Sunday, February 12, 2006

Re: [911InsideJobbers] Poss. Evidence Al Qaeda not in existance prior 2001????

WF posted Bush's own voice stubbling over those famous words and considering it was after the attacks don't you think he was being flippant. "Bad pilot" - if you thought that at the time would anyone have said it after the event. I think it shows a lot about George Bush.
IMO the writer is so right with their opening comments. Bush was less tongue tied and found his footing when speaking of retaliation than showing sympathy for those who had lost their lives on 9/11.
One thing does seem odd though. Osama operated alone? Osama, a lone terrorist? If he was, or had been, an American asset why would he have been named at all? 2000 was during the Clinton presidency, wasn't it.
----- Original Message -----
From: malaprop
Sent: Sunday, February 12, 2006 5:58 AM
Subject: [911InsideJobbers] Poss. Evidence Al Qaeda not in existance prior 2001????

From letsroll forum......
You ever heard of this?
Poss. Evidence Al Qaeda not in existance prior 2001????
"Late last year I found my own bit of evidence, thanks to my husband, who found an ROTC Air Force training manual that somebody had thrown away. It was published in the year 2000 and the name of the book is The World In Transition. There's a chapter in it, The Middle East in Transition. I read this chapter and noticed something quite odd. (Not that it surprised me...) All the Islamic terror groups are mentioned, Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, and a slew of 'em I never heard of.

Distinctly missing was one single mention of anything called al-Qaeda or al-Qaida.

Osama bin Laden got a sentence's worth of space and was described as the son of a wealthy Saudi family who "works alone".

I read through the rest of the book, cover to cover, and not one word on al-Qaeda. Wait a minute, I thought this was a vast terror network that had been training for years - that's what THEY told us. "

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