WTC7 seems to be a classic controlled demolition. WTC 1 &2 destruction appears to have been enhanced by thermate (a variation of thermite) in addition. Pentagon was not struck by a passenger aircraft. It was a drone or missle.
Sunday, April 23, 2006
Bloglines - Tony Blair is Mad ... as a Hatter
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Bloglines - 'New Bin Laden tape' aired by TV
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[911TruthAction] Digest Number 1243
There are 11 messages in this issue.
Topics in this digest:
1. Re: Welcome to 911 TruthAction : Request to join 911TruthAction app
From: "Naveed"
2. Re: Dave Walsh: The very rich in America: "The kind of money you can
From: "Naveed"
3. Re: Welcome to 911 TruthAction : Request to join 911TruthAction app
From: "Edward Pickersgill"
4. Re: Dave Walsh: The very rich in America: "The kind of money you can
From: "Edward Pickersgill"
5. Fw: First of all, demolition is proven! And second, this proof pro
From: "Dick Eastman"
6. U.S. Foresees Fighting Beyond War Zones ? Rumsfeld OKs new plans
From: ""
From: "copernicus122223"
8. Project Monarch
From: "copernicus122223"
9. Re: How successful has the 911 truth movement been?
From: "Scott Peden"
10. Re: U.S. Foresees Fighting Beyond War Zones ? Rumsfeld OKs newpla
From: "Cait"
11. Re: How successful has the 911 truth movement been?
From: "Scott Peden"
Message 1
From: "Naveed"
Date: Sat Apr 22, 2006 9:57pm(PDT)
Subject: Re: Welcome to 911 TruthAction : Request to join 911TruthAction app
I initally supported the ban on mr. eastman for failing to distinguish between jewish and zionist but when angie starting banning people for questioning mr. eastman's banning, red flags went up so I went out on a limb and banned angie, yes I banned her....she was in violation of jolly rogers welcoming statement of no censorship (I take that as a moderators credo to follow by). only thing that's requested by jolly is that you extend the courtesy to others as you would like it. This is a harbor against the incessent onslaught of the drones out there who think we're nuts for thinking for ourselves and facing the god awful truth. I totally agree that this group gives one the energy to keep moving ahead, infact it has made me incredibly strong against the onslaught of the drone/sheep. Mr. Eastman is a veteran of 9/11truthaction so I know how he operates, he can become over zelous at times and get sloppy, but he's also quick to realize his mistakes.
Dick Eastman <> wrote: I thank the moderators for their reconsideration of my list membership.
It was not a comfortable feeling to be cut off from the one list where you
interact with people who share in the knowledge that 9-11 was a false-flag
black-op. I did not realize the extent to which being in communication with
other informed people enables one to keep on keeping on.
I have not heeded the good advice of people of good will and it led to
exactly the kind of trouble that they warned me of. (See below.)
I ask all of you who are willing to entertain the possibility of Zionist
and Israeli organizations guilt in the 9-11 false-flag attacks to subscribe
to 911ZionistOP where evidence will be presented and discussed free of
Zionist gatekeeping. I promise that "Zionist organizations" (e.g., Mossad,
the informal organization of the Neocons) and specific individuals will be
investigated and discussed -- but not the loaded and flaming catagory of
"the Jews" -- finally learning the lesson that so many have tried to
explain to me over the last several months.
Here is my letter to Mark S. Bilk upon receiving the news from him that the
ban of me at 911TrutAction might be lifted:
Hi Dick,
I sent the message below to 911TruthAction on your behalf.
Angie removed me from the list without telling me -- in fact
banned me -- and deleted the message from the list web archive.
Another moderator subsequently reinstated me, and Angie is
no longer a moderator.
You may want to try rejoining the list. But I suggest you follow
my recommendation below, and don't post anything containing the
words Jew, Jews, Jewish, etc. There is no plot by Jews in general
to do anything. They support Israel only because they've been
lied to, just like most Americans.
And why did you post a message of your admiration for Hitler?
Did you even read the horrible things he was being praised for
in that article? Sometimes I wonder if you've gone completely
around the bend.
Thank you Mark.
I did not post the message with admiration for Hitler -- that message
appeared right after mine and then Angie banned both me and
the unknown sender of the Hitler piece. I think I it was set up,
to associate me with a Hitler lover -- so she could ban us
together as if we were two of a kind. I suspect the Hitler
piece was posted by Angie herself or a confederate. It seems
to have worked -- you thought I wrote it.
I've discovered that as Zionists like Razl Dazl call me names
I get angry and less discriminating in my labeling.
I am not the cool mature always-fair-minded person
that someone doing this 911-truth-stuff should be --
as you very well know.
You know Mark, it is people like you who will
change minds, not me. I wish you would go on
the offensive more often.
Needless to say this letter of yours was very
very good news. I was completely knocked
down by Angie getting away with taking over
"the gate" at 911TruthAction as she did
-- To be cut off from those people (the
convinced 9/11 truth people) left me feeling
pretty damn isolated.
I'll watch where I use the "J" word -- but
as I said when I am up against guys who
seek to provoke me -- I do get angry
and wreckless -- and use the more emotionally
loaded word rather than the appropriate words
(Zionist, Neocon, Mossad etc)
From: Mark S Bilk <>
Cc: Jolly Roger <>
Message-ID: <20060422191347.GA5523@linux>
Date: Sat, 22 Apr 2006 12:13:47 -0700
Subject: [911TruthAction] Jolly, Please Stop Angie's Censorship of the
List -was: Reflections...
angiesept11 is Angie D'Urso of New York (see the whois record of
her domain, whose home page lists
as the contact address). Angie D'Urso was pushing the lying
pro-Zionist propaganda of Jared Israel a couple of years ago.
The purpose of that propaganda was to cover up the role of the
government of the terrorist state of Israel in the 9-11 attacks.
Angie eagerly posted every new installment of Jared's pro-Zionist
lies, often multiple times, and refused to respond when people
explained to her why they were untrue. I wrote an article refuting
Jared Israel:
Thus Angie has her own axe to grind on this subject, and she should
therefore not be censoring this list.
Furthermore, her ban against discussing on the list her censorship
_of_ the list is pure totalitarianism! ("We won't even be discussing
on this board the moderation of this board.) That is outrageous!
I certainly don't agree with the nonsense about "The Jews did 9/11".
I am Jewish myself (although not a believer in the religion).
But Eastman posts a lot of good information that is not antisemitic,
and therefore banning him completely from what has become the main
9-11 list is wrong.
Jolly, I request that you reinstate Eastman, and forbid Angie from
censoring and banning people based on her own proven pro-Zionist
bias. Maybe Eastman could be forbidden to post anything containing
the word "Jew" (or Jews, Jewish, etc.) on this list; it would force
him to think about what he's posting.
On Sat, Apr 22, 2006 at 03:29:53PM -0000, angiesept11 wrote:
>Dick Eastman has been banned from this group and will remain so as
>long as I have moderator status. Those wanting to read his posts can
>go to his own newsgroup. Do a search. We're back to 9/11 Truth
>Action here now, 24/7, and that's it. We won't even be discussing on
>this board the moderation of this board. We're going to stay on
>topic, and off-topic posts will be deleted and anyone who persists in
>posting off topic will be banned. ...
Zionist Gatekeepers -- Do they really exist?
Keeping It Quiet: The Israel Lobby's Crushing of Dissent
by Charley Reese
April 1, 2006
The first weapon of choice for the Israeli lobby when someone with
prestige publishes a soundly researched paper or book critical of
Israel or its powerful lobby is silence. If it's a book, it rarely
gets reviewed; its author doesn't get interviewed. If it's a paper,
there are no news stories in the big corporate press, no interviews
with the authors, no television appearances.
For the average American who depends on the press to tell him what's
going on, it's as if the criticism never existed. The second weapon
is, of course, to launch vicious personal attacks.
Both methods are being used against an astounding paper titled "The
Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy." It was written by two renowned
academics, John J. Mearsheimer of the University of Chicago and
Stephen M. Walt of the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard
So far as I've been able to determine with the help of Google, while
the paper and talk about it are all over the Internet, they are
missing from the big corporate press as of this writing. It was
published in the London Review of Books, and you can read it or
download an edited version at:
There was one news story about it in the Christian Science Monitor and
an attack on it by David Gergen in U.S. News & World Report. Gergen is
editor at large of the magazine, which is owned by an ardent Zionist,
Mortimer Zuckerman. Gergen is a professional spinmeister who has
always served the people who have the butter for his bread.
The essence of the paper, which is thoroughly footnoted, is that
Israel's lobby has so skewed American foreign policy in the Middle
East that the U.S. places the security of Israel ahead of security for
the United States.
"This situation has no equal in American history," the authors state.
The Anti-Defamation League was quoted in a Jewish publication as
saying that if the paper gained the attention of the mainstream media,
then a "more vigorous attack" would be launched. So far, it has not,
though in the Christian Science Monitor story one of the attack dogs
of the Israel lobby branded these two esteemed academics from
prestigious universities as "incompetents."
This paper isn't the first to criticize the Israeli lobby. There have
been lots of papers and books written by distinguished individuals,
none of which you've probably ever heard of. They Dare to Speak Out,
by former Rep. Paul Findley, and The Passionate Attachment, by George
W. Ball, one of America's most distinguished diplomats, are two that
come to mind. It was the late Sen. William J. Fulbright who first
called Congress "Israeli-occupied territory."
What the authors of the current paper hope to do is start a sensible
public debate about the Israeli lobby and America's policy in the
Middle East. Of course, avoiding an honest debate is one of the
primary objectives of the lobby. That's why it uses silence and, if
that doesn't work, vicious personal attacks. It has certainly
buffaloed Congress and most of America's news media.
Another author given the silent treatment as well as vicious personal
attacks is Norman Finkelstein, a professor at DePaul University. He's
written three outstanding books you've probably not heard of: The
Holocaust Industry, Image and Reality of the Israel-Palestine
Conflict, and his latest, which got not a line of review, Beyond
Chutzpah: On the Misuse of Anti-Semitism and the Abuse of History.
Finkelstein, by the way, is Jewish and the son of Holocaust survivors.
This is a most serious issue and deserves an honest public debate.
Whether you agree with any of the above authors and academics, you
should read what they have to say and not be deterred by cheap ad
hominem attacks.
You've heard the same message from me, of course, but I'm only a
country boy turned journalist with no fancy degrees. If you're
impressed with credentials, Finkelstein, Findley, Walt, Mearsheimer
and Ball have them up to their armpits.
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Message 2
From: "Naveed"
Date: Sat Apr 22, 2006 10:01pm(PDT)
Subject: Re: Dave Walsh: The very rich in America: "The kind of money you can
soviet union never died, it migrated WESTWARD and changed its name to the european union!
Dick Eastman <> wrote: From: Graham Jukes
April 22, 2006
A type of aristocracy rules America, which has more than one feature
in common with the ancien régime that presided over pre-revolutionary
France. This vast accumulation of wealth at one pole of society is
incompatible, in the long run, with even the trappings of democracy.
The super-rich own everything in the US, including the political
parties and the political process. They allow the population to vote at
this point, more or less. But for how long? As resistance to the
policies of the elite mounts and the two-party monopoly threatens to
crumble, why should the riffraff be permitted a say in such important
affairs as elections?
You'll never believe this...
Extortion, bribery and corruption? The scandal at the 'New York Post' makes our home-grown newspaper diarists look whiter than white
The very rich in America: "The kind of money you cannot comprehend"
By David Walsh 19 April 2006
Let me tell you about the very rich," F. Scott Fitzgerald famously
wrote in a 1926 story, "They are different from you and me." But even
Fitzgerald could not have imagined how different "from you and me" the
very rich would become in America eight decades later.
The sums that the very wealthy have at their disposal in the US are
almost unimaginable: Oil executive Lee Raymond receiving some $400
million in a retirement package; the 2005 compensation of bank chairman
Richard Fairbank totaling some $280 million; Omid Korestani, head of
Google's global sales, exercising stock options providing him with $288
million last year.
The accumulation is brazen. What once would have been considered a
somewhat discreditable fact of social life, the proliferation of
billionaires, is now hailed as a sign of America's success. The demise
of the Soviet Union and the supposed absence of any alternative to
capitalism, the putrefaction of the AFL-CIO trade unions, the
ignominious collapse of American liberalism and the lack to this point
of broad-based, organized political opposition to the ruling elite and
its two parties have rendered the American financial aristocracy "dizzy
with success." These people have lost their heads.
In the face of public outrage over oil company profits and soaring
gasoline prices, Exxon arrogantly defended Raymond's hundreds of
millions, arguing that they were rewarding the executive's "outstanding
leadership of the business, continued strengthening of our worldwide
competitive position, and continuing progress toward achieving
long-range strategic goals." The company added that it considered
Raymond's compensation package "appropriately positioned."
In a study published in October 2005, three accounting professors
reported that negative, even occasionally scathing press coverage,
"does not substantively change corporate behaviour with regard to pay
packages." The American establishment is all but impervious to the
sentiments of the broad masses of the population. In response to a
recent report detailing the immense and growing social gap, a spokesman
for New York state's Business Council told a reporter that the incomes
earned by his state's rich were "something that everybody who cares
about New York should be pleased about."
An insulated world of immense wealth exists as never before, at least
in modern US history. The number of Americans with assets of $1 million
or more reached 7.5 million in 2004, according to a survey conducted by
the Spectrem Group. Beyond that, however, are those who possess "Ultra
High Net Worth" (a mellifluous term invented by Merrill Lynch circa
2001): individuals in households with $5 million or more in net worth.
In a country of 300 million people, the UHNW form a very small
percentage of the population, but a not insignificant number in
absolute terms. Economic, political and cultural life in America is to
an enormous extent organized for their benefit.
This is not simply obscene or unjust, it is socially irrational and
immensely destructive. How is it possible to allocate resources, repair
and renew the infrastructure, carry out any type of long-term economic
planning, cure any social ills, when the official guiding principle is
the ability of an oligarchic elite to accumulate ever-greater personal
wealth? The gravitational pull of such wealth asserts itself in every
aspect of life.
The New York Times reported last year on a relatively new phenomenon,
magazines oriented entirely toward the very wealthy. Absolute
Publishing, the Times noted, had just started up a publication called
Absolute, "for distribution to New Yorkers with an estimated annual
household income of at least $500,000."
The editor of Absolute, Ernest J, Renzulli, is aiming for an audience
of only 60,000 New York residents. He found his target readership "by
winnowing databases of the most affluent New York ZIP codes with people
who have bought houses for more than $2 million and people who have
registered cars, boats or planes that cost more than $75,000."
"It's a small number," the Times quoted Mr. Renzulli as saying.
"But this is not a magazine that's about mass reach. It's about reaching the
tip of the pyramid."
The Times take note of Michael Silverstein, an executive with the
Boston Consulting Group and co-author of Trading Up: The New American
Luxury. Silverstein estimates that by 2010 Americans will spend $1
trillion on luxury goods. The Times continues: "In an ever more
fragmented media world, the rich are becoming their own niche. They may
be diverse connoisseurs of fashion, yachting or jewelry, but they share
one important trait: a seemingly bottomless supply of disposable
It must indeed be a predicament to be saddled with tens of millions or
hundreds of millions of dollars, or more-how is one to spend such sums?
Those "awash in cash" (the Times' phrase) must rack their brains and
devote hours to the problem. How could one ever rest? Would not a
person require a certain degree of inventiveness to come up with ways
of spending such a fortune?
Judging by the results in published reports-no, not particularly. By
and large, the fabulously wealthy have derived their fortunes from
inheritance, the stock market, the real estate bubble, fortunate
investments in technology or, perhaps, American militarism: in short,
from semi-automatic economic and social processes associated with the
lowering of living standards for millions in the US and the
super-exploitation of masses of people in impoverished countries in
other parts of the world. They are not startling or outstanding in any
fashion, except perhaps in the depth of their greed and
So we learn that Microsoft's Paul Allen owns a $250-million, 414-foot
"gigayacht," with seven decks, two helicopter landing pads, a swimming
pool, a basketball court, an infirmary, a garage for Land Rovers, a
movie theater, a concert space for 260 and a recording studio. Not to
be outdone, Larry Ellison of software giant Oracle had his giant yacht
built 452 feet long. Ellison's vessel has five stories, 82 rooms, "a
wine cellar the size of most beach bungalows, a dozen yacht-length
tenders, and a generator capable of providing enough electricity for a
small town in Idaho or Maine... Final cost: $377 million." (Associated
The wealthy elite are also purchasing their own widebody airplanes,
reports Business Week-Airbus A340s and Boeing 777s, which list for over
$100 million-as "airborne penthouses." Customized outfitting may add
$25 to $30 million to the cost.
The "supercar" business is also thriving. Ocean Drive, one of the new
magazines aimed at the affluent, carries a piece on Michael Fux, whose
Sleep Innovations manufactures Memory Foam products. Fux has collected
some 50 luxury cars. He recently took possession of a $2 million
Ferrari FXX, one of only 20 in the world.
USA Today, in a piece describing the new "super-rich supercar fanatics"
who collect Ferraris and Maseratis and Bugattis, cites the comments of
one auto broker in southern California, "There's a whole new breed of
collector that has emerged in the last three-four years. Almost all
make the kind of money you cannot comprehend."
Yet great unease persists in these circles. A yacht broker told
Associated Press that "a sea change in attitude among America's
superrich" has taken place in the wake of September 11. "Clients are
telling me, 'Hey, I could have been in the Twin Towers. That could have
been me jumping out a window.' The thinking among wealthy people now
is, you can die anytime. Nobody can protect you. So you might as well
spend your money now and enjoy it."
Likewise, in its analysis of the trends driving the purchase of jumbo
jets by wealthy individuals, Business Week notes: "Because of increased
concern over security, especially post-September 11, some
businesspeople now use their aircraft as a base of operations on
overseas business trips. Rather than going to a hotel or office after
landing, they just stay onboard... "
The term "conspicuous consumption," coined by Thorstein Veblen in The
Theory of the Leisure Class (1899), hardly does justice to the current
situation. There is a considerable element of recklessness, even
desperation, in the obsessive spending. Throwing money to the wind
hardly speaks to a sense of historic optimism or confidence among the
elite in its own future or the general health of the American social
At the height of US global economic hegemony, in the 1950s, corporate
directors were expected to lead rather sedate lives, modestly tending
to the nation's economy. Of course they lined their pockets, but they
were not expected to live like pharaohs.
In 1957, Fortune magazine reported that some 250 or so individuals in
the US were worth $50 million or more. The wealthiest of them, oil
tycoon J. Paul Getty, stood all alone in the $700 million to $1 billion
category. The equivalent of $50 million today-some $350 million-would
not place an individual anywhere near the richest 400 people in the US,
according to Forbes's 2005 list (which begins at $900 million). Getty
would find himself somewhere between 31st and 42nd on the list.
The roll call of the wealthiest Americans a half-century ago included
famous names-Rockefeller, Harriman, Mellon, duPont, Astor, Whitney and
Ford, along with a quartet associated with General Motors, Alfred P.
Sloan Jr., Charles F. Kettering, John L. Pratt and Charles S. Mott.
These were all ruthless capitalists, but their fortunes were based,
directly or indirectly, on the growth of the productive forces.
Today, the list of the super-rich reveals an extraordinary growth of
parasitism. One indication is Forbes' listing of the "400," which
includes an extraordinary number of people whose wealth, according to
the publication, is derived from "Investments," "Hedge Funds,"
"Leveraged buyouts," "Real estate," "Fashion," etc. The
"captains of industry" of old are few and far between.
A perusal of publications such as Ocean Drive, or Gotham, or Los
Angeles Confidential sheds some light on the current tastes and
opinions of these very rich.
Real estate expert Steven Gaines told Gotham in a recent interview,
"where you choose to live [in New York City] defines you more than in
any other city. There's a right side and a wrong side of the tracks in
every city; but in New York, what floor you live on, which direction
your apartment faces, whether you move one block in either direction,
says a tremendous amount about who you are and your personal sense of
Asked about co-op boards rejecting celebrities, Gaines replied, "I
haven't heard of any juicy rejections lately. Celebrity rejections are
very 90s; they don't really happen anymore. People are very impressed
by money; that's all it takes now. Also-and this is the most important
thing-they're not building any more [co-ops]. We don't need any more
because people don't really care who their neighbors are. [Most people]
figure that if a guy can afford a $12 million apartment in the Time
Warner building, he's cool enough to live next door."
This theme-money is absolutely everything-recurs again and again in
studies of the contemporary American elite.
The Times reporter, Katharine Q. Seelye, in her piece on magazines for
the affluent, described the publications in these words: "Most of the
magazines rely on a similar formula: extravagantly lush photography on
heavy paper stock, flattering feature articles on prominent local
personalities and snapshots of those personalities hobnobbing with each
other... The magazines also make it easy for readers to buy what they
see on the page, whether it appears in an advertisement or an
article-and it is often difficult to tell the difference, as the
magazines have elevated commercial product placement to an art form."
The magazines appear at first glance to be nothing but expensive
advertisements for clothes, watches, condos and automobiles-hundreds of
pages of them (Los Angeles Confidential runs to 350 pages, Ocean Drive
an astonishing 530!). The table of contents, gossip columns and
articles, such as they are, do little to distinguish themselves. They
humbly give way to the full-color photos of handbags and bracelets and
Such a magazine is merely a scaffolding for the marketing of highly
expensive products. It is a relatively convenient means of making known
to a specific clientele what is available for them to purchase this
month. And this is not something that those involved would be ashamed
to admit. No, we have moved far beyond that.
Gotham appears to specialize in real estate gossip, appropriate in
Manhattan, which has been ruined by the Trumps and their ilk. Tales of
apartment and co-op buying and selling are recounted with relish, with
the sort of sensual zest that others might take in relating stories of
sexual improprieties. In a recent issue, one piece excitedly recounts
that "the penthouse apartment of the late philanthropist Enid Haupt has
sold-at least three times. The nine-room duplex at 740 Park Avenue,
with two principal bedrooms and three-and-a-half baths, has an accepted
offer for its asking price of $27.5 million, with two backup bids-in
case the famously persnickety co-op board decides to reject the winning
In another column, we learn that "Out in the Hamptons [on Long Island],
entrepreneur Linda Wachner is listing her seaside estate [a summer
house] for a sky-high $62.5 million, the highest price ever asked for a
Southampton Village home. The ocean- and bay-front Southampton estate
on Meadow Lane features a 16-room, two-story shingled traditional
mansion measuring nearly 10,000 square feet with 10 bedrooms, 14
bathrooms, several public rooms, a wine cellar, and staff quarters. The
property includes several hundred feet of beachfront, a rose garden, a
putting green, a pool with spa, and a tennis court with a pavilion. 'I
think it's an exciting property,' Wachner told the New York Post.
'We've had a lot of fun here.'"
Unique Homes reports that the Stanhope, on Manhattan's Fifth Avenue, is
currently being renovated into 26 luxury residences. "The space is
divided into half-floor residences of approximately 4,000 square feet
(starting at $10 million) and full-floor residences measuring
8,000-plus square feet ($30.5 million and up)." The old Plaza Hotel is
also being transformed by a developer into private residences, 182 of
them. The one- to five-bedroom units will be priced between $2.5
million and $33 million-plus.
The wealthy pockets of south Florida are targeted in Ocean Drive. The
size of a small telephone book, the magazine seems desperate to please
and impress. It takes the most ridiculously self-serious attitude
toward trivial people and circumstances. Page after page of attractive
but glum models dominate the publication, a cornucopia of expensive
Stiff competition between real estate projects is very much in evidence
here. Three operations, Donald Trump's "Trump Hollywood" (i.e.,
Hollywood, Florida), St. Regis Resort & Residences, Bal Harbour and
Icon Brickell, with "breathtaking views of Biscayne Bay," have included
their own elaborate, pull-out brochures in the magazine.
The St. Regis is especially noteworthy for its quite conscious effort
to evoke an imaginary aristocratic past. It employs butlers. Here is
the advertisement for that service, a disgusting passage over which
some wretched soul expended a great deal of effort:
"The St. Regis Butlers are adept at executing your requests while
anticipating your every need with consummate style. Every preference is
committed to memory. Dinner for two on the beach at seven-thirty? Shirt
collars heavily starched? A car to retrieve your business partner from
the airport tomorrow morning? It's a pleasure. Your St. Regis Butler,
always on call, is your household manager, your link to St. Regis
services and your master of conveniences. All embrace the authority to
go to any lengths to ensure you the utmost in comfort, down to the most
particular request." A butler...or an indentured servant, a serf, a
One could go on, but the outlines are clear. A type of aristocracy
rules America, which has more than one feature in common with the
ancien régime that presided over pre-revolutionary France. This vast
accumulation of wealth at one pole of society is incompatible, in the
long run, with even the trappings of democracy. The super-rich own
everything in the US, including the political parties and the political
process. They allow the population to vote at this point, more or less.
But for how long? As resistance to the policies of the elite mounts and
the two-party monopoly threatens to crumble, why should the riffraff be
permitted a say in such important affairs as elections?
millions of people are dying or destitute, or unemployed and then we have obscene individuals as these making their millions at other peoples' expense, blood sweat and tears, and other nations' resources!!! WHAT kind of democracy is this that allows such a divided class society as this- one side the Have's, the other side, the have nots""
" the proliferation of billionaires, is now hailed as a sign of America's success." THIS is not 'success' but EXPLOITATION and CORRUPTION and we probably all know who most of these rich Elite belong to!! how come we all pay high oil prices while these fatcats get fatter because they supposedly represent"outstanding leadership of the business' Well if that is the case then not keeping prices Low and fair displays a poor and corrupt business practice, but then again perhaps that is exactly why they do this job- exploit others while you siphon off the profits!!
and I doubt very much that the "Americans this guy speaks of would have that kind of money to spend when many barely earn enough to survive on, let alone spend it on luxury goods:
"Silverstein estimates that by 2010 Americans will spend $1 trillion on luxury goods" He must mean the Ultra Rich fellow JEWISH AMERICANS LIKE HIMSELF perhaps??
What the hell would anyone in their right mind buy over 50 cars? when one can only drive one at a time!! and so what if it has a snob title factor!!
Life must be so tragic if one is judged by what side or floor in New York they reside in:
"where you choose to live [in New York City] defines you more than in any other city. There's a right side and a wrong side of the tracks in
every city; but in New York, what floor you live on, which direction your apartment faces, whether you move one block in either direction,
says a tremendous amount about who you are and your personal sense of adventure."
One can but in all honesty concur with the writer when he states that their accumulative wealth is a corrupting threat to us all and that:
"This vast accumulation of wealth at one pole of society is incompatible, in the long run, with even the trappings of democracy!!
and as they own practically"everything in the US, including the political parties and the political process" there will come a time facing us less wealthy mortals to have our election rights usurped as THEY, the Super rich Elite, buy their way to power? and how long indeed will it be before "resistance to the policies of the elite mounts and the two-party monopoly threatens to crumble, why should the riffraff be permitted a say in such important affairs as elections?"
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In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot.
- Notebook, 1904
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Message 3
From: "Edward Pickersgill"
Date: Sat Apr 22, 2006 10:01pm(PDT)
Subject: Re: Welcome to 911 TruthAction : Request to join 911TruthAction app
----- Original Message -----
From: Naveed
Sent: Sunday, April 23, 2006 12:57 AM
Subject: Re: [911TruthAction] Welcome to 911 TruthAction : Request to join 911TruthAction approved
I initally supported the ban on mr. eastman for failing to distinguish between jewish and zionist but when angie starting banning people for questioning mr. eastman's banning, red flags went up so I went out on a limb and banned angie, yes I banned her....she was in violation of jolly rogers welcoming statement of no censorship (I take that as a moderators credo to follow by). only thing that's requested by jolly is that you extend the courtesy to others as you would like it. This is a harbor against the incessent onslaught of the drones out there who think we're nuts for thinking for ourselves and facing the god awful truth. I totally agree that this group gives one the energy to keep moving ahead, infact it has made me incredibly strong against the onslaught of the drone/sheep. Mr. Eastman is a veteran of 9/11truthaction so I know how he operates, he can become over zelous at times and get sloppy, but he's also quick to realize his mistakes.
Good call.
Edward Pickersgill, newish member here
Message 4
From: "Edward Pickersgill"
Date: Sat Apr 22, 2006 10:05pm(PDT)
Subject: Re: Dave Walsh: The very rich in America: "The kind of money you can
VBG. But not on 911 (or 119 as I prefer to call it).
I prefer to think of it as NATO and G7 expanding east to absorb the thing formerly known as the soviet union; creating yet another militarists union.
Edward Pickersgill
Guelph, Ontario, Canada
----- Original Message -----
From: Naveed
Sent: Sunday, April 23, 2006 1:01 AM
Subject: Re: [911TruthAction] Dave Walsh: The very rich in America: "The kind of money you cannot comprehend"
soviet union never died, it migrated WESTWARD and changed its name to the european union!
Dick Eastman <> wrote:
From: Graham Jukes
April 22, 2006
A type of aristocracy rules America, which has more than one feature
in common with the ancien régime that presided over pre-revolutionary
France. This vast accumulation of wealth at one pole of society is
incompatible, in the long run, with even the trappings of democracy.
The super-rich own everything in the US, including the political
parties and the political process. They allow the population to vote at
this point, more or less. But for how long? As resistance to the
policies of the elite mounts and the two-party monopoly threatens to
crumble, why should the riffraff be permitted a say in such important
affairs as elections?
You'll never believe this...
Extortion, bribery and corruption? The scandal at the 'New York Post' makes our home-grown newspaper diarists look whiter than white
The very rich in America: "The kind of money you cannot comprehend"
By David Walsh 19 April 2006
Let me tell you about the very rich," F. Scott Fitzgerald famously
wrote in a 1926 story, "They are different from you and me." But even
Fitzgerald could not have imagined how different "from you and me" the
very rich would become in America eight decades later.
The sums that the very wealthy have at their disposal in the US are
almost unimaginable: Oil executive Lee Raymond receiving some $400
million in a retirement package; the 2005 compensation of bank chairman
Richard Fairbank totaling some $280 million; Omid Korestani, head of
Google's global sales, exercising stock options providing him with $288
million last year.
The accumulation is brazen. What once would have been considered a
somewhat discreditable fact of social life, the proliferation of
billionaires, is now hailed as a sign of America's success. The demise
of the Soviet Union and the supposed absence of any alternative to
capitalism, the putrefaction of the AFL-CIO trade unions, the
ignominious collapse of American liberalism and the lack to this point
of broad-based, organized political opposition to the ruling elite and
its two parties have rendered the American financial aristocracy "dizzy
with success." These people have lost their heads.
In the face of public outrage over oil company profits and soaring
gasoline prices, Exxon arrogantly defended Raymond's hundreds of
millions, arguing that they were rewarding the executive's "outstanding
leadership of the business, continued strengthening of our worldwide
competitive position, and continuing progress toward achieving
long-range strategic goals." The company added that it considered
Raymond's compensation package "appropriately positioned."
In a study published in October 2005, three accounting professors
reported that negative, even occasionally scathing press coverage,
"does not substantively change corporate behaviour with regard to pay
packages." The American establishment is all but impervious to the
sentiments of the broad masses of the population. In response to a
recent report detailing the immense and growing social gap, a spokesman
for New York state's Business Council told a reporter that the incomes
earned by his state's rich were "something that everybody who cares
about New York should be pleased about."
An insulated world of immense wealth exists as never before, at least
in modern US history. The number of Americans with assets of $1 million
or more reached 7.5 million in 2004, according to a survey conducted by
the Spectrem Group. Beyond that, however, are those who possess "Ultra
High Net Worth" (a mellifluous term invented by Merrill Lynch circa
2001): individuals in households with $5 million or more in net worth.
In a country of 300 million people, the UHNW form a very small
percentage of the population, but a not insignificant number in
absolute terms. Economic, political and cultural life in America is to
an enormous extent organized for their benefit.
This is not simply obscene or unjust, it is socially irrational and
immensely destructive. How is it possible to allocate resources, repair
and renew the infrastructure, carry out any type of long-term economic
planning, cure any social ills, when the official guiding principle is
the ability of an oligarchic elite to accumulate ever-greater personal
wealth? The gravitational pull of such wealth asserts itself in every
aspect of life.
The New York Times reported last year on a relatively new phenomenon,
magazines oriented entirely toward the very wealthy. Absolute
Publishing, the Times noted, had just started up a publication called
Absolute, "for distribution to New Yorkers with an estimated annual
household income of at least $500,000."
The editor of Absolute, Ernest J, Renzulli, is aiming for an audience
of only 60,000 New York residents. He found his target readership "by
winnowing databases of the most affluent New York ZIP codes with people
who have bought houses for more than $2 million and people who have
registered cars, boats or planes that cost more than $75,000."
"It's a small number," the Times quoted Mr. Renzulli as saying.
"But this is not a magazine that's about mass reach. It's about reaching the
tip of the pyramid."
The Times take note of Michael Silverstein, an executive with the
Boston Consulting Group and co-author of Trading Up: The New American
Luxury. Silverstein estimates that by 2010 Americans will spend $1
trillion on luxury goods. The Times continues: "In an ever more
fragmented media world, the rich are becoming their own niche. They may
be diverse connoisseurs of fashion, yachting or jewelry, but they share
one important trait: a seemingly bottomless supply of disposable
It must indeed be a predicament to be saddled with tens of millions or
hundreds of millions of dollars, or more-how is one to spend such sums?
Those "awash in cash" (the Times' phrase) must rack their brains and
devote hours to the problem. How could one ever rest? Would not a
person require a certain degree of inventiveness to come up with ways
of spending such a fortune?
Judging by the results in published reports-no, not particularly. By
and large, the fabulously wealthy have derived their fortunes from
inheritance, the stock market, the real estate bubble, fortunate
investments in technology or, perhaps, American militarism: in short,
from semi-automatic economic and social processes associated with the
lowering of living standards for millions in the US and the
super-exploitation of masses of people in impoverished countries in
other parts of the world. They are not startling or outstanding in any
fashion, except perhaps in the depth of their greed and
So we learn that Microsoft's Paul Allen owns a $250-million, 414-foot
"gigayacht," with seven decks, two helicopter landing pads, a swimming
pool, a basketball court, an infirmary, a garage for Land Rovers, a
movie theater, a concert space for 260 and a recording studio. Not to
be outdone, Larry Ellison of software giant Oracle had his giant yacht
built 452 feet long. Ellison's vessel has five stories, 82 rooms, "a
wine cellar the size of most beach bungalows, a dozen yacht-length
tenders, and a generator capable of providing enough electricity for a
small town in Idaho or Maine... Final cost: $377 million." (Associated
The wealthy elite are also purchasing their own widebody airplanes,
reports Business Week-Airbus A340s and Boeing 777s, which list for over
$100 million-as "airborne penthouses." Customized outfitting may add
$25 to $30 million to the cost.
The "supercar" business is also thriving. Ocean Drive, one of the new
magazines aimed at the affluent, carries a piece on Michael Fux, whose
Sleep Innovations manufactures Memory Foam products. Fux has collected
some 50 luxury cars. He recently took possession of a $2 million
Ferrari FXX, one of only 20 in the world.
USA Today, in a piece describing the new "super-rich supercar fanatics"
who collect Ferraris and Maseratis and Bugattis, cites the comments of
one auto broker in southern California, "There's a whole new breed of
collector that has emerged in the last three-four years. Almost all
make the kind of money you cannot comprehend."
Yet great unease persists in these circles. A yacht broker told
Associated Press that "a sea change in attitude among America's
superrich" has taken place in the wake of September 11. "Clients are
telling me, 'Hey, I could have been in the Twin Towers. That could have
been me jumping out a window.' The thinking among wealthy people now
is, you can die anytime. Nobody can protect you. So you might as well
spend your money now and enjoy it."
Likewise, in its analysis of the trends driving the purchase of jumbo
jets by wealthy individuals, Business Week notes: "Because of increased
concern over security, especially post-September 11, some
businesspeople now use their aircraft as a base of operations on
overseas business trips. Rather than going to a hotel or office after
landing, they just stay onboard... "
The term "conspicuous consumption," coined by Thorstein Veblen in The
Theory of the Leisure Class (1899), hardly does justice to the current
situation. There is a considerable element of recklessness, even
desperation, in the obsessive spending. Throwing money to the wind
hardly speaks to a sense of historic optimism or confidence among the
elite in its own future or the general health of the American social
At the height of US global economic hegemony, in the 1950s, corporate
directors were expected to lead rather sedate lives, modestly tending
to the nation's economy. Of course they lined their pockets, but they
were not expected to live like pharaohs.
In 1957, Fortune magazine reported that some 250 or so individuals in
the US were worth $50 million or more. The wealthiest of them, oil
tycoon J. Paul Getty, stood all alone in the $700 million to $1 billion
category. The equivalent of $50 million today-some $350 million-would
not place an individual anywhere near the richest 400 people in the US,
according to Forbes's 2005 list (which begins at $900 million). Getty
would find himself somewhere between 31st and 42nd on the list.
The roll call of the wealthiest Americans a half-century ago included
famous names-Rockefeller, Harriman, Mellon, duPont, Astor, Whitney and
Ford, along with a quartet associated with General Motors, Alfred P.
Sloan Jr., Charles F. Kettering, John L. Pratt and Charles S. Mott.
These were all ruthless capitalists, but their fortunes were based,
directly or indirectly, on the growth of the productive forces.
Today, the list of the super-rich reveals an extraordinary growth of
parasitism. One indication is Forbes' listing of the "400," which
includes an extraordinary number of people whose wealth, according to
the publication, is derived from "Investments," "Hedge Funds,"
"Leveraged buyouts," "Real estate," "Fashion," etc. The
"captains of industry" of old are few and far between.
A perusal of publications such as Ocean Drive, or Gotham, or Los
Angeles Confidential sheds some light on the current tastes and
opinions of these very rich.
Real estate expert Steven Gaines told Gotham in a recent interview,
"where you choose to live [in New York City] defines you more than in
any other city. There's a right side and a wrong side of the tracks in
every city; but in New York, what floor you live on, which direction
your apartment faces, whether you move one block in either direction,
says a tremendous amount about who you are and your personal sense of
Asked about co-op boards rejecting celebrities, Gaines replied, "I
haven't heard of any juicy rejections lately. Celebrity rejections are
very 90s; they don't really happen anymore. People are very impressed
by money; that's all it takes now. Also-and this is the most important
thing-they're not building any more [co-ops]. We don't need any more
because people don't really care who their neighbors are. [Most people]
figure that if a guy can afford a $12 million apartment in the Time
Warner building, he's cool enough to live next door."
This theme-money is absolutely everything-recurs again and again in
studies of the contemporary American elite.
The Times reporter, Katharine Q. Seelye, in her piece on magazines for
the affluent, described the publications in these words: "Most of the
magazines rely on a similar formula: extravagantly lush photography on
heavy paper stock, flattering feature articles on prominent local
personalities and snapshots of those personalities hobnobbing with each
other... The magazines also make it easy for readers to buy what they
see on the page, whether it appears in an advertisement or an
article-and it is often difficult to tell the difference, as the
magazines have elevated commercial product placement to an art form."
The magazines appear at first glance to be nothing but expensive
advertisements for clothes, watches, condos and automobiles-hundreds of
pages of them (Los Angeles Confidential runs to 350 pages, Ocean Drive
an astonishing 530!). The table of contents, gossip columns and
articles, such as they are, do little to distinguish themselves. They
humbly give way to the full-color photos of handbags and bracelets and
Such a magazine is merely a scaffolding for the marketing of highly
expensive products. It is a relatively convenient means of making known
to a specific clientele what is available for them to purchase this
month. And this is not something that those involved would be ashamed
to admit. No, we have moved far beyond that.
Gotham appears to specialize in real estate gossip, appropriate in
Manhattan, which has been ruined by the Trumps and their ilk. Tales of
apartment and co-op buying and selling are recounted with relish, with
the sort of sensual zest that others might take in relating stories of
sexual improprieties. In a recent issue, one piece excitedly recounts
that "the penthouse apartment of the late philanthropist Enid Haupt has
sold-at least three times. The nine-room duplex at 740 Park Avenue,
with two principal bedrooms and three-and-a-half baths, has an accepted
offer for its asking price of $27.5 million, with two backup bids-in
case the famously persnickety co-op board decides to reject the winning
In another column, we learn that "Out in the Hamptons [on Long Island],
entrepreneur Linda Wachner is listing her seaside estate [a summer
house] for a sky-high $62.5 million, the highest price ever asked for a
Southampton Village home. The ocean- and bay-front Southampton estate
on Meadow Lane features a 16-room, two-story shingled traditional
mansion measuring nearly 10,000 square feet with 10 bedrooms, 14
bathrooms, several public rooms, a wine cellar, and staff quarters. The
property includes several hundred feet of beachfront, a rose garden, a
putting green, a pool with spa, and a tennis court with a pavilion. 'I
think it's an exciting property,' Wachner told the New York Post.
'We've had a lot of fun here.'"
Unique Homes reports that the Stanhope, on Manhattan's Fifth Avenue, is
currently being renovated into 26 luxury residences. "The space is
divided into half-floor residences of approximately 4,000 square feet
(starting at $10 million) and full-floor residences measuring
8,000-plus square feet ($30.5 million and up)." The old Plaza Hotel is
also being transformed by a developer into private residences, 182 of
them. The one- to five-bedroom units will be priced between $2.5
million and $33 million-plus.
The wealthy pockets of south Florida are targeted in Ocean Drive. The
size of a small telephone book, the magazine seems desperate to please
and impress. It takes the most ridiculously self-serious attitude
toward trivial people and circumstances. Page after page of attractive
but glum models dominate the publication, a cornucopia of expensive
Stiff competition between real estate projects is very much in evidence
here. Three operations, Donald Trump's "Trump Hollywood" (i.e.,
Hollywood, Florida), St. Regis Resort & Residences, Bal Harbour and
Icon Brickell, with "breathtaking views of Biscayne Bay," have included
their own elaborate, pull-out brochures in the magazine.
The St. Regis is especially noteworthy for its quite conscious effort
to evoke an imaginary aristocratic past. It employs butlers. Here is
the advertisement for that service, a disgusting passage over which
some wretched soul expended a great deal of effort:
"The St. Regis Butlers are adept at executing your requests while
anticipating your every need with consummate style. Every preference is
committed to memory. Dinner for two on the beach at seven-thirty? Shirt
collars heavily starched? A car to retrieve your business partner from
the airport tomorrow morning? It's a pleasure. Your St. Regis Butler,
always on call, is your household manager, your link to St. Regis
services and your master of conveniences. All embrace the authority to
go to any lengths to ensure you the utmost in comfort, down to the most
particular request." A butler...or an indentured servant, a serf, a
One could go on, but the outlines are clear. A type of aristocracy
rules America, which has more than one feature in common with the
ancien régime that presided over pre-revolutionary France. This vast
accumulation of wealth at one pole of society is incompatible, in the
long run, with even the trappings of democracy. The super-rich own
everything in the US, including the political parties and the political
process. They allow the population to vote at this point, more or less.
But for how long? As resistance to the policies of the elite mounts and
the two-party monopoly threatens to crumble, why should the riffraff be
permitted a say in such important affairs as elections?
millions of people are dying or destitute, or unemployed and then we have obscene individuals as these making their millions at other peoples' expense, blood sweat and tears, and other nations' resources!!! WHAT kind of democracy is this that allows such a divided class society as this- one side the Have's, the other side, the have nots""
" the proliferation of billionaires, is now hailed as a sign of America's success." THIS is not 'success' but EXPLOITATION and CORRUPTION and we probably all know who most of these rich Elite belong to!! how come we all pay high oil prices while these fatcats get fatter because they supposedly represent"outstanding leadership of the business' Well if that is the case then not keeping prices Low and fair displays a poor and corrupt business practice, but then again perhaps that is exactly why they do this job- exploit others while you siphon off the profits!!
and I doubt very much that the "Americans this guy speaks of would have that kind of money to spend when many barely earn enough to survive on, let alone spend it on luxury goods:
"Silverstein estimates that by 2010 Americans will spend $1 trillion on luxury goods" He must mean the Ultra Rich fellow JEWISH AMERICANS LIKE HIMSELF perhaps??
What the hell would anyone in their right mind buy over 50 cars? when one can only drive one at a time!! and so what if it has a snob title factor!!
Life must be so tragic if one is judged by what side or floor in New York they reside in:
"where you choose to live [in New York City] defines you more than in any other city. There's a right side and a wrong side of the tracks in
every city; but in New York, what floor you live on, which direction your apartment faces, whether you move one block in either direction,
says a tremendous amount about who you are and your personal sense of adventure."
One can but in all honesty concur with the writer when he states that their accumulative wealth is a corrupting threat to us all and that:
"This vast accumulation of wealth at one pole of society is incompatible, in the long run, with even the trappings of democracy!!
and as they own practically"everything in the US, including the political parties and the political process" there will come a time facing us less wealthy mortals to have our election rights usurped as THEY, the Super rich Elite, buy their way to power? and how long indeed will it be before "resistance to the policies of the elite mounts and the two-party monopoly threatens to crumble, why should the riffraff be permitted a say in such important affairs as elections?"
In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot.
- Notebook, 1904
Blab-away for as little as 1¢/min. Make PC-to-Phone Calls using Yahoo! Messenger with Voice.
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Message 5
From: "Dick Eastman"
Date: Sat Apr 22, 2006 11:03pm(PDT)
Subject: Fw: First of all, demolition is proven! And second, this proof pro
Someone calling himself "sniffer" wrote this:
First of all, demolition is proven! (see link I provided in my previous post).
And second, this proof proves everything!
It proves the government did it, and proves Arab terrorists didn't do it.
This is because since planes couldn't and didn't do cause WTC to collapse, only demolition could, and only the government had the means, opportunity, and skill to make it look like the planes had something to do with it (and motive); nobody else on this whole earth had all that.
It means the timing of the planes and the demolition of the WTC were not coincidental unrelated events. It exposes one event (planes) was launched to coverup the real event (demolition).
Had the government not done it, their control over the crime-scene would have enabled them to find the truth and tell us who really did do it; instead they blamed some patsies, invented novel pancake theories, destroyed evidence, and took part in the mother of all coverups (lies).
Everywhere they went afterwards they left their DNA, contradicting their cover story.
Why they did it is an important discussion and I have my own views on that, but that they did it is beyond discussion at this point, IF DEMOLITION IS LET OUT FOR ALL THE WORLD TO SEE.
I think they did it because it's about massive profit and geopolitical dominion (empire) comes from wars that some staged "terrorist" attacks against us can justify, and the fact is that somewhere along the line, the government became mafia or mafia became the government.
Message 6
From: ""
Date: Sat Apr 22, 2006 11:26pm(PDT)
Subject: U.S. Foresees Fighting Beyond War Zones ? Rumsfeld OKs new plans
U.S. Foresees Fighting Beyond War Zones ?
Rumsfeld OKs new plans for fighting terror -
(They Must be Removed at Any Cost !) Highlights -
Message 7
From: "copernicus122223"
Date: Sat Apr 22, 2006 11:50pm(PDT)
interviews Marion Knox
Marion Knox is a farmer, Gospel singer, and counselor from Lebanon,
Oregon. For several years, he has been helping set people free from
the affects of ritual abuse and mind control. Although some may
think of his methodology as unorthodox, it appears to be effective
in eliminating highly-structured dissociation in many of the people
he's worked with. While tediously assisting and supporting these
survivors, Marion has uncovered startling information concerning the
inner-workings of the Illuminati, the Rothschilds, and a possible
end-times scenario. His conclusions are not only based upon what his
clients are uniformly conveying, but also through Biblical and
historical research. Mr. Knox would like to emphasize that some of
his opinions are speculation or conjecture and need to be
objectively verified and validated by independent sources.
Ron Patton: How did you get into counseling survivors of SRA
(Satanic Ritual Abuse) and mind control?
Marion Knox: To begin with, my first experience with anything
dealing with the occult was through a friend of mine who thought his
house was haunted. So I volunteered. While trying to figure out what
was going on, a woman living in the house felt she was possessed. We
went through a deliverance session with her and she eventually
became a Christian. After that, I worked with people who had common
sexual abuse. It wasn't until several years later, in 1993, I
started counselling on a regular basis those who were ritually
abused. So as far as the Satanic stuff goes, I first worked with
three women who had multiple personalities, put in several hundred
hours with each of these victims and as a result, began to
understand the belief system and motives of the perpetrators.
RP: So what did you basically learn about the perpetrators belief
system and motives?
MK: Since I already had a pretty good understanding of the Bible, it
gave me part of the picture. But what I learned from other sources
and what the survivors were telling me help put it together more
clearly. Basically, Satan's system is built on the mirror image
principle to copy the kingdom of God. The perpetrator's goal is to
gain power. They believe that the devil has the most power, and the
most powerful component in the rituals is the blood sacrifices in
blasphemy of Christ's atonement. Another very important component is
the act of sodomy which is the opposite of the "new birth" we have
in Christ. The ritual abuse system is normally built around a three
year old child, because this usually is the optimal time to create
dissociation or MPD. This system is actually a mirror image or
reflection of what appears to be a shattering of the core
personality. To illustrate it better, let's say you stand between
two mirrors and look down the corridor. You can then see yourself in
multiple representations to infinity.
RP: Can you elaborate further on how the ritual abuse system is
formed and how it works?
MK: Well, as I began to work with more survivors, I gathered more
details and was able to kind of form a victim's profile. So as I
mentioned before, they take a child at approximately three years of
age and make the child fast for several days, force the child to
witness human sacrifices, and to participate in a cannibalistic
communion service. In some instances, they physically abuse the
child and then place he or she in a cage or coffin to further the
trauma. The child is sometimes drowned in a baptismal ceremony and
brought back to life. In the process of all this blasphemy, the
child's mind is reversed or shattered into multiplicity. The act of
sodomy is also performed to open up the victim's "third eye" which
is suppose to enhance psychic ability. During this vial act, a
demonic system called, "Legion" is installed. In the King James
Bible, Legion is refered to as an, "unclean spirit". This is
systematically done to have complete control over the child, like
creating a programmed robot.
RP: How is your therapeutic approach different then others in the
area of "deprogramming"?
MK: Well, the key to being healed is the blood atonement of the Lord
Jesus Christ. I know alot of survivors and therapists have a hard
time with this because they might have a distorted view of
Christianity, but what we are dealing with is in the spiritual
realm; it's a spiritual battle between Satan, who wants to steal,
kill and destroy as many lives as he possibly can, and, The Lord
Jesus Christ, who wants to save and bring healing to the afflicted.
I may not have all the details figured out, but I have seen many
survivors come to freedom.
You see, the integration route can produce containment, whereas I
get to the core of the problem and knock-out the whole MPD system by
exposing the lies and secrets with truth and casting the high demons
out into the pit. Before I get into the actual deliverance, I listen
to their story, take note of their symptoms, and ask a lot of
questions. Once it's accurately determined they are ritual abuse
victims, I start to investigate deeper by testing the subconscious
mind; by the way, I do it without the use of hypnosis.
Once I locate the highest demon, called the "Strongman", I attempt
to cast it out along with Legion.. In conjunction with the
deliverance, we will sometimes have a Christian communion service
but we try not follow a ritualistic pattern too much. After the
deliverance, there needs to be intensified Christian support that
should include, prayer, friendship, understanding, teaching,
counsel, and accountability. The person needs to do whatever it
takes to stay away from any relationships and associations that gets
in the way of the healing process. I guess it seems too simple for
some therapists to understand or comprehend because I have people
come to me who have been through conventional psychiatric therapy
for years yet I am able to get many of them free, anywhere from a
few hours to a couple of days...
Let me give you an example of what occurred with one of the first
survivors I was able to help. She was a twin who grew up in Great
Falls, Montana and was programmed by Josef Mengele, who she
remembered as "Dr. Mingles". Anyway, the unique feature about her,
that I never heard about from anyone else until then, was her mind
was programmed that someday her MPD would be reversed so she could
be used as a ruler over many covens within the Illuminati. So, while
working with her I discovered that one of her personalities was
programmed that if we would give her a normal Christian communion
service, her MPD would be reversed. We discussed it some and got
approval from her husband to go along with it. At the end of the
service, she fell over backwards and was unconscious. About 10
minutes later she woke up and knew she was no longer multiple. This
was several years ago and it never did come back [the MPD].
Eventually, I developed more efficient ways of dealing with this
thing and understanding the larger scope of what all is involved.
RP: I noticed you mentioned this woman was to be groomed at a high-
level within the Illuminati. What's your perspective or insight into
this nefarious organization?
MK: The Illuminati is a Luciferian religion that is counterfeit to
the church of Jesus Christ [not the Mormon one]. Illuminati
means, "Light Bearers" or "Enlightened Ones". The Illuminati belief
system says that freedom is only obtained through the entrance of
true or pure light (sodomy) and life (sacrifice) is only obtained
through death. They tell their people that nothing can ever
penetrate that power because the [unholy] trinity of Cain, Nimrod,
and Joseph seals it in. The core religion of their belief system
comes from the Cabala, a book containing mysticism, and written by a
sect of the Pharisees who went into Babylon after the destruction of
Jerusalem. As a matter of fact, the holy language of the Illuminati
is Hebrew... As history records, the official birth of the
Illuminati was in 1776 and started by a trained Jesuit named Adam
Weishaupt and financed by the House of Rothschild. The idea was to
get together 13 powerful families or bloodlines; with the
Rothschilds being the most influential, to rule the world.
RP: Can you be more specific as to the role the Rothschilds play
into all of this?
MK: Well, most people who are into conspiracy know the Rothschilds
are the most powerful family in the world. But you really don't hear
about the details relating to how they have set themselves up to
be "King of the Jews", and to usher in the Anti-Christ. It was the
Rothschilds who financially backed the nation of Israel so they
could eventually set up the throne for the Anti-Christ in Jerusalem.
And yet during WWII, their money and resources were used to kill
millions of Jews, but these were seen as the expendable Jews from
the House of Jacob. Remember, these guys have the audacity to use
the Bible as a blueprint to take over the world...
Let me give you some background information. On one level, the
Rothschilds secretly call themselves the House of David from the
tribe of Judah. Now, Rothschild translated from German to English
means, "red shield". During Biblical times, the Edomite's fortress
was the red rocks of Petra. Esau, the twin brother of Jacob, was
described as, " red and hairy". So this information fits perfectly
with what survivors have been telling me. That on a deeper level,
the Rothschilds are also claiming to be descendants of Esau and
thus, are really from the House or tribe of Esau. What they are
trying to do, is to get the birthright back from the House of Jacob,
who are the real Jews. However, the book of Obadiah talks about the
destruction of the Edomites in the last days. So this leads us to
another interesting point. In Revelation 3:9 it says, "Behold, I
will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews,
and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and
worship before thy feet..." Then I ask the question, "Who is the
synagogue of Satan?" The only logical conclusion I can come up with
is the Illuminati Rothschilds...
OK, now lets look at some other things. Mayer Amschel Rothschild had
5 sons and in order to keep the wealth in the family, there was a
lot of inbreeding, like what the European royal families did. One of
their hobbies was horse racing and they were known to be horse
breeders as well. I think this may have given them additional
insight into purifying their bloodline. Normally you would think
that random inbreeding would bring degeneration to the genetic pool,
but they had the mindset to eliminate the weak ones [offspring] and
save the ones who were strong and healthy. So this is part of their
master plan: to improve the genetics in order to have a superior
RP: It seems identical to what the Nazis were doing in an attempt to
create the Aryan race.
MK: Yes, but that was a smokescreen because you had Nazis like
Hitler and Mengele who did not have Aryan features. The way I see it
is that the Nazi's master race concept was a controlled experiment
and the knowledge was used for the real master race, which is alive
and well today... Adolph Hitler was more of a puppet for propaganda
purposes, whereas , I believe Josef Mengele was one of the "chosen
ones" [a Rothschild] to bring forth the Anti-Christ.
RP: What makes you think Josef Mengele was a Rothschild?
MK: To me, it's the only thing that makes sense. First of all, let's
go back to the start of the Illuminati. The three men who
collaborated and were able to put it together were Jacob Frank,
Mayer Amschel Rothschild and Josef Johan Adam Weishaupt --that is
Weishaupt's complete name, which begins with Josef. Now the Joseph
in the Bible was the favorite son of Jacob and the savior of the 12
tribes while in Egypt. The survivors who were experimented on and
programmed by Mengele, would refer to him by different names. Two of
those names were David and Alexander, which happen to be the first
names of the last two generations of Rothschilds. You have to
remember that their genealogy and the names they choose for
the "chosen ones" are very significant to them. Also, the name
Joseph in the Illuminati is considered, "the name above all names".
When Rothschild survivors are being sodomized, the name Joseph is
chanted and inbedded into their subconscious. They inately know that
Josef Mengele is a Rothschild... Another point to consider is that
within their belief system, the three men that are immortal; that
never die are Cain, Nimrod, and Joseph.
RP: Marion, if I may interject for a moment?
MK: Go ahead.
RP: I noticed Josef Mengele's father Karl did not look anything like
him. His father was fair-skinned and robust while Josef had dark
features and a slight build. Now I realize that some people would
say that Josef inherited more of his physical traits from his
mother. But, from several of the Illuminati survivors that I have
been in contact with, this appears to be a consistent trend; that
is, having one parent that is biologically-related and one that is
MK: Exactly. What the Rothschilds have done is to place their seed
into other important Illuminati families. In this way, they can hide
the true identities of their offspring... But getting back to
Mengele -- He was a devout Catholic and was reported to have all the
Catholic spiritual gifts, including, stigmata. At the same time, he
was heralded as the top-ranking person in the Illuminati. The
Vatican never did ex-communicate him or any other of the top Nazi's
because the Illuminati and the Catholic church are part of the same
Babylonian religion. His fascination with twins may not only have
been for genetic experimentation, but to also play out the role of
the twins, Jacob and Esau in the Bible, which states, "Jacob have I
loved, Esau have I hated". You see, Jacob got the birthright even
though he was the second-born. Survivors have told me Josef Mengele
is a second-born twin and they sacrificed the first one in order for
him [Josef] to gain more power. The name of the first twin may have
been "Kore" which is a Hittite name. You see, Esau's first wife was
a Hittite and you can find that Abraham bought the burial place for
Sarah from a Hittite whose father's name was Kore. Well then, the
interesting thing is that Esau's first born son had seven sons. Son
number 5 was Kore. From Mayer Amschel down to 5 generations may have
been Kore and Josef, besides Guy, who is probably a half-brother and
more of a "front" man. Another interesting thing is you'll find the
name James in many of the Rothschild names, which is another
translation for Jacob. Remember, Joseph was the son of Jacob, so
they have made it look like the whole line of men leading to the
Anti-Christ is from the House of Jacob -- see how this fits together?
RP: Yeah. It seems to make sense in a morbid and convoluted way.
MK: So in the book of Revelation it says that the Anti-Christ or the
Beast is the eighth of seven. Starting with Meyer Amschel Rothschild
and inserting Josef Mengele at the right place of the generation of
families it comes out to number 5. The sixth is David, representing
the House of David, and listed at number 7 is Alexander. He was
named after Alexander the Great, who was not only a revered general,
but was also the Supreme Pontiff of the Babylonian religion during
his reign. He was the swiftest conqueror of the world and also a
sodomite. These close-in Rothschild survivors all have this MONARCH
programming, which includes an internal computer system called ALEX.
In order to access it, you need to find the master access code
number, repeat it three times in a row, and designate the type of
information you would like to retrieve. What I have surmized from
getting into the minds of these people is that Alexander may be the
name for Anti-Christ. Alexander means, "mighty one of Cain",
according to one researcher... The Illuminati believes they will win
the final battle at Armageddon, seize the vineyard [the world],
overthrow Jesus Christ and have Lucifer rule with the master race
for 1000 years. Hitler even talked about 1000 years -- the Third
RP: Do you have any additional insights into the Illuminated
MK: Now these survivors have told me that the, "Key of David" is the
Rothschild sodomy. The penetration occurs at an upward angle, so it
strikes the nerves at the end of the spine and produces white
flashes of light in the brain. They do this on a regular basis --
sort of maintenance program to keep everything intact. As a side
note, there are Catholic black masses where they sodomize children
with a crucifix calling it the, "Peace of Mary" because once the
dissociation occurs, it almost produces a calming affect; sort of a
peaceful feeling...
Another ceremony described to me is that the Rothschilds take a
pregnant 13 year old girl to a place like the Mayan pyramids and
perform a ritual in which an Anaconda snake will swallow the baby as
it's being delivered. This symbolizes giving your first fruits to
god... OK, there is supposedly a replica of the Dachau concentration
camp at the Aldin Plateau in S.E. Siberia. This is reported to be a
major programming center for Rothschild offspring. On this site is a
large temperature and humidity-controlled warehouse where they are
stockpiling the skins off the backs of 12,000 sacrificed women from
each of the other 12 bloodlines. These skins are being made into
aprons for the 144,000 bodyguards of the Anti-Christ during
the, "Abomination of Desolation", as mentioned in the book of
Daniel. This is a counterfeit of the 144,000 in the book of
Revelation who will serve Jesus. Something else I've uncovered from
these survivors is that Area 51 in Nevada is called the, "New
Jerusalem", where there appears to be a large underground ceremonial
temple, lake, and oasis called the, "Garden of Eden".
RP: Do you think the UFO stuff there is a camouflage or diversion?
MK: I think it's a deceptive ploy to cover up what the Illuminati
has there. No doubt, there are high-tech machines developed by the
NWO, but you'll find that a lot of these secret underground places
have a different agenda as to what they're feeding the public.
RP: I think there was one more thing we discussed awhile back that
had to do with injections into the heart...
MK: Oh, you mean the blood injections into the heart?
RP: Yes.
MK: Well, they do that for at least a couple of reasons. One, is to
traumatize the person so they dissociate more and the other is to
weed out the weak ones -- some don't make it; you know, survival of
the fittest.
RP: Have there been any repercussions, like threats on your life for
helping Illuminati Rothschild survivors?
MK: Virtually none. The Lord has helped me to not be afraid and as
long as he wants me to be alive and untouched, he won't allow anyone
to get to me.
RP: What do you think of _______ (name of individual intentionally
withheld), who is regarded as one of the foremost authorities on the
Illuminati and mind control and has written several books on the
subject matter?
MK: I think he's a double-agent working for the other side [the
Illuminati]. ______ never gets to the bottom line of what it takes
to get people free of this stuff. He tells a lot of truth but
complicates it and leaves a lot of people feeling hopeless and
confused... I saw a video of when he spoke at the Prophecy Club
about the CIA programming Amish boys for assassinations. He slipped
up and almost said, "we" do this and quickly changed it to, "they"
referring to the CIA. It seemed to un-nerve him a little bit... He
says he's a Christian yet leaves his family and moves in with a
MONARCH woman, who he says he's deprogrammed but the reality is
she's still being controlled. And this is not just my opinion but
also therapists who specialize in MPD or what they now call, DID
[Dissociative Identity Disorder]. Some of these experts in the field
who have evaluated him during his presentations say that he has the
characteristics of a programmer and someone under mind control... He
and ______ had gone to a church near Portland [Oregon] telling the
pastor they have an Illuminati family in their congregation and
would like to talk to them about it. My question is, "How did they
know they were Illuminati without even knowing them?". What I think
they are trying to do is gain trust by exposing the secrets but even
in his book he says the Illuminati put out their secrets and plans
up front.
RP: I have also read that book you are referring to and on one of
the pages he discusses how programmers test young children at an
early age to see what occupations they are best suited for. One of
the specializations was that of a, "social and religious reformer".
Interestingly, ______ was interviewed by Contact: The Phoenix
Liberator, which is regarded as a CIA "front" tabloid. Anyhow,
during the interview he was asked what his calling was and he
replied: "to be a social and religious reformer".
MK: Yes, and I know of one survivor who drew a picture of a man at a
ritual. Now this was several years ago before ______ became well
known. I showed the drawing to his ex-wife and she knew right away
that was him. She also showed it to her youngest son at he
said, "that's daddy!"... I've seen the psychological evaluation of
that young boy and it clearly shows PTSD [ Post Traumatic Stress
Disorder] through sexual abuse.
RP: Any final thoughts you'd like to share?
MK: Ah, yes... I understand how hard it is for survivors to break
away from their tormentors or whatever you want to call them. If
they have not truly accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior,
I really can't help them much because we're in a different paradigm
or mindset. If they are Christians wanting to get out, it's still
difficult for them because of trust issues. When survivors make up
their mind and come to me for help, there's a lot of resistance at
first because they've been brainwashed to think there is no way out
from this. I don't have any hidden agendas, I don't ask for money
but I am up front and confrontational, which doesn't mean I don't
have compassion for them... I've been accused of not being sensitive
enough or not empathetic enough but that's not necessarily what's
going to set them free from all of this. So the bottom line is this:
once they get serious to the extent of committing their time and
trust to me, I can probably help them -- and I think I have a pretty
decent track record and reputation to prove it.
Marion Knox can be reached at (541) 259-1839. His mailing address is
35136 Hwy 34, Lebanon, OR 97355
Message 8
From: "copernicus122223"
Date: Sat Apr 22, 2006 11:50pm(PDT)
Subject: Project Monarch
Project Monarch
by Ron Patton
Nazi Mind Control
Amidst the subtle cerebral circumvention of the gullible populace,
through a multitude of manipulated mediums, lies one of the most
diabolical atrocities perpetrated upon a segment of the human race;
a form of systematic mind control which has permeated every aspect
of society for almost fifty years.To objectively ascertain the
following, one may need to re-examine preconceived ideologies
relating to the dualistic nature of mankind.
Resolving the philosophical question of whether we are inherently
good or inherently evil is tantamount in shaping our perception of
reality; specifically, the spiritual variable within the equation of
This exposition is substantiated by declassified U.S. government
documents, individuals formerly connected to the U.S. intelligence
communities, historical writings, researchers knowledgeable in mind
control, publications from mental health practitioners, and
interviews taken from survivors unwittingly subjected to a highly
complex form of trauma-based mind control known as MONARCH
A word of caution for survivors of intensively systematic mind
control and/or some form of ritualized abuse: There are
numerous "triggers" in this article. It is therefore recommended not
to read it unless appropriate support systems are in place or if you
have a thoroughly reintegrated personality.
A Brief History of Control
The Mystery Religions of ancient Egypt, Greece, India and Babylon
helped lay the foundation for occultism, meaning "hidden knowledge."
One of the earliest writings giving reference to occultism is the
Egyptian Book of the Dead, a compilation of rituals explicitly
describing methods of torture and intimidation (to create trauma),
the use of potions (drugs) and the casting of spells (hypnotism),
ultimately resulting in the total enslavement of the initiate.[1]
These have been the main ingredients for a part of occultism known
as Satanism, throughout the ages. During the 13th Century, the Roman
Catholic church increased and solidified its dominion throughout
Europe with the infamous Inquisition. Satanism survived this period
of persecution, deeply entrenching itself under the veil of various
esoteric groups.
In 1776, a Bavarian Jesuit by the name of Adam Weishaupt was
commissioned by the House of Rothschild to centralize the power base
of the Mystery Religions into what is commonly known as the
Illuminati, meaning "Enlightened Ones." This was an amalgamation of
powerful occultic bloodlines, elite secret societies and influential
Masonic fraternities, with the desire to construct the framework for
a "New World Order." The outward goal of this Utopia was to bring
forth universal happiness to the human race. However, their
underlying intention was to gradually increase control over the
masses, thus becoming masters of the planet.
The Anglo Alliance
By the 19th century, Great Britain and Germany were recognized as
the primary geographic areas of Illuminati control. It then should
be of little surprise to know the first work in Behavioral Science
research was established in England in 1882, while much of the early
medical and psychiatric techniques involved in mind control were
pioneered at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute in Germany. The Tavistock
Institute of Human Relations was set up in London in 1921 to study
the "breaking point" of humans. Kurt Lewin, a German psychologist,
became the director of the Tavistock Institute in 1932, about the
same time Nazi Germany was increasing its research into
neuropsychology, parapsychology and multi-generational occultism.
Interestingly, a progressive exchange of scientific ideas was taking
place between England and Germany, most notably in the field of
eugenics: the movement devoted to "improving" the human species
through the control of hereditary factors in mating. The nefariously
enigmatic union between the two countries was bonded, partly through
the Order of the Golden Dawn, a secret society which consisted of
many high ranking officials in the Nazi party and British
aristocracy. Top SS Nazi officer Heinrich Himmler, was in charge of
a scientific project called Lebersborn, which included selective
breeding and adoption of children, a peculiarly large number of
twins among them.[2] The purpose of the program was to create a
super-race (Aryans) who would have total allegiance to the cause of
the Third Reich(New World Order).
Much of the preliminary experimentation concerning genetic
engineering and behavior modification was conducted by Dr. Josef
Mengele at Auschwitz, where he coldly analyzed the effects of trauma-
bonding, eye-coloring and "twinning" upon his victims. Beside the
insidious surgical experimentation performed at the concentration
camp, some of the children were subjected to massive amounts of
electroshock. Sadly, many of them did not survive the brutality.
Concurrently, "brain-washing" was carried out on inmates at Dachau,
who were placed under hypnosis and given the hallucinogenic drug
mescaline. During the war, parallel behavioral research was led by
Dr. George Estabrooks of Colgate University. His involvement with
the Army, CID, FBI and other agencies remains shrouded in secrecy.
However, Estabrooks would occasionally "slip" and discuss his work
involving the creation of hypno-programmed couriers and hypnotically-
induced split personalities.[3]
After WWII, the U.S. Department of Defense secretly imported many of
the top German Nazi and Italian Fascist scientists and spies into
the United States via South America and the Vatican. The code name
for this operation was Project PAPERCLIP.[4] One of the more
prominent finds for the U.S. was German General Reinhard Gehlen.
Hitler's Chief of Intelligence against Russia. Upon arriving in
Washington D.C. in 1945, Gehlen met extensively with President
Truman, General William "Wild Bill" Donovan, Director of the Office
of Strategic Services(OSS) and Allen Dulles, who would later become
the stalwart head of the CIA. The objective of their brain-storming
sessions was to reorganize the nominal American intelligence
operation, transforming it into a highly-efficient covert
organization. The culmination of their efforts produced the Central
Intelligence Group in 1946, renamed the Central Intelligence Agency
(CIA) in 1947.
Reinhard Gehlen also had profound influence in helping to create the
National Security Council, from which the National Security Act of
1947 was derived. This particular piece of legislation was
implemented to protect an unconscionable number of illegal
government activities, including clandestine mind control programs.
The Evolution of Project MKULTRA
With the CIA and National Security Council firmly established, the
first in a series of covert brain-washing programs was initiated by
the Navy in the fall of 1947. Project CHATTER was developed in
response to the Soviet's "successes" through the use of "truth
drugs." This
rationale, however was simply a cover story if the program were to
be exposed. The research focused on the identification and testing
of such drugs for use in interrogations and the recruitment of
agents.[5] The project was officially terminated in 1953.
The CIA decided to expand their efforts in the area of behavior
modification, with the advent of Project BLUEBIRD, approved by
director Allen Dulles in 1950. Its objectives were to; (1) discover
a means of conditioning personnel to prevent unauthorized extraction
of information from them by known means, (2) investigate the
possibility of control of an individual by application of special
interrogation techniques, (3) investigate memory enhancement and (4)
establish defensive means for preventing hostile control of agency
personnel. In August 1951, Project BLUE BIRD was renamed Project
ARTICHOKE, which evaluated offensive uses of interrogation
techniques, including hypnosis and drugs The program ceased in 1956.
Three years prior to the halt of Project ARTICHOKE, Project MKULTRA
came into existence on April 13, 1953 along the lines proposed by
Richard Helms, Deputy Director of Central Intelligence (DDCI) with
the rationale of establishing a "special funding mechanism of
extreme sensitivity."[6] The hypothetical etymology of "MK" may
possibly stand for "Mind Kontrolle." The obvious translation of the
German word "Kontrolle" into English is "control."[7] A host of
German doctors, procured from the post war Nazi talent pool, were an
invaluable asset toward the development of MKULTRA. The correlation
between the concentration camp experiments and the numerous sub-
projects of MKULTRA are clearly evident. The various avenues used to
control human behavior under MKULTRA included radiation,
electroshock, psychology, psychiatry, sociology, anthropology,
graphology, harassment substances and paramilitary devices and
materials "LSD" being the most widely dispensed "material". A
special procedure, designated MKDELTA, was established to govern the
use of MKULTRA abroad. MKULTRA/DELTA materials were used for
harassment, discrediting or disabling purposes.[8] Of the 149
subprojects under the umbrella of MKULTRA having been identified,
Project MONARCH, officially begun by the U.S. Army in the early
1960's (although unofficially implemented much earlier) appears to
be the most prominent and is still classified as TOP SECRET
for "National Security" reasons.[9] MONARCH may have culminated from
MKSEARCH subprojects, such as operation SPELLBINDER, which was set
up to create "sleeper" assassins (i e. "Manchurian candidates") who
could be activated upon receiving a key word or phrase while in a
post-hypnotic trance. Operation OFTEN, a study which attempted to
harness the power of occultic forces was possibly one of several
cover programs to hide the insidious reality of Project MONARCH.
Definition and Description
The name MONARCH is not necessarily defined within the context of
royal nobility, but rather refers to the monarch butterfly. When a
person is undergoing trauma induced by electroshock, a feeling of
light-headedness is evidenced; as if one is floating or fluttering
like a butterfly. There is also a symbolic representation pertaining
to the transformation or metamorphosis of this beautiful insect:
from a caterpillar to a cocoon (dormancy, inactivity ), to a
butterfly (new creation) which will return to its point of origin.
Such is the migratory pattern that makes this species unique.
Occultic symbolism may give additional insight into the true meaning
Psyche is the word for both "soul" and "butterfly" coming from the
belief that human souls become butterflies while searching for a new
reincarnation. [10]
Some ancient mystical groups, such as the Gnostics, saw the
butterfly as a symbol of corrupt flesh. The "Angel of Death"
(remember Mengele?) in Gnostic art works was portrayed crushing the
butterfly.[11] A marionette is a puppet that is attached to strings
and is controlled by the puppet master, hence MONARCH programming is
also referred to as the "Marionette Syndrome." "Imperial
Conditioning" is another term used, while some mental health
therapists know it as "Conditioned Stimulus Response Sequences."
Project MONARCH could be best described as a form of structured
dissociation and occultic integration, in order to compartmentalize
the mind into multiple personalities within a systematic framework.
During this process, a Satanic ritual, usually including Cabalistic
mysticism, is performed with the purpose of attaching a particular
demon or group of demons to the corresponding alter(s). Of course,
most skeptics would view this as simply a means to enhance trauma
within the victim. negating any irrational belief that demonic
possession actually occurs.
Alters and Triggers
Another way of examining this convoluted victimization of body and
soul is by looking at it as a complex computer program: A file
(alter) is created through trauma, repetition and reinforcement. In
order to activate (trigger) the file, a specific access code or
password (cue or command) is required. The victim/survivor is called
a "slave" by the programmer/handler, who in turn is perceived
as "master" or "god." About 75% are female, since they possess a
higher tolerance for pain and tend to dissociate easier than males.
Subjects are used mainly for cover operations, prostitution and
pornography; involvement in the entertainment industry is notable. A
former military officer connected to the DIA, told this writer, "In
the `big picture' these people [MONARCH victims] are in all walks of
life, from the bum on the street to the white-collar guy". In
corroboration, a retired CIA agent vaguely discussed the use of such
personnel to be used as "plants" or "chameleons" for the purpose of
infiltrating a designated group, gathering information and/or
injecting an ulterior agenda.
There are an inordinate amount of alters in the victim/survivor with
numerous back-up programs, mirrors and shadows. A division of light-
side (good) and dark-side (bad) alters are interwoven in the mind
and rotate on an axis.
One of the main internal structures, (of which their are many)
within the system is shaped like a double-helix, consisting of seven
levels. Each system has an internal programmer which oversees
the "gatekeeper" (demons?) who grant or deny entry into the
different rooms. A few of the internal images predominately seen by
victims/survivors are trees, the Cabalistic "Tree of Life," with
adjoining root systems, infinity loops, ancient symbols and letters,
spider webs, mirrors or glass shattering, masks, castles, mazes,
demons/monsters/aliens, sea shells, butterflies, snakes, ribbons,
bows, flowers, hour glasses, clocks, robots, chain-of-command
diagrams and/or schematics of computer circuitry boards.
Bloodlines and Twinning
A majority of the victims/survivors come from multi-generational
Satanic families (bloodlines) and are ostensibly programmed "to fill
their destiny as the chosen ones or chosen generations"(a term
coined by Mengele at Auschwitz). Some are adopted out to families of
similar origin. Others used in this neurological nightmare are
deemed as the "expendable ones" (non-bloodliners), usually coming
from orphanages, foster care homes, or incestuous families with a
long history of pedophilia. There also appears to be a pattern of
family members affiliated with government or military intelligence
Many of the abused come from families who use Catholicism,
Mormonism, or charismatic Christianity as a "front" for their
abominable activities (though members of other religious groups are
also involved.)
Victims/survivors generally respond more readily to a rigid
religious (dogmatic, legalistic) hierarchical structure because it
parallels their base programming. Authority usually goes
unchallenged, as their will has been usurped through subjective and
command-oriented conditioning.
Physical identification characteristics on victims/survivors often
include multiple electrical prod scars and/or resultant moles on
their skin. A few may have had various parts of their bodies
mutilated by knives, branding irons, or needles, Butterfly or occult
tattoos are also common. Generally, bloodliners are less likely to
have the subsequent markings, as their skin is to "remain pure and
The ultimate purpose of the sophisticated manipulation of these
individuals may sound unrealistic, depending upon our interpretive
understanding of the physical and spiritual realms. The deepest and
darkest alters within bloodliners are purported to be dormant until
the "Anti-Christ~' is revealed. These "New World Order" alters
supposedly contain call-back orders and instructions to train and/or
initiate a large influx of people (possibly clones or "soulless
ones"), thereby stimulating social control programs into the new
millennium. Non-biological "twinning" is yet another bizarre feature
observed within MONARCH programming. For instance, two young non
related children would be ceremoniously initiated in a magical "soul-
bonding" ritual so they might be "inseparably paired for eternity"
(possibly another Mengele connection?). They essentially share two
halves of the programmed information, making them interdependent
upon one another. Paranormal phenomenon such as astral projection,
telepathy, ESP, etc. appear to be more pronounced between those who
have undergone this process.
Levels of MONARCH Programming [12]
ALPHA. Regarded as "general" or regular programming within the base
control personality; characterized by extremely pronounced memory
retention, along with substantially increased physical strength and
visual acuity. Alpha programming is accomplished through
deliberately subdividing the victims personality which, in essence,
causes a left brain-right brain division, allowing for a programmed
union of L and R through neuron pathway stimulation.
BETA. Referred to as "sexual" programming. This programming
eliminates all learned moral convictions and stimulates the
primitive sexual instinct, devoid of inhibitions. "cat" alters may
come out at this level.
DELTA. This is known as "killer" programming, originally developed
for training special agents or elite soldiers (i.e. Delta Force,
First Earth Battalion, Mossad, etc.) in covert operations. Optimal
adrenal output and controlled aggression is evident. Subjects are
devoid of fear; very systematic in carrying out their assignment.
Self-destruct or suicide instructions are layered in at this level.
THETA considered to the "psychic" programming. Bloodliners (those
coming from multi-generational Satanic families) were determined to
exhibit a greater propensity for having telepathic abilities than
did non-bloodliners. Due to its evident limitations, however,
various forms of electronic mind control systems were developed and
introduced, namely, bio-medical human telemetry devices (brain
implants), directed-energy lasers using microwaves and/or
electromagnetics. It is reported these are used in conjunction with
highly-advanced computers and sophisticated satellite tracking
OMEGA. A "self-destruct" form of programming, also known as "Code
Green." The corresponding behaviors include suicidal tendencies
and/or self-mutilation. This program is generally activated when the
victim/survivor begins therapy or interrogation and too much memory
is being recovered.
GAMMA. Another form of system protection is through "deception"
programming, which elicits misinformation and misdirection. This
level is intertwined with demonology and tends to regenerate itself
at a later time if inappropriately deactivated.
Method and Components
The initial process begins with creating dissociation within the
subject, usually occurring from the time of birth to about six
years. This is primarily achieved through the use of electroshock
(ECT) and is at times performed even when the child is in the
mother's womb. Due to the severe trauma induced through ECT, sexual
abuse and other methods, the mind splits off into alternate
personalities from the core. Formerly referred to as Multiple
Personality Disorder, it is presently recognized as Dissociative
Identity Disorder and is the basis for MONARCH programming. Further
conditioning of the victim's mind is enhanced through hypnotism,
double-bind coercion, pleasure-pain reversals, food, water, sleep
and sensory deprivation, along with various drugs which alter
certain cerebral functions.
The next stage is to embed and compress detailed commands or
messages within the specified alter. This is achieved through the
use of hi-tech headsets, in conjunction with computer-driven
generators which emit inaudible sound waves or harmonics that affect
the RNA covering of neuron pathways to the subconscious and
unconscious mind. "Virtual Reality" optical devices are sometimes
used simultaneously with the harmonic generators projecting
pulsating colored lights, subliminals and split-screen visuals. High
voltage electroshock is then used for memory dissolution.
Programming is updated periodically and reinforced through visual,
auditory and written mediums. Some of the first programming themes
included the Wizard of Oz and Alice and Wonderland, both heavily
saturated with occultic symbolism. Many of the recent Disney movies
and cartoons are used in a two-fold manner: desensitizing the
majority of the population, using subliminals and neuro-linguistic
programming, and deliberately constructing specific triggers and
keys for base programming of highly-impressionable MONARCH children.
A prime example of how subliminal programming works is by looking at
the recent Disney cinematic sensation Pochahontas, curiously billed
as their "33rd" (highest degree in Scottish Rite Freemasonry)
animated movie. In the movie, Grandmother Willow is a mystical 400
year old tree who counsels the motherless Pochahontas to listen to
her heart and help her realize all the answers lie within.
Grandmother Willow is constantly talking in "double-speak" and
using "reversals" (i.e. "Sometimes the right path is not the easiest
one"; the esoteric derivative being: the left path [the path that
leads to destruction] is the easiest one. In Illuminati Structured
MPD Systems, the willow tree represents the occultic powers of
Druidism. The intrinsic imagery of the tree's branches, leaves and
root systems are very significant, as some of the dark spiritual
proper ties associated with the Willow Tree Programming are: (I)
The branches are used to whip victims in rituals for "cleansing"
purposes, (2) A willow tree can endure severe weather disturbances
(i.e. storms) and is known for it's pliability or flexibility.
Victims/Survivors of the programming describe the willow's branches
wrapping around them, with no hope of escape, (3) The deep root
system of the willow tree makes the victim/survivor feel as if they
are falling deeper and deeper into an abyss while in a hypnotic
Music plays an instrumental role in programming, through
combinations of variable tones, rhythms and words. Frightmeister
Stephen King's numerous novels and subsequent movies, are purported
by credible sources to be used for such villainous purposes. One of
his latest books, Insomnia, features a picture of King with the
trigger phrase "WE NEVER SLEEP," (indicative of someone with MPD/
DID) below an all-seeing eye. A partial list of other mediums used
to reinforce base programming are:
Pinnochio, Sleeping Beauty, Snow White, Beauty and the Beast,
Aladdin, The Little Mermaid, The Lion King, E. T., Star Wars, Ghost
Busters, Trancers II, Batman, Bewitched, Fantasy Island, Reboot,
Tiny Toons, Duck Tails, The Dead Sea Scrolls and The Tall Book of
Make Believe. A few movies which depict or portray some aspect of
MONARCH programming are Hell raiser 3, Raising Cain, Labyrinth,
Telefon, Johnny Mneumonic, Point of No Return, The Lawnmower Man and
Closet Land.
Programmers and Places
It's difficult to figure out who the original programmer of this
satanic project was, due to the substantial amount of disinformation
and cross-contamination propagated by the "powers that be." The two
that went by the color-coded name of Dr. Green are a Jewish doctor
named Dr. Gruenbaum, who supposedly collaborated with the Nazis
during WWII, and Dr. Josef Mengele, whose trademark of cold blooded
and calculating brutality has not only scarred the souls of
survivors from Auschwitz, but also a countless number of victims
throughout the world. Mengele's direct involvement at the infamous
Auschwitz concentration camp was suspiciously downplayed during the
Nuremberg Trials, and consequently no intensified effort by the U.S.
and it's allies was directed toward his capture.[13] As a means to
confuse serious investigators as to his whereabouts, U.S. officials
would report Mengele being a non-threatening, recluse in Paraguay or
Brazil, or that he was simply dead (the "Angel of Death"
miraculously must have come back to life at least five different
His unprecedented research, at the expense of thousands of lives,
undoubtedly was a significant bonus to U.S. interests, Besides using
the pseudonym of Dr. Green, survivors knew him as Vaterchen (daddy),
Schoner Josef (beautiful Joseph), David and Fairchild. A gracefully
handsome man of slight stature, Mengele would disarm people with his
gentle demeanor,while at other times, he would explode into violent
rages.[14] Other characteristics remembered by survivors were the
cadence of his shiny black boots as he paced back and forth and his
I-love-you/l-love-you-not" daisy game. When he pulled off the last
daisy petal, he would maliciously torture and kill a small child in
front of the other child he was programming. Distraught survivors
also recalled being thrown naked into cages with monkeys, who were
trained to viciously abuse them. Evidently, Mengele enjoyed reducing
people to the level of animals. He also would purposely restrain his
victims from crying, screaming, or showing any excessive emotion.
Dr. D. Ewen Cameron, also known as Dr. White, was the former head of
the Canadian, American and World Psychiatric Associations. Because
of Cameron's extensive experience and credentials, the ClA's Allen
Dulles funneled millions of dollars throughout organizations like
the society for the Investigation of Human Ecology, which Cameron
ruthlessly presided
over. Experimentations were conducted at several locations in
Montreal, mostly at McGill University, St Mary's Hospital and Allan
Memorial Institute.
Besides the conventional methods of psychiatric tyranny, such as
electroshock drug injections and lobotomies, Cameron conceived the
technique of "psychic driving," wherein unsuspecting patients were
kept in a drug induced coma for several weeks and administered a
regimen of electroshocks, while electronic helmets were strapped to
their heads and repetitive auditory messages were transmitted at
variable speeds.[15]
Many of those exploited were abused children which had been run
through the Roman Catholic orphanage system. Not surprisingly, Dr
Cameron has been conveniently left out of most psychiatric journals.
This may have been, in fact, largely due to Project MKULTRA being
publicly exposed in 1970, through lawsuits filed by Canadian
survivors and their families. The CIA and Canadian government
settled out of court so as not to be required to officially admit to
any wrongdoing.
A former U.S. Army Lt. Col. in the DIA's Psychological Warfare
Division, Michael Aquino, is the latest in a line of alleged
government-sponsored sadists. Aquino, an eccentric genius, founded
the Temple of Set, an offshoot of Anton LaVey's Church of Satan. His
obsession with Nazi pagan rituals and his hypnotic manipulation of
people made him an ideal candidate for the position of "Master
Programmer." Aquino was connected with the Presidio Army Base day
care scandal, in which he was accused child molestation. Much to the
dismay of the young victims' parents, all charges were dismissed.
Code-named "Malcolm", Aquino developed training tapes on how to
create a MONARCH slave and worked as a liaison between
Government/Military Intelligence and various criminal organizations
and occult groups in the distribution of MONARCH slaves.[16]
Heinrich Mueller was another important programmer who went under the
code names "Dr. Blue" or "Gog." He apparently has two sons who have
carried on the trade. The original "Dr. Black" was apparently Leo
Wheeler, the nephew of deceased General Ear1e G. Wheeler, who was
the commander of the Joint Chiefs of Staffs during the Vietnam War.
Wheeler's protege, E. Hummel is active in the Northwest, along with
W. Bowers (from the Rothschild bloodline).
Other alleged master mind manipulators, past and present, are: Dr.
Sydney Gottleib, Lt. Col John Alexander, Richard Dabney Anderson
(USN), Dr. James Monroe, Dr. John Lilly, Lt. Comdr. Thomas Narut, Dr
William Jennings Bryan, Dr. Bernard L. Diamond, Dr. Martin T. Orne,
Dr. Louis J. West, Dr Robert J. Lifton, Dr. Harris Isbel and Col.
Wilson Green In order to keep MKULTRA from being easily detected,
the CLA segmented its subprojects into specialized fields of
research and development at universities, prisons, private
laboratories and hospitals Of course, they were rewarded generously
with government grants and miscellaneous funding.
The names and locations of some of the major institutions involved
in MONARCH programming experimentation were/are:
Cornell, Duke, Princeton, UCLA, University of Rochester, MIT,
Georgetown University Hospital, Maimonides Medical Center, St.
Elizabeth's Hospital (Washington D.C.), Bell Laboratories, Stanford
Research Institute, Westinghouse Friendship Laboratories, General
Electric, ARCO and Manking Research Unlimited, The "final product"
was/is usually created on military installations and bases, where
maximum security is required. Referred to as (re) programming
centers or near-death trauma centers, the most heavily identified
China Lake Naval Weapons Center, The Presidio, Ft. Dietrick, Ft.
Campbell, Ft. Lewis, Ft. Hood, Redstone Arsenal, Offutt AFB, Patrick
AFB, McClellan AFB, MacGill AFB, Kirkland AFB, Nellis AFB, Homestead
AFB, Grissom AFB, Maxwell AFB and Tinker AFB
Other places recognized as major programming sites are Langley
Research Center, Los Alamos National Laboratories, Tavistock
Institute and areas in or by Mt. Shasta, CA, Lampe, MO and Las
Vegas, NV.
Notable Names
One of the first documented cases of a MONARCH secret agent was that
of the voluptuous 1940's model, Candy Jones. The book, The Control
of Candy Jones, (Playboy Press) portrays her 12 years of intrigue
and suspense as a spy for the CIA. Jones, whose birth name is
Jessica Wilcox, apparently fit the physiological profile as to be
one of the initial experiments or human guinea pigs under the
government's "scientific" project, MKULTRA.
The most publicized case of MONARCH monomania has surfaced through
the book TRANCE Formation of America:
The True Life Story of a ClA Slave by Cathy O'Brien. On the back
cover it emphatically states, "Cathy O'Brien is the only vocal and
recovered survivor of the Central Intelligence Agency's MKULTRA
Project Monarch mind control operation" This documented
autobiography contains compelling accounts of O'Brien's years of
unrelenting incest and eventual introduction into Project MONARCH by
her perverted father. Along with co-author Mark PhiIlips, her
rescuer and deprogrammer, Cathy covers an almost unbelievable array
of conspiratorial crime: forced prostitution (white slavery) with
those in the upper echelons of world politics, covert assignments as
a "drug mule" and courier, and the country-western music industry's
relationship with illegal CIA activities.
Paul Bonaci a courageous survivor who endured almost two decades of
degradation under Project MONARCH, has disclosed strong
corroborating evidence of widescale crimes and corruption from the
municipal/state level all the way up to the White House.[17] He has
testified about sexually-abused males selected from Boy's Town in
Nebraska and taken to nearby Offut AFB, where he says they were
subjected to intense MONARCH programming, directed mainly by
Commander Bill Plemmons and former Lt. Col. Michael Aquino.[18]
After thoroughly tormenting the young boys into mindless oblivion,
they were used (along with girls) for pornography and prostitution
with several of the nation's political and economic power brokers.
Bonnaci recalled being transported from the Air Force base via cargo
planes to McClelland AFB in California. Along with other unfortunate
adolescents and teenagers, he was driven to the elite retreat,
Bohemian Grove. The perpetrators took full advantage of these
innocent victims, committing unthinkable perversions in order to
satisfy their deviant lusts. Some victims were apparently murdered,
further traumatizing already terrified and broken childr en. An
insuitable actress of marginal talent (now deceased), a morally-
corrupt T.V. evangelist, a heralded former Green Beret officer and a
popular country-western singer are a few others likely having
succumbed to MONARCH madness. Lee Harvey Oswald, Sirhan-Sirhan,
Charlie Manson, John Hinckley Jr., Mark Chapman, David Koresh, Tim
McVeigh and John Salvi are some notable names of infamy, strongly
suspected of being pawns who were spawned by MKULTRA.
Deprogrammers and Exposers
Dr. Corydon Hammond, a Psychologist from the University of Utah,
delivered a stunning lecture entitled "Hypnosis in MPD: Ritual
Abuse" at the Fourth Annual Eastern Regional Conference on Abuse and
Multiple Personality, June 25, 1992 in Alexandria, Virginia. He
essentially confirmed the suspicions of the attentive crowd of
mental health professionals, wherein a certain percentage of their
clients had undergone mind control programming in an intensively
systematic manner. Hammond alluded to the Nazi connection, military
and CIA mind control research, Greek letter and color programming
and specifically mentioned the Monarch Project in relation to a form
of operative conditioning.
Shortly after his ground breaking speech, he received death threats.
Not wanting to jeopardize the safety of his family, Dr. Hammond
stopped disseminating any follow-up information, until recently.
Mark Phillips, a former electronics subcontractor for the Department
of Defense, was privy to some of the top secret mind control
activities perpetrated by the U.S. government. His inquisitive
demeanor, strong conscience and heart-felt concern for Cathy
O'Brien, a "Presidential Model' under Project MONARCH, prompted him
to reveal the inner-workings of this grand deception beginning about
1991. As the story goes, he helped Ms. O'Brien escape from her
captors and was able to deprogram her in about a years time in
Alaska. The controversial Phillips has his share of critics who are
skeptical of the veracity of his claims. New Orleans therapist
Valerie Wolf introduced two of her patients before the President's
Committee on Human Radiation Experiments on March 15, 1995 in
Washington D.C. The astonishing testimony made by these two brave
women included accounts of German doctors, torture, drugs,
electroshock, hypnosis and rape, besides being exposed to an
undetermined amount of radiation. Both Wolf and her patients stated
they recovered the memories of this CIA program without regression
or hypnosis techniques.[19] Wolf presently devotes much of her time
to counseling such survivors.
A former labor attorney for Atlantic Richfield Co., David E.
Rosenbaum, conducted a nine. year investigation (1983-1992)
concerning allegations of physical torture and coercive conditioning
of numerous employees at an ARCO plant in Monaca, PA.[20] His
clients, Jerry L. Dotey and Ann White, were victims of apparent
radiation exposure; but as Mr. Rosenbaum probed deeper in the
subsequent interview sessions, a "Pandora's Box" was unveiled. His
most astonishing conclusion was that Jerry Dotey and Ann White were
likely the off-spring of Adolf Hitler, based in part on the uncanny
resemblance from photos (facial features; bone structure and size
were taken into consideration). Rosenbaum also states, "They both
exhibit feelings and experiences that indicate they are twins."
Dotey and White were allegedly subjected to torture of many kinds
while under drug induced hypnosis, with each one undergoing at least
three training techniques by plant physicians. Each victim was
trained to enter into a hypnotic state upon the occurrence of
specific stimuli, usually involving a "cue" word or phrase and
trained to "remember to forget" what transpired in the hypnotic
state. They were repeatedly subjected to identical stimulus-response
sequence, to produce nearly automatic reactions to the particular
status. MKULTRA veteran, Dr. Bernard Diamond, Dr. Martin Orne and
Dr. Josef Mengele regularly visited the ARCO plant, according to
Rosenbaum. The special conditioning of Dotey and White was intended
for the artificial creation of dual German personalities. Rosenbaum,
who is Jewish, has maintained a deep friendship with the two,
despite the seemingly precarious circumstances.
Other renowned therapists involved in deprogramming are Cynthia
Byrtus, Pamela Monday, Steve Ogilvie, Bennett Braun, Jerry Mungadze
and Colin Ross. Some Christian counselors have been able to
eliminate parts of the programming with limited success.
Journalists who have recently expounded on the subject matter in
exemplary fashion are Walter Bowart, Operation Mind Control,
Jon Rappoport, U.S. Government Mind-Control Experiments on Children
Alex Constantine, Psychic Dictatorship In The USA
The most incriminating statement to date made by a government
official as to the possible existence of Project MONARCH was
extracted by Anton Chaitkin, a writer for the publication, The New
When former CIA Director William Colby was asked directly, "What
about monarch?" he replied angrily and ambiguously, "We stopped that
between the late 1960's and the early 1970's." Suffice to say that
society, in its apparent state of cognitive dissonance, is generally
in denial of the over whelming evidence of this multifarious
conspiracy. Numerous victims/ survivors of Project MONARCH are in
desperate need of help. However, the great majority of people are
too preoccupied with themselves to show any genuine compassion
toward these severely wounded individuals. Apathy has taken over the
minds of the masses, who choose to exist within the comforts of this
world. Reality has thus become obscured by relativism and
Although there has been some progress in deprogramming and
reintegrating therapies, a much greater problem needs to be
rectified. The Holy Bible addresses this problem as the
fragmentation of the soul (Ezekiel 13:20). A spiritual restoration
is what is truly needed (Psalm 23:3) but can only take place by
completely trusting in Jesus Christ as the way to salvation (John
3:16; I Peter 3:18) and deliverance from demonic oppression and/or
possession (Mark 16:17). The true humility of Christ and the love of
God effectively counters the pride and hatred of Satan.
Statistically, the road to recovery for these survivors of
unimaginable depravity is a long and tedious one, but God is the
ultimate healer and only within his time, through His strength and
by His grace, can the captives be set free (Isaiah 61:1).
1. David L. Carrico, The Egyptian Masonic Satanic Connection, 1992
2. Walter H. Bowart, Operation Mind Control, Flatland Editions,
1994, p. 216
3. Martin Cannon, Mind Control and the American Government,
Prevailing Winds Research, 1994, p. 19
4. Linda Hunt, Secret Agenda, St. Martin's Press, 1991
5. Final Report of the Select Committee to Study Governmental
Operations, U.S. Senate, April 1976, p. 337
6. Ibid, p. 390
7. John Marks, The Search For The Manchurian Candidate, Times Books,
1979, pp 60-61
8. Final Report of the Select Committee to Study Governmental
Operations, U.S. Senate, April 1976, p. 391
9. Mark Phillips and Cathy O'Brien, Project Monarch, 1993
10. Barbara G. Walker, The Woman's Dictionary of Symbols and Sacred
Objects, Harper Collins, 1988
11. Marshall Cavendish, Man, Myth and Magic, 1995
12. Dr. Corydon Hammond, The Greenbaum Speech, 1992; Mark Phillips
and Cathy O'Brien, Project Monarch Programming Definitions, 1993
13. Gerald L. Posner, Mengele: The Complete Story, McGraw-Hill, 1986
14. Lucette Matalon Lagnado, Dr. Josef Mengele and the Untold Story
of the Twins of Auschwitz, Morrow, 1991
15. Gordon Thomas, Journey into Madness: The True Story of Secret
CIA Mind Control and Medical Abuse, Bantam Books, 1989
16. Cathy O'Brien and Mark Phillips, Trance Formation of America,
17. John DeCamp, The Franklin Cover-Up, Child Abuse, Satanism and
Murder in Nebraska, AWT Inc, 1992
18. Anton Chaitkin, "Franklin Witnesses Implicate FBI and U.S.
Elites in Torture and Murder of Children", The New Federalist, 1993
19. Jon Rappoport, "CIA Experiments with Mind Control on Children",
Perceptions Magazine, September/October 1995, p. 56
20. David E. Rosenbaum, Esq., First Draft Overview of Investigation
of the Group, 1983-1993
Reprinted with permission from PARANOIA: The Conspiracy Reader. 1
year (4 issues) for $20 ($30 Int'l Airmail).
Paranoia, PO Box 1041, Providence, RI
02901-1041. A compilation, "The Conspiracy Reader" (Citadel Press,
1999), is available from any bookstore.
Message 9
From: "Scott Peden"
Date: Sun Apr 23, 2006 0:00am(PDT)
Subject: Re: How successful has the 911 truth movement been?
It is something like 10-100 times more effective, the word of mouth
It also takes 10 good things to equal out one well placed negative.
I loved my country, I do not trust my government.
I have often said things like that in public and while looking as sad as I
feel, ask to those around me in general, can anyone tell me one or two
incidents where our government trusts us? All these laws showing that they
fear us just makes me feel worse.
The seeds of doubt and wonderment that someone could actually say out loud
what many feel, and then not get killed or hauled off by Big Brother does
wonders for letting others know that it is safe to discuss their fears in
public and at that point, we are just that much more empowered to produce
Sure wish we had a political alternative to refer folks to that would make a
difference rather than who is the lesser of the evils and how can we be sure
they are….
-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of kitty285
Sent: Saturday, April 22, 2006 6:21 PM
Subject: Re: [911TruthAction] How successful has the 911 truth movement
And word my mouth really spreads fast !!!
----- Original Message -----
From: "Scott Peden" <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, April 22, 2006 1:57 AM
Subject: RE: [911TruthAction] How successful has the 911 truth movement
> Yeah kitty, you do the same things I do.
> Those that knew from the beginning that this was an inside job or really
> suspected it, have already done some research on their own, we are opening
> the thoughts and minds of those that just didn't notice the magicians bag
> of tricks.
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of kitty285
> Sent: Friday, April 21, 2006 6:45 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [911TruthAction] How successful has the 911 truth movement
> been?
> Jolly Roger first i try to find out if they have turned on him,then i tell
> them what searches to do,if you tell the folks the truth straight off
> mouth falls open,and they clam up,you might say i plant a seed,enough to
> them searching,most think im crazy,i have to go slow,i let them find out
> there own,i give enough info for that person that i think he can deal with
> it,when they say where did you hear that,i say i found it on
> women are low life here,i dare not tell a man anything,his ego will make
> search,he will be the big shot to his buddies.
> Im from Ca. fourth generation,im her because my daughter is here.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Jolly Roger" <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Thursday, April 20, 2006 10:06 AM
> Subject: RE: [911TruthAction] How successful has the 911 truth movement
> been?
> > Kitty - Scott has an excellent approach here, but since I work with New
> Yorkers instead of rednecks, lately I've been saying things like "you're a
> naive idiot if you believe that bullshit," and other similarly offensive
> remarks. (maybe I'm becoming angry at the fools) Another new approach of
> mine is to mention in a list the Luiatania, the Maine, the Gulf of Tonkin,
> and Pearl harbor and say "They pull the same trick before every war, and
> American people are still dumb enough to keep falling for it."
> >
> > Scott Peden <> wrote:
> >
> > v\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);} o\:*
> w\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);} .shape {behavior:url(#default#VML);}
> Working rednecks huh? I have a pretty good handle on them.
> >
> > I don't tell them nuthin, I ask them things like, They really think
> we believe 3 buildings came down when only 2 planes hit ad the fire wasn't
> hot enough to do a brush burn! (just a statement) but if you can make a
> statement them say, they really think we are that stupid, don't they? That
> tactic works wonders. No one wants to be called stupid.
> >
> > When I get my rare cups of coffee the newspaper stand is right next to
> me, I take every advantage to say something like, did you see in this
> that they said this BS? What do they take us for, idiots? And do the
> question statement thing, get my coffee and get the hell outta there,
> they are now thinking. On a good day I can have all within earshot talking
> about this, and I don't mean whispering and I do this in the republican
> up area of my county. In under a year, even the Bush/Cheney people will
> attack 9/11 comments and many will say, someone must be threatening our
> pResident or he'd do something about this!
> >
> > I never say what they have to believe, I make a semi statement of
> and then ask questions. The moment you take a solid stance, they can shut
> you off and they can just deny anything you say, so I ask them for their
> opinion, or say "You believes this and that , don't you? After all, you
> don't look as stupid as those folks seem to think we voters are" That is,
> ask a question and make them right and note that they aren't idiots, even
> you may personally think they are.
> >
> > At the very least, it is progress and without that, we're all dead if
> we're lucky and if not luck, we'd indentured servitude in the work force
> prison of choice of the Multi nationals.
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From:
> []On Behalf Of kitty285
> > Sent: Wednesday, April 19, 2006 6:54 PM
> > To:
> > Subject: Re: [911TruthAction] How successful has the 911 truth movement
> been?
> >
> > Kevin,im trying to work the Bible Belt without my head blown off by a
> red
> > neck !!
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "Kevin Hammond" <>
> > To: <>
> > Sent: Wednesday, April 19, 2006 1:30 PM
> > Subject: Re: [911TruthAction] How successful has the 911 truth movement
> > been?
> >
> >
> > > The internet is NOT ENOUGH. There are millions that do NOT have
> > We are now getting down to the wire and must pull out ALL of the stops
> > LITTERALLY do EVERYTHING that we can to get this information OUT! The
> > alternative is a MASSIVE one world police state the likes of which NO
> > here can possibly fathom. PLEASE! everyone one this group that knows
> > ANYTHING about 9/11 and false flag terror MUST get out there and educate
> as
> > many people as possible! Otherwisw we are all up a creek without a
> paddle.
> > Go to the files section and download flyers and copy them and put them
> > EVERYWHERE! Burn copies of dvds and give them out. Do whatever you CAN
> to
> > get this information OUT!.
> > >
> > > Kevin
> > >
> > >
> > > Dick Eastman <> wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > > v\:* { BEHAVIOR: url(#default#VML) } o\:* { BEHAVIOR:
> > url(#default#VML) } w\:* { BEHAVIOR: url(#default#VML) } .shape {
> > BEHAVIOR: url(#default#VML) } I have always placed my
> on
> > using the internet to expose to the world what they are and what they
> > done. The 9-11 frameup is a crime big enough that people can't brush it
> > aside. Our best hope is to show the world the ample evidence of the
> > false-flag attack -- and then enlarge that hole until their motives and
> > their other crimes are exposed. They cannot withstand public opinion.
> > >
> > > It is the only strategy I know -- and it is one I will keep
> ushing --
> > but I must admit, in five years I have not seen the people take what we
> > already know and use it to enlighten the world.
> > >
> > > Charlie Sheen is the best thing that has happened in five years.
> > circumstances favor his efforts.
> > >
> > > Dick Eastman
> > > Yakima, Washington
> > > ----- Original Message -----
> > > From: Scott Peden
> > > To:
> > > Sent: Tuesday, April 18, 2006 9:27 PM
> > > Subject: RE: [911TruthAction] How successful has the 911 truth
> movement
> > been?
> > >
> > >
> > > So, you are saying that it is hopeless?
> > >
> > > Or do you proscribe a course of action as the internet ad our
> > evaporate all at once?
> > >
> > > Or are you depending on the masses to rise up when their
> > is taken away?
> > >
> > >
> > > -----Original Message-----
> > > From:
> > []On Behalf Of Dick Eastman
> > > Sent: Tuesday, April 18, 2006 11:10 AM
> > > To:
> > > Subject: Re: [911TruthAction] How successful has the 911 truth
> > been?
> > >
> > > The plague will not be like the attack on the Pentagon -- it will be
> > beyond our ability to investigate.
> > >
> > > Next the nuclear bomb that will be blamed on Iraq -- because there
> will
> > be no invasion right away, they are setting Iran up for blame for the
> > false-flag nuclear attack -- the bomb that will be blamed on Iran will
> > leave evidence -- and the sudden loss of all freedoms by the
> > of martial law, including the shutdown of the internet, will not permit
> > investigations of any kind.
> > >
> > > Or perhaps they will let the internet continue so they can guage our
> > thinking and trace our connections -- more for them to lose by cutting
> > off.
> > >
> > >
> > > ----- Original Message -----
> > > From: Scott Legere
> > >
> > > To:
> > > Sent: Tuesday, April 18, 2006 4:14 AM
> > > Subject: Re: [911TruthAction] How successful has the 911 truth
> movement
> > been?
> > >
> > > It's amazing what a little awareness can do huh?
> > >
> > > mikemeyer1964 <> wrote:
> > >
> > > With all of the saber rattling with Iran, I had the following
> > > thought. I believe that the 911 Truth Movement has been successful in
> > > one key area. While we have not broken through to main stream
> > > America, I believe that we have created enough awareness about 911
> > > that the gov't has to really think twice before they can stage another
> > > False Flag event.
> > >
> > > The gov't has gotten away with covering up 911 to date, in part
> > > because they effectively created a cover story and destroyed the
> > > evidence very quickly. With enough people aware of what our gov't is
> > > capable of now, if they try another False Flag, there will be a lot of
> > > people recording every news station and outlet; video and still
> > > camera's everywhere, and a lot more people asking a lot more questions
> > > right after the event. It will be more difficult to cover up
> > > evidence. I was curious as to everyone's thoughts on what I would
> > > call a small success for the movement.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > ---------------------------------
> > >
> > > Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone Calls to the US (and
> > countries) for 2¢/min or less.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > ---------------------------------
> > >
> > >
> > > Visit your group "911TruthAction" on the web.
> > >
> > > To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:
> > >
> > >
> > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of
> > >
> > >
> > > ---------------------------------
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Saoirse go deo!
> > >
> > > ---------------------------------
> > > Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. PC-to-Phone calls for ridiculously low
> rates.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > United state citizenship United state government grant
> state grant United state coin United state army United state
> military
> >
> > ---------------------------------
> >
> >
> > Visit your group "911TruthAction" on the web.
> >
> > To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:
> >
> >
> > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.
> >
> >
> > ---------------------------------
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > "There comes a time when every man feels the urge to spit on his hands,
> hoist the black flag, and start slitting throats." -- H.L. Mencken
> >
> >
> >
> > ---------------------------------
> > Blab-away for as little as 1¢/min. Make PC-to-Phone Calls using Yahoo!
> Messenger with Voice.
> _____
> * Visit your group " 911TruthAction
> <> " on the web.
> * To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:
> <>
> * Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of
> Service <> .
> _____
* Visit your group " 911TruthAction
<> " on the web.
* To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:
* Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of
Service <> .
Message 10
From: "Cait"
Date: Sun Apr 23, 2006 0:17am(PDT)
Subject: Re: U.S. Foresees Fighting Beyond War Zones ? Rumsfeld OKs newpla
This is really frightening, especially this paragraph:
"A third plan sets out how the military can both disrupt and respond to
another major terrorist strike on the United States. It includes lengthy
annexes that offer a menu of options for the military to retaliate quickly
against specific terrorist groups, individuals or state sponsors depending
on who is believed to be behind an attack. Another attack could create both
a justification and an opportunity that is lacking today to retaliate
against some known targets, according to current and former defense
officials familiar with the plan.
This plan details "what terrorists or bad guys we would hit if the gloves
came off. The gloves are not off," said one official, who asked not to be
identified because of the sensitivity of the subject."
I think this article could be very useful as an opening argument of
introduction to the world of 9/11 truth. Signs similar to this (the
statements in that paragraph) were evident before 9/11, but ignored /
-------Original Message-------
Date: 04/23/06 01:26:30
Subject: [911TruthAction] U.S. Foresees Fighting Beyond War Zones ? Rumsfeld
OKs newplans for
U.S. Foresees Fighting Beyond War Zones ?
Rumsfeld OKs new plans for fighting terror -
(They Must be Removed at Any Cost !) Highlights -
Visit your group "911TruthAction" on the web.
To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:
Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.
Message 11
From: "Scott Peden"
Date: Sun Apr 23, 2006 0:34am(PDT)
Subject: Re: How successful has the 911 truth movement been?
That’s right.
I figure it is my job each day to smell the dust burn as I make someone that
hasn’t used their own brain suddenly find it engaged and taking off on it’s
-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of kitty285
Sent: Saturday, April 22, 2006 12:59 PM
Subject: Re: [911TruthAction] How successful has the 911 truth movement
You got that right Scott,that's why i think they have discovered the truth
themselves,then they get real excited,and ready to do something,if you tell
them the awful unbelievable truth they clam up,ears close,and think you the
fool,lol im 70 years disabled woman,so they are polite,and don't walk away
from me,i keep talking in my sweet grandma voice. You know even if you make
them mad,and they do walk away,they will go home,and start doing
----- Original Message -----
From: "Scott Peden" <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, April 22, 2006 2:02 AM
Subject: RE: [911TruthAction] How successful has the 911 truth movement
> Yeah, I have 2 Viet Nam Republican lifers that I know well enough to
> consider them friends. It has taken years, but they admit now that 9/11
> an inside job, they now hate bush, but still think Kerry would have been
> worse, so I ask, if it is that bad, is that why the right to keep and bear
> arms was written into the constitution? And they get an angry look, and
> glance away, though they are no longer angry at me for making them ask and
> answer the realities that they know happened.
> At the very least, I cost Bush 2 mega supporters. BTW, these 2 men now
> me that the GOP has betrayed them too. See what happens if you get a brain
> to start working on it's own?
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of kitty285
> Sent: Friday, April 21, 2006 6:56 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [911TruthAction] How successful has the 911 truth movement
> been?
> Would you believe i get remarks like i voted for Bush,because my Daddy
> always voted Republican,im talking about a man,my son in-law,says he don't
> want to know about anything,he will just vote for Rice,just sends me to
> tears.
> The old saying don't matter who you vote for,just get out there,and vote
> a bunch of crap !!!
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Jolly Roger" <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Thursday, April 20, 2006 9:25 AM
> Subject: Re: [911TruthAction] How successful has the 911 truth movement
> been?
> > Kitty -- if someone's not receptive to the info move on -- some people
> simply don't want to know the truth. Try to convinve one or two people
> to you so you have someone to work with. And since the mainstream media
> already convinced them that you're crazy for suggesting such a thing, it
> might be wise to first discredit the MSM by exposing some of their other
> lies, and that might pave the way to having a more receptive 9-11 Truth
> audience.
> >
> > kitty285 <> wrote: Kevin,im trying to work the
> Belt without my head blown off by a red
> > neck !!
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "Kevin Hammond" <>
> > To: <>
> > Sent: Wednesday, April 19, 2006 1:30 PM
> > Subject: Re: [911TruthAction] How successful has the 911 truth movement
> > been?
> >
> >
> > > The internet is NOT ENOUGH. There are millions that do NOT have
> > We are now getting down to the wire and must pull out ALL of the stops
> > LITTERALLY do EVERYTHING that we can to get this information OUT! The
> > alternative is a MASSIVE one world police state the likes of which NO
> > here can possibly fathom. PLEASE! everyone one this group that knows
> > ANYTHING about 9/11 and false flag terror MUST get out there and educate
> as
> > many people as possible! Otherwisw we are all up a creek without a
> paddle.
> > Go to the files section and download flyers and copy them and put them
> > EVERYWHERE! Burn copies of dvds and give them out. Do whatever you CAN
> to
> > get this information OUT!.
> > >
> > > Kevin
> > >
> > >
> > > Dick Eastman <> wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > > v\:* { BEHAVIOR: url(#default#VML) } o\:* { BEHAVIOR:
> > url(#default#VML) } w\:* { BEHAVIOR: url(#default#VML) } .shape {
> > BEHAVIOR: url(#default#VML) } I have always placed my
> on
> > using the internet to expose to the world what they are and what they
> > done. The 9-11 frameup is a crime big enough that people can't brush it
> > aside. Our best hope is to show the world the ample evidence of the
> > false-flag attack -- and then enlarge that hole until their motives and
> > their other crimes are exposed. They cannot withstand public opinion.
> > >
> > > It is the only strategy I know -- and it is one I will keep
> ushing --
> > but I must admit, in five years I have not seen the people take what we
> > already know and use it to enlighten the world.
> > >
> > > Charlie Sheen is the best thing that has happened in five years.
> > circumstances favor his efforts.
> > >
> > > Dick Eastman
> > > Yakima, Washington
> > > ----- Original Message -----
> > > From: Scott Peden
> > > To:
> > > Sent: Tuesday, April 18, 2006 9:27 PM
> > > Subject: RE: [911TruthAction] How successful has the 911 truth
> movement
> > been?
> > >
> > >
> > > So, you are saying that it is hopeless?
> > >
> > > Or do you proscribe a course of action as the internet ad our
> > evaporate all at once?
> > >
> > > Or are you depending on the masses to rise up when their
> > is taken away?
> > >
> > >
> > > -----Original Message-----
> > > From:
> > []On Behalf Of Dick Eastman
> > > Sent: Tuesday, April 18, 2006 11:10 AM
> > > To:
> > > Subject: Re: [911TruthAction] How successful has the 911 truth
> > been?
> > >
> > > The plague will not be like the attack on the Pentagon -- it will be
> > beyond our ability to investigate.
> > >
> > > Next the nuclear bomb that will be blamed on Iraq -- because there
> will
> > be no invasion right away, they are setting Iran up for blame for the
> > false-flag nuclear attack -- the bomb that will be blamed on Iran will
> > leave evidence -- and the sudden loss of all freedoms by the
> > of martial law, including the shutdown of the internet, will not permit
> > investigations of any kind.
> > >
> > > Or perhaps they will let the internet continue so they can guage our
> > thinking and trace our connections -- more for them to lose by cutting
> > off.
> > >
> > >
> > > ----- Original Message -----
> > > From: Scott Legere
> > >
> > > To:
> > > Sent: Tuesday, April 18, 2006 4:14 AM
> > > Subject: Re: [911TruthAction] How successful has the 911 truth
> movement
> > been?
> > >
> > > It's amazing what a little awareness can do huh?
> > >
> > > mikemeyer1964 <> wrote:
> > >
> > > With all of the saber rattling with Iran, I had the following
> > > thought. I believe that the 911 Truth Movement has been successful in
> > > one key area. While we have not broken through to main stream
> > > America, I believe that we have created enough awareness about 911
> > > that the gov't has to really think twice before they can stage another
> > > False Flag event.
> > >
> > > The gov't has gotten away with covering up 911 to date, in part
> > > because they effectively created a cover story and destroyed the
> > > evidence very quickly. With enough people aware of what our gov't is
> > > capable of now, if they try another False Flag, there will be a lot of
> > > people recording every news station and outlet; video and still
> > > camera's everywhere, and a lot more people asking a lot more questions
> > > right after the event. It will be more difficult to cover up
> > > evidence. I was curious as to everyone's thoughts on what I would
> > > call a small success for the movement.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > ---------------------------------
> > >
> > > Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone Calls to the US (and
> > countries) for 2¢/min or less.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > ---------------------------------
> > >
> > >
> > > Visit your group "911TruthAction" on the web.
> > >
> > > To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:
> > >
> > >
> > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of
> > >
> > >
> > > ---------------------------------
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Saoirse go deo!
> > >
> > > ---------------------------------
> > > Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. PC-to-Phone calls for ridiculously low
> rates.
> >
> >
> > ---------------------------------
> >
> >
> > Visit your group "911TruthAction" on the web.
> >
> > To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:
> >
> >
> > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.
> >
> >
> > ---------------------------------
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > "There comes a time when every man feels the urge to spit on his hands,
> hoist the black flag, and start slitting throats." -- H.L. Mencken
> >
> > ---------------------------------
> > Blab-away for as little as 1¢/min. Make PC-to-Phone Calls using Yahoo!
> Messenger with Voice.
> _____
> * Visit your group " 911TruthAction
> <> " on the web.
> * To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:
> <>
> * Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of
> Service <> .
> _____
* Visit your group " 911TruthAction
<> " on the web.
* To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:
* Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of
Service <> .
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