Tuesday, February 28, 2006

[september_eleven_vreeland] Digest Number 1304

There are 3 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1. US report foretells of brave new world - Manipulating Matter: The Scientific Dictatorship as a Project in the Reconfiguration of Reality
From: "norgesen" <norgeson@hotmail.com>
2. Tell the White House No to Foreign Companies Running Our Ports ! comm
From: ranger116@webtv.net
3. Fw: International Education - Global Economy - Free Trade
From: "norgesen" <norgeson@hotmail.com>


Message: 1
Date: Mon, 27 Feb 2006 12:46:38 -0500
From: "norgesen" <norgeson@hotmail.com>
Subject: US report foretells of brave new world - Manipulating Matter: The Scientific Dictatorship as a Project in the Reconfiguration of Reality

US report foretells of brave new world

By Nathan Cochrane

A draft government report says we will alter human evolution within 20 years by combining what we know of nanotechnology, biotechnology, IT and cognitive sciences. The 405-page report sponsored by the US National Science Foundation and Commerce Department, Converging Technologies for Improving Human Performance, calls for a broad-based research program to improve human performance leading to telepathy, machine-to-human communication, amplified personal sensory devices and enhanced intellectual capacity.

People may download their consciousnesses into computers or other bodies even on the other side of the solar system, or participate in a giant "hive mind", a network of intelligences connected through ultra-fast communications networks. "With knowledge no longer encapsulated in individuals, the distinction between individuals and the entirety of humanity would blur," the report says. "Think Vulcan mind-meld. We would perhaps become more of a hive mind - an enormous, single, intelligent entity."

Armies may one day be fielded by machines that think for themselves while devices will respond to soldiers' commands before their thoughts are fully formed, it says. The report says the abilities are within our grasp but will require an intense public-relations effort to "prepare key organisations and societal activities for the changes made possible by converging technologies", and to counter concern over "ethical, legal and moral" issues. Education should be overhauled down to the primary-school level to bridge curriculum gaps between disparate subject areas.

Professional societies should be open to practitioners from other fields, it says. "The success of this convergent-technologies priority area is crucial to the future of humanity," the report says.


Converging Technologies
for Improving Human Performance:
Nanotechnology, Biotechnology, Information Technology and Cognitive Science
NSF/DOC-sponsored report
Report: http://wtec.org/ConvergingTechnologies/Report/NBIC_report.pdf


Manipulating Matter: The Scientific Dictatorship as a Project in the Reconfiguration of Reality

- by Phillip D. Collins �, Feb. 15th, 2005
Comenius addressed the first formal scientists as "illuminati" and outlined their scientific purpose, "...which is to secure�the empire of the human mind over matter."

In the article entitled "The Ascendancy of the Scientific Dictatorship", we examined the transmogrification of the elite's religious power structure into a technocratic oligarchy legitimized predominantly by science. The history and background of this "scientific dictatorship" is a conspiracy, created and micro-managed by the historical tide of Darwinism, which has its foundations in Freemasonry. In this article, we shall examine the "scientific dictatorship" as an enormous project in the re-sculpting of reality itself.

The Technocracy
Freemason Aldous Huxley coined the term "scientific dictatorship" and presented an allegorized version of the concept in his famous roman 'a clef entitled Brave New World. Huxley was mentored by Freemason H.G. Wells, who also presented a fictionalized "scientific dictatorship" under the appellation of the "Technocracy." This is an interesting designation for a world government managed by functional elites and scientists. It is derived from the Greek word techne, which means craft. Given Wells' membership in the Craft of Freemasonry, the synchronicity becomes apparent.

Moreover, the term craft is associated with witchcraft or wicca. From the term wicca, one derives the word wicker (Hoffman, 63). Examining this word a little closer, Michael Hoffman explains: "The word wicker has many denotations and connotations, one of which is 'to bend,' as in the 'bending' of reality'" (Hoffman, 63). This is especially interesting when considering the words of Mark Pesce, co-inventor of Virtual Reality Modeling Language. Pesce writes: "The enduring archetype of techne within the pre-Modern era is magic, of an environment that conforms entirely to the will of being" (Pesce).

Techne is also from whence the word technology is derived. The significance of this fact becomes evident when Pesce opines:

Each endpoint of techne has an expression in the modern world as a myth of fundamental direction -- the mastery of matter, and the collection of spirit. The myth of matter comes to its end as the absolute expression of will as artifact; in a word, nanotechnology (Pesce).

Herein is the final objective of New World Order � the reconfiguration of reality through the sorcery of technology.

Radical Empiricism: The Epistemological Pretext for Re-Sculpting Reality
As we have established in previous articles, most of contemporary science is predicated upon empiricism. This is the epistemological stance that all knowledge is derived exclusively through the senses. Lyndon LaRouche explains the inherent flaws of empiricism:

By the nature of our processes of sense-perception, our direct perception of the world "outside our skins" (so to speak) does not show us that world "outside our skins," but, rather, the impact of that unperceived real world upon the biology of our mental-sensory processes. In other words, the shadows on the wall of Plato's Cave (LaRouche).

Thus, the world becomes little more than an ever-shifting pliancy of impressions. All that a percipient surveys is an amorphous amalgam of "shadows." It comes as little surprise that an exclusively empirical approach relegates causality to the realm of metaphysical fantasy. The obviation of causality holds enormous ramifications for science.

What is perceived as A causing B could be merely a consequence of circumstantial juxtaposition. Although temporal succession and spatial proximity are axiomatic, causal connection is not. Affirmation of causal relationships is impossible. Given the absence of causality, all of a scientist's findings must be taken upon faith. Ironically, science relies on the affirmation of such cause and effect relationships. This is all one can deduce while working under the paradigm of radical empiricism. Thus, the elite merely exchanged one form of mysticism for another. It comes as little surprise that, within certain occult circles, contemporary science is considered sorcery disseminated on the popular level. For instance, Satanic high priest Anton LaVey regarded science and technology as "sanctioned, but ineffectual 'occultism'" (Raschke, 214).

In fact, science has become a new form of sorcery for the manipulation of matter. According to the epistemology of empiricism, reality is little more than a quagmire of impressions. It is analogous to a holograph, the fabric of which is pliable enough to be manipulated. Thus, reality becomes the ever-shifting canvas upon which scientists paint whatever they wish. The scientist's role in this reconfiguration of reality was delineated in an esoteric tract entitled The Way of Light. Authored by Comenius in 1668, the manifesto was dedicated to the British Royal Society. Researcher Michael Hoffman elaborates:

In it, Comenius addressed the first formal scientists as "illuminati" and outlined their scientific purpose, "�which is to secure�the empire of the human mind over matter" [emphasis added] (Hoffman, 23).

Years later, Bertrand Russell would recapitulate the "illuminati's" (i.e., scientists') role in the establishment of "the empire of the human mind over matter." Redefining science as an instrument of radical empiricism, Russell wrote:

The way in which science arrives at its beliefs is quite different from that of medieval theology. Experience has shown that it is dangerous to start from general principles and proceed deductively, both because the principles may be untrue and because the reasoning based upon them may be fallacious. Science starts, not from large assumptions, but from particular facts discovered by observation or experiment. From a number of such facts a general rule is arrived at, of which, if it is true, the facts in question are instances� Science thus encourages abandonment of the search for absolute truth, which belongs to any theory that can be successfully employed in inventions or in predicting the future. "Technical" truth is a matter of degree: a theory from which more successful inventions and predictions spring is truer than one which gives rise to fewer. "Knowledge" ceases to be a mental mirror of the universe, and becomes merely a practical tool in the manipulation of matter [emphasis added] (Russell, 13 - 15).

In other words, science or "knowledge" becomes the instrument by which the "illuminati" re-sculpts reality. It also becomes an epistemological weapon against the minds of men, wielded by the proverbial Descartean "evil demon." This was the central precept of Weishaupt's Illuminati and the conceit of the Technocracy today: God was not in the beginning, but evolved from Man in the end. According to this conceit, Man could recreate Eden without the God. It comes as little surprise that sci-fi predictive programmer and British intelligence asset Arthur C. Clarke commented: "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."

The Global Holodeck
The technocratic agenda of reconfiguring the "holograph of reality" is most clearly delineated by William Sims Bainbridge, sociologist and member of the National Science Foundation. Citing sci-fi predictive programmer Gene Roddenberry, Bainbridge writes:

An interesting feature of the popular Star Trek universe is that mass-media popular culture is absent from its fictional future world. Several characters play musical instruments and the preferred styles of music are classical, whether European or belonging to some other high culture. Perhaps precisely because the characters are living very future-oriented lives, they turn to historical sources like Mozart for their aesthetic recreation. Presumably, the copyrights have all expired. Instead of passively watching television programmes and movies, they programme their own "holodeck" virtual reality dramas in which they play active roles, often with historical settings. Government is certainly not in the science fiction business, but government-encouraged research is currently developing the technology to realise the Star Trek prophecies (Bainbridge, "Memorials").

Evidently, government-sponsored research programs are already dedicated to the Technocracy's vision of re-sculpting reality. Bainbridge is certainly no stranger to this vision, as is evidenced by his association with Scientology. In Religion and the Social Order, Bainbridge presented a mandate for scientists to become "religious engineers" in the development of a new world religion (Bainbridge, "New Religions, Science, and Secularization"). This new world religion, which Bainbridge calls a "Church of God Galactic," would find its origins with science fiction literature (Bainbridge, "Religions for a Galactic Civilization"). In the formulation of his "Church," Bainbridge used the scientistic cult of Scientology as a working model:

Today there exists one highly effective religion actually derived from science fiction, one which fits all the known sociological requirements for a successful Church of God Galactic. I refer, of course, to Scientology (Bainbridge, "Religions for a Galactic Civilization").

In the Scientologist bible, L. Ron Hubbard's Dianetics, one finds a reiteration of Comenius' mission statement delivered to the "illuminati" (i.e., scientists). Hubbard states:

Man has something more: some people call it imagination, some call it this or call it that; but whatever it is called, it adds up to the interesting fact that man is not content merely to "face reality" as most other life forms are. Man makes reality face him. Propaganda about "the necessity of facing reality," like propaganda to the effect that a man could be driven mad by a "childhood delusion" (whatever that is), does not face the reality that where the beaver down his ages of evolution built mud dams and keeps on building mud dams, man graduates in a half century from a stone and wood dam to make a mill wheel pond to structures like Grand Coulee Dam, and changes the whole and entire aspect of a respectable portion of nature's real estate from a desert to productive soil, from a flow of water to lightening bolts (Hubbard, 308).

It is very interesting that Hubbard would cite the Grand Coulee Dam as an instant when man "made reality face him." Discussing the "Saturnian-masonic" era of erecting megalithic structures, Hoffman observes:

Actually, with some crucial exceptions, the rise of the megaliths marked the rise of the Hermetic Academy into its dominant physical phase. The theory is that the megaliths "pin down" natural forces, helping to subdue nature's most savage furies. We marvel today at the Hoover Dam but that symbol laden construction is but a crude parody of the technology of the megaliths which helped to "dam" the wildest forces of nature (Hoffman, 21).

Evidently, men like Hubbard and Bainbridge see something entirely different when they view structures like the Grand Coulee Dam and the Hoover Dam. They are viewing the "endpoint of techne -- the mastery of matter." It is the Technocracy's project in consciously shaping the terrain of the global holodeck.

The "Hive Mind"
As was established in the previous article covering this topic, Darwin's theory of evolution was cribbed liberally from Freemasonry's occult doctrine of "becoming." According to this doctrine, humanity was gradually evolving towards apotheosis. The architecture of Masonry's evolutionary mythology is a counterpart to the Biblical account humanity's expulsion from Eden. However, there are some major modifications. In The Meaning of Masonry, W.L. Wilmshurst alleges that:

In all Scriptures and cosmologies the tradition is universal of a "Golden Age," an age of comparative innocence, wisdom and spirituality, in which racial unity [emphasis added], and individual happiness and enlightenment prevailed; in which there was that open vision for want of which a people perisheth, but in virtue of which men were once in conscious conversation with the unseen world and were shepherded, taught and guided by the "gods" or discarnate superintendents of the infant race, who imparted to them the sure and indefeasible principles upon which their spiritual welfare and evolution [emphasis added] depended (Wilmshurst, 173).

However, Wilmshurst contends that a peregrination of human consciousness away from the "racial mind" caused humanity to fall from its former glory:

The tradition is also universal of the collective soul [emphasis added] of the human race having sustained a "fall," a moral declension from its true path of life and evolution [emphasis added], which has severed it almost entirely from its creative source, and which, as the ages advanced, has involved its sinking more and more deeply into physical conditions, its splitting up from unity employing a single language into a diversity of conflicting races of different speeches and degrees of moral advancement [emphasis added], accompanied by a progressive densification of the material body and a corresponding darkening of the mind and atrophy of the spiritual consciousness (Wilmshurst, 173).

Recall Pesce's statement that techne was expressed in the modern world as the "collection of spirit." This is precisely the objective of Masonry� the "collection of spirit" through the facilitation of evolution! Wilmshurst proceeds to reveal the chief means by which this will be achieved:

Unable to effect its [Man's] own recovery it required skilled scientific [emphasis added] assistance from other sources to bring about its restoration. Whence could come that skill and scientific [emphasis added] knowledge if not from the Divine and now invisible world, from those "gods" and angelic guardians of the erring race of whom all ancient traditions and sacred writings tell? Would not that regenerative method be properly described if it were called, as in Masonry it is called, a "heavenly science" [emphasis added], and welcomed in the words that Masons in fact use, "Hail, Royal Art!" (Wilmshurst, 175).

Can there be any wonder why Freemasons Aldous Huxley and H.G. Wells were proponents of a "scientific dictatorship?" It is an intrinsic feature of their Masonic heritage. This heritage led them to bestow absolute epistemological primacy upon Science, spelled with a "S" to denote its divine role in man's purported ascent towards apotheosis and the reconstitution of the Masonic "collective soul." This is scientism. In a speech before the Royal Institute of International Affairs in 1936, H.G. Wells succinctly expressed the core precept of scientism:

"At first the realization of the ineffectiveness of our best thought and knowledge struck only a few people, like Mr. Maynard Keynes, for example� It is science and not men of science that we want to enlighten and animate our politics and rule the world" (qutd. in Keith, Mind Control, World Control, 306 - 307).

Wells also wrote about the mythological "collective soul," which he dubbed "The Mind of the Race." W. Warren Wagar elaborates on Wells' "racial mind" doctrine:

It was at once the capstone and the mortar of his [Wells'] faith: a belief in the emergence in human evolution of a collective racial being with the collective racial mind, which gathered the results of the individual mental effort into a single fund of racial wisdom and grew gradually toward organic consciousness of itself. Individuals could escape the frustration inherent in the fact of their individuality and mortality only by consecrating their lives to the service of the Mind of the Race (Wagar, 100 - 101).

Wells believed that the final coalescence of human consciousness into a "racial mind" would result in the emergence not of a mere man, but of perfected Man with a capitalized M (Wagar, 104). The M is capitalized to denote the purported divinity that is dormant within humanity. Wells' Weltanschauung remained consistent with the Masonic themes of a "collective soul" and man's evolutionary ascent towards deification. In H.G. Wells and the World State, author Warren Wagar elaborates:

But the transcendent reality Wells actually professed to see emerging here and now was the collective being of humanity, rather than any "God." At the level of the individual the species Homo sapiens might be nothing more than a swarm of unique individuals descended in an unbroken sequence from remote protozoan ancestors; yet Homo sapiens was more than a name. At this moment in cosmic time it also denoted a class of similar if not identical individuals, evolving in ceaseless interaction with one another, and through the unique gift of speech able to pool their experiences and so give birth to a higher order of being entirely: a racial memory, a collective mind [emphasis added], the emergent intelligence of an emergent racial being (Wagar, 104).

According to Wells' Weltanschauung, the ecumenical singularity into which humanity was being compressed by evolution would relegate the individual to obsolescence:

As Wells grew older, he tended to look at life more and more from the synthetic level of racial being and less and less from the analytical level of the individual. At the end of his spiritual pilgrimage he virtually accepted the realist argument that the whole is real and the individual an illusion (Wagar, 104).

William Sims Bainbridge may prove to be instrumental in the demise of the individual. In an article entitled "US report foretells of brave new world," journalist Nathan Cochrane examines Converging Technologies for Improving Human Performance, a report edited and contributed to by Bainbridge:

A draft government report says we will alter human evolution [emphasis added] within 20 years by combining what we know of nanotechnology, biotechnology, IT and cognitive sciences. The 405-page report sponsored by the US National Science Foundation and Commerce Department, Converging Technologies for Improving Human Performance, calls for a broad-based research program to improve human performance leading to telepathy, machine-to-human communication, amplified personal sensory devices and enhanced intellectual capacity (Cochrane, 1).

Elaborating on this research program, Cochrane explains how this convergent-technologies plan would be instrumental in the unification of mass consciousness:

People may download their consciousnesses into computers or other bodies even on the other side of the solar system, or participate in a giant "hive mind", a network of intelligences connected through ultra-fast communications networks. "With knowledge no longer encapsulated in individuals, the distinction between individuals and the entirety of humanity would blur," the report says. "Think Vulcan mind-meld. We would perhaps become more of a hive mind - an enormous, single, intelligent entity" (Cochrane, 1).

Of course, preparations must be made for the humanity's comfortable acclimation to this new "hive mind." Cochrane writes:

The report says the abilities are within our grasp but will require an intense public-relations effort to "prepare key organisations and societal activities for the changes made possible by converging technologies", and to counter concern over "ethical, legal and moral" issues. Education should be overhauled down to the primary-school level to bridge curriculum gaps between disparate subject areas (Cochrane, 1).

The "endpoint of techne" may be drawing nigh as the Technocracy constructs its global holodeck.

a.. Bainbridge, William Sims, "Religions for a Galactic Civilization," excerpted from Science Fiction and Space Futures, edited by Eugene M. Emme. San Diego: American Astronautical Society, pages 187-201, 1982.
b.. Bainbridge, William Sims, "New Religions, Science, and Secularization," excerpted from Religion and the Social Order, 1993, Volume 3A, pages 277-292, 1993.
c.. Bainbridge, William Sims, "Memorials," excerpted from Social Sciences for a Digital World, edited by Marc Renaud. Paris: Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development, 2000.
d.. Cochrane, Nathan, "US report foretells of brave new world," July 23, 2002.
e.. Hoffman, Michael, Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare, Independent History & Research, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, 2001.
f.. Hubbard, L. Ron, Dianetics, Bridge Publications Inc., 1986.
g.. Keith, Jim, Mind Control, World Control, Adventures Unlimited Press, Kempton, Illinois, 1997.
h.. LaRouche, Lyndon, "The Pagan Worship of Isaac Newton," Executive Intelligence Review, November 21, 2003.
i.. Pesce, Mark, "Ontos and Techne," Computer-Medicated Magazine, April 1997.
j.. Raschke, Carl A., Painted Black, Harper Collins Publishers, New York, 1990.
k.. Russell, Bertrand, Religion and Society, Oxford University Press, London, 1947.
l.. Wagar, W. Warren, H.G. Wells and the World State, Yale University Press, New Haven, 1961.
m.. Wilmshurst, W.L., The Meaning of Masonry, Gramercy Books, New York 1980.

[This message contained attachments]


Message: 2
Date: Mon, 27 Feb 2006 16:33:24 -0500
From: ranger116@webtv.net
Subject: Tell the White House No to Foreign Companies Running Our Ports ! comm

Tell the White House No to Foreign Companies Running Our Ports !


Send them this message

What Part of "NO" Don't you understand about NO Foreign Companies
Running Our Ports ?

Pass It On !


Message: 3
Date: Tue, 28 Feb 2006 09:53:06 -0500
From: "norgesen" <norgeson@hotmail.com>
Subject: Fw: International Education - Global Economy - Free Trade

----- Original Message -----
From: Vicky Davis
To: eyeswideoopen@yahoo.com
Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2006 9:17 AM
Subject: International Education - Global Economy - Free Trade

Education and the Global Economy

Last night, February 27, C-Span replayed a meeting of the National Governor's Association meeting titled, "Education and the Global Economy". The purpose of this session was to discuss the plans to restructure American schools towards International Education. Their reason was to 'prepare students for the global economy'. So what is the global economy? To answer that question, one has to understand 'free trade'.

Free trade is/was the biggest sucker deal the world has ever seen. In effect, the government/corporate trade negotiator's sell American businesses by proxy - by selling market share to foreign countries. This is not the least bit complicated. One must just understand that the trade agreements were written for the foreign countries and the multinational corporations - not for our country.

Take a look at the latest U.S. industry to fall... the automakers.

Wages $25-30 per hour including benefits & pension
Deal with China 25% tariffs to import cars to China

Wages $1.00 per hour - no benefits, 16 hr days, 7 days a week
China 'partners' with foreign businesses 40%?
Regulations - virtually none
Deal with U.S. 2.5% tariffs on imported cars to U.S.

That is the agreement that the trade negotiators did for the U.S. And no... it wasn't just a decimal point error in the agreement because all of the 'free trade' agreements are written with the same advantage for foreign countries and disadvantages for America and American business. And, even if we dropped our wages to $1.00 per hour - it wouldn't make any difference. China has a billion and a half people. They could drop their wages to a bowl of gruel and a mat to sleep on and they would still get plenty of workers to do the jobs.

Is it any wonder that GM bonds are junk? And that GM invested about $4 billion in China before they started dismantling operations here?

So who benefits? Certainly not the U.S. We are losing the jobs, the tax base and worst of all, the industrial knowledge. And this has happened with just about any industry you can name - steel, textiles, technology, manufacturing, automobiles and soon agriculture.

So... precisely what is it that educators are preparing American students to do in the 'global economy'? Clearly, if you understand the global economy and you understand the plans for the schools, you also understand that 'Education and Global Economy' is as much of a fraud as 'free trade'. It is a propaganda campaign to reassure parents that there is hope for their children's future even though there isn't. It is a way to cannabilize the schools because the plan is to replace them with technology - virtual schools. There is big money in the education system and that is about the only U.S. industry left to be looted.

I just hope that people wake up before it's too late. The children of today need more than anytime in our history to understand their history and their rightful legacy of a Constitutional government Of The People, By The People, and FOR The People because we are closer now to losing it than at anytime in our history.

"a power over a man's support is a power over his will" Alexander Hamilton, Federalist Papers No. 73

Vicky Davis

For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst and provide for it ~ Patrick Henry

[This message contained attachments]


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[911TruthAction] Digest Number 1146

There are 20 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1. Re: Port Deal - We Won ?
From: "hitech2_47460" <hitech2_47460@yahoo.com>
2. 2-Party Machine: Global Corporate Economics, Depopulation & Profit
From: "hitech2_47460" <hitech2_47460@yahoo.com>
3. RE: [911Austin] ACTION: Reply to Village Voice 9/11 article!
From: "Gregg Roberts" <groberts17@hotmail.com>
4. 9/11 Call to Action - TVNL update
From: "reggie501" <reggie501@optonline.net>
5. TVNL Radio- noon ET. - Is a Nuclear False Flag in the works????
From: "reggie501" <reggie501@optonline.net>
6. New Northwest Homeland Website
From: "Harold A. Covington" <h_covington5@yahoo.com>
7. ***Urgent Alert***Hello Juan, concerned parents, activists, citizens & patriots
From: Mofmars3@wmconnect.com
8. 9/11 TRUTH
From: Joe Stokes <joestokes@sbcglobal.net>
9. ***Groups Alert***Revised & Urgent Information Concerns All People Everywhere***
From: "Marsha" <Mofmars3@wmconnect.com>
10. Re: Re: Port Deal - We Won ?
From: Naveed <flanker12k@yahoo.com>
From: Cathy Garger <savorsuccesslady@yahoo.com>
From: Scott Legere <sledger911@yahoo.com>
13. Re: ***Groups Alert***Revised & Urgent Information Concerns All People Everywhere***
From: JKMarion@aol.com
14. Re: ***Groups Alert***Revised & Urgent Information Concerns All People Everywhere***
From: JKMarion@aol.com
15. Re: ***Groups Alert***Revised & Urgent Information Concerns All People Everywhere***
From: Naveed <flanker12k@yahoo.com>
16. Compelling evidence that 9/11 was an inside job
From: James Patton <james_patton@yahoo.com>
From: APFN <apfn@apfn.org>
18. Hey, Harold, Why Don't You Take Your Pass?
From: "L. Bradford Davis" <bdavis_27607@yahoo.com>
19. Hey, Harold, Why Don't You Take Your Pass
From: "L. Bradford Davis" <bdavis_27607@yahoo.com>
20. DO NOT POST NAZI WHITE-SUPREMACIST CRAP TO THIS LIST was: Hey, Harold, Why Don't You Take Your Pass
From: Mark S Bilk <mark@cosmicpenguin.com>


Message: 1
Date: Mon, 27 Feb 2006 14:27:35 -0000
From: "hitech2_47460" <hitech2_47460@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: Port Deal - We Won ?

DemonRats are NO DIFFERENT than Repugs in the higher up positions.
John Kerry is Skull and Bones, a WARMONGER, a ZIONIST just like Bush

NO DIFFERENCE! It is an ERROR to keep bouncing the people back and
forth between two CORRUPT parties!

When 'Poppy' Bush was in power running his CIA COCAINE all over the
place, Klinton was helpin him run it through Mena Arkansas and
snorting it, and Bush Jr. was LAUNDERING the money through Harken
Energy and snorting it.

Republicans or Democrats - It Doesn't Matter One Little Bit...they're
all in on Corporate/Government Globalism Game

If you want to see government and corporate globalism in action along
with the head of the United Nations (and others) then look at the
website for Clinton's Global Initiative. The Annual Report has photos
(some below) of Clinton and Bush laughing as well as photos of Bush,
Clinton and Kofi Annan of the United Nations

The Clinton Global Initiative

Annual Report
( Look for yourselves - George H. Bush & Clinton together laughing.)

Here's some photos...

--- In 911TruthAction@yahoogroups.com, "kitty285" <kitty285@...>
> Sounds like it :)
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: <ranger116@...>
> To: <911TruthAction@yahoogroups.com>
> Sent: Saturday, February 25, 2006 2:56 PM
> Subject: [911TruthAction] Port Deal - We Won ?
> Port Deal - We Won ?
> It was just the first small win of any kind we the people have had
in a
> long long time with believe it or not a little help from the news
> and the Republican Congress
> But remember if the Congress votes these Port Deals in that they all
> must be voted out Democrats and Republicans and replaced with new
> DEmocrats !!
> Bush Lied - People Died
> Bush Spied - Must Be Tried !
> A U.S. Congressman a couple years ago said, The Founding Fathers
> not put the 2nd Amendment in the Constitution to guarantee
Americans the
> Right to hunt for food, But the Right to hunt Elected Officials who
> to take our rights away.
> The Bush Administration
> They Hate Our FREEDOM !
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Looking for a Caribbean vacation getaway !
> See The "View" Here !
> Address:http://www.calabashviews.com/
> "All Laws Which Are Repugnant to The Constitution Are Null And
Void "
> Marbury Vs. Madison 5 US 137,174,176
> http://www.restoringamerica.org/documents/marburyVmadison_text.html
> `````````````````````````````````````
> Give us Liberty or Give us Death --------- - Bring it On ! Let's
Roll !
> `````````````````````````````````````
> "We Don't Give Up Our Rights ! --
> That's What Makes Us AMERICANS !"
> `````````````````````````````````````
> Hear The TRUTH for a Change !
> 87+ Air America Radio Stations Listed Here
> :http://www.airamericaradio.com/
> &
> Ed Schults at www.WeGotEd.com
> Jeff Rense at www.Rense.com
> &
> From the Hosts & Call in Listeners all over the USA,
> Listen to - The Power Hour with Joyce Riley & Dave VonKleist Times
> Freqs --> :http://www.thepowerhour.com/
> &
> Alex Jones on Short Wave at :http://www.infowars.com/
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Politically correct speech is just government censorship.
> Prejudicial speech is just free speech about what a lifetime of
> experiences has taught you. "tlb 2001"
> More on Politically Correct Speech
> :http://www.ifeminists.net/introduction/editorials/2003/0708.html
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> From The US Declaration of Independence
> :http://www.law.indiana.edu/uslawdocs/declaration.html
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> "That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted
> among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the
> -- That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these
> ends, It is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and
> institute new Government, Laying its foundation on such principles
> organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most
likely to
> effect their Safety and Happiness."
> "But when a long train of abuses and usurpations,
> pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them
> under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to
> off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future
> security."
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> The Government that Governs Least Governs Best !!
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> The Keyboard Is Mightier
> [::::::::::]
> Than The Sword
> ©1999 tlb
> c=={::::::::::::::::>
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Thomas Lee Buyea
> Florida News Service
> Miami, Fla. USA
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> \> (o> My Cockatiel Angel
> \\_//) I think She is an Alien
> \_/_)
> _I_ :http://www.aracnet.com/~mgb/pic/potd538.jpg
> <html><body bgcolor="white"text="black">and</body>
> SPONSORED LINKS United state bankruptcy court western district of
> United state life insurance Moving to the united state
> United state patent United state patent search United
states patent
> office
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> ----
> a.. Visit your group "911TruthAction" on the web.
> b.. To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:
> 911TruthAction-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com
> c.. Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> ----


Message: 2
Date: Mon, 27 Feb 2006 14:28:58 -0000
From: "hitech2_47460" <hitech2_47460@yahoo.com>
Subject: 2-Party Machine: Global Corporate Economics, Depopulation & Profit

Sent: Thursday, February 23, 2006 3:01 AM
Subject: 2-Party Machine: Global Corporate Economics, Depopulation &

> 2-Party Machine: Global Corporate Economics,
Depopulation &
> Profit
> Nancy Levant
> The United States government, like all governments, is a
> puppet.
> Its players, our "elected," are marionettes dancing to
> banking
> and lobbyist bribes in exchange for power and cash. This song and
> began in 1913 with the advent of the Federal Reserve System, also
known as
> fake money, enforced debt, and pretend ownership.
> In order that the American people fall for this political
> burlesque, we had to believe that our nation was a sovereign
nation, and
> that our dollar bills, our Federal Reserve notes, were real money –
that a
> $5.00 bill was actually worth $5.00. We also had to believe that it
> our
> option to enter into debt in order to "own" things like houses and
> Our
> politicians and economists knew better, but they didn't want to
tell us
> that
> our "economic system" was built to entrap labor, to feed
> corporate/financial
> aristocrats and profit, to control indebted nations, their
> and
> natural resources, AND, ultimately, who exists and does not.
> It's a complicated system, as one might expect, as
> bureaucracies were specifically invented to keep the masses out of
> loop.
> However, it is a system that must be understood by every American
who IS
> responsible for the people we pay to push and shove this system
> our
> nation. With that said, I am going to recommend a book and a
> which will help you to get up to speed on why your life styles are
> degrading, why you're not making any money, and why your taxes and
> interest
> rates keep climbing and climbing while your life styles keep getting
> chiseled down to smaller and smaller sizes. To understand the web of
> professional and aristocratic deceit, please read the following,
and you
> will be far wiser people:
> *The Coming Battle, by M. W. Walbert
> *Money Issue May be The Establishment's Achilles' Heel,
> Edwin
> Vieira
> Both of these outstanding sources of information.
> As with most American people, I am in the process of
> about my nation's truthful economic system for the first time – the
> that
> was never taught in school. I can tell you very honestly that I
> the
> task, and to this day find the material difficult to digest. Here's
> easy
> version: Our money that we take to the grocery store, that we mail
> mortgage bankers, credit card companies, and we pay to doctors,
> veterinarians, mills, and gas stations is "play" money – like
> money. It's not real. It is fake money. Therefore, whenever you buy
> things,
> you are actually not paying for them, which translates into the
fact that
> you actually don't own what you buy. It also translates into all-
> debt vs. ownership.
> Now, this fact operates on many, many levels. For
instance, you
> may feel that you "own" your house, free and clear, because you
paid your
> mortgage in full, but your house can, nonetheless, be taken from
you for
> failure to pay your property taxes or through Eminent Domain.
> reason
> why you never own your house free and clear is because the money
you paid
> to
> your mortgage lender was 1) not real money, and 2) that un-real
money was
> borrowed to begin with, and 3) was borrowed money before YOU
borrowed it
> to
> buy your house. All totaled - your fake money, your tax
obligations, and
> Eminent Domain - you don't "own" anything. For above reasons alone,
> anything
> you think you own can be taken from you at any time.
> The originating point of the borrowed money scam comes
from the
> international banking system in Europe. So, let me explain your
debt: You
> borrowed "borrowed" money from Europe, and this is the operating
> and procedure of the Federal Reserve System. International banking
> own America's debt. The Federal Reserve System is the middleman, who
> collects our interest payments, to repay International loans.
However, the
> "money" that we borrow to buy our houses and properties is not real
> That means that $5.00 is worth nothing – not even a penny – which
is why,
> in
> fact, you don't own anything – including your paid off houses.
> Now, when the international banking cabals get their
> payments from their international loans, they buy (and hoard) gold,
> silver,
> platinum, etc., and they buy land, natural resources, politicians,
> corporations. They then set up philanthropic organizations and
give "grant
> money" to those governments and organizations willing to forward
> political and economic agendas, and "non-profits/NGOs" take these
> grant-funded agendas into and throughout national governments. The
> international banking cabals are also members of the Trilateral
> Commission,
> the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderburg group, and other
> organizations, and I strongly suspect that at the very apex of
> groups
> are a very few people and "families."
> I'm no genius, and I'm a far better cook than social
> commentator, but it has become very clear to me that our belief in
> right
> to own property, and its link to "freedom," is 1) absolutely true
and 2)
> the
> biggest deception that the American people have been operating
under for
> AT
> LEAST the last 100 years. Go figure…
> Do you recall one president stating that "the goal" was
to have
> all American families own houses? And do you recall the drop in
> rates for about 5 years or so, as we all went out and bought houses
> property like bees to honey? And we all bought more than we could
> afford due to those low interest rates – vanity living largely, so
> speak?
> What do you suppose is going to happen when 1) the real
> bubble bursts, and the value of our mortgaged properties drop like
> birds in flight, and 2) our pretend money, which purchased
pretend "homes
> to
> own," becomes unusable – say in an "emergency," or a Martial Law
> where all banks and money can be "legally confiscated," as so
decreed by
> existing Executive Orders? What if our banks won't give us our
money or
> our
> gold? What if "the dollar" is no longer accepted as a primary
> since
> the world knows FAR BETTER THAN AMERICAN CITIZENS that "the dollar"
has no
> monetary value whatsoever, as it is ALL BORROWED MONEY from FOREIGN
> CREDITORS? What if we are forced to use a global currency?
> I suppose it then becomes a "global dilemma," and will
> "global intervention." Let's ask our "globally appointed," shall
we? Let's
> ask our World Bankers, our World Trade Organization, our United
> and
> our International Monetary Fund(ers). Let's ask Congress and our
> president.
> Or let's ask Bill or Hillary or Al Gore or David Rockefeller.
> In August 1980, Howard Odum stated in Fusion
Magazine: "The
> United States has a new and exciting leadership role in the world.
We will
> lead the world down. We will help the world down to a lower plateau
> energy use." Global planners and their think tank social circles
> "it
> is necessary that the United States cut its population by two-
> within
> the next fifty years." 2/3rds? Hmmm. Just how does one do that minus
> MONUMENTAL crisis? Does the media darling "pandemic" ring a bell?
> And then there is the "Global 2000 Report to the
President" and
> "Global Future: A Time to Act," -- political statements of intent
on the
> part of groups such as the CFR, the Trilateral Commission, Federal
> Reserve,
> and the IMF to pursue policies to result in the deaths of upwards
of 2
> billion by 2000. The Global 2000 formula, signed by Jimmy Carter and
> followed by his successors, remains the guiding economic,
legislative, and
> foreign policies of the U.S. And the goal of Global 2000?
Depopulation and
> enslavement by aristocrats and their self-made, one-world
government --
> where they, alone, govern all the people and resources on Earth.
> And then there is Iran… Gas and oil, folks. Gas and oil.
> Is it not humbling, America, when you have elected, time
> time again and in landslides, the partners and destroyers of
> human
> dignity, human potential, and the futures of your children and
> grandchildren? And please, don't be offended. I include myself in
> humbled pile. The only question left for all of us is this – are we
> to
> allow our "elected" representatives to continue to draw paychecks
> being relentlessly loyal to another system of government, and all
> while
> illegally dismantling ours?
> If you are a 2-Party loyalist, you had better take a
good, hard
> look at the condition of this nation and ask yourselves what
brought us to
> this point. If you're a conservative, and you're still blaming
> you're an idiot. If you're a liberal, and you're still blaming
> Republicans,
> you're an idiot. The 2 Parties are the same Party – "One" and the
same –
> the
> One World Party.
> For all those who want to know what to do, read and
study Devvy
> Kidd, Dr. Edwin Vieira, Dr. Dennis Cuddy, Deanna Spingola, and
> Wooldridge to begin with on NewsWithViews.com.
> Most importantly, attend the April 17th rally in
> D.C., of which details are listed below. Attendance at this rally is
> something that each and every one of you can commit to for your
nation and
> your children. This is an opportunity, as American people, to
> help
> to restore your country and Constitutional rights. Elected freaks
> been
> waggin' sleeping dogs – meaning us - for a very long time.
> It is a privilege and a duty to act, and remember that
all of
> this is our fault. Never forget that. To the Greatest Generation,
the Baby
> Boomers, and to Gen X, this happened on our watch and we voted them
> office. It's our duty and obligation to our children to fix our
> unconscionable mistakes. If freedom, sovereignty, and Constitution
go by
> the
> wayside, our 3 generations will go down in history as the ones who
> destroyed
> America in landslide turnouts. Truth hurts. Now, help to fix your
> The very least you can do is attend a one-day rally.
> Seniors and their groups need to organize group/state
> to
> D.C., and need to heavily advertise this rally. Any churches that
> to
> still believe in unalienable rights also need to organize rally
> amongst their own and their denominations.
> For God's sake, do something. Don't just sit and watch
> nation go down. Please forward this article to your churches and
> group leaders to get the ball rolling.
> Rally To Enforce the Laws and Legal Operation of this
> On April 17, 2006 at 1:00 pm EST, victims of legal
abuse, legal
> reformers, Constitutionalists, and freedom-minded people and
> organizations,
> who demand legal Constitutional governance, will:
> *Join together at the Rayburn Congressional Office
> the
> location of the House Judiciary Committee, to demand that the
> hold
> hearings on legal abuse in America.
> *Lawyers and activist organizations are needed to attend
> take action/organization plans home to their individual states.
> For information on how to get involved NOW, and to
> this rally in all 50 states, please contact The Patriot Caucus and
> Citizens Justice Institute.
> It's time to enforce the laws and legal operation of
this, OUR
> nation! Pass this information onto at least 5 people and/or
> and ask them to do the same.
> Promoted by The Patriot Caucus and the Citizens Justice
> Institute.
> _________
> © 2006 Nancy Levant - All Rights Reserved
> Nancy Levant is a life-long writer, a believer of God,
> Constitutional and individual rights. She resides in rural
> Ohio. She has worked professionally with children since 1974 and is
> ardent supporter of home schooling.
> Nancy Levant has done radio and television interviews,
has been
> a guest speaker in many venues including college campuses, schools,
> reservations, human service organizations, and has been the
president of a
> youth sports organization.
> Ms. Levant just completed 'The Collapse of Intuition', a
> non-fiction book about the decline of instinctual and intuitive
> in
> American women. Equally, she is a writer for freedom and land
> issues
> and opposes the United Nation's Agenda 21 implementation in America.
> E-Mail: nlevant@juno.com
> Copyright 2006 The Sierra Times
> Print Friendly Forward This Article Previous Page
> What Others Have Said So Far...
> .
> Your Feedback is Welcome Below
> Name (optional)
> Your E-mail address
> required if you want a reply
> Type Your Feedback Here
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> Previous Articles by Nancy Levant
> No Expectation for Truth
> 02.10.06
> North American Reservation
> 02.08.06
> Sounding the Alarm
> 02.02.06
> Preparing For Global Governance Crisis - - Take Heed (and a
> to
> the Libertarian and Constitution Parties)
> 01.25.06
> What's the Answer? Unite for America
> 01.19.06
> Click Here for the Complete Archives of Nancy Levant
> Latest News Posted
> as of 6:17 PST
> on Feb 22, 2006:
> Washington_DC: Bush Threatens Veto Against Bid To Stop Port
> Posted 22:48 - 02.21.06
> Washington_DC: US 'reclassifying' public files
> Posted 22:22 - 02.21.06
> Washington_DC: Senator eyes measure to curb surveillance
> Posted 5:10 - 02.21.06
> Texas: Texans, Mexicans worlds apart on immigration
> Posted 4:50 - 02.21.06
> Arizona: Man charged with 10 arsons sent to mental hospital
> Posted 4:33 - 02.21.06
> 2-Party Machine: Global Corporate Economics, Depopulation &
> Posted 3:39 - 02.22.06
> Tradition of Shutting Down the Opposition: Legacy of the
> (and Democrats)
> Posted 2:25 - 02.22.06
> The Happiness Police
> Posted 2:12 - 02.22.06
> Psych Drugs -- Doctors Serve As Middle-Man Pushers
> Posted 1:29 - 02.22.06
> How to Kill America
> Posted 1:58 - 02.21.06
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Message: 3
Date: Mon, 27 Feb 2006 14:39:19 +0000
From: "Gregg Roberts" <groberts17@hotmail.com>
Subject: RE: [911Austin] ACTION: Reply to Village Voice 9/11 article!


I fully support Alan's call and will write something to the Voice this week.

Without taking anything from what Alan wrote, let me say two things.

1. Jim Hoffman wrote a devastating response to the PM hit piece:


It scores very high on Google on a search for _popular mechanics 9/11_,
right below the original piece. Serendipity also responded and scores high.

2. It's not our fault if people fail to research things before they crow
victory, or if they pretend not to have seen our highly visible responses. I
don't think there's any way to MAKE Inside Job Deniers stop denying --
especially those who are the most prominent, because they have the backing
of the mainstream media.

Gregg Roberts
Associate Editor
911Research, 91Review.com, wtc7.net

> http://villagevoice.com/news/0608,murphy,72254,6.html
> Please read this article & let's ALL write to the Village Voice. Let
>them know how rock-solid the case for inside-job really is...

On the road to retirement? Check out MSN Life Events for advice on how to
get there! http://lifeevents.msn.com/category.aspx?cid=Retirement


Message: 4
Date: Mon, 27 Feb 2006 15:18:35 -0000
From: "reggie501" <reggie501@optonline.net>
Subject: 9/11 Call to Action - TVNL update

9/11 News : http://www.tvnewslies.org/news/#911

· 9/11 Call to Action - Please Help Me - Please, don't let this farce
continue. The people in charge of our nation were involved in the
attacks of that day. This is clear. I have no doubts of this based on
the amount of evidence that has surfaced. This false reality that we
live in must come to an end. I ask you to help me to wake up our
sleeping nation!

· MI5 rebels expose Tube bomb cover-up - They believe ministers have
withheld information from the public about what the security services
knew about the suspects before the bombing of July 7 and the abortive
attacks of July 21.
TVNL Comment: More drill patsies?

· Question 9-11- A Call to Action Event - The official 9-11 story is
falling apart, activists spoke on how to raise consciousness and to
imagine a post 9-11 truth world where resources would be directed away
from the military towards real needs.

· Judicial Watch sues DoD for Videos of Attack on Pentagon - Judicial
Watch filed a lawsuit against the Department of Defense for
withholding a video(s) that allegedly shows United Flight 77 striking
the Pentagon on September 11, 2001. The Pentagon claims it cannot
release the video because it is "part of an ongoing investigation
involving Zacarias Moussaoui," but this is a specious argument.
Moussaoui already pled guilty in April 2005 for conspiring with al
Qaida to fly planes into U.S. buildings.

· World Trade Center Building 7 demands tenacious public scrutiny - Of
all the cover-up techniques employed by those intending to perpetrate
and perpetuate a fraud upon others, distraction is the weapon of
choice and most effective tool when attempting to keep secrets, secret.


Message: 5
Date: Mon, 27 Feb 2006 15:40:06 -0000
From: "reggie501" <reggie501@optonline.net>
Subject: TVNL Radio- noon ET. - Is a Nuclear False Flag in the works????

TVNL LIVE airs on Monks Media Mon.and Tues. at noon-2 ET

Join Jesse in a discussion of the possibility of an off shore nuclear
False Flag attack on the US!


Message: 6
Date: Mon, 27 Feb 2006 10:02:50 -0800 (PST)
From: "Harold A. Covington" <h_covington5@yahoo.com>
Subject: New Northwest Homeland Website

Okay, youse guys, because Thoughtcrime is supposed to be my general commentary and all-purpose raving blog, I am transferring the Northwest Constitutional commentary to my other blog at


where it will begin taking up most of that one, thus freeing up TC here for my more arcane babbles.
This is a paragraph of text that could go in the sidebar.

For the best discussion group on Yahoo, join:

For the best White blog on the internet go to:

Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around

[This message contained attachments]


Message: 7
Date: Mon, 27 Feb 2006 16:40:26 EST
From: Mofmars3@wmconnect.com
Subject: ***Urgent Alert***Hello Juan, concerned parents, activists, citizens & patriots

Added note at very last minute for those of you up to date on behind the
scenes matters

"Victor Thorn" from Wing TV is no longer on this VIP list...He has chose to
ignore the matter at hand by blocking these alerts

One can only conclude they made the choice to continue their work trying to
divide our patriots

How sad
If you are a new reader but an old acquaintance to Marsha McClelland from the
"We The People United Groups" or the "We The People United Movement," please
see the added & continuously updated information at the end of this post...

This message contains urgent matter concerning all people no matter what
issues or beliefs you hold

It may seem at times the material in some messages doesn't involve you...But
please look carefully because there's always information, those who are able
to read between the lines can pick up on & use
***Group Alert***Hello Juan, concerned parents, activists, citizens &

I wanted to let you know, Juan, that Crystal from your group sent a request
to me for the special email addys to the media, I offer to send activists

I won't send them to one I don't recognize as a sincere activist...and
certainly, I won't send them to foe working against our causes & activism...I didn't
even answer her

I know those few at your, otherwise, super group, are up to no good and
behind the scenes they are probably plotting

They should not even be reading this at this moment due to them not being one
this message is addressed to, as they obviously have no interest in our
planet's or people's well being

Since these types are very nosy, only out to cause conflict & trouble, I'm
sure they are reading this...I have a message for all those in denial who may
be bush lovers or worse

As well a message to those of "US" that do battle with the likes of them, on
daily basis

Someone from a group sent a complaint to my server and got me shut down

Only certain groups received the subject title...(I always change them as I
go along) so I could narrow the groups down some by searching the day my server

It was the Press Release pertaining to the past "President's Day March" in NY
& Message to those brave enough to attend it

My server tried to label it a chain letter & I notified them that not only
was it not but that I'd love to prove that in court...Along with letting them
know it could not be misconstrued as spam, either, as spam has to be for
commercial profit, period

I didn't know I was using aol because I had left them a long time ago due to
all the negativity concerning them & unknowingly picked wmconnect which is a
branch of aol & merged with walmart

I didn't know how bad walmart was for our nation when I made that poor
choice, either

Anyway, it's been a constant battle with having to undue all that's been
trying to put me out of business, lately

Maybe more than one person worked on me this time, I don't know?

When aol pulled this latest tactic on me, we were all blessed when I
unexpectedly jumped at them in defense of our rights, in the aggressive and
threatening way I did

Because it worked.........

The lady even said at one point, quote..."Okay, I'm taking all the blocks off
you, right now"

I hadn't been able to send email to any groups and that was why

This is not my normal character so I know it was not me behind speaking
coherently & angrily as I did...

I can't even write coherently, most of the time & I surely can speak no better

The words were all out & I had to catch up with them before I knew what I had

I screamed (((((((Law Suit))))))) so remember that when and if it happens to
you...Get a hold of me too because we can use the same attorney...Mines a
friend & works free for good causes

In case they make the mistake of shutting me down again, I'll be using this

Normally & thank goodness, Yahoo won't answer bogus complaints unless they
are real and coming from an owner...Our servers are different, though

Don't know for sure if it was any of these guys at your group, Juan, because
there are several new groups added which are pro bush and 911 groups who still
believe the lies and official story, it could have been

Those few at your group are relentless and it's a shame they can't go about
their business and just use the delete button as it was designed for

I rarely even send to the Terri Shiavo Activist Groups because I do try to
respect each for what they are about

These bad activists working against the good ones, very much have a problem
and I don't think they're so innocent, as in, they just lack facts to the state
of our being

They have been given too much information to still be in the dark...So this
might be intentional repeated attacks with ulterior motives on the part of one
or all?

Or they don't care for what ever reasons they harbor...That means they could
very much, purposely or not, be a danger to our American youth who may buy
into the deceptions & illusions

Otherwise, those just ignorant due to lack of facts, need to step aside and
let the rest of us work

We can recognize the bad guys & disrupters because they will be the ones who
don't give up

Those who just don't see the need for uniting & connection but are good
hearted people, will allow those who are willing to receive the information, to do
so, without complaint...

Because...We all must remember this>>>

First They Came for the Jews

First they came for the Jews
and I did not speak out
because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for the Communists
and I did not speak out
because I was not a Communist.
Then they came for the trade unionists
and I did not speak out
because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for me
and there was no one left
to speak out for me.

Pastor Martin Niemöller

Those of us on the correct and moral side need to stop acknowledging those in
opposition to us in our forums, whether they be known disrupters or whatever
by deleting them and not addressing them

If we make all negative entities invisible they will eventually stop and/or
go away...Leaving us to get to business

I promised my server who is a branch of aol that next time I get shut down
and/or blocks are put on me, I will follow suit with a law suit for them
violating my freedom of speech

I suggest any of you who are bullied by your servers get tough with them and
don't take this lying down...(This is a message to you Sandy, (OneFlyAngel),
especially...Thanks for the note)

It is in violation of our rights and if we scream bloody murder we will get
and keep the upper hand

I also told them I would not be so nice, as in not pushing it, if there is a
next time and will demand the right to defend myself against the perpetrator
who launched the complaint against me...They will have to tell me, you know?

If you are a bad guy or gal & have assets...I will be glad to claim them in
the name & for "We The People" by including you in the law suit?

They will have to disclose the trouble maker/s to me because it's my right to
know...I will retaliate due to my mission being of grave importance>>>Our
children's future & survival being the stakes

Please know there are many awake & aware now and even the corrupt courts
won't be able to help their own anymore, as in the corrupt past

People are still dying and this is no time for selfish and ignorant people to
interfere with those of us who see the big picture and are trying to remedy
the deplorable state of our being

You're a good man, Juan...and thank "God" & goodness you allow truth in your

And thank all the many others like you...

Marsha...PS...Please encourage your members, friends and family to stand up
against what they are trying to do to compromise our use of the
internet...Action alerts will be coming your way so whether or not you use aol, you must take
action because the new policy's will soon effect you, too

Note to those new to this list of 754 and growing daily

If you are receiving this mailing it is because you are considered to be a
VIP...That's "Very Important Patriot and/or Person"

Most of you on this list have been on it for a very long time...You know I'm
a human and civil rights activist, working to help unite organizations,
projects, groups & individuals with important causes & issues for strength in
numbers & the loud voice needed

You probably know I'm against organized religion but sincerely spiritual and
part of the work I do includes bringing together the spiritual & secular
people from all walks of life to help benefit mankind

Not to belittle true Christians, at all>>>

I always say, I would expect to meet up with a good hearted atheist in the
hereafter before I would a hard hearted person who believes they are Christian

One message I bring is we can put our differences aside enough to work
together for the good of our children, the planet & all of mankind

I cannot keep up with scanning the digests of over 500 yahoo & egroups I
network with...I have to delete my email continually so if you want me to see
something important pertaining to a productive and positive nature please put>>>
***SOS***in the subject box and send to me personally...mofmars3@wmconnect.com

If you feel you are on this list by mistake, please opt out by sending a
request to be unsubscribed with SOS in the subject box so I will be sure to see it

If you would like to insure receiving behind the scenes information in the
future, you need also send a request to be added unless you were on this list
prior to the Wing TV & Alex Jones Alerts...Again, please put SOS in the subject

Please contact me with your group link if you are an owner of a productive
group or website and would like it added to ours

Our website is under construction & belongs to "We The People" from
everywhere...This includes you

Please know we are already many sister groups who have united beginning in
2003...As you will soon see when we load the pages

Our missions are many and we are very much on the move with "Truth" in many
arenas of importance

Website>>> <A HREF="http://www.wethepeopleunited.com/">Click here: Home Page</A>

"We The People United Movement"
We are many Political and Patriot Groups joining together, to help right the
wrongs in America..."United We Will Stand"

<A HREF="http://groups.yahoo.com/group/WETHEPEOPLE_UNITED/">WETHEPEOPLE_UNITED</A>

Please answer the Patriot Calls as they come for the future and sake of all
the children on this planet

Keep the corrupt hopping and make it more difficult for them by giving
strength to the numbers of as many good and productive patriot groups possible, that
come your way

If the corrupt are successful with stopping cyberactivism...This could be a
good thing

Hit the streets and join the many concerned citizens and patriots already
working in the trenches

Local churches is where you'll find many of your fellow activists with truth

Even church leaders are speaking out and scrapping their gag orders which are
the 501c3 tax exempt agreements that has kept them silent for many years

<A HREF="http://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory?id=1635696&CMP=OTC-RSSFeeds0312">http://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory?id=1635696&CMP=OTC-RSSFeeds0312</A>

"One for All and All for One" no matter what issue you stand for...This is
the only way we will defeat the enemy who is our same enemy>>>corruption in the
form of tyranny

Join your fellow Patriots and Unite for Action:

<A HREF="http://groups.yahoo.com/group/TheRevolutionaryCoalition/">TheRevolutionaryCoalition</A>

<A HREF="http://groups.yahoo.com/group/WeThePeopleCoalition/">WeThePeopleCoalition</A>

<A HREF="http://groups.yahoo.com/group/911TruthAction/">Click here: 911TruthAction</A>

<A HREF="http://groups.yahoo.com/group/OffLinePetitionVolunteers/">OffLinePetitionVolunteers</A>

If you are one who would like to help & don't know about "The Patriot &
Truth Movement" ...Actually, there are many movements happening simotanious all
over the nation & they are all about "Truth"

Please Join "US">>><A HREF="http://groups.yahoo.com/group/WETHEPEOPLE_UNITED/message/51306">Click here: WETHEPEOPLE_UNITED : Message: ***Group
Alert***Letter writen to special list concerning Wing TV & Alex Jones</A>

[This message contained attachments]


Message: 8
Date: Mon, 27 Feb 2006 14:40:11 -0800 (PST)
From: Joe Stokes <joestokes@sbcglobal.net>
Subject: 9/11 TRUTH

Flyby News
Editor - Jonathan Mark

The 9/11 attacks were created for justification of
U.S. covert plans
to grab influence over oil politics in the Middle East
and as an excuse
to take away the rest of Americans' liberties through
a manufactured
threat-scenario called, "The War On Terror."

Jack Duggan
Published by Pravda (2/16/06)

1) 9/11 Truth--Will Americans Be the Last to Know?
- - Village Voice - The ABC's of 9-11:
- - The Secret History Of Mohamed Atta
- - Porter Goss's Op-Ed: by Sibel Edmonds
- - Garofolo: 9/11 Was An Inside Job
- - 911Truth Grassroots Connections

"If you are not part of the solution,
you are part of the problem."

Eldridge Cleaver

Editor's Notes:

FN has updated its Campaigns for Reclaiming a lost USA
Please note
that there is never a shortage of campaigns, but now
we need
initiatives to
build a momentum regarding the truth behind what has
been used to
stealing US freedom. Not only has this treacherous
deceit destroyed
of lives on September 11, 2001, but it has practically
destroyed the US
Constitution, and has causing untold suffering in
Iraq, Afghanistan,
destabilizing peace and harmony around the world. The
suffering is too
to become immersed in a thousand campaigns that wont
The Reopen911.org group has provided FN with an
excellent film to shed
on 9/11. After receiving a free DVD: "Confronting the
Evidence: A Call
Reopen the 911 Investigation," FN has received 15 more
DVDs, ($1 per
DVD). We
plan to order more when funds allow, and will
circulate at libraries,
community access television stations, etc.. Please
consider joining
such a
campaign, so by next September 11 (at the 5th year
anniversary), we can
successfully reopen investigations and place the
criminals behind bars
they belong. Item 2 gives more reasons for this
effort. There is not a
to lose. Item 3, too, is at the boiling point of
disgrace and nuclear
treachery. This government is anything but good.
Please take actions -
not later - with strategic united actions we can make
a difference.

"The care of human life and happiness, and not their
is the first and only object of good government."

Thomas Jefferson


1) 9/11 Truth--Will Americans Be the Last to Know?

- - Village Voice - The ABC's of 9-11:
- - The Secret History Of Mohamed Atta
- - Porter Goss's Op-Ed: by Sibel Edmonds
- - Garofolo: 9/11 Was An Inside Job
- - 911Truth Grassroots Connections

Pravda Prints 9/11 Truth--Will Americans Be the Last
to Know?

"During the Cold War, Pravda ("truth") was an ironic
name. Today, the
corporate media is as ruthlessly controlled as the
Soviet media ever
a rare exception, see next item--and, irony of
ironies, Pravda is
telling US
the truth about the 9/11 hoax that engineered American
Stalinism: "

There is no war on terrorism
by Jack Duggan
Published by Pravda
February 16, 2006


All the stories we see in the TV news, print and
Internet media today
are like
mice in a small room occupied by a grizzly bear. We
can see the bear,
hear him
panting and growling as he attempts to stomp on us,
but everyone
pretends he's
just not there, even though he's eating all the food
and we mice are

The bear is the U.S. government and media cover up of
the 9/11 attacks.
never came close to proving that foreign "terrorists"
were involved. Of
four missing planes' passenger manifests, not one
Middle Easterner was
on any
of them. A jihadist who is bravely going to his death
for the sake of
beliefs in Allah and Islam is a martyr and wants the
whole world to
know it.
Martyr's families receive reverential praise and
support in their
for decades. Yet not one of the "terrorists" the
American government
were on the aircraft used their real names or were
listed on the
lists. At least seven of the nineteen 'hijackers' are
still alive.

The 9/11 attacks were created for justification of
U.S. covert plans to
influence over oil politics in the Middle East and as
an excuse to take
the rest of Americans' liberties through a
manufactured threat-scenario
called, "The War On Terror."

What good are all the thousands of articles about
politics, global
education, scandals, religion, economics and how we
must always go out
vote so that we can "make a difference"? If our votes
really did make a
difference, they'd be illegal.

Who cares about such articles when the cover up of
what really happened
9/11 is hands-off, an untouchable leper? What good are
they when in the
of a phony "terrorist attack," our way of life no
longer exists except
at the
pleasure of corporate-driven federal socialists? We
are being starved
of our
liberties by a ursus horribulus that stomps every
mouse who dares get
in his
way or mention that he's there.

I see a lot of authors write all around the grizzly
bear, almost
the truth, but none seem to have the conviction to
call for an open
door to
run the bear out of the house. Our Founding Fathers
would have made a

I will tell you here and tell you now with no
equivocation: THE 9/11

There were dozens and dozens of reports by rescue
workers on the ground
at the
WTC complex that heard explosions over an hour after
the planes crashed
the towers. They felt explosions under their feet that
were so powerful
seismographs registered them at 2.1 and 2.3 on the
Richter scale. Only
explosions could have caused them.

The weekend before the 9/11 WTC demolition, all power
was shut down to
"computer cables." No one was allowed inside and all
security cameras
alarms had no power for 30 hours. Computer cables
don't connect with
electricity, so the need to turn off and close both
towers to do so is
indicative of another motive, like planting charges
without alarms and
surveillance. Marvin Bush, brother to President George
and Jeb, was a
principal in Securacom, which was in charge of
security for the World
Center. Didn't hear that on the TV news, did you?

Suckers who still buy into the monumental lie that
aircraft crashes
caused the
collapse of both WTC Towers, cannot explain how a
steel beam weighing
twice as
much as a Boeing 767 flew from one WTC building over
390 feet to bury
very deeply into the neighboring American Express

Even harder to explain is why WTC Building 7, a block
away, collapsed
of fire," when it received no damage from the Twin
Towers' collapse. No
skyscraper in the world ever collapsed because of a
fire of any type,
including that from a B25 bomber crashing into the
Empire State
decades ago.

Of all the air crashes in the USA over the past three
decades, how many
crashes resulted in not recovering their black boxes,
voices (CVR's) and aircraft telemetries (FDR's) before
and during
impact? Yet
not one usable black box was ever recovered from any
of the four planes
reputedly were hijacked on 9/11. Not one.

Flight 93 that contained the "Let's roll!" myth, where
four passengers
supposedly tried to overpower the hijackers, did not
crash into one
small area
like it should have. It's debris was spread over 8
miles, indicating
that it
was shot down by a military fighter jet, exploding in
the sky and
raining down
debris over eight miles, "like confetti."

The WTC was the biggest crime, mass murder,
'hijackings' and air
crashes in US
history. Yet all the forensic evidence was immediately
removed, buried
shipped to smelters so that not one investigator from
any agency could
it. Who has that kind of power?

President Bush and all his staff swore to God to
support and defend the
Constitution of the United States of America , then
apparently went on
violate their oaths of office by completely ignoring
the Constitution.
maintains that he can ignore the U.S. Constitution and
tap into private
computers, phone lines, medical records and any other
private citizens'
whenever he wants, by his self-declared doctrine of
Executive." He
claims that as Commander-In-Chief the president is the
sole judge of
the law,
is unbound by the Geneva Conventions against torture
and possesses
authority to subordinate the entire government to his
rule - including
Congress and the courts.

Bush also originated "Extraordinary Rendition." This
program, also
condoned by
Vice President Dick Cheney, involves the clandestine
transfer of
terrorists to countries ruled by regimes that torture
and commit other
of cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment. Dr. William
F. Schulz,
director of Amnesty International USA, referring to a
set of CIA flight
obtained by his organization, said the logs were
"...irrefutable proof
the United States is 'disappearing' people into secret
facilities where
are held incommunicado without charge, trial, or
access to the outside

The American Reichstag Fire of the 9/11 "terrorist
attacks" was created
that the American public would back the invasions of
Afghanistan, Iraq,
and Iran in the name of "The War On Terror," while
stripping away the
of the same American public. The results have been the
same as in Nazi
Germany, suspensions of freedom of speech, freedom of
assembly and
ownership of property. Citizens are forbidden to own
the same weapons
their "servants," their police and military, carry to
themselves. There
is literally more freedom in most Third-World
countries than now in the
which has ten times the per-capita prison population
than the People's
Republic of China.

Alexis de Tocqueville wisely observed, "I know of no
country in which
there is
so little independence of mind and real freedom of
discussion as in

When are citizens going to demand that the cover up of
9/11 be kicked
out the
door along with the people who invented it? When will
the truth be
told, that
THERE IS NO WAR ON TERROR, but only on oil and on
citizens' rights?

The bear is there, but where are the mice with the
courage to force him
the door?

Jack Duggan
© 1999-2006. «PRAVDA.Ru».
For the complete article, links-resources, see:

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
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- - Village Voice - The ABC's of 9-11
What Really Happened:
A Beginner's Guide to the 'Truth' Movement

The Seekers-
Published by The Village Voice
February 21st, 2006 11:48 AM
by Jarrett Murphy

Essentially, it's all about physics and common sense.
Cut steel, and
fall. Crash a plane, and the Earth gets scarred. Fire
a missile; see a
What's up must come down, cause makes effect, and for
the truth to set
free, it must be freed itself.

It's dark in the basement of St. Mark's Church and
dark outside on a
mid-December Sunday night, but inside they have seen
the light. Among
the 100
or so people in the room, many wear buttons that read
"9/11 Was An
Job." Others grip the vital texts in their hands -
'Crossing the
Rubicon", The
New Pearl Harbor, or 9/11 Synthetic Terror. Most in
the largely (but
exclusively) white and male crowd can quote you the
important passages
"Rebuilding America's Defenses" or The 9/11 Commission
Report. A few
can guide
you through the details of concepts like "peak oil"
and pyroclastic
flow. All
of them suspect and a few simply know that their
government was somehow
complicit in the attacks that killed nearly 3,000
Americans four

They are watching the new edition of Loose Change, a
slick, witty
featuring a hip soundtrack and a rapid-fire assault on
nearly every
aspect of
the "official" story of 9-11. The work of 22-year-old
filmmaker Dylan
Loose Change came out last year to take its place in a
growing library
of DVDs
that 9-11 skeptics can own: Painful Deceptions,
Confronting the
Evidence, 911
in Plane Site, 9-11 Eyewitness. Shown in similar
gatherings around the
and passed among likeminded friends, the films are
what tie together
disparate ends of what many of its members call the
"9-11 Truth
They unite Luke Rudkowski, an earnest Brooklyn College
freshman, with
Ray Griffin, a California theologian who wrote The New
Pearl Harbor.
They link
Les Jamieson, a web designer and coordinator for New
York 9-11 Truth,
multimillionaire Jimmy Walter, dreamer of car-free,
And they bind a FDNY lieutenant attending his first
Truth movement
with Michael Ruppert, the Crossing the Rubicon author
who blames a
CIA-and-Mafia-linked drug running and arms dealing for
helping to drive
out of the LAPD two decades ago.

It's easy to dismiss the odd characters. It's harder
to ignore the
guys in the room, or the polls showing that 49 percent
of New York City
residents believe the government knew about 9-11
before it happened, or
rock-solid certainty of these supposed doubters. "I'd
love to be proven
I would love for someone to come to me and say I'm
full of shit. It
happened," says Avery. "I have scientists on my side.
There's so much
supporting my side, and the government's side has

Article Truncated, for the complete article, see:

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

- - The Secret History Of Mohamed Atta

U.S. Didn't Need Able Danger To Locate Terrorist
FEB 21 2006 - Venice, FL.
by Daniel Hopsicker
A MadCowMorningNews World Exclusive!
From: www.madcowprod.com/02212006.html

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

- - Porter Goss's Op-Ed: by Sibel Edmonds
(a.k.a. whistleblower) t r u t h o u t | Perspective
12 February 2006

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

- - Garofolo: 9/11 Was An Inside Job

On February 23, 2006 at 7:39 pm EST, XM SAT radio
channel 167, Air
Radio, The Majority Report, co-host Janeane Garofalo
said, "9/11 was an
job! I have come to this conclusion about that."

Garofolo was also quoted as saying, "I think all Air
America phone-in
should open by saying, "9/11 was an inside job. We can
all agree on
then get on with their specific question or comment.
We should
the listening audience to accept the Truth about 9/11
as the gospel.
Repetition, to inspire research...."

Reported 2/25/06 at: www.total911.info/
Source: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/911TruthAction

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

- - 911Truth Grassroots Connections

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

New 9/11 resource from Ken Jenkins -

I would like you to know about the new 9/11 card I
have produced. You
can see
it at: http://www.peaceproject.com/dollars/CR4.htm

Note that it comes in two sizes. If you like the card,

let me know. It forms the centerpiece of a "9/11
activist kit"
which will include a new button: "Ask me about 9/11"
and the David Ray Griffin DVD of his talk in DC from
last Sept.


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Recommended video by David Ray Griffin

Here's new video, which probably provides the best
case yet of this
type for
the controlled demolition of the WTC. It's about
30 minutes.



Message: 9
Date: Mon, 27 Feb 2006 23:33:53 -0000
From: "Marsha" <Mofmars3@wmconnect.com>
Subject: ***Groups Alert***Revised & Urgent Information Concerns All People Everywhere***

***Groups Alert***Revised & Urgent Information Concerns All People
Everywhere***All issues

This is a little long but your life & your children's may depend on
your reading it through

Please see the important & revised press release & message posted at
the end here for those of you who may have missed it

This is a last minute note added to this news letter for those of you
up to date on behind the scenes matters

This is concerning Wing TV & The Alex Jones Show's failed

Enclosed, there is added information about the New Super Third Party
you must learn about which can & will save "US" all from fates worse
than death

Please forward and encourage others to get on this list & join our
movement of movements & mission within missions...Please

"Victor Thorn" from Wing TV is no longer on this VIP list...He has
chose to ignore the matter at hand by blocking these important &
sometimes urgent alerts

One can only conclude, both Lisa Guliani & Victor Thorn from Wing TV
have made the choice to thwart the work of true patriots, continuing
their work in their obvious dividing of the patriots

How sad
If you are a new reader but an old acquaintance to Marsha McClelland
from the "We The People United Groups" or the "We The People United
Movement," please see the added & continuously updated information
after this important message...
This communication contains urgent matter concerning all people no
matter what issues or beliefs you hold

It may seem at times the material in some message doesn't involve
you...But please look carefully because there's always information,
those who are able to read between the lines, can pick up on & use
***Group Alert***Hello Juan, concerned parents, activists, citizens
& patriots

I wanted to let you know, Juan, that Crystal from your group sent a
request to me for the special email addys to the media, I offer to
send activists

I won't send them to one I don't recognize as a sincere
activist...and certainly, I won't send them to foe working against
our causes & activism...I didn't even answer her

I know those few at your, otherwise, super group, are up to no good
and behind the scenes they are probably plotting

They should not even be reading this at this moment due to them not
being one this message is addressed to, as they obviously have no
interest in our planet's or people's well being

Since these types are very nosy, only out to cause conflict &
trouble, I'm sure they are reading this...I have a message for all
those in denial who may be bush lovers or worse

As well a message to those of "US" that do battle with the likes of
them, on daily basis

Someone from a group sent a complaint to my server and got me shut

Only certain groups received the subject title...(I always change
them as I go along) so I could narrow the groups down some by
searching the day my server specified

It was the Press Release pertaining to the past "President's Day
March" in NY & Message to those brave enough to attend it

(For those who haven't seen this press release & message it will be
posted at the end here)

My server tried to label it a chain letter & I notified them that not
only was it not but that I'd love to prove that in court...Along with
letting them know it could not be misconstrued as spam, either, as
spam has to be for commercial profit, period

I didn't know I was using aol because I had left them a long time ago
due to all the negativity concerning them & unknowingly picked
wmconnect which is a branch of aol & merged with walmart

I didn't know how bad walmart was for our nation when I made that
poor choice, either

Anyway, it's been a constant battle with having to undue all that's
been trying to put me out of business, lately

Maybe more than one person worked on me this time, I don't know?

When aol pulled this latest tactic on me, we were all blessed when I
unexpectedly jumped at them in defense of our rights, in the
aggressive and threatening way I did

Because it worked.........

The lady even said at one point, quote..."Okay, I'm taking all the
blocks off you, right now"

I hadn't been able to send email to any groups and that was why

This is not my normal character so I know it was not me behind
speaking coherently & angrily as I did...

I can't even write coherently, most of the time & I surely can speak
no better

The words were all out & I had to catch up with them before I knew
what I had said

I screamed (((((((Law Suit))))))) so remember that when and if it
happens to you...Get a hold of me too because we can use the same
attorney...Mines a friend & works free for good causes

In case they make the mistake of shutting me down again, I'll be
using this account>>>mofmars3@sbcglobal.net

Normally & thank goodness, Yahoo won't answer bogus complaints unless
they are real and coming from an owner...Our servers are different,

Don't know for sure if it was any of these guys at your group, Juan,
because there are several new groups added which are pro bush and 911
groups who still believe the lies and official story, it could have

Those few at your group are relentless and it's a shame they can't go
about their business and just use the delete button as it was
designed for

I rarely even send to the Terri Shiavo Activist Groups because I do
try to respect each for what they are about

These bad activists working against the good ones, very much have a
problem and I don't think they're so innocent, as in, they just lack
facts to the state of our being

They have been given too much information to still be in the
dark...So this might be intentional repeated attacks with ulterior
motives on the part of one or all?

Or they don't care for what ever reasons they harbor...That means
they could very much, purposely or not, be a danger to our American
youth who may buy into the deceptions & illusions

Otherwise, those just ignorant due to lack of facts, need to step
aside and let the rest of us work

We can recognize the bad guys & disrupters because they will be the
ones who don't give up

Those who just don't see the need for uniting & connection but are
good hearted people, will allow those who are willing to receive the
information, to do so, without complaint...

Because...We all must remember this>>>

First They Came for the Jews

First they came for the Jews
and I did not speak out
because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for the Communists
and I did not speak out
because I was not a Communist.
Then they came for the trade unionists
and I did not speak out
because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for me
and there was no one left
to speak out for me.

Pastor Martin Niemöller

Those of us on the correct and moral side need to stop acknowledging
those in opposition to us in our forums, whether they be known
disrupters or whatever by deleting them and not addressing them

If we make all negative entities invisible they will eventually stop
and/or go away...Leaving us to get to business

I promised my server who is a branch of aol that next time I get shut
down and/or blocks are put on me, I will follow suit with a law suit
for them violating my freedom of speech

I suggest any of you who are bullied by your servers get tough with
them and don't take this lying down...(This is a message to you
Sandy, (OneFlyAngel), especially...Thanks for the note)

It is in violation of our rights and if we scream bloody murder we
will get and keep the upper hand

I also told them I would not be so nice, as in not pushing it, if
there is a next time and will demand the right to defend myself
against the perpetrator who launched the complaint against me...They
will have to tell me, you know?

If you are a bad guy or gal & have assets...I will be glad to claim
them in the name & for "We The People" by including you in the law

They will have to disclose the trouble maker/s to me because it's my
right to know...I will retaliate due to my mission being of grave
importance>>>Our children's future & survival being the stakes

Please know there are many awake & aware now and even the corrupt
courts won't be able to help their own anymore, as in the corrupt past

People are still dying and this is no time for selfish and ignorant
people to interfere with those of us who see the big picture and are
trying to remedy the deplorable state of our being

You're a good man, Juan...and thank "God" & goodness you allow truth
in your forum

And thank all the many others like you...

Marsha...PS...Please encourage your members, friends and family to
stand up against what they are trying to do to compromise our use of
the internet...Action alerts will be coming your way so whether or
not you use aol, you must take action because the new policy's will
soon effect you, too

Note to those new to this list of 754 and growing daily

If you are receiving this mailing in your personal email box it is
because you are considered to be a VIP...That's "Very Important
Patriot and/or Person"

Most of you have been on my list for a very long time so you know I'm
a human and civil rights activist, working to help unite
organizations, projects, groups & individuals with important causes &
issues for strength in numbers & the loud voice needed

You probably know I'm against organized religion but sincerely
spiritual and part of the work I do includes bringing together the
spiritual & secular people from all walks of life to help benefit

Not to belittle true Christians, at all>>>

I always say, I would expect to meet up with a good hearted atheist
in the hereafter before I would a hard hearted person who believes
they are Christian

One message I bring is we can all put our differences aside enough to
work together for the good of our children, the planet & all of

I cannot keep up with scanning the digests of over 500 yahoo &
egroups I network with...I have to delete my email continually so if
you want me to see something important pertaining to a productive and
positive nature please put>>>***SOS***in the subject box and send to
me personally...mofmars3@wmconnect.com

If you feel you are on this list by mistake, please opt out by
sending a request to be unsubscribed with SOS in the subject box so I
will be sure to see it

If you would like to insure receiving this news letter with behind
the scenes information in the future & be considered as a permeant
part of the "Patriot Network" you need send a request to be added,
unless you were on this list prior to the Wing TV & Alex Jones
Alerts...Again, please put SOS in the subject box

No disrupters of any kind need apply...We know who you are and how to
learn your back ground...If need be

Please contact me with your group link if you are an owner of a
productive group or website and would like it added to ours

Our website is under construction & belongs to "We The People" from
everywhere...This includes you

Please know we are already many sister groups who have united
beginning in 2003...As you will soon see when we load the pages

Our missions are many and we are very much on the move with "Truth"
in many arenas of importance

Website>>> Click here: Home Page

"We The People United Movement"
We are many Political and Patriot Groups joining together, to help
right the wrongs in America..."United We Will Stand"


Please answer the Patriot Calls as they come for the future and sake
of all the children on this planet

Keep the corrupt hopping and make it more difficult for them by
giving strength to the numbers of as many good and productive patriot
groups possible, that come your way

If the corrupt are successful with stopping cyberactivism...This
could be a good thing

Hit the streets and join the many concerned citizens and patriots
already working in the trenches

Local churches is where you'll find many of your fellow activists
with truth

Even church leaders are speaking out and scrapping their gag orders
which are the 501c3 tax exempt agreements that has kept them silent
for many years


"One for All and All for One" no matter what issue you stand
for...This is the only way we will defeat the enemy who is our same
enemy>>>corruption in the form of tyranny

Join your fellow Patriots and Unite for Action:



Click here: 911TruthAction


If you are one who would like to help & don't know about "The
Patriot & Truth Movement" ...Actually, there are many movements
happening simotanious all over the nation & they are all about "Truth"

Please Join "US">>>Click here: WETHEPEOPLE_UNITED : Message: ***Group
Alert***Letter writen to special list concerning Wing TV & Alex Jones

To Greg Nixon and everyone who stood & marched with him at The
President's Day March in New York

Thank you so very much...I know I can say this on behalf of all our
people everywhere

I must say I was very worried about everyone, especially Greg, as The
President's Day March was done in his name...

I could get my own adrenaline running just imagining the mixed
emotions and how they all must have felt, as what they were doing
became reality

Not to mention the danger, that could have been, they all placed
themselves in for the rest of "US"

In hearing Lisa Guliani's report from Wingtv.net and reading Cathy's
from 911Truth Action, I was very encouraged...

But when reading what Greg wrote I have come to some conclusions

Oh...and reading pieces here and there such as info at 911 Inside
Jobbers & 911 Truth Action groups, too

I believe Greg, and some others aren't seeing the real picture here

"Mission Accomplished" and not a lie like pResident's bush's was,

It was a small turnout, yes...But the message was "Gigantic" and
don't think you didn't open a door and accomplish a super urgent
giant step to what's next

It happened as it was supposed to and that was just the beginning

Do you think they are laughing at that March because it was
small?...I don't think so

Some may have thought it nothing but those with insight are worried...

Especially those you guys targeted as well as all the other guilty
and their accomplices

The fear in their heart was real for them when they heard your angry
and sincere voices...

Believe it...

That was just a taste of what's to come and they know that

Now, please read the press release at the end here...It started going
out the day after that "Wonderful President's Day March"

Pretend you are one of the guilty while reading it and read every word

Know that every single news organization received this...Doubly,
because it hit all media, going directly to their personal email
boxes, only reporters and journalists use

Up till now, I haven't networked through newspapers for some years
but they remember me, I'm sure

I was waiting for a good cause and laying a little low because last
time I went all out, my computer was killed

So all media received the first press release announcing the March...
(doubly for major media here in the US) and abroad...We're working on
Canadian media next as we have many friends with their own groups and
lists we are associated with

We have good Jewish friends in the state of Israel, too, who are on
our side in truth, believe it or not...No media connections here,
though...Anyone have any?

This press release went to talk shows, comedians, many but not all
elected officials but every major newspaper around the
nation...including all newspapers in New York City

I sent to every big name Patriot, as well as those not so well known
on my list and I believe I have them all...Most anyway

I have many lists...I hit them all

Many radio show hosts received it too (I lost my original list and
only have, maybe, 20, now...(big guess and may be stretching it)

Then through the large network of over 500 Yahoo Groups I belong to,
it went...including some but not all of the massive number of
organizations I'm signed up or affiliated with...

I must belong to all organizations with differing issues such as
human & civil rights, antiwar, corrupt courts, prison issues, tax
issues, big business, big pharma, alternative energy, veterans,
spiritual etc etc etc...

Including all third party groups and organizations I have been
collecting...This in preparation for the seriously needed New Super
Third Party, made up of all third parties everywhere & those coming
out of the corrupt & broken democrat & republican parties...

The New Super Third Party, Press Release will soon be coming & there
is a surprise tactic that should make unification a piece of cake
causing a snow ball effect

Should be perfect timing before they can even think about recovering
from the attack of "911 Truth"

Except for one thing that has me a little worried and we must see
never happens>>>Click here: Hammer of Truth » Congress Attempting to
Outlaw Independent and Third Party Competition


Back to the matter at hand concerning The president's Day March...

Just as Wing TV, we didn't know in time to be of much help this
time...But next time...Look out evil empire and all cohorts

As time & events pass we become heard clearer & clearer

This new press release has been sent to all of the above and I'm
still working on all the minor newspapers and many groups

We will be motivating & activating other activists and groups to join
in this email blitz...I encourage you to copy this press release and
send it to kingdom come

I even corresponded personally with a couple reporters I know from my
past, from our main newspaper here in Ohio>>>The Akron Beacon
Journal...I know Jewell Cardwell and Bob Dyer

Jewell used to write human interest stories for me for the
organization I worked for and Bob published many editorials for me

I will be replying with the press release to all, including any
organizations who contact me between now and Patriot Jim Kujawa's,
May 4th March at Kent State in Ohio, concerning 911 Truth

Watch for the press release pertaining to Patriot Jim's May event...

Please know the appreciated and brave actions you Patriots, who are
now Heroes, took, was as the new press release states>>>Just the test
run and eye opener

Again, thank you so much for what you guys did for "US" and I know
I'm speaking for all of our people

Much going on & to come to your attention besides what everyone is
doing in the 911 "Truth Movement"

Many Patriots & Heroes are on the move so stand by for much action


Press Release

Open Letter to Media and everyone behind the 911 Atrocity & Tragedy

"We The People" have an important message for the guilty and all
conspirators behind the demolition of The Twin Towers and the 911
cover up.

We want you to know that the President's Day March was just a test
run and an eye opener for many people.

We don't want you to get comfortable and mistake that was it and all
is over. Not by a long shot.

The big event scheduled very soon at Kent State University, in Ohio,
will be the one the guilty should fear.

Not to mention all the events that will happen in synchronization all
over this once great and soon to be again, nation.

We want you to know there's still time for some of you in media to
come over to the correct and moral side in this unjust and evil war.

All you have to do is start reporting the truth.

The whole truth and nothing but the truth, will do.

How long can you pretend the barrage of lies we are all continually
up against does not exist?

We, the majority, refuse to live in a state of lies and perpetual
war, any longer. All the many wrongs in America need righted, right

Down with the corrupt administration.

This has to be...

Please help "US" and do it now as we are weary and very tired of
waiting for you.

We are desperate now and we mean business. Never will we give up our

Thank you to those of you in media who are on our side and please
don't give up.

You who witnessed the high level of emotions, the anger and
desperation at that March, have seen nothing yet.

Realize our people are aware, alert and angry.

You do not want to be on the wrong side if and when the full wrath of
our people needs to manifest. Our numbers are many.

We have our backs covered and "The Calvary" has arrived, too.

It is bad news for the evil empire.

We want to tell those of you who may not know, something of major

We want to tell you of the many allies who have joined our "Truth
Movement" recently.

Finally, church leaders are speaking out with truth, scrapping their
gag orders. They are scraping the 501c3 tax exempt agreements, that
have kept them silent for many years.

We are happy to report this is true and want to provide a few links
here to prove this as fact.




Then there are our other allies.

The military and police enforcement in many localities all over the
USA, are informed, alert and angry, too.

After all they have their own families to think about.

Understand and make no mistake. Our men in uniform, for the most
part, stand with "We The People" and not the corrupt administration.

They have been educated by the best and fact is, they know what's up.

If you don't know Highly Decorated & Retired Police Officer Jack

You will.

Click here: Operation Vampire Killer The Lawful Path

Several years ago Jack had help from other retired police and
firemen. They created this well known and lawful path.

It's The Police Against the New World Order.

Jack is founder of the American Citizen and Lawmen's Association and
publisher of the Aid & Abet Police and Military Newsletter.

The whole basis of this long time project and program is:

If and when it all comes down as our corrupt administration keeps
opting for...

"We The People," those in military and law enforcement want to be
sure everyone knows which way to point the guns.

Marsha McClelland
Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio

"We The People United Movement"
We are many Political and Patriot Groups joining together, to help
right the wrongs in America..."United We Will Stand"



Message: 10
Date: Mon, 27 Feb 2006 15:35:27 -0800 (PST)
From: Naveed <flanker12k@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: Re: Port Deal - We Won ?


NO 2 PARTY system, same damn criminal syndicate destroying america!

hitech2_47460 <hitech2_47460@yahoo.com> wrote:
DemonRats are NO DIFFERENT than Repugs in the higher up positions.
John Kerry is Skull and Bones, a WARMONGER, a ZIONIST just like Bush

NO DIFFERENCE! It is an ERROR to keep bouncing the people back and
forth between two CORRUPT parties!

When 'Poppy' Bush was in power running his CIA COCAINE all over the
place, Klinton was helpin him run it through Mena Arkansas and
snorting it, and Bush Jr. was LAUNDERING the money through Harken
Energy and snorting it.

Republicans or Democrats - It Doesn't Matter One Little Bit...they're
all in on Corporate/Government Globalism Game

If you want to see government and corporate globalism in action along
with the head of the United Nations (and others) then look at the
website for Clinton's Global Initiative. The Annual Report has photos
(some below) of Clinton and Bush laughing as well as photos of Bush,
Clinton and Kofi Annan of the United Nations

The Clinton Global Initiative

Annual Report
( Look for yourselves - George H. Bush & Clinton together laughing.)

Here's some photos...

--- In 911TruthAction@yahoogroups.com, "kitty285" <kitty285@...>
> Sounds like it :)
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: <ranger116@...>
> To: <911TruthAction@yahoogroups.com>
> Sent: Saturday, February 25, 2006 2:56 PM
> Subject: [911TruthAction] Port Deal - We Won ?
> Port Deal - We Won ?
> It was just the first small win of any kind we the people have had
in a
> long long time with believe it or not a little help from the news
> and the Republican Congress
> But remember if the Congress votes these Port Deals in that they all
> must be voted out Democrats and Republicans and replaced with new
> DEmocrats !!
> Bush Lied - People Died
> Bush Spied - Must Be Tried !
> A U.S. Congressman a couple years ago said, The Founding Fathers
> not put the 2nd Amendment in the Constitution to guarantee
Americans the
> Right to hunt for food, But the Right to hunt Elected Officials who
> to take our rights away.
> The Bush Administration
> They Hate Our FREEDOM !
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Looking for a Caribbean vacation getaway !
> See The "View" Here !
> Address:http://www.calabashviews.com/
> "All Laws Which Are Repugnant to The Constitution Are Null And
Void "
> Marbury Vs. Madison 5 US 137,174,176
> http://www.restoringamerica.org/documents/marburyVmadison_text.html
> `````````````````````````````````````
> Give us Liberty or Give us Death --------- - Bring it On ! Let's
Roll !
> `````````````````````````````````````
> "We Don't Give Up Our Rights ! --
> That's What Makes Us AMERICANS !"
> `````````````````````````````````````
> Hear The TRUTH for a Change !
> 87+ Air America Radio Stations Listed Here
> :http://www.airamericaradio.com/
> &
> Ed Schults at www.WeGotEd.com
> Jeff Rense at www.Rense.com
> &
> From the Hosts & Call in Listeners all over the USA,
> Listen to - The Power Hour with Joyce Riley & Dave VonKleist Times
> Freqs --> :http://www.thepowerhour.com/
> &
> Alex Jones on Short Wave at :http://www.infowars.com/
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Politically correct speech is just government censorship.
> Prejudicial speech is just free speech about what a lifetime of
> experiences has taught you. "tlb 2001"
> More on Politically Correct Speech
> :http://www.ifeminists.net/introduction/editorials/2003/0708.html
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> From The US Declaration of Independence
> :http://www.law.indiana.edu/uslawdocs/declaration.html
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> "That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted
> among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the
> -- That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these
> ends, It is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and
> institute new Government, Laying its foundation on such principles
> organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most
likely to
> effect their Safety and Happiness."
> "But when a long train of abuses and usurpations,
> pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them
> under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to
> off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future
> security."
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> The Government that Governs Least Governs Best !!
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> The Keyboard Is Mightier
> [::::::::::]
> Than The Sword
> ©1999 tlb
> c=={::::::::::::::::>
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Thomas Lee Buyea
> Florida News Service
> Miami, Fla. USA
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> \> (o> My Cockatiel Angel
> \\_//) I think She is an Alien
> \_/_)
> _I_ :http://www.aracnet.com/~mgb/pic/potd538.jpg
> <html><body bgcolor="white"text="black">and</body>
> SPONSORED LINKS United state bankruptcy court western district of
> United state life insurance Moving to the united state
> United state patent United state patent search United
states patent
> office
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> ----
> a.. Visit your group "911TruthAction" on the web.
> b.. To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:
> 911TruthAction-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com
> c.. Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> ----

United state bankruptcy court western district of texas United state life insurance Moving to the united state United state patent United state patent search United states patent office


Visit your group "911TruthAction" on the web.

To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:

Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.


In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot.
- Notebook, 1904

Yahoo! Mail
Use Photomail to share photos without annoying attachments.

[This message contained attachments]


Message: 11
Date: Mon, 27 Feb 2006 16:49:18 -0800 (PST)
From: Cathy Garger <savorsuccesslady@yahoo.com>

In a word, this is UNbelievable. A MUST-Watch, the whole 5 minutes of it. INCREDIBLE, I promise!

Cathy Garger

Bob Nichols <> wrote:


A world of truth in a few minutes. Tonight on C-SPAN.


Relax. Yahoo! Mail virus scanning helps detect nasty viruses!

[This message contained attachments]


Message: 12
Date: Mon, 27 Feb 2006 18:22:42 -0800 (PST)
From: Scott Legere <sledger911@yahoo.com>

The world is waking up. I for one am very proud of Mr Belafonte. Isn't great how the truth just sounds different.

Peace in our time


Cathy Garger <savorsuccesslady@yahoo.com> wrote:
In a word, this is UNbelievable. A MUST-Watch, the whole 5 minutes of it. INCREDIBLE, I promise!

Cathy Garger

Bob Nichols <> wrote:


A world of truth in a few minutes. Tonight on C-SPAN.


Relax. Yahoo! Mail virus scanning helps detect nasty viruses!

United state bankruptcy court western district of texas United state life insurance Moving to the united state United state patent United state patent search United states patent office


Visit your group "911TruthAction" on the web.

To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:

Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.


Brings words and photos together (easily) with
PhotoMail - it's free and works with Yahoo! Mail.

[This message contained attachments]


Message: 13
Date: Mon, 27 Feb 2006 21:31:31 -0500
From: JKMarion@aol.com
Subject: Re: ***Groups Alert***Revised & Urgent Information Concerns All People Everywhere***

Let me clear up something. I am coming to Kent State on May 4th to protest against the official story of 9/11. AND I am coming with Victor and Lisa of Wing TV- very good friends of mine- this is NOT a formal event- if people want to join us that will be great. There is a surreal connection with the Kent State murders and 9/11- examples of US-state sponsored terrorism- and that's why we are going- into Ohio. Group alerts- what is all this shit? who the hell cares! Green parties Blue parties- this shit will not save us now. WE HAVE TO CRACK MAINSTREAM AMERICA- IMPACT.

-----Original Message-----
From: Marsha <Mofmars3@wmconnect.com>
To: 911TruthAction@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Mon, 27 Feb 2006 23:33:53 -0000
Subject: [911TruthAction] ***Groups Alert***Revised & Urgent Information Concerns All People Everywhere***

***Groups Alert***Revised & Urgent Information Concerns All People
Everywhere***All issues

This is a little long but your life & your children's may depend on
your reading it through

Please see the important & revised press release & message posted at
the end here for those of you who may have missed it

This is a last minute note added to this news letter for those of you
up to date on behind the scenes matters

This is concerning Wing TV & The Alex Jones Show's failed

Enclosed, there is added information about the New Super Third Party
you must learn about which can & will save "US" all from fates worse
than death

Please forward and encourage others to get on this list & join our
movement of movements & mission within missions...Please

"Victor Thorn" from Wing TV is no longer on this VIP list...He has
chose to ignore the matter at hand by blocking these important &
sometimes urgent alerts

One can only conclude, both Lisa Guliani & Victor Thorn from Wing TV
have made the choice to thwart the work of true patriots, continuing
their work in their obvious dividing of the patriots

How sad
If you are a new reader but an old acquaintance to Marsha McClelland
from the "We The People United Groups" or the "We The People United
Movement," please see the added & continuously updated information
after this important message...
This communication contains urgent matter concerning all people no
matter what issues or beliefs you hold

It may seem at times the material in some message doesn't involve
you...But please look carefully because there's always information,
those who are able to read between the lines, can pick up on & use
***Group Alert***Hello Juan, concerned parents, activists, citizens
& patriots

I wanted to let you know, Juan, that Crystal from your group sent a
request to me for the special email addys to the media, I offer to
send activists

I won't send them to one I don't recognize as a sincere
activist...and certainly, I won't send them to foe working against
our causes & activism...I didn't even answer her

I know those few at your, otherwise, super group, are up to no good
and behind the scenes they are probably plotting

They should not even be reading this at this moment due to them not
being one this message is addressed to, as they obviously have no
interest in our planet's or people's well being

Since these types are very nosy, only out to cause conflict &
trouble, I'm sure they are reading this...I have a message for all
those in denial who may be bush lovers or worse

As well a message to those of "US" that do battle with the likes of
them, on daily basis

Someone from a group sent a complaint to my server and got me shut

Only certain groups received the subject title...(I always change
them as I go along) so I could narrow the groups down some by
searching the day my server specified

It was the Press Release pertaining to the past "President's Day
March" in NY & Message to those brave enough to attend it

(For those who haven't seen this press release & message it will be
posted at the end here)

My server tried to label it a chain letter & I notified them that not
only was it not but that I'd love to prove that in court...Along with
letting them know it could not be misconstrued as spam, either, as
spam has to be for commercial profit, period

I didn't know I was using aol because I had left them a long time ago
due to all the negativity concerning them & unknowingly picked
wmconnect which is a branch of aol & merged with walmart

I didn't know how bad walmart was for our nation when I made that
poor choice, either

Anyway, it's been a constant battle with having to undue all that's
been trying to put me out of business, lately

Maybe more than one person worked on me this time, I don't know?

When aol pulled this latest tactic on me, we were all blessed when I
unexpectedly jumped at them in defense of our rights, in the
aggressive and threatening way I did

Because it worked.........

The lady even said at one point, quote..."Okay, I'm taking all the
blocks off you, right now"

I hadn't been able to send email to any groups and that was why

This is not my normal character so I know it was not me behind
speaking coherently & angrily as I did...

I can't even write coherently, most of the time & I surely can speak
no better

The words were all out & I had to catch up with them before I knew
what I had said

I screamed (((((((Law Suit))))))) so remember that when and if it
happens to you...Get a hold of me too because we can use the same
attorney...Mines a friend & works free for good causes

In case they make the mistake of shutting me down again, I'll be
using this account>>>mofmars3@sbcglobal.net

Normally & thank goodness, Yahoo won't answer bogus complaints unless
they are real and coming from an owner...Our servers are different,

Don't know for sure if it was any of these guys at your group, Juan,
because there are several new groups added which are pro bush and 911
groups who still believe the lies and official story, it could have

Those few at your group are relentless and it's a shame they can't go
about their business and just use the delete button as it was
designed for

I rarely even send to the Terri Shiavo Activist Groups because I do
try to respect each for what they are about

These bad activists working against the good ones, very much have a
problem and I don't think they're so innocent, as in, they just lack
facts to the state of our being

They have been given too much information to still be in the
dark...So this might be intentional repeated attacks with ulterior
motives on the part of one or all?

Or they don't care for what ever reasons they harbor...That means
they could very much, purposely or not, be a danger to our American
youth who may buy into the deceptions & illusions

Otherwise, those just ignorant due to lack of facts, need to step
aside and let the rest of us work

We can recognize the bad guys & disrupters because they will be the
ones who don't give up

Those who just don't see the need for uniting & connection but are
good hearted people, will allow those who are willing to receive the
information, to do so, without complaint...

Because...We all must remember this>>>

First They Came for the Jews

First they came for the Jews
and I did not speak out
because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for the Communists
and I did not speak out
because I was not a Communist.
Then they came for the trade unionists
and I did not speak out
because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for me
and there was no one left
to speak out for me.

Pastor Martin Niemöller

Those of us on the correct and moral side need to stop acknowledging
those in opposition to us in our forums, whether they be known
disrupters or whatever by deleting them and not addressing them

If we make all negative entities invisible they will eventually stop
and/or go away...Leaving us to get to business

I promised my server who is a branch of aol that next time I get shut
down and/or blocks are put on me, I will follow suit with a law suit
for them violating my freedom of speech

I suggest any of you who are bullied by your servers get tough with
them and don't take this lying down...(This is a message to you
Sandy, (OneFlyAngel), especially...Thanks for the note)

It is in violation of our rights and if we scream bloody murder we
will get and keep the upper hand

I also told them I would not be so nice, as in not pushing it, if
there is a next time and will demand the right to defend myself
against the perpetrator who launched the complaint against me...They
will have to tell me, you know?

If you are a bad guy or gal & have assets...I will be glad to claim
them in the name & for "We The People" by including you in the law

They will have to disclose the trouble maker/s to me because it's my
right to know...I will retaliate due to my mission being of grave
importance>>>Our children's future & survival being the stakes

Please know there are many awake & aware now and even the corrupt
courts won't be able to help their own anymore, as in the corrupt past

People are still dying and this is no time for selfish and ignorant
people to interfere with those of us who see the big picture and are
trying to remedy the deplorable state of our being

You're a good man, Juan...and thank "God" & goodness you allow truth
in your forum

And thank all the many others like you...

Marsha...PS...Please encourage your members, friends and family to
stand up against what they are trying to do to compromise our use of
the internet...Action alerts will be coming your way so whether or
not you use aol, you must take action because the new policy's will
soon effect you, too

Note to those new to this list of 754 and growing daily

If you are receiving this mailing in your personal email box it is
because you are considered to be a VIP...That's "Very Important
Patriot and/or Person"

Most of you have been on my list for a very long time so you know I'm
a human and civil rights activist, working to help unite
organizations, projects, groups & individuals with important causes &
issues for strength in numbers & the loud voice needed

You probably know I'm against organized religion but sincerely
spiritual and part of the work I do includes bringing together the
spiritual & secular people from all walks of life to help benefit

Not to belittle true Christians, at all>>>

I always say, I would expect to meet up with a good hearted atheist
in the hereafter before I would a hard hearted person who believes
they are Christian

One message I bring is we can all put our differences aside enough to
work together for the good of our children, the planet & all of

I cannot keep up with scanning the digests of over 500 yahoo &
egroups I network with...I have to delete my email continually so if
you want me to see something important pertaining to a productive and
positive nature please put>>>***SOS***in the subject box and send to
me personally...mofmars3@wmconnect.com

If you feel you are on this list by mistake, please opt out by
sending a request to be unsubscribed with SOS in the subject box so I
will be sure to see it

If you would like to insure receiving this news letter with behind
the scenes information in the future & be considered as a permeant
part of the "Patriot Network" you need send a request to be added,
unless you were on this list prior to the Wing TV & Alex Jones
Alerts...Again, please put SOS in the subject box

No disrupters of any kind need apply...We know who you are and how to
learn your back ground...If need be

Please contact me with your group link if you are an owner of a
productive group or website and would like it added to ours

Our website is under construction & belongs to "We The People" from
everywhere...This includes you

Please know we are already many sister groups who have united
beginning in 2003...As you will soon see when we load the pages

Our missions are many and we are very much on the move with "Truth"
in many arenas of importance

Website>>> Click here: Home Page

"We The People United Movement"
We are many Political and Patriot Groups joining together, to help
right the wrongs in America..."United We Will Stand"


Please answer the Patriot Calls as they come for the future and sake
of all the children on this planet

Keep the corrupt hopping and make it more difficult for them by
giving strength to the numbers of as many good and productive patriot
groups possible, that come your way

If the corrupt are successful with stopping cyberactivism...This
could be a good thing

Hit the streets and join the many concerned citizens and patriots
already working in the trenches

Local churches is where you'll find many of your fellow activists
with truth

Even church leaders are speaking out and scrapping their gag orders
which are the 501c3 tax exempt agreements that has kept them silent
for many years


"One for All and All for One" no matter what issue you stand
for...This is the only way we will defeat the enemy who is our same
enemy>>>corruption in the form of tyranny

Join your fellow Patriots and Unite for Action:



Click here: 911TruthAction


If you are one who would like to help & don't know about "The
Patriot & Truth Movement" ...Actually, there are many movements
happening simotanious all over the nation & they are all about "Truth"

Please Join "US">>>Click here: WETHEPEOPLE_UNITED : Message: ***Group
Alert***Letter writen to special list concerning Wing TV & Alex Jones

To Greg Nixon and everyone who stood & marched with him at The
President's Day March in New York

Thank you so very much...I know I can say this on behalf of all our
people everywhere

I must say I was very worried about everyone, especially Greg, as The
President's Day March was done in his name...

I could get my own adrenaline running just imagining the mixed
emotions and how they all must have felt, as what they were doing
became reality

Not to mention the danger, that could have been, they all placed
themselves in for the rest of "US"

In hearing Lisa Guliani's report from Wingtv.net and reading Cathy's
from 911Truth Action, I was very encouraged...

But when reading what Greg wrote I have come to some conclusions

Oh...and reading pieces here and there such as info at 911 Inside
Jobbers & 911 Truth Action groups, too

I believe Greg, and some others aren't seeing the real picture here

"Mission Accomplished" and not a lie like pResident's bush's was,

It was a small turnout, yes...But the message was "Gigantic" and
don't think you didn't open a door and accomplish a super urgent
giant step to what's next

It happened as it was supposed to and that was just the beginning

Do you think they are laughing at that March because it was
small?...I don't think so

Some may have thought it nothing but those with insight are worried...

Especially those you guys targeted as well as all the other guilty
and their accomplices

The fear in their heart was real for them when they heard your angry
and sincere voices...

Believe it...

That was just a taste of what's to come and they know that

Now, please read the press release at the end here...It started going
out the day after that "Wonderful President's Day March"

Pretend you are one of the guilty while reading it and read every word

Know that every single news organization received this...Doubly,
because it hit all media, going directly to their personal email
boxes, only reporters and journalists use

Up till now, I haven't networked through newspapers for some years
but they remember me, I'm sure

I was waiting for a good cause and laying a little low because last
time I went all out, my computer was killed

So all media received the first press release announcing the March...
(doubly for major media here in the US) and abroad...We're working on
Canadian media next as we have many friends with their own groups and
lists we are associated with

We have good Jewish friends in the state of Israel, too, who are on
our side in truth, believe it or not...No media connections here,
though...Anyone have any?

This press release went to talk shows, comedians, many but not all
elected officials but every major newspaper around the
nation...including all newspapers in New York City

I sent to every big name Patriot, as well as those not so well known
on my list and I believe I have them all...Most anyway

I have many lists...I hit them all

Many radio show hosts received it too (I lost my original list and
only have, maybe, 20, now...(big guess and may be stretching it)

Then through the large network of over 500 Yahoo Groups I belong to,
it went...including some but not all of the massive number of
organizations I'm signed up or affiliated with...

I must belong to all organizations with differing issues such as
human & civil rights, antiwar, corrupt courts, prison issues, tax
issues, big business, big pharma, alternative energy, veterans,
spiritual etc etc etc...

Including all third party groups and organizations I have been
collecting...This in preparation for the seriously needed New Super
Third Party, made up of all third parties everywhere & those coming
out of the corrupt & broken democrat & republican parties...

The New Super Third Party, Press Release will soon be coming & there
is a surprise tactic that should make unification a piece of cake
causing a snow ball effect

Should be perfect timing before they can even think about recovering
from the attack of "911 Truth"

Except for one thing that has me a little worried and we must see
never happens>>>Click here: Hammer of Truth » Congress Attempting to
Outlaw Independent and Third Party Competition


Back to the matter at hand concerning The president's Day March...

Just as Wing TV, we didn't know in time to be of much help this
time...But next time...Look out evil empire and all cohorts

As time & events pass we become heard clearer & clearer

This new press release has been sent to all of the above and I'm
still working on all the minor newspapers and many groups

We will be motivating & activating other activists and groups to join
in this email blitz...I encourage you to copy this press release and
send it to kingdom come

I even corresponded personally with a couple reporters I know from my
past, from our main newspaper here in Ohio>>>The Akron Beacon
Journal...I know Jewell Cardwell and Bob Dyer

Jewell used to write human interest stories for me for the
organization I worked for and Bob published many editorials for me

I will be replying with the press release to all, including any
organizations who contact me between now and Patriot Jim Kujawa's,
May 4th March at Kent State in Ohio, concerning 911 Truth

Watch for the press release pertaining to Patriot Jim's May event...

Please know the appreciated and brave actions you Patriots, who are
now Heroes, took, was as the new press release states>>>Just the test
run and eye opener

Again, thank you so much for what you guys did for "US" and I know
I'm speaking for all of our people

Much going on & to come to your attention besides what everyone is
doing in the 911 "Truth Movement"

Many Patriots & Heroes are on the move so stand by for much action


Press Release

Open Letter to Media and everyone behind the 911 Atrocity & Tragedy

"We The People" have an important message for the guilty and all
conspirators behind the demolition of The Twin Towers and the 911
cover up.

We want you to know that the President's Day March was just a test
run and an eye opener for many people.

We don't want you to get comfortable and mistake that was it and all
is over. Not by a long shot.

The big event scheduled very soon at Kent State University, in Ohio,
will be the one the guilty should fear.

Not to mention all the events that will happen in synchronization all
over this once great and soon to be again, nation.

We want you to know there's still time for some of you in media to
come over to the correct and moral side in this unjust and evil war.

All you have to do is start reporting the truth.

The whole truth and nothing but the truth, will do.

How long can you pretend the barrage of lies we are all continually
up against does not exist?

We, the majority, refuse to live in a state of lies and perpetual
war, any longer. All the many wrongs in America need righted, right

Down with the corrupt administration.

This has to be...

Please help "US" and do it now as we are weary and very tired of
waiting for you.

We are desperate now and we mean business. Never will we give up our

Thank you to those of you in media who are on our side and please
don't give up.

You who witnessed the high level of emotions, the anger and
desperation at that March, have seen nothing yet.

Realize our people are aware, alert and angry.

You do not want to be on the wrong side if and when the full wrath of
our people needs to manifest. Our numbers are many.

We have our backs covered and "The Calvary" has arrived, too.

It is bad news for the evil empire.

We want to tell those of you who may not know, something of major

We want to tell you of the many allies who have joined our "Truth
Movement" recently.

Finally, church leaders are speaking out with truth, scrapping their
gag orders. They are scraping the 501c3 tax exempt agreements, that
have kept them silent for many years.

We are happy to report this is true and want to provide a few links
here to prove this as fact.




Then there are our other allies.

The military and police enforcement in many localities all over the
USA, are informed, alert and angry, too.

After all they have their own families to think about.

Understand and make no mistake. Our men in uniform, for the most
part, stand with "We The People" and not the corrupt administration.

They have been educated by the best and fact is, they know what's up.

If you don't know Highly Decorated & Retired Police Officer Jack

You will.

Click here: Operation Vampire Killer The Lawful Path

Several years ago Jack had help from other retired police and
firemen. They created this well known and lawful path.

It's The Police Against the New World Order.

Jack is founder of the American Citizen and Lawmen's Association and
publisher of the Aid & Abet Police and Military Newsletter.

The whole basis of this long time project and program is:

If and when it all comes down as our corrupt administration keeps
opting for...

"We The People," those in military and law enforcement want to be
sure everyone knows which way to point the guns.

Marsha McClelland
Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio

"We The People United Movement"
We are many Political and Patriot Groups joining together, to help
right the wrongs in America..."United We Will Stand"


Yahoo! Groups Links

[This message contained attachments]


Message: 14
Date: Mon, 27 Feb 2006 21:33:18 -0500
From: JKMarion@aol.com
Subject: Re: ***Groups Alert***Revised & Urgent Information Concerns All People Everywhere***

Patriot Jim

-----Original Message-----
From: Marsha <Mofmars3@wmconnect.com>
To: 911TruthAction@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Mon, 27 Feb 2006 23:33:53 -0000
Subject: [911TruthAction] ***Groups Alert***Revised & Urgent Information Concerns All People Everywhere***

***Groups Alert***Revised & Urgent Information Concerns All People
Everywhere***All issues

This is a little long but your life & your children's may depend on
your reading it through

Please see the important & revised press release & message posted at
the end here for those of you who may have missed it

This is a last minute note added to this news letter for those of you
up to date on behind the scenes matters

This is concerning Wing TV & The Alex Jones Show's failed

Enclosed, there is added information about the New Super Third Party
you must learn about which can & will save "US" all from fates worse
than death

Please forward and encourage others to get on this list & join our
movement of movements & mission within missions...Please

"Victor Thorn" from Wing TV is no longer on this VIP list...He has
chose to ignore the matter at hand by blocking these important &
sometimes urgent alerts

One can only conclude, both Lisa Guliani & Victor Thorn from Wing TV
have made the choice to thwart the work of true patriots, continuing
their work in their obvious dividing of the patriots

How sad
If you are a new reader but an old acquaintance to Marsha McClelland
from the "We The People United Groups" or the "We The People United
Movement," please see the added & continuously updated information
after this important message...
This communication contains urgent matter concerning all people no
matter what issues or beliefs you hold

It may seem at times the material in some message doesn't involve
you...But please look carefully because there's always information,
those who are able to read between the lines, can pick up on & use
***Group Alert***Hello Juan, concerned parents, activists, citizens
& patriots

I wanted to let you know, Juan, that Crystal from your group sent a
request to me for the special email addys to the media, I offer to
send activists

I won't send them to one I don't recognize as a sincere
activist...and certainly, I won't send them to foe working against
our causes & activism...I didn't even answer her

I know those few at your, otherwise, super group, are up to no good
and behind the scenes they are probably plotting

They should not even be reading this at this moment due to them not
being one this message is addressed to, as they obviously have no
interest in our planet's or people's well being

Since these types are very nosy, only out to cause conflict &
trouble, I'm sure they are reading this...I have a message for all
those in denial who may be bush lovers or worse

As well a message to those of "US" that do battle with the likes of
them, on daily basis

Someone from a group sent a complaint to my server and got me shut

Only certain groups received the subject title...(I always change
them as I go along) so I could narrow the groups down some by
searching the day my server specified

It was the Press Release pertaining to the past "President's Day
March" in NY & Message to those brave enough to attend it

(For those who haven't seen this press release & message it will be
posted at the end here)

My server tried to label it a chain letter & I notified them that not
only was it not but that I'd love to prove that in court...Along with
letting them know it could not be misconstrued as spam, either, as
spam has to be for commercial profit, period

I didn't know I was using aol because I had left them a long time ago
due to all the negativity concerning them & unknowingly picked
wmconnect which is a branch of aol & merged with walmart

I didn't know how bad walmart was for our nation when I made that
poor choice, either

Anyway, it's been a constant battle with having to undue all that's
been trying to put me out of business, lately

Maybe more than one person worked on me this time, I don't know?

When aol pulled this latest tactic on me, we were all blessed when I
unexpectedly jumped at them in defense of our rights, in the
aggressive and threatening way I did

Because it worked.........

The lady even said at one point, quote..."Okay, I'm taking all the
blocks off you, right now"

I hadn't been able to send email to any groups and that was why

This is not my normal character so I know it was not me behind
speaking coherently & angrily as I did...

I can't even write coherently, most of the time & I surely can speak
no better

The words were all out & I had to catch up with them before I knew
what I had said

I screamed (((((((Law Suit))))))) so remember that when and if it
happens to you...Get a hold of me too because we can use the same
attorney...Mines a friend & works free for good causes

In case they make the mistake of shutting me down again, I'll be
using this account>>>mofmars3@sbcglobal.net

Normally & thank goodness, Yahoo won't answer bogus complaints unless
they are real and coming from an owner...Our servers are different,

Don't know for sure if it was any of these guys at your group, Juan,
because there are several new groups added which are pro bush and 911
groups who still believe the lies and official story, it could have

Those few at your group are relentless and it's a shame they can't go
about their business and just use the delete button as it was
designed for

I rarely even send to the Terri Shiavo Activist Groups because I do
try to respect each for what they are about

These bad activists working against the good ones, very much have a
problem and I don't think they're so innocent, as in, they just lack
facts to the state of our being

They have been given too much information to still be in the
dark...So this might be intentional repeated attacks with ulterior
motives on the part of one or all?

Or they don't care for what ever reasons they harbor...That means
they could very much, purposely or not, be a danger to our American
youth who may buy into the deceptions & illusions

Otherwise, those just ignorant due to lack of facts, need to step
aside and let the rest of us work

We can recognize the bad guys & disrupters because they will be the
ones who don't give up

Those who just don't see the need for uniting & connection but are
good hearted people, will allow those who are willing to receive the
information, to do so, without complaint...

Because...We all must remember this>>>

First They Came for the Jews

First they came for the Jews
and I did not speak out
because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for the Communists
and I did not speak out
because I was not a Communist.
Then they came for the trade unionists
and I did not speak out
because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for me
and there was no one left
to speak out for me.

Pastor Martin Niemöller

Those of us on the correct and moral side need to stop acknowledging
those in opposition to us in our forums, whether they be known
disrupters or whatever by deleting them and not addressing them

If we make all negative entities invisible they will eventually stop
and/or go away...Leaving us to get to business

I promised my server who is a branch of aol that next time I get shut
down and/or blocks are put on me, I will follow suit with a law suit
for them violating my freedom of speech

I suggest any of you who are bullied by your servers get tough with
them and don't take this lying down...(This is a message to you
Sandy, (OneFlyAngel), especially...Thanks for the note)

It is in violation of our rights and if we scream bloody murder we
will get and keep the upper hand

I also told them I would not be so nice, as in not pushing it, if
there is a next time and will demand the right to defend myself
against the perpetrator who launched the complaint against me...They
will have to tell me, you know?

If you are a bad guy or gal & have assets...I will be glad to claim
them in the name & for "We The People" by including you in the law

They will have to disclose the trouble maker/s to me because it's my
right to know...I will retaliate due to my mission being of grave
importance>>>Our children's future & survival being the stakes

Please know there are many awake & aware now and even the corrupt
courts won't be able to help their own anymore, as in the corrupt past

People are still dying and this is no time for selfish and ignorant
people to interfere with those of us who see the big picture and are
trying to remedy the deplorable state of our being

You're a good man, Juan...and thank "God" & goodness you allow truth
in your forum

And thank all the many others like you...

Marsha...PS...Please encourage your members, friends and family to
stand up against what they are trying to do to compromise our use of
the internet...Action alerts will be coming your way so whether or
not you use aol, you must take action because the new policy's will
soon effect you, too

Note to those new to this list of 754 and growing daily

If you are receiving this mailing in your personal email box it is
because you are considered to be a VIP...That's "Very Important
Patriot and/or Person"

Most of you have been on my list for a very long time so you know I'm
a human and civil rights activist, working to help unite
organizations, projects, groups & individuals with important causes &
issues for strength in numbers & the loud voice needed

You probably know I'm against organized religion but sincerely
spiritual and part of the work I do includes bringing together the
spiritual & secular people from all walks of life to help benefit

Not to belittle true Christians, at all>>>

I always say, I would expect to meet up with a good hearted atheist
in the hereafter before I would a hard hearted person who believes
they are Christian

One message I bring is we can all put our differences aside enough to
work together for the good of our children, the planet & all of

I cannot keep up with scanning the digests of over 500 yahoo &
egroups I network with...I have to delete my email continually so if
you want me to see something important pertaining to a productive and
positive nature please put>>>***SOS***in the subject box and send to
me personally...mofmars3@wmconnect.com

If you feel you are on this list by mistake, please opt out by
sending a request to be unsubscribed with SOS in the subject box so I
will be sure to see it

If you would like to insure receiving this news letter with behind
the scenes information in the future & be considered as a permeant
part of the "Patriot Network" you need send a request to be added,
unless you were on this list prior to the Wing TV & Alex Jones
Alerts...Again, please put SOS in the subject box

No disrupters of any kind need apply...We know who you are and how to
learn your back ground...If need be

Please contact me with your group link if you are an owner of a
productive group or website and would like it added to ours

Our website is under construction & belongs to "We The People" from
everywhere...This includes you

Please know we are already many sister groups who have united
beginning in 2003...As you will soon see when we load the pages

Our missions are many and we are very much on the move with "Truth"
in many arenas of importance

Website>>> Click here: Home Page

"We The People United Movement"
We are many Political and Patriot Groups joining together, to help
right the wrongs in America..."United We Will Stand"


Please answer the Patriot Calls as they come for the future and sake
of all the children on this planet

Keep the corrupt hopping and make it more difficult for them by
giving strength to the numbers of as many good and productive patriot
groups possible, that come your way

If the corrupt are successful with stopping cyberactivism...This
could be a good thing

Hit the streets and join the many concerned citizens and patriots
already working in the trenches

Local churches is where you'll find many of your fellow activists
with truth

Even church leaders are speaking out and scrapping their gag orders
which are the 501c3 tax exempt agreements that has kept them silent
for many years


"One for All and All for One" no matter what issue you stand
for...This is the only way we will defeat the enemy who is our same
enemy>>>corruption in the form of tyranny

Join your fellow Patriots and Unite for Action:



Click here: 911TruthAction


If you are one who would like to help & don't know about "The
Patriot & Truth Movement" ...Actually, there are many movements
happening simotanious all over the nation & they are all about "Truth"

Please Join "US">>>Click here: WETHEPEOPLE_UNITED : Message: ***Group
Alert***Letter writen to special list concerning Wing TV & Alex Jones

To Greg Nixon and everyone who stood & marched with him at The
President's Day March in New York

Thank you so very much...I know I can say this on behalf of all our
people everywhere

I must say I was very worried about everyone, especially Greg, as The
President's Day March was done in his name...

I could get my own adrenaline running just imagining the mixed
emotions and how they all must have felt, as what they were doing
became reality

Not to mention the danger, that could have been, they all placed
themselves in for the rest of "US"

In hearing Lisa Guliani's report from Wingtv.net and reading Cathy's
from 911Truth Action, I was very encouraged...

But when reading what Greg wrote I have come to some conclusions

Oh...and reading pieces here and there such as info at 911 Inside
Jobbers & 911 Truth Action groups, too

I believe Greg, and some others aren't seeing the real picture here

"Mission Accomplished" and not a lie like pResident's bush's was,

It was a small turnout, yes...But the message was "Gigantic" and
don't think you didn't open a door and accomplish a super urgent
giant step to what's next

It happened as it was supposed to and that was just the beginning

Do you think they are laughing at that March because it was
small?...I don't think so

Some may have thought it nothing but those with insight are worried...

Especially those you guys targeted as well as all the other guilty
and their accomplices

The fear in their heart was real for them when they heard your angry
and sincere voices...

Believe it...

That was just a taste of what's to come and they know that

Now, please read the press release at the end here...It started going
out the day after that "Wonderful President's Day March"

Pretend you are one of the guilty while reading it and read every word

Know that every single news organization received this...Doubly,
because it hit all media, going directly to their personal email
boxes, only reporters and journalists use

Up till now, I haven't networked through newspapers for some years
but they remember me, I'm sure

I was waiting for a good cause and laying a little low because last
time I went all out, my computer was killed

So all media received the first press release announcing the March...
(doubly for major media here in the US) and abroad...We're working on
Canadian media next as we have many friends with their own groups and
lists we are associated with

We have good Jewish friends in the state of Israel, too, who are on
our side in truth, believe it or not...No media connections here,
though...Anyone have any?

This press release went to talk shows, comedians, many but not all
elected officials but every major newspaper around the
nation...including all newspapers in New York City

I sent to every big name Patriot, as well as those not so well known
on my list and I believe I have them all...Most anyway

I have many lists...I hit them all

Many radio show hosts received it too (I lost my original list and
only have, maybe, 20, now...(big guess and may be stretching it)

Then through the large network of over 500 Yahoo Groups I belong to,
it went...including some but not all of the massive number of
organizations I'm signed up or affiliated with...

I must belong to all organizations with differing issues such as
human & civil rights, antiwar, corrupt courts, prison issues, tax
issues, big business, big pharma, alternative energy, veterans,
spiritual etc etc etc...

Including all third party groups and organizations I have been
collecting...This in preparation for the seriously needed New Super
Third Party, made up of all third parties everywhere & those coming
out of the corrupt & broken democrat & republican parties...

The New Super Third Party, Press Release will soon be coming & there
is a surprise tactic that should make unification a piece of cake
causing a snow ball effect

Should be perfect timing before they can even think about recovering
from the attack of "911 Truth"

Except for one thing that has me a little worried and we must see
never happens>>>Click here: Hammer of Truth » Congress Attempting to
Outlaw Independent and Third Party Competition


Back to the matter at hand concerning The president's Day March...

Just as Wing TV, we didn't know in time to be of much help this
time...But next time...Look out evil empire and all cohorts

As time & events pass we become heard clearer & clearer

This new press release has been sent to all of the above and I'm
still working on all the minor newspapers and many groups

We will be motivating & activating other activists and groups to join
in this email blitz...I encourage you to copy this press release and
send it to kingdom come

I even corresponded personally with a couple reporters I know from my
past, from our main newspaper here in Ohio>>>The Akron Beacon
Journal...I know Jewell Cardwell and Bob Dyer

Jewell used to write human interest stories for me for the
organization I worked for and Bob published many editorials for me

I will be replying with the press release to all, including any
organizations who contact me between now and Patriot Jim Kujawa's,
May 4th March at Kent State in Ohio, concerning 911 Truth

Watch for the press release pertaining to Patriot Jim's May event...

Please know the appreciated and brave actions you Patriots, who are
now Heroes, took, was as the new press release states>>>Just the test
run and eye opener

Again, thank you so much for what you guys did for "US" and I know
I'm speaking for all of our people

Much going on & to come to your attention besides what everyone is
doing in the 911 "Truth Movement"

Many Patriots & Heroes are on the move so stand by for much action


Press Release

Open Letter to Media and everyone behind the 911 Atrocity & Tragedy

"We The People" have an important message for the guilty and all
conspirators behind the demolition of The Twin Towers and the 911
cover up.

We want you to know that the President's Day March was just a test
run and an eye opener for many people.

We don't want you to get comfortable and mistake that was it and all
is over. Not by a long shot.

The big event scheduled very soon at Kent State University, in Ohio,
will be the one the guilty should fear.

Not to mention all the events that will happen in synchronization all
over this once great and soon to be again, nation.

We want you to know there's still time for some of you in media to
come over to the correct and moral side in this unjust and evil war.

All you have to do is start reporting the truth.

The whole truth and nothing but the truth, will do.

How long can you pretend the barrage of lies we are all continually
up against does not exist?

We, the majority, refuse to live in a state of lies and perpetual
war, any longer. All the many wrongs in America need righted, right

Down with the corrupt administration.

This has to be...

Please help "US" and do it now as we are weary and very tired of
waiting for you.

We are desperate now and we mean business. Never will we give up our

Thank you to those of you in media who are on our side and please
don't give up.

You who witnessed the high level of emotions, the anger and
desperation at that March, have seen nothing yet.

Realize our people are aware, alert and angry.

You do not want to be on the wrong side if and when the full wrath of
our people needs to manifest. Our numbers are many.

We have our backs covered and "The Calvary" has arrived, too.

It is bad news for the evil empire.

We want to tell those of you who may not know, something of major

We want to tell you of the many allies who have joined our "Truth
Movement" recently.

Finally, church leaders are speaking out with truth, scrapping their
gag orders. They are scraping the 501c3 tax exempt agreements, that
have kept them silent for many years.

We are happy to report this is true and want to provide a few links
here to prove this as fact.




Then there are our other allies.

The military and police enforcement in many localities all over the
USA, are informed, alert and angry, too.

After all they have their own families to think about.

Understand and make no mistake. Our men in uniform, for the most
part, stand with "We The People" and not the corrupt administration.

They have been educated by the best and fact is, they know what's up.

If you don't know Highly Decorated & Retired Police Officer Jack

You will.

Click here: Operation Vampire Killer The Lawful Path

Several years ago Jack had help from other retired police and
firemen. They created this well known and lawful path.

It's The Police Against the New World Order.

Jack is founder of the American Citizen and Lawmen's Association and
publisher of the Aid & Abet Police and Military Newsletter.

The whole basis of this long time project and program is:

If and when it all comes down as our corrupt administration keeps
opting for...

"We The People," those in military and law enforcement want to be
sure everyone knows which way to point the guns.

Marsha McClelland
Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio

"We The People United Movement"
We are many Political and Patriot Groups joining together, to help
right the wrongs in America..."United We Will Stand"


Yahoo! Groups Links

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Message: 15
Date: Mon, 27 Feb 2006 19:55:44 -0800 (PST)
From: Naveed <flanker12k@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: ***Groups Alert***Revised & Urgent Information Concerns All People Everywhere***

I agree,

no stinking 3rd party is going to do the trick...its just a deligation of responsibilities of a supposedly free society. This IS the information war, we are at the frontlines, first to go into the fray. I beleive we are cracking mainstream america, i must say faster the better :).

the media whores are in a freefall right now and they are panicking!

I forgot the last time I watched TV! let alone the news!

JKMarion@aol.com wrote:

Let me clear up something. I am coming to Kent State on May 4th to protest against the official story of 9/11. AND I am coming with Victor and Lisa of Wing TV- very good friends of mine- this is NOT a formal event- if people want to join us that will be great. There is a surreal connection with the Kent State murders and 9/11- examples of US-state sponsored terrorism- and that's why we are going- into Ohio. Group alerts- what is all this shit? who the hell cares! Green parties Blue parties- this shit will not save us now. WE HAVE TO CRACK MAINSTREAM AMERICA- IMPACT.

-----Original Message-----
From: Marsha <Mofmars3@wmconnect.com>
To: 911TruthAction@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Mon, 27 Feb 2006 23:33:53 -0000
Subject: [911TruthAction] ***Groups Alert***Revised & Urgent Information Concerns All People Everywhere***

.AOLPlainTextBody { margin: 0px; font-family: Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, Sans-Serif; font-size: 12px; color: #000; background-color: #fff; } .AOLPlainTextBody pre { font-size: 9pt; } .AOLInlineAttachment { margin: 10px; } .AOLAttachmentHeader { border-bottom: 2px solid #E9EAEB; background: #F9F9F9; } .AOLAttachmentHeader .Title { font: 11px Tahoma; font-weight: bold; color: #666666; background: #E9EAEB; padding: 3px 0px 1px 10px; } .AOLAttachmentHeader .FieldLabel { font: 11px Tahoma; font-weight: bold; color: #666666; padding: 1px 10px 1px 9px; } .AOLAttachmentHeader .FieldValue { font: 11px Tahoma; color: #333333; }
***Groups Alert***Revised & Urgent Information Concerns All People Everywhere***All issues This is a little long but your life & your children's may depend on your reading it through Please see the important & revised press release & message posted at the end here for those of you who may have missed it This is a last minute note added to this news letter for those of you up to date on behind the scenes matters This is concerning Wing TV & The Alex Jones Show's failed connection... Enclosed, there is added information about the New Super Third Party you must learn about which can & will save "US" all from fates worse than death Please forward and encourage others to get on this list & join our movement of movements & mission within missions...Please "Victor Thorn" from Wing TV is no longer on this VIP list...He has chose to ignore the matter at hand by blocking these important & sometimes urgent alerts One can only conclude, both Lisa
Guliani & Victor Thorn from Wing TV have made the choice to thwart the work of true patriots, continuing their work in their obvious dividing of the patriots How sad ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you are a new reader but an old acquaintance to Marsha McClelland from the "We The People United Groups" or the "We The People United Movement," please see the added & continuously updated information after this important message... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This communication contains urgent matter concerning all people no matter what issues or beliefs you hold It may seem at times the material in some message doesn't involve you...But please look carefully because there's always information, those who are able to read between the lines, can pick up on & use ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ***Group Alert***Hello Juan, concerned parents, activists, citizens & patriots I wanted to let you know, Juan, that Crystal from your group sent a
request to me for the special email addys to the media, I offer to send activists I won't send them to one I don't recognize as a sincere activist...and certainly, I won't send them to foe working against our causes & activism...I didn't even answer her I know those few at your, otherwise, super group, are up to no good and behind the scenes they are probably plotting They should not even be reading this at this moment due to them not being one this message is addressed to, as they obviously have no interest in our planet's or people's well being Since these types are very nosy, only out to cause conflict & trouble, I'm sure they are reading this...I have a message for all those in denial who may be bush lovers or worse As well a message to those of "US" that do battle with the likes of them, on daily basis Someone from a group sent a complaint to my server and got me shut down Only certain groups received the subject title...(I always
change them as I go along) so I could narrow the groups down some by searching the day my server specified It was the Press Release pertaining to the past "President's Day March" in NY & Message to those brave enough to attend it (For those who haven't seen this press release & message it will be posted at the end here) My server tried to label it a chain letter & I notified them that not only was it not but that I'd love to prove that in court...Along with letting them know it could not be misconstrued as spam, either, as spam has to be for commercial profit, period I didn't know I was using aol because I had left them a long time ago due to all the negativity concerning them & unknowingly picked wmconnect which is a branch of aol & merged with walmart I didn't know how bad walmart was for our nation when I made that poor choice, either Anyway, it's been a constant battle with having to undue all that's been trying to put me out of business,
lately Maybe more than one person worked on me this time, I don't know? When aol pulled this latest tactic on me, we were all blessed when I unexpectedly jumped at them in defense of our rights, in the aggressive and threatening way I did Because it worked......... The lady even said at one point, quote..."Okay, I'm taking all the blocks off you, right now" I hadn't been able to send email to any groups and that was why This is not my normal character so I know it was not me behind speaking coherently & angrily as I did... I can't even write coherently, most of the time & I surely can speak no better The words were all out & I had to catch up with them before I knew what I had said I screamed (((((((Law Suit))))))) so remember that when and if it happens to you...Get a hold of me too because we can use the same attorney...Mines a friend & works free for good causes In case they make the mistake of shutting me down again, I'll be using
this account>>>mofmars3@sbcglobal.net Normally & thank goodness, Yahoo won't answer bogus complaints unless they are real and coming from an owner...Our servers are different, though Don't know for sure if it was any of these guys at your group, Juan, because there are several new groups added which are pro bush and 911 groups who still believe the lies and official story, it could have been Those few at your group are relentless and it's a shame they can't go about their business and just use the delete button as it was designed for I rarely even send to the Terri Shiavo Activist Groups because I do try to respect each for what they are about These bad activists working against the good ones, very much have a problem and I don't think they're so innocent, as in, they just lack facts to the state of our being They have been given too much information to still be in the dark...So this might be intentional repeated attacks with ulterior
motives on the part of one or all? Or they don't care for what ever reasons they harbor...That means they could very much, purposely or not, be a danger to our American youth who may buy into the deceptions & illusions Otherwise, those just ignorant due to lack of facts, need to step aside and let the rest of us work We can recognize the bad guys & disrupters because they will be the ones who don't give up Those who just don't see the need for uniting & connection but are good hearted people, will allow those who are willing to receive the information, to do so, without complaint... Because...We all must remember this>>> First They Came for the Jews First they came for the Jews and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew. Then they came for the Communists and I did not speak out because I was not a Communist. Then they came for the trade unionists and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for me and
there was no one left to speak out for me. Pastor Martin Niemöller Those of us on the correct and moral side need to stop acknowledging those in opposition to us in our forums, whether they be known disrupters or whatever by deleting them and not addressing them If we make all negative entities invisible they will eventually stop and/or go away...Leaving us to get to business I promised my server who is a branch of aol that next time I get shut down and/or blocks are put on me, I will follow suit with a law suit for them violating my freedom of speech I suggest any of you who are bullied by your servers get tough with them and don't take this lying down...(This is a message to you Sandy, (OneFlyAngel), especially...Thanks for the note) It is in violation of our rights and if we scream bloody murder we will get and keep the upper hand I also told them I would not be so nice, as in not pushing it, if there is a next time and will demand the
right to defend myself against the perpetrator who launched the complaint against me...They will have to tell me, you know? If you are a bad guy or gal & have assets...I will be glad to claim them in the name & for "We The People" by including you in the law suit? They will have to disclose the trouble maker/s to me because it's my right to know...I will retaliate due to my mission being of grave importance>>>Our children's future & survival being the stakes Please know there are many awake & aware now and even the corrupt courts won't be able to help their own anymore, as in the corrupt past People are still dying and this is no time for selfish and ignorant people to interfere with those of us who see the big picture and are trying to remedy the deplorable state of our being You're a good man, Juan...and thank "God" & goodness you allow truth in your forum And thank all the many others like you... Sincerely, Marsha...PS...Please encourage
your members, friends and family to stand up against what they are trying to do to compromise our use of the internet...Action alerts will be coming your way so whether or not you use aol, you must take action because the new policy's will soon effect you, too Sincerely, Marsha ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Note to those new to this list of 754 and growing daily If you are receiving this mailing in your personal email box it is because you are considered to be a VIP...That's "Very Important Patriot and/or Person" Most of you have been on my list for a very long time so you know I'm a human and civil rights activist, working to help unite organizations, projects, groups & individuals with important causes & issues for strength in numbers & the loud voice needed You probably know I'm against organized religion but sincerely spiritual and part of the work I do includes bringing together the spiritual & secular people from all walks of life to
help benefit mankind Not to belittle true Christians, at all>>> I always say, I would expect to meet up with a good hearted atheist in the hereafter before I would a hard hearted person who believes they are Christian One message I bring is we can all put our differences aside enough to work together for the good of our children, the planet & all of mankind I cannot keep up with scanning the digests of over 500 yahoo & egroups I network with...I have to delete my email continually so if you want me to see something important pertaining to a productive and positive nature please put>>>***SOS***in the subject box and send to me personally...mofmars3@wmconnect.com If you feel you are on this list by mistake, please opt out by sending a request to be unsubscribed with SOS in the subject box so I will be sure to see it If you would like to insure receiving this news letter with behind the scenes information in the future & be considered as a
permeant part of the "Patriot Network" you need send a request to be added, unless you were on this list prior to the Wing TV & Alex Jones Alerts...Again, please put SOS in the subject box No disrupters of any kind need apply...We know who you are and how to learn your back ground...If need be Please contact me with your group link if you are an owner of a productive group or website and would like it added to ours Our website is under construction & belongs to "We The People" from everywhere...This includes you Please know we are already many sister groups who have united beginning in 2003...As you will soon see when we load the pages Our missions are many and we are very much on the move with "Truth" in many arenas of importance Website>>> Click here: Home Page http://www.wethepeopleunited.com/ "We The People United Movement" We are many Political and Patriot Groups joining together, to help right the wrongs in America..."United We Will
Stand" WETHEPEOPLE_UNITED http://groups.yahoo.com/group/WETHEPEOPLE_UNITED/ Please answer the Patriot Calls as they come for the future and sake of all the children on this planet Keep the corrupt hopping and make it more difficult for them by giving strength to the numbers of as many good and productive patriot groups possible, that come your way If the corrupt are successful with stopping cyberactivism...This could be a good thing Hit the streets and join the many concerned citizens and patriots already working in the trenches Local churches is where you'll find many of your fellow activists with truth Even church leaders are speaking out and scrapping their gag orders which are the 501c3 tax exempt agreements that has kept them silent for many years http://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory?id=1635696&CMP=OTC- RSSFeeds0312 "One for All and All for One" no matter what issue you stand for...This is the only way we will defeat the
enemy who is our same enemy>>>corruption in the form of tyranny Join your fellow Patriots and Unite for Action: TheRevolutionaryCoalition http://groups.yahoo.com/group/TheRevolutionaryCoalition/ WeThePeopleCoalition http://groups.yahoo.com/group/WeThePeopleCoalition/ Click here: 911TruthAction http://groups.yahoo.com/group/911TruthAction/ OffLinePetitionVolunteers http://groups.yahoo.com/group/OffLinePetitionVolunteers/ If you are one who would like to help & don't know about "The Patriot & Truth Movement" ...Actually, there are many movements happening simotanious all over the nation & they are all about "Truth" Please Join "US">>>Click here: WETHEPEOPLE_UNITED : Message: ***Group Alert***Letter writen to special list concerning Wing TV & Alex Jones http://groups.yahoo.com/group/WETHEPEOPLE_UNITED/message/51306 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ***911 TRUTH***A GREAT BIG THANK YOU TO GREG NIXON & PATRIOTS***
To Greg Nixon and everyone who stood & marched with him at The President's Day March in New York Thank you so very much...I know I can say this on behalf of all our people everywhere I must say I was very worried about everyone, especially Greg, as The President's Day March was done in his name... I could get my own adrenaline running just imagining the mixed emotions and how they all must have felt, as what they were doing became reality Not to mention the danger, that could have been, they all placed themselves in for the rest of "US" In hearing Lisa Guliani's report from Wingtv.net and reading Cathy's from 911Truth Action, I was very encouraged... But when reading what Greg wrote I have come to some conclusions Oh...and reading pieces here and there such as info at 911 Inside Jobbers & 911 Truth Action groups, too I believe Greg, and some others aren't seeing the real picture here "Mission Accomplished" and not a lie like pResident's
bush's was, either It was a small turnout, yes...But the message was "Gigantic" and don't think you didn't open a door and accomplish a super urgent giant step to what's next It happened as it was supposed to and that was just the beginning Do you think they are laughing at that March because it was small?...I don't think so Some may have thought it nothing but those with insight are worried... Especially those you guys targeted as well as all the other guilty and their accomplices The fear in their heart was real for them when they heard your angry and sincere voices... Believe it... That was just a taste of what's to come and they know that Now, please read the press release at the end here...It started going out the day after that "Wonderful President's Day March" Pretend you are one of the guilty while reading it and read every word Know that every single news organization received this...Doubly, because it hit all media, going
directly to their personal email boxes, only reporters and journalists use Up till now, I haven't networked through newspapers for some years but they remember me, I'm sure I was waiting for a good cause and laying a little low because last time I went all out, my computer was killed So all media received the first press release announcing the March... (doubly for major media here in the US) and abroad...We're working on Canadian media next as we have many friends with their own groups and lists we are associated with We have good Jewish friends in the state of Israel, too, who are on our side in truth, believe it or not...No media connections here, though...Anyone have any? This press release went to talk shows, comedians, many but not all elected officials but every major newspaper around the nation...including all newspapers in New York City I sent to every big name Patriot, as well as those not so well known on my list and I believe I have
them all...Most anyway I have many lists...I hit them all Many radio show hosts received it too (I lost my original list and only have, maybe, 20, now...(big guess and may be stretching it) Then through the large network of over 500 Yahoo Groups I belong to, it went...including some but not all of the massive number of organizations I'm signed up or affiliated with... I must belong to all organizations with differing issues such as human & civil rights, antiwar, corrupt courts, prison issues, tax issues, big business, big pharma, alternative energy, veterans, spiritual etc etc etc... Including all third party groups and organizations I have been collecting...This in preparation for the seriously needed New Super Third Party, made up of all third parties everywhere & those coming out of the corrupt & broken democrat & republican parties... The New Super Third Party, Press Release will soon be coming & there is a surprise tactic that should make
unification a piece of cake causing a snow ball effect Should be perfect timing before they can even think about recovering from the attack of "911 Truth" Except for one thing that has me a little worried and we must see never happens>>>Click here: Hammer of Truth » Congress Attempting to Outlaw Independent and Third Party Competition http://tinyurl.com/qtc7m http://hammeroftruth.com/2006/02/11/congress-attempting-to-outlaw- independent-and-third-party-competition/ Back to the matter at hand concerning The president's Day March... Just as Wing TV, we didn't know in time to be of much help this time...But next time...Look out evil empire and all cohorts As time & events pass we become heard clearer & clearer This new press release has been sent to all of the above and I'm still working on all the minor newspapers and many groups We will be motivating & activating other activists and groups to join in this email blitz...I encourage you to copy
this press release and send it to kingdom come I even corresponded personally with a couple reporters I know from my past, from our main newspaper here in Ohio>>>The Akron Beacon Journal...I know Jewell Cardwell and Bob Dyer Jewell used to write human interest stories for me for the organization I worked for and Bob published many editorials for me I will be replying with the press release to all, including any organizations who contact me between now and Patriot Jim Kujawa's, May 4th March at Kent State in Ohio, concerning 911 Truth Watch for the press release pertaining to Patriot Jim's May event... Please know the appreciated and brave actions you Patriots, who are now Heroes, took, was as the new press release states>>>Just the test run and eye opener Again, thank you so much for what you guys did for "US" and I know I'm speaking for all of our people Much going on & to come to your attention besides what everyone is doing in the 911
"Truth Movement" Many Patriots & Heroes are on the move so stand by for much action Marsha Press Release Open Letter to Media and everyone behind the 911 Atrocity & Tragedy "We The People" have an important message for the guilty and all conspirators behind the demolition of The Twin Towers and the 911 cover up. We want you to know that the President's Day March was just a test run and an eye opener for many people. We don't want you to get comfortable and mistake that was it and all is over. Not by a long shot. The big event scheduled very soon at Kent State University, in Ohio, will be the one the guilty should fear. Not to mention all the events that will happen in synchronization all over this once great and soon to be again, nation. We want you to know there's still time for some of you in media to come over to the correct and moral side in this unjust and evil war. All you have to do is start reporting the truth. The whole
truth and nothing but the truth, will do. How long can you pretend the barrage of lies we are all continually up against does not exist? We, the majority, refuse to live in a state of lies and perpetual war, any longer. All the many wrongs in America need righted, right now. Down with the corrupt administration. This has to be... Please help "US" and do it now as we are weary and very tired of waiting for you. We are desperate now and we mean business. Never will we give up our rights. Thank you to those of you in media who are on our side and please don't give up. You who witnessed the high level of emotions, the anger and desperation at that March, have seen nothing yet. Realize our people are aware, alert and angry. You do not want to be on the wrong side if and when the full wrath of our people needs to manifest. Our numbers are many. We have our backs covered and "The Calvary" has arrived, too. It is bad news for the evil
empire. We want to tell those of you who may not know, something of major importance. We want to tell you of the many allies who have joined our "Truth Movement" recently. Finally, church leaders are speaking out with truth, scrapping their gag orders. They are scraping the 501c3 tax exempt agreements, that have kept them silent for many years. We are happy to report this is true and want to provide a few links here to prove this as fact. http://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory?id=1635696&CMP=OTC- RSSFeeds0312 washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/02/18/.../religion www.cbsnews.com/stories/2006/02/18/ap/national/mainD8FRM418E.shtml Then there are our other allies. The military and police enforcement in many localities all over the USA, are informed, alert and angry, too. After all they have their own families to think about. Understand and make no mistake. Our men in uniform, for the most part, stand with "We The
People" and not the corrupt administration. They have been educated by the best and fact is, they know what's up. If you don't know Highly Decorated & Retired Police Officer Jack McLamb......... You will. Click here: Operation Vampire Killer The Lawful Path http://tinyurl.com/hoowv Several years ago Jack had help from other retired police and firemen. They created this well known and lawful path. It's The Police Against the New World Order. Jack is founder of the American Citizen and Lawmen's Association and publisher of the Aid & Abet Police and Military Newsletter. The whole basis of this long time project and program is: If and when it all comes down as our corrupt administration keeps opting for... "We The People," those in military and law enforcement want to be sure everyone knows which way to point the guns. Marsha McClelland Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio XXX XXX_XXXX "We The People United Movement" We are many Political and

United state bankruptcy court western district of texas United state life insurance Moving to the united state United state patent United state patent search United states patent office


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In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot.
- Notebook, 1904

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[This message contained attachments]


Message: 16
Date: Tue, 28 Feb 2006 05:37:53 +0000 (GMT)
From: James Patton <james_patton@yahoo.com>
Subject: Compelling evidence that 9/11 was an inside job

Hi all,

This is my first post to 911TruthAction. I hope people find the information
below useful ...

My first visit to the States was in September 2001, and I went to the top
of the World Trade Centre twice on two different days. It was about
a week later when I was in Mexico that I saw the towers come crashing down.

So I guess my fascination with the bogus "war on terror" is partly borne out
of my personal experiences.

Anyway, if you take the time to look at the evidence presented below,
I think you'll start to doubt any official story the government tells you
ever again:
* we had no foreknowledge of the bombing of Pearl Harbour
(they knew days in advance),
* the Christians burnt Rome
(emperor Nero used that one)
* the Communists burnt down the Reichstag
(Hitler used that one to declare martial law and consolidate his power),
* the Vietnamese fired missiles at a US warship in the Gulf of Tonkin
(LBJ used this false story to "justify" invading and escalating the war
against North Vietnam),
* "Iraq has Weapons of Mass Destruction",
(Bush/Blair/Howard used this one, but the Downing Street Memos
show clearly that the invasion of Iraq was preplanned and predetermined
months in advance, and the non-existent WMD was nothing more
than a pretext)
- what a complete load of baloney all those stories were!)

Also I've seen the photos of U.S. troops torturing and sexually humiliating
Iraqi detainees,


but I've yet to see any evidence of Saddam's "people shredder"
that John Howard told us was a justification for launching a pre-emptive
"shock and awe" terrorist attack on Iraq.

Is this just another one of their lies?

Anyway, I recommend you watch the videos for yourself: investigate
the evidence and draw your own conclusions. And if 9/11 was an
insider crime against humanity, what are we going to do about it?

Best regards,



Collectively, the evidence presented in the videos below is astonishing:
videos, pictures and eye-witness and expert testimony piece this puzzle
together. Once you see these videos, there is no turning back: you
cannot believe that 9/11 was performed by 19 Arab terrorists who planned
out the largest attack on US soil from a cave.

All the evidence points to one conclusion: 9/11 was an inside job.

Everyone needs to watch these videos.

= = =
New Videos!

These documentaries aim to inform the public and spread the truth
behind 9/11. Now joining The 9/11 Files videos, Pentagon Strike,
and Loose Change, come some excellent new videos, including
the widely talked about '911: In Plane Site', '9/11 Revisited'
and Blasted Reality's 'Rise'.

Below are links to several excellent investigative documentaries:

Watch 911: In Plane Site:

Watch Loose Change Second Edition:

Watch Rise:

Watch 9/11 Revisited:
This film provides stunning evidence that pre-planted explosives
were used in the complete demolition of the WTC twin towers and WTC 7.

Watch 9/11 Eyewitness:

Watch Pentagon Strike:
What hit the Pentagon? How could an Arab terrorist,
incompetent to even fly a little Cessna, have hijacked then piloted
a Boeing 737 commercial aircraft with pinpoint accuracy into the
Pentagon, when even professional, experienced pilots would be
severely challenged do this? And where is the wreckage of the plane?
Why was the video footage confiscated and never released?

This was an operation performed with military precision... was it
a "bunker buster" missile that hit the Pentagon?

Watch 9/11 Special: Dutch Television Documentary (20 minutes):
Two senior government ministers express grave doubts about
the official 9/11 stories and the so-called "war on terror".

Visit the 911: In Plane Site website here:

Visit the official website of the LooseChange documentary:

Visit the PentagonStrike website:

See also:

Why Indeed Did the WTC Buildings Collapse?
By Steven E. Jones (Professor of Physics)
Department of Physics and Astronomy, Brigham Young University

In writing this paper, I call for a serious investigation of the hypothesis
that WTC 7 and the Twin Towers were brought down, not just by impact damage
and fires, but through the use of pre-positioned cutter-charges.

Scientific Panel for the Investigation of Nine Eleven
Physics911 is the internet component of Scientific Panel for the
Investigation of Nine Eleven (S.P.I.N.E. http://www.physics911.ca/SPINE).

It features an archive of all photographic and video evidence found to date,
a collection of archived articles, and original research articles by SPINE
members and associates.

Questioning the 911 Attacks

The 9/11 Truth Movement

Les Visible: 9/11 Was An Inside Job (music)

= = =

So far almost quarter of a TRILLION dollars has been spent on
the war on Iraq alone, not to mention the tens of billions more
that have been poured into the war on Afghanistan and the
general "war on terror" - a "war on evil" that gives governments
a blank cheque on military spending, and that may not end
in our lifetimes.

Cost of War

While Iraq's infrastructure is being destroyed, the number of scandals
surrounding the corruption and misappropriation of these funds have
been legion. Truly money is a root of all kinds of evil.

Take a look at president Dwight Eisenhower's farewell address to the
American people (Jan 17 1961) where he warns of the dangers of
the "military-industrial complex" and it's "grave implications.
Our toil, resources and livelihood are all involved;
so is the very structure of our society."

Eisenhower cautions:



Remember, this isn't a game; there are LIVES in the Balance:

Now follow the MONEY, and ask yourself about the attacks of 9/11:
* Who had the motive to perform these attacks?
* Who had the means to perform these attacks?
* Who benefits?
* Who gets to consolidate WEALTH and POWER?

The truth is out there, and you don't have to look that hard!

The Project for the New American Century
A right wing think tank composed of influential senior figures in the
Bush administration. This group advocate American military, political
and economic world dominance, gargantuan military budgets,
the removal of Saddam Hussein and pre-emptive war in the Middle East.
But they said that to get the support of the American people to fulfil
these goals would require a catalytic event, like "a new Pearl Harbour".

9/11 gave these people their "New Pearl Harbour" catalyst
to fulfil their agenda. Saddam has been removed, permanent military bases
have been established in the oil-rich Middle East, and we have an endless
"war on terror" to empower and enrich the "military-industrial complex".

The Project for the Old American Century

If you come to the same conclusion as me and millions of other people,
that these ideologues are criminals who are lying to us, destroying
our democracy, stealing our freedoms and picking our pockets, then
get angry and do something!

* * *

PS - Because of the size of many of these video files, broadband is
preferable to watch them. If you are on dial-up, and you can stay
on-line for several hours, you could try downloading the files to your
hard drive and watching them later.

Just right-click on the files and click Save link as...

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Message: 17
Date: Mon, 27 Feb 2006 23:12:33 -0700
From: APFN <apfn@apfn.org>

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Message: 18
Date: Tue, 28 Feb 2006 00:30:44 -0800 (PST)
From: "L. Bradford Davis" <bdavis_27607@yahoo.com>
Subject: Hey, Harold, Why Don't You Take Your Pass?

So David Irving disgraces himself, disgraces all of us who supported him, and sets the cause of Revisionism back ten years--and he gets a pass. As always. Just like Double Diamond got a pass on that little matter of embezzlement and gambling away hundreds of thousands of our dollars, and Nick Griffin is now getting a pass on his bouts of hide-the-sausage with Martin Webster, and Pierce got a pass on all his GUBUs, and Commander Shlep gets a pass on the petty criminal thing, and The Weenie gets a pass on his underwear web photos and his, um, "lifestyle choice," and Glenn Miller gets a pass on his booze and his Polynesian wife and kids and his time in the Witness Protection Program and his testimony in Fort Smith.

Hell, EVERYBODY gets a pass! There is NOTHING our glorious Movement won't overlook and pardon and make excuses for on the part of our MIGHTY FEARLESS LEADERS!!!

So Harold, why don't you just go ahead and take your pass? Why don't you steal a lot of money from your donors, or buy yourself an Eastern European mail order bride, or hold a press conference wearing Victoria's Secret lingerie, or take a dump in church, or announce that you're converting to Judaism? If it feels good, do it. Might as well. There's no obligation, no responsibility, and no accountability anywhere in this pathetic excuse for a Movement. These people will forgive and forget ANYTHING and keep on forking over them donation shekels!


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Message: 19
Date: Tue, 28 Feb 2006 00:30:37 -0800 (PST)
From: "L. Bradford Davis" <bdavis_27607@yahoo.com>
Subject: Hey, Harold, Why Don't You Take Your Pass

So David Irving disgraces himself, disgraces all of us who supported him, and sets the cause of Revisionism back ten years--and he gets a pass. As always. Just like Double Diamond got a pass on that little matter of embezzlement and gambling away hundreds of thousands of our dollars, and Nick Griffin is now getting a pass on his bouts of hide-the-sausage with Martin Webster, and Pierce got a pass on all his GUBUs, and Commander Shlep gets a pass on the petty criminal thing, and The Weenie gets a pass on his underwear web photos and his, um, "lifestyle choice," and Glenn Miller gets a pass on his booze and his Polynesian wife and kids and his time in the Witness Protection Program and his testimony in Fort Smith.

Hell, EVERYBODY gets a pass! There is NOTHING our glorious Movement won't overlook and pardon and make excuses for on the part of our MIGHTY FEARLESS LEADERS!!!

So Harold, why don't you just go ahead and take your pass? Why don't you steal a lot of money from your donors, or buy yourself an Eastern European mail order bride, or hold a press conference wearing Victoria's Secret lingerie, or take a dump in church, or announce that you're converting to Judaism? If it feels good, do it. Might as well. There's no obligation, no responsibility, and no accountability anywhere in this pathetic excuse for a Movement. These people will forgive and forget ANYTHING and keep on forking over them donation shekels!


Yahoo! Mail
Use Photomail to share photos without annoying attachments.

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Message: 20
Date: Tue, 28 Feb 2006 03:59:08 -0800
From: Mark S Bilk <mark@cosmicpenguin.com>
Subject: DO NOT POST NAZI WHITE-SUPREMACIST CRAP TO THIS LIST was: Hey, Harold, Why Don't You Take Your Pass

Moderator, please dump this guy, and also Harold Covington,
who posted another Nazi message a day or so ago.

On Tue, Feb 28, 2006 at 12:30:37AM -0800, L. Bradford Davis wrote:
> So David Irving disgraces himself, disgraces all of us who supported him, and sets the cause of Revisionism back ten years--and he gets a pass. As always. Just like Double Diamond got a pass on that little matter of embezzlement and gambling away hundreds of thousands of our dollars, and Nick Griffin is now getting a pass on his bouts of hide-the-sausage with Martin Webster, and Pierce got a pass on all his GUBUs, and Commander Shlep gets a pass on the petty criminal thing, and The Weenie gets a pass on his underwear web photos and his, um, "lifestyle choice," and Glenn Miller gets a pass on his booze and his Polynesian wife and kids and his time in the Witness Protection Program and his testimony in Fort Smith.
> Hell, EVERYBODY gets a pass! There is NOTHING our glorious Movement won't overlook and pardon and make excuses for on the part of our MIGHTY FEARLESS LEADERS!!!
> So Harold, why don't you just go ahead and take your pass? Why don't you steal a lot of money from your donors, or buy yourself an Eastern European mail order bride, or hold a press conference wearing Victoria's Secret lingerie, or take a dump in church, or announce that you're converting to Judaism? If it feels good, do it. Might as well. There's no obligation, no responsibility, and no accountability anywhere in this pathetic excuse for a Movement. These people will forgive and forget ANYTHING and keep on forking over them donation shekels!
> Disgustedly,
> Brad


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