Sunday, September 04, 2005

Six String Sadist

Six String Sadist
Originally uploaded by boodoo.
There is never a time when two flights over an area in a helicopter constitutes an understanding of damages, and when it was a disaster you may well have had the capacity and opporunity to prevent far in advance you owe even more to those affected.

I don't know if I agree with Kanye that Bush's lackluster response to the Katrina disaster was racially motivated, but if he's not a racist he's definitely a classist- and these aren't His People.

So sing them a song, Mr President and play the floodwaters away. Next time you'll support funding a project to revitalize a dam protecting a massive stretch of land below sea level, maybe? Dispatch troops and supplies before thousands are already lost? Or just be off playing guitar somewhere, that's cool too.

OBVIOUS DISCLAIMER: THIS IS A PHOTOMELD, CLEARLY THIS DIDN'T ACTUALLY HAPPEN. There, just wanted to make that clear if it wasn't already.

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