Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Response to 9-11 'Truth' Mafia Broadcast, by Eric Hufschmid

Wing TV - Connect The Dots

Regarding the July 2005 conference, I will give you a real example of how people like Jenna Orkin can speak the truth, while deceiving everybody.

When Orkin spoke in New York City at Jimmy Walter's 9/11 meeting, she honestly explained to the audience that New York government officials told people that the air was safe to breathe, when in reality the air was dangerous.

However, she does not explain that the dust came from the explosive demolition of the World Trade Center buildings and Building 7.

Instead, she tries to imply that the buildings simply fell down, created lots of dust in the process, and that the incompetent government officials told people that the air was safe to breathe so that they could open Wall Street. She tries to imply that the government officials are incompetent and will lie to us in order to serve the selfish businessmen.

By avoiding the issue of the demolition of the buildings, she and other "9-11 Truth Tellers" are not explaining just how dangerous the dust was. She also protects lots of people, such as Larry Silverstein, who should be considered as suspects in this demolition.

The dust was not ordinary "dust". Rather, it was the debris from the explosive demolition of office buildings. It contained millions of jagged shards of glass from the windows; microscopic droplets of mercury from fluorescent light bulbs; pulverized computers, and toxic chemicals.

At our hotel in Madrid, Spain (Madrid was one of the cites in Jimmy Walter's 9/11 European Tour) Christopher Bollyn and I encountered a tourist who lives in New York City. He had been covered in dust when the North Tower collapsed. He explained to us that as he tried to wash the dust off, it would sting his skin and eyes, as if it was full of pieces of glass. He did not realize that the dust was indeed full of tiny pieces of glass, as well as pieces of computers, fax machines, and electrical wires.

Like most people, he assumed the towers simply "fell down", and that the dust was nothing more than "dust". He told us that he suffered serious skin rashes for many months, but it never occurred to him the rashes were due to the particles of a pulverized office building that had penetrated into his eyes, lungs, and skin.

William Rodriguez and Rachel Hughes spoke on the tour with us, and both of them are suffering health problems from breathing the pulverized office buildings. Every since the 9-11 attack, Rodriguez has had trouble walking up stairs, and Hughes needs oxygen every few days.

Some people are aware that some firemen are suffering health problems, but not many people are aware that thousands, possibly tens of thousands, of ordinary citizens are also suffering. The demolition of the World Trade Center was much more devastating than most people realize.

This issue also shows why the people committing crimes want to isolate the groups of activists from each another. When we get together we realize that each of us has different pieces to the puzzle.

We also notice that the people behind that September 11 attack are some of the same people behind the Oklahoma City bombing, the attack on the USS Liberty, the killing of president Kennedy, and the faking of the Apollo moon landing.

If our government was truly interested in investigating these crimes, they would investigate all of these "truth tellers" and their friends. People who are hiding information should be considered as accessories to the crimes.

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