Tuesday, June 13, 2006

[political-research] Bloglines - Triumph of the Swill

Bark Bark Woof Woof
The blog of Mustang Bobby, a writer in South Florida who looks at the world with dry bemusement and tries to get through life without bumping into the furniture. A proud member of the Reality-Based Community.

Triumph of the Swill

By Mustang Bobby

Andrew Sullivan found a rather interesting e-mail at WorldNet Daily.
"Don't you know that you are aiding the enemy when you speak against President Bush? I will bet you that of all the presidents since 1950, with the exception of President Ronald Reagan, President Bush is by far the best. We and hundreds of thousands of Americans stand by the president. Of course, he is not perfect, but he is a man of God. If you are a born-again Christian, you will support him and pray for him every day. We are called, no, commanded, to pray for our president," - an email to WorldNet Daily. Its title? "Born Again? Then Support The President." It would be hard to find a more candid expression of Christianism.
It makes it pretty hard for there to be compromise and civil discourse when you have attitudes like that.

As the post below suggests, not all evangelicals are goose-steppers, but they're being drowned out by those who are.


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