the
March 2006 issue of Harper's Magazine.


1. The report borrows from hundreds of open sources that have become a
matter of public record�newspaper accounts, television broadcasts
(Frontline, Meet the Press, Larry King Live, 60 Minutes, etc.),
magazine articles (in The New Yorker, Vanity Fair, The New York Review
of Books), sworn testimony in both the Senate and House of
Representatives, books written by, among others, Bob Woodward, George
Packer, Richard A. Clarke, James Mann, Mark Danner, Seymour Hersh,
David Corn, James Bamford, Hans Blix, James Risen, Ron Suskind, Joseph
Wilson. As the congressman had said, �Everything in plain sight; it
isn't as if we don't know.� [Back]

2. In January of 1998 the neoconservative Washington think tank The
Project for the New American Century (which counts among its founding
members Dick Cheney) sent a letter to Bill Clinton demanding �the
removal of Saddam Hussein's regime from power� with a strong-minded
�willingness to undertake military action.� Together with Rumsfeld, six
of the other seventeen signatories became members of the Bush's first
administration�Elliott Abrams (now George W. Bush's deputy national
security advisor), Richard Armitage (deputy secretary of state from
2001 to 2005), John Bolton (now U.S. ambassador to the U.N.), Richard
Perle (chairman of the Defense Policy Board from 2001 to 2003), Paul
Wolfowitz (deputy secretary of defense from 2001 to 2005), Robert
Zoellick (now deputy secretary of state). President Clinton responded
to the request by signing the Iraq Liberation Act, for which Congress
appropriated $97 million for various clandestine operations inside the
borders of Iraq. Two years later, in September 2000, The Project for
the New American Century issued a document noting that the �unresolved
conflict with Iraq provides the immediate justification� for the
presence of the substantial American force in the Persian Gulf. [Back]

3. In a subsequent interview on 60 Minutes, Paul O'Neill, present in
the meeting as the newly appointed secretary of the treasury,
remembered being surprised by the degree of certainty: �From the very
beginning, there was a conviction that Saddam Hussein was a bad person
and that he needed to go.... It was all about finding a way to do it.�

4. As early as September 20, Douglas Feith, undersecretary of defense
for policy, drafted a memo suggesting that in retaliation for the
September 11 attacks the United States should consider hitting
terrorists outside the Middle East in the initial offensive, or perhaps
deliberately selecting a non-Al Qaeda target like Iraq. [Back]

5. Abstracts of the notes and memoranda, known collectively as �The
Downing Street Minutes,� were published in the Sunday Times (London) in
May 2005; their authenticity was undisputed by the British government.

6. The work didn't go unnoticed by people in the CIA, the Pentagon, and
the State Department accustomed to making distinctions between a
well-dressed rumor and a naked lie. In the spring of 2004, talking to a
reporter from Vanity Fair, Greg Thielmann, the State Department officer
responsible for assessing the threats of nuclear proliferation, said,
�The American public was seriously misled. The Administration twisted,
distorted and simplified intelligence in a way that led Americans to
seriously misunderstand the nature of the Iraq threat. I'm not sure I
can think of a worse act against the people in a democracy than a
President distorting critical classified information.� [Back]

7. The Group counted among its copywriters Karl Rove, senior political
strategist, Andrew Card, White House chief of staff, National Security
Advisor Condoleezza Rice, and Lewis �Scooter� Libby, Dick Cheney's
chief of staff. [Back]

8. Card later told the New York Times that �from a marketing point of don't introduce new products in August.� [Back]

This is The Case for Impeachment by Lewis H. Lapham, published Monday,
February 27, 2006. It is part of Features, which is part of

Written By
Lapham, Lewis H.

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Depleted Uranium Is "Blowing in the Wind"
By Arun Shrivastava
March 2, 2006

US Government kills its own soldiers�.and us�.and lies�and signs deals

Bob Dylan�s prophecy in �Blowing in the wind� has eventually come true.
The most powerful killing machine on earth--the US government--has
unleashed a weapon that is slowly killing its own troops, its own
civilians�. and civilians the world over. And we are still unable to
look beyond the joke that our media is.

Beyond Treason

The Veterans Administration (VA) that deals with the problems of
returning soldiers in the United States of America (USA), a country
whose President is due to land in our capital soon to sign nuke-deals
with Indian neocons and who also happens to be the Supreme Commander of
the US Forces, has determined that 250,000 troops are now permanently
disabled, 15,000 troops are dead and over 425,000 troops are ill and
slowly dying from what the Department of Defense still calls a �mystery
disease.��The supine media in the western countries--especially US, UK
and Australia--calls it Gulf War Syndrome (GWS), something not much to
be worried about and not worth even a few lines, forget about
headlines. The question posed by responsible citizens of the USA, not
necessarily those in the current administration, is �How many more will
have to die before action is taken?�

We, the poor Asians, know that perhaps no action will be taken by our
Governments because too few have died, and it is not even known why
they died. But conscientious Americans are raising serious questions
that can�t be easily answered by the current administration. What our
conscientious objectors, particularly of the leftist hue, are doing is
another matter: actually, we may join as 53rd or 55th state of one
country soon, with highly �depleted� population.

How many will have to die before the US Government knows that too many
people have died? For, if the questions are ever answered truthfully,
powerful men and women would be tried for treason�. possibly for
committing acts that are beyond treason for which some scientists are
already using terms like �democide� and �omnicide�� mass annihilation
of species. And this time the targeted specie is the homo sapiens.

Depleted Uranium

Depleted Uranium is blowing in the wind. There is overwhelming evidence
that GWS is actually radiation poisoning of Iraqi civilians as well as
US soldiers and all those who have ever worked in last four or five
wars: Kosovo, Gulf War I, Afghanistan and Gulf War II. In fact the GWS
was a euphemism for DU contaminated veterans of the first Gulf War
(1990-91) but the media had blanked this fact out. Discussions with Ms
Leuren Moret, a radiation expert who once worked at Lawrence Livermore
Laboratory (LLL is the lab where the first nuclear bomb was developed
and the Internet was invented), revealed that the United States (and
its allies) have dropped enough depleted uranium, from Gulf War 1 to
the Iraq war, that is equivalent to 440,000 Hiroshima sized nuclear

In a letter to Congressman McDermott (US Congress), dated 21st
February, 2003, Leuren made this submission:�

�������Depleted uranium dust will continue to be an extreme hazard to
soldiers, civilians, populations in countries downwind6,8, and the
environment as a radiological contaminant to all living systems for ten
half-lives or 45 BILLION years.�

And further�.�The pyrophoric effect of depleted uranium, which
spontaneously burns when heated to 170 C (once it is fired) and on
impact, effectively forms very large numbers of extremely fine (0.1
micron) and submicroscopic particles as small as 0.001 micron or 10
�ngstroms as described in the memo. Particles in this size range behave
like a gas when inhaled, disperse in the lungs to the blood lung
barrier where the white blood cells (greater than 7microns in diameter)
engulf the tiny particles of depleted uranium and carry them throughout
the body. Once these particles have been engulfed by blood cells or
lodged in tissues, they may not be detectable in the urine.
Contaminated personnel will take the depleted uranium home, deposited
in tissues throughout their bodies.�

���.There is no known treatment for exposure.�

���.The long-term effects have revealed that DU (uranium oxide) is a
virtual death sentence."

(The submissions are)..�powerful scientific information to counter
false statements recently made by the White House1 and the DOD2.�

The fact is that the United States and its military partners
(particularly Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Spain and Australia)
have staged four nuclear wars, �slipping nukes under the wire� by using
dirty bombs and dirty weapons in countries the US needs to control. And
in the hit list India is one; India is being set up.

�Depleted uranium aerosols will permanently contaminate vast regions
and slowly destroy the genetic future of populations living in those
regions, where there are resources which the US must control, in order
to establish and maintain American (supremacy),� says Leuren.

The Gulf War heroes from all 27 coalition countries are suffering. It
is predicted that they will slowly die of �unknown causes.� They are
waiting for answers from their respective governments� but no
satisfying or even credible answers have come forth from the military
establishment.� Records spanning fifteen years point to negligence and
even culpability on the part of the U.S. Department of Defense and the
strategy of the ruling elite to use �disposable army�, like toilet

Regions Affected

Leuren and her colleagues have identified the regions of the world that
are affected by DU contamination and include Northwest India, including
J&K, Punjab, Haryana, Delhi, Himachal Pradesh, Western Uttar Pradesh,
Rajasthan and parts of Gujarat and Maharashtra. Regions within 1000
mile radius of Afghanistan and Iraq are severely affected by DU
contamination (See map).

There will be explosive growth in radiation induced illnesses across
all affected regions. We are now living with DU poisoning in Delhi and
we don�t even know it. And, there is no known cure for DU

"The concept of species annihilation means a relatively swift,
deliberately induced end to history, culture, science, biological
reproduction and memory. It is the ultimate human rejection of the gift
of life, an act which requires a new word to describe it: omnicide."
(Dr. Rosalie Bertell, one of the 46 international radiation expert
authors of the ECRR report).

�Map of regions within a 1000 mile radius of Baghdad and Afghanistan
which have been contaminated with depleted uranium since 1991. Depleted
uranium dust will be repeatedly recycled throughout this dry region,
and also carried around the world. More than ten times the amount of
radiation, released during atmospheric testing, has been released from
depleted uranium weaponry since 1991. In 2002 the US government
admitted that every person living in the US between 1957 and 1963 was
internally contaminated with radiation.� (Leuren Moret)

What the US and its allies have done is set western India on to certain
annihilation. Dr. Keith Baverstock, a WHO radiation expert, co-authored
a report in November 2001, warning that the long-term health effects of
DU would endanger Iraq�s civilian population, and that the dry climate
would increase exposure from the tiny particles blowing around and be
inhaled for years to come. WHO refused to publish the study, bowing to
pressure from the IAEA. Dr. Baverstock released the damning report to
the media in February 2004.

With extensive use of depleted uranium, the US and its allies have not
only destroyed the lives of their own soldiers and civilians, but of
peaceful people around the war zones who had nothing to do with their
illegal wars.�The question is why have the US and its allies taken this
murderous step? May be 45 billion years later the survivors would ask
the question and get the answer.

When one thinks of the harsh truth that a time bomb is ticking within
our bodies, one wonders what the Indian media were doing all these
years. It has been known that if one breathes even one molecule of DU,
how and when it will destroy one�s body and mind can�t be predicted. No
wonder, probably not one Indian journalist went to Afghanistan or Iraq
to report the truth. Not one newspaper, not one TV channel informed the
Indians of the true consequences of the Afghanistan and Gulf Wars and
the utter criminality of the US government and its allies in these
countries. Is there a single secular journalist, politician or
bureaucrat who raised the issue of DU contamination? Not one, I guess.

Instead, the Indian governments since 1999 have been courting the US
and the present government is rolling a red carpet to receive a
President who is a mass murderer and whose hands will soon be soaked
with innocent Indian blood. Ten American CEOs are accompanying the
Prezzy, hundreds of deals will be signed, and billions will change

Is there yet another conspiracy of silence on this issue of survival?
And if there is one, the ruling elite living in the square mile of
Delhi, from where they control one billion people, should know that we
are all breathing the same air and that air is contaminated with
depleted uranium.

Yes and how many years can a people exist,

Before they�re allowed to be free?

The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind

The answer is blowing in the wind�..

Arun Shrivastava MA, MBA, CMC, is an accredited management consultant
and researcher. He can be contacted at:�

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responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of
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Secret Rolls Undermine New
Orleans Vote

March 7, 2006
Via Chicago Sun-Times

Katrina's survivors are about to be brutalized once more. They
withstood the havoc wreaked by the hurricane. They overcame the failure
of national, state and local officials to provide basic relief in the
wake of the storm. They are struggling to overcome FEMA's failure to
provide for sensible relocation, rebuilding and return.

Now their rights are about to be trampled once more in an injustice
that may finally do more to destroy New Orleans than the storm did by
forcibly disenfranchising the city's black majority. People of
conscience must stand up to stop this injustice.

New Orleans is now reduced from 450,000 residents to about 150,000.
Over 300,000 people -- most of them African Americans, many of them
poor -- have been dispersed to some 44 states across the country. Those
who have been dispersed have been given no right of return. Many are
fighting to regain the properties, the homes, the apartments, the jobs
they once had.

New Orleans has gone from two-thirds African American to majority
white. In these conditions, the city faces the scheduled election of
the mayor and city officials on April 22. Now those who fought through
the storm and survived FEMA's catastrophic incompetence at relief and
utter mismanagement of the recovery are about to have their rights
trampled once more.

Louisiana and the Bush administration have refused to provide
satellite voting places for those dispersed. They have refused to
provide an absentee ballot to every displaced registered voter.
Louisiana has been given the addresses of registered voters who have
been displaced but, incredibly, has refused to make it available to the
local candidates or election officials. They are planning to hold an
election with a secret voting roll in New Orleans. The U.S. District
Court of Louisiana has refused to postpone the election to reverse this

If the projected April 22 election is allowed to go forward, it will
be the first time in history that a public election will be held with
secret voting rolls. Candidates running for office will not be able to
contact voters; elected officials will not be able to communicate with
their constituents. Poor and vulnerable citizens, displaced from their
homes, will have to figure out where to ask for an absentee ballot
about an election that many may not even know is taking place.

The U.S. government provided Iraqis with satellite polling booths to
vote in the Iraqi election. It provided Mexicans in America with
satellite polling booths to vote in the Mexican election. Now it is
refusing to provide American citizens brutalized by natural disaster
with the same access. The administration, of course, wanted the
election in Iraq and Mexico to "turn out right" -- to elect people
friendly to the U.S. Failing to provide the same service to American
citizens suggests the administration wants the New Orleans election to
"turn out right" and is intentionally suppressing the vote of those who
are dispersed.

March 5 marked the anniversary of the Selma March -- "bloody Sunday"
in 1965 -- when state troopers viciously attacked peaceful citizens
marching for the right to vote. The national revulsion at the horrors
of that day helped lead the way to the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

Louisiana is one of the states covered by the act because of its
history of discrimination against its African-American population. And
now Louisiana, by refusing to release the voting rolls of the dispersed
citizens of New Orleans, and by conspiring with the Bush administration
to deny dispersed registered residents ready access to polling booths
and absentee ballots, is once more acting with blatant discriminatory
effect. State Sen. Cleo Fields is challenging this injustice in the
court of law. But we must challenge it in the court of America's

On April 1, ministers, concerned citizens and people of conscience
from across the country will gather in New Orleans. We will march
across the Gretna Bridge, the bridge that was blocked by state troopers
and police when Katrina's survivors sought to move toward shelter in
the immediate wake of the storm.

We will demand voting rights and the right to return for all the
residents of New Orleans. We will not allow voting rights to be
trampled by those happy to build a New Orleans stripped of its racial


From: "Chihaya" <>
Date: March 8, 2006 9:34:04 PM EST
To: <"Undisclosed-Recipient:;">
Subject: Please sign the petition of "Scholars for 9-11 Truth"

Dear Peace Lovers:

It is long due for us to know what actually happened on 9/11.

Especially when Howard and his men complaining about "Muslim the
terrorists" to be "kicked out of the country," ignoring there are
criminals among any race as you can see clearly on,

Cronulla riots: the wanted men

and noticing that this kind of attack started AFTER that day, we
non-Americans ARE also entitled to demand all the evidence to be
released now.

Today, I received a mail from Mr. Walter who's been spending
millions of US$ to reveal so many facts that main-stream media
wouldn't tell us, all related to the tragic events on September
11, 2001. He is one of genuinely patriotic Americans whom I
respect, and I really wish there were more millionaires like him
in the world.

Anyhow, please take time to read it, go to that link and sign -
just like I did.

Thank you very much.


From: Jimmy Walter
To: Chihaya
Subject: Scholars for 9-11 Truth
Date: 8 Mar 2006 11:35:41 -0500

Please take a moment to sign this petition at the website of
Scholars for 9-11 Truth. Its purpose is to obtain the release by
the government of pertinent 9-11 evidence such as Pentagon
surveillance video and tapes seized by the FBI from businesses
nearby the Pentagon immediately following the strike.

I'm sure you would just LOVE to see what the government is hiding
on those withheld and confiscated video tapes just as much as I
would. The goal is to obtain at least l0,000 signatures. It only
takes a couple of minutes to sign the petition, and if you like,
you can remain anonymous, insofar as your name being displayed
publicly on their Web page.

While I don't normally have any faith in the effectiveness of
petitions, I strongly urge you to take two minutes of your life to
sign this one. I have signed it and I urge you to do the same and
pass it around to all the forums you frequent, as well as share it
with those on your email lists.

_http://st911.org_ ( or
_http://www.scholarsfor911truth.org_ ( )
Support our Petition to Congress

that leads to:

( )

Thank you in advance,

the Spirit of the American People


From: Nico Haupt <>
Date: March 8, 2006 9:46:28 PM EST
To: Nico Haupt <>
Subject: The timeline of CNN's "reality tv" hoax from Sep11th ...

The timeline of CNN's "reality TV" hoax from Sept 11th and its impact.

By Nico Haupt, March 8, 2006


From: s culver <>
Date: March 8, 2006 11:47:35 PM EST
Subject: Fun with CITGO and the radical religious right...

-----Original Message-----
From: Alan Curry []
Sent: Sunday, February 26, 2006 1:18 PM
Subject: Fwd: Fw: CDUI FW: Fun with CITGO and the radical religious

From: "John Newell" <>

Subject: Fw: CDUI FW: Fun with CITGO and the radical religious right...
Date: Sun, 26 Feb 2006 08:30:24 -0500


Pat Robertson's public call for the assassination of Hugo Chavez was
repulsive, and now the ultra conservative American Family Institute is
calling for a boycott of Citgo...

On their website, they invite you to send an email to President Chavez.
I'd like to invite you to sabotage their scheme.

Go to the website and click on "send your letter now"
In the subject line, type BUY CITGO or CITGO

Delete the text in the message box.

Write your own message telling Pres. Chavez that you are buying Citgo
in solidarity with the Venezuelan people -- Tell him that you appreciate
the 45 million gallons of diesel fuel Citgo has made available at
prices for thousands of low income Americans; that you oppose U.S. govt
meddling in Venezuela's affairs; and that you support Venezuela's right

Fill in your name, email address, etc and send.
We can reverse this right-wing ploy to undermine
the progressive government of Venezuela.


[This message contained attachments]


Message: 3
Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2006 07:23:49 -0800 (PST)
From: amy dalzell <>
Subject: Re: [voxpopuliforamerica] Enough of the D.C. Dems?/To all progressives...

I'm looking for feedback from progressives!

amy dalzell <> wrote:
amy dalzell <> wrote: To those of you on VOX who consider yourselves progressives, or Greens, here's an offer:

Send me an e-mail ( with a short piece of advice for the national Democratic Party (from your perspective as a progressive). Please keep it polite, but don't pull any punches.

Following your advice, add an indicator of where you think the party is going:

Positive (+)
Negative (-)
Neutral (*)

I will compose an e-mail based on your advice, and I will see that it gets sent to every Democratic senator, to the Democratic Leadership Council and to DNC Chair Howard Dean.

Molly Ivins may be correct in her assessment of Hillary and the party in general, but sniping from the sidelines is a dead end. Unless we can unseat it as a major party, our best investment is to shake it up as hard and often (and in as coordinated a fashion as possible) as we can.

Any takers?

Paul Tifford <> wrote:
Enough of the D.C. Dems

By Molly Ivins
March 2006 Issue

Mah fellow progressives, now is the time for all good
men and women to come to the aid of the party. I don't
know about you, but I have had it with the D.C.
Democrats, had it with the DLC Democrats, had it with
every calculating, equivocating, triangulating,
straddling, hair-splitting son of a bitch up there, and
that includes Hillary Rodham Clinton.

I will not be supporting Senator Clinton because: a)
she has no clear stand on the war and b) Terri Schiavo
and flag-burning are not issues where you reach out to
the other side and try to split the difference. You
want to talk about lowering abortion rates through
cooperation on sex education and contraception, fine,
but don't jack with stuff that is pure rightwing

I can't see a damn soul in D.C. except Russ Feingold
who is even worth considering for President. The rest
of them seem to me so poisonously in hock to this
system of legalized bribery they can't even see

Look at their reaction to this Abramoff scandal.
They're talking about 'a lobby reform package.' We
don't need a lobby reform package, you dimwits, we need
full public financing of campaigns, and every single
one of you who spends half your time whoring after
special interest contributions knows it. The Abramoff
scandal is a once in a lifetime gift-a perfect lesson
on what's wrong with the system being laid out for
people to see. Run with it, don't mess around with
little patches, and fix the system.

As usual, the Democrats have forty good issues on their
side and want to run on thirty-nine of them. Here are
three they should stick to:

1) Iraq is making terrorism worse; it's a breeding
ground. We need to extricate ourselves as soon as
possible. We are not helping the Iraqis by staying.

2) Full public financing of campaigns so as to drive
the moneylenders from the halls of Washington.

3) Single-payer health insurance.

Every Democrat I talk to is appalled at the sheer
gutlessness and spinelessness of the Democratic
performance. The party is still cringing at the thought
of being called, ooh-ooh, 'unpatriotic' by a bunch of

Take 'unpatriotic' and shove it. How dare they do this
to our country? 'Unpatriotic'? These people have ruined
the American military! Not to mention the economy, the
middle class, and our reputation in the world.
Everything they touch turns to dirt, including Medicare
prescription drugs and hurricane relief.

This is not a time for a candidate who will offend no
one; it is time for a candidate who takes clear stands
and kicks ass.

Who are these idiots talking about Warner of Virginia?
Being anodyne is not sufficient qualification for being
President. And if there's nobody in Washington and we
can't find a Democratic governor, let's run Bill
Moyers, or Oprah, or some university president with
ethics and charisma.

What happens now is not up to the has-beens in
Washington who run this party. It is up to us. So let's
get off our butts and start building a progressive
movement that can block the nomination of Hillary
Clinton or any other candidate who supposedly has 'all
the money sewed up.'

I am tired of having the party nomination decided
before the first primary vote is cast, tired of having
the party beholden to the same old Establishment money.

We can raise our own money on the Internet, and we know
it. Howard Dean raised $42 million, largely on the web,
with a late start when he was running for President,
and that ain't chicken feed. If we double it, it gives
us the lock on the nomination. So let's go find a good
candidate early and organize the shit out of our side.


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[This message contained attachments]


Message: 4
Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2006 16:01:51 -0000
From: "reggie501" <>
Subject: Line in Pentagon Grass.... tvnl news

Another topic NOT discussed by the debunkers:

9/11 News :

� Line in Pentagon grass...9/11 - In my view, this was an attack
that was allowed to happen and actively participated in by parts
of the government. It was not a terrorist attack.


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[911TruthAction] Digest Number 1166

There are 25 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1. THE BIG, BIG LIE IS THE 9/11 COVERUP ! tvnl news
From: "reggie501" <>
2. Bush's Bad Science
From: "botalerts" <>
3. Fwd: [imp-bush] Warning: Are Scholars for 9-11 Truth Being Sabotaged?
From: Kevin Hammond <>
4. Re: Re: Pre-Collapse Bowing Debunks "Controlled Demolition"
From: Kevin Hammond <>
From: "botalerts" <>
6. Re: Re: Pre-Collapse Bowing Debunks "Controlled Demolition"
From: Kevin Hammond <>
7. another ACTION ALERT
From: "botalerts" <>
8. Re: Fwd: [imp-bush] Warning: Are Scholars for 9-11 Truth Being Sabotaged?
From: Naveed <>
9. Re: Re: Pre-Collapse Bowing Debunks "Controlled Demolition"
From: Naveed <>
10. Re: The Limits of the Internet or The Silence Of the Streets
From: Naveed <>
11. Four Prominent So-And-Sos
From: janet phelan <>
12. The Resurrection of Robo-Cop
From: janet phelan <>
13. Re: The Limits of the Internet or The Silence Of the Streets
From: Kevin Hammond <>
14. Facial Biometric Passports in production
From: janet phelan <>
15. Re: Re: Pre-Collapse Bowing Debunks "Controlled Demolition"
From: Kevin Hammond <>
16. Send Message to Media, Senators & Representatives Requesting 911 Investigation
From: Joe Stokes <>
17. chimpy LIED AGAIN today at the patriot persecution act
From: "mojo_j_2000" <>
18. Re: Ariz. Governor Orders Troops to Border + + + -------------------------
From: "mojo_j_2000" <>
19. Re: Hunter Thompson was writing explosive expose!! Confirmed!
From: "mojo_j_2000" <>
20. Re: The Senate Intelligence Committee must hear a wiretaps investigation +
From: "mojo_j_2000" <>
21. Bush's Bad Science
From: "botalerts" <>
22. Retraction: Not a Big deal
From: "Donald Stahl" <>
23. Re: Conspiracy Action
From: APFN <>
24. wtc criminal silverstein faces deadline
From: "mojo_j_2000" <>
25. michael israel michaels
From: "mojo_j_2000" <>


Message: 1
Date: Thu, 09 Mar 2006 16:27:22 -0000
From: "reggie501" <>
Subject: THE BIG, BIG LIE IS THE 9/11 COVERUP ! tvnl news

9/11 News :

· THE BIG, BIG LIE IS THE 9/11 COVERUP - Now that it is obvious that
the Cheney/Bush administration has been guilty of countless lies and
deceptions ~ the stage is set to deal with perhaps the most colossal
distortion of truth in our nation's history ~ the 9/11 coverup.


Message: 2
Date: Thu, 09 Mar 2006 19:48:38 -0000
From: "botalerts" <>
Subject: Bush's Bad Science


Message: 3
Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 12:06:14 -0800 (PST)
From: Kevin Hammond <>
Subject: Fwd: [imp-bush] Warning: Are Scholars for 9-11 Truth Being Sabotaged?

Lisa <> wrote: To:
From: "Lisa" <>
Date: Thu, 09 Mar 2006 19:45:19 -0000
Subject: [imp-bush] Warning: Are Scholars for 9-11 Truth Being Sabotaged?

Warning: Are Scholars for 9-11 Truth
Being Sabotaged?
by Victor Thorn & Lisa Guliani

or at to choose Daily Digest

Government procurement Government leasing Government grants for women Government lease Government contract Government money


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[This message contained attachments]


Message: 4
Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 12:12:52 -0800 (PST)
From: Kevin Hammond <>
Subject: Re: Re: Pre-Collapse Bowing Debunks "Controlled Demolition"

What is very interesting to note, is the fact that he sent this to me off list and when I attempted to respond his email address was no longer working. HMMm? Perhaps he should go make love to Noam Chomsky LOL!

Jolly Roger <> wrote: This idiot is desperately trying to revive the "blowback theory" in an attempt to change the movement's focus from the most incriminating evidence that exists, in favor of having us all join a useless peace march. He works for the government, and should be booted immediately.

factsnotfantasy <> wrote: --- In, "james_patton"
> > It appears that Mr. patton is just a bit ill informed,
> > and very well may have formed his OPINIONS based on just
> > one or 2 brief observations.
> I am mystified by this comment. It is completely obscure to me
> what I am ill informed about, or which OPINIONS I may have formed
> based on just one or two brief observations.
> Is it the opinion that war causes a lot of needless death
> and suffering? Or the opinion that the occupation of Iraq
> is illegal and immoral? Or the opinion that U.S. policy in Israel
> is wrongheaded? Or the opinion that governments lie in order
> to further their foreign policy agendas?
> Or is it the opinion that 9/11 was an inside job?
> Please enlighten me.
> kind regards,
> James.

Well James, so much for your "So please drop this completely unfounded
crap about 'don't talk about ending the foreign policies.'

You are mystified by his comment? You don't see what this guy doesn't
want others to read about and discuss? You didn't see his comment to
me?: "Considor yourself warned. Any more of your bullshit and I will
ban you."

The guy doesn't want you posting your opinion that U.S. policy in
Israel is wrongheaded. He doesn't want you to discuss it and he
doesn't want me to discuss it. He doesn't want the actual foreign
policy agendas discussed. Now you see my criticism was acurate.

> PS - I'm new to this list, but I find a lot of the posts to be
> completely off-topic. It may be interesting to debate whether
> or not Symantec is distributing viruses, but I can't see that it
> has anything whatsoever to do with 911 Truth and Action!
> Also the globalist SOBs may be responsible for the calamities
> of foreign policy of the USA, but remember it is the rank and
> file ordinary American who pays for their wars, waves their flag,
> watches/reads (and believes) their mass media outlets, works in
> their munitions factories and puts on their uniform to march off
> and do their bidding.
> Remove the complicity of these tens of millions of ordinary U.S.
> citizens, and the "globalist SOBs" would be powerless.
> --- In, Kevin Hammond
> wrote:
> >
> > It appears that Mr. patton is just a bit ill informed, and very well
> may have formed his OPINIONS based on just one or 2 brief observations.
> >
> > Naveed wrote: ya,
> >
> > perfect trauma-based mind control exercise....... watch people die
> infront of your very eyes and tell you the moon is made of
> cheese.......people will actually go and defend that notion to the
> death afterwards if you argue with them otherwise eh?
> >
> >
> > the globalist SOBs are responsible for the calamities of foreign
> policy of the USA, and the media is an accessory before and after the
> fact......
> >
> >
> > and the bottom-line is there are no "real" terrorists other than
> the useful idiots working for the globalists......
> >
> > sorry to hear about the gun confiscation you guys had down
> >
> >
> > they tried a limited confiscation during katrina....beating up old
> ladies and taking their guns
> >
> > James Patton wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> >
> > Tom wrote:
> >
> > > People who promote these erroneous 9/11 theories
> > > undermine efforts to get the focus on stopping
> > > these foreign policies. We must take a serious look
> > > at the motives for the 9/11 attacks and call for
> > > a full review of the specific foreign policies that
> > > motivate terrorists to attack us. I see a lot of people
> > > are spreading this "controlled demolition" theory,
> > > I also notice they don't talk about ending the foreign
> > > policies.
> >
> > Well, I for one was opposed to the invasion of Afghanistan, and I
> marched
> > and did all within my rather meagre powers to oppose the war on Iraq -
> > we dug graves in public to make people mindful of the innocent victims
> > this war would cause; did a funeral march through the streets
> dressed in black and carrying coffins; did street theatre about
> depleted uranium; set up
> > a cage in the middle of Perth with a mock Guantanamo victim inside;
> > printed and handed out fliers; spoke about these issues with family
> and friends;
> > sent out hundreds of e-mails; we even tried to drive through the
> streets
> > of Perth with loudspeakers simulating the 'shock and awe' terrorist
> attacks
> > on Baghdad and distributing mutilated 'corpses', but the police
> > to be ready for us on that one and quickly shut our protest down.
> >
> > I also organised a public viewing of the excellent video 'What I Have
> > Learned About U.S. Foreign Policy'. (Unfortunately these events only
> > ever seem to attract a handful of already hardened activists - it's
> a bit like
> > 'preaching to the choir'.)
> >
> > And yes, we marched to the U.S. Consulate in Perth and protested
> outside.
> >
> > Marching through the streets of Perth we waved banners opposing
the war
> > and chanted
> >
> > USA - USA - How many kids have you killed today?
> >
> >
> > And please note, I was involved in all this BEFORE I believed 9/11
> > was an inside job!!
> >
> > I'm also on mailing lists that bitterly oppose the occupation of
> Iraq, U.S. policy
> > in Israel, the impending war in Iran, and U.S. foreign policy in
> general,
> > where the majority of people seem to dismiss the 9/11 insiders as
> > "conspiracy theorists".
> > (see for example anti-allawi-group@
> >
> > To see the egregious and horrid nature of U.S. foreign policies is
> easy:
> > Just go and get a copy of Addicted to War or watch What I Have
> > About U.S. Foreign Policy, or else read William Blum's excellent
> Rogue State:
> > A Guide to the World's Only Superpower.
> >
> > They're all easily available here:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > So yes, even when I believed 9/11 was BLOWBACK against the U.S. due
> > to it's horrendous history of foreign policy, I was still bitterly
> opposed to its
> > policies of aggression.
> >
> > So please drop this completely unfounded crap about 'don't talk about
> > ending the foreign policies.'
> >
> > Who are you to make this criticism?
> >
> > Anyway, didn't you notice? This mailing list is "911TruthAction" -
> > there's dozens of other mailing lists devoted to ending/changing
> > US foreign policy. Dial one of those up if that's the topic you
> > want to discuss.
> >
> > . . .
> >
> > But while we're on the subject of conveniently explaining away all the
> > 'coincidences' of September 11 2001, in addition to the excellent
> > questions below, can you also explain:
> >
> > * why has no other steel frame structure building, either before or
> after 9/11,
> > EVER collapsed due to fire, even though some of them have burned
> > MUCH hotter and for MUCH longer?
> >
> > * what happened to the wreckage of the plane at the Pentagon? How
> > titanium alloy engines have 'disintegrated' in the inferno, when jet
> fuel simply
> > does not burn hot enough? This is scientifically impossible!
> >
> > * how could the 9/11 hijacker, who supposedly flew into the Pentagon,
> > have pulled off such complex aerial manouevres in a commercial
> airliner,
> > when one of the flight instructors described him as being an average
> > to below average pilot, even in a small Cessna aircraft around a
> local airport?
> >
> > Maybe he had the help of Allah?
> >
> > * why did the 'terrorists' who hit the Pentagon hit the unoccupied
> west wing,
> > when Rumsfeld and all the top military brass were conveniently
> sitting safely
> > on the other side? Did the hijackers, after so many months of
> meticulous
> > planning, and with such excellent piloting skills, want to spare the
> lives
> > of these men?
> >
> > * why in the photo of the Pentagon is there a stool, with an opened
> book,
> > made of PAPER, that is unsinged? Wouldn't the 'raging inferno' of
> jet fuel,
> > hot enough to disintegrate titanium alloy, have consumed a paper book
> > in an instant?
> >
> > * how did one of the hijackers' passport, made of PAPER,
> conveniently survive
> > the WTC crash, but the black boxes didn't?
> >
> >
> > May I ask, have you seriously examined the evidence?
> >
> >
> > People with military minds supressed their foreknowledge about the
> > bombing of Pearl Harbor, leading to hundreds of unnecessary deaths,
> > in order to get America into WWII.
> >
> > People with military minds nuclear bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki,
> > instantly evaporating tens of thousands of innocent men, women and
> children,
> > and then made up bogus stories to justify it.
> >
> > They firebombed Dresden, a largely civilian city, which was housing
> tens
> > of thousands of innocent refugees who had escaped there for refuge.
> >
> > They lied about the Gulf of Tonkin event in order to violently
> attack Vietnam
> > and slaughter millions of Vietnamese "communists".
> >
> > When confronted with the deaths of HALF A MILLION children in Iraq
> > due to their egregious sanctions regime, Madelaine Albright just said
> > "we think the price is worth it", and most people didn't bat an
> >
> > They LIED and LIED about Iraq's non-existent WMD, when they well knew
> > that the war on Iraq was preplanned all along.
> >
> > When confronted with the fact of 10,000 or more innocent civilian
> > in Iraq after "shock and awe", it didn't even upset Rumsfeld and his
> ilk's
> > breakfast.
> >
> > And you think these same sort of military minds could care less about
> > a few thousand people in New York and a few heavily insured buildings
> > if it allowed them to pursue their foreign policy agendas?
> >
> > Grow up and join the real world. Or did you come down in the last
> shower
> > of rain?
> >
> >
> > Kind regards,
> >
> > James.
> >
> >
> > Oh yes, here it is:
> > The 911 Coincidence Guide
> > At Last, A Cogent Response to Those Nutty 911 Conspiracy Theories
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Naveed wrote:
> >
> > Subject: Re: Pre-Collapse Bowing Debunks "Controlled Demolition"
> >
> > then would you mind explaining where the hell did those pools of
> molten steel that were found
> > weeks later 70 feet below ground were formed?
> >
> >
> > would you mind explaining what the hell happened with building 7?
> >
> >
> > why not the eyewitness reports of hearing explosions?
> >
> > exploding furniture?
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > you mind explaining why the hell did the construction manager of
> the WTC complexes went on
> > record (before 9/11) to say that the buildings were designed to take
> a hit from a 707 possibly two? and
> > he went on to say that an airplane would effect the building like a
> pencil poking misquito
> > netting? (hardly any damage)
> >
> >
> > you mind explaining the alleged "inferno" that caused the
> "bending" could have allowed people to
> > be standing in the holes the planes made? Relatives of superman?
> >
> > oh yeah why don't you look up the photographic evidence of the
> windows being blown out right
> > next to the building next to the WTCs........ it must have been the
> jet fuel traveling down the
> > elevator shafts that blew them out, right?
> >
> >
> > what about the fact that the steel beams were nicely cut like
> confetti? when looking at the site
> > with a birdseye view?
> >
> >
> > almost forgot, what bout the squibs that were made as the
> buildings were brought down???
> >
> >
> > last but not least what bout the reports of bush planning on
> attacking pipeghanistan in the
> > summer and spring of 01 that was in the foriegn press?
> >
> >
> > BBC, Janes information group, Times of India?
> >
> >
> > the Whore on Terror is a giant fraud to destroy the bedrock of
> what was the land of the free and
> > home of the brave.....
> >
> >
> > Tom wrote:
> >
> > Indications of the Imminent Collapse
> > of the World Trade Center Buildings Disprove
> > the "Controlled Explosions Theory"
> >
> > Pre-Collapse Bowing Debunks "Controlled Demolition" "The World
> Trade Center towers showed
> > telltale signs they were about to collapse several minutes before
> each crumbled to the ground,
> > scientists probing the Sept. 11, 2001, disaster said yesterday."
> There would not be telltale signs if it
> > was explosives (Controlled Demolition) that caused the buildings to
> collapse.
> >
> > "In the case of the north tower, police chopper pilots reported
> seeing the warning signs - an
> > inward bowing of the building facade - at least eight minutes before
> it collapsed at 10:29 a.m. "
> >
> > What is clear is at least eight minutes before WTC 1 collapsed, the
> structure of the building was
> > failing. This simply would not be happening if explosives caused the
> collapse because explosives
> > don't go off in slow motion for eight minutes. Obviously, the way an
> actual controlled explosion
> > happens is the explosives all go off in a matter of seconds. There
> simply would not be warning signs
> > that the buildings were about to be demolished by explosives, it
> would of course just suddenly
> > happen. But that is not what happened, the buildings did not
> suddenly collapse without any
> > indications that they would. Instead, the fires were compromising
> the structural integrity of the buildings
> > and as the buildings' support structures failed, the exterior
> started to buckle and this bucking
> > was evident to observers such as the police helicopters circling the
> towers. "The NYPD aviation
> > unit reported critical information about the impending collapse of
> the buildings," lead investigator
> > Shyam Sunder said
> > at a presentation in midtown. " They could see that the
> exterior steel beams of the buildings
> > were bowing. "Engineers believe the bowing of the exterior steel
> beams near the flame-engulfed floors
> > was the critical "triggering point" because that's the direction
> each tower tilted as it came
> > crashing down."
> >
> > Other key findings include:
> >
> > Even though the jet fuel on the planes burned off in the first
> few minutes after impact, there
> > was enough office furniture to sustain intense fires for at least an
> hour.
> >
> >
> >
> > The original builders of the twin towers and those who later
> renovated the structures did not
> > have a clear technical standard for deciding on how much insulation
> to use around the structural
> > beams, many of which gave way in the intense heat.
> >
> > See full article below. For Info on the collapse WTC 7, see Facts
> about 9/11.
> >
> > We have an unacceptable risk to our nation because of specific
> foreign policies.
> >
> > People who promote these erroneous 9/11 theories undermine
> efforts to get the focus on stopping
> > these foreign policies. We must take a serious look at the motives
> for the 9/11 attacks and call for
> > a full review of the specific foreign policies that motivate
> terrorists to attack us. I see a lot
> > of people are spreading this "controlled demolition" theory, I also
> notice they don't talk about
> > ending the foreign policies. Please donate to help Representative
> Press get the facts out to the
> > people.
> >
> > False theories like "9/11 was a controlled demolition" or "9/11 was
> an inside job" or "The WTC
> > collapsed because of explosives" really f*** up efforts to stop the
> specific foreign policies that
> > put our nation at risk. These false theories undermine serious
> efforts to get foreign polcies
> > addressed, for example, U.S. support for Israel.
> > I suspect more than a few people pushing these false theories are
> very happy to misdirrect the
> > American public away from questioning specific foreign policies
> like U.S. support for Israel. (It
> > is the main policy of the foreign policies that motivated the 9/11
> terrorists. The plotter of 9/11,
> > Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, actaully went to school here in the U.S. He
> was angry at the U.S. not
> > because of his experiences here as a student, but rather because of
> the U.S. foreign policy favoring
> > Israel.) I am working hard to set the record straight and end the
> risk of terrorism. Please Click
> > on the Representative Press Logo and Donate to help me get the truth
> out. Those conspiracy websites
> > are clearly well funded and like I have said, they misdirrect the
> American public away from
> > questioning specific foreign polices like U.S. support for Israel. I
> need some money to work with to
> > undo the damage these websites are doing and get the facts to the
> people. 9/11 was not a game, these
> > conspiracy
> > theories undermine efforts to get the government to change the
> unjust Middle East policies: Full
> > article below: 9/11 cops saw collapse coming New York Daily
> News - June 19th, 2004 By PAUL
> > H.B. SHIN
> > The World Trade Center towers showed telltale signs they were about
> to collapse several minutes
> > before each crumbled to the ground, scientists probing the Sept. 11,
> 2001, disaster said yesterday.
> >
> > In the case of the north tower, police chopper pilots reported
> seeing the warning signs - an
> > inward bowing of the building facade - at least eight minutes before
> it collapsed at 10:29 a.m.
> >
> > But emergency responders inside the tower never got the order to
> evacuate due to faulty
> > communications equipment and garbled lines of command, investigators
> with the National Institute of
> > Standards and Technology said in its second interim report on the
> collapse's causes.
> >
> > "The NYPD aviation unit reported critical information about the
> impending collapse of the
> > buildings," lead investigator Shyam Sunder said at a presentation in
> midtown.
> >
> > "[If] that information would have been communicated faster to all
> of the emergency responders in
> > the buildings, it could have helped save lives," he said.
> >
> > Engineers believe the bowing of the exterior steel beams near the
> flame-engulfed floors was the
> > critical "triggering point" because that's the direction each tower
> tilted as it came crashing down.
> >
> > The findings that emergency responders could have been warned about
> the imminent collapse angered
> > some victims' relatives, who were already fuming about the 9/11
> Commission's report on Thursday
> > that government foulups contributed to the chaos on that fateful day.
> >
> > "Eight to 10 minutes could have meant life for so many people," said
> Sally Regenhard, whose son,
> > Christian, was a probationary firefighter who died in the collapse.
> >
> > "We had no integrated command structure, so that the Police
> Department was unable to communicate
> > the fact that the building was going to collapse to the Fire
> Department," she said. "It's a knife
> > in the heart of the relatives of the victims."
> >
> > Other key findings include:
> >
> > Even though the jet fuel on the planes burned off in the first
> few minutes after impact, there
> > was enough office furniture to sustain intense fires for at least an
> hour.
> >
> >
> > If the twin towers had been fully occupied - 25,000 people - it
> would have taken four hours to
> > evacuate the buildings.
> >
> >
> > The original builders of the twin towers and those who later
> renovated the structures did not
> > have a clear technical standard for deciding on how much insulation
> to use around the structural
> > beams, many of which gave way in the intense heat.
> > -
> >
> >
> > United state bankruptcy court western district of texas
> United state life insurance
> > Moving to the united state United state patent United state
> patent search United states
> > patent office
> >
> >

=== message truncated ===

"There comes a time when every man feels the urge to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and start slitting throats." -- H.L. Mencken
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Message: 5
Date: Thu, 09 Mar 2006 20:21:04 -0000
From: "botalerts" <>

This was forwarded to me.

Hi All,

Below is the information regarding the reception on Sunday, March 12,
2006 - 1:00pm, in support of New York State Attorney General Eliot
Spitzer and his candidacy for New York Governor.

I think we should attend and ask him why he did not investigate the
true causes and effects of September the 11th 2001. And why did he
ignore the repeated call by the 9/11 families for such investigation?
And why New Yorkers should trust him now, after such miserable
failure as the New York Attorney General to investigate the MURDERS of
three thousands (3,000) innocent New Yorkers?

A Reception in Support of New York State

Attorney General Eliot Spitzer

And his Candidacy for Governor

Sunday, March 12, 2006 - 1:00pm

West Side Institutional Synagogue

120 West 76th Street

New York, New York

RSVP to - Eileen Reyes <> - Or - (212) 529-2006

Complimentary Admission

Eliot Spitzer For Governor
330 Madison Ave, 19th Floor,
New York, NY 10017
Phone: (212) 529-2006
Fax: (212) 979-2607
Eliot Spitzer <>


Message: 6
Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 12:21:09 -0800 (PST)
From: Kevin Hammond <>
Subject: Re: Re: Pre-Collapse Bowing Debunks "Controlled Demolition"


Jolly Roger <> wrote: Tom is a perfect example -- I wouldn't argue with him, because he's obviously only here to waste your time in argument by supporting the government's story with more "phony physics" (a la Gerard Holmgren) If he needs to be educated, send him to "Scholors for 9-11 truth" where his BS wouldn't last a minute against the real sceince being explained by Prof. Jones. If he wants to waste everyone's time with distractions, just boot the son-of-a-bitch. You can always judge someone's motives for being here by what they say. If they're here to argue, get rid of them. The physics have been explained and documented, without any stupid analogies regarding pennies on railroad tracks. The calulations regarding the heat energy produced by the collapses have already been done by people who actually know what they're talking about, and the energy doesn't come close to being able to melt 4" thich structural steel into puddles, let alone sustain those
temperatures for six weeks.
Get the fuck out of here, you idiot. Pennies have nothing to do with this, unless you're catorgorizing them as "Loose Change"

Tom <> wrote:
--- In, Scott Legere <sledger911@...>
> The Molten Steel was found >> UNDER THE GROUND FLOOR the
7&th Floor BASEMENT... Thats where the 47 steel coolums were connected
to the BEDROCK...Supporting ALL the weight of the building...Demo A
building with Explosives ...You have to cut the Ground support this
was probaly THERMITE ... 5000 degrees cuts through STEEL like butter.
> Got any more brain busters?

Did you even watch any video of the towers falling? They fell from the
top down. They did not explode from the basement. Gee whiz.

> Tom <Tom@...> wrote:
> --- In, Naveed <flanker12k@> wrote:
> >
> > then would you mind explaining where the hell did those pools of
> molten steel that were found weeks later 70 feet below ground were
> >
> There was enourmous potential energy in the buidlings. WHen they fell,
> the collapse generated heat. That is why parts of the debris were so
> Put a penny on the railroad tracks. Emmeidaetly after the train runs
> over it and flattens it go fetch the penny and put it into your mouth.
> Now you won't forget the lesson that physical force gets converted
> into heat.
> > would you mind explaining what the hell happened with building 7?
> >
> At 10:29 a.m., WTC 1 (the north tower) collapsed and contrary to the
> claims of 9/11 conspiracy people, it did not collapse into its
> footprint like a controlled explosion. (See the diagram) Instead, as
> the building collapsed, the debris from WTC 1 spilled into the
> surrounding streets and onto WTC 7 among others, damaging the
> building. (See the diagram to the left showing the debris in black
> which extended north beyond WTC 6).
> Eyewitness accounts from firemen such as Captain Chris Boyle and
> Deputy Chief Peter Hayden and photographic evidence back this up. It
> is the south side of WTC 7 that was damaged and it is likely that the
> fires (see figures 5-16 and 5-17) started as a result of debris from
> the collapse of WTC 1, the fires in WTC 7 started at approximately the
> same time as the collapse of WTC 1 and it is the fires that are
> primarily the reason the WTC 7 building collapsed. Most 9/11
> conspiracy people only show you the east side and north side of the
> WTC 7.
> See WTC 7 Page 2 for more eyewitness accounts from firemen and
> photographic evidence
> "He answered, 7 World Trade Center, imminent collapse, we've got to
> get those people out of there. I walked out and I got to Vesey and
> West, where I reported to Frank. He said, we're moving the command
> post over this way, that building's coming down.
> At this point, the fire was going virtually on every floor, heavy fire
> and smoke that really wasn't bothering us when we were searching
> because it was being pushed southeast"
> United state bankruptcy court western district of texas
United state life insurance Moving to the united state United
state patent United state patent search United states patent office
> ---------------------------------
> Visit your group "911TruthAction" on the web.
> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:
> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of
> ---------------------------------
> ---------------------------------
> Yahoo! Mail
> Bring photos to life! New PhotoMail makes sharing a breeze.

"There comes a time when every man feels the urge to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and start slitting throats." -- H.L. Mencken
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Message: 7
Date: Thu, 09 Mar 2006 20:21:44 -0000
From: "botalerts" <>
Subject: another ACTION ALERT

This was also forwarded to me.

Raw Story is collecting reader questions for Nancy Pelosi- they will
pick "the best" from the submissions and she has agreed to answer the

Submit your favorite question on 9/11- I asked something to the effect
of- the Commission has been exposed as a fraud- what should the
American People do, and what is she doing to get some accountability
for these intelligence and defense failures, the mass murder of 3000
people and Bush Co's exploitation of "9/11" for wars of conquest,
budget rampages and suppression of dissent and civil liberties?

115 ommissions and distortions documented by David Ray Griffin

Pelosi was House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence for 10
years- i think she's got some answers. As minority leader she could
and needs to make getting answers for the People an issue. After all,
she herself talks about putting the power back in the hands of ALL the
people, and all the polling done on the subject has shown a majority
of people don't think the whole story has been told, and want answers.

Here's a blurb from the Raw Story article:

"Please submit your question or questions for House Minority Leader
Pelosi to Please include your first name,
city and state for publication (last names and e-mail addresses will
not be shared). Questions submitted on the comments form will not be

Reader questions will be collected through noon PST on Sunday, March
19. That evening, the most relevant, interesting and thoughtful ones
will be forwarded to Representative Pelosi, who will answer as many as
possible in the time provided. We ask that readers be respectful, but
will not omit questions because they may may considered "tough" or
could portray the lawmaker in an unflattering light. The answers will
then be featured on Raw Story, Wednesday, March 22."


Message: 8
Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 12:47:50 -0800 (PST)
From: Naveed <>
Subject: Re: Fwd: [imp-bush] Warning: Are Scholars for 9-11 Truth Being Sabotaged?

uh oh.....

someone who's far more knowledgeable than me on the plane stuff FOR THE LOVE OF GOD EMAIL MORGAN REYNOLDS ABOUT THIS???

again, there is ample evidence that can stand on its own that need no celeberty endorsment

Kevin Hammond <> wrote:

Lisa <> wrote: To:
From: "Lisa" <>
Date: Thu, 09 Mar 2006 19:45:19 -0000
Subject: [imp-bush] Warning: Are Scholars for 9-11 Truth Being Sabotaged?

Warning: Are Scholars for 9-11 Truth
Being Sabotaged?
by Victor Thorn & Lisa Guliani

Relax. Yahoo! Mail virus scanning helps detect nasty viruses!

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In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot.
- Notebook, 1904

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Message: 9
Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 12:49:00 -0800 (PST)
From: Naveed <>
Subject: Re: Re: Pre-Collapse Bowing Debunks "Controlled Demolition"

Get the fuck out of here, you idiot. Pennies have nothing to do with this, unless you're catorgorizing them as "Loose Change"

that is HILARIOUS!!! the loosechange thing
Kevin Hammond <> wrote:

Jolly Roger <> wrote: Tom is a perfect example -- I wouldn't argue with him, because he's obviously only here to waste your time in argument by supporting the government's story with more "phony physics" (a la Gerard Holmgren) If he needs to be educated, send him to "Scholors for 9-11 truth" where his BS wouldn't last a minute against the real sceince being explained by Prof. Jones. If he wants to waste everyone's time with distractions, just boot the son-of-a-bitch. You can always judge someone's motives for being here by what they say. If they're here to argue, get rid of them. The physics have been explained and documented, without any stupid analogies regarding pennies on railroad tracks. The calulations regarding the heat energy produced by the collapses have already been done by people who actually know what they're talking about, and the energy doesn't come close to being able to melt 4" thich structural steel into puddles, let alone sustain those
temperatures for six weeks.
Get the fuck out of here, you idiot. Pennies have nothing to do with this, unless you're catorgorizing them as "Loose Change"

Tom <> wrote:
--- In, Scott Legere <sledger911@...>
> The Molten Steel was found >> UNDER THE GROUND FLOOR the
7&th Floor BASEMENT... Thats where the 47 steel coolums were connected
to the BEDROCK...Supporting ALL the weight of the building...Demo A
building with Explosives ...You have to cut the Ground support this
was probaly THERMITE ... 5000 degrees cuts through STEEL like butter.
> Got any more brain busters?

Did you even watch any video of the towers falling? They fell from the
top down. They did not explode from the basement. Gee whiz.

> Tom <Tom@...> wrote:
> --- In, Naveed <flanker12k@> wrote:
> >
> > then would you mind explaining where the hell did those pools of
> molten steel that were found weeks later 70 feet below ground were
> >
> There was enourmous potential energy in the buidlings. WHen they fell,
> the collapse generated heat. That is why parts of the debris were so
> Put a penny on the railroad tracks. Emmeidaetly after the train runs
> over it and flattens it go fetch the penny and put it into your mouth.
> Now you won't forget the lesson that physical force gets converted
> into heat.
> > would you mind explaining what the hell happened with building 7?
> >
> At 10:29 a.m., WTC 1 (the north tower) collapsed and contrary to the
> claims of 9/11 conspiracy people, it did not collapse into its
> footprint like a controlled explosion. (See the diagram) Instead, as
> the building collapsed, the debris from WTC 1 spilled into the
> surrounding streets and onto WTC 7 among others, damaging the
> building. (See the diagram to the left showing the debris in black
> which extended north beyond WTC 6).
> Eyewitness accounts from firemen such as Captain Chris Boyle and
> Deputy Chief Peter Hayden and photographic evidence back this up. It
> is the south side of WTC 7 that was damaged and it is likely that the
> fires (see figures 5-16 and 5-17) started as a result of debris from
> the collapse of WTC 1, the fires in WTC 7 started at approximately the
> same time as the collapse of WTC 1 and it is the fires that are
> primarily the reason the WTC 7 building collapsed. Most 9/11
> conspiracy people only show you the east side and north side of the
> WTC 7.
> See WTC 7 Page 2 for more eyewitness accounts from firemen and
> photographic evidence
> "He answered, 7 World Trade Center, imminent collapse, we've got to
> get those people out of there. I walked out and I got to Vesey and
> West, where I reported to Frank. He said, we're moving the command
> post over this way, that building's coming down.
> At this point, the fire was going virtually on every floor, heavy fire
> and smoke that really wasn't bothering us when we were searching
> because it was being pushed southeast"
> United state bankruptcy court western district of texas
United state life insurance Moving to the united state United
state patent United state patent search United states patent office
> ---------------------------------
> Visit your group "911TruthAction" on the web.
> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:
> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of
> ---------------------------------
> ---------------------------------
> Yahoo! Mail
> Bring photos to life! New PhotoMail makes sharing a breeze.

"There comes a time when every man feels the urge to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and start slitting throats." -- H.L. Mencken
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Bring photos to life! New PhotoMail makes sharing a breeze.

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In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot.
- Notebook, 1904

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Message: 10
Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 12:53:53 -0800 (PST)
From: Naveed <>
Subject: Re: The Limits of the Internet or The Silence Of the Streets

I must share the credit with mr. random and mr. hammond for helping hold the lines against the disinformation/flaming onslaught.

Jolly Roger <> wrote: Mr. Nixon, I agree with you on some points, and disagree on others. I agree that we all waste too much time on the internet and that we need to concentrate on local activity, and stated this in several essays that I circulated years ago.
Shutting down the list however, would be a mistake, because it provides a place for people without any local support to seek advice from those with more experience in the movement, and for people who are new to the movement to ask questions and become more involved.
I always supported the list being open to everyone, with trouble-makers being booted immediately, so the list can act as a support group for those recently discovering the truth, and so people in the movement can discuss and coordinate larger activist actions off the net. (without this list I would never have known of your very successful march in NYC last month)
I whole-heartedly agree that many people spend too much time on the internet, and should instead concentrate their efforts on the people in their community (and then neighboring communities), but it's good that they have a place to go for input and discussions of strategy regarding how this is best accomplished. The list should remain open, because it does (can?) serve an important purpose, but everyone on this list needs to become the "leader" (or originator) of a local movement that isn't afraid to shout the truth far and wide.
People on this list, including yourself, have made remarkable gains in spreading the truth, but they should also remember that this group is only a launching point for activism, rather than being an activist action in itself. Kevin and you have TV shows, Cathy and Alex are writing essays that introduce the truth to different political groups, several people here are making or have made CD's, videos, pamphlets and flyers, and several others maintain 9-11 truth websites, and these private projects are announced here, where they receive help in distribution. (It was through this list that I found out about your march, and received materials to help advertise it).
It's also difficult for many people to find others nearby with whom they can discuss 9-11 truth, and without a place to go where they can have these discussions, many would forget the issue altogether. The list is important for many reasons, and many people on it are distributing flyers and info (available here) and working on other projects at the same time.
But I do agree 100% that people should not waste too much time here, other than one or two moderators that insure the list is functioning properly. (Naveed)
Furthermore, if I were to close this list, I would immediately be branded a "traitor" to the movement, as was Ruppert for stating his opinion, which even riled me at the time.

Greg Nixon <> wrote:
Attn: Jolly

I think at this point if you want to HELP the 9/11 "movement"
shut down this list. It's a TOTAL WASTE OF TIME and thoroughly
infiltrated with BS. This list does NOT lead to activism, but gives
a false sense that there is a national movement. There is not.
9/11 truth is near accepted as mainstream news, but ACTIVISM is now
just about officialy over (please do not write in with the
individual projects you are all engaged in, it doesn't change the
big picture).

Bird flu concentration camps anyone?

Published on Sunday, March 5, 2006 by

The Limits of the Internet or The Silence Of the Streets
by Brigitte Schön

While we're all sitting comfortably at some desk looking at our
computer screens, reading articles by people whose opinion we
cherish, celebrating the feeling that we might be able to change
whatever we want to change by just writing the kind of highly
opinionated piece I am about to write, I have lately been giving
this complacent feeling of mine a thorough cleansing which led to
the following musings:
What if the world, this world of TV images we know, still was pretty
archaic at heart and what if it still primarily reacted to centuries-
old images and trigger patterns after all? In other words: What do
political campaigns and articles via the internet really manage to
accomplish? And: Does this mean that I still ought to brave icy
winds or pouring rain instead and hold up some banners in
demonstrations in order to really achieve anything, and does this
mean that all these thoughful articles on the net don't have as much
influence as all of us couch revolutionaries would like to believe?
Let me lead you through a little time machine experiment. All I'd
ask you to do is imagine that there was an internet around when any
of the following occured (there are thousands of cases to choose
from; I just randomly picked a few):
The British are occupying India. Instead of rallying hundreds of
thousands of Indians in peaceful marches, Mahatma Ghandi launches an
internet campaign against the Raj (=British rule of India). Your
best bet: Do you think that the British would still be ruling India?
Next stop the Iron Curtain. Instead of hundreds of thousands of East
Germans chanting "WE are the people!" every single day for weeks
against the leaders of their People's Republic (hence the chant),
they launch a massive e-mail-campaign demanding freedom and
liberties hitherto not granted in East Germany from their Politburo.
Your best bet: Would the Berlin Wall have come down as a result?
Let's go to recent news: Although I am personally appalled at the
violent frenzy which erupted in the Arab world about those cartoons
in a negligable, albeit famously right-wing, Danish newspaper - the
uproar looked very much like an orchestrated opportunity these
dictatorships granted their subjects to finally let off some steam
to me - would irate articles on discussion forums in the Moslem
world have attracted the same amount of international attention to
the cause of the Moslems' grievances as all these demonstrators did?
What's your best bet?
And, last but not least: Are you aware of the fact that Iran,
according to what I've heard, has a thriving internet community
which to a large extent is critical of the government? No? But would
you be aware of substantial opposition in Iran if on NBC you watched
these same people demonstrate? Yes?
Fine. Now you might be ready for what I am really trying to get at:
As long as there aren't any massive NUMEROUS and VISIBLE protests
against the present US administration's machinations, forget the
idea that any well-meaning five-people-vigil in your home town or
any irate article on the net will change anything.
The only thing that embarrasses a government is mass protests for
MANY DAYS IN A ROW. They can't be overlooked, it's hard to ignore
them, they can't be shrugged off, they are bound to be aired in
one's country plus around the world, they are in short a major
newsworthy event.
While the internet is fabulous when it comes to finding out how many
like-minded people there are around you, it is at the same time
sadly a silent and invisible weapon. No internet campagain will ever
make it to prime time TV or to the front page of any paper. In case
you are in doubt, just remember Ukraine last winter. It was the
sight of these people braving it for many days in the freeze in
their orange attire which caught your attention, wasn't it? Would
you have noticed any anger on Ukrainian websites instead??
Or would YOU know about Cindy Sheehan if she'd only vented her grief
and anger on the web and not physically outside Bush's ranch?
At some stage the pent-up wrath of many Americans against their
government would have to be expressed in lonr-lasting mass (we're
talking millions) protests in American cities if people really want
to make a difference. They have to be prepared to stand up and be
Or how else could one of Europe's most famous philosophers, Bernard-
Henri Lévy, come up with the diagnosis "semi-comatose state of the
American Left" on CommonDreams nearly a month ago after having
travelled in the US? Well, if you leave your computer, that's
definitely the impression.
Ironically, in times of an overkill of electronic communication, it
is still the physical protest which to this day seems to be the only
action capable of moving mountains, not its (admittedly more
comfortable) cyber ersatz.
Deep down, human perception hasn't changed that much.
So you better get out your raingear...
Brigitte Schön ( is an Austrian conference
interpreter, occasional writer and political activist. She lives in

"There comes a time when every man feels the urge to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and start slitting throats." -- H.L. Mencken __________________________________________________
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In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot.
- Notebook, 1904

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Message: 11
Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 13:57:47 -0800 (PST)
From: janet phelan <>
Subject: Four Prominent So-And-Sos


I'm an autocratic figure in these democratic states,
I'm a dandy demonstration of hereditary traits,
As the children of the baker bake the most delicious breads,
As the sons of Casanova fill the most exclusive beds,
As the Barrymores, the Roosevelts, and others I could name
Inherited the talents that perpetuate their fame,
My position in the structure of society I owe
To the qualities my parents bequeathed me long ago.
My pappy was a gentleman, and musical to boot,
He used to play piano in a house of ill-repute.
The madam was a lady, and a credit to her cult.
She enjoyed my pappy's playing, and I was the result.
So my mammy and my pappy are the ones I have to thank
That I'm Chairman of the Board of the National Country Bank.


In a cozy little farm-house in a cozy little dell
A dear old-fashioned farmer and his daughter used to dwell.
She was pretty, she was charming, she was tender, she was mild,
And her sympathy was such that she was frequently with child.
The year her hospitality attained a record high,
She became the happy mammy of an infant, which was I.
Whenever she was gloomy I could always make her grin
By childishly inquiring who my pappy could have been.
The hired man was favored by the girls in mammy's set
And a traveling man from Scranton was an even money bet.
But such were Mammy's motives, and such was her allure,
That even Roger Babson wasn't altogether sure.
Well, I took my Mammy's morals and I took my pappy's crust
And I grew to be the founder of a big Investment Trust.


On a cozy little chain gang on a dusty Southern road
My late lamented daddy had his permanent abode.
Now some were there for stealing, but daddy's only fault
Was an overwhelming weakness for criminal assault.
His philosophy was simple and free of moral tape:
Seduction is for sissies, but a he-man wants his rape.
Daddy's total list of victims was embarrassingly rich,
And though one of them was mammy, he couldn't tell me which.
Well, I didn't go to college, but I got me a degree;
I reckon I'm the model of a perfect S.O.B.;
I'm a debit to my country but a credit to my dad,
The most expensive senator the nation ever had.
I remember daddy's warning that raping is a crime
Unless you rape the voters a million at a time.


I'm an ordinary figure in these democratic states,
A pathetic demonstration of hereditary traits.
As the children of the cops possess the flattest kind of feet,
As the daughter of the floozie has a waqggle to her seat,
My position at the bottom of society I owe
To the qualities my parents bequeathed me long ago.
My father was a married man, and what is even more,
He was married to my mother, a fact which I deplore.
I was born in holy wedlock, consequently, by and by,
I was rooked by every bastard with plunder in his eye.
I invested, I deposited, I voted every fall,
And if I saved a penny, the bastards took it all.
At last I've learned my lesson, and I'm on the proper track:
I'm a self-appointed bastard and I'm going to get it back.

After doing battle for two years with the trustee for the money left to my by my parents, I was finally permitted yesterday to go into my (deceased) mother's storage facility to remove a few items. I had requested only to pick up some family photographs, but I ended up also removing some letters written by James Phelan to his wife, Amalie, as well as this poem. It was unsigned and undated, and I cannot swear to its origin, but given the evidence of style and moral compass, I believe it may have been authored by my father.

It produced quite a chuckle from my friends, so I am forwarding it on.

Janet Phelan

Brings words and photos together (easily) with
PhotoMail - it's free and works with Yahoo! Mail.

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Message: 12
Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 14:11:58 -0800 (PST)
From: janet phelan <>
Subject: The Resurrection of Robo-Cop

RFID-Embedded Police Badges Debut In August
There's another crime-fighting weapon being added to law enforcement's arsenal, and it's not what you'd expect. Along with handcuffs, guns, and night sticks, cops' uniforms will soon include badges with RFID chips. V.H. Blackinton & Co. Inc. has developed a badge for law enforcement and government agencies with an embedded radio frequency identification (RFID) chip it plans to launch in August, company officials said Friday. The SmartShield system validates badges and verifies the wearer. The package comprises Blackinton metal badges equipped with RFID chips, and Enforcement Identification (Eid) software that tracks information on each badge in a department’s inventory. Blackinton has worked on the application since 2003. Research began in 2004, and development and manufacturing last year. The product will launch in August.

Date: 2006-03-04

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Message: 13
Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 14:13:36 -0800 (PST)
From: Kevin Hammond <>
Subject: Re: The Limits of the Internet or The Silence Of the Streets

I could not have stated that better myself, Mr. Roger.

Jolly Roger <> wrote: Mr. Nixon, I agree with you on some points, and disagree on others. I agree that we all waste too much time on the internet and that we need to concentrate on local activity, and stated this in several essays that I circulated years ago.
Shutting down the list however, would be a mistake, because it provides a place for people without any local support to seek advice from those with more experience in the movement, and for people who are new to the movement to ask questions and become more involved.
I always supported the list being open to everyone, with trouble-makers being booted immediately, so the list can act as a support group for those recently discovering the truth, and so people in the movement can discuss and coordinate larger activist actions off the net. (without this list I would never have known of your very successful march in NYC last month)
I whole-heartedly agree that many people spend too much time on the internet, and should instead concentrate their efforts on the people in their community (and then neighboring communities), but it's good that they have a place to go for input and discussions of strategy regarding how this is best accomplished. The list should remain open, because it does (can?) serve an important purpose, but everyone on this list needs to become the "leader" (or originator) of a local movement that isn't afraid to shout the truth far and wide.
People on this list, including yourself, have made remarkable gains in spreading the truth, but they should also remember that this group is only a launching point for activism, rather than being an activist action in itself. Kevin and you have TV shows, Cathy and Alex are writing essays that introduce the truth to different political groups, several people here are making or have made CD's, videos, pamphlets and flyers, and several others maintain 9-11 truth websites, and these private projects are announced here, where they receive help in distribution. (It was through this list that I found out about your march, and received materials to help advertise it).
It's also difficult for many people to find others nearby with whom they can discuss 9-11 truth, and without a place to go where they can have these discussions, many would forget the issue altogether. The list is important for many reasons, and many people on it are distributing flyers and info (available here) and working on other projects at the same time.
But I do agree 100% that people should not waste too much time here, other than one or two moderators that insure the list is functioning properly. (Naveed)
Furthermore, if I were to close this list, I would immediately be branded a "traitor" to the movement, as was Ruppert for stating his opinion, which even riled me at the time.

Greg Nixon <> wrote:
Attn: Jolly

I think at this point if you want to HELP the 9/11 "movement"
shut down this list. It's a TOTAL WASTE OF TIME and thoroughly
infiltrated with BS. This list does NOT lead to activism, but gives
a false sense that there is a national movement. There is not.
9/11 truth is near accepted as mainstream news, but ACTIVISM is now
just about officialy over (please do not write in with the
individual projects you are all engaged in, it doesn't change the
big picture).

Bird flu concentration camps anyone?

Published on Sunday, March 5, 2006 by

The Limits of the Internet or The Silence Of the Streets
by Brigitte Schön

While we're all sitting comfortably at some desk looking at our
computer screens, reading articles by people whose opinion we
cherish, celebrating the feeling that we might be able to change
whatever we want to change by just writing the kind of highly
opinionated piece I am about to write, I have lately been giving
this complacent feeling of mine a thorough cleansing which led to
the following musings:
What if the world, this world of TV images we know, still was pretty
archaic at heart and what if it still primarily reacted to centuries-
old images and trigger patterns after all? In other words: What do
political campaigns and articles via the internet really manage to
accomplish? And: Does this mean that I still ought to brave icy
winds or pouring rain instead and hold up some banners in
demonstrations in order to really achieve anything, and does this
mean that all these thoughful articles on the net don't have as much
influence as all of us couch revolutionaries would like to believe?
Let me lead you through a little time machine experiment. All I'd
ask you to do is imagine that there was an internet around when any
of the following occured (there are thousands of cases to choose
from; I just randomly picked a few):
The British are occupying India. Instead of rallying hundreds of
thousands of Indians in peaceful marches, Mahatma Ghandi launches an
internet campaign against the Raj (=British rule of India). Your
best bet: Do you think that the British would still be ruling India?
Next stop the Iron Curtain. Instead of hundreds of thousands of East
Germans chanting "WE are the people!" every single day for weeks
against the leaders of their People's Republic (hence the chant),
they launch a massive e-mail-campaign demanding freedom and
liberties hitherto not granted in East Germany from their Politburo.
Your best bet: Would the Berlin Wall have come down as a result?
Let's go to recent news: Although I am personally appalled at the
violent frenzy which erupted in the Arab world about those cartoons
in a negligable, albeit famously right-wing, Danish newspaper - the
uproar looked very much like an orchestrated opportunity these
dictatorships granted their subjects to finally let off some steam
to me - would irate articles on discussion forums in the Moslem
world have attracted the same amount of international attention to
the cause of the Moslems' grievances as all these demonstrators did?
What's your best bet?
And, last but not least: Are you aware of the fact that Iran,
according to what I've heard, has a thriving internet community
which to a large extent is critical of the government? No? But would
you be aware of substantial opposition in Iran if on NBC you watched
these same people demonstrate? Yes?
Fine. Now you might be ready for what I am really trying to get at:
As long as there aren't any massive NUMEROUS and VISIBLE protests
against the present US administration's machinations, forget the
idea that any well-meaning five-people-vigil in your home town or
any irate article on the net will change anything.
The only thing that embarrasses a government is mass protests for
MANY DAYS IN A ROW. They can't be overlooked, it's hard to ignore
them, they can't be shrugged off, they are bound to be aired in
one's country plus around the world, they are in short a major
newsworthy event.
While the internet is fabulous when it comes to finding out how many
like-minded people there are around you, it is at the same time
sadly a silent and invisible weapon. No internet campagain will ever
make it to prime time TV or to the front page of any paper. In case
you are in doubt, just remember Ukraine last winter. It was the
sight of these people braving it for many days in the freeze in
their orange attire which caught your attention, wasn't it? Would
you have noticed any anger on Ukrainian websites instead??
Or would YOU know about Cindy Sheehan if she'd only vented her grief
and anger on the web and not physically outside Bush's ranch?
At some stage the pent-up wrath of many Americans against their
government would have to be expressed in lonr-lasting mass (we're
talking millions) protests in American cities if people really want
to make a difference. They have to be prepared to stand up and be
Or how else could one of Europe's most famous philosophers, Bernard-
Henri Lévy, come up with the diagnosis "semi-comatose state of the
American Left" on CommonDreams nearly a month ago after having
travelled in the US? Well, if you leave your computer, that's
definitely the impression.
Ironically, in times of an overkill of electronic communication, it
is still the physical protest which to this day seems to be the only
action capable of moving mountains, not its (admittedly more
comfortable) cyber ersatz.
Deep down, human perception hasn't changed that much.
So you better get out your raingear...
Brigitte Schön ( is an Austrian conference
interpreter, occasional writer and political activist. She lives in

"There comes a time when every man feels the urge to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and start slitting throats." -- H.L. Mencken __________________________________________________
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Message: 14
Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 14:16:01 -0800 (PST)
From: janet phelan <>
Subject: Facial Biometric Passports in production

Biometrics passports go into production
But planned link to national identity card scheme causes problems in the House of Lords. The first biometric passports were issued in the UK this week, as a debate on their role in the national identity card scheme continued in Parliament. The new passports will be rolled out gradually over the next few months and by August all renewals will be replaced by new-style documents, which include an electronic chip holding a facial biometric. The passport renewal process is key to the lastest defeat of the government’s ID card plan.

Date: 2006-03-09

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Message: 15
Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 14:22:33 -0800 (PST)
From: Kevin Hammond <>
Subject: Re: Re: Pre-Collapse Bowing Debunks "Controlled Demolition"


Naveed <> wrote:
Get the fuck out of here, you idiot. Pennies have nothing to do with this, unless you're catorgorizing them as "Loose Change"

that is HILARIOUS!!! the loosechange thing
Kevin Hammond <> wrote:

Jolly Roger <> wrote: Tom is a perfect example -- I wouldn't argue with him, because he's obviously only here to waste your time in argument by supporting the government's story with more "phony physics" (a la Gerard Holmgren) If he needs to be educated, send him to "Scholors for 9-11 truth" where his BS wouldn't last a minute against the real sceince being explained by Prof. Jones. If he wants to waste everyone's time with distractions, just boot the son-of-a-bitch. You can always judge someone's motives for being here by what they say. If they're here to argue, get rid of them. The physics have been explained and documented, without any stupid analogies regarding pennies on railroad tracks. The calulations regarding the heat energy produced by the collapses have already been done by people who actually know what they're talking about, and the energy doesn't come close to being able to melt 4" thich structural steel into puddles, let alone sustain those
temperatures for six weeks.
Get the fuck out of here, you idiot. Pennies have nothing to do with this, unless you're catorgorizing them as "Loose Change"

Tom <> wrote:
--- In, Scott Legere <sledger911@...>
> The Molten Steel was found >> UNDER THE GROUND FLOOR the
7&th Floor BASEMENT... Thats where the 47 steel coolums were connected
to the BEDROCK...Supporting ALL the weight of the building...Demo A
building with Explosives ...You have to cut the Ground support this
was probaly THERMITE ... 5000 degrees cuts through STEEL like butter.
> Got any more brain busters?

Did you even watch any video of the towers falling? They fell from the
top down. They did not explode from the basement. Gee whiz.

> Tom <Tom@...> wrote:
> --- In, Naveed <flanker12k@> wrote:
> >
> > then would you mind explaining where the hell did those pools of
> molten steel that were found weeks later 70 feet below ground were
> >
> There was enourmous potential energy in the buidlings. WHen they fell,
> the collapse generated heat. That is why parts of the debris were so
> Put a penny on the railroad tracks. Emmeidaetly after the train runs
> over it and flattens it go fetch the penny and put it into your mouth.
> Now you won't forget the lesson that physical force gets converted
> into heat.
> > would you mind explaining what the hell happened with building 7?
> >
> At 10:29 a.m., WTC 1 (the north tower) collapsed and contrary to the
> claims of 9/11 conspiracy people, it did not collapse into its
> footprint like a controlled explosion. (See the diagram) Instead, as
> the building collapsed, the debris from WTC 1 spilled into the
> surrounding streets and onto WTC 7 among others, damaging the
> building. (See the diagram to the left showing the debris in black
> which extended north beyond WTC 6).
> Eyewitness accounts from firemen such as Captain Chris Boyle and
> Deputy Chief Peter Hayden and photographic evidence back this up. It
> is the south side of WTC 7 that was damaged and it is likely that the
> fires (see figures 5-16 and 5-17) started as a result of debris from
> the collapse of WTC 1, the fires in WTC 7 started at approximately the
> same time as the collapse of WTC 1 and it is the fires that are
> primarily the reason the WTC 7 building collapsed. Most 9/11
> conspiracy people only show you the east side and north side of the
> WTC 7.
> See WTC 7 Page 2 for more eyewitness accounts from firemen and
> photographic evidence
> "He answered, 7 World Trade Center, imminent collapse, we've got to
> get those people out of there. I walked out and I got to Vesey and
> West, where I reported to Frank. He said, we're moving the command
> post over this way, that building's coming down.
> At this point, the fire was going virtually on every floor, heavy fire
> and smoke that really wasn't bothering us when we were searching
> because it was being pushed southeast"
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In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot.
- Notebook, 1904
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Message: 16
Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 14:38:03 -0800 (PST)
From: Joe Stokes <>
Subject: Send Message to Media, Senators & Representatives Requesting 911 Investigation

The link here will tale you to an article in OP-ED
News regarding the need for an investigation of 911.
From there you can easily send a personal message to
local and national media and to your Senators and


Message: 17
Date: Thu, 09 Mar 2006 23:05:54 -0000
From: "mojo_j_2000" <>
Subject: chimpy LIED AGAIN today at the patriot persecution act

impeach chimpy


Message: 18
Date: Thu, 09 Mar 2006 23:06:58 -0000
From: "mojo_j_2000" <>
Subject: Re: Ariz. Governor Orders Troops to Border + + + -------------------------

long overdue...

impeach chimpy..

--- In, ranger116@... wrote:
> Ariz. Governor Orders Troops to Border + + + ----------------------
> Ariz. Governor Orders Troops to Border
> Address:
> ``````````````````````````````````````````````````````
> More 9/11 Videos avaliable on line
> YouTube - 9/11 Revisited
> Address:
> Loose Change 2nd Edition - Google Video
> Address:
> ``````````````````````````````````````````````````````
> Wall Street Journal Reports on Impeach Bush | ImpeachPAC
> Address:
> ``````````````````````````````````````````````````````
> Journalists To Be Jailed For Speaking Out Against 'Little Hitler
> Address:
> ``````````````````````````````````````````````````````
> Vermont towns vote to Impeach Bush
> Address:


Message: 19
Date: Thu, 09 Mar 2006 23:15:20 -0000
From: "mojo_j_2000" <>
Subject: Re: Hunter Thompson was writing explosive expose!! Confirmed!

gay cowboy in the wh had 80 sleepovers with gannon..

> 9/11 News :
> · Meet the world's most dangerous terrorists - Delivery drivers,
> chicken farmers, sack makers, taxi drivers and students. Their
> weapons of mass destruction include battery chargers, Casio
> watches, and Peanut oil
> **Hunter S. Thompson WAS Writing eXpose Articles on 911 WTC
> Demolitions and Washington DC's Pedophile-Sex-Rings - CONFIRMED:
> · Reagan Navy Secretary Enters Race to Challenge Sen. Allen
> · Senate panel rejects bid for NSA inquiry - "The committee, to put
> it bluntly, is basically under the control of the White House
> through its chairman," said a visibly frustrated Sen. John
> Rockefeller, ranking Democrat on the intelligence committee.
> · G.O.P. Senators Say Accord Is Set on Wiretapping
> · Final approval for US Patriot Act
> · DeLay sees off mid-term challenge
> · Republicans defy Bush over ports
> · Not perfect yet: Humans seem to be still evolving
> · Researchers identify extinction hot spots
> · Firm to debut hybrid engine
> · Japanese Make Gasoline From Cattle Dung
> · Is Wolfowitz ruining the World Bank?
> · EU calls for joint energy policy
> · US soldier's rape sentence cut due to Iraq stress
> · 8,000 desert during Iraq war - At least 8,000 members of the
> all-volunteer U.S. military have deserted since the Iraq war
> began
> · US censors websites - The censors are also blocking blogs
> and sites that do not agree with the current administration.
> · Let's All Break the Law! It's OK; Bush Does It Too!
> · Whatever Happened to Courage?
> · Satan is Resting Easy: The Power of Christ "Propels" Them - One
> of the American elite's (amongst whom I include their complicit
> disseminators of propaganda in the mainstream media) most
> repulsive means of grabbing and maintaining power has been its
> shameless use of spiritual manipulation, a heinous form of
> psychological abuse.
> · Malaysia women 'suffer apartheid'
> · Mexican rape women 'denied help' - Rape victims in Mexico are
> routinely denied access to legal abortion, says Human Rights
> Watch in a new study.
> ____________________________________________________________
> Note: Read Jesse's Blog every day!


Message: 20
Date: Thu, 09 Mar 2006 23:21:26 -0000
From: "mojo_j_2000" <>
Subject: Re: The Senate Intelligence Committee must hear a wiretaps investigation +

impeach chimpy..

--- In, ranger116@... wrote:
> The Senate Intelligence Committee must hear a wiretaps
investigation +
> Address:
> ``````````````````````````````````````````````````````
> See Free 411 calls at bottom !
> ``````````````````````````````````````````````````````
> (Just goes to show the saying
> "And A Child shall Lead Them" is Correct !)
> Address:
> Daily Record - Local News -
> High School - 'War Crimes Trial' of Bush prompts meeting
> Address:
> ````````````````````````````````````````````````````
> Halliburton Eyed for Dubai Ports Deal
> Address:
> ``````````````````````````````````````````````````````
> (Bush to tighten his reigns on News People Even More !)
> White House Trains Efforts on Media Leaks
> Address:
> `````````````````````````````````````````````````````
> Why The Holocaust Must Be Questioned
> Address:
> ````````````````````````````````````````````````
> Curt Weldon to probe top-secret 9-11 Cambone notes?
> Tom Flocco .com
> Address:
> Dear Congressman Weldon:
> Americans are proud of your strong stance to place U.S. citizens
> when it comes to the control of our strategic national assets; and
as a
> constituent in your Pennsylvania 7th Congressional District,
> I want to thank you for your letter of February 27, 2006
> your aggressive opposition to the Bush administration's attempt to
> United Arab Emirates' (UAE) Dubai Ports World corporation to
> operations at six important U.S. ports.
> Given your reputation as a primary congressional standard-
bearer for
> protecting U.S. national security and your House Armed Services
> Committee probe of Operation Able Danger and its pre-9/11 attack
> warnings,
> I am writing to bring to your attention Under-Secretary of
> for Intelligence Stephen Cambone's explosive and top-secret notes
> written on September 11 which were provided to me by sources
linked to
> the U.S. Intelligence Special Operations Group (SOG) who found
> notes from a recent Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) response
placed in
> a daily SOG report regarding Defense Secretary Rumsfeld. READ
MORE -->
> Click at top
> `````````````````````````````````````````````````````
> Devvy Kidd -- No More Pretense of Representation & New 9/11
> Part 2
> Address:
> ``````````````````````````````````````````````````````
> (Free 411 calls home and cell phones - just listen to a ten second
> and save a $1.00 !)
> Address:


Message: 21
Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2006 01:50:12 -0000
From: "botalerts" <>
Subject: Bush's Bad Science


Message: 22
Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2006 03:28:45 -0000
From: "Donald Stahl" <>
Subject: Retraction: Not a Big deal

Some time ago I posted in this forum my opinion that benjamin pritchard
was a disinformation agent. I did this in reaction to his request that
9/11 activists take pictures of themselves nude and holding deception
dollars, and send them to him for use in publicizing 9/11 Truth.

I have seen his subsequent efforts in 9/11 Truth, and they do not
appear to me to be harmful to the movement; on the contrary, his idea
of viral marketing on the internet seems to be a good one.

I therefore retract my former statement with regard to Mr. pritchard. I
was mistaken in forming and publishing an opinion on a particular
individual, instead of on a particular idea. My opinion of his nude
picture idea remains unchanged.


Message: 23
Date: Thu, 09 Mar 2006 23:05:00 -0700
From: APFN <>
Subject: Re: Conspiracy Action

[This message is not in displayable format]


Message: 24
Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2006 06:30:49 -0000
From: "mojo_j_2000" <>
Subject: wtc criminal silverstein faces deadline

tues on what to bonds for him


Message: 25
Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2006 06:32:05 -0000
From: "mojo_j_2000" <>
Subject: michael israel michaels

destabilizer...brit jew spy


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