There are 25 messages in this issue.
Topics in this digest:
1. The Significance of Facial Recog. Systems/Drinking Fountains
From: janet phelan <>
2. Corporate communications from remote controlled water valve mfg.
From: janet phelan <>
3. Re: Flight 77
From: APFN <>
4. Alert: Setting up a Nuclear 9/11!!! tvnl news
From: "reggie501" <>
5. Fundamental Principles of Northwest Migration
From: "Harold A. Covington" <>
6. RE: 02/23/06 Coast to Coast re: 9/11
From: APFN <>
7. Re: Fundamental Principles of Northwest Migration
From: Mark S Bilk <>
8. LotsMore 911 Eyewitness info+Videos (Pass on to Non Believers and Ne
9. Re: Fundamental Principles of Northwest Migration
From: "flanker12k" <>
From: "Kenneth L. Vardon" <>
11. Re: Fwd: Photo of a (disguised) facial recognition system
From: alan random <>
12. Re: Re: Diebold's Touch-Screen Voting Machines Have Built-In Wireless Infra Red Ports
From: alan random <>
13. ***Group Alert***Letter writen to special list concerning Wing TV & Alex Jones
14. A REAL Solution to Terror
From: "Zoe" <>
15. Question to Owners & moderators or someone
From: "Marsha" <>
16. Where is the Wreckage of UAL 93? *PIC*
From: APFN <>
17. Fwd: World Wide Prayer Request for our soldiers & all other suffering souls
From: Tom Trefts <>
18. Re: Question to Owners & moderators or someone
From: Naveed <>
19. This is the man who has to beat Tom DeLay in his district - Texas
From: Quechick Barnyard <>
20. Re: 911 Eyewitness
From: alan random <>
21. FAA Believed Second 9/11 Plane Heading Towards NY for Emergency Landin
22. Top-Secret Notes Confirm Cong.9/11 & Pent.Coverup of Iraq War Plans on
23. Re: [reality101_redux] Re:Photo of a (disguised) facial recognition system ..Never mind. ANOTHER Janet Phelan scam
From: "MrOsario" <>
24. Re:Photo of a (disguised) facial recognition system ..Never mind. ANOTHER Janet Phelan scam
From: "rsolano" <>
25. Re: Question to Owners & moderators or someone
From: "Marsha" <>
Message: 1
Date: Sun, 26 Feb 2006 07:01:03 -0800 (PST)
From: janet phelan <>
Subject: The Significance of Facial Recog. Systems/Drinking Fountains
"Your Photograph Can Kill You"
A significant player in the facial recognition system manufacturer is a company called "Sentry Mirror," which supplies bathroom mirrors with facial recognition systems to many, many organizations--including,but not limited to:
Pollo Loco
Most Police Departments
Most government buildings, including Welfare offices, Department of Rehabilitation offices, Social Security offices, etc.
Technology in the service of death. Ever since a human being picked up a rock for the purpose of smashing another human beings skull, man has been refining the art of killing. The technology advances, but man does not.
Janet Phelan
Relax. Yahoo! Mail virus scanning helps detect nasty viruses!
[This message contained attachments]
Message: 2
Date: Sun, 26 Feb 2006 09:14:30 -0800 (PST)
From: janet phelan <>
Subject: Corporate communications from remote controlled water valve mfg.
Thank you for your quick response. However, I would appreciate greatly a direct answer to these questions, as I have been digging through the site and still have these questions. If you are unable to answer my questions, could you direct me to someone who can?
Thank you,
Janet C. Phelan
Corporate Communications <> wrote:
#message v\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);} #message o\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);} #message w\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);} #message .shape {behavior:url(#default#VML);} #message st1\:*{behavior:url(#default#ieooui) } Janet,
Please visit Much of the information you seek, including product types and specifications; as well as executive bios, resides there.
Michael A. Monahan
Director of Corporate Communications
Walter Industries, Inc.
Office: 813.871.4132
Fax: 813.871.4399
Mobile: 813.335.2814
From: janet phelan []
Sent: Sunday, February 05, 2006 8:22 PM
To: Corporate Communications
Subject: Query
1) Does U.S. Pipe make three or four port valves?
2) Do the fittings produced by U.S. Pipe have the capability of valve attachments?
3) Does U.S. Pipe manufacture remote controlled valves?
4) How many execs in U.S. Pipe, Mueller and parent company Walter Industries have aerospace background?
5) What water districts are customers of U.S. Pipe?
6) May I interview Ray Torok?
Thank you,
Janet C. Phelan
Yahoo! Mail
Bring photos to life! New PhotoMail makes sharing a breeze.
[This message contained attachments]
Message: 3
Date: Sun, 26 Feb 2006 10:37:33 -0700
From: APFN <>
Subject: Re: Flight 77
[This message is not in displayable format]
Message: 4
Date: Sun, 26 Feb 2006 17:48:52 -0000
From: "reggie501" <>
Subject: Alert: Setting up a Nuclear 9/11!!! tvnl news
9/11 News :
· ALERT: Setting Up a Nuclear 9/11 - The UAE Port Scandal Brainwash! -
In the meantime the Bush administration is quietly performing
subcritical nuclear tests. Yes, they are conducting nuclear tests.
Guess what I think
I think they are testing small controllable devices
so that when they conduct their false flag nuclear terror operation on
the US they can do so in the same way they conducted the events of
9/11; with minimal death and maximum shock value!
Message: 5
Date: Sun, 26 Feb 2006 10:10:01 -0800 (PST)
From: "Harold A. Covington" <>
Subject: Fundamental Principles of Northwest Migration
I. The White race in North America is in danger of literal, physical extinction. If current destructive demographic trends continue, White people will be a minority in the United States and Canada by the year 2050, and we will have vanished completely from North America by 2100. The real point of no return, however, is far closer. By the year 2020, the median AGE of the White population of North America will have become so high that we will no longer be capable of reproducing ourselves in sufficient numbers to overcome the tide of mud-colored Third World immigration.
II. We as a people have wasted the past six decades on pointless, futile and impotent right-wing and kosher conservative organizations and strategies. The overwhelming majority of these past organizations and movements refused to recognize the vital central importance of race in all issues, and they refused to recognize the urgent need for state power in order to preserve the existence of our race. The few attempts which have been made to resist racial extinction by groups and personalities of an openly National Socialist or racialist nature have been led by men who were stupid, incompetent, dishonest, or some combination of all three. The result of the past sixty years of right-wing failure and impotence is that we are now out of time.
III. There is only one strategy remaining to us which may be able to secure the existence of our people and a future for White children. Our last remaining hope to stave off extinction is the establishment of a sovereign and independent nation on the continent of North America for White people only.
IV. Considerations of demographics, economics, and a history of commitment and martyrdom in the persons of Bob Matthews, Sam and Vicky Weaver, and Richard Butler dictate that the territory for this sovereign Aryan republic must lie in the Pacific Northwest.
V. The first step towards the establishment of the Northwest American Republic is a mass migration of the existing racially aware White community to the states of Idaho, Oregon, and Washington. It is a matter of the utmost urgency that you make this vitally important commitment to the future of our people, that you do so now, and that you come to the Homeland with only the minimum delay necessary to raise sufficient funds and put your affairs in order.
For more information contact:
NF Publications
P. O. Box 6193
Olympia, Washington 98507-6193
For the best discussion group on Yahoo, join:
For the best White blog on the internet go to:
Relax. Yahoo! Mail virus scanning helps detect nasty viruses!
[This message contained attachments]
Message: 6
Date: Sun, 26 Feb 2006 11:14:50 -0700
From: APFN <>
Subject: RE: 02/23/06 Coast to Coast re: 9/11
[This message is not in displayable format]
Message: 7
Date: Sun, 26 Feb 2006 10:50:52 -0800
From: Mark S Bilk <>
Subject: Re: Fundamental Principles of Northwest Migration
1. White people are not superior to anyone else in any way.
2. You are a disgusting Nazi.
3. Your garbage has nothing whatsoever to do with 911.
Stay the hell out of the 911 Truth Action list.
On Sun, Feb 26, 2006 at 10:10:01AM -0800, Harold A. Covington wrote:
> I. The White race in North America is in danger of literal,
> physical extinction. If current destructive demographic
> trends continue, White people will be a minority in the
> United States and Canada by the year 2050, and we will
> have vanished completely from North America by 2100. The
> real point of no return, however, is far closer. By the
> year 2020, the median AGE of the White population of North
> America will have become so high that we will no longer
> be capable of reproducing ourselves in sufficient numbers
> to overcome the tide of mud-colored Third World immigration.
> II. We as a people have wasted the past six decades
> on pointless, futile and impotent right-wing and kosher
> conservative organizations and strategies. The overwhelming
> majority of these past organizations and movements refused
> to recognize the vital central importance of race in all
> issues, and they refused to recognize the urgent need
> for state power in order to preserve the existence of our
> race. The few attempts which have been made to resist racial
> extinction by groups and personalities of an openly National
> Socialist or racialist nature have been led by men who were
> stupid, incompetent, dishonest, or some combination of all
> three. The result of the past sixty years of right-wing
> failure and impotence is that we are now out of time.
> III. There is only one strategy remaining to us which
> may be able to secure the existence of our people and
> a future for White children. Our last remaining hope to
> stave off extinction is the establishment of a sovereign
> and independent nation on the continent of North America
> for White people only.
> IV. Considerations of demographics, economics, and a history
> of commitment and martyrdom in the persons of Bob Matthews,
> Sam and Vicky Weaver, and Richard Butler dictate that the
> territory for this sovereign Aryan republic must lie in
> the Pacific Northwest.
> V. The first step towards the establishment of the
> Northwest American Republic is a mass migration of the
> existing racially aware White community to the states of
> Idaho, Oregon, and Washington. It is a matter of the utmost
> urgency that you make this vitally important commitment to
> the future of our people, that you do so now, and that you
> come to the Homeland with only the minimum delay necessary
> to raise sufficient funds and put your affairs in order.
Message: 8
Date: Sun, 26 Feb 2006 15:08:09 -0500
Subject: LotsMore 911 Eyewitness info+Videos (Pass on to Non Believers and Ne
LotsMore 911 Eyewitness info+Videos
(Pass on to Non Believers and News Media)
Grassroots InfoMedia, 911 Eyewitness info + Videos / Lose Change
YouTube - 9/11 Revisited
Colorado 9-11 Visibility Project
Address: ::::: The 9/11 Truth Movement
Visibility 9-11
Bush's Mysterious 'New Programs'
United Press International - Security & Terrorism - UAE terminal
takeover extends to 21 ports
Bush Wants Military Control In 'Extraordinary Circumstances'
George Carlin's New Rules For 2006
Message: 9
Date: Sun, 26 Feb 2006 20:41:45 -0000
From: "flanker12k" <>
Subject: Re: Fundamental Principles of Northwest Migration
this is WAYYY off topic.
research your globalists wanting to foment racial tensions as a tool
of divide an conquer..
consider your self being warned
--- In, "Harold A. Covington"
<h_covington5@...> wrote:
> I. The White race in North America is in danger of
literal, physical extinction. If current destructive demographic
trends continue, White people will be a minority in the United
States and Canada by the year 2050, and we will have vanished
completely from North America by 2100. The real point of no return,
however, is far closer. By the year 2020, the median AGE of the
White population of North America will have become so high that we
will no longer be capable of reproducing ourselves in sufficient
numbers to overcome the tide of mud-colored Third World immigration.
> II. We as a people have wasted the past six decades on
pointless, futile and impotent right-wing and kosher conservative
organizations and strategies. The overwhelming majority of these
past organizations and movements refused to recognize the vital
central importance of race in all issues, and they refused to
recognize the urgent need for state power in order to preserve the
existence of our race. The few attempts which have been made to
resist racial extinction by groups and personalities of an openly
National Socialist or racialist nature have been led by men who were
stupid, incompetent, dishonest, or some combination of all three.
The result of the past sixty years of right-wing failure and
impotence is that we are now out of time.
> III. There is only one strategy remaining to us which
may be able to secure the existence of our people and a future for
White children. Our last remaining hope to stave off extinction is
the establishment of a sovereign and independent nation on the
continent of North America for White people only.
> IV. Considerations of demographics, economics, and a
history of commitment and martyrdom in the persons of Bob Matthews,
Sam and Vicky Weaver, and Richard Butler dictate that the territory
for this sovereign Aryan republic must lie in the Pacific Northwest.
> V. The first step towards the establishment of the
Northwest American Republic is a mass migration of the existing
racially aware White community to the states of Idaho, Oregon, and
Washington. It is a matter of the utmost urgency that you make this
vitally important commitment to the future of our people, that you
do so now, and that you come to the Homeland with only the minimum
delay necessary to raise sufficient funds and put your affairs in
> For more information contact:
> NF Publications
> P. O. Box 6193
> Olympia, Washington 98507-6193
> For the best discussion group on Yahoo, join:
> For the best White blog on the internet go to:
> ---------------------------------
> Relax. Yahoo! Mail virus scanning helps detect nasty viruses!
Message: 10
Date: Sun, 26 Feb 2006 23:19:21 -0000
From: "Kenneth L. Vardon" <>
9/11 REVISTED...YOUR TUBE!!! (OP MOCKINGBIRD AT WORK) Dustin;article=99073;title=APFN
9-11 Attack on America
PowerPoint Presentation/Movies:
9/11 Attack on America Part 1
The Irregularities of 9/11 10.5MB
9/11 Attack on America Part 2
Omissions & Distortions (David Ray Griffin)13.9MB
"All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience
to remain silent"
-- Thomas Jefferson -
Message: 11
Date: Sun, 26 Feb 2006 16:46:57 -0800 (PST)
From: alan random <>
Subject: Re: Fwd: Photo of a (disguised) facial recognition system
I see those things all the time. I just thought they were emergency lights or something. How do you know for sure they are facial recognition?
janet phelan <> wrote: This one was aimed at a drinking fountain. The other
ones I photographed today --five in all--were all
aimed at water sources.
Taken at Hostelling Internation, Santa Monica,
--- JANET PHELAN <> wrote:
> Date: Sat, 25 Feb 2006 20:35:11 -0800 (PST)
> Subject: Fwd: Photo of a (disguised) facial
> recognition system
> To:
> --- wrote:
> > Date: Sat, 25 Feb 2006 12:09:06 -0800 (PST)
> > From:
> > To:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > This message was sent from a T-Mobile wireless
> > phone.
> >
> >
> >
> __________________________________________________
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Relax. Yahoo! Mail virus scanning helps detect nasty viruses!
[This message contained attachments]
Message: 12
Date: Sun, 26 Feb 2006 17:00:52 -0800 (PST)
From: alan random <>
Subject: Re: Re: Diebold's Touch-Screen Voting Machines Have Built-In Wireless Infra Red Ports
Hey, that could be a very funny topic for a song!
You write the lyrics and I'll put 'em to music...
mojo_j_2000 <> wrote:
I was elected governor using my tv remote...
--- In, "mojo_j_2000"
<mojo_j_2000@...> wrote:
> Diebold's Touch-Screen Voting Machines Have Built-In Wireless
> Red Ports
> Why do Diebold's Touch-Screen Voting Machines Have Built-In
> Infrared Data Transfer Ports? Brads Blog IrDA Protocol
Can 'Totally
> Compromise System' Without Detection, Warns Federal Voting
> Website So far, no state or federal authority -- to our knowledge -
> has dealt with this alarming security threat. We hate to pile
> (Or do we?) But, really, with all the recent discussion of
> California Sec. of State Bruce McPherson's mind-blowing about-face
> re-certification of Diebold -- against state... We hate to pile
> on... (Or do we?) But, really, with all the recent discussion of
> California Sec. of State Bruce McPherson's mind-blowing about-face
> re-certification of Diebold -- against state law, we hasten to
add --
> this may be a good time to point out one small item that we've
> meaning to mention for a while. As Jody Holder's recent comment
> points out, McPherson's silly "conditions" for re-certification of
> Diebold in California require a few much-less-than-adequate knee-
> jerk "safe guards" towards protection of the handling of the
> hackable memory cards in Diebold's voting machines. (Here's McP's
> full "Certificate of Conditional Certification"). Never mind, as
> Holder mentions, that the protective seals to be required are
> peeled away without tearing. Or that such voting machines have
> stored in poll workers houses for weeks leading up to an election.
> More to the point, for the moment, there are ways to manipulate
> information on those memory cards even without removing them or
> breaking the seals. This is more of a concern than ever, since it
> was recently proven, by the now-infamous Harri Hursti hack in Leon
> County, FL, that changing the information on the memory cards can
> force election results to be flipped...without a trace being left
> behind. On that note, here's the little item we've been meaning to
> point out. It's a photograph from the side of a Diebold AccuVote
> touch-screen voting machine: Now we have no idea what that "IrDA"
> port is meant to be used for with a touch-screen voting machine,
> we do know that the IrDA (Infrared Data Association) is an
> port used for wireless connection between two devices. We used to
> have one on the back of our notebook and desktop computers which
> used to keep the two systems synched up via wireless data
> over that Infrared port. A few election watchdog groups, including
> some members of the National Institute of Standards and Technology
> (NIST) who works with the federal authorities on these matters,
> issued warnings about the IrDA port and protocols on voting
> machines. However, little -- if anything -- seems to have been
> to mitigate the rather obvious security threat posed, as far as we
> can tell. Here's how a page at, last updated
> 4, 2001, explains cable-free Infrafred data transfer on the
> Microsoft Windows CE operating system (the operating system which
> happens to be used in Diebold's AccuVote touch-screen voting
> machines -- like the one pictured above)... Imagine the following
> scenario: Two notebook computers are placed beside each other. A
> computer icon appears on both desktops with the name of the peer
> computer below it. Open one of the icons to display a folder with
> the contents of the peer computer's desktop. Drag-and-drop between
> your desktop and the open folder to move files between the two
> computers. · Imagine that the only configuration that this
> application required to be installed or used was the ability for
> user to enable or disable it. Imagine that multiple such
> applications could be running at the same time without interfering
> with each other. · Imagine that this application could run on 23
> million existing notebook computers at a transfer speed of
> and on 14 million existing notebook computers at 4MBps. Imagine
> all applications, regardless of the speed of the underlying
> hardware, would work with all other applications at a common
> speed. · Imagine that the other notebook computer in this example
> was a digital still camera, a handheld personal computer, a data
> capture device or a device that supports electronic commerce. · As
> bonus, assume that the two computers do not need to be cabled
> together. This application is currently possible under Microsoft®
> Windows® CE and the Windows family of operating systems. The
> underlying technology is based on inexpensive, widely available
> short-range infrared transceivers that adhere to the Infrared Data
> Association (IrDA) standards. IrDA standards (available from the
> IrDA at also enable non-Windows devices to
> to Windows-based applications. There ya go. The issue of the IrDA
> port on touch-screen voting machines hasn't been much discussed as
> far as we can tell. issued an alert mentioning it,
> with a photograph (seen at right), back on October 26, 2004. The
> alert warned: 3) A dangerous port on the Diebold touch screen!!
> from TrueVoteMD: Diebold AccuVote TS electronic voting machines
> an infrared (IrDA) port installed. This is a remote communication
> port through which another remote device could communicate with
> touch screen and change either its data or its software or both.
> your county uses Diebold touch screens, let your county officials
> and election judges know that it is crucial to cover the IR port
> with opaque tape. The National Institute for Standards and
> Technology (NIST) -- who works with the federal Election
> Commission (EAC) to develop and recommend guidelines for
> voting machines -- issued a similar warning [PDF] about the
> ports on voting machines in a report which warned "The use of
> range optical wireless," like infrared, "particularly on Election
> Day should not be allowed." As mentioned, since touch-screen
> machines have been stored at poll workers' houses and other
> unsecured locations prior to Election Day, and since data can be
> transferred to the machines and their memory cards via Infrared --
> even without removing the cards or breaking their protective
seals --
> the IrDA ports would seem to be a tremendous concern. The NIST
> report discusses such concerns and some of the troubling security
> issues with IrDA protocols: How Secure is IrDA IrDA does not
> encryption at the Physical Layer, and depends on the end systems
> implement security if any. ... With optical, it is possible for a
> session to be `hijacked' unless strong authentication measures are
> implemented between communicating systems. When a session is
> hijacked, a foreign device masquerades as a trusted system that is
> authorized to exchange data. Because the system has no way to
> distinguish the masquerader from the authorized system, it will
> accept anything from it as if [sic] was authorized. The undated
> report -- from the EAC's own standards body, NIST -- then goes on
> describe how simple and readily available IrDA software drivers
> to obtain for use with UNIX and most Windows Operating Systems,
> including Windows CE. As well, it points out that such software
> could add executable code to the machines on, or prior to,
> Day and could then delete itself after ithe code has completed its
> main purpose [emphasis ours]: IrDA Software IrDA software drivers
> are available form [sic] a number of sources for use with UNIX,
> Windows and other Operating Systems (OS). Most versions of MS
> Windows come with support for IrDA already included. This is true
> the MS Windows CE operating system as well as Windows XP.
> also provides a free IrDA driver which can be downloaded from it
> site. Other suppliers of IrDA systems (e.g., Ericsson) offer their
> own drivers including source code (Texas Inurnments [sic]). With
> source code available, an interrupt handler (executable code)
> easily be added. For example, when the voting terminal receives a
> special bit configuration (caused by holding down multiple keys
> concurrently) that is outside the usually accepted range, a
> interrupt could be generated invoking a handler that could be
> programmed to perform any desired function. This would require a
> small amount of code and could easily be hidden; such code would
> difficult to discover. If such code was installed in the driver,
> which is considered to be Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS) [even if
> compiled and installed by the voting system manufacturer] it would
> not be examined by the ITAs [the federal Independent Testing
> Authorities]. Code in such a handler could be designed to place
> voting terminal in a mode where it downloads and install [sic] an
> executable module, thus allowing unapproved logic to be added to
> voting machine while in use on Election Day. Obviously this
> executable could perform any function the programmer desired
> including deleting itself when finished. The only recourse is to
> disallow communications with the voting terminal during use. It
> might be augured [sic] that such code could be added the day
> Election Day. Obviously, that last paragraph is very troubling.
> also note the section about COTS. The source code for
> that "Commercial-Off-The-Shelf" software is what Diebold recently
> argued that they couldn't provide to North Carolina after they
> changed their law to require all voting machine vendors to submit
> such code in order to receive state certification. Diebold went to
> state court arguing they shouldn't be forced to supply the source
> code for COTS software. Eventually, they lost that battle, and
> notified North Carolina they preferred to pull out of the state
> entirely (if the state wouldn't change the law for them) rather
> complying with the state law requiring the submission of all such
> source code. And another comment posted to NIST's voting website
> [PDF] by James C. Johnson on October 5, 2005, also discusses the
> concern, revealing that the use of the IrDA protocols could be
> at any time, even after final "Logic and Accuracy" tests have been
> performed, and thus "totally compromising the system": In Diebold
> System's AccuVote TS systems these [IrDA] ports are supported
> Microsoft's Windows CE with Winsock. This makes the application
> interface easy to program to, and all required drivers are already
> installed in the OS. It is interesting that the VVSG [Voluntary
> Voting System Guidelines] currently under development, while
> mentioning this technology does nothing to restrict or prevent its
> use, not even on Election Day. It is understandable that
> communications technology be used for pre election preparation,
> is totally irresponsible and inexcusable to allow it to be used
> during an election. The presence of this technology makes it
> possible to upload to the voting system anything that is desired
> after the final "Logic and Accuracy" test have been performed,
> totally compromising the system. Perhaps some of you have
> thoughts on this matter. Like why such a port would be needed, or
> even present, on a touch-screen voting machine at all. And why the
> existence of such a port -- to our knowledge -- has hardly been
> discussed at all in conjuction with these machines. Especially in
> light of the now-infamous Leon County, FL "hack test" proving that
> executable code can be added to Diebold's memory cards resulting
> a completely flipped we've said...without a trace
> being left behind. Blogged by Brad on 2/22/2006 @ 12:06pm PT...
> truly yours, Joe, Webmaster
> "If you've retired, you don't have anything to worry about 3rd
> I've said that. (Laughter.) I'll probably say it 3 more times.
> in my line of work you got to keep repeating things over and over
> and over again for the truth to sink in, to kind of catapult the
> propaganda. (Applause.)"
> Tell them it's propaganda, promise to tell them three more times,
> and they applaud.
United state bankruptcy court western district of texas United state life insurance Moving to the united state United state patent United state patent search United states patent office
Visit your group "911TruthAction" on the web.
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Relax. Yahoo! Mail virus scanning helps detect nasty viruses!
[This message contained attachments]
Message: 13
Date: Sun, 26 Feb 2006 21:00:36 EST
Subject: ***Group Alert***Letter writen to special list concerning Wing TV & Alex Jones
If you are running for office, in law enforcement, an activist, patriot,
concerned citizen or parent & would like to be added to this "VIP" list because
you want to help take back America & keep your rights>>>send an email with "SOS &
Request" in the subject to the email listed below
Wouldn't that be great if it were true?
If you are a new reader, coming into the middle of this particular matter,
please see the added information at the end...This message contains urgent
matter concerning all people no matter what issues or beliefs you hold
This is follow up & clarification I'm sending due to Rick Stanley's <A HREF="">Click
here: We The people Constitutional Activism Website</A>
calling this matter to my attention
My sincere apologies to Alex Jones>>><A HREF="">Click here: Alex Jones' Infowars</A>
since I seem to have created a misunderstanding
Concerning the prior attempt to unite Wing TV & The Alex Jones Show, in using
the term>>>"Dynamic Duo", I was referring to both the Wing TV & The Alex
Jones Show's, as a request/challenge to them all
I was asking Alex..."How about it?" because he is on this list but Lisa
isn't, any more
Victor Thorn is here though...So they are watching
Please guys, lets stop the unnecessary infighting, right now...Let's all
start over for the sake of everyone's future & the very survival of our children?
We must safeguard our civil & human rights...The future of our planet and all
the people depend on "US"...The very lives of our children are seriously at
stake, otherwise
Me must begin to right the many wrongs in America, now...It's imperative we
put aside differences as best we can in order to work together enough to make
the needed changes
Lisa Guliani from is the missing link "We The People"
need...Success in victory cannot occur effectively until we are all on the same page
There are many movements going on simotanious all over the nation, rippling
out to the whole world & they are all about "Truth"
We need be connected to as many as possible & Lisa's either in or out & we
hope & pray she comes around asap with a positive response
She's either with "US" or against "US" & the choice is hers
I told you patriots a while back that it is time for the real patriots to
stand up...and I wasn't kidding
STANLEY NOTE: I would make it clear, that Alex Jones has been clear in his
attempts to unite Americans against the New World Order. Is he perfect? Doubt
it. None of us are. I would make it clear that Lisa and Victor at Wing TV are
attacking Jones, and dozens of other patriots for not doing what they wish
to do EXACTLY, and that Wing TV is the culprit for not uniting, and they must
change their ways and mend the fences they have torn down. They did this to
notoriety. It stinks. A few years back, Wing TV joined my call to unite
patriots. This is how they are trying to "unite patriots", with attacks upon
those in our own ranks? The patriot movement is dysfunctional enough without
Wing-TV attacking everyone who does not agree with them on every issue. As
know, they attacked me for suggesting that they stop their attacks, and then
they did a cut and paste hack job of what they call journalism and refused to
post the e-mails I wrote, which Lisa based her article upon. I told her it
bad form, so she did another cut and paste job on me and posted that on her
"awards" section of the website. Is this "patriots uniting"? I now believe
that Lisa and Victor of WING-TV have been compromised, and are not Patriots at
all. They should be shunned and isolated for their actions against patriots,
the Patriot community. Lisa even said there is "no patriot community" and yet
she attacks people of the patriot community every day. Their actions to gain
notoriety stinks. It is obvious to all.
You can pass on my comments if you like.
LIVE FREE or Die! Liberty in our Lifetime!
Rick Stanley
----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, February 26, 2006 9:56 AM
Subject: Rick...Been thinking about it & have not looked among all sent emails
to see yet
> It will take a long time for me to find the email that went out in
> I think I know what I did wrong without even looking, though...
> Couldn't get on the computer last night but couldn't get it out of my mind
> Went to bed thinking about it and while praying it came to me
> It was the 'Dynamic Duo" term I used
> Big blooper and my fault...In my mind the dynamic duo meant "Wing TV" & The
> Alex Jones Show" as a team
> Whoops...If you derived what you did, I'm worried others will...Do you think
> I should send a retraction and make clear what I meant?
Note to those new to this list
If you are receiving this mailing you are considered to be a VIP...That's
"Very Important Patriot and/or Person"
Most of you on this list have been on it for a very long time and know I'm a
human and civil rights activist working to help unite organizations, projects
and groups with important issues for one loud voice and strength in numbers
You know I'm against organized religion but sincerely spiritual and part of
the work I do includes bringing together the spiritual & secular people from
all walks of life
The message is we can put our differences aside enough to work together for
the good of our children, the planet & all of mankind
I cannot keep up with scanning the digests of over 500 yahoo & egroups I
network with...I have to delete my email continually so if you want me to see
something important pertaining to a productive and positive nature please put>>>
***SOS***in the subject box and send to me
If you feel you are on this list by mistake, please opt out by sending a
request with SOS in the subject box so I will be sure to see it
Please contact me with your group link if you are an owner of a productive
group or website and would like it added to our own
Our website is under construction & belongs to "We The people" from
everywhere...Please know we are already many groups who have united beginning in
2003...As you will soon see when we load the pages
Our missions are many and we are very much on the move in many arenas of
>>> <A HREF="">Click here: Home Page</A>
"We The People United Movement"
We are many Political and Patriot Groups joining together, to help right the
wrongs in America..."United We Will Stand"
Please answer the Patriot Calls as they come for the future and sake of all
the children on this planet
Keep the corrupt hopping and make it more difficult for them by giving
strength to the numbers of as many good and productive patriot groups possible, that
come your way
If the corrupt are successful with stopping cyberactivism...This could be a
good thing
Hit the streets and join the many concerned citizens and patriots already
working in the trenches
Local churches is where you'll find many of your fellow activists with truth
Even church leaders are speaking out and scrapping their gag orders which are
the 501c3 tax exempt agreements that has kept them silent for many years
<A HREF=""></A>
"One for All and All for One" no matter what issue you stand for...This is
the only way we will defeat the enemy who is our same enemy>>>corruption in the
form of tyranny
Join your fellow Patriots and Unite for Action:
<A HREF="">TheRevolutionaryCoalition</A>
<A HREF="">WeThePeopleCoalition</A>
<A HREF="">Click here: 911TruthAction</A>
<A HREF="">OffLinePetitionVolunteers</A>
[This message contained attachments]
Message: 14
Date: Mon, 27 Feb 2006 02:08:53 -0000
From: "Zoe" <>
Subject: A REAL Solution to Terror
---Ranked Ballot, "RB", each voter ranking all candidates in order
of preference, & only Ranked Ballot, will give us
a Perfect Marriage of Freedom & Justice, Tradition & Modernity,
Instant Global TRUE Democracy,
the Most Free Market Possible,
all the Payback, Catch-up & Makeup one could wish,
Ecological Politics & Political Ecology,
a Maximization of Cooperation &
a REAL Solution to Terror.
---Because it always elects the candidate most exactly in the middle
all voting, Ranked Ballot is "top-dead-center-counter-extremist" &
thus more anti-terrorist than all the recent retrenchments combined.
While it would be equally useful for all else, RB's real power is
perhaps most clearly shown in the case of potential inter-tribal war,
as in Iraq. Had they not chosen the elitist minimalist solution of
requiring a 2/3 vote for their Prime Minister, "The Week", 022406,
a "variant" of RB, Parliament might have lacked stability, & the
world would have been in danger of going to war over some oil well,
or multi-ethnic city. RB would be equally useful for all other
parliamentary &/or presidential systems, cooperatives, collective
leaderships, tribal groupings, religious confessions, political
parties & associations as well.
---Because it gives the minorities a real say in which majority
gets chosen, RB is the only thing that will lead them to support of
plan more than inadequate confederation.
---Because it gives all combinations of programs, not just parties,
equal chance, RB is the only thing that's truly just.
---Because it provides real-time alternatives to all proposals, from
wherever: market, coop or social, RB has brakes, reverse, 3D,
hyper-drive & goes sideways. It will result in "phantasmagoric
subtlefaction". Both more Liberty and Justice can be found in RB
than in any ideology. Help put this idea, in time (before "clockwork
orange", "1984", cosmic collision "category seven", economic collapse
or literalist contratemps) to as many as possible. The $15,000 cost
a single full-page ad in USA Today, enough to put RB to virtually
everyone involved on earth, would be repaid in a year & a half at
the pre-9/11 US annual defense spending of $10,000 per family.
---We imagine running on the single issue of RB, allowing a citizens'
advisoryboard based on"Organized Communications" ("OC",
small randomly assigned discussion groups electing reps to higher &
higher levels by means of RB til one small group, exactly in the
middle, remains) to guide us in the rest. You do the same, from
the most local on up. (Ten to the power of ten: ten levels of random
groups of ten, would be sufficient to organize & unite all mankind.)
---The "additive" form of RB (as opposed to the more skewed,
widely touted, & pre-determinate "eliminative" "IRV" form)
is to count first choices & then, if noone has 50 %(+), to add in
the next choices, & so on, until someone finally does.
---RB is the sole unchangeable plank & bylaw of the Preferential
(what RB's called in Robert's Rules of Order) Ballot Party, the
only practicable third party.
---While the Republicans&/or Iraqis saw fit to include the need
of a 2/3 vote in the new constitution, neither the Reps not Dems
spoke out for it during the Court confirmations. Good enough
for Australia, New Zealand, Kerala India, Iraq, London, Ireland,
Cambridge Mass, Vermont, Ferndale Mich, Frisco & Berkeley
but not good enough for us? Gotta be in somebody's interest.
How can we ask it of others if we do not have it
ourselves I should accept if I won by write-ins. Please see
USA, Planet Earth
Message: 15
Date: Mon, 27 Feb 2006 02:35:29 -0000
From: "Marsha" <>
Subject: Question to Owners & moderators or someone
When I read from the forum and open one I sent, it's all run together
and in bold...It was not sent that way...Can anyone tell me if this is
like that when anyone else reads my posts from the forum?
I have seen them come out like this in other groups on rare occasion
and have to cut and paste them into an email before I can see them
clearly enough to read them
Did you guys notice that yahoo gave back the prior pages before the
last change?...The print is much bigger and much easier for some to
see...I was very happy
Message: 16
Date: Sun, 26 Feb 2006 20:08:14 -0700
From: APFN <>
Subject: Where is the Wreckage of UAL 93? *PIC*
[This message is not in displayable format]
Message: 17
Date: Sun, 26 Feb 2006 19:51:59 -0800 (PST)
From: Tom Trefts <>
Subject: Fwd: World Wide Prayer Request for our soldiers & all other suffering souls wrote: From:
Date: Sun, 26 Feb 2006 22:19:28 EST
Subject: World Wide Prayer Request for our soldiers & all other suffering souls
Prayer Request
Prayer Request
I understand the weather in Iraq is very difficult to bear right now. Our troops need our prayers for strength, endurance and safety.
I am sorry but I am not breaking this one. Send this on after a short prayer; please don't break it:
"Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands.
Protect them as they protect us.
Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need.
I ask this in the name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior.
When you receive this, please stop for a moment and say a prayer for our troops around the world.
There's nothing attached; just send this to all in your address book. Do not let it stop with you, please - of all the gifts you could give a US Soldier, Sailor, Airman, or Marine deployed in harm's way, prayer is the very best!!!
Thank you
If you are one who would like to help & don't know about "The Patriot & Truth Movement" Please Join "US">>>Click here: WETHEPEOPLE_UNITED : Message: ***Group Alert***Letter writen to special list concerning Wing TV & Alex Jones
Tom Trefts
Unified Veterans Coalition
Yahoo! Mail
Bring photos to life! New PhotoMail makes sharing a breeze.
[This message contained attachments]
Message: 18
Date: Sun, 26 Feb 2006 20:20:25 -0800 (PST)
From: Naveed <>
Subject: Re: Question to Owners & moderators or someone
sometimes such is the case now its just large text
but way earlier your text was garbled and gave me a headache trying to read it.
now it doesn't garble.
Marsha <> wrote:
When I read from the forum and open one I sent, it's all run together
and in bold...It was not sent that way...Can anyone tell me if this is
like that when anyone else reads my posts from the forum?
I have seen them come out like this in other groups on rare occasion
and have to cut and paste them into an email before I can see them
clearly enough to read them
Did you guys notice that yahoo gave back the prior pages before the
last change?...The print is much bigger and much easier for some to
see...I was very happy
United state bankruptcy court western district of texas United state life insurance Moving to the united state United state patent United state patent search United states patent office
Visit your group "911TruthAction" on the web.
To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:
Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.
In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot.
- Notebook, 1904
Yahoo! Mail
Bring photos to life! New PhotoMail makes sharing a breeze.
[This message contained attachments]
Message: 19
Date: Sun, 26 Feb 2006 20:35:21 -0800 (PST)
From: Quechick Barnyard <>
Subject: This is the man who has to beat Tom DeLay in his district - Texas
This is the man who must beat Tom DeLay..he is well
liked by the people and wants to clean up Texas
I have been in contact with his campaign and am
convinced he would be a great new replacement for Tom
DeLay. He is a people's man, Not big corporation man.
I noticed that Bush has stepped back in and decided to
back DeLay. Well, money can only do certain things,
but if we have fair voting machines, I think the
Poeple of Texas will vote him out. We have had enough
b.s. to last us a lifetime. We want simple action for
our country and better legislation for the people as a
DeLay's Warchest
Dear Theresa J,
Help our campaign
pass the $2 Million fundraising mark --
contribute today!
Sources inside the campaign of Representative Tom
DeLay say they intend to raise up to $9 million in an
all out effort to hang on to his seat, an
unprecedented amount for a Congressional race.
DeLay and his special interest friends will use that
money to throw $9 million worth of mud at Nick Lampson
because they've got no explanation for Tom DeLay's
legacy of corruption, debt, and neglect for Texas's
22nd congressional district.
We can't let them do that.
Thanks to your help, we have now raised nearly $2
million for our campaign to restore honor and
integrity to TX-22. That's an amazing feat.
Now we need your help to pass that $2 million
milestone. We can't match Tom DeLay's army of cronies
and special interest lobbyists. But we can send him a
message that we're going fight him with everything
we've got.
Stand up to DeLay's bully tactics, and help us reach
our $2 million milestone today.
DeLay is under criminal indictment. His close friend
Jack Abramoff pled guilty to seeking to bribe members
of Congress. An ethical cloud hangs over Washington,
D.C. in large measure because of the way Tom DeLay
operates. He has no regard for decency, much less the
law. Without anything positive to say, he's going on
the attack.
November is a long ways away. Most people haven't
started paying attention to the race yet. When we
reach the $2 million milestone, we will grab the
headlines and get the attention of new supporters in
TX-22 and across the country. We'll prove once again
that regular people standing together can defeat
DeLay's special interest machine.
Donate to Nick's race today, and help us pass the $2
million mark. We'll use the money you send to reach
out to voters and persuade them the old fashioned way
-- by telling them how we're going to change their
lives for the better.
People want a government they can believe in. They
want leaders they can trust. Tom DeLay has taken that
from them, and instead given them bitter partisanship
and scandal. They deserve better.
In Nick Lampson, they will have a Congressman who
serves the people of TX-22, not the special interests.
Nick will fight to protect Social Security, to ensure
veterans receive the benefits they deserve, to
strengthen our schools and families, and to improve
access to affordable, quality health care.
Donate to Nick's race today. Let's work together to
elect a leader worthy of the people of TX-22.
Mike Malaise
Campaign Manager
Lampson for Congress
Paid for by Lampson for Congress.
Contributions and gifts made to Lampson for Congress
are not tax-deductible for federal income tax
Invite your friends and family to join Nick Lampson's
campaign today!
If you received this message from a friend, you can
sign up for Nick Lampson for Congress.
Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around
Message: 20
Date: Sun, 26 Feb 2006 21:06:52 -0800 (PST)
From: alan random <>
Subject: Re: 911 Eyewitness
Just watched it. Boy, is it long... 1 hour 45 minutes and it kept repeating the same audio material over and over. And it's very, very slow.
But, in spite of that, I'd recommend everyone keeping it in their files as it includes some important video & audio evidence rarely seen elsewhere.
For example, check out at the 3 minute mark. While his camera remains fixed on the towers, this guy picks up the sound of several explosions well before the first tower falls.
Also interesing, at minute 41:00 it plays a reporter announcing, after both towers and Pentagon have been hit, that she's just been told that a "DC police plane" has been hijacked. WTF! I wonder what ever happened to that little side story...
Alfons <> wrote:
Just searched the 911TruthAction database and found only one reference
to 911 Eyewitness, which is a 911 Video Documentary, that uses NYC
Media video, as well as videos of private citizens to show that bombs
did in fact bring down the towers. It uses very sound physics analysis
to show that the pyroclastic dust clouds were caused by explosions, by
comparing the parabolic path of a cannon ball propelled with
explosives, and proves that the WTC Towers and 7 collapse faster than
objects fall in a vacuum, yes faster, as if being propelled downward by
an energy force, sucked down. To make a long story short look at this
video, it is really great.
I would like to see what others think of this video.
Listen to our Grassroots InfoMedia's Of The People radio show at
United state bankruptcy court western district of texas United state life insurance Moving to the united state United state patent United state patent search United states patent office
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Relax. Yahoo! Mail virus scanning helps detect nasty viruses!
[This message contained attachments]
Message: 21
Date: Mon, 27 Feb 2006 01:24:05 -0500
Subject: FAA Believed Second 9/11 Plane Heading Towards NY for Emergency Landin
FAA Believed Second 9/11 Plane Heading Towards NY for Emergency Landing
Team8Plus- a specialized 9/11 research team: News
Team8Plus- a specialized 9/11 research team: News
Message: 22
Date: Mon, 27 Feb 2006 04:17:19 -0500
Subject: Top-Secret Notes Confirm Cong.9/11 & Pent.Coverup of Iraq War Plans on
Top-Secret Notes Confirm Cong.9/11 & Pent.Coverup of Iraq War Plans on
Tom Flocco .com
Top-secret notes confirm congressional, 9-11 Commission &Pentagon
cover-up of Iraq war plans on day of Sept. 11 attacks
Pentagon notes written by Under-Secretary of Defense for Intelligence
Stephen Cambone during a meeting with Department of Defense (DoD)
Secretary Donald Rumsfeld at 2:40 pm on the day of the September 11
attacks provide important evidence and historical insight into the inner
circle of key players involved in the defense of the United States
immediately following the worst attack on American soil in U.S. history.
Cambone's explosive written observations provide proof that a
commitment to place Baghdad on the front burner was foremost on the
minds of Bush administration officials almost simultaneously as the
alleged "hijackers" attacked, revealing Rumsfeld's full fixation on
finding a justification "related" to or "not" related to Iraq as 9-11
(READ MORE click URL above)
Message: 23
Date: Mon, 27 Feb 2006 06:57:01 -0600
From: "MrOsario" <>
Subject: Re: [reality101_redux] Re:Photo of a (disguised) facial recognition system ..Never mind. ANOTHER Janet Phelan scam
Harry maybe the one you had at your appliance shop was different from the ones that were photographed by Janet. You are writting from theory and past facts.
She's writting and documenting her own experiences.
p.s. What I recommend Janet do is to see a psy and have him/her document that she's not mentally ill. This will add credibility to her observations and do away
with all doubts.
----- Original Message -----
From: harry mobley
Do you think we're all a bunch of completely brain dead idiots?!?
That's a picture of the emergency lighting system.
It's required by code to be in every public or commercial building.
It is supplied with 110 volts of electricty, and when the power dies, it contains a battery back-up
which lights the area so people don't panic, and so they can find the exit.
I had to install these, and the re lighted 'EXIT' signs to get an occupancy permit at the appliance shop we used to have.
What's the new scam?
Are you now going to claim that these lights watch for the right person to poison through
the drinking fountain?
Get a grip, woman!
A light bulb doesn't scan anything, and doesn't recognize faces.
You keep this up, and you'll be wearing a coat with extra long sleeves.
Here they are online:
Ok Janet.
What's next?
janet phelan <> wrote:
This one was aimed at a drinking fountain. The other
ones I photographed today --five in all--were all
aimed at water sources.
Taken at Hostelling Internation, Santa Monica,
--- JANET PHELAN <> wrote:
> Date: Sat, 25 Feb 2006 20:35:11 -0800 (PST)
> Subject: Fwd: Photo of a (disguised) facial
> recognition system
> To:
> --- wrote:
> > Date: Sat, 25 Feb 2006 12:09:06 -0800 (PST)
> > From:
> > To:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > This message was sent from a T-Mobile wireless
> > phone.
> >
> >
> >
> __________________________________________________
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam
> protection around
Do You Yahoo!?
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b.. To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:
c.. Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.
[This message contained attachments]
Message: 24
Date: Mon, 27 Feb 2006 06:58:12 -0600
From: "rsolano" <>
Subject: Re:Photo of a (disguised) facial recognition system ..Never mind. ANOTHER Janet Phelan scam
Harry maybe the one you had at your appliance shop was different from the ones that were photographed by Janet. You are writting from theory and past facts.
She's writting and documenting her own experiences.
p.s. What I recommend Janet do is to see a psy and have him/her document that she's not mentally ill. This will add credibility to her observations and do away
with all doubts.
----- Original Message -----
From: harry mobley
Do you think we're all a bunch of completely brain dead idiots?!?
That's a picture of the emergency lighting system.
It's required by code to be in every public or commercial building.
It is supplied with 110 volts of electricty, and when the power dies, it contains a battery back-up
which lights the area so people don't panic, and so they can find the exit.
I had to install these, and the re lighted 'EXIT' signs to get an occupancy permit at the appliance shop we used to have.
What's the new scam?
Are you now going to claim that these lights watch for the right person to poison through
the drinking fountain?
Get a grip, woman!
A light bulb doesn't scan anything, and doesn't recognize faces.
You keep this up, and you'll be wearing a coat with extra long sleeves.
Here they are online:
Ok Janet.
What's next?
janet phelan <> wrote:
This one was aimed at a drinking fountain. The other
ones I photographed today --five in all--were all
aimed at water sources.
Taken at Hostelling Internation, Santa Monica,
--- JANET PHELAN <> wrote:
> Date: Sat, 25 Feb 2006 20:35:11 -0800 (PST)
> Subject: Fwd: Photo of a (disguised) facial
> recognition system
> To:
> --- wrote:
> > Date: Sat, 25 Feb 2006 12:09:06 -0800 (PST)
> > From:
> > To:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > This message was sent from a T-Mobile wireless
> > phone.
> >
> >
> >
> __________________________________________________
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam
> protection around
Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around
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a.. To visit your group on the web, go to:
b.. To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:
c.. Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.
[This message contained attachments]
Message: 25
Date: Mon, 27 Feb 2006 14:01:41 -0000
From: "Marsha" <>
Subject: Re: Question to Owners & moderators or someone
When that happens, Naveed, instead of giving yourself a headache, cut
and paste it into an email
I wonder why that has been happening to my posts?
I was shut down a different way last night...I received a message
that said I reached a limit of sending emails...Glad I'm back up this
morning, I was worried
--- In, Naveed <flanker12k@...> wrote:
> sometimes such is the case now its just large text
> but way earlier your text was garbled and gave me a headache
trying to read it.
> now it doesn't garble.
> Marsha <Mofmars3@...> wrote:
> When I read from the forum and open one I sent, it's all run
> and in bold...It was not sent that way...Can anyone tell me if this
> like that when anyone else reads my posts from the forum?
> I have seen them come out like this in other groups on rare
> and have to cut and paste them into an email before I can see them
> clearly enough to read them
> Did you guys notice that yahoo gave back the prior pages before the
> last change?...The print is much bigger and much easier for some to
> see...I was very happy
> Marsha
> United state bankruptcy court western district of texas
United state life insurance Moving to the united state United
state patent United state patent search United states patent
> ---------------------------------
> Visit your group "911TruthAction" on the web.
> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:
> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of
> ---------------------------------
> In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and
brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join
him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot.
> - Notebook, 1904
> ---------------------------------
> Yahoo! Mail
> Bring photos to life! New PhotoMail makes sharing a breeze.
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