WTC7 seems to be a classic controlled demolition. WTC 1 &2 destruction appears to have been enhanced by thermate (a variation of thermite) in addition. Pentagon was not struck by a passenger aircraft. It was a drone or missle.
Monday, July 18, 2005
ZNet |Mainstream Media | Media Alert: The London Bombings
ZNet |Mainstream Media | Media Alert: The London Bombings
BG: Not sure if this helps the cause of truth.
BG: Not sure if this helps the cause of truth.
America's Truth Deficit - New York Times
America's Truth Deficit - New York Times
BG: This does look, on first glance, very helpful to expose truth.
BG: This does look, on first glance, very helpful to expose truth.
Evolution theory supports a series of hoaxes and frauds
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BG: One of the reasons that Alex Jones is not a reference I would perfer not to use for anything.
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Daily Globe, Atchison, KS | Evolution theory supports a series of hoaxes and frauds
Daily Globe, Atchison, KS | Evolution theory supports a series of hoaxes and frauds
BG: This is so incredibly twisted, I'm not sure I should even cite it.
BG: This is so incredibly twisted, I'm not sure I should even cite it.
Resistance battles US, puppet troops in downtown ar-Ramadi Saturday afternoon. At least five American troops reported killed.
Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Saturday, 16 July 2005: "Resistance battles US, puppet troops in downtown ar-Ramadi Saturday afternoon. At least five American troops reported killed."
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Another Day in the Empire: "Stoolie Drops a Dime on Mohammed Sidique Khan"
A Link to the Leak! :: from :: news from occupied Iraq - ch
A Link to the Leak! :: from :: news from occupied Iraq - ch
No mention whatsoever from ABC that Muhammad Naeem Noor Khan was fully coöperating with Pakistani and British intelligence agents in monitoring al-Qaeda operatives.
No mention whatsoever from ABC that Muhammad Naeem Noor Khan was fully coöperating with Pakistani and British intelligence agents in monitoring al-Qaeda operatives.
CNN Stands by Novak During Federal Probe - Yahoo! News
CNN Stands by Novak During Federal Probe - Yahoo! News
"one of the most outstanding political reporters this country has ever known."
"one of the most outstanding political reporters this country has ever known."
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Fox News Propaganda (Third Party Bulletin Board
11-30-2004, 08:01 PM
Locutus Locutus is offline
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Re: Fox News Propaganda
Trust me little sheeple, its not a "conspiracy theory" when you can prove it...and we have absolute proof that 911 was not done by the CIA created mythical "terrorist" group called "Al-Queda". The planes NOT flown by 19 arab idiots who according to the flight school trainers, they could not even qualify to fly a Cessna. We have absolute evidence that the towers were brought down by controlled demolitions, and absolute proof that the Pentagon was NOT hit by a 757! I was a cop for 15 years, five years on the street, five years as a detective, and five years as a legal investigator while going to law school. I am a conservative value oriented person who believes in our country, but based on our evidence, now clearly sees that our government as it is, is the most nefarious, criminally organized entity in the world. You want a small taste? A small little sample? Have you ever seen the news photos of the Pentagon before the roof line collapsed 30 mins. after the "attack"? No plane wreakage, no damage to the windows, only a little hole in the wall about 16x16 ft. But the public was shown only the collapsed video footage which looks much worse then it really was to begin with. You people are victims of the greatest psy-ops scam in the world history. And the so called mass news media helped, and continues to help, cover it up. But it is coming out, slowly but surely. And if you don't think the US Government is capable of doing such a thing, better pull your head out of your poop chute because it has planned and done things of a similar nature in the past. Do a Google search on OPERATION NORTHWOODS for starters. Then try GULF OF TONKIN, then USS MAINE, then USS LIBERTY, then IRAN-CONTRA...just for starters.
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Old 11-30-2004, 08:02 PM
Locutus Locutus is offline
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Re: Fox News Propaganda
Lets take a gander at the interview of 757-767 Pilot - Russ Wittenberg. His credentials speak for themselves:
Russell Wittenberg Credentials
United States Federal Aviation Administration Registry
Civil Aviation Registry
PO BOX 25082
Oklahoma City, OK 73125
__________________________________________________ _______
__________________________________________________ _______
DOI : 11/02/1978
__________________________________________________ _______
DOI : 07/25/1995
Type Ratings
A/B-707 A/B-720 A/B-727 A/B-737 A/B-747
A/B-757 A/B-767 A/B-777 A/DC-8 A/L-1049
__________________________________________________ _______
DOI : 11/02/1978
__________________________________________________ _______
DOI : 11/02/1978
WING-TV - Russ Wittenberg interview. - 16SEP04
HOST: Victor Thorn [VT]: So, what we'd like to do right now is welcome Russ Wittenberg to Wing TV.
HOST: Lisa Guliani [GL]: Welcome to Wing TV, Russ.
GUEST: Russ Wittenberg [RW]: Well, it's a pleasure to be here, Lisa and Victor. Thank you for having me on.
VT: Now to get started, I guess you heard the intro? Why don't you tell the Wing viewers a little bit about yourself and your history as a pilot.
RW: OK. Just a brief history: I started out in aviation as a graduate of the University of Miami, Florida, a Hurricane and I went through Air Force ROTC.
And received my commission in the Air Force as a second lieutenant. Afterwards I went through Air Force flying schools and Air Force fighter pilot during the Vietnam Era. A hundred combat missions in Vietnam. And there I got out of the Air Force and I got a job with the airlines, [?] airlines up in Miami, and I flew with them for a short time then I went with Pan American World Airways for twenty years. Then in 1986, Pan Am sold its Pacific division to United Airlines for 750 million dollars and 430 of us pilots went from Pan Am to United. So the reason I tell you that is because I have a unique position of having been with two different airlines. I flew the Pan Am 747 that went down in Lockerbie. Scotland sixteen years ago and I also flew the two United airplanes that were involved in 9/11. Those two actual airplanes.
VT: Right. So you're...
LG: Ah. Very good.
RW: I also knew the TWA 800 guys.
VT: Ah. OK. So you're in a very unique position that's different than 99% of all researchers.
LG: OK. Considering that. From your experience as a pilot and also in the Air Force: Are all 757 and 767 aircraft equipped with computerized flight
control systems?
RW: Yes. Yes. They are.
LG: For the purpose of rescuing the plane in the event of a hijacking, correct? Of an attempted hijacking.
RW: Well, you know Lisa and Victor, when I was on those airplanes, they never told us about those systems.
LG: OK. It's my understanding that they are. But, if they are, if these systems were in place, then they were either disabled, they malfunctioned or they weren't used. In your experience as a pilot, could a remote recovery have been executed to save those four flights in that circumstance.
RW: Yeah, I absolutely don't know for an absolute certainty; but, the way things...all the information that we have collected in writing a book called PAINFUL QUESTIONS. I was the aviation technical consultant on a book called PAINFUL QUESTIONS. We have been kind of led to a dead end on that. I don't have the hardcore evidence to exactly how they worked this hijacking but I can assure you beyond a shadow of a doubt that these...these so-called nineteen evil-doers did not fly those airplanes in the manner which they say so I really don't have the hardcore evidence and until I do have that, I can't say definitively one way or another.
LG: Fair enough.
VT: Yeah. Well, we've had Eric on our show twice now. And he wrote a fantastic book in PAINFUL QUESTIONS. Now, I'm glad you...I'm glad you brought up the hijackers because one of the big sticking points on the government and the media, the mainstream media's official version of events, is that there is a pilot named Hani Hanjour. Now from all of the...the flight schools that he attended over the years, every single instructor said this guy, his...his capabilities were very feeble. He was inept, basically. And even one month before 9/11, he tried rent a Cessna plane and his mechanical abilities were so bad that they refused to even allow him to rent one. So what I'm asking you is that according to the official story: Flight 77 went, it dropped 7,000 feet in about two and a half minutes. It did a 270-degree bank. Swooped in only inches above the ground and struck the Pentagon. Now, from what I know, like, they said 95 percent of all top rate pilots couldn't even pull this maneuver off. So, would Hani Hanjour be able to do this?
RW: No. No way. I mean, the airplane...I was watching a 60 Minutes...did you see the 60 Minutes segment they did about three or four weeks ago on the...on the Washington D.C. sector patroller that followed that flight, allegedly followed that flight into the Pentagon?
VT: No we didn't.
RW: Did you get to see that by any chance?
VT: No we didn't.
RW: OK. Well I recorded that flight and it's so full of holes it looks like a piece of Swiss cheese. The airplane could not possibly have flown at those speeds, which they said it did without going into what they call a high-speed stall. The airplane won't go that fast when you start pulling those high-G maneuvers at those..those bank angles. So for them to expect this airplane, alleged airplane I might say, to run these maneuvers with this total amateur at the controls is totally ludicrous. That plane would have fallen out of the sky due to what they call high speed buffet.
VT: Now, before Lisa asks her next...her next question, we want everyone to hear this. Hani Hanjour did not fly a Boeing 757 into the Pentagon the way they said it. This is the first very important point.
LG: To follow up with Victor's question: Can you comment or explain the government version regarding the ability of a 757 aircraft to maneuver just like a military jet aircraft. He talked about the pilot, but the plane itself. Is the plane capable of doing these kind of maneuvers at all?
RW: No. It's an airliner built to carry people and a lot of cargo. It is not a F-16 type airplane and it's stressed for two and a half to three Gs, positive Gs, and about two negative Gs at the maximum and beyond that it starts coming apart, especially at high speeds. The airplanes...airplanes know it's about a roughly a hundred ton airplane and an airplane that weighs 100 tons assembled is still going to have 100 tons of disassembled trash and parts after it hits a building where there was...there was no wreckage from a 757 at the Pentagon.
LG: Right.
VT: Yeah. That's one of the big things we're going to touch upon in just a minute.
LG: Right. OK. So, the government is going to have us believe that the worst breakdown in our air defenses occurred on 9/11. In your experience has this ever happened before and also would you comment on the lack of disciplinary measures that have not taken place as the result of this massive breakdown in our air defense system.
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Old 11-30-2004, 08:04 PM
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Re: Fox News Propaganda
RW: Well, that's...that's very easy to do. I like to put it in a parlance that the average laymen can understand. Once you get an ATC clearance, go from A to B through a [?] or through a jet airways...if you deviate from that clearance one mile left or right of centerline, air traffic control is going to call you and they're going to say, "714, what are you doing? We never gave you permission to deviate. If you...once you get locked onto your assigned altitude, if you deviate plus or minus three hundred feet the bulb goes off and you get an automatic violation. Now, also, if you turn off your transponder, which they all allegedly did at roughly the same time, that's also a violation. So, it takes the alphanumeric coding information off the secondary radar screen and leaves nothing but a green blob. So, once those transponders were turned off, there's no way of telling what information the controllers were looking at other than a green blob. That's our primary radar they call it.
VT: Right. Very good. Well, a few minutes ago you mentioned the...the dimensions of a Boeing 757. It has a wingspan of one hundred twenty four feet. It's tail from the tip to the ground is forty four feet high. Its...its..the length of it is about one hundred fifty-six feet and as you said, it weighs anywhere from eighty to one hundred tons. Now when we looked at the hole in the Pentagon before the roofline and the facade crumbled and we measured the windows, the initial hole was only fifteen to eighteen feet in diameter. So, Russ, tell us how can this huge hundred ton airplane fit inside that eighteen foot hole? Is it possible?
RW: It's not possible. And that single hole was from the single engine jet. The vehicle that hit the Pentagon was not Flight 77. We think, as you may have heard before, it was a...a cruise missile, which had one single jet engine. And that hole which you've seen was made by that single jet engine. Otherwise, if a 757 hit that building, you'd have two holes.
VT: Right.
RW: Because a 757 has two jet engines. Now these jet engines are very, very tough pieces of equipment that do not disintegrate very easily. They would go through and cause two holes. Not one. That single hole was not caused by the center fuselage. It was caused by...because the fuselage on a...on a jet airliner is kind of like a very tough eggshell.
VT: Yeah. It''s air.
RW: It's, yeah, it's aluminum and it's built to withstand, you know, high blasts of wind but on hitting something very concrete like a brick wall, would crush like an eggshell. But the jet engine of course would continue on and make a hole through the...through the walls of the Pentagon, which this particular jet engine on the missile did. But if..if the 757 hit it, there would be two holes.
LG: OK. The government would have us believe that the wings of the 757 took out a series of light poles at the Pentagon. And if this is the case, wouldn't we be able to see some sort of evidence of damage on the walls of the Pentagon, like, as to the beams. I mean, if a wing could take it out...
RW: Yeah, I was going to come to that next. If you go to the pictures of the...of the World Trade Tower where the 767 hit the North Tower and you can see a clear outline of the airplane. The number one engine, number two engine, [?] and that and the twenty five degree bank angle of the wing...of the wings in flight. Now those wings at those speeds are very...are like a sharp knife and they cut through that steel like a hot knife through butter. Now, if you go to take a look at the Pentagon photos, none of those wings marks were on the Pentagon.
VT: Right.
LG: Right. There's no wing impact damage at all.
RW: Nothing.
VT: Now, we published a book called WHERE IS FLIGHT 77? by Ian Barksdale and one of the primary points he brings out is he describes the nose and the fuselage of the airplane as like a sausage skin. And he even has photographs where a..a plane such as this is taxiing down a runway, goes off course and runs at a very low speed into a pole and it completely crumbles the entire nose, all the avionics and so forth. So, if anything is going to create holes in the Pentagon, it's going to be out on the wings where the engine is, right? Not the nose.
RW: That's correct. That's what I'm trying to explain.
VT: Yeah. That's so important for people to remember.
LG: Let's talk about the mysterious black boxes for a moment. They're supposed to be indestructible but, apparently, the 757 that allegedly hit the Pentagon completely vanished once it struck. So, what is the likelihood that the black boxes survived when the plane itself didn't? And also what types of information could we extract from the black boxes?
RW: Well, miss, the two black boxes we're talking about are actually orange in color but everyone refers to them as the black boxes.
LG: Right.
RW: And they are a very highly sophisticated, technical information collecting devices which come off the computers of the airplane and they can tell. There's a cockpit voice recorder and a flight data recorder and between the two they are for practical purposes indestructible. They were designed to be that way. And they were located in the tail of the airplane to help them survive. And none of the information from the black boxes so to speak has ever been revealed to the public. And they would tell us a great deal as to what happened on these airplanes. Unfortunately the government, like everything else, is constantly destroying evidence just like they did at the Murrah building in Oklahoma City and at the World Trade Center they collected up all of the debris. And that is a felony.
VT: Well, Russ, I've never seen firsthand a plane crash but I've seen quite a few pictures on the Internet. People are posting and showing what...what the ground looks like when a plane wrecks on it. Now the thing that's weird is that the lawn in front of the Pentagon: there's no burns, no burn marks, no scratch marks, no tire marks, no skid marks.
LG: No plane wreckage.
VT: No plane wreckage. It looks like basically a putting green. So, in your experience, flying, is this...would this be consistent with a plane wreck when nothing has touched the lawn in front of it.
RW: I can't imagine how they're getting away with it. It is such know, again it's hidden in plain view and nobody questions the obvious.
VT: Right. Because, I guess they...they ripped up the entire lawn shortly thereafter and covered it with sand. So nobody would see. It isn't consistent.
RW: That's covering up the evidence.
VT: Exactly.
LG: How likely is it that these alleged hijackers were able to steer this giant aircraft perfectly through five lamp poles just skimming the ground? How likely is it that they actually flew this course?
RW: It is not likely at all. It is is like someone showing me how to carve up the turkey and then say, "OK. Go perform a brain operation or a heart transplant." Simply not possible.
VT: I was speaking with a friend last week and telling him about everything we're speaking about and he said, "Ah, well, you know they were on flight simulators and all they had to do was just be able steer the plane into the Pentagon." Now, I've never flown a plane but you have. Is this accurate? Is this possible that someone could do that?
LG: Can they even do that in a flight simulator?
RW: Well you can simulate the flight in the simulator but what I'm talking about is they're saying this airplane was flown at around 500 knots which is beyond the speed envelope. The VMO/MMO speed of a 757 that down low is around 320 knots. So it was exceeding it's design speed envelope well over a hundred knots. Now when you start doing that and you start pulling high speed turns the airplane's going to start what they call high speed stalls and it's going to fall out of the sky. These...the only vehicle that could do that would be a missile or a jet fighter.
LG: What is the possibility that shaped explosive charges were used in conjunction with perhaps a missile to punch a hole through the Pentagon walls. I mean, if a 757 hit the wall, would the wall still be there?
RW: I...I've never...I don't know know the..
LG: Conceivably?
RW: ...the construction details. The details. The engineering details of the wall at the Pentagon...that was just...that particular section had just been renovated prevent that kind of thing; but, as far as the...both Eric and I believe that the missile which hit the Pentagon had somewhere between a fifteen hundred and a two thousand pound warhead. Now, if you look at the impact photos, you can see a brilliant white flash which indicates the oxygenized particles which all good high-explosive military warheads have to enhance the explosion. And the original blast on those photographs taken from the parking lot show a brilliant white fire...fireball. And that indicates that it was a high explosive device.
VT: It wasn't like a jet fuel explosion...
RW: No.
VT: ...or kerosene.
RW: Right.
VT: Now, Russ, I'm going to hold a few pictures up and I know that you can't see these but the viewers hopefully will. The first one is the overlay of a 757 into the Pentagon and it shows how much it would had to take out if it actually did hit it. The second is...
LG: And how it couldn't possibly have gone through...
VT: ...have fit.
LG: ...that hole.
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Old 11-30-2004, 08:05 PM
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Re: Fox News Propaganda
VT: The second is of course the...a picture of the Pentagon before the roofline collapses. And the final one then is an aerial shot of the Pentagon. Now the official story is that this Boeing 757 went completely inside the Pentagon, exploded then vaporized. And that's why nothing was been found, or has been found. But from this picture you can see there's no wreckage whatsoever in it. But the funny thing is then they say that the people that survived [ed: should have said "died"] at the Pentagon, they identified them through their DNA and their fingerprints. So, how can human flesh not vaporize but this tempered steel and galvanized aluminum can?
LG: Right. An entire plane can vaporize.
RW: Well, you know, that's how they get caught up in their lies. I understand that DNA disappears above 120 degrees Fahrenheit. So they're trying to burn up bodies but you know human bodies are 75% water. We don't burn very well. And even if it did you know bones and teeth...
LG: That's right. That's right.
RW: ...don't burn at all. So, if you check with your funeral parlor when they cremate bodies...
LG: My dad's a funeral director. Yeah.
RW: ...bodies. Now, it's simply bizarre to think that these bodies would be completely burned up by this jet fuel which happened at the Pentagon. Now, now something even more bizarre is that of course everybody asks, "What happened to the 757?" I don't know the answer to that. If I did I wouldn't be here talking to you, if you know what I mean.
VT: Oh, yeah.
LG: Let me ask you this...
VT: Wait, just go ahead. Just let him finish.
LG: Oh. Go ahead..
RW: Was somebody going to ask a question?
LG: I thought that you weren't done. Were you done?
RW: Well yeah. There's a whole bunch of other things we could talk about.
LG: I just want to know, have you discussed any of this with any other pilots?
RW: Yeah, I have. Not all pilots are convinced because they have been hoodwinked into believing what the administration is talking about and they haven't really investigated this thing. I...until I got into investigating it myself and questioning everything, I...I, you know, I just kind of accepted the story until I investigating [sic] it with Eric. The more we investigated, the more I found out it was a complete fraud.
VT: Now you were mentioning, and this is the thing everyone asks me is, well, if this Boeing 757 didn't hit the Pentagon, where is it? But Dave Von Kleist brings out a good point in his 9/11 IN PLANE SITE video where he says the burden of proof is actually on them...
LG: Right.
VT: ...because they're the ones who came up with this story in the first place. So shouldn't they be the ones that are...that are forced to prove that it did hit it?
RW: Well they should. There must be tons of security video tapes around showing that vehicle that did hit the building and yet they refuse to show it.
VT: Exactly it.
LG: Right. We only got to see five frames of what appear to be doctored video camera footage.
RW: Getting...getting back to the disintegration of the bodies and the airplane. People always bring that up and they say well you know that it hit the building at 500 knots or whatever and it disintegrated. And I say that I'm glad you brought that up because of the fact that the space shuttle Columbia crashed over Texas at about nineteen thousand five hundred miles an hour. And they were picking up pieces of the space shuttle and the astronauts all over the State of Texas.
LG: That's right.
VT: They just found...actually it said on the radio today they just found another piece from the space shuttle today and this is, what, two years later.
LG: Comment quickly, quickly about the cell phone calls that were...that were supposedly made when this technology has just been developed this year.
RW: You're dealing with total Hollywood here. Cell phones do not work in fast, high flying jetliners because of the fact you're only dealing with about three to five watts of power. And airplanes are moving so fast from cell area to cell area that they don't really catch up to which..they can't search out and lock onto the right cell. So they just flat out don't work. Now in a slow flying airplane they may work but these airplanes were fast, high flying machines and...jet pho...cell phones just will not work. I've tried it and tested it and they won't work.
VT: Well, Russ, we have to go today and I can't tell you how much I've been waiting to have you on the show today. From the first time I spoke with you I said man I just wish he was on tomorrow.
LG: This has been invaluable. I really appreciate this.
VT: And we want everyone out there to listen to what Russ Wittenberg has said today because anything else that...that the mainstream media and all these other sites are putting out is they are trying to snow you. This is man that's flown planes. This is a man that knows about airliners.
LG: This man has flown these kinds of planes.
VT: And he's telling you right now...
RW: I flew the actual two airplanes involved in 9/11.
VT: Exactly. So, folks, watch this show and then when you're done watch it again because this here is the real deal.
LG: Let it sink in.
VT: Russ, thank you, we can't thank you enough.
LG: Thank you so much Russ.
RW: Thank you for having me on your show.
11-30-2004, 08:01 PM
Locutus Locutus is offline
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Re: Fox News Propaganda
Trust me little sheeple, its not a "conspiracy theory" when you can prove it...and we have absolute proof that 911 was not done by the CIA created mythical "terrorist" group called "Al-Queda". The planes NOT flown by 19 arab idiots who according to the flight school trainers, they could not even qualify to fly a Cessna. We have absolute evidence that the towers were brought down by controlled demolitions, and absolute proof that the Pentagon was NOT hit by a 757! I was a cop for 15 years, five years on the street, five years as a detective, and five years as a legal investigator while going to law school. I am a conservative value oriented person who believes in our country, but based on our evidence, now clearly sees that our government as it is, is the most nefarious, criminally organized entity in the world. You want a small taste? A small little sample? Have you ever seen the news photos of the Pentagon before the roof line collapsed 30 mins. after the "attack"? No plane wreakage, no damage to the windows, only a little hole in the wall about 16x16 ft. But the public was shown only the collapsed video footage which looks much worse then it really was to begin with. You people are victims of the greatest psy-ops scam in the world history. And the so called mass news media helped, and continues to help, cover it up. But it is coming out, slowly but surely. And if you don't think the US Government is capable of doing such a thing, better pull your head out of your poop chute because it has planned and done things of a similar nature in the past. Do a Google search on OPERATION NORTHWOODS for starters. Then try GULF OF TONKIN, then USS MAINE, then USS LIBERTY, then IRAN-CONTRA...just for starters.
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Old 11-30-2004, 08:02 PM
Locutus Locutus is offline
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Re: Fox News Propaganda
Lets take a gander at the interview of 757-767 Pilot - Russ Wittenberg. His credentials speak for themselves:
Russell Wittenberg Credentials
United States Federal Aviation Administration Registry
Civil Aviation Registry
PO BOX 25082
Oklahoma City, OK 73125
__________________________________________________ _______
__________________________________________________ _______
DOI : 11/02/1978
__________________________________________________ _______
DOI : 07/25/1995
Type Ratings
A/B-707 A/B-720 A/B-727 A/B-737 A/B-747
A/B-757 A/B-767 A/B-777 A/DC-8 A/L-1049
__________________________________________________ _______
DOI : 11/02/1978
__________________________________________________ _______
DOI : 11/02/1978
WING-TV - Russ Wittenberg interview. - 16SEP04
HOST: Victor Thorn [VT]: So, what we'd like to do right now is welcome Russ Wittenberg to Wing TV.
HOST: Lisa Guliani [GL]: Welcome to Wing TV, Russ.
GUEST: Russ Wittenberg [RW]: Well, it's a pleasure to be here, Lisa and Victor. Thank you for having me on.
VT: Now to get started, I guess you heard the intro? Why don't you tell the Wing viewers a little bit about yourself and your history as a pilot.
RW: OK. Just a brief history: I started out in aviation as a graduate of the University of Miami, Florida, a Hurricane and I went through Air Force ROTC.
And received my commission in the Air Force as a second lieutenant. Afterwards I went through Air Force flying schools and Air Force fighter pilot during the Vietnam Era. A hundred combat missions in Vietnam. And there I got out of the Air Force and I got a job with the airlines, [?] airlines up in Miami, and I flew with them for a short time then I went with Pan American World Airways for twenty years. Then in 1986, Pan Am sold its Pacific division to United Airlines for 750 million dollars and 430 of us pilots went from Pan Am to United. So the reason I tell you that is because I have a unique position of having been with two different airlines. I flew the Pan Am 747 that went down in Lockerbie. Scotland sixteen years ago and I also flew the two United airplanes that were involved in 9/11. Those two actual airplanes.
VT: Right. So you're...
LG: Ah. Very good.
RW: I also knew the TWA 800 guys.
VT: Ah. OK. So you're in a very unique position that's different than 99% of all researchers.
LG: OK. Considering that. From your experience as a pilot and also in the Air Force: Are all 757 and 767 aircraft equipped with computerized flight
control systems?
RW: Yes. Yes. They are.
LG: For the purpose of rescuing the plane in the event of a hijacking, correct? Of an attempted hijacking.
RW: Well, you know Lisa and Victor, when I was on those airplanes, they never told us about those systems.
LG: OK. It's my understanding that they are. But, if they are, if these systems were in place, then they were either disabled, they malfunctioned or they weren't used. In your experience as a pilot, could a remote recovery have been executed to save those four flights in that circumstance.
RW: Yeah, I absolutely don't know for an absolute certainty; but, the way things...all the information that we have collected in writing a book called PAINFUL QUESTIONS. I was the aviation technical consultant on a book called PAINFUL QUESTIONS. We have been kind of led to a dead end on that. I don't have the hardcore evidence to exactly how they worked this hijacking but I can assure you beyond a shadow of a doubt that these...these so-called nineteen evil-doers did not fly those airplanes in the manner which they say so I really don't have the hardcore evidence and until I do have that, I can't say definitively one way or another.
LG: Fair enough.
VT: Yeah. Well, we've had Eric on our show twice now. And he wrote a fantastic book in PAINFUL QUESTIONS. Now, I'm glad you...I'm glad you brought up the hijackers because one of the big sticking points on the government and the media, the mainstream media's official version of events, is that there is a pilot named Hani Hanjour. Now from all of the...the flight schools that he attended over the years, every single instructor said this guy, his...his capabilities were very feeble. He was inept, basically. And even one month before 9/11, he tried rent a Cessna plane and his mechanical abilities were so bad that they refused to even allow him to rent one. So what I'm asking you is that according to the official story: Flight 77 went, it dropped 7,000 feet in about two and a half minutes. It did a 270-degree bank. Swooped in only inches above the ground and struck the Pentagon. Now, from what I know, like, they said 95 percent of all top rate pilots couldn't even pull this maneuver off. So, would Hani Hanjour be able to do this?
RW: No. No way. I mean, the airplane...I was watching a 60 Minutes...did you see the 60 Minutes segment they did about three or four weeks ago on the...on the Washington D.C. sector patroller that followed that flight, allegedly followed that flight into the Pentagon?
VT: No we didn't.
RW: Did you get to see that by any chance?
VT: No we didn't.
RW: OK. Well I recorded that flight and it's so full of holes it looks like a piece of Swiss cheese. The airplane could not possibly have flown at those speeds, which they said it did without going into what they call a high-speed stall. The airplane won't go that fast when you start pulling those high-G maneuvers at those..those bank angles. So for them to expect this airplane, alleged airplane I might say, to run these maneuvers with this total amateur at the controls is totally ludicrous. That plane would have fallen out of the sky due to what they call high speed buffet.
VT: Now, before Lisa asks her next...her next question, we want everyone to hear this. Hani Hanjour did not fly a Boeing 757 into the Pentagon the way they said it. This is the first very important point.
LG: To follow up with Victor's question: Can you comment or explain the government version regarding the ability of a 757 aircraft to maneuver just like a military jet aircraft. He talked about the pilot, but the plane itself. Is the plane capable of doing these kind of maneuvers at all?
RW: No. It's an airliner built to carry people and a lot of cargo. It is not a F-16 type airplane and it's stressed for two and a half to three Gs, positive Gs, and about two negative Gs at the maximum and beyond that it starts coming apart, especially at high speeds. The airplanes...airplanes know it's about a roughly a hundred ton airplane and an airplane that weighs 100 tons assembled is still going to have 100 tons of disassembled trash and parts after it hits a building where there was...there was no wreckage from a 757 at the Pentagon.
LG: Right.
VT: Yeah. That's one of the big things we're going to touch upon in just a minute.
LG: Right. OK. So, the government is going to have us believe that the worst breakdown in our air defenses occurred on 9/11. In your experience has this ever happened before and also would you comment on the lack of disciplinary measures that have not taken place as the result of this massive breakdown in our air defense system.
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Old 11-30-2004, 08:04 PM
Locutus Locutus is offline
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Re: Fox News Propaganda
RW: Well, that's...that's very easy to do. I like to put it in a parlance that the average laymen can understand. Once you get an ATC clearance, go from A to B through a [?] or through a jet airways...if you deviate from that clearance one mile left or right of centerline, air traffic control is going to call you and they're going to say, "714, what are you doing? We never gave you permission to deviate. If you...once you get locked onto your assigned altitude, if you deviate plus or minus three hundred feet the bulb goes off and you get an automatic violation. Now, also, if you turn off your transponder, which they all allegedly did at roughly the same time, that's also a violation. So, it takes the alphanumeric coding information off the secondary radar screen and leaves nothing but a green blob. So, once those transponders were turned off, there's no way of telling what information the controllers were looking at other than a green blob. That's our primary radar they call it.
VT: Right. Very good. Well, a few minutes ago you mentioned the...the dimensions of a Boeing 757. It has a wingspan of one hundred twenty four feet. It's tail from the tip to the ground is forty four feet high. Its...its..the length of it is about one hundred fifty-six feet and as you said, it weighs anywhere from eighty to one hundred tons. Now when we looked at the hole in the Pentagon before the roofline and the facade crumbled and we measured the windows, the initial hole was only fifteen to eighteen feet in diameter. So, Russ, tell us how can this huge hundred ton airplane fit inside that eighteen foot hole? Is it possible?
RW: It's not possible. And that single hole was from the single engine jet. The vehicle that hit the Pentagon was not Flight 77. We think, as you may have heard before, it was a...a cruise missile, which had one single jet engine. And that hole which you've seen was made by that single jet engine. Otherwise, if a 757 hit that building, you'd have two holes.
VT: Right.
RW: Because a 757 has two jet engines. Now these jet engines are very, very tough pieces of equipment that do not disintegrate very easily. They would go through and cause two holes. Not one. That single hole was not caused by the center fuselage. It was caused by...because the fuselage on a...on a jet airliner is kind of like a very tough eggshell.
VT: Yeah. It''s air.
RW: It's, yeah, it's aluminum and it's built to withstand, you know, high blasts of wind but on hitting something very concrete like a brick wall, would crush like an eggshell. But the jet engine of course would continue on and make a hole through the...through the walls of the Pentagon, which this particular jet engine on the missile did. But if..if the 757 hit it, there would be two holes.
LG: OK. The government would have us believe that the wings of the 757 took out a series of light poles at the Pentagon. And if this is the case, wouldn't we be able to see some sort of evidence of damage on the walls of the Pentagon, like, as to the beams. I mean, if a wing could take it out...
RW: Yeah, I was going to come to that next. If you go to the pictures of the...of the World Trade Tower where the 767 hit the North Tower and you can see a clear outline of the airplane. The number one engine, number two engine, [?] and that and the twenty five degree bank angle of the wing...of the wings in flight. Now those wings at those speeds are very...are like a sharp knife and they cut through that steel like a hot knife through butter. Now, if you go to take a look at the Pentagon photos, none of those wings marks were on the Pentagon.
VT: Right.
LG: Right. There's no wing impact damage at all.
RW: Nothing.
VT: Now, we published a book called WHERE IS FLIGHT 77? by Ian Barksdale and one of the primary points he brings out is he describes the nose and the fuselage of the airplane as like a sausage skin. And he even has photographs where a..a plane such as this is taxiing down a runway, goes off course and runs at a very low speed into a pole and it completely crumbles the entire nose, all the avionics and so forth. So, if anything is going to create holes in the Pentagon, it's going to be out on the wings where the engine is, right? Not the nose.
RW: That's correct. That's what I'm trying to explain.
VT: Yeah. That's so important for people to remember.
LG: Let's talk about the mysterious black boxes for a moment. They're supposed to be indestructible but, apparently, the 757 that allegedly hit the Pentagon completely vanished once it struck. So, what is the likelihood that the black boxes survived when the plane itself didn't? And also what types of information could we extract from the black boxes?
RW: Well, miss, the two black boxes we're talking about are actually orange in color but everyone refers to them as the black boxes.
LG: Right.
RW: And they are a very highly sophisticated, technical information collecting devices which come off the computers of the airplane and they can tell. There's a cockpit voice recorder and a flight data recorder and between the two they are for practical purposes indestructible. They were designed to be that way. And they were located in the tail of the airplane to help them survive. And none of the information from the black boxes so to speak has ever been revealed to the public. And they would tell us a great deal as to what happened on these airplanes. Unfortunately the government, like everything else, is constantly destroying evidence just like they did at the Murrah building in Oklahoma City and at the World Trade Center they collected up all of the debris. And that is a felony.
VT: Well, Russ, I've never seen firsthand a plane crash but I've seen quite a few pictures on the Internet. People are posting and showing what...what the ground looks like when a plane wrecks on it. Now the thing that's weird is that the lawn in front of the Pentagon: there's no burns, no burn marks, no scratch marks, no tire marks, no skid marks.
LG: No plane wreckage.
VT: No plane wreckage. It looks like basically a putting green. So, in your experience, flying, is this...would this be consistent with a plane wreck when nothing has touched the lawn in front of it.
RW: I can't imagine how they're getting away with it. It is such know, again it's hidden in plain view and nobody questions the obvious.
VT: Right. Because, I guess they...they ripped up the entire lawn shortly thereafter and covered it with sand. So nobody would see. It isn't consistent.
RW: That's covering up the evidence.
VT: Exactly.
LG: How likely is it that these alleged hijackers were able to steer this giant aircraft perfectly through five lamp poles just skimming the ground? How likely is it that they actually flew this course?
RW: It is not likely at all. It is is like someone showing me how to carve up the turkey and then say, "OK. Go perform a brain operation or a heart transplant." Simply not possible.
VT: I was speaking with a friend last week and telling him about everything we're speaking about and he said, "Ah, well, you know they were on flight simulators and all they had to do was just be able steer the plane into the Pentagon." Now, I've never flown a plane but you have. Is this accurate? Is this possible that someone could do that?
LG: Can they even do that in a flight simulator?
RW: Well you can simulate the flight in the simulator but what I'm talking about is they're saying this airplane was flown at around 500 knots which is beyond the speed envelope. The VMO/MMO speed of a 757 that down low is around 320 knots. So it was exceeding it's design speed envelope well over a hundred knots. Now when you start doing that and you start pulling high speed turns the airplane's going to start what they call high speed stalls and it's going to fall out of the sky. These...the only vehicle that could do that would be a missile or a jet fighter.
LG: What is the possibility that shaped explosive charges were used in conjunction with perhaps a missile to punch a hole through the Pentagon walls. I mean, if a 757 hit the wall, would the wall still be there?
RW: I...I've never...I don't know know the..
LG: Conceivably?
RW: ...the construction details. The details. The engineering details of the wall at the Pentagon...that was just...that particular section had just been renovated prevent that kind of thing; but, as far as the...both Eric and I believe that the missile which hit the Pentagon had somewhere between a fifteen hundred and a two thousand pound warhead. Now, if you look at the impact photos, you can see a brilliant white flash which indicates the oxygenized particles which all good high-explosive military warheads have to enhance the explosion. And the original blast on those photographs taken from the parking lot show a brilliant white fire...fireball. And that indicates that it was a high explosive device.
VT: It wasn't like a jet fuel explosion...
RW: No.
VT: ...or kerosene.
RW: Right.
VT: Now, Russ, I'm going to hold a few pictures up and I know that you can't see these but the viewers hopefully will. The first one is the overlay of a 757 into the Pentagon and it shows how much it would had to take out if it actually did hit it. The second is...
LG: And how it couldn't possibly have gone through...
VT: ...have fit.
LG: ...that hole.
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Old 11-30-2004, 08:05 PM
Locutus Locutus is offline
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Re: Fox News Propaganda
VT: The second is of course the...a picture of the Pentagon before the roofline collapses. And the final one then is an aerial shot of the Pentagon. Now the official story is that this Boeing 757 went completely inside the Pentagon, exploded then vaporized. And that's why nothing was been found, or has been found. But from this picture you can see there's no wreckage whatsoever in it. But the funny thing is then they say that the people that survived [ed: should have said "died"] at the Pentagon, they identified them through their DNA and their fingerprints. So, how can human flesh not vaporize but this tempered steel and galvanized aluminum can?
LG: Right. An entire plane can vaporize.
RW: Well, you know, that's how they get caught up in their lies. I understand that DNA disappears above 120 degrees Fahrenheit. So they're trying to burn up bodies but you know human bodies are 75% water. We don't burn very well. And even if it did you know bones and teeth...
LG: That's right. That's right.
RW: ...don't burn at all. So, if you check with your funeral parlor when they cremate bodies...
LG: My dad's a funeral director. Yeah.
RW: ...bodies. Now, it's simply bizarre to think that these bodies would be completely burned up by this jet fuel which happened at the Pentagon. Now, now something even more bizarre is that of course everybody asks, "What happened to the 757?" I don't know the answer to that. If I did I wouldn't be here talking to you, if you know what I mean.
VT: Oh, yeah.
LG: Let me ask you this...
VT: Wait, just go ahead. Just let him finish.
LG: Oh. Go ahead..
RW: Was somebody going to ask a question?
LG: I thought that you weren't done. Were you done?
RW: Well yeah. There's a whole bunch of other things we could talk about.
LG: I just want to know, have you discussed any of this with any other pilots?
RW: Yeah, I have. Not all pilots are convinced because they have been hoodwinked into believing what the administration is talking about and they haven't really investigated this thing. I...until I got into investigating it myself and questioning everything, I...I, you know, I just kind of accepted the story until I investigating [sic] it with Eric. The more we investigated, the more I found out it was a complete fraud.
VT: Now you were mentioning, and this is the thing everyone asks me is, well, if this Boeing 757 didn't hit the Pentagon, where is it? But Dave Von Kleist brings out a good point in his 9/11 IN PLANE SITE video where he says the burden of proof is actually on them...
LG: Right.
VT: ...because they're the ones who came up with this story in the first place. So shouldn't they be the ones that are...that are forced to prove that it did hit it?
RW: Well they should. There must be tons of security video tapes around showing that vehicle that did hit the building and yet they refuse to show it.
VT: Exactly it.
LG: Right. We only got to see five frames of what appear to be doctored video camera footage.
RW: Getting...getting back to the disintegration of the bodies and the airplane. People always bring that up and they say well you know that it hit the building at 500 knots or whatever and it disintegrated. And I say that I'm glad you brought that up because of the fact that the space shuttle Columbia crashed over Texas at about nineteen thousand five hundred miles an hour. And they were picking up pieces of the space shuttle and the astronauts all over the State of Texas.
LG: That's right.
VT: They just found...actually it said on the radio today they just found another piece from the space shuttle today and this is, what, two years later.
LG: Comment quickly, quickly about the cell phone calls that were...that were supposedly made when this technology has just been developed this year.
RW: You're dealing with total Hollywood here. Cell phones do not work in fast, high flying jetliners because of the fact you're only dealing with about three to five watts of power. And airplanes are moving so fast from cell area to cell area that they don't really catch up to which..they can't search out and lock onto the right cell. So they just flat out don't work. Now in a slow flying airplane they may work but these airplanes were fast, high flying machines and...jet pho...cell phones just will not work. I've tried it and tested it and they won't work.
VT: Well, Russ, we have to go today and I can't tell you how much I've been waiting to have you on the show today. From the first time I spoke with you I said man I just wish he was on tomorrow.
LG: This has been invaluable. I really appreciate this.
VT: And we want everyone out there to listen to what Russ Wittenberg has said today because anything else that...that the mainstream media and all these other sites are putting out is they are trying to snow you. This is man that's flown planes. This is a man that knows about airliners.
LG: This man has flown these kinds of planes.
VT: And he's telling you right now...
RW: I flew the actual two airplanes involved in 9/11.
VT: Exactly. So, folks, watch this show and then when you're done watch it again because this here is the real deal.
LG: Let it sink in.
VT: Russ, thank you, we can't thank you enough.
LG: Thank you so much Russ.
RW: Thank you for having me on your show.
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