Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Another Reason to Hold O'Connor Responsible (2004)

High Court Backs Vice President (washingtonpost.com)

Related to Cheney Energy Task Force Secrecy: "His [Kennedy]opinion was joined by Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist, Scalia and Justices John Paul Stevens, Sandra Day O'Connor, Clarence Thomas and Stephen G. Breyer. "

Veteran Radio Host Paul Harvey Triumphs Smallpox Blankets To Native Americans, Black Slavery

Veteran Radio Host Paul Harvey Triumphs Smallpox Blankets To Native Americans, Black Slavery

British Diplomat Highlights UK Government's advocation of torture and falsities of War On Terror

British Diplomat Highlights UK Government's advocation of torture and falsities of War On Terror

Stupid Questions to Judicial Nominees: Good for Geese and Ganders:

The Rude Pundit

Video from ny911truth.org (Peaceful Protest at 911 Site)

NY 911 Truth - Action Alerts

NY 911 Truth - Action Alerts: "What can you do to raise awareness of the issues surrounding 9/11? First comes education. You can direct everyone you know to great web sites with independent investigative reports. Also, urge everyone to read 'The New Pearl Harbor' by David Ray Griffin. "

Emergency Truth Convergence! Expose the Seamless Lies of 9/11,

Emergency Truth Convergence!: "Expose the Seamless Lies of 9/11,"

TCS: Tech Central Station - Freakonomics or Amateur Sociology?

TCS: Tech Central Station - Freakonomics or Amateur Sociology?

Lawrence O'Donnell: Rove's I-did-not-inhale Defense - Yahoo! News

Lawrence O'Donnell: Rove's I-did-not-inhale Defense - Yahoo! News

We should have listened to Bin Laden - Robert Fisk: 02 July 2005

We should have listened to Bin Laden - Robert Fisk: 02 July 2005

BG: My guess is that Fisk is full of it. I don't think we have any reliable quote from bin Laden in Feb. '03.

Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | Divorce makes women happier than men

Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | Divorce makes women happier than men

Feministe � Pro-Life? Go fuck yourself.

Feministe � Pro-Life? Go fuck yourself.

do you still think that you may have mismanaged

Foreign Policy Watch

Audio: Michael Springman www.911truthradio.com

Independence Day - Glenn Reynolds - MSNBC.com

Independence Day - Glenn Reynolds - MSNBC.com

BG: What a Dunderheaded thing to write!

Why Are Airline "Flight Attendants" So Awful--and So Ugly?

Independent Women's Forum

BG: And so gay, and so butch. Never knew Lynne Cheney was lookin out for me.

Because we're there

Because we're there: "

BG: What just a dog-gone second. Even though this post criticizes Bush, there is much to dispute about the "facts."

No, what bin Laden is, and what he has done is not beyond doubt. In fact, it is most likely that the "quote" below is not from bin Laden, whose broadcasts have been faked for propaganda reasons.

.... That bin Laden is a murdering theocrat is beyond doubt. Bush, despite the sneers of many, is not some callous adventurer. But Bush and bin Laden share the same Manichean vision of a world in which one side is indisputably good, the other unspeakably bad. Bin Laden dispatched his words from some cave to an Islamic world that has been raised on a hatred of the West. To understand the enemy, and why we are in this pickle, keep in mind that Bush is convinced we're fighting bin Laden in Iraq. Much of the Islamic world believes we're battling not with Hussein's remnants, but Islam itself.
To resell a war he sold us on the basis of non-existent weapons of mass destruction, Bush needed to reduce the Iraqi insurgency to a moral abstraction.
'They fight because they know that the survival of their hateful ideology is at stake,' he said.
Granted, they probably are fighting from a standpoint of ideology. From what standpoint do we fight? Our ideology, at least as we like to pretend it, is that of a democratic republic that accepts personal freedom and general tolerance.
So far, we haven't shown much of it in the war on terror, and we have the unsavory friends to prove it.
It no longer bears repeating that 15 of the 19 Sept. 11 hijackers were citizens of Saudi Arabia and products of its Jew-hating, West-vilifying educational system. It no longer bears repeating because George W. Bush, product of a class-fixated, oil-rich political dynasty either does not hear or refuses to comprehend this connection.
In the months after the Twin Towers fell, Bush invited a delegation from the nation that bred the killers of 3,000 Americans to the ranch in Crawford for barbecue. That's showing them.
Bush saved his most salient argument for the end of his speech, when he suggested that we are fighting terrorists from around "...

Daily Kos: More About Judith Miller

Daily Kos: More About Judith Miller

Whose PBS is it?

The Charleston Gazette - Perspective

Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | One woman's death brings Iraq war home to small-town America

Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | One woman's death brings Iraq war home to small-town America

Big Pharma Controls US TV News

Big Pharma Controls US TV News...

Death of Knight Ridder Reporter, Other Civilians in Iraq, Draws Official Criticism

Death of Knight Ridder Reporter, Other Civilians in Iraq, Draws Official Criticism

In Plain Sight: Why the Betrayal of Our National Security by the Bush White House Matters

In Plain Sight: Why the Betrayal of Our National Security by the Bush White House Matters

ABC pulls edgy reality show after groups complain - Yahoo! News

ABC pulls edgy reality show after groups complain - Yahoo! News

It's the Fourth - Let's Blow Some Shit Up:

The Rude Pundit

The Raw Story | U.S. changed Iraq policy to begin airstrikes months before war

The Raw Story | U.S. changed Iraq policy to begin airstrikes months before war

ProfessorBainbridge.com: Mr. Jefferson

ProfessorBainbridge.com: Mr. Jefferson

News Hounds: Today Their President Is Loved

News Hounds: Today Their President Is Loved

Supreme Court Justice O'Connor: 'She Never Knew it Would Come to This'

Supreme Court Justice O'Connor: 'She Never Knew it Would Come to This'

Popcorn from the 9/11 Rubble

Popcorn from the 9/11 Rubble

ei: Gross Misinformation: the media in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict

ei: Gross Misinformation: the media in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict

Democracy Now! | A People's History of the United States: Dramatic Reading of Howard Zinn's Classic Work

Democracy Now! | A People's History of the United States: Dramatic Reading of Howard Zinn's Classic Work

ZNet |Iraq | Withdrawal Would Cripple U.S. Credibility

ZNet |Iraq | Withdrawal Would Cripple U.S. Credibility

FDA Continues to Confirm Antidepressant Risks I First Identified More Than a Decade Ago

The Huffington Post | The Blog

L�Epoque Bullshit

L�Epoque Bullshit

Since ancient times, the appearance of comets caused fear and desolation.

Culture of Life Science News

Call to Fire Sweden's Ambassador For Feminist Hate Speech

Call to Fire Sweden's Ambassador For Feminist Hate Speech

If you weren't reading PowerLine, you'd think it was Stalin

August J. Pollak - xoverboard.com#001358

Gladio-Styled “Strategy of Tension” Spawning Islamic Terrorism?

Another Day in the Empire

Audio: Thisishell.net This Is Hell - July 2, 2005


Featuring Prince Serna, Julia Bonds, Sheila Watt-Cloutier and David Miller