Tuesday, April 05, 2005

MSNBC - Sources: Probe to fault 9/11 evacuation

MSNBC - Sources: Probe to fault 9/11 evacuationHow do they find idiots like this?

Sex and Politics and Screeds and Attitude: al franken is dlc

Sex and Politics and Screeds and Attitude: al franken is dlc

Seventy-eight percent said the next pope should allow Catholics to use birth control, 63 percent said he should let priests marry and 59 percent said


MaxSpeak, You Listen!: THE GOSPEL OF

MaxSpeak, You Listen!: THE GOSPEL OF
: "Most inane comment so far was relayed by Glenn Reynolds (shocking, I know) -- 'Ordinary Poles 2, German intellectuals 0.' Intellectuals. The swine. It happens that the Pope was an intellectual -- a professor of philosophy -- and Reynolds is a professor. One of these days I need to cook up a post to explain how in modern jingoist discourse, 'intellectual' and 'cultural elite' refer to the Jews. But that has nothing to do with Karol Wojtyla."

AMERICAblog: Because a great nation deserves the truth

AMERICAblog: Because a great nation deserves the truth: "During sworn testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee, Lt. Gen. Sanchez flatly denied approving any such techniques in Iraq, and said that a news article reporting otherwise was false."

Yahoo! News - Jury Says New Orleans DA Guilty of Bias

Yahoo! News - Jury Says New Orleans DA Guilty of Bias

WagNews: Major Media Hyping Fake Story on Iraq Sunnis

WagNews: Major Media Hyping Fake Story on Iraq Sunnis

Disinformation :: William Greider: Pro-Death Politics

Disinformation :: William Greider: Pro-Death Politics

Crooks and Liars

Crooks and Liars
Is this how you help balance the budget at the White House by ripping off retailers in the towns you visit?

Big Brass Blog

Big Brass Blog Why I Hate Bill O’Reilly with a Fiery Passion that Burns Brighter than 10,000 Suns: Part 1,452,595

Steve Gilliard's News Blog : Dear Ms. Cox

Steve Gilliard's News Blog : Dear Ms. Cox
Look, no one begrudges you your right to write books, peddle gossip or make money, which given the way your boss treats you, is understandable. But when everyone in range signs a letter complaining about your incompetent public performances, repeated incompetent performances, you could do one of two basic things: one, be smart, two, shut up.

1115.org: West Coast Cap Peelers

1115.org: West Coast Cap Peelers
Watching the non-stop coverage of the last weeks of Terri Schiavo’s life unfold on cable news was a surreal exercise that seemed more bizarre in context than free of it.

Wing TV - Connect The Dots

Wing TV - Connect The Dots Open 9-11 Letter to George Noory
by Lisa Guliani