Tuesday, June 06, 2006

[911TruthAction] Digest Number 1318

Topics in this digest:

1. Mandatory DraftBill age18to42 To Be Debated 6-6-06+9/11Truth Confere
From: "ranger116@webtv.net" ranger116@webtv.net
2. Fwd: [WETHEPEOPLE_UNITED] Valuable Website on America's Concentratio
From: "Kevin Hammond" sir_oglaigh@yahoo.com
3. Loose Change to show at Brookfield Library, June 8th
From: "flyingputer" joewendy2@verizon.net
4. A Day in the Life: 6/5/6
From: "President, USA Exile Govt." prez@usa-exile.org
5. 9/11 Truth Meet Coverage!
From: "sithgmail" ansith@gmail.com
6. LIVE POLL: Was gvmt complicit in 9/11 ?
From: "Cathy Garger" savorsuccesslady@yahoo.com
7. [Fwd: APFN - RE: 9/11]
From: "APFN" apfn@apfn.org
8. Re: 9/11 Truth Meet Coverage!
From: "Joe Stokes" joestokes@sbcglobal.net
9. Save the Internet
From: "Donald Stahl" politicstahl@hotmail.com
10. Re: [Fwd: APFN - RE: 9/11]
From: "space2force" space2force@yahoo.ca


Message: 1
Date: Sun Jun 4, 2006 5:13 pm (PDT)
From: "ranger116@webtv.net" ranger116@webtv.net
Subject: Mandatory DraftBill age18to42 To Be Debated 6-6-06+9/11Truth Confere

Mandatory DraftBill age18to42 To Be Debated 6-6-06+9/11Truth Conference

Mandatory Draft Bill Snuck In - To Be Debated June-6-06

Address:http://www.rense.com/general71/dd.htm Changed:3:30 PM on Sunday,
June 4, 2006

��Mandatory Draft Bill
Snuck In - To Be
Debated 6-6-6
On February 14, 2006, Congressman Charles Rangel (Democrat - NY)

introduced a bill (Universal National
Service Act of 2006 - HR 4752 IH) aiming at drafting everyone - men and
women alike - from the ages of 18 to 42 into the military for a minimum
period of 2 years.

Or to quote the bill: "To provide for the common defense by requiring
all persons in the United States, including women, between the ages of
18 and 42 to perform a period of military service or a period of
civilian service in furtherance of the national defense and homeland
security, and for other purposes."

The House is to convene on June 6 (06/06/06] to debate and possibly
adopt this bill, that is, unless a vast public outcry succeeds in
derailing this insanity, which you can do by writing a letter of protest
to your congress person through

http://www.conservativeusa.org/mega-cong.htm or

http://www.webslingerz.com/jhoffman/congress-email.html �

Phone calls are even better. The numbers of all US Representatives are

� If you question the validity of this bill, go to: �


http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/z?c109:H.R.4752 �

:: rogerebert.com :: Reviews :: An Inconvenient Truth (xhtml)


Free / Cheap Energy Researcher Threatened With Death if he Continues !!
Free Energy / Cheap way to Separate water to Hydrogen and Oxygen
Experimenter told at gunpoint !

He and family members will be killed if he continues his experiments !
(Opec/ Bush ?)
Water Fuel Experimenter and Team Threatened

Update 2 & Photos From 9/11 Truth Conference in Chicago

Bush circles the wagons as approval ratings
slip�-�Nation/Politics�-�The Washington Times, America's

(Bush to bash gays in attempt to rally few remaining base )


Bush Administration Wants User Data from Web Firms

Address:http://www.commondreams.org/headlines06/0602-08.htm C

As President's Poll Numbers Fall, Many in Utah Stand by the Man - New
York Times

(Those Mormons are really up on the latest political news I wonder where
the Quakers stand ?)


Formerly Censored by the Republican controlled FCC Censorship Machine

The Patriotic Dixie Chicks New Album Is "Number One !"
Dixie Chicks


It's a Free Country Right ?
The Arctic Beacon

Arctic Beacon June Pledge Drive
Due To Financial Constraints, The Arctic Beacon and the The
Investigative Journal Radio Show is holding a June Pledge Drive.If you
want to keep the radio show and articles coming, we need to raise $7,500
this month or we will have to close our doors of truth.We would like to
mention, our radio show archives and article archives has always been
free of charge, making this pledge drive necessary. Please contribute
whatever you can and your contribution will recognized, as well as
keeping tabs on how much we raise this month. Hopefully we can reach our
goals. If not, the Arctic Beacon thanks everyone for reading. Also,
please forward this announcement to your email lists. Thank you.


Message: 2
Date: Sun Jun 4, 2006 6:50 pm (PDT)
From: "Kevin Hammond" sir_oglaigh@yahoo.com
Subject: Fwd: [WETHEPEOPLE_UNITED] Valuable Website on America's Concentratio

Fight The new World Order!

Note: forwarded message attached.

Saoirse go deo! www.fightthenwo.org

Be a chatter box. Enjoy free PC-to-PC calls with Yahoo! Messenger with Voice.

Message: 3
Date: Mon Jun 5, 2006 1:44 am (PDT)
From: "flyingputer" joewendy2@verizon.net
Subject: Loose Change to show at Brookfield Library, June 8th

Free Films!!!


2 Lincoln Street

Brookfield, MA 01506

508 867 6339

Please note: Opposing viewpoints are always welcome and
encouraged. The presentation of documentaries and book discussions at
this public library are opportunities for the public to discuss and
debate in a civilized public forum. This series does not reflect the
opinions of the staff of the library, but of patron demand. This is for
your viewing pleasure!

Thursday, June 8, 7:00 p.m. Loose Change, 2nd Ed

"Loose Change 2nd Edition" is the follow-up to the most provocative
9-11 documentary on the market today. This film shows direct connection
between the attacks of September 11, 2001 and the United States
government. Evidence is derived from news footage, scientific fact, and
most important, Americans who suffered through that tragic day."
Director: Dylan Avery.


Message: 4
Date: Mon Jun 5, 2006 9:11 am (PDT)
From: "President, USA Exile Govt." prez@usa-exile.org
Subject: A Day in the Life: 6/5/6

Free Americans
Reaching Out to Amerika's Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Free
Via <prez@usa-exile.org>

June 5, 2006

NOTE: I hope all of you can arrange a showing of "Loose Change 2" at
your nearest public library also. -- kl, pp

From: "flyingputer" <joewendy2@verizon.net>
Date: June 5, 2006 3:44:42 AM EST
To: 911TruthAction@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [911TruthAction] Loose Change to show at Brookfield Library,
June 8th

Free Films!!!

2 Lincoln Street
Brookfield, MA� 01506
508 867 6339

��������������� Please note:� Opposing viewpoints are always welcome
and encouraged.� The presentation of documentaries and book discussions
at this public library are opportunities for the public to discuss and
debate in a civilized public forum.� This series does not reflect the
opinions of the staff of the library, but of patron demand.� This is
for your viewing pleasure!

�Thursday, June 8, 7:00 p.m.� Loose Change, 2nd�Ed

�"Loose Change 2nd Edition" is the follow-up to the most provocative
9-11 documentary on the market today. This film shows direct connection
between the attacks of September 11, 2001 and the United States
government. Evidence is derived from news footage, scientific fact, and
most important, Americans who suffered through that tragic day."
Director:�Dylan Avery.


http://arcticbeacon.com/5-June-2006.html ���������

Heavyweights at 9/11 Truth
Conference "Swing for Fences" at Weekend Chicago Rally

Professor James Fetzer of 9/11 Scholars For Truth fires up standing
room only crowd; Arctic Beacon retracts all previous accusations raised
by previous article and some readers, saying Professor Steve Jones from
BYU "is the real deal."
5 Jun 2006

By Greg Szymanski

�The Chicago 9/11 conference was in full swing over the weekend with
heavyweights of the truth movement "swinging for the fences" as speaker
after speaker provided overwhelming and compelling evidence that 9/11
was an inside government job.

�Investigative journalist Pat Shannon, leading internet radio host,
Maria Heller and others took the "truth microphone," citing credible
facts of a 9/11 cover-up as well as urging Americans from every corner
of the country to seek justice for the 3,000 victims needlessly
murdered on 9/11.

�Also present at the conference were 9/11 truth seeker heavyweights Jim
Marrs, Alex Jones, Jesse Richard, Barry Zwicker and Professor James
Fetzer from 9/11 Scholars for Truth.

Fetzer and BYU Professor Steven Jones head up a nationwide group of
academicians and others who are striving to bring 9/11 truth to the
nation's forefront while saying the government is not coming clean
about the 9/11 investigation.

Jones, a physics professor, has been instrumental in galvanizing a
nationwide truth movement, growing by the thousands every day as
conferences like Chicago are springing up all over the country,
including other events also sponsored by the 9/11 Scholars for Truth.

Although in the Arctic Beacon and some of its readers questioned Jones'
motives since he came from within a conservative BYU environment, the
months have proven that his tireless efforts and unconditional support
from co-workers and close colleagues that he is without question "the
real deal."

As the fruits of one's work are the final denominator in determining
credibility, the Arctic Beacon retracts all past accusations made in
print about Jones and, at the same time, gives him full support in his
honesty and tireless work for trying to get at the truth regarding

Representing Jones and 9/11 Scholars for Truth at the Chicago
conference, Fetzer spoke to a standing room only crowd, firing up the
audience with by telling listeners the government must be held
accountable for 9/11. Further activities of the 9/11 Scholars can be
found at www.st911.com

Also present at the conference was Carol Brouillet, leading 9/11
activist, creator of the Deception Dollars and maker of the film Behind
Every Terrorist There is a Bush.

Another key presentation was made by Ralph Shoenman from
www.takingaim.info who spoke about the Capitalist state and underlying
politics bringing our country down.

"As usual Ralph got my blood boiling," said Jesse Richard from
www.tvnewslies.org who also attended the conference. �"The information
that he shares about the conduct of our nation when it comes to
undermining democracy, bio warfare, disease creation, human guinea pig
experimentation and the financial kingpins of the global terror elite
(the Carlyle Group, et. al.) simply enrages me! Ralph made a clear case
for the need to replace our leadership in a real house cleaning."

For more informative articles, go to www.arcticbeacon.com

Greg Szymanski Greg also has his own daily show on the Republic
Broadcast Network. Go to www.rbnlive.com Greg Szymanski is an
independent investigative journalist and his articles can been seen at
www.LewisNews.com. He also writes for American Free Press and has his
own site www.arcticbeacon.com

Listen to my Radio Broadcast live Monday night at 8pm Pacific time on
LewisNews, returning Jan. 1 2006 Radio
http://webs.lewisnews.com/radio/index.htm. Greg is also regular on
Rense.com the first Thursday of every month at 9-10 pm pacific time.

From: David West <davidgordonwest@yahoo.co.uk>
Date: June 4, 2006 7:43:15 PM EST
To: prez@usa-exile.org
Subject: Water Fuel Experimenter and Team Threatened


Water Fuel Experimenter and Team

Ken Rasmussen's research team has been working on a process that turns
out to have similarities to the super-efficient electrolysis process
being developed by Professor Kanarev. Rasmussen's work ceased after a
member of the team was threatened at gunpoint.
by Sterling D. Allan
Pure Energy Systems News

VENTURA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, USA -- On May 16, a technician who was one
of a team of garage experimenters investigating a hydrogen-on-demand
technology was run off the road near a rural intersection and accosted
by four white, middle-aged males in black suits, carrying Glocks and
Mac tens.� The assailants were driving a late model, black Lincoln Town

This comes just one month after Bill Williams was similarly threatened
because of his alleged experimentation with running a vehicle on a Joe

The victim in this latest incident is an associate of New Energy
Congress member, Ken Rasmussen, who had been working together with him
on the project. Rasmussen also runs an alternative energy news service
at� http://www.commutefaster.com/Energy.html� They had been working on
the project together.

A week before the incident, Rasmussen learned of the work being done
by Professor Kanarev in Russia.� Both use a pulsed signal, and both
were seeing similar performance rates.� Kanarev holds multiple patents,
and is widely published.� A day before the incident, a person who was
interested in funding the project of Rasmussen et al., and who had been
trying to reach him since November, had finally made contact.

Rasmussen reported the incident for the first time publicly in his
news today.� He said, "As editor of this page, my life has now been
threatened by 2 loaded guns pointed in the face of a good friend."

"Using information which could only have been obtained by monitoring
digital cell phones and e-mail, the assailants portrayed to the victim
that they had total control over his personal life, and was told to
remain silent and to not talk to government authorities."� He was told
that if he did not comply, a family member would be killed.� The
assailants produced extensive details about this target family member.�
The threat also included himself, his family and all associates if he
did not stop work on the process immediately.� The threats made
actually applied broadly to anyone working on overunity.

"I'm breaking the story to warn others who might be involved in
similar technologies," said Rasmussen.

Obeying the threats made to him, the person threatened has stopped all
work on the project.� "When happy people start acting silent and
paranoid, friends get suspicious," said Rasmussen, who waited until the
necessary measures had been taken to protect the lives of those
directly threatened in the incident.

At the time of the assault, Rasmussen had been in discussion with
several pre-screened, suitable investors, who were waiting on
Rasmussen's team to fix a final detail before attending a live

Rasmussen addressed them publicly in today's report, saying: "For any
of my previous business contacts reading this, please excuse the
delay.� Our lives have been directly threatened if we were to complete
the item we were intending to demonstrate for you.� All progress is
stopped" . . . for now.

"Enormous amounts of personal information thrown in our face behind
the guns proved to me NONE of the prospective investors had anything to
do with the violence we experienced. These thugs knew things I DIDN'T
EVEN KNOW. Their boss has digital cell phone tapping technology at the
very least.� Other details were probably obtained by wire tapping
neighbors and friend's phones too."

In closing, Rasmussen said, "We have this kind warning to fellow
experimenters who try to challenge the conventional physics being
taught to students around the world. Challenge the system, the system
that says oil is god, and there are paid mafia goons all over the world
who will stop you for a few measly dollars.� We know, because we met
their guns face to face.� Please continue your noble research, but
PLEASE PLEASE watch your backside."

Rasmussen's words to the assailants were that if anyone were harmed,
the plans for this technology would be plastered all over the
Internet.� He believes that cowering to bullies is not good policy.


From: "dahbud_mensch" <dahbud_mensch@yahoo.com>
Date: Sun Jun 4, 2006 6:37 am
Subject: Fundamentalist Christianity Weds the Military

Fundamentalist Christianity Weds the Military

by Debra Schaffer Hubert and Bob Nichols

And their offspring is ecclesiastically induced genocidal war from the
command center of Fatherland Patriarchy [1]

[photo elided]

(San Francisco, Berkeley) An intricate symbiotic relationship exists
between the Church and the State. It is in blatant and conspicuous
view in United States society.

We believe the extreme crisis of the lack of separation of church and
military state is crucial to focus on with considering the dire need
for success of the global peace and justice movement in ending the
genocidal, apocalyptic wars the United States have been inflicting on
the world.

We say apocalyptic because it is clear that the Christian
Fundamentalist Administration doubts there is hope for a future. They
think we are in the End Times according to Revelations. They have left
whole continents permanently uninhabitable by the relentless dropping
of radioactive uranium, as they are out, according to G.W. Bush,
"fighting Evildoers for God."[2]

We have been following recent Fundamentalist Christian trends and have
made some alarming discoveries [3].

Ron Luce, leader of the BattleCry Christian youth movement, is a
taxpayer paid political appointee by George W. Bush to the White House
Advisory Commission on Drug Free Communities.

Luce, et al, in the far right wing Christian Fundamentalist camps,
such as Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson, are out fervently glorifying
war in pursuit of the deeper implementation of their view of biblical
world order.

They hold youth gatherings in stadium arenas across the country called
BattleCry [4]. The Navy SEALS are used as Ron Luce's right hand to
loudly proclaim they believe they are "Christian Soldiers" in military
duty and in civilian life.

Virtually all the propaganda in BattleCry events utilizes military
rhetoric and metaphor. There is a Hummer sporting a red revolution
flag on stage, to dog tags, posters with youth carrying automatic
weapons and Navy SEALs giving Christian testimony and making
"BattlePlans" for Jesus.

Ron Luce is not only applauding the Bush Administration's war
atrocities when he brings Navy SEALs, real or fake, on stage and talks
about how noble it is to be a soldier and a Christian. BattleCry is,
in essence, recruiting for G.W. Bush's apocalyptic style of unending
wars while at the same time encouraging a religiously repressive and
destructively cultish society at home.

BattleCry is Reminiscent of Hitler's youth brigades

George Bush's endorsement of BattleCry is read to the cheering youth
in the stadium arenas "Since its inception, Teen Mania (BattleCry's
founder) has demonstrated a strong commitment to organize young
Christian men and women to help others in need. Your efforts
contribute to a brighter future for all Americans."

Sunsara Taylor of the World Can't Wait, reports from the BattleCry
gathering in Philadelphia [5] in her "Ron Luce's Holy War" article,
Franklin Graham, heir to Rev. Billy Graham's throne, spoke at
Philadelphia's BattleCry. The heart of his speech was a call for holy
war. He preached about the "battle for souls of men and women from
North to South, East to West, over the entire earth." There is, he
declared, "No way to God but through Jesus Christ." Incidentally,
Billy Graham, Franklin's father, is credited for converting G. W. Bush
to Fundamentalist Christianity.

We believe this is strikingly similar to the Nazi Germany youth
organization. The Hitler youth numbered 107,956 at the end of 1932. By
the end of 1933 the Hitler youth held a membership of 2,300,000. The
rise came from the merger of the Nazis with the Evangelical Church in
Germany. [6]

All Branches of the Armed Services epidemic in zealous Christolotry

The Navy SEALs, unfortunately, are not the only military organizations
who have infiltrated the country's churches. We have observed with
alarm that every military branch has top brass espousing Extremist
Christian rhetoric.


The United States Navy Sea, Air and Land (SEAL) forces are the special
operations forces of the U.S. Navy. They are the Navy's most zealous
and unquestioning warriors, having proven extreme commitment by going
through a three tiered process before even becoming a SEAL.

Apply heat and huge amounts of pressure, add automatic weapons and the
United States get a pumped up group of trained killers that are expert
in stealthful military maneuvers, especially in the world's waters.

The Navy SEALS at BattleCry are dressed in Desert Battle Dress
Uniforms (BDU's) such as they do in the Middle East to defeat the
terrorists in the desert who are, according to top naval brass,
Admiral Michael G. Mullen [7] "lying in wait to destroy freedom and

After Schaffer's BattleCry articles were published on Counterpunch and
Buzzflash she received correspondence from a Navy Captain and civilian
Attorney who prefers to remain anonymous. He states he is speaking out
on behalf of separation of church and state as a concerned private
citizen and not as a Navy Officer.

This Navy Captain is an example of a person who believes in the
delusional legitimacy of a lethal armed military force equipped with
radioactive genocidal weapons is a potentially good thing. Yet he
denounces adamantly the use of religious ideology to dictate its

The Navy Captain writes in an e-mail to Schaffer "I read with alarm
your article on the recent BattleCry rally in Philadelphia where
members of the U.S. Navy SEAL Team appeared in Uniform with weapons. I
also saw photos of the event showing the SEAL team carrying automatic
weapons. These are violations of U.S. Navy Regulations and the UCMJ
(Uniform Code of Military Justice) [8] if in fact these individuals
were truly Navy Personnel. It is a federal offense under

18 U.S.C. 912, if it was done for monetary gain of some kind."

The Navy Lawyer continued "It seems to me that showing up at a rally
in uniform, shooting off military weapons, gives the impression that
they favor the violent suppression of the civil rights of those who
disagree with their religious views. Their warlike rhetoric only
affirms such a view � regardless of their denials of such intent. It's
like the Klan denying it is racist, and is just in favor of the rights
of white people. Quite frankly, I get the impression that they are
going to send a SEAL team out there to kill all those who don't bow
down with their particular version of Christianity!"

He added showing his alignment with the justification of military "We
need more pacifists in this country, and I salute you because it also
takes bravery to stand up for what is right. It is important that you
protest even justifiable wars so that we do not get complacent about
military action in general. Maybe if we get enough of them, it won't
be necessary for people like me to go off to strange places like Iraq
that I would just as soon avoid. I would recommend that all pacifists
serve in the military as medics and corpsmen. I think a person having
been through it, their voice would be even stronger."

"I would suggest that all concerned contact Americans United for
Separation of Church and State and make this a public issue. [9] This
is completely and utterly wrong."

"The more I read about these people [BattleCry], I believe that they
qualify as a Supremacist Organization under Article 1167 of the Navy
Regulations. This means that military members cannot attend or
participate in such groups even out of unifrm."

Article 1167 states as follows:

"No person in the Naval service shall participate in any organization
that espouses supremacist causes; attempt to create illegal
discrimination based on race, creed, color, sex, religion, or national
origin advocates the use of force or violence against the government
of the United States or the government of any state territory,
district, or possession thereof, or the government of any subdivision

He also states there are strict regulations regarding the use of
munitions while not under military duty, even if blanks are shot.

Taylor recounts in her "Ron Luce's Holy War article" about BattleCry
Philadelphia. "A group of Navy SEALs are projected on the large screen
above the stadium as they make their way from backstage. Dressed in
desert BDUs carrying automatic weapons, kicking down doors and firing
blanks into empty rooms along their way, they looked like the
house-to-house raids and indiscriminate killing seen in rare footage
of Iraq."

The youth at BattleCry roar with enthusiastic cheering and approval of
the staged entrance of these "honorable Christian warriors".

This Navy Captain considers it his best move to approach Chief Naval
Operations Officer, Admiral Michael G. Mullen to report this finding
of SEALs in religious events.

When researching Admiral Mullen, we get some clues about his beliefs
as we read remarks delivered on August 31, 2005 at the Naval War
College in Newport, Rhode Island. Perhaps the Navy and Fundamentalist
Christianity are in a deep committed connection with one another.

"I see many shades of service here -- green, light blue, and dark blue
-- as well as sisters and brothers in arms from all over the world. I
also see governmental agencies represented here, people who feel just
as strongly about national security as any of us in uniform. You too
wear the "cloth of the nation."

Admiral Mullen insinuates using the metaphor of the Navy as wearing
the "Cloth of the Nation" as if it were as religious as it is military.

With someone like this in highest command, how can we even hope for
any kind of substantial intervention?

The SEALs, having close affiliation with Fundamentalist Christians,
are the most elite homophobic fighting force on the planet. They are
recruiting directly from the Christian evangelical's offspring in
gatherings where sex and homosexuality is strictly denounced. Fighting
"Satan" through the misogynistic state military apparatus is
enthusiastically encouraged and boasted about.


Blatantly religiously outspoken Christian Fundamentalist Army Lt.
General William G. Boykin, appointed by G.W. Bush, has received
critical alarm from Americans United for Separation of Church and
State. He appears regularly in dress uniform to religious groups.
Boykin is quoted "We, in the army of God, kingdom of God, have been
raised for such a time as this."

Richard T. Cooper writes in CommonDreams.org "General Casts War in
Religious Terms."[10] "In his public remarks, Boykin has also said
that radical Muslims who resort to terrorism are not representative of
the Islamic faith. Boykin's reference to the God of Islam as `an idol'
may be perceived as particularly inflammatory."

Conservative Christians have defended Boykin despite the Abu Ghraib
scandal (the Christian Coalition had an online petition in support of
Boykin on its homepage), and James Dobson of Focus on the Family
called Boykin's statements "consistent with mainstream evangelical

Sendtoscott exposes Boykin in Abu Ghraib "Hell House of the Religious
Right." [11] "Boykin told one gathering `Why is this man in the White
House? The majority of Americans did not vote for him. He's in the
White House because God put him there for a time such as this.'"

Schaffer adds "Everyone with any sense knows that Bush is not in the
least bit qualified to be in the White House and being a
fundamentalist Christian only exacerbates the reasons why."

Nichols writes in his article "Confident US Generals Commit war
crimes" [12] "... The amount of radiation released by the atomic bombs
[in 1945] pales in comparison to the huge amount of permanent killing
radiation released in Iraq. The total radioactive life span of uranium
weapons is a majestically creepazoid 45 billion years. The Iraqis have
a right to ask, "Why do the Americans hate us so? Why do the Americans
want to exterminate us? ..."

Nichols continued "... Now, in 2006, the United States is the most
successful fascist empire, with the most lethal military, in the
history of the world. The fascist government of war criminals and
crooks must be put out as soon as possible, certainly before they
invade Iran and use global thermonuclear weapons as promised and
nuclear munitions again to do so. Words do not count in this arena,
though, only actions..."


First published on Sunday, November 7, 2004 in Agence France Press
from Near Fallujah [13] "Holy War: Evangelical Marines Prepare to
Battle Barbarians" this article illustrates the entrenchment this
version of the Christian Faith has become in the U.S. Marine Corp.

"Men with buzzcuts and clad in their camouflage waved their hands in
the air, M-16 assault rifles beside them and chanted heavy
metal-flavored lyrics in praise of Christ. `You are the sovereign.
Your name is holy. You are the pure spotless lamb,' a female voice
cried out on the loudspeakers as the Marines clapped their hands and
closed their eyes, reflecting what lay ahead for them. `Victory
belongs to the Lord' another young Marine read.

They proceeded onto one of the bloodiest battles of the Iraqi war
which leveled an entire city of 300,000 people to the ground, spraying
people with deadly white phosphorus and genocidal radioactive uranium,
with no signs of the intervention of humanitarian behavior whatsoever.

The American soldiers were witnessed getting anointed with oil before
battle in Iraq just as Christ was supposedly anointed with oil-- this
kind of fanaticism--this kind of disjointedness, is how violent
crusades are justified and perpetuated.

Air Force

Christian Fundamentalism supremacy has been a common occurrence in the
United States Air Force. More than 90% of the Air Force Academy
identify as Christians.

Among other accusations, cadets are frequently pressured to attend
chapel and take religious instruction, particularly in the
fundamentalist evangelical Christian faith.

The Commandant of the Colorado Air Force Academy, Brig. General Johnny
Weida, a Born-Again Christian, drew fire from at least one student who
said the General put God in front of the Constitution in a speech to

Political Apathy Disorder

We pose this question: Do the Bush Administration policies include the
use of the cover of Christianity to build forces for the United States
Military and the military to build forces within the right wing church?

Abu Gharib and Guantanamo prove that the United States military can
act against even International Treaties by torturing detainees, with
guaranteed impunity, in order to accomplish a mission; it would
inflict a mild tsk, tsk, at best, for the breaking of the code against
military recruitment at supremacist Christian gatherings.

In other words, we have no hope of a system of checks and balances
within the judiciary or any other branch of government. The only
sliver of hope is that the American people rise up out of their
sheepdom and join the ranks of people seriously planning how to make
living on this earth sustainable and harmonious. At the risk of
sounding pessimistic, this is looking impossible.

Why? A proposed addition to the American Psychiatric Association's
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, DSM-IV, sheds
some light on the pervasive question of "Why are Americans OK with
this Genocide in Iraq?"

The new diagnosis, Political Apathy Disorder, (PAD) [14] is proposed
as a new Personality Disorder classified as 301.88. The diagnostic
criteria include knowledge of social problems and the failure to act
on them. Political conservatism to the point it "justifies social and
economic inequalities" qualifies as a diagnostic criteria. The
individual must meet three or more criteria for diagnosis.

In short, the hundreds of millions of Americans dominated and
controlled by the fascist psychopaths hell bent on creating Armageddon
in the Middle East, in addition to stealing their oil and gas till
Armageddon comes, are also diagnosable as psychotically delusional.

After WWII, the victorious Allied Powers tried the German Nazi
political and military leadership for their many War Crimes and Crimes
Against Humanity. A San Francisco based lawyer, Karen Parker, who
specializes in Humanitarian Law and Armed Conflict Law, is pursuing a
lawsuit against certain corporations and the United States government
for the Massacre at Fallujah, Iraq. Many of the same legal principles
are involved. It is Genocide no matter how the US tries to spin it and
the whole world is watching as psychotic Americans try to change TV

The Denouncement of Secular Humanism and Liberalism and the control of
the population through biblical authoritarianism.

BattleCry is not just a call to arms against the literal biblical
"Satan", but a deeper call against the perceived enemy within the
State � none other than secular humanism and/or liberalism, which is
scapegoat #1 next to terrorists, as if it is the offspring of the
devil himself.

Luce's Holy War follows the Fundamentalist call for Christian youth to
denounce secularism and embrace strict biblical law, especially around
expressions of sexuality and its many paths of natural diversity.

The Fundamentalists are claiming it is sexual diversity that is
angering God and destroying society. We assert it is unrealistic,
puritanistic sexual repression and militarism that are causing
societal degradation and violence. [15]

Sexuality expressed in conscious, accepting and mutually respecting
ways, can only benefit society. Sex is a deep expression of love. This
is what the right wing sex repressed is trying to withhold from the

Preachers as Pacifiers

There are reports of FEMA plans to use Pastors as pacifiers in
preparation for Martial Law [16]. "A nationwide secretive initiative
trains volunteers to teach congregations to `obey the government' in
emergencies during seizure of guns, property, forced inoculations and
possible forced relocation.

The FEMA directors told the Pastors that attended a meeting it was
their job to help implement FEMA and Homeland Security directives in
anticipation of any of these eventualities. The first directive was
for Pastors to preach to their congregations Romans 13 in order to
teach them to "obey the government" when martial law is declared."

Romans 13 proclaims "Everyone must submit himself to the governing
authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has
established. Consequently, he who rebels against authority is
rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will
bring judgment upon themselves."

There is an urban myth which accuses Hitler of having used Romans 13
to control the population of Christians in Germany. [17]

This is what Schaffer, heard over and over at BattleCry and inside
Christian circles when questioning Christians regarding their thoughts
about the policies of the Bush Administration "God instructs us to
trust in the government because all governments are put in power by
God." Questioning the government is akin to questioning God. So don't.
Period. End of discussion.

With the Bush Administration, the military gets a free ticket inside
the Fundamentalist Christian churches and events across the country.
Christian military men also hold many key posts in Bush Administration
governmental appointments. It's a, you scratch my back and I'll
scratch yours, kind of deal.

Another of Bush's appointments drawing criticisms is that of Paul
Bonicelli as deputy director of the United States Agency for
International Development (USAID), which is in charge of all programs
to promote democracy and good governance overseas.

Bonicelli is Dean of academic affairs of Patrick Henry College in
rural Virginia. [18] William Fisher writes in "Bush's Newest Crusader"
"The motto for this tiny college is `For Christ and Liberty.' It
requires that all of its 300 students sign a 10-part `statement of
faith' declaring that they believe `Jesus Christ, born of a virgin, is
God come in the flesh. Jesus Christ literally rose bodily from the
dead and that hell is a place where all who die outside of Christ
shall be confined in conscious torment for eternity.'"

Faculty members too, must sign a pledge stating they share a
literalist belief in the Bible. Many Patrick Henry students are chosen
to serve as interns working for White House political adviser Karl
Rove, for the White House Office of Public Liaison and for Republican
members of the House and Senate."

Fisher goes on to report "In 2002, Bush appointed Bonicelli, along
with former Vatican adviser John Klink and Janice Crouse of the
ultra-conservative Concerned Women for America, to an American
delegation attending a United Nations children's conference, where
they sought to promote biblical values in U.S. foreign policy. One can
only wonder how Muslims, the target audience for these USAID programs,
will react to the view that `all who die outside of Christ shall be
confined in conscious torment for eternity.'"

No Child Left Behind really means No child left behind getting
biblical teaching and saved by Jesus

We know what the "No Child Left Behind" act is really about. It is
about making sure that all school children get a bible based
curriculum. Just like Tim LeHaye's bestselling "Left Behind" End Times
ideology book series proclaims, in order to be saved during
Revelation's Armageddon a person must proclaim they are a follower of
Christ. Just like in the crusades of old, the end times are thought to
be in the present.

No Child Left Behind's purpose is to systematically destroy public
schools. It was widely encouraged by the Christian conservatives so
that they can denounce secular public schools and bring back state
sponsored religious indoctrination in schools by allowing for vouchers
to be used by students at schools of the parents choosing.

Schaffer, as a parent of youth in school throughout the 1990s and
2000s, can tell you the kids are privy to the illegitimacy of the
standardized testing and do not give a rats ass about trying to do
well on it. Students are scoring false negative test scores and the
public schools are taking the rap thus paving the way for the
justification of vouchers.

Even if it was a legitimate way to test competence of school staff and
student ability, which it is not, it was designed purposely to make
public schools be scapegoated failures.

Bush and his ideologues are on a mission to bring American school
children to the ranks of the military through the religion of
Christianity and turn the military into a fighting apparatus for their
version of a literal biblical reality, both from inside the United
States and out into the world.

Radical nonviolent direct action intervention � a call to Nemisis

We believe as concerned citizens, it is our duty to intervene with

The church mixed with State has robbed woman and humanity of a chance
of life free from violence from it's inception.

The etymology of "patriarchy" can be traced to the Greek patria,
meaning "fatherland." "Patriot" is rooted in the Greek patros, meaning
"loyal supporter of the fatherland." Essentially, a patriot can be
seen as one who defends a patriarchy, or, one who fights for the
survival of the fatherland.

Mary Daly writes in her long awaited guide to overcoming patriarchy,
Amazon Grace, that Mathilda Josyln Gage, writer of Woman, Church and
State, was effectively erased from suffragist history because she
wanted to take on the Church State.

In her magnum opus Woman, Church and State Gage writes "The most
stupendous system of organized robbery known has been that of the
church toward women. A robbery that has not only taken her
self-respect but all rights of person, the fruits of her own industry,
her opportunities of education, the exercise of their own judgment,
her own conscience, her own will."

Liberal Christians were complicit to silencing Gage's voice knowing
that they would have to overthrow their own spiritual beliefs to
denounce Christianity on the basis that it controls and dominates women.

This is a disturbing trend that can be witnessed inside the peace
movement. Persons who want to tame the military, don't like the way we
are using it; but won't flat out denounce its systemic illegitimacy
are legion. Not to name names; but, mostly the Progressive Democrat
type of mindset does this.

Or others, who don't want to stand in the way of freedom of religion
and who are not willing to confront the church's complicity directly
claiming protection of freedom of religion. When protesting the
BattleCry rallies on the steps of San Francisco's city hall, some of
the activists wanted to "break bread" with the Fundamentalists instead
of openly and unapologetically protesting them.

Others say, your authors included, freedom of religion does not mean
freedom to advocate supremacy and hatred. These must be, without
hesitation, adamantly denounced.

Elizabeth Cady Stanton has a quote that is pertinent which is found in
Mary Daly's "Beyond God the Father". "Take the snake, the fruit tree
and the woman from the tableau, and we have no fall, nor frowning
judge, no Inferno, no everlasting punishment � hence no need of a
Savior. Thus the bottom falls out of the whole Christian theology.
Here is the reason why in all the Biblical researches and higher
criticisms, the scholars never touch the position of women."

Mary Daly's groundbreaking work of Amazon Grace is a call to Nemisis,
as redefined by her 1: Virtue beyond justice, acquired by Inspired
Acts of Righteous Fury; Virtue enabling Seers to unblindfold captive
Justice 1: participation in the powers of the Goddess Nemesis;
Elemental disruption of the patriarchal balance of terror; Passionate
Spinning/Spiraling of Archaic threads of Gynergy (female energy)."

Schaffer interprets this as a reallocation of the forces of energy
which are now geared in the direction of patriarchal authoritarianism
to the shifting of those gears radically toward egalitarian feminism
which cares for and nurtures life to harmony.

Once the warmongers realize we are on to them they are likely to
despoil us in order to control us [18], like they have done in the
Middle East. Despoiling is a Machaiavellian tactic which renders the
object to be controlled destabalized by inducing sufficient suffering
to render them unable to act in resistance.

This is why we must take this current widespread religious popularity
trend down, not from the outside, but from the inside, where we can
confront them directly and win over communities of right wing co-opted
people can have impetus to change from within. The warmongering right
wing leaders won't see the resistance coming because they have been
focusing on outward assault instead. We may then have a slight chance
of redeeming these seemingly irreversible trends.

Therefore, we must go inside the churches and military camps with a
dire call for the divorce of organized religion and the military state.

We say we must rid society of the myth that the patriarchal and
misogynistic religious/military culture which is destroying all of
nature, is in any way normal or beneficial.

We must demand immediate and radical disarmament in exchange for
tremendous expenditures on a global scale of pure, unadulterated and
extensive humanitarian aid for the suffering and dying earth and its
people. Nothing short of this makes any sense.


Debra Schaffer Hubert is a peace and social justice activist with War
Resisters League West. She is exposing and instigating nonviolent
direct action confrontation of the right wing Christian extremist
movement. She encourages interested potential allies to e-mail her at
dshubert@gmail.com <mailto:dshubert@gmail.com>

Bob Nichols is a Project Censored Award Winner. He is a correspondent
for the San Francisco Bay View newspaper and a frequent contributor to
various online publications. Nichols is completing a book based on 15
years of nuclear war in Central Asia. He is a former employee of the
McAlester Army Ammunition Plant. You are encouraged to write him at
bob.bobnichols@gmail.com <mailto:bob.bobnichols@gmail.com> or
DUweapons@gmail.com <mailto:DUweapons@gmail.com>.


From: Henri the Celt <henrithecelt@gci.net>
Date: June 4, 2006 12:39:35 PM EST
To: AAAHenri <henrithecelt@gci.net>
Subject: Fw: Dark Days in US Academe

Comment: Talk about chutzpah! This is some sort of
ultimate, isn't it?

Dark Days in US Academe

From: james von brunn

Roosevelt University of Chicago, IL has fired a philosophy and
religion professor for allowing students in his class to ask questions
about Judaism and Islam. The chair of the department, Susan Weininger,
fired the professor, Douglas Giles, saying that students should not be
allowed to ask whatever questions they want in class. Weininger
ordered Giles to censor his curriculum, restrict his students'
questions, and to not respond to controversial questions or comments
from students.

Weininger said that free discussion in world religions could "open up
Judaism to criticism." Any such material, she said, was not
permissible to be mentioned in class discussion, textbooks, or
examinations. Further, she ordered Giles to forbid any and all
discussion of the "Palestinian issue," any mention of Palestinian
rights, the Muslim belief in the holiness of Jerusalem, and Zionism.
When Professor Giles refused to censor his students, Weininger fired

The Roosevelt Adjunct Faculty Organization (RAFO) filed a grievance on
behalf of Giles citing the faculty contract forbidding the university
from restricting academic freedom. Roosevelt University Associate
Provost Louis Love denied the union's claim saying that Weininger was
entitled, as department chair, to set a professor's curriculum and
that this was not an academic freedom issue, but a "pedagogical
issue." RAFO has appealed the ruling to arbitration, confident that
Prof. Giles' academic freedom was violated and an impartial arbitrator
would find this so.

This case is just one example of a growing trend of right-wing
attempts to censor the academic freedom of professors and students.
Here, a department chair who called all Palestinians "animals" and
says college religion courses should teach that only Jews have a
legitimate claim to the land of Israel, has fired a professor whose
only "sins" were refusing to teach a biased class and allowing open
discussion in his classroom. This can NOT be allowed to stand!

Students of Professor Giles have started a Yahoo Group to connect
activists nationwide who want to help us force Roosevelt University to
end censorship and reinstate Giles. More information is available at:


foracademicfreedom � Faculty & Students for Academic Freedom
This group is open to all faculty and students concerned about denial
of academic freedom in colleges and universities. Students deserve the
opportunity to learn divergent viewpoints and make up their own minds.
Faculty have an obligation to present material openly and honestly,
free of bias and bigotry. No one has the right to censor ideas or force
ideological viewpoints in the classroom.


LONDON, England (Reuters) -- Far from being barren wastelands, the
deserts that occupy one quarter of the earth's land surface could be
key sources of food and power, the United Nations said on Monday.

But these vast open spaces, home to rare and useful plants and animals,
are at risk from climate change and human exploitation, the UN's
Environment Programme said in a report published on World Environment

Deserts are prime potential locations for solar power generators that
do not pollute the atmosphere with greenhouse gases, and plants that
can thrive in desert conditions could provide food when water runs

One such, a plant called Nipa found in the Sonoran desert of western
Mexico, produces a grain the size of wheat but is drought resistant and
even thrives on seawater.

"It is a strong candidate for a major global food crop and could become
this desert's greatest gift to the world," the report said.

Rainfall patterns are changing, glaciers that feed important rivers are
melting as the planet warms and irreplaceable water from deep desert
aquifers is being squandered.

Rainfall in Iran's Dashti Kibri desert dropped by 16 percent a decade
between 1976 and 2000. In South Africa's Kalahari and Chile's Atacama
deserts it fell by 12 and 8 percent respectively, the report said.

The Rio Grande river in the United States has dwindled to a saline
trickle from a freshwater torrent, and South Africa's Orange river is
also shrinking.

"The answer to desert water is to stop using it stupidly," said
specialist Andrew Warren of University College London.

"Saudi Arabia exports water in the wheat it grows using irrigation ...
Jordan exports much of its water in the form of tomatoes," he added,
noting that as over-exploited water sources retreated, the water became
more salty and less useable.

It said that in China's Tarim River basin more than 12,000 square km
(4,500 sq mile) of land had been salinized over the past 30 years.

The energy-intensive desalination plants which turn salt water into
fresh water in some energy-rich countries in the Middle East are not
generally attractive in an era when energy prices are rising rapidly.

As well as biodiversity, human societies are at risk. The cultures of
desert dwellers around the world are threatened by reduced rainfall and
over-exploitation, and dwindling resources could generate local wars,
the report warned.

"There is going to be a fight for water -- there already are such
fights," Warren said.

Pakistan, already one of the most water-stressed countries in the
world, is facing even more problems as groundwater levels fall and
glaciers retreat.

"There will be increased competition for water resources," Warren said.
"It is not the most stable region. There will be really nasty



Message: 5
Date: Mon Jun 5, 2006 10:52 am (PDT)
From: "sithgmail" ansith@gmail.com
Subject: 9/11 Truth Meet Coverage!

If anyone has AOL, sign on and look at the welcome screen! Their top news
story is coverage of the 9/11 Truth meeting from last weekend! There is a
relatively fair article from the New York Times as well as a poll!

Never expected to sign onto AOL of all places and see that! Wow!

Message: 6
Date: Mon Jun 5, 2006 12:35 pm (PDT)
From: "Cathy Garger" savorsuccesslady@yahoo.com
Subject: LIVE POLL: Was gvmt complicit in 9/11 ?



Do you think the U.S. government was complicit in 9/11? [input] No way [input] I'm suspicious but not sure [input] Yes

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Message: 7
Date: Mon Jun 5, 2006 2:45 pm (PDT)
From: "APFN" apfn@apfn.org
Subject: [Fwd: APFN - RE: 9/11]

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Message: 8
Date: Mon Jun 5, 2006 2:54 pm (PDT)
From: "Joe Stokes" joestokes@sbcglobal.net
Subject: Re: 9/11 Truth Meet Coverage!


--- In 911TruthAction@yahoogroups.com, "sithgmail" <ansith@...> wrote:
> If anyone has AOL, sign on and look at the welcome screen! Their top
> story is coverage of the 9/11 Truth meeting from last weekend! There
is a
> relatively fair article from the New York Times as well as a poll!
> Never expected to sign onto AOL of all places and see that! Wow!


Message: 9
Date: Mon Jun 5, 2006 3:48 pm (PDT)
From: "Donald Stahl" politicstahl@hotmail.com
Subject: Save the Internet

As you know, the Internet is crucial. Spread this.



Message: 10
Date: Mon Jun 5, 2006 4:15 pm (PDT)
From: "space2force" space2force@yahoo.ca
Subject: Re: [Fwd: APFN - RE: 9/11]

APFN <apfn@apfn.org> wrote: 911 Conference Heavies �CCW, Mon Jun 5 17:59

500 Conspiracy Buffs Meet to Seek the Truth of 9/11 � By ALAN FEUER, The New York Times, Mon Jun 5 18:20
RE: APFN - RE: 9/11 � Fritts, Andrew, Mon Jun 5 18:30

A few days ago, I received your email message concerning the opportunity to revive the 9/11 scandal.
For some reason unknown to me, this message is not now located in our computer.
Could you resend this message? Thank you for your cooperation in this request. --
Stanley J. Trohimovich, ghmotors@techline.com


911 Conference Heavies CCW Mon Jun 5, 2006
Do you understand the construction of the WTC? Ray Mon Jun 5, 2006
Top 10 Signs of the Impending U.S. Police State by Allan Uthman Sun Jun 4, 2006
Complete 911 Timeline The Center for Cooperative Research Sun Jun 4, 2006
The Professors 9/11 Enigma Foreign Press Foundation - Henk Ruyssenaars Sun Jun 4, 2006
Update 2 & Photos From 9/11 Truth Conference in Chicago Jesse's blog Sat Jun 3, 2006
Message from Jesse at Chicago 911 Conference Jesse - Editor Sat Jun 3, 2006
Song: "I'm taking my country back!" ..... Kate Smith: Sat Jun 3, 2006
Re: AUDIO: 9/11 & Osama bin Laden's rise through the Jihad Med Osman Fri Jun 2, 2006
RE: information to set the 9/11 movement on fire APFN POGO Fri Jun 2, 2006
9/11 coincidences and oddities page! Killtown Fri Jun 2, 2006
For those who have yet to hear the guy who worked for the bi Marsha Fri Jun 2, 2006
200+ 9/11 'Smoking Guns' Found in the Mainstream Media Fri Jun 2, 2006
I got this in my email, from "apfn" (Webfairy Disinfo) JohnDoraemi Fri Jun 2, 2006
TRUTH NEWS REPORTS: Judith Goes To Court Dr Jay Reporting Fri Jun 2, 2006
Osama Tape Appears Fake, Experts Conclude Posted by GIGATARD Fri Jun 2, 2006
9/11 REVEALED: Challenging the Facts behind the War "Alex James" Fri Jun 2, 2006
9/11 - Osama bin Laden's rise through the Jihad The History International Channel Fri Jun 2, 2006
The Wiretapping Scam By Saul Landau Thu Jun 1, 2006
AGENT FOR CHANGE Coleen Rowley Thu Jun 1, 2006
RE: Information to set the 9/11 movement on fire. webfairy@thewebfairy.com Wed May 31, 2006
Hayden 9/11 ties + hookergate brad.team8@gmail.com Wed May 31, 2006
Re: Information to set the 9/11 movement on fire webfairy@thewebfairy.com Wed May 31, 2006
U.S. Accepts Draft on Iran That Omits Use of Force By STEVEN R. WEISMAN, NY Times Wed May 31, 2006
RE: Information to set the 9/11 movement on fire. "THE MERIA HELLER SHOW" Wed May 31, 2006
wtc_overview Ivan Tue May 30, 2006
VIDEO- POLICE STATE - Ibegoodnow@aol.com Tue May 30, 2006
HOME VIDEO MISSLE FLIES PAST WTC beverly propst Tue May 30, 2006
Memorial Day Conundrum 2006 Stephen M. St. John Tue May 30, 2006
Re: AUDIO: information to set the 9/11 movement on fire Patricia Johnson-Holm Tue May 30, 2006
AUDIO: information to set the 9/11 movement on fire Meria Heller Mon May 29, 2006
Information to set the 9/11 movement on fire. "THE MERIA HELLER SHOW" Mon May 29, 2006
Here is why Bush wants open borders By: KARL DEWEY Mon May 29, 2006
Conspiracy and Closed Minds on 9/11 Morgan Reynolds Mon May 29, 2006
Bush III: Jeb for President? Bet on it. blueridge Mon May 29, 2006
Frist says OK to raid Legislative Offices so --- Patricia Johnson-Holm Sun May 28, 2006
911 Inside Job-This Gal has Guts-True American-Video maddog Sun May 28, 2006
White House Wants NSA Lawsuits Nixed (CBS/AP) Sun May 28, 2006
Autopsy: No Arabs on Flight 77 By Thomas R. Olmsted, M.D Sat May 27, 2006
9/11 Debunkers Would Pop Pentagon Propaganda Bubble? Progressive Press Sat May 27, 2006
Top 10 Signs of the Impending U.S. Police State By Allan Uthman, Buffalo Beast Fri May 26, 2006
BAXTER AUTOPSY POINTS TO MURDER What Really Happened Fri May 26, 2006
Salute the Generals! - Pentagon Junta has taken over the CIA Henk Ruyssenaars - FPF Fri May 26, 2006
Amnesty attacks US 'disappearances' FPF-fwd.: The Guardian Fri May 26, 2006
BUSH & BLAIR: Things have not gone as planned? Foreign Press Foundation - Henk Ruyssenaars Fri May 26, 2006
Flight 77 maddog Fri May 26, 2006
More on flight 77 Ray Kirkus Thu May 25, 2006
911 Loose Change 2nd Edition with extra footage 9/11 - Final Rebuttles Wed May 24, 2006
05/24/06 Dr Mike Newcomb & Prof. Steven E. Jones of st911.or Radio your way Wed May 24, 2006
***SOS***CNN NEWS TONIGHT & UNITING THIRD PARTIES & Press Re Marsha Wed May 24, 2006
So who attacked us on 9-11 ? (other than OBL) Comnlawnet@aol.com Wed May 24, 2006
What We Help Each Other Know To Makes Us Think About Truth. Call4Investigation Wed May 24, 2006
The 9/11 tragedy and the film Loose Change 911 The Mike Newcomb Show... Tue May 23, 2006
Support New 9/11 Investigation Zogby Poll: Tue May 23, 2006
Over 70 Million American Adults Support New 9/11 WantToKnow.info Tue May 23, 2006
Re: One billion people have Internet access Patricia Johnson-Holm Mon May 22, 2006
One billion people have Internet access FPF-FWD.: EUROPEAN JOURNALISM CENTRE Mon May 22, 2006
Elitist Secret Agendas, Who is: "George H. Scherff, Jr"????? call4investigation, CV98-35303 Joiner Mon May 22, 2006
"Flight 93" -- A Zionist Propaganda Movie Stephen M. St. John Mon May 22, 2006
Ways to Defame & Harass & Attempt to Alter Truth! Will Wilson Call4Investigation CV98-35303 Joiner-1 Sun May 21, 2006
Instant ~ GLOBAL ~ TRUE ~ Democracy Zoe Z Sun May 21, 2006
Bodies Claimed as Passengers Were Intelligence Wing. Will Wilson Call4Investigation Sun May 21, 2006
9/11 Fireman: "bomb in the building start clearing out" Doug Bloom Sun May 21, 2006
There are no signs of a commercial plane crash. 911 LINKS Sun May 21, 2006
Should Gen. Hayden Be Confirmed or Court-Martialed? By Ray McGovern Sat May 20, 2006
The Bush Family and 9/11 What Really Happened Sat May 20, 2006
Honored Americans Murdered By Insider Government Treason Will Wilson Call4Investigation CV98-35303 Joiner-1 Sat May 20, 2006
On Going Government Cover-ups Call4Investigation Sat May 20, 2006
Re: 9/11 - Final Rebuttles Rosalee Grable Sat May 20, 2006
9/11 Conspiracy Call4Investigation Sat May 20, 2006
Morgan Reynolds on the 911 Hoax GOOGLE: Dr. Morgan Reynolds Sat May 20, 2006
Will Morgan Reynolds be in Chicago ... ? David Howard Sat May 20, 2006
Re: 9/11 Revealing The Truth David Howard Sat May 20, 2006
9/11 - Final Rebuttles Taylor Shenkman Sat May 20, 2006
Re: 9/11 - Cconclusions must be drawn from the known facts by George Nelson, Colonel, USAF (ret.) Sat May 20, 2006
NEW: Flight 77 Video Clips UNDER CONSTRUCTION: Sat May 20, 2006
Photos Show [Tiny] Plane Hitting Pentagon on Sept. 11 PirateNews.org Fri May 19, 2006
RE: The flight 77 impact video Fritts, Andrew Fri May 19, 2006
Woman Sues Newspaper for 9/11 Coverup -See Newspaper Photo Dr Jay Reporting Fri May 19, 2006
To: General Hayden et al Patricia Johnson-Holm Fri May 19, 2006
9/11 - TOP 40 REASONS TO DOUBT OFFICAL STORY 911truth.org Fri May 19, 2006
Hayden Lied To Congress And Broke The Law Executive Order 12333 Fri May 19, 2006
Evidence of BOMBS INSIDE the WTC and Pentagon: BOMBSINSIDEWTC.DK Fri May 19, 2006
No one is above the law. No one is below the law. by Brain Quig Fri May 19, 2006
05/18/06 Lou Dobbs re: Illegals and Social Security "Radio Your Way" Fri May 19, 2006
Major News! Pentagon Video Release Disproves Gov Story Les Jamieson Thu May 18, 2006
Should Giuliani be on the way to Jail then to White House? Will Wilson Call4Investigation CV98-35303 Joiner 1 Thu May 18, 2006
On 9-11 Holographic Mind Control Tech Used on Witnesses? Pt2 Will Wilson Call4Investigation CV98-35303 Joiner-1 Thu May 18, 2006
On 9-11 Was Holographic Mind Control Tech Used on Witnesses? Will Wilson Call4Investigation CV98-35303 Joiner-1 Thu May 18, 2006
9/11: Revealing the Truth ...Chicago June 2 -4 Les Thu May 18, 2006
New Doctored Video of Pentagon - Boeing Was Not Involved Laura Knight-Jadczyk Thu May 18, 2006
THE 9/11 STORY THAT GOT AWAY AlterNet Thu May 18, 2006
Will the Real Traitors Please Stand Up? Frank Rich Thu May 18, 2006
How Flight 77 Hitting The Pentagon Would Really Look? shane_digital Thu May 18, 2006
9/11 & Secret Societies .. W/ Jim Marrs 05/15/ Cost to Coast AM Wed May 17, 2006
Shame on you and shame on your distasteful website DAVID WILLIAMS Wed May 17, 2006
"...the explosion starts before the plane "hits" the buildin Nico Haupt Wed May 17, 2006
FLIGHT 77: Pentagon propaganda slide show, Showing Nothing! FOREIGN PRESS FOUNDATION Wed May 17, 2006
Al Qa�ida is a branch created and still funded by the Call4Investigation Wed May 17, 2006
[input] [input]

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