There are 22 messages in this issue.
Topics in this digest:
From: "jewish_from_brooklyn"
2. The Bush Family and 9/11 - tvnl news
From: "reggie501"
3. WestPoint Graduates Against the War
From: "James Patton"
4. A Day in the Life: 5/14/6
From: "President, USA Exile Govt."
5. Re: Judge Orders "World Can't Wait" activist to Psych Unit
From: "janet phelan"
6. What is the idea government according to Talmud? according to the S
From: "Dick Eastman"
7. Fw: Research supporting 9-11 crime-coverup theory of the crashbomb
From: "Dick Eastman"
8. Fw: Saudi Paper: Mossad responsible for 9-11
From: "Dick Eastman"
9. Fw: The Crash of American Airlines Flight 587 in Queens (remote cont
From: "Dick Eastman"
10. Fw: The Profits Of Death - Damning New Evidence Of 911 Insider Trad
From: "Dick Eastman"
11. Fw: Fwd: Fw: EDITED: The Crime that Covered-up the Coup - kirwan
From: "Debi Clark"
12. Bush to Call for thousands of Guard Troops on Border + + + + Bush to
From: ""
13. Fw: 9/11 F R A M E - U P C A S E S O L V E D -- W H O A N D
From: "Dick Eastman"
14. Re: [911_free_discussion] secondary explosions
From: "Dick Eastman"
15. Fw: 9/11 F R A M E - U P C A S E S O L V E D -- W H O A N D
From: "Dick Eastman"
16. Re: [911_free_discussion] secondary explosions
From: "Dick Eastman"
17. Fw: Flight 77 landed at Ronald Reagan National Airport 2 miles from
From: "Dick Eastman"
18. Fw: Victor Ostrovsky, former Mossad case officer tells how Mossad go
From: "Dick Eastman"
19. Fw: Victor Ostrovsky, former Mossad case officer tells how Mossad go
From: "Dick Eastman"
20. Fw: Victor Ostrovsky, former Mossad case officer tells how Mossad go
From: "Dick Eastman"
21. Yankee Ingenuity!!! One Approach To The Illegal Alien Worker
From: "John Perna"
22. 911 truth dvd's for $1
From: ""
Message 1
From: "jewish_from_brooklyn"
Date: Sun May 14, 2006 6:46am(PDT)
Message 2
From: "reggie501"
Date: Sun May 14, 2006 7:44am(PDT)
Subject: The Bush Family and 9/11 - tvnl news
9/11 News :
· Kevin Barrett: Media hide truth: 9/11 was inside job - Despite the
prestigious speaker and venue, and the gravity of the charges aired,
for most Americans indeed most Madisonians the event never happened.
Why? Because it was censored, subjected to a total media blackout.
· The Bush Family and 9/11 - The Bush family are huge beneficiaries of
the 'War on Terror' thanks to their connections to the Carlyle Group,
and it just so happens that Shafig bin Laden, brother to Osama, was at
a Carlyle Group conference in Washington on 9/11:
Message 3
From: "James Patton"
Date: Sun May 14, 2006 8:02am(PDT)
Subject: WestPoint Graduates Against the War
WestPoint Graduates Against the War
Weapons of mass destruction LIE!
Saddam linked with 9/11 LIE!
"We don´t torture." LIE!
"A cadet will not lie, cheat or steal, or tolerate those who do."
- Cadet Honor Code -
To help reclaim the honor of the United States Of America
Instilled by the Cadet Honor System with a fundamental, longstanding respect for truth, we graduates of the United States Military Academy believe that honor is a basic attribute of character. That we are no longer cadets is irrelevant. We stand appalled by the deceitful behavior of the government of the United States and, in particular, its widely known malefactors. Lying, cheating, stealing, delivering evasive statements and quibbling not only has demeaned these deceivers and the United States of America, but has placed vast numbers of innocent people in deadly peril. We will not serve the lies.
The war in Iraq was launched illegally. It has since killed tens of thousands of innocents, causing incalculable damage to Iraq and the Iraqi people, as well as the reputation of the United States of America. We will not serve the lies.
When we West Point graduates took our commissioning oath of office one past June morning, we swore to protect our nation against all enemies, foreign and domestic. The deceitful connivances of the current administration have resulted in a war catastrophic to our nation´s interests: politically, economically, militarily, and morally. We now stand to protect our nation from these deceivers. We will not serve their lies.
We seek justice for all victims of this illegal war, both servicemen and servicewomen, and the citizens of Iraq.
To our purpose we invoke the words of Thomas Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence whereby we too "mutually pledge to each other our lives, our Fortunes, & our sacred Honor."
"When people speak to you about a preventive war, you tell them to go and fight it. After my experience, I have come to hate war." (2)
"I hate war as only a soldier who has lived it can, only as one who has seen its brutality, its stupidity. War settles nothing." (3)
"Here in America we are descended in blood and in spirit from revolutionists and rebels - men and women who dare to dissent from accepted doctrine. As their heirs, may we never confuse honest dissent with disloyal subversion." (4)
"If all that Americans want is security, they can go to prison. They´ll have enough to eat, a bed and a roof over their heads. But if an American wants to preserve his dignity and his equality as a human being, he must not bow his neck to any dictatorial government." (5)
Dwight D. Eisenhower
34th President of the United States
Say no to this illegal, dishonorable war
click here
Message 4
From: "President, USA Exile Govt."
Date: Sun May 14, 2006 8:35am(PDT)
Subject: A Day in the Life: 5/14/6
Free Americans Reaching
Out to Amerika's Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Free
Via <>
May 14, 2006
Last Updated: Saturday, 13 May 2006, 03:59 GMT 04:59 UK
Oxfam Criticizes DR
Congo Donors
The aid agency Oxfam has criticized donor countries for failing to
tackle the humanitarian crisis in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Oxfam says donor countries have contributed only $94m (£50m) to a $682m
special appeal launched in February.
It says more than 100,000 people have died in the three-month period
from diseases that might have been cured.
Countries singled out for criticism by the agency include the US,
Japan, Germany, France, Italy and the UK.
Oxfam says DR Congo is a forgotten disaster zone in which 3.9m people
have died over the past eight years.
The Humanitarian Action Plan was launched by the United Nations, the
Red Cross and aid agencies in February.
It comes as the country approaches UN-backed elections in July, which
will be the first democratic polls the DRC has ever held.
The BBC's World Affairs Correspondent Mark Doyle says it is unusual for
aid agencies to name - and try to shame - specific countries.
But Oxfam has called the contributions of the United States and Japan
"minuscule" compared with the size of their economies and said that
Germany and France had committed little and Italy nothing.
The aid agency calculates what it calls "fair shares" by comparing the
amount appealed for with the size of economies.
According to Oxfam, Britain gave only about half of the share it could
have been expected to contribute.
But a spokesman for the Department for International Development told
the BBC that the UK had pledged £60m in additional aid to the DR Congo
over the next two years to help with the humanitarian situation in the
He said the money would go to providing emergency food and shelter,
medical equipment , clean water and to rebuild schools destroyed by the
Oxfam's representative in Congo, Juliette Prodhan, said it was good
that donors had agreed to help finance the forthcoming polls, but that
the country's problems would not be cured by voting alone.
"Rich country governments have a moral obligation to act when 1,200
people are dying every day from conflict-related causes," she said.
"The stark reality is that humanitarian needs in the DRC are receiving
one sixtieth of what was contributed to alleviate suffering after the
2004 tsunami."
After years of war and misrule, there is little infrastructure in DR
Congo, which is about the size of Western Europe, and there are no road
or rail links from one side of the country to the other.
Fighting - particularly in the east - continues between rival militias
and government forces. Hundreds of thousands of people have been
displaced from their homes.
A United Nations peacekeeping force of nearly 17,000 troops - the
world's largest - operates in the country and is being augmented by a
1,500-strong European Union rapid reaction force over the election
An Iranian offer that America must heed
The Ahmadinejad letter is
an invitation to dialogue as well as
a reminder of the dangers
posed by the Bush administration
by Siddharth Varadarajan
May 12, 2006
The Hindu
WITH THE exception of one highly regrettable sentence implicitly
questioning the historicity of the Nazi holocaust against the Jews and
another hinting at the complicity of U.S. intelligence agencies in
9/11, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's 18-page letter to his
American counterpart, George W. Bush, is a tour de force of the kind
the world of diplomacy has not seen for a long time.
This extraordinary document — cleverly drafted in the religious idiom
that Mr. Bush and his neoconservative advisers allegedly believe in,
complete with a reference to Judgment Day — is the first official
communication from the head of the Iranian government to an American
President since the 1979 revolution that overthrew the Shah. It is also
a masterpiece of political clarity and philosophical opaqueness, which
will frustrate and provoke Washington. The world sees the well-timed
letter as a diplomatic opening — which it most certainly is — but the
Bush administration is not interested in diplomacy. Nor does it look
kindly upon those who seek to suggest that the recent crescendo of
allegations against Iran resembles the lies Washington told about
weapons of mass destruction in the run-up to its disastrous invasion of
Iraq in 2003.
The experience of Iraq is the single most important argument the
Iranian President marshals to make the point that the Bush
administration's policy towards Iran is misconceived and dangerous. And
he urges the American President to change course lest he be judged
harshly by three separate courts: of God, of history and of his own
Because of the possibility of the existence of WMDs in Iraq, Mr.
Ahmadinejad's letter notes, the country was occupied, "around one
hundred thousand people killed, its water sources, agriculture and
industry destroyed, close to 180,000 foreign troops put on the ground,
sanctity of private homes of citizens broken, and the country pushed
back perhaps fifty years ... Lies were told in the Iraqi matter. What
was the result? I have no doubt that telling lies is reprehensible in
any culture, and you do not like to be lied to."
The letter is formally addressed to Mr. Bush but its arguments are all
aimed at a wider audience, particularly in Europe, West Asia, and the
U.S. To the people of the United States, Mr. Ahmadinejad offers a
reminder of the high price they are paying thanks to the Bush
administration's lies in Iraq: "Hundreds of billions of dollars spent
from the treasury of one country and certain other countries and tens
of thousands of young men and women — as occupation troops — put in
harm's way, taken away from family and loved ones, their hands stained
with the blood of others, subjected to so much psychological pressure
that everyday some commit suicide and those returning home suffer
depression, become sickly and grapple with all sorts of ailments; while
some are killed and their bodies handed to their families."
Post-9/11, Mr. Ahmadinejad writes, the American people have been made
to feel less secure thanks to their government's policies. And the U.S.
administration has thrown all principles of human rights out of the
window by incarcerating people indefinitely without trial and
maintaining secret prisons. In a direct reference to Mr. Bush's
much-publicised religious beliefs, the Iranian President asks how all
of this can be reconciled with someone being "a follower of Jesus
Christ, the great Messenger of God."
But there is more to the letter than mere rhetoric. In directly
addressing the U.S. President, Mr. Ahmadinejad is reprising a tradition
as familiar to Iranian statecraft as its experience with `regime
Under pressure from the same Anglo-American powers ranged against
Teheran today, Mohammed Mossadegh, who was Prime Minister of Iran until
being forcibly overthrown in 1953, wrote a number of letters to
President Dwight D. Eisenhower. Mossadegh had asserted Iran's
independence against the British by nationalising its oil and was being
subjected to punitive action by Britain and the U.S. "Although it was
hoped that during Your Excellency's administration attention of a more
sympathetic character would be devoted to the Iranian situation,"
Mossadegh wrote to Eisenhower on May 28, 1953, "unfortunately no change
seems thus far to have taken place in the position of the American
Government." He also complained that Iran had made numerous proposals
for the amicable settlement of its dispute with the Anglo-American oil
companies but these had not been responded to.
Unlike President Bush, who got Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to
reject Mr. Ahmadinejad's letter, Eisenhower gave Mossadegh the courtesy
of a reply. But he was also dishonest and misleading. The plot hatched
by the Dulles brothers for Mossadegh's overthrow was already under way.
On August 19, 1953, Iran was brought back kicking and screaming into
the Free World.
As a former teacher, Mr. Ahmadinejad knows Iran's history well. He also
knows Mossadegh erred in not correctly reading the intentions of the
U.S. and in being reactive. Elected to the presidency last year, Mr.
Ahmadinejad quickly — and correctly — concluded that there was no way
the Bush administration would give up its goal of `regime change' in
Iran. After all, the opening to Washington attempted by his more
liberal predecessor, Mohammed Khatami, had not only been summarily
rejected but rewarded by Iran's inclusion in the `axis of evil.' Mr.
Ahmadinejad was equally certain that no matter what concessions Teheran
made to provide its European interlocutors "objective guarantees" of
its peaceful nuclear intentions, Washington would never accept the
development or retention of safeguarded fuel cycle activities by Iran.
Calculated escalation
Sitting in his Teheran office in August 2005, Mr. Ahmadinejad could be
forgiven for believing in the inevitability of American sanctions and
eventual use of force. The hopes in liberal Iranian circles that
France, Germany, and Britain would come up with a credible formula for
the resolution of the nuclear question were dashed when the E-3
produced their limp proposal of August 5. Rather than sitting back and
allowing Washington to calibrate the pace and extent of crisis
escalation, President Ahmadinejad probably surmised that Iran's best
chance of avoiding the fate that befell Iraq lay in escalating the
crisis on its own terms.
The rhetoric against Israel last fall, the resumption of enrichment
experiments in January this year, and the declaration that Iran has
mastered the technology and is now a "nuclear nation" would have made
no sense to a Mossadegh. But to a leader convinced about the
inevitability of an American military attack, it was a high-risk gamble
that appears to have paid off. By bringing the crisis to a boil at a
time when Washington has neither the military nor diplomatic capability
to launch an attack — let alone persuade the world to impose sanctions
— President Ahmadinejad has, paradoxically, increased his country's
room for manoeuvre. His letter to Mr. Bush is part of the same
strategy, except that it comes as a soothing unguent to the high octane
grandstanding of the past few months. Certainly, the international oil
bourses have taken it that way.
What should the Bush administration do? It should heed the advice of
its friends and allies and grasp the diplomatic nettle that Mr.
Ahmadinejad has thrust into its unwilling hands. Contrary to
Washington's deafening propaganda, Iran has not crossed the nuclear
weapons rubicon and it is not at all clear that it even wishes to do
so. In any case, if the Iranian leadership decides to build nuclear
weapons, there is absolutely nothing the U.S. or the world can do to
force it not to do so. The key, then, lies in making sure Mr.
Ahmadinejad and his colleagues — and the wider Iranian
clerical-corporate establishment of which they are a part — continue to
have no incentive to go down that path. Imposing sanctions and
threatening military action are not disincentives; if anything, they
will strengthen the hands of those in Teheran who argue nuclear weapons
are needed as the ultimate deterrent against `regime change.' Mr.
Ahmadinejad's letter has raised issues about American policies that are
shared by countries in the region and the wider world. These are also
issues that are being keenly debated inside the U.S. itself. President
Bush should do himself and the world a favour and enter into a dialogue
with Iran on these.
As far as the nuclear issue is concerned, Iran has said it will provide
time-bound answers to all outstanding questions raised by the
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) provided its dossier is
transferred back from the U.N. Security Council to the IAEA. This
proposal should be accepted. There can also then be a speedy resumption
of Iran's Additional Protocol obligations, including surprise
complementary accesses to sites international inspectors wish to visit.
Technical fixes like inspections are necessary to assure the world
about the peaceful nature of Iran's nuclear programme. But they have to
be supplemented by a political approach that addresses Iran's security
concerns. Mr. Ahmadinejad has provided a rational and cogent outline of
what these concerns are. Nowhere in the letter does he call for the
destruction of Israel or any other state. Peace in the region requires
a change of course by Washington. It is up to the rest of the world to
push for such a change.
Siddharth Varadarajan is Deputy Editor of The Hindu and a frequent
Contributor to Global Research.
Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the sole
responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of
the Centre for Research on Globalization.
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From: "MarshaMcClelland" <>
Date: May 12, 2006 12:49:56 PM EST
Subject: [911TruthAction] ***SOS***Urgent message to all groups>Press
Release & Open Letter to all People
***SOS***Urgent message to all groups
Time to speak up and take action everyone...The enemy is trying to
close in...If we are to save our freedom and future it's time now to
make the moves
Due to hackers and much outside interference I have lost 500 +
groups our groups networked with...I have rejoined approx. 10% of
what was terminated because of the powers that be
Please help me shortcut building the data base of groups back up by
inviting me back to your group and forward this urgent communication
If you need media or elected official contacts to make your much
needed voice be heard, let me know
If you are a group owner that would like your group links or website
added to ours, please send me your information at
>> Click here: Website
For those who don't know me, I'm a human and civil rights activist
in the business of joining together and promoting productive groups,
organizations and individuals to help save America
Please join us at our main site and sign up post>>>
"We The People United Movement"
We are many Political and Patriot Groups joining together, to help
right the wrongs in America..."United We Will Stand"
From: Kevin Barrett <>
Date: May 13, 2006 2:35:11 PM EST
Subject: MUJCA News: Hardest-hitting 9/11 truth op-ed yet! any mainstream US newspaper. The second hardest-hitting was my
own "Osama's Dead, the Tape is Phony":
Two cheers for America's bravest paper, the Capital Times of Madison,
WI! Let's hope the third time will be the charm.
Thank them at
And don't forget to register for Chicago, and contribute money if you
Reynolds at Wisconsin Historical Society DVD available:
Media Hide
Truth: 9/11 Was Inside Job
By Kevin Barrett
Last Saturday, former Bush administration official Morgan Reynolds drew
an enthusiastic capacity crowd to the Wisconsin Historical Society
auditorium. It is probably the first time in Historical Society history
that a political talk has drawn a full house on a Saturday afternoon at
the beginning of final exams.
Reynolds, the former director of the Criminal Justice Center at the
National Center for Policy Analysis, and the ex-top economist for
George W. Bush's Labor Department, charged the Bush administration with
gross malfeasance, and proposed the prosecution of top administration
Normally, if a prestigious UW alumnus and ex-Bush administration
official were to come to the Wisconsin Historical Society to spill the
beans about a Bush administration scandal, it would make the news. The
local TV stations would cover it, and it would merit front page
headlines in The Capital Times and Wisconsin State Journal.
Reynolds' indictment of the administration he worked for was a
stunning, life-changing event for many of those who witnessed it. As
the event's organizer, I have received dozens of e-mails about it from
people who were deeply affected.
Despite the prestigious speaker and venue, and the gravity of the
charges aired, for most Americans indeed most Madisonians the event
never happened. Why? Because it was censored, subjected to a total
media blackout. Not a word in the State Journal. Not a word in The
Capital Times. Not a word on the local TV news. Not a word on local
radio news. And, of course, not a word in the national media.
Why the blackout? Because Reynolds violated the ultimate U.S. media
taboo. He charges the Bush administration with orchestrating the 9/11
attacks as a pretext for launching a preplanned "long war" in the
Middle East, rolling back our civil liberties, and massively increasing
military spending.
When a former Bush administration insider makes such charges, how can
the media ignore them? Is Reynolds a lone crank? Hardly. A long list of
prominent Americans have spoken out for 9/11 truth: Rev. William Sloane
Coffin, Sen. Barbara Boxer, former head of the Star Wars program Col.
Robert Bowman, ex-Reagan administration economics guru Paul Craig
Roberts, progressive Jewish author-activist Rabbi Michael Lerner,
former CIA official Ray McGovern, author-essayist Gore Vidal, and many
other respected names from across the political spectrum have gone on
the record for 9/11 truth.
Are the media ignoring all these people, and dozens more like them,
because there is no evidence to support their charges? Hardly.
Overwhelming evidence, from the obvious air defense stand-down, to the
nonprotection of the president in Florida, to the blatant controlled
demolition of World Trade Center building 7, proves that 9/11 was an
inside job. As noted philosopher-theologian and 9/11 revisionist
historian David Griffin writes: "It is already possible to know, beyond
a reasonable doubt, one very important thing: the destruction of the
World Trade Center was an inside job, orchestrated by terrorists within
our own government."
A growing list of scientists has lined up behind BYU physicist Steven
Jones and MIT engineer Jeff King in support of Griffin's position, as
evidenced by the growth of Scholars for 9/11 Truth ( and
Scientific Professionals Investigating 9/11 (
As a Watergate-era graduate of the University of Wisconsin School of
Journalism, I was taught that exposing government lies and corruption
is the supreme duty of the Fourth Estate. I simply cannot fathom the
current situation. I do not understand the 9/11 truth blackout. I wish
someone would explain it to me.
It is time to break the 9/11 truth blackout. Please put pressure on
your local media through letters to the editor, call-ins to talk radio,
and phone calls to local and national journalists.
And come see Peter Phillips, director of the media watchdog group
Project Censored, who will lead a strategy session on breaking the
blackout at the upcoming international 9/11 truth conference in
Chicago: 9/11: Revealing the Truth, Reclaiming Our Future, to be held
June 2-4 at the Embassy Suites Hotel, Chicago-O'Hare Rosemont. Go to
http://911revealingthetruth.orgfor more information.
The event will feature presentations from dozens of 9/11 truth
luminaries, from scientists like Steven Jones to intelligence agency
whistle-blowers like David Shayler, and promises to be a historic,
watershed event. Be there, or resign yourself to a future of endless
war, lost liberty, and a craven media that cannot bring itself to
breathe a single word of truth.
Kevin Barrett of Madison is a member of Scholars for 9/11 Truth
( and SPINE: Scientific Professionals Investigating 9/11
( and serves as coordinator of the
Muslim-Jewish-Christian Alliance for 9/11 Truth (
From: "Graham Jukes" <>
Date: May 14, 2006 7:03:35 AM EST
Subject: US Aggression-Time Once Again: Target Iran
NOTICE: Due to Presidential Executive Orders, the National Security
Agency (NSA) may have read this email without warning, warrant, or
notice. They may do this without any judicial or legislative oversight.
You have no recourse, nor protection..........
William Thomas 11 May 2006 05:08 GMT
In April 2006, the US National Command Authority issued orders for more
than 20,000 US soldiers to prepare to deploy to the Persian Gulf within
48 hours of receiving an execute order from either GW Bush or Donald
Rumsfeld. Generals fear "Persian Gulf Incident" trigger.
Bush Said To Be Seeking “Persian Gulf Incident”
by William Thomas
Hey George - looks like the general staff finally heard you!
"The commanders of US ground forces destined for Iran bluntly told
Command Authority that if either Bush or Rumsfeld issued orders to
"Little Bighorn, The Sequel"-their commands would be refused. "
Sent: Saturday, May 13, 2006 4:04 PM
Subject: Independent Media Center ((( i )))
FPF-fwd.: two favorite writers combine their efforts:
''The Fourth "Supreme International Crime" in Seven Years is Already
Underway, with the Support of the Free Press and the "International
US Aggression--Time Once
Again: Target Iran
With the United States having initiated wars in violation of the UN
Charter, and hence engaged in the "supreme international crime,"1
against Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, and Iraq in 1999, 2001, and 2003, one
might have expected that its commencement of a fourth aggression only a
few years later against Iran would arouse the UN, EU, other
international institutions and NGOs, and even the supposedly moral and
independent Free Press, to serious protest and counter-action,
including referral to the UN Security Council under Chapter VII's
"threat of peace" articles and support of possible diplomatic and
economic sanctions.
This has not happened, and in fact the Bush administration has
successfully mobilized the UN, whose "primary responsibility" is the
"maintenance of international peace and security," and the EU, as well
as the Free Press, to facilitate its fourth attack.
It has been flying unmanned aerial surveillance drones over Iran since
2004; it has infiltrated combat and reconnaissance teams into Iran "to
collect targeting data and to establish contact with anti-government
ethnic minority groups" (Seymour Hersh);2 it has bestowed an ambiguous
"protected" status upon the Mujahedin-e Khalq, a group which, since
1997, the U.S. Department of State has designated a Foreign Terrorist
Organization, but a group that the Washington regime now uses to launch
cross-border attacks on Iran from within U.S.-occupied Iraq;3 and it
and its Israeli client have repeatedly threatened larger scale and more
open attacks.
''almost wholly ignored by the Free Press and "international
This pre-invasion aggression was an important feature of the overall
aggression against Iraq, where the US and British greatly increased
their "spikes of activity" with massive bombing well before the March
19, 2003 invasion4-major acts of war and aggression begun as early as
April 2002, that were almost wholly ignored by the Free Press and
"international community."
What is mind-boggling in all this is that new attacks and threats by a
country that is in the midst of a serial aggression program, that runs
a well documented and widely condemned global gulag of torture,5 that
has committed major war crimes in Iraq-Fallujah may well replace
Guernica as a symbol of murderous warfare unleashed against
civilians6-and that openly declares itself exempt from international
law and states that the UN is only relevant when it supports U.S.
policy,7 is not only not condemned for its Iran aggression, but is able
to enlist support for it in the EU, UN and global media.
This enlistment of support occurs despite the further fact that it is
now generally recognized that the Bush and Blair administrations lied
their way into the Iraq invasion-occupation (but still quickly obtained
UN and EU acceptance of the occupation and ensuing ruthless
pacification program),8 and that they cynically misused the inspections
program, all of which makes the new accommodation to the
aggression-in-process and planned larger attack truly frightening.
* 'The war in Iraq is illegal' - BBC: video & text-interview of the
United Nation's Secretary General Kofi Annan -
* The Nuremberg principles: "Any person who commits an act which
constitutes a crime under international law is responsible therefor and
liable to punishment." - Url.:
* 'Crying Wolf' - Media Disinformation and Death Squads in Occupied
Iraq - Url.:
* Reference guide to the Geneva Conventions - Url.:
* The PNAC-CIA: Al Qaeda The Database - Url.:
* 'Spreading democracy' - Countries & US Death Squads - Url.: - A 55' second sound bite concerning the US
'bringing democracy' everywhere - Url.:
Iran (and the Arab countries for that matter) may not be as 'free' a
country as one would like but it has not gone around the world, like
the USAUK/Israel slaughtering, holocausting, massacring indigenous
populations, stealing/exploiting their resources and oppressing and
enslaving the remaining survivors who have by the grace of God survived
the oppressors nuke/WMD bombings!!
There is NO country in the world where real Utopia exists--no country
at all with absolute freedom, democracy, fair system of
Government, and equal rights for all, least of all the USA, UK or
These three alleged 'democratic' countries have the bloodiest foreign
policy escapades/history than any other country in the world!
Subject: Fw: Bush's Unanswered Letter: a strategic mistake
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, May 13, 2006
Subject: Bush's Unanswered Letter: a strategic mistake
Bush's Unanswered Letter, "a strategic mistake, because the biggest
complaint of Middle Easterners about the United States is precisely
that it has consistently failed to listen to concerns of the kind
outlined by Ahmadinejad." 5/13
Innocent Texas Citizen Targeted With Deadly
Electronic Weapons
By Greg Szymanski
May 13, 2006
Arctic Beacon
In Court Documents, Federal Attorney Admits CIA Targeted Innocent Texas
Who Is Also Being Targeted With Deadly Electronic Weapons
Jesus Mendoza, 52, recently filed his third lawsuit trying to get the
U.S. government to cease and desist from using electronic weaponry on
innocent citizens.
Leslie Oliver is being "cooked alive" and Jesus Mendoza is dying a slow
"electronic death," as two more stories surface about torture and abuse
at the hands of a totalitarian U.S. government using high-grade
military weaponry against its own people.
Their stories of gang stalking and electronic harassment, by a U.S.
government grown mad with power, add to a growing list of thousands of
Americans who are desperately trying to alert the public about what
they call "the perfect crime."
And it's called the perfect crime since electronic weapons are
invisible while causing severe mental and physical damage on its
In response to the accusations, government officials claim to use
electronic weaponry against only foreign enemies, but Mendoza, 52, of
Mission TX, has uncovered shocking evidence in a lawsuit he recently
filed that the CIA and NSA are authorizing the use of this weaponry
against innocent Americans, including Mendoza.
"I have an admission from the federal attorney in the lawsuit I filed
against the U.S. government that the CIA has targeted me and these
weapons are being used against me and my family," said Mendoza,, in an
extensive interview on Greg Szymanski's radio show, The Investigative
Mendoza has filed three lawsuits against the federal government to
cease and desist with the use of such weapons, two of the cases being
dismissed while the third is still pending.
"I also have included in my lawsuit a sworn statement from an FBI agent
who verified that he was ordered to use electronic weaponry on innocent
citizens as a part of a government program," added Mendoza.
Further he claims he has been under heavy electronic and stalking
attacks since 1997 after he originally filed a lawsuit against the law
school he attended for fraudulent activities regarding admissions
Since filing the case against influential people in the community he
has been the target of electronic harassment, particularly when he is
at home and especially when he is in the company of his children.
Mendoza's case is also somewhat unique since he has been able to
videotape both non-ionizing EM and ionizing x-rays, gamma rays,
radioactivity radiation readings on his several meters.
"I have received death threats after putting before and after pictures
of my family members on a web site in 2005," said Mendoza. "My incoming
and outgoing emails are read and sabotaged, especially when they are
from persons offering help or relevant information which pertains to my
slow electro magnetic murder.
"My telephone calls too are under heavy surveillance and are being
controlled. All members of my family including my children, wife and
in-laws are literally being electronically cooked to death. And now, I
find myself at times almost unable to breathe, and with barely enough
energy to function, I am bedridden much of the time and the blood in my
eyes indicate broken blood vessels."
Regarding the type of torture Mendoza and his family endures on a daily
basis, scientist Tim Rifat had this to say:
"As a scientist researching into microwave weapons used on the general
public, evidence that the GM900 microwave network is a major health
hazard, has come to my attention. Microwave frequencies similar to
those of the cellular phones can cause health problems in the following
areas: Blood. Cardiovascular System. Cells. Central Nervous System.
Digestive System. Glands. Metabolism. Reproduction. Visual System.
Internal Sound Perception.
"The GM1800 system used by Orange uses higher frequency microwaves.
Australian scientists found this caused cancer in mice exposed to
radiation of this type. The documents in my possession show that
microwaves pass deeply into the body and can have a negative effect on
the brain and body.
"The DIA research dates from 1976 and shows the dangers were known
about over twenty years ago. The Soviets used the frequencies and
intensities used by mobile phones, 1800 MHz and 900 MHz, as weapons. It
is a rule of the intelligence community that you hide things in plain
view, getting the public to accept microwave mind control weapons which
affect their behavior under the guise of mobile phones was a stroke of
genius. Getting the public to pay for these microwave mind control
devices, so their brains and behavior can be damaged, to make them more
docile and easy to control, was pure diabolical genius."
Regarding the case of Oliver, who is also a targeted individual, she
recently wrote the following account of her story, saying she has
unsuccessfully moved to India to try and get away from the electronic
"Electro Magnetic Weapons can and will wipe out mankind, that is, after
they covertly assassinate individual dissidents by sudden heart
failure, "mysterious" airplane and automobile crashes, choking,
suicides and a myriad of other types of "natural" deaths all of which
are occurring right now.
"The following report is an accurate account of the illegal, violent
atrocities and numerous attempts to murder me by what is now known to
be the black ops of the corrupt U.S. Gestapo Government or organized
crime unit. This new American mafia is condoned, supported and
protected by local police, federal law enforcement agencies and all
levels of government, including the very highest offices.
"The Black Ops/U.S. Gestapo Government now has the capability of
literally closingUP a person's windpipe or plunging a person into
unconscious us A distance to incapacitate and kill them. They then set
the murder scene up to look like an accident.
"They also internally cook and radiate a person to death from a
distance and there is no doubt they have every intention of using these
EM weapons on us.
"With the use of Microwave/Scalar EM Weapons aimed directly at us, guns
and conventional arsenals are virtually obsolete? Since my last post,
the long murdering arm of black ops in the U.S. has reached across the
globe to Dharamsala, India and began systematic 'electric shocks' to my
chest, along with their infamous microwaving. This is done to induce a
natural-looking completely unnatural heart attack as many prominent
figures who oppose the new Fascist governments have suffered.
"In fact, they have now 'pumped up' the microwave radiation to my chest
and stomach area to make certain the tissue weakens quickly. There is a
burning sensation of heat inside my body all during the day and night.
Based on research reports, this is how they Cook the organs so people
will develop serious diseases or simply die of organ failure, naturally
of course. The blood vessels in my eyes are showing blood... a sign
that the microwave heat is not being let out of the body properly which
will eventually lead to blinding cataracts or eye cancer."
For more informative articles, go to
Greg Szymanski Greg also has his own daily show on the Republic
Broadcast Network. Go to Greg Szymanski is an
independent investigative journalist and his articles can been seen at He also writes for American Free Press and has his
own site
Listen to my Radio Broadcast live Monday night at 8pm Pacific time on
LewisNews, returning Jan. 1 2006 Radio Greg is also regular on the first Thursday of every month at 9-10 pm pacific time.
Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the sole
responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of
the Centre for Research on Globalization.
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For media inquiries:
© Copyright Greg Szymanski, Arctic Beacon, 2006
The url address of this article is:
NOTE: It's interesting that the people of Nepal--by persevering
against the guns and gas--have won such a solid victory that they even
get to arrest some of their major oppressors. Can the US people evolve
to persevere against the guns and gas? -- kl, pp
Last Updated: Friday, 12 May 2006, 16:19 GMT 17:19 UK
Former Nepal ministers arrested
Five ministers from Nepal's ousted royalist government have been
They include the former home, foreign and information ministers, state
radio said. Reports say three senior security officials have also been
The move follows the launching of an inquiry into alleged excesses
committed by officials in last month's crackdown on protests which
ended palace rule.
Police in Kathmandu have been told to hold the ministers for 90 days
on the orders of the newly-formed government.
There was no immediate official comment on the arrests or the
Immediate suspension
Those arrested were former Home Minister Kamal Thapa, Foreign Minister
Ramesh Nath, Information Minister Shrish Shumsher, local development
minister Tanka Dhakal and junior minister Nikshya Shumsher Rana, state
radio said.
Senior police chiefs Shyam Bhakta Thapa and Sahabir Thapa and National
Investigation Department chief Devi Ram Sharma have also been removed
from office, reports say.
The commission decided that in their present office they could
potentially compromise the investigation into human rights abuses,
Nepal radio reported.
The panel probing alleged excesses by the authorities is expected to
present its findings in two months' time.
Twenty people were killed and several hundred injured during the April
protests when security forces used tear gas and fired live and rubber
bullets at crowds.
King Gyanendra reinstated parliament and an interim multi-party
government was formed following the protests, which took place across
He had seized power in February 2005 accusing his government of
failing to secure peace talks with Maoist rebels and failing to prepare
for elections.
The Logic of "Humanitarian Intervention"
Neocolonial tool serving geopolitical interests
by Brendan Stone
May 13, 2006
On his recent speaking tour across Canada, former Haitian minister of
defense Patrick Elie, an elected representative in the first government
of Jean Bertrand Aristide, was asked by a member of the World
Federalists NGO to support Canada’s new “Responsibility to Protect”
(RtP) doctrine. The idea behind the “RtP” is that other countries
should intervene in the politics of a sovereign country if they
perceive instability or a human rights crisis.
Patrick, who spoke at McMaster University early in March, acknowledged
the need to protect people whose human rights come under attack. But
since this “RtP” doctrine is coming largely from the developed Western
nations, many of which are currently violating human rights at this
very moment, Elie asked, "Who is protecting the rights of the people of
Iraq, killed by the bombs of those who would grant themselves the
"responsibility to protect?" For example, the lead author of the
Lancet’s Iraqi casualty estimate has recently updated the death toll
caused by the U.S./U.K. war to 300,000.
Patrick, in asking this question, pointed out the dissonance between
countries like Canada and the United States who are, on the one hand,
waging illegal wars across the world that have killed tens of
thousands, while on the other hand painting themselves as angelic
figures who can be trusted to shepherd and steward the “benighted”
peoples in Africa, South America, and elsewhere.
When you think of the term “humanitarian intervention” or
“responsibility to protect,” do you envision soldiers from Ethiopia or
India coming to the U.S. to arrest George Bush for war crimes, for the
highest rate of imprisonment in the world, and for neglecting his own
population in health care, infant mortality, and New Orleans? No, of
course not. That would be ridiculous. You think of soldiers from the
white, former and current colonial powers like the U.S. and Britain,
going to the dark continent and fixing the problems of the natives,
whom we implicitly and imperialistically assume are incapable of
And that is where the current focus of the RtP doctrine lies. Patrick
asked, “what about the colonial powers in Africa, namely France and
Belgium, whose interference in Rwanda created the problem there in the
first place?" As author Tony Black has detailed, the invasion of Rwanda
by a U.S.-backed Tutsi army from Uganda, which we call the “Rwandan
Genocide,” did not happen because “we” in the West were not there. It
happened because we were there.[1] To use the conflict in Rwanda,
precipitated by thirty years of Western involvement following the
“post-colonial” period, to justify intervention into countries like the
Sudan is disingenuous at best.
Recently, however, news outlets and government figures including George
Bush and Colin Powell have asked us to pay attention to Sudan, and its
endangered population of refugees. And as the Jerusalem Post reports,
“the [Save Darfur] coalition, which has presented itself as ‘an
alliance of over 130 diverse faith-based, humanitarian, and human
rights organizations,’ was actually begun exclusively as an initiative
of the American Jewish community.” The embarrassed organizers of the
recent Darfur rally in the U.S. were forced to admit their failure to
include other American ethnicities and organizations, such as the NAACP
and the Africa Action group, and actually struggled to find a single
Darfuri or Muslim speaker.
Christian fundamentalists have also been a key force in the coalition.
According to the Washington Post from April 27, “Last week, after an
inquiry from The Washington Post, [Christian evangelist group] Sudan
Sunrise changed its Web site to eliminate references to efforts to
convert the people of Darfur.” And beyond the religious groups, who
play a subsidiary role, the idea of Western intervention into Darfur is
primarily an initiative of the U.S. state department. Sudan’s oil-rich
Darfur region makes it the second-largest oil producer in Africa, and
its strategic location places the country at the gateway to the Middle
East. Additionally, Sudan has been using its oil for the cardinal sin
of developing an economy independent of the United States.
According to John Laughland, “Darfur is a region which is rich in oil
and through which pipelines are to be constructed. Moreover, the main
investor in the Sudanese oil industry is the China National Petroleum
Company, and China is Sudan’s biggest trading partner overall. It has
been alleged that there are Chinese soldiers in Sudan protecting
Chinese oil interests there, and that these troops have engaged in
skirmishes with the rebels. Moreover, while there are numerous foreign
oil companies present in Sudan, it is precisely in Southern Darfur that
the Chinese National Petroleum Company has its concessions. USAID, the
American humanitarian agency, has helpfully provided a map of Sudan
showing precisely where the oil concessions are. See”
[2] China invested $300 million dollars to expand Sudan’s largest
refinery, and buys two-thirds of Sudan’s oil.[3]
Well-known academics such as Noam Chomsky and Michel Chossudovsky have
been at the forefront of investigating how a key feature of U.S. policy
in the Middle-East has been to deny oil to competitors, especially
China. Columnist Eric Margolis argues that the U.S. is interested in
nearby Chad’s oil as well.[4] The U.S. Congress has allocated $500
million dollars for military assistance to African governments,
particularly Chad’s, [5] whose military has been engaged in conflict
with Sudan.
As former U.S. President Jimmy Carter says, "The people in Sudan want
to resolve the conflict. The biggest obstacle is US government policy.
The US is committed to overthrowing the government in Khartoum. Any
sort of peace effort is aborted, basically by policies of the United
States...Instead of working for peace in Sudan, the US government has
basically promoted a continuation of the war." In 2001, the U.S. House
of Representatives’ “Sudan Peace Act,” provided ten million dollars in
assistance to the National Democratic Alliance, described by U.S. Sudan
special Stephen Morrison, the head of the Sudan project at the Center
for Strategic and International Studies in Washington-DC, as
essentially a Darfuri rebel front group. Further support for Carter’s
claims comes from Enver Masud, who refers to a Washington Post article
investigating how in 1996, the U.S. sent nearly $20 million in surplus
U.S. military equipment to Ethiopia, Eritrea and Uganda to topple the
government of Sudan.[6] The U.S. under Bill Clinton even bombed a
pharmaceutical plant in Sudan, claiming it was used to produce WMDs,
when it was later revealed that U.S. missiles had actually been
launched at the largest producer of anti-malarial medicines in Africa.
The U.S. has funded insurgencies in Sudan ever since the country moved
away from the control of Western powers in the late 1970s, especially
the rebel Sudanese People’s Liberation Movement and Army [SPLM/A]. The
leader of the SPLA, John Garang, allied himself with the most
reactionary wing of the U.S. ruling class: the Christian right were his
principal ideological associates. Republican-right leader Senator Bill
Frith once entered disputed South Sudan and was photographed with
Garang. The U.S. Christian right is using the alleged oppression of
Christians in the predominantly-Muslim south to justify a
nineteenth-century style colonial intervention.
In negotiations with the Sudanese government, Garang managed to secure
Kosovo-style autonomy for areas of southern Sudan. As part of a U.S.
plan for balkanization, Sudan now has been strong-armed into accepting
the unusual arrangement of a vice-president from Darfur and a
vice-president from Southern Sudan. Garang’s wife is now meeting with
U.S. leaders, including Frist, for further independence
To keep Sudan in a perpetual state of war, the U.S. makes sure at least
one rebel group is on the move while another is engaged in peace talks.
The recent round of “Save Darfur” demonstrations have taken place
during a time of negotiations between government and rebel groups, and
are designed to further destabilize the country. Yoshie Furuhashi
explains, “The timing of the [April 30] rally was perfect, designed to
coincide -- and scuttle -- the Abuja peace negotiations between the
rebels and Khartoum brokered by the African Union, whose deadline is
midnight today. And sure enough, the rebels rejected the peace
deal.”[8] The U.S. needs rebel groups to win bigger victories, if it is
to reverse China’s current advantageous position in Sudan.
In order to gain support for a U.S. military intervention, including
NATO intervention as suggested by President Bush, the corporate media
downplays the violence of and refusal to sign peace accords among the
rebel insurgency, and instead covers Sudan’s civil war as if it is a
one-sided human-rights crisis, with the Sudanese government as the “bad
guys.” Far-worse conflicts in Africa, such as the nightmare in the
Congo where millions have been killed, are ignored in favour of Darfur.
As in Kosovo, all this coverage is designed to make us Canadians think
that by putting Western boots on the ground, we can avert a
humanitarian catastrophe.
What CNN, the state department, and the Western religious organizations
aren’t telling us is that millions of Palestinians are on the verge of
starvation because of entirely preventable actions by our governments.
With the full support of “the West” and the “international community,”
Canada, Israel, and other countries have cancelled essential food
donations and aid critical to the survival of Palestinians, because we
do not like the government they have elected. (Bringing democracy to
the Middle East, indeed!) So, on the one hand, we are told to use
military force to intervene in an “Arab” African conflict where we have
no business, and on the other, are told to ignore a human rights
catastrophe in Israel in which our own governments are complicit. How
do our governments get away with this?
I bet that before reading Patrick’s comments above, you had shut out
the idea of the illegal U.S. war in Iraq when trying to picture the
idea of U.S. peacekeepers helping an unstable country. We are able to
disassociate in our minds the murder done by our own Western countries
from the idea that we can protect human rights. As a result, we need to
“decolonize” our minds. As Edward Said has explained, colonialism is
not just the occupation of territory, but it requires a state of mind
as well; a state of mind which, “includes ideas that certain people and
certain territories require and beseech domination.”
In other words, we in the West tend to believe that if a white
developed country is sending troops to the third world, it must be a
good thing. But until we can envision a situation where third-world
intervention against the U.S. or other great powers is realistic and
possible, the “Responsibility to Protect” exists simply as a tool for
“us” in the West to continue subjugating and running the affairs of
other countries, particularly Sudan. Those who would have us intervene
in Sudan on the basis of combating unrest under the “Responsibility to
Protect” would have us face the ridiculous situation, as in Kosovo, of
"needing" to violate a country’s sovereignty as a result of the West
having previously violated it.
Brendan Stone is an undergraduate student in Political Science and
Labour Studies at McMaster University. He became interested in
international politics in 1999 when Canada participated in the attack
on Yugoslavia. Brendan is a member of the November 16 anti-war
Coalition in Hamilton and co-hosts the "Unusual Sources" radio program
on CFMU.
[1] See Tony Black’s excellent article, reproduced here:
[2] Laughland, John, “Fill Full the Mouth of Famine,” Sanders Research
Association, 26 Jul 2004,
[3] Dunkel, G., “Oil is behind struggle in Darfur,” Workers World, 27
Apr 2006,
[4] Margolis, Eric, “Tread Softly in Sudan,” Toronto Sun, 15 Aug 2004,
[5] Dunkel, “Oil is behind struggle,” 2006.
[6] Masud, Enver. “Sudan, Oil, and the Darfur Crisis,” The Wisdom Fund,
7 Aug 2004,
[7] See Frist’s own website:
“Working for Progress in Sudan”
Listen to the “Taylor Report” audio programs on the subject of Sudan
for more information about the U.S. plan for balkanization.
[8] Furuhashi, Yoshie, “Who Wants Peace in Darfur?” MR Zine, 30 April
Special thanks to Roger Annis of the Canada Haiti Action Network who
reported on and quoted sections of Patrick Elie’s speech.
For further information, a collection of articles on Sudan will be
available on the November 16 Coalition website (currently down) by May
20, 2006.
Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the sole
responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of
the Centre for Research on Globalization.
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FLASH MOVIE: Who is behind the Death Squads in Iraq?
by Max Fuller
May 13, 2006
To view Max Fuller's carefully documented Flash Movie click:
and then click Play Movie
Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the sole
responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of
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Message 5
From: "janet phelan"
Date: Sun May 14, 2006 1:40pm(PDT)
Subject: Re: Judge Orders "World Can't Wait" activist to Psych Unit
Do you still have a radio show? These kinds of abuses need to be publicized.
Kevin Hammond <> wrote:I think that this judge himself belongs in a cell with a 300 lb man that has not had sex in ten years! GODDAMN SUNUVABITCH!
janet phelan <> wrote:
Dear World Can't Wait Supporter,
Judge Orders World Can't Wait Activist to Jail Psych Unit
May 9: Judge Timothy McGinty forcibly incarcerated Carol
in the psych unit of the Cuyahoga County Jail in downtown Cleveland,
she now sits for an indefinite period of time.
In a hastily called hearing yesterday, Judge McGinty made a
highly unusual and outrageous decision to force Carol to undergo a
psychological exam as part of her pre-sentencing investigation. From
very start of Carol's case, the judge has
openly said that she must
mental problems for resisting an unlawful and brutal encounter with
Cleveland Heights police. He went even further in yesterday's hearing,
saying that her opposition to the Bush regime makes her "delusional."
The small courtroom on the 21st floor of the Justice Center
ringed with 5 armed court bailiffs. McGinty started off the hearing by
making Carol stand up and had one of her attorneys read her t-shirt,
"Wanted for Illegally Crossing Borders: The Bush Regime
"If you are going to insist that crossing borders illegally
is a
crime which cannot be tolerated, how about George Bush, Dick Cheney,
Rumsfeld, Condoleezza Rice (and yes, Colin Powell) and the rest of that
gang, with their highly illegal, and violent, 'crossing of the
Iraq, among other places?!"
McGinty then said this
was proof of her delusion! He also
saying Carol "wants" to go to jail, and that she has a "martyr
When Carol tried to explain why she wouldn't take this test, the
only response was, "I do not negotiate with felons."
Does Carol really want to go to jail? No! But she is not
willing to comply with a vindictive court ordered test to "prove" her
sanity. And more than that, she is taking a stand for everyone who is
and fearful of a government that, under the rubric of "national
security and
the war on terror," willfully and unapologetically tramples on the most
basic rights of privacy. Think about this in light of the NSA spying
scandal, and now Bush wants to install the head of the notorious NSA to
CIA chief! As Carol said before she went to jail, "I'd be crazy to go
with this shit! That which you will not resist and mobilize to stop,
learn--or be forced--to accept."
Just look at this whole case: a woman posts a "Bush Step
poster on a telephone pole, being brutalized by the police in the
and now not only faces 3 years in prison but also a mandatory psych
As Terry Gilbert, one of Carol's attorneys said, "This is Gulag
stuff--saying that people who are dissidents are crazy." He further
that in his 33 years of practicing law, he has never seen anything like
Is this the kind of country you want to live in?
On the phone this morning, Carol Fisher stated that, in
to sending her to the psych unit, McGinty has also put her on "suicide
watch"! They have taken away her eyeglasses. And if she refuses the
exam, she will be forcibly sent to North Coast Mental Institute for a
20 day
Legal challenges are continuing,
including seeking a writ
habeas corpus.
When the transcripts are available to the public, they will
how outrageous this hearing was.
(Click here for previous news and more information about
Fishers arrest and trial)
a.. Donate to Carol's legal defense. It costs a lot of
to get transcripts, file appeals, etc. Make checks payable to "Carol
Defense Fund" and mail to "NION/WCW PO Box 609034 Cleveland, OH 44109.
b.. Call Judge Timothy McGinty and express your outrage:
c.. Join us at a "Speak Out!" for Carol Fisher -
Saturday, May
13 at 7pm at the corner of Coventry and Euclid Heights Blvd in
d.. Get your legal organization to be part of Carol's
make statements, file friend of the court briefs, etc.
e.. Have your church group, school group, organization or
join this battle by sending statements of support, donating funds, etc.
f.. Request radio stations play any of the following
dedicate it to Carol Fisher and explain what is going on with her case:
a.. Tom Petty's "Won't Back Down"
b.. Pearl Jam's "World Wide Suicide"
c.. Pink's "Dear Mr President"
d.. Neil Young's "Let's Impeach the President"
g.. Write letters to the editor of:
a.. The Cleveland Plain Dealer. Go to website:
b.. The Cleveland Free Times. Email:
c.. The Sun Press.
h.. Send this article to your list serves and post to
i.. Join the World Can't Wait- Drive Out the Bush Regime!
Contact: World Cant Wait, Cleveland 216-633-6200
PO Box 609034 Cleveland OH 44109
World Can't Wait
305 W. Broadway #185
New York, NY 10013
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Message 6
From: "Dick Eastman"
Date: Sun May 14, 2006 2:00pm(PDT)
Subject: What is the idea government according to Talmud? according to the S
Certainly one does not set up such a government by showing how superior it is to other forms of government so that everyone can agree and thus demand it. Some people do not want minorities, no matter how gifted and God-favored to run the world for them.
The idea is to impose such a government by deception.
Here is where false threats as motivators come in -- like the false threat of terrorism.
And how are false-threats of terrorism established?
Ask the Straussian -- ask Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz, Dov Zakheim, Douglas Feith, Henry Kissinger etc.
Message 7
From: "Dick Eastman"
Date: Sun May 14, 2006 6:11pm(PDT)
Subject: Fw: Research supporting 9-11 crime-coverup theory of the crashbomb
old threads -- lines of investigation -- that need to be taken up again
----- Original Message -----
From: Dick Eastman
To: Dick Eastman
Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2001 5:43 PM
Subject: Keep this. Research supporting crime-coverup theory of the crashbombing frame-up #1 (I have no archive!)
To several people:
I have been advised to archive my supporting research. I have no archive
and don't know how to set one up -- and time is critical. This is information
is dangerous until it becomes widely disseminated. Please use this
information freely. (I am not organizing this -- I just want it safely
scattered around the world.)
Dick Eastman
223 S. 64th Ave.
Yakima, Washington 98908
You did a great job of painting the "Big Picture". I would like to see a
lot of the fine brush stokes. Of particular interest are the charges
against Greenspan. What documentation do you have for those?
Terry W. Stough
Three items, Terry.
Item #1:
[Note: By "fixing the price of gold" is meant selling of the Federal
gold stock -- a source of world confidence in the dollar at low
prices, and doing so to keep the price low (i.e., giving away
U.S. monetary strength to suppress the gold value of the dollar --
also this amounts to selling the U.S. Central Bank's gold to foreign
investors extra cheap!!!]
Subject: Destruction of federal "gold case" evidence in WTC crashbombing
for defendents Greenspan, Morgan, Chase, Goldman Sachs
[Here are two letters exactly as I put them together in
newsgroup postings on August 13.]
The defendants in the GATA/Howe lawsuit are: the Bank for International
Settlements; Alan Greenspan, chairman of the Board of Governors of the U.S.
Federal Reserve System and a director of the BIS; William J. McDonough,
president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and a director of the BIS;
five major bullion banks, J.P. Morgan & Co., Chase Manhattan Corp.,
Citigroup Inc., Goldman Sachs Group Inc., and Deutsche Bank; and Lawrence H.
Summers, former secretary of the treasury, who by law exercised control over
the U.S.Exchange Stabilization Fund, subject only to approval by the
Full Story by Swedish Economist Boudewijn Wegerif <>:
Former US Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers will seek to have a gold price
fixing lawsuit brought against him dismissed in a Boston court on 9 October,
three days before he is installed as the new president of Harvard
The full story, issued today by Business Wire, appears below. The action
against the Bank for International Settlements, the U.S. Federal Reserve and
Treasury Department, and several bullion banks has been brought by a
consultant for the Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee, GATA, Reginald H. Howe,
a private shareholder in the BIS.
GATA was formed in January 1999, the same month that the world?s leading
bullion banks, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan and ten others, joined together to
form a ?Counterparty Risk Management Group? to, as they put it, ?strengthen
risk management practices?. For six months prior to that, evidence had been
mounting that whenever the price of gold threatened to rise above $300 an
ounce the bullion banks moved in to knock the price back again, mainly by
selling gold borrowed at around 1 percent interest from central banks.
After the formation of the Counterparty Risk Management Group, the price
fixing became more obvious, and it has continued uninterruptedly to the
present day, with only one break through the $300 mark, which was quickly
suppressed by the gold cartel.
The practice has been very profitable for the banks and their principal
customers, through what is called the ?gold carry trade? (see
for an explanation). More importantly, for currency speculators, it has
served to underpin the over-valued dollar.
There will be an end to what William Krehm, the chairperson of the Canadian
Committee on Monetary and Economic reform, COMER, has rightly called the
?cannibalising of the real economy? by the ?financial sector? ? i.e., the
transnational bankers, currency and stock exchange speculators and gold
price manipulators.
In my last two postings I promised an essay on the solar, wind, water and
earth energy economies of regular renewal that we need to be thinking about
for when the love of money feast is finally over. The way things are going,
maybe that day will come before my essay is completed!
Seriously, I am making no obvious progress on the essay, beyond reading good
literature on the subject, and working with the inspirations arising from
that. I also have other commitments. So it looks as if the essay that I said
might take a week to deliver will more likely take a month, or more. The end
result will be good, I hope.
In the meantime, here are three relevant quotations from two past presidents
of the United States and the brother of a third. The first quotation is from
a recent posting to the Earth Rainbow Network e-group by the moderator Jean
Hudon ? - the second was in an email from
Dick Eastman - - and the third came from Larry
Morningstar ? .
Abraham Lincoln, in a letter to Col. William F. Elkins on 21 November 1864:
"I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes
me to tremble for the safety of my country. ... corporations have been
enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money
power of the country will endeavour to prolong its reign by working upon the
prejudices of the people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands and
the Republic is destroyed."
Franklin D. Roosevelt: "The liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people
tolerate the growth of private power to a point where it becomes stronger
than their democratic State itself. That, in its essence, is Fascism ?
ownership of government by an individual, by a group or by any controlling
private power."
Robert Kennedy, in a speech at the University of Cape Town, South Africa, on
6 June 1966: "It is from numberless diverse acts of courage and belief that
human history is shaped. Each time a person stands up for an ideal, or acts
to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, s/he sends
forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million
different centers of energy and daring, those ripples build a current which
can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance."
In friendship,
Boudewijn Wegerif
Monetary Studies Programme**
Box 83, 669 22 Deje, Sweden
Tel: +46.552.10327
DALLAS--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Aug. 13, 2001
According to a Business Wire release just received, Judge Reginald Lindsay
of U.S. District Court in Boston has scheduled for 3:30 p.m. Tuesday,
October 9, 2001, a hearing on the defendants' motion to dismiss the lawsuit
brought by a consultant for the Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee, Reginald
H. Howe, against the Bank for International Settlements, the U.S. Federal
Reserve and Treasury Department, and several bullion banks.
The lawsuit alleges collusion by the U.S. government, the BIS, and the
bullion banks to suppress the price of gold.
The underlying issue at the hearing Oct. 9, according to Howe, will be
whether the U.S. Constitution and federal law may be enforced in a federal
court action challenging the authority of former Treasury Secretary Lawrence
Summers and other American officials, working in part through the Bank for
International Settlements, to conduct surreptitious gold price-fixing
"Wonderful news!" says GATA Chairman Bill Murphy, speaking from GATA's
headquarters in Dallas.
"Recent exposes by Reg Howe and James Turk, which can be read at, are devastating evidence that the plaintiffs have been
manipulating the gold price for the benefit of the few to the detriment of
so many, including the poor sub-Saharan gold producing countries in Africa,"
Murphy says.
In an essay published this week, "Gibson's Paradox Revisited: Professor
Summers Analyzes Gold Prices," Howe notes that Lawrence Summers, the new
president of Harvard University, co-authored with Robert B. Barsky and then
Harvard Professor Nathaniel Ropes an article entitled "Gibson's Paradox and
the Gold Standard" in the Journal of Political Economy (vol. 96, June 1988,
pp. 528-550). The article, which appears to draw heavily on a 1985 working
paper of the same title by the same authors, reveals Summers' expertise
regarding gold, gold mining, and the connections among gold prices, interest
rates, and inflation.
Howe notes in his essay: "The unusual and sharp divergence of real long-term
interest rates from inverted gold prices that began in 1995 suggests that
Mr. Summers found an opportunity to do some further applied research on
these matters during his tenure at the Treasury."
Howe goes on: "Around 1995, real long-term interest rates and inverted gold
prices began a period of sharp and increasing divergence that has continued
to the present time. During this period, as real rates have declined from
the 4 percent level to near 2 percent, gold prices have fallen from $400/oz.
to around $270 rather than rising toward the $500 level as Gibson's paradox
and the model of it constructed by Barsky and Summers indicates they should
"Professor Summers was the youngest tenured professor in Harvard's modern
history. On Friday, October 12, 2001, in outdoor ceremonies in Tercentenary
Theatre, he will be formally installed as its 27th president, entrusted with
the job of leading the nation's oldest university -- where "Veritas" is the
motto -- into the new millennium. Three days earlier, in Courtroom No. 11 of
the new U.S. Courthouse on Boston Harbor, the search for the truth about his
interim service in the highest positions at the U.S. Treasury will resume."
The defendants in the GATA/Howe lawsuit are: the Bank for International
Settlements; Alan Greenspan, chairman of the Board of Governors of the U.S.
Federal Reserve System and a director of the BIS; William J. McDonough,
president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and a director of the BIS;
five major bullion banks, J.P. Morgan & Co., Chase Manhattan Corp.,
Citigroup Inc., Goldman Sachs Group Inc., and Deutsche Bank; and Lawrence H.
Summers, former secretary of the treasury, who by law exercised control over
the U.S.Exchange Stabilization Fund, subject only to approval by the
CONTACT: Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee
Bill Murphy, 214/522-3411
Fax: 214/522-4432
(end of letter)
Item #2:
La Jornada (May 19, 2001) has implicated the most powerful Establishment
banks in laundering and cultivating 'black money' from drug traffickers and
corrupt government around the world:
"There is a consensus among U.S. Congressional Investigators, former
bankers and international banking experts that U.S. and European banks
launder between $500 billion and $1 trillion of dirty money annually,
half of which is laundered by U.S. banks alone."
"Former private banker Antonio Geraldi, in testimony before the Senate
Subcommittee projects significant growth in U.S. bank laundering. "The
forecasters also predict the amounts laundered in the trillions of
dollars and growing disproportionately to legitimate funds." The $500
billion of criminal and dirty money flowing into and through the major
U.S. banks far exceeds the net revenues of all the IT companies in the
U.S., not to speak of their profits. These yearly inflows surpass all
the net transfers by the major U.S. oil producers, military industries
and airplane manufacturers."
"First thing to note about the money laundering business, whether
criminal or corrupt, is that it is carried out by the most important
banks in the USA. Secondly, the practices of bank officials involved
in money laundering have the backing and encouragement of the highest
levels of the banking institutions - these are not isolated cases by
loose cannons."
Item #3:
(sent to newsgroups and lists a few hours ago):
Subject: Iniquity Sufficient The Bush - Cheny - Giffen - Kazakhstan
link: criminal money laundering, illegal payoffs --evidence destroyed at
On August 14, 2000 this story appeared in a soon-to-be-defunct populist
famous for exposing the power of the Bilderberg globalists. This article
Bush and Cheny in intimate business contact with the real prime suspects of
WTC/Pentagon crashbombing frame-up. (Also, below, excerpts from Seymore
M. Hershe's expose of some of the same people in his New Yorker article of
August 9, 2001).
The GOP presidential ticket may be fending off questions from reporters
concerning a Swiss investigation linking George W. Bush and Dick Cheny to
big oil's bribes and pay-offs to foreign interests.
by Martin Mann
Gov. George W. Bush and Richard Cheny, the Republican presidential and vice
presidential candidates, known in Washington as the "oil ticket" for their
intimate connections to the petroleum industry, may face worse corruption
scandals in coming months than the lewd, mendacious and cash-hungry Clinton
administration ever did. The Spotlight has learned from European and U.S.
investigative sources.
As Cheney, a millionaire petroleum executive who served as defense
secretary in the administration of George Bus, the candidate's father, rose
to accept the vice-presidential nomination from the cheering Republican
convention in Philadelphia, Swiss prosecutors quietly moved to impound over
$130 million in allegedly laundered funds depositied in Swiss banks.
According to preliminary findings of the Swiss inquiry, the frozen funds
represent under-the-table payoffs slipped to the top government officials of
Kazakhstan by giant U.S. petroleurm companies seeking favored access to that
oil-rich country, a former Soviet province that attained independence after
the collapse of communism.
Adised by Swiss authorities that the suspect acounts -- more than $85
million found hidden in private numbered accounts controlled by Kazakh
President Nursultan A. Nazarbayev in a single Geneva bank, Banque Pictet --
may violate the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, federal authorities in
New York launched an investigation of
their own.
The U.S. probe quickly focused on James H. Giffen, head of the Mercator
Corporation, known as an influential American financial advisor to
Last month, the Justice Department sent Swiss chief prosecutor Daniel
Devaud a confidential memorandum naming Giffen and his public-relations
company as targets of a formal federal criminal investigation.
According to this memorandum, the Giffen probe was triggered by the
findings of FBI agents in New York indicating that the millions impounded at
Banque Pictet and other Swiss money-centers represented illegal payoffs to
Kazakh officials by three major U.S. oil companies: Exxon Mobil, BP Amoco,
and Phillips Petroleum.
Giffen's alleged role was that of the go-between who secretly transferred
these huge bribes from the U.S. oil corporations along circuitous
international money-laundering routes to Kazakhstan's president and his top
Spokespersons for Exxon Mobil, BP Amoco and Phillips Petreleum have
denied any wrongdoing. Mark J. MacDougal, a Washington lawyer for Giffen
also denied the charges.
But the Swiss-American inquiry is continuing. If it turns up solid
evidence of bribery by U.S. oil interests -- sources close to the case call
it "the most likely outcome" -- the next time-bomb of a question will be:
How many other petroleum potentates are soiled by this sordid affair?
Until he was offered -- and accepted -- the Republican vice-presidential
nomination this month, Cheny served as president of the Halliburton
Corporation, the world's largest oil-service, exploration and engineering
A number of Halliburton's field operations have been linked to Exxon
Mobil's and BP Amoco's overseas ventures in recent years. Investigators are
poised to explore whether these links involved any operations in
corruption-riddled Kazakhstan.
Washington is buzzing with excited rumors that some major Bush campaign
contributors -- long time coronies of the presidential candidate -- will
face not just stinging embarrassemtn but criminal indictment when these
cases hit the headlines, especially if the Republicans fail to gain the
White House this fall. (end of Martin Mann's article of August 14, 2000)
The Price of Oil; What was Mobil uo to in Kazakhstan and Russia?
by Semour M. Hersh
New Yorker (Magazine), July 9, 2001 Pp. 48-65
In the fall of 1997, an international businessman named Farhat Tabbah filed
suit in London against three American businessmen, the oil minister of
Kazakhstan, and a subsidiary of the Mobil Corporation. He charged that they
had cheated him out of millions of dollars in commissions on what was to
have been a ten-year swap of oil between Kazakhstan and Iran. Mobil and the
other defendent denied the allegations and successfully moved to suppress
all Tabbah's affidavits and supporting documentation. A few months after
Tabbah filed his lawsuit, he flew to the United States and gave his account
of the swap plan to federal authorities. He also turned over seveeral file
drawers of documents, including internal Mobil faxes and memos, to agents
of the United States Customs Service.
Mobil conducted an investigation into its own actions and its potential
liabilities. (American oil companies are forbidden by federal sanctions
from trading with Iran or facilitating such trades without license from the
Treasury Department.) That investigation, which lasted more than a year and
was assisted by Patton Boggs, a Washington law firm, found evidence that J.
Bryan Williams III, a senior executive in charge of many of the conmpany's
overseas crude-oil transactions, may have facilitated the planned Iranian
oil swap. Williams was one of the three businessmen named in Tabbah's suit.
Mobil's senior management, however, then in the process of negotiating a
merger with Exxon, concluded that there was no need to report this evidence
to the Securities and Exchange COmmission or to stockholders. Bryan
WIlliams retired quietly in early 1998, at the age of fifty-eight, and, the
next year, Mobil and Exxon merged to form ExxonMobil, the world's largest
and most powerful publically traded oil company.
Mobil investigators also uncovered an array of unseemly business
dealings that took place in Russia and Kazakhstan in the mid-nineties. MOre
than a billion dollars of Mobil's cash was paid to Russian companies in
unorthodox transactions; questionable accounting practices were followed;
and multimillion-dollar transfers were made that, as a Patton Boggs report
put it in one case, "did not have any apparent valid business purpose." The
investrigators' working papers and summary reports, many of which were
obtained for this article, suggest that Mobil's activities in Russia and
Kazakhstan were not driven entirely by the desire for quick profit. The
company also had a strategic goal: access to Kazakhstan's rich Tengiz oil
Tabbah's court papers and the internal Mobil documents gathered for this
account provide an unparralled view of a major American oil company's
dealings in the former Soviet Union. They raise questions about the
company's decisions to enter deals that ultimately benefitted powerful
figures in the region, including President Nursultan Nazarbayev, of
Kazakhstan, and former Prime Minister Viktor Chernomyrdin, of Russia.
A federal grand jury in Washington has been hearing evidence on the swap
allecgations, along with allegations of money laundering and bribery, since
last year. Before a second grand jury, in New York, Mobil and other
American oil companies that do business in Kazakhstan were being questioned
about possible violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. Under the
F.C.P.A., which was passed in 1997, it is unlawful for any American to bribe
foreign officials, either directly or through an agent, "for the purpose of
obtaining or retaining business."
ExxonMobil has refused to permit any of its employees to be interviewed
for this account, and has asked former Mobil employees not to cooperate.
The company has stated that it was not involved in the awap, did not own any
of the oil that was swapped, and did not authorize any employees to
participate in the planning and excecution of the swap. Bryan WIlliams
refuses to be interviewed, but, in a written statement, he denied any
involvement in the swap. Williams also declared that Mobil had approved all
the deals and contracts he worked on. When The New Yorker sent details of
the allegations to ExxonMobil for comment, an outside attorney, Martin
London, responded on the company's behalf, stating that many of the
allegations were erroneous," and that the "broad theme of your attack on
Mobil's business integrity is both incorrect and actionable." It would be
"innapropriate" for ExxonMobil to discuss the allegations specifically,
London wrote, because "there are ongoing grand-jury investigations relating
to the matters addressed in your letter."
The oil industry has long been swapping as a way to reduce the cost of
transporting crude oil, by pipeline or other menas, to refineries. The
arrangement also provides a way to get oil from remote oil fields and
isolated nations, such as Kazakhstan, to market. In a swap, the title to
oil in one location is transferred to oil of an equivalent value that may be
hundreds, or even thousands, of miles away. Because of the potential for
abuse in such complicated transactions, major oil companies carefully
monitor and record their swaps.
"It's extrememly rare for a legitimate company to play pricing games in a
transfer," said Thomas Stauffer, a retired economics professor at Harvard
and Georgetown who specializes in oil and taxation issues. "But in the
Third World --and especially in places like Kazakhstan -- its an invitation
to corruption. You can hide a lot of sins in an oil swap. Title to oil in
any tanker might change a dozen times before it gets to port." Such sins
include oil laundering -- concealing an illegal source of oil -- and
sanctions busting. "Oil is oil," Stauffer said. It can be sold in any
given market at any time." Men like Marc Rich, the fugitive financier who
was pardoned by Presidnet Clinton in January, have earned hundreds of
millions of dollars over the years by brokering oil deals with pariah
nations such as Iran and the former regime in South Africa.
In Mobil's case, the company's inhouse investigators came to believe that
the proposed swap between Kazakhstan and Iran was but one element in a
complex of seemingly high-risk business deals that were devised by Bryan
Williams. The investigation also led to the two other Americans named in
the Tabbah's suit: James H. Griffen, a New York merchant banker and advisor
to Kazakhstan's President Nazarbayev; and Friedhelm Eronat, a businessman
who often acted on behalf of Mobil overseas. The business dealings and
friendships among these three men date back many years, and they have done
billions of dollars worth of deals worldwide. The three might nver have
become the focus of grand-jury scrutiny if they hadn't fallen out with
Farhat Tabbah.
Kazakhstan and the other former Soviet Republics in the Caspian Sea region
(Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, and Turkmenistan) have become notorious for
exploitation, corruption, and seemingly bottomless fields of oil whose
boundary seldom benefits the average citizen. Almaty, the business capital
of Kazakhstan, still has the solid look, the unemployment, the pollution of
the Soviet days, despite a decade of increasing oil and gas production.
Close to the Presidential palace, however, two new luxury hotels have been
built for the foreign businessmen drawn by the country's natural resources.
The Tengiz oil field is one of the most important finds since Alaska's
Prudhoe Bay, in 1968. The Soivets tried to develop it in the
nineteen-eighties, but instead triggered a gigantic blowout and a fire that
burned for a year, with a column of flame six hundred feet high. Tengiz was
not put into systematic production until the early nineteen-nineties, when
newly independent Kazakhstan sold a half interest of the field to Chevron,
the American oil company. Tengiz's output has steadily expanded since then.
"It's a geologist's dream -- the sort of field you see once in a
generation," Edward C. Chow, a retired Chevron executive, said. "It's a
mother of an oil field, and we still don't know how much oil is in it."
Bryan Williams turned out to be crucial to Mobil's efforts to get into
Tengiz. As executive vice-president of Mobil Sales and Supply, he bought
crude oil from oil companies controlled by foreign governments. A lawyer
turned oil man, WIlliams had graduated from the University of North Carolina
and New York University Law School and spent several years at Sherman &
Sterling, a prominent New York firm. In the early nineteen-seventies, he
joined Mobil. His first major assignment was in Saudi Arabia, where Lucio
A. Noto, who later became Mobil's C.E.O., was in charge of company
At Mobil, Williams was respected by his peers for his ability, his
panache, and his daring. One retired Mobil senior executive said he was
widely known as a "cowboy" -- a high-flier in a high-flying business.
International spot-market crude-oil prices are extremely volatile -- the
price of oil varies constantly from country to country -- and narrow profit
margins can change within minutes, necessitating snap judgements. It was
accepted at Mobil that successful oil man like Williams needed autonomy,
with no second-guessing, as they routinely committed millions in the hunt
for profits. Williams repaid the trust with smart deals.
He consistenly produced high profits, former Mobil officials told me, and
eventually became a favorite of Noto. "Noto and Bryan were close," DOn
Voelte, a former vice-president who left Mobil in 1997, recalled. ALthough
Williams reported not directly to Noto but to the head of sales at Mobil
headquarters, Voelte said that "Bryan was the go-to guy in the international
trading area." Noto would "always chastize other Mobil folks, saying, "Just
go to Bryan. He knows how to handle these things.'" ANother Mobil insider
tells of a high-level meeting at which Noto signaled out Williams as "the
only entrepreneur in the whole business."
To get into Tengiz, Mobil needed the help of James Giffen, who represented
the Kazahk government. (giffen was identified in press reports last summer
as a target of a federal investigation into corruption and money
laundering.) Giffen grew up in Stocton, California, where his father ran a
men's clothing store. He was graduated from the U.C.L.A. law school in
19654 and spent eleven years with the Armco Steel Corporation, which
struggled during the COld War to gain export approval for the slae of
oil-drilling equipment and steel goods to the Soviet Union. In the
mid-eighties, Giffen set up a banking company called Mercator, based in New
York City. He was brash, intelligent, eager to make money. "I nver had any
evidence that he was anything more than a smart operator," Jack F. Matlock,
Jr., who was the U.S. Ambassador to the Soviet Union from 1987 to 1991
recalled. "He was always working for No. 1 -- Jim Giffen. But I could
understand that. I didn't detect anything irregular.
Giffen spent years cultivating senior officials of the COmmunist PArty,
such as Nursultan Nazarbayev, who was the Party's rising star in Kazakhstan.
In the late eighties, Nazarbayev, a former steel worker and engineer, became
First Secretary of the Kazahk Communist Party. After the Soviet collapse,
in 1991, he won the Presidency of the country. Giffen then became an
important Presidential adviser.
Nazarbayev's regime was quick to cooperate with the first Bush
Administration's plans to denuclearize the breakaway Soviet republics; more
than a thousand warheads that had been deployed by the Kremlin in Kazakhstan
at the height of the Cold War were sent back to Russia, without incident.
The CLinton Administration's initial approach was to emphasize the building
of democratic institutions -- a largely futile effort--but it soon turned to
security issues, such as reducing drug trafficking. Diplomacy concentrated
for the most part on providing opportunities for American oil companies
seeking to do business in Kazakhstan, and on plans to build pipelines that
would allow the new republics to deliver their oil and natural gas directly
to the West by way of a Black Sea port in Turkey, thus bypassing both
Russia, to the north, and Iran, to the south.
AMerican officials say that Nazarbayev has misappropriated hundreds of
millions of dollars. He has also shared generously the perrequisites of his
office (as he defined them) with his immediate family. His eldest daughter,
Dariga, controls the national televeision network, and a son-in-law is the
presidnet of a state oil-and-gas pipeline. The country has not prospered
under Nazarbayev's rule. Social conditions have deteriorated steadily;
per-capita G.N.P. is just thirteen hundred dollars a year. The nation is
so burdened with an external debt of more than eight billion dollars, and
with a huge and rapidly growing level of capital flight: a fifth of the
country's total money supply is now stashed in Swiss banks. Nonetheless,
Nazarbayev has been viewed by many in Washington not as a despot but as a
charismatic political leader who could hold his nation together.
According to William Courtney, who was the first American Ambassador to
Kazakhstan, Nazarbayev became "more authoritarian as his power grew, and
came to depend on Jim Giffen more and more." By 1995, Courtney syas,
"Nazarbayev had inserted Giffen as an indispensable go-between for some key
IN the late nineteen-eighties, Giffen had helped Chevron buy into the
Tengiz field. But a new president of Chevron's overseas division, Richard
Matxke, decided not to deal further with Giffen, and Chevron's relationships
inside Kazakhstan quickely soured. Matzke is said to have proudly told one
colleague that his company "didn't pay a nickle" in middleman's fees after
getting into Tengiz. However, Giffen subsequently demanded a "success" fee
and received it -- seven and a half cents per barrel of Chevron's share of
the Tengiz oil. It earned him millions of dollars in royalties --at least
three million last year alone.
More and more, Kazakhstan insiders told me, Giffen's power became tied to
his ability to help Nazarbayev and his government cronies, including Nurlan
Balgymbayev, the oil-and-gas minister, benefit from the oil business.
Balgymbayev, wh was named as a defendant in Tabbah's suit, began his career,
in the nineteen-seventies, as an engineer in the Soviet oil fields. He
became friendly in those years with Viktor Chernomyrdin and the other men
who created Gazprom, the powerful Russian energy consortium. In 1994, after
an unhappy year with Chevron, Balgymbayev was appointed Kazakhstan's
oil-and-gas minister. He routinely told foreign oil companies seeking to do
business in Kazakhstan that any prosepctive deal had to involve Giffen and
Mercator, which had offices there.
Dan White, a former ARCO executive, siad that when, in late 1995, he
arrived to open an ARCO office in the former Soviet Union a senior American
diplomat in Kazakhstan told him, "The best way to get what you want is to
see Giffen." One afternoon, White happened to encounter the Kazakh oil
minister in a hotel lobby. They exchanged a few pleasantries, and then
Balgymbayev raced off to the airport. At that moment, White recalled, "the
fellow next to him says, 'I'm Jim Giffen,'" and told him, "Dan, nobody gets
to Balgymbayev without coming through me." Giffen paused, White told me,
and said, "You know this is a strange place here. A lot of people carry
guns, and bad things happen to people."
(end of excerpt, at end of page 51 of an article that continues to p.
65) The New Yorker article must be the starting point for any
man seeing to expose the true authors of the crashbombing terror
acts of September 11th, the Great Frame-Up.
Dick Eastman
Yakima, Washington
Every man is responsible to every other man.
Henry Kissinger in an address to the super secret Bilderberg Organization
meeting at Evian, France, May 21, 1992 said the following as transcribed
from a tape recording made by one of the Swiss delegates:
"Today American's would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to
restore order; tomorrow they will be grateful. This is especially true if
they were told there was an outside threat from beyond, whether real or
promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples
of the world will plead with world leaders to deliver them from this evil.
The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this
scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee
of their well being granted to them by their world government."
"You have to understand. Future wars will be
fought by capitalists and anti-capitalists as society polarises. When that
happens, control of information will be as important as control of
territory used to be in conventional conflicts. If you can stop your enemy
from destroying your information, then you have a good chance of winning
the war."
Major General Smedly D. Butler headed the Marine Corps for
many years when he wrote this article in Common Sense in the
November,1935 issue:
"There isn't a trick in the racketeering bag that the military
gang is blind to. It has its 'finger men" (to point out enemies),
its "muscle men" (to destroy enemies), its "brain guys" (to plan
war preparations), and a "Big Boss" (supernationalistic capitalism).
"It may seem odd for me, a military man to adopt such a
comparison. Truthfulness compels me to do so. I spent 33 years
and four months in active military service as a memeber of our
country's most agile military force -- the Marine Corps. I served
in all commissioned ranks from second lieutenant to Major General. And
during that period I spent more of my time being a high-class muscle man for
Big Business, for Wall Street and for the bankers. In short, I was a
racketeer, a gangster for captialism.
"I suspected I was just a part of a racket at the time. Now I am sure of
it. Like all members of the military profession I never had an original
thought until I left the service. My mental faculties remained in suspended
animation while I obeyed the orders of the higher-ups. This is typical with
everyone in the military service.
Thus I helped make Mexico and especially Tampico safe for American oil
interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and CUba a decent place for the
National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of
half a dozen Central American republics for the benefit of Wall Street. The
record of racketeering is long. I helped purify Nicaragua for the
international banking house of Brown Brothers in 1909-12. I brought light
to the Dominican Republic for American sugar interests in 1916. In China
in 1927 I helped see to it that the Standard Oil went its way unmolested.
"During those years, I had, as the boys in the back room would say, a swell
racket. I was rewarded with honors, medals and promotion. Looking back on
it, I feel I might have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do
was to operate his racket in three city districts. I operated on three
13 June 2001
Top Firms Retreat into Bunker to Ward off Anarchists
By Steve Boggan
June 11, 2001
Some of Britain's biggest companies are running their internet operations
on systems installed in a 300ft-deep nuclear blast-proof bunker to protect
customers from violent anti-capitalist campaigners.
They are renting space in hermetically sealed rooms capable of
withstanding a one Kiloton explosion, electro-magnetic "pulse bombs",
electronic eavesdropping and chemical and biological warfare.
Hundreds of companies have already installed systems in The Bunker -
formerly known as RAF Ash, outside Sandwich in Kent - and dozens more are
understood to be queuing up for space. They have been driven underground
by the IRA bombings of Canary Wharf and Bishopsgate in London and,
increasingly, by concerns over the operations of anarchists behind
sophisticated protests such as the May Day anti-capitalist rallies.
At stake is billions of pounds worth of business conducted over the
internet. Companies are concerned that while electronic security - using
increasingly sophisticated encryption codes - is gradually making
customers feel more confident about conducting credit-card transactions
over the internet, the physical side of e-business is still vulnerable.
The fear is that servers, the small electronic boxes through which
customer traffic and business transactions on the web are channelled,
could be physically vulnerable to theft, damage or sabotage.
(end of excerpt)
Ever see an American "cowboy western" where the
outlaws disguise themselves as Indians when they
commit their crimes to terrorize settlers off their land
so they can buy it up cheap and profit from their
inside information that a railroad is going to be
built there? And it was always the perpetrators
who, back in town and in their respectable clothes
agitate the town exhorting "The only good Injun
is a dead Injun!" The Lone Ranger was never
fooled. What about us?
Dick Eastman
Yakima, Washington
Every man is responsible to every other man.
Message 8
From: "Dick Eastman"
Date: Sun May 14, 2006 6:17pm(PDT)
Subject: Fw: Saudi Paper: Mossad responsible for 9-11
----- Original Message -----
From: "eric stewart" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, December 04, 2001 1:23 PM
Subject: Saudi Paper: Mossad responsible for 9-11
Mossad behind Sep 11 attacks: Report
Updated on 2001-11-04 10:17:31
RIYADH, Nov 4 (PNS): A Saudi newspaper charged
Saturday that the Israeli secret service Mossad was
behind the September 11 terror attacks on New York and
Washington that killed thousands of people.
The mass-circulation Okaz said in an editorial that an
attack on such a scale could not have been carried out
with such accuracy and precision without the help of
parties inside the United States or with strong links
in Washington.
"Six Israelis suspected of involvement in the attacks
on New York and Washington were arrested in the US, to
be later released. This confirms our strong suspicions
about the involvement of Israel's Mossad in the ugly
crime," Okaz said.
"If we look carefully into this matter, we can find no
more influential sides in the US than the Israeli
Mossad agents, who have the ability to penetrate and
the capability to execute with high efficiency," the
daily said.
The paper said there was not sufficient evidence that
Arabs and Muslims were behind the attacks, but it did
not rule out the possibility that Mossad may have
recruited some Muslims to carry out the atrocities.
"The main purpose of the conspiracy (attacks) is to
undermine ties between Arabs and Muslims, especially
moderate states, on the one hand and the US on the
other, and to turn the Muslim and Christian
civilizations against each other and incite hatred
between their adherents," it said.
The positive change in Washington's policy on Middle
East peace and its support for the establishment of an
independent Palestinian state confirms that the United
States has laid its hands on important leads
indicating a direct role by the Mossad in the attacks,
the paper asserted.
"We don't think we will wait too long before (the
United States) reaches this result. This crime should
not pass without knowing its actual masterminds,
instead of focusing on 'stupid' tools," Okaz said.
also see:
on Israeli Terrorism
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Buy the perfect holiday gifts at Yahoo! Shopping.
Message 9
From: "Dick Eastman"
Date: Sun May 14, 2006 6:21pm(PDT)
Subject: Fw: The Crash of American Airlines Flight 587 in Queens (remote cont
----- Original Message -----
From: Richard Niemela
Sent: Sunday, November 18, 2001 7:57 PM
Subject: The Crash of American Airlines Flight 587 in Queens
but it's hard to access the page due to excessive "traffic" or something. Some more interesting articles at his homepage ]]
The Crash of American Airlines Flight 587 in Queens
Hard Scientific Evidence Proves United States Government Desperately Trying to Mislead the American Public
Joe Vialls - 14 November 2001
The author is a former member of the Society of Aeronautical Engineers and Technologists, London
With the American Government frantically trying to halt the slide in US stocks and shares brought about by the events of September 11, the last thing it needed was a large Airbus A300-600 crashing into a New York suburb.
Unfortunately, shrill government lies combined with predictably hysterical media hype, fly in the face of hard physical evidence available on the day:
crucial evidence which proves exactly how the Airbus initially lost control after the take-off roll from John F. Kennedy airport.
Within hours of the crash, the US Army lifted the entire vertical stabilizer of the doomed Airbus out of Jamaica Bay, at a location halfway between JFK and the primary crash scene at Rockaway Beach, shown on the photos and diagrams at the top of this page. For those not familiar with technical jargon, the vertical stabilizer is the big upright piece that sticks up at the back of the aircraft and carries the airline logo. The fact that the entire vertical stabilizer separated from the fuselage is news enough, because such an event is almost without precedence in modern aviation.
Aircraft have lost rudders in the past (the bit at the rear of the vertical stabilizer that moves left and right), and from time to time have lost a "piece" from the top of the vertical stabilizer due to an air strikes by a large bird, or a mid-air collision with another aircraft. But the entire vertical stabilizer? Never, so far as I know.
Put simply, any aircraft other than a highly-specialized "flying wing" that loses its vertical stabilizer is going to crash, because there is absolutely no way the pilot can control it. The vertical stabilizer is the only part of the aircraft which provides lateral stability, meaning the split-second it separates from the fuselage, the aircraft is free to fishtail to the left or right in a completely uncontrollable manner. For example. if you apply more power to the left engine than the right engine, the aircraft will attempt to make a flat turn to the right. If you try to lower the left or right wing, perhaps in an attempt to return to the airport, the aircraft will sideslip into a fatal dive. The only way out of the situation is by ejector seat, unfortunately not fitted to American Airlines Flight 587.
Claims of onlookers on the ground that "an engine came off" just before the aircraft crashed at Rockaway Beach, are entirely believable. By the time Flight 587 reached Rockaway it was completely out of control, subject to almost unbelievably high lateral sheer stresses (whiplash), because the vertical stabilizer was two miles behind the aircraft, back in Jamaica Bay. This whiplash effect with the aircraft in a steep uncontrolled dive, would certainly have been sufficient to shed one or both of the engine pods.
The wreckage at the primary crash site also confirms the cause of the crash. It was from here that investigators recovered both engines, and both black box recorders. The latter are positioned in the tail of the Airbus A300, meaning that the entire fuselage traveled as far as Rockaway Beach. The aircraft did not (as some media would have you believe) somehow "break in half" before it crashed.
More interesting than these indisputable facts, are the US Government's actual reasons for denying the public the truth. After all, the NTSC and FAA knew all about the vertical stabilizer in Jamaica Bay at least an hour before I did, and promptly had it recovered by the US Army. Exactly where the Army took it thereafter is not yet clear, but pictures of this critical artifact are now very hard to find, and I am indebted to Steve Seymour for the one below.
What the picture shows very clearly, is that this is not a "piece" of the vertical stabilizer, but all of it, which you can confirm for yourselves by peering at the Airbus A300 thumbnails on the left and right. Flight 587's stabilizer looks a lot skinnier than the ones on the thumbnails, but this is to be expected because, as previously stated, the moveable rudder at the rear of the stabilizer is missing. Nothing unusual about that, the rudder is relatively lightweight, and its pieces are probably scattered around widely in Jamaica Bay.
What cannot be explained away by the NTSB or FAA is how or why the stabilizer parted company with the aircraft at precisely the point where it joins the fuselage proper. Look at the enlarged photograph very carefully. There are absolutely no dents, scratches, on the leading edge or on the panels. This proves the vertical stabilizer was not struck by any other object, in turn proving it was the first component to detach from the aircraft. Trickier still for the NTSB, FAA and Airbus Industries, will be explaining to the general public why, with prima facie evidence proving catastrophic separation along a critical attachment line, the FAA and Airbus Industries failed to immediately ground all Airbus A300-600 models worldwide. This in order to conduct black light inspections of the stabilizer spars, panels, attachment pins, bolts and other critical components.
Not only is grounding of this nature a normal operating procedure, it is also a legal requirement. Most readers will remember that all Concorde aircraft were grounded for more than a year after the crash of Air France 4590 at Paris. Concorde's grounding was based mostly on speculation, and partly on trivial circumstantial evidence, flimsier by far than the prima facie evidence already existing in the case of American Airlines Flight 587. In order not to ground all Airbus A300-600 series, the NTSB, FAA and Airbus Industries would have to be convinced that the reason for the crash of Flight 587 was strictly unique, a one-off that could not occur under similar flight conditions to any other Airbus A300-600 worldwide. The only reason unique enough to fit this requirement is an act of terrorism.
Currently the US Government is fixating on the co-pilot of Flight 587 noting "wake Turbulence" from a Japanese Airlines 747 ahead of them. The media has already taken its cue and is drawing elaborate diagrams of the Airbus A300-600 tearing itself to pieces in the "tornado-like" wake left behind the JAL 747. This is absolute rubbish, perhaps best illustrated by some of the higher forces all aircraft are designed to withstand.
Decades ago I flew "box" in a close aerobatics formation of four Mach 2 fighters. Basically this is a "Diamond Four", where the "boxman" is located at the back centre of the diamond, slightly behind and slightly below the leader, with the two wingmen on either side. Though located slightly below the leader to minimize discomfort from his wake turbulence, our vertical stabilizer was intermittently battered by a full 20,000 pounds of thrust from his twin turbojet engines, at a range of only 100 feet, at speeds up to 400 miles per hour. Sure it was uncomfortable, but do you really believe we would have done it at all, if there was the slightest chance of the vertical stabilizer falling off?
Though wake turbulence can be hazardous at times, it really only poses a serious threat to tiny lightweight aircraft like two-seat Cessna and Piper trainers. The notion that the residual wake turbulence from a jumbo one and a half miles on front of American Airlines Flight 587, could have torn its vertical stabilizer off, is absurd. If that were even remotely possible, most of the world's fleet of "heavy" jets would have crashed years ago.
Marion Blakey, chairwoman of the NTSB, said an initial listen to the Cockpit Voice Recorder (CVR) found nothing "to indicate a problem that is not associated with an accident." What kind of politically correct double-talk is this? In order to include the possibility of a terrorist act, Ms Blakey presumably requires a voice with a heavy Arab accent saying: "I have a fruit knife in my jacket pocket Captain; crash this aircraft immediately or I will kill you."
But what else could bureaucrat Marion Blakey say? One is reminded of the words of George Orwell, which now seem to mock us from the grave: "During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act."
Message 10
From: "Dick Eastman"
Date: Sun May 14, 2006 6:21pm(PDT)
Subject: Fw: The Profits Of Death - Damning New Evidence Of 911 Insider Trad
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, December 08, 2001 3:07 PM
Subject: The Profits Of Death - Damning New Evidence Of 911 Insider Trading - More CIA Connections
The Profits Of Death -
Insider Trading & 911
(Part I of a special three-part Series)
By Tom Flocco - Edited by Michael C. Ruppert
© Copyright 2001 From The Wilderness Publications All Rights Reserved.
May be recopied, distributed or posted on the
worldwide web for non-profit purposes only.
(FTW) - On October 9th, FTW broke a story on insider trading connected to the 9-11 attacks on the World Trade Center that sparked worldwide controversy. In that story we reported how the Israeli Herzliyya Institute for Counterterrorism had documented that unknown individuals -- with accurate foreknowledge of the attacks -- had purchased an obvious and unusually large number of put options on United and American Airlines shortly before the attacks.
Additional companies hit hard by the insider trading included Axa Re(insurance) and Munich Re as well as American investment giants Merrill Lynch and Morgan Stanley.
Put options are essentially a bet that a stock s price will fall abruptly. The seller, having entered into a time-specific contract with a buyer, does not need to own the actual shares at the time the contract is purchased. Therefore, if a holder of the put option has a contract to sell a stock such as American Airlines for (e.g.) $100 a share on a Friday and the stock falls to $50 on Wednesday, they can purchase the stock, sell it on Friday and double their money. The person on the other end of the contract (the call) has an obligation to buy the shares at the agreed upon price. The bank handling the transaction as a broker is the only entity knowing the identities of both parties.
FTW also revealed that the A.B. Brown (Alex Brown) investment arm of the banking giant Deutschebank/A.B. Brown had been headed until 1998 by the man who is now the Executive Director of the Central Intelligence Agency A.B. Buzzy Krongard. In fact, Krongard is but one name in a long history of CIA interconnections to stock trading and the world s financial markets. We also discussed, in detail, the evidence indicating that the CIA and other intelligence agencies monitor stock trading in real time for the purpose of identifying potential attacks of any nature that might damage the U.S. economy.
The original FTW story is located at: stories/oct_2001/krongard.html.
Critics of FTW's initial story - not having read any of five related stories dating back to an October 2000 piece on PROMIS software - claimed that we had not made the links to establish culpability. But we knew that the links were there, that our case was solid, and that new evidence would not go undiscovered for long.
Now, investigative reporter Tom Flocco digs deep and strikes pay dirt in a three-part series that reveals not only deeper links between the CIA, Wall Street and the insider trades of 9-11, but also discloses that a key executive at Deutschebank - an American - became, just weeks before the attacks, a convicted felon. His crime: conspiracy to launder drug money to arrange the purchase of U.S. weapons - in association with two Pakistanis who also attempted to acquire nuclear bomb components - for use by Islamic fundamentalist terrorists. - MCR
CIA Does Not Deny Stock Monitoring Outside U.S.
(Part I in a series)
In a returned phone call from the Central Intelligence Agency, press spokesman Tom Crispell denied that the CIA was monitoring "real-time," pre-September 11, stock option trading activity within United States borders using such software as the Prosecutor s Management Information System (PROMIS).
"That would be illegal. We only operate outside the United States," the intelligence official said.
However, when asked whether the CIA had been using PROMIS beyond American borders to scrutinize world financial markets for national security purposes, Crispell replied, "I have no way of knowing what operations are [being affected by our assets] outside the country."
Extensive media reporting confirms that investors at Deutschebank-Alex Brown and other global financial entities may have profited from prior knowledge of the attacks while purchasing disproportionate pre-attack put option contracts on targeted U.S. airlines and related insurance or investment firms. All of these firms suffered serious losses resulting from the September 11th attacks and their stocks abruptly plummeted.
Confirmation that the CIA or other U.S. intelligence agencies were monitoring financial markets and had seen these trades before the attacks would have staggering implications for thousands of victims families.
The CIA official also declined to comment on the actual capabilities of PROMIS. The highly technical software has been described as a system that "interfaces with any police can input an alleged terrorist s name or credit card, and the software will provide details of the person s movements through purchases...," according to an 11-10-01 Toronto Sun report.
The importance of PROMIS is that it is not only capable of interfacing with a wide variety of data bases in different computer languages and then integrating the data, but it has also been modified for intelligence purposes. It has then been sold throughout the world by spy agencies through third parties to clients such as banks and investment houses envious of its unique capabilities. One key modification by agencies such as the CIA and Mossad not disclosed to most users -- is a secret back door that permits those with the right codes to enter databases undetected, retrieve and/or alter information, and leave without a trace. PROMIS has been extensively reported as being used throughout the world s financial markets because of its versatility in facilitating international transactions.
Further clouding the issue of pre-attack stock screening by U.S. intelligence, the Canadian daily revealed that U.S. police said many of the suspected terrorists were apprehended (and detained) "through use of the state-of-the-art computer software program PROMIS."
In March 2000, CIA director George J. Tenet told the Senate that Osama bin Laden s group (Al Q aeda) was "embracing the opportunities offered by recent leaps in information technology." A FOX News story and stories in FTW disclosed in November that Osama bin Laden was believed to have the software.
The issue of CIA monitoring of stock trades follows on the heels of wide reports indicating that investigators are carefully probing the insider trading with its resultant profits, reported to be in the 10 s of millions of dollars -- some of which a Deutschebank investor has yet to claim.
A promis is a promis
Crispell also declined comment when asked whether the Treasury Department or FBI had questioned CIA Executive Director and former Deutschebank-Alex Brown CEO, A.B. "Buzzy" Krongard, about CIA monitoring of financial markets using PROMIS and his former position as overseer of Brown s "private client relations. [Note: Krongard stayed with A.B. Brown to head private client operations after it was acquired by Banker s Trust in 1997. As Krongard was leaving in 1998 to join the CIA as counselor to Director George Tenet, Banker s Trust was acquired by Deutschebank. Banker s Trust had been previously criticized by the U.S. Senate and regulators for money laundering. Krongard was promoted to Executive Director at CIA in March 2001. - MCR]
Wide reports -- including a 9/28/01 story in the Asian Wall Street Journal and a 10/1/01 story in The Guardian -- indicate that investigators are checking Deutschebank s alleged links to Saudi "private banking," terrorist bank accounts, and $2.5 million in unclaimed United Airlines (UAL) put options profits; however, no government acknowledgement had ever been given of CIA s alleged use of PROMIS software prior to the attacks.
In a recent phone conversation, when asked about alleged terrorist ties to Deutschebank and potential pre-attack CIA trade monitoring via PROMIS, Treasury Department spokesman Rob Nichols remarked, "This is clearly an interesting line of questioning regarding conflicts of interest."
However, news searches indicate that no member of Congress has publicly questioned whether wealthy terrorist-connected Saudi nationals participated in the private client operations of Deutschebank-Alex Brown. Osama bin Laden and almost all of the alleged 9-11 hijackers are of Saudi nationality. Also, no member of Congress expressed public interest in asking Krongard about whether or not the CIA affected "real-time" pre-attack trade monitoring using PROMIS software at any location.
[Note: Under a program known as Echelon, the governments of the U.S., Britain, Canada, Australia and New Zealand routinely circumvent prohibitions on domestic electronic spying by having the agencies of the other governments do it for them. - MCR]
Michael Ruppert, editor and publisher of From The Wilderness (FTW) newsletter (, has been interviewed by both the House and Senate for his expertise on illegal covert CIA operations. He said recently that, "It is well documented that the CIA has long monitored such (suspicious or unusual) trades -- in real time -- as potential warnings of terrorist attacks and other economic moves contrary to U.S. interests."
Ruppert was the first to point out after 9-11 that CIA Executive Director Buzzy Krongard has extensive past ties to Deutschebank-Alex Brown. Ruppert added, "There is abundant and clear evidence that a number of transactions in financial markets indicated specific [criminal] foreknowledge of the September 11 attacks...and the firm which was used to place put options on UAL stock was, until 1998, managed by the man who is now in the number three position at the CIA."
Ruppert also confirmed that two October 17 calls to the FBI resulted in spokespersons declining to give their names after revealing that "the FBI has discontinued use of the PROMIS software." Moreover, on October 24, Justice Department spokesperson Loren Pfeifle declined to answer any questions about where, when, or how PROMIS had been used and would only say, "I can confirm that the DOJ has discontinued use of the program." This followed almost 17 years of denials by the FBI and the Department of Justice -- in court and under oath -- that they used the software at all in a law enforcement or intelligence capacity.
Krongard's current lofty intelligence community position, combined with his prior leadership of a financial institution allegedly connected to terrorist hijacker bank accounts [see Part II], suspicious UAL options contracts, and "private banking" is so controversial that it has not as yet sparked any official investigation. That said, the evidence is substantial enough to potentially expose the prior-knowledge issue -- if Congress chooses to act.
And while Treasury Department official Rob Nichols agreed that unresolved conflict of interest questions remain, the CIA Executive Director is still currently charged with supervision of the U.S. intelligence investigation of his former firm and its "private banking" operations.
Reuters has reported that Krongard "was [also] involved in setting up the CIA experiment into investing in high-tech companies with the goal of acquiring innovative technology for its own use."
Commenting on the CIA s venture capital firm In-Q-Tel, started in 1999 to encourage development of private-sector technologies for use in the intelligence world, Krongard said on August 1, 2001 -- just 5 weeks before the Trade Center attacks -- "I think In-Q-Tel's a wonderful accessing the capabilities of the private sector."
On October 16, Fox News reported that, according to sources, accused Russian spy and FBI agent Robert Hanssen sold high-tech PROMIS software to Russia, and that Osama bin Laden allegedly purchased it from Russian organized crime sources.
Fox reported that, "Government officials suspect bin Laden may have the highly sophisticated U.S. government software that has been used by several other governments, including the United States, for classified intelligence and law enforcement information."
The admission by U.S. government officials that PROMIS was widely used by a number of governments further blurs the pre-attack stock monitoring issue since intelligence officials will likely continue to decline comment, save for closed-door congressional oversight hearings or challenges by those victims families choosing to bypass settlements adjudicated by the Attorney General s office in favor of direct intervention by the courts.
The buck stops where?
Tom Crispell, the CIA official, was cooperative while attempting to maintain intelligence confidentiality in the face of what he termed as "ongoing investigations surrounding the Twin Towers tragedies by the CIA, FBI, Justice, and Treasury Departments." However, this was in great contrast to an FBI spokesperson who refused to offer either his first or last name, while declining comment on any matter related to events of September 11.
During a series of calls, some spokespersons quickly attempted to defer and deflect questions to another government agency, i.e. "We don t deal with that issue. Call the other [entity]."
However, many would agree, given the evidence, that the 9-11 terrorism is closely linked to economic issues. President Bush has stated that this is economic warfare. Yet few appear to be questioning an apparent paucity of critical information sharing among key government agencies on the issue.
As U.S. investigators retrace the financial trails connecting the Twin Towers, terrorist hijackers and their accomplices, many of whom may still be in the country, evidence is being turned up by FBI, CIA, Justice, Treasury and NSA that does involve global banking conglomerate Deutschebank-Alex Brown.
$2.5 million unclaimed UAL investor profits
For example, according to a 10-19-2001 Wall Street Journal report, an unnamed investor purchased 2,000 United Airlines (UAL) put option contracts through Deutsche Bank-Alex Brown on September 6 -- betting the stock would shortly plummet. And USA Today reported that an individual purchased 810 UAL puts on August 6.
A Baron s source claimed on 10-8-2001 that the pre-attack UAL order placed through Deutsche Bank was for 2,500 contracts which were "split into 500 chunks each, directing each order to different U.S. exchanges around the country simultaneously."
According to San Francisco Chronicle reporters Christian Berthelsen and Scott Winokur a source familiar with the UAL trades said investors have yet to claim $2.5 million in profits on contracts purchased before United airliners crashed into a New York Trade Tower and a deserted Pennsylvania field on September 11.
The Chronicle source also identified Deutschebank-Alex Brown as the investment firm used to purchase some of the UAL options; and Rohini Pragasam, a bank spokeswoman, declined to comment on the transaction.
The source (who requested anonymity) said, "Usually, if someone has a windfall like that, you take the money and run. Whoever did this thought the Exchange [NYSE] would not be closed for four days. This smells real bad."
The German news weekly Der Spiegel revealed that Deutschebank also handled accounts worth about $100 million for Osama bin Laden's family. These were part of 10 accounts it suspected were linked to terrorists or terrorist activities and which it later handed over to German authorities after the attacks, according to a report in Britain s The Guardian. But no further comments have been forthcoming from the financial giant.
German Central Bank President Ernst Welteke said a study -- concerning principal hijack subjects residing in Germany and unusual patterns in short-selling of insurance, airline and other financial company shares -- pointed to "terrorism insider trading" in those stocks.
The SEC Is Investigating
A phone interview with Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) press spokesman John Nester, of the Washington, DC office, revealed that the Commission, has already forwarded a general request to Deutschebank-Alex Brown and other investment firms for unspecified information related to the suspicious put option contracts placed prior to the attacks on the Trade Towers and the Pentagon." But the spokesman declined comment regarding the identities of complying banks or the contents of any information obtained.
Nester augmented his response by adding that "according to SEC Associate Director of Enforcement Bill Baker -- who just spoke on a panel outside New York last week -- our SEC probe is much broader than investigations made by countries in Europe (who also lost citizens), many of whom have already closed their financial investigations of investment banks like Deutschebank." No results of those probes have been made public.
While the SEC media director said "the investigation is still ongoing with no current conclusions," Nester (speaking for the SEC), had difficulty explaining the job description of current New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) Executive Vice President for Enforcement, David P. Doherty. He would only say that the NYSE "regulates itself as an SRO or self-regulating organization...." This vague answer is all the more provocative because Doherty is a retired General Counsel of the Central Intelligence Agency.
Nester added, "The SEC has oversight responsibility regarding the NYSE, and we are also working with Justice, Treasury, and the FBI, having set up professional point men at each firm we are looking at -- so we don t have to reinvent the wheel every time we call a company [related to the attacks] to get an answer to a question."
The "reinvent the wheel" statement raised an eyebrow regarding the level of corporate cooperation in the investigation, although Nester declined to add further comment.
In Spite of CIA Ties the NYSE Is Little Help
When asked about the status of the investigation into the disproportionate pre-attack stock option trades involving United and American Airlines, Merrill Lynch, Marsh and McLennan Insurance, Morgan Stanley, Citigroup, Bear Stearns, and American Express, etc. -- all icons of American capitalism -- NYSE Communications Director Ray Pellecchia said, "We don't even confirm that there is an ongoing investigation."
"We report to the SEC as a matter of course," Pellecchia added. But after being referred to as a "persistent piece of work," this writer asked Pellecchia to discuss Doherty s role in the investigations. He said, "We stand by this statement."
And after pressing for information about what the NYSE is actually doing to investigate the suspicious trades on behalf of thousands of victims families who may be concerned about the "prior-knowledge" issue, Pellecchia still declined to confirm that Doherty's enforcement office had even sent a report to the SEC.
When asked why so many former key CIA executives currently hold, or have held in the past, top level executive management positions connected in some way to the stock market via either the SEC, NYSE, or other investment banking entities, Pellecchia replied tersely, "I am quite aware of Mr. Doherty's background and experience."
Pellecchia also declined to discuss anything related to current CIA Executive Director A.B. "Buzzy" Krongard and his past relationship with Alex Brown.
Expecting Miracles?
Questions remain as to who will ultimately take center stage in investigating conflicts of interest or the real-time monitoring of world financial markets by U.S. intelligence entities to protect national security; let alone terrorist ties to wealthy Saudi private clients at global financial institutions having direct access (via correspondent banking relationships) to U.S. banks.
For while thousands of American families, victimized by terrorism, still remain numb with grief, information is being advanced daily regarding what could be described by some as casual, if not negligent, long-term, slipshod governmental responsiveness to fundamental internal national security and safety questions -- or worse.
Tom Flocco is a freelance writer and researcher.
Message 11
From: "Debi Clark"
Date: Sun May 14, 2006 7:06pm(PDT)
Subject: Fw: Fwd: Fw: EDITED: The Crime that Covered-up the Coup - kirwan
----- Original Message -----
From: Jim Kirwan
Sent: Sunday, May 14, 2006 3:42 PM
Subject: EDITED: The Crime that Covered-up the Coup - kirwan
The CRIME that Covered-up the Coup
There’s a corporate dagger that has been leveled at the very heart of all
that matters in the USA and the world today. The fact is that the role of
government’s around the world have been nullified by those corporate powers
that have taken control over the most pivotal points of life and promise
within the global community. There is a key to this entire quagmire that can
no longer be ignored, which is, the mega-crime committed on 911. So long as
this government along with others in Europe and the wider world continue to
spew lies about what happened on that day – then nothing can ever be
The enemy of the United States of America is located in Washington D.C., in
Tel Aviv and to a lesser degree in London. This cabal has used and abused
the events of 911 to create tyrannies and to advance murder and torture on
a grand scale, while they continue to act as intermediaries for the
Corporatocracy that is the real power hiding behind most governments. It is
these essentially private and protected corporate interests, that are using
governments worldwide, to crush whatever remains of those freedoms and laws
that were supposed to protect people from exactly this kind of take-over.
What has happened is that governments everywhere have largely become
superfluous, because the real power now lies with the multi-national
corporate giants of the Corporatocracy.
911 was an attack upon the Constitution and the people of the United States,
carried out by forces that had far greater designs for their private
interests than could have ever been allowed under the US Constitution.
Without the chaos of 911 that essentially stripped people of all the
protections of law, and that turned all discussions into nothing more than
fear mongering and terror warnings that we now know, were used to justify
the immediate targeting of the entire US population, as potential terrorist
This began with the stolen election that put Bush in office. The Congress
and the Courts have both shown themselves to be complicit in furthering
those lies that the Bush administration has been spewing from the day they
took office. The “Democrats” have proven that they will not offer any
resistance to the hundreds of illegal and criminal acts committed by this
government during these last five years: Bush alone proudly claims to have
violated 750 laws, and this doesn’t count Cheney or Rumsfeld and all the
others who have done the same thing.
If citizens of the USA have to abide by the laws of the nation – then how
can government not be forced to abide by those same laws? 911 is and was a
crime – not the bogus act of “terror” that is being used to justify a new
dictatorship of privatized authority. What we have now is a fascist group
that ignores the laws that limit them – while trying at the same time to
enslave the population. Their goal is to enforce the dictates of private
interests whose only goals are total power and complete control. The
circumstance cannot be changed until the public accepts the fact that the
2000 election was a Coup and that the 911 cover story was created to
redirect the public’s focus; while the true criminals finished killing off
the protections of the Constitution: in order that no real questions could
ever be asked because of National Security concerns.
The theft of this nation was a very shabby affair carried out by amateurs
whose true motives are just beginning to unravel – big-time! Of course had
there been a media to cover what was happening, while this was going on –
none of this could have continued! Had the media asked real questions – the
Supreme Court could not have appointed Bush as “president.” If congress had
stepped into the Florida vote count, as was their duty under the
Constitution, then the court would have had no jurisdiction; but congress
remained silent and the Court broke with the Separation of Powers Act –
that’s how the USA got its first Dictator!
The people didn’t understand what happened, so they kept silent. Then on
September 11th the Dictator pulled off his first direct attack against the
people of the United States, and to date – he’s still not been asked to
explain his actions on that day. No one who was responsible for things like
military defense, intelligence failures, or preparedness has even been fired
– and apparently at least a third of the public is still fine with that!
We’ve even allowed blatant fabrications about Flight 93 to appear in
theaters; posing as a fact, when too much evidence exists that contradicts
every facet of that fairy-tale.
People who will not even demand answers from their so-called leaders get
exactly what they deserve. In a time of war, it is imperative that the
public question everything that leadership does. The American public seems
to be otherwise occupied. The public chose to deal with their government
from a distance, when that government was supposedly democratic and free.
But today there is a full blown dictatorship – where the Republic used to
be: If that doesn’t matter to you – then just delete this, and get on with
your very important life.
For those to whom the questions matter – it appears that things are still
continuing to change despite the schemes and plans of the privateers still
masquerading as the Corporatocracy. This is “Mother’s Day,” a Sunday, and
none of the Sunday morning talk shows even mentioned the fact that Puerto
Rico is now bankrupt, or that the US has sent more troops and ships to the
Gulf of Arabia. Apparently we’re planning to attack Iran sometime around the
first of June; Bush is simply waiting for the necessary excuse to “Open Fire
” (It won’t take much, as apparently Americans will believe almost anything
because they tend to trust their dictator whenever “wars” are happening).
There was no mention of Karl Rove’s indictment that also happened Saturday.
There was no in-depth discussion about anything but the illegal use of US
troops on the southern borders, another presidential edict – neither
congress nor the governors were consulted. The president the vice-president
and Rummy need to hold a joint two hour press conference in prime time and
let alternative reporters and interested people question what they’ve done –
as well as why they’ve acted as they have. If these three criminals can’t
manage to accommodate the public, then at least give us Cheney directly, and
leave out the middle men!
The public needs to change the subject, as it’s clear that neither the
congress nor the courts will ever actually investigate 911. Popular
Television and film have been making propaganda for this government at a
rate that surpasses all that was ever done previously for any other war.
Why? Because they want to keep the fear alive, they want to keep the public
terrified and insecure – which is exactly the opposite of what a government
is supposed to do. Look at New Orleans; they did exactly what no one wanted
along the entire Gulf coast. No relief, no help, no food, no shelter – and
still they have failed to act in the majority of cases. Where is that
investigation, now that the next hurricane season is almost upon us?
‘Brownie’ quit, but no one was fired – and nothing has changed except that
now FEMA has proven to be completely incompetent, along with our Jewish run
Homeland Security – that too is apparently worthless – the largest agency in
the federal government composed of 22 separate agencies, that had to cost
hundreds of billions, and already it’s completely worthless – brilliant
strategy – again!
Police departments around this country have taken on the look of Marines in
combat – security personnel of every flavor use every opportunity to insult
and interrogate the people they are supposed to be protecting – the same
people that are also paying for their gruff existence. Look at all the
secret and illegal acts the White House and the Department of Defense
committed both on and after 911. The PATRIOT acts are blatantly illegal, and
were written well before 2001, by those who created this deadly and criminal
charade. The public never questioned this. Why hasn’t the entire national
intelligence bureaucracy been dismantled and reformed, why haven’t the FBI,
the CIA and the NSA been totally reshuffled? What about the Department of
Defense and all those career generals, admirals and staff in the Pentagon.
We’re losing the wars in both Iraq and Afghanistan, and yet Bush is keeping
the idiots throughout government, those same people that made failure the
order of the day! Of course he hasn’t fired them, because they're his idiots
they’re his loyal fools, and he can’t do much if he begins to lose his
loyal thugs – and Bush knows that – all too well!
Now we are told that the president decided to monitor all our calls –
trillions upon trillions of calls in four years of spying on the public:
During all that time how many were arrested or charged for anything like the
kind of security breach that would have involved 300 million people in
‘plotting against their own government’? All of the above and more was
possible, because people bought the idea that 911 was an act of war by
foreign forces and NOT a mega-crime against the people of the USA.
There was an attack alright, but what happened on 911 was home grown treason
designed to capture Americans by using bogus terror tactics to get us to
relinquish all our freedoms, for a type of “safety” that no person on this
planet has any right to expect. The USA has become the premier rogue nation
in the world today, under false pretenses, that were dipped in innocent
blood and the criminally of outrageous lies. Look at the levels of
criminality within the government, the scandals, the complicity, the lies
that underpin the bribery, the insider trading (on 911 as well as after):
the patterns of collusion, cover-ups, embezzlement, and fraud on a grand
scale as well as outright treason. All of this is written large for all to
see – yet still – too few even notice what has happened.
The government of the United States seems to be following orders from the
State of Israel. Israel demanded that Iraq be defanged and we obliged! Now
Israel wants to crush Iran – and we’re in the process of doing that, despite
the fact that there is no justification for our interference there.
Americans have died for these polices, and even more will die in Iran – not
for American interests but for those policies of private corporate business
interests who want to silence any opposition to Capitalism at any cost. Iraq
and Iran are both left-over policy failures from the Western power’s
decision to insert the Jews into Palestine at the end of the Second World
Peace in Palestine is the key to everything else in the Middle East – yet
almost every compliant act of ours, that continues to favor Israel in that
effort, has only further inflamed the region and the world. Now there is no
dialogue, no hope for a viable settlement, and only more death and
destruction on-tap for the Palestinians. In that illegally brutal occupation
of a conquered and unarmed population, the United States has managed to undo
a hundred years of integrity and leadership, in order to appease the desires
of a State that is not one of ours. Israel does not adhere to human rights,
to UN resolutions, to nuclear oversight, or indeed to the needs or rights of
any other nation but their own. The US has backed Israel against the world,
at a tremendous cost to US taxpayers, for virtually no return on that
investment, and without any justification whatsoever for continuing to do so
Some say ‘blackmail’ is involved, but that hardly seems credible given all
the degrees of competing interests in the world today. . .
Yet - like some third world puppet-state the USA is going to again defend
the State of Israel, and again jeopardize the peace of the world, while
again sacrificing even more American lives – simply to appease Israeli
Lobbies in Washington and elsewhere? What happened to American interests –
because what is good for Israel is not necessarily good for the United
States! If this president had any balls he would aid the Palestinians for
humanitarian reasons, insist that Israel tear down that wall, and negotiate
an end to the dispute over Palestine by enforcing a return (with American
troops) to the original borders originally agreed to. If Bush were a true
leader, instead of just another an impatient politician drunk with power -
he would prove his power by assisting the people of Palestine to feed and
house themselves, while demanding that the Jews withdraw from all the
illegal settlements they built on stolen land.
As for the American congressional puppets, those imposters that have
illegally accepted so much money from AIPAC and others – these are those who
parrot the party line on terror and keep the lies in place. If they really
wanted to know about 911, then they need to look no further than 1600
Pennsylvania Avenue – if as they say – they really want to know the TRUTH!
links below, to clarify this article.
The Corporation
In the 1980s there were about 3,000 SWAT team deployments
Annually, across the US -- Now there are at least 40,000 per year.
The History of Rummy & Cheney
Letter from the President of Iran to President Bush
"When you are in a state of non-acceptance, it is difficult to learn.
A clenched fist can not receive a gift and a clenched psyche - grasped
against the reality of what must not be accepted - can not, easily, receive
a lesson"
Roger John
Message 12
From: ""
Date: Sun May 14, 2006 11:01pm(PDT)
Subject: Bush to Call for thousands of Guard Troops on Border + + + + Bush to
Bush to Call for thousands of Guard Troops on Border + + + +
Bush to Call for thousands of Guard Troops on Border
( Maybe someone in Washington Finally got Our Message ? !)
Tell then they should come from All US States Not just the ones on the
border !
U.S. Invites China to Military Exercise
( Is there No End to the Stupidity of this Regime ?)
Cindy Sheehan
"We will no longer tolerate your wars" -
Govt. Still lying about real Iraq deaths -
Tell your Congressman here
Impeach President Bush and
Vice-President Cheney Now
Laura Doesn't believe Bush's low poll numbers
( It's OK Laura take another pill and pretend you are married to the
boyfriend you Killed !)
Bush Ready to Attack Iran
Independent Media Center ((( i )))
Is Morgellons Disease Caused By Chemtrail Spraying?
( Can You Say HARP ? Boys & Girls ?)
Directed Energy Weapon - Plane carrying Sen. Kennedy struck by lightning - May 13, 2006
Pressure rises on Blair to quit Iraq - Sunday Times - Times Online
Bush or Clinton Biggest Lier ? QuickVotePoll
Message 13
From: "Dick Eastman"
Date: Sun May 14, 2006 11:03pm(PDT)
Subject: Fw: 9/11 F R A M E - U P C A S E S O L V E D -- W H O A N D
----- Original Message -----
From: "Dick Eastman" <>
Sent: Friday, October 19, 2001 1:28 PM
Subject: 9/11 F R A M E - U P C A S E S O L V E D -- W H O A N D W H Y -- w. ample evidence assembled
> Scroll down for the most complete reconstruction of the terror frame-up.
> ==============================================
> > Dick,
> > The "Jew-haters" and "Jew-hater-haters" are in a well-coordinated
> > team-effort to bury your post under mass produced spam.
> > Run it again. Thanks.
> > --Your better judgement.
Here is how the WTC/Pentagon crashbombing operation came,
about,with strong documentary evidence available supporting every
step of this scenario. I am willing to field all questions discussants
can devise to test this solution. [Note new footnotes with some of
the supporting evidence.]
Mossad and the CIA were dealing Afgan-opium-derived "China-
white" heroin or at least were devoting effort to protect the
supply sources of the multi-trillion-dollar money-laundered
deposits backing the global investments of American
and Britsih merchant banks. The Afgan Northern Alliance
druglords grow 80 to 90 percent of the worlds opium, the
prime ingredient of heroin, which is then moved over the small
China-Afgan boarder for processing and distribution by the
giant People's Liberation Army - Triad transnational corporation-
drug cartel-and military instrument. Against this giant network
the religious Taliban had been erradicating Afgan opium production,
supressing production and profits for druglords, bankers and
globalization capitalists alike.
Thus this became the initial motivation of a renegade group of CIA
and/or Mossad having an interest in defeating Taliban.
(Nothing absurd so far, right?)
Next, the Russian and Kazakh mafias have ties with U.S. executive
James Giffen in Kazakhstan -- a man under investigation by
a New York grand jury in the months before September 11
for illegal involvement in an oil swaps between Kazakhstan
and sanctioned Iran (read the Aug. 9 New Yorker Magazine
for a full account of this by Seymore Hershe -- I have already
presented long excerpts of this in past posts) -- and all of the
evidence for this crime was being kept on the 20th through
25th floor of one of the WTC towers where the FBI had its
New York Offices. And James Giffen is the man anyone has
to go through to get any oil agreement with Kazakhstan --
including any pipelines built that would traverse Afganistan.
(There is $6 trillion dollars worth of oil and gas in Central Asia.)
Giffen certainly understood -- if he did not originate the idea --
that if he couldcan get operatives (even "captured" vengeful Islamic
activists whose rage could be shaped and directed to use of terror)
to destroy the FBI offices in the WTC building and the documentation
evidence it contained, then he would be escape grand jury indictment
-- and, as an powerful added benefit, the (framed) Taliban would get
replaced with a regime in Afganistan that would permit a pipeline to be
built -- preferably a Northern Alliance druglord government that would
harmonize with Giffen's own unethical (murderous) entrepreneural style.
(See the New Yorker artlical for details of Giffen's history.)
(So far this super-crime scheme involves only a small group of people--
Russian Mafia and perhaps a Giffen - renegade CIA or a Giffen
"dark-side" Mossad link. But other, even more powerful players
may have had involvement -- certainly they stood to gain
tremendously if the crashbomb frame-up were successfully accomplished.
(Prior to September 11 charges had been brought against
Alan Greenspan (forgive me -- in a previous post I said "Milton Friedman"
instead of Greenspan -- Friedman is a great and honest and honorable
academic scholar and Nobel Prize winner -- who, very superficially,
looks like Greenspan)
-- at any rate, Alan Greenspan, Goldman Sachs, Morgan & Co. and other
powerful American financial figures and instiutions had charges brought
against them -- reportedly a very well-documented case --over the fixing
of gold prices -- with evidence for that case too stored by the FBI
on the FBI floors of the WTC! These parties would not only profit
heavily from the "carrot" of both oil and drug monies circulating through
thier great
financial instiutions, but they also would gain from avoding the "stick"
of one of the most threatening lawsuits ever to confront the U.S. financial
establishment (realize what a guilty verdict in this case would mean to
these leading financial families and to the Establishment in general!) --
these parties would welcome predictable and certainly substantial
benefits from the the destruction of the evidence in the WTC
and of some of the witnesses and researchers on the case as well.)
Notice that so far we have powerful men with powerful incentives
who characteristically operate in secret and under the protection
of wealth, status and power -- both the carrot ($2 trillion in annual
drug revenues funneled through the banking system -- which has
funded much of the proceeds to fund the development of the
Princeling-Triad dictatorship in China, btw, -- (The communist government
has been in the opium business since the 1930's -- Mao pioneered the
model later followed by Peru's Shining Path and Colombia's Maoist
F.A.R.C. narco-terrorists. And Zhou Enlai devised the plan in the 1950's
of weakening American society through a drug invasion.)
"China white" heroin distributed by the People's Liberation Army,
made from Afgan opium links all banker and oilman to the corrupt
and renegade the secret state agencies, CIA, FBI, and Mossad
-- renegade agents of either agency may have seen this opportunity
for mutual gain and found the way -- having profiles of each of the
players -- to propose the crashbombing frame-up as the best "solution"
to each of players most troublesome problems, while making enormous
profits besides.
Note that the Bush's are tied to both the CIA and oil and, through
Mena Arkansas drug smuggling and through the Iran-Contra
drugs and arms deals etc. (drugworld investigator Daniel Hopsicker,
as well as Noam Chomsky and many others have exposed this
thoroughly -- at least in the broad strokes necessary to support
this reconstruction of the crime.)
(THe facts of the drug connections are known to everyone from
the Russians, to the John Birchers, to Wired Magazine, Harpers,
New Yorker, the Village Voice, the Nation, and Rolling Stone
Magazine, all having explored the drug - Establishment connections
in great detail.)
Which brings us to Ariel Sharon. His hard-head policy of
retaliation regardless of collateral damage and his provocation
at the mosque cost him dearly in world opinion. In fact the
Bush administration was very close to making initiating a major
policy shift -- obviously known to Sharon from the greatest intelligence
organization in the world -- Bush was planning the the
recognition/sponsorhip of a seperate Palestinian state. (Also
war crime charges had been brought against Sharon in international
court, further putting his hard-line policy against the Palestinians
in unfavorable light.
Mindful of Ariel Sharon's self-made hard spot, it is entirely
possible that the same CIA or Mossad mastermind that thought of
the crashbombing frame-up plan in the first place decided to take
the risk of telling Sharon about the plan, offering it as a solution
to the trapped old "freedom fighter's" problems as well. If the
U.S. could be made to think that the hated Osama bin Laden --
that Islamic fundametnalism itself -- is responsible for destroying
twin towers of the WTC and the American government itself,
then, Sharon would certainly grasp, American opinion woudl
radically swing to an extremely hard line against all Moslem
and Arab entities not securely under their thumb, and most
particularly, from Sharon's viewpoint, against Palestinians.
No profile of Sharon gives any indication that he would not
close on such a deal, such a serving of his higher good, his
prime directive.
And that is all that was needed to carry off this operation.
The getting and conditioning/deceiving of hijackers is an easy affair.
Mossad has infiltrated bin Ladin's forces in Central Asia and the Mideast
-- but it is a radically decentralized organization (as it must be to
remain viable)
and so it was an easy matter for this "dark-side" Mossad, with Sharon's
clandestine approval, to trick some very angry and vengeful Arabs into
thinking they were doing bin Ladens or some other anti-Zionist or anti-
Globalization radicals to agree to hijack the four planes. Millions in the
world hated the America and the globalization that the World Trade Center
represents. These recruited hijackers need not have been Arabs -- there
are Croats, Serbs, Latin Americans, and Iranians and any number
of other victim-pool people who could have volunteered to conduct
the hijacking -- possibly without fully understanding the end result of
the mission -- they need not have "signed on" for a suicide bombing.
(Many aviation experts on the net are describing a system built
into commercial airliners for taking over control of flight from the
ground, a system developed to combat terrorism. It is possible
that the course of the plane's flight was taken over by this system
installed to thwart hijackers (detailed in several reports
on the web.) But if the crashes were not effected in this way,
psychological-control methods, wholly sufficient for the job, were
also available. The technology of behavoir control is further
advanced than the popular press has made people aware.
Skilled psy op agents can get subjects angry enough and
convinced enough of the justice and good effects of "acts'
represented as serving their 'cause" to be willing to undertake
even suicidal missions. (Activist Alan Yu has researched this
technology as have other researchers from a broad spectrum
of political orientation.)
And this is all that is needed to conduct the terror act.
But then what?
When the crashes take place -- word merely has to be
put out by those involved (the CIA, Mossad, Sharon
and those complicit in the Bush Administration,
(based on his behavior, my money is on Paul Wolfowitz)
to push the theme that bin Ladin was responsible and that
this aggressive war to overthrow the Taliban is the only
immediate appropriate reaction -- since, the spin goes,
the Afgans are responsible for "harboring" bin Laden and
that "harboring is exactly the same as terrorism" and that
for that reason the entire Afgan government must be
terminated (must be "ended as a state" to use Wolfowitz's
revealing phrasing of September 12.)
The frame-up has all sorts of collateral benefits for the
perpetrators. Now the perpetrators can tell the unsuspecting
that bin Ladin's guilt has been established beyond doubt --
that for the sake of the security and safety of Israel and
the United States that it is necessary that the impression of
an "open and shut case" must be spun. (The news media
is exhorted to be patriotic and exemplary "wartime correspondents"
and sets about selling the blaming of bin Ladin and advocating
war and overthrow in Afganistan -- because they have been
deceitfully led to believe they really know who bombed the
buildings; and among the elite of the news publishers,
they "know" it is in the best interests of Israel and Wall Street
that this be the response, that this be the spin.
And Mr. Bush and Mr. Blair each benefit enormously, politically.
And trillions of dollars are enough to subdue and supress
criticism of the investigation -- after all, who would know better than
the CIA and Mossad exactly who is responsible? (The fact has
been reported -- in a different context, of course -- that the U.S.
intelligence receives all of its ground intelligence from Central Asia
through Mossad's network of infiltrator spies -- in other words,
whatever "proofs" the U.S. has (and has shown Tony Blair and NATO)
has come exclusively through Sharon via Mossad. The "evidence"
so-called, thus, is no counterweight to this reconstruction of the crime.
The "evidence" comes exclusively from the prime "frame-up" suspect.
Has Mossad done this kind of thing before? Remember
the USS Liberty, an American ship with flag flying,
deliberatly attacked and sunk (in multiple attack waves)
with efforts to kill every saior abord -- either to destroy
information that the ship may have intercepted or to
frame Arab states to gain the support of American
public opinion. (There are other cases involving the
blowing up of a disco dance nightclub, again to frame
targeted enemies -- a case actually brought to light
by the non-renegade "good side" Mossad.
The coverup apparently has unlimited resources. Two
Mossad men caught red handed days after the WTC
crashbombings, were carryhing explosive charges and
detonation controls in the government chambers of the
Mexican legislature? Apparently big bribes have been,
because these men have been set free.
One surmises that appeals are made to the bodey man
of a "destabalizing international crisis" is the truth were
to get out. This is ancient cloak of deviant ruling elites.
How many readers -- even if they strongly suspect that
this reconstruction fits the facts -- would not deny the
conclusion anyway because of fear of what this fact would
do to Israel's reputation and thus to her security and survival?
Yet this view may be wrong. If Israeli's on the "good side"
were to arrest Sharon and chase down the renegades of
the Mossad "dark side" and bring them to justice --
tensions in the Mideast would dissolve, and good-faith
restored -- good faith that will never return to the world
as long as the greatest terror frame-up in history is not
corrected by justice and the truth.
Also, if this reconstruction is valid, then that certainly
raises the liklihood that Ariel Sharon was also the
man who gave the order for the murder of Yhitzak Rabin.
Israel's greatest peacmaker (if that title does not go to
Began for his treaty with Sadat.)
Conviction of Sharon would mean that the warmongering
"take-no-prisoners" school of Zionism would at last be
discredited and that the humanitarian way of Rabin
could again be given another chance -- with
the Palestinians gaining restored faith in Israel to be
fair and just after seeing Sharon removed and brought
to justice.
I know that at this point you are poised to throw the
usual tomatoes and call me a "loon" and a "nazi" -- but
I know that those who call me those names are themselves
fearful that this analysis may be right.. (ANd I forgive
you in advance for having to through those tomatoes
out of loyalty and not knowing what else to do in your
It is a rotten world all around -- but my advice is
to seek the truth wherever it leads and then to enforce
justice -- justice against the real authors of the Sept 11 terror,
whoever they may be -- to go after Sharon just as strenuously
as you were recently ready to hunt down bin Laden.
And of course, the United States has a similar house cleaning
of its topmost shelves of power and influence -- a job that we
have been putting off since the 1870's. (How the entire world will
benefit from that job!)
(And I should make this clearer: The media are not silent because
they are conmplicit in the terror -- they are silent because they
are "yes men" who "know where their bread is buttered" and they
are not about to jump up and say "Sharon did it" until they see
others in their postions doing so. This is consitent with today's
"Dilbert" world of Establishment-monopolized organizations.
Only an earth shaking event, like the exposing of the Establishment's
role in the WTC terror, will shake down this system.)
Now, let's discuss this intelligently.
Dick Eastman
Yakima, Washington
Every man is responsible toevery other man.
Item #1: Some outfit! Mossad is our eyes and bin Ladin's hands.
Today's (October 15) Wall Street Journal, in an article
that began on page A12, in the pages usually devoted to
foreign busines news, concludes under the heading, "Israeli
Military to Brief Pentagon" reveals that Israeli intelligence
is providing ALL of our field-agent-gathered intelligence
from Arabic countries -- it all comes through Sharon.
The article also discloses that Mossad has agents disguised
as anti-American Moslems, including perhaps, men
infiltrating bin Ladin's organization -- perhaps even in
charge of autonomous units that could be "hijacked"
(i.e. Israel hijacking bin Ladins men to do counter espionage
and even terror that the hijacked personel think has
bin Ladin's blessing!!!)
From the WSJ:
"Immediately after the Sept. 11 attacks, Mr. Sharon ordered Israel's
intelligence agancies to "give the Americans everything, and around the
clock," said one Israeli official. ANother official, noting that the U.S.
has sophisticated electronic intelligence but lacks agents in key countries,
said Israel made available invormation from its agents inside Muslim
countries in Central Asia.
"Israel's intelligence assistance to the U.S. was directedly linked to al
Qaeda and its operations, contacts and financial support, " he said,
declining to elaborate. "It's the kind of quality information you can't get
with a KH-11 [spy satellite]. You have to be on the ground."
Item #2:
La Jornada (May 19, 2001) has implicated the most powerful Establishment
banks in laundering and cultivating 'black money' from drug traffickers and
corrupt government around the world:
"There is a consensus among U.S. Congressional Investigators, former
bankers and international banking experts that U.S. and European banks
launder between $500 billion and $1 trillion of dirty money annually,
half of which is laundered by U.S. banks alone."
"Former private banker Antonio Geraldi, in testimony before the Senate
Subcommittee projects significant growth in U.S. bank laundering. "The
forecasters also predict the amounts laundered in the trillions of
dollars and growing disproportionately to legitimate funds." The $500
billion of criminal and dirty money flowing into and through the major
U.S. banks far exceeds the net revenues of all the IT companies in the
U.S., not to speak of their profits. These yearly inflows surpass all
the net transfers by the major U.S. oil producers, military industries
and airplane manufacturers."
"First thing to note about the money laundering business, whether
criminal or corrupt, is that it is carried out by the most important
banks in the USA. Secondly, the practices of bank officials involved
in money laundering have the backing and encouragement of the highest
levels of the banking institutions - these are not isolated cases by
loose cannons."
Item #3:
Consider the following passages from an article
in The Village Voice about Laili Helms:
"The Accidental Operative; Richard Helms's Afghani
Niece Leads Corps of Taliban Reps,"
by Camelia Fard and James Ridgeway:
"At hand is a low-profile briefing on international
narcotics by a top State Department official, who
has recently returned from a United Nations trip
to inspect the poppy fields of Afghanistan, source
of 80 percent of the world's opium and target of a
recent eradication campaign by the fundamentalist
Taliban. The lecture begins as every other in
"The speaker politely informs the crowd he has
nothing to do with policy making. And, by the
way, it's all off the record. .....
"...The chaotic region is strewn with
crooked governments, terrorist brotherhoods,
thieving warlords, and smugglers. Against this
backdrop, the Taliban sometimes seems to be
the least of our problems.
"...The mullahs would like to take advantage of the
Bush administration's own fundamentalist leanings,
complete with antidrug policies. Their often comic
efforts to establish representation in the U.S. took
off when they found [Laili] Helms."
Item #4:
Interview of Dr. Joseph D. Douglass
Joseph D. Douglass, Ph.D., is author of the book Red Cocaine: The Drugging
of America and the West. Dr. Douglass received a Masters in Network Analysis
and a Ph.D. in Network Theory and Communication Theory from Cornell
University. He has 35 years of experience in national security matters,
having worked for several national defense corporations as well as the
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) of the Defense Department.
In recent years he has focused upon the issue of international organized
crime and its role in long-term Soviet/Russian strategy. This spring Dr.
Douglass is a featured speaker in a nationwide tour on the subject, "Battle
Lines in the Drug War."
Q. Despite some recent friction between Washington and Moscow, hardly a week
goes by without some public figure invoking the West''s "victory" in the
Cold War, which ended nearly 10 years ago. Could you describe your
perception of what happened with the "end" of the Soviet Union in December
A. It''s a gross oversimplification to claim that we -- the West -- "won the
Cold War," or even that the Soviet Union doesn''t exist anymore. We did not
win the Cold War; the Soviets lost it, notwithstanding our efforts to help
them maintain their empire. Not many people are interested in stopping to
ask what exactly happened in 1991. The critical question is why did the
Soviets decide to self-destruct? What was their strategic plan? The Soviets
never did anything without a plan. Yet no one has asked these questions.
We should pay careful attention to this fact: No bureaucracy simply wills
itself out of existence. Look at how our own domestic bureaucracies in the
United States continue to exist, decade after decade -- and they''re not mai
ntained through terror, like their Soviet counterparts. No revolution took
place in Russia or the other Soviet "republics" that would account for the
sudden dismantling of the Soviet state. Nothing forced the Communist Party
of the Soviet Union [CPSU] to relinquish its monopoly on power.
In fact, what the CPSU did was diversify its holdings, rather than dispense
with its monopoly. Party leaders either created new parties, or took over
the leadership of existing ones. And in anticipation of this, the CPSU and
the KGB -- years before the "end" of the Soviet Union -- set up all of the
structures of what they call the "invisible party economy." This was already
going on in the early 1980s, even before Gorbachev came along with his
So by the time the Hammer and Sickle banner was rung down, the Communist
nomenklatura had positioned itself as the rulers of the new, "privatized"
economy. The same is true of nearly every single country of the former
Soviet Bloc. Throughout the former Soviet Union we find "reformist" leaders
whose background includes a stint in the Komsomol [Young Communist League]
and a leadership position of some sort in the Communist Party. And we see
much the same thing in nearly every country of the former Soviet Bloc.
Q. You''re a specialist in nuclear threat assessment. How do you assess our
current strategic situation?
A. While it''s unwise to understate the nuclear dimension of the threat we
face, in some ways that threat serves as a diversion from matters of even
greater importance, particularly efforts by cultural Marxists to destroy our
country from within. [See "In Sade's Shadow" from this issue.] But we do
still confront a nuclear threat, and in some ways it''s more serious today
than it ever was in the past. Before 1991, our security was based upon the
concept of deterrence: An attack from an identifiable foreign rival would be
met with a swift and overwhelming reply. But this equation depends upon our
ability to know who is responsible for an attack. To a large extent this is
no longer the case, and five years hence things will be even more complex.
I''ll illustrate some of the dangerous complexities of our current
situation. As a result of proliferation -- both real and perceived -- it is
possible that we could be attacked by a single-warhead missile that could be
used to generate an electromagnetic pulse, or EMP, that could blind much of
our information infrastructure. We''ve known about the possible strategic
use of EMP for decades, and how the Soviets could use it to cripple our
sophisticated, computer-dependent national security system. As some nuclear
strategists put it in the early 1980s, through EMP the Soviets would be able
to attack the connections between targets, rather than the targets
But in today''s environment the EMP scenario becomes even more plausible,
because the single-warhead missile could come from any number of places,
from a source we couldn''t identify, and against whom we couldn''t
retaliate. It could come from Russia, from China, or from a supposedly
independent third party acting as a sub-contractor. So there are ways in
which our current strategic environment is more dangerous now than it was,
say, 15 years ago.
Q. In recent years many studies have been published describing the emergence
of the so-called Russian mob, or "Mafiya." How do you describe the role
played by international organized crime in the ongoing Soviet/Russian
A. First of all, what is commonly called the Russian mob is just the visible
element of the "invisible party economy" created by the CPSU and the KGB.
But what is commonly called "international organized crime" is hardly new,
contrary to what most commentators would have us believe. The narcotics
trade, which along with money laundering is perhaps the most lucrative field
of organized crime, has been a state-run enterprise in Communist China since
1949. The Soviets entered the field in 1956, and their Cuban clients came on
board in 1961.
Much of our knowledge of the Communist role in creating what the Soviets
called the "pink epidemic" -- combining red Communism and white cocaine --
comes from the late General Major Jan Sejna, who defected from
Czechoslovakia in 1968. To my knowledge Gen. Sejna was the highest-ranking
Soviet Bloc official ever to seek asylum here in the West: He was Secretary
of the Czech Defense Council, Military Chief of Staff, and a member of the
Czech Communist Party''s Central Committee. He was an eyewitness to, and
participant in, top-level meetings during which the Soviet drug offensive
was planned and implemented. He was privy to reports from the Soviets
regarding the development and testing of various drugs on prisoners in 1960.
Sejna offered detailed testimony regarding the role played by the Soviets
and their surrogates -- particularly the Czech and East German intelligence
agencies -- in creating the Latin American cocaine trafficking networks
centered in Colombia, Peru, and Bolivia. Those networks were brought on-line
in 1967, which is almost exactly when the United States witnessed the
beginning of the cocaine-use epidemic.
Q. Every year it seems as if we read about "progress" in the so-called war
on drugs, yet we also read that narcotics are cheaper, more readily
available, and being used more widely by our youth. What accounts for this,
in your view?
A. The biggest problem is the fact that narcotics trafficking enjoys
political protection -- partially for ideological reasons, and partially
because of deeply entrenched institutional corruption. The gross annual
revenues of international organized crime are nearly two trillion dollars;
this exceeds the gross domestic product of Great Britain. Much of this is
produced by laundering the illicit proceeds from narcotics trafficking and
other forms of vice. Obviously this provides a lot of money for buying off
political officials at every level. But it also offers valuable leverage to
compromise and manipulate institutions, as well.
The Soviets, beginning in the 1960s, targeted banks and other financial
institutions around the world, for much the same reason that they penetrated
and tried to control the existing organized crime networks: They are
extremely useful in collecting both political and industrial intelligence.
By penetrating banks, the Soviets gained access to a wealth of information
about governments and major industries, which they could use to their
strategic advantage. General Sejna revealed that by 1968, the Soviets and
their satellite intelligence agencies had collected detailed dossiers on
more than 10,000 people in positions of power and influence who had been
compromised by their involvement in the drug trade or other illegal
activities. One can only imagine how vast that dossier collection would be
today. This "kompromat," to use the Russian term, is incredibly valuable
strategic leverage. The proceeds from organized crime can be used to
purchase political support, and the "kompromat" can be used to ensure that a
politician stays bought.
Q. During the Clinton era, there have been numerous scandals involving
illegal campaign contributions from various organized crime figures, such as
Jorge Cabrera, Grigori Loutchansky, Ted Sioeng, Yah Lin "Charlie" Trie, Ng
Lap Seng, and others. And in recent weeks we''ve learned about donations
made by fugitive financier Marc Rich; those donations apparently bought a
presidential pardon. Do these scandals illustrate your point about the
strategic corruption of our political system?
A. Indeed they do. Cabrera was a Cuban drug trafficker who played a major
role in Fidel Castro''s network. Loutchansky was head of Nordex, a
Vienna-based KGB front corporation that was deeply involved in all kinds of
illegal activities. Sioeng was a Red Chinese agent and close business
associate of Cambodian heroin kingpin Theng Bunma. Trie is a member of a Red
Chinese-controlled "Triad" criminal syndicate. Ng Lap Seng is also a Triad
and is one of the leading crime lords on Macao. And Marc Rich, despite his
carefully manufactured faççade of humanitarianism, was a major player in the
CPSU''s creation of its "invisible party economy." The Clinton fundraising
scandals offered a textbook example of how the Soviet- and Red
Chinese-created crime networks purchase influence from Western politicians.
Q. You mentioned earlier that you regard cultural subversion as a more
immediate lethal danger than nuclear weapons. Why?
A. We cannot have a corrupt political elite, and a degenerate populace, and
remain a free society. The institutions of a free economy are built upon
transactions entered into by responsible, accountable people; they cannot
survive if personal responsibility is destroyed. The same is true of the
civic, religious, and cultural institutions that help us provide for each
other and offer social cohesion without government control. These
institutions are eroded as well when the public is corrupted by narcotics
and other forms of vice. If voluntary cooperation becomes impossible, all
that''s left is government control -- which suits the designs of cultural
Marxists perfectly.
Lenin''s program is to destroy the institutions of a free society and
replace them with a totalitarian state. Antonio Gramsci, Lenin''s heir,
understood that the most important institutions in any society are those
that the government doesn''t directly control -- religious congregations,
civic clubs, labor organizations, youth organizations, and so on. Gramsci
emphasized that Communists must "capture the culture" and corrupt the morals
of the public in order for revolutionary change to occur.
Q. Several analysts of international organized crime, including the late
Claire Sterling, have referred to a consolidation or merger of the various
underworld factions; Sterling called this the "New Underworld Order." How
does this relate to the ongoing amalgamation of nations into larger,
transnational entities -- such as NAFTA and the European Union (EU)?
A. International organized crime consists of both an "underworld" of private
sector criminals, and what we might call an "overworld" of corrupt
politicians and public institutions. These two elements are pursuing the
same objective, which is control over the world''s economy and avoidance of
accountability. As the political "overworld" is consolidated into larger
blocs -- NAFTA, EU, and other regional arrangements that are accountable
only to themselves -- it is taking on more and more of the same
characteristics we see in the criminal "underworld"; in fact, it could be
said that in the Clinton administration these worlds became
Marx and Lenin talked about the state "withering away." Might they have had
in mind the end of government as a limit upon the ambitions of a criminal
elite? This would also include an end to independent nations as well. Were
Lenin to see how the "new world order" is presently shaping up, he would
certainly recognize it as his vision at work.
The Chinese Peoples Liberation Army on
Subduing America with 'Soft Destruction:'
"After the Gulf War...a new military revolution
emerged ... essentially a transformation from the
mechanized warfare of the industrial age to
(information warfare) ...a war of decisions and
control ...of knowledge...and a war of intellect.
The aim of war (has changed) from preserving
oneself and wiping out the enemy to preserving
oneself and controlling the opponent. Information
warfare includes electronic warfare, tactical
deception, strategic deterrence, propaganda, and
cultural-environmental sabotage... ... (The) all-
conquering stratagems of Sun Tzu more than two
millennia ago-- "vanquishing the enemy without fighting"
and "subduing the enemy by ...soft destruction...(can)
finally be realized."
--From the dedication speech at the
Jiefangjun Bao Military
Research Center, (quoted by
John Carlin, "Wired"
May 1997 issue)
"...When Marxism-Leninism is integrated with
the revolutionary practices of China, the Chinese
Revolution puts on a new look. Now our influences
have reached the United States. If only we work
with patience and enthusiasm, Marxism-Leninism and
Mao Tse-tung's thought will definitely be integrated
with the practices of the revolutionary movement in
the United States, thereby speeding up the process
of revolution in the United States. ...Our
invitation to Nixon to visit China proceeds precisely
from Chairman Mao's tactical thinking: 'exploring
contradiction, winning over the majority,
opposing the minority, and destroying them
one by one."
-Central Committee of the
Chinese Communist Party,
March 30, 1973
March,20, 1962. Inserted by Rep.
William C. Cramer (R;Fla.)
...the Red Chinese, through Cuban connections,
are using narcotic traffic as a political weapon
in an effort to spread the addiction and lower
the morale and moral fiber of this country...
On of the most difficult problems in dealing
with Cuban refugees is to decide which are
fleeing from Communist Cuba and which are
using simulated flight as an excuse to enter this
country to serve an ulterior purpose.
This conundrum has been underscored in
Miami where narcotic agents discovered persons
posing as refugees operating a narcotic ring. Five
arrests have been made and the Narcotics Bureau
has pointed a finger of accusation at Red China
as the source of dope being smuggled into the United
Chinese Communists have played an important
part in the Castro revolution since its success.
Their presence in Havana is largely represented as
providing technical assistance to the Castro government.
But latest evidence uncovered by narcotics agents
indicates that they have another purpose also. They
are peddling dope, pushing drugs into the United States
with the intent of spreading addiction and lowering
the morale and moral fiber of this country.
Unfortunately, the Red Chinese have allies
here--the organized mob.
Call it what you will--the Mafia, organized crime
or the rackets--no one doubts the existence of
a powerful crime combine in the United States.
Its principle hoodlum leaders are known; some
of the more "respectable partners" are not. The
crime monopoly is engaged in gambling, prostitution,
narcotics, labor racketeering and certain legitimate
businesses where strong-arm tactics can be applied
to curb competition.
Congress just recently recognized the inability
of local law enforcement to cope with this network
of criminal activity by tightening Federal Laws
governing the interstate movement of criminals,
gambling devices and crime profits. Attorney
General Kennedy has asked for even broader
powers to strengthen his hand against the mob.
"Meanwhile, the rackets are still doing
business--and they are not above
trading with the Communists...."
Footnotes to be continued.
Message 14
From: "Dick Eastman"
Date: Sun May 14, 2006 11:03pm(PDT)
Subject: Re: [911_free_discussion] secondary explosions
----- Original Message -----
From: "tim ruane" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, May 14, 2006 4:27 PM
Subject: [911_free_discussion] secondary explosions
> the first thing that needs to be addressed regarding 9/11 is the
> reports of secondary explosions in the twin towers. some argue that
> these explosions, not solely the heat from the planes that had crashed
> into the towers, brought the towers down. a third building next to
> the towers also fell. mainstream media have had little to say about
> this. some say that the heat of the towers caused the third building
> to collapse. i don't believe this. do you?
Here is some evidence on that:
The FBI offices on the 23rd floor of the North Tower were bombed to prevent
agents from removing grand jury evidence stored there following the jet
crashbombings. Evidence for this was given on the CBS news program 60
Minutes, although CBS seems unaware of its implications.
"Steve," from Main, who recorded the broadcast, has given me, over the phone
and into my tape recorder, his recording of a segment of the CBS interview.
Here is my careful transcription (lots of "rewind" and "play" buttonwork) of
that recording.
Steve's intro: This is a segment of the 60 minutes report, mid-October.
They're interviewing the Chief of Security for the World Center Towers. The
60 Minutes reporter is doing the interview of George Tabeek [phonetic
spelling of audio -- could be "Tabeak," etc.] They are talking about him and
a fire fighter named Andy Desparino.
(Steve starts his vhs recording with his phone held to the speaker):
...In another part of the tower George Tabeek got a call that three Port
Authroity workers were trapped in command center on the 22nd floor.
Tabeek (fuzzy sound-- as if dubbed in from an edited-for broadcast phone
I said, "Stay calm, I'll be up there." I went to the battalion chief; he
assigned a lieutenant -- it's all I know is his first name, his first name
was Andy ...
Reporter (clear sound-- not phone interview):
Andy Desparino of Engine Company One
And worked our way all the way up to the twenty-second floor
Reporter (fuzzy -- phone interview clip again):
Are people going down?
People were coming down. I was telling them, "Please be calm" walk to the
Reporter (clear -- with jet impact sound in background during first
What George Tabeek didn't know was that a second jet had just struck tower
seven (sic) And when they reached the twenty-second floor of Tower One
Desperino and his men tunneled through the debris and opened up a path for
those trapped inside. Helen Reese, meanwhile, was at another Port
Authority Command Center talking to those unable to get down from the upper
floors ...
(end of excerpt)
From: "Dick Eastman" <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2001 11:16 PM
Subject: Re: [unorganizedmilitia] STOP EVERYTHING! HERE IS NEW
DESTRUCTION (destruction of evidence the certain motive)
> > At noon I received a phone call from New England
> > from Steve. He was
> > reviewing recorded footage of coverage of the
> > destruction of the WTC on
> > NBC's program "48 Hours."
> >
> > Steve has reviewed the footage many times and taken
> > detailed notes.
> > I took notes at my computer as he spoke.
> >
> > After the south tower collapsed, men went up to the
> > 22nd floor
> > of the WTC and "dug" someone out of the "rubble" he
> > found there. {It is known that these floors
> > contained the New York
> > FBI offices -- Peter Jennings actually did a
> > two-day network news
> > story on the effects of the destroyed evidence and
> > files on American
> > financial crime investigations around the world.]
> >
> > -----
> > The 48 Hours anchor was interviewing the Head of
> > Security of the WTC about
> > the evacuation who had received a call, after the
> > South tower was down, from
> > the Port Authority's Command Center on the 22nd
> > floor asking for rescue.
> > The Head of Security himself travelled to that floor
> > in the company of a NY
> > Fireman where they found the offices devestated to
> > the point where they had
> > to "tunnel through debris" to "dig out" the two or
> > three Port Authority
> > workers who were trapped there.
> >
> > All of this happened 73 floors below crashbombing
> > impact.
> >
> > ---
> > The man who called me about this -- Steve from Main
> > -- said that
> > he had received a copy detailing the evidence for a
> > terror frame-up
> > from one of the hundreds of people pester with my
> > posts each day
> > ( whose name I recall from my address book) -- and
> > that he had
> > been reviewing three lists of occupants of the WTC.
> >
> > He gave the sites for two different listings of WTC
> > tower occupants,
> > which I copied as follows:
> >
> >
> > tenants by floor and sq footage; and
> >
> >
> > occupation my tenancy.
> >
> > He noticed from these that listings were given for
> > all floors
> > EXCEPT floors 23 and 24, immediately above the
> > location
> > of the call for "digging out" rescue -- indicating
> > that the debris
> > had fallen down from a destructive event occuring on
> > the floor
> > directly above.
> >
> > Steve left off with this statement (which I am not
> > able now to
> > confirm or disconfirm): "The Murrah Building in
> > Oaklahoma
> > City was where all of the records of the Waco Seige
> > were
> > being kept. I think this is their MO." Meaning
> > their modus
> > operandi -- i.e., their distinctive pattern of
> > crime.
> >
> > =============
> > Here is the post that prompted Steve's phone call:
> > ----------------
> >
> > Below I present what I think are
> > incontrovertable reasons for
> > concluding
> > that the WTC/Pentagon crashbombings were a frame-up
> > designed to benefit
> > members of, at least, these four groups:
> >
> > 1) people profiting from the opium trade of the
> > Northern Alliance druglords
> > and the money-laundering through global investment
> > channels that the opium
> > trade and the derivative heroin trade supports;
> >
> > 2) people seeking control of the $6 trillion worth
> > of oil and natural gas in
> > Central Asia;
> >
> > 3) people seeking to win back support to
> > increasingly unpopular Sharonist
> > policies in Israel; and
> >
> > 4) people arraigned before a grand jury on charges
> > of fixing gold prices,
> > illegal involvement in oil swaps between Kazakhstan
> > and (sanctioned) Iran,
> > and bribery in cases where all incriminating
> > documentary evidence was
> > stored in FBI files and data banks in one of the
> > twin towers of the WTC.
> >
> > All four of these groups have fluid secret channels
> > of communication through
> > networked integration of banking, politics, the CIA
> > and Mossad connections.
> > The fact is if one of these groups was complicit the
> > other three would have
> > to be also.
> >
> > Here are three independently developed arguments.
> >
> > ==============================
> > I. Best guess origins of the WTC/Pentagon
> > crashbombing
> > frame-up.
> > =====================
> >
> > Mossad and the CIA were supporting traffick in
> > Afgan-opium-derived heroin -- devoting public
> > resources
> > to protect and assist the suppliers and
> > distributors of the
> > multi-trillion-dollar money-laundered drug revenue
> > deposits
> > backing the global investments of American and
> > Britsih elite
> > finance. The Afgan Northern Alliance druglords grow
> > 70
> > to 90 percent of the worlds opium, the prime
> > ingredient of
> > heroin The opium which is moved across the small
> > China-Afgan boarder for processing and distribution
> > by the
> > giant People's Liberation Army, that amazing
> > transnational corporation, Triad drug cartel-and
> > military
> > super military establishment all in one. Against the
> > tremendous-
> > stake interests this giant outlaw network, the
> > morally
> >
> === message truncated ===
Message 15
From: "Dick Eastman"
Date: Sun May 14, 2006 11:08pm(PDT)
Subject: Fw: 9/11 F R A M E - U P C A S E S O L V E D -- W H O A N D
----- Original Message -----
From: "Dick Eastman" <>
Sent: Friday, October 19, 2001 1:28 PM
Subject: 9/11 F R A M E - U P C A S E S O L V E D -- W H O A N D W H Y -- w. ample evidence assembled
> Scroll down for the most complete reconstruction of the terror frame-up.
> ==============================================
> > Dick,
> > The "Jew-haters" and "Jew-hater-haters" are in a well-coordinated
> > team-effort to bury your post under mass produced spam.
> > Run it again. Thanks.
> > --Your better judgement.
Here is how the WTC/Pentagon crashbombing operation came,
about,with strong documentary evidence available supporting every
step of this scenario. I am willing to field all questions discussants
can devise to test this solution. [Note new footnotes with some of
the supporting evidence.]
Mossad and the CIA were dealing Afgan-opium-derived "China-
white" heroin or at least were devoting effort to protect the
supply sources of the multi-trillion-dollar money-laundered
deposits backing the global investments of American
and Britsih merchant banks. The Afgan Northern Alliance
druglords grow 80 to 90 percent of the worlds opium, the
prime ingredient of heroin, which is then moved over the small
China-Afgan boarder for processing and distribution by the
giant People's Liberation Army - Triad transnational corporation-
drug cartel-and military instrument. Against this giant network
the religious Taliban had been erradicating Afgan opium production,
supressing production and profits for druglords, bankers and
globalization capitalists alike.
Thus this became the initial motivation of a renegade group of CIA
and/or Mossad having an interest in defeating Taliban.
(Nothing absurd so far, right?)
Next, the Russian and Kazakh mafias have ties with U.S. executive
James Giffen in Kazakhstan -- a man under investigation by
a New York grand jury in the months before September 11
for illegal involvement in an oil swaps between Kazakhstan
and sanctioned Iran (read the Aug. 9 New Yorker Magazine
for a full account of this by Seymore Hershe -- I have already
presented long excerpts of this in past posts) -- and all of the
evidence for this crime was being kept on the 20th through
25th floor of one of the WTC towers where the FBI had its
New York Offices. And James Giffen is the man anyone has
to go through to get any oil agreement with Kazakhstan --
including any pipelines built that would traverse Afganistan.
(There is $6 trillion dollars worth of oil and gas in Central Asia.)
Giffen certainly understood -- if he did not originate the idea --
that if he couldcan get operatives (even "captured" vengeful Islamic
activists whose rage could be shaped and directed to use of terror)
to destroy the FBI offices in the WTC building and the documentation
evidence it contained, then he would be escape grand jury indictment
-- and, as an powerful added benefit, the (framed) Taliban would get
replaced with a regime in Afganistan that would permit a pipeline to be
built -- preferably a Northern Alliance druglord government that would
harmonize with Giffen's own unethical (murderous) entrepreneural style.
(See the New Yorker artlical for details of Giffen's history.)
(So far this super-crime scheme involves only a small group of people--
Russian Mafia and perhaps a Giffen - renegade CIA or a Giffen
"dark-side" Mossad link. But other, even more powerful players
may have had involvement -- certainly they stood to gain
tremendously if the crashbomb frame-up were successfully accomplished.
(Prior to September 11 charges had been brought against
Alan Greenspan (forgive me -- in a previous post I said "Milton Friedman"
instead of Greenspan -- Friedman is a great and honest and honorable
academic scholar and Nobel Prize winner -- who, very superficially,
looks like Greenspan)
-- at any rate, Alan Greenspan, Goldman Sachs, Morgan & Co. and other
powerful American financial figures and instiutions had charges brought
against them -- reportedly a very well-documented case --over the fixing
of gold prices -- with evidence for that case too stored by the FBI
on the FBI floors of the WTC! These parties would not only profit
heavily from the "carrot" of both oil and drug monies circulating through
thier great
financial instiutions, but they also would gain from avoding the "stick"
of one of the most threatening lawsuits ever to confront the U.S. financial
establishment (realize what a guilty verdict in this case would mean to
these leading financial families and to the Establishment in general!) --
these parties would welcome predictable and certainly substantial
benefits from the the destruction of the evidence in the WTC
and of some of the witnesses and researchers on the case as well.)
Notice that so far we have powerful men with powerful incentives
who characteristically operate in secret and under the protection
of wealth, status and power -- both the carrot ($2 trillion in annual
drug revenues funneled through the banking system -- which has
funded much of the proceeds to fund the development of the
Princeling-Triad dictatorship in China, btw, -- (The communist government
has been in the opium business since the 1930's -- Mao pioneered the
model later followed by Peru's Shining Path and Colombia's Maoist
F.A.R.C. narco-terrorists. And Zhou Enlai devised the plan in the 1950's
of weakening American society through a drug invasion.)
"China white" heroin distributed by the People's Liberation Army,
made from Afgan opium links all banker and oilman to the corrupt
and renegade the secret state agencies, CIA, FBI, and Mossad
-- renegade agents of either agency may have seen this opportunity
for mutual gain and found the way -- having profiles of each of the
players -- to propose the crashbombing frame-up as the best "solution"
to each of players most troublesome problems, while making enormous
profits besides.
Note that the Bush's are tied to both the CIA and oil and, through
Mena Arkansas drug smuggling and through the Iran-Contra
drugs and arms deals etc. (drugworld investigator Daniel Hopsicker,
as well as Noam Chomsky and many others have exposed this
thoroughly -- at least in the broad strokes necessary to support
this reconstruction of the crime.)
(THe facts of the drug connections are known to everyone from
the Russians, to the John Birchers, to Wired Magazine, Harpers,
New Yorker, the Village Voice, the Nation, and Rolling Stone
Magazine, all having explored the drug - Establishment connections
in great detail.)
Which brings us to Ariel Sharon. His hard-head policy of
retaliation regardless of collateral damage and his provocation
at the mosque cost him dearly in world opinion. In fact the
Bush administration was very close to making initiating a major
policy shift -- obviously known to Sharon from the greatest intelligence
organization in the world -- Bush was planning the the
recognition/sponsorhip of a seperate Palestinian state. (Also
war crime charges had been brought against Sharon in international
court, further putting his hard-line policy against the Palestinians
in unfavorable light.
Mindful of Ariel Sharon's self-made hard spot, it is entirely
possible that the same CIA or Mossad mastermind that thought of
the crashbombing frame-up plan in the first place decided to take
the risk of telling Sharon about the plan, offering it as a solution
to the trapped old "freedom fighter's" problems as well. If the
U.S. could be made to think that the hated Osama bin Laden --
that Islamic fundametnalism itself -- is responsible for destroying
twin towers of the WTC and the American government itself,
then, Sharon would certainly grasp, American opinion woudl
radically swing to an extremely hard line against all Moslem
and Arab entities not securely under their thumb, and most
particularly, from Sharon's viewpoint, against Palestinians.
No profile of Sharon gives any indication that he would not
close on such a deal, such a serving of his higher good, his
prime directive.
And that is all that was needed to carry off this operation.
The getting and conditioning/deceiving of hijackers is an easy affair.
Mossad has infiltrated bin Ladin's forces in Central Asia and the Mideast
-- but it is a radically decentralized organization (as it must be to
remain viable)
and so it was an easy matter for this "dark-side" Mossad, with Sharon's
clandestine approval, to trick some very angry and vengeful Arabs into
thinking they were doing bin Ladens or some other anti-Zionist or anti-
Globalization radicals to agree to hijack the four planes. Millions in the
world hated the America and the globalization that the World Trade Center
represents. These recruited hijackers need not have been Arabs -- there
are Croats, Serbs, Latin Americans, and Iranians and any number
of other victim-pool people who could have volunteered to conduct
the hijacking -- possibly without fully understanding the end result of
the mission -- they need not have "signed on" for a suicide bombing.
(Many aviation experts on the net are describing a system built
into commercial airliners for taking over control of flight from the
ground, a system developed to combat terrorism. It is possible
that the course of the plane's flight was taken over by this system
installed to thwart hijackers (detailed in several reports
on the web.) But if the crashes were not effected in this way,
psychological-control methods, wholly sufficient for the job, were
also available. The technology of behavoir control is further
advanced than the popular press has made people aware.
Skilled psy op agents can get subjects angry enough and
convinced enough of the justice and good effects of "acts'
represented as serving their 'cause" to be willing to undertake
even suicidal missions. (Activist Alan Yu has researched this
technology as have other researchers from a broad spectrum
of political orientation.)
And this is all that is needed to conduct the terror act.
But then what?
When the crashes take place -- word merely has to be
put out by those involved (the CIA, Mossad, Sharon
and those complicit in the Bush Administration,
(based on his behavior, my money is on Paul Wolfowitz)
to push the theme that bin Ladin was responsible and that
this aggressive war to overthrow the Taliban is the only
immediate appropriate reaction -- since, the spin goes,
the Afgans are responsible for "harboring" bin Laden and
that "harboring is exactly the same as terrorism" and that
for that reason the entire Afgan government must be
terminated (must be "ended as a state" to use Wolfowitz's
revealing phrasing of September 12.)
The frame-up has all sorts of collateral benefits for the
perpetrators. Now the perpetrators can tell the unsuspecting
that bin Ladin's guilt has been established beyond doubt --
that for the sake of the security and safety of Israel and
the United States that it is necessary that the impression of
an "open and shut case" must be spun. (The news media
is exhorted to be patriotic and exemplary "wartime correspondents"
and sets about selling the blaming of bin Ladin and advocating
war and overthrow in Afganistan -- because they have been
deceitfully led to believe they really know who bombed the
buildings; and among the elite of the news publishers,
they "know" it is in the best interests of Israel and Wall Street
that this be the response, that this be the spin.
And Mr. Bush and Mr. Blair each benefit enormously, politically.
And trillions of dollars are enough to subdue and supress
criticism of the investigation -- after all, who would know better than
the CIA and Mossad exactly who is responsible? (The fact has
been reported -- in a different context, of course -- that the U.S.
intelligence receives all of its ground intelligence from Central Asia
through Mossad's network of infiltrator spies -- in other words,
whatever "proofs" the U.S. has (and has shown Tony Blair and NATO)
has come exclusively through Sharon via Mossad. The "evidence"
so-called, thus, is no counterweight to this reconstruction of the crime.
The "evidence" comes exclusively from the prime "frame-up" suspect.
Has Mossad done this kind of thing before? Remember
the USS Liberty, an American ship with flag flying,
deliberatly attacked and sunk (in multiple attack waves)
with efforts to kill every saior abord -- either to destroy
information that the ship may have intercepted or to
frame Arab states to gain the support of American
public opinion. (There are other cases involving the
blowing up of a disco dance nightclub, again to frame
targeted enemies -- a case actually brought to light
by the non-renegade "good side" Mossad.
The coverup apparently has unlimited resources. Two
Mossad men caught red handed days after the WTC
crashbombings, were carryhing explosive charges and
detonation controls in the government chambers of the
Mexican legislature? Apparently big bribes have been,
because these men have been set free.
One surmises that appeals are made to the bodey man
of a "destabalizing international crisis" is the truth were
to get out. This is ancient cloak of deviant ruling elites.
How many readers -- even if they strongly suspect that
this reconstruction fits the facts -- would not deny the
conclusion anyway because of fear of what this fact would
do to Israel's reputation and thus to her security and survival?
Yet this view may be wrong. If Israeli's on the "good side"
were to arrest Sharon and chase down the renegades of
the Mossad "dark side" and bring them to justice --
tensions in the Mideast would dissolve, and good-faith
restored -- good faith that will never return to the world
as long as the greatest terror frame-up in history is not
corrected by justice and the truth.
Also, if this reconstruction is valid, then that certainly
raises the liklihood that Ariel Sharon was also the
man who gave the order for the murder of Yhitzak Rabin.
Israel's greatest peacmaker (if that title does not go to
Began for his treaty with Sadat.)
Conviction of Sharon would mean that the warmongering
"take-no-prisoners" school of Zionism would at last be
discredited and that the humanitarian way of Rabin
could again be given another chance -- with
the Palestinians gaining restored faith in Israel to be
fair and just after seeing Sharon removed and brought
to justice.
I know that at this point you are poised to throw the
usual tomatoes and call me a "loon" and a "nazi" -- but
I know that those who call me those names are themselves
fearful that this analysis may be right.. (ANd I forgive
you in advance for having to through those tomatoes
out of loyalty and not knowing what else to do in your
It is a rotten world all around -- but my advice is
to seek the truth wherever it leads and then to enforce
justice -- justice against the real authors of the Sept 11 terror,
whoever they may be -- to go after Sharon just as strenuously
as you were recently ready to hunt down bin Laden.
And of course, the United States has a similar house cleaning
of its topmost shelves of power and influence -- a job that we
have been putting off since the 1870's. (How the entire world will
benefit from that job!)
(And I should make this clearer: The media are not silent because
they are conmplicit in the terror -- they are silent because they
are "yes men" who "know where their bread is buttered" and they
are not about to jump up and say "Sharon did it" until they see
others in their postions doing so. This is consitent with today's
"Dilbert" world of Establishment-monopolized organizations.
Only an earth shaking event, like the exposing of the Establishment's
role in the WTC terror, will shake down this system.)
Now, let's discuss this intelligently.
Dick Eastman
Yakima, Washington
Every man is responsible toevery other man.
Item #1: Some outfit! Mossad is our eyes and bin Ladin's hands.
Today's (October 15) Wall Street Journal, in an article
that began on page A12, in the pages usually devoted to
foreign busines news, concludes under the heading, "Israeli
Military to Brief Pentagon" reveals that Israeli intelligence
is providing ALL of our field-agent-gathered intelligence
from Arabic countries -- it all comes through Sharon.
The article also discloses that Mossad has agents disguised
as anti-American Moslems, including perhaps, men
infiltrating bin Ladin's organization -- perhaps even in
charge of autonomous units that could be "hijacked"
(i.e. Israel hijacking bin Ladins men to do counter espionage
and even terror that the hijacked personel think has
bin Ladin's blessing!!!)
From the WSJ:
"Immediately after the Sept. 11 attacks, Mr. Sharon ordered Israel's
intelligence agancies to "give the Americans everything, and around the
clock," said one Israeli official. ANother official, noting that the U.S.
has sophisticated electronic intelligence but lacks agents in key countries,
said Israel made available invormation from its agents inside Muslim
countries in Central Asia.
"Israel's intelligence assistance to the U.S. was directedly linked to al
Qaeda and its operations, contacts and financial support, " he said,
declining to elaborate. "It's the kind of quality information you can't get
with a KH-11 [spy satellite]. You have to be on the ground."
Item #2:
La Jornada (May 19, 2001) has implicated the most powerful Establishment
banks in laundering and cultivating 'black money' from drug traffickers and
corrupt government around the world:
"There is a consensus among U.S. Congressional Investigators, former
bankers and international banking experts that U.S. and European banks
launder between $500 billion and $1 trillion of dirty money annually,
half of which is laundered by U.S. banks alone."
"Former private banker Antonio Geraldi, in testimony before the Senate
Subcommittee projects significant growth in U.S. bank laundering. "The
forecasters also predict the amounts laundered in the trillions of
dollars and growing disproportionately to legitimate funds." The $500
billion of criminal and dirty money flowing into and through the major
U.S. banks far exceeds the net revenues of all the IT companies in the
U.S., not to speak of their profits. These yearly inflows surpass all
the net transfers by the major U.S. oil producers, military industries
and airplane manufacturers."
"First thing to note about the money laundering business, whether
criminal or corrupt, is that it is carried out by the most important
banks in the USA. Secondly, the practices of bank officials involved
in money laundering have the backing and encouragement of the highest
levels of the banking institutions - these are not isolated cases by
loose cannons."
Item #3:
Consider the following passages from an article
in The Village Voice about Laili Helms:
"The Accidental Operative; Richard Helms's Afghani
Niece Leads Corps of Taliban Reps,"
by Camelia Fard and James Ridgeway:
"At hand is a low-profile briefing on international
narcotics by a top State Department official, who
has recently returned from a United Nations trip
to inspect the poppy fields of Afghanistan, source
of 80 percent of the world's opium and target of a
recent eradication campaign by the fundamentalist
Taliban. The lecture begins as every other in
"The speaker politely informs the crowd he has
nothing to do with policy making. And, by the
way, it's all off the record. .....
"...The chaotic region is strewn with
crooked governments, terrorist brotherhoods,
thieving warlords, and smugglers. Against this
backdrop, the Taliban sometimes seems to be
the least of our problems.
"...The mullahs would like to take advantage of the
Bush administration's own fundamentalist leanings,
complete with antidrug policies. Their often comic
efforts to establish representation in the U.S. took
off when they found [Laili] Helms."
Item #4:
Interview of Dr. Joseph D. Douglass
Joseph D. Douglass, Ph.D., is author of the book Red Cocaine: The Drugging
of America and the West. Dr. Douglass received a Masters in Network Analysis
and a Ph.D. in Network Theory and Communication Theory from Cornell
University. He has 35 years of experience in national security matters,
having worked for several national defense corporations as well as the
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) of the Defense Department.
In recent years he has focused upon the issue of international organized
crime and its role in long-term Soviet/Russian strategy. This spring Dr.
Douglass is a featured speaker in a nationwide tour on the subject, "Battle
Lines in the Drug War."
Q. Despite some recent friction between Washington and Moscow, hardly a week
goes by without some public figure invoking the West''s "victory" in the
Cold War, which ended nearly 10 years ago. Could you describe your
perception of what happened with the "end" of the Soviet Union in December
A. It''s a gross oversimplification to claim that we -- the West -- "won the
Cold War," or even that the Soviet Union doesn''t exist anymore. We did not
win the Cold War; the Soviets lost it, notwithstanding our efforts to help
them maintain their empire. Not many people are interested in stopping to
ask what exactly happened in 1991. The critical question is why did the
Soviets decide to self-destruct? What was their strategic plan? The Soviets
never did anything without a plan. Yet no one has asked these questions.
We should pay careful attention to this fact: No bureaucracy simply wills
itself out of existence. Look at how our own domestic bureaucracies in the
United States continue to exist, decade after decade -- and they''re not mai
ntained through terror, like their Soviet counterparts. No revolution took
place in Russia or the other Soviet "republics" that would account for the
sudden dismantling of the Soviet state. Nothing forced the Communist Party
of the Soviet Union [CPSU] to relinquish its monopoly on power.
In fact, what the CPSU did was diversify its holdings, rather than dispense
with its monopoly. Party leaders either created new parties, or took over
the leadership of existing ones. And in anticipation of this, the CPSU and
the KGB -- years before the "end" of the Soviet Union -- set up all of the
structures of what they call the "invisible party economy." This was already
going on in the early 1980s, even before Gorbachev came along with his
So by the time the Hammer and Sickle banner was rung down, the Communist
nomenklatura had positioned itself as the rulers of the new, "privatized"
economy. The same is true of nearly every single country of the former
Soviet Bloc. Throughout the former Soviet Union we find "reformist" leaders
whose background includes a stint in the Komsomol [Young Communist League]
and a leadership position of some sort in the Communist Party. And we see
much the same thing in nearly every country of the former Soviet Bloc.
Q. You''re a specialist in nuclear threat assessment. How do you assess our
current strategic situation?
A. While it''s unwise to understate the nuclear dimension of the threat we
face, in some ways that threat serves as a diversion from matters of even
greater importance, particularly efforts by cultural Marxists to destroy our
country from within. [See "In Sade's Shadow" from this issue.] But we do
still confront a nuclear threat, and in some ways it''s more serious today
than it ever was in the past. Before 1991, our security was based upon the
concept of deterrence: An attack from an identifiable foreign rival would be
met with a swift and overwhelming reply. But this equation depends upon our
ability to know who is responsible for an attack. To a large extent this is
no longer the case, and five years hence things will be even more complex.
I''ll illustrate some of the dangerous complexities of our current
situation. As a result of proliferation -- both real and perceived -- it is
possible that we could be attacked by a single-warhead missile that could be
used to generate an electromagnetic pulse, or EMP, that could blind much of
our information infrastructure. We''ve known about the possible strategic
use of EMP for decades, and how the Soviets could use it to cripple our
sophisticated, computer-dependent national security system. As some nuclear
strategists put it in the early 1980s, through EMP the Soviets would be able
to attack the connections between targets, rather than the targets
But in today''s environment the EMP scenario becomes even more plausible,
because the single-warhead missile could come from any number of places,
from a source we couldn''t identify, and against whom we couldn''t
retaliate. It could come from Russia, from China, or from a supposedly
independent third party acting as a sub-contractor. So there are ways in
which our current strategic environment is more dangerous now than it was,
say, 15 years ago.
Q. In recent years many studies have been published describing the emergence
of the so-called Russian mob, or "Mafiya." How do you describe the role
played by international organized crime in the ongoing Soviet/Russian
A. First of all, what is commonly called the Russian mob is just the visible
element of the "invisible party economy" created by the CPSU and the KGB.
But what is commonly called "international organized crime" is hardly new,
contrary to what most commentators would have us believe. The narcotics
trade, which along with money laundering is perhaps the most lucrative field
of organized crime, has been a state-run enterprise in Communist China since
1949. The Soviets entered the field in 1956, and their Cuban clients came on
board in 1961.
Much of our knowledge of the Communist role in creating what the Soviets
called the "pink epidemic" -- combining red Communism and white cocaine --
comes from the late General Major Jan Sejna, who defected from
Czechoslovakia in 1968. To my knowledge Gen. Sejna was the highest-ranking
Soviet Bloc official ever to seek asylum here in the West: He was Secretary
of the Czech Defense Council, Military Chief of Staff, and a member of the
Czech Communist Party''s Central Committee. He was an eyewitness to, and
participant in, top-level meetings during which the Soviet drug offensive
was planned and implemented. He was privy to reports from the Soviets
regarding the development and testing of various drugs on prisoners in 1960.
Sejna offered detailed testimony regarding the role played by the Soviets
and their surrogates -- particularly the Czech and East German intelligence
agencies -- in creating the Latin American cocaine trafficking networks
centered in Colombia, Peru, and Bolivia. Those networks were brought on-line
in 1967, which is almost exactly when the United States witnessed the
beginning of the cocaine-use epidemic.
Q. Every year it seems as if we read about "progress" in the so-called war
on drugs, yet we also read that narcotics are cheaper, more readily
available, and being used more widely by our youth. What accounts for this,
in your view?
A. The biggest problem is the fact that narcotics trafficking enjoys
political protection -- partially for ideological reasons, and partially
because of deeply entrenched institutional corruption. The gross annual
revenues of international organized crime are nearly two trillion dollars;
this exceeds the gross domestic product of Great Britain. Much of this is
produced by laundering the illicit proceeds from narcotics trafficking and
other forms of vice. Obviously this provides a lot of money for buying off
political officials at every level. But it also offers valuable leverage to
compromise and manipulate institutions, as well.
The Soviets, beginning in the 1960s, targeted banks and other financial
institutions around the world, for much the same reason that they penetrated
and tried to control the existing organized crime networks: They are
extremely useful in collecting both political and industrial intelligence.
By penetrating banks, the Soviets gained access to a wealth of information
about governments and major industries, which they could use to their
strategic advantage. General Sejna revealed that by 1968, the Soviets and
their satellite intelligence agencies had collected detailed dossiers on
more than 10,000 people in positions of power and influence who had been
compromised by their involvement in the drug trade or other illegal
activities. One can only imagine how vast that dossier collection would be
today. This "kompromat," to use the Russian term, is incredibly valuable
strategic leverage. The proceeds from organized crime can be used to
purchase political support, and the "kompromat" can be used to ensure that a
politician stays bought.
Q. During the Clinton era, there have been numerous scandals involving
illegal campaign contributions from various organized crime figures, such as
Jorge Cabrera, Grigori Loutchansky, Ted Sioeng, Yah Lin "Charlie" Trie, Ng
Lap Seng, and others. And in recent weeks we''ve learned about donations
made by fugitive financier Marc Rich; those donations apparently bought a
presidential pardon. Do these scandals illustrate your point about the
strategic corruption of our political system?
A. Indeed they do. Cabrera was a Cuban drug trafficker who played a major
role in Fidel Castro''s network. Loutchansky was head of Nordex, a
Vienna-based KGB front corporation that was deeply involved in all kinds of
illegal activities. Sioeng was a Red Chinese agent and close business
associate of Cambodian heroin kingpin Theng Bunma. Trie is a member of a Red
Chinese-controlled "Triad" criminal syndicate. Ng Lap Seng is also a Triad
and is one of the leading crime lords on Macao. And Marc Rich, despite his
carefully manufactured faççade of humanitarianism, was a major player in the
CPSU''s creation of its "invisible party economy." The Clinton fundraising
scandals offered a textbook example of how the Soviet- and Red
Chinese-created crime networks purchase influence from Western politicians.
Q. You mentioned earlier that you regard cultural subversion as a more
immediate lethal danger than nuclear weapons. Why?
A. We cannot have a corrupt political elite, and a degenerate populace, and
remain a free society. The institutions of a free economy are built upon
transactions entered into by responsible, accountable people; they cannot
survive if personal responsibility is destroyed. The same is true of the
civic, religious, and cultural institutions that help us provide for each
other and offer social cohesion without government control. These
institutions are eroded as well when the public is corrupted by narcotics
and other forms of vice. If voluntary cooperation becomes impossible, all
that''s left is government control -- which suits the designs of cultural
Marxists perfectly.
Lenin''s program is to destroy the institutions of a free society and
replace them with a totalitarian state. Antonio Gramsci, Lenin''s heir,
understood that the most important institutions in any society are those
that the government doesn''t directly control -- religious congregations,
civic clubs, labor organizations, youth organizations, and so on. Gramsci
emphasized that Communists must "capture the culture" and corrupt the morals
of the public in order for revolutionary change to occur.
Q. Several analysts of international organized crime, including the late
Claire Sterling, have referred to a consolidation or merger of the various
underworld factions; Sterling called this the "New Underworld Order." How
does this relate to the ongoing amalgamation of nations into larger,
transnational entities -- such as NAFTA and the European Union (EU)?
A. International organized crime consists of both an "underworld" of private
sector criminals, and what we might call an "overworld" of corrupt
politicians and public institutions. These two elements are pursuing the
same objective, which is control over the world''s economy and avoidance of
accountability. As the political "overworld" is consolidated into larger
blocs -- NAFTA, EU, and other regional arrangements that are accountable
only to themselves -- it is taking on more and more of the same
characteristics we see in the criminal "underworld"; in fact, it could be
said that in the Clinton administration these worlds became
Marx and Lenin talked about the state "withering away." Might they have had
in mind the end of government as a limit upon the ambitions of a criminal
elite? This would also include an end to independent nations as well. Were
Lenin to see how the "new world order" is presently shaping up, he would
certainly recognize it as his vision at work.
The Chinese Peoples Liberation Army on
Subduing America with 'Soft Destruction:'
"After the Gulf War...a new military revolution
emerged ... essentially a transformation from the
mechanized warfare of the industrial age to
(information warfare) ...a war of decisions and
control ...of knowledge...and a war of intellect.
The aim of war (has changed) from preserving
oneself and wiping out the enemy to preserving
oneself and controlling the opponent. Information
warfare includes electronic warfare, tactical
deception, strategic deterrence, propaganda, and
cultural-environmental sabotage... ... (The) all-
conquering stratagems of Sun Tzu more than two
millennia ago-- "vanquishing the enemy without fighting"
and "subduing the enemy by ...soft destruction...(can)
finally be realized."
--From the dedication speech at the
Jiefangjun Bao Military
Research Center, (quoted by
John Carlin, "Wired"
May 1997 issue)
"...When Marxism-Leninism is integrated with
the revolutionary practices of China, the Chinese
Revolution puts on a new look. Now our influences
have reached the United States. If only we work
with patience and enthusiasm, Marxism-Leninism and
Mao Tse-tung's thought will definitely be integrated
with the practices of the revolutionary movement in
the United States, thereby speeding up the process
of revolution in the United States. ...Our
invitation to Nixon to visit China proceeds precisely
from Chairman Mao's tactical thinking: 'exploring
contradiction, winning over the majority,
opposing the minority, and destroying them
one by one."
-Central Committee of the
Chinese Communist Party,
March 30, 1973
March,20, 1962. Inserted by Rep.
William C. Cramer (R;Fla.)
...the Red Chinese, through Cuban connections,
are using narcotic traffic as a political weapon
in an effort to spread the addiction and lower
the morale and moral fiber of this country...
On of the most difficult problems in dealing
with Cuban refugees is to decide which are
fleeing from Communist Cuba and which are
using simulated flight as an excuse to enter this
country to serve an ulterior purpose.
This conundrum has been underscored in
Miami where narcotic agents discovered persons
posing as refugees operating a narcotic ring. Five
arrests have been made and the Narcotics Bureau
has pointed a finger of accusation at Red China
as the source of dope being smuggled into the United
Chinese Communists have played an important
part in the Castro revolution since its success.
Their presence in Havana is largely represented as
providing technical assistance to the Castro government.
But latest evidence uncovered by narcotics agents
indicates that they have another purpose also. They
are peddling dope, pushing drugs into the United States
with the intent of spreading addiction and lowering
the morale and moral fiber of this country.
Unfortunately, the Red Chinese have allies
here--the organized mob.
Call it what you will--the Mafia, organized crime
or the rackets--no one doubts the existence of
a powerful crime combine in the United States.
Its principle hoodlum leaders are known; some
of the more "respectable partners" are not. The
crime monopoly is engaged in gambling, prostitution,
narcotics, labor racketeering and certain legitimate
businesses where strong-arm tactics can be applied
to curb competition.
Congress just recently recognized the inability
of local law enforcement to cope with this network
of criminal activity by tightening Federal Laws
governing the interstate movement of criminals,
gambling devices and crime profits. Attorney
General Kennedy has asked for even broader
powers to strengthen his hand against the mob.
"Meanwhile, the rackets are still doing
business--and they are not above
trading with the Communists...."
Footnotes to be continued.
Message 16
From: "Dick Eastman"
Date: Sun May 14, 2006 11:12pm(PDT)
Subject: Re: [911_free_discussion] secondary explosions
----- Original Message -----
From: "tim ruane" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, May 14, 2006 4:27 PM
Subject: [911_free_discussion] secondary explosions
> the first thing that needs to be addressed regarding 9/11 is the
> reports of secondary explosions in the twin towers. some argue that
> these explosions, not solely the heat from the planes that had crashed
> into the towers, brought the towers down. a third building next to
> the towers also fell. mainstream media have had little to say about
> this. some say that the heat of the towers caused the third building
> to collapse. i don't believe this. do you?
Here is some evidence on that:
The FBI offices on the 23rd floor of the North Tower were bombed to prevent
agents from removing grand jury evidence stored there following the jet
crashbombings. Evidence for this was given on the CBS news program 60
Minutes, although CBS seems unaware of its implications.
"Steve," from Main, who recorded the broadcast, has given me, over the phone
and into my tape recorder, his recording of a segment of the CBS interview.
Here is my careful transcription (lots of "rewind" and "play" buttonwork) of
that recording.
Steve's intro: This is a segment of the 60 minutes report, mid-October.
They're interviewing the Chief of Security for the World Center Towers. The
60 Minutes reporter is doing the interview of George Tabeek [phonetic
spelling of audio -- could be "Tabeak," etc.] They are talking about him and
a fire fighter named Andy Desparino.
(Steve starts his vhs recording with his phone held to the speaker):
...In another part of the tower George Tabeek got a call that three Port
Authroity workers were trapped in command center on the 22nd floor.
Tabeek (fuzzy sound-- as if dubbed in from an edited-for broadcast phone
I said, "Stay calm, I'll be up there." I went to the battalion chief; he
assigned a lieutenant -- it's all I know is his first name, his first name
was Andy ...
Reporter (clear sound-- not phone interview):
Andy Desparino of Engine Company One
And worked our way all the way up to the twenty-second floor
Reporter (fuzzy -- phone interview clip again):
Are people going down?
People were coming down. I was telling them, "Please be calm" walk to the
Reporter (clear -- with jet impact sound in background during first
What George Tabeek didn't know was that a second jet had just struck tower
seven (sic) And when they reached the twenty-second floor of Tower One
Desperino and his men tunneled through the debris and opened up a path for
those trapped inside. Helen Reese, meanwhile, was at another Port
Authority Command Center talking to those unable to get down from the upper
floors ...
(end of excerpt)
From: "Dick Eastman" <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2001 11:16 PM
Subject: Re: [unorganizedmilitia] STOP EVERYTHING! HERE IS NEW
DESTRUCTION (destruction of evidence the certain motive)
> > At noon I received a phone call from New England
> > from Steve. He was
> > reviewing recorded footage of coverage of the
> > destruction of the WTC on
> > NBC's program "48 Hours."
> >
> > Steve has reviewed the footage many times and taken
> > detailed notes.
> > I took notes at my computer as he spoke.
> >
> > After the south tower collapsed, men went up to the
> > 22nd floor
> > of the WTC and "dug" someone out of the "rubble" he
> > found there. {It is known that these floors
> > contained the New York
> > FBI offices -- Peter Jennings actually did a
> > two-day network news
> > story on the effects of the destroyed evidence and
> > files on American
> > financial crime investigations around the world.]
> >
> > -----
> > The 48 Hours anchor was interviewing the Head of
> > Security of the WTC about
> > the evacuation who had received a call, after the
> > South tower was down, from
> > the Port Authority's Command Center on the 22nd
> > floor asking for rescue.
> > The Head of Security himself travelled to that floor
> > in the company of a NY
> > Fireman where they found the offices devestated to
> > the point where they had
> > to "tunnel through debris" to "dig out" the two or
> > three Port Authority
> > workers who were trapped there.
> >
> > All of this happened 73 floors below crashbombing
> > impact.
> >
> > ---
> > The man who called me about this -- Steve from Main
> > -- said that
> > he had received a copy detailing the evidence for a
> > terror frame-up
> > from one of the hundreds of people pester with my
> > posts each day
> > ( whose name I recall from my address book) -- and
> > that he had
> > been reviewing three lists of occupants of the WTC.
> >
> > He gave the sites for two different listings of WTC
> > tower occupants,
> > which I copied as follows:
> >
> >
> > tenants by floor and sq footage; and
> >
> >
> > occupation my tenancy.
> >
> > He noticed from these that listings were given for
> > all floors
> > EXCEPT floors 23 and 24, immediately above the
> > location
> > of the call for "digging out" rescue -- indicating
> > that the debris
> > had fallen down from a destructive event occuring on
> > the floor
> > directly above.
> >
> > Steve left off with this statement (which I am not
> > able now to
> > confirm or disconfirm): "The Murrah Building in
> > Oaklahoma
> > City was where all of the records of the Waco Seige
> > were
> > being kept. I think this is their MO." Meaning
> > their modus
> > operandi -- i.e., their distinctive pattern of
> > crime.
> >
> > =============
> > Here is the post that prompted Steve's phone call:
> > ----------------
> >
> > Below I present what I think are
> > incontrovertable reasons for
> > concluding
> > that the WTC/Pentagon crashbombings were a frame-up
> > designed to benefit
> > members of, at least, these four groups:
> >
> > 1) people profiting from the opium trade of the
> > Northern Alliance druglords
> > and the money-laundering through global investment
> > channels that the opium
> > trade and the derivative heroin trade supports;
> >
> > 2) people seeking control of the $6 trillion worth
> > of oil and natural gas in
> > Central Asia;
> >
> > 3) people seeking to win back support to
> > increasingly unpopular Sharonist
> > policies in Israel; and
> >
> > 4) people arraigned before a grand jury on charges
> > of fixing gold prices,
> > illegal involvement in oil swaps between Kazakhstan
> > and (sanctioned) Iran,
> > and bribery in cases where all incriminating
> > documentary evidence was
> > stored in FBI files and data banks in one of the
> > twin towers of the WTC.
> >
> > All four of these groups have fluid secret channels
> > of communication through
> > networked integration of banking, politics, the CIA
> > and Mossad connections.
> > The fact is if one of these groups was complicit the
> > other three would have
> > to be also.
> >
> > Here are three independently developed arguments.
> >
> > ==============================
> > I. Best guess origins of the WTC/Pentagon
> > crashbombing
> > frame-up.
> > =====================
> >
> > Mossad and the CIA were supporting traffick in
> > Afgan-opium-derived heroin -- devoting public
> > resources
> > to protect and assist the suppliers and
> > distributors of the
> > multi-trillion-dollar money-laundered drug revenue
> > deposits
> > backing the global investments of American and
> > Britsih elite
> > finance. The Afgan Northern Alliance druglords grow
> > 70
> > to 90 percent of the worlds opium, the prime
> > ingredient of
> > heroin The opium which is moved across the small
> > China-Afgan boarder for processing and distribution
> > by the
> > giant People's Liberation Army, that amazing
> > transnational corporation, Triad drug cartel-and
> > military
> > super military establishment all in one. Against the
> > tremendous-
> > stake interests this giant outlaw network, the
> > morally
> >
> === message truncated ===
Message 17
From: "Dick Eastman"
Date: Sun May 14, 2006 11:12pm(PDT)
Subject: Fw: Flight 77 landed at Ronald Reagan National Airport 2 miles from
From: "Dick Eastman" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2002 10:26 PM
Subject: [apfn] Flight 77 landed at Ronald Reagan National Airport 2 miles from Pentagon -- 70 D.C. airport workers w. false security were just deported
> Now we know.
> Flight 77 landed at Ronald Reagan National Airport 2 miles from Pentagon
> whewre it was received by up to 70 D.C. airport workers w. false security
> badges who have just been deported by Mr. Ashcroft.
> What happened to Flight 77? After a showy higher altitude approach to the
> Pentagon as the F-16 flew in at tree-top level for the actual kill -- Flight
> 77 simply crossed the Jefferson Davis Highway across the part to the George
> Washington Memorial Parkway to Reagon National Airport on the Potomac --
> less than two miles from the attack point -- where it landed and taxied to
> an undisclosed hanger where it was met by some of the 100 persons, many with
> criminal records and foreign citizenship, who obtained false airport
> security badges credentials giving them free access to sensitive airport
> areas, like ramps, gates, hangers and aircraft.
> Details:
> Also Reuters:
> " More than 70 have been deported or are awaiting
> deportation proceedings, authorities said."
> WASHINGTON (Reuters) - More than 100 employees at two major Washington-area
> airports have been arrested on fraud charges in obtaining restricted airport
> security badges, government sources said on Tuesday.
> The arrests will be announced by Attorney General John Ashcroft later in the
> day in Alexandria, Virginia, officials said.
> The arrests marked a continuing post Sept. 11 crackdown by U.S. law
> enforcement and transportation authorities on airport security lapses.
> Many of the charges -- including those being brought against workers at
> Washington's Ronald Reagan National Airport and Dulles International Airport
> outside the capital -- involve allegations that suspects violated
> immigration and Social Security laws.
> Also, the government alleges that many arrested on Tuesday in the greater
> Washington area lied about criminal records while applying for security
> badges, the sources said.
> It was unclear initially what jobs those employees performed.
> As of last week, more than 250 people had been arrested at 11 U.S. airports
> on charges they fraudulently obtained credentials for access to sensitive
> airport areas, like ramps, gates and aircraft.
> Roughly half have pleaded guilty or have plea agreements pending,
> authorities said. More than 70 have been deported or are awaiting
> deportation proceedings, authorities said.
> ==========
> I recommend these 11 September frame-up criminal investigation sites:
> Michael C. Ruppert
> (mirror of above)
> Sherman H. Skolnick
> ====================================================================<<<
> Create a SmartGroup for YOUR family at
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> --
> If you want to share pictures, use the calendar, or start a vote
> visit
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Message 18
From: "Dick Eastman"
Date: Sun May 14, 2006 11:13pm(PDT)
Subject: Fw: Victor Ostrovsky, former Mossad case officer tells how Mossad go
From: Dick Eastman
Subject: Victor Ostrovsky, former Mossad case officer tells how Mossad got America to bomb Libya and fight Iraq
How Mossad got America to bomb Libya and fight Iraq
by, Victor Ostrovsky and Claire Hoy
Revealing the facts as I know them from my vantage point of four years spent inside the Mossad was by no means an easy task.
Coming from an ardent Zionist background, I had been taught that the state of Israel was incapable of misconduct. That we were the David in the unending struggle against the ever-growing Goliath. That there was no one out there to protect us but ourselves - a feeling reinforced by the Holocaust survivors who lived among us.
We, the new generation of Israelites, the resurrected nation on its own land after more than two thousand years of exile, were entrusted with the fate of the nation as a whole.
The commanders of our army were called champions, not generals. Our leaders were captains at the helm of a great ship. I was elated when I was chosen and granted the privilege to join what I considered to be the elite team of the Mossad.
But it was the twisted ideals and self-centered pragmatism that I encountered inside the Mossad, coupled with this so-called team's greed, lust, and total lack of respect for human life, that motivated me to tell this story.
It is out of love for Israel as a free and just country that I am laying my life on the line by so doing, facing up to those who took it upon themselves to turn the Zionist dream into the present-day nightmare.
The Mossad, being the intelligence body entrusted with the responsibility of plotting the course for the leaders at the helm of the nation, has betrayed that trust. Plotting on its own behalf, and for petty, self-serving reasons, it has set the nation on a collision course with all-out war.
One of the main themes of this book is Victor's belief that Mossad is out of control, that even the prime minister, although ostensibly in charge, has no real authority over its actions ...
The Mossad - believe it or not - has just 30 to 35 case officers, or katsas, operating in the world at any one time. The main reason for this extraordinary low total, as you will read in this book, is that unlike other countries, Israel can tap the significant and loyal cadre of the worldwide Jewish community outside Israel. This is done through a unique system of sayanim, volunteer Jewish helpers.
My first six weeks were uneventful. I worked at the downtown office, essentially as a gofer and filing clerk. But one chilly day in February 1984, I found myself joining 14 others on a small bus. ... This course was to be known as Cadet 16, as it was the sixteenth course of Mossad cadets.
He walked briskly to the head of the table while the other two sat at the back of the room. "My name is Aharon Sherf," he said. "I am the head of the Academy. Welcome to the Mossad. Its full name is Ha Mossad, le Modiyn ve le Tafkidim Mayuhadim [the Institute for Intelligence and Special Operations]. Our motto is: 'By way of deception, thou shalt do war.'
"It's the old Trojan dick trick." He lit a cigarette.
"What's that?" I couldn't help smiling; I'd never heard it called that before.
"I knew that would get your attention," he said, grinning. "Shimon activated Operation Trojan in February of this year."
I nodded. I'd still been in the Mossad when that order was given, and because of my naval background and acquaintance with most of the commanders in the navy, I participated in the planning for the operation as liaison with the navy.
A Trojan was a special communication device that could be planted by naval commandos deep inside enemy territory. The device would act as a relay station for misleading transmissions made by the disinformation unit in the Mossad, called LAP, and intended to be received by American and British listening stations. Originating from an IDF navy ship out at sea, the prerecorded digital transmissions could be picked up only by the Trojan. The device would then rebroadcast the transmission on another frequency, one used for official business in the enemy country, at which point the transmission would finally be picked up by American ears in Britain.
The listeners would have no doubt they had intercepted a genuine communication, hence the name Trojan, reminiscent of the mythical Trojan horse. Further, the content of the messages, once deciphered, would confirm information from other intelligence sources, namely the Mossad. The only catch was that the Trojan itself would have to be located as close as possible to the normal origin of such transmissions, because of the sophisticated methods of triangulation the Americans and others would use to verify the source.
In the particular operation Ephraim was referring to, two elite units in the military had been made responsible for the delivery of the Trojan device to the proper location. One was the Matkal reconnaissance unit and the other was Flotilla 13, the naval commandos. The commandos were charged with the task of planting the Trojan device in Tripoli, Libya.
On the night of February 17-18, two Israeli missile boats, the SAAR 4-class Moledet, armed with Harpoon and Gabriel surface-tosurface missiles, among other weaponry, and the Geula, a Hohit-class mlsslle boat with a helicopter pad and regular SAAR 4-class armament, conducted what seemed like a routine patrol of the Mediterranean, heading for the Sicilian channel and passing just outside the territorial waters of Libya. Just north of Tripoli, the warships, which were vlsible to radar both in Tripoli and on the Italian island of Lampedusa, slowed down to about four knots - just long enough to allow a team of twelve naval commandos in four wet submarines nicknamed "pigs" and two low-profiled speedboats called "birds" to disembark. The pigs could carry two commandos each and all their fighting gear.
The birds, equipped with an MG 7.62-caliber machine gun mounted over the bow and an array of antitank shoulder-carried missiles, could facilitate six commandos each, while towing the empty plgs. The birds brought the pigs as close to the shore as possible, thus cutting down the distance the pigs would have to travel on their own. (The pigs were submersible and silent but relatively slow.)
Two miles off the Libyan coast, the lights of Tripoli could be seen glistening in the southeast. Eight commandos slipped quietly into the plgs and headed for shore. The birds stayed behind at the rendezvous pomt, ready to take action should the situation arise. Once they reached the beach, the commandos left their cigarlike transporters submerged in the shallow water and headed inland, carrying a dark green Trojan cylinder six feet long and seven inches in diameter. It took two men to carry it.
A gray van was parked on the side of the road about one hundred feet from the water, on the coastal highway leading from Sabratah to Tripoli and on to Benghazi. There was hardly any traffic at that time of night. The driver of the van seemed to be repairing a flat tire. He stopped working as the team approached and opened the back doors of the van. He was a Mossad combatant. Without a word said, four of the men entered the van and headed for the city. The other four returned to the water, where they took a defensive position by the submerged pigs. Their job was to hold this position to ensure an escape route for the team now headed for the city.
At the same time, a squadron of Israeli fighters was refueling south of Crete, ready to assist. They were capable of keeping any ground forces away from the commandos, allowing them a not-soclean getaway. At this point, the small commando unit was divided into three details - its most vulnerable state. Were any of the details to run into enemy forces, they were instructed to act with extreme prejudice before the enemy turned hostile.
The van parked at the back of an apartment building on Al Jamhuriyh Street in Tripoli, less than three blocks away from the Bab al Azizia barracks that were known to house Qadhafi's headquarters and residence. By then, the men in the van had changed into civilian clothing. Two stayed with the van as lookouts and the other two helped the Mossad combatant take the cylinder to the top floor of the five-story building. The cylinder was wrapped in a carpet.
In the apartment, the top section of the cylinder was opened and a small dishlike antenna was unfolded and placed in front of the window facing north. The unit was activated, and the Trojan horse was in place.
The Mossad combatant had rented the apartment for six months and had paid the rent in advance. There was no reason for anyone except the combatant to enter the apartment. However, if someone should decide to do so, the Trojan would self-destruct, taking with it most of the upper part of the building. The three men headed back to the van and to their rendezvous with their friends on the beach.
After dropping the commandos at the beach, the combatant headed back for the city, where he would monitor the Trojan unit for the next few weeks. The commandos wasted no time and headed out to sea. They didn't want to be caught in Libyan waters at daybreak. They reached the birds and headed at full speed to a prearranged pickup coordinate, where they met with the missile boats that had brought them in.
By the end of March, the Americans were already intercepting messages broadcast by the Trojan, which was only activated during heavy communication traffic hours. Using the Trojan, the Mossad tried to make it appear that a long series of terrorist orders were being transmitted to various Libyan embassies around the world (or, as they were called by the Libyans, Peoples' Bureaus). As the Mossad had hoped, the transmissions were deciphered by the Americans and construed as ample proof that the Libyans were active sponsors of terrorism. What's more, the Americans pointed out, Mossad reports confirmed it.
The French and the Spanish, though, were not buying into the new stream of information. To them, it seemed suspicious that suddenly, out of the blue, the Libyans, who'd been extremely careful in the past, would start advertising their future actions. They also found it suspicious that in several instances Mossad reports were worded similarly to coded Libyan communications. They argued further that, had there truly been after-the-fact Libyan communications regarding the attack, then the terrorist attack on the La Belle discotheque in West Berlin on April 5 could have been prevented, since surely there would have been communications before, enabling intelligence agencies listening in to prevent It. Since the attack wasn't prevented, they reasoned that it must not be the Libyans who did it, and the "new communications" must be bogus. The French and the Spanish were right. The information was bogus, and the Mossad didn't have a clue who planted the bomb that killed one American serviceman and wounded several others. But the Mossad was tied in to many of the European terrorist organizations, and it was convinced that in the volatile atmosphere that had engulfed Europe, a bombing with an American victim was just a matter of time Heads of the Mossad were counting on the American promise to retaliate with vengeance against any country that could be proven to support terrorism. The Trojan gave the Americans the proof they needed. The Mossad also plugged into the equation Qadhafi's lunatic image and momentous declarations, which were really only meant for internal consumption.
It must be remembered that Qadhafi had marked a line in the water at that time, closing off the Gulf of Sidra as Libyan territorial waters and calling the new maritime border the line of death (an action that didn't exactly give him a moderate image). Ultimately, the Americans fell for the Mossad ploy head over heels dragging the British and the Germans somewhat reluctantly in with them. Operation Trojan was one of the Mossad's greatest successes. It brought about the air strike on Libya that President Reagan had promised - a strike that had three important consequences. First, it derailed a deal for the release of the American hostages in Lebanon, thus preserving the Hizballah (Party of God) as the number one enemy in the eyes of the West. Second, it sent a message to the entire Arab world, telling them exactly where the United States stood regarding the Arab-Israeli conflict. Third, it boosted the Mossad's image of itself, since it was they who, by ingenious sleight of hand, had prodded the United States to do what was right. It was only the French who didn't buy into the Mossad trick and were determined not to ally themselves with the aggressive American act. The French refused to allow the American bombers to fly over their territory on their way to attack Libya.
On April 14, 1986, one hundred and sixty American aircraft dropped over sixty tons of bombs on Libya. The attackers bombed Tripoli international airport, Bab al Azizia barracks, Sidi Bilal naval base, the city of Benghazi, and the Benine airfield outside Benghazi. The strike force consisted of two main bodies, one originating in England and the other from flattops in the Mediterranean. From England came twenty-four F-111s from Lakenheath, five EF-111s from Upper Heyford, and twenty-eight refueling tankers from Mildenhall and Fairford. In the attack, the air force F-111s and the EF-111s were joined by eighteen A-6 and A-7 strike and strike support aircraft, six F\A-18 fighters, fourteen EA-6B electronic jammer planes, and other support platforms. The navy planes were catapulted from the carriers Coral Sea and America. On the Libyan side, there were approximately forty civilian casualties, including Qadhafi's adopted daughter. On the American side, a pilot and his weapons officer were killed when their F-111 exploded.
After the bombing, the Hizballah broke off negotiations regarding the hostages they held in Beirut and executed three of them, including one American named Peter Kilburn. As for the French, they were rewarded for their nonparticipation in the attack by the release at the end of June of two French journalists held hostage in Beirut. (As it happened, a stray bomb hit the French embassy in Tripoli during the raid.)
Ephraim had spelled it all out for me and confirmed some of the information I'd already known. He then went on. "After the bombing of Libya, our friend Qadhafi is sure to stay out of the picture for some time. Iraq and Saddam Hussein are the next target. We're starting now to build him up as the big villain. It will take some time, but in the end, there's no doubt it'll work."
"But isn't Saddam regarded as moderate toward us, allied with Jordan, the big enemy of Iran and Syria?"
"Yes, that's why I'm opposed to this action. But that's the directive, and I must follow it. Hopefully, you and I will be done with our little operation before anything big happens. After all, we have already destroyed his nuclear facility, and we are making money by selling him technology and equipment through South Africa."
In the following weeks, more and more discoveries were made regarding the big gun and other elements of the Saddam war machine. The Mossad had all but saturated the intelligence field with information regarding the evil intentions of Saddam the Terrible, banking on the fact that before long, he'd have enough rope to hang himself. It was very clear what the Mossad's overall goal was. It wanted the West to do its bidding, just as the Americans had in Libya with the bombing of Qadhafi. After all, Israel didn't possess carriers and ample air power, and although it was capable of bombing a refugee camp in Tunis, that was not the same. The Mossad leaders knew that if they could make Saddam appear bad enough and a threat to the Gulf oil supply, of which he'd been the protector up to that point, then the United States and its allies would not let him get away with anything, but would take measures that would all but eliminate his army and his weapons potential, especially if they were led to believe that this might just be their last chance before he went nuclear.
Ostrovsky knows that being famous keeps him alive.
* About the Author: How Mossad got America to bomb Libya and fight Iraq
by, Victor Ostrovsky and Claire Hoy
Revealing the facts as I know them from my vantage point of four years spent inside the Mossad was by no means an easy task.
Coming from an ardent Zionist background, I had been taught that the state of Israel was incapable of misconduct. That we were the David in the unending struggle against the ever-growing Goliath. That there was no one out there to protect us but ourselves - a feeling reinforced by the Holocaust survivors who lived among us.
We, the new generation of Israelites, the resurrected nation on its own land after more than two thousand years of exile, were entrusted with the fate of the nation as a whole.
The commanders of our army were called champions, not generals. Our leaders were captains at the helm of a great ship. I was elated when I was chosen and granted the privilege to join what I considered to be the elite team of the Mossad.
But it was the twisted ideals and self-centered pragmatism that I encountered inside the Mossad, coupled with this so-called team's greed, lust, and total lack of respect for human life, that motivated me to tell this story.
It is out of love for Israel as a free and just country that I am laying my life on the line by so doing, facing up to those who took it upon themselves to turn the Zionist dream into the present-day nightmare.
The Mossad, being the intelligence body entrusted with the responsibility of plotting the course for the leaders at the helm of the nation, has betrayed that trust. Plotting on its own behalf, and for petty, self-serving reasons, it has set the nation on a collision course with all-out war.
One of the main themes of this book is Victor's belief that Mossad is out of control, that even the prime minister, although ostensibly in charge, has no real authority over its actions ...
The Mossad - believe it or not - has just 30 to 35 case officers, or katsas, operating in the world at any one time. The main reason for this extraordinary low total, as you will read in this book, is that unlike other countries, Israel can tap the significant and loyal cadre of the worldwide Jewish community outside Israel. This is done through a unique system of sayanim, volunteer Jewish helpers.
My first six weeks were uneventful. I worked at the downtown office, essentially as a gofer and filing clerk. But one chilly day in February 1984, I found myself joining 14 others on a small bus. ... This course was to be known as Cadet 16, as it was the sixteenth course of Mossad cadets.
He walked briskly to the head of the table while the other two sat at the back of the room. "My name is Aharon Sherf," he said. "I am the head of the Academy. Welcome to the Mossad. Its full name is Ha Mossad, le Modiyn ve le Tafkidim Mayuhadim [the Institute for Intelligence and Special Operations]. Our motto is: 'By way of deception, thou shalt do war.'
"It's the old Trojan dick trick." He lit a cigarette.
"What's that?" I couldn't help smiling; I'd never heard it called that before.
"I knew that would get your attention," he said, grinning. "Shimon activated Operation Trojan in February of this year."
I nodded. I'd still been in the Mossad when that order was given, and because of my naval background and acquaintance with most of the commanders in the navy, I participated in the planning for the operation as liaison with the navy.
A Trojan was a special communication device that could be planted by naval commandos deep inside enemy territory. The device would act as a relay station for misleading transmissions made by the disinformation unit in the Mossad, called LAP, and intended to be received by American and British listening stations. Originating from an IDF navy ship out at sea, the prerecorded digital transmissions could be picked up only by the Trojan. The device would then rebroadcast the transmission on another frequency, one used for official business in the enemy country, at which point the transmission would finally be picked up by American ears in Britain.
The listeners would have no doubt they had intercepted a genuine communication, hence the name Trojan, reminiscent of the mythical Trojan horse. Further, the content of the messages, once deciphered, would confirm information from other intelligence sources, namely the Mossad. The only catch was that the Trojan itself would have to be located as close as possible to the normal origin of such transmissions, because of the sophisticated methods of triangulation the Americans and others would use to verify the source.
In the particular operation Ephraim was referring to, two elite units in the military had been made responsible for the delivery of the Trojan device to the proper location. One was the Matkal reconnaissance unit and the other was Flotilla 13, the naval commandos. The commandos were charged with the task of planting the Trojan device in Tripoli, Libya.
On the night of February 17-18, two Israeli missile boats, the SAAR 4-class Moledet, armed with Harpoon and Gabriel surface-tosurface missiles, among other weaponry, and the Geula, a Hohit-class mlsslle boat with a helicopter pad and regular SAAR 4-class armament, conducted what seemed like a routine patrol of the Mediterranean, heading for the Sicilian channel and passing just outside the territorial waters of Libya. Just north of Tripoli, the warships, which were vlsible to radar both in Tripoli and on the Italian island of Lampedusa, slowed down to about four knots - just long enough to allow a team of twelve naval commandos in four wet submarines nicknamed "pigs" and two low-profiled speedboats called "birds" to disembark. The pigs could carry two commandos each and all their fighting gear.
The birds, equipped with an MG 7.62-caliber machine gun mounted over the bow and an array of antitank shoulder-carried missiles, could facilitate six commandos each, while towing the empty plgs. The birds brought the pigs as close to the shore as possible, thus cutting down the distance the pigs would have to travel on their own. (The pigs were submersible and silent but relatively slow.)
Two miles off the Libyan coast, the lights of Tripoli could be seen glistening in the southeast. Eight commandos slipped quietly into the plgs and headed for shore. The birds stayed behind at the rendezvous pomt, ready to take action should the situation arise. Once they reached the beach, the commandos left their cigarlike transporters submerged in the shallow water and headed inland, carrying a dark green Trojan cylinder six feet long and seven inches in diameter. It took two men to carry it.
A gray van was parked on the side of the road about one hundred feet from the water, on the coastal highway leading from Sabratah to Tripoli and on to Benghazi. There was hardly any traffic at that time of night. The driver of the van seemed to be repairing a flat tire. He stopped working as the team approached and opened the back doors of the van. He was a Mossad combatant. Without a word said, four of the men entered the van and headed for the city. The other four returned to the water, where they took a defensive position by the submerged pigs. Their job was to hold this position to ensure an escape route for the team now headed for the city.
At the same time, a squadron of Israeli fighters was refueling south of Crete, ready to assist. They were capable of keeping any ground forces away from the commandos, allowing them a not-soclean getaway. At this point, the small commando unit was divided into three details - its most vulnerable state. Were any of the details to run into enemy forces, they were instructed to act with extreme prejudice before the enemy turned hostile.
The van parked at the back of an apartment building on Al Jamhuriyh Street in Tripoli, less than three blocks away from the Bab al Azizia barracks that were known to house Qadhafi's headquarters and residence. By then, the men in the van had changed into civilian clothing. Two stayed with the van as lookouts and the other two helped the Mossad combatant take the cylinder to the top floor of the five-story building. The cylinder was wrapped in a carpet.
In the apartment, the top section of the cylinder was opened and a small dishlike antenna was unfolded and placed in front of the window facing north. The unit was activated, and the Trojan horse was in place.
The Mossad combatant had rented the apartment for six months and had paid the rent in advance. There was no reason for anyone except the combatant to enter the apartment. However, if someone should decide to do so, the Trojan would self-destruct, taking with it most of the upper part of the building. The three men headed back to the van and to their rendezvous with their friends on the beach.
After dropping the commandos at the beach, the combatant headed back for the city, where he would monitor the Trojan unit for the next few weeks. The commandos wasted no time and headed out to sea. They didn't want to be caught in Libyan waters at daybreak. They reached the birds and headed at full speed to a prearranged pickup coordinate, where they met with the missile boats that had brought them in.
By the end of March, the Americans were already intercepting messages broadcast by the Trojan, which was only activated during heavy communication traffic hours. Using the Trojan, the Mossad tried to make it appear that a long series of terrorist orders were being transmitted to various Libyan embassies around the world (or, as they were called by the Libyans, Peoples' Bureaus). As the Mossad had hoped, the transmissions were deciphered by the Americans and construed as ample proof that the Libyans were active sponsors of terrorism. What's more, the Americans pointed out, Mossad reports confirmed it.
The French and the Spanish, though, were not buying into the new stream of information. To them, it seemed suspicious that suddenly, out of the blue, the Libyans, who'd been extremely careful in the past, would start advertising their future actions. They also found it suspicious that in several instances Mossad reports were worded similarly to coded Libyan communications. They argued further that, had there truly been after-the-fact Libyan communications regarding the attack, then the terrorist attack on the La Belle discotheque in West Berlin on April 5 could have been prevented, since surely there would have been communications before, enabling intelligence agencies listening in to prevent It. Since the attack wasn't prevented, they reasoned that it must not be the Libyans who did it, and the "new communications" must be bogus. The French and the Spanish were right. The information was bogus, and the Mossad didn't have a clue who planted the bomb that killed one American serviceman and wounded several others. But the Mossad was tied in to many of the European terrorist organizations, and it was convinced that in the volatile atmosphere that had engulfed Europe, a bombing with an American victim was just a matter of time Heads of the Mossad were counting on the American promise to retaliate with vengeance against any country that could be proven to support terrorism. The Trojan gave the Americans the proof they needed. The Mossad also plugged into the equation Qadhafi's lunatic image and momentous declarations, which were really only meant for internal consumption.
It must be remembered that Qadhafi had marked a line in the water at that time, closing off the Gulf of Sidra as Libyan territorial waters and calling the new maritime border the line of death (an action that didn't exactly give him a moderate image). Ultimately, the Americans fell for the Mossad ploy head over heels dragging the British and the Germans somewhat reluctantly in with them. Operation Trojan was one of the Mossad's greatest successes. It brought about the air strike on Libya that President Reagan had promised - a strike that had three important consequences. First, it derailed a deal for the release of the American hostages in Lebanon, thus preserving the Hizballah (Party of God) as the number one enemy in the eyes of the West. Second, it sent a message to the entire Arab world, telling them exactly where the United States stood regarding the Arab-Israeli conflict. Third, it boosted the Mossad's image of itself, since it was they who, by ingenious sleight of hand, had prodded the United States to do what was right. It was only the French who didn't buy into the Mossad trick and were determined not to ally themselves with the aggressive American act. The French refused to allow the American bombers to fly over their territory on their way to attack Libya.
On April 14, 1986, one hundred and sixty American aircraft dropped over sixty tons of bombs on Libya. The attackers bombed Tripoli international airport, Bab al Azizia barracks, Sidi Bilal naval base, the city of Benghazi, and the Benine airfield outside Benghazi. The strike force consisted of two main bodies, one originating in England and the other from flattops in the Mediterranean. From England came twenty-four F-111s from Lakenheath, five EF-111s from Upper Heyford, and twenty-eight refueling tankers from Mildenhall and Fairford. In the attack, the air force F-111s and the EF-111s were joined by eighteen A-6 and A-7 strike and strike support aircraft, six F\A-18 fighters, fourteen EA-6B electronic jammer planes, and other support platforms. The navy planes were catapulted from the carriers Coral Sea and America. On the Libyan side, there were approximately forty civilian casualties, including Qadhafi's adopted daughter. On the American side, a pilot and his weapons officer were killed when their F-111 exploded.
After the bombing, the Hizballah broke off negotiations regarding the hostages they held in Beirut and executed three of them, including one American named Peter Kilburn. As for the French, they were rewarded for their nonparticipation in the attack by the release at the end of June of two French journalists held hostage in Beirut. (As it happened, a stray bomb hit the French embassy in Tripoli during the raid.)
Ephraim had spelled it all out for me and confirmed some of the information I'd already known. He then went on. "After the bombing of Libya, our friend Qadhafi is sure to stay out of the picture for some time. Iraq and Saddam Hussein are the next target. We're starting now to build him up as the big villain. It will take some time, but in the end, there's no doubt it'll work."
"But isn't Saddam regarded as moderate toward us, allied with Jordan, the big enemy of Iran and Syria?"
"Yes, that's why I'm opposed to this action. But that's the directive, and I must follow it. Hopefully, you and I will be done with our little operation before anything big happens. After all, we have already destroyed his nuclear facility, and we are making money by selling him technology and equipment through South Africa."
In the following weeks, more and more discoveries were made regarding the big gun and other elements of the Saddam war machine. The Mossad had all but saturated the intelligence field with information regarding the evil intentions of Saddam the Terrible, banking on the fact that before long, he'd have enough rope to hang himself. It was very clear what the Mossad's overall goal was. It wanted the West to do its bidding, just as the Americans had in Libya with the bombing of Qadhafi. After all, Israel didn't possess carriers and ample air power, and although it was capable of bombing a refugee camp in Tunis, that was not the same. The Mossad leaders knew that if they could make Saddam appear bad enough and a threat to the Gulf oil supply, of which he'd been the protector up to that point, then the United States and its allies would not let him get away with anything, but would take measures that would all but eliminate his army and his weapons potential, especially if they were led to believe that this might just be their last chance before he went nuclear.
Ostrovsky knows that being famous keeps him alive.
* About the Author: Victor Ostrovsky was raised in Israel, but was born in Canada. At eighteen he became the youngest officer in the Israeli military, eventually rising to the rank of lieutenant commander in charge of naval weapons testing. He was a Mossad case officer from 1984-1986.
http://www.freemasonwatch.freepress-freespeech.comwas raised in Israel, but was born in Canada. At eighteen he became the youngest officer in the Israeli military, eventually rising to the rank of lieutenant commander in charge of naval weapons testing. He was a Mossad case officer from 1984-1986.
Message 19
From: "Dick Eastman"
Date: Sun May 14, 2006 11:18pm(PDT)
Subject: Fw: Victor Ostrovsky, former Mossad case officer tells how Mossad go
Sent: Sunday, May 14, 2006 11:06 PM
From: Dick Eastman
Subject: Victor Ostrovsky, former Mossad case officer tells how Mossad got America to bomb Libya and fight Iraq
How Mossad got America to bomb Libya and fight Iraq
by, Victor Ostrovsky and Claire Hoy
Revealing the facts as I know them from my vantage point of four years spent inside the Mossad was by no means an easy task.
Coming from an ardent Zionist background, I had been taught that the state of Israel was incapable of misconduct. That we were the David in the unending struggle against the ever-growing Goliath. That there was no one out there to protect us but ourselves - a feeling reinforced by the Holocaust survivors who lived among us.
We, the new generation of Israelites, the resurrected nation on its own land after more than two thousand years of exile, were entrusted with the fate of the nation as a whole.
The commanders of our army were called champions, not generals. Our leaders were captains at the helm of a great ship. I was elated when I was chosen and granted the privilege to join what I considered to be the elite team of the Mossad.
But it was the twisted ideals and self-centered pragmatism that I encountered inside the Mossad, coupled with this so-called team's greed, lust, and total lack of respect for human life, that motivated me to tell this story.
It is out of love for Israel as a free and just country that I am laying my life on the line by so doing, facing up to those who took it upon themselves to turn the Zionist dream into the present-day nightmare.
The Mossad, being the intelligence body entrusted with the responsibility of plotting the course for the leaders at the helm of the nation, has betrayed that trust. Plotting on its own behalf, and for petty, self-serving reasons, it has set the nation on a collision course with all-out war.
One of the main themes of this book is Victor's belief that Mossad is out of control, that even the prime minister, although ostensibly in charge, has no real authority over its actions ...
The Mossad - believe it or not - has just 30 to 35 case officers, or katsas, operating in the world at any one time. The main reason for this extraordinary low total, as you will read in this book, is that unlike other countries, Israel can tap the significant and loyal cadre of the worldwide Jewish community outside Israel. This is done through a unique system of sayanim, volunteer Jewish helpers.
My first six weeks were uneventful. I worked at the downtown office, essentially as a gofer and filing clerk. But one chilly day in February 1984, I found myself joining 14 others on a small bus. ... This course was to be known as Cadet 16, as it was the sixteenth course of Mossad cadets.
He walked briskly to the head of the table while the other two sat at the back of the room. "My name is Aharon Sherf," he said. "I am the head of the Academy. Welcome to the Mossad. Its full name is Ha Mossad, le Modiyn ve le Tafkidim Mayuhadim [the Institute for Intelligence and Special Operations]. Our motto is: 'By way of deception, thou shalt do war.'
"It's the old Trojan dick trick." He lit a cigarette.
"What's that?" I couldn't help smiling; I'd never heard it called that before.
"I knew that would get your attention," he said, grinning. "Shimon activated Operation Trojan in February of this year."
I nodded. I'd still been in the Mossad when that order was given, and because of my naval background and acquaintance with most of the commanders in the navy, I participated in the planning for the operation as liaison with the navy.
A Trojan was a special communication device that could be planted by naval commandos deep inside enemy territory. The device would act as a relay station for misleading transmissions made by the disinformation unit in the Mossad, called LAP, and intended to be received by American and British listening stations. Originating from an IDF navy ship out at sea, the prerecorded digital transmissions could be picked up only by the Trojan. The device would then rebroadcast the transmission on another frequency, one used for official business in the enemy country, at which point the transmission would finally be picked up by American ears in Britain.
The listeners would have no doubt they had intercepted a genuine communication, hence the name Trojan, reminiscent of the mythical Trojan horse. Further, the content of the messages, once deciphered, would confirm information from other intelligence sources, namely the Mossad. The only catch was that the Trojan itself would have to be located as close as possible to the normal origin of such transmissions, because of the sophisticated methods of triangulation the Americans and others would use to verify the source.
In the particular operation Ephraim was referring to, two elite units in the military had been made responsible for the delivery of the Trojan device to the proper location. One was the Matkal reconnaissance unit and the other was Flotilla 13, the naval commandos. The commandos were charged with the task of planting the Trojan device in Tripoli, Libya.
On the night of February 17-18, two Israeli missile boats, the SAAR 4-class Moledet, armed with Harpoon and Gabriel surface-tosurface missiles, among other weaponry, and the Geula, a Hohit-class mlsslle boat with a helicopter pad and regular SAAR 4-class armament, conducted what seemed like a routine patrol of the Mediterranean, heading for the Sicilian channel and passing just outside the territorial waters of Libya. Just north of Tripoli, the warships, which were vlsible to radar both in Tripoli and on the Italian island of Lampedusa, slowed down to about four knots - just long enough to allow a team of twelve naval commandos in four wet submarines nicknamed "pigs" and two low-profiled speedboats called "birds" to disembark. The pigs could carry two commandos each and all their fighting gear.
The birds, equipped with an MG 7.62-caliber machine gun mounted over the bow and an array of antitank shoulder-carried missiles, could facilitate six commandos each, while towing the empty plgs. The birds brought the pigs as close to the shore as possible, thus cutting down the distance the pigs would have to travel on their own. (The pigs were submersible and silent but relatively slow.)
Two miles off the Libyan coast, the lights of Tripoli could be seen glistening in the southeast. Eight commandos slipped quietly into the plgs and headed for shore. The birds stayed behind at the rendezvous pomt, ready to take action should the situation arise. Once they reached the beach, the commandos left their cigarlike transporters submerged in the shallow water and headed inland, carrying a dark green Trojan cylinder six feet long and seven inches in diameter. It took two men to carry it.
A gray van was parked on the side of the road about one hundred feet from the water, on the coastal highway leading from Sabratah to Tripoli and on to Benghazi. There was hardly any traffic at that time of night. The driver of the van seemed to be repairing a flat tire. He stopped working as the team approached and opened the back doors of the van. He was a Mossad combatant. Without a word said, four of the men entered the van and headed for the city. The other four returned to the water, where they took a defensive position by the submerged pigs. Their job was to hold this position to ensure an escape route for the team now headed for the city.
At the same time, a squadron of Israeli fighters was refueling south of Crete, ready to assist. They were capable of keeping any ground forces away from the commandos, allowing them a not-soclean getaway. At this point, the small commando unit was divided into three details - its most vulnerable state. Were any of the details to run into enemy forces, they were instructed to act with extreme prejudice before the enemy turned hostile.
The van parked at the back of an apartment building on Al Jamhuriyh Street in Tripoli, less than three blocks away from the Bab al Azizia barracks that were known to house Qadhafi's headquarters and residence. By then, the men in the van had changed into civilian clothing. Two stayed with the van as lookouts and the other two helped the Mossad combatant take the cylinder to the top floor of the five-story building. The cylinder was wrapped in a carpet.
In the apartment, the top section of the cylinder was opened and a small dishlike antenna was unfolded and placed in front of the window facing north. The unit was activated, and the Trojan horse was in place.
The Mossad combatant had rented the apartment for six months and had paid the rent in advance. There was no reason for anyone except the combatant to enter the apartment. However, if someone should decide to do so, the Trojan would self-destruct, taking with it most of the upper part of the building. The three men headed back to the van and to their rendezvous with their friends on the beach.
After dropping the commandos at the beach, the combatant headed back for the city, where he would monitor the Trojan unit for the next few weeks. The commandos wasted no time and headed out to sea. They didn't want to be caught in Libyan waters at daybreak. They reached the birds and headed at full speed to a prearranged pickup coordinate, where they met with the missile boats that had brought them in.
By the end of March, the Americans were already intercepting messages broadcast by the Trojan, which was only activated during heavy communication traffic hours. Using the Trojan, the Mossad tried to make it appear that a long series of terrorist orders were being transmitted to various Libyan embassies around the world (or, as they were called by the Libyans, Peoples' Bureaus). As the Mossad had hoped, the transmissions were deciphered by the Americans and construed as ample proof that the Libyans were active sponsors of terrorism. What's more, the Americans pointed out, Mossad reports confirmed it.
The French and the Spanish, though, were not buying into the new stream of information. To them, it seemed suspicious that suddenly, out of the blue, the Libyans, who'd been extremely careful in the past, would start advertising their future actions. They also found it suspicious that in several instances Mossad reports were worded similarly to coded Libyan communications. They argued further that, had there truly been after-the-fact Libyan communications regarding the attack, then the terrorist attack on the La Belle discotheque in West Berlin on April 5 could have been prevented, since surely there would have been communications before, enabling intelligence agencies listening in to prevent It. Since the attack wasn't prevented, they reasoned that it must not be the Libyans who did it, and the "new communications" must be bogus. The French and the Spanish were right. The information was bogus, and the Mossad didn't have a clue who planted the bomb that killed one American serviceman and wounded several others. But the Mossad was tied in to many of the European terrorist organizations, and it was convinced that in the volatile atmosphere that had engulfed Europe, a bombing with an American victim was just a matter of time Heads of the Mossad were counting on the American promise to retaliate with vengeance against any country that could be proven to support terrorism. The Trojan gave the Americans the proof they needed. The Mossad also plugged into the equation Qadhafi's lunatic image and momentous declarations, which were really only meant for internal consumption.
It must be remembered that Qadhafi had marked a line in the water at that time, closing off the Gulf of Sidra as Libyan territorial waters and calling the new maritime border the line of death (an action that didn't exactly give him a moderate image). Ultimately, the Americans fell for the Mossad ploy head over heels dragging the British and the Germans somewhat reluctantly in with them. Operation Trojan was one of the Mossad's greatest successes. It brought about the air strike on Libya that President Reagan had promised - a strike that had three important consequences. First, it derailed a deal for the release of the American hostages in Lebanon, thus preserving the Hizballah (Party of God) as the number one enemy in the eyes of the West. Second, it sent a message to the entire Arab world, telling them exactly where the United States stood regarding the Arab-Israeli conflict. Third, it boosted the Mossad's image of itself, since it was they who, by ingenious sleight of hand, had prodded the United States to do what was right. It was only the French who didn't buy into the Mossad trick and were determined not to ally themselves with the aggressive American act. The French refused to allow the American bombers to fly over their territory on their way to attack Libya.
On April 14, 1986, one hundred and sixty American aircraft dropped over sixty tons of bombs on Libya. The attackers bombed Tripoli international airport, Bab al Azizia barracks, Sidi Bilal naval base, the city of Benghazi, and the Benine airfield outside Benghazi. The strike force consisted of two main bodies, one originating in England and the other from flattops in the Mediterranean. From England came twenty-four F-111s from Lakenheath, five EF-111s from Upper Heyford, and twenty-eight refueling tankers from Mildenhall and Fairford. In the attack, the air force F-111s and the EF-111s were joined by eighteen A-6 and A-7 strike and strike support aircraft, six F\A-18 fighters, fourteen EA-6B electronic jammer planes, and other support platforms. The navy planes were catapulted from the carriers Coral Sea and America. On the Libyan side, there were approximately forty civilian casualties, including Qadhafi's adopted daughter. On the American side, a pilot and his weapons officer were killed when their F-111 exploded.
After the bombing, the Hizballah broke off negotiations regarding the hostages they held in Beirut and executed three of them, including one American named Peter Kilburn. As for the French, they were rewarded for their nonparticipation in the attack by the release at the end of June of two French journalists held hostage in Beirut. (As it happened, a stray bomb hit the French embassy in Tripoli during the raid.)
Ephraim had spelled it all out for me and confirmed some of the information I'd already known. He then went on. "After the bombing of Libya, our friend Qadhafi is sure to stay out of the picture for some time. Iraq and Saddam Hussein are the next target. We're starting now to build him up as the big villain. It will take some time, but in the end, there's no doubt it'll work."
"But isn't Saddam regarded as moderate toward us, allied with Jordan, the big enemy of Iran and Syria?"
"Yes, that's why I'm opposed to this action. But that's the directive, and I must follow it. Hopefully, you and I will be done with our little operation before anything big happens. After all, we have already destroyed his nuclear facility, and we are making money by selling him technology and equipment through South Africa."
In the following weeks, more and more discoveries were made regarding the big gun and other elements of the Saddam war machine. The Mossad had all but saturated the intelligence field with information regarding the evil intentions of Saddam the Terrible, banking on the fact that before long, he'd have enough rope to hang himself. It was very clear what the Mossad's overall goal was. It wanted the West to do its bidding, just as the Americans had in Libya with the bombing of Qadhafi. After all, Israel didn't possess carriers and ample air power, and although it was capable of bombing a refugee camp in Tunis, that was not the same. The Mossad leaders knew that if they could make Saddam appear bad enough and a threat to the Gulf oil supply, of which he'd been the protector up to that point, then the United States and its allies would not let him get away with anything, but would take measures that would all but eliminate his army and his weapons potential, especially if they were led to believe that this might just be their last chance before he went nuclear.
Ostrovsky knows that being famous keeps him alive.
* About the Author: How Mossad got America to bomb Libya and fight Iraq
by, Victor Ostrovsky and Claire Hoy
Revealing the facts as I know them from my vantage point of four years spent inside the Mossad was by no means an easy task.
Coming from an ardent Zionist background, I had been taught that the state of Israel was incapable of misconduct. That we were the David in the unending struggle against the ever-growing Goliath. That there was no one out there to protect us but ourselves - a feeling reinforced by the Holocaust survivors who lived among us.
We, the new generation of Israelites, the resurrected nation on its own land after more than two thousand years of exile, were entrusted with the fate of the nation as a whole.
The commanders of our army were called champions, not generals. Our leaders were captains at the helm of a great ship. I was elated when I was chosen and granted the privilege to join what I considered to be the elite team of the Mossad.
But it was the twisted ideals and self-centered pragmatism that I encountered inside the Mossad, coupled with this so-called team's greed, lust, and total lack of respect for human life, that motivated me to tell this story.
It is out of love for Israel as a free and just country that I am laying my life on the line by so doing, facing up to those who took it upon themselves to turn the Zionist dream into the present-day nightmare.
The Mossad, being the intelligence body entrusted with the responsibility of plotting the course for the leaders at the helm of the nation, has betrayed that trust. Plotting on its own behalf, and for petty, self-serving reasons, it has set the nation on a collision course with all-out war.
One of the main themes of this book is Victor's belief that Mossad is out of control, that even the prime minister, although ostensibly in charge, has no real authority over its actions ...
The Mossad - believe it or not - has just 30 to 35 case officers, or katsas, operating in the world at any one time. The main reason for this extraordinary low total, as you will read in this book, is that unlike other countries, Israel can tap the significant and loyal cadre of the worldwide Jewish community outside Israel. This is done through a unique system of sayanim, volunteer Jewish helpers.
My first six weeks were uneventful. I worked at the downtown office, essentially as a gofer and filing clerk. But one chilly day in February 1984, I found myself joining 14 others on a small bus. ... This course was to be known as Cadet 16, as it was the sixteenth course of Mossad cadets.
He walked briskly to the head of the table while the other two sat at the back of the room. "My name is Aharon Sherf," he said. "I am the head of the Academy. Welcome to the Mossad. Its full name is Ha Mossad, le Modiyn ve le Tafkidim Mayuhadim [the Institute for Intelligence and Special Operations]. Our motto is: 'By way of deception, thou shalt do war.'
"It's the old Trojan dick trick." He lit a cigarette.
"What's that?" I couldn't help smiling; I'd never heard it called that before.
"I knew that would get your attention," he said, grinning. "Shimon activated Operation Trojan in February of this year."
I nodded. I'd still been in the Mossad when that order was given, and because of my naval background and acquaintance with most of the commanders in the navy, I participated in the planning for the operation as liaison with the navy.
A Trojan was a special communication device that could be planted by naval commandos deep inside enemy territory. The device would act as a relay station for misleading transmissions made by the disinformation unit in the Mossad, called LAP, and intended to be received by American and British listening stations. Originating from an IDF navy ship out at sea, the prerecorded digital transmissions could be picked up only by the Trojan. The device would then rebroadcast the transmission on another frequency, one used for official business in the enemy country, at which point the transmission would finally be picked up by American ears in Britain.
The listeners would have no doubt they had intercepted a genuine communication, hence the name Trojan, reminiscent of the mythical Trojan horse. Further, the content of the messages, once deciphered, would confirm information from other intelligence sources, namely the Mossad. The only catch was that the Trojan itself would have to be located as close as possible to the normal origin of such transmissions, because of the sophisticated methods of triangulation the Americans and others would use to verify the source.
In the particular operation Ephraim was referring to, two elite units in the military had been made responsible for the delivery of the Trojan device to the proper location. One was the Matkal reconnaissance unit and the other was Flotilla 13, the naval commandos. The commandos were charged with the task of planting the Trojan device in Tripoli, Libya.
On the night of February 17-18, two Israeli missile boats, the SAAR 4-class Moledet, armed with Harpoon and Gabriel surface-tosurface missiles, among other weaponry, and the Geula, a Hohit-class mlsslle boat with a helicopter pad and regular SAAR 4-class armament, conducted what seemed like a routine patrol of the Mediterranean, heading for the Sicilian channel and passing just outside the territorial waters of Libya. Just north of Tripoli, the warships, which were vlsible to radar both in Tripoli and on the Italian island of Lampedusa, slowed down to about four knots - just long enough to allow a team of twelve naval commandos in four wet submarines nicknamed "pigs" and two low-profiled speedboats called "birds" to disembark. The pigs could carry two commandos each and all their fighting gear.
The birds, equipped with an MG 7.62-caliber machine gun mounted over the bow and an array of antitank shoulder-carried missiles, could facilitate six commandos each, while towing the empty plgs. The birds brought the pigs as close to the shore as possible, thus cutting down the distance the pigs would have to travel on their own. (The pigs were submersible and silent but relatively slow.)
Two miles off the Libyan coast, the lights of Tripoli could be seen glistening in the southeast. Eight commandos slipped quietly into the plgs and headed for shore. The birds stayed behind at the rendezvous pomt, ready to take action should the situation arise. Once they reached the beach, the commandos left their cigarlike transporters submerged in the shallow water and headed inland, carrying a dark green Trojan cylinder six feet long and seven inches in diameter. It took two men to carry it.
A gray van was parked on the side of the road about one hundred feet from the water, on the coastal highway leading from Sabratah to Tripoli and on to Benghazi. There was hardly any traffic at that time of night. The driver of the van seemed to be repairing a flat tire. He stopped working as the team approached and opened the back doors of the van. He was a Mossad combatant. Without a word said, four of the men entered the van and headed for the city. The other four returned to the water, where they took a defensive position by the submerged pigs. Their job was to hold this position to ensure an escape route for the team now headed for the city.
At the same time, a squadron of Israeli fighters was refueling south of Crete, ready to assist. They were capable of keeping any ground forces away from the commandos, allowing them a not-soclean getaway. At this point, the small commando unit was divided into three details - its most vulnerable state. Were any of the details to run into enemy forces, they were instructed to act with extreme prejudice before the enemy turned hostile.
The van parked at the back of an apartment building on Al Jamhuriyh Street in Tripoli, less than three blocks away from the Bab al Azizia barracks that were known to house Qadhafi's headquarters and residence. By then, the men in the van had changed into civilian clothing. Two stayed with the van as lookouts and the other two helped the Mossad combatant take the cylinder to the top floor of the five-story building. The cylinder was wrapped in a carpet.
In the apartment, the top section of the cylinder was opened and a small dishlike antenna was unfolded and placed in front of the window facing north. The unit was activated, and the Trojan horse was in place.
The Mossad combatant had rented the apartment for six months and had paid the rent in advance. There was no reason for anyone except the combatant to enter the apartment. However, if someone should decide to do so, the Trojan would self-destruct, taking with it most of the upper part of the building. The three men headed back to the van and to their rendezvous with their friends on the beach.
After dropping the commandos at the beach, the combatant headed back for the city, where he would monitor the Trojan unit for the next few weeks. The commandos wasted no time and headed out to sea. They didn't want to be caught in Libyan waters at daybreak. They reached the birds and headed at full speed to a prearranged pickup coordinate, where they met with the missile boats that had brought them in.
By the end of March, the Americans were already intercepting messages broadcast by the Trojan, which was only activated during heavy communication traffic hours. Using the Trojan, the Mossad tried to make it appear that a long series of terrorist orders were being transmitted to various Libyan embassies around the world (or, as they were called by the Libyans, Peoples' Bureaus). As the Mossad had hoped, the transmissions were deciphered by the Americans and construed as ample proof that the Libyans were active sponsors of terrorism. What's more, the Americans pointed out, Mossad reports confirmed it.
The French and the Spanish, though, were not buying into the new stream of information. To them, it seemed suspicious that suddenly, out of the blue, the Libyans, who'd been extremely careful in the past, would start advertising their future actions. They also found it suspicious that in several instances Mossad reports were worded similarly to coded Libyan communications. They argued further that, had there truly been after-the-fact Libyan communications regarding the attack, then the terrorist attack on the La Belle discotheque in West Berlin on April 5 could have been prevented, since surely there would have been communications before, enabling intelligence agencies listening in to prevent It. Since the attack wasn't prevented, they reasoned that it must not be the Libyans who did it, and the "new communications" must be bogus. The French and the Spanish were right. The information was bogus, and the Mossad didn't have a clue who planted the bomb that killed one American serviceman and wounded several others. But the Mossad was tied in to many of the European terrorist organizations, and it was convinced that in the volatile atmosphere that had engulfed Europe, a bombing with an American victim was just a matter of time Heads of the Mossad were counting on the American promise to retaliate with vengeance against any country that could be proven to support terrorism. The Trojan gave the Americans the proof they needed. The Mossad also plugged into the equation Qadhafi's lunatic image and momentous declarations, which were really only meant for internal consumption.
It must be remembered that Qadhafi had marked a line in the water at that time, closing off the Gulf of Sidra as Libyan territorial waters and calling the new maritime border the line of death (an action that didn't exactly give him a moderate image). Ultimately, the Americans fell for the Mossad ploy head over heels dragging the British and the Germans somewhat reluctantly in with them. Operation Trojan was one of the Mossad's greatest successes. It brought about the air strike on Libya that President Reagan had promised - a strike that had three important consequences. First, it derailed a deal for the release of the American hostages in Lebanon, thus preserving the Hizballah (Party of God) as the number one enemy in the eyes of the West. Second, it sent a message to the entire Arab world, telling them exactly where the United States stood regarding the Arab-Israeli conflict. Third, it boosted the Mossad's image of itself, since it was they who, by ingenious sleight of hand, had prodded the United States to do what was right. It was only the French who didn't buy into the Mossad trick and were determined not to ally themselves with the aggressive American act. The French refused to allow the American bombers to fly over their territory on their way to attack Libya.
On April 14, 1986, one hundred and sixty American aircraft dropped over sixty tons of bombs on Libya. The attackers bombed Tripoli international airport, Bab al Azizia barracks, Sidi Bilal naval base, the city of Benghazi, and the Benine airfield outside Benghazi. The strike force consisted of two main bodies, one originating in England and the other from flattops in the Mediterranean. From England came twenty-four F-111s from Lakenheath, five EF-111s from Upper Heyford, and twenty-eight refueling tankers from Mildenhall and Fairford. In the attack, the air force F-111s and the EF-111s were joined by eighteen A-6 and A-7 strike and strike support aircraft, six F\A-18 fighters, fourteen EA-6B electronic jammer planes, and other support platforms. The navy planes were catapulted from the carriers Coral Sea and America. On the Libyan side, there were approximately forty civilian casualties, including Qadhafi's adopted daughter. On the American side, a pilot and his weapons officer were killed when their F-111 exploded.
After the bombing, the Hizballah broke off negotiations regarding the hostages they held in Beirut and executed three of them, including one American named Peter Kilburn. As for the French, they were rewarded for their nonparticipation in the attack by the release at the end of June of two French journalists held hostage in Beirut. (As it happened, a stray bomb hit the French embassy in Tripoli during the raid.)
Ephraim had spelled it all out for me and confirmed some of the information I'd already known. He then went on. "After the bombing of Libya, our friend Qadhafi is sure to stay out of the picture for some time. Iraq and Saddam Hussein are the next target. We're starting now to build him up as the big villain. It will take some time, but in the end, there's no doubt it'll work."
"But isn't Saddam regarded as moderate toward us, allied with Jordan, the big enemy of Iran and Syria?"
"Yes, that's why I'm opposed to this action. But that's the directive, and I must follow it. Hopefully, you and I will be done with our little operation before anything big happens. After all, we have already destroyed his nuclear facility, and we are making money by selling him technology and equipment through South Africa."
In the following weeks, more and more discoveries were made regarding the big gun and other elements of the Saddam war machine. The Mossad had all but saturated the intelligence field with information regarding the evil intentions of Saddam the Terrible, banking on the fact that before long, he'd have enough rope to hang himself. It was very clear what the Mossad's overall goal was. It wanted the West to do its bidding, just as the Americans had in Libya with the bombing of Qadhafi. After all, Israel didn't possess carriers and ample air power, and although it was capable of bombing a refugee camp in Tunis, that was not the same. The Mossad leaders knew that if they could make Saddam appear bad enough and a threat to the Gulf oil supply, of which he'd been the protector up to that point, then the United States and its allies would not let him get away with anything, but would take measures that would all but eliminate his army and his weapons potential, especially if they were led to believe that this might just be their last chance before he went nuclear.
Ostrovsky knows that being famous keeps him alive.
* About the Author: Victor Ostrovsky was raised in Israel, but was born in Canada. At eighteen he became the youngest officer in the Israeli military, eventually rising to the rank of lieutenant commander in charge of naval weapons testing. He was a Mossad case officer from 1984-1986.
http://www.freemasonwatch.freepress-freespeech.comwas raised in Israel, but was born in Canada. At eighteen he became the youngest officer in the Israeli military, eventually rising to the rank of lieutenant commander in charge of naval weapons testing. He was a Mossad case officer from 1984-1986.
Message 20
From: "Dick Eastman"
Date: Sun May 14, 2006 11:41pm(PDT)
Subject: Fw: Victor Ostrovsky, former Mossad case officer tells how Mossad go
Sent: Sunday, May 14, 2006 11:06 PM
From: Dick Eastman
Subject: Victor Ostrovsky, former Mossad case officer tells how Mossad got America to bomb Libya and fight Iraq
How Mossad got America to bomb Libya and fight Iraq
by, Victor Ostrovsky and Claire Hoy
Revealing the facts as I know them from my vantage point of four years spent inside the Mossad was by no means an easy task.
Coming from an ardent Zionist background, I had been taught that the state of Israel was incapable of misconduct. That we were the David in the unending struggle against the ever-growing Goliath. That there was no one out there to protect us but ourselves - a feeling reinforced by the Holocaust survivors who lived among us.
We, the new generation of Israelites, the resurrected nation on its own land after more than two thousand years of exile, were entrusted with the fate of the nation as a whole.
The commanders of our army were called champions, not generals. Our leaders were captains at the helm of a great ship. I was elated when I was chosen and granted the privilege to join what I considered to be the elite team of the Mossad.
But it was the twisted ideals and self-centered pragmatism that I encountered inside the Mossad, coupled with this so-called team's greed, lust, and total lack of respect for human life, that motivated me to tell this story.
It is out of love for Israel as a free and just country that I am laying my life on the line by so doing, facing up to those who took it upon themselves to turn the Zionist dream into the present-day nightmare.
The Mossad, being the intelligence body entrusted with the responsibility of plotting the course for the leaders at the helm of the nation, has betrayed that trust. Plotting on its own behalf, and for petty, self-serving reasons, it has set the nation on a collision course with all-out war.
One of the main themes of this book is Victor's belief that Mossad is out of control, that even the prime minister, although ostensibly in charge, has no real authority over its actions ...
The Mossad - believe it or not - has just 30 to 35 case officers, or katsas, operating in the world at any one time. The main reason for this extraordinary low total, as you will read in this book, is that unlike other countries, Israel can tap the significant and loyal cadre of the worldwide Jewish community outside Israel. This is done through a unique system of sayanim, volunteer Jewish helpers.
My first six weeks were uneventful. I worked at the downtown office, essentially as a gofer and filing clerk. But one chilly day in February 1984, I found myself joining 14 others on a small bus. ... This course was to be known as Cadet 16, as it was the sixteenth course of Mossad cadets.
He walked briskly to the head of the table while the other two sat at the back of the room. "My name is Aharon Sherf," he said. "I am the head of the Academy. Welcome to the Mossad. Its full name is Ha Mossad, le Modiyn ve le Tafkidim Mayuhadim [the Institute for Intelligence and Special Operations]. Our motto is: 'By way of deception, thou shalt do war.'
"It's the old Trojan dick trick." He lit a cigarette.
"What's that?" I couldn't help smiling; I'd never heard it called that before.
"I knew that would get your attention," he said, grinning. "Shimon activated Operation Trojan in February of this year."
I nodded. I'd still been in the Mossad when that order was given, and because of my naval background and acquaintance with most of the commanders in the navy, I participated in the planning for the operation as liaison with the navy.
A Trojan was a special communication device that could be planted by naval commandos deep inside enemy territory. The device would act as a relay station for misleading transmissions made by the disinformation unit in the Mossad, called LAP, and intended to be received by American and British listening stations. Originating from an IDF navy ship out at sea, the prerecorded digital transmissions could be picked up only by the Trojan. The device would then rebroadcast the transmission on another frequency, one used for official business in the enemy country, at which point the transmission would finally be picked up by American ears in Britain.
The listeners would have no doubt they had intercepted a genuine communication, hence the name Trojan, reminiscent of the mythical Trojan horse. Further, the content of the messages, once deciphered, would confirm information from other intelligence sources, namely the Mossad. The only catch was that the Trojan itself would have to be located as close as possible to the normal origin of such transmissions, because of the sophisticated methods of triangulation the Americans and others would use to verify the source.
In the particular operation Ephraim was referring to, two elite units in the military had been made responsible for the delivery of the Trojan device to the proper location. One was the Matkal reconnaissance unit and the other was Flotilla 13, the naval commandos. The commandos were charged with the task of planting the Trojan device in Tripoli, Libya.
On the night of February 17-18, two Israeli missile boats, the SAAR 4-class Moledet, armed with Harpoon and Gabriel surface-tosurface missiles, among other weaponry, and the Geula, a Hohit-class mlsslle boat with a helicopter pad and regular SAAR 4-class armament, conducted what seemed like a routine patrol of the Mediterranean, heading for the Sicilian channel and passing just outside the territorial waters of Libya. Just north of Tripoli, the warships, which were vlsible to radar both in Tripoli and on the Italian island of Lampedusa, slowed down to about four knots - just long enough to allow a team of twelve naval commandos in four wet submarines nicknamed "pigs" and two low-profiled speedboats called "birds" to disembark. The pigs could carry two commandos each and all their fighting gear.
The birds, equipped with an MG 7.62-caliber machine gun mounted over the bow and an array of antitank shoulder-carried missiles, could facilitate six commandos each, while towing the empty plgs. The birds brought the pigs as close to the shore as possible, thus cutting down the distance the pigs would have to travel on their own. (The pigs were submersible and silent but relatively slow.)
Two miles off the Libyan coast, the lights of Tripoli could be seen glistening in the southeast. Eight commandos slipped quietly into the plgs and headed for shore. The birds stayed behind at the rendezvous pomt, ready to take action should the situation arise. Once they reached the beach, the commandos left their cigarlike transporters submerged in the shallow water and headed inland, carrying a dark green Trojan cylinder six feet long and seven inches in diameter. It took two men to carry it.
A gray van was parked on the side of the road about one hundred feet from the water, on the coastal highway leading from Sabratah to Tripoli and on to Benghazi. There was hardly any traffic at that time of night. The driver of the van seemed to be repairing a flat tire. He stopped working as the team approached and opened the back doors of the van. He was a Mossad combatant. Without a word said, four of the men entered the van and headed for the city. The other four returned to the water, where they took a defensive position by the submerged pigs. Their job was to hold this position to ensure an escape route for the team now headed for the city.
At the same time, a squadron of Israeli fighters was refueling south of Crete, ready to assist. They were capable of keeping any ground forces away from the commandos, allowing them a not-soclean getaway. At this point, the small commando unit was divided into three details - its most vulnerable state. Were any of the details to run into enemy forces, they were instructed to act with extreme prejudice before the enemy turned hostile.
The van parked at the back of an apartment building on Al Jamhuriyh Street in Tripoli, less than three blocks away from the Bab al Azizia barracks that were known to house Qadhafi's headquarters and residence. By then, the men in the van had changed into civilian clothing. Two stayed with the van as lookouts and the other two helped the Mossad combatant take the cylinder to the top floor of the five-story building. The cylinder was wrapped in a carpet.
In the apartment, the top section of the cylinder was opened and a small dishlike antenna was unfolded and placed in front of the window facing north. The unit was activated, and the Trojan horse was in place.
The Mossad combatant had rented the apartment for six months and had paid the rent in advance. There was no reason for anyone except the combatant to enter the apartment. However, if someone should decide to do so, the Trojan would self-destruct, taking with it most of the upper part of the building. The three men headed back to the van and to their rendezvous with their friends on the beach.
After dropping the commandos at the beach, the combatant headed back for the city, where he would monitor the Trojan unit for the next few weeks. The commandos wasted no time and headed out to sea. They didn't want to be caught in Libyan waters at daybreak. They reached the birds and headed at full speed to a prearranged pickup coordinate, where they met with the missile boats that had brought them in.
By the end of March, the Americans were already intercepting messages broadcast by the Trojan, which was only activated during heavy communication traffic hours. Using the Trojan, the Mossad tried to make it appear that a long series of terrorist orders were being transmitted to various Libyan embassies around the world (or, as they were called by the Libyans, Peoples' Bureaus). As the Mossad had hoped, the transmissions were deciphered by the Americans and construed as ample proof that the Libyans were active sponsors of terrorism. What's more, the Americans pointed out, Mossad reports confirmed it.
The French and the Spanish, though, were not buying into the new stream of information. To them, it seemed suspicious that suddenly, out of the blue, the Libyans, who'd been extremely careful in the past, would start advertising their future actions. They also found it suspicious that in several instances Mossad reports were worded similarly to coded Libyan communications. They argued further that, had there truly been after-the-fact Libyan communications regarding the attack, then the terrorist attack on the La Belle discotheque in West Berlin on April 5 could have been prevented, since surely there would have been communications before, enabling intelligence agencies listening in to prevent It. Since the attack wasn't prevented, they reasoned that it must not be the Libyans who did it, and the "new communications" must be bogus. The French and the Spanish were right. The information was bogus, and the Mossad didn't have a clue who planted the bomb that killed one American serviceman and wounded several others. But the Mossad was tied in to many of the European terrorist organizations, and it was convinced that in the volatile atmosphere that had engulfed Europe, a bombing with an American victim was just a matter of time Heads of the Mossad were counting on the American promise to retaliate with vengeance against any country that could be proven to support terrorism. The Trojan gave the Americans the proof they needed. The Mossad also plugged into the equation Qadhafi's lunatic image and momentous declarations, which were really only meant for internal consumption.
It must be remembered that Qadhafi had marked a line in the water at that time, closing off the Gulf of Sidra as Libyan territorial waters and calling the new maritime border the line of death (an action that didn't exactly give him a moderate image). Ultimately, the Americans fell for the Mossad ploy head over heels dragging the British and the Germans somewhat reluctantly in with them. Operation Trojan was one of the Mossad's greatest successes. It brought about the air strike on Libya that President Reagan had promised - a strike that had three important consequences. First, it derailed a deal for the release of the American hostages in Lebanon, thus preserving the Hizballah (Party of God) as the number one enemy in the eyes of the West. Second, it sent a message to the entire Arab world, telling them exactly where the United States stood regarding the Arab-Israeli conflict. Third, it boosted the Mossad's image of itself, since it was they who, by ingenious sleight of hand, had prodded the United States to do what was right. It was only the French who didn't buy into the Mossad trick and were determined not to ally themselves with the aggressive American act. The French refused to allow the American bombers to fly over their territory on their way to attack Libya.
On April 14, 1986, one hundred and sixty American aircraft dropped over sixty tons of bombs on Libya. The attackers bombed Tripoli international airport, Bab al Azizia barracks, Sidi Bilal naval base, the city of Benghazi, and the Benine airfield outside Benghazi. The strike force consisted of two main bodies, one originating in England and the other from flattops in the Mediterranean. From England came twenty-four F-111s from Lakenheath, five EF-111s from Upper Heyford, and twenty-eight refueling tankers from Mildenhall and Fairford. In the attack, the air force F-111s and the EF-111s were joined by eighteen A-6 and A-7 strike and strike support aircraft, six F\A-18 fighters, fourteen EA-6B electronic jammer planes, and other support platforms. The navy planes were catapulted from the carriers Coral Sea and America. On the Libyan side, there were approximately forty civilian casualties, including Qadhafi's adopted daughter. On the American side, a pilot and his weapons officer were killed when their F-111 exploded.
After the bombing, the Hizballah broke off negotiations regarding the hostages they held in Beirut and executed three of them, including one American named Peter Kilburn. As for the French, they were rewarded for their nonparticipation in the attack by the release at the end of June of two French journalists held hostage in Beirut. (As it happened, a stray bomb hit the French embassy in Tripoli during the raid.)
Ephraim had spelled it all out for me and confirmed some of the information I'd already known. He then went on. "After the bombing of Libya, our friend Qadhafi is sure to stay out of the picture for some time. Iraq and Saddam Hussein are the next target. We're starting now to build him up as the big villain. It will take some time, but in the end, there's no doubt it'll work."
"But isn't Saddam regarded as moderate toward us, allied with Jordan, the big enemy of Iran and Syria?"
"Yes, that's why I'm opposed to this action. But that's the directive, and I must follow it. Hopefully, you and I will be done with our little operation before anything big happens. After all, we have already destroyed his nuclear facility, and we are making money by selling him technology and equipment through South Africa."
In the following weeks, more and more discoveries were made regarding the big gun and other elements of the Saddam war machine. The Mossad had all but saturated the intelligence field with information regarding the evil intentions of Saddam the Terrible, banking on the fact that before long, he'd have enough rope to hang himself. It was very clear what the Mossad's overall goal was. It wanted the West to do its bidding, just as the Americans had in Libya with the bombing of Qadhafi. After all, Israel didn't possess carriers and ample air power, and although it was capable of bombing a refugee camp in Tunis, that was not the same. The Mossad leaders knew that if they could make Saddam appear bad enough and a threat to the Gulf oil supply, of which he'd been the protector up to that point, then the United States and its allies would not let him get away with anything, but would take measures that would all but eliminate his army and his weapons potential, especially if they were led to believe that this might just be their last chance before he went nuclear.
Ostrovsky knows that being famous keeps him alive.
* About the Author: How Mossad got America to bomb Libya and fight Iraq
by, Victor Ostrovsky and Claire Hoy
Revealing the facts as I know them from my vantage point of four years spent inside the Mossad was by no means an easy task.
Coming from an ardent Zionist background, I had been taught that the state of Israel was incapable of misconduct. That we were the David in the unending struggle against the ever-growing Goliath. That there was no one out there to protect us but ourselves - a feeling reinforced by the Holocaust survivors who lived among us.
We, the new generation of Israelites, the resurrected nation on its own land after more than two thousand years of exile, were entrusted with the fate of the nation as a whole.
The commanders of our army were called champions, not generals. Our leaders were captains at the helm of a great ship. I was elated when I was chosen and granted the privilege to join what I considered to be the elite team of the Mossad.
But it was the twisted ideals and self-centered pragmatism that I encountered inside the Mossad, coupled with this so-called team's greed, lust, and total lack of respect for human life, that motivated me to tell this story.
It is out of love for Israel as a free and just country that I am laying my life on the line by so doing, facing up to those who took it upon themselves to turn the Zionist dream into the present-day nightmare.
The Mossad, being the intelligence body entrusted with the responsibility of plotting the course for the leaders at the helm of the nation, has betrayed that trust. Plotting on its own behalf, and for petty, self-serving reasons, it has set the nation on a collision course with all-out war.
One of the main themes of this book is Victor's belief that Mossad is out of control, that even the prime minister, although ostensibly in charge, has no real authority over its actions ...
The Mossad - believe it or not - has just 30 to 35 case officers, or katsas, operating in the world at any one time. The main reason for this extraordinary low total, as you will read in this book, is that unlike other countries, Israel can tap the significant and loyal cadre of the worldwide Jewish community outside Israel. This is done through a unique system of sayanim, volunteer Jewish helpers.
My first six weeks were uneventful. I worked at the downtown office, essentially as a gofer and filing clerk. But one chilly day in February 1984, I found myself joining 14 others on a small bus. ... This course was to be known as Cadet 16, as it was the sixteenth course of Mossad cadets.
He walked briskly to the head of the table while the other two sat at the back of the room. "My name is Aharon Sherf," he said. "I am the head of the Academy. Welcome to the Mossad. Its full name is Ha Mossad, le Modiyn ve le Tafkidim Mayuhadim [the Institute for Intelligence and Special Operations]. Our motto is: 'By way of deception, thou shalt do war.'
"It's the old Trojan dick trick." He lit a cigarette.
"What's that?" I couldn't help smiling; I'd never heard it called that before.
"I knew that would get your attention," he said, grinning. "Shimon activated Operation Trojan in February of this year."
I nodded. I'd still been in the Mossad when that order was given, and because of my naval background and acquaintance with most of the commanders in the navy, I participated in the planning for the operation as liaison with the navy.
A Trojan was a special communication device that could be planted by naval commandos deep inside enemy territory. The device would act as a relay station for misleading transmissions made by the disinformation unit in the Mossad, called LAP, and intended to be received by American and British listening stations. Originating from an IDF navy ship out at sea, the prerecorded digital transmissions could be picked up only by the Trojan. The device would then rebroadcast the transmission on another frequency, one used for official business in the enemy country, at which point the transmission would finally be picked up by American ears in Britain.
The listeners would have no doubt they had intercepted a genuine communication, hence the name Trojan, reminiscent of the mythical Trojan horse. Further, the content of the messages, once deciphered, would confirm information from other intelligence sources, namely the Mossad. The only catch was that the Trojan itself would have to be located as close as possible to the normal origin of such transmissions, because of the sophisticated methods of triangulation the Americans and others would use to verify the source.
In the particular operation Ephraim was referring to, two elite units in the military had been made responsible for the delivery of the Trojan device to the proper location. One was the Matkal reconnaissance unit and the other was Flotilla 13, the naval commandos. The commandos were charged with the task of planting the Trojan device in Tripoli, Libya.
On the night of February 17-18, two Israeli missile boats, the SAAR 4-class Moledet, armed with Harpoon and Gabriel surface-tosurface missiles, among other weaponry, and the Geula, a Hohit-class mlsslle boat with a helicopter pad and regular SAAR 4-class armament, conducted what seemed like a routine patrol of the Mediterranean, heading for the Sicilian channel and passing just outside the territorial waters of Libya. Just north of Tripoli, the warships, which were vlsible to radar both in Tripoli and on the Italian island of Lampedusa, slowed down to about four knots - just long enough to allow a team of twelve naval commandos in four wet submarines nicknamed "pigs" and two low-profiled speedboats called "birds" to disembark. The pigs could carry two commandos each and all their fighting gear.
The birds, equipped with an MG 7.62-caliber machine gun mounted over the bow and an array of antitank shoulder-carried missiles, could facilitate six commandos each, while towing the empty plgs. The birds brought the pigs as close to the shore as possible, thus cutting down the distance the pigs would have to travel on their own. (The pigs were submersible and silent but relatively slow.)
Two miles off the Libyan coast, the lights of Tripoli could be seen glistening in the southeast. Eight commandos slipped quietly into the plgs and headed for shore. The birds stayed behind at the rendezvous pomt, ready to take action should the situation arise. Once they reached the beach, the commandos left their cigarlike transporters submerged in the shallow water and headed inland, carrying a dark green Trojan cylinder six feet long and seven inches in diameter. It took two men to carry it.
A gray van was parked on the side of the road about one hundred feet from the water, on the coastal highway leading from Sabratah to Tripoli and on to Benghazi. There was hardly any traffic at that time of night. The driver of the van seemed to be repairing a flat tire. He stopped working as the team approached and opened the back doors of the van. He was a Mossad combatant. Without a word said, four of the men entered the van and headed for the city. The other four returned to the water, where they took a defensive position by the submerged pigs. Their job was to hold this position to ensure an escape route for the team now headed for the city.
At the same time, a squadron of Israeli fighters was refueling south of Crete, ready to assist. They were capable of keeping any ground forces away from the commandos, allowing them a not-soclean getaway. At this point, the small commando unit was divided into three details - its most vulnerable state. Were any of the details to run into enemy forces, they were instructed to act with extreme prejudice before the enemy turned hostile.
The van parked at the back of an apartment building on Al Jamhuriyh Street in Tripoli, less than three blocks away from the Bab al Azizia barracks that were known to house Qadhafi's headquarters and residence. By then, the men in the van had changed into civilian clothing. Two stayed with the van as lookouts and the other two helped the Mossad combatant take the cylinder to the top floor of the five-story building. The cylinder was wrapped in a carpet.
In the apartment, the top section of the cylinder was opened and a small dishlike antenna was unfolded and placed in front of the window facing north. The unit was activated, and the Trojan horse was in place.
The Mossad combatant had rented the apartment for six months and had paid the rent in advance. There was no reason for anyone except the combatant to enter the apartment. However, if someone should decide to do so, the Trojan would self-destruct, taking with it most of the upper part of the building. The three men headed back to the van and to their rendezvous with their friends on the beach.
After dropping the commandos at the beach, the combatant headed back for the city, where he would monitor the Trojan unit for the next few weeks. The commandos wasted no time and headed out to sea. They didn't want to be caught in Libyan waters at daybreak. They reached the birds and headed at full speed to a prearranged pickup coordinate, where they met with the missile boats that had brought them in.
By the end of March, the Americans were already intercepting messages broadcast by the Trojan, which was only activated during heavy communication traffic hours. Using the Trojan, the Mossad tried to make it appear that a long series of terrorist orders were being transmitted to various Libyan embassies around the world (or, as they were called by the Libyans, Peoples' Bureaus). As the Mossad had hoped, the transmissions were deciphered by the Americans and construed as ample proof that the Libyans were active sponsors of terrorism. What's more, the Americans pointed out, Mossad reports confirmed it.
The French and the Spanish, though, were not buying into the new stream of information. To them, it seemed suspicious that suddenly, out of the blue, the Libyans, who'd been extremely careful in the past, would start advertising their future actions. They also found it suspicious that in several instances Mossad reports were worded similarly to coded Libyan communications. They argued further that, had there truly been after-the-fact Libyan communications regarding the attack, then the terrorist attack on the La Belle discotheque in West Berlin on April 5 could have been prevented, since surely there would have been communications before, enabling intelligence agencies listening in to prevent It. Since the attack wasn't prevented, they reasoned that it must not be the Libyans who did it, and the "new communications" must be bogus. The French and the Spanish were right. The information was bogus, and the Mossad didn't have a clue who planted the bomb that killed one American serviceman and wounded several others. But the Mossad was tied in to many of the European terrorist organizations, and it was convinced that in the volatile atmosphere that had engulfed Europe, a bombing with an American victim was just a matter of time Heads of the Mossad were counting on the American promise to retaliate with vengeance against any country that could be proven to support terrorism. The Trojan gave the Americans the proof they needed. The Mossad also plugged into the equation Qadhafi's lunatic image and momentous declarations, which were really only meant for internal consumption.
It must be remembered that Qadhafi had marked a line in the water at that time, closing off the Gulf of Sidra as Libyan territorial waters and calling the new maritime border the line of death (an action that didn't exactly give him a moderate image). Ultimately, the Americans fell for the Mossad ploy head over heels dragging the British and the Germans somewhat reluctantly in with them. Operation Trojan was one of the Mossad's greatest successes. It brought about the air strike on Libya that President Reagan had promised - a strike that had three important consequences. First, it derailed a deal for the release of the American hostages in Lebanon, thus preserving the Hizballah (Party of God) as the number one enemy in the eyes of the West. Second, it sent a message to the entire Arab world, telling them exactly where the United States stood regarding the Arab-Israeli conflict. Third, it boosted the Mossad's image of itself, since it was they who, by ingenious sleight of hand, had prodded the United States to do what was right. It was only the French who didn't buy into the Mossad trick and were determined not to ally themselves with the aggressive American act. The French refused to allow the American bombers to fly over their territory on their way to attack Libya.
On April 14, 1986, one hundred and sixty American aircraft dropped over sixty tons of bombs on Libya. The attackers bombed Tripoli international airport, Bab al Azizia barracks, Sidi Bilal naval base, the city of Benghazi, and the Benine airfield outside Benghazi. The strike force consisted of two main bodies, one originating in England and the other from flattops in the Mediterranean. From England came twenty-four F-111s from Lakenheath, five EF-111s from Upper Heyford, and twenty-eight refueling tankers from Mildenhall and Fairford. In the attack, the air force F-111s and the EF-111s were joined by eighteen A-6 and A-7 strike and strike support aircraft, six F\A-18 fighters, fourteen EA-6B electronic jammer planes, and other support platforms. The navy planes were catapulted from the carriers Coral Sea and America. On the Libyan side, there were approximately forty civilian casualties, including Qadhafi's adopted daughter. On the American side, a pilot and his weapons officer were killed when their F-111 exploded.
After the bombing, the Hizballah broke off negotiations regarding the hostages they held in Beirut and executed three of them, including one American named Peter Kilburn. As for the French, they were rewarded for their nonparticipation in the attack by the release at the end of June of two French journalists held hostage in Beirut. (As it happened, a stray bomb hit the French embassy in Tripoli during the raid.)
Ephraim had spelled it all out for me and confirmed some of the information I'd already known. He then went on. "After the bombing of Libya, our friend Qadhafi is sure to stay out of the picture for some time. Iraq and Saddam Hussein are the next target. We're starting now to build him up as the big villain. It will take some time, but in the end, there's no doubt it'll work."
"But isn't Saddam regarded as moderate toward us, allied with Jordan, the big enemy of Iran and Syria?"
"Yes, that's why I'm opposed to this action. But that's the directive, and I must follow it. Hopefully, you and I will be done with our little operation before anything big happens. After all, we have already destroyed his nuclear facility, and we are making money by selling him technology and equipment through South Africa."
In the following weeks, more and more discoveries were made regarding the big gun and other elements of the Saddam war machine. The Mossad had all but saturated the intelligence field with information regarding the evil intentions of Saddam the Terrible, banking on the fact that before long, he'd have enough rope to hang himself. It was very clear what the Mossad's overall goal was. It wanted the West to do its bidding, just as the Americans had in Libya with the bombing of Qadhafi. After all, Israel didn't possess carriers and ample air power, and although it was capable of bombing a refugee camp in Tunis, that was not the same. The Mossad leaders knew that if they could make Saddam appear bad enough and a threat to the Gulf oil supply, of which he'd been the protector up to that point, then the United States and its allies would not let him get away with anything, but would take measures that would all but eliminate his army and his weapons potential, especially if they were led to believe that this might just be their last chance before he went nuclear.
Ostrovsky knows that being famous keeps him alive.
* About the Author: Victor Ostrovsky was raised in Israel, but was born in Canada. At eighteen he became the youngest officer in the Israeli military, eventually rising to the rank of lieutenant commander in charge of naval weapons testing. He was a Mossad case officer from 1984-1986.
http://www.freemasonwatch.freepress-freespeech.comwas raised in Israel, but was born in Canada. At eighteen he became the youngest officer in the Israeli military, eventually rising to the rank of lieutenant commander in charge of naval weapons testing. He was a Mossad case officer from 1984-1986.
Message 21
From: "John Perna"
Date: Mon May 15, 2006 6:12am(PDT)
Subject: Yankee Ingenuity!!! One Approach To The Illegal Alien Worker
Yankee Ingenuity!!! One Approach To The Illegal Alien Worker
The Homeowner's Association, in a small community in Washington.,
were having a terrible problem with trash on the side of the roads around
their neighborhood. The reason is the construction of six big new
homes which are being built around their subdivision.
Wallace said the trash is being generated by the Mexican work crews
at the construction sites. (McDonald bags, Coke Bottles, pizza boxes,
Burger King bags, etc.). They have pleaded with the site supervisors
and the general contractor to no avail; called the City, County and the
Police and got no help. So guess what some people in his community
They organized about twenty folks, named themselves the Inner
Neighborhood Services" (INS) and started going out at lunch time to
"police" the area themselves. What they did while picking up the
trash is HILARIOUS!
They got some navy blue baseball caps and had the initials "INS" in
gold put on the caps. It doesn't take a rocket scientist, however, to
understand what they hoped people would think it meant.
Well, the day after their first pick-up detail - with them wearing
the INS caps and some carrying cameras - 46 out of 68 of the
construction workers did not show up for work the next morning! And they haven't
come back yet! It has been ten days.
Now I understand the general contractor is madder than hell, but
can't say anything publicly, because he could be busted for hiring
"illegal aliens."
Wallace and his bunch can't be accused of impersonating INS folks
because their Homeowner Association allows them to vote to form new
committees within the association. They also informed the INS about
what they were doing in advance. According to Wallace, the INS basically
said "Have at it."
Talk is cheap. Use Yahoo! Messenger to make PC-to-Phone calls. Great rates starting at 1¢/min.
Message 22
From: ""
Date: Mon May 15, 2006 6:54am(PDT)
Subject: 911 truth dvd's for $1
Every now and then I post this solicitation...I hope no one this price, it is not for profit.....thanks to those who have ordered......
I have made up a new dvd with Loose Change and with a 17 minute short introduction to 911 truth and the involvment of the Federal Reserve. It also has a clip of Steven Jones' lecture....It is a great dvd to give to people, it is very nonconfrontational and nonchallenging. I highly recommend it as a pass around.
...If anyone wants a copy of this Loose Change or another passaroundable
dvds, I supply them for $1 each - labeled and with envelope. Though they may not be 'IN' the envelope and you may have to insert them.....Price is 85 cents each if you get 100 or more.......shipping is extra. can do paypal....just enter in my email address....add for postage.....$1 for 1-2, $2 for 3-5, $3 for 6-10, $4 for 11-20, $5 for 21-30, $6 for 30-50, $7 for 51-100
Informing others is our best tactic at this time... If anyone has suggestions for other dvds, pls let me know.....
Jeremy Lynes 404 892 7114
1. LOOSE CHANGE 2ND EDITION with Federal Reserve addendum
3. 911 MARTIAL LAW by Alex Jones
4. 911 ROAD TO TYRANNY by Alex Jones
6. AEROSOL CRIMES.....dvd on chemtrails
7. BOHEMIAN GROVE by Alex Jones
8. DVD DATA DISC...Hours of 911 and related video shows, audio shows and 1,000's of saved websites, viewable on computer only.
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