Support the Resistance in Palestine: A Call to Action OnePalestineThe events of the past few weeks have clarified the nature of the struggle in Palestine. Although "Israel" has an arsenal of military weapons unmatched by any power in the region, each new wave of aggression against the people of Palestine and Lebanon has resulted in a response of immense courage and resistance. As the military struggle expands beyond Gaza and the West Bank, the underlying reality of Israel's doomed colonial project becomes cl! ear: short of bombing the entire region into annihilation, the Zionists cannot continue to exist in a region in which Arab people aspire to self-determination on Arab land. There can be no more gray zone: the post-Oslo sham of normalization and the process of land theft through peace treaties and open or hidden alliances between "Israel", the "US", and Arab client states-all that is swiftly disappearing. It could not have come at a more critical time: a moment when "the world's only superpower" has suffered defeat at the hands of Iraq's brave guerillas; a moment when a new block of anti-imperial power is forming from Venezuela and Bolivia to the Arab world...
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| 911 "Conspiracy Theorists" Vindicated: Pentagon deliberately misled Public Opinion Military officials made false statements to Congress and to the 911 Commission MICHEL CHOSSUDOVSKY, Global ResearchRecent revelations by members of the 911 Commission (quoted in the Washington Post, 2 August 2006) have farreaching implications. They confirm that the Pentagon was involved in criminal wrongdoing by deliberately distorting and/or withholding information concerning the September 2001 attacks: "Some staff! members and commissioners of the Sept. 11 panel concluded that the Pentagon's initial story of how it reacted to the 2001 terrorist attacks may have been part of a deliberate effort to mislead the commission and the public rather than a reflection of the fog of events on that day, according to sources involved in the debate." (WP, 2 August 2006) These revelations uphold what has been documented regarding 911 in several carefully researched studies, which the mainstream media continues to identify as "conspiracy theories"...
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| DID YOU KNOW... MonaBaker.comDid you know that non-Jewish Israelis cannot buy or lease land in Israel? Did you now that cars owned by Palestinians are colour coded to distinguish Jews from non-Jews? Did you know Palestinians are not allowed to move from one city, say Gaza to Bethleham, to another without first getting a 'visa' from Israel? Did you know that Israel allots 85% of the water resources for Jews and the remaining 15% is divided among all Palestinians in the territories? For example in Hebron, 85% of t! he water is given to about 400 Jewish settlers, while 15% must be divided among Hebron's 120,000 Palestinians? Did you know that Israel routinely confiscates Palestinian bank accounts, businesses and land and refuses to pay compensation to those who suffer confiscation?...
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| Jews smart and good, Muslims dumb and evil Paul Richard Harris, Editor, Axis of LogicThere is an unattributed article circulating over the Internet these days which lists Jewish and Islamic Nobel Laureates, followed by a bit of unrelated doggerel, making the obvious declaration that Jews are smart and good, Muslims are dumb and evil. By implication, the article means ALL Jews and ALL Muslims. It is racist nonsense, and its wrong. By doing a simple Internet search, I located at least a dozen versions of this lis! t and they all have minor differences. Most important, I could not locate any version that matches the list produced by the official website of the Nobel Foundation. Nor could I locate any source for confirming that those listed as Muslims truly are, those listed as Jewish truly are...
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| Israels latest invasion of Lebanon and western culpability Dr. Habib SiddiquiIt should be quite obvious by now that Israels latest invasion of Gaza and Lebanon had very little to do with rescuing her fallen soldiers. As I write, Israel has killed some 750 unarmed Lebanese civilians - mostly women and children, destroyed mosques, bridges, roads, houses, schools, hospitals and much of the infra-structure of southern half of Lebanon. As in 1996, she has massacred scores of civilians in Qana this past weekend (Jul! y 30, 2006). Israel has bombed Red Cross center and ambulances, and a UN observation post killing 4 observers. She has displaced a million people inside the country, some of whom are forced to take shelters in even prisons. Infants have been forcibly separated from their parents, and the elderly from their care-taking children. Relief supplies are difficult to get to the internally displaced refugees. Nothing is immune from Israels bombing campaign...
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| this singular war... Zahi Webhi, Siege of Lebanon"I have lived through all the Israeli invasions of Lebanon. I have lived through the entire war in Lebanon. "There is no March 8, no March 14 anymore. There is only July 12. July 12 - the start of the most brutal, most devastating of the wars against Lebanon. There has not been a war that has destroyed entire neighborhoods in this fashion, entire neighborhoods while the world was silent. "The plan is to create another Iraq."...
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| Olmert proud of Israels accomplishments Lebanon under attack "Olmert confirmed Israel would carry on fighting until an international force was on the ground in south Lebanon and listed the flight of civilians from the area as among the accomplishments of the Israeli military campaign." - REUTERS Ehud Olmert says the flight of [more than 900.000] civilians from their [destroyed] villages is an "accomplishment". For zionist successor, it is understandable. Israel have been instituted in 1948 on a land th! at saw all its indigenous inhabitants forced out, with their villages destroyed. Forcing more than 900.000 innocent civilians, women, children, old people, to migrate towards outdoor camps and schools, then destroying completely the places they live in, is, in the words of the israeli prime minister, an heroic act...
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| burials, kidnappings, and refugees Siege of LebanonThere was to be another mass burial today. 90 people were to be buried in Tyre (Sour) today. The burial had to be postponed to tomorrow. hopefully. Why? The Israeli bombardment, the constant threat of Israeli aggression, forced the postponement of the burial. No comment. --- The Israeli army invaded Ba'albeck last night. They kidnapped 5 men. Civilians. From their homes. They kidnapped 5 men - and took them to Israel. They kidnapped 5 civilians. The same night... in Ba'albeck 7 people were killed, 6 from one family. They were hiding under a tree. "My father. My brother. My cousins." said one woman...
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| Mideast Weapons Deserve Scrutiny Israels cluster bombs and alleged phosphorus use have escaped attention FAIR...Other reports have raised the strong possibility that cluster bombs may have been used in Gaza (Agence France Presse, 7/25/06). And some doctors and Lebanese officials believe that injuries in Lebanon indicate the use of incendiary weapons such as white phosphorus (Inter Press Service, 7/28/06; Agence France Presse, 7/30/06). White phosphorus causes severe and deep burns to the skin and can! not be extinguished with water; the New York Times once called it (3/22/95) one of "the worst chemical weapons" in existence. Israel's use of such weapons would not be without precedent; Human Rights Watch reported in 1996 (5/96) that there was "compelling" evidence that Israel used phosphorus weapons against civilians in its 1982 and 1983 attacks on Southern Lebanon. (The U.S. has admitted to using white phosphorus as a weapon in Iraq...
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| Hizbullah's attacks stem from Israeli incursions into Lebanon Anders StrindbergAs pundits and policymakers scramble to explain events in Lebanon, their conclusions are virtually unanimous: Hizbullah created this crisis. Israel is defending itself. The underlying problem is Arab extremism. Sadly, this is pure analytical nonsense. Hizbullah's capture of two Israeli soldiers on July 12 was a direct result of Israel's silent but unrelenting aggression against Lebanon, which in turn is part of a six-decades long Arab! -Israeli conflict. Since its withdrawal of occupation forces from southern Lebanon in May 2000, Israel has violated the United Nations-monitored "blue line" on an almost daily basis, according to UN reports. Hizbullah's military doctrine, articulated in the early 1990s, states that it will fire Katyusha rockets into Israel only in response to Israeli attacks on Lebanese civilians or Hizbullah's leadership; this indeed has been the pattern...
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| Bishop Riah on the current crisis in the Middle East - 2nd Letter of Appeal, August 1, 2006 The Rt. Rev. Riah H. Abu El-Assal, Anglican Bishop in JerusalemDear Friends, When I wrote to you last Friday, I could not have imagined that a second Qana Massacre in a decade would be carried out by the State of Israel on Sunday when they dropped two bombs on a house, crushing at least fifty-six people, including thirty-four children and twelve women. They suffocated under dirt and debris, virtually buried alive in the m! ake-shift bomb shelter where they had had little water and food and no toilet (...) And, the offensive against the Palestinians in Gaza has been relentless. This week when Jan Egeland, the U.N.s Under Secretary General for Humanitarian Affairs visited Jerusalem, he focused much of his attention on "the tragedy happening in the Gaza Strip". He does not understand what benefit Israel will gain from punishing 1.4 million people by cutting them off from their sources of electricity and jobs, from running water in their houses and from fresh food (...) Killing and the destruction of the environment is not a war against nations, but it is a war against God...
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| Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Wednesday, 2 August 2006. Translated and/or compiled by Muhammad Abu Nasr, member, editorial board, the Free Arab Voice....In a dispatch posted at 10am Makkah time Wednesday morning, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that Iraqi Resistance fighters ambushed a US military patrol on the main road near the az-Zuyut building in the middle of ar-Ramadi, about 110km west of Baghdad. The ar-Ramadi correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported local eyewitnesses as saying that Resistance fig! hters armed with light and medium weapons and pipe rockets attacked a US patrol on 17 Tammuz Street near the az-Zuyut area, completely destroying a Humvee and damaging an American Bradley armored vehicle. The attack sparked a fierce firefight and US forces rushed to encircle the area making it impossible for the correspondent to ascertain the nature and extent of casualties....
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| Two brave women speak out Imad Khadduri, Free IraqThis is a letter sent from two FOX news producers in Amman, Jordan to FOX news: Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2006 Dear All, We would like to announce our resignation from Fox News in Amman. Although we never actually worked for your organization, we helped for the past three years in facilitating your work in the Middle East. We base our decision on moral issues. We can no longer work with a news organization that claims to be fair and balanced when you are so far from t! hat. Not only are you an instrument of the Bush White House, and Israeli propaganda, you are war mongers with no sense of decency, nor professionalism. You have crossed all borders and red lines. An Arab mother cries over the death of her child very much like an American and Israeli mother...
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| "The Ones Who Are Buried Alive Are Usually Safe From the Dogs" The Total Destruction of Srifa: Mangled Bodies in the Wake of Israeli Bombs and Missiles LARA MARLOWEIt was an unseemly end for 80- year-old Manaheel Jabr, flung over a bloodstained walll, grey hair falling around her shrunken black face, a collapsed ceiling pinning her down at the waist. "It's the grandmother," one of the onlookers gasped when the civil defense bulldozer finally pierced a hole in the rubble of what was until two weeks ago! a three-storey house. Mrs Jabr's corpse presented a terrible dilemma to the Lebanese Red Cross yesterday. Should they cut her in two, put the pieces in a body bag and take her to the hospital morgue, or leave her behind, in the hope that more powerful equipment could lift the concrete slab from her back and would reach her before the dogs did?...
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| The pride and glory of the Israeli state. The Angry Arab News ServiceSo I was watching a report on the pro-Bush, right-wing Lebanese station, LBC-TV. It was about the Israeli raid on Ba`albak. Basically, we learn this: an elite force of 300 Israeli soldiers were in pitch battle against 4 Hizbullah fighters FOR MORE THAN SEVEN HOURS. This reminds me of the good old days in Lebanon: when four Palestinian resistance fighters used to battle a force of 1000 Lebanese army soldiers. But the Israeli raid was a success, ! according to Israeli media. Not only did it net Hasan Dib Nasrallah, but a pregnant woman was killed on her way to the hospital for delivery. She was shot from the air by Israeli helicopters...
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