Monday, February 07, 2005

Darger; Vivian Girls

Henry Darger's illustrations, Washington Post (requires registration)

Do US Troops Target Journalists in Iraq?

9-11: Holes in the Radar

An internal CIA report, naming individuals who may have been responsible for intelligence failures leading up to the Sept. 11 attacks, has been kept secret

The Ethics of War: Is the US Military Guilty of War Crimes in Iraq?

The launching of the US imperial legions into Iraq does however have a strategic dimension.

Older people get the big picture

eHarmony and Focus on the Family

Plame Leak Timeline II... the case is made (Gannon)

Pumpkinhead -- Still a Moron

"why are you here"

Pic from Flickr

Related Video from WingTv (02/04/2004) (slow real media)

Colonel Donn de Grand Pre (ret), in his book, "The Viper's Venom" concludes that the 911 terror attacks were done by remote control technology. Grand Pre was the top US arms dealer to the Middle East under the Ford and Carter administrations. What he saw caused him to leave government service and begin investigating the forces he saw warping our nation's destiny.
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The Emperor's New Hump
The New York Times killed a story that could have changed the election—because it could have changed the election
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