There are 7 messages in this issue.
Topics in this digest:
1. Re: Well oh my golly my GOSH!
From: "Kevin Hammond"
2. Re: NIST Says No to Debate On 9/11 Science
From: "James Patton"
3. Motives For 9-11 And The War -was: Killing Arabs and burning down th
From: "Mark S Bilk"
4. Re: Well oh my golly my GOSH!
From: "Scott Legere"
5. Re: Well oh my golly my GOSH!
From: "President, USA Exile Govt."
6. 9/11 update - 5/29
From: "reggie501"
7. What will it take to wake people up?
From: "James Patton"
Message 1
From: "Kevin Hammond"
Date: Sun May 28, 2006 8:27pm(PDT)
Subject: Re: Well oh my golly my GOSH!
Thank you my brother. It is the thought of NOT doing so that unnerves me.
Kevin Hammond <> wrote: Awe geee shux!
Jamie Welsh <> wrote: it's ok boast away kevin! you make me proud.
On May 28, 2006, at 10:06 AM, Kevin Lee Hammond wrote:
As I was on my way out the door from work fri eve. my boss stopped me and asked if I knew where he could get a copy of loose change! Could it be perhaps because I have given a copy to each of my co-workers and made sure that they watched it?! Could it be also, That I have woken up damn near every shop owner and worker on the block where I work?! With copies of not only Loose Change, but also of martial Law and other such dvds!. One woman in turn took them to her church and woke up her entire congregation! Please do not take this as boasting bu t as just informing you all of the fact that folks are WAKING UP!
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Message 2
From: "James Patton"
Date: Mon May 29, 2006 1:51am(PDT)
Subject: Re: NIST Says No to Debate On 9/11 Science
I had to laugh when I read this paragraph:
When I mentioned to Newman that we´re not talking about nutcases from Kooksville,
but rather credentialed scientists such as BYU Physics Professor, Stephen E. Jones,
Claremont Professor Emeritus, David Ray Griffin, and Massachusetts Institute of Technology
(MIT) Engineer, Jeff King, he said, "Just because a person is from MIT doesn´t mean
that they know what they´re talking about."+ Assuming that Newman is right, then it must
be noted that the Lead Technical Investigator for the NIST National Construction Safety Team
for WTC Investigation is a gentleman named Shyam Sunder, who incidentally, received
his doctoral degree in structural engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
(MIT) in 1981.[1]+
Ha ha ha. When Newman said:
> "Just because a person is from MIT doesn´t mean that they know what they´re talking about."
he should have added: "unless, of course, they're on the payroll of the federal government." !!!
And another thing. So Silverstein's comment:
> maybe the smartest thing to do is `pull it'.
> "they decided to pull the firefighters and emergency rescue workers from World Trade Center Building Seven." ?
Maybe Silverstein doesn't have much command of English? Why didn't he say "pull them" if he was referring to the people?
How could 'pull it' refer to people?
And consider the context of the statement:
> We´ve had such terrible loss of life, maybe the smartest thing to do is `pull it.´+
> And they made the decision to `pull´ and we watched the building collapse.
'pull it' - they made the decision to pull and we watched the building collapse.'
Surely in this context the 'it' which is 'pulled' is referring to the building which collapsed,
and not the people who were in it?
Furthermore consider the 'pulling' of WTC building #6.
We know that the term 'pull it' means to bring a building down by means of explosives because in
the same documentary a cleanup worker (in December 2001) refers to the demolition of WTC Building 6
when he says, "...we're getting ready to pull the building six."
. . .
So NIST will have no debate? Surprise, surprise. No debate in the "mainstream government-mouthpiece media",
no debate by the government 'experts' (even if they do have degrees from MIT, it doesn't mean they
know what they're talking about!), no debate about phoney "weapons of mass destruction",
bogus intelligence, "dodgy dossiers", "Downing Street memos", uranium from Niger,
shredding machines, babies tossed out of incubators, Iraqi troops massing on the border
with Saudi Arabia, depleted uranium, the Gulf of Tonkin incident. It seems the government will brook
no debate about nothin' - it's all just "trust us - be good sheep and pay your taxes, let us tap your phonecalls,
'remember the Maine' and get on with the job of extending Amerikkkan Empire on behalf of the plutocracy".
And they wonder why people don't believe them? I don't think these people could lie straight in bed!
kind regards,
From: "Cathy Garger"
Date: Sun May 28, 2006 4:59am(PDT)
Subject: NIST Says No to Debate On 9/11 Science
As many of you have already read, Philip Berg, Esq., Dr. James Fetzer, Dr. David Ray Griffin, Dr. Steven Jones, Dr. Morgan Reynolds, Col. George Nelson, USAF (ret.) and Dr. Judy Wood are planning to participate in the National 9/11 Debate on September 16, 2006 in Charleston, South Carolina.
Members of the 9/11 Commission, government scientists from the National Institute of Standards and Technology, and other supporting experts were invited to participate and represent the government´s debate team.
I received this document (below and attached) from Dr. Griffin last night. It states that NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) is not interested in a debate with these 9/11 experts.
One can hardly blame NIST. After all, how can NIST hope to go up against expertly presented technical and scientific proof?
Also, here is an Open Letter to the 9/11 Commission that sure packs a punch.
The fact that NIST is unwilling to defend the claims it has made to the American public - must be spread far and wide. They are gallinas - and for good reason. NIST and the rest of the federal workers can say whatever they want to the controlled media, but when it comes down to being able to defend their case in front of learned experts with hard science? Of course NIST fully realizes that their efforts can only turn to ultra-fine particulate GZ dust.
Cathy Garger
Ed Haas, "Government spokesman says, `I don´t understand the public´s fascination with World Trade Center Building Seven,´" Muckraker Report, March 21, 200 (
March 21, 2006 - Michael E. Newman, Public and Business Affairs spokesman for the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), in a phone interview with the Muckraker Report on Monday, March 20th, said that he didn´t "understand the public´s fascination with World Trade Center Building Seven."+ Newman was contacted by the Muckraker Report to discuss when the National Institute of Standards and Technology anticipated releasing its report regarding how World Trade Center Building Seven collapsed onto its footprint at 5:20p.m. EST on September 11, 2001.
What I found so interesting about my 30-minute conversation with Newman was how easily he discounted as unfounded conspiracies, the findings and opinions of scientists who are operating outside of the government´s payroll.+ He frequently used analogies to conspiracy theories and urban legends such as Bigfoot and UFO´s.+ At one point Newman said that he has joked with members of his Public and Business Affairs that they might as well conduct press conferences wearing "Bigfoot" costumes because "no matter what we say, some people will not believe the government".+ Newman continued, "For some people, no matter what the government says about 9/11, they will still believe that the government is lying.+ Some people still believe the world is flat and there are UFO´s.+ There´s nothing the federal government can say to convince these people otherwise."+
When I mentioned to Newman that we´re not talking about nutcases from Kooksville, but rather credentialed scientists such as BYU Physics Professor, Stephen E. Jones, Claremont Professor Emeritus, David Ray Griffin, and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Engineer, Jeff King, he said, "Just because a person is from MIT doesn´t mean that they know what they´re talking about."+ Assuming that Newman is right, then it must be noted that the Lead Technical Investigator for the NIST National Construction Safety Team for WTC Investigation is a gentleman named Shyam Sunder, who incidentally, received his doctoral degree in structural engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in 1981.[1]+
I asked Newman whether his agency had a compelling interest to produce a report regarding the collapse of the Twin Towers that substantiated the 9/11 Commission Report.+ He indicated that NIST had no such interest.+ When asked if NIST would produce and release a report on World Trade Center Building Seven, even if the Institute´s conclusions reveal that WTC-7 did in fact collapse as the direct result of a controlled demolition, Newman said that NIST would release such a report if that turns out to be its findings.+
Intrigued by Newman´s ability to maintain a persona of impartiality and claimed dedication to truthfulness while he simultaneously scoffed, if not ridiculed any scientist who disagrees with the government´s scientists and their findings, I decided to test his dedication to impartiality and whether NIST had any predisposition towards finding a cause of collapse of WTC Building Seven that will coincide with the government´s account of 9/11. I asked him about the now infamous public statements made by Larry Silverstein, the controller of the World Trade Center Complex.+ Recall that on a PBS documentary that aired in September 2002, Silverstein said that he and the New York Fire Department decided jointly to "pull" WTC-7.+ Here is the exact Silverstein quote from the 2002 PBS documentary.+
"I remember getting a call from the ER, Fire Department Commander, telling me that they were not sure they were gonna be able to contain the fire, and I said, `We´ve had such terrible loss of life, maybe the smartest thing to do is `pull it.´+ And they made the decision to `pull´ and we watched the building collapse."+
Almost immediately after I finished referencing Silverstein as saying that the "smartest thing to do is pull it", Newman responded with a condescending chuckle to remind me that the federal government is always right, and the people, always wrong.+ He then said, "Silverstein already explained that what he meant was that they decided to pull the firefighters and emergency rescue workers from World Trade Center Building Seven."+ One can only hope that NIST doesn´t consider its investigation into what Silverstein meant by his usage of the words, "pull it" as complete, solely on an ambiguous clarification offered years later by a man (Silverstein) that certainly has a financial and personal interest in the government´s official account of 9/11 prevailing.+++
After Newman finished minimizing the value of the Silverstein comment as essentially worthless, I pointed out to him the fact that organizations such as Scholars for 9/11 Truth and 9/11 Revisited certainly seemed to be presenting thoughtful and scientific information that refuted much of the work by the government´s scientists at NIST.+ I expressed to him my concern that more than half of all Americans now believe the U.S. government has some complicity if not culpability regarding 9/11, with many people now believing that 9/11 is nothing more than a massive government cover-up; a public perception Newman did not refute. However, when I suggested that a possible method to reconcile the division in the United States between the government and its people might be for a series of televised national debates between his thirty scientists assigned to investigate how World Trade Center Buildings - 1, 2, & 7 collapsed onto their footprints on September 11, 2001, I was
interrupted and told that none of the NIST scientists would participate in any public debate.+
Curious, I asked why the National Institute of Standards and Technology would avoid public debate, particularly if it was confident in its work.+ Newman responded, "Because there is no winning in such debates."+ When I pointed out that such a debate between the thirty scientists who worked on the NIST 9/11 Investigation and thirty equally-qualified scientists who dispute, and claim to be able to refute the NIST findings; that such a public, televised debate might actually help answer many of the public´s questions and possibly restore some national unity, the NIST spokesman emphatically insisted that such a debate will never occur.
As precociously as Michael E. Newman presented himself as a government man, and therefore trustworthy, the inconsistencies in his agency´s work pertaining to how the Twin Towers collapsed will persist if NIST and its lot of government scientists don´t publicly debate with non-government scientists that are presently and publicly disputing the government´s findings.+
Glaring evidence of a fallible, if not predisposed government agency is found on the National Institute of Standards and Technology web site.+ For example, NIST lists as one if its main 9/11 investigation objectives as to determine:
* Why and how World Trade Center buildings 1, 2, and 7 collapsed after the initial impact of the aircraft [2]+
Note: In the event that NIST changes the aforementioned misleading language on its web site, go here to see how the web page read as of March 20, 2006.+
Why is the false statement on the NIST web site?+ The National Institute of Standards and Technology knows, along with the rest of the world, that no aircraft impacted WTC-7.+ Yet on its web site, it uses language that suggests that WTC-7 was also collided into by an aircraft.+ Is it any wonder why Americans are struggling to accept the government´s 9/11 story when a federal agency intended to set the standard is demonstrating to the world that its own standard of accuracy regarding the dissemination of information is woefully inadequate?+
This lack of standards is demonstrated again in the National Institute of Standards and Technology - Executive Summary, which is a portion of its report regarding how the Twin Towers collapsed.++ Listed as Finding 59, NIST reported:
* NIST found no corroborating evidence for alternative hypotheses suggesting that the WTC towers were brought down by controlled demolition using explosives planted prior to September 11, 2001.+ NIST also did not find any evidence that missiles were fired at or hit the towers.+ Instead, photographs and videos from several angles clearly showed that the collapse initiated at the fire and impact floors and that the collapse progressed from the initiating floors downward, until the dust clouds obscured the view.+
Amazingly, the government sees the dust clouds produced during the collapse of the Twin Towers as an obstruction of view, while scientists, outside the government´s control, see the volume, density, and speed of outward projection from the buildings during the collapse that the dust clouds demonstrated, as evidence of secondary explosive devices.++ Whether secondary explosive devices caused or assisted the collapse of the Twin Towers or not, the dust clouds were and remain compelling evidence that the government, by their own admission, missed or ignored.
Seeing as NIST scientists couldn´t see the fact that the dust clouds were themselves, evidence, and not obstructions, is it possible for the National Institute of Standard and Technology to be taken seriously, let alone, trusted?+ Why is the public so fascinated with WTC-7 Mr. Newman?+ We are so fascinated by it because the events of September 11, 2001 were a national tragedy with many valid and unanswered questions remaining in the public mind.+
If there is a weak link in a government cover-up, World Trade Center Building Seven is it.+ If WTC-7 is found to have collapsed as a result of a controlled demolition, than the NIST report on the Twin Towers will be aggressively scrutinized because the question of how and when explosive devices were wired into WTC-7 would have to be answered. By answering that question, a new truth regarding WTC-1 and WTC-2 might be revealed.++
Does NIST have a compelling interest to report that WTC-7 defied the laws of physics also on September 11, 2001 and miraculously collapsed at freefall speed as the result of office fires?+ You bet it does!+ Can the National Institute of Standards and Technology be trusted as a competent federal agency that will deliver an untainted, truthful analysis of WTC-7 regardless of what that truth might be?+ I´ll leave the answer to that question up to you.+
[1] National Institute of Standards and Technology, Project Leaders, National Construction Safety Team for WTC Investigation, Shyam Sunder,, [Accessed March 20, 2006]
[2] NIST & The World Trade Center, Fact Sheets,, [Accessed March 20, 2006]
If the crazies and the psy ops aren't after you, then you're barking up the wrong tree.
~ S.P. ~
Message 3
From: "Mark S Bilk"
Date: Mon May 29, 2006 4:47am(PDT)
Subject: Motives For 9-11 And The War -was: Killing Arabs and burning down th
In a previous message you (Yaacov - jewish_from_brooklyn) wrote:
>Arabs are getting murdered with US taxpayer dollars.
>This is turning out to be a war of racial genocide against the Sunni Arabs.
>I would like to know who_exactly is behind all of this carnage and who_exactly
>is benefitting from it.
And now,
>Is this really about fighting "terrorism" ... or is this really about
>killing and destroying the enemies of Israel ?
Bingo! The Neocons (and their partners the DLC in the "Democratic"
Party) have been working with and financing the Israeli Zionists
(basically Jewish Nazis) for decades.
Spot the Neocons who signed this paper about destabilizing the
Arab nations for Israel:
And here's how Israel urged the U.S. to attack Iraq:
Other motives for the war:
o Enrich the owners of U.S. oil companies, who would rather steal
Iraq's oil than pay for it.
o Enrich the owners of U.S. weapons companies -- murder for profit
on a huge scale -- plus construction companies like Cheney's
Halliburton that are given no-bid contracts to rebuild what they
told the U.S. Air Force to destroy. They control the U.S.
government; we sure don't.
o Create more military bases in the area, to help the U.S.
ultra-wealthy elite rule the world.
o Enrage Moslems all over the world, in the hope that some of
them will attack the U.S. and provide the pretext for even
more wars. Somewhere in the world there must be a few real
"terrorists" (desperate victims fighting back with improvised
weapons), who aren't trained, armed, and financed by the U.S.
or Israel.
o Justify the destruction of the remnants of democracy and
freedom that still exist in the U.S., which will make it much
easier for the ultra-wealthy to enslave and perhaps kill us.
We're the "useless eaters" now.
Message 4
From: "Scott Legere"
Date: Mon May 29, 2006 7:28am(PDT)
Subject: Re: Well oh my golly my GOSH!
Great Job Kev :)
Kevin Lee Hammond <> wrote: As I was on my way out the door from work fri eve. my boss stopped me and asked if I knew where he could get a copy of loose change! Could it be perhaps because I have given a copy to each of my co-workers and made sure that they watched it?! Could it be also, That I have woken up damn near every shop owner and worker on the block where I work?! With copies of not only Loose Change, but also of martial Law and other such dvds!. One woman in turn took them to her church and woke up her entire congregation! Please do not take this as boasting bu t as just informing you all of the fact that folks are WAKING UP!
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Message 5
From: "President, USA Exile Govt."
Date: Mon May 29, 2006 8:17am(PDT)
Subject: Re: Well oh my golly my GOSH!
Great work, Kevin. I wonder if we're together enough now to take this
a step farther and get into two-person Truth Teams going door-to-door
with "Loose Change" and several other relevant videos and CDs--not all
of them necessarily on the 9/11 theme. Greenpeace used to do this
extensively (I was one of their canvassers briefly around 15 years ago)
in a manner which not only spread their word rather effectively but
also provided livelihoods (austere ones, though) for hundreds of
extremely well-intentioned people. --- Regards, Pondo
On May 28, 2006, at 10:27 PM, Kevin Hammond wrote:
> Thank you my brother. It is the thought of NOT doing so that
> unnerves me.
> DOUGLAS CLARK <> wrote:
> Kevin Hammond <> wrote:
> Awe geee shux!
> Jamie Welsh <> wrote:
> it's ok boast away kevin! you make me proud.
> -jamie
> On May 28, 2006, at 10:06 AM, Kevin Lee Hammond wrote:
> As I was on my way out the door from work fri eve. my boss stopped me
> and asked if I knew where he could get a copy of loose change! Could
> it be perhaps because I have given a copy to each of my co-workers and
> made sure that they watched it?! Could it be also, That I have woken
> up damn near every shop owner and worker on the block where I work?!
> With copies of not only Loose Change, but also of martial Law and
> other such dvds!. One woman in turn took them to her church and woke
> up her entire congregation! Please do not take this as boasting bu t
> as just informing you all of the fact that folks are WAKING UP!
> Kevin
> Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone Calls to the US (and
> 30+ countries) for 2¢/min or less.
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> Saoirse go deo!
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> Just radically better.
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> United state citizenship
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> rates.
> Saoirse go deo!
> Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone Calls to the US (and 30+
> countries) for 2¢/min or less.
> United state military
> United state army
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Message 6
From: "reggie501"
Date: Mon May 29, 2006 8:24am(PDT)
Subject: 9/11 update - 5/29
9/11 News :
911? - Apparently the Bush Regime seems to think very little of the
mental "prowess" of the American people. They claim to have a
thoroughly "authentic" tape from Bin Laden who, despite the fact could
have said a limitless number of things, decided to take credit for 911.
· Petrified of the ramifications, Americans adopt denial as primary
strategy to ignore 9/11 Scam - Pyschologists call it cognitive
dissonance when there are beliefs that threaten your previous beliefs
that you find it impossible to reconcile, and denial becomes the role
that you adopt.
· Turn 911 Rubble Into A Killing Machine? Hello? - Whoever said that
irony was dead in America clearly hadn't heard about the assault ship
USS New York
· Business as usual -- 9/11 and the fall of America - Under the guise
of business as usual, consider the huge improprieties in the
securities markets that went unnoticed before and immediately after
9/11/2001, contributing to the attacks' awful success and America's
subsequent decline.
Message 7
From: "James Patton"
Date: Mon May 29, 2006 8:42am(PDT)
Subject: What will it take to wake people up?
At the risk of offending anyone out there, I really need to ask a question here: what the hell is the matter with you people? And by "you people," I don´t mean specifically the regular readers of these newsletters, but rather the American people in general. So to all you John and Jane Q. Publics out there, let me rephrase the question: what the hell does it take to get a reaction out of you?
I realize, of course, that there has been a serious dumbing-down of American society and culture over the years. And I realize that government operatives have virtually complete control over the flow of information, so that virtually every thing you read, hear or see is, at best, an approximation of reality. And I realize that you have been systematically conditioned, over the course of many decades, to revere the institutions of this society - the very same institutions whose spokesmen are routinely called upon to serve you up a nice steaming platter of lies.
None of that, however, fully explains the near complete paralysis of the American people as a whole. So let me ask the question once again: what the hell does it take to get a reaction out of you? Let's quickly run through a partial list of things that, thus far, have failed to inspire you to summon your inner Howard Beales: two consecutive stolen presidential elections; back-to-back wars, both of them unprovoked and brazenly illegal, with more on the horizon; the deaths of well over two thousand of your sons and daughters in Central Asia and the Middle East, and the maiming and disfiguring of thousands more; the ongoing slaughter of tens of thousands of Afghans and Iraqis; countless corporate/political scandals directly tied to the Bush mob; diligent efforts by a veritable army of 9-11 skeptics (including a growing list of people ( that some of you might find more credible than us wacky Internet 'conspiracy theorists') to convince you that the
official story of the `terrorist´ attacks of September 11 is a nothing more than a fairy tale; passage of the Patriot Act, and various other attacks on your civil, privacy, and due process rights; the entirely preventable deaths of an unknown number of people in New Orleans; military occupation of southern Louisiana; sanctioning of secret military tribunals; revelations of the widespread use of, and official sanction of, various forms of torture; getting slapped in the face with the Abu Ghraib photos; indefinite, warrantless detentions without access to legal counsel; illegal domestic surveillance; open witch-hunting of `liberal´ members of academia (though it is perfectly acceptable for a former Phoenix Program assassin and torturer ( )to educate your children); gross invasions of your privacy - at airports, at sporting events, when entering many public buildings, even when sitting at home on your computer; massive cuts in social spending, even while hundreds of
billions of dollars are spent waging war and militarizing domestic law enforcement; massive tax cuts that primarily benefit corporate America; the steady erosion of the nation´s education and healthcare systems; trashing of the environment and environmental protections; the accumulation of an almost unfathomable level of debt; and the act of grand theft masquerading as Medicare `reform.'
Through all of this and more, you have sat silently by. So again I must ask: what the hell will it take? How much worse does it have to get? How much worse will you allow it to get? And if you continue to sit by and do nothing, who do you think is going to save you from the increasingly bleak future we face? Who do you think is going to stop all the madness for you?
. . .
None of the outrages committed by this administration, either individually or collectively, have awakened you from your slumber, so I seriously doubt that there is anything that I could reveal here that would provide the necessary wake-up call. Nevertheless, I will give it my best shot.
What if I were to tell you, for starters, that our benevolent leaders have already got the ball rolling on an ambitious plan to build concentration camps? Right here on American soil! You would, of course, laugh heartily as you dismissed such sensational claims as the product of the overactive imagination of some Internet crackpots - which is exactly why I'm not going to tell you any such thing. Instead, I'm going to let Halliburton break the news to you, in the form of a press release issued on January 24, 2006. You can read it for yourself if you like; it's posted on the company's website. If you stop by for a visit, this is what you'll find:
ARLINGTON, Virginia - KBR announced today that its Government and Infrastructure division has been awarded an Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contract to support the Department of Homeland Security´s (DHS) U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) facilities in the event of an emergency. KBR is the engineering and construction subsidiary of Halliburton (NYSE:HAL).
With a maximum total value of $385 million over a five-year term, consisting of a one-year based period and four one-year options, the competitively awarded contract will be executed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth District ... The contract, which is effective immediately, provides for establishing temporary detention and processing capabilities to augment existing ICE Detention and Removal Operations (DRO) Program facilities in the event of an emergency influx of immigrants into the U.S., or to support the rapid development of new programs. The contingency support contract provides for planning and, if required, initiation of specific engineering, construction and logistics support tasks to establish, operate and maintain one or more expansion facilities.
The contract may also provide migrant detention support to other U.S. Government organizations in the event of an immigration emergency, as well as the development of a plan to react to a national emergency, such as a natural disaster.
Since there is little indication that America is about to be bum-rushed by "an emergency influx of immigrants," it seems safe to say that the real purpose of these 'detention centers' is to "support the rapid development" of these mysterious, unspecified "new programs." It doesn't take much reading between the lines to recognize that the "new programs" will involve mass detentions following the next disaster to strike the country, whether it be real or imagined, and whether it be of natural or unnatural origins.
The good news here is that, should you find yourself suddenly occupying a room at Guantanamo on the Pacific, you won't have to worry about having a lot of idle time on your hands. That's because the U.S. Army has an ambitious Civilian Inmate Labor Program in effect that you can read all about right here: As you can see, this report, direct from the Headquarters of the Department of the Army, "provides guidance for establishing and managing civilian inmate labor programs on Army installations. It [also] provides guidance on establishing prison camps on Army installations."
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